HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 50019-T1CSC No. 50019-T1 �'�`AT� OI+ TEXA� � �OUNTY OF TARKAI�T � TER�IiNATI�N ANI) RELEASE AGRE�M�I*�T Tax Abateme�t Ag�eement Foi•t VFlortl� City �ecre#ary Contract Number 50019 This TERMINATION A�TD REL�CA�E AGREEMl;1�T ("Terminatic�n Agre��nee�t") is �nade �nd entered into by anc! between the CITY OF rORT 1�VORTH ("City"), a l�o�e-�-u�e tl�uzaici�al cot�oration, acting by an�E t�-ough its duly authorized representative, and SMITH & NEPHEW, INC. ("Compa��y"}, a De�aware cazporatio�a. The following stater�ents are ��-ue a��d cori•ect anci �o�nl t��e basis upon «�hich the pai-�ies have entered into this Agreerr�ent; WHEItEAS, tl�e City and Can�pa��y a��e cu�xently parties io a�I�a� Ahaternent Agf�eez�l�:ni, p��rsuant to whieh the City lias a�reed tc� abate certain real and b��si��ess personal prope�•ty ac� valo�'�m taxes in exchange foz- Co�npany's obiigation to consttlict ane� insta(1 ce�•tait� ixx�pro�eiiaez�ts and �rovide ��nploy�mer�t at 4900 W. Vicker}7 Baulevard, the same being Fo�-t Wc�rth City Secretary Cont�•act Number 50019 ("Ag�-een�.ezlt"}; 'WIHEREAS, the City and Corr►pany desire to te�•�inate the A�r�eetnent; and NOVt�, THERE]FaR�, in consideration of the �nut�aal coverian�s, p��omises and obligations contained herein, the �arties ag�•ee as failows: 1. The City a��i Company ag�•ee that tl-�e recitals set fai�i� abo�e are true and co�-�-eet a��d #c�rrr� the �asis o�'this Ter�nination A���ee��ent. 2. The Agreem�nt is hereby terminated effective on Che c�ate si�ned by the late�� af Ca�x�p���y o�� t�e City. 3. Company, and its ofi�ice�•s, represenfatives, successar�s, and assigns, #ully, f nally, carr�pletely, generally, a��d foi�eve�� ��eleases, dischaz�ges, and �•eiinquislies the City, and its t•espective officel•s, directok�s, elected officials, cui�ent and %I�rne�• employees, agents, atto�•neys, successors, anc� assigns fi•am any at�d ali claims, aetions, demands, liens, and caus�s of action of what�ver lcind or cha�•acter, at lac•v ar i,� equity, wl�etl�er luiown or u��lc��own; prese�zt or futu�•e; liqLlidated or unliq��idateci; asserted or un-asse�ted; joint o�- several; n�atur�ed or u�matured; direct, indi�•ect, or de3•ivative; or fixed oi• contingent t�at lhe Company has or xnight claizn to have a�ai��si tt3� Cit�� related solely ta tiie Agreement. 4. The Ci�y, and its respective elected officials, represer�tatives, successo�-s, ai�c� assi�;Yis, fully, finalIy, completeiy, �enerally, and forever ��eleases, dis�:ha�-�es, and reEinr�uishes Cc�mpany, anc� its OFFICIAL RECORD Ter��iinatian Agreer,�ent ior �SC 50019 CITY SECRETARY FT. WORTH, TX respective afficet•s, directors, cu�-rent and forir�ez� eza�ployees, agents, attorneys, successc�z�s, a��d dssign� ii•om any ai�d all claizns, actio��s, �exnands, liens, ai�d causes of �ction of w�atever lcind oa- c�iaractez•, at law o�' in equity, wlietl�er ��own o3- unknown; �i•ese�it or fi�ture; lic�uidated oi' unliquidated; asserfied or �n-a�se�•ted; .joint or seve�•a1; mat��red or un�natt���ed; d�rect, indirect, oa• de3•ivaiive; or fixed or co�tinge��t that fhe City has o� might clai�n ta have against tl�e Company related saIely to the Agi•eemen�. 4. This Terl�iii�ation Agreeinent n�ay be executed in multiple oz•igi�►als each of whic� shall be deeined an origina� ��ar ail pu�poses. 5. I£ any actio�, vvhether real or asscirtcd, at law or in ec�iiity, at�ises on the basis oF any provisioi� of this Te�•minatian �lgreement, ven��e fQz• such action shall �ie in state courts �ocated in Ta��-ant County, Te�as or the United S�ate� Dist��ict Courl far the Northern District of Teaas — F`ort Wot�tF� Divisior�. 