HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 55780CSC No. 55780 FORT WORTH C��'i' OF �'OIiT WORT� SOLE SOURCE PUI2CHASEAG�EII�NT This Sole Souree Pu�rchase Ag�eenaent ("Agree�ent") is entered into by and between Infrastructure Technologies ("Sellea-") and the City of Foa-t Woa-th, ("�anyerr"); a Texas home rule municipal coiporation. The So1e Source Purchase Agreement includes the following documents which sha�l be construed in the order of precedence in which they are listed: 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. This Sole Source Purchase Agreement; Exhibit A: Tenns and Conditions; Exhibit B: Conflict of Interest Questioiu-�aire. Exhibit C: Seller Contact Infoi-�nation Exhibit D: Verification of Sigi�ature Authority Exhibit E: Seller's Sole Source Justif cation Letter and Exhibit F: Seller's Proposal Exllibits A, B, C, D, E, and F, which are attached hereto and incoiporated herein, aa•e made a part of this A� eement for all pi.uposes. The Amount of this contract shall not exceed fifty thousand ($50,000.00). The undersigned represents and warrants tl�at he or she has the power and authority to execute this Agreement and bind the respective Seller_ Seller and Buyer have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives to be effective as of tlie date si�ned below. [Executed effective as of the date signed by the Assistant City Manager below.] /[ACCEPTE� AND AGREED:] City: D�rr� gurc�hdoff BV: Dnna Gu�ay 27. J021 J7::i1. PDT! ., Name: Dana Burghdoff Title: Assistant City Manager I�ate: Ve�dmr: �� By: Name: Cori Criss Title: CEO Date: May 10, 2021 OFFICIAL RECORD CITY SECRETARY FT. W�RTH, TX CITY OF FORT WORTH INTERNAL ROUTING PROCESS: Approval Recommended: By: Chfirt()tJ/zer !larder Christopher H6rder (May 27. 2021 07:20 CDT) Name: Christopher Harder, P.E. Title: \Nater Department Director Approved as to Form and Legality: By: Name: JB Strong Title: Assistant City Attorney Contract Authorization: M&C: Contract Compliance Manager: By signing I acknowledge that I am the person responsible for the monitoring and administration of this contract, including ensuring all perfonnance and reporting requirements. 2 By: ��� Name: Regina Jones Title: Contract Compliance Specialist City Secretary: By: Name: Mary Kayser Title: City Secretary Revised 3.11.20tp Exhibit A CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS STANDAiZ.D PURCHASING TERMS AND CONDITIONS fl.0 DEFYNI'd'ION OF ��JX➢�i� The City of Fort Worth, its officers, agents, servants, authorized employees, vendors and subcontractors who act on behalf of various City departments, bodies or a�encies. B.� �DE�'�NA'I'�Ol�t �F S]EI.I,E➢� The Veiidor(s), consultant, supplier, its officers, agents, servants, employees, vendors and subcontractors, or other provider of goods and/or services who act on behalf of the entity under a contract with the City of Fort Worth. 3.0 ���"R This Agreement shall begin on the date signed by the Assistant City Manaber below ("Effective Bate") and shall expire on , 20 ("Expiration Date"), unless terminated earlier in accordance with this Agreement ("Initial Term"). Buyer shall have the option, in its sole discretion, to renew this Agreement under the same terms and conditions, for up to ( ) one-year renewal options, at Buyer's sole discretion. �.� �'dJ�LgC iNFORI�A'I'iON Buyer is a government entity under the laws of the State of Texas and all documents held or iizaii�tained by Buyer are subject to disclosi.ue under the Texas Public Infonnation Act. In the event there is a request for information marked Confidential or Proprietary, Buyer shall promptly notify Seller. It will be the responsibility of Seller to submit reasons objecting to disclosure. A determination o� whether such reasons are sufficient will not be decided by Buyer, but by the Office of the Attorney General of the State of �'exas or by a court of competent jurisdiction. The Parties agree tliat nothing contained within this Agreement is considered proprietary or trade secret infonnation and this a�reement ivay be released in the event that it is requested. 5.� �'120i�IB�'TI01�1 AGA�NST ]PFI2SONA� k11aT'I'E1�ES'6' �N ��N'li"�,�i�'V'� No officer or employee of Buyer shall have a financial interest, direct or indirect, in any contract with Buyer or be financially interested, directly or ii�directly, ii1 tlie sale to Buyer of any land, materials, supplies or services, except on behalf of �uye� as an officer or einployee. Any willful violation of this section shall constitute malfeasance in office, and any officer or employee found guilty thereof shall there by forfeit his office orposition �evised 3.11.20tp Any violation of this section with the lcnowledge, expressed or implied, of tlze persoi� or coiporation cont�acting with the City Council shall render the contract iizvalid by the City Manager or the City Council. (Chapter XXVII, Section 16, City of Fort WorthCharter). 6.0 O�EI�S 6.1 No einployees of the Buyer or its officers, agents, servants, vendors or sub vendors who act on behalf of various City departments, bodies or ageiicies are autl�ogized to place orders for goods and/or services without providing approved contract numbers, purchase order numbers, or release numbers issued by the Buyer. The only exceptions are Purchasing Card orders and emergencies pursuant to Texas Local Government Code Section 252.022(a)(1), (2), or (3). In the case of emergencies, the Buyer's Purchasin� Division will place such orders_ 62 Acceptance of an order and delivery on the part of the Seller without an approved contract number, purchase order number, or release number issued by the Buyer may result in rejection of delivery, return of goods at the Seller's cost and/or non- payment. ,�, �. , ,� ;�� : ; , !�l�I�Z��_Z•� Seller will pacicage goods in accordance with good coriunercial practice_ �'aclx slupping container shall be clearly and pernianenCly marked as follows: (a) Seller's name and address: (b) Consignee's name, address and purchase order or purchase change order number; (c) Container number and total nuinber of containers, e.g_, box 1 of �' boxes; and (d) Number of the container bearing the pacicing slip. Seller shall bear the cost of �acka�ing i.uzless otherwise provided. Goods shall be suitably packed to secure lowest transpoa-lation costs and to confonn to requirements of coirunon carriers and a.ny applicable specifications. Buyer's coi.ult or weight sha11 be final and conclusive on shipments not �ccompanied by packing lists. 8.� S�I�PIi��E1�TT �JN�IEIZ I2ESERVA'TTONPi20HIBITEi) Seller is not autliorized to ship the goods under reservation, azid no tender of a Uill of ladin� will operate as a tender of goods. 9.0 '�'b'�'1LE ANI) RASK OF LOSS The title and risk of loss of the goods shall not pass to Buyer until Buyer actually receives and talces possession of the goods at the point or points of delivery after inspection and acceptance of the goods. fl0.� �E�I�AZ�' '�9�'El2li�IS ANi) TRAN PO�'I'f0'I'ION CHAI2GES Freiglzt terms shall be F.O.B_ Destination, Freight Prepaid andAllowed. Revised 3.11.ZOtp fl h.� PL.,�CE OF DEI,IVEl2Y The place of delivery shall be set forth in the "Ship to" Ulocic of the purchase order, purchase change order, or release order. b2.� R��G�I'I' OF INSPlEC7'ION Buyer shall have the right to inspect the goods upon delivery before accepting thein. Seller shall be responsible for all charges for the retl.un to Seller of any goods rejecied as bein� nonconforming under the specifications. fl3.