HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 569564.;•.�� n� �C-��nc�����: � A � �?�� 9�.�1~0... �;1: , rf'N A !'�f �OJ�� B�3�,.�. , � �•� ��� ���� CONTRACT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF ALLIANCE ATRPORT TAXZWAY A CEl�TERLINE LIGHT , � REPLACEMENT , Mattie Pa�rker Mayor City Praject No.10310�4 David Cooke City Manager Ragex Venables Directar, Avi.atian Department Prepar�d for The City of Fort Worth Aviation Departmen� July ��, �4��. ���a�e�\ ��� T4de F m � � .. .. ��� �. .M:.B:szA�o; i �� � az776 �'� �' �Q�'��`c���,4 \�,�� � 1��CIVAL ��G � A��o � �o�/���� Electrical Speci�icaiions Issued for Bid Jacobs Engineexiung G�-oup Inc. 777 Main �treet Fort Worth, TX 76102 Te�as PE Firm 2966 ��� � ;� Civil S�ec��atiQn� . 00 00 oa �•��i.� or• coNTENTs i'age 1 of 3 sECTioN oa oa o0 TABLE OF CONTENTS Division 04 - Gen�ral Conditions a0 OS 10 Mayor and Council Communication 00 OS 15 Addenda 00 11 13 Invitation to Bidders 40 2l 13 00 3� 15 00 35 I3 00 41 00 00 42 43 00 43 13 00 43 37 00 45 I 1 00 45 12 00 45 l 3 00 45 25 00 45 40 DO 4S 41 00 45 42 fl0 52 43 0� 61 13 00 61 14 pa 61 � 9 00 61 25 oa �z o0 oa �3 oa instr�Ections ta Bi.dd�;rs Construction Project Schedule Conilici of Interest Statement Bid Fo:rm Propasa� Form Unit Price Bid Bond Vendor Compliance to Staie Law Nonj•esident Bidder Bidders Prequalifications Prequalification Statement Intentionally �mitted Cantractor Campliance with Warkers' Compensation Law Intentinnally Omrtted Intentionally Qmitted Disadvantaged Business Enterprise 5pecifications Agreement Performance Bnnd Payment Bond Maintenance Bond Certiiicate of Insurance General Conditions Supplementaxy Cond'ations Division Ol - General Requirements �1 11 04 SUmrnary of Work 01 25 DO 5ubstitution Procedures 01 31 19 Precanstruction Meeting Ol 31 20 Project Meetings 01 32 15 Construction Progress Schedu.le Q1 32 33 Preconstruction Video O1 33 00 Submittals 01 35 13 Special Project Proeedures Ol 45 23 Testing and Inspection Services 01 50 QO Temparary Facilities and Conirols O1 55 26 5treet Use Fermit and Modifications to Traffc Control O1 57 13 Starm Water PolIution Prevention Plan O1 58 13 Temporary Project Signage O1 6Q OQ Product Requirements O1 66 OQ Product Storage and Handling Requiz•ements CITY OF FORT WORTH Alliance Airport Taxiway A CenYerline Light Keplacemant STANDAR.� GOl�lS77Z13CTION SP&CIF1C11T1QN DOCllMEN"1�S Project No. 1031a4 Revised April 2, 2021 ao 00 oa TABLL� OP CONT�NTS Page 2 of 3 O1 74 23 Cleairing O1 77 19 Closeout Requij•emeiZts 01 78 23 Operation and Matntenance Data OI 7$ 39 Projeci Record Doeumei�ts I`AA General Pravisions Section 10 Definition of Terms Section 20 Proposal Requirei�ents and Conditions 5ection 30 Award and Execution of Cont�•act Sectinn 40 Scope of Wa��k Section Sa ControI of Work Section b0 Control o�Materials Section 70 Legal Regulations and Responsibility to Public Section 80 Execution and Progress Section 90 Measurement and Payment Federal Contract Yrovisians FCP-1 �lccess to Record� and Reports FCP-2 Breach af Cantract FCP-3 FCP-4 FCP-5 �cP-6 FCP-7 FCP-$ FCP-9 �'Cl'-10 FCP-11 FCP-12 FCP-13 FCP-l4 FCP-1 S FCP-16 FCP-17 FCP-18 FCP-19 FCP-20 FCP-2I General Civil Rights Provisions Civil Rights -� Title VI Assurar►ces Clean Air/Water Pollution Control Contract Wark Hours and Safety Standa�•ds Copeland Anti-Kickback Da�is Bacon Requirements Certification of Lnwer Tie� Cax►tractars Regarding. Debarment Disadvantaged Susiness Enterprises Texting W11en Dri�ing Energy Canservation Requiz�ezn ents Equ.al Oppartunity Clause 5tandard Federal Equal Employment Opport�nity Construciion Cnntract Specifications Cei�ification Regarding Lob6ying Prahibitian of Segregated Facilities Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 Procure�nent of Recovered Materials Certificatian of Oiferer/Bidder Regarding Tax Delinquency and Felony Con�ictions Termination for Convenience (Construction & Equipment Contracts) Veteran's Preference Teehnical �peci�catians Item C-105 Mobilizatian Item G-1�5 Te�nporary Fencing, Barricades, and Faciliti�s It�m 1'-153 Controlled Low-Strength Material {CLSM) Item P-606 Adhesive Compounds, Two-Component for Sealing Wire aild Lights in Pavement Item P-b10 Concreke for Miscellaneous Structut•es Cl`I'Y OF FORT WORTH Allisnce Airpart T�iway A Centej•line Liglrt Replacement STANDARD CONSTRUCTIOT] SPECIPICATIQN DOCUMENTS ProjecYNo. 1031fl4 Revised Apri12, 2021 00 0o aa T�sLE or� caN���•rs Page 3 of 3 Item L-100 Gencral Prnvisions - Electrical Ite� L-108 Underground Pawer Cab1e for Airparts Item L-110 Airport Underground Electa�ica] DUct Banks and Conduits Item L-11 I Airf'ield Eiectrical Installation Testing Item.L-115 Electricaj Manholes and Junction Structures rtem L-I25 Installation of Airpart Lighting 5ystems END OF SECTION Cl'I`Y OP PORT WCiRTH All'tance Airport Ttuciway A CenterliRe Lighl Replacement STA]�ARD CONSTRUCTION SPECiFICATIb�I DOCUMENT3 Projact No, 103104 Revised ,4pri12, 2021 i ��� ����GJ cl �����t����% Drvision 00 - General Conditions CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDAP�D COI�3STRUCI'[Qi� SPECIFICATIQN b�CUM�NTS Revised �pri12, 2fl21 Alliance Airport Taxiway A Centerline Gig1rt Replacement Project No. 1 D31 U4 ��CTTON 00 4� 10 MAYOR AND COUNCIL CDMMUNICATION {M&C) REFERENC� '�*M&C 21- �SAFW TAXfWAY CENTERLIN� DATE: 12I1412021 NO.: 0989 �-OG NAii�E: LIGHTING REHAB CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT CODE: C TYPE: CONS�NT PUB�lC NO HEARING: SUBJEC�: (CD 7) Authorize the Execution of a Construction Contract wiih B-C Campany, in an Amount Up to $1,169,124.00 for the Construcfion of the Taxiway Alpha Centerline Light Replacem�nt P�-oject at Fort Wo�th Alliance Airpart and Adopt At�ached Appropriation Ordinance R�CO��IIEAIDAYION. It is recommended that fihe City Counc[I: �. � Authori�e the executior� of a construction contrac� with B-C Company, in an amount up to $1,169,124,Oa for the constructian af the Taxiway A{pha Centerline l.ight Replacement project at Fort Worth Alliance Airport (City Project Nos. ].03�.04 and 1.03669); and Adopt the attachec{ appropriatiqn ordinance increasing receipts and appropriations in the Alliance Airport Capiral Fund from available funds in an amount up to $316,544.90 for the purpose of funding the AFW Cargo Entitlement 2021 project (City Project No. 103669). oiscussioN: The Aviation Departm�nt is s�eking City Council (Council) approval to authorize th� �xecufion of a construction contract with B-C Company, in an amount u�a to $'f,969,124.00 for the construction of the Taxiway Alpha Centerline L.ight Replacement �roject (Project) at Fork Worth Alliance Airport (Airport). �n July 28, 2021 an� August 4, 2021, the Project was advertised in the Fort Worih 5tar-7'elegram. On Augus# 2fi, 2D2�, �he City rec�ivec� four s�aled bids fior the Project. After bids were rec�ived and re�ieweci, B-C Company was selected for the Project. The bids received are as follows: OFFERERS �arripany Inc. Contractin�, L.P. 1 Electric Comna� TOTAL BID $1,159,124.00 $1,597,969.00 $1,749,749.00 �'&�V Electrical Conttactars Inc. t $2,$44,770.�Q The locatian of this Praject is on Taxiway Alpha, Taxiway Hotel, and the connecting taxiways befween Taxiway Alpha ar�d Runway 16L134R (see at�ached map). It wil{ consist of the replacemenf of approximately 663 taxiway centerfine light fixtures and isolation transformers in existing light base cans, installation of approxirnately 86,D00 linear feet of airField lightir�g cable in existing underground electric conduit or ducts, and ofher related impro�ements. Staff proposes fund�ng the er�tire cost for this Projecf from Federal Aviation Administration (F'AA) �ntitlement Grant (Grant) funds, a portion of which is not anticipated to be received until later this fiscal year. Approval of this M&C would allacat� $607,2$7,2p frorr� the Fiscaf Year 2019 {FY19) �ntiti�menfi Grant and $245,29'[.90 from the Fiscal Year (FY2�) Entitlement Granf. The remaining $316,544.90 is expected to be paid out of the �iseal Year 2022 (�Y22) �nfitlemenf Grant, if received. Since an award has not yet been received from the FY22 Grant, today's M&C i�cludes an a�propriation from fund �aalance of up ta $31�,5�€q�.90 wiihin the Aliiance Airport Capital Fund to fill the funding gap and pravide interim financi�g for fhe remaining costs of fhe Project, [f the Airport receives the FY22 Grant funds lafer this year as anticipated, another Mayor and Council Communicatian (M&C) will be completed for the acceptance and appropriations fior the FY22 Gran� ifi awarded, including allacation of funds to t�tis praject. If the grant is awarded, the grant M&C will also include an apprapriation ordinance to "un�n" the $316,54�.9Q increase in appropriafiians being recommendad today so that thos� dollars can be returned to fund balancelavailable fund (City Project No. UNSPEC} within the Alliance Airport Capitaf Fund for future use. If �Y22 Grant funding is not �eceived, #he funds appropriated from t�e Alfiance Airport Gapital Fund, as discussec� aba�e, will remain in place to co�er a por�ion of the cosis of ihe Project. B-C Company is in compliance with the City's DBE Program by comrnitting ta 6 percent DBE participation an this Projec#. The City's DBE goal on this Project is � percent. Since no City salaries will be charged to this grant, indirect cost recovery does not apply. ADViSORY B�ARD APPROVAL — On March 11, 2fl21, the Aviation Advisory Board voted to recomm�nd that the City Cauncil apprav� the Aviation D�pa�im�nt's Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan. The Taxiway Alpha Centerl�ne Light Rep[acement project was part of the approved plan. Fort Worth Alliance Airport is located in COUNCIL DISTRfCT 7. FISCAL INFORiViATIONICERTIFICATION: The Director of Finance certifies that fur�ds are currently availakafe in the AFW Cargo Enti�lement 20� 9 and AFVII Cargo Entitlement 2021 projects within the Muni Airport Grants Federal �und and a�ailable in Unspecified All Funds within the Alliance Airport Ca�ital Fund and upon approval of the abo�e recommendations and adoption of the attached a�propriatian ordinance, funds will be available in the Alliance Airport Capifal F'und for the A�'W Cargo �ntitlement 2021 project to support fhe approval ofi th� aba�e r�commendations an.d execution of contract. Prior to an expenditure being incurred, the Aviatian Departmen# has the responsibility of verifying the a�ailability of funds. This is a reimbursement grant. Ft�nd De artment Account Pro ect Pro ram Ac�ivif Bud et Reference # Amounf P 1 � Y J ID ID Year iChartfield 21 Submitted for Citv f�anac�er's OfFice bv: Fernando Costa (6122) Oriqinatinq Department Head: Roger Venables (6334) ao as is AI7DENDA Page 1 of l7 SECTYON 00 0� 1� /:l»�11�1 CITY OF FOItT Rs'QRTH Alliance Airport Taxiway A Centerle�ie Liglit Aeplacement STANDARI] CONSTRUCTIpN SPECIFICATIpN DbCl1MENT5 ProjectNo. ID3104 Ke�ised Aprel 2, 2p2i �I �' � I� �'ort Worth AL[iance Airport Taxiway A Centerline Lighf Rep[acement Addendum 1 August 19, 2021 1. Ciari�Fica�ion of Bid Tab Li�e Item: a. The A�CMS line item shall be a non--AIP eLigibl� item. Solicitatinn Questions and Artswers Numl�er Question � Answer Does kk�is �r�j��t req�ii�e �F�e �rey�alification ca�e[��riPs th� City of Fo�# Wo�tl� re�uir� �re�K�a�i����#ioi� b}+tl�e a��� Roa€�w�y a�ro Pedeslriart Ligflking, As�xl��E�J�onc�e�� conir�ct�r� I FiT�d e�ne ���t��n pavin�, and UVat�r and �ar�itai� Se�v�r �r}�talfation, Given R��c�ss�ta�i�ig tf�tere are r7o c�tego�ir�s sucl�f �s �l�es� f�r tF��s pf��ect, no pre- pr�����ilfi�a�inr�, I�ut ano#h�a� q��alificatior� is ��ece�sary r��entiar�s �r71� pavri�9� ���dway a�ci 1��d�striar� �ighting �rojett�5 req�iring �,r��u��if�catior�, I� rey�i�ed �a �rt�u hav� an enrait ac��lre�s, I ca� �ortvar�l farm� anri �up�o�tin� cloc�rr��r�[s t�� Please ad�ise how I wouLd go about finding the bid docs for the Airport Taxiway Alpha Centerline l.ight Replacement � D3104? They can be found on the City of �'ori 'Worth's Purchasing website: hi�.ps:��www.for�worthtcxa5.g�yr.�eparlmc,�u�lfinru►„�� rci,,���n bi ds-current7dlv FW°�o2�CL%20Public%20Bids%2U• %2UCurrent---(pa�eindex=3 } CITY QP FORT WORTf-i ST�,IIDARI7 CONSTRL3CTIQN SPECIPICATIQN T?OCUMBNTS ADDENDIJIVI I Alliance Airport Taxiway A Center[ine Liglit Replacement Project No. 103104 � _ , . I �' �i'� Fort 'W'orth ,4lliance Airport Taxiway A Center�ine �ight Replatement Adde�dum 2 AugusC 2Q, 202� Solicitation Questions and Answers Number 4uestian � f�n{�C� th� r��ti4 l.�-�G�3�3 s#�ailaw bas� ca��s �Lir�e Item t�7 3) b� in�tal�ed in �E�c sa��� latatior� ��� the �-�F�8F3 s1�aELow bas� ca��s to bc r�m�ve�j (l,ir�� It�r1� #`r14�? 2 Please confirm if ground rods are required to be instaLled adjacent to each new L--868B shallow base 3 �� � �ca n. V�+ill �3�d It�m �#� pa.�+ For tJ�e r�mov�� ofi ex�sikr�t� bLar�lt ba�� plat�� that ar� s�heduled ko i�e re�la�_�d with a Fix�ure? The phasing plans are instructing the contractor to blank off the guidance signs in each of the eight phases. Can the owner and/or engineer provide a guidance sign plan drav�ring so that the contractor can correttly price the number of signs that will require to be bLanl�ed? �s tl7e car7l•r�ctor t� us� �+��nk panel� �r can #hey wrap kl�� �t��r��r�te s�gns wi��t bl�rk po�y to bka nk okit tk�e �ui�drlC� 5igrl5� Answer Ye5 Yes Na�, El��� �x��]] lae inc�c€:;�3t�� Eo assuti.3�stecl pay i��.tns. Tl�e is no confarmed airfield signage plau for this projecl. '1'iye cnntra�E�+r 41r�3]] ��:�e hlank paiic�is l�r 1,�acE� ��uE guid��nce *i��s. JI�F�e cc}nir��tr�r.wlr��ll ���Um� I I1f� 1�1;3�i1c �iiT1�Iti �1�1" �f�fikSl:, Cl`iY pF FORT WORTH Al{iance Airport Taxiway A STANDARD COAIS'FRUCTION SPFCIFICATION DOCUMENTS Centerline Light Replacemant ADBENDUM 2 Projest I��. i 031 Q4 � � � r �f �ort Wor�h Alliance Airport iaxiway A Cen�erline Light Replacement Addendum 3 August �4, 202'i 1. Omitted Specification Sect'ion: a. Disad�antage Business Er�terprise 5pecifications was omitted from the Specification and Cantra�t documentations. [i is attached tio this addendum. CITY OF FDRT WQR'FH Alliance Airport TaYiway A STANDARI] CO�ISTKLTCTIpAI SPECT�'ICATTON DOCUMEi�lTS Cenierline Lighl Replacement ADTJ�NDUIv13 Praject Na, 103104 ����' ���$�'I� �1�� O'� �OI"f �OI"$}'l �isad�an�aged �usiness �nierprise �pecifications ���CIA� Ii�SiI�UCiIOi�S FOF2 �FF�ROa� AI'F'I�ICATION O� POL.ICY If the total dol[ar value of the contracf is $5fl 000.01 ar more, then a I]R� suhcontrac�in oal is a licable. POLICY S fATE�IfE_AfT It is the policy of the City of For� Worth to �nsure the full and equitable par�icipation by Disad�antage Business Enterprises (DBE) in the procurement of all goods and services to the City on a contractual �asis. The objective of the Policy is to increase the use af DBE firms to a le�el comparable to the availability of DBEs that provide goods and servic�s directly or indirectiy to the City. All requiremen�s and regulations stated in the City's current Disadvantage Business Enkerprise Program apply to this bid. ��� �r��ect Goafs Tn� � siy�s �BE gaai fl►� th6s nro;�oi i� 6 °� of T.he L��e nid ��iue �f the r-�ntraci. COMPL,IANCE TO BID SF'ECIFICAT[ONS On City coniracts of $�O,fl0a.01 or mare where a DBE subcontracting goal is applied, bidders are required to compfy with the intent of the Gity's DB� policy by either of the following: 'I. Meet or exceed the abo�e stated DBE goal through DBE subcontracting participation, or 2. Meet or exc�ad the above stated DBE goal through DBE Jaint Ventur� participation, or; 3. Good Faith Effort documentation, or ; 4, Prime Wai�er documentation. SUBiiflITTAL OF REQl11RED DOCUIIaYENTATIQN The appficable documents must be received by the Purchasing D9�ision, within the following times allocated, in order for th� entire hid to be considered responsi►te to the specifications.� Tns Of��r��r srE�ii rl?e;�v�r ir:� C�F?L d^��rrrr�.+���n•r iri ` er:uri to i�e � ru_ r19�� �Rrr �o e� �( �I�� u��h��in cii��sio�� and oblalr� ��kai�l�Il�i� ��ccni ���L� r�c�i i shall �e � Pp � f� Y P � E�•� P ev�s�e+rci: th�� �I�i� City ra��a�+��! kh� daaumeni�i�ai� iiti 1hF� trrr�� allaeaE�d. A faxed a��d�or �ittiailed co�y wtll not lxe accep#ed '{. Subcontractor Utilization Form, if goal is received no later than 2:Q0 p.m., on the second City business day met or exceeded: after the bid o enin date, exclus��e of t�e bid o enin date. 2. Gaod Faith �ffort and Subcanfractor recei�ed na later than 2:00 p.m., on the second City business day Utilization �orm, if partici�ation is less than after the bid opening date, exclusi�e of the bid opening date. sfated oal: 3. Goad Faith EfFork and Subcontractor received no later than 2:00 p.m.,. on the second City 6usiness day lJtilization �orm, if no n6� participatian: after the bid o enin date, exclusive of the bid opening date. 4. Prime Contractar Waiv�r Form, if you will recei�ed nq later than 2:00 p.rn.,. on the second City business day erfflrm all subcontractin Isup�lier work: after the bid opening date, exclusi�e of the bid o ening date. 3. Joint Venture Form, if goa[ is met or received no later than 2;00 p.m., on the secand City business day exceeded: after the bid opening date, exclusi�e of the 6id opening date. FAlLURE TO COMPLY WITH THE CIT`Y'S DBE POLICY, WILL RESULT [N TNE Blb BEIIVG CONSIDERED NO� RESPONSIVE TO SPECIFIGA710NS. FAILUR� TO S�1BM[T 7H� R�Qt11REb bB� DOCLlNiEN7A710N W[LL RE5ULT IN TH� BID B�ING CONSII]�R�D NOK-RESPONSIVE. A SECOND FAILURE WILL RESLJLT IN ��-!� OFFERC}R R�Ir�c�; n�S[��1,4� IFIFn Fc�� ;� PERIOD OF ONE YEAR. THREE FAI�URES 1N A FII/E YEAR i��!?!�n WILL i4�Sll�T IN A C�l��uA�y�1CAYlON PER[DD OF THREE YEARS. Any questions, please contact the Office of Business D9versity at (81i) 392-2674, Offtce of l3usiness pi�ersiiy Email: mwbeofFee@forLworthtexas.gov Re�. 5115119 Phone: (817) 392-2674 Q M � O � r � � _� Q Q � � s� � � � � � � � � � � � �� � •� +�A � � �+ B � � � �q O _ �� � � � � � � � � � � � r � � w � n •� C � p +_� O `�'a � Z .� � ❑ � U u1 � L y D � .� � O � Y ❑ N � U a z � a a � Q U � � u� � D u� � a � H (� w � a a 11J a ❑ a m � � � z H U w � � a \ e 1- Z W � H � � U J O c� W oGi ❑ IA � � 0 :.i O c� � � 6 � � � � � � � � � 5 � � � � � .� � � � � +F�.e � � � .� � � � L � � � C � O � �� � a� d �7 C E � O � v O � � L � �t . � �i A O � � � � � � �� �7 .� N �+ +'�+ U O � c a�a N � �� �, o O � l�G �- o� �� �[T N � � � � � L] � � � ��a�i � C N 3°� � ,� :� �a � .a � � � �N '+" � `� 5 � ` �N � � � � ty in C " ���,p, � N �� � y �+� d i�! i y m .� ,� o��' � � G. � C R � � � � O � � a�� � E-°c,� O � � c ;� b 0.= '> > 3 � N Qj � � � �3 �, � * `.E � � d � � O D :� � �o � � Q1 �'�Oo� � � 6 � � Cp C *� � � O. � � 6 � p���� �i � � � � � �°E`'o �� d G � G t. � O ,,Q �� � � � � .a ��� ��.— � o �� � � � � C �'Q N R '�' � � R ;�+ � � �,�'L� � y C � � N � � C C 7� � � � � � � � � � R � �o��'� ��"�8 � �, � �w �� �O � {" fs.1 e y � � �:� O'�� 1�3�� � �•� �E�,�,a► ��`o�� '� � � � a b O � � � p � � � ca a `e �a ri. �(� A� ��� �d � N � V � C � � o � o ��.��,Y� �Y �� ���o�� �3ta��+ �`��,�tL� 8 o�v ��' �� �� c�c a � d 1 � � � �p _� �+ � p O � � � � � N � �.��� �� � �` O � C7 � ;�' � ..-� � ` c� w o � =a���4° rd .c C� (� 9 x w~� C� � �,� .� g �, � � � � � � �.% �„�� �� � � � � "'' � C ,a�NE�g. a a.6�,� �p �.�'� a'� N�3,o��., � �� s0 '� �i � ���'�'� ���p`� W D] � a. ����$� o � � � � � � � � 3 � � � � � � � � � �oyo�� � � � L N C d � m .•�o C � •� � ��� $~a L ` V Q � � 'w � �� � ON p 'p� p G� `�il � .� '� �I Q- O a'' � p +�-' N E o ,a � Gl p, R � �. 3 ��� c � � y � C'�"G � a� � �� � � � d .� c � y � � � G � � � �W d � � Efl � � a� Q � ~ �� � a��i °� � � .Q � ;� �•p m � ` O � � � D ;� <p N � ` � C .� $ � � � w H � � � D � � �, s� o � � C ` lVN � O � � � T �La ��o � L �F C C �y � c� c. � �' �a 7 • E �. 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All questions on this form must be completed and a detailed expla�atian �ro�ided, if applicable. ]f the answer to either questian is NO, then you must complete AT7ACHM�NT 1C. 7his form is only applicable if,a.�th answers are yes, Failure to Lom�iJete i�i� fortn in its en�Er��y and be r�c�tv�d by kl�e P��rchasir�� aivisivn r�o later tl3�n 2:L�0 p.�. on li�e serond �i[u h�isiness �av afte.r hid ouen�nn, exelusive ot the bid apenii�� d���, wi91 res�it iiti tE�� b�d l�eintJ consttl�r�r� i�an�res�����s�ve ta Fiid s�ec€�icatio�s, Vllill you perform this entire confract without suhcontractors? Y�� If yes, please pro�ide a detailed explanaiion that pro�es based on the size and scop� of this NO project, this is your normal business practice and pro�ide an operational prQfile of your business. ►lVill you perform this ent�re contract w'rthout suppliers? Y�s If yas, please pravide a detailed explanation that pra�as based on the size and scope of this praject, thfs is your normal business practice and provide an inventary profile of your business. NO The Offeror further agrees to prouide, directly to the City upan requesi, camplete and accurate inforrnatifln regarding actual work performed by all subcontractors, including DBE{s) on this co�tract, the payrnent thereaf and any proposed changes to the original DBE(s) arrangements submitted with this bid. The Off�ror also agr�es fo a�low an audit andlor examination of any books, r�cords and files held by their company that w911 substantiate the actual wark performed by the DBEs on this confract, by an authorized officer or employee of the City. Any irttentional andlar knowing misrepresentation of facts will be grounds for t�rminating the contract or debarment from City work for a period of nof less than three (3) years and for initiating actian under Federal, State or Local laws concerning false statements. Any failure to com�ly wikh this ordinance creak�s a material breach of contract may result in a de#errr�ination of an irresponsible Offeror and barred from participating �n Ciky work for a period of time not less than one (1) year, Authnrized Signature Title Company Name Address CitylSlatelZip Printed 5ignature Contact N.ame (if different} Phone Number Fax Nurnber Email Address Date Q�ce of Business Diversity Rev. 5l95�99 Email: mwbeoffice@fortworthtexas.gov Phone: (897) 392-2674 ATTACHM�N7 'CC f'age 1 of 4 �� l�'i' �� Yt'�' � I �ity o� �orfi l�Vor�h �isadr�anfaged �us`rness �nterprise ��� Good �ai�h ���or� �orm OF'F�ROR COMPANY NAM�: Check applicable box tn describe Offeror's Certificat[on PR�JECT NAME: B@ DATE City's DBE Project Coaf: dfferor's DSE Project Commitment: PROJECT NUMBER % % If ;he QfFeror dicE nflt mee# or exceed the �B� s��acontracting goal for t�is project. the Offeror must compleie this form. � [fi the Offeror's method of compliance wi�h t1�e DBE goal is based upon demonstration of a "good faifh effort", the Offeror will have t�e burden of correctly and accurately preparing and submitting th� docu�nentation required by the City. Compliance with each it�m, 1 thru 11 below, sf�ail satisfy the Goad Faith Effart requirement absent proof of fraud, infentional andlor knawing misrepresentation #he facts or intentional discrimination by the Offeror. �aifure Eo complete this form, ir� i#s e�±tiret� with sunnorting documentation; and received bv the Purchasing Division �wa la*�r ti��� 2;��? p.[71. G:1 �Tip S�C011d k':'!'V �z��inacc ��V d�ep �,+;'� O�ryeprnC�, �xr_li�ciy�� of bid a�ening date, r�uill �result �n ths 1���1 be�in� en��idered n�n-responsiv� t� ��� �peGificatians. 1.) Please list eacf� and every subcontracting andlor supplier o�portunity for the campletion of this project, regardCess of whether it is to be pravided by a DBE ar non-DBE. (DO NOT LIST NAI4AES OF FIRMS] On all prajects, the Offeror musk list each suhcontracfing and or supp[ier opportunity regard{ess af tier. (Use� acldifianal sheefs, if necessary) List of Subcontracting Opportunities List of Supplier Dpporkunities Re�. 5115I19 ATTACHM�f�T 7C Page2of4 2.) Obfain a current (not more than two (2) months old from the bfd apen date) list of I�BE subcontrac�ors andlor suppliers from the City's Office of Business Di�ersity. ❑ Yes � No Date of Listing 3.} pid you solicit bids from I]BE firins, withln the subcontracting andlor supplier areas pr��ious[y list�d, at least ten caler�dar days prior to bid opening by mail, exclusive of the day the bids are opened? ❑ Yes pf yes, attach DSE mail IfsEin� ta include name of �rm and address and a dated copy of ]etier mailcd.j ❑ No 4.) Did yau solicit bids from DBE firms, wi�hin the subcontracting andlor supplier areas previously listed, at [eas� ten caEendar days priar ta bid opening by tele�hon�, exclusive of Ehe da�r the bids ar� opened? ❑ Y�s (IFyes, attach Eist to inc[ude name of qB� firm, A2rsOn contacted, nhone number and date and �ime nf cankact.) Q No 5.) Did you solicit bids from DBE firms, within the subconEracting andlor supp�ier areas pre�io�sly Cisted, af least ten calendar ciays prior fo Y�id opening hy facsimile (fax), exelusi�e of the day the hids are opened? ❑ Yes ❑ No (If yes, attach lisi to include name of �BE firm, fax number and date and kirrEe af contact. In addition, if tf�e fax is returned as undeiiverable, then that "undeli�era6le confirmation" received must be printed directiy from the facsimile for proper docamentation. Failure #o submit confirmafiian andlor "undeEiverab[e confirmation" documentatian may render the GF� non-responsive.) 6.j Did yau soficit hids from DBE firms, within the subcontracfing andlor suppliar areas pr��iously listed, at least ten calendar days prior to hid opening by erxail, excfusive a# the day th�e bicls are apened? ❑ Yes ❑ Ido (If yes, attach email confirmatian to include name of DBE firm, date and time. in addition, if an emaif is ret�rned as undeli�erable, then that "undelivera6le message" receipt m�st be printecf directly from the email system for proper documentation. Failure to suf�mit confirmation artdfar "undeliverable message" documentation may render the GFE non-responsive.) Np��; '�J��a fr��ir pinafhnrlg ir,�antifiprl ahnva arA �cc�ptabl� for sol➢citing hids; and each selec#ed methad 1111ISi bg :�t�o�'le+� k'w' #�36 .?�.��{C�bie G�„trar�. ti�o k:.3�fernr r�:4�Y� �'4'.^,�!^a!k� l'h2l �Jthpr �� I�?�# k�11►O �ttPrrintc were made usin� twa �f ±n� #���r an�thnc�� �r i��at at least +�ne successful rnntact �++as made �sina ��e ot the f�ur methc�ds Rf� o�r�¢r tn r�eemed �°ec�n�?�iy� tt� ttt�? G[�nrt Faith k�for't r'���irerr�ei�t, NOTE: The �3ffer'D�' �!!���# C4ntart ��� �n[ire I�R� Fist specific to each suhcontracting �!�;� G���nlier opportunity tO �? ffl C^?'Tlj]IIFi11C$ yIVIfM 4�y.�¢sti�ns 3 th!��F +3. �.j Did you pro�ide plans and specifications to potential DB�s? ❑ Yes ❑ No 8.) bid you provide the information regarding #he lacation of plans and specificaiions in order to assist the DBEs? � Yes ❑ 10 Rev. 5115I19 ATTACHMENT 1C Page 3 of 4 9.) Did you prepare a quofatian fnr the DBEs fio bic3 on goodslser�ices specifTc fio their skill set? ❑ Yes (lf yes, attach all copies of quotations.� ❑ No 10.) Was the ctintact information on any of the listings not valid? � �(�g (If yes, attac� the infarmation that was no� �aiid in order for the Office of Business Di�ersity ta address the corrections needed.j ❑ No 11.)Submit documentation if DBE quotes were rejected. T1�e documenfation suhmifted should be in t�e forms of an af#idavit, include a detailed �xplanation of why the DBE was rejected and any supparting dncumentatian the Offeror wishes ta i�e eonsidered by the City. In the event of a i�ona fide dispute concerning quotes, the Off�ror wifl pravide for confidential in-camera aecess to an inspection of any relevant documentation by Ciiy personnel. Please use additiona! sheets, if necessar , and attach. Cotnpany Name Telept�one Corttact Person Scope of Work Reason for l�e'ection ADDITIDNAL IN�ORMATI�N: Please provide additional information you feel wil[ further explain your goad and hanest effarts to ob�ain DBE part�cipation on this project. �he O��reror �urther agrees to pro�ide, directiy �o �he Cify upon reques�, complefe and accuraie in�'ormagion regarding ac�ual work �ae�ormed on �his corifiracf, �he paymen� �h�reof and any proposed changes fio �he original arrang�m�nts suhmiited wifih this bid. �'he Offeror also agrees fio allow an audii andlor examination of any books, records and �iles held hy �heir company fhaf wi[1 suhs�an#iafe ihe acfual wor[c perfiormed on this contrac�, by an aufhorized offic�r or employee o� the Cify. Any infen�ional andlor �nowing misrepresenfafion o� �acfs will be grounds for �erm�nafing �he cort�rac� or debarmen� �rom Cify work �or a perrad o� no� less than three {3) years and for initiafiing acfiion under �ederal, S�aie or Local laws concerning false stafiemenfis. Any irailure 4o comply wi�h this ardinance shall create a material breach of con�rac� and may resul� in a de�ermina4�on of an irresponsible Of�eror and debarmenf �rom participating in City work for a p�riod of time no� less ihan or�e (1) year. Rev. 5115I19 ATTACHM�NT 1C Page �4 of 4 7he undersigned certifies �hafi fihe informafiion provided and the 9��(s) listed waslwere cor��ac�ed in good faith. I� is understood �ha� any DE�E(s) lis�ed irt Aftachmen� 1C wi[! be con�ac�ed and fih� r�aso�s for no� using �hem will he �erified by the Ciiy's �f�ce of �usiness �i�ersity. Authorized Signature Title Company Nama Addr�ss CitylStakelZip Printed Signature Contact Name a.nd Title (if differentj Phane Number Fax Number Email Address �afe Office of Business Diversity �mail: mwbeo�fice@fortworthtexas.go� �hon�: (817) 352-2674 Rev. 5I4 511 S Joint Venture Page 1 of 3 �'� fl�'I' �� l�"g' H[ CITY OF F�RT WORTH DBE Joint Venture Eligibiiitv Form .411 qa�esfians must be rtfss►vere�l; use "N/A" if ►tot a,pplieable. Nam.e of City project: 1. Joint veuture information: A joint veiiture Corm mrist be eamp[cted on eacJi project RFP/Bid/Project Number: _ roinfi Ventu��e Nanle: 7oiut V�ntu��e Address: (I. f afaplicAhle) Telephone: Facsimile: E-mail Cellular: Identify tlte fir�r►s that comprise the jo�nt venture: Please attach extra sheets it additrona! space is required to provide detai�ed ekp�anations of work to be performed by each fir�rt comprising the 'nrnt venture DBE tirm IVon-DBE iirm ua�ne: name• Business Address: Business Address: City, 5tate, Zip: City, 5iate, Zip: Telephone �,_m��l Telepl�one E-mail Cellular Pacsimilc CeIluier Facsimile Certification Status: Name of Certifying A�ency: 2. Sco e of work erformed b the Joi�t Ve�eture: Describe the sco e of work af the DBE: Describe the sco e of v�ork af ihe non-DBE: Rev. 5/15119 Joint Venture f'aga 2 of 3 3. What is the percentage of DBE participation on this joint venture that you wish io be coun�ed toward meeting the project goal? 4. Attach a co�ay of the jaint venture agreement. 5. List eomponents of ownership of joint venture: (Do not cornplete if tl2is information is desc��ibed tnjoinl uent�rre agreement� Prafit and loss shaa•ing: Capital contri6utions, including eguipment: Other applicable ownership interests: 6. �dentify by name, race, sex and firm of those individnals (with titles} who are res�onsible for the day-to-day management and decision making ofthe jaint venture: Financial decisions (to inelude Account Payable and Receivahle): Management decisions: a. Estimating b. Marketing and Sales c. �Iiring and �iring of management personnel � d, Purchasing af majar equipment andlor supplies Supervision of field operations The Cify's Office of Business Divers'ity will review your jaint ver�f�re submission and will have final appro�al of the DBE percentage applied toward the goaf far the praject listed an this form. NOTE: From and after tne date of project award, ifi any of the partic�pants, khe individually defined scopes Qf work or the dollar amountslpercentages change fram the originally approved information, then the participants must inform th� Ci�y's Office of Business Diversity immediately for app�flval. Any unjus#ified change or deletian sf�all be a materiaf breach of contract and may result in debarment in accord w9th tha procedures outlined in fhe City's DBE Program. Re�. 51'[5199 Joint Venture Pa e3of3 AFFIDAVYT Tl�e undez•signed a�fi�'�ns tl�at tilie faregoin� statetnents are trua and correct and include all niaterial infbrrnatian necessaty to identify ai�►d explain the fei•ms and operatian of the joint venture. Furth�rrnare, t11e tiutdersig�ad shall agree to provide to the joint venture the staied scape of wnrk, decision-maIting responsi6ilities and payments 1}erein. The Czfy alsa reserves the rzght #o request any additional informatian deemed neeessary to determine ifthe �ov1Y venture is eligible. F'ailure to cooperate andlor provide requested information within the time speci�ad is. grounds for termination af the eligibility process. The u�idersigned agree to perinit al�dits, interviews with owilers and examinatiori of the books, records and iiles of tl�e joint veniure by any authorized representatives o� the City of Fort Wortli. �'ailure to comply with this provision sllall re�zi.It in tl�e termination af any contract, which �nay be awarded under tlae pro�isions of this joint ventu�•e's eligibiIit}� and may initiate action undej• Federal, Sta#e andlor Local lawslordinances cnncerniug faIse statements or willful mzsrepresentation of facts: -• --•----•---•----------------__�_.�...�_� - ----------------._ .__.._......�.........._.._._._�_.__._.___._------------------------------------------------- Name ofDBC Firtn Name ofnon-DBE frm 1'rinted Name of Owner Prin#ed Name of Owne� Signahrne of �wner 5ignature of O.wner Printed Name of �wner Printed Name of Owner Signature of Owner Signah�re of Ownee Title Title Dale Date Notarization State of On tl�is County of day af , 20 , before ine appea.red and to me personally known and who, bein� duly sworn, did e�ecute the �oregoing afFdavit and did state that they vvere properly authorized to execut� this af�davit and did so as their free act and deed. Notary Public Priut Name Notaiy Public si�uatu�e Cornmission Expi�•es _ (���1Ge Q�BLl5ll1�SS D1V�rS1� Email: mwbeoffice rr forlworthtexas.gav Pl�oiie: (817) 392-2674 (ser�l) Reu, 5115119 Req�es� �or �is�ing �'o��i�o�Tx City af Fort Worfh �ffice of $� DiYersily 1000 Throckmorton St. Fort Worth TX 781D2 Office:{877)3€2-2674 �3 ' MWBE cooaS�sBN�c�t Fax; �817)3g2•2681 MBE Construction � DBE � 5BE Ptafessional A&E � MBE AA Profiessional � [ PI.EASE ANSW�� �.�L �lUES�'IOMS ON THIS FORM TO �NSLiRE FAST�R PROC�SSING COMPANY NAME: ADDRESS: C]TYISTATEIZIP: REQUESTER'S NAlNE: PHONE: FAX: �MAIL; IS TH15 A CITY OF FORT WQRTH FUNDED PROJECT? Yes ar No fF Y�5, PL�AS� Pk�4Vlti� PRaJEC7 NAME. IS THIS A FEDERAL FUNDEU PRQJECT? IF YE5 PLEAS� PRQVID� PRDJ�CT �IAM� 50 7HA7 WE CAN PROVfQE A DBE LISTING BID OPENING DA�E; PROPDSAL DATE: TYP� fl� PROJEC7: CONS7Rl1CTI0N PROFESSIONAL PROFES510HAL (RFP) PR�FES514NAL (RFQ) PURCHASING PLEASE [NI]ICATE HOW YOU WOULD LIKE TO RECIEN� YOUR REQUEST: FAX �MAIL CONTRACTORICONSEIL7ANT OPPORTUNIi[�S SUPPLIER DPPORTUiVIT[E5 This listing inclusive of ti�e commodities you requested can be utilized far Ewv manths from the date af this letfer as outlined In ihe Business Qi�ersiky �rdinanae #20020-12-2D19. If additianal commodities are needed within this two month peNod please cali the NVWBE OfFce at (877j 352-2674 or fax (817) 392-2681 ar email your request io the MlWB� Office at; mwbeaf�ce@for#worthtexas,gov. ao ii �3 INVITA'TION T4 BIDD�RS Page 1 af G sECTioN ao ii i3 INVITATION TO BIDDERS RECEIPT OF B�DS Sealed bids for the construction of Alliance Air ort Taxiwa A Cenierline Li ht Re laeement Pro' ect No. 103104 ("Project°') wiIl be raceived by the City of Foz't Worth PLtrchasing Off�ce: City of Fort GVorth Purchasing Division 200 Texas Street Forc Worth, Texas 76102 until I:30 P.M. CDT, Thursday, Au�ust 26, 202I. Bids will be opened puhlicly and read alat�d at 2:0� �'M CDT in the Gouncil Chambers. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK The majar work will ennsist afthe (approximate) fall�wing: Construction of Taxiway A Cenierline Light Replacement, including insfallation af approximatefy 663 L-8�3� taxiway centerlinelight�xtures attd Ir 830 isolation transformers in existing Light base caas, 86,000 linear feet nf L-8�4 air�e�d lighting cable installec3 i� exisfing underground eleetrical conduit ar duct, and oth�r related impro�ements. PREQUALIFICATION The itnpravements included in this project must be performed by a contractor who is pre-qualified by the Czty at the time of bid opening. The procedures for qualification and pre-qualific�tion are outlined in the Seetion 00 21 13 -- INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS. DOCUMENT EXANIINATION AND PROCUREMENTS The Bidding and Contract Documents may be examined or obtained on-lin,e by visiting the City of Fort Warth's Purchasing Division website at hi�p://wwr� fortworthte� �,.�uvi.pui�hasing/ aaad clicking on the link io the advertised pt•oject folders on the City's el ectroni c ciocumer►t management anci collaboration system site. The Cnntract Documents may be dawnloaded, viewed, and printed by interested contractors and/orsuppliers. Copies oithe Bidding and Coniract Documents xaaay ba downfoad�d from the City ofFort Worth Furchasing website (documents wili not be made available for viawing in persan): https:iifortworthtexa s,gnvlpurChaS i n�/ Click l 03104: Taxiway A Centerline Light Replacement Click Download to dawnload a ZIP file of the project documents PREBID CONFERENCE A prebid conferel�ce rnay be held a� discussed in Section QO 21 following date, and iime via a web conferencing appIication: DATE: August 12, 2021 TIME: 1 �:00 am PLACE: Virtua[ Meeting CITY OF FORT WORTH 3TANDAItb COI�iSTRT7CTION SPECIFICATION DOCUNEENTS Revised Apri12, 2021 13 - INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS at the AUia��ce AirporY Taxiwny A CenterEine Light Replacement Projeci Na. 103 i Q4 OO l l 13 INVITATION TO BIDDEitS Page 2 of b CIick ar paste the fallowing link into your brawser: https ://teams.m i crncolt.com/! /mc�tu,� }ain/19%3ameeting�ZiU4YzY 1 ZYnUtZGY4Yi0p1�z1mLWFle1V zAtNiBhZmZ10DM3YjEw%40thread .v2/07context=%7b%22Tid%22 %3 a%�23 724779$-f42 c-42fd-8a37- d49c7128d36b%22%2c%220id%22%3a%220f4befc8-36a7-47�3-9634-e4 S90aabf3eS °/a22%7d Or call in (audia only); +1 469-214-5538,,581248974# Phan� Canference ID: 581 248 974# CITY'S RIGHT TO ACCEPT OR REJ�CT BIDS City reserves the right to waive irregularities and to accept or reject bids. Executi.on af this project is contingent upon receipt of Federai Aviation Administration grand iunds expected to be received within 90 days of bid ap�ning. AWARD City wrIl award considered. FUNDING a contract to the Bidder presentiilg the lowest price, qualificatior�s and cornpetencies Any Contract awarded under this TNVrTATION TO BIDDERS is �xp�cted to be funded from rev�nues generated from Federal Aviation Adz�aini,stratfon (FAA1 Airpart �mprovernentPro�:ram (AIP1 �rantand reserved by the City for the Project. NOTICE OF REQUIREMENT FOR AFFIRMATNE ACTION ta ENSURE EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNI.TY 1. The Offeror's ar Bidder's attention is called to the "Equal Opportur;ity Clause" and the "Standard.Federal Equal EmpIoynnent Opportunity Construction Cantraet 5.pecifications" set forth herein. 2. The goals and timetables for minority and female participation, expressed in percentage terms for the Contractor's aggregate workforce in each trade on all construction worlc in the cavered a�•ea, are as fO�lOWS: Timetables Goals for minority participation for each trade: 18.2% Gaals for female participation in each trade: fi.9% These goals are applieable to all of the Cantracior's construction �vork {whether or not it is Fedea�a� or federally assisted} performed in tk�e cavered area. If the Contractor performs construction work in a geographical area located oUtside oi the co�ered area, it shall apgly ihe goals esiablished for such geographical ar�a where the vvork is actualIy pez•forrned. With reg�ard to this second area, the Contractor also is subject to the goals for both its federally involved and non-federally i3ivolved construction. The Cantractor's campliance with the Executive Order and the ��egulations in 41 CFR Part 60-4 shall be based on its implementation of the Equal Opportunity Clause, specifc affirrr►ative action obligations required by the specif cations set %rth in 41 CFR 60-4.3 (a) and its effo�ts to rneet the goals. Tha hours o.f minority and fernale employnient and t�•aining must be substantially unifarm throughout the Iength ofihe CITY OF FOIt"C WORTI I Alliaiice Airport TaYiway A Centerline Lighl Raplacement STANDAR� CONSTRUCTiQN SP�CIP1CATfON DOCUIVIENTS PrajectNo. 103104 Revised A}�ril 2, 2021 ao�iis INVI7'ATION TO BIDDERS Page 3 of & cont�•ack, and in each �cade, �nd ihe Cont�•actor shall malfe a good faith effort to employ minorities and women evenly on each oiits projects. The transfer of minority ar female ez�npIoyaes or t�•ainees from Contractor ia Contractior a�'from project ta project for the sole puz'pos� af�r�e�ting the Contrac.tor's goals s�all be a violation of the contract, the Executive Order and the regulations in 4] CFR Part b0-4. Camp.liance witk� the goals will be m.easua•ed against the tatal work �iours performed. The Gontractor shall provide wi•itten notification to the Director of Che Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) within 10 working days of award of any construction subcantract in excess af $1 Q,000 at any tier for eonstruction work under the cann•act resulting from this solieitation. The no�iiication shall list the na�ne, address, ai�d t�lephone ilumber of the subcontractor; ernpioyer identification number ofthe subcoz�tracto�•; estimated do]lar amount flfthe subcont�•act; estimated sta�tii�g and completion dates of the subconti�act; and the geographical area in which the subcontraet is to be performed. 