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MRY ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF TARRANT THIS AGREEMENT is niade arld entered inta, by and beWeen the C'Jty of Foil Worth, a monicipal co,rporati,,on of''T"arrant County, Texas, acting herein by and throlugh its duty, authorized C'ft y Manager or duly desgin ated A.%; ;Jstant City Mama er Imreinafter referred to as, the "City", arld - 1, in e ne Di ver's i f i ed Re aI. t, y Inc acting 1',it.,)rein by and ti trough its duly authorized V ce (:�sidant ................. . hiereWiafter refierred to as "Grantee", Owner of the propeirty laccated al: (Trope a S E''T I+ F'oit m'-id tin consideration of the payirrient by Grant ee of the fbe set oul below and' ffie true and fafthfU perforrrm rice of die mutuiat covenants herein cants um City hereby grairtt,,,'; to GrantE,'�e perinissior"t to construGtit 0istaR randtor allow, to remain, Improvernent(s) ("Iniprovernent"), tbat enrroaches t,,fpon, uses and/c)r accupies, poi rten on s of the space Under, Or i ai'vd/ar ablov,e the streets, alleys, OP6wICIA1 RECORD FT. WOITIM141,, sidewalks and Othe-T PubfiC rights-of-way, such Improm rmnt(s) are descxbed as f0fi ows" 2-6," WATER ANT) TRETFURINI L,JNES ............... . . ... . ...... . ........ . . .... .......... 51 Del IIII'M111114111".'%, PI.-IATURE 19 X 2 3 ' JET,JTFbA2.,TC'IE 11111111111- ..... ...... ........... . .......... 6 55 11' X I I 01VERHAIM 5 15 ' X 221 0II,,7ERTIW`4,G' ...... . .... ......... .11,111,11111-11�ll,",.,."""""","I . .......... . . . . . ....... ........ . ...... . ,13 X 15 ix, 13 X 7 ' Url D E M, R,,O *".3114 �'D' (M �E AS �E "I" RAP . . . . ........ ............... 22 S' X 7' r 2-11 X 12 E t I C VAULT The locabort airid des riptiorr of said ImproverneM and 1,'he encroa,& wnent is rnore part'Joulady destribed in Exhibit 'A", aftached Iiereto, iincorpo rat ed fte,rern awl inade a part heireof for aH li urposes 2, AH construction,, mainteriair'xe, arid operatiori in connecton with S,LJch Improvement, use, and occajpancy shall b 1perforrnied ini strict c(,')nfIpfianj1Ce with ths Agreement and T',he Charler, Ordinances, and Codes of tine Cry and; in accordancieFrith the directio'nS Of the Director of Transportation arid Public'Works of City, or his duly w,thunzed representative AH plaris, andl specffiicafions tfiereof shah be S,Ubjecl to the prior written approval(of the Director of Transportation and rub is Works,, ov Iiis duly autivrized representA.,ifive, but SUCh approval sh*l not, refieve Grantee of responsJbifit rn Ikaba lity for concept des,igin and; cmniputafion i�n preparatmn of such ply ris and spedificaboris, N M 1� Upon cornpletion of constnxtIon arrrt installation, afsaid IImprovem ent and thereafter, there shall be no enc roach iiT,r ents in, tinder, on or above the, SUrface area, of the streets, a][eys, sidewalks and other public ri chits -of'- a iurwolve d, except as clescribed hereJn an4,J shiown on thetiereknabove, referred 'Iro E-Exhibit 'A", H Grantee, at no expense, to thie City, shall make piroper provisions fiar the re 'ho cation and installation of any exishng or future t.jfi[lifies affected by such enc.roachniien't