� �1�VOICES 13.1 Seller shall submit separate invoices in duplicate, on each purchase order or purchase change order after each delivery. Invoices shall indicate the purcilase order or purchase chai�ge order nuxnber. Invoices shall Ue �temized and transportation charges, if any, shall be listed separately. A copy of the bill �f ladinQ and the freight waybill, wllen applicable, should be attached to the invoice. Seller shall mail or deliver invoices to Buyer's Departinent and address as set forth inthe block of the purchase order, purchase chan�e order or release order entitled "Ship to." Paynnent shall not be made until the above instruments have been submitted after delivery and acceptaiice of the goods and/or services_ 13.2 Seller shall not include Federal Excise, State or City Sales TaY in its iiZvoices. Tlle Buyer shall furnish a tax exemption certitcate upon Seller's request. 12.3 Payinent. All payment terms shall be "Net 30 Days" unless otherwise agreed to in writing. Before the lst payment is due to Seller, Seller shall register for direct deposit payments prior to providing goods and/or services usina the forms posted oii the City's website". 1�.� ��IC�+ WA�Z➢�/�N'&'�' 14.1 The price to be paid by Suyer shall be that contained in Seller's proposals wPiiclz Seller warrants to be no higher than Seller's current prices on orders by others for products and services of the lcind and specification covered by this agreement for siinilar quantities under like conditions and methods of pluchase. I� the event Seller breaches this wananty, the prices of the items shall Ue reduced to the prices contained in Seller's proposals, or in the alternative upon Buyer's option, Buyer shall have the right to caiicel this contract without any liability to Seller for breach or for Seller's actual expense. Such remedies are in addition to and not in lieu of any other remedies which Buyer may have in law or equity. Revised 3.11.20tp 14.2 Seller warrants that no person or selling agency has been employed or retained to solicit or seci.ue this contract upon an agreement or understandiiig forcommission, percentage, brokerage or contingent fee, excepting employees of an established coininercial or selling agency that is maintained by Seller for the puipose of securing business. Por breach or violation of this warranty, �uyer shall have the right, in addition to any other right or rights arising pursuant to said purchase(s), to cancel this contract without liability and to deduct from the conta-aci price sucli commission percentage, brokerage or contingent fee, or otherwise to recover the full amount thereof. fl5.0 k'I�OD�JCT �AI��AN'g'l' Seller shall not liinit or exclude any eYpress or implied warranties and any a�tempt to do so shall render this contract voidable at the option of Buyer. Seller warrants that the �oods fiirnislied will conform to Buyer's specifications, drawings and descriptions listed in ihe proposal invitation, and the sample(s) furnished by Seller, if any. In the event of a conflict between Buyer's specifications, drawings, and descriptions, Buyer's specifications shall govern. fl6.0 SA�E'i'�' W.�➢2RAN'fl'Y Seller wa.rrants that the product sold to Buyer shall confornz to the standards proinulgated by the U.S. Department of Labor under the Occupational Safety and �iealth Aci: (OS�IA) of 1970, as amended. In the event the product does not conform to OSHA standa�ds, �uyer may return the product for con-ection or replacement at Seller`s expense. I�7 the event Seller fails to make appropriate correction within a reasonable time, any correctaon made by Buyer will be at Seller's expense. Where no correction is or can be made, Seller shall reti_u�d all moiiies received for such goods within thirty (30) days after request is Ynade b}r �uyer in writing and received by Seller. Notice is considered to have been received upon hand delivery, or otherwise in accordance witl� Section 29.0 of these tenns and conditions. Failure to make such refund sha11 constitute breach and cause this contract to tenminate iirunediately �7.0 SOF"9�'�VA]2E g.,dCENSE TO SELIL��L If this purchase is for the license of software products and/or services, and unless otherwise agreed, Seller hereby grants to Buyer, a peipetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, nontran.sferable, royalty free license to use the software. This software is "�roprietary" io Seller, and is licensed and provided to the Buyer for its sole use for puaposes under this Agreement and any aitached work orders or invoices. The Buyer may noi use or sharetllis software without permission of tlie Seller; however Buyer may make copies o�f the software eYpressly for bacicup puiposes. Revised 3.11.20tp ��.� VVA1212.�N'T�' ACAINST INF1l�INGEMEN'�' OF �INTE�.�.EC'I'iJ.��., �'�2�PFfl2'Ii'g' 18.8 'I'he S���ER w�ra-�aats that all �eliverables, or ��ny p�a�-� gH�e��m�', fFu��-�asll��d� &ae�-euncler, g�aclud'ang but not 9amited to: �rog�-amas, clocaaa�e��atnon, sof�va��, analyses, ap�lications, ffiethods, w�ys, aaad g�rocesses �na� a�nfis Sec�flo�n �a�� nnd'a��idually refer�ed io �s � "Defliver�➢�le" �ndl �oIllle�tn��fly �s �1�� "Delavera&�les,") do not infaringe ug�on oa- violate �ny ��g�ffit�, c��y�ag�a�s, $rade�a�ks, sea-vice anarks, trade secrets, o� �ny ange�&ec�aa�fl g�r����-� �gb�n�s oa- otfl�eu� tlaia-d pa�-ty �ropxieiary u-ights, in ��ne g�erfforan��n�e �iF s�a-vn��s aa����- i9nis Abreerrn��at. Il8.3 SEY�I.Efl: s�aYfl be lfalble and a-esg�onsalble for a�ny �aad a�fl sll�n�s ���� �gan�su the �uyer for flrnfringeaneni of any p�tent, co�y�raghg, �a-ade�na�}k, s�a-vnc� �na�rfl�, tpade secreg, o� other uangefllec�a�l p�o���9y a-igln�s �ry the uas� �� �� sung�i�Ily�n�ng mff aflay Deliverabl�(s) in �he course of g�ea-%rana�ace o� co�p��e�a�m ��, ��- um ��y way co�nrnected with providing tlne sea-vices, or the �uyea-'s �o�tnm�uae� u�s� ��' ��n� 1)eRiver�b�e(s) h�reunder; Il8.�} SEI.I.Efl2 aba-ees �o clefend, seitle, o�- �ay, �t i$s ow� cos$ ��d e�c���nse, ��ny �ll�a� o� actnoa� abaansi �uyer for ania-ambement o� any patent, cog�y�i��a4, ��aa�� m�a�ll�, t�r�c�e seca-ei, or similar pro�e�ty a-aght �a-isang fro�a $�nyea-'s anse �ff �l�e s��fl�va�e a�ad/or doctnanentation in accordance with thns Agree�aeaa�, n� &�eang una�e�s�oo� tha4 thas ab eemnen4 to defemd, settle or pay sHaall no� apg�Ily ag �nnye� �osflaffa�s o�- nnisuses the sof�vare and/o�- c�ocaaanent�gioaa. S� lo�ng �s SIEIL�L�� bea��s g�n� cost and ex�emse of pay�ent fot- claams or �ctions agains� �u�ye�- �aa�-san��� �o t�is sec�aon, SELLER shall have ilhe a-aght to conduet ��ne s�efte�nse �� aaa� suuc� eflaim or ac�ion and al� aaegotiatnons for ats settle�raeng o� ����Sli oar�nse �ana� ti� se��le o� compromm�ise any sucln claim; 9aoweve�-, �a�yer slaal& 9n�ve �fla� �ng�n� �� fully g�artacig�ate nan any and all s�tch settleIInent, negotaatn�ns, �a- �a�snnag as anecessaay 4o y��roiect �uye�-'s interes�, arad �uyer agr¢es t� �mog��ra�� �r✓n�fln SELLEgZ amm doang so. Ir� the event Suyea-, for `�ha$eve�- ��asoau, �ssaa�n�s �9n¢ respoaasnbality for g�aynaent of cosis and expenses ffoa- a�ny �fl�a�n �� ���;noan bro�nght abaganst ]Buyea- for infa-ingeffietnt arisang umdea- t�ns �bD'Q.'�IITA�IIIlIL9 D3usyea- shall have 4he sole right to conduct the defe�se of aaay sanc�n ���flm o�- �c�io� a��] all nebotiations ffor ats settlemen� or co�eg�romase �ana$ �o settfle �r ��mn��oanas� any sueh clai�n; howeve�, SEI,I��R shall fully �artncig���e �an� ����aea-��� �a�a��n �uyea- n�a defense of such clainn o� action. �uyer agrees $� gnve ����IER �a�neIly wri�te� no�ice oiF any such c9a�aa� or action, wi�la cogsaes off all� ��pe�-s �unye�- �nn�y receive �ella$nffig thereto. Notwithstand'aiag ��� �OIl�P.bOIlYIIb� �uuye�-'s �ssun�n��aoa� of �ayaneni off costs or expenses shall not eliminage SELg,IElfg's du�y �o andemm�ify �uyea- unc�ea- thfls A�greennent. If the software �aa�/oa� �lo�un�ae�nt��im� or any �art tb�e�-eaf is helcIl to Ynffrnnge and the use $➢ae�e�i ns em,�onax�� o� �est��in�d oa-, af as a result of a settle�nent oa- eoang��o�nse, sun�fla ans� ns m�aterially adve�sely restricted, SELLER shall, at nts os�aa e�:ysems� amm�l �s �uye�'s sole remedy, eatlnea-: (a) gsrocure for �uy�� the a�ngfia� �m ���tgna�e �o�ase Revised 3.11.20tp t�ne so�flware amd/o�r docupnentatnon; oa- (b) anodify aIl�e s�u���r� amdl/o�- docu�aentataoua to nna�Ce it mon-anf�-iangiang, provncfled tha�� s�a�� IlIl1OQ1�Il�11�c1�tIlOIl1 does aao4 a�aa�erIlally adversely af%ci �uyer's aanth�rizec� nns� �� $l�e s���a�-� and/or docana�aentation; or (c) �-eplace the softva�aa-e ammd/o� a�o��n���n��tn��n �ngl� equ�ily suitalble, coffipatible, and functio�ally e�u�gvafleaa� LIl�Ti3-IlIlIl�Il'IlIIIl�IlY6� sofftwvaa-e and/or ciocumentatioaa at no add"ntional chaxge �o �aay��; or �a�) ng ��a�� o� the foregoing alternatives is re�sonably avaiflalble io S�LILIEIP t���-�fl��ge �Ilans Agr�enne�t, aa�d re�aam�d all arnou�nts pand to SE�,�,E� by �u�y��, su��s�qauettnt �� vv➢nic�a te�amanatnon ]Buye�- �ay seek any ancl a�fl a-e�aeda�s a�a�Il��rfl� g� �en�e� aan¢�e�- flaav; �anc� fl�.5 �'4ne re�a-esen�atioms, vvarrat�ties, and cove�nants of the g��a-�n�s ��m��n�ne� Il� section R3 th�ough fl7 off t�afis Aga-eea�ent wafll su�-vave the �e�-a�nm��a�ua au��l/�u� �x�n���non o� this E1g�eeanen�. �9.