4. As used in this notice and in the contract resultii�g frnm this solicitatior�, tl�e "cov�r�d area" is Texas, Tarrant County, Fnri Worth. BUY AMERICAN PREFERENCE The Contractar agrees to comply with �49 U�C § SOTO1, which provides that Federal funds may not be obligated unless all steel and manufactui•ed goods used in AIP funded profects are produced in the United States, unless the Federal Aviatian Administrafion has issued a waiver for the praduct; tlle praduct is listed as an �xcepted Article, Material Or 5upply in Federal Acquisition Regulation subpart 25.108, ar is included in the FAA Nationwide Buy Arnerican Waivers Iss.ued list. A bidder or offeror must complele and submit ihe Buy America certification inciuded nerein with their bid or offer. The Owner will reject as nonresponsive any bid �r offer that does not include a co�xapleted Certificate of Buy Azn�erican Compliance. TITLE Vi SOLICITATI�N NOT�CE: The City of�'ort Worth, in accnrdance with tl�e provis'rans o.f Title VI ofthe Civil Rights Act of 1964 (78 Stat. 252, 42 USC §§ 2000d to 2000d-4) and the Regulations, hereby notifies all bidders or offerors that it will af�rmatively ensure that any contract entered into pursuant to this advei�tisement, [select d.isadvantageci business enterprises ar airport concession disad�antaged business enterprises] will be affarded full and fair opportunity to submit b�ds in respanse to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds ofrace, colar, or national o.rigin in consideration for an award. C�RTIFICATION OF OFFERER/BIDDER REGARDING DEBARMENT By submitting a hid/proposal und�r this solicitation, the bidder or offeror certi�es that neither it nor its pi•incipals are presently dabarred or suspended by any Federal deparhnent or agency from participatinn inthis transaction. DISADVANTAGED SUSINESS ENTERPRISE GOAL The Owner's award of this cont�•act is conditioned upan Bidder or Offeror satisfying the good failh effoi�C requirements of 49 CFR §26.53. As a condition af bid responsiveness, the Bidder or Off'eror must submit the %Ilowing information with its CITY QF FORT WORTH AI[iance ArrporE Taxiway A Centerline Ltglrt Replacement STAI�lDARD CON5T1�lJCT10N SYECIFICATIQN Dp.GUMENTS ProjectNo. 103104 Revised April 2, 202L 0011 [3 INVITATI(71�] TO BIDD�R3 Page 4 of 6 proposal on the forms provlded l�ereip; 1) The names and addresses of Disadvantaged Busincss Enterprise (DBE) firms that will participate in the cont��aet; 2} A description of the work that ea�h DBE fi•m will perform; 3} The dollar amouni of tlie participaiian of each DBE firm Iisted under (1) 4) Writt��� statement from Bidder nr OfFeror that attests their commitment to use the DBE firm(s) listed under (1) ta meet the Owner's praject goal; and S) If Bidder or Offeror cannat meet the advertised project DBE goal, evidence of good faith efforts �mdea•taken by the Bidder or Offe�ro�• as described in appetldix A to 49 CFR part 26. The awner's award nf this contract is conditio�aed up�n Bzdder or Offeroz• satisfying the good faith effort requi�'ements of 49 CFR §2b.53. The successful Biddex• or Qfferor zaaust provide written conf rmation of participation from each of the DBE firms the Bidder or OfFeror Iists in its cainmitment wi�hin five days after bid opening. 1) The nannes and addresses of Disad�antaged Business Enterprise (DBE) frms that will participate in ihe coz�tract; 2} A descripiion c�f the wnrk thaf each DBE firm wiIl perform; 3) The dollar arnount c�f the participatian of eack� DBE fir�n listed under (1); 4} I�ritten statement from Bidder or Offeror that attests tl�eir cammit�nnent ta use the DBE �irm(s} listed under (1) to meet the Owner's praject gaal; aild 5) If Bidde�• oj• Offeror cannot rr�eet th.e advertised project DBE goal, evidence af goad faith efforts undertaken by the Bidder or Offeror as described in appendix A to 49 CFR part 25. FEDERAL FAYR LAI30R STANDARDS ACT (�ED�RAL MINIMUM WAGE} All contracts and subcontracts that result from #his solicitation incaiporate by reference the provisions of29 CFR part 201, the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act {�'LSA), with the same farce and efFect as if given in full te�t. The FLSA sets minimuin wage, overtime pay, recordkeeping, a�d child labor standards forfuIl and part- time workers. The Cantractor has full responsibility to monitor compliance to the referenced statute or regulation. The Contractor must address any claims or disputes that arise from this requirement directly with ihe U.S. Department of Labor -- Wage and Hour Division. TRADE RESTRICTION CERTiFrCATION By submission of an offer, the Oi%ror certifies that with respectto this solicitatian and any resultiantcantract, ihe Of%ror — 1) is not owned or controIled b.y one or more citizens of a foreign country includ�d in th� list of countri.es that discriminate against iT.S. firms as puhlished by the Ofiice oithe United States Trade Representative {USTR); 2) has not knowingly entered into any cantract nr subeontract forthis p.roject with a peison that is a citizen or national of a foreign country included on the list of cnuntries that discrimii�ate against U.S. firms as published by the USTR; and CITY OF FORT WORTH Afliance Airport Ta�ciway A Centerline Lig[rt Iteplacement STANDARD COi�STRUCTIQN �PECIFICATION DOCUM�NTS Project No. 103104 Re�ised April 2, 2021 UO I 1 13 INVITATION TO I3IDD�RS Page 5 Qf 6 3) has not entered intn any subcnntract for any �araductto be used on the Fedez•a� projecttllai is produced in a foreign country included an ihe list of countrias that discri�ninate againsi U.S. firir�s published by the USTR. This certificatian concera�s a�atter witl�in the jurisdiction of an agency ofthe LTnited States of Amej•ica and the inaking of a false, fictitiaus, or fraudulent certifieation may render the maker subject to prosecution under Title 18 USC Section 100I. The OfFe�•or/Contractor must prov�de immediate written notice to the Owner if tl�e �fferor/Co�tractog learns ihat iis certificatinn or tha� oi a subcontractor was erroneous when submitted or has becoin� erroneous by reaso�l af changed ciz�cui�nstances. The Contz•actor must require subcant�•actors provide iroznediate written notice to the Contractor if at any time it Iearns tnat its certification was erraneous by reason af chailged circumstances. Unless the restrictions of �his cIause are waived by the Secretary of Transportation in accordance with 49 CFR 30.17, no contract shall be awarded to an. Of%ror or subcantractor: 1) who is owned o�- controlled by one or more citizens or nationajs of a foreign country included on fil3e list of countries that discriminate against U.S. firms published by the USTR at• 2) whase subcontractors are owned or cantrolled by one o. r more citizens or nationals of a foreign country on such U STR Iist or 3} who incorporates in the pul�lic works projeet any product oi a foreign country on such USTR list. Nothing contained in the foregoiilg shall be construed to require establishment of a sysiem of recot•ds in vrder to render, in good iaith, the certification required by this pro�ision. 'I'h� knowledg� and infarmation af a confiractar is not required to exceed that which is normally passessed by a prudent person in the ordinary course of business dealings. The Offeror agrees that, iFawarded a contract resulting from this soIicitation, it will incorporatethis provision %r certification without modification in all low�r tier subenntracts. The Contractor may rely on tl�e cei�if cation of a prospective subcontractor �hat it is not a firm� fram a fareign country included an the Iist of cauntries that discriminate against U,S. firms as published by USTR, unless the Offeror has lcnowledge that the certificatinn is erroneous. This eertification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when making an avt�ard. I� it is later determined that the Cantractor or subcontractor knowingly rendered an erroneous certificatian, the Federal Aviation Administratian (FAA) may direct thro�agh the Owner cancellation of the contract or subcoiliract for default at no cost to the Owner or the FA�. INQUIRIES All inquiries relative to this proc�rement should be addressed to the follawing: Attn: 7ohnny Jackson, PE, .�acabs Engineering Group �mail: Jahnny.Jacksanl@jacabs.com Phone: 5Q2.3 $7.8278 EXPRE�SION OF INTERSEST To ensure bidders are kept up to date af any new information pertinent to this pro�ect or the COVID19 emergen�y declaration, as amended, as it may reIate to this project, i�idders are requested to ema.ilExpressiQns CITY QC �'ORT WORTH AllianCe Airport Tsxi��ay A Centerline Lig1�t Rep[�Cement STAI�DARD CONSTR[3CTION SPECIFIC:ATION UUCUMENTS Project No. [U3�D4 Revised Apri12, 2021 OO l l 13 ItSV1T?.TION TO BIDI7�R5 Page G oF6 of Interest in this procu�•ennent to the City P�'oject Manager and tl�e Design Engineer. The emaiS should include the bidder's company name, contaci person, �at individuals email address a��d phone ilumber. All Addenda will be dista•ibuted dfrectly to those vvho have expressed an interest in the procure3nent arad wili alsa be �aosted in the City of Fart Warth's purchasing website at htip�'r`fortvvartht.:Y3s.gov/purcl�asit��� PLAN HOLDERS Ta ensure you are kept up to date of any nevw infoz•mat�an pertinent ta tl�is project sueh as when an addenda is issued, dawnlaad the Plan HQlder Registration forrn to your computer, complete and email it to the City Project Manager or ihe Design Engineer. The City Proj ect Manager and design Engineer are responsi6le to upload the Fiai�s Holdei• Registration form to the Plan Holders foIder 1n BIM3b4. Mail your completed Plan Halder Registration form to those iisted in INQUIRIES above. ADVERTISEMENT DATES July 28, 2021 August 4, 2a21 END �� SECTION CI7'Y OF POl2T WORTI-] Alliance Airport Taxiway A Centerline Liglrt Replacement STAND1i[iD CONSTRUCTIQN SPECIFICATION D.00.UMEN'fS Project Na. 193104 Revised April 2, 2021 00 21 13 INSZ'l2UC'f10NS TO BIDDERS Page 1 of 9 SECTION 00 21 13 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS I. Defined Tcrms 1.1.Terms used in tt�ese INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS, which az•e defned 'rn Section 00 72 00 - GENERAL CONDITIONS. 1.2. Certain additional tet�tns used in ihese INSTRUCTION S TO BIDDERS laave the ��neanings indicated below which ar� applicable to both th� singular and plural thereof. 1.2.1. Bidder: Any person, firm, partnership, company, association, or corporation aetii�gdirectly tk�raugh a duly authorized representative, submitting a bid fn.r performing tlre work eontemplated under the Cant�•act Documents. 1.2.2. Nanresident Bidder: Any pez•son, �rm, partnership, campany, association, or corporati.on acting direetly fi�irough a duly authorized representative, submitting a bid for performing the work contemplated under the Contract Documents whose principal place of business is not in the State af Texas. 1.2.3. SuccessfuI Bidder: The lowest responsible and responsi�e Bidder to vwhom Cifiy (on the basis of City's evaluation as hereinafter provided} makes an award. 2. Copies of Bidding Documents 2.1. Neith�r City nor Engineer shall assume arry responsibility %r errors or misinterpretations result�ng £rozn. th.e Bidders use of incomplete sets of Bi�idzng Dacuments. 2.2. City ar�d Engineer in making capies nf Bidding Docurnents available do so only for the purpose o� obtaining Bids for the Woz•1� and do noi a�.�thaj-ize or confer a license or �rant foz� any otl�er use. 3. Prequalif�cafion of Bidders (Prinne Contrac#ars and Subcontraetor�) 3.1. All Bidders and their suheontractors are required tn be prequalified fnr the w�rk types requiri�g prequalification at tl�e tima of biddirag. Bids receivad from contractox•s who are not prequalified shall not be opened and, even if inadvertently opened, shall not 6e cansidered. Prequalification requirerrient work types and documei�tation are available by aceessing all required fil�s through the City's website at: https:l/ap�s.fortwarthte��.gov,'ProjcctResourtrs/ 3.1.1. Paving — Require�r�ents doctiiment located at; hztp�:i�a�ps.fortworthteXas. og viProjectRzsources/ke�ourcGa�'�02°�o2U- %20Canstructi on°/u2QDocumen#slContractor°/v2QPreaualification/TP W %20Paving%2QCan tractor%20Prequalif icati on%20Pro�racr�lPREQUALIFICATION%2QREOUIREMENT S% 20FOR°/n20PAVING%2000NTRACTORS.pdf C1TY OT FORT WORTH rllliance Airport Taxiway A Centerline Light Replacement STt1NDARD COI�STRT7CT1pN SPECIPICATION DOCUM�NTS Prnject d+Io. 1031�4 Revised Apri12, 2421 �o zi �a II+ISTRUCTIQNS TO bIBDERS Yage 2 af 9 3.1.2. Roadvvay and Pedestrian Lighiing -� Requirements document lncated at; https://ap�s.fortworthtexas. o� v/ProjectRe�outce3/ResourcesP/02°/n20- °/a20Constructinn°/a2ODocumentslContractor°1o20Prequalif cation/TPW%20Road�way%2aan d%20 Pedestrian%2� Lig,hti ng%20Prequal i� catian%2.OPro gra.m/STREET%20L1GHT°�o2 QP RQ�AI �,o20REQ11�INTS.pd� 3.2. Each Bidder, unless currently prequalified, musi subrnit to City at least seven {7) ealendar days pz•ior to Bid opening, the documentatian identified in Sectian a� 4S 11, BIDDERS PREQUALIFICATIDN S. 3.2.1. Submzssion af and/or questians related to prequalification should be addressed ta the City contaet as pro�ided in Paragraph 6.1. 3.2.2. TEMPORARY PROC�DURES DUB TQ CQVID-19: A Bidder whase prequalificationhas e�pired during the time period where a valid emergency order is in place {federai, state, local) and for 30 days past the expiration of ti�e emergency arder with the fijrthest expiration date--by day and manth, will noY be autamafically disqualified from having the Bidder's bid opened. A Bidder in this situation will l�ave its bid opened and read aloud and will be allowed 5 business days (close ofbusiness on the St�' day) to sUbmit a complete prcqualification renewal package. �'ailure to timely submit, ar submittal of an incomplete package, will render the Bidder's bid iion-responsiv�. If the prequa{ification rene�val dacumen�s sl�ow the Bidder as now not- qualified, the 6id will be ren.dered non�respansive. A Bidder m�y not usc this exception to seek a prequali�ication status greater than that which was in pl ace af t�e date of expiratian. A Bidder who seeks to increase i.ts prequalifcation status must follow the traditional submittallr�view prncess. 3.3. The City reserves the right to require any pre-qualif cd contractor who is the apparent low bidder(sj for a project ta submit such additionaI information as the City, in its soIe discretion may require, including but not limited to manpower and equipment records, information ahout key persoilnel to be assigned tn tl�e prnject, and constructio�7 schedule, to assist the City in evaluating and assessing the ability of the a.pparent low bidde�•{s) to deliver a quality product and successfully eomplete projects for tl�e amount bid within the stipulated time frame. Based upon the City's assessment of the submitted infornnatian, a reconamendation regarding the award of a contract wiil be made to the City Council. Failw•e to submit the additional informatian, if r•equested, may be grounds for rejecti�ig the apparent low bidder as �1on-responsive. Affected contractors will be noti�ed in writing of a reconnmendation to the City Councii. 3.4.In additinn to prequalification, additional requirements far quali�eation may be req�aired within various sectians of th.e Contract Documents. 4. Exatniz�atiion af Bidding and Contract Dacuments, Otber Related Data, and Site 4.1. Before submitting a Bid, each Bidder shall: 4.1.1. Examine and carefully study the Contract Dacuments and other relat�d daia identified in the Bidding Documents (including "teclulical data" referred to in Paragraph 4.2. below). No informatian given by City or any representative of the City other than that co��tai��ed in tl�� Contract Documents and officially pramulgated addenda thereto, shalI be hinding upon the City. C1TY OI' FOftT WORTH Alliauce Airpott Taxiway A CenCerline Light Replacement 3TANDARD Cdi�ISTRUCTIbN SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Prajeet No. IQ3104 Revised Apri12,2p21 00 21 13 INSTRUC'C10NS'PQ �3DDER5 Page 3 of 9 4.1.2. Visit tl�e site to became fainiliar with and satisfy Bidde�• as to the general, lacal and site condiYions Lhat may affeci cosf, progress, perfarma�ce ar furnis�ing of the Work. 4.1.3. Consider federal, state and local Laws and Regulations that may affect cost, progres�s, perf'o.rmance or furnishing of the Work. 4. ].4. Be advised, City, in accordancc with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of ] 964, 78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C. 2000d to 2000d-4 and Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Department of Transporta�ion, Subtitle A, Officc of the Secretary, Part 21, Nondiscrimination in Federally- assisted programs of the Depa�-tinent of Traz�spo�•tation issued pLirsuazlt to such Act, hereby notifes all bidders that it will affirmatively insure tl�at in any eon�rac� entered into pursuant to this advertis�ment, minority business enterprises will be affarded full opporiui�iiy to submit bids in response to ihis invitiation and wi11 not be discriminated against on the grou��ds afrace, color, or national origin in consideration of awatd. q.1.5. Study all: (i) reports af explarations and tests of subsurface conditions at ar eontiguous to the Sit� ai�d all drawings af physical conditions relating to existing surface or subsu��face stru.ctures at the Site (axcept Underg�ound Facilities) that have baen identif ed in the Cont�•act Dacuments as contairiing reliable "technical data" and (xi) reports and drawings of Hazardous Environmental Conditions, i� any, at the Site that have been identified in tY�e Cont�•act Documents as cantaining reiiable "technical data." 4.1.5. Be advised that the Contract Documents on file with the C.ity shall constitute all of the information which the City will furnish. All additional inform.ation and data which the City will supply after promulgation of the� formal Contract Documents shall b� issued in the form of written addenda and shall became part of the Contract Documents j ust as though such addenda were actually wi•itten into the origii7al Contract Documents. No informa�ion given by the City oCher than that contained in fihe Contraci Dacuments ar�d officially promulgated addenda thereto, shall be f�inding upon the City. 4.I..7. 1'erform independent research, investigations, tests, borings, and such other means as may be necessary to gain a comp.lete knowledge aft�re conditions which will be encountered during the construction of the project. On reqUest, City may provide each Bidder access io the site to conduct such examinations, invesiigations, expIorations, tests and studies as each Bzdder deems necessary for sul�mi�sion of a Bid. Bidder rniist fill aIl holes and clean up and restore the siteto its former canditions u.pon completion of such explorations, investzgations, tests and studies. 4.1.$. Determine the difficulties Qfthe Work and all atteilding circurttstanc�s aff�cting the co�t af doing th� Work, tim� required for its completion, and obtain alI infar►a�ati an rec�uired to znake a praposa�. Bidders shall rely exclUsively and solely upon their own estimates, investigation, research, tests, explorations, and other data which are necessa.iy for full and complete infarmation upon which the praposal is ta be based. It is �anderstaod that the submission of a proposal is prima-facie evidence thai the Bidder has made the investigatinn, examinatio�s and tests herein required. Claizns far additio�nal campensatian due to variations between canc3itions actually encountej•ed in construction and as indicated in the Contract Documents will not be allowed. 4.1.9. Prom�tly notify Cit� of alI conflicts, errors, arr►big�aities or discrepancies in or between the Contz'act Documents and such other rel ated documents. The Contractor shall not take advaritage of any gross error or omission in tl�e Contract Documents, and the City shall he permitted to CTTY OF FORT WORTH AlEiance Airport Taxiway A Centerline Liglit Aeplacement STAND�1,ftD CON3TRUCTION SPECiF1CATLON DOCUMEI�7'S ProjectNo. 1Q31�4 Revisad �lprif 2, 2021 OD 21 13 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 4 of 9 make such cor.rections or interpretations as may be deemed necessaiy for fuIfillmen� of the intezlt af the Cantract Dacu�nents. 4.2. Reference is made to Section 00 7� 00 -- Suppleinentary Conditians for ideniiFicatinn of: 42.1, those reports of exploraiions and tests of subsurFace con.ditions at or coniiguous to the site whicl� have been utilized by C.ity in preparafaon oFthe Confract Documents. The Iogs of Soi1 Borings, if any, on the plails are for general information only. Neither the Ciiy nor the Engineer guarant�e that th� data shown is representativ� of conditians vwl�ich actually exist. 4.2.2, those drawings of physical conditions in or relating to existing surface and subsurface strL�ctu�•es (except Underground Facil ities) which are at or contiguous to the site that have been utilized hy City in preparatian of the Contract Documents. 4.23. copies of such reports and drawings wiII be made available by City to any Bidder on request. Thase reparts and drawings may nat be part ofthe Contract Documents, but the "technicaI daia" contained therein upon vvhich Bidder is entitled ta rely as provided in Paaragraph 4.02. af the GeneraI Conditians has been identified and established in Paragraph SC �.02 of the Supplementaiy Conditions. �idder is respoi�sible for any interp�•etation or conclusioi� drawn from any "technical data" or any other data, interpretations, opinions or information. 4.3. The submission of a Bid will constitute an incontrovertible representation by Bidder (i) that Bidder has complied with every requirement af this Paragraph 4, (ii) that withaut exception the Bid is premised upon performing and furnishing the Work required by the Con�a•act Dacuments and applying the specific means, methods, techniqu�s, sequences ar procedures of eonstructinn (if any) that may be shown or indicated or expressly required by the Contract Documents, (iii) that Bidder has g�ven City written notice of all conflicts, errors, ambiguities and discrepancies in the Confract Documents and the written resolutions thereof by City are acceptable to Bidder, and wh�n said conflicts, etc., have not been resolved th�•ough the interpretations by City as described in Paragraph 6., and {iv} that the Contract Documents ar� geilerally sufFicient to indicat� and convey understanding of all t�rms and conditions for performing and ftirnishing the Wark. 4.4.The provisi�ns ofthis I'aragraph 4, inclusi�e, do nat apply to Asbestos, Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs}, Petroleum, Hazardous Waste or Radioactive Mat�rial covered by �'aragraph �A6_ ofthe General Conditions, unless specifically identified in the Contraet Documents. �. Availability of Lands for WorCc, Etc. 5.1. The lands upon which the Work is to be per%rmed, rights-af-way and easements for access ther�to and nther lai7ds designatad for use by Contractor in perfarzning the Work are identi�ed in the Contract Docurr►ents. All additional lands and access theretQ required for temporary construction facilities, cons.truction equipment or storage �f rnaterials and equipment to b� incorporated in the Work are ta be abtained and paid far by Contractor. Easements fqr permanent structures ar permanent ehanges in existing facilities are to be obtained and paid %r by City unfess otherwise provided in tl�e Canta•act Documents. 5.2.Outstanding �-ight-of-way, easements, and/flr permits to be acquired by the City are listed in Paragraph SC 4.01 of t�e Supplementary Canditions. In the event the necessary right-of-way, eas�ments, andlor permits are not obtained, the City reserves the right to cancel the award of contract at any time before the Bidder begins any construction wo�•k on ihe project. CITY OF FORT WOATH Alliance Airport Taxiway A Centerline Light Replaeemant STANI�AR� GONS'CRUCTION 3PECIFICATIdN DqCUMENTS PrajectNo. 1fl31D4 Revised April 2, 2021 00 21 13 1NSTRUCTIC}NS TO [3IbD�RS Page 5 of 9 53. `T1�e Bidd�r shall be prepa�'�d to commence construction wiihout ali executed right-of way, easements, and/or permits, and sha[1 submit a sclledti�le to the City of haw canstructi.on will proeeed in the other areas of the project that do not require permits and/or aaseme��is. 6, Interpretations and Addenda G.l . All questions about the meaning or intent of the Bidding Documents are to be directed to City in writing an or before 2 p.m., the Monday prior to the Bid opening. Questions �•eceiveci after this day may not be responded to. Ini�rp�•etations ar claz•i�catioi�s coi�sidered necessary by City in response to such questians will be issued by Addeilda delivered to all parties recorded by City as having received the Bidding Documents. Only questions answered by �ornr�al. wj�itten Addenda wi13 be binding. Oj•al and other inierpretations or cla.i�ifications will be without iegal efFe�t. Addl�ess questions to: City of rort Worth �ao T�X�� stt��t �a� wo�rr►, Tx �� i a2 Attn: Tyler Dale, Aviati�n Departm�nt Email: tyler.dale�fartwo.rthtexas.gov Phone: 817-392-54 ib 6.2. Addenda may also be issued to modify the Bidding Documents as deemed advisable by City. 6.3. Addenda or clarificatioils may be posted via the City's electronic docum�nt management and collaboration system at http:flfortwortht��as.�ov/purchasin�l. 6.4. A prebid conference may be held at the tirne and place indicated in the Advertisement ar INVITATTON TO BIDDERS. Representatives a.f City will be present to discuss the Project. Bidders aa•e encauraged to attend and pai�ticipate in the conference. City will transmit to a!1 praspectiWe Bidders of record such Addenda as City considers necessary in response to questions arising at the conference. Oral statements may not be relied upon and will not be bindir►g or legally effective. '�. Bid Security 7.1. Each Bid inList be accompanied by Bid Bond macie payable ta C.ity in an amount of five (5) percent of Bidder's rnaximum Bid price on form atlached, issued by a surety me�ting the requzrements of Paragraphs 5.01 of the General Conditions. 7.2. The Bid Bond of all Bidders will be retained until the coilditions of the Notice of Award have beer� satisfied. If the Successful Bidder fails to e�acute and deTiver the camplete Agreement within 10 days aftez• the Notice of Award, City rnay consider Bidder to be in default, rescind the Notice of Award, and the Bid Bond of that Bidder wi[I be forfeited. Such forfeiture shall be City's exclusi�e r�medy if Biddar defaults. The Bid Bond of all other Bidde�•s whom City beiieves to have a reasonable chance af recei�ing the award will be retained by Ciiy until final contract execuiion. CITY OF FORT WORTH Alliance Airpnrt Taxiway A Centerline Light Replacement STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPCCIF{CATIOAI D�CUM�NTS Praject No. 1D3104 Revised /lpril 2, 2021 OD21 [3 INSTRUCTIONS `I'O I31n17�i2S Page 6 of 9 8. Contract Times The number af days within which, ar the dates by whieh, Milestones are to be achieved in accordance with the General Requiremeuts and the Worlc is fio be co�npleted and ready for Final Acceptance is set fQrth in the Agreement or incorporated ther�in by reference to the attached Bid Form. 9. Liquidated Damages T'rovisions for liquidated damages are set forth in ihe Agreement. I(1. Substitute and "Or-EquaC" Items The Contz•act, if avwarded, will be on the basis of materials and equipment described in the Bidding Documents without consideration ofpossible substiiute ar "or�equal" iterns. Whenever it is indicated or specified in the Bidding Docurnet�ts that a"substitute" ar "or�equal" item af material or equipment may be furnished or used by Contractor if aeceptable to City, application for such acceptance will not b� considered by City until afterthe Effective Data ofthe Agreement. The procedure for submission of any sueh application by Gontz•actar and consideration by City is set forth in Paragraphs 6.OSA., 6.OSB. and S.OSC, of the General Conditions and is supplemented in Sectian O 1 25 00 of the General Requir�mei�ts. XI. Subcontractors, Supp[iers and Others 11.1. In accordance with the City's Business �quity Ordinanc.e No. 2453�-1 I-2020 the City has goals far the participation of minarity business andlor women business enterprises in City contracts. A copy of the Ordinance can be obtain�d fram the Off ce of the City Secretary. The Bidc�er sl�all submit the Business Equity Utilization Fot•m, Business Equity Prii�e Contractor Waiver Farm and/or Good Fai�h Effot� Foj-m with documentation and/or Business Equity Joizit Venture Forrn, as appropriate. The �'orms including documetltatio3� iaaust be received by the City na later than 2:0� P.M. CST, on the secand business day afte�• the bid open�ng date. The Bidder shall obtain a receipt from the City as evidenc� the documentation was received. Failure to comply shall i-ender the bid as nan-responsi�e. Business Equity OrdinanceNo. 24534-1I-2020 htips:' .pn�.fortw�rthtexas. o� v�j�cctResaur��slResaurcesP/50%2d- - -- %20MW BE/NEW°�o20Bus�r�ess%20Ec�uity%2�Ordinance/Ordinance%2024534-11-2Q20.pd� 11.2. No Contra.ctar sh.all be required to employ any 5ubcontractor, Supplier, other person or organization against whom Contractor has reasonable objectit�n. 12. Bsd Form 12.1. The Bid Form is included with the Bidding Documents; additianal copies may be obtained froin the City. 12.2. All blanks an the Bid Form must be completed by printing in ink and the Bid Form signed in ink. Erasures or alierations shall b� initialed in in[c by the persan signing the Bid Fonn. A Bid price shall be indicated far each Bid item, alternative, and unit price item listed therein. In the case of optiona! alternatives, the words "No Bid," "No Change," nr "No� Applicable" may be entered. Bidder sl�all state th� prices, written in ink in 6oth wards and numerais, for which the Bidder praposes to do the vwork cantemplated or furnish materials required.. All prices shall be wrikten legibly. In case of discrepancy betwaen price in 'uvritten wox'ds a�d the price in w�•itten numarals, the price in written wards shall govern. C1TY QF FORT WOI2TH A[[iance Airport Taxiway A CeAiterline Liglit Replaaement STANDA1tD COI�STRUCTION SPECIFICATION DQCUMENTS PrajectNo. 1.03104 Revised Apri12, 202 i 00 21 13 It�STRUCT10N5'1'O BIDIIERS Pnge 7 of 9 12.3. Bids by cat�porations shall be exeeuted in the corporate name by the president or a vice- president or other corporate aff cer accompanied by e�idence of authority to sign. The corporate seal shall be aff xed. The corporate address and state of incarporation sl�ali be sllovvn beIaw the signature. 12.�. Bids by pairtnerships sI�all 6e executed in the partnership name and si�;ned by a partner, whose title must appear under the si.gnature accompanied by evidence of aUtho�•ity ta sign. The official address ofth� partnersl�ip shali be shawn below th� signature. 12.5. Bids by limited liability companies shall be executed in the name ofthe firm by a n�enlber and accompanied by evidence of authority to sign. The state of foz•�aaation of the firm and tl�e officiai address of the firm shall be s.hown. 12.6. Bids by individuals shail show the Bidder's name and affictai address, 12.7. Brds by joint vantures sbali be executed by each joint vent�are in the manner indicated on the Bid Foren. The afficial address of th.e joint �enture sha11 be sIlown. 12.8. Al1 names shall be typed or printed in ink below the signature. 12.9. The Bid shaIl contain an acknowledgement of receipt of all Addenda, the numbers of which shall be �lled in on the Bid Form. 12.1 Q. Postal and e-mail addresses and telephone number for co3nmunications regarding ihe Bid shall be shown. 12.1 I. Evidence of authority to conduct business as allonresident Bidder in.the state ofTexas sha11 be provided in accordance with Sectian 04 43 37 — Vendor Compliance to State Law Nan Resident Bidder. 13. �ubmission of Bids Bids shall be submitted on the prescrihed Bid I'orrn, provided with tfie Bidding Documents, at the time and place indicated in the Advertisement or IIVVITATION TQ BIDDERS, addressed to Purchasing Manager of the City, and shall be. enclo:sed in. an opaque sealed enveIope, marked with the City Project Number, Project title, the name and address oiBidder, and accompanied by the Bid security ai�d other required documents. If the Bid is sent ihraugh the mail ox ather deli�ery system, the sealed envelape shall be enclosed in a separate envelope with the notation "BID ENCLOSED" on the face of it. 14. Modi�cation and Withdrawal of Bids 14.1. Bids addressed to the Purchasing Manager and filed with t1�e Purchasing Office cannot be withdrawn prior to the time set for bid apening. A i�eque�t for withclrawal must he made in writing by an appropriate document duly �xecuted in the manner that a Bid must be executed and delivered to the place where Bids ara to be submitted at any time prior to the opening of Bids. After alI Bids not requested for withdrarual are opened and publicly read aloud, the Bids far which a wiihdravwal request has been praperly filed may, at the aption of the City, be i-etumed unopened. 14.2. Bidders may modify their Bid by electranic communicatian at any time prior to the time set for the closing ofBid receipt. CiTY OF FdRT WORTH Ai{iattce Airport Taxiway A Centerline Light Iteplacement STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMEi�iTS Prajeet No. 103104 Revised April 2, 2021 aozi aa I�ISTRUCTIqN5 TO BIDDEAS Page 8 of 9 I5. Opening of Bids Bids wi1l be opened and read aloud publicly at the place whej•e Bids are to be submitted. An abstract af the amo.unts af the l�ase Bids and major alternates (if any) will be made availahle to Bidders after ihe opening af Bids. 16. Bids to Remair� Subject to Acceptance All Bids wil] remain s�.ibject to acceptat�ce for tlle time period speci�ed for Notic� of Award and execution and deli�e�y of a co�npiete Agreement by Successiul Bidder. City may, at City's sole discretian, rel�as� any Bid and nullify the Bid security prior to that date. 17. �valuation of Bids and Award af Contract 17.1. City reserves tl7e right to reject any or all Bids, zncluding without limitation the rigllts to reject any ar all noncanfarming, nanresponsive, unbalanced or co.nditional Bids and Eo rejectthe Bid of any Bidder if City believes that it vvould not be in the best interest of the Project to make an awat'd to that Bidder, whether because the Bid is not responsive orthe Bidder is unqualified or of doubtful financial ability or fails to meet any other pertinent standard oj• criteria established hy Crty. City also reserves the right to waive informaIities not involving price, cont�•act time or ehanges in the War�C with the Successful Bidder. Discrepancies between the multiplication af units of Work and unit pricas will be resolved in favor of the unit prices. Discrepancies b�iween the indicated suzn. of any coIumn offigures and the correct surn thea•eofwill be resolved in favor of the eorrect sum. Discrepar�cie� 6etween words and figures will be resolved in fa�or of the wards. 17.1.1. Any or all bids will be rejected if City has reason to believe that coll�asion exists among tne Bidders, Bidder is ar� interesied party to any liii.gaiinn against City, City or Biddar may ha�e a elaim against the other or be engaged in litigation, Bicider is in arrears an any existing contract or has defaulted on a previaus cont�act, Bidder has performad a prior contraet in an unsatisfactojy manner, nr Bidder has unco�npleted work which in the judgiment af the City will prevent or hinder the prompt completion of additionaI work i� awardeci. 1'1.2. City may consider the qualifications and e�perience af Subcontractors, Suppliers, and other persons and organizations proposed for ihose portions of the Work as to which the identity of Subcontractors, Suppliers, and other persons and organizations rnust be subnnitted as provided in tI�� Contract Docunnents or upon the request a� the City. City aisa may consider the operating costs, maintenance requi�•ements, performance data and guarantees of major Eiems of materials and equipment proposed for incorporation in the Work when such data is required to be submitted prior to the Notice of Award. 17.3. City may conduct such investigations as Czty deems necessary to assist in the evalUation of any Bid and to estabIish the responsibility, qualificatinns, and financial ability af Bidders, proposed Subcontractors, Suppliers and other pez•sons and organizations to perform and fi�rnish the War1c in accardance withthe Contract Documents ta City's satisfaction within the prescribed iime. 17.�. Contractar shall perform with his awn o3•ganization, work of avalue not less than 35°/a ofthe valtire eznhraced on ihe Contract, unless otherwise appraved by the City. 17.5. If the Contract is to be awarded, i� will be awarded to lawest e•esponsible and responsive Biddaz• whose evaluation hy City indicates tl�atthe award will be in the best inteeesfis ofthe City. CITY OF FORT WORTH AIEiRnca Airport Taxiway A CenYerline Light Replaeement STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SP�CIF[CATIQN DOCUMEI�ITS Projectl�o. 103104 Revised April 2, 202L DO 21 13 R+15TRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 9 of 9 I7.b. Pursuantto Texas Go�ernment Code Chapl:er 2252.00I, the City will not award contractta a Nonresident Bidder unless the Nonresident Bidder's bid is lower than the ]owest bid submitted 6y a responsible T`exas Biddez• by the same a�nount I:hat a Te�as resident bidder would �e required to underbid a Nonresident Bidder to abtain a cotrtparable cantract in t�e sta�e in which the nonresicient's principal place of business is lncated. 17.7. A contract is not awa.rded until fo�-mal City Council authorization. Ifr the Contract is tn be awarded, City wiIl award the Conhact within 120 days after the day of the Bid opei�ing unless extended in writing. No other act of City or others will canstitute acceptance of a Bid. Upon the contractor awa�•d a Notice of Award will be issued by the City. 17.7. I. The contractar is required to fil[ out and sign the Certificate of Interested Parties Farm 1�9� and the form m�st k�e submitted to the Project Manager befot•e the contract vvill be presented to the City Coancil. The form can be obiained at l�rtas:/lwwrr.ethics.state.tx.us/datalforms11�9�/i�9�.pdi 17.8. �aiiure or refusal to camply with the requirements may result in rejection of Bid. 18. Signin�; of Agreement 18.1. When City issues a Notice of Awai°d tn ihe Successful Bidder, it will be accompanied by the required nu��ber of uz�signed counterparts of the Ag�•eemer�t. Within 1�4 days thereafter Contractor shall sign and deliver the required number af counterparts ofthe Ag�•eeme�lt ta City with the required Bonds, Certificates of Insura nce, az�d all ather required documentation, 18.2. 183 Failur� to execute a duly awarded contact i�ay subject the C.ontractor t4 penalties. City shall thereafter deliver one fully signed counterpart to Contractor. END OF SECTION CITY OF FORT WORTH Alliance Airpc�rt Taxiway A Centerline Light Replacement STANDAI� l7 CON STR[ICTIOt15PECIFICATIQN DDC U[YfENTS Project No. 103 I D�F Revised April 2,2021 00 32 i 5 CONSTRUCTIOI�f PROGRESS SCFJEDUL� Page 1 of 1p sECT1oN ao 32 is CONSTRi1CTION PROJECT SCHEDUL� PART 1 - G�NERAl, i.X SiINIl1�IARY A. Section I�lcludes: i. Genej•al requireme�iis ior the preparation, submittal, updatittg, status re�orting aild rnanagement of tihe Cnnst��uctzon Project Schedule B. Deviations from tl�is CiYy of Fort Worth Standard Specification 1. Noi7e. C. Relatied Specification Sactions inciude, but are not necessarily limi#ed �o: 1. Division 0— Bidding Requi.rements, Cantract Forms and Conditions of the Coniract 2. Divisiou 1— General Requiremeiits D. Purpose The City of Fart Warth (CiTy) is commrtted to deIivering c�uality, cast-effective infrastructure to its citizens in a timely inanner. A key tooI to achieve t�iis purpose is a properly st�•uctured schedule with aecurate updates. This s�ppnrts �ffective znanitaring of progress azad is i.nput ta criti�al decision �naking by th� project inanager throughout t11e life of the project. Data from tlie updated project schedule is utilized in status reporting to various levels of tl�e City organizatinn and the citizenzy. This Docuinent co�nplemeiits the City's Standard A�reemant to guide tl�e construction coni�•actor (Coj�tractor) in preparing and stibmitting acceptable schedules for use by the City in project deli�ery. The expectation is the perfarmance of tlie work follows tlie accepted schedule and adhere to the con�racival timeline. The C.antractor wiil designate a qualified representati�e {Project Schedi�ler) responsible for developing and updating the schedule and preparing status reporting as required by �h� C ity. �.2 PRCCE AND PAYlVIENT PROCEDURES A. Measureznent and Payment l. Waa•k associated witla this Ite�u is considered subsidiary to �l�e varinus items bid. No separate payment vvill be allo�ved far this It�m. 2. Non-corrzpliance with this specificatian is grourlds for City to witlihold payment of the Contractor's invoices until Contractoi• achie�es said complianee. 1.3 R.EFERENC�S A. Project Sehedules Each project is represented by City's master project schedule ihat encampasses the entire scape of activiiies envisioz�ed by tl�e City to properly deliver tlie work. When tlie City cont�acts �vith a Conh•actor to perform construction oithe Work, the Cont�acto:r CITX OF FORT WQRTI-i Alliance Air�ort Taxiway A Centerliue Light Replacement STE4NDAFtD SPECIFICATIOAf Projeet No. 103104 Reuised JULY 20, 2018 DO 32 15 CONSTRUCTL�N PROGRESS SC��EDIJLE Page 2 of 10 will develop and maintaii� a sclt�dule far thei�• scope of worlc in ali�ime3tt with th� City's standard schedule a•equi.