its e and occuparicy, indtitfing the sectwing of approval and consent frorn the Uhirty companies and the appTapnate agencies of the State arxf ItS P,01111JC81 SUbdiv,mians, lin the event ffgal any installaition, reinstaItafion, r0ociation or repair of any exMJnq or, ftiture utility or improvements owned by, con strutted by or or"i behalf of t�hie pubhc or at public expense is rnade nilore Costly by virtue of 'the, constructioni, rnairaenanoe or existence Of S,LAch encroachn-iient aind rise, Grantee shall pay to City an addi'tionall anwUnt equal to SUGh addi1i:ona[ cost as deterrrw,ined t)y ffm Director of rransportation and Public Works, of the City, or his duly authoirizeld, repiresentafive.,, 91 i,ty, may enter and Lififize the referenced are.,w.,s at any firrie for the purpose of Irisf@Aljng or maintajin',ing wniprovenients rrier-;,essary for I-he fleaftfi, Wafety and welfare of the publilo or fo,r any othier, plublic, purpose Iri INs regard,, Grantee understands andl agrees that City g1hall bear no responsit),flity or fiabflfty for, I darnagerr diSfUlption of rrrr provemenls, OsfaiOed by Grantee or its successors, but City, wifl, ii'wke reasonable efforts to rninirnize such darnage, 0 In order to defray aill cos,(S f inspection and supervision which pity has mcurred or MI incur as a resuft of the coristructon, maintenarme, inspection cw rnanagement of the encroadiments and uses provided for by this Agirelemient, Grantee agrees, to pay to, City at the Urnie this Agrelcmnetit is exectdeld a fee in the surn of Dollars, ($ `,,79, CU) I . ... ........ m The term of this, Agree rrie rit r ,all be, for thO'tly years, cot'llme"IM101119 on the date this Agureeimrent is, executed by the CRY of Fort Wbrth, Upon tart -rimation of: this Agreement, Grantee shad, at ttie., opt�ion of City and at no experrse to City, restore tl* fl:wbliic nght-of-way and rernove the Improverner 0 ncroa,chirig into the putflic right-of-way, tc) a condpbon ac.,ceptable to the Mector of Transportationj and R iblic Works, or hi duly aUthorized representative, and iri accordance with then existing City, spel chic ablons It is understood and agreed to by, Girantele t 4 this Agreement ter minatels and, t anteo faOs tal remove ttw I rnproven-writ, Owner hereby gives alt y perrfiissioll to removie tfm lrnproven,writ and any supporting struclureci, and ass,ess a ken on thle Property for this costs expended Iby, Orr e Cit/ to, rwiwve SILIch Improvenient, 13 01 It is further understood and agreied Upon between the parties hereto, tfl'iat the pubfic right ,,. f. , , alleys, sk,'Jew4ks ("pub4c right-of-way") to be, r, rd ar-O encroacried upon as described herein, are held by City, as, tarot ee for ttie public, that CAY, exe,rcises such powers over the pubfic right-of way as I r beeri, deilegated to it by the. Constitution oif the 'State of Texas ar by ''the Legislature" and that it cannot coi Wad: away Its, duty and its legislative power to control the Public right-of.