� ��3'l�T�RS�P OF VVORk� PROD�JC'T Seller ab ees that any and all analyses, evaluations, reports, memoranda, letters, ideas, processes, methods, programs, and manuals that were developed, prepared, conceived, made or sugbested by the Seller for the Buyer pursuant to a Work Order, incYudii�ag all sucii developmeilts as are originated or conceived during the term of the Contract anc� that a.re completed or reduced to writing thereafter (the "Work Product") and Seller acicnowlec�ges that such Work Product may Ue considered "worlc(s) inade for hire" and will be and remain the exclusive property of the Buyer. To the extent that the Work Product, under applicable law, may not be considered work(s) made for hire, Seller hereby agrees that this Agreement effectively transfers, grants, conveys, and assi�s exclusively to Buyer, all rights, title and ow7iership interests, including copyright, which Seller inay have in any �Uork Product or any tangible media embodying such Work Product, without the necessity of any further consideration, and Buyer sliall be entitled to obtain and hold in its own name, all Intellectual Property rights in and to the Work Product. Seller for itself and on behalf of i�s vendors liereby waives any property interest in such WorlcProduct. 20.0 CAIiT�'�Y�LPa7'i01� Buyer shall have the right to cancel tlus contract iinmediately for default on all or anypai-t of the undelivered portion of this order if Seller breaches any of the terms hereof, inciudin� warranties of Seller. Such right oFcancellation is in addition to and not in lieu of any other remedies, which Buyer may have in law or equity. Bfl.� 'b'EA�I�INf!'I'ION 20.1 Written Notice. The purchase of goods under this order may be tennuiated in whole or in part by Buyer, with or without cause, at any tiine u�on the deiivery to Seller of a written "Notice of Termination" specifying the extent to which the �oods to be purchased under the order is terminated and the date upon which such ternZination Revised 3.11.20tp becomes effective. Such right of termination is in addition to and noc in lieu ofany other termination ri�hts of Suyer as set forth herein. ZQ2 Non-ap�ropriation of Funds. I�i the event no funds or insufficiei�t funds are appropriated by Buyer in any fiscal period for any payments due hereunder, Buyer will notify Seller of such occurrence and this Agreeineizt shall tenninate on the Iast day of the fiscal period for which appropriations were received without penalty or expense to Buyer of any kind whatsoever, except as to the portions of the paymenis herein agreed upon for which funds have been appropriated. 20.3 Duties and Obligations of the Parties. Upon termination of this Abreement for any reason, Seller shall only be compensated for iteins requested by the Buyer and delivered prior to the effective date of terniination, and Suyer shall ylot be liable for any other costs, including aily claims for lost profits or incidental danlages. Seller shall provide Buyer with copies of all completed or partially completeddocunnents prepared wzder tlus A�reement. Iii the event Seller has received access to Biiyer Infonnation or data as a requireinent to perform services hereunder, Seller shall return all Buyer provided data to Buyer in a machine readable %i7nat oi- oiher fornlat deemed acceptable to Buyer. 82.0 ,4SSIGNIVI�I�T'T / DE�EGATION No interest, obligation or right of Seller, includina the right to receive �ay�nent, underthis contract shall be assigned or delegated to another entity without the express written consent of Buyer. Any attempted assigrunent or delegation of Seller shall be wholly void and totally ineffective for all purposes unless made in conformity with this paragraph. Prior to �uyer giving its consent, Seller agrees that Seller shall provide, at no additional cost to Buyer, all docusnents, as detennined by Buyer, that are reasonable and necessary to verify Seller's legal status and transfer of rights, interests, or obligations to another entity. The docuinents that may be requested include, but are not limited to, Articles of I�icorporation and related amendments, Certificate of Merger, IRS Forin W-9 to verify tax identification number, etc. Buyer reserves the right to witl�llold all payments to auy entity other tllan Seller, if Seller is not in compliance with this provision. If Seller fails to provide necessary information in accordance with this section, Buyer shall not be liable for any penalties, fees or interes� resulting therefroin. 23.� �' IVF' No claiin or right arising out of a breach of this contraet can be discharged in whole or in part by a waiver or renunciation of tile claim or right i.uiless the waiver or renunciatioa� is supported by consideration in writing alzd is sib ed by the aggrievedpai-ty. 24.0 �OI)iFICA'Il�'IONS 9 Revised 3.11.20tp This contract can be modified or rescinded only by a written agreeinent si�ned by both parties. 25.� '�'HE �►GREEIVBEN'�' In the absence of an otherwise negotiated contract, or unless stated otherwise, the Agreement between Buyer and Seller shall consist of these Standard Tei7ns and Conditaons together with any attachments and exhibits. This Agreement is intended by the p�alies as a fuial expression of their agreement aud is intended also as a complete and exclusive stateinent of the terms of their agreement. No cotu se of prior dealings betv�een the parties and no usage of trade shall be relevant to supplement or explain any term used in this Agreement. Acceptance of or acquiescence in a course of perfoiYnance u�Ider this Agreement sliall not be relevant to deteiznine the meaning of this Ab eement even though the accepting or acquiescing party has lcnowledge of the perfoi7nance and opportuiuty for objection. Whenever a term defined by the Unifoi7n Commercial Code (iJ�C) is used in this Agreement, the def nition contained in the UCC shall control. I�Z the event of a coirilict Uetween the coniract documents, the order of precedence shall be these S�andard Terms and Conditions, and the Seller's Quote. 26.� ��Pi.iC�4�g,E g,A� / VIENUE This ab eeinent shall be governed by the Uniforn� Commercial Code wherever the term "Uniform Commercial Code" or "UCC" is used. It shall be construed as meaning the Uniform Coirunercial Code as adopted and ainended in the State of TeYas. Both pafl-ties agree that venue for any litigation arising from tlus contract shall be in Fort �1Vorth, Tarrant County, Texas. This contract shall be govenied, construed and enforced under the laws of the State of Texas. 27.0 gl�TDEPENIDEN'I' CONTRAC'I'OR(Sl Seller shall operate hereunder as an independent contractor and not as an officer, agent, servant or employee of Buyer. Seller shall have exclusive control of, an�. rhe exclusive right to control, the details of its operations hereunder, and all persons performing same, and shall be solely responsible for the acts and omissions of its officers, a�ei�ts, employees, vendors and subcontractors. The doctrine of respondent superior shall not apply as betvveen Buyer and Seller, its officers, agents, employees, vendors and subcontractors. Nothing herein shall be construed as creating a partnership or joint enterprise between Buyer and Seller, its officers, agents, employees, vendors and subcontractors. 