��ements as defined het•ein. The data and infonnation of each such schedule will be leveraged and becoine i�aiegral in the master project sc�iedule as dee�led appx•apx•iate by the City's Project Cont�•ol Specialist and approved by the City's Project Manager. Maste�• Pi•oject Sci�edule Tl�e master project scheciule is a holistic repres�ntatian of the scheduled activities and mil�stones for tI�e tatal praject and he Critical Path Method (CPM) based. Tf�e City's Pro�ect 1Vlanager is accountable for oversighi of tlae developrnent and maintaining a rr�as�er project sclieduIe for eacl� project. When the City contracts for the design azidlar ca��shuction ofthe project, the master project scIleduIe will incorporate elements o�the Design and Consfsuction schedules as deemed appropriate hy the City's Pt•oject Contz•ol Specialisi. The ass�gned City Project Cantt�ol Specialist c�•eates and rnaintains the master project schedule in P6 (City's scheduling sofiware). 2. Canstruction 5cheduIe The Contractor is respnnsible �or developing and znaintainulg a schedule for the scope of �Iae Cont�•actat�°s cor�t�°actual requirernents. The Cont��actor will issue ai1 initial schedule for �•eview and acceptance by the City's Project Contt•ol Specialist and the City's Pt•aject Mai�ager as a baseline scheduie %r Cottta�actoc's scop� nf work. Cont�•actar rvill issue curren�, accurate updates of their schedule {Progress Scl�edule) to the City at the end af each monila t�oughout tlie iife of tlleir work. B. Scl�edule Tiers The City has a portfolio of projects tl7at vary widely in size, complexity and content requiring dzfferent scheduling to effectively deli�e�• each project. The City uses a "tiered" approach to align the proper schedule with tlie criteria for each project. The Cify's Froject Manager deterrnines t1�e appropriate schedule tier for each project, and incluc�es t�at designation and tlie associated requirements in the Cnntractor's scope of wo�lc. The following is a sUmmary of the "iiers". 1. Tier 1: Small Size aud Short D�rration Project (desig� not required) The City develops and maintains a Nlaster Project Schedule far �I�e project. No sched«le submittaI is required fi•am Contractor. City's Project Contral Specialist acquires any necessary schedule status data or information througl� discussions with the respective party on an as-ne�ded basis. 2. Tier 2: Sinall Size and Short to Medium Duration Pt•aject The City develops and maintains a Master Praject Scliedule for the project Tlie Contractor identifies "start" and "finish" milestone dat�s on lcey elennents aftheir work as agreed with �e City's Proj ect Mait�agei• at the kickofi of iheir vvork eifort. The Contractor issues to tl�e City, upc#ates to tlie "start" and "finish" dates for such �nilestoi�es at the end of each month throughoui the life of their work on the project. 3. Tier 3: Medium and Large Size andlor Complex Projecls Regardlass ofDuratioii The City tievelops and maintains a Master Pz•ojact Schedule for the project. The Conirac�or de�velaps a Baseline Schedule and mainta.ins the scl�edule of their respective seope of work on the project at a level of deiail (genej•ally Level 3) and in Cii'Y OF FORT WQRTI-1 Alliance Airpnrl Taxiway A Centerline Light Replaccment STAI�IDARll SPECTFiCATFON Prajeet No. 103104 Ravised JULY 20, 20I S 00 32 15 GONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDLIL� Yage 3 of 10 alignmentwith the WBS struciure in Section 1.4.H as agreed by the ProjeciManager. T11e Con�ractor iss�as ta t�ae City, updat�s of their �•espective schedule (T'rogress Schedule) at tlie end of each month throughout the life af their watk on the project. G. Schadule Types Praject delivery for the City ati.lizes two types of schedules as noted below. TI7e City develaps and niaintains a Master P�•oject Schedu]e as a"baseline" schedule aa�d issue manthly updaies to the City Prnject Manager {end of each monih) as a"progress" scheduIe. TIie Contractar prepar�s aud submits each scheduIe type to fulfill F.heir contractual requirements. 1. Baseline Schedule The Contractor devalops and submits to the City, an initial schedule for their sco.pe of work in alignment witli this specification. Once re�viewed anci accepted by the City, it beconaes the "Baseline" schedule and is tIle 6asis against which all pragress is measured, The baseline schedule will be updated when th�re is a cl�az�ge or addition to the scope of work. impacYing the duration oftlie worl<, and only after receipt of a duly authorized change order iss«ed by tltie City. I�1 �he event pra.gress is significantly behind schedule, lhe City's Pr�jeet Manager may authorize an update ta the bas�line schedule to facilitate a znore practical avaluatian of progress. An exarriple of a Baseline Schedule is provided in Speciiication 00 32 15.I Coirstruction Project Schedu�e Baseline E�tample. 2. Progress Scl�eduIe The Contractor updates their schedule at the end af eacl� montl� to represe��t the progres� aclaieved in the wark w�iich ineludes any impact from authorized changes ui tJ�e work. The updated schedule must accurately raflect the current status of tl�e wor•Ic at that point in tim� and is referred to as the "P�•ogi•ess Scl�edule". The City's Project Mailager azld Project Cantrol Speciaiist reviews aud accep�s each progress scliedule. In #he event a�rogress scliedule is de�med not accepf.able, t�e unaccepta6le issues are identified by tI�O Cit� �vitllin 5�workizig days and the Contractor znust pravide an acce�table progress scheciule within 5 working days after receipt of r�on-acceptance notification. Ai1 �xample of a Progress Schedule is provided in Specificatian 00 32 15.2 Constz'uctio�z Project 5cheduIe Progress Example. 1.�4 CITY STANDARD SCHEDiTLE REQiTIREMENTS The following is an ovarview ofthe methodology for developing aaid znazutaining a schedule for deli�very of a project. A. Schedule Framewo�•k The schedule will be based ot� the de�ned sccape of work and follow the {CriticaI Patli Methodology} C�M inethod. Tlie Contractor's schedule will align with the requir�mants of tl�is speciftcation. aud will be ca�� lon[tert to reflecf iheir plan for execution. Overall schedule duration will align witli the cont�•actual requiremenis for the respective soope of woz�[c and be reflected in City's Master Project Schedule. The PrnjectNutnber and Name of the Project is required on each sch.ed�le and must mateh the City's projeet data. B. Schedule File Name CITY OF FORT WORTH Alliance Airport'I'azciway A Centerli»e Light ReplacemenC STANDARBSPECIFICATIOi�! PrajectNa. !03l04 Revised JULY 2D, 201$ 00 32 1 S CONSTRi3CTION PROGRGSS SCI-I�I7UL� Page4oflD All schedules submitted to the City i'or a project wil� Iiave a file name that b�gi��.s witl� t�e City's praject raumber followed by tla� name of tlae project followed 6y Laseline (if a baselitle schedule) or tlie year ancl month (if a progress sehedule), as sliQwn below. • Baselii�e Sclaedtiile File Name Forinat: City ProjectNumber_FrojeetName BaseIine Example: 101376 North Montgornery Str�et HME�C Base�i�la Pj•ogress Schedule File Name Format: City Project Number_Project Name YYYY-MM Examp[e: 101376 North Montgor�ery Street IIMAC 2018 01 � Project Schedule Progx•ess Naz�rative File Na�ne k'oz`�nat: CityProjectNu�nber ProjectNasne PN YYYY-MM Example: I0137G Noi-�h Montgomery Street HMAC PN 20I &_O1 C. �cl�edule Teinplates The Contrac�or will utilize the �•�l�vant sections from th� City's templates p�'ovided in tlle City's docume��t mai�agement system as the basis %r creating theu• respective project schedule. Specifically, t11e C.ontractor's schedule will align with tl�e layout oitlle Construction section. The templat�s are identi�ied by type of project as noted below, � Arterials � Aviation � Neighborhoad Streets � Sidewalks {later} � Quiet Zones (Iater) a Street Lights (later) � Intersection Improvements {lat�r} � I'arks o Stor�r► water 0 5treet Maintenaiice • Traffic o Water D. Schedule Calendar The City's standard calenda.r far scl�eciule development pur�Qses is based on a 5-day workweek and aceounts f�r ihe City's eight standard hoIidays (New Years, Martin Luthat• I�ing, Mamorial, �i�dependence, L�bor, Thanksgiving, day af'ter Thai7�Csgiving, Christmas). The Contractor will establish a schedule calendar as part of the schedule development process arjd provide to the Project Control Specialist as part of the basis for their scheditle. Variations betr�+een t11e City's calendaz• and the Contractor's caleildar must be resol�ed prior ta the City's accep�ance of their Baseline project schedule. E. WBS & Milestone Standards for S.chedule Developinent The scope of work to be accomplished b� th.e Contractor is repr�sented in tbe schedule in the farin o� a Wo�•k Breakdown Structuz•e (WB5). The WBS is tl�e basis for tl�e development afthe schedule activities and shaIl be imbedded and depicted in the schedule. CiTY OF FDRT 1VORTH Alliance Airport Taxiway A Centerline Light Replaeenie��l STANDARD SPECICICA'1'LON ProjectNo. 1D3104 Revised JULY 20, 2018 QQ 32 l5 CONSTRIjCTIDN PROGRC�S SCHEDULE Page 5 of l0 The following is a summa�y of the standards to be followed in prepa:t'ing at�d maintaining a scheduIe far project delivary. 1. Contractor is required ta utiliae tI1e City's WB� structure and t'espective project type ternplate for "Co�}structzoi�" as shown in Section 1.4.H belovv. Additioiial activities may be added ta Levels 1- 4 to accommodate tlie needs oithe organizatzon executing tlie rvork. Specifically t11e Cont�•actoE• �will add activities u��de�• 1UBS XXXXXX.80.83 "Canstcuctian Execution" that delineates the acti�ities associated with the vaeious components of tlie work. 2. Cantractor is required to adhere to the City's Standard Mi[estones as showi� iit Section 1.4.I below. Contractor will include additinzaal �nilastones representing intermediate deliverables as reyuired to accurately reflect tIieir scope of worlc. F. Schedule Activities .Activities are the discrete elemeirts of work that tnake up the schedule. They will be organized under t�ie limbreila of th� WBS. Activity descriptions sllould adequateiy c�escribe t11e act�vxty,. and in same cases the exte�t of the acti�ity. All activities are lagical�y tied with a predecessar and a su¢cessor. The only exception to this rule is fo�• "pi•ojec� stat�" aiid "prolect finis�" milestones. The activity duration is based on the physical arnou�it of wark to be p�i-�ortned far the stat�d acYivity, witl� a rr�a�irt�uzaa duratzan af 20 working days. If tJse work for any one acti�ity exceeds 20 days, break that acti�ity down incrementaIly to aclyieve tllis duration constraint. Any exceptian to this t-eq�zi�•es r�view and acceptance by the City's Project Cnntrol Specialis.t. G. Change Orders When a Chaiage Order is issued by the C�ty, the impact is incorporated into the previously accepted baseline schedule as an update, io clearly show impact to the project timeIine. The Contractor subinits this updated baseline schedule to the Cify fo�� review aud acceptance a5 descrihed in Section 1.5 below. Updated baseline schedules adhere to the following: l. Time extensions associated wifh approved cont��act modifications are limited to the actual ainount of time the project activities are anticipated to be delayed, u��.less ofiherwise approvec� by tl�e Frogram Manager. 2. The re-baselined schedule is su6mitted 6y the Contractor within ten workdays after the date of receipt of the approved Change Order. The changes in logic or duratintts approved by tl�.e City are tised to analyze the impact of the change and is included in the Change Ordei•. The coding for a. new activity(s) added to the schedule for tl�� Change Order includes tbe Cl�ange Order number ii1 the Acti�ity �D. Use as many activities as needed to accu�•ately show the work of the Cllange Order. Revisians to the baseline schedule are nat effectzve until accepted by the City. H. City's Work B�'ealcdawn Shucture CITY OF PORT WORTH Alliance Airport Ta.xiway A CenferliRe Light 12eplacemeart STANBARD SP�CICiCATION PcojecY No. 1031 U4 Re�ised 7ULY 20, 2018 D03215 CONSTRUC170NPROGRE5S5CHEDULE Page 6 of 10 WBS Code WBS Name XX�XXX �roject Name XXXX�X,30 Design XX�XXX.30.]0 Design Contractor Agx•eement XXXXXX.30.20 CoiiceptuaI Design (30°fo) XXXXXX.30.30 PreIiminar� Design {60%) XXX���X.30.40 Final Design XXXXXX30.50 Environmental XXXXXX30.60 Permits XXXXXX,30.60.IQ Permits - Identifcation XXXXXX3a.&a.20 Permits - Review/Approve XXXXXX.40 R(�W & Easemen�s XXXXXX.�40.I0 ROW Negotiatians XXXXXX.40.20 Condemnatio�l ���XXXX.70 Utility Relocatian XXXX�X.70.1� LTtility Relocation Co-ordination ��XXXX.SO Cons#ruction XXXXXX,$0.81 Bi.d a.nd Award XXXXXX.8Q.83 Consh•uction Execution XXXXXX.80.85 T�ispection ��XX��XX.80.86 La�idscaping 7�XXXXX.90 Closeout X��XX.90.10 Co�astz�uctiozz Contract Close-out XXXX�X.90,�0 Design Contract Closure 1, City's 5tandard Milestones The following milestone activities (i.e., importaut events on a project t11af inaxlc eritical points in tiime) are af pai�ticular iilterest io the City and must be reflected 'ui the project schedule for aIl phases of work. Activitv ID Design 3020 3040 3100 3120 315� 3160 317Q 3220 32�0 3260 CITY OP PORT WORTH STANDARD SPECIFICATIOI�I Revised JLILY 20, 2018 Activitv Name Award Design Agreement Iss��� Not�ce Ta Proceed - Design E��gineer Design Kick-off Meeting Submit Conceptual �lans ta Utzlities, ROW, Traff'ic, Parks, Storm 1�Vater, Water & Sewer Peer Revier�v Meetit�glDesign Review mecting {technical) Conduct Design Public Meeting #1 (required) Caneeplual Design Complete Su6rr�it Preliminary Plans and 5pecificatiQns to LTtilities, ROW, Traffie, Parks, Storm Water, Water & Sewer Conduct Design Public Meeting #2 (required) Pre[iminary Desigu Complete AlEiance Airport Taxiway A Centerline Light Repdacement Project No. 103104 DO 3215 CONSTRUCTION PROGRBSS SCHEpUL� Page 7 of 10 3310 3330 3364 Subznif Fr.nal Design tia Utilities, ROW, TS•affic, Parks, Storm Water, Watar & Sewer Conduct Design Public Meeting #3 (if required) Fiiial Design Coinplete ROW & Easemenis 4000 Riglit of Way Start 4230 Rigl�t of Way Camplate Utility Relocation �aao utiz��t��s st�� '7120 Utilities Clea�•edJCamplete Construction Bid and Award 8110 Start Advertzseinent 5150 CQ��ductBid�pening 824U Award Cons�ruetion Contract Construction Execution 8330 Conduct Cons.�ruction Public Meeii��g #4 Pr�-Construction 8350 Construction Start 8370 Substantial Corapletion 8540 Construction Connpletzoi� 9130 Notice of Completioza/Green Sheet 915Q Constructio�l Cont�ract Clased 9420 1.5 SUSMITTALS Design Coniract Closed A. Schedule Submittal & Review The City's Project Manager is respnnsibie for reviews and acceptance of the Con�ractor's sch�dule. Th.e City's Project Contcol Specialist is responsible fo�• ensui-ing alignment of ths Coiatractor's 6aseline and progress schedules with the Master Projact Sclaedule as support t� the City's Pt•oject Managea•. The Gity �•evie.ws and aacepts or rejects the scIledule within ter� workrd�ys of Contractor's submittal. Schedule Forrttat Tha Contractor wiIl submit each schedule in t�o elecironic forms, ona in nati�e file format (.xer, .xrral, .mpx) and the second in a prlf forenat, in tl�e City's document management system in the location dedicated far this purpose and identified by the Project Manager. In the event tlie Coniractar does not use Primavera P6 oz' MS Froj�ect For scheduIin� purposes, the schedule in.formation m�ast be submitted in .xls or .xlsx �or�x�at in compliatice witll the sample �ayout (See Specification 00 32 115.1 Coiistruction Pt•ojeet Schedul� Bas�line Example), inclttding activity predecessors, successors and total float. 2. Initial & Baseline Schedule The Gontractor will develop theu• schedule for their seope oi work and su6mit tl�eir ir�itial schedule in electronic form (in the � le foz•mats noted above), in the City's docutn�nt matlage�ent system in the location dedicated for this purpose within ten workdays af tlae NotiGe ofArvarcl. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDA,R.D �P�CIFICATION Revised 7ULY 20, 2D l8 Alliance Airport Taxiway A Centerline �.i�ht Rep}acement l'roject DIn. 1031 U4 UO 32 l S COI�STRUCTIQN PROGRESS SCHEDiILE Aage 8 of f D The City's Project Manager and Project Control Specialist review �1tis initiai selledule to determine aligi�i��ent with the City's Mastec Pt•oject Schedule, including fflrinat & WBS structure. FolIowing the City's revieGv, feedhacic is pravided to the Contractor for their use in fi�ializing their init�al scl�edule atld issuu�g (witlti�z five workrtays} their Baseli��e Sc�edule for final re�iew and acceptance by the City. 3. 1'rog�-ess ScheduIe The Cont�acta�r will update and issue their project schedule (Progj•ess Sche.dule} by tlie lasf day of er�cls man2h �13rnug1lout the ii�e af tl�eir work on the project. Tl�e Progress Schedule is subn�itted in elect�•anic form as noted above, in the City's docunient rnanageinent system in ihe local-ion ciedicaied for this purpose. The City's Projecf Control tearn reviews each Progress Schedlile for data and i��formation diat support the assessmant of tlie update tn t11e schedule. In the event data or iilfarmation is r�issin� or incomplete, the project Con�•ols Specialist cominunicates directly with the Contractor's schedule�- for pt�ovid'uig same. The Contractor re-subinits th� correeted Progress Scl►edule wiflzin S wor�krlrcys, fallowing t.kie su6.mittal pz•ocess noted above. The City's Pcoject Manager and 1'roject Coni�•oj Specialist review the Contractor's progress scliedule for acceptaz�ce and to monitor per%rinance and pragress. The following list of iterris are required to ens�lrre proper statlis information is contained in the Progress Scl�edule. o Bas�line Start date o Baseline �'inish Date � % Camplete � Flaat p Activity Logic (dependencies) a Critical FatIz • Ac�ivities added or deleted � Expected Baseline Finisli date o Variance to the Baseline Finish Date B. MonthIy Constructian Siatus Report The Ca�rtractor sub�nits a written status report (referred to as a progress narrative) at the end of each month tn accompany the Progress Schedule submittal, using the standard. format provid�d in Speczfication 00 32 �5.3 Construction Pro,�ect Schedule Progress Narrati�+e. The content of the Construction Praject Scheduie Progress Narrative al�ould be concise and complete ta: o Refleci i:ha cun•ent status of the work for the reporting pet-iod {including actual activities started aiid/or completed dvring the t�eporting periad) • Explain variailces frotn the baseline an critical path activities o E�cplai�i any patential schedule conflicts or delaya � Descri�e recovery plans where appropriate � Provide a summaz'y farecast of the work ta be achieved in tl�e next re�orfing period. C. 5ubmittal Process CITY OF FORT WORTH Allia��ce Airpart Taxiway A Centerline Lighf RepEacemenE STAt�f DARD SPL-"C1CfCATIOt�i Project No. 103 3 04 Revised ]ULY 20, 2U18 00 3z. is CONS'I'RUCTION PROGR�SS 5CIICDULI' Page9oP10 � Schedules and Moi�tl�Iy Canst�'uction Status Reparts are subu3itted in Buzzsaw follovving fl�e steps outlined in Speeification OQ 32 15.�F Const�•uctioa� Project Schedule 5ubinittal Pracess. • Once the project has beea� completed and Final Acceptance has been issued by fl�e City, no fiiz•ther progress scheduies or construction stahis repnrts are required f�•om the Contractor. I.6 ACTION SLTSNIITTALSIINFORMATYONAL SUBNILTTALS [NOT i]SEll j 1.� CLOSEOUT SiTSNIITTALS [NOT USED] 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL Si7BMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.9 QUALITY A�SURANCE A. Tl-te person preparii�g arld ee�vising tl7e Contractor's Project Schedule shall be experienced in the preparation of schedules of similar complexit�y. B. Sclledule and supporting documents addressed iii this Specification shalI b� prepared, updated and revised to accurateIy reflect t��e performanee ofthe Contractor's scope of work. C. The Con�ractor is responsible for the q�ality of all submittals in this section meetu�g tl�e standard of care for tlte construction indusfr� for similar projects. 1.I0 D�LYVER`4�, STORAGE, AND IIANIlLING [NOT USED] 1.11 FIELD [SYT�] CONDI'TIONS [N�T USED] 1,12 WARRANTY [NOT USED� 1.13 ATTACIIIVIENTS Spec 00 32 15.1 Construction Pr�oject 5chedule Baseline Exainple Spec 00 32 15.2 Construction Project Schedule Progress Example Spec OD 32 15.3 Construction Project Sched��le Progress Narrati�e Spec 0.0 32 15.4 Consttuction P�•oject ScheduIe Submittal Process PART � - PRODUCTs [NOT USED] PART 3 - EXECUTION [N�T USED] END OF SECTION CTTY OF FORT WDRTH Al[iance Airport'faxiway A Centerli�e I.ight Replacement S'TANDARD SP�CIFIGATIOt`f Projecf No. l03104 Revised ltILY 20, 201 S 0�3215 CONSTRL�CTION PROGRFSS SCHEDULE Page 10 of 1 Q Revision Log DATE NAM� SUMIVIARY OF CHANG� 7uly 20, 2018 M. Jarrell Jnitial issue CITY OF FpRT WORTH 5'1"AND�1.l�D SPECIFICATION Revised JIJLY 20, 2018 Al[iauce Airport Tasiwa}� A C�nterl9ne Light Replacement nrajeat No. L03104 aa 3s j3 CONFLICT OP INTERGST AFP'IDh1V!'C Page 1 of 1 SECTION 00 3513 CON�LICT OF INTEREST AFFIDAVTT Each bidder, off'erar or respondent {hereinafter referi•ed ta as "You") to a City ofFoit WorthprocLirementmay be requit•ed to complete a Conflict of interest Questiannaire (the attached CIQ Form} ar�d/or a Local Go�erivn�nt Officer Co��flicts Disclosure Statetne��t (the attaclzed CIS Form) pursua.nt to state law. Yo.0 are urged to eonsult with cpunsel regarding the applicability of these forms to your company. The referenced forms inay be dawnloaded fram ti�►e links provided below. http:ilwww.ethics.state.tx.uslforrns/CIQ.pd" http:/lwww.ethics.state.tx, us/formslCIS. pu i � ■ ■ ■ ■' � CIQ �orm does not apply CIQ Form is on file with City Secrelary CIQ �'orm is being provided to the City Secretary CIQ Form does no� apply CIS Form is on File with City Secretary GIS �orm is being pravided to the City Secretary BIDDER: B-C Campany Inc. Company PO Box 136729 Address Fort Wort�, TX 76136 City/State/Zip �y, Ann Bartholomew (Please Print} Signature: �� ����" Title: Vice Presicten# {Please Print) END OF SECTION C1TY OI' FORT WORTH Alliance Airpart'Caxiway A Centerline LighY Replaecment STANDARD CONSTRUCTIbN SPECIFTCATION I70CUiv[ENTS PrajectNo. l03104 Rev ised April 2, 2021 00 41 OD BI6 FORM Page 1 of 3 i0: The Purchasing Manager clo: The Purchasing Division 200 Texas 8treet City oF Fart Worth, 7exas 76102 FOR Ciky Project No.: 1031 Q4 UnitslSections: Department of Aviation 1. Enter Into Agreement SECTIDM1! OD 4'� 40 BID FORM Taxiway A Centerline Light Replacement The undersigned Bidder propases and agrees, if this Bid is accepted, to enter into an Agreemenf witit City in the form included in the Biciding Documents to perform and furnish all Work as specified or indicated in the Cantract Documents for the Bid Price and within the Contract Time indicated in this Bid and in accordance with the other t�rms and conditions ofi khe Contract �ocuments. �. BIdD�R Acknowledgements and Certi�cation 2.1. In submitting this Bid, Bidder accepts all of tfi�e terms a�d �onditians of the INVITATlO�[ TO BIDDERS and INSTRUCTIONS TO B1DD�R5, including without limitation thase dealing with the disposition of Bid Bond. 2.2, Bidder is aware of al] costs ko provide khe required insurance, rruill do so pending contract award, and will provide a valid insurance certificate �neeting all requirements within 14 days of notification of award. 2.3. Bidder cer�iffes that this Bid is genuine and not made in the interest of or on behalf af any undisclosed individual or en#ity and is not submitfed in conformity with any collusive agreement or rules of any group, assaciation, organization, or corporation. 2.4. Bidder has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other 6idder to subm9t a false or sham Bid. 2.5. Bidder has not solicited or induced any individual or entity to refrain from bidding, 2.6. Bieider has not engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, coflusi�e, or caerci�e practices in campeting for the Contract. For the purposes of this paragra}ah: a. "corrupt practice" means the offering, gi�ing, receiving, or soliciting of any thing of va[ue likely ta inf{uence the action of a public official in the bidding process. b. "fraudulent practice" means an intentional misrepresentation o# facts made (a} ta influence the bidding process ta the detriment of Ciky (b) ko establish Bid prices at artifcial non-eompetitive levels, or (c) to deprive City of the �enefits of fiee and open competition. c. "collusive practic�" means a scheme or arrangement between two or more Bidders, with 4r without the knornrledge of Ci�y, a purpose of which is to establish Bid prices at artificial, nan- competitive levels. d. "coerci�e practice" means harmir�g or threatening to harm, directly or indirectly, persons or their property to in#lue�ce their participation in the bidding pracess or affect the executian of fhe Con#ract. CITY OF FORT WORTH 5'iANDARD CONSTRUCTION SP�CIFICATION bOCUM�NTS Form Revised March 8, 202D 41 OU Bid Proposal Workl�nok oa 41 aa BID FORM Page2of3 3. Prequalification 7he Bidder acknowledges that the following work types must be perform�d anly by prequalified cantractars and subconkractors: a. �]/A b. NfA c. NIA d. N/A 4. 7ime of Completion 4.1, The Work will be camplete far Final Accepiance wiihin 422 days after the date when the the Contract Time commences to run as pro�ided in Paragraph 2.03 of the General Conditions. 4.2. Bidder accepts the provisions of the Agreement as to liquidated damages in the evenk of failure to cflmplete the Work {andlor achievement of Mifestones} within the times specified in the Agreement. 5. Attached to this Bid The following documents are atiached to and made a part of this Bid: a. This Bid Farm, Sectian 00 41 QO b. Req�ired Bid Bond, 5ection 00 43 13 issued by a surety meeting the requirements of Paragraph 5.01 of the General Canditions. c. Proposal Form, Sectinn 00 A�2 43 d. Vendor Cornpliance to State Law Non Resident Bidder, Section 00 43 37 e. MWBE Farms (optional at tirne of bid) f. prequalif'rcation �tafement, Section flD 45 12 g. Conflict of Interesk 5taxement, Section 00 35 13 *If necessary, CIQ or CI5 forms are to be provided directly to City Secretary h. Certificate of Buy American Compliance for Manufactured Products i. Any additional documents that may be required by Section 12 of the Instructior�s to Bidders 6. Total Bid Amvunt 6.1. Bidder wi[I compleke fhe Work in accordance with the Contract Documents for the following bid amount. In the space pro�ided below, please enter the total bid amaunt for this project. Only this figure wil� be read publicly by the Cify at the bid opening. 6.2. It is understood and agreed by the Bidder ir� signing this proposal that ihe total bid amnunt entered below is subject to verification andlor modification by muliiplying the unit bid prices for each pay item by the respective CITY OF FORT WORTN SiAN�AR� GONSTRUCTI�N SPECIFICATION �OCUMENTS Farm Revlsed March 9, 2020 41 DO Bid Proposal Workbook 00 41 p0 BI� FORM Page 3 of 3 estimaked quantikies shawn in this proposal and then totaling all ofi the extended amounts. 6.3. E�aluation of Bid lterns Tfltal Bid $1,169,124.pQ 7. Bid 5ubmittal This Bid is subr�itted on 08/26/2021 1 ', Respectf�ly s�nitted, �-� 1' , sy: ._ � �- (Signature) Keith Barthoiomew (Print�d Narne) by the entity named b�low. Title: Presidenf Company: B-C Company Inc. AcEdress: �O Box 13E729 Fort Wort1�, TX 76136 5tate of Incarporation: TX Email: keithbCc�.b-ccompany.net Phone: 817-236-fi000 �ND OF S�CTION Receipt is acknowledged of the Initial following Addenda: Addendum Na � : 8/19/2021 � Addendum Na. 2: 812Q12Q21 Addendum fVa. 3: 8124/2fl21 � -� Add�ndurn No. 4: Corporaie 5eal: CITY O�' FORT WORTH STAM�RRD CONSTRIJCTiON SPECIFICATION �OGUMENTS Form Revised March 9, 2020 41 0� Bid Proposal Workbook 06 42 43 B1� PROPOSAL Page I oF I SECTION 00 42 43 PROPOSALF�RM �IIVI� �RIC� �I� �idci�r'� Ap�lic��i�n project Item Information Bidder's Proposal Bidlist Description 5pecification Unit af Bid ��if Frice Bid Valae item No. Section �fo. Measure Quanlity 1 Mobilizatian C-105 LS 1 $fi4,394.00 $84,394.Oa 2 Temporary Fencing, Barricades, and Facili#ies G145-5.1 LS 1�$58,224.00 $58,224.00 3 No. 8 L-824C 5k1/ Cable Inst. in Duct or Gonduit L-108-5.1 LF 86,Oa0 � $1.75 mm$15D,sao.oa � Nv. 6 5.olid CU Counterpoise Inst, w7Ground Rods and L-1a8-5.2 � 4 Gonnectors �F 4Dfl $3.a0 $1,200.00 1.5" GRSC In Exist. Rigid Pvmt., Incl. Sawcut, Trench L-110-5.1 5 and Backfill �F 330 $41,OQ $13,530.00 6 Removal of �xist. Shallow Saw Kerf Cvnduit and BackfilE L-110-5.2 LF � �� 330 $30.04 $9,900.00 7 Dema Existing Fixture and Transformer L-125-5.1 �EA 640 $50.00 $32,D00.00 8 Remove, StoTe, Reinstall Light Base Blank Lid � L-125-5.2 EA 92 $240.00 $22.080.00 Furnish L-852C(L} Bidirectionai Twy Centerline Fixture L-125-5.3 �� � 9 and Transformer �A 341 $835.00 $284 735.00 Furnish L-852D(L} 8idirectianal Twy Centerline Fixture� L-125-5.4 14 and Transformer E� 322 $835.60 $268,$70.OQ 11 I�stall Fixture and Transformer ��� L-'f25-5.5 EA 6p2 $264.00 �$158,928.00 12 Furnish and Instali L-868 314" Blank Lid L-125-5.6 EA 38 $210.Q0 $7,980.�0 _� .�.,,,�,,,�..w .�.__ � m.� _ � __.. ..�.w.� furnish and lnstall L-86$ Sha�low Light Base in Exisi. L-125-5.7 13 �igid Pvmt. EA 31 $1,389.00 $43,�59.00 .� .� __._ _..._.__....._..._.____________ __w, ,..�_ Core Removai of Exisiing 5hallow Light Base in �xist. L-925-5.8 14 �igid Pvmt. �A 31 $804.00 $24,924.40 15 Bro[cen Bolt Repair 1.-125-5.9 EA 40p $42.�Q $16 800.00 16 ALCMS Graphi� Modifications L-125-5.10 L5 1 $12,ODO.Oa $12,00�.0� Total Bid $1,ifi9,124.00 END dC SEC'I'ION crrY oF Fo�tr wox'rH STANbA1iq CDNSTR[1Cf10N SPECIFICATION 60Cl1tvfENTS Fana Reviaed 20120120 41 00 Bid Proposal Wotk6opk ��ca�m�r�t A31 � �� — 2�'� � Confarrrls with Tlte Ame�ican Institute of Architects AIA Qocument 310 �io1 ��n�' CONTRACTOR: ,l,�'crn�e, lcgu! n•talcr.e nud crcldnr;.wtiJ B -C Company, Ir�c. PO Box 13fi729 Fort Worth, TX 75136 OWNEI�: {,'�'antw lc,�rrlsfnitrsaltdtrdciresSJ City of Fart Warth SURETY: ('I�irru�, lcgrrl.clar�rcmrcipr��tcipulrlac�rfhresii�e.s:tiJ North American Specialty lnsurance Company 12Q0 Main Street, Suite 8Q0 }�ansas City, MO 64105 , rx BOlVA AMOUfVT• $�°�a Fi�e Percenf of Amount Bid PROJ �CT: {,'4'antcs; localFoltoraddress� arrd!'mjecrnrm�ber, �j'ai1�j Taxiway A Cente�-fine Light Replace Alliance Airport ihEs docurnent has Irnpo�tant legal consequences. Consultation with an attarney is encauraged with respect to its cample#lon or modificatio n. Any singuiar refererice !o Contractor, Surety.O+�vner or other garty shall be cansidared pl�ratwhere appffcabfe. 7I�c Coi�tractor and Snrcty arc battnd to tIia Oti��ncr in Ihc a�iYouni sct fortii abovc, for tItc payment of «I�ich tlia Co��#ractor and Surct}� biud tIicroschcs, tlsoir Itcirs, cxccutors, admi�iistrators, sticcessors and assigiz�, jointly and sc4crally, ns providcd hcrci�i. Tlic co�iditio»s oF this Boiid are snc3i t[�at iftlic O►vncr accapis tha bid of thc Contractor «itliin iha tiinc spcci�cd i:� thc bid doctimei�ts, or +tiithin sucli ti«u period as map be ��reed to b�� tho U�r•��er uttid (:antractor, aitd tlte Cont�ctor cither (1) enters i�rto u coz�tract ��itl� the Utivner in acavrdance «�ith the tenYis af such bid, a�td givos s��cli boiid or bonds as niay be spec'sfied i�i tlte biddin� or Coa�tmct lloat�me�rts, �visl� a surety actmitted in khe jttrisdiction oftit� 1'roject aud otlsers�isc acceptpb[c to Sl�c U«y�er, for the faitl�fid perforutaace of suci� (;ontruct and for t�i� prompt payi�ient af labor �nd uraterial fi�ruished in Uie prosecution tiiereof, or (2) pays to tl�e U��tacr tioe di.i�'ereua� �iot to exceed tEte umou�st af tl�is Honcl, Uei�vean the antout�t spec':tied in soid bid and sucl� Iassser amou»t for +vhicI� tltie Uu•ner tnay i�i good #'uitli coiitract t�'itli a�tiotlier parl; tc� perliantt [he «urk cut'ered hy x�id bici, the�i t1�3s nhligntiorr xh:tl� ha nu11 und v:�ici, other�rise It► r�msuu in lull litrce und Gllerl, The Surely herrhy Svaives r�iry noiie.� ol'un ugreement het�r�ei:lise Ot�ner and Gti�trucior u� ext�n�l th� lim� in a�hici� tla� Otr�termay uccepi the hid. W�i►��r cyl`nutic� bv the Surely �l�;�il nu� upply lu any e�te�sicm cxc�eding xixi} (6Q) duys in tite ug�regute beycynd the tim� lur ttGGe��tui�4e 01'bids s�ci li� in llse 6i$ d��aument� t�nd lhe Qt4htes and Cuntrnclar shail ubtai�t the Sttret}ak c�m.�ul I't�r un etit�nsi�m bey�ond tiixly (60) t�u�'s. If titis Bo»d is issucd ia canncction tr-�tlt n subcoiitractor's bid to;� Contractor, ttsc tcrm Cotstractor in tIiis Bond s1�af I bc dccmcd to bc Subcontractor and tI�c tcrn� �«�ncr sIiall bc decu�cd to ba Contractor. R'he�� i1�i513amd hus hee�t l't�miyheci tu coitt�ly t��ty� u stututur; nr �tititer Iegu1 r�q►�ir�sment m tIie lucutinn of'litts Pn�jec:t, u�tiy �ntir'isitrn i�1 l�iix �3ond canllicting t��it�i tiuici ytalutary nr legal reqitirei�e�t s;ha1) l� dnc�ner3 deleted herclrn�t t►nd prc►vitiio�is conlurmi�ig tu sucli n�atuu�ry ��r uther lebu) reyuiremeni yh�]l h� de�med innurpurated hernisu When su liimi5hed, ihn in�Ni�t i:; ihui thi!� i3und tilsull he �^emh�ruet3 or a sluti�ti�ry bond uitd nnt xx u cummuu tssw bund. Sig�ir,cI and seated this ��th d�g af August, 2021 � � �F t� ,n • -r.� lA=�t�icss� - (�flilG'1,5� B-CCompa y, Inc. ,�� (Pri�rcipnl) � 1 (Seal) gy. _. rr ) Narth A eri a 5peeialty Insurance Campany {,4tu� j " " (Serrlj Bj1. � �T�r c) Urie Pflug ' ney-in-Fact S-04541AS 8l10 �or�h �rmer�can Specia��ty lnsu�ance �ompany �lashington In�ePnationai lr�su�ance Gompany l�es�por� Irnsurance �o�po�afiion T�X�aS C�lIIIYS IiVFORiVIpeTlO�l 1MP(}RTAIVT NOTIC� �1DVlS0 IfiAPORTA{ilTE In order to obtain informatian or make a complairet: You may contae# Jeffirey Goldberg, �ce Presiderit — Claims at 9-80D-33$-Q753 Para obtene� informacivn o para some#er un queja: P�ede comunicarse con JefFrey Galdberg, Vice President — Claims, al 1 ���0-338-0753 You may caR IdVashington lnfiernational Insurance Cnmpany and/or Rlorth American 5pec�alty Insurance Company's and/or Westport Insurance Corpora#ion tnll-free number for informatian or to make a com�lain# at: 1-8fl0-338-0753 You may alsv write to Washingtnn International Insurartce Company and/or North American Speciaity lnsurance Company and/or IlVestport lnsurance Corporatian at the follawing address: 't450 American Lane 5uite 110U 5chaumburg, IL 60173 Yau may contact the 7exas tiepartment of Insurance to obtain informatian on companies, co�erages, rights ar complaints at: 1-�QQ-252-3439 You may write the Texas Clepartment of Insurance: PA. Box 7 491 D4 Austin,TX 7�7149'104 Fax: [572)475-9771 Web: - � - ----� - --- - - -- -� Email: ConsumerPrntection@tdi.state.bc.us PRE�IIIUM OR CLAIM DISPUTES: 5hould you have a dispute concerning your premium or about a elaim you should first contact the Washington In#ernatianal Insurance Company and/or North Rmerican Specialty Insurance Company and/or Westpart Insurance Corporation. If the dispuie is no# resolved, you may contaet the Texas Department of Insurance. ATTACH THIS iVOTIG� 70 YOUR POLICY: This notice is for information only and does not become a part or condit�on of the attached doeument. Usted puede llamr al numero de telefano gratis de Washington Irrternational Insurance Company and/or Plarth Rmerican Spec.ialty Insurance Company's and/or Westport Insurance Corporation para informacion a para someter una queja aE: 1-8UQ-338-0753 Usted tambier� puede escribi� a Washington International Insurance Company arrd/or Rlorth �merican Specialty Insuranae Company and/ar Westport Irtsurance Carporation al: i 450 American Lane Suite 1 '100 Schaumk�urg, IL 607 73 Ruede escribir al Depat#merrta de Seguros de Texas para abtener informacion acerca de companias, cobe�turas, cierechos o quejas al: 1-80D-252-3439 Puede escribir al Departmento de Seguras de Texas: P.O. Box 74910� Austin,TX 78i149704 F�x: (512) 475-7 77'1 Web: . . _. . Email: Consu�erProtection@tdi.s#ate.tx.us DISPUTI�S SOgRE P�iIf1�A5 O RECLAIIROS: Si tiene una disputa cancernienfie a su prima o a un reclxmo, debe comunicarse con el Washington International Insurance Gampany and/or �lorth American Specialty Insur�nce Company and/or Westport Insurance Corporation primera. Si no se resuelve la dis�uta, pusde entonces comunicarse con el Departmento de Seguros de Texas. UIWN �5TE AVISO A SU POLIZA Este auiso as solo para propasito de infromacion y no se con�erte en parte o condician del dnc�menta adjunto. UO 43 37 V�NDOR COMPLIRNCE TO STATE LAW page 1 of 1 SECTION 00 43 37 V�NDOR COMPLIANCE TO STATE LAW NON RESIDEN7 BIbDER Texas Government Code Chapter 2252 was adopted for the award nf contracts to nonresident bidders. This law pro�ides that, in order to be awarded a contract as law bidder, nonresident bidders (oui-of-state contractors whose corporate offices or principal place of t�usiness are oufside the State of Texas) bid projects for canstruction, improvements, supplies or services in Texas at an amount lower than the lowest Texas resident bidder by the same amflunt that a T�xas res[dent bidder would be required to underbid a nonresidenf bidder fn order to abtain a comparal�le contract 9n the 5tate which the nonresider�t's principal place of business is located. The appropriate blanks in Section A must be filled out by al! nonresident b9dders in order for yaur l�id to meet specifications. The failure of nonresident bidders ta do so will automatically disqualify tha# bidder. Resident bidders m�st check the box in 5ection B. A. Nonresident bidders in fhe State of , our principal place of business, are required to be °fa FEc�e percent lower than resident bidders by Stak� Law. A copy of the statute is attached. Nonresident bidders in the State of �tate I•�ere n� ��a��C , our principal place af bus3ness, are nof required tv underbid residenf bidders. B. The principal place of business of our company or our parent carnpany ar majority owner is in the State of Texas. CI BIDDER: B-C Company Inc. PO Box 136729 fl Fort Worth, TX 76136 By: Kefth Bartholom w , " r ` � �� (Signature� Title: President pa��: 8/26/2021 END OF SECTCON CITY OF F032T WORTH STAN�ARD COiVSTRUCTIQN SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Form Revised 20110627 4i 00 Bld Proposal Workbaok 00 45 11 B1DD�R5 PREQUALIFICA'C[ONS Page 1 of 2 s�cT1oN o0 4s 11 BIDDERS PREQUALIFICATIONS 1. Summary. AI1 conti•actors are req�ired to be prequalified by the city prior to submitting bids. To be eligible to bid the Contractor rnust submit 5ection 00 45 12, Prequalificatian Statement for the work type{s) listed with their bid. Any contractor or subcantractor who is not prequalified %r the work typ�{s) Eisted must submit section 00 45 13, Bfdder Preqiialification Appl�cation in accordai�ce with the requirements below. The prequalification process �ill establish a bid limit hased on a tec�nical evaluation and financial anaiysis of the contractor. The information must 6e sub�nitted sever� (7} days prior to the ciate of tl�e opening of bids. For exainp�e, a contractor vwishing ta submit bids on projecis to be opened on the 7th of Apr�l must file the information by the 31si day of March in nrder to bid on these projects. In ordea• to expediie and facilitate tl�e approval of a Bidder's Prequalification Application, the following must accompany the submission. a. � completa set of audited or reviewed financial statements. (1) C3assiiied balance sheet (2) Income statement (3) Statement of cash flows (4} �taiement of retained earnings (S) Notes to the financia� statements, if any b. A certified copy of the firrri's organizalional documents {Corporate Charter, Articles of Incorporafion, Articles af Organization, Certificate ofFormatian, LLC Regulations, Certificate of Limited Partnership Agreement}. c. A campleted bidder prequalification application. (I) The firm's Texas Taxpayer ldenti�catian Nurr�ber aa issued by the Texas Corr�ptroller of Public Accounts. To obtain a Texas Taxpayer ldentification number �isit the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts online at the following web address www.window.state.tx.us/taxpermit/and fill outthe applicationto apply foryourTexastax ID. (2} The firm's e-mail address and f� number. (3} The �rm's DUNS number as issued �y Dun & Bradstreet. This number is used by the City for required reporting fln Federal Aid prajects. The DUNS number nnay be obtained at www.dnb.com. d. Resumes reflecting the canstructian experience of the principles of th� f rm for fi�'tns submitting their initial prequalification. These resumes should include the size and scope af the work performed. e. Other information as requested by the Gity. 2. Prequalff'ication requirements a. Financial statements. Financial staternent submission must be provided in accordanc� witl� the follawing: (1) The CiLy requires that the original �inancial 5tatement or a certified copy be submitted for eonsideration, (2) To 6e satisfactory, the �nancial staternents must be audited ar reviewed by an independent, certi�ed public accoun#ir�g firm registered and in good standing in any state. CurrentTexas CITY OP FORT WORTI-1 Alliance Airport Taxiway A Cenierline Light Replacement STRNDAi?D CONSTRUC17pN SP�CIFICAT'ION DOCLIMENTS Praject i�a. 1031Q4 Itevised April 2, 2021 aa4sri BIDDEIZS P12EQiJAL1PICATI03VS Page 2 af 2 (3) (4} (5) (�) (7} (8} �9) (10) statues also require that accounting £irms periarining audits or rer�iews on business entities within the 5tate of Texas be properly licensed or registered with tl�e Texas state board of public acco�ntancy. The accounting firm should state in the a�adit repnrt or �•eview whether the contractor is an individual, corporation, or limited liability company. Financial Statements �nust be presented in U.S. dollars at the current rate of exchange of the halance sheet date. The City will not recognize any certified public accountant as independent wha is nat, in fact, independeiit. The accountant's opinion on the finazlcial statements of the cantracting cnmpany shouid state that the audit oz' re�iew has been conducted in accordance with auditing standards �enerally accepted in the Llnited Siates of America.. This must be stated in the accaunting. �rm's opinion. It should: (l) express an unqualified opinion,. or (2) express a qualified opinion on tihe state�a�ents taken as a whole. The City reserves the right tn require a new statement at any time. The financial statement znust be prepared as of the last day of any month, not mare than one year oId arid must be on file with th� City 16 months thereafter, in accordance with paragraph 1. The City wil] determine a cantractor's bidding capacity for the purposes of awarding contracts. Bidding capacity is determined by rr�uliiplyingille positive net wor•king capital (working capiial = current assets — current liabilities) by a factor nf 10. OnIy thase statements re�ecting apositive net working capital position will be considered satisfactory for prequalification purposes. In the case that a bidding date falls within the time a new financial staiement is being prepared, the previous statement shail be updated with proper veri�cation. b. Bidder prequal�icatian application. A bidder prequalification applicaiiota must be submitted along with audited or reviewed financial statemants by firins wishing ta be eligible to bid on all classes nf construction and mainienan.ce p��ojects. Incomplete appiications will be r�jected. (1) In thase schedules where there is nothing to repnrt, the notation of "None" or "NIA" should be inserted. (2.) A minimum� of �ve (S} references ofrelated work must be provided. {3) Submission of an equipment schedule which indlcates equipment under the coi�troj of the Contractor and which is related ta the type of work for which the Contactar is seeking prequalificatian. The scl�edule must include thc manUfacturer, madel and genet�al common descriptian of each piece of equipm�nt. Abbre�iations ar m�ans of describing equipment other than provided above vvill not be accepted. 