-way for the use and benefit, of the pUbRc, It is accordingly agreed th,4at i,,f the qove('Tln g' Ib ody of City M, 3y, at any hriv duiriqg the term her-eof deterinitiv in its sole dis,cretilon to use or, cause or permit the rigbt of way to be Used for any other public p�ur�pose, inc�,uftg bi�.d riot being Umited to, underground", SUrface of oveffilead cornnninication, dr-aliriagle, sanit,m. ry sewef,age, tratisimissJo!n of natural or el iectri city, or any, oth,er. pub c rpu;r 'pose, whether presently contemplated or not, that this Agreernerit shO, w,itornaticafly ternlinate M Grantee understands and agirees that the grainting of any encroachment hereunder is not meant to,, convey to Grantee any fight to use, ter cup property in which a third party may have an rant eire-st,, and Grantee agrees that it *11 obtain all niecessap perrnission before occupying sioch property, m Grantee agrees to cion,°iply fLilily with all applicabie f6dIera4, state and local laws, statutes, ordr,nances,, cod or regulations in connectibn with tllv. consti udilon, operabon and mak"ite,naince, of SMd Irnpravement, encuoachmei� It and uses, 12, Grantee agremas to pay prior-ripMy wher"i due aff 'fees, taxes or rentals provided for by this Agreement or by any federal, state, or 1()Ca[ Sj.,atiuije, law or regulation, m Grantee covenarits arl,rd agrees that it, shaHj qrxrrate hereunder as an indeperident contractni ars to, rlll rights and priviltges granted hereunder and not as an nafficer, agent, searvant or errplDyee of City and Grantee shall have ex6usiv,e co,ntroll of arid the exclusive 69hilt w icontrol the details of Its operatiorls, and all par ran performing same, arid shaO ble st.)Iely jresporvs ble for "Ie acts and omilssions of its, officers, ajents, ser° ants,. employees, contractors, suibcorvtracl(�)rs, licensees and inivRees I Iie doctrine of resporideat superior shi,,fll not apply as behmeen City and Gi"aintee, Rs offiraef s, agents, se, rvants, em;j,.,Aoyee.,,t,,',,, conitracloirs, and Subcorftractors, and nothing herein shall coristrued as creating a partners,,hipot joinit enterprise betweeri City afiidj G,rantiee, MI GRANTEE COVENANTS AND, AGREES TO INDEMNIFY, AND DOES HEREBY INDEMNIFY, HOLD HARMILESS AND DEFEND CITY, 11"TS m 15 While, thus Agreern,en't is, 4rr effect, Grantee ran t; to furnish Of' y with a Certificate f It"isurance, nammg City as cerfificate holder, as proof that ill has secured ar d paid for a polk,,y of pubtic hability inst.wance covering, atl PUblic ris,ks, related to the proposed use and occupaincy of public property as located and described iri, Exhibit "A" The w-nounts, of sur:,,1-i) il murance shall btr not, less than, the foljowjvjg: =11 WV"t thie understanding of and agreemerd ib y Groritewe that: , such ins.,tirance arnounts shalt be revisled Upward at City's optilorr and tttat Grantee it so reivise, such aMOUntS iii°nrr,m ed iii atefy fol'ilowing notice to, Grantee of' stich requirement Such insurance pollicy shafl providle that R cam iot be carroeled or amerrided with al least, ten (1 0) days prior written, notice to the Buildlir,ig Official of the City of Fort Worlh, A copy of 'such CertifiGate of Insurance is, attached @is attached as Ext,iibft 113" Grantee agrees to siobniit a, similar Certificate of Insuratice aninually to Cit y on the anniversary date of ttre exiecu:tjorl of this Agreement