8�.� �.bA�IL�'�'�' .�Nl� INDElO�iNi�'ACATgOl�i. 27.1 T.T�-0 BIL.�Tb' - SELLER SHALL BE LIf9BLE �41VI) dZESPON.SI��L I'OIZ A1�7�' �11��'; ,�4LL .i'ROP.�RTY LOSS, PROPERTY D�GE f11Vd3/O�d P���N�4� gN.P�Iti�', dNCL UDINCT DEATH, B'O ANY AND ��L PERSON,�, �� A��T�' �11lTD �� Cl�ffl�flCT'ER, �T'HETHEIZ REAL OR �SSEIiTED, TO �'gI�' E'X�'Elo'�' �A1 �i,��D �Y 10 Revised 3.11.20tp 7'HENEGLIGg'NT�4CT(S) OR OIVpISS'ION(S),111�F'E�fl,�fA1VC'� �� r'1��'�1lT�'��ld� 1Vi7SC'OND�ICT OF SELLEId, ITS OFFICERS, A�EN�'S, 5��bf�N�'.S �:� E1VIPLOI'�'�'S. 27.2 r N. �. IN.I) ,1VINPF7 ATION- SELLER HLRE��' COT��'ElOTAN�'S �1l�DtIl�.Fi�ES B'O INi3�'MNIF�', FdOLD HARIVILESS ANI� I)EFENI) ��J�'�dd, .�1T�' ��'�'I�`.�.�dS, AGEN7',�, SERVfflNTS ANID E1VIPLOYEE,�, FR019d ANl3 fAG�Il�NS�' AN�' AliT� A�� CL�4d1VIS OR LA�YSUd7'S OFANYdf.IN,i) OIZ C'HA�flCTEIZ, ��E�'�TE� a'�.�� �d� �IlS�SERTEi�, FOR EITI�ER PRO,�,EIdTY 1)A14IAGE Old ���5 (�1V�`� rU��'Nvr AiL�GE'7) I)�AGE Od� LOS'S TO SELLER',� �iI�dNE,SS �9N�➢ �,1��� d�S�I��'�lle"� .�OS7' PROF,�?'S) AND/Old PLRSON�4L INJUIiY, INCLI7d�pN� ��'A1��', �'� �1V�' AND ALZ, PL'�{SON.S, �RISING OUT OF Odd IN C'ONNEC�'IOl� b�I�'.�' 7'�F,�' �4 G�EII�dENT, TO 7'HE EXTENT CA USED B�' 7'�IE NECyL��'�Na' ���',�' �R 01417SSIONS Old 161'�9LF'EA,SANC'E O�F' 3'ELLER, IT.�' OFFiT�'��5', A��'N7'�, .SER 6��dNT,S OR �14�'PLOYE,ES. 27.3 �N7'�7._%,F(',TLTAI PIZO,PL'RT�'IND.��NI.��'IC,9TiON— Se11er agrees �m sIleffe��, s��tfle, o� p�y, a� its own cos� amd expeaese, any claim or �ctaoan agBfiffis¢ Lany�� fl�u- inffringenaea�g �ff any patent, copyrnght, arade enark, ta-ade s¢e�-¢t, �e- sn�n���s p�u-o�se�-4y �ngh� �rnsaang #��-o�e �uy�a-'s use of �he so$ttware aatc�/on• ciocenm�an�a�n�ae u�n �cc�rc�a�c� wnth thas Agreeanent, it being unde�-stood iha# thes aga'eernerat go �e�'�mmd, s��lle oa- �ay slaag9 a�ot appdy n4' I3uyer nnodifies or naesuses tflae sofftware ���Il/on• e�oeaa¢a�e�t��n��n. �� long as Seller bears tlne cost �nd ex�ense oi g�ayment ffo�- cPairnns �r a��e�aas agaa�s� Buyer pursuamt to this section, Sellea- shall have i9�e rigIl�� to coandaac� �he cIle�e�s� oft any such claim or action and all negot�ations fror ats settfle�nena or s��a�ro�n�se amd tm set#le oe- eomprom6se any suc9� c9�im; however, ��ayea- sha9H Ila�v� t�ne rn�9n� ao ffae9Ily q�ar4ncipate �a► any and ail sench settlement, negotiatnons, oe- laws�at as aaeeessaII--y �o protect Buyeu-'s interest, and Buyea- agrees to coo�erate with S¢flfler a� donanb s�. �g� ��ie event Buyer, ffor whatever reason, assumes the resp�onsibility �'oa- g��yu��su� �ff �os�s ��n� expemses $'oa- any elaim or action brotagha agaunst �uyea- foa- n�ffrnza�e�e�� aa-asnang under tlnis Agreement, Buyer shalll have ihe sofle rngH�t to comdaaca gk�e d�f�ffise oi a�y suc➢� cIl�im o� action anal all negotnations $'oa- i�s seta➢em�nernt or co�anpa-�aanIls� a�a�Il ao se�g➢e o� comp�omise any sucla claim; laowever, Se1Yer sha41 fuflfly ��r�acepa�e an�➢ ���pea-a�e witfln �uyea- in defense of such claiaen or �ct�on. Suyes- ag�ees �o ga�e SeIl9er �fla�ueQy wraiten notice of amy such claim or action, witIl� copies of al& p��pe�-s l�uayer ¢eaay �e�eawe a•elating ihereto. Notrovithstanc➢��ng the fforegoing, Buyea-'s assnaagag�hno�e oi �ay�eana ��' cosgs or expeanses slaall not el�mianate Selle�'s du9.y go indeau�n�ffy l�a�yea� an�uafle�- �➢nas Agreeanem4. If �he soff4ware and/o� doeanmentatioan or a�ny pa�-� a��se�� �s ➢neS�Il um in�range and �fl�e use tlnea•eoff is enjoimmed oa� rest�-aa�e�Il on-, n�' �s a�esanIl4 �ff a sea�Ileaaae�nu or coa�p�o�nise, sucl� use os anaternally adversely mests�ctea�, Se�➢e� slaa�fl, �g n�ts ���� expense and as �uyer's sole u-eme�ly, eit9�er: (a) psocanre ff�r Baayer ��ne �ngIlna �m commtinaae �o use �lne sofftware �nc�/or doc�n�r►entation; or (k�) �ao�affy a�ae soff�a�-e aansIl/o� docaaaflnentataorn to anake nt mon-infringing, pa-ovided that suc9n aeno�ln�n�a�ao�a a�o�s �a�4 materia9ly advea-sely afffee4 �uyer's aut➢�o�naed ease off �ine sm��va�� aa��/�� docw�nnentatnon; o� (�) ffeplace �he so�are and/or docanaan�¢na�$u�� vvi�Ha eq�nafl�� sufl�able, compatnble, and functioa►a11y equivalent raom-inffri�ngian� s�ftw�r� �mmc�/��- docuanentation at no add'ntional eharge 40 �nayer; or (�fl) iff moane � t the �'�a�egoi�ng alternaaives is reasonalbdy avaiflable to Seller tea-aQai�n�te tlais Age-ee�anemm�, ��aIl ff�ffaa��7 a9I 11 Revised 3.11.20tp a�oenn�s ��ed to Sellea- by �uyer, saabsequem�t to whicln termnnatnorn 1Benyes- �ay se��c any anc➢ alfl �-eme�Eies available to Buyer unclerIlaw. 28 5����ii,i'T�' In case any one or more of the provisions contained in this a�reement shall for any reason, be held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illebality or unenforceability shall not affect any oflzer provision of this agreement, which ab eement shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision lzad never been contained herein. 29 F�S�AL. F'iJNI)IlatG LIMITA'T�O1V In the event no funds or insufficient funds are appropriated and budgeted in any fiscal period for payments due under tlus contract, then Buyer will immediately notify Seller of such occurrence an.d this contract shall be tern7inated on the last day of the fiscal period for which funds have been appropriated without penalty or expense to Buyer of any lcind whatsoever, except to the portions of atuival payzrzents herein agreed upon for which func+s shall have been appropriated and budgeted or are otherwise available. 3� NO'T�CES '�'O P.�R'�'�ES Notices required pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement shall be conclusively determined to have been delivered when (1) hand-delivered to the other party, its agents, employees, servants or representatives, (2) delivered by facsimile with electronic confirmation of the transmission, or (3) received by the other party by �Tnited States Mail; registered, retuni receipt requested, addressed as follows: TO SUYER: TO SELLER: City of Fort Worth Cori Criss Attn: Purchasing Manager CEO �, Title 200 Texas Street 4921 Alexander Blvd. i�W, Sui'ie Fort Worth, TX 76102-6314 g Facsimile: (817) 392-8654 Albuquerque, NNi 87'� 07 With copy to Fort Worth City Attorney's Office at saine address 3fl 1\TO1�T-A)ISCR�lV1�NA'�'�Oi� Seller, for itself, its personal representatives, assib s, sub vendors and successors in 12 Revised 3.11.20tp interest, as part of the consideration herein, agrees that in the perfonnance of Seller's duties and obligations hereunder, it shall not discriminate in the treatment or employment of any individual or group of individuals on any basis prohibited by law. �' �1��' �IL��l�/Tt �SES F1Z010'I �leT ALI.EGEI) VIO]LATION OF 'T�IIS I�Ol>t-�gSC][�IlDBgl�1.�'IC1��T�1 COVENAN'I' �X SEILb,ER, I'I'S PEI�SONAL ��'II22�S�1V'd'�'7['�VIE�, .A�Sg�TaT�, SiT�VENI9�1�S �I� SiJCCESSOI2S �l�T IN��fl�S'I', SE��l�� ���1ES 'Ii� 1-�SSiJIVdE SIJC�-I I,IABIL,ITY A.1�11� 'I'O INIDElO'gNI�'Y �iT� �l���l�� I��J�'IE� AI�tID �OLii ��TYER2 II�I[�Ii�II,ESS FI�011�� SiJCi� CL�11VV�. 32 �]l�I1VI�G�,4'�➢-'IO1V NA'I'TONALI'i'�' AC'I' Seller shall verify the identity and employment eligibility of its employees who peiforn� work uilder this Agreement, including completing the Employment Eligibili-ry Verification Form (I-9). Upon request by Buyer, Seller shall provide Buyer with copies of all I-9 fonns and supportin� eligibility doci.unentation for each employee who performs work under this Agreement. Seller shall adhere to a11 Federal and State laws as well as establish appropriate procedures and controls so that no services will be performed by any Seller eiziployee who is not legally eligible to perform such services. SEI�LER S�3[AI�I, gl�fl)�I�l���'�' l�LrJ�Y1EIR AN� HOL,I) �iJ'�'�R I�A1tNIL,ESS FR.OIVI Al��' PEN�'��ES, �I(.