3. Eligibiliiy to hid a. The Gity shall be the sole Sudge as to a cantractor's prequalification. b. The City tnay reject, suspend, or madify any prequali�cation for failure hy the contractor ta demonsirate acceptable financial ability oz' performat�ce. c. The City wilI issu� a letYer as to the status of the prequaiification approval. d. Ifa ontractor has avaIid preqUalification letter, the contractorwill be eligible to bid the prequalified work types untiI the expiration date stated in the letter. END OF SECTION CITY OF FORT WORTH tllliat�ce rlirport Taxiway A Centerline Light Replanenient STANI7ARD C�NSTRUC`I'�QN SP�ClFICA17�N BOCUMLNTS Project No. 10310�4 Revised April 2, 2021 ao a5 � 2 BIO F'OF2M Page 1 of S SECiION pQ 45 92 PREQUALIFiCATION STATEM�NT �ach Bidder for a Ciiy procurement is required to complete tMe infarmation befow by identify9ng the prequali�ied contractors andlor subcontractors whom they intend to utilize for the major work iype{s) listed. Major Work Type Contractorl5ubcontractor Company Name Prequalification �xp�ration [�ake N/A C:�+i����;�r,y I��z.ii7�� I-Ir��- r:r �F,t��;e ��ic,% I�Ir�re or s�}a�r• L}as� 1te,�r: nr NIA �•��i�iE's�a:��y IV�.srltii' � it��i:: C�i� 5����[;{: �p���c �c3ik�.'. �'�GfE.' C11' NIA �:nir7�,a���sy N�rn���; I�ler� �rr ���ar.:r ;�t krli'�' I..ath f-Ic�:c: ,_�� NIA i.{}ffi;7t.i:1}` �-:f47i' f-��1�;- [}� :i�7{]{== SE)c]CE' The undersigned hereby certifles ih�t the contractors andlor subcontractors described �n the ta�le above are currently prequalified for the work ty�es listed. BIDDER: B-G Company lnc. PO Box 135729 fl Fart Worth, TX 76136 � �y�: K�ith B�rthpla�iew � � ` i � (Signature) Title: President �ate; 8/26/2021 �W� O� S�CiION C17Y OF FORT UUORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTfON SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Form Revisecf 20120120 41 0o Bid Proposal Workbook 0045 26 CONTRACTORCOMPLIANCE WITH WORICER'S COIwIPENSA'FION LAW Page 1 of 1 SECTION OQ 45 �6 CONTRACTOR COIVIPLIANCE WITH WORI{ER'S COMPENSATION LAW Pursuant to Texas Labar Code Section �406.096(a}, as amended, Contractor certiiies that it provides worker's compensatian insurance co�erage for a!1 of its employees employed on City Froject No. 103104. Contractor further certifies that, pursuant to Texas Labor Gode, Section 406.096(b), as amanded, it will pro�ide to Gity iis subcontractor's certificates of compliance with worker's eo.mpensation coverage. CONTRACTOR: B-C Company Inc. Compa�y PO Box 136729 Address Fort Worth City/5tate/Zip THE 5TATE OF TEXAS COUNTY �F TAR.RANT g},; Ann Berlholomew , �Pzease�rint�, �, . ---�-, Signature�.,�� _ - Vice PrEsident {Please Prini} BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day persnnally appeared Ann Bartholomew , known to me ta be tha person whase name is subscribed to the faregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that helshe executed the same as tha act and deed of B-C Company, Inc. for the purposes and consideratian therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated. � GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this � day af �e�e��i ,20�t. RYAN GRABUSKI �Pa� A�s. o n ssOiAEiY tD # 132433d5-g TExA r � �. � t�r,.q�fi �ti�.� caMN�. ExQ, oA-ofi•2oza ��� Notary Public in and for the Stata of Texas OF SECTION CITY OF PDRT WORTH Allienae Airport Ta�ciway A Centerline Light Rep[acement STANI7ATZD C(3NSTRUCTION SFECIFICATfON �QCUNiENTS ProjectNo. 1a31D4 Ravised Apri12, 2021 00 4S A2 Disadvantagecl 13usiness Enierprise Speaiftcations Page 1 of 2 SECTION UO 45 42 DISADVANTAGED BII5INES5 ENTERPRISE SPECIrICATIONS APPLICATION OF POLICY Ifthe tatal dallarvalue o.fthe contract is g�•eater than $Sp,QQO, then a DBE subcantractin�; �oal is applieable. POLICY STATEMENT It is the policy of the City of Fort Worth to ensure the iuIl and equitable participation by Disadvantaged Business Enterprises {DBE) in the procu�•ement of all goods asid services. All requirements and regulatiaMs stat�d in the City's current Business Uiversity Entarprise Ordinance appiy to thisbid. DB� PROJECT �DALS The City`s DBE goal on this project is 6°/n of the total bid value of the contract, COMPLIANCE TO BYD SPECI�'ICATIONS On City cantracts $50,000 or �nore where a DBE subcantracting goal is app�ied, Offerors are i•equired to comply with the intent of the City's BLjsznass Divexsity Ente�prise O:rdinance by one of th� folIawing: 1. Meet or exceed the above stat�d DBE gaal through DBE subcontraeting participafion, or 2. Meet or exceed the above stated DBE gaal through DBE Joint Venture garticipation, or 3. Good Faith Effort docu.meutation, or; Q. Prime Waiver docunae�tation. SUBMITTAL OF REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION The applieable documents must be receiv�ed by the assigned City of Fort Worth Project Manager or Departm�er�t Designee, within the following times allocated, in arder for the enfire bid to be considered responsive to #he specif�cations. The Offeror shall EMAIL the DSE documentatio� to the assigned City of Fort Wort� P�roj ect Manager or Departmen� Designee. A faxed copy will not �e accepted. 3. Subcontractor Utilizatian �'orm, received no later f.hari 2:00 p.m., on the second City if goal is rn.et or exceeded: business day a.fter the bid apening date, exclusive of fi.F�e bid o enin date. 7. Good Faith Effort and received no later than 2:00 p.m., on the second City �ubcontractor IItilization Form, business day after the hid opening date, exclusive of Che if participation is less than stated bid opening data. oal: 8. Gaod Faith Effort and received no later �an 2:00 p.m., on tlae second City Subcontractor Utilization Form, business day after the bid opening.date, exclusive of the if na MBE artici ation: bid o enin date. q. Prime Contractor Waiver Form, received no later than 2:OQ p.m., tin iY►e second City if you will perform ali business day after the bid opening date, exclusive o� tk�ie contractin /su li�ec �vor�C: bid o enin date. 5. Joint Venture Farm, if goal is met received i�a later than 2:Od p.m.., nn the second City or exceeded. husiness day after the bid opening date, exclusive of the bid o enin date. CITY OF FOIZT WORTI-1 Alliance AirporP Taxiway A Ce�atertine Light Replacement STANDARD CO3VSTRUCTION SPCC[PICATION bOCUMENTS PrajectNo. 103104 Revised May G, 2p21 p4 4S 42 Disadvnutaged Business Fnlerprise Specificafions Page 2 of2 FAILIIRE TO COMPLY WTTH THE CITY'S BUSxNES� DIVERSITY ENTERPRISE ORDINANC� WILL RESTJLT IN THE BID BEING CONSIDERED NON-RESONSIVE TQ SPECIF�CATIONS. FAILURE TO SIIBMIT THE REQUIRED DBE DOCUM�NTATION WILL RESULT �N THE BID BEING CONSIDERED NON-RESPONSYVE. A SECOND �'A�LURE WILL RESi7LT IN THE OFFEROR B�ING DISQUALIFiED FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR. THR�E FAILIIRES IN A FIVE-�'EAR PERIOD WILL RESULT IN A DI�QUALIFICAITON PERIOD OF THREE YEARS. ANY QU�STIONS, PLEASE CONTACT THE BD� OFF�CE AT (817) 392-2674. END OF SECTION CITY OF FORT WORTH All'tanca Airport Taxiw�y A Centerline Lighi Replaeemeiit STANI7;�RI] CONSTRUCTIOi�] SP�CIFICATION DOCUMENTS Project Nn. 103104 Revised ]vEay 6, 2021 FO RT V�dRTH ATTACH�ENT7A Page 9 of 3 City of Fort Worth Disacivantaged �usiness Enferpr�se DBE Sul�cnrrtraciarslSubpliers Utilizatlon �orm Check appllcahle hox to descri6e 4FFEROR CQMPAMY NAME: . B-C COf7lpSny �F1C. Offeror's Cer�ification pRodECT NnM�: Alliance Airport Taxiway A Centerline Light Replacement ��fDBf ❑�lON-M1W16BE PROJECTNUMBER: �D3�O4 B@PATE: ��� ` Y'� � CITY'3 DpE PR4JECT GOAL: 6 95 OfteraPs D8E GOAL COMM1Th9ENT; s,�Z gy Please read the following statements prinr ka executing this form. 'erors must provide iriformatlom nn all prospeoEl+re suhcontractor{a)lsappllers who su6mit bldelquatations in suppoM af this en[icftation. Fallure to comp[ete this fnrm, in entitety with suppnrting dacumenta#iort, and received by the Purchas9ng bEvision no later 4han 2:D0 p,m, on the ser.and Cfty business day afLer bid opening, axclus[ve af I openfng dete, will reault in the bid 6einq cansider�d no�-rasnanslve to 4ha bid soeciflcatlons. e Oiferor tlurlher agrees ta pravide, dlrectly to the City �pon �equest, camptete and aecura6e InTartt�afion regardlog acfual work perFoemed 6y all su6confrxfars, Inc[4ding �E[ej arrangements suhmitted with this 6id. The Offieror also agrees 4o allow an a�dit andlor examinaEion of any books, records and files held F�y fqeir company thak wifl bstaMiata the actual work parfarmed by ihe �B�(sJ on this contract, by an authorized ofiioer or employee of ihe C[ty, Any [ntentlonal and/or knowing rn€srepresentation facts wiil 6e grounds 4or #erminating the con4rac! or debarmenk from Ciry work fer a petiod af notlass than tdree {3j years and for inlilafing actinn under Fecleral, 3tate or cal lawa caaceming false s4atements. Any faltureto camply with th9s program and creates a materlal breach afcontract may result In a deEsrmEnation of an irreaponelble fennr and barred iram partlafpatlng fn Cfty work for a qedod at time not less ihan one (i i vear. contraetors must identit�l by tfer level ef a[I subwntractora/suppl[ers. Tier: means the level of su6contraciing peto�v the prime eantraotorleonsultan# f.e. a direct nt [rom fhe prime coniractar 10 a sUhcorrtraatar [s �nsfdered 7�` iier, a paymerrt hy a su6contracfor ta iEs supplier is considerec{ 2"tl tier. The prime tontraotor �ansible to prov�da proof oF paymen4 of all taered subrantractors iden4ified as a OBE and countiha khosedollars towards meetlnn fhe cantract commftted s�oel. Oiferors muet also provide the prev[ous years ennual gross receipts ot all subcontrackorslsuppilers I[sted on the utilixelion form. Th€s infarmatian mey be expreased in the do[lar ranges provided that column. nsmg uesc rartiapaiion: ir maseriais or supp¢es are op[ameq trnm a unt manutaaturer, r.ount 9 no peroent af the cost ot rne matenels or supplfes towaFUs iha goal, li materials or supplfes are pu�chaaed trom a pBE regwlar dealer, enupt 69 parcent of the cost of the materiels and s�pplfes toward 1he DB� gaal. When meterlais or plles are pu3'chased frem a pBE neither a martufaaiurer nor a regular dealer, cnunt fhe entlre amaunt of feea ar cammiss9ons charged tor assis4anee in the procurement ie ma#erials and supplfes or fees or transportatfon cEtarges for tite delivery of the materials ar supplies dplivered to the job site. lo xll cases, the Offeror Is responaible �enEliv 4he amau�s to 6e used iowarci the oomrniti�ed OBE ttoa[. If hauling services are utilized, separaiion a# dolfars for haul-in and haul out is requi�ed. in addiEinn, thc Offeror wiN qe given cnedit far utllixing a DBE haufing flrm as long as the UB� owns a�d aperates a feast one fully Hcensed and qpel'aflona! truok used on the contract, The UBE may lease truc[ce fYom anafhe� I]6E flrm, IncfudEng IiB� awner-0perateci and receive full �BE cred{t. The QeE may lease tnrcKs frmm �on-OBEs, iocluding owner-operated, bu4 will anly recaive eredi� for tE�e fees and commisslons earned by the DBE as outllned in the leasa agi�semant. Nnte: Be mindful af the 609'a rule, Rev. b115f18 AT7ACHM�N71A O RT �O RT Page 2 of 3 �isadvantaged Business �nterprise SubcontractorslSu IEers Utilization Form Check this 6ox0if any subcpntractoNsupplfer is a Sole Source and ide[rtiFy Gy writing sole source by the subcontractorlsupplier hame. NAMES ANa Af7DRE55E5 E7F 1"YpE OF WOF2K76 BE Specliy CERTfFIEfl 6SE FlRM PR�lolJ5 YEARS A�ElVUAL 5lIBCOiUTRACTORSlSUPPLfERS PERFORMER Tiar �R4uS RECEIPTS Name: Airport Lighting Systerris, Inc. 7vPeo�work; Yes � Q less than S5U01[ Address: 651 Inclustria[ Blvd. Materiai Supplier Grapevine, rx 7sos� 1 st �o � Q g590K-32 mil. Phane: 817-912-0040 ��� cd@airporklighting.com a��O��T' Q$2mil-E5mil. EI�aiL• CeRIHed By: coneact Psrson: Courtney aenny $� Z� ,325.00 NCTRCA Q Tx�OT ❑ 0 Mo�� inan S� r�n. nja�7g; Type oi 4Vark: Address: Yes ❑ ��ess cnan aso-aK No � � $5041( - $2 mii. Phone: ��; S AMOEENT: � $2 mil - $5 mll Email. Certlfied By: � more than;5 mfl. Contac4Person: NCTRCA � 7xD07❑ i�lame: TYPe cflNork: Address: Yes � Q less than S500K No � � $540K -$2 miF. Phone: F�: $ AMOUN7: � $2 mi1-$5 mil Emai�: Certlfred By: � more than $5 mil. CorrtacE Persan: Nc7RCA � Tx�OT � IVame: 7ype of Wark: Addfess: Yss � � less than 85001( Na � � S50oK - 82 mil. Phone: Fax: $ AMOUNT: ❑ Sz m[!- $5 mil Email: Certifie�E sy: Corttact Person: NCTRcA Q TxfloT ❑� more than � mil. Rev. 5H5I19 ArracH�ENr�A Page 3 af 3 FORT V�TORTH Disadvaniaged Business �nter�rise SubcontractorsJSuqpliers LJtiiization Form NAMES AND A�DRES5ES OF TYPE OP WORi( TQ HE $pecify CERT[FEE� �BE FERM PREVIOUS YEARS AlVMUAL SIigCON7RqCTORSlSUPPL[ER5 PERFORM�� Tier GROSS RECEIPTS Nam@: 7ype of Wark: Yes 0 ❑ lessthan$500i( Addresst Nn Q ❑ 5500K - $2 mll. Phore: �gx; $ AMOIfNT: ❑ 32 mtl -�5 mil E111ai1: Certified By: � more khan S5 mtl. Contact Person: McrRca � Tx00T ❑ I1fgt1'f�. Type of Work: Address: Yes Q ❑ less than S5o0K �o Q ❑ $500K - 52 mil. Phone: Fax: $ AMOUN7: Q$2 mi1.$5 mfi Email: Certified By: � ma� than $5 mil. Contact Person: NCl'F2CA � 7x�oT0 The undersigned Otferor aqrees to enter ioio a iorrnal agreement wfth the D�E firtns far wor& listed in this sched�[e, condiiioned upan execution af a corrtract with the CRy af Fort Worth, The intentional andlar knowing misrepresentatian of facts ia Arounds for cansideratian of disqualificatian and will rc�1t in ehe bid beinai,snnsidered non-resnonsive to bid speci�rcations. . ALL DBES MUS7 BE � -- AuthorizeB Sign�ture President Title B-C Companv, Inc. Company Ngme PO Box 136729 Address Fort Worth, TX 76136 Cfty/State2ip Code Keith Bartholomew Med Signature Goniacf Name and Title (if different} 8 � 7-236-8�00 Phane Number Fax Number keithb�a b-ccompany.net Emafl Address $l2612021 �a#e Office o# Business �ivarsity Errtail: mwbeoffice(d�fortworthtexas.gov Phone; (817) 392•2674 Rev. 3M5f19 oo sa a3 ACrRC�MENT Page 1 ofG THIS AGREEMENT, authorized on _ Texas ho.me rule municipality, acting B-C Company, Inc. SECTION 00 �2 43 AGREEMENT 12114I2021 is rnade by and between the City of Farth Worth, a by and through its duly auihorized City Manager, {"City�"), and . authorized to do business in Texas, acting by and through its duly authorized j-epresentative, {"Contracto�•") City and Contractor, in consideration of the �nutual covenants hereinafter set farth, agree as follaws: Article 1. W OHK Contractor shall complete ali Work as specified or indicated in the Contract Dpcuments for the Prajeet identified herein. Article �. PROJECT The project far which the Work under the Cantract Documents may be the whole or only a part is generally described as follaws: Alliance Airport 'I'axiwav A Centerline Li�ht Re�lacement__ Proiect No. 103104 Article 3. CONTRACT PRICE City agrees to pay Contractor for perfarmance of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents an amount, in currenY funds, af One Mi�lion One Hundred Sixty Ni��e Thousand One Hundred Twe��ty FoL�r DoIlars ($ 1,169,12�4.00 ). Ar�icle 4.. CONTRACT TIME 4.1 4.2 Final Acceptance. The Worlc wi]I be camplete for Final Acceptance witliin 422 days after the date when the Contract Time commences to ruri, as provided in Paragz'aph 2.Q3 ofthe General Condi#ions,plus any extensiQn thereof allowed in accordance with Article 12 of the General Conditions. Liquidated Damages Contractar recognizes that tirrae is of the essence for completion of Milestones, if any, and to achieve k'inal Aeceptance ofthe Work and City will suft'er financial loss ifthe Worlc is not completed within the time{s) specified in Para�raph 4.1 abave. The Contracto�• al.so recagnizes the delays, expense and difficulties involved in praving in a legal praceeding, the actUal loss suffered by the City if the Work is not completed on time. Accordingly, instead of requiring any such proof, Contraetor agrees that as liquidated dama�es far delay (but not as a penalty}, Caritractar shall pay City Six Thousand Dollars �6 000 fat� each day that expires aftei• the time specified in Yaragraph 4.1 far Final Acceptance until the City issues the Final Letter of Acceptance. Ariicle 5. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS S.l CDNTENTS: A. The Contract Documents which comprise the entire agreement beiween City and Cont�•actor conc�r�ing the Work consist of tha following: 1. This Agreement. C1TY OF FpRT WOI2TFI Allia�ce Airport Taxiway A Centerline Light Replaaement 5TA]VDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFIGATIQN DbCL1M�NTS Project No, 1U31�4 Re�ised Apri12, 2021 i�a 52 �}3 AGRC�IvICNT Page 2 oFb 2. Attachments ta this Agreelnent: a. Bid Fo�•nn 1} Propasai Farcn 2) Vendor Compliance io State Law Non-Resident Bidder 3) Prequalification Statement 4) 5iate and �'ederal c[ocunlents (projeet speci�c) b. Current Prevailing Wage Rate Table c. Insurance ACORD Form{s) d. Paym.ent Bond e. Per%rmance Bond f. Maintenance Bond g. Pawer of Attarney for tha Bonds h. Workex•'s Campensation Affidavit i. MI3E andlor SBE Utilizat.ion Farm 3. General Conditions. 4. Supple�nentary Canditiqns. 5. Federal Cont��act Provisions 6. FAA General Provisions 7. 5pecificaiians specifically made a part of the Contract Documents by attaehment or, if not attached, as incor�orated by re%i•ence and described in the Table of Contents of the Project's Contract Documents. &. Drawings, 9. Addenda. 10. Construetion Saf�ty and Phasing Plan (C�PP} 11. Documentation submitted by Contractor prior to Notice of Award. I2. The following whicl� may be delivered or issued after the Effective Date ofthe Agreeinentand, if issued, beco�e an incorporated part of the Contract DacuYnents: a. Notice ta Proceed. b. Field Orders. c. Change �rders. CITY OF FORT WORTH Allianee Airport Taxiway A Centerline Light Replacament STANDAE2i7 COTfSTRUCTIDN 5PECIFICATION DQCi]7vFLTJTS ProjeciNo. 1431Q4 Revised A�ril 2, 2021 00 52 43 AGR�CMEAiT Page 3 of 6 d. L,etter of FinaI Accepta�lce. Article 6. INDEMNIFICATION 1.� Contracior cflvenants and agrees to indemniiy, S►old harmless and defend, at i�s own ex�ensa,the city, its officers, servants and emplflyees, from and against �ny ar�d all claims arising out of, or alleged to a�rise out af, the work and services to be p+erformed by the contractor, its offcers, age�its, employees, s�bcontractars, license,s ar invitees under this contrac�. This indemni%catian rovision is s ecifcall intended to o erat� and be effective even if it is alle .ed or raven that all or some of the dama es bein sou ht were caused in whole or in art b an act ottaission or ne�ligence of the c�. This indedn.nity pravision is intended to iaclude, wrthout limitatxon, indemnity far costs, expenses and legal fee� incurred by the cify in defending against such claims and causes of act'sons. 6.2 Contraetor covenants and agrees to indenanify and hold harmless, at its own expense, tbe city, its oifcers, servants and ennplayees, from and agains� any and all loss, c�amage ar destruction of property af the city, arising aut �f, or alleged tn arise out of, the work and services ta be performed by the con�ractor, i�s officers, agents, employees, �ubcontractors, licensees or invitees under this cantract. This inc�emnification ro�ision is s ecificall intended #o o erate aad be effective eve� if it is a�le ed or roven that all or sotne of the dama es bein sou ht were caused in vvhole ar in art b an act ontissioz� or ne li ence of ihe ci . Article �'.11�SCELLANEOUS 7.1 Terms. Terms used in this A�reement which are defined in Ariicle 1 of the General Conditions will have the meanings indicated in the General Conditions. 7.2 Assignment o� Contract. This Agre�ment, including all of the Contract Documents znay not be assigned by the Contractor without the advanced express written consent of the City. 7.3 Successors and Assigns. City and Cont�•actor each binds ifs�lf, its partners, successors, assig�s and Iegal rep�esentatives �o the other party hereto, in resp�ci to all ca�enants, agreements and obligations contained in the Contract Documen�s. 7.4 Seve�•ability. Any pro�ision or par� of the Contract Docurnents held to be unconstitutional, void or une�lforceahle by � cout-t of competent jurisdiction shall be deemed stricken, and all reenaining provisions shall cantinue to be valid and binding upon CITY and CONTRACTOR. 7.5 Gaverning Law and Venue. This Agreement, including all of the Cantract Dacuments is perfarmable in the State af Texas. Venue shall be Tarrant County, Texas, or the ilnited States District Court for the Northern District of Texas, Fo.rt Wot'th Division. CITY DF FOIiT WOKTi-I A]liajice Airport 1'axiway A Centerline Liglrt Iteplacement STA3a�ARD CpNSTRUCTIOI� SPECIFICATIDI�1 DQCUIvfE1V'I'S Project No. 103104 Revisad April 2, 2021 00 52 43 AGR�EMBNT Page 4 of 6 7.6 Authority ta Sign. Co�xta'aciar shall attach evidence of authority to sign Agreement i£ sigt�ed by son�eane other than the duly autl�oriz�d signatory oi'the Contractor. 7.7 Prohibitian On Contracts Witl� Companies Boycotting Israel. Cantractor acknowledges that in accnrdanee with Chapter 2270 of the Texas Government Code, the City is prohibited from entering into a contract with a company for goods oz• services uniess the contrac� �antains a written verification from the company that it: (1) does not boycott Israel; and (2) will not boycott Israel during the ter�n nf tl�e contraet. The terms "boycott Israel" and "company" shall have the meanings ascribed to those terms in Section SO$.40I ofthe Texas Governmez�t Cade. By signing this co�atract, Coratraetor certifies thr�t Contrr�ctor's signature pravirles written verificr�tion ta tlae City tlxrat Contrr�ctor: (1) rloe� not boyeott Israel; anrl (2) wiil not �ioycott Israel rluring tlYe ter�2 of the cantrnct. '1.$ Tmmigration NationaIity Act. Contractar shaIl verify the identity and employment eligibility of its em�ployees who perform work underttiis Agreement, including corr►pleting the Empioyment Eligibility VerificationForm (I-9). Upon request by City, Contractor shall provi.de City with copies of all I-9 forms and supporting eli�ibility documentation far each employee who performs work under this Agreement. �ontractor sl�all adhere to all Federal and State laws as well as establish apprapriate procedures and controIs so that no scrvic�s will be perforn�ed by any Contractoj• employee who is not legally eiigible to p�rform such services. CONTRACTOR SHALL INDEMNYFY CITY AND HOLD CITY HARMLE55 FROM ANY PENALTIES, LTABYLIT�ES, OR LOSSES DiTE TO VIOLATIONS OF THIS PARAGRAPH BY CONTRACTOR, CQNTRACTOR'S EMPLOY��S, SUBCONTRACT�RS, AG�NTS, OR LICENSEES. City, upon written notice to Contractor, shall have the right ta immediately terrninate ihis Agreex►�e�t for violations o�this px'ovision by Contractor. 7.9 No Third-Party Beneficiaries. This Agr�ement gives no �-ights or benefits ta anyone otl�e�- than iha City and the Con�r•actor arid there are na third�party beneficiaries. 7.10 Na Cause of Action Against Engineer. Cantractor, its subcantractars and equipment and materials suppliers on the PROJECT or their sureties, shall maintain no direct action against ihe Engineer, its officers, employees, and subcontractors, for any cIaizn arising out of, in connection with, or resvlting fram the engineering services performed. Only the City will be the benefic�ary of any undertaking by the Engiraeer. The pres ence or duties af the Engineer's personnel at a construction sita, wl�eiher as an-site representaiives or otherwise, do nnt t�ake the Engineer or its personnel iii any way responsible for those duties that belong to the City and/or the City's construction contractors or other entities, and do not relieve the consfruction coniractors ar any other entity af their obligatians, duties, and responsibilities, including but not Hmitad to, a1I cnnstruction �nethods, means, techniques, sequences, and pracedures neeassary far cooidinating and campleting aIl portions of'the eonstructiQn work in aceordance with ihe Contract Dacuments and any hea�th or sa�ety precautions required by such const�uction work. Th� Engineer and its persomlel have no authority to exercise any cont�-ol over any constz•uciion contractor or other entity or their employees in conn�ction with their work or any hea3th or safety precautinns. SIGNATURE PAGE TO FOLLOW CITY OF FpRT WQKTH Alliance Airpprt Taxiway A Centerline L'tghtReplacement STt1NDA��D CQNSTRUCT'ION SPECIFICATION D(]CUivfEN['S Prajeet i�lo. 103104 Revised Apri[ 2, 2027 0o sz 43 a���M�N�r Page 5 af G IN WITNESS WHEREOF, City and Coilt��actar have eacll execut�d tt�is Agreemeilt to be effective a� of the date subscribed by the City's designated Assistant City Manager ("EfFective Date"). Contractar: �� �, C,�YripWf1L{ ; � �C. J By: ,cQ� ���lx�ur Signature Ann �artholomew (Printed Narne) Vice President Tit1e Po Box 136729 Address Fort Worth, TX 78136 City/State/Zip 12I201202 � Date City oi �'ort Worih By: Da�c1 Sur�h�lo� Dana Burghdaff Assistant City Manager Jan 5, 2�22 Daie �y4 F• � 5..- A�e�t: ' " � � �fi'�.- Ae:,�,; , `� ; r � . R l� ��.•'��„ "°�,, � 1 �. ;��tte Goodall, City Secretary � �`� `�� s �q`��� � �4�' ��s /� .��� � 1��, . . .;� '' �,� , : (Seal) �'�1� ";: •,t.. , r. �`{,. ��'` `, M&C: 21-(1989 4:,�=.. .,'.. ,.�� . . Date: I2/I 4/2021 Form I295 No.: 2�21-82I866 Cantract Campliance 11�Ianager; By signing, I acknowledge that I am the person respansible far the monitorin� and adrninistration ofthis contract, includir�g �nsuring aIl performance and r�porting requirements. _.., �� � �. � Tyler Dale Airpo�t Projec# Coordinator Approved as to Form and Legality: P�I — . � Douglas W. Black Senior Assistant City �,ttorney Roger Venables Directar, Aviation ��� ,�, APPROVAL IZECOIVIMENDED: � CITY OF PdRT WORTI� Aldiance Airport Taxiway A Canteri�ne i.i�ui kep�����ucnt 5TANDARD CO3VSTRUCTION SP�CTFICAT[ON DOCUMCNTS —�p�.��'�� � Re�ised Apri[ 2, 2021 Prohibition on Boycotting �nergy Companies Contractor acknowledges that in accordance wEth Chapter 2274 af the Texas Government Code (as added by Ac�s 2021, 87th l.eg., R.S., S.B. 13, § 2), the City is prahibited from entering into a contraet for goods ar services that has a value of $100,000 or more, which will be paid wholly or partly from public funds ofi the City, with a company (with 10 ar more full-time employees) unless the cantract contains a written verification from the company that it: (1) does not boycott energy companies; and (2) will not boycott energy companies during the ter�n of the contract. The terms "boycott energy company" and "company" ha�e �he meaning ascrib�d to those terms by Cf�apter 2274 of the Texas Government Code (as added by Acts 2021, 87th Leg., R.S., S.B. 13, § 2). To the extent that Chapter 22i4 of the Ga�ernment Code is applicable to this Agreement, by signing this Agreement, Contractor certifies that Contractar's signature provides written verificatian to the City that Contractor: (1) does not t�aycott energy companies; and (2j wilf nflt boycott energy companies during the term of this Agreement. Prohibition on Discrimination Against Firearm and Ammunifiion Industries Contractor acknowledges that except as otherwise pravided �y CF�apter 2274 of ihe Texas Go�emment Code (as added by Acts 2021, 87th Leg., R.S., S.B. 19, § 1), the City is prohibited from entering into a contract for goods or senrices tha# has a value of $100,Oa0 or more whic� will be paid wholly or �aartiy from public funds of the City, with a company (with �0 or more ful!-time employees} �nles5 the contract contains a written �erification from the campany that it: (1j does no� have a practice, policy, guida�ce, or directive that discriminates against a firearm entity orfirearm trade associatian; and (2) will not discriminate during the terrrm of the contract against a firearm entity or firearm trade association. The terms "discriminate," "firearm entity" and "firearm trade association" have th� meaning ascribed to those terms by Chapter 2274 of the Texas Government Code (as added by Acts 2�21, 87th Leg., R.S., S.B. 19, § 1). To fhe exCent that Chapter 2274 of the Go�ernrrient Code is applicable ta this Agreement, by signing this Agreement, C.antractor certifies that Contrattor's signature provides written verifica�ion ta the City that Contractor: (1) does nat have a practice, policy, guidance, or directive �hat discriminates against a firearm entity ar firearm trade association; and (z} wikl not discriminate against a firearm entity or firearm trade association during the term of this Agreement. BY: C�NSULTANT B-C Compar�y Inc. .c�� U���1x�.Gu- Ann Bartholomew Vice Pr�sident Date: 12128I2021 00 61 l3 PERFO�MANCE BOND Page k of2 THE STATE O� TE7�AS SECTIOI+� 00 b1 13 PER�'ORMANCE BOND � �: C�UNTY OF TARRANT § Hond Na. 23146fi8 § KNOW ALL BY TAESE PRE�ENTS: That we, B-C Corrm aRy, lnc. known as "Principal" herein and North American 5peciafty Insurance Company , a corporate surety(sureties, if more than ane} duly authorized to do business in the Sta�e of Texas, known as "Surety" herein (�rhether one or mare}, are held and firmiy baund ur►to the City of Fort Warth, a municipal car�oration created pursuant ta the laws One Millioft One Hundred Sixty I�ine Thousand One Hundred of Texas, known as "City" herein, in ti►e penal sum nf, 7wenty Faur & 001104 Dallars ($ ��'� 69,124.00 ,(a�u� ��nay of the United States, ta he paid in Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas for the payment of whieh sum well and truly to be made, we bind at�rselves, aur heirs, e�cecutors, administrators, successors and assigns, jaintly and severally, firmly by these presents. 'W�IEREAS, ihe Principal has entered into a certainwritten contract with the City awareleci the 14th day of ���mber , 20 21 , wh'rch Contract is hereby re�erred to and made a part hereof for all purposcs as if fully set forth her�in, to furnish all materrials, equi}�ment labor and other accessories defined by Iaw, in the prosecr�Yion of #he Work, includ►ng any Change Orders, as provided for in said Contract designated as Alliance Airport Taxiway A Centerline Light Replacement, Project No. 103104. NOW, THEREFORE, the eondition of this ohligation is such that if the said Prin;cipal shall �it�£ully perform it abligations under the Contract and shall in all respects duly and faithfully per%rm the Work, including Change Orders, under the Contract, accarding to the pians, specifications, and contract documents therein referred to, and as w�U during any period of exter�sion of the Contract that may be granted nn tlze part of #he City, then tkxis abligation shalI he and become null and void, otherwise to remain in full farce and effect. PROVIDED FURTHER, tha.t if any legal action be filed an this Bond, venue shall lie in Tarrant County, T�xas or the United States District Court far the Narthern District of Texas, Fort Worth Di�ision. This band is made and executed `m compliance vvitia the provisions oi Chapter 2253 of the Texas Government Code, as amended, and alC liabilities an this bond shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of said statue. IN WITNESS WHER�O�', the Principal and the Surety ha�e SIGNED and SEALED this instrument by duly authorized agents and officers on this the 17�h �y o� December � 20 21 . Ci"CY OF FORT WQRTR AEliance Airport Taxiway A Ce�terline Light iteplacement STANDARD CQNS`�'RiTCTION SPECIFTCATION DOCUM�N�'S Project No. 1a3104 Revised Aprif 2, 2021 40 61 13 PERFORMANCE BOND Page 2 oi2 PRiNCiPAL: B-C Gompany, Inc. �� �T � , �� � (Principal} Secx�tary , - . Witness as t r�ncipal SURETY: North �ri n Spe�elty fnsurance Campany t _ _ —�,�.� - /�i BY• .— , _ � Signa�ure Laurie Pflug, Attorney-in-fact Name and Title Addrass: 5ao ra ,a�ara st. su��� �saa oeiias, nc 7�za� , � itness s to ety Address: ,% o, t�6Er, l3 � iL9 __ �� r � �1 I Telephvne Numb�r: 6� 2 742-4259 *No#e: [f signed by an officer ofthe 5urety C.ompany, there must be on file a certifed ex�ract from the by-laws showit�g that tlais person has authority to sign such obligation. If Surety's physical address is different from its mailing address, both rnust bs provided. The date ofihe bond shall not he prior to the date the Cantraet is awarded. . ; • � � BY: _ �. ; ';� ,.� x... � � ��gnature ,./� 4 , u.r fv (/�Ge- � .�� r1 �- Nat�ne a�d Title CI7'Y OF FOIZT WORTH Allianee Airpart T�iway A Centeriine I.ight Replacement STAlYDARD CONSTRi7CTTON 5PECIFLCATION A�C[IMEN'CS Project No_ ID31pq Revised AQril 2, 2021 DO 61 14 PAYM�NT BQND Page L nf 2 Bond No. 2314668 TH� STATE OF TEXAS § SECTION Ofl 61 14 PAYMENT BOND f�NOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF TAIi.R.ANT That we, B-C Company, Inc. , kn.ora+n as "Principal" herein, and North American Specia{ty Insurance Campany , a corparate surety (sureties), duly authorized to do business in the State of Texas, knawn as "Surety" l�erein (whether one ar more), are held and firmly bo�nd unto the Gity af Fort �Iorth, a municipal corparatinn created pursuanttothe laws of the Stat�e oi Texas, known as "City" herein, in the �enal sum One Million One Hundred 5ixty Nine Thousand Qne Hundred af Twenty Four & 001100 Dollars ($ 1,169,124.OQ , lawfu� money of the United States, ta be paid 'sn Fort Worth, Tarrant Gounty, Texas, for the payment of which sum we11 and truly he made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, adminis�rators, succ�ssars and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents: WHEREAS, Princi�aal has entered �ta a eertain written Contract with Gity, awarcied the �4th day of December , 20?� , which Contract is hereby referred to and made a part hereof for all purposes as if fully set forth �erein, to furnish all m�aterials, equipment, labor and other accessories as de�'iriec� by law, in the prosecution of the Work as provided for in said Contract and designated as Alliance Airport Taaciway A Centerline Light Rcplacement, Project No. 103104. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION is such that if Principal sl�all pay all manies owing to at�y (and a11) payment i�ond benefieiary (as defined in Chapter 2253 of the Texas Government Code, as amended) inthe prosecutian oithe Work under the Cantract, then this obligaHon shall be and become null and void; otherwise to rema.in in full force and effect. This bond is made and executed in compliance with the provisions of Chapter 2253 of the Texas Goverrunent Code, as arnended, and all liabilities on this hand shall be determined in accorciance with the pravisions of said statute. CI'I'Y dF FOCtT WORTH Alliance Airport T�ciway A Centerline Light Rep3acement STANDARA CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICA'IZON DOCiIMEN�'S ProjactNo. Ip3104 Revised Apri12, 2021 oa sa ia PAYMENT BOND Page 2 of 2 IN WITI+TESS WHEREOF, the Principal and Surety ha�e each SIGNED and SEALED this instrument by duly authnrized agents and oif"�cers on this the '►�{h day of ���mber 2fl 2 �{ PRINCIPAL: &C Company, Inc. I �°'"r'� S'I': _ I , � � ' , {Principal) Secretary - , , -- Witness as to Prj�icipal ATT�ST: � . — � , .. � ' .� ' BY: ' • _ _ � � ' . ,.-. ,.�� , S'gnature t i�n� ca��� ►� �. � ,�_�V� r_P— r�e��i��en.'-� Narne and Title Adciress: �o f�ak /�� 1 LQ r 't-k �-� ` i (Surety) e�s u � � Witness a to Surety SURETY: Na�th Ameri 5 cialty Insurance Company —��' ; -� BY: �—_..__ � � � Si�ature Laurie Pflug, Attorney-irs-�act Name and Title Address: 6�0 N Akard 5t., Suite 4300 Dallas, TX 75201 Telephone Number: 892 702-�4259 Nate: Ifsigned hy an afficer ofthe Surety, there must he on file a certified exiract from the bylaws showing that this person ha� authority to sign such obligation. If 5urety's physical address is different from its mailing address, bath must be provided. The date of the band sha.iI not be prior to the date the Contract is awarded. END OF SECTION C1TY OF FDRT WOR'FI-1 t�liance Airpork Ta�ciway A Centerline Light Replacement STANDAAD CONS'iRUCTION 3PECIFIGATION 1]OCLIMENT3 Praject No. 1 D31 U4 [ievised Apri12, 2D21 OQ61 i9 MAINTENAI+ICE BOND Page l af 3 THE STATE OF TEXAS COi1NTY OF TARRANT SECTIOI�i 00 G1 19 MAINTENANCE BOND § Bond No. 2314868 § KNOW ALI. BY THESE FI2ESENTS: That we B-C Company, lnc. , kna�wn as "Principal" herein and North American 5peciafty lnsurance Company , a corporate sur�iy (sureties, if more than one) duly authorized to do husiness in fihe State of Texas, l�own as "Surety" herein {whether one ar more), ar� held and firmly bo�nd unto the City of Fort Worth, a municipai corparation created pursuant to the laws of One Million One Hundred 5ixtyr Nine Thousand Dne Hund�ed tlae State of Texas, lcnown as "City" herein, in the sum of Twen Faur & 001104 Dollars ($ ��� �9� ��4•�p }, lawful money ofthe United States, to be paid in Fort Worth, Tatrant County, Texas, for payrnent of which sum well az�d truly ba made unto the City and its successors, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executois, adrrtinistratars, successors and assigns, jointly and sewerally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, the Principal has entered into a certain written cantract with the City awarded the �� day of �ecember 20 Zi , which Contraet is hereby referredto and a znade part 3�ereaf for a1i purposes as if fiully set forkh herein, to fumish a11 materials, equiprnent 3abor and other accessories as defined by law, in the prosecutian ofthe Work, including any Warkresuiting from a duly authorized Change Order (callectively herein, the "Work") as provided for in said contract and designated as A13iance Airport T�iway A Centerline Light Replacemant, Project No. 1031 Q4; and WI3EREA5, Principal binds itself to use sueh materials aud to so construct the Work in accordance with the pians, specifieations and Contract Documents that the Work is and will remain free from defects in materials or worlananship for and duringthe period of hvo (�) years after the date of Finai Acceptance ofthe Work by the City ("Ma.intenance Period"); and WHEREAS, Principal binds itself to repair ar reconstruct the Wark in whole or in part upon receiving notice fram the City of the need therefor at any time within tlae Maintenance Period. NOW THEitEFORE, the condition of this obIigation is such that if Principal s�all remedy any defecfive Work, for which timely notice was pro�id�d by City, ta a cornpletion satisfactory to the CiTy, then ti�is obligation shail b�came null and void; otherwise to remain in full force and effect. C1TY OF FORT WORTH Alliance Airport Taxiway A Centerline Light Replacemant STANDARD CONSTRUCT[Ol�! SPECIFICATION DqL`L]MENTS ProjectNo. tQ3104 Revised Apri12, 2021 OU 61 19 MAIN"I'ENANCE BOND Page 2 of 3 PROVIDED, HOWEVER, if Prir�cipai shall faii sa to repair or reconstruct any timely noticed defecti�+e Wark, it is agreed that the City may cau�e any and all such defective Worl� ta be repaired and/or r�constructed with all associated casts therenf being borne by the Principa! and the Surety under this Maintenance bond; anci PR�VIDED T[JRTHER, that if any tegal action be fited on tliis Bond, venue shall lie in Tarrant Caunty, Texas Qr the United States District Cvurt for the Northern District of Texas, Fort WarthDivision; and PROVIDED FURTHER, that this obligation shai3 be continuous in �aature and successive recoveries may be had hereon for suceessive breaches. CITY OF FORT WORTEi Alliance Airpart Ta�ciway A Centedine Light Replacement STANDARD CONSIRUC'T'ION SFECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Pro}ect i+Ia. 103104 Revised April 2, 2021 00 61 19 MAIl�iTEiYATICE BOND Page 3 of 3 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the PriRcipat arjd the 5urety have e�ch STiGNED and SEALED this instrument by duly authorized agents a�d officers on this t�e 17th I �I AT']�E�I''� _ , , .,� 1 ' .