'I'his Agreement shall be construed i�1 accordance with tl�e iaws of t��e State c�f Texas. 6. This Tez•�nination Agreexnent can.tains the eniix�e understandii�g and ag��een3eyzt bet�veen #he Parties as to nlaftei•s contained herein. Any �rio�� or contemparaneoi�s oral or written ag��een�et�t is hei-e�y decla�•ed null and vaid to the extent it is in canflict with the terins and co��ditiofls af this Tez•r�inatian A���eement. 7. All te�ms in this Te�•���ination Ag��ee�nent that are capitalized but not defined shail have the zneanings assigned to them in the Agree�nent. �N �TN�SS W�ER�O�, th� Ci#y and Company have executed this Te�-�ination Agreeznent in Fort Wortl�, Tan•��t County, Texas. CITY OF F�RT W(�R'I`I� �� Jesus J. Chapa (Apr 8, 202114:04 CDT) S�. Jay Chapa Deputy City Mana�ei� D�t�: Ap r 8, 2021 APPROV�D AS '�O FO�M AND LEGALI7 Y: �, u��� Tyle�� F. Wallacll Assistant City Atto�-rfey Tet-mination l�green�erjt faj• C5� �0� 19 OFFICIAL RECORD CITY SECRETARY FT. WORTH, TX A�r��s�: �'D�,�OI�GI'�Gi r� C70�IlGl'GGf �for Ronald P. Gonzales (Apr 8, 2021 16:25 CDT) Mary ICayser City Secretary ,d-p.�o��� a� FORr���a � oF000000000� a� r��,o o��dd p�o ��a °=A o d �� ]� o o ic � �� a o � � °�000000a ,� ����EX A`'�dbaa Contrract �orr�pliancc 1Vlan�ger: By signi�ig I ac�Cnowledge that I am the persot� �•�spo�l�ible 1'ai- t��e monitoring and ad�ninisti•ation �f this cont�•act, incl��di�1g enstuing all pei-foz��ance and �•epo��ii��; �•e�ui�•ements. �6�.t�'�� RD�Jei't �ittl'I1S Pl'0�1a17i COOI't�tlla�0i' M&C: C-28287 Fa�•n1 1295: 20 I 7-216455 �TATE QF TE�AS CQUNT'Y OF TARRANT � � BEFOR� ME, the undersigned aut��arity, on t��is day pe�-sanally appeared Jesus .J. Cha�a, Assistant City Manage�• o�the CITY QF FORT WQRTH, a m��ci�ality organized unde�� the laws of th� State af Texas, known to �r�e to be t�e pe��son and of�cer wlnase name is subscribed ic� tne fo�•egoi�lg inst�-��ment, a��d acicnowledged to n�e that the same was tf�e act of t��e CITY �r FORT W�RT�I, that he vYas duly authorized to perfo��n� the and that he executed the sa�ne as the act o�the CITY OF �ORT WORTH fo�• the puiposes a�3d e�i�side��ation therein exp�•essed and in the capacity thereia� stated. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND �EAL O�' OFFiCE this 8th day of Ap rl � 2021. ��.�� Selena Ala (Apr 8, 2021 15:48 CDT) Notary Public in and for tl�e 5tate o#' Texas Selena Ala I�otaz•y's Printed Name ��e��mination Agreeinent for CSC SObl9 SELENA ALA Notary Public STRTE OF TEXRS Notary I,D,132422528 Comm, Exa, Nlar, 31, 2D24 OFFICIAL RECORD CITY SECRETARY FT. WORTH, TX SMITH & NEPHEW, INC. By:� Name: Bettina D. Thomas Title: Vice President-US Taxes Date: 3 I '"2. '3 l CO 'L I -----'-----'--------- STATEOF J;J' § COUNTY OF SL4_J § BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared 'T?x+-1,;_.._ � � VP-\ .. P ,Qv,U___�, of SMITH & NEPHEW, INC. known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that s/he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, in the capacity therein stated and as the act and deed of SMITH & NEPHEW, INC. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this � 3 day of '(V\o...t-d_ , 2021,\\\\lllllll///// ,,, ''1 -� ,,,, M' Tc l1 ❖ •. I;: V"\l ' �' X:,· ............ /y� � � I r'-.-1-� ?' .. ·. ( ;,. ._... ;,.' �. ·· S1A1E · ... < �Notary Public in and for 2 i:: . .-· OF ·-.. �-' $Et· -the State of -rtJ � [1ENNES i =-·. N01 ARY _. -::: \. puBLIC . .:'._1... �..,. ---r--,,...,,.. C' ""'1\.•\ -I •. < � J' ••,. _.-' _{:--�!',j JI(,-c__. I''-'� ti'-' ,Y ........ • ...::,,-"� �1, Ct_ IJY cO ,,� Notary's Printed Name °o�111�,,,,11111111\,,1�'ci� ,ry,Ssion El<P110 Termination Agreement for CSC 50019 4 of4