�B�1C,� iZ'�]�S, �II� i.,OSS�S �➢iJE 'I'O �dOI,�4'I'IONS �F 'I'�S PA.I�G�]P�Eg �3�Y SI�ILI�.�k�, S�L�,EI�'S EliigPLOYE�S, SiTBCONTI2ACT012S, AGICl�'g'S, �R ILI�ClEI�S�IE�. Buyer, upon written notice to Seller, shall have the right to iminediately tenninate thas Agreement for violations of this provision by Seller. 33 HEAi�TH. 5.4,1FE'7,�', A]iT1D ]CNViRON1i�dEN'9'ALRiE��JIR]El�EI�'lf'S Services, products, materials, and supplies provided by the Seller must meet or exceed all applicable health, safety, and the envirorunental laws, requirements, and staildards. In addition, Seller agrees to obtain and pay, at its own expense, for all licenses, pennits, certificates, and inspections necessary to provide the products or to perform the services hereunder. Seller shall indemnify Buyer from any penalties or liabilities due to violations of this provision. Buyer shall have the right to immediately terminate this Agreement for violatioiZs of tlzis provision by Seller. 34 RgGII�T TO .e.Ul�i'I' Seller agrees tllat Buyer shall, until the expiration of three (3) years after final paymei�t under this contract, or the final conclusion oF any audit commenced dLu-in� the said three years, have access to and the right to exatnine at reasonable tinZes any directly pertinent books, documents, papers and records, including, but not limited to, all electroiuc records, of Seller involving transactions relating to this Ab eement at no additional cost to Buyer. Seller agrees that Buyer shall have access during normal worlcing hours to all �zecessary Seller facilities and shall be provided adequate and appropriate worlc space iyl order to conduct audits in compliance with the provisions of this section. Buyes shall bive Seller 13 Revised 3.11.20tp reasonable advance notice of intended audits. The Buyer's right to audit, as described herein, sha11 survive the termination and/or eYpiration of thisAgreement. 35 �IS ��I�b'i'I' In accordan.ce with the provisions of the Americans With Disabilities Act o� 1990 (A�A), Seller warrants that it and any and all of its subcontractors will not wllawfully discriminate on the basis of disability in the provision of services to general �ublic, nor in the availability, terms and/or conditions of einploym.ent for applicants for employmeilt with, or employees of Seller or any of its subcont�actors. Seller warrants it will fully comply with ADA's provisions and any other applicable federal, state and local Iaws concerning disability and will defend, indemnify and liold Buyer harmless a�ainst any claims or allegations asserted by third parties or subcontractors against Buyer arisina out of Seller's and/or its subcoiZtractor's alleged failure to comply with the above-referenced laws concerning disability discrimination in the performance of this agreezne�it_ 36 ��SP�J'�'� RESOI,�T'�'iON If either Buyer or Seller has a claim, dispute, or other matter in question for breach of duty, obligations, services rendered or any warranty that arises under this Agreement, �he parties shall first attempt to resolve the inatter through this dispute resolution process_ T'he disputing party shall notify the other party in writing as soon as practicable after discovering the claim, dispute, or breach. The notice shall state the nature of the dispute and list the pai-ty's specific reasons for such dispute. Within ten (10) busiiZess days of receipt of the notice, both parties shall inalce a good faith effort, either througli email, mail, phone conference, in person ineetings; or other reasonable ineans to resolve any claim, dispute, breacll or other matter in question that inay arise out of, or in connection withthis Agreement. If the parties fail to resolve the dispute within sixty (60) days of the date of receipt of the notice of the dispute, then the parties may subinit the matter to non-bindii�g mediation upon written consent of authorized representatives of both parties in accordance with the Industry Asbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association or othea- ap�licable rules governiilg mediation then in effect. If the parties submit the dispute to non- binding mediation and cannot resolve the dispute tYuough mediation, then either party shall have the riglit to exercise any and all remedies available under law regardina the dispute. 37 P�t0�3�IT�ON Oli� CON'9'IZAC'�'IN� WIT]E� C010�I1'ANiES 'T�-iA'�' ��D�'��'lf'f"�' T� L �� Seller �n�s fevver tha�n AO �anp�goyees o�- this Agreenaent as fo�r ��ss r�aa�n �10�,��'�, ��ns sec�a�aa does no� ag��ly. Seller acknowledges that in accordance with Chapter 2270 of the Texas Governmeni Code, the Buyer is prohibited from entering into a contract with a company for goods or sezvices unless the contract contains a written verification from the compaizy that it: (1) does not boycott Israel; and (2) will not boycott Israel durin� theteran of the contract. The terms "boycott Israel" and "company" shall have the meanings ascribed to those tei7ns in Section 808.001 of tlze Texas Government Code. Il�y sn�aan�n� 14 Revised 3.11.20tp t�nns contrac�, Sel��r certifies that Selle�'s sig�natu�� �rovndes wv�-nt���n ve�fl�n�a�n�ua am the �uyer ��x�t Seller: (1) does not boycoit gsrael; and (2) wilfl �o� &��ye��� gs�ra�� �a�r��� �flae �erm� off the coaatract. 38 �I�S�J�NCE REO�T�I2l�1V[EI>T'�fl�'S 38.1 Coverage and Limits (a) Coinrnercial General Liability: $1,000,000- EachOccurrence $2,000,000 - Aggregate (b) Automobile Liability: $1,000,000 - Each occurrence on a combined single limit basis Coverage shall be on any vehicle used by Seller, its employees, agents, represeniatives in tlze course of providing services under this A�reeiri.ent. "Any velucle" shall be any vehicle owned, hired and non-�w�ed. (c) Worker's Compensation_ Statutoiy lunits according to the Texas Workers' Coinpensa�ion Act or any other state worlcers' compensation laws where the worlc is l�eing performed Employers' Iiability $100,000 - Bodily Injury by accident; each accident�'occurrence $100,000 - Bodily Injury by disease; each employee $500,000 - Bodily Injury by disease; policy limit (d) Professional Liability (En�ors & Onussions): $1,000,000 - Each Claiin Limit $1,000,000 - Aggregate Limit Professional Liability coverage may be provided through an endorsement to the Commercial General Liability (CGL) policy, or a separate policy specific to Professional E&O. Either is acceptable if coverage meets al1 other requirements. Coverage shall be claims-made, aud rnaintained for the duration of the contractual agreement and for two (2) years followin� completion of se�-vices provided. An annual certificate of insurance shall be submitted to Suyer to evidence coverage. 38.2 General Requireinents 15 Revised 3.11.20ip (a) The commercial general liability and automobile iiabi�ity policies shall nanze Buyer as an additional insured thereon, as �is interests may appear. The ternl Suyer shall include its employees, olficers, officials, agents, and volunteers in respect to the contracted services_ (b) The workers' compensation policy shall include a Waiver of Subrogation (Right of Recovery) in favor of Buyer. (c) A minimum of Thirty (30) days' notice of cancellation or reduction in limits of coverage shall be provided to Buyer. Ten (10) days' notice shail be acceptable in the event of non-payment of premium. No�ice shall be sent to the Risk Mana�er, Buyer of Fort Worth, 200 Texas Street, Port W�rth, Texas 76102, with copies to the Fort Worth City Attorney at the same address. (d) The insurers for all policies inust be licensed and/or approved to do business in tile State of Texas. All insurers must have a minimum ratinb of A- VII in the ci.u7eizt A.M. Best Key Rating Guide, or have reasonably equivalent financial strenb h and solvency to the satisfaction of �isk Management. If the rating is below that required, vv�itteil a�proval of Risk Mat�agement is required. (e) Any faihue on the part of Buyer to request required ifllsurance documentation shall not constitute a waiver of the insurance requireinent. (fl Certificates of Insurance evidencing that Vendor has obtained all required insurance shall be delivered to the Buyer prior to Vendlor proceeding with any work pursuant to this Agreement. 