� ,, � (Principal) Secretary day of December , 20 21 PRINCIPAL: &C Company, Inc. � —� � " �,� ) � � � I BY: � �" ignature ���i ala �s �' - �r�e " � Name and TitIe Address: p p � �,�,�� v •� '1 � 1 1�Iitness as to rincipal SURETY: North Ameri S ia! Insurance Com �n BY: '°'� ,� gnatur� _ AT`TEST: ^ , , (Surety} �ne�vrr�,�ss� � � � Witness a to Suxeiy Laurie Pflug, Attorney-in-fact Name and Title AdC�ress: 500 N Akard St., Suite 4300, Dallas, iX 7520'� Telephone Number: 612 702-425g '�Note: Tf signed by a� ofiicer of the Sureiy Company, there must be on file a certified ex�ract from the by-laws showing that this person has awthority to sign such obligation. If Surety's physicaI acldress is difFerenf from its mailing address, bath �ust be provided. The date ofthe bnnd sha.il not be prior to the date the Contract is awarded. C[TY OF I'ORT WQRTH Alliancc Airport Taxiway A Cercterline Light Replacement STANDAItD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION 170CLTMENTS ProjectNo. 103104 Revised April 2, 2021 SWISS R� CORPORATE 50LiITIONS NORTH AMERICAN SPECIAI.TY INSUR�iNCE COMPANY WASHINGTON IN'T'�RNAT��NAL [NSUitANCE COMPIINY GENERAL POWER OF ATTORNEY KNQW ALL MEN BY THE�E PRESEN'�, THAT Nort�i American Speoialty Insurance Company, a corpotatian duly organized and exisEing under laws of the Stake of New Hampshire, and having it5 principal office in the Gity of Kansas City, Missouri, and Washing#an International Insurance Company, a corporaN.on organized and e�cisting under the laws af the State ofNew Hampshire and having its principal office in the City of Kansas City, MissoUri, each daes hereby make, canstitute and appomt: 3ACK M. CROWLEY, STEV EN R. FOSTER, TEUTA LURI AND I,AURIE PFLUG 70INTi.Y OR S�VEIiAi.LY Its irue and lawfui Attomey(s)-in-Fact, to malce, execute, seal and deli�er, fnr and on its hehalf and as its act and deed, honds or other writings okrligatory in the nature of a bond on behalf of each of said Companies, �s surety, on oontracts of sur$tyship as are or may he required or perntitted by iaw, regulatian, contract or otherwise, provided that no 6ot�d or undertaking ox contract or surztyship executed under this autliority shall exceed the �°�� °�� FI�"TY M�.LION ($SO,ODO,OQD.00) DOLLARS This Power of Ai�omey is granted and is signed by facsimile ttnder and by the au#hority of the foll�win� Resoiutians adopted by the Baards of Direotors oF both Nort?� Ameriean Specialty Ipsurance Company and Washington Internatianal Tnsurance Company at meetings duly called and held on the 9th of May, 20i2: "RESOLVED, that eny two of the Pcesidents, atty M�naging Directar, any Senior Vioe President, any Vice 1'resident, any Assistant Vice President, the Secretary ar any Assiskant Secretary be, and each or any of them hereby is authorized to execute a�ower of Aitorney quaIifying the at�orney named in the givenPawer of A�torney to execute on behalf aithe Company bonds, undertakings and all contracts af surety, and that each or any of them hereby is authvrized to attest to the execution vt'any such Power of Attorney and io attach therein tlie seal of the Compsny; and it is FIURTHER RESOLVED, that the signaYure of such officers and the seal ofthe C.ompany may be affixed to sny sach Power of Attortaey or to �tny cerfiftcaie relating thereto by facsimile> and any suoh Pawer af Aitorney or certi%eate hear�g such facsimile signatures or facsimile seal shall ba binding upon the �ompany when so affixed and in the future with regard to any hond, undertaking or eontract of surety to which it is atiached." pKintxmuuwq By =���ONq�� o�`P°R4F�G Sfeven P. Aaderson, Seavor �ce Pre�sEdent oi WsaLington IuternaHoqal Tnsaraace��Company S'�� � & Seniar Vlce Pra[dent af NuHh Americaa�Saecinllytus�rtance Camgeny � i :rn E ��� :.��a�� Mic4ael A. iBM�+, ar �ce � ent o us gtoq mahon surm�ce mpany ���i�� & Seeior VicePresident of Nar#h A��ican Speeialiy losurance Cnmpeny IN WITAtESS WHEREOF, North Americ�► Specialty 3nsurance Company and Washington i�rternaiiona! Insurance Compauy have caused tlieir offieial seals to he hereunto sffixed, and these presents to be signed by their autharized officers this 14� day of Septe�►be�' , 2019 , North Ameritan SpecialEy Insurance Comp�ny Washiegtan lnternafional Insorance Company State of Il�innis County of Cook �5' On this 19th day of S emher 2019 , before me, a Notary Public personally appeared Steven P. Anderson _, Senior Vice Fresident of Washing#on Intemational Insurance Company and 5enior Vir.e PresiBent of North American 5pecia�ty Insuranea Company and Michae_ I� Senior Vice President of Washington Intemational Insurance Company and Senior'Vice Ptesident of Nnrkh Ameriean 5pecialty Insvrance Company, persanalty knowu to me, who being by me duly sworn, aeknowledged that they signed the abave Power nf Attorney as ofl6cers of and acknawledged said instrument to be the voluntary act and deed of their respectivc companias. QFF]CIA! SFAL R!. FSEN#IY No1dry Pul�lit - Statc nf 111innis My Commission FaiprtCs 12IQM2G21 M. Kenny, I�Iatary Publia � I, Jeffrey Goldber� , the duly e�ected Assis#ant 5ecre af North American 5pecialty lnsu�'ance Company and Washington Iaaternational [nsurance Company, do hereby certify that the above and faregoing is a irue and carrect copy nf a Power of Attorney given by said North American Specialty Insurance Company and Washington Jntematioaal Ivsui�auce Company, wirich is stilI in fi311 force and effect IN WI`I'NESS WHEREOP, I have set my t�arid and aifi�ced the seals of the Compafties this 17th day af December , 20 2I . leR'rey Goldbe[g, v�e President & Assistant Seaetsry of Wes4iingNn intemaEinna! Insurance Company & North Ameriean Spestialty Insurance Con�peny � North American Specialty lnsu�anc� Company V�iash�ngton inte�na�:ional Insurance Compan� Wc�s�por� Insurrance Corpop�xion ��s e�i�s �n��o����ia� A�ViS� INiP�RTANTE In order to obtain information or make a complaint: You may cantact Jefirey Goldberg, �ce President - Claims at 7-800-3�$-Q753 You may call Washington lnternational Insurance Com�any and/or North American 5pecisliy Insurarece Company's and/or Westport Insurance Corporatian tall-free numberfor informatian arta make a camplaint at: 1-800-33�-0753 You may also write to Washington Internaiional Insurence Corr�pany and/or North American 5pecialty Insurance Company and/ar Wes#port Insuranae Corporation at the follawing address: 1450 �merica� iane Suite � 100 Schaum�urrg, IL 6Q173 You may eontact the 7e�cas Departmerrt of Irtsurance to obtain information on companies, coverages, rights or complaints at: 1-800-252-3439 You may write the Texas �epartment of Insurance: P.O. Bqx 149104 Ausfin,TX 7$774-9'�04 �ax: (57 2} 475-1 T77 Web: �. _ _ � Email: ConsumerProtection@tdi.state.bc.us PREMIUM O�i CLAIM DISPUT�S: Shauld yau ha�e a dispute conceming your premium or about a elairn yau should first contact the Washingtan International Insurance Company and/vr �larth Am�rican Specialty Insurance Company and/or Westport Insurance Corporation. If the dispute is not resolved, you may contact the Tex�s Department of fnsurance. ATTACH TWI5 NOTICE TO Y011R POLICY: 7his notice is #or infarmatio� only and does not became a part or condition of the attached dqcument. Para obtener informacian o para someter un queja: Pue[fe comunicarse con Jeffrey Goldberg. Vice President - Claims, al 1-$DO-�3�-0753 Usted puade Ilamr al numero de tefefono gratis de Washington Irrternational lnsurance Company and/or Rlorth American Speciaity Insurance Company's and/or Westport Insurance Carporation para informacion o #aara someter una queja al: 'E-8UQ-338-U75� Usted tambien puede escribir a Washington International Insurance Company �nd/or North American Speciaity Insurance Company and/or Westport fnsurance Corparation aE: 1450 Am�riaan Lane Suite 1 i QO Schaumh�rg, iL 60173 Puede escribir al pepartrnenta de Seguros de Texas para o4�tener informacion acerca de campanias, coberturas, derechos o quejas al: 1-�QO-252-3439 Puede escribir af Departmento de Seguras de Texas: PA. Box 149104 Austin, TK 7871 �4-9104 Fayc: (512] 475-'E 771 IIVeh: .._.__ . .-- - - - - Email: ConsumerProtectian@tdi.state.tx.us DISPUTAS SOBRE PR1�4J�AS O RECLAiiAOS: Si tiene una disputa concernien#e a su prima o a un reclamo, debe camunicarse con el Washington Internatianal [nsurance Company and/vr North American Speaialty �nsurance Campany and/ar Westpart Insurance Corporation primero. Si no se resuelve la disputa, puede entonces comunicarse con el Departmerrto de Seguros de 7exas. lJi�EA ESTE AVISO 1� Sl! POLiZR �ste a�iso es salo para proposito de infromacion y no s� converte en parte o condicion de[ documenfio adjunto. STANDARl) GEl�TER.A.L �O�D�T�ONS OF THE C��STRUCTION COI�ITRACT CITY OF' FO'd2T WORTH Alliance Airport Taxt�vay A Ccnterlina Light Replacement STANDARDCONSTRUCT[ON SP�CIC[CATION DOCLTNfENTS ProjectNo.ID31U4 Tte�ision: Madn 9;20?A STANDARD GENERAL CONDZTIONS OF THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TABLE oF co�TENTs Page Article 1— Defuutions and TertninolQgy ..........................................................................................................1 1.01 Defined Terms ...............................................................................................................................1 1.02 Tertninology ..................................................................................................................................b Article2 — Preliznina.ry Matters .. . .......... ..... ... .. ................................ ............. ......... ............... . ........ .......... .......... 7 2.01 CopiesofDocuments ....................................................................................................................? 2.42 Commencement of Con�ract Time; Notzce to Proceed ................................................................ 7' 2. 03 Sta� ting the Work ... .. .. ... ........ ............ ..... ... .. ... .. ... .. .... ..... ... ..... ... .. ... .. ... .. . .. ... .. ........ .... ..... ..... .. ... ..... 8 2.04 Before Starting Cor�truetion ............. ........... �.... �.......................................................................... S 2.05 Preconstruction Conference .......................................................................................................... S 2.Ob Pub�ic Meet'rng ............................................................................................................................. S 2.a7 Tnitia.I Acceptance of Schedules .................................................................................................... 8 Article 3— Cantract Documents: Izateiat, Arnendix�g, Reuse ............................................................................ 8 3. Q 1 Intent... ....................................................................................................................................... 8 3.02 Reference Stax�.dards ...................................................................................................................... 9 3.03 Repo�iinig az�d Reso3vi�g Discxepanci�s .......................................................................................9 3.04 Amendim�g and Supplementing Cantract Docutnents .................................................................10 3.05 Reuse of Doctunents ...................................................................................................................10 3.06 Electronic Data ............................................................................................................................11. Article 4— Availabi�i�ty o� Lands; �ubsurface and Physical Conciitions; Hazardous Environmental Candrtians; Ref'erence Points ...........................................................................................................11 4.01 AvaiIaba�ity of Lar�ds ..................................................................................................................11 4.Q2 Subsurface and Physical Canditinns ..........................................................................................12 4.Q3 Differin�; Subsuz�ace or Physical Condition� .............................................................................12 4.04 Underg�.•ouz�.d FaciIit7es ............................................................................................................... J 3 4.05 Refexence Points .........................................................................................................................14 4.Q6 Hazardous Environmental Cnnditian at Sit� .............................................................................. 14 Article 5— Bonds and Insurance ..................................................................................................................... lb 5.01 Licez�ed Suret�es and Insurer� ...................................................................................................16 5.02 Pexfarmance, Payment, and Maintenance Bonds ....................................................................... 16 5.03 Cert�cates oFInsurance .............................................................................................................16 S.D� Canl�actor's Insurance ................................................................................................................18 S.QS Acceptance ofBonds and Insurance, Option to Replace ...........................................................19 Article 6 — Contractor's Responsibilities ........................................................................................................19 6.OJ. Supervision and Superintendence ...............................................................................................19 CT'I'YDF F'QAT WORTII Alliance Airport Taxiway A Centerline Light Replacement STANDARIICflMSTIt[7CT10h! SPECiFICAT]ON DOCUMENTS PrajectNo.103104 Revision: Mad� 9, 2C)20 6.42 6.03 6.04 6.Q5 6.06 6.07 6.0$ 6.Q9 6.10 6.11 6.12 6.13 6.14 6.15 6.16 6.17 6,18 6.19 6.2Q 5.21 {.22 6.23 G.24 Lak�or; Worldng Hours ................................................................................................................20 Sert�ices, Materials, and Equipment ...........................................................................................20 PrajectSchedule ..........................................................................................................................21 Substitutes and "�r-Equals" .......................................................................................................21 Canc�rning Suhcontractors, Suppli�rs, and Oihers ....................................................................24 WageRates .................................................................................................................................. 25 PatentFeesandRoyalti�s ...........................................................................................................26 Perrriitsand Utilities ....................................................................................................................27 La�s and R�gulatior� . ....... ....................................... .. .............. .... ... . .... . ... ............. ..... ........ ... .... . 27 Ta�es ......................................................................................... . .................................................28 Use of Site and Other Areas .......................................................................................................28 RecordDocuments ......................................................................................................................24 Safetyand Prateetion ..................................................................................................................29 SafetyRepresenta.tive ..................................................................................................................30 Hazard Cammunicatinn Programs .............................................................................................30 Emergencies a.nd/or Rectification ...............................................................................................3� SubLr�ittals .................................................................................................................................... 31 Cantinuingthe Worlc ...................................................................................................................32 Connactoz's Genez•al Waxxantyaz�d Guarantee ..........................................................................32 Indemnifieation... � .... ............. ....................................................................................................33 Delegatian o#� Professianal Design Services .............................................................................34 Rzghtto Audrt ............................................................................................,.................................34 Nond.�crimixi�tion . ... ...... .......................... . .......... ........ ..... .................... .. ...... .... ........ ...... ..... ........ 35 Article 7- Other Work at the �ite ...................................................................................................................35 7.Q1 Related Work at Si�e ...................................................................................................................35 7.02 Coordivation ................................................................................................................................36 Article 8-City's Responsibilities ............................................................................................ ....................... 8.01 Ca�ntnunications to Contractor ...................................................................................................3f 8.a2 Furnish Data ................................................................................................................................36 8.03 Pay Wl�enDue ............................................................................................................................ 36 8.04 Lands andEasements; Reports and Tests ...................................................................................35 8.05 Change Ord�rs ............................................................................................................................. 36 $.Q6 Inspections, Tests, and Approva�s ..............................................................................................36 8.07 Litnitations on C'rty's ResponsibiIities .......................................................................................37 $.Q8 Unclisclosed Hazardous Environmental Condition ....................................................................37 8.Q9 Compliance with Sa�ety Program ...............................................................................................37 Article 9-- City's Observatian Staius During Gonsfxuction ........................................................................... 37 9.01 City's Project Manager .. .. ........................................................................................................ 37 9.02 Visi�s to Site ................................................ ................................................................................ 37 9.03 Authorized Variations in Wark ..................................................................................................38 9.04 Rejecting Defective Wark ..........................................................................................................38 9.05 Determiflations for Work Performed ............................................................................. ............38 9.06 Decisior�s on Requiremen�ts of Contract Docuinents and Accepfiab�.ty of Work ..................... 38 ClTY OF FDRT WORTH Alliance Airport T�iway A Centerline Light RepEacement 5Tt1�Il�Al2bCONSTRl1C7CON SPEC]PICATION DOC[JMENTS ProjeetT�o.163104 Revision: Madi 9, 2(�0 Article 10 - Changes in the Work; Claims; Extra Work ................................................................................3$ 10.01 Authoriz�ed Changas in the Work ...............................................................................................38 10.02 iTnauthorized Changes in the Work ...........................................................................................39 10.03 Execution of Change Orders .......................................................................................................39 1d.04 Extra Work ..................................................................................................................................39 10.05 Not�eation to Surety ..................................................................................................................39 10.06 Coniract Claims Process ............................................................................................................. �0 1�ticle 11 - Cost of tlie Woxk, Allowaz�ces; Uz�it Price Work; Plans Quani;ity Measiuement ......................41 1LD1Cost of the Wox�C .........................................................................................................................41 11.02 Allowances ..................................................................................................................................�3 11.03 Un.i�t Przce Work .......................................................................................................................... 44 11.04 Plai�s Q�antity Meas�xement ......................................................................................................45 Artzcle 1 � - Chaz�ge o� Cantract Price; Cha.nge of Contract Time . .. . ........ ...... ....... . ..... ... ............... ........ . ..... .. 46 12.01 Change o�ContractPrice ............................................................................................................46 12.02 Change of Contract Time . ....... ...... ........ ........................ . ..... .......................... ...................... ..... . .. 47 12.D3 DeIays ..........................................................................................................................................47 Ax-t�icle I 3- Tesfs and Inspections, Correction, Removal or Acceptance of Defective Wflrk ...................... 48 13.41 Notice a� Defects ........................................................................................................................48 13.{}2 Access to Work ...........................................................................................................................48 13. a3 Tests and Inspectior�s .................................................................................................................. 48 13.04 Uncc�vering Work ........................................................................................................................49 13.05 Ci�ty May Stop the Work .............................................................................................................49 13.06 Coz-�ection or Remaval af Defecti�ve Work ................................................................................50 13.07 Coz�rection Pe�iod ........................................................................................................................ 50 13.Q8 Acceptance ot`Defeetive V�ork ...................................................................................................51 13.09 City May Correct Defactive Work ..... ..................................................................... ................... 51 A�-t�cle 14 - Payments to Contractor and Cornpletion .................................................................................... 52 14.01 Schedule of Values ......................................................................................................................52 14,Q2 Progr�ss Payments ......................................................................................................................52 14.03 Contractor's Warranty of Title ................................................................................................... 54 1.4. d4 P artial Utilization . .. .. .. .......... ..... ..... ... ... .. ... .. ... .. ... ......... .. ... .. ... .. ... ... .. ... ..... ........ ... ......... .. ... .. ..... ... 55 14.�5 Final Inspection ...........................................................................................................................55 1�.D6 Fir�al Acceptanc� .........................................................................................................................55 14.07 Fin.al Payra�enfi .............................................................................................................................. Sb 1�.08 Final Cornple�ian DeIay�d and Partial Retainage Release ........................................................56 14.Q9 Waiver af Claims ........................................................................................................................ 57 Arfiicle 15 Suspension of Work and Termination ........................................................................................57 15.01 C�ty May Suspend Work .............................................................................................................57 15.02 City May Terrr�ate for Cause ....................................................................................... ............ 58 15.03 City May Terminate For Con.venzez�ce ....................................................................................... 60 ArticIe�6 -Di�pute Resolution ......................................................................................................................61 16.01 Methods and Pxocedures ...................................... ...................................................................51 CITY OP FOR1: WORTH Alliance Airpo�t Taaciway A Centerliue Light Rep[acernent STANT�ARDCONSTRUCTION SPECIP'ICA'f10N DOCUNfENT$ projectNo.103104 Revis.iai�: Nfadi9,2020 Article17 —Miscellaneous ..............................................................................................................................62 17.01 Giving Notice ..............................................................................................................................62 17.02 Computatian ofTunes ................................................................................................................62 17.03 Cumulative Remedies ................................................................................................................. 62 17.04 Suivival of Obligati�ns ............................................................................................................... �3 17.Q5 Heaciings ......................................................................................................................................63 CITY QP FOR'� WORTH A[liauce Airport Taxiway �1 Centerline I.ight Replaceme��t STANDARDCONSTAUCT[�N SPECIFiCATTON DOCUMEN'I'S PrajectNo.103104 Revision: M�li 9, 2U20 DO7200-I GENERALGOND�TIOM S Aage 1 of 63 ART�CLE l— D�FINITIONS AND TERMINOLOGY l.fl� Defined Te�ms A. Whereverused iira these General Conditions or in other ContractDocuments, the texz�ns listed below ha.ve the meazaings indicated which are appl'rcable to both the singular and pluxal thexeaf, and �vords denoting gender shall in.clude the masculine, feminine and neuter. Said ierms axe gene�•ally capitalized or written in italics, but not always. When used in a eontext consistent wit.� the defuution of a Iisted-defined term, fhe tertn shall have a meaning as defined below whether capitalized or italicazed or otllerwise. In addition to terrns specifically defined, te��nns wi�h initial capital letters in the Contract Documents includ� references to identif'ied articles and pazagraphs, and ihe iitles of oiher docun�ents or forms. l. Addendrx Wxztten ar graphic u�struments i�sued prior to the opening of Bids which clarify, cozrect, or change the Bi�lding Requirements or ihe proposed Cont�act Documents. 2. Ag�eement -Th� written instrument which is evidence of the agreement between City and Con�'actor covering the Worlc. 3. Application fo� Payrnent The farn� acceptable to Ci�ky which is tio be used by Contractor during the course of tha Wark in request�ing pxogress ar final paym�n�s and which is to be accompanied by such suppartin� documentation as is required by tl� Contracl; Documents. 4. Asbe.stos Any materiai t.kaat contains mare f11an one percent asbesto� and is friable or is releasing asbestos fibers into the ai� above current action levels estatalished by the United States Occupational �afety and Hea� Administrat�on. 5. Award — Authorization by the City Couu�cil far tY�e City to enter inta an Ag�eem�nt. 6. Bid—Tbe affer ar proposal of a Bidder subnutted on ihe prescrzbed form setting forth the prices for the Work to be performad. 7. Bidder—=I'he individual or entity who submits a Bid directly to City. S. Bidding Docufnents The Bidding Requirernents and the praposed Contract Doc�.en.ts (including all Addenda}. 9. Bidding Requirements The ad�ertisement or Invitation io Bid, Instructions to Bzdders, Bzd seeuriiy of accepta�le foxm, if any, and the Bid Form with any supplements. 1.0. Business Day — A business day is defined as a day that the City canducts norm�l b�siness, general�y Monday through Friday, except for fed�ral or s�tate holidays observed by th� City. 11. Calenda� �ay — A day consisting of 24 hours rzaeas�:�red from midnight to the next midnight. C1T Y OF F`ORT GJORTH Alliance Airport Taxiway A Centeriine Light Replaeement STANDARDCONSTRUCT[ON SPFCIFICATIpN DQCUMENTS ProjecYNv.103164 Revision: Mad3 9, 2020 oo�aoo-i GENERALCONDI71flN S P age 2 ot G3 � 2. Change Order�--A document, which is prepared and approved by the City, which is signed by Contractor and City and authoriz�s an addition, deletion., ox revision in the Wor1c or an adjustment rn the Contract Price or the Contract Tur�e, issued �n or after �e Effecti�e Date o�the Agreement. 13. Gity— The City of Fort Worth, Texas, a hozx�.e-rule municipal corporaiion, authorized and chartered luzder the Texas State Statutes, acti�.g by its goverrung body through its Gity Manager, his designee, ar agents authoxized under his behatf, each of wh�ch is required by Charter to perform specific duties witk� respansibility fpr final enfarcement of the contrac� involving the City of Fort Worth is by Chartex vested in the City Manager and is the entity with whom Confiractar has entered iz�.ta ihe Ag�reezxxent and for whom the Work is to be performed. I4. Cit,y Attorney — The officially appointed City Atiorne� of the City of Fori Wortb, Texas, ar his duly authorized representative. 15. City Council - The duly e�ected and qualified goverivng body of t�e City af Fort Worth, Te�.s. 16. Ciry Manager — Th� officia.11y a�pointed and authorized City Manager ai the Ciry of rort WQrth, Texas, or his duly authorized representati�e. 17. Cont�act Claim—A dem�.nd or assertion by Ci�ty or Contractor seeking an adjustment of Cantract Price or Coniract Time, or both, or othex xelief �ith respect to the terms of the Contract. A demand for money or services by a third parry is not a Contract Claim. 18. Contr�act The entire and itategrated w�ritten dncument bei�reen the City and Contractox concerning the Worlc. The Contract contains the Agreem�nt and ali Contrac� D�cuments and supersedes prior negoiiations, repxesentations, ar agreements, whether written or oral. 19. ContractDocuments Tk�ose items so designated in ihe Agreement. All itez�ns ]i�ted in the Agreement are Con�ract Documents. Approved Submitta�s, other Contractor subxriittals, and the reparts and cUra�ings of subsurface ar�d physical condiiions are not Contract Doc�.unents. 20. Contract Price—The moneys payable by City to Con�raetor for con:�pJetion at` the Work in accordance wit.�. the Contract Dacuments as stated in the Agreement �subject to the provisions of Paragrraph 11.03 in th� ease of Unit Priea Work}. 21. Contract Time---The number of days ar the dates siated 'vn. the Ag,reement to: (i) achieve M�es�anes, if any an�l (u) complete the Work so that it is ready for Final Acceptanc�. 22. Condr�actor The individual or entity with whom City has ent�red into the Agreement. 23. Co.st of the LYork—See Paragraph 11.01 of thase G�:neral Conditions for definatio�. C1TY OF Ff)RT WqRTH Alliance Airport Taxiway A Canterline Light Replaeen3ent STANDARDCONSTRUCTION SPEC[FICATiQN 17QCUML•NTS ProjeatNo.103104 Revision: Mad�9,2�20 D07200-] GENERALCON�ITION S Paga 3 of 63 24. Damage Clairns — A denaand for money or ser�vices arising from the Pxoject or Site �rom a third party, City or Contracfior exclusive af a Con�act Claim. 25. Day or day— A day, unless otharwise defined, shall mean a Calendar Day. 2G. Di�ectar af Aviation -- T'he ofFicially appoizited Director of th� Aviation Depaxtment of the City af Fort Worth, Texas, or his duly appointed represen#ative, assistant, or agents. 27. Di�^ector of Pa�ks and Cofnmunity Se�vices — The officially appointed Director af the Par�Cs and Communiiy Services Depaztment a� the Ciry of Fort Worth, Texas, or his duly appointed representative, assistant, ax agents. 2$. DrYector of Planning and Developrrtent -- The officially appouited Director of tihe Planning and Development Departrzient of the City of Fart Warth, Texas, oz• his duly appointeci r�presentative, assis#ant, or agents. 29. DiYector of 7'ranspar�atinn Public Wo�ks — The offcia.l�y appointed Director of the Transportatioz� Publie Worlr.� Department of the City of Fori Worth, Texas, or his duly appoanted xepxesentative, assistant, or agents. 30. Directo� af T�ater Department — The off'icially appo'vnted Duector of the Water Department of the City of Fnrt Wot-th, Texas, or his duly appointed xepxesentative, assistant, or agents. 31. Dr�awings--That part of the Conf�act Docurn.ents prepared or approved by Engineer wb.ich graphically shows the scope, extent, and claaractez dithe Workto be performed by Con�ractoz�. �ubmittals are not Drawings as so defined. 32. Effectiv� �7ate of ihe Ag-�eement The dat� indicated in the Agreement an which it becomes effecii�e, but if no such date is indicated, it means the date on which the Ag�reez�aent is sign�d and delivered by the ]ast of tlle twa parties td sign and deliver. 33. EngineeY The licensed pr�fessional engineer or engirteering i'�rm. registered in �e 5tate of Texas performirig professianal servic�s for 1;�e City. 34. �xtra WoYk — Additi�nal work made necessary by ehanges or alterations of the Contract Documents or af qua.ntities ar for other reasons for which no prices are provided in the Contract Documents. E�a �vork shall b� part of the Work. 35. Field Order—A writ��n order issued by City wluch requires changes in the Wor� but whicl� does not in�rolve a change in the Contract Price, Coz�tract Time, or the intent of the Engineer. FieId Orders are paid fram Field Order Allowances incorporated irito the Coniract by funded war� type at the time of award. 3b. Final Acceptat�ce — The wz•it�e� no�zce given by the Grty to the Coniractox that �he Work sp�ci�'ied in fhe Contract Docuznezats has l�een compleiad to ihe saiisfaction of the Ci�ty. CITYO� FOIiT WORTH Allia�ice Airport Taxiway A Centerlinc Light Replacement STANDARDC(JNSTRUCTIQN SPEClFICATION DOCLTMGNTS ProjectNo.103104 Revisiott: Matd� 9, 202U 007200-I G�NERAL cRI�oITION 5 Page 4 of 63 37. Final Inspection Inspection carrzed aut by the City to verify that t1�.e Conf�actar has completed the �7Vork, and each and every }�art or appLu��nance thereof, fully, ez�tirely, and in conformanc� with the Contract Documents, 38. General Requi�err�ent�s—Seciions of Division 1 of the Coniract Docurnents. 39. �Iazardous �nvi�onmental Condition--The presence ai the Site of Asbestos, PCBs, Pat�oleunn, Hazardous Waste, Radioactiva 1Vlaterial, or oiher xxiatexials in such quantities or cixcurnstances that ma� present a substantial danger to persons or properfy exposed thereto. 40. Hazardous Waste----Haza.rdous wa�te is def�ed as any �olid waste listed as h.azardous ar possesses one or more hazardous charactez-istics as defined in tl�e federal wasie regulatioz��, as amended irom time to time. 41. Lcrws and �egulations Any ax�.d alI applicable lavvs, rules, regulations, ordinances, cades, and orders of any and all govez-�ra�ent�l bodies, agencies, authori�ies, and courts havitzg jurisdiction. 42. Liens—Charges, security interests, or encumbrances u�on Project fi.�ds, real property, or personal prope�-ty. 43. 1lfajor Item— Anitein o� work inc�uded in the Contract Dacuinents that has a total cosi equal � to or greater than S°/a af t�e original Contract Price or $25,000 whichever is less. 44. Milestane A priticipa.l event specified 'm the Contxact Dacurnents relating to an intermediate Cantract Time pi�ior to Fina.I 1�cceptance af the Worlc. 45. Notice of Awa�d—The wri�ten notice by City to the Successfiil Bicider statirag kiaat upan tim�Iy compliance by the Successful Bidder with �lie conciitions precedent listed thexein�, Ci�ty will sign and deliver the Agreement. 46. Notice ta PYoceed—A wxittennot�ee given by Cit� to Contractor fixing the date on r�crhich the Contract Time will comzxaence to run and on which Contractor shall sta.rt to pex�orm f1�e Work specif'�;d 'ui Contract Documents. 47. PC�s Polychioxar�ated biphenyls. 48. Pet�oleum--Pe�roleum, including crude oil or any fractzon thereof�nrhich i� liquid at standard condiiions of temperatura and pressure (60 degrees Fahrez�heit and 14.7 pounds per square inch absolute}, such as oil, petroleur�, fuel oi� oil sludge, ail refuse, gasoline, kerosene, and oil m��d with other non Hazardous Waste and crude oil�. 49. Plans — See definition of Drawiungs. CITY OC FORT GVORTH Alliance Airport Taxiway A Centerline Light Replacement 3TANDP;RDCONSTRUCTION SPEC[TICATIOM D�CL]I14�NTS PrajeatNo.ID31D4 Revisiou: N1a�1i9,2a20 oo��oo-� ��n��Ra�calloi-rioN s Page 5 of 63 Sa. PrajectSchedule—A schedule, prepared and maintained by Coniractor, in accordance with the Genex�I Requirements, describing t�� sequence and duratzon of ihe activities compri�ing the Contracfor's plan to accamplish the Wark within the Contract Time. 5�. Project The Worlcto be perforrned under the Contract Docum.ents. 52. Project 11�anager The auihorized repzesentative of the City who will be assigned to the Site. 53. Public �e�ting — An announced meeting conducted by the City to faciIitate public partzc�ipation and to assist th� public in gaining a.n informed view of the Project. 54�. Radioactive Material�ource, special nuclear, or bypraduct �naterial as defined by the Atornic Energy Act of 1954 {42 USC Section 2011 et seq.) as amended from time to tiax�e. 55. Regular Working Hours — Hours be��'nning at 7:00 a.m. and ending at 6:OD p.m, Monday tivru Friday {excIuding legal holidays). 56. Samples Physical examples of materials, equipzx�.ent, oz �arkmanship 1:hat are representative af some portian oi'the Work and which establish the standa.rds by which such portion of the Work will be judged. 57. Schedule of Subrazittads—A schedule, prepared and mai�ta.ined by Contractor, of re�uired submittals and the time requnre�nn.ents to support scheduled perFormanc� of related construction activities. 58. ScYtedule of Values—A scheduie, prepared and maint,�.ined by Contractor, aIlocating porti.ons o� tk�e Gantraci Price to �various portions of ihe Worlc and used as the basis for revzewiu�g Contxactor's AppliCations far Payment. 59. Sate—Lands ar areas indicated in the Gon�ract Documents as being furnished by City upon which the Work is to be performed, including rights-of-way, permits, and ea�eznexzts for access theret�, and such other lands furnished by City which are designated for the use a�Contractox. 60. Specificatians That part of the Contract Docu.r�n.ents consisting af writken requiremenis for materials, equipment, systems, sfandards and worlananship as applied to the Wnrk, and certain adinrili�irative requirements and procedural matters applicable tl�.ereto. Specif�catians �na.y be specif"rcally made a part of the Contract Documents by attachment or, i� not attached, ma.y be incorporated by reference as mdicated in the Table af Contents {Divi�ion �0 0� QQ) nf eac� Project. 61. Subcont�actor An it�diNi�ual v-r entity having a direct contract wit� Contractor or with any other Subcontractor fox the perforn�ance af a part af t�e Work at the �ite. CITY OF FORT WOATH AI[iance Airport Tauiway A Centerline Light Replaeement 3TANDARDCONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION ]]OCUMENTS PrbjecCNa.1p3104 FZevisibn: Madt9,2020 0072D0-1 GEIVERAL CDid� I710 N S P age G of 63 62. Subnzittals All drawings, clia.grams, iIlustra�ions, schedules, a�d other data or information which are specifically prepared or assembXed by ox �ar Contractor and submitted by Con�ractar to iIlustxate sox�rxe part�on a� �he Work. 63. Successful Bidd��--The Biddex submittinng the lowest and mast respon�ive Bzd to whozx� Caty makes az� Award. 64. Superintendent-- The representative of tlze Contractor who is available at all times and abl� to receive instructions from the City and to aet for the Contractor. 65. ,Supplementary Canditio�s—That part ofi the Contract Documents which amends or suppiements these Getieral Con.di�ions. 66. Supplter A rr�an.ufacturer, �al�ricator, supplier, distributor, materialtnan, ar vendor having a direct con�ract with Con�ractor or with any Subcaniractor to furnish rnaterials or equiprnent to be incorporated iu� the Wox•k by Cantractnr ar Subcnntractr�r. 67. Unde�ground Facilitres—All und�rground pipelines, conduits, ducts, cables, wires, manholes, va�alts, tanks, tiunnels, or otl�er sueM facilities or attachments, and any encaser�n.ents contaiaaing such �aciIities, �cluding bui not limit�d tQ, thase that convey elec�ricity, gases, stean�, �iquid petroIeum praducts, telephone or otller communicat�ons, cable television, water, wastewatex, stoz-�x� water, other liquids or chemicals, ar traffic or other control systems. 