Grantel!e algirees, lbnds anfJ obligates itself, its, soccessors and assigns, to maim arri and keep in Toro p s,,,wch pubtic liability insurance, at all firnes, cludrig the term of I'Ns Agreernerit arid until the rerrtoval of all encroachments and thei cleaning and restoiration of the Oly sllr(-,r ets. All insurance covefage required iverein shall include, cloveirage, of all Grantee's contractoirs 10 Grantee agrees to deposit with the 101y wl'wn this , grfue,rnent is exelc ate d a suffitient sum of rnoney to be, i.ised to pay necessary fees, to rec�oird thJS Consent Agreen,-ient wn rts entirety mrr tl'w deed record of Tarrant County, Texas,, After being recordexl, the orrigill1al shaH be returned to the Oty Sect etary of the City of Fort Worth, Texas 0 I In any actior'i brmight by the Oty f° r the eirdompmei it of the obfigations Df Grantee, Oty shall be emitt ed to recover mterest and reasonaWe atilorney's ryes, Im Grantee covenaints and agrees lb at ft, will nt:)t assign W of, any of its rights, primileges, or duties, under 1his contract withoq A the prior writt&n approval of the C'.fty Marmiger or" designee Ariy aftempted assignniient wit[,muf prior written approval wilt The void, 19 THIS, AGREEMENT. IN This Agreernent shafi, be binding upon the parties hereto, their successors MMEMM id don, EXECU'l ED livs I 3'Y' of MY Mantee CiOV, Of Fort Wowilh it all By By �C', pbel I RANDLE HARWOOD Nai rie::-; - - ----- Tole PLANN ING& u. ATTES T FD Fmm, ArW Lega,irly 11 WFIMAL RECORD, CrrY, SEICRITAR"If ��wT,,, WOR"T111 TX STATE OFTEXAS COUNTYOF: TARRANI BFIFORE PUTAhe a NoWy Pub fiic in and for the Stale of Texas, On this day f.),er(,,;cn,(j11Jy appoartM Randle Harwood, known to me to be the perscn, whio&e narre is subs,ctibed, to the foreq6n,g iinstrun,tent, ard ackiwMe,ogied to n7,e 9,iat hofsfie exO.CLJ1(,.�d tfw! same for the, 1"Wipposes, and consideration thereir expresswJ, w the act ar O deed of Oie City of F Iort Worth, and in the cuipa,city therein s1a,teld GIVEN UNDER MY �rIAND AND SEAL (TOFFICE tNs day of "k IRMASAN9 NO=YPUt4 ' k S E 'TE X TATrE, of TEXAS Igo 2U 1,0 ............... Notary Public gin anid -for the ,,,.j State, of 7oxas STATE QF'TEXAS u,C)UN I'Y()F TARRAN-r § BEFORE ME, the under-sigrwd authorily, a Not` aryPubfic,, in and for ffie- State of Texas, on this, clay persoriAlly appeared w "k,,"nhrmy a ril.p'ktle 11, . ......... kn,own 'to me to be, the person whase name is, subscribed to the foregoing, unstrunlent, and, ackriowledged to r tbat heishe executed the, saine, for the purpcmps and imn(sideration thereirr expre , as the act and deed DF tz� d P` e i�,i I t y , Ill,vl"I' . Finoc Line,, D1111101111211A if J''ll 3flid, irs the capacilly the,rein slated G3VF N U N DE R 'MY HA,114 D AN 0 SEAL OF 0 Ff I L E, Ulls" ..... ..... hl day of (4�N 20, NS GFIACIE OWE Nr )" TARY PUBLIC STATE OF11"EXAS M xv [2 Notar IPubli c iri eind for the, Stall e ofl'exas, f� Le rrry �y�j', . . . . . ............. . .... . ................. . ...... . ..... . . . .. . ......... . .. . .. . ... . ..... . ...... ........... ............ . ............. . zl, A$ . . . . ..... 0— . .. . ..... . ...... "Zo . ......... 