16 Revised 3.11.20tp Ex�ibag I� — CONFI,ICT OP' INTE�S�' QU�S'I'IO1�1�Ag][�L Pursua.ut to Chapter 176 of the Local C'iovenunent Code, any person or agent of a person who contracts or seeks to contract for the sale or purchase of property, goods, or services with a local governmental entity (i.e. The City of Fort Worth) must disclose in the Questionnaire Form CIQ ("Questionnaire") the person's affiliation or business relationship that might cause a conflict of interest with the local goverrunental entity. By law, tlie Questionnaire must be filed with the Fort Worth City Secretary no later than seven days after the date the persoii begins cont�act discussions or negotiations with the Buyer, or subinits an application or response to a request for proposals or Uids, conespoi7dence, or another w�-iting related to a potential agreement with the Buyer. Updaied Questiomzaires must be filed in conformance with Chapter 176. A. copy of the Questionnaire Form CIQ is enclosed with the subinittal docuinents. �'he form is also available athttp://www.ethics.state.tx.us/forms/CiO.pdf. If you have any questions about compliauce, please consult your own le�al counsel. Compliance is the individual responsibility of each person or a�ent of a person who is subject to the filing requiremeut. An offense under Chapter 176 is a Class � i�alisdemeanor. 1`1�T�: Iiyoan a�-e mot awa�-e of a Coanfrlict of �nteres$ ia� �any lbnasnffiess �'��a�n��sIl�n� a�a� you aaaaght Ilaave wi$� the �aayer, siat� Se�Yea- aaarane in ihe # 1, �ns� 1�/� u�a ����a o$' ��� aa-eas o�n the foru�. However, a Slb&13�llA"� YS 1'eC]�IYIIl'0Cl 13Il ��HC #4 �HO� HII➢ ��Il ��S�S. 17 Revised 3.11.20tp �ONFLIC�" OF i�-fEl�EST QIJEST�Of�9(�fAIF�E For ver�dor doing businass with local governmenial entity This questioona[re reitec�s cnariges made to tlse law by H.B. 23, 84ih Leg.. Regufar Session. This q�restionnai�e �s b2ing iiEed in �ccc;dance�.vitn Chapte� 176, Lccal Goverement Code, by a vendor�.vhQ has a businesc rela�ionsnip as defi.�ed by Section 17b_J07 f i-aj witf-, a IocaG goti�ernmental entir� anc t's�e�,-erdorm�ets � equi: ernents under Se�-:ion 176_OG6�;4). 6y lar� this quesiionn�ere mustba �ledwi:h ihe rxords administrator�af J;e local governmenta en�ity na? iat?r thzn the 7th busin2ss day aft�� t?�e date the�endor becomes �.ti�are af fG�ts ;ha� requsrE the sta.ement to be �iied. See Sec:ion 17o.G0^o(a-� l. Loca� Gove;nment Code. r'; vendor cornmits an ofFense i; the vendor lcnowingly viola4es S�ction 1;�c.00o, L��aa Goverr�men: Ccde.An offense und�rihis secfiion is a mosdemeanor. Name of vendorYrho has a btislness reiatio�tship with local governmental sniity. Infrastructure Technologies LLC. Dba ITpipes you are twnc� an upaate to a �p���sa ��� ��c� usE o���a y Cata F.G_evFd �The la�v requires that you file an upda:ed �ompleted questian�aire �uith the approari�;e ;ilinn alitnUrit}� n��t later thar. the 7th business dav after th2 �ate en �.vhich you 6ecame a4o�are that lhe origi�3lb filed cuestionr.2ire +.sas incomplete or iaaccurate.) PJame of [ocaE goe�ernanent o#flcer about ��Jhom the intormation In this sectlon is being d�sclosed. N/A Name rrf Officer This secEion �i.em 3 includiag sobparis A. B. C. F. D} must be completess for eacE� of'ic�r with o�ncm che vendor nas an employment or other bc�sir.ess rolationship as defined by Section 7?6.Qp111-a1, Lecal C-a✓err.ment Code_ P.ttarn aclditional gag?s to thi= Fom� CIQ as necessarv. A. Is �l:e 3otial arn�prr�ment officer nama� in this section reaei�i�g or likely to rece:✓e izxable income, other thar, in�res_mani 3ncome. from the vencor? �Yes allo B. ls the vendor recei�•ing or'd;;cely to recerre Eaxabl� income, other than inve�.ment income, from cr ut L'�= cire�tion of tha [ccal govemmen! oCiicer named in ihis sec6en AND the taxable inccme is not rece�aed irom the IocG1 cavernmen�ai entiri�? �Yes � No C, Is :Ize riter oi this �3uestionnaire empio}+�d by a corporetior. �r �ther �usirtess �ntiEy v:itl: respect to +rmi�h th� iccal government ofiicer serves as an o�cer or air_xtor, or hoids an ov;r.ership interest of ene perce�t cr more7 a1'e`: � vo Q. DescriQe each amp[cyment or businsss and family rela�onship wiSh 6ha l�cal gouernmen� ofnoer r.wmed in t1-us s=ctien. S;gnature ut vendor �oing �usinsss v;i�h t�il gc:�Ernmen;al en�r� May 10, 202� C2:e P.tloai«�c5 +l�l2p;5 18 Revised 3.11.20tp �X�iIl6IT C — SELLEIg CONTAC'I' IN�'OR19�A7CI�1� Seller's Name: �nfrastructure Technoloqies LLC. Dba ITpipes LLC 4921 Alexander Bivd. fVE, Suite B Seller's Local Address: Albuquerque, iVM 87107 1'hone: 505.34'i .0109 F�; Email:_ Cori@itpipes.com Name of persons to contact when placing an order or invoice questions: Carrie Bugner Narne/Title 505.355.1354 Phone: Fax: Email:-- Bookkeeping(cr�.itpipes.com Nanne/Title Phone: Email: Nam.e/Ti Phone: Email: �l/% �/l/'vr Signature Fax: Fax: Cori J. Criss Printed Nanie �/d�y 10, 2021 �ate 19 Revised 3.11.20tp I��:f: i; : : � �I: VEfl�I[F�CATION OF SIGliTA'�'iJ� �4i1'I'�IO�'��I Infrasfiructure Technologies LLC. Dba ITpipes r.aris ris� 4921 Alexander Blvd NE u ite Albua��ercaue. NM 87107 Execution of this S�bnagua-e Verifcatio�a ForYra ("Form") hereby certifies that the followin� iiidividuals aa�d/or positioils have the authority to legally bind Seller and to execute any agreement, amendinent or change order on behalf of Seller. Such binding authority l�as been granted by proper order, resolution, ordinance or other authorization of Seller. Buyer is fully entitled to reiy on the warranty and representation set forth in this Fonn in entering into any agreemerzt or amendment with Seller. Seller will subznit an updated Form within ten (10) business days �f the�e are any changes to the si�zatory authority. Buyer is entitled to rely on any current executed Form untzl it receives a revised Form that has been properly eaecuted by Seller. 1. Naine: Cori Positi . EO .�. - /•'�- Sign re 2, Name: AI Rossmeisl Position: CFO ��� � � � Signature �jj � �%.- Sigilature of President/CEO/ManagingPai-tner Title: CEO Date May 10, 2021 20 Revised 3.11.20tp FORT W0� Cg'I'Y OF' FOR�' WOI2'T�l[ Ch�A.P'��R 252 �XE1VgPTION FOJL�.1Vd Instructions: Fill out the entire form with detailed information. Once you have completed this form, provide it to the Purchasing attorney for review. The attorney will review the information you have provided to determine whether an exemption to Chapter 252's bidin� requirements is defensible. If you are printing this form to provide to Legal, please do not provide the Primer portion. �'ailure to provide sufficient information may result in follow up questions and cause a delay in the attorney's determination. Section Y: General Ynforrnation Requesting Department: Name of Contract Manager: Department's Attorney_ Item or Setvice sought: Goods: Service: Anticipated Amount: Vendor: Water Department Mark Shell DouQ Black ❑ �. $50,000.00 Infi-astructure Technoloaies Current/Prior Ab eement for item/service: Yes � No ❑ CSC or Purchase Order #: Amount: Projected M&C Date [INSERT PREVIOUS CSC/PO # OZ N/Al jiNSERT AMOUNT OR N/Al N/A How will this item or service be used? This will continue the maintenance anci support fo�- the Annual Software Subscription (SSA) and annual Service Level Aareement (SLA) costs for an existina externally hosted cloud software�plication (ITpipes) and media storaQe (6 terabvtesi for SanitarY Sewer Inspections and Condition Assessments. Page 1 of 6 Section B: Cl�imedl Exemption and .Tustification (Othea- thaae so➢e soan�ee� NOTE - For a claimed sole-source exemption, complete Section 3. Please indicate the non-sole-source exemption you believe applies to the purcllase a€id provide infonnation to support its applicability. Please refer to the Exemption Prirnec- for detailed information about common exemptions: J� A procurement necessary to preserve or �rotect the public heali:h or safety of �lie City of Fort Worth's residents; a A procurement necessary because of unforeseen dainage to public dnachinery, equipment, or other property; [1 !