6$ UnitPr�ice Work- See Paragraph 11.03 af these General Conditi�ns fox definztion. 69. WeekendWorkingHours--Hours beginnin� at 9:00 a.m. and ending at 5:00 p.m., Saturday, Sunday or legal holi�iay, as approved in advance by the City. 70. Work- The entire construction o�• the various separately identifiable garts thereof required io be prov�ded under the Contract: Dacuxnent�. Work includes and is the result of performing or providing all labor, servi.ces, and documentation necessaty to produc� such construc�on includmg any Change Order or Fie1d �rd�x, and �ut�z�shing, installing, and incotporating a31 materials and equipment izita such constructaon, aIl as reqiaired by th� Contract Docuinents. 71. Yf�orking Day — A working day is defined as a day, not including Saturdays, Sunda.ys, or legal i1DIIC�j+S autiiorized by the City �ar contract ptirposes, in which weather or oiher conditio�s not under the control of the Co�.tractoz� will pez�mzt the perfarmance of fihe principal unit of work undervvay for a contiu�uous period of not less than 7 hours between 7 a.rn. and 6 p.m. 1.02 Terminology A. The words and terms discussed in Paragraph 1.02.B iYvrough E axe not defined but, when used in the Bidding Requirements or Conlxact I7ocuments, have the ind'zcated meaning. B. Intent of Ce�tain Tertns or Adjectives.� CITY OF FORT WQRTH Alliance Airport Taxiway A Centerline Light Replacerr�ent STANDARDCONSTRUCTIDN SPECIFICR7'[ON DOCUMENTS Projectl�o.10310�} Revision: M�n3�9,2(1�0 007200-] GENERAL C�N�ITION S Pa$e 7 of 63 X. Z'ile CO11tT�Ct DOCL1T110rit5 7T1GIUde �1� t�iri15 "as allowed," "a5 a�]jlI'OV8(�," "as ardered," "�5 directed" ar terins of like effect or import to authorize an exerc�se of judgment by City. Tn addition, the adjectives "reasonable," "suitable," "acceptable," `�roper," "satisfactary," or adjectives of like effeei or import are used to describe an action ox determination of Gity as to the Wark. It i� intended t1�at such exercise of professional judgznent, action, or deternvriation will t�e salely to �valuate, in general, the Wark for cornpliance with the u�f'orma�io� in the Cogtracfi Documenfis and wiih the design concept of the Project as a functioning whole as shown or indicated in the Contrac# Documents (unless there is a specif"ic statement indicating otherwise). C. Defective: 1. The word "defective," when xr�adi�ying the word "QVork," refers to Work that i� unsati�factary, faulty, or deficient ir� fhaY it: a. does nai conform to the Contract Documents; or b. does not meet the requirements of any applicable ins.pection�, xe�exenc� standard, test, or approval re��rredto in the ContractDocuments; or c. has been damaged prior to City's written acceptance. D. Furnish, Install, Pe�fo�-�, Provide: 1. The word "Fwrz�i�h" or �he worti "Install"' or the word "Perform" or the vvord "Provide" or the word "Su�ply," or any combulation or sitnilar directive or usage thereaf, shall �nean furnishing and izzcozpoxating in ti�e QVorlc including all necessary la.bor, rx�.�.terials, equipment, and everythiz�g necessary to perform the Work indicated, unless specifcally limited �n the context used. E. Unless st:ated oik�erwise in the Contract Documents, words or phrases tl�at have a w�ll known technical or eonstructian industry or irade meaning are used in ihe Conbract Doctaments in accordance wi�th such recag�iz�cd �neaning. ARTICLE 2 — PREL�MINARYMATTER� �.a� 2.02 Capies afDocun2ents Ciiy shall furnish tQ Contractor �ne (1) orig,�nal execut�d copy and one (1) el�ctronic copy of tl�e Contraet Doeuments, and �our (4) additinnal eopies of the Drawings. Additianal copzes w�l be fiunished upon request at the cos� of repraduction. Corrimence�nentof Cont�actTinx�, IVotice to Proceed The Contract Time will commence to run on the day �d'zcafed 'm the Notice to Proceed. A Notice to Proceed may be given no earfier than 14 days a�ter the Effective Date of th� Agreemeni, unless agreed to by both parties in wriiu�g. C1T Y OF FORT WORTH Alliance Airport Taxiway A Centerline Light Replacement STANDAitDCdNSTRUC'CI01� SPECiFICAT10N bOCUMENTS ProjeatNo.103104 Revi5ion; N1adi 9, 202D 00 �a oa -� GENER�ILCON�IT{ON S Page 8 of 63 2.03 2, b4 2.05 1: 2.07 Starti�ag the Work Contractor shal� stari to p�rfo:rin the Work on the date when the Cantxact Tim� co�runences to run. No Work shall be do�e ai the Site prior to the date on which the Cox�t�ract Trme commences to run. Befa�e Sta�ting Corrst�uction Baselir�e Schedules: Submit u� accordaz�ce with ti�e Contracf Documents, and priar to starting th� Work. PrecQnst�uction Conference B�fore any Work at the Site is started, the Contract:or sha�. attend a Preconstr�zetion Cor�ference as specified iz� the Contract Docurnents. Publac Meeting Contractor may not mobiliz� az�y equipment, material� or resources to the �ite pxior to Contractor att�nding the Public Meeting as scheduled by the City. Initial Acceptance ofSchedules No progxess payment shall be made to Contractor un�ii acceptable schedules are submitted to City in accordan.ce with the Schedul� Spec�'ication as provided in ihe Cont�ract Dpcum�n�s. ARTICLE 3— CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: INTENT, AMENDING, REUSE 3,Q1 Inteni A. The Con�ract Docunrients are compl�mentary; wha� �s required by one is as binding as if required by all. B. It is tlae im.tent of the Contract Documents to describe a fu�r�.ctaor�ally complete project (ar part therea� ia be eanstruet�d in accordance withthe Con�ract Dacwm.ents. Any labor, documentation, services, matexials, or equipme�t t�a.t reasonably may be inferred from the Co�tract Documents or fram prevaitiz�g custom or trade usage as being required to pxaduce the indicatad result will be provided wl�ethex ar not spec�cally called for, at n� additional cast ta City, C. Clarifications and intarpretaiions of the Contract Docurnents shall he issued by Ciry. D. The �pecificatians may vary iti foxzn�, fo�-�xaat and style. 5ome �pacification seciions may be vvrztten in varying degrees of streamlined or declaratrve styl� and sorne sec�ions may be reIatively narrat�ve by comparison. On�issian of such words and phrases as "the ContractQx sh�l�" "in C011iOTtri1� Wi�}l;' "75 SZ10WX7," Ox "a5 specifi�d" a�'� intentional in stream�ixzed sections. Omitted words and phrases shall be supplied by inference. Sirrvlar types of provisions may appear in various parts of a section or articles within a part depending on the format of the CITY OF FORT WORTH Alliance Airport Talciway A Centerline Light Replacament STANDARbGONSTRUCTION SPEClFICATIdN DQCUNfEN'I'S PrnjectNo.103I04 Revision: M�di 9, 7.07.0 ao �z oa- i GENERALCON�ITION S Page 4 of 63 3.02 3.03 section. The Contractor sha.11 i�.ot take advantage of an.y var.ia�on of forn�, fortnat or style in rnal�in� Cantract Claitns. E_ The cxoss �e�erencing af' specif'ication sectioi�s t�nd�x the �ubparagraph heaciing "Reiated Sections iziclude but are �at necessarrly lim�ed fa" and e�ewhere within each Specifcation section is provided as an aid and convenience ta the Cont�actar. Th� Coniractor shall not rely on the cross referenc� provided and shall be respox�sible to coord'mate the entire Worl� uncler the Contract Dacumenis and pravide a comp�efe Pxoject whether or not the cross referencing is prav�ided i�. each sectzan ar whether or not the cross referencing is complete. Refepence Standc�Ncls A. Standards, Specif'ications, Codes, Laws, and Regulations 1. Reference to standards, specifications, manuals, or codes of any technical society, organiza.ti�n, or association, or to Laws or Regulations, whether such xeference be spec'rf're or by implication, shall mean the standard, specificatioz�, manual, code, or Laws or Reg�lations in �ffect at the time of opening of Bids (or an the Effeet�ive Date of the Agreezx�ent if ther� vvere no Bids), except as may be othervaise speeifically stated in ihe Cont�ract Doeuments. 2. No provision of any such stan.dard, speci�cation, ma�ual, ar cnde, or any insiruction of a Supplier, shau be effective ta cYzange the du�ies or respons�bilitzes a� City, Contractor, ar any of #�ieir subcontraclors, consultants, ag�nts, or empioyees, fram those s�t fortl� in the Coniract Documents. No such pzovision ar instructznn shall be ef�ectiv� to assigt� to City, QP Ally Of 1�5 offieers, directors, m.embers, partne-rs, employees, agents, cnnsultants, or subcontractars, any duiy or authority io supez-vise ox diurect the pexfoz-mance of the Work o� any duty or authori�y to undertake responsibility incansi�tent with the pravi�ions o�the Cantract Docurnents. Repo�ting and ResoivingDiscrepancies A. Repo�ting Discrepancies: Cont�acto�'s Review af Cont�actDocuments Before Starting Wo�k: Before undertaking each part of the WQrk, Contractor shall carefully study and compare the Contxact Documents and check and verify pertinent �gures therein against all applicable field measureznents and canciitions. Contractor �hall promptly report in writing to City any co:nflict, error, ambig�.it�, ar �iscrepancy whieh Contractor discovers, or has actual Irnowledge of, and shall obtain a w�itten in�:�rpretation ar clarification from City before proceec�iz�g with any Work affect�d thereby. 2. Cantractor's Review of ContYact Docurnents .During.Pe�fo�nance af Wa�k. If, during the performance of the Work, Contractor discovers any co�flict, error, ambiguity, ar discrepancy within the Contract Docu�.n.ents, or between the Cant�act Documents and (a} any applicable Law or Rc:gulation ,(b) any standard, specifca�ion, manual, or code, or (c} any instruction of any Supplier, then Contractox shall pxomp�iy repart it ta City in vvri�ing. Con�actar shall noi proceed with the Work affected thereby {except irx an emergency as required by Paragraph CiTY OF FORT WORTH Alliance Airport T�xiway A Canterline Light Replacement STANDARbCONSTRUCTION SPECIP[CAT[ON DOCiJMENT`5 ProjectNo.ID3104 AevisioiL Mad19,2020 Q0.7200-I G�NERALCON�ITION S Paga 10 of 63 6. ] 7.A) unt�1 an am.endnaent or supplem.ent to the Caz�fi�act Doeurnents has been issuad by one of the methods indicated in Paragz•a�h3.Q�. 3. QA- 3,05 3. Contractar shall not b� liable to City for faiiure to r�port any conflict, error, ambiguity, or discrepancy in the Cant�act Documen�s unlass Contractor had actUal knowledge thereof. B. Resolving Dzscre�ancies: 1. Except as may be otberw�e specifcally stated in the Contract Document�, the provisions of the Contract Dacuments shal� take precedence in resolving any confirct, exror, anlbig�ity, or discrepancy between tlie provisions of the Contract Documents and ihe pravisioz�s af any standard, specification, rnanual, or the instruc�ion of any Supplier {whether or x�.ot speci�`zcal�y incorpara�ed by referen�e in the Contract Docurrients). 2. In case of discrepancies, �igu�•ed dimenszazas shall goverzi over scaled dimensioras, Plans shall govern o�rer Specificatzons, Supplementary Condi�ox�s shall govern over General Condil-ions and Specifcations, and quan�ities shown on fihe Plans shall govern aver thase shown in the proposaL Amending c�nd,Supplementing ContractDocuments A. The Cantract Docum�nts may be amended to provide far additions, deletions, and rev�sions in the Work or to inoclify the ierms and conditions there�f by a Change Order. ' B. The requirements of the Contract Documents may be supplemented, and minor variations and deviaiions in the Work not invoiving a cha.nge in Contracf Price ox Contract Time, m�.y be auihorized, by one or more of the followirig way5: 1. A Field Order; 2. City's review ofa �ubmittal (sul�ject to the provisians ofParagraph6.18.C}; or 3. City's �itten interpretatian or clari#ication. Reuse ofDocuments !A, Contractor and any Subc.oritractor or Supplier shall not: 1. l�ave or acquire any title to ox ownex•ship rights in any of the Drawings, Specifications, or other docwnnents (or eopies af any therea� preparec� by ar bearing the seal of Engineer, including eleciro�ic nnec�ia editions; or 2. reuse any such Drawings, Specifications, other doci�ments, or copies thereof o� exiensions of the Project or any ofiher project without written consent of City and specifi� written verificaiion or adaptaiion by Engineer. CITY OF FORT WORTH Alliance Airport Taxiway A Centerline Light Replaeemeait STt1NDF1RDCONSTRUCTION SFECIFICAT[ON DOCUMENI'S Revision: [vfad� 9, 7A24 Project No. 103104 oonoo-� ��NEt�atcoNoiTioNs Page 1 l of63 B. The prohibitions of thi� Paragraph 3.05 will survive final payment, or t�rmination of the CaX7tract. No�lung herein shali preclude Contracior from retaira�in� copies of the Contract Documen�s �or recard purposes. 3.06 Electr^onic Data A. Unless otherwise stated in the Supplementa.iy Conditions, ihe data furnished by City ar Engineer io Cantractor, or by Car�tractor to City or Engineer, that may be relied upan axe liixuted ta the printed copies in.cluded in the Conhact Dacu�nents {also known as hard eopies) and ather Specifzcatzons re�erenced and Iocated on f.he City's on-Iine electronic document xn:anagement and collaboration systexn srte. Fil�s u1 electronic m�dia rormat of text, data, graphics, or othex types are furnished only �or the convenience af the receiving party. Any canclusion or �infoxz�aatio� obtained or deri�ed fram such electranic files will l�e at�he user's sole rislc. Tfthere is a d�crepancy between the electxonic files and the liard copi�s, the hard capies govern. B. When tra:t�,��errzng docum�nts in electronic meclia format, the tr�ansferrirzg party makes no xepxe�entatian� as to long term compat��ility, usability, or readability of docu�nents resu�lting from ihe u�e of software appfica�n packages, operatu7g systems, or computer hardvuare difFering frorn fhose used by the data's creator. A.RTICLE 4— AVA�LABILITY OF LANDS; SUB SURFAC`E AND PHYSICAL CONDITIONS; HAZARDOUS ENV�RONMENTAL CONDITIONS; REFERENCE POINTS 4.01 Avaflability ofLa�ds A. City shall furnish the Sit�. Ci�ty shall notify Con�ractor of any encumbrances or re�trictiaz�s z�ot of general application but specifzca�y related to use o�the Sit� with which Coniractor �ust comply in perforr�in4 the Work. City wi.11 abta�n in a t�mely manner and pay for e�.sements for perma.nen:t structures or permanent cl�anges � e�ist3ng facilities. 1. The City has obtained ar an�icipates acquisition of anc�/or access to right-of way, and/or easements. Any ou�standing right-of way and/or easements are anticipated to be acquired in accordance w�tht�e schedule set �arth in the �upplemeniary Canditi�ns. The Project ScheduIe submitted by the Contractar in accordance wit.�i the Contract Documents must consider a�zy ouistanding right�of way, and/o� easemen�s, 2. The Ci�ty has or anticipates removing and/or reloeating uf�Iities, and ol�struetions t� the Site. Any outstanding removal or relocation of utilities or obstructions i� anticipated in accardance wrth the schedule set forth in the Suppiementary Conditions. The Project Sck�edule sub�it�ed by the Contractor in accardance witl� the Cvntract Documents must consider a�y autstanding utilities ar obshuctians to be removed, adjusted, andlor relocated by others. B. Upon reasanabie written request, Ciiy shall fi.unish Contractox with a current statem�nt of record legal titl� and legal descript�on of the Iands upon which the Work is to be performed. C7TY (7F FQRT 'W012TH Alliance AirporE T�.xiway A Centerline Light Replaeement STANDARDC9NS.TRUC'ilaN SPECIFICAT[ON bOCiTMENTS ProjectNo.l031Q4 RevisioFl: Mtsd� 9, 2020 r oo�zoa-i GENERAL CONDITION S P agc 12 oi' �i3 4.02 C. Gontractor shall �novide for all additional lands az�d access thereto t�at may be required for canstruciion faciIities or stoxage of niatezials and equipnaez►t. Subsurface andPhysical Canditians A. Repa�-tsandD�czwings: The Supplementaiy Conditions identify: 1. those reports known to City of e�loraii�ns and te�ts of subsurface conditions at or cantiguous to the Site; and 2. those drawings kmowzi. �o City of physical cond'ztinns relatitig to existing surface or subsurface str�ciUxes at the Site (excepf Undergraur�d Facilities). B. Limited Reliance by Cantractar an �ech�aicalData �4�thorized: Coniractor may rely upon the accuracy of the "technieal data" contained in such reports and drawings, but such reports and drawings are not Contz�act Documents. Such "technical data" is identif'ied in the Supplernentary Conditio�s. Conta•actor may r�at make any Contract Claitn against City, or any of their officers, directors, members, partzaexs, emplayees, agents, consultants, or subcontractors �vith respect to: 1. the campleteness o� such reports and drawings for Contractor's purposes, in.cJudi.ng, but noti lim�ted ta, any aspects of th� means, metllods, tecY�niques, sequences, and procedures af construction to be employed by Contractor, and safety precautions and prograzx� incide�t thereto; or 2. o�lier data, interpretations, opinioris, and information coniained izl such reparts ar shown or indicated in such drawings; or 3. any Contractor interpre�ation of ox conclusioz� drawx� from any "�echnical data" ar any such o�Yrer data, interpretations, opinions, ox ix�oxxnataon. 4.03 Diffe�ing Subsurface or Physicai Conditians A. 1ljotice: �� Contractor hel�eves tl�at any subsurface or physical condition that is un.covered or revealed either: l, is of such a nature as to establish that any "technical data." on which Cantractar is entitled to rely as provided in Paragraph 4.�2 is materially inaccurate; or 2. is o� such a nature as to require a change in the Can�ract Documents; or 3. differs materially from tkat showz�. or indicated in the Contract Docuinents; or 4, is of an unusual nature, and d�fer� materially from conditions orciinarily encoux�tered and generally recagni��ed as inherent in work of the character provided for iri the Con�ract Documents; CiTY OF NURT WURTH Alliance Airport Taxiway A Centerline I.ight Replacement. STANI]AR.bCONSTRUCTIqI� SPECIF[CATIQN DOCUIv1EI�tT3 ProjectNa.1031D4 Revision: N1�ii 9, 2024 007200-1 GENERAL CON�I7lON 5 Page t 3 of 63 4.0�4 then Contractor shalI, promptly after becoming aware thereo� and before furtlzer disturbing the subsurface or physical conditions ar performing a.ny Work ua connection therewrth (except in an emergency as required by Paragraph 6.I7.A}, nol;ify City iz� writit�g about such condition. B. Possihle Price and 7'ime Adj usiments Contractox sha�. not be entitled to any� adjustment iri the Contract Price or Contraci Time i�': L Contractor knew of the existence of such condiiions at the ti�me Co��hactor mad� a final commitment to City with respect to Contract Price and Contract Tu�n.e by tY�.e submission of a Bid or becoming bound under a negoiiated contract; or 2. the existence af such �ondition could reasonabIy have beez� discavered ar revealed as a result of the exarnination of the Coniract Documents ox the �ite; oz 3. Contractor failed to give the w�ri�ten notice as required by Paragraph 4.03.A. Unc�erground Facilafiies A. Shown ar Indicated.� The informa�ion and da#a shown or itiidicated in the Contract Documents wz�h respecttn existing Underground Facilities at or contiguous to the Site is based on infarmation and data fiirnished to City or Engineer by the awners of such Undergxoiu�d Facili�ies, including City, ar by athers. Uriless it is o�herwise expressly provided in the Supplernentary Conditaons: l. City and Engineer shall not be responsible for 1:he accuxacy or completeness o�' a�y such information or data provided by others; and 2. the co,st of all of th� follow�g will be mcluded in the Contract Price, and Contractor shall have fi,�11 responsibility for: a. reviewing and checl�iz�g all suchinforrnation and da1;a; b. locatzn.g all Underground Facilit�es shown or inclicated in the Contraci Docwm.ents; c, coordinat�on and adjustment of the Work with the owz�ers o� such Underground Faciliti�s, including City, during constructian; and d. the safeiy and protection of all such Undexgiround Facili�ies and r�pairing any damage ther�to resulting fram ihe Work. B. IVotShown or1'ndiccrted.• 1. If an Undergrata�d Facility which conflicts with the Wor� is uncovexed ox revea�ed at or cont�guous to the Site w�ich was not shown or indicaied, ar nat shown or ir�dicated w�ith reasonable accuracy in the Contraci Documents, Contractor shall, promptly after �econvng aware �Iiereof and before further distiu�bing conditions affected thereby ax perfarmitag anq CITY OI^ FORT WORTH Alliance Airport Taxiway A Centerlv�e Light Replacement STANDl�RDCONSTRUCTFON SPECIF[CATI6N 170CUMENTS ProjectNo.1031U4 Revision: Madi9,2020 067200-I GEN�RAL CQNO ITION S Paga laof63 Work in cannectio� tk�ezewith (except in an enzergency as requiured by Paragraph b.17.A}, identify the ownex of suc�i Undergrnund Facility and give notice io that owner and to City. City will review the discover�d Und�rground Facility and detenxzme the e�tent, if any, to which a change may be required in the Contract Documents to reflect and document the consequences af the existence or locatian of the Underground Facili.ty. Contractor shall be responsible for the safeiy and pxatec#ia� o� such discovered Undergroun.d Facility. � r, 2, If City concludes that a cl�ange in the Contract Documents is �required, a Change Order may be iss�ed to reflect and doeument such consequences. 3. Verif'ication of exisiing utilities, structures, ar�d se�viee lirie� shall include notification of all utilrty companies a rniniinum of 4$ hours in advance af cni�s�ruction incl�ding exploratoxy excavatian if necessary. Reference Points A. City shall provide eng�neering surveys io establish reference paints for coz3structioz�, which in City's judgment are necessary ta enable Con�ractor to proceed wi�h �iae Wa�l�. Czty will provide construciion stakes or other customary method of marlang to establish Iine and gxadesfor roadway and utility constt�ction, centex�u�es and benchmarks for bridgework. Cantractox �hall protect and preserve the esta.b3ished reference poiz�ts and property manuments, and shall malce no changes ar relocations. Contractor shall report ta City� whene�ver any reference paint or property monument is lost or destroyed or requiures relocatinn b�cause of necessary changes in grades or locations. The City shali be responsible fox the replacem�nt or relocation of reference poir�ts or property rnonuments not carelessly or wi�Ifiilly destroyed by �he Coniractor. The Contractor shall no�ify Cily in advance and with s��fficierat tim� fo avaid d�3ays. B. Wh�never, in the opini.on nf' the City, any reference point or n�.onument k�as been carelessly or wilIfully dest�oyed, ciis�.ixbed, ar removed by the Contrac%r or any of I�:is ez�ployees, tl�e full cost for replacing such poin.ts plu� 25% wil1 be charged agait�t the Contracto�, and the full amount will be deducted from payn�.ent due the Contractor. 4.06 Hazardous Environfnental Condition at Site A. Repo�-ts a.nd D�awings: The Supplementa.ry Condi�tions identiiy those reports and drawings known to City a�elating to Ha7ardous Environmental Cond'ztio�s that ha.ve been ident�'ied at the Site. B. Limited Relaance hy Contt-actoY on Tec�inical Daia Author�ized: Contractor may rely upon t�i� accuracy of ihe "technical data" contained in such repoi-ts and drawings, but such reparts and drawir�gs are not Contract Documents. Such "techiucal data" is identified in the �upple�entary Cnnditians. Contractor rnay nat make any Co�tract Claim against C�y, or any of their offzcers, dir�ctors, members, partners, erra.ployees, agents, consultants, or subcontractors with respect to: 1. the cornpleteness af such reparts and drawings f�r Contractor's pu�poses, mcluding, but not lunited io, any aspeets af the means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures of CITY pF FORT WORTH Alliance Airport Taciway A Centerline Light Replacement STAN1aARDCDNS7'Rl1CT10N SPECIF[CAT[ON DOCUIvf�NTS ProjectNo.103104 Revision; Mad19, 2020 oo�zoo-� GEMERAL CQI�� ITION S Page 15 of G3 consiruct�on to be ernpIoyed by Contractor and safeiy preca�iions and programs incident thereto; or 2. o�er data, interpretations, opinions and information contai�.ed zn such reports or shown or indieated in. such drawings; or a�y Contractor inte�retaiion of or conclusion drawn from. any "t�ci�nical data" ar any such atl�ex data, interpre�atio�ns, opinions or information. C. Contractor shall not be responsible fox any Haza�•dnus Envaronmental Condition un.covered ar revealed atthe Site which was not shovvil or i�.dicated in Drawirtgs or �pecif'ications or identi�ied in the ContractDocuments �a be witivn �he scope of the Work, Contractor shall be responsible fox a Hazardous Env�ronrnental Condition. created witi� an� materials brought to the Site by Contractor, Subcontractars, Suppliers, or azzyone else for wharn Contractor is responsible. D. If Contractor eneountez� a Hazar�.nus Env�onmental Condition or if Contractor or anynne �'or whom Coniractor is responsble cxeafes a Hazardous Environmental Condition, Co��tractor shall itn�nediat�ly: {1� �eeure or otherwise isolate such conditio�; (ii} stop all Work in connectio� with such condition and in any area affected thereby {except in a.� emergency as required by Paragraph 6, I7.A); and (iii) notify City (and pramptly thereafter confirm such noiice in writing). Czty rnay consider the necessiry to retain a quali�ed e�ert to evaluat� such conditian or take cortective action, if any. E. Contractor sha�l not be requixed to resun�e Work in connection with such condidaon or in any afFectedarea until after Gity has nbtain�d any required �e�-mits related thereto and de�iver�d written notice to Contractor: (i) specifying that such condition and any affected area is n� has been renderedsuital�le far the resunaption af Work; or (ii) specifying any special conditions under which such Work may be resu�.ed. �'. If afier receipt o� such �rritten notice Contractor does not agree to xesume such Work based on a reasonable belie� it is w�safe, or does not agree to resume such Wark under such special conditions, then City may ordex tl�e p�rtion of tb.e Work that is in the area affectedby such candition to be deleted from the Woxk. Ci�ty may hav� such deleted portion of the Work perfarmed by City's own forces or others. G. To the fullesi extentperrnitied by Laws and Regulations, Cant�ctctor shall i�adern�tify and hold harmless City, fram and agarnst all clairns, costs, losses, and damcrges (including but not limited to ail fees and charges vf engineers, architects, attorney,s, and other profe�.�ionals and all court o�- arbitration or other dispute r�esolution costs) caYising oui of or t�elating to a Hazardous Envi�o�mentcr7Conditian c�eated by Contractoror by anyoneforwhorya Cont�actor is �esponsible. Nothing in this Parag�aph 4. 06.G shall obligate Cont�acto� to indemnify any individual or entity f�om and dgainst the consequenees of that individual's ar �ntity's awn negligence. H. The provisions of Paragraphs 4.Q2, 4.03, and 4.04 do not apply to a Hazardou� Enviro.nmental Condition unco�ered ar revealed at the Srte. CITY OF PORT WORTH Allia�ice Airpart T�iway A Centerline Light Replacement STANDARI]CQN5T€t[lCT[QN SPECIFICATION DOCUIVfENTS ProjectNa.1�31D4 Revision: Marh 9, 202� oo�zoo-i GENEFtAL CO�f� I710N S Page 1G af G3 ARTICLE 5— E OND S AND INSURANCE 5.01 Licensed Sureties andl�asu�ers AIl boz�ds and ir�surance required by the Contract Documents to be purchased atld mainiained by Cont�actax shall be abtained from surety or insw.•ance comparues that are duJy ]icensed ar authari�ed in the �tate of Texas �o issue bonds or insurance policies for the l'uniis and covexages sQ requir�d. �uch sureiy and insurance companies shall alsa meet such additional requirernents and qualificaiians as may be provi�ded in. the Supplementary Coi�ditions. 5.02 Performance, Payment, andMaintenance Bonds A. Cantractor shall furnish performance and pay�x�ent bands, iri accordance with Texas Gowernment Cade Chapter 2253 or successor statute, each in an amount equal to the Contract Price as security for the faithful performance and paymenfi of ail of Contractor's obligations under the Con�ract Documents. B. Contractor shall fur�vsh maintenanee bonds in an amount equal to the Contract Price as security to protect the City against any defects in any pori�an of the Work described in the Cont�ract Documents. Maintenance bonds shall re�aain in effect for two (2) years after the da.ie of F'v.�al Acceptance by the City. C. All �onds shall be in the fbrzn prescrxbed by the Contract Documents except as provided otherwise by Laws or Regula.�ion.s, ax�d shall be e�ecuted by such sureties as are nazned im� fihe list o� "Companies Hoidiu�g Certificates of Autharity as Acceptable Sureties on Federal Bonds and as Acceptable Reinsuxing Companies" as published in Circula.r 570 {amended) by the Fir�ancial Management Service, Surety Bond Branch, U.S. Department Qf the Treasury. All bonds signed by an agent or atiorney-in-fact m.ust be accamparsied by a sealed and dated power of attorney which shall show that it is effective az� tlie date the agent or attorney-in-fact signed each bond. D. If the surety an any bond 'fur���ish�d by Cont�actar is declared baxil�upt ox beco�es insalvent or its right to do business is tertriinated in the Stafi�: of Texas or it ceases ta meet the requ�'ements of Paragraph S.D2.C, Cont�actar shall prompt�y notify Ciry and shall, wii:hi.n 30 days after the event giving rise to such notification, provide anotk�er bond and surety, both of which shall comply with the requirernents of Parag�raphs 5.01 and 5.02.C. �.03 Ce�taficates of.lnsu�ance Contractor shall deliver to Ciry, with copies to eachadditional insured and lass pay�ee identified in the Supplementary Conditiorvs, ceriificates of ins�.�rax�ce (ofher evidenc� of insurance requested by City ar aIry other additional insured) in at least the zx�inimum amount as specified in the Suppleme�tary Conditions which Contractar is required to purck�ase and maintain. 1. The certificate of insurance sha31 docurneni ihe City, and all identified entiiies nazx�ed in the Supplementary Conditzons as "Additional Tnsured" on all liability pol�cies. CIT�' O�' FOIiT WOItTH Alliance Airport Taxiway �1 Centerline LighE lteplacement STANDARDCONSTRUC�`1flN SPEC�FICATION DOCUIVIEAITS Projectl�o.lU3104 Revision: Matii 9, 2020 oo7zaa-t C,ENERAL CON�ITION 5 Page 17 of G3 2. T�e Cantractar's gen�ral lia�iiity insura.nce shall include a, "�er project" ox `�er locatinn", endorsemer�t, which �hall be id�ntif"ied in the certificate of insurance pravided to the Czty. 3. The ceriif'icate shall be signed by an agent autharized to biu�d covera�;e nn behalf of ihe insured, be complete in its enti�ety, and show complete insurance ca�rxzer naznes as listed in the current A.M. �est Property & Casualty Guide 4. The insurers for alI policies must �e licensed andloz approved to do business in the State of Texas. Except for workers' campexisa�ion, all insurers musf have a minin�urn Tating of A-: VII in the current A. M. Best Key Rating Guide or have reasonahly equivalent financ�ai s�rength and solvency to the satisfaction oi Risk Managemen#. If tha rating is below that required, written approval of City is xequired. 5. All applicable polici�s shaI� ixzclude a�Vaiver af Subrogalion (Rights of Recovery) in favor of the City. In addition, tlne Contractor agrees to waive all �ights of subrogation agauast the Engineer (if applicable), and each additional insured identif'ied in the S�pplementary Conditio�s. 6. Fai��ue o� t�e City tn demand sucl� certif'icates ar other evidence of full com�Iiaz�ce with the insurance xequiraments or failure of the City to identify a deficiency from evidence that is provided shali not be coz�strued as a waiver of Contractar's obligation to maintain such ]in.es of �surance coverage. 7. I� it�surance pakcies ar� noi written for specified coverage lirni�ts, an LJmbrell� or E�c�ss Liabiliiy insurance for any drfFerences is required. Excess L�ability shall fallc�w form of th� primary coverage. $. Unless otherwise stated, all required insurance sha1� be writken an the "occurrenc� basis". Tf coverage is underwritten on a claim:s-Ynade basis, tk�e retroactive da.te shall be coincident with or prior to the date of the effeetive date of tlie agreement and the certif'icate of insurance slzall state that the coverage is cla.ims-made and the retroaetiive date. The insurance coverage shall be maintained for the duration of the Contract and for three (3) years following Final Acceptance provided under the Contract Dacuxz�.e�ts or �ar the warranty period, whichever is longer. An annuai certificate of insurance sub�nitied to tlie C'rry shall evid�nce such insuranc� cov�rage. 9. Polieies shalI have no exclusions by endorsements, w�cli, neither nullify or amend, the required lines of coverage, nor decrea�e the limits of said covarag� unless such endorsements are approved in wriiing by �he City. In the e�ent a Contract l�as been bid or executed and the exclusians are determined to be unacceptable or the City desires additional insurance coverage, and the City desires ihe contractor/engineer to obtain such coverage, the contractprice shall be adju�ted by the cost of the premium for such additior�al cov�rage plus 10%. 10. Any self i.t�uted �etention (�IR), in excess of $25,a00.00, affecting required im.s�rance coverage shall. be approved by the Ciiy in regards to asset value and stoekholders' equity. In C1TY OF FOItT WORTH Alliance Airpart Te�ciway A Centerlinc Light Replacecnent STANDARDCONSTR[JCTlON SPECIFICAT[ON DOCUMENTS 1'rajectNo.1D3104 Revision: Madi9,207_U 007200-1 G�IU�f2Al. CON�ITION S Page 18 nf C3 fieu of traclitional insurance, alternative coverage �naintained ihraugh i�s��rance pools oz xislc retenfion groups, must also be appravad by City. I1. Any deductrble in excess af $5,000.00, fo�• a�y policy that does not pravide coverage on a first-dollar basis, must be acceptable to and approved by the City, 12. City, at its �ole discreiion, xeserves the right to xevzew the i�surance requirements and to make reasona.ble adjusiments to insurance coverage's and their lirnits when deemed necessaty and pxudent by the Ci .ty based upon chan�;es in statutary iaw, court d�cisian or the claims history of the ixadustry as weI1 as of fihe co�tracting party t� �he City. Th� City shall be required io provide prior �.otice of 90 days, az�d the msurance adjustrnents shall b� incorporatad into the Work by Change Order. I3. Ci�ty shall be entitled, upon written request and wrthnut �xpense, to rec�ive copies of policies az�d endorsements theretn and may make any reasonable requests for deletion or revision or amodifzca�ons of pa�fiicular po�icy terrns, canditions, limif.ations, ox e�ciusions necessary to confarn� the policy and endarsements to tl�� requirements of the Conii•act. Deletions, revisions, or rzi.odaficatiox�s shall nofi be required where policy provisions are established by Iaw ar regulatiortis bznding �po�z either pariy or the �r�.derwriker on any such polici�s. �4. City shaA nat �e respansible for the direct paymeilt of insurance premium costs for Conf.ractar's insuranc�. 5.�4 Cdntractor's Insuranee A. Workers Co�npensation and �mployers' Liability. Contractor sl�ll purchase and maintain such insurance coverage with limits consi�tent with statutory bene�'its outlined in the Te�a.s Worlcers' Compensat�on Act (Texas Labor Code, Ch. 40b, as amendad), azid minrrnum limits far Employers' Liability as i� appropriate for the Work being per%rmed az�d as will pra�ie protection fram claitns set forth below which may arise out of or resuli from Con�ractax's pex�arma.nce ofthe Work and Contractor's oiher obligations under the Con.tract Documents, whether it is ta be performed by Contractor, any �ubcontractor or �uppiier, or by anyane directly or indirectly emplayed by any o� ihem to perfortn any of the Woric, or by anyone for whose acts any of the�xi. naay be Uable; I. claims under workers' compensatioia, disabiliry bez�efiks, and other sirnrlar employe� bene�it acis; 2. claims for dam:ages because of boc�ily injury, occupational siekness or disease, or death of Contcactor's eznployees. B. Cammercial General Liability. Coverage shall include but not be lunited to coveri� ]iabi�ity (badiiy injrxry or prop�rty c1�.mage) arising from: premisesloperaiions, independent contractoxs, products/completed operatior�, per�onal injury, and liability under an i�ured. cont�act. Iz�su��nce s�a.11 be provid�d on an occurrence laasis, and as comprehensive as the c�rrent Insurance Services Offce (ISO) policy. 'I�is insurance shall apply a� primazy inswrance with respect to any ather CITY OP FORT WORTH Alliance Airport T�iway A CenYerline Light Replaceatient 3TAN�AR�COI�FSTRUCT[ON 5t'E.CIFICAT[OIY DOGUIUI�NTS ProjectNo.103104 Revision: Mamli9,2020 ofl�2ao-i GENERAL CQI�O ITION S Page ] 9 oF 63 iz�suranc� or sel� insurance programs aftforded to the City. The C�xnzi�e�rcial General Liability policy, shall have no exclusions by endorseznez�ts that �uould alter of �ZuIl:ify premises/opetations, products/completed operations, contractua�, personal injury, or advez-tising injury, which are noxmally contained with the policy, unless the City approves such exclusions in v�•iting. Fnr const�.�uction �rojects ihat pxesent a substailtial compieted opeza�on exposure, the City may �equue the contractor to nlaintain co�ap�eted operations coverag� fox a znu�i��um of no Iess tha.n three (3) years fo�lowinig the camplefiion of the project (if identified in t11e �upplernentaxy COYlC�1ti0115�. C. Autamobile Liability. A comrr�ercial business auto policy sha.Il provide cnv�rage a� "any auto", defined as aufios owned, hired and ��o� awned and provide indemntty �ar claims for damages because bodily in�uy or death of any person and or property daz�rzage arising out of ihe work, mainYenance or use of any moior v'ekxicle by �lie Contrac�or, any �ubcantractor or Supplier, or by anyone directly or indirectly eznplayed by any of them to perforrrz any of the Work, ar by anyone �or whase acts any of them may be liable. D. Railroad Protective Liability. Z� any of the work or any wazxanty v�rork is wiihin the Iimits o� xailraad right-of-way, the Coz�ixactox shall comply with the xequirernents identified in the Supplementary Condi�ions. E. Notificatfon of Policy Ca�ccellation: Contractor shall �nnediately notify City upon cancellatian or other loss of ix�suranee coverage. Contracior shal� stog work until replacement insurance has been procured. Thexe shall be no time credit for days not warked pursuant to thi� section. 5.05 Acce�rtance ofBondsandlnsu�ar�ce; Option to Repdace If Ciry has any objectiQn to the co�erage a£forded by or other proviszons a� the bonds or insurance requiured io be purchased and maintained by the Cantractor irs accordance with Arkicle 5 on the basis of non-cnnfnrmance with the Cantract Documenfs, the Ciiy shall so noti�y fiI�e Contractor in writing within. �0 Business Days afterreceipt of the cez`�ificates (or other evidence req�ested). Conttacior shall provi.de io the City sueh additionai infornriafiion in respEct of insurance provided as the City may reasonably request. If Contracior does not purchase or maintain all of the bonds and irxsurance required by the Contract Dacuments, the City shali noii.f�y the Contractor in writing of suc� failure przor to the sta.rt of the Work, ar of such failure to maintain pr�or to any change in the requiured coverage. ARTICLE 6 — CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIB�LITIES 6.01 Supervision andSuperintendence A. Coniraetor shali supervise, insp�ct, and direct the Work competently and efficiently, dev�ting such at�en,tian thereto and agplying such sl{ills and expeztise as may be necessaxy to perform ihe Work in accardane� rnrith the Contract Doeuxz�ents. Contractor shall be solely respansible for the meaz�s, me�hods, techniquas, sequenees, and pracedures of construction. C1T Y OP FORT WORTH p11ia�3ce Airport Taciway A Canterline Ligl�t Iteplacement STANDt1I2DGONSTRUGT]ON Sl'ECIFICATION DOCiIMEhlTS ProjectNo.ID3.I04 Revisio.n; Niadi9,2020 Q07200-1 G�NERAl. COND1Ti0N S Page 20 of 63 6.02 6.03 B. At all times during the progress of the Wnrk, Contractar shall assi�m a competent, English- spealtuag, Superi�r�tendei�zt who sha]I -not be replaced wifihout written notice ta City. The Super�tend�nt will be Cant�actor's representative at the Site and shall have authority to act on behalf of Contractor. All communieatian grven to ar received from the Superintendent shall be binding on Contxactior. C. Conta•actox shall npi�ify �lie City 24 hours prior to moving areas during the sequence o�' consia•uction, Labor; Wa�kingHou�s A. Contractor shall provi.de cozr�petent, suitably qualified personnel to perfarm construetion as required by the Conixaci DocLuxients. Cantractoz sk�a1l at all times maintain good c�iscipline and order at the Srte. B. Exeept as othexwise required �ox the safety ar proi�ction of persons or the 'R�`ork or property at the Site or adj�cent tfiereto, and except as o�ierwise stated in the Contract Documents, all Work at the Site shali be pex�orrned during Regular Working Haurs. Coniractor will not permit the perform:ance of Woxk beyo�d Regular Wnrking Hours or for Weekend Working Hours without City's written co�.sent {whi.ch will not be tuareasonably withheld). Written request (by Ietter or electronic communicaiic�n) ta perform Work: l. �or beyaz�d Regular Worlcing Haurs request must be made by noon at least two (2} Bus�in.ess Days px-ior 2. for Weelcend Worlcing Hours request must be made by noon of fhe preceding Thursday 3. for legal holidays request must be made by a�oon two Busin�ss Days prior to the Iegal hoiiday. Se�vfces, Mater�cals, and Equipment A. Uxiless otherwise specified in the Contract Documenis, Confractor shall provide and assunne �iull responsbality :Eox alI services, materials, equipment, labor, transpartation, construction equi.pznent and xnachine�ry, �aols, appIianc�s, fuel, power, light, heat, telephone, water, sanatary facilities, temporary fac�zes, and all other facilities and incidentals necessary for the perfoxzn.ance, Contractor required testing, start-up, and cornpletion of the Work. B. All rz�.ate�aa�s and equipment incarporated into the Work shall be as specified ox, i� not specified, shall be of good qua.liry and new, except as atherwise provided in the Cont�ac# Documents. AlI �pecial warranties and guaran�ees r�quired by the Specif'�cations shall expressly xun to the benefzt of City. If required by City, Coniractar shall fiunish satisfactary evi.de�ce (u�cluding reports of requ�ed tests) as to the source, kind, and quality of rnaier�a.