46, 14J apt"` .. ......... kS, 10A Lij 0 vt U, uj < r0,� 0 u,,) Uj .. . . ...... J1, . . .. . .. . .. ........ . . I ... ..... ... I WO , � n "g o,"jo, -11 ............. I I I i to! blill et ®III =I Lid ................... AA tz: 7`l"---- 4 7i LLj i ILLJ LU ....... . . . Y' w ILLJ . . . . . . . ........... ..................... . ..... ......... LIJ u < C)i o rz .......... . . . ............ ................... . . ..... .. ul VI a.. Z. < LIJ, LILI �'u ci ILLJ . . .. . ......... Idd ci� C)l '-j 4.` W, ' , 4N hlllj /1 two wt—, c CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE THIS CEATTFM 110 ISSUED AS A MATTE IWORMATION DiNt,'Y ANO CONFERS P4jO RIGHTS 'UPON THE CERTIIFICATE 14KD5W7HT8, C'ERTWICATE, 010,CS, IOC' ArNOMATIA1 YOR. AMIF1,40, EXPEIND, ION; ALTER THE COVERAGE A�ItOROrtD BY tF6 POLICIES BELOW, THIS CER1 11MICATE OF INS,L)RANCE DOIE,5, MOT CONSTIFTUTIE, A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE JISSUIM3 INSURE R($), A,UTIHORIZED REPRESENTATME OR fl II0VtX:E R, A00744E. MRT11F11CATF-. MMIDIER, the wriiis mild condiflang of tho Wphl,",Y, c'mMI'MI11 Imlilcips "lay requiremn endarsiII A %jaWrImI thm cartificale diufas, nattoetfor tights Atu-n 4di k ry la, v �t 'Oi,� t,hwA�t, It jr"C r"It"'T WW"th Tx, I")f1lirp, "'M. me L.Imfl" d d CEO M, 101 F-MIAM, Ile V� A F, hmg, ,, i r"01 �a hwq)�"% i H k�,aj Rea ty� III Tn y, MATru OnmW',mrtl : e �4 u 1: 0 " "d711 blory IN, 76-VID? 05A .......... NI6RkWM.WW° cu, ..... . ...... 1114SURER: F . ....................................... . . . . . . . . . IrmuNtA P THAI PHF, CN- MSI9RANT.,E 1.157T,,J) 9ELUN HAVE REj:Eeon IMaED 1�) I[JE, MA1,1fD AJ✓0VE THE P�,)4jij:f INCACATED ANY RIECLI11REMENT,, 7-ERPA OR CONDITION (N AIq�w, pip, I. f, 'T INMT 1,4 N E $Pt, f", CI O&IIIK"I'o 7 �115 MAY 9)1� I,SS,Iijf�'r OR NfAM THE IWUJR.AN(.e AF17(JU�)r1l) �,T Y I S'VIS,i E'l',T 70Ajj, rl,4) f�,ftw,'S AND i)F $��X:H 001L HCIES LIPAI I'S SW,,'k0wN M;,y iI 0,(A,,,N r,,W FIAIII(�- (,J jklm$ k "A's shown are ss p4mumstyj ONTO TYPE I MI POLICY NII 1111 INY �7I,111 11 MY YI, fv: pjj PC % f� �5 -o't UA,TQT77U"4TjrT177 77M 7, I t I I -, , oic or) - n a F Z; SEJV &Zz"RES."A" 7E, UU107 6,.P—As FUR, II p"04 jc, LK] LUM 7 Au { C)010qr.M , F 7 aj M UN18MILA, UAD CIUd:AA EXCIE 5 RL ,.4M Awf, w^ �,*, FMF' 1,0YERM UARM11-Y 011w, -PulwPulE IM , """' � Ic M � LA� cl u B 1,,q, �,, k)r.o AN" Imandialary In NH� IK I LAP IN Pa ww pmvv,: A ADD MJJR,a Fn', 4, aA 1 II mvrw,(� 00)ZA.,RREIMCE: L .- EACI V 1111C (., ID04 I r..I.RF SF-FkFVdFM1qFF: 3EAr KmOt 024 VW, OPOMATK✓ H UIXTIONN I WrOWAXIS VAftm,,N AVIDR01 11H, Add*AwIWvj A*fjmAv*w .a ",­ 'p—tam ImAhu"id� Itif"drim, % Icqdkalell dM-v Ao,rJt' VaRr t 7pralwvruT A emviu, r�id up" " :r C OPT 7 r P 17 , rm r, 4 uurv-i'tegJ Tura 1, he em a p 6- r a 11 n s a e tjqy°rv&(,:,II, per TO Im IfV1 C04TWICATE FIOLDER CANCELLA7101M 2V,H0M.flJ,D AU'v OF TK, Afim.)WE f #10% ,X'Vt, II M CAAKt,1,,LtD PLYCOW Olt Expik.&TItupy MIT V94-RE01" IMOTMICE liivu�, In, t*uvVW(,b 'I[" ACC , Aft'Apal, wrtl , H THE Pray .WN I, v tif rov, r Aco v,� A.11 WjF=rJ REFRES-09 T A ME U NA 41,119 0101 ACOR01 WRIPORKRON, Affrights rewvod, ACORID Z5( 01 Mfl The ACC RD name arld logo are regiestowed miarks nifACO(RID