� procurement for personal; professional, or planning services; n A procurement Por worlc that is pecformed and paid for by tlle d�y as tlie wor�1: progresses; [], A purchase oC lancl or a ri�ht-of way; n Paving drainage, street widening, and other public improvements, or related inai�ers, if at least one-third of the cost is to be paid �y or throu�h special assessmeorts levied oi� property that will beiZeft from the improvements; n A public improvement project, alceady in pro�ress; authorized by the voters of the munici}�ality, for which there is a defciency of funds for completin� the project in accot-dance with the plans and puiposes authorized by the voters; n A payment uncler a contract by which a developer �articipates in the constructioi� of � public improvement as provided Uy Subchapter C, Chapter 212; n Persona! property sold: � at an auction by a state licensed auctioneer; � at a�oin� out of business sale .lield in compliance with Subcl�apter ��, Chapier l7, Business 8c Commerce Code; 0 by a political subdivision of this state, a state agency o� =his sta�e, or an enlity of the federal government; or a undec an intei•local contract for cooperative }�urchasin` adm;nisteo-ed by a regional planning commission established under Chapter 3� I; [� Services perfonned by blind or severely disabled persons; n Goods purchased by a municipality for subsequent retail sale by the munscipality; n Electricity; or Page 2 oF G �, Advertisin�, othei• than legal notices. Please provide details and facts to explain why you believe the exemption applies to the purchase. You may also attach documentation to this foi7n.[INSERT DETAILEI� EXPLANATION AS TO HOW/WHY CLAIMED EXCEPTION APPLIES 'TO T�-IIS PURCHASE] Sec�io� 3: Cla�rned So➢e-Source Exer�e�tion and �usti$ecaaao�u NOTE - For any non-sole-source exemption, complete Section 2. Please indicate the sole-source exemption you believe applies to the purchase and provide infor�nation to support its applicability. Please refer to the Exemption Pritner for detailed information about common exemptions ���A procurement of items that are available from on]y one source, includii�b: o items that are available fi•om only one source Uecause of patents, copyroghts, secret processes, or natural monopolies; � films, manuscripts, or books; � gas, �vater, and other utility services; o captive replacement parts or coinponents for equipmci�t; o boolcs; papers, and other librac•y materials for a public library �hat �u-e available only fi-om tlie persons holdinb eYclusive distributioi� rigllts to the materials; and o management services provided by a non�rofit organization to a municipal museum, parlc, zoo, or other facility to which the oi-ganization has ��a•ovided signifcant financial or other benefits; How did you determine that the item or service is only available from one source? Infrastructure TechnoloQies is the sole provider (seller) of licenses annual software subscriptions and the onlv service provider of IT Pipes software as described in sole source letter dated 4-6-2021. Attacl� screenshots and provide an explanation of any independent research you conducted, through intemet searches, searching cooperatives, or discussions with others Icnowledgeable on the subject matter that corroborate that the item is available only from a single source. See tl�e letter fi-oin the vendor dated 4-6-�021 statina that the�are the sole provide�- of software_ systems proarams and services related to the software. Page 3 0; 6 Did you attach a sole source justification lettec? � Yes ❑ No Describe the uniquei�ess of the item or service (e.g. compatibility or patent issues, etc.). I'er the sole source lettec provided, Infrastructure Technoloaies is the sole provider of IT�pes software. systems, proarams and services related to the same software. The software is unique in the way it captures, analyzes, and collaborates inspection data and merges this into the existin� �ity softwai•e s, s� Section 4: Attornev Deterrninatnoea With the facts provided by the department, is the use of the claimed exeinption defensible if tl�e City were to be challen�ed on this pu�-chase? �, Yes Il No. Was there anything attached to this foim that was relied on in makin� this determination? � Yes Il No. If yes, please explain:Sole source leiter fi•orn the vendor dated 4-6-2021 Was there aiiythin� not included on this form or attached hereto that was relied on in making thas deterinination? n Yes �. I�io. If yes, please explain:N/A Will the standard te�ms and conditions apply? Will the contract require special terms? � Yes f � No. L1 Yes � No. Will the contract require review by the department attorney? � Yes � No. App�oved �g�_ � �'� "" �1 Date: 4/S/21 a lor Paris / Jessika W illiams A sistant City Attorney Page � or 6 �XEMPTION FORM PRIlVIER Below are explanations and examples of common exemptions that could apply to City purchases. If you have questions about the inforination provided or need additional information, please contact your department's assigned attorney or the appropriate purchasing atto�-ney. I. A procurement necessary to preserve or protect the public healih or s�fety o4� tl�e municipality`s residents; CYamples of activities that have been found to fall within this exception include ai��bulance services; solid waste collection and disposal; and First-responder safety equipznen4 such as breathin� apparatus for frefi�hters and bullet-proof vests for police oi=ficei•s. A procurement necessary because of unforeseen damage to puUlic machinery, equipment, or other properl} ; C�amples of tllis type of procucement �vould include repairing or replacin<z rooSs and �vindows dama�ed by hail or a tornado. But parts and services Por c-outine mai�ites�ao�ce or replacement of old, worn out roofs or ���indows would not meet this elcept�on. A procucement for persoaial, professional, or plannin� services; Personal services are ones that are unique to the individual providin` them. �l,herefo�e personal services contract cannot gencrally be subcoi�tracted or assigned_ Professional services are not defined u.nder Chapter 252, so there is no precise definition to follow. There is no universal detinition of this tenn, however, '`several cases suggest that it._. is 'predominately mental or intellectual, rather than physical or n�ant�al.'" �'ex. Atty Gen Op. iM-940 (1988} (�Izroti��`a Nlrnylund Casaralty Co. v. Cruy F�%aler :'o., 160 S.W. 2d 102 (Te�_ Civ. App.-Eastland l9�}2, no writ). The Te�as Atto�-ney Ge��era1 h�s also opined that "professional services'" no longer includes only the services of lav�ryers, physicians, or theologians, but also those members of disciplines requirin� special lcnowledge or attaimnent and a high order oi� learnin�, sl<ill, and intelli��ence. Id. ['acts needed to support a professional service exeinption include the speci��lized iequirements of that profession and the mental and intellectual skill required by the �erson �a�hile perfornlinj tlle service. Purchases of goods are not professional services. 4. A procurement of items Yhat are available fi-oin only one source. This exemption is commonly refecred to as the sole source exemption. ]n determinie�g wheihcr a purchase is of a good or service that is available fi�otn one sou�•ce, yo�! silould not consider price or time to receive the �ood or service. A sole source does not exist soiely on the b�sis of personal or departmental preference or a desire to keep all uc�its ti�e saene brand or malce. The information �zeeded to support this exemption is tlia� i�o otllej• provicier Page 5 0� 6 can provide the service or cate;ory of good except Cor the vendor you are proposin�. Some e�amples of sole source purchases include service agreements when only of�e vendoi- is authorized to worlc on the ec�uipment by the manuf:acturer and allo�-i�in�� another vendoa- tivould void the wJarranty; purcliase of a�ood that is eopyri�lzted or tcademarlced aoid on�y providecl by one vendor. Page 5 of 6 / �l l i��- i�; ��0��.