� and equipxnent. CITY f_7F FQRT WORTI� AliianCe Auport Taaciway A Center[ine Light Repfacement STANDARDCOMSTRLiCTION 5PECIFICATION DOCl1MEN7'S ProjecfNa.103104 Revision: Mad� 9, 202U OD7200-1 CENEFiALCON�ITION S P age 21 of G3 b.0� C. All maiexi�als and equipment to be ineorporated iu�to the Work shall be stored, applied, i�ls�alled, connec�ed, exected, protected, used, cleaned, and coz�ditionet� in accordance with i.nst�uctions of the applicable Supplier, except as otherwise may be provided in the Contract Doc�ents. D. All items of standard equipme�lt io be uaco�rporated into the Work shaJl be the latest model at the tun.e ofi b�d, unless ot�erw�se specified. Proj e ct Schedule A. Contractor shall adhere to the Project Schedule estabIis�.ed in accordance with Paragraph 2.Q7 and the General Requirements as it n�ay be adjusted frozn �ime to time as provided beJ.ow. Contractor sl�all submit io City for acceptance (to the e�eni indicated 'vr� Paragraph2,07 and the General Requu�ments) proposed adjustments in the Projeci Schedule that w�l nat result in ehang�.g the �ontract Tim�. �uch adju�tm.ents will camply wiih any provi�ioz�s o� tli� Ge�ieraI Requirern�nts applicable ihereto. 2. Cantractar shall sub�nit to City a month�ly Pxaject Schedule with a manthly progress payment �or the dura�ian of ihe Contract in accaxda�ace with ihe sched�ale speci�fcation 01 32 16. 3. Prnpa�ed adjustments in the Project �chedule tha.t w�l change the Gontract Time shall be subrnitted in accordance with the requu�ernents of Article 12. Adjustrnents in Contract Time may only b� made by a Change Order. 6.05 Substitutes and "Or-Equals" � Suppliers ma.y be subm.itted to Ciry for rev�ew under the circum�tances descn�bed below. A. Whenever an item of mate�i�.l ar equipment is spec�ied or descr�bed in the Con.t�ract Dncum�nfs by using the n.azx�e of a propri�tary rtem or the nazxae o�' a par�icular Supplier, the specif'xcation or description is intended to establish ihe type, function, appe�rance, and �ua.�ity required. Unless the specificatian or descxipfiion contains or is followed by wards reading ihat no like, equi.valent, or "or-equal" iten� ox no subs�ution is pernutted otk�er item:� of maierial or equipm.ent o�` other 1. "Or-Equal"Iten�s.' If in City's sole discxetia�a an i�em of material or equapment proposed by Contractorr is fi.ulctionally ec�ual to that na�ed and sufficiently similar so �tIaat na ehange zn rela.ted �Vork will �e required, it may be considexed by City as an "or-equal" �em, in which case review and appraval of the proposed item may, in Ciiy's sole diseretion, be accomplishe d without compliance with some or all of the requirernents for approval of praposed substitute rtems. For the purpos�s of thi:s Paragraph 6.QS.A.1, a proposed item of �ater�iaX or equipmen� wili be considered functionally equal to an item sa named �: a. tke City determines that: 1) it is at Ieast equal in mat�rials of const�uctaa�, quaIity, durability, appearance, strength, and desi�,m characteristics; C1TY OF FORT YdORTI-1 Alliance Airport Ta�ciway A Centerl.ine LighT Aepiacement STANI]ARDCpNSTI�[7CT[ON SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS ProjectNo.103104 Revision: Nfada 9, 20Z0 oa�aoa-� GENERALC03��ITION 5 Page 22 af G3 2) it will xeliably perform at least �qually vvell the fu��ctzon �d achieve ihe results imposed by the design cancept o�the co�npleted Project as a functinning whole; and 3} it has a proven record of performance and availability of responsive service; and b. Contractor certif'ies that, if approved and iu�eorporat�d u�to the Work: 1) there will be no increase ioc� costta the City or increase iri Contract Tinne; and 2) it will eon.forrz� substantially to the detailed requirements �i the item named in the Contract Docu�nents. 2. Substitute .Items: a. Ifin City's sole discretion an item of xnaterial ar equipment proposed by Coz�tractar does nnt qualify as an "or-equaP' item under Paragraph 6.OS.A.1, it may be subnutted as a prqpnsed s�bstitute item. b. Con�ractor shall subrnit sufficient in�fornna�ion as provided below io allow City to deternvne if the iterr� of material or equipment pxapased is essentially equivalen.t to tl�at named and an acceptable substitute therefor. Requests fnr review of proposed substitute items of material or equipment will not be accepted by City from anyone ath.ex than Gontractor. c. Contractor sha11 n�.ake written app3ication to Crty for review of a prap�sed substiiute item of material or equipr►�.ent that Contractor seelcs to furnish or use. The appl�cation shall camply with Section Ol 25 00 and: 1} shal� cexti�y tliat the proposed subst-itute item wzll.: a) perform adequately the functions and achi�ve the res�ts called for �y the general design; b) be sim�ar m substance to thai speei�'ied; c) be suited to ihe same �se as th�.t specif'ied; and 2) will state: a) the e�ent, if any, to which the use of the praposed substitute item will prejudice Contractor's achievement of final completion on time; b) whether use of the propased substikute item in the Work will �equire a ehange in any of the Contract Dacum.ents {or in the provisions of any ather drrect contract with Ci�y for othex work an the Pra�ect� to adapt the desig�n� to tlie propased substfizte item; CITY pF' PORT WORTH ' Alliarice Airpa�t Taxiway A Centerline Light Aeplacement STANT]ARbCONSTRUCT[6N SPECIFICATION �OCUMENTS ProjectN�o.1D3104 Revision: Ntatd� 9, 20�U 007204-1 GENERALCONDITI�N S Page 23 oiG3 c) whe�her ir�corporation or use a£ the praposed substitute item in conneeiion wikh the Warlc is subject to payment a�' any license fee or royalty; and 3) wiTl identify: a) all variations of the pt�oposed substitute item from that speci�ied; b) avaiIable engineering, sales, maintena.r�ce, repanr, and xeplacement services; and 4} shall contaul an itemized esti��ate of a�l costs nr credits t�at wi�l result directly or indirectly fron� use of such subs�ztu�e item, including costs of redesign and Damage Claitns of ather contractor� affected by any resulting change. B. Substitute Const�uctianMethods orP�ocedures: I�'a sp�cific means, mathod, technique, sequence, or procedure of const�ruuctzon is e�ressly reqtxired by iI�►e Contract Documents, Cont�ractor may flu•nish or utilize a subs�itute zneans, mefhod, techniqu�, sequence, or procedure of canstruction approved by City. Cantractor shall submit sufficient information to allow Ciry, ix� City's sale discretion, to detern�ine that the substitute pr�posed is equivalent to that e�re�sly caIled far by the Cont�act Docuarnents. Contractor shall m�ke written appfication ta City for review in the same manner as those provided iz� Paragraph 6.05.A.2. C. Ciiy's .�'vaivation: Ciiy will be all�wed a reasonable time within which to evaluate each proposal or subxnittal made pursuant ta Paragraphs 6.QS.A and 6.OS.B. City may requi�re Contractor to fu�rnish addxtiorzal data abaut th� proposed �ubstitute. City will be the sole judge o�acceptability. No "or-equal" or substitute will be ard�red, installed ar utilized until City's review is complete, which wi.11 be evidenced by a Change �rder in the ease of a substitute and az� accepted Subrr�ittal for an "or-equal." City will advise Con�ractor in writsng of its determinatic�n. D. 5pecial Guctrante�: City may require Contractor to fiunish at Coni�actor's e�ense a special perforrnance guarantee, warranty, or other su�ety with respect io a�.y substit�te, Gontractor shall indernnify a�rd hold ha�le�s City a�d anyone directly or incli�ectiy employed by themfrom and against any and all claims, dcrrrcage�, losses and expenses (includin� attoNneys fees) ari�ing out of the ��se of substituted nzaie�ials or equipment. E. City's CasiRei�nbursernent: Crty will record City's costs iu� evaluating a substitute proposed or submitted by Contractor pursuant to Paragraphs 6.OS.A.2 and 6,QS.B. Whether or not City appraves a subsiitute so proposed or submitted by Cont�racfior, Cnntractor may be required to reimburse City far evaluating each such proposed substitute. Contractar may also be required to reimburse Ci1y for the charges for ma.king changes in the Contract Doeutnen�s (or in the pra�isions of any ather dir�et contraci with City) resulting from the accepta�ce af each propased subsiitute. T. Cont�crctor's Experase: Contractor sha�l prnvide al� data in support of any proposed suhstitute ox "or-equal" at Coniractor's expense. CITX OF I'ORT WOIiTH Alliance Afrpor� Taxiway A Cev[erline i,ight Repleceinent STANDARDCONSTRUCTION SPEC[F1CATi0N DOCiJMEATfS Projectl�Io.1fl3104 Re�ision: Mad� 9, 2020 oo7zoo-� GENERAL CONDITION S Page 2�4 of 63 6.06 G. City Substitute Reimbu�sement: Costs (savings nr charges) attributable to acceptance of a substitute sllall be incorporated ta the Contraci by Change Order. H. �'irne Fxt�nsions:No additional time �rill be granted for sub,�titutions. Concerning Subcant�actor�s, Suppliers, and Dthe�s A. Coz�iraetor shall perform wit11 his o�vn organ.iza.tion, work of a value not less thaz� 3S°10 af �e value embraced on the Contract, un�ess othercwise approved by the Ciry. B, Contra�tar shall not employ any Subcontractor, Supplier, or ather irrdi�+idual or entity, whether initially or as a replacement, against whom City may have reasonable object�an. Cont�•actor shall not be required to employ azxy �ubcontractor, 5upplier, or other indivi.dual or entity to furnish ar perfcrrm any of the Work agai�t whom Cantractor ha� reasonable objectzoz� (exclud'mg those acceptable to City as indicated in Paxagraph 6.06.C). C. 'I`he City may frozn time ta time require the use of certain Subcantractors, �uppliers, or other inclividua.ls or entities on fit�e pxoject, and will provide such requixexnents in �h� Supplementary Conditions. D. Minority Business Enterp�ise Complfance: It is City poIicy to ensure the full and equitable participation by NTit�ority Busin�ss Enterpr�es {MBE) in ihe procurement of goods and services on a contractual basis. If the Cantract Docu�nents provide for a MBE goal, Confiractor is required to cornply with the intent of the City's MBE Ordinance (as amended) by the following: 1. Contractar shall, upon request by City, provide c�mplete and accurate inforzx�a�io� regarding actual work performed by a IV1BE on the Cont�ract and payment therefor. 2, Contractor will not make addations, deletions, or sulastrtutions of accepted MBE without written conseni of the City. Any unjustified change ar deletion shall be a materi�l breach of Cantract anti may resuit in debazxne�nt in accordance wiih the procedures autlined in the Ord'ma.uc�. 3. Contractor sha1l, upon requestby City, allow an audit and/or exaz�aiz�afaon of any books, reeords, or files in the possession of the Contractor that will substantiate ihe actual wark perforrned by an MBE. Maieria.l misrepresez�tat�on of any naiure will be grounds for termiriat'ron of the Contract in accordance with Paxagxapk� 15.02.A. Any such misrepresentatzan rnay be g1'Dl]riC�5 for disquaI�'icaiion of Contractor fo bid on fuiure contracts wit.� tk� Ciry for a period of nai l�ss than three years. E. Cont�actor sha.11 be fully responsible to Ciiy for all acts and a�issions of the Subcontractors, Supp3iers, and other individua.ls or �nti�es performing or fu.rraishing any of the Work just a,� Contractgr is respo�sible for Coniractor's own acts and ornissians. Nothing in the Coniract Documents: C1TY OF FORT WOItTH Alfiance Airport Ta7cirvay A Centexli»e Light Replacement STANDARDCOAEST�UCTION SPECII�ICATION DQCUMENTS ProjeciNo.lU3104 Revision: Mattl7 9, 20Z0 007200-I GEN�RAL CONQ IT 10 N S Page 25 of C3 6.Q7 1, shall create for the benefit of any �uch 5ubeontractor, Supplier, or other individual or entity any contractual relationship between City and any such �ubcaniractor, Suppliex ox other individua 1 or en�ity; nar 2. shall create ariy abligation on the part of City to pay or to see to the paym.enfi of any rnoneys due any such Subcontractor, Supplier, or other in�ividual or entity except as xnay otl�erwise be required by Laws and Regulations. F. Contractor sha.11 be so�ely respo�sible for schedulirag and coordinating �he Work of Subcontractors, �uppliexs, and other individ►aals or entities perforn7ing or furnishing any o�tlie Workunder a clirect or indixecfi contract wiih Contractor. G. All Subcontractors, Suppliers, and such ofller individuals or entities per�'orming or furnishing any of the Work shall communicate with City thraugh Contractor. H. AIl Work performed �or Cantractor by a Subcontractox or Suppl�r will be puxsuant fa an appropriate agreement betwee� Canhactar and the Subcontracfor or Supplier which specificaily bir�ds the Subcont�actor or Supplier io the applicable tezxz�s a�d conditions of i�ze Coz�tract Docum�nts for ihe benefit of Ci�ty. Wage Rr�tes A. Dutjr to pay Prevailing Wage Rates. The Contractor shall camply with ali z�equirements of Cha.pter 2258, Texas Government Code (as amended), including the payment of nat les� than th� rates detexmir�ed by the Gity Council of the Czty o� Fort Worth io be the p�revailing wage rates in accorc�ance w�th Chapter 2258. Such prevailing wage rates are included 'm these Contract Documen�s. B. Penaltyfo� Violation A Contractor or ax�y �ubcontractor wha does not pay the prevailing wage shaI� upon demand made by the City, pay to th� City $60 for each wQrker �mployed for each calendar day or part of the day that the worker is paid �ess than the prevai�ing wage rates siipulate d in these contract documents. This penalty shall be retain�d by thhe City to offset its administratrve costs, puarsuant �o Texas Government Code 2258.023. C, Complaanis af Violations and Crty Dete�fninat�on of Good Cause. On receipt of informatzan, iricludin.g a cornpla.int by a waxker, concerning an alleged violation of 2258, Q23, Texas Govez��ment Code, by a Con�ractor ar �u'bcontractor, the City shall make an iruizal deterr�ninatiori, befare the 31st day after the dat� the City receiv�s the infarrnation, as to whether good cause exists to believe tha.t fihe vi�lation occurred. The City sh�ll notify in writing the Con.�actor or Subcontractor and a�y a�fected worker of its initial deterrriination. Upon the City's determiunati�n that there is good cause ta believe the Con�actor or Subcontracior has violated Cl�apter 2258, the City shall. retain the full amounts cla.imed by %�e claimant or claunants as tk�e diE�exence betweenwages paid and wages due under the prevailir�g wage rates, such amounts beiung subtracted from successive progress paymenis pending a fiz�.ai detelYl�i�lation of the violation. CITYOF FORT WORTH Alliance Airport Taxiway A Centerline Light Replacement 3TANDAR�CONSTRUCTION SP�CIF[CATION DOCUN3�NTS ProjectNa.1031Q4 Revisian: Madi9,2020 007200-1 GENERAL CQI�dITION 5 Page 2G of G3 . 1: D. A�bit�atian Required if Violation NotResolved. An issue relating ta an alleged violatian of Section 2258.023, Texas Government Code, includin� a penalty owed to the City or an afFected worker, shalI be submitted to buiding arbitration in� accoz•dance with trie Texas General Arbitration Act (Article 224 et seq., Revised Statutes) if �he Contractor or Subeontractor and any affeeted warl�er does noi resolve the issue by agreementbefore the 15fih day after the date the Gity makes its initial deterrnit�tion pursuant io Paragraph C abo�e. If the pexsons requir�d to arbitrate under this section do not agree on an arbitrator before the l lti� day after �lie date thai arbitration is required, a dist��ict court shall appoint an axbitrator on the petitaan of any of t11e persons. The City is not a party in the arbii� ation. The decision and awaxd of the arbitrator is final and binding on all parties and may be enforced in ariy court of competent jurisd'zction. E. Recor�d.� to be 1Vlaintained. Th.e Con#.ractor and eacb Subcantractor shall, for a periad of ihree (3} years fallowing the date o� acceptance of the work, maintain records that show (i} the z�ar�e and occupatian of eachworker employed by the Contractor in th� canstruction of the Work �rovided for in this Contract; and (iz} the actual per diem wages paid to eachworker. The recoxds shall be Qpen at all reasonable hours for i.r�spec�ian by the Cxty. Th� provisions of Paragraph 6.�3, Right to Audit, shall pertain to this inspection. r. Progress Payments. With eack� pxogress payment or payroll period, whichever i� less, the Contractor shall submit an a�fdavit statin,g that the Contractor has complied with the requirements of Cha.p�er 225$, Texas Govex�ment Cade. G. Pos�ing of Wage Rc�tes. The Contraetor shall post prevailing wage rates m a conspieuau� place at all tune�. H. Subcont�actar Con�pliance. The Contractor sha.11 include in its subconiracts and/or shall otherwise r�qu�e all of iis Subcontractors to comply with Paragraphs A through G above. FatentFees and Royalties 1�. Contracior shall. pay all license fees �d royalties and assume all costs incident to the use in the performanee of the Work ox the incaipora�ion in tlle Work of any inveniion, design, pxocess, pro�luct, or device which is t�e subject of patent rights or copyri�ghts held lay others. If a parti.cular irivention, c�esign, proeess, product, ar c�e�iee is specified i�1 th� Contract Docurnents for use in �he performance of the Wark an:d i�, ta the actual knowledge of City, its use is subject to patent xighfs or copyrights caIling for tlie payment of any license �'ee or royalty to ofihers, the existence of such rights shall be disclosed by City in the Contrac� Documents. Failure of the City to disclose such information does not relieve the Coz�tz�actor �rom i�s obligations to pay for the use of said fees ar royalties to others. B. To the fullest ex�ent pe�mitted by Laws and' �Zegultrtion.�, Cantractar shall indemnify and holc� harmless C�ty, from and against all clain�, costs, losses, and dc�rrages (incduding but nat limited to alI fees and eharges of engineeNs, architects, attarney�s, and oihe� p�ofessionals and all court or arbit�ation or other dispute resol�rtion co�ts1 ari.sing out of or Yelating to any infringement of patent rights oN capyrights incident to the use rn the perfor�rrance of the Work ar� resultingfr�o�n CITI' OF FORT WORTH Alliance Airport Taa�iway A Centerline Light Replacement STAAI�ARDCONSTRUCTfON SPECI�ICATION DOC[I11+fENi'S PrajectNo.1031D4 Re�isian: Marl� 9,2020 0072Dfl-1 GEf�ERAL COND IT 10 N S Page 27 af 63 the incorpo�ation in the Wo�k af any i�vention, design, pi°ocess, p�aduct, o� device notspecifed in the Cont�actDocu�nents. 6.09 Pe��nits and Utilities A. Cont�actor obiained per►nits and Iicenses. Contractor shall abtain �nd pay �ar all construction perm'rts and licenses except those pravided fnr in the Supplernentary Cancl'ztions or Contract Documents. Ciry shall assi�t Co�txactox, when necessary, m obtainino such perrnits and licenses. Contrac�or shali pay all gover�nmental charges and itispection fees neces�ary for the prasecution of the Work which are applzcable at �he time of apening of Bids, or, i.f there are no Bids, on the Effective Date of the Agreement, exGept far p�rtnits provided by the City as specif'ied �n 6.09.B. Ciky shall pay all charges of utility owzxers for cor�riections for provic�ing permane�t seivice ta the Work. B. City ob#ainedpe�mits and licenses. City vvill obtain and pay for a11 pernuts and licenses as provided for in the Supplerraentary Conditions or Contract Documents. It will be the Cantractor's responsbilify to carry out tk�e pxavisior� of the permit. If the Cont�ractar uut�ates changes to the Contract and the City approves the changes, �lie Contractar is respons�ble for abtaining clearances and coardinaiing with the appropriate regulatory �gency. The City will nat r�imbur�e the Contractor for any cosi assaciated with these requtrements of an.y Ci�ty acquired permit. The fallowing are permits ihe Gity wili obtair� if required: l. Texas Depaz-�nnent of Transportaiion Permit5 2. U.S. Arra�y Corps of Engineers Permits 3. Texas Commission on Environmental Qual�l.y Permits 4. Railroad Company Permi.ts C. CO�tstanding pe�rnits and licenses The Ciiy antieipates acquisition af and/or acces� to permits and l�censes. A�rxy outstanding permits and licenses are anticipated ta be acquired in accordance wikh the schedul.e set �arth �n the �upplementary Conditians. The Proj�et Schedule submitted by the Cantractor in accordance �rith the Cantract Documents mu�t caz�sider any outstandin� permits and ficer�ses. � b.10 Lavvs and Regulations A. Conf�actar shall give a!1 notiees required by and shall camply with all Laws and Regralations appIicable to the performance of the Work. Exc�pt w�aere otherwise expressly xequired b� applicable Lavvs and Regulation:s, the City shall not be responsible for manitorion.g Contracfor's coxnplia�ce with any Laws or Regulation.s. B. I�Cont�actor performs any Work knnwing or having reason�a know that it is contrary to Laws or Regulations, Contractor shall bear all claims, C05t5, losses, and clannages (including but not limited to all fees and charges of engineers, architects, attorneys, and otYrer professio�aL� and all Cl`tY OF FORT WORTH Afliance Airpar[ TAxiway A Cenlerline Light iieplacement STANDAIZbCONSTRUCTION SPECIFICAT[ON i]QCUIvI�N`I'S ProjectNo.1Q3104 Revision: Mad� 4, 2i�0 0072D0-1 GEIVERAL CON�1T101� 5 Page 28 of G3 court or arbit�afion or ather d�spute resolut�on cos�s} ar:�ing out of or relatiu�g to such Worlc. However, it sl�all not be Cont�•actor's respon��bility to make certairl that �he Specif�ications and Drawu�gs are in accordance with Laws and Regulations, but this shaIl not re�e�e Gontractor of Coniractor's nbligations under Paragraph 3.02. C. Ck�ang�s in Laws or Regulations not known at the time af openir�g of Bids having an effect on tl�.e cnst nr time of performance of the Worlc may be t17e subject of an adjuslment i� Coiltract T'rice or Contract Tune. 6.11 Taxes A. On a coF�txact awarded by the City, an organization which qualifies for exernption pursuant to Texas Tax Code, Subchapter H, Sections 151.30I-335 (a� amended), the Contractox nn:ay purchas�, rent or lease all materials, supplies and equipment used or cnnsuined in tha perfarm;aan.ce o� this contraci by i.ssuing to his supplier an exemption cextificate iti lieu of the tax, said exemption certificate to carnply with State Comptroller's Rulzng .007. Any such exemption certifcate issued to the Contractor in lieu of the tax shau be subject to and shall camply with the pxovisian af State Cornptroiler's Ruling .011, and any other appIicable rulu�gs pertaining to the Te�as Ta� Code, �ubchapter H. B. Te�cas Tax permits and in�ormation inay be obtained frarn: 1. Comptroller of Public Acco�.u�ts Sales Tax Division Capitol Station A�stiri, TX 7$711; or 2. httt�:ilwww.window.state.tx.usltaxinfolta�onms�93-forms.htr�i 6.12 U,�e of Site and Other Areas A. Limitation on Use af Site and OtherA�eas: 1. Contraetor shal� cox�fiue co�struction equipment, i:he sfiorage of materia�s and equipment, and the operations of workers to t11e Site and other areas pez�it%d by Laws and Regtalations, and shall no� unreasanably encumber the Site and other areaswith construciian equipment or other materials or equ3pment. Contractor shall assw�.e fi�ll respnnsibiliry for any damage fio any such land or area, or �o tl�e owner or occupant ihereof, or of any adjacent land ar areas resulting from the perform�ance of th� Work. 2. At any time when, in tkie judgment of the City, the Coniractor has obstructed or clased or is carrying on aperations in a portion af a street, right�of-way, ar easement greater than is necessazy for proper execution of the Wark, the City may require the Coz�tractor to finish the sectio� on wluch operations are in progre�s be�ore work i� commenced on any additional area of the Site. C1TY OF FORT WORTFI Alliance Airport Taxiway A Ccnterline Light Reptaceme�3t 51'ANT�ARDCONSTItUCTION SP�CIFICATION DOCiJMENTS ProjectNo.103104 Revision: Mad� 9, 2D20 on�zaa-� GEIVERALCONqITIO�f 5 I'age 29 of G3 3. Shauld any Damage Claim be made by any such owner or occupant because of the perfornna.nce of the �V'ork, Contractor shall prornptly attempt to resolve the Darnage Cjaitn. 4. Pursuantto Parag�aph b.21, Cant�^acto��shail indemnifyand hold har�mless City, fr�om and against aIl clairn.r, costs, losses, and darnages arisingaut of ar relaling to any claim o� actian, legal or equidaUle, b�°ought hy any such owne� a� occupant �gai�ast City. B. Rer�aoval of Debris Du�ing Pe�forfnance of the Wo�lc: During tlle pragress af the Work Cantractar shall lceep the Site and othez• a�reas fi�e f`rom accumulatio� of waste materiaL�, rubbis�, and other debris. Removal and d'asposal o� such waste materials, rubbish, and other debris shall confazm to applicable Laws and Regulatiox�. C. Siie Maintenance Cleaning: 24 hauxs after wriiten notice is gi�en to the Contractor that ike clean up on the job site is proceed'mg in a manner unsatisfac�ory to the City, if the Coniractor fails to correct the unsatisfactory procedure, the City may take such direct action as the City dee�ns appropriate to correct the cleaz�-up deficiencies cited to the Contr�ctor in the �vriiten notice (by letter or �lectronic communication}, and the costs of such direct actifln, plus 25 % of such cost,�, shall be deducted from the moni.es due ar fo became due to the Contxactor. D. Final Site Cleaning: Prior to Fiz�al Accepta.�ce of the Work Contractor shall clean the Site and the Work and rnake it ready �or ut7liza.tion by City or adjacent p� operiy owner. At the con�pletion of the Work Contract:ox sk�all remo-ve fro� the �it� al� tools, appliances, construciian equipzraent and machinery, and surplus �rzaaterials and slzall restore tfl origizzal eondition ar better a]1 property disturbed by the Work. E. Loading S`tructures: Conlracior �ball not load nor per�x�ut any part of any structure to be loaded u1 any manner that will endanger the siructure, nor shall Gantractor sulaject any part af ihe �TVark or adjacent property to stresses or pressures that will endanger rt. 5.13 Record Doeuments A. Cont�ractor s�all maintain in a safe place atth� Sit� or in a place des.ign.ated by the Con-tractor and appraved by the City, one {1) record. copy of all Drawings, Specificaiions, Addenda, Change Orders, Field Orders, and writ�en interpretatzons and clarifications in good ordex and annotated to show chazages made during const�ructzon. These record documents iogethe� wiih all approved Samples and a caunterpart of all accepted Submittals will be available to City for xeferenca. Upan complet�on af the Wor�C, fihese record documents, any operation and maioc�tenance m�nuals, and Submittals w�Il be delivered to City prior fio Final Tnsp�ction. Contractor sha�. include accurat� locations for buried and nnbecided items. 6.14 Safety and P�atectian A. Cont�actor shall be salely respons�le for initiatix�g, maintaining and supervising a�i safety precauiions and programs in conneetion wit� tk�e W�rk, �uch responsibility does nat relieve Subcontractors of tk�eir responsibility for the safety of persans or praperty in �he perfoxznance of their work, nor for compliance with a�plicable safety Laws and Regulations. Contractor sha�l CITY OF FpIt'1' WOR'E'H A11ia�1ee Airport Taxiway A Canterline Light Replacement STANDARDCON3TRUCTION SPECIFICA�ION DOC[JM�NT'S ProjeciNa.1Q3104 IRevision: Metd� 9, 2020 ao�zoo-i GEfVERAL CONDI710N S Page 3D of G3 talee aIl necessary pzecautians for th� safety of, and shall provide the necessaiy protection to prevent clamage, injury ar loss ta: 1. al� persons nn th� Site or who may be affected by the Wnrk, 2, a�l the Work and materials and equipznent ta be incorporated therein, whethez in stnrag� on or nff the Site; and 3. of.her pro�erty at the Site ar adjacent fhereto, including irees, sl�rubs, Iawns, wallcs, pavements, roadways, s�ructures, utilities, and Underground Faczlities z�at designated for• removal, relocation, ox �•eplacement in the course of constructioz�.. B. Con�ractor shall comply wi�h all applicable Laws an.d Regulations relating to ihe safety of persons or property, ar to fhe protection of persons or properiy froxn damage, injury, or loss; and shaIl erecf and ma.intain. aIl necessary saf�guards for such safety and pratection. Contractor shall not�y owner� of adjacent proper�.y and of Underground Facilities and other utility owners when prosecu�ion of the Work xnay affect thern, and shall cooperate witl� them in the protection, rernoval, relocation, and replacement oF their property. C. Cont�aclor sha� comply with the applicable requirements of City's saf�ty progra.ms, if any. D. Contractor slzall infarm City of the specific �equiremei�ts of Contractor's safety prog�ram, i� any, wiih wh�ch City's employees and representatives rz�ust comply while at t11e Site. E. All darnage, injury, or loss to any properry ref�rred to in Paragraph 6.14.A.2 or 6.14.�.3 caused, directly or indireetly, in whole or �x�. paxt, by Contractor, any Subcontractor, Supp�ier, �r any oiher individual or entity ciirectly ox indarectly employed by any of ihem to perfoxm any of �Ii� Work, oi• arrynne far whose acts any �f thenr� zraay be liabl�, shall be rernedied by Contractox. F. Cantzactor's duties and responsil�ilities for safety anci for protec�ion. o� the Work shall continue un�il such time as all the Work is c4mpleied and City has accepted the VVork. 6.15 Scrfety l�epresentative Contractor shall inform City in wri�ing of Coni�actar's designatec� safety represeniaiive at the Site. 6.1C Hazard Communication P�og�ams Contractor shall be responsble fox caordinatiilg any exchange of material safety data sheets or other hazard com�nunicatiQn informat�on required to be made available to or eXchanged betw�en ar arnong employei•s in accordance with Laws or Regulations. 6.17 Emerg�ncies and/or Rect�cation A. In em.ergencies affecting the safety or proiectian af persons or the Work ar property at the Site or adjacent thereto, Contractor is �bligaied to act to prevent threatened damage, �ir�jury, ar loss. Coz�tractor shall give City prompt w?ritten notice if Contractor believes that any sigx�ificant CITY OF FORT WORTH Alliancc Airport Taxiway A Centerline Light [2eplacement STAlV77AADCONSTRUCT[QN SPECIF[CAT[OM DOCiJivfEN`I'S ProjectNo.103104 Revision: I+�fad� 9, 2(�0 oono�-i GENERALCONDITION S P age 31 af 63� changes ir� the Wark or variations fron� tlxe Cant�'act Documents have been caused thereby or are required as a result theraof. Yf City determines that a change in the Cont�act Documeilts is required because of tihe action taken by Contractor in respanse to such an emergency, a Ck�ange Order may be issued. B. Shnuld i:he Contractar fail ta respo�d fa a requesi fiom ihe Czty to recti£y any diserepanczes, omissio�ls, or correction necessaxy to conf�orm with the requirement:s of �lie Cailfract Documents, fhe City shall gi�e the Conlractoz writt�n notice that such work or cl�anges are to be perfarmed. The written notice shall di�rect attention to tha discrepa.nt conditio:n and reque�t the Contractor ta tak� remedial aciion to correct the condition. In ihe event the Conhactor does not talce positive sieps to fulffll �his writien request, o� dpes not show just cause for not taking tha proper action., with'v1 24 hours, the City may take such remediai action wiih City forces or by coni�raci. The Ciiy shall deduct an amount equal to the enti�e eosis for sueh renaed'zal ac�ion, plus 25%, from any fiands due or become due the Con.txactor ar� the Project. 6.18 Submittals A. Contractor sha� submit required Submittals to City �ar rerriew and accep�an�e in� accordance with the accepted Schedule o� Subm�tals {as required. by Paragraph 2.07}. Each submittal will be identified as City may require. I. Submit number of copies sp�cified �in the General Requirements. 2. Data. shown on the Submit�als will be complete with respectto quantities, dime�ions, specifzed performance and design cx:ttexia, materials, and sirnila.r data to shovv City the services, materia.ls, and equipment Cont�actor proposes to provide and to ena�le City to review the in�armation for the limited purposes required by Paragraph 6.18.C. 3. �ubmittal:s submitted as h�rein pro�ided by Cantractar and reviewed by Ci�ty far conformance with the design concept shall be eXecuted in cnnf`ormiiy with the Con�ract Documents unless othexwise required by City. 4. When �ubnuttals are subrnitted for the p�.u•pose of showing the installation un. gx•eater detail, their review shall not excuse Contractor fronc� requ�ements shown on the Drawings and 5pecifications. 5. For-In%rmation-Only submithals upon which fhe City is not e�ected to conc�.uct r�view or take respansiGve ac�on may be so identif'zed in the Cantract Documents. 6. Submit required number of Saznples specrfied 'm the Specificatioxas. 7. Clearly identify eacl� Sample as to material, Supplier, pertinent data such as catalog nux�nbers, the use for which intended and oiher data as Ciry may require to enable City to review the subtniital for ihe ]i�znited purposes rec�Liired by Paragraph 6.18.C. CITYUP EORT W�RTIi Al[ianae Airpnrt Taxiway A Canterline Light Replacement STANDARDCONSTRUCTION SPECIFICA7'[ON DOCUME]V7'S ProjectNo.1031Q4 Revision: Mad19,2�20 U072d0-1 GENERAL CONp ITIO N 5 Page 32 of 63 B. Where a Submittal is required by tbe Gontract Documents or the Schedule of Subrnittals, any reJated Work performed priar io City's revie� and acc�ptance af t�e pert�enl: submittal will be at fhe sole e�pense and responszb�lity of Contractor. C. City's Review: 1. Ciiy� will pravzde timely review of required Submittals iri accordailce wiih the Schedule of �ubnnittals acceptiable to City. City's review and aeceptance will be only ta determina if the items covered by the submittals will, afte� installation or incorporation in the Work, conform to the iu�ormation given in the ContractDacwnents andbe compati�le with �e design concept of the co��plefed Project as a functioning wk�ale as indicated by the Contxact Documents. 2. City's reviery and acceptance will nat e�end to means, methods, tecku�iques, sequenc�;s, or procedures af construction (except wh.ere a par�iculaY� means, method, technique, sequence, or pracedure of construction is specifically and e�ressly ca�.ed for by the Contract Documents) or to sa%ty precautions or pragra.ms incident thereto. The revie�r and acceptance o� a sepaz'ate item as such will not �dicate approval of the as�ennbiy in wluch the item fivactioz�,s. 3. City's review and acceptance shall no� relieve Contractar from responsibility for an.y varia�ion frorn the req�airements of the Cantract Docwnents unless Cantractor ha� complie d with the requireinents of Sectzon 01 33 a0 and City has given written aceeptance of each such varia.tion by specific w�•it�en nofation thereof incoxporated in or accompanying ikze ,SubmittaL City's review and acceptance shau not r�lie�e Contractar fr�� responsibility �or eoz�nply�ng with the requirements o�the Cont�act Documents. 6.19 Coniinuingthe Work Except as otherwise provi�ded, Cont�actor shall caxry on the Work and adhere to the Prajecf Schedu�e during all disputes or disagreernents with City. No Work s}�ll ba delayed or postponed pending resolution af any disputes ar disagreement�, except as City and Con�ractor may othexwise agree in writitzg. 6.20 Cont�acta�'s Genercrl Wa�rcrnty and Gua�antee A. Can�ractor warrants and guarantees to City that all Work wi11 be in accordance wi�h the Contract Documents and will not be defective. City and its officers, daxectors, members, partners, employees, agents, consultants, and subcontractors shall be entiiled fio rely on representa�ion oi Contractor's warran�y and guarantee. B. Contracfor's warranty and �rantee hereunder excludes defects or damage caused by: l. abuse, mod�fication, ar improper maintenance or aperation by persons other than Contractor, Subcontractors, Su�pli�rs, or any othex individual or entity for wh.oxxi. Contractor is responsible; or CITY OF FDRT WQ1tTH Allia�ice Airport Taxiway A Centerline Light Replaeement STA]VDARDCDNSTRUCTION 3PECITICATION DOCUMCNTS Projectrlo.103104 Revisinn: Mxdi 9, 2DZ0 00720D-I GENERAL CONDITION S Page 33 of 63 2. normal wear and tear under norinal usa�e. C. Contaactor's obligation to perform and cornplete tl�e Worlc in accordance with the Cont�•act Documents shall be absolute. None of ibe following will canstitute an accepta.nce of Warlc that is not iun accnrdance wi�h 1;he Contract Docwnnents or a release of Contractor's obligation to perform the Wor1� in accnrdance with the Cont�act Doc�.unents: 1. abser�val:ions by City; 2. r�commendation or payment bp City of any progress ox fuxal paynme���:; 3. i��e issuance o� a certif"�cate oP Final Acceptance by City or any payment related thereto by C�� 4. use ar occupancy of the Work or any part thereaf by City; 5. anyrer�iew and acceptance o�a Submittal by Ciiy; 6. any inspection, test, or approval by o�ers; or 7. any correction o� defective Warlc by City. D. The Contr�.ctor shall remedy any de£ects or damages in the Work and pay for any damage io other woxlc or property resuiting therefrom which shall appear witivn a pezi�ad af two (2) years from the date of Final Acceptance ofthe Wo:rl� unless a longer period is specified and shall fw�rush a good an.d sufficient inaintenance bond, coznplying with �he requirements o� Article 5.Q2.B. The Ciky will gi�re ilotice of observed de�ects wiih reasonable pronaptness. b.21 Indemnification A. Contractor covenants and agrees to indemnify, hold �armIess and defend, af its own expense, the City, its officers, ser�ants and employ�es, from a�d �gainst any and all clairr�s aris ing out o% o r alle ge d to aris e o ut af, the work and s e rvices ta be pe rforme d by the Contractor, its officers, agez�ts, employees, subcantractors, licenses or in�itees under fhis Contract. THIS TIVDEMNIFICATION PROVISION IS SPFCIFICALLV INTF DET7 TO (}PF.RATF. ALYD SE EFFECTiVH; EVEN IT iT TS A�,LF[TFii nR PRnVEN THAT ALL ()R �C}MF nFTHF DAMAGFS I�FTNG �OU[THT�f;RF C:AiT�Eil. iN WHnLF (}R TN PART_ RV ANY AC.T. O T��inN nRNEGLIGENCF nF THF C:ITY,. This indemniiy provision is intended to include, wit�out limitation, indemniiy for costs, ex�nses and legal fees incurred by the City in de�enc�ing against suc� claims and causes ofactions. B. Contractorcovenanfs a�nd agreesto �ndemniiyand hold �armless, atits ownexpense,the Cxty, its nffieeirs, setvanfs and employees, from and against a�ny and all loss, damage or d�struction of properEy of the City, a�rising otrt oF, or a�eged to arise out a� the work ancl services to'1a� performed by the Contractor, its o�icers, agents, employees, subcontraetors, Ticense.�s or invitees under this Contrae�. TAIS TNDFMNTFTCATinN PR ViSTON IS CTT'Y OF FORT WORTII Alliance Airport Taxiway A Centerline Liglit Replacement STANDARDCONSTRUCTION 3PECIr1CAT[ON DOCUivl�ltl`fS PrajectNo.I03104 Revision: Madi 9, 2.9�0 ao�2oo-� GENERAL. COND IT 10 N 5 Page 34 of 63 6.22 6.23 ' �_ �I i 1 �__ ►� :\1 :_ /_ \ ____ — - - �.f : ' : i / _► . : = -- 1 ' � u_ _I . � :_1 _,_ t ► — � li.I[_ fil � _ � I� ► �1. i_ 1 :_ ' : : _ : __ ► _ s _ ! / _ . . _ _� � 1 : \_ \ 1 � Delegatian of Professional Desigva Services A. Contractoz will not be requirad to provide pxofessional design seivices uniess such sezvices are specificaJ�y required by the Contract Documents for a portion of ihe 'Worl� or unless such services are requirred to carryout Contractor's respoz�.sibilities �or construction ineans, x�aethads, techniques, sequences and procedures. B. Tif professional desi�n services or cert�'ications by a desi�n professional related to systems, materials or equipment are specifical�y requ�'ed of Cont�actor by the Contracf Documents, City will specify all performance and design c�iteria that such �e�•vices must saiis�'y. Contractor shall cause such services or eertifications ta be pro�rided by a properly Iicensed pr�fessional, whose szgt�ature and seal 5hall appear on a.11 dra•wings, calculations, specifications, cert�ication�, an.d �ubzz�itital� prepared by �uch professional, Suhmuttals related to the Woz•k designed or certi#"ied by such professional, if' prepared by others, s17a.11 b�ar such professionaI's wr�ten approval when submitted to Cxty. C. City shall be entitled to rely upan the adequacy, accuracy and completeness of -the servi�ces, cert�f'�cations or approvals perfoz�ed by such design professioz�aJs, provided Ciiy has specifie d to Contractor perform�nce a�nd desi�n criteria that suGh sez�ices lnust satisfy. D, Pursuant to this Para�aph 6.22, City's review and acceptailce of design calculations and design drawings will be only for the ]imi�ed purpose of ehecic�uag far canformance with perfarxnaz�ce a�d design eriteria �en and the design concept expressed ix�. the Confrac# Documents. City's :review and acceptance of Submi�ta�s (e�cept design calculations and d�sign drawings) will. be only �ar the pc�rpose stated in Paragraph 6.18.C. RighC to Az�dit A. The Contraetor agre�s that the City shall, until the e�iration of threa (3} years after final pa�ent under tivs Contrac�, have access to and the right to examine azad pk�otticopy any directly pertineni hooks, documents, papers, and records of the Contrac�or inivolvu�g transactions relating to this Contract. Cnntractar agrees that the C�ily shall have acc�ss during Regular Worlcing Hours to all necessary Contractor fac�ities and shall be provided adequaie az�d appropriate work space in order to conduct audits in compliance wzth �he provisions of this Paragraph. The City shall give Contractox rea.snnabl� advance notice o� intend�d audits. B. Cant�ractax fi.