� April 6, 2021 Mark Shell City of Fort Worth, TX Emai9: Mark.shell@fortworthtexas.gov Dear Mark: This letter is being provided to document proof of so9e source for ITpipes sofiware and re6ated services. Infrastructure Technologies is the sole provider of ITpipes software, systems, programs and services related to the software. ITpipes software is unique in the way it captures, ana9yzes, and collaborates inspection data and merges this into the existing City software sys�em. From a services standpoint, tasks such as training related to ITpipes, setting up an inspection deliverable portal, reviewing data integrity and quality, are all specific and unique to onBy the ITpipes software. If we can provide any additionae details, please do call or emaiE at your convenience_ Regards, C Cori Criss, CEO +-.�.....'�.�.�__..��.�i �...,.,� ���'�,.vLi:���C.=. ;���i�i.J'��a.�i�.���:t'..� J��I��uL� _.�'l,,.y_ ,�"i'�.T''.ii�� �.�'J'�t..:+•;•..Cr �riL S>'� .—_�. ' u.,y�'J;:..:f J.4:'�.�'�.5 ° ii�r:�Vi�"!.d�t ''�5.�:'�:•c:: • !�"'°� ��� ,e�, ;• ,,, INFB2�fEC-iD2 CERT9FICA1'E OF' LIA�ILITV BNSl9RAN�� DATE (MM/DDR'YYY) 4/� 2/2�r21 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATfER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO R�GHTS UPOPJ 3HE CERiBF�CAdE 9iOLDER. o F�7S CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIP2MATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AF[�ORDE� �YTHEPO�L9CIES BELOW. TH4S CERYIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE fSSU9NG INS49RER(S), AUTh90621ZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AfiID THE CERTIFICATE 9iOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must have ADDITIOiJA� ONSURED provosions oP be endorsed. Gf SUBROGATION OS WANED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorseso�ent. A sYatemen� o� this certificate does not confer rights to 4he certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(sl_ PRODUCER WAFD Bnsurance Group, Enc. 5601 Office Blvd NE Suite 400 Albuquerque, NM 87109 INSURED Infrastruc4ure Techno0ogies L.LC 4942 Alexander Blvd NE Suite B Albuquerque, NM 87107 Samantha SancC�ez �i�: (505) 369-1900 jarc No�:�505) 899-709� samanthas@wafdinsuParoce.�o¢ba COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: REVOSVON NSJiNBEP.: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR ADDL SUBR LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE N p�ryD POLICY NUMBER POIICY EFF POLICY EXP MM DD MM DD LIMI7S A � CDMMERCIALGENERALLIABILITY EACHOCCURRENCE � �,OOO,'�OO CLAIMSMADE a OCCUR x � 34SBABK1491 8/23/2�20 8/23/2021 DAMAGETORENTED �,000 00� E.M�SESIE_a_oec_urrence�_ 3 MED EXP (Anv onc erson $ ' �,��o PERSONAL 8 ADV INJURY $ ���OO�OOO GEN'l AGGREGnTE LIMIT APPLIES PER: GENERAL AGGREGATE g 2�00O�OOm X POLICY ❑ jE� � LOC PRODUCTS-COMP/OPAGG 5 2�00�,000 OTHER: 5 AUTOMOBILE LIA8ILITY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT 3FGld�nt $ ANY AUTO BODILY INJURY (Per person $ OWNED SCHEDULED AUTOS ONLY AUTOS BODI�Y INJURY Pcracciden[ 5 HIR D NON-OWNED PROPERTY DAMAGE AU OS ONLY AUTOS ONLY Per accident $ 5 UMBRELLA LIAB OCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE $ EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS-MADE AGGREGATE $ DED RETENTIONS $ A WORKERS COMPENSATION v PER OTFI- AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY � ST�TUTE ER_ ANV PROPRIETOF/PARTNER/EXECUTNE Y! N 34WECJV9614 $/Z4/ZOZO 6/24/2021 E.L. EACH ACCIDcNT g '� �'UOO�OOO OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? � �`7 � �+ (Mandatory in NH) E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE S ��QOO,OOO If yes. describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS bclaw 1,000,�0� E.L.DISEASE-POLICYLIMIT $ Q Prof. Liability 34SBAIK1491 8/23/2020 8/23/2021 Per Occear�er�ce 9,��0,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCA770N5 / VEHICLES (ACORD 10�, Additional Remarks Schetlule, may be attached if more space is required) Certificate Holder is held as Additional Insured, primary and non-contributory, if required by written contract, in accordance with the Slanket Adde�ioral Insured Endorsement on the General Liability policy, including Hired � Non-Owned Auto. Waiver of Subrogation in favor of ihe Certificate ho9der on Ger.erzl Liability, Auto and Workers Compensation. Umbrella follows form over Auto, General Liability and Workers Compensatio�. City of Fort Worth, Texas 200 Texas St. Fort Worth, TX 76102 SHOULD ANY OF THE A60VE DESCRIBED POL7GES BE CANCELLED 6EFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTiCE WiLL 3E DELOVERED �N ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS_ AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE ������� ACORD 25 (2016/03) OO 1988-2015 ACORD CORPOr24�'GOP9. All sighs �esenre�. Yhe ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD � C_... �. TM -, II �-� �' ITpipes, LLC. 4921 ABexander B9vd. NE _ __ Suite B Albuquerque, IVM 87107 Pli: +1.505.341.0109 Bill To City of Fort Worth SEWER, TX Mark Shell 200 Texas St Fort Worth, TX 76102-6314 Ship To City of Fort Worth SEWER, TX Mark Shell 200 Texas St Fort Worth TX 76102-6314 �uote # Date Valid Till Preparer l"erms QuotelEsii rr�a�e 13lT2219 Apr 1, 2021 Jun 30. 2021 Cori Criss Deae u>>on receip�t This quote includes the Annual Software Subscription (SSA) and Service Level (SLA) Agreement costs for ITpipes Web, Sync 2.0, Cloud and Mobile. PRODUCT DETAILS This includes sync usage and maintenance, billed at $500 per unit cost in addition to the Mobile Annual Service Agreement. #: z-SyncAnnual6-10 ITpipes Web Inspection View, unlimited users, billed annually. #: p-webviewsub ITpipes web with SmartTabs and mapping. This includes a per user cost, billed annually. #: p-webusersub ITpipes Cloud Initial Setup and/or Subscription. This provides fully hosted data storage, of up to 3 tbs. This is billed upon activation, this does require an ongoing annual subscription. #: p-cloud>3tb This line item includes pricing for: This line item includes pricing for: Annual Service Agreement - 9 CCTV trucks #: s-sla All software licensing costs are due and payable upon receipt of the license activation key(s). I� .F1'iT�i Signature: ....... ................. Date: $ 4,000.00 $ 50,000.00 Term & Conditions: Sl iippinr� costs may be invoicec9 separately. Ordei:s ship 10-14 days afl.c.�r paymenY is rec'd. Notificaiion of bar.!<n� �ers v,rill occur as ITpu�:-�s is informed, howcver, we c�nno�C be liablc i�or lhesa situa[ions. Alimiled 10 ciay �rvarrs_inty, coverinc� �arts/laboi on de��o1: basis applies. We di,daim any and �II warraiiiics. express or irnplied, bi.i[ not limited ro any implied �varranties or with regatrd [a any licensed producis. A res[ocl<ing fee is applied if prodi.ict is rciurnecl, I�rices are ;ubjer_i to cliange. All sal� s are direc[ to unr.l-users or Yhrouyh an authorizer.l reseller �nd 1'rum that resellcr direct [o end-uscr for w<u ran[ies fo be valir.l. /�II invoices not paid or� time accrue interest at 1.25�/0 �er month, 15% per year. Cliecks returnecl unpaicJ shall result in an �drlitional chargc of $50 cach and ITpipes reserves Its ri�ht to collect da.ma�es anei penalties �s to NM law. If lec�al acl.ion is necessary i.o a:�llect ainount due, ITpipes ,heill I.�e entitlecl to al.torney's ices. �ic�s�s-r_s 1-� ;�coa-tcans;�ra?�i�, 1 QTY Price 9 $ 500.00 1 $ 2,500.00 E[i] 1 1 $ 1,500.00 Amount $ 4,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 15,000.00 $ 24,000.00 $ 24,000.00 $ 4,000.00 Grand Total