�rther agrees to includ.e in a�l its subcontracts heretivader a provision to the effect that the subcontraetor agrees that the City shall, until the e�piration of three {3) years after �nal payz�ent under this Contract, have access to and ihe right to e�amine and photocopy any directly pertinent books, documents, papex•s, and records of such Subcantractor, itavolving �ransactioz�s to �he subcnntract, and further, tk�at City shali have access during Regular Working Hours to all CI'fYOF FOR`I' WpRTH Alliance Airpart TaxiwayA Centerline Light Replacem�ent STANBAIiDCONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMEN�'S ProjcctNo.I03104 Rev ision; Mad7 9, 2020 aa�zoo-� G�NERAL CDNUITION S Page 35 nf G3 Subcontractor facilities, and shali be provicded adequate and appropria% worlc space in order ta conduci audits in campliance with the pravisiazxs of f1�s Paragra�h. The City shall giv� �ubcoiltractor reasonab�e advance natice o�intended audits. C. Contractor and Subcontractor agxee to photncopy such documents as rnay be requested by the City. The City a�rees to reimburse Contar�ctor for the cos� of the copies as follow� at the rate published in Yhe Texas Admuvstraiive Code in effect as of the tune co�ying is performed. f.24 IYondiscrimination A. The City is responsible for opei•atin� Public Tra�partation Programs and implementi�.g transit- related pz'ojects, v�hich are funded in part wiih Federa� fu7ancial assistance awarded by the U.S. Departn�.ez�t af Transportatian and the Fedexal Transit Adn�iili.�tration (FTA), without discriminati�g against any person in the Uniied States on� #he basis of race,color, or national origin.. B. Title VI, C`ivil RightsAct of 19G4 as amended.� Contractar shall comply with the requi�ements af the Act and the Regulations as further defi�r�ed in the Supplementary Canditions for any praject z�eceiving Fed�ral assistance. ART'ICLE 7— OTHER WORK AT THE SiTE 7.01 Related Wo�k atSite A. City may perfoz�na ather work relat;ed to the Project at the Site �rith City's employees, or other City contractors, ar through other direct contract� there�or, nr have other wor� performed by utilzty ow�aexs. Zf such ather wark i�s not noted in the Co�nact Docurnents, then written notice thereof will be given to Cantractor prior to siariing any �uch atk�er wqrk; and B. Coz�tractar shall afford each other contractox• who is a pari:y to such a direct contract, each utility owne�, az�d �ity, if City is perfoPtl]t�lg other work wikh Ciiy's e�nployees or other City cont�actors, proper and safe access to the Site, provide a reasonable opporhinity for the introduction and storage of matez•ials and equipment and the executior� o� such oth�r work, and properly coordinate the Worl{ with th�i�s. Contractor shall do all. cutting, fitting, and patching of the Work tbat may be required to properly connect or otherwise naake its several parts come together an.d properly integrate with such oth�r warlc. Contractor shall not endanger any wark of others by cuttinig, excavating, or other�rise altering such work; provided, however, that Coni�actar rnay cut or alter aihers' worlc wrth fhe written consent of City and the oillers whose worlc will be afFeeted. C. Ifthe prdper execution or results of any part o� Contractor's Wark depends upor� wa�lc pez�'onnned by athers under this Article 7, Contractar shall inspect such other work and promptly report to City in writulg any delays, defects, or deficiencies in such other work that rendex rt unavailabl� or unsuitable for the praper execution az�d results of Contractor's Work. Coni�actor's failure to so report wi11 canstikuie an acceptance of such other work as fit and proper �or integra�on with Cant�actor's Work except for latent defects in the w4rk provided by others. CITY OF FORT WORTII qLliauce Airport Ta�ciway A Centerline Liglit Replacement STANDAIiDCONSTRilCTION SI'ECIF'ICAT{ON DOCUIv[ENTS YrojectNo.103104 Revision: Mad� 9,2020 00720D-1 G�NERAL CONDITI6N S P�ge 36 of G3 �%.�2 �DOI"�lYlCil`i�Pl A. If City imitends to cantraci wilh others for the perforir�ance of other work on ihe Project at the Site, the �all�wing will be sei fortlz in Supplemerlt.�ry Condiiio�s: 1, the individual or entity who wzll l�ave authority and responsibiiity for coardination of the act�iti�s among the variaus contractors will be identified; 2. the specific matters to be covered by such auihority and responsibility will be itemized; and 3. t11e exteni of such authority and responsibilities wi�l be provided. B. Unless oti�erwise pro�rided in the Suppleinentazy Condifiians, City shall Iia�e authority for such coordinaiion. ARTICLE 8 — C�TY'S RESPONSIBILYTIES S.OJ. Communicatians to Contractor Except as otherwi�e provided in the Supplementary Ca�ditions, City shall issue alI com�aunications ta Con�.•actor. 8.02 Fu�-nish Daia City shall tim�ly i'w-nish the data requi�ed under the Contract Docun�e�t�. 8.03 Pay YYhen Due City shall xna.ke payinents to Coniractor in accordance wrth Article 14. 8,04 Lands und Easements; Reports and Tests F:�1� : 1. City's du�aes with respeet to provic�in.g lands and easements and provzding engineerin�g si�rveys to establish re�erence points a�e set forth ini �aragraphs 4.01 and 4.05. Paz�agraph 4.02 r�fers to City's identifying anri making available to Conlxactnr copie� of reparts of explorafians and tests of subsurface conditions and dravvings of �hysical conditions relating to e�ting swrface or subsurface structures at ar configuous to the Site that have been utilized by City in preparing the Cantract Documents, Change Orders City shall execute Chaz�ge �zders in accordance wiih Paragraph 10.03. Inspections, Te,sts, andApprovals City's respansibility with respect t� certain inspections, tests, an.d approvals i� set forth in Paxagxapka 13.Q3. CITY �P PORT WORTH Allianee Airport Taxiway A Centerline Light Replacement STAN�ARDCONSTR[1CTION SPECIF[CATl4N DOCUIvIEN'1'S PrajectNo.103104 Revisiot�: IWladt 9, 7.DZ.0 ao7zoo-� GE�fEFil�LCONUITION S P age 37 of 63 $.07 LimitatiQns on City's Responsibiiaties A. T�.e City shall not supervi�e, c�uec�, or have conlxol or autha��ty aver, nor be responsible fox, Cantractor's �neans, methods, techniques, sequences, or pracedures af canstruction, or the safe�y pxecautiaris and programs incident ihereia, or for any failure of Cantractor 1;o comply �vith Laws and Regula.tioris applicable to the perfortnanee of the Woz�k. Czty will not be responsible for Contractor's failur� to perforrm the Work in aecardance with f11e Cantract Doc�aments. B. City wili notify the Contractor of applicable sa�ety plans p�arsuant ta Paragraph 6.14. 8.0$ Undisclosed Hazardous Envi�onmental Conditian Ciry's res�onsibilR:y wi�h respect to �n wndisclosed Hazardous Enuiz�annnental Condit'ron is set forth in P aragraph �.06. S.Q9 Compliance �ith Sa_fety Program While af ihe Site, City's ernpioyees and repzesenfa�iv�s shall cornply with the specific app�cable :requirements of Coniractar's safety progxaz�ns of �vIiich City has been informed pursuant to P aragraph 6. � 4. ARTICLE 9-- CITY'S OBSERVATION STATUS DiFRING CONSTRUCTYDN 9.01 City'sProjectMcrnager City will prnvide one or mare Projeci Manager(s) c�uring the constructian period. The duties and responsibiIities and the limitations of aufihority of City's Project Manager during canstruction are set farth in the Con�ract Documents. The City's Project Manager for this Coniract is identified in the Supplementaty Conditians. 9.02 Visits to Site A. City's Project Manager will make vssits to the Site at intervals appropriate to the various stages of const�rruction as City deern5 necessa�y in order ta obse�rve the progress that has beenmade and the qua�ity af the various aspects of Contractor's execut,�d ViTark. Based on information obtained durir�g such visits and observataons, City's Project Mat�ag�r will detern�ine, in general, if the Wark is proceeding in accordance with the Contzaet Documents. City's Project Manager will not be required to make exhaustive or coniinuous inspections on the Si�e to checl� the qua7ity or quantity o� the Worl�, City's Project Manager's efforts will be c�it'ected toward providing City a g3reater degree of conf"idence that the completed Work will can�orm generally to the Cantraot Documents. B. City's Project Manager's visits and nbservations are sub�ect to all the �imitations on autl�arity an� r�sponsibility in the Contr.acfi Documents including those set forth in Paragraph 8.07. CITYOF FORT WORTH Alliance Airport i'axiway A Centerline �.ight Replacemeett ST.qAIbARDClJNSTRUCTION SPECIPICATION 1�aCLTMEI�lTS PrajectNa.1031�4 Revision: Madi 9,2(124 Q07200-1 GEIVERAL CONDITIDN S Pa�e 38 of G3 9.03 Autho�ized T�ariatians in T%TWor^k City'� Project Manag�r may authoriz,e �x�inor varrafiions in the Wor�C fiom the requirements of lhe Contract Dacuments which da not involve an adjustrnent in the Cont�act Price or ihe Contract Tixz�e and are compatib�e with the design concept nf the completed Project as a funetionin� whole a� indicated by the Contract Documents. T�:ese may be accamplished by a Fzeld Ord�r and will be bz��.d'u�g nn City and also on Conhactor, wha shall perfoi7n th� Work ionvolved promptly. 9.04 RejectingDefective Wa�k City will have autk�oa-ity to reject Worlc which City's Pr�ject Manager believ�s ta be defective, or will not produce a conipleted Projecf that conforms io the Contract Doc�unents or that wzll prejudice the integrity of the design concept af ihe completed Project as a funetioning whole as indicaked by the Contract DocUrrienis. Ciiy will have authority to conduct speeial inspection ar testuig of tk�e Wark as provided in Article 13, whether or nat the Work i� fabricatecl, installed, or cc�mpleted. 9.05 Determinatiansfar� WarkPe�for�med Conta•actar will detei•mine ihe actual quantrt.ies and classifications of Work performed. City's pro�ect Managex wi11 revievv vvith Coniractor the p:reliinin�.ry deierininations an such matters befare rendering a written x•ecommendation. City's written decision will be final {except as xr�odified fo �•eflect cI�an�ed factual conditions or more accurate data). 9.06 �ecisions onRec�uirements ofC'ontractDdcuments andAcceptability of War�k A. City will be ihe in�tial interpr�ter of the requirexnents af the Contract Documents and judge of t�e acceptability of the Wark thereunder. B. City will iender a written decisian on any issue re�erred. C. City's written dec�s'ron on the �ssue re�erred will be £'inal an�l bincli�.g on �Iie Contractor, subject to tk�e prov�zans af Paragraph 1�.06. ARTTCLE 1D — CHANGES IN THE WORK; CLAIMS; EXTRA WORK 10.01 Authorizea' Chcan�es in the Wark A. Without invalidating the Contract and without z�otice to any surety, City z�a�ay, at any time or from time to time, oxder E�tra Work. Upon notice of such Extra Work, Contractox shall promptly proceed witk� the Vijork involved which will l�e perforrnad under the appJicable cnnditions af the Contract Documents {except as otherwise speci�"ically provided). E�ra Work shall l�e memoria]ized by a Change Order which zxaay or rnay not precede an ordex af E�ra work. B. For rninor changes of Work �ot requiring changes to Contjract Time or Contract Price, a Field Order may ba issued by t11e City. CI7' Y OF FORT WORTH Alliance Airport Taxiway A Ceuterliae Light Replacement 3T�1�+I�ARDC6NSTR[1CTIOM SPECIF[CATIa1V DOCiIMEid'I'S ProjectNo.103104 Aevision; NTadi9,2(120 00 7a oo -i GENERALCON�ITI�N 5 Yage 39 of 63 10.02 Unauthot�ized Changes in the Wot�k Contractar shall not be entitled to an increase in the Contract Przce or an e�eilsion of the Coz�ti•act Ti�e wifh respeci to any yvork pexformed that is nat required by the Can�raci Documents as amend�d, x�r�odified, or supplemented as provzded in Paragraph 3.04, except in the case of an eznexgency as provided in Paxagraph 6.1'1. � 10.03 Execution of Change Orca'e�°s A. City and Contractor shall execute appropriate Change �rders covering: cha.nges u1 the Worlc w}uch are: (z} ardered by City pursuan� to �aragra�ah 1�.OI.A, {u) requu•ed becaus� of acceptance of de�ective Work urider Parag�raph 13.Q8 or City's correction. of de�ecfiive Work under Paragraph 13.Q9, or ('rii) agreed to by the parties; 2, changes in the Contract Pzice ar Contract Time which are ag�'eed to by ihe parties, iz�cluda�g. any undisputed sum or axx�.ount af time for Work actua�ly performed. 10, 0� Exircr YVo�k A. Should a differe�ce arise as tc� what does or does not eonstituie ExEra Waxlc, or as to the payment thereof, and the Crty insists upon its performance, the Contractor sha�l proceed with the work after mal�ing written request �or w•ril�en orders and shall keep accw-ate account o�the actual reasonable cost thereo£ Contract Claitns regarding Ex�ra Work shall be made pursuant ta Paragraph I0.06. B. The Con�xactor shall fi�rnish the City such insfallation records oi' all deviations from the origizial Contract Documents as may be necessaryio �nable the City to p�epare for perrnanent recard a corrected sef of plans showing the actual ins�ailation. C. The compensation agree�i u�on for E�tra Work whether ar not ini�iated by a Change Order sk�a,ll be a�ull, complete and fmal pay�ent for all costs Cantractox incurs as a result or relating to the change ar E�tra Work, whei:her said costs ar� known, unlrnown, foreseen or unforeseen at that tim.e, including withaut limitation, any costs far deIa.�, exiended at�erh�ad, ripple or impact cost, or any other effect on changed oz' unchanged worlc as a result of the change or Extra Work. IQ.05 Nofiification to Sur�ety Ifthe provisions of an.y band require noiice to be given to a surety of any change a�fecfiingthe general scape of tlie Worl� or the provisions of the Con�act Docwnents {including, but not limited to, Cantract Price �r Contract Tima), the giving of any such notice will be Con�.•actar's responsibility. The amouni af eaeh applicabl� bond v;rill be adjusted by the Contractox to xeflect th� �ffect of any such cl�ange. CITY OR FORT WORTH Alliance Airport Taxiway A Centerline Light Repleeement STANDATtDCONSTRUCTION �PEC[F[CATION DOCUN[ENTS ProjectNo.10310�} Revision: 3vfadi 9, 2020 oo�aoo-� GENERAL CON�ITION S Pagc 40 of G3 1D.0� Cant�act Claims PYocess A. City's Decisian Requi�ed: All Contract Clau�s, except those waived pursuant to Paragraph 14.09, shall be r�ferred to the City for decision. A decision by City sk�all be required as a conditian precedent to any �x�rcise by Contractor of any rights or remed'zes he may otherwise have undet• the Coz�t�act Documents or by Laws and Regu�a.tions in respect of sucl� Contract Clairns. B. Notice. 1. Written noti�e statzng the general nature of each Contract Claim shall be deIivered by ihe Contracior to Ci�ty nn later than 15 days after the sfart of the eveni givu�g r�se thereto. The responsbility to substantiate a Cant�act Clai�x� shall rest with the party xnalflng the Contract Claim. 2. Notice of the amount or extent of the Contract Claim, with supportir�g data sliall be defivered to the City on or before 45 days from the start of the event givin� zise tUereto (unless fhe City allows add'ztiona� time for Contractor ta submit adclitional or more accurate data it1 support of such Contrac# �1aim}. 3. A Coz�tract Cla.im for an adjustrnent in Contract Price shall be prepared in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 12.01. 4. A Contract Claim far aa� adjustment in Contract Tirne shall be prepared in accoxc�ance with t�e prav�ions of 1'ara�aph 12.02. 5. Each Contract CIai� shall be accompazued by Confractor's written statement that the adjustnlent claimed is khe entire adjustmeni to whrtch the Coilt�actor believes it is entitled as a r�sult of said event. 6. The City shall submit any response to ihe Cantractior wiihin 3fl days after receipt of the claim�nt's la.st su%mittal (unless Coniract allows additional time). C. City's Aciion: Crty wiil review each Con�ract Claim and, within 30 days after receipt of the last submittal of the Contractor, if any, take one o� the following aciions in writing: 1. dez�y the Contract Claim in whole or in pa�t; 2, approve the Contract Claim; ar 3. notrfy the Contxactor that the City is unable to resolv� the Contract Claiuz� if, in the City's sole discretzon, ik wauld be ina.pprapriate �ar the City to do so. Fo� purposes of furiher r�solution of the Contract Claim, such notice shall be deemed a denial. CITY OI� PORT WORTI-1 Alliance Airpnrt Taxiway A Centerlinc Light 12ep1acement STANDA,R�CONST3�UCTIOM SPGCiI�[CATlOM DOCLIMENTS PrnjectNo..103104 Kevisian: lv�adi 9, 2020 D472UO•1 GEN�F3ALCflN�ITION S Page41 ofG3 D. C�'s written action under ��rag�•aph 10.06.0 will be fuaal and bind'mg, unless City or Cantractor invoke the dispuie xeso�ution procedure set fortla i��. Azticl� 16 wit�in 30 days o� such acfion or denial. E. No CQntract Cla.im. fox an adjustment in Contraci: P�zce or Contract Time wi11 be valid if not submitted in accordan.ce withth�s Paragraph 10.06. ARTICLE 11-- C�ST OF THE WORK; ALLOWANCE�; i]NiT PRTC`� WORK; PLANS QUANTITY MEA�IREMENT 11.Q1 Cost of the Work A. Cosis Included: The term Cost af the Work means the suz�� of all casl:s, except those excluded in Paragraph 11.01.B, nece�saxily incutred and paid by Contractor in the proper performance of the Work. When the value of any Woxk covered by a Change Oxdex, the costs to be reimbwrsed to Contractor wili be only ihose add.itional or incremental costs required because of the change m the Work. Such costs shall not include any of the costs itemized i�l Paragraph I1.O1.B, and shall includ� but not be limited to tkxe �o�owing iterns: 1. Payroll costs for employees in 1;he d�rect employ of Cantractor in the perfaxmance of the Work undea• schedules of job cla�sifications agreed upan by City and Contxactor. Such employees sha�l include, wi�ho�t limitation, superzntendents, foremen, and other personnel employed.full tune oz� the Work. Payroll costs for employe�s not employed full tim� on tbe Wark shaIl be apportio�.ed an the basis of their tinc�e spent on the Work. Payro�. costs shall include; a. salaries wzt�� a 55°fo mar'lcup, or b. salarzes and wages plus �ie cost o� fringe banefits, which sh.all include social sec�arity conlxibutions, unemployment, excise, an�d payroil taxes, workers' camp�r�sation, health and xetirernent benefits, bonuses, sick leave, vacation and laoliday pay applicable thereto. The e��nses of performing Work o�tside of Re�ar Working Hours, Weekend Wox1�n� Hours, or le�al holidays, sl�all be inciuded in the above ta the ��ent authorized by C:�ty. 2. Cost of all materials and equipment furnished and incorporaied in the Work, �cluding cosis o� transportation and starage thexeaf, and Suppliers' field services raquired in connection thexewith. 3. R�ntaLs of all construction equipment and machix�;e�ry, and the paris thereof whether rented frorr� Contractor or otl�ers iri accordance vuith renial agreeYnents approved by City, and the casts of tran�portation, loading, un�oading, assembly, dismantling, and removal there�f. A11 sucb costs sh�ll be ix� accordane� with �he terms of sazd rental agreements. The rentai of any such equipment, machinery, or parts shall cease when the u�e the�eof is no longer necessary for the Work. CiTY OF FORT WORTH Al[iance Airport Taxiway A Centerline Liglit Replacamant STANDARDCONSTRUCT[ON SPECIFICAT[DlV DOCUMENTS YrojectNa, I03104 Revisian: Maid� 9, 202{1 oo�zoo-i G�.N�FZALCONDITION S P age 42 oF 63 4. Payznents rr�ade �y Cnntractor to Subcontractors for Warlc performed Y�y Subcont�actors. If required by Czty, Cantractor shall obtain cflmpeiiti�e bids froin subconiractors accepl-able to City and Gontractnr and sl�all deliver such bids to City, who will then deterix�ime, which bids, if az�y, will be acceptable. If any subcontract provides ihat the Subcontractor is to be paid on tl�e basis o� Cost o� the V1Tor1� plus a fee, the Subcon�iacior's Cast of the Work and fee shall be dete�.��ed in. the same mariner as Contractor's Cos�t of the Worlc and fee as provided in this �' axagraph 11. Q 1, 5. Costs of special consultants (ineluding but not limited to engineet•s, architects, testing Iaboratories, suf�vey�ars, attorneys, and accountants) employed for services specif'ically related to th� Work. 6. Supplemental costs includfng the following: a. The proportion of z�ecessary trarisporta�ion, travel, and subsistence expenses of Cont�actar's employee� irkcwr�red zn discharge af duties connected with the WQrk. b. Cost, rncluding transpot-�ation and maintenance, of all materials, supplies, equzpzn.ent, nnach'vn.ery, appliances, nff'ice, and tamporary faciliiies at ihe Site, and hand taols not owned by ihe wo�rlcers, which are consum�d in the p�rfarmance of the Wark, and cost, less market value, of such items used but not consumed which remain the property of Contr�actor. c. Sal�s, consumer, us�, and ather similar taxes relaied to the Work, and �or which Contractor is liable not covered under Paragraph 6.1I, as iznposed by Laws and Regul�tians. d. Deposits last for causes o�her than negiigence of Contlractor, any Subconteactor, or anyone directly or ind'u�ectly employed by any of them or for whose acts any of 1;hein may be Iiable, and royalty payments and fees for permits and �icenses. e. Losses and damages (a�d reiated expenses) caused by darnage to the Work, not compensated by insuran.ce or o�exwi�e, sustained by Contractor in connection with the performance af the Work, provided such Iosse� a�d damage� have resu�ted from causes other iYian the neg}igence of Contractor, any 5ubcan�ractor, �r anyone directly or indirectly ernpIayad by any of them or for whose acts any o� them may be liable. Such losses shall include settlements made with the writ�en consenfi and approval o� City. Na such losses, damagas, and expenses shall be included in tk�e Cast o� th� Worl� �or the putpose of determining Coniractor's fee. f. The cost Qf utilities, fuel, and sanitaly facili�ies at the Site. g. Min.ox expenses such as telegrams, long disiance telephone calls, telephozxe and coxnn7unication serviees at the Site, e�ress and courier services, and sfrnilar petry cash ite�nn�s ir� cannec�ion with the Work. CI'I'Y OP rORT WOATH A1liance Airpart T�iway A Cenferline I.ighf Replaceinent STANDARDCONSTAUCTION SPEClFICATTON DOCU�+A�NTS YrojectNo.103ID4 Reuision: Madi9,2020 ao�aoo-� G�NERAL CON� I710N S Page 43 of G3 h. The costs of premiLuns fo1• all bands a��d insurane� Contractor is xequired by the Contract Documents to purchase andm�in.tain. B. Costs Excluded: The terin Cost of tkae Work shall not include az�.y of the fallowing i�ems: l. Payroll C05t5 anci other comp�nsation of Con�ractar's officers, execuiives, principa�s (of partnerships and sole pxaprietorships), general rnanagers, safety managers, engine�rs, architects, estimators, attorneys, auditors, accauntants, puzckzasing and contractiu�g agents, e�pediter�, timekeepers, clerks, and other personnel enr�ployed by Contractor, whether ati the Site or in Contractox's pzincipal or branch ofFice for general adnlinist�ation of the Work and noti specifically included irz the agreed Lrpon schedule of job cla�sifications referred to in Paragraph 11.O1.A.1 or specif'ically covered by Paragraph 11.OLA.4, all of whick� are to be cansidered acltrvnistratiwe Gosts cover�d by the Contractor's fee. 2. E�enses of Contraetaf's principal and brancl� o�fces other than Contractor's office at the Site. 3. Any paxt af Contractor's capital e�penses, including interest on Contractor's capital employed for the Work and charges against Contractor for delinquent payments. 4. Costs due ta the negligence of Con�ractor, any Subcontractar, ox anyone directly or induectlq employed by any of them or for wk�ose acts any of them may be liable, including bu� not iim3.ted tq the correction of de£ectzve Work, disposal of ma�erials or equipanent wrongly supplied, and malcin.g good any dazx�.age to property. 5. �ther overhead or genexal e�pense costs af any kind. C. Contracto�'sFee: When aIl the Wark i� performed on the basi� of cost-plus, Cantraetor's fee sha�l be deiermined as set �orkh iri the Agreement. When the value of any Worrk c�vered by a Change Order for an adjustm�nt in Contract Piice is determined on the basi� of Cost of the Wark, Cont�•actor's fee shall be d�term3ned as set forih in Paragraph 12.O1.C. D. Documentation: Whenever the Cost of t�e Work far any putpase i� to be deternvned pursuant to Paragraphs 11.O1.A and 11.01.B, Contractor will establish and main�ain records fhereof in accordance with genera�ly accepted accouniing practices and �ubmit in a form acceptable to City �.n itemiz�ed cost breakdown together with sup�orting data. ll.p2 Allovvances A. SpecifiedAllo��ance: It is undexstood f�a.t Contractor has iz�cluded 'ua the Coniract Price all allowances so named iri the Contract Documents and s1�aA cause the Work so covered ta be per�ormed for suci� sums a�nd by such persons or entities as may be acceptable to City. B. Pre-bid Allawance�s: 1. Contractar agrees that: CITY OF FORT VVORfII Alliance Airport Taxiway A Centerline Light Replacemeitt STAIV]�ARDCONSTRUCTIDN SPECIFICAT[QN DOCUNIENTS Projec#No.1031U4 Revision: Mad�9,2�7A oa��oo-i GENERAL CONQ ITIO N S Page 44 of G3 a. the pre-bid allowanees include i.li.e cast to Contracior of matezials and equipment required hy the al�owances to be delivered at the Site, and all applicable taxes; and b. Contractor's costs for unloading and handling on the �ite,, labar, installatzon, overhead, pr•�fit, and other e�enses contemplaied for fihe pre-bzd allowances have been iucluded in the allowances, and no de�nand for additional payzx�ent on accouni af any of the fox•egoing will be valid. C. ContingencyAllowance: Contractor agrees that a contu�gency allowance, if any, is for th� sole use o� City. D. Prior to final payment, an appropriate Change Order will be issued ta re�%ct actual amounts due Cantractor on accoun.t of Worlc eovered by allowances, and the Contract Price shall be correspondingly adjusted. l LQ3 UnitPrice Wark A. Where tk�e Cant�acf Document� pro�ide that au or pai�t of ihe Wark is to be Unit Pzice Work, initially the Con�ract Price will be deern�d to include for all LTnit Price Work an amount equal to the sum. of the u�ii price for eachseparately idEntified item of Uza�it Price Work times tk�e estimated quantity of each ite�n as indicated iz� �e Agr��men1,. B. The estannated quantities of ite�s of Utut Price Wor1� are not guaranieed and axe solely far the purpose of comparison of Bids and determ�r+ing an inztial Contraci Price. Determ�atians of the actual quantities and classifca�ons of Unit Price Worlc performed by Contractor wi1l be made by City subject to the provisions of Paragraph 9.05. C. Each unit price will be deemed to include an az�n.oiu�t considered by Cont�actc�r to be adequate to cover Contractor's o�er�ead and profit for each separately identif'ied item. Work descrbed in the Con�ract Documents, or re�.sonably inferred as required for a funetionally campleta insfallation., but nat identified in the �isfing of unit price items shall be considered i�cidental to unit price work ]�ted and the cost of :irzcidental vaork included as part of th� unit price. D. City may make an adjustment in the Contract Price i� accordance with Paragraph 12.(�1 if: 1. the quantity af any item of Unit Przce Work performed by Cantractor differs matexzauy and significantly fram the estimated qua.ntity of such item indicated in the Agreement; an.d 2. there is no corresponding adjustrnent r�ith respect �a a�y o�11er item of Work. E. Inc�ea,sed ar� Decrec�sed Quantities: The Ci�.y reserves the right to arder E�ra Work in accordance with Paragraph 10.01. 1. If the changes in quantities ar the alterations do not ssg�..fzcantly change the character af work under the Contract Doeumen�s, the altered work will be paid for at the Contxact unit price. CITY qP P�RT WORTH Alliance Airport Taxiway A Centerline Laghi Re}�Eac.ement STt1NDARI7CONSTR[1CTION SPECIFICATI{JA� AOCU3ViENTS ProjectNo.1Q3104 12evision: A�i 9, Z(�20 0072�D-1 GENERALCQN�ITION 5 Page 45 of 63 2. If the changes in quantities or alterations signifca.ntly change �lie cl�aractex of work, the Contract will be azn.end�d by a Change Oxdex•. 3. If no unit pxices e�ist, this will be considered Extra Work and the Coniract will be amend�d by a Change Order in accordance wiih Article 12. 4. A signifcant change in tI3e character o� work occurs when: a. the cl�aracter o�w�ork for any It�m as altered differs materially in kind ar nature from that � the Contract or b. a Major Ite�x�. ofwork varies lry maxe than 25% f-rom the original Ca�tract quan�ity. 5. When the quantity of work to be do�e und�r any Ma�or Itezx� o� khe Contract is m.ore than 125°/a oi tlae oziginal qua.ntity stated in the Con�ract, �hen eithex party to the Contxact rnay request an adjustznent to the u�ut price on the portion of the work that is above 125%. 6. When tk�e qiaantity of work to be cione under any Major Item of the Contract is less than 75% af tl�e oxiginal quaniity stated ix� the Contract, �hen eitherr paxty io the Contract zx�ay request an adjustment tio the uiut pxice. 11.04 Plan�s Qucrntity Measuremeni A. Plans quantities ma.y or nnay not representthe exact quantity of wark perfoxarzaed or material moved, hanciled, or placed during the �xecu�ion of the Contract. The es�imated bid quantiiies are designated as fina.l payzn.ez�t quant;ities, unless revised by the governing Sectzon ar this Artiicle. B, If'the c�uantity measuxed as outIined under "Pxice and Payment Pracedures" varies by more ihaxi 25% (or as stipulated under "Price and Payment Proeedures" for specific Items) from. the total estimated qlaantity far an uldividual Item o�iginally shown in the Contraci Documents, an adjustment ma.y be zxzade ta the quantity of aut�orized woxk done for payment purposes. The pazty to the Contract requesYing tl�e adjustmen.t will provide field measurements and calculataons sho�ving the final quantity for which payment will be made. Paymen� %r revised quantity will be made at the unit price bid for that I�em, except as provided for in Axticle 10. C. When quantities ar� revised by a change in design approved by tkxe Ciiy, by Change Order, ar to correctan erxor, or fo cor:rectanerror on the plans, the plans quantity will b� in�reasedor decreased by t�e amoun� �.volved in the cha.n�e, and the 25% variance will apply to the new plans quanf�ty. D. If the total Contraci quantity nnultiplied by the unit price bid far an individua� Itezra is less than $250 and the Item is not a�ig,inally a pians quantity Item, tben ihe Item may be paid as a plans quantiry Item if ihe Ciry and Cantractar agree in writing to � the final quantity as a plar� quantity. C1TY OF FORT WQRTH Alliance Airpnrt Taxiway A Centertine Light 17ep1acemeut S7"ANDARDCONSTEtUCT70N SPEC[FICATION DOCUM�NTS ProjectNa..1031D4 Revision: Mgd� 9, 2020 oa�2oo-� G�NERAL COtJ� IT16N S Page 45 of 63 E. For callout worlc or non-srte s�aecific Contracts, the pl�ns quan�ity �neasurement requu'ements are not applicable. ARTICLE l.2 — CHANGE OF CONTRACT PR�CE; CHANGE OF CONTRACT TIM� 12.OI Ghc�rage ofCont�^actPrice A. The Conhact Pxice rnay only be changed by a Change Ordei•. B. The value of any Work covered by a Cl�ange Oxder will be determizaed as follows: 1, where the Work invalved is co�ered by �nit prices con.tained in the Co��i� act Docurnents, by application of suchunit prices to the quantiities ofthe itenn� involved (subject tn the provisions nf Para�-aph 11.03}; or 2. wl�ere the Work involved is nat cov�red by unit prices contained in the Contract Docur�r�.ents, by a mutually agreed lump s�:i ar unit price (whi.ch may ariclude an allowance far overhead and profit not necessarily in accorda�ce with Paragraph 12.O1.C.2}, and s�a.11 include ti�e cost of any secoz�dary impacts that are foreseeable at the time of pricing the cost of Extra Work; or 3. where the Work involved is not covered by uzut prices contained in tbe Contract Documents and agireeme�t to a hunp sum or unit price is nat reachedunder Paragraph 12.01.B.2, on the basis oi �he Cost of the Woxk (determined as provided in Paragraph 11.01) plus a Gon�ractnr's fee fox overhead and pro%t (determined as provided in Paragraph 12.01,C). C. Contracto�'s I{'ee: The Contractor's addition.al �'ee for overhead and prafi� 5hall be determuled as follaws: 1. a mutuaily acceptable fixed fee; or 2, if a fixed fee is no� agreed upor�, fihen a fee based on fihe following percentag�s of the various portion� of the Cast of the Worlc: a. for cosis incurred Under Paragraplvs I1.Ol.A.1, 1�.O1.A.2. and 11.�1.A.3, i11e Confi�actor's additional fee sl�ali be 15 percent except for: l} rental fees for Con�ractor's own equipm�nt using staz�dard rental rates; 2} bonds and 'uasivance; b. for costs incurred under Pa�ragraph 11.01.A.4 and 11.OI.A.S, the Contractor's fee shaIl be five percent (5%); 1) where one or naore �iers of subcontracts are on the bas� a� Cost of the Work plus a fee and no f�ed fee is agreed upan, i:he intent o� Paragraphs 12.O1.C.2.a and 12.01.C.2.b is tY�.t the Subcant�actar who actually per�orms the Work, at whatever CIT'YOF PORT �YORTH Afliance AirportTaxiway A Centarline Light Replacement 5Tr1NDARDCONSTRUC'fI�N SPECIPICATI01� DOC1TNfEN'T3 Projectl�io.10310�i Revision: �adi 9, 2D�0 00720D-1 GENERALCON�ITIflN S Page 47 of C3 tiar, will be paid a�ee a�' 15 percent of the costs incurred by suc� �ubcontractor under Paragraphs 11.Q1..t�.I and 11.01.A.2 and that any higher tier Subcni�t�actor and Contractor will each be paid a fee of �"ive percent {5°/o) of tlae anaount paid to the next lower tier Subcont�actor, ho�r�ver in no case shall the cumuJative total af �ees paid be in excess of 2S%, c. no fee shall be payable on �h� basis of costs itenuzed uuder Paz•agraphs 11.01.A.6, aild 11.Q1.B; d, the amc�unt of credit to be allowed by Con�ractor to City for any change wbich xesults in a net decrease ua cost wiil be ihe amouni; of th.e a.ctual net decr�ase in cost plus a deduciior� ixa Con�acfar's f�e by an amount equal to five perceni (5%) of such net decrease. 12.02 Chrxnge of Contract Time A. 'T�e Coniract Time may only be changed by a Change Order. B. No extension of tl�e Con�ract Time will be allowed for Extra Work ar �ox claimed delay Lu�less ihe Extra Wark canteamplated ar claimed delay is shown to be Qn. ihe critical path of the 1'roject Sched�e or Contractor can shaw by Crztical PaihMethod analysis how the Extra Work or claimed delay adversely afFects the cxiticalpath. 12.03 Delays A. Where Contractor is reasonably delayed iza the perfnrmance or compl�tion of any paz� of the Wnrk within the Contract Time due to delay beynnd the control of Contractor, the Contract Tim� nnay be e�tendad in an amount equal to the tune lost du� to such delay if a Contract Claim zs znade thexefar. Delays beyond the control of Cantractor sh�ll include, but not be ]imit�d to, acts tir neglect by City, acts or neglect af utility owne�•s or other cnntractors �erforming othex woxk as contemplated by ArticIe 7, fires, floods, epidemics, abnnrmal weather conditions, or acts of �od. Such an adjustmeni sl�all be Contractor's sale and exclusive r�medy for the de�ays descr�bed iu� this Paragraph. B. If Contractor is delayed, City shali nat be liable to Contracior for any claims, casts, lasses, or damage� (includ'mg bui nat limited to al� fees and charges of engineers, architects, attorneys, and o�her �rofessionals and all court or axbitration ar otlier ciispute resolution costs) sustaimed by Ca�fractor on oz� in conneetion witb. any other project or anticipated �roject. C, Contractor shall not be entitled to an �djustment in Contract Price ar Contxact Time for d�lays within the control of Cantractor. Delays attributable to and within ihe ca�t�ol af a Subcontractar or Supplier shall be deerzxed to he delays wi�in the control of Cont�ractar. D. The Contractor shall rec�ive no compensation for delays or hindranees to the Work, except when direct an.d unavaiciable extra cost to the Contractor is caused by the failure of the City to provide information or zxiaterial� �f any, which is to be furnished by the City. CITY OF FDRT WORTH Alliance Airport T�iw1y 11 Cevterline LighE Re�lacement STANDARDCONSTRUCTIaN SPECIFICATION DOCUivfEN'�'S ProjectNo.103iD4 Revision: Madt 9,20J.{l 007200-I GENERA.LCONbiTION S Pagc 48 of G3 ARTICLE I3 — TESTS AND INSPECTIONS; COT�R�CT��N, REMOVAL OR ACCEPTANC`� 4F D�FECTIV� WORK 13.01 1Votice ofDefects Notice of all defeetive Work oi which City has actual Irnowledge will be gi�en to Contractor. Defecti�ve Work may be rejected, correcYed, ar accapted as provided ita �his Article 13. 13.02 Access ta War� City, independen# t�sti�g laboratories, and governmental agencies with juri�dictional interests will llava access to the Site a�d f.he Work at reasoz�able times for their observation, inspection, and test�z�:g. Contractor sllall pxovide th�m proper anci safe condit�ns for such access and advise them of Contractor's safety pxocedures and pragrams so tlnat they rnay comply therewith as applicabie. 13.03 Tests and In.speclions A. Contractor shak give City tux�ely notice of reactiness of the Wark for all required inspections, tes�s, or approvals and sl�all aooperate with inspection and iesfiing persannel io facilitate requir�d ir�spections or tasts. B. If Can�ract Documents, Laws or Regulations of any public body having jurisdictia� require any o� the VVork (or part thereo�} to be inspected, tested, ox approv�d, Contractor sk�all assume fiill responsibility for arranging a�d abtaining such independent inspections, tests, retests or approvals, pay a�l casts in connection there�xrith, and furnish City the required certif'icates o� inspection or approval; excepting, however, those fees specifcaliy identifi�d in the Supplementary Condiiions or any Texas Department of Licenswre and Regulafi�on (TDLR) inspections, which shall be paid as described in the Supplementary Conditions. C, Contractor shall be respons�l� for arranging an.d obtainit�g and sha11 pay all costs in connection witla any inspections, tes�s, re-tests, or approvals r�quir�d For Ciiy's acceptance of �naterials or equipment to be incorpo�•ated in the Work; or aeceptance ofmaterials, mix desig,r�s, or aquipment submitted for approval prior to Co�t�actor's purchas� there�f for incarporation in the Work. Sucb inspections, tests, re-testa, ar approvals sha.11 be performed by organizations acceptable to City. D, City rnay arrange �ar the service� of an independent iesting la.borato�ry {"Testing Lab") to perforrn any inspections or iests ("Testir�.g") for any part of the Vi�ork, as determined solely by Ciry. 1. City will coordinate such Testing ta th� e�tent passible, w�i� Cantractor; 2, Should an� Testing under this �eciion 13.Q3 D result in a"faiP', "did n.ot pass" or other similar negati�e result, the Contractor shall be responsible for paying for any and all retests. Cantractor's cancellation without cause of City inifiated TeSting sha.11 be deemed a negative result and require a retest. ClTY O�' CORT WORTH Al[iance Airport Taxiway A Centerline Light lteplacerr�eirt STANDARJ]CON�TRUCT[DN SPECINICAT[ON DQCUMEIVI'3 PrnjactNo.ID3104 Rer�ision: Madi9,20�0 OD7200-] C�NERALC6�l�ITION 5 Yage 49 of 63 3. Any amounfis owed for any retest under this Section 13.03 D sllall be paid directly to the Te�ting Lab by C�ntractor. City will forward all invoices for rete�ts to Contxac�or. 4. I�Contractor fails to pay tk►e Testing Lal�, City will. not issue Final Paymentuntil the Testing Lab is paid. E. If an.y Work (or the worl� of athers} that is to be inspecied, tested, or approved is covered by Contractor without written eoncurr�nce of City, Conta•acfnr shall, � requested by City, uncover such Wark for abservation. F. iTncoverin� Work as provided in Para�raph 13.p3.E shall be at Contractor'� expense. G. Contractor shall have the right to zx�ake a Contract Claim xegard�ng any retest oz invoice i�sued under Sectioia ] 3.03 D. 13.04 Uncovering Wo�k A. If any Work is covered conf�ary to the Contraet Documents or specific in�i�uctions by the C��ty, it must, if reques�ed by Ciiy, be uncovered for City's observatian and replac�d at Contractar's expezise. B. If City considers it �Zecessary or advisable �ha.t covered Work be obsexved by City or inspected or testedby others, Contractor, at City's request, shall uncove�•, expose, ox oiher�vise make available for observation, inspectioz�, or testing as City naay require, that portion of the Work in questian, furnishing a�l necessa�ry labar, material, and equipment. I� it �s found tk�a.t �he uncovered Warlc is defective, Contractor shall pay all claims, costs, losses, and damages (including but no� limited to all fees and chaxges of engin.eers, architects, attorneys, an.d ather professionals and all court or o�her dispufe resolution costs) arising oui of or relating to such uncovering, e�posur�, observation, inspection, and ies�iz�g, and of satisfactory replacement or recon.s�ructian (including but not Iimited to all costs of repair or replacement af work o� others); or Czty shall be entit�ed to accept defective Work iz� accordance with Parag�raph 13.08 in which case Contrac�or shall still be responsible far alI cosfs associated with e�osing, observing, and testin.g ihe defective Work. 2. Tf the ur�covered Work is not �ound to be defectrve, Con�ractor shall be allowed an ulcrease in the Contract Pric� or an extension af the Contract Time, or bofh, directly atiributabl� to such uncovering, e�osure, Qbservation, insp�ctio�, testing, �eplacemeni, and reconstructiion. 13:05 Gity May Stop the Wo�k Ifthe Work is defective, or Contractor faiL� to suppl� sufficient skilled wark�rs or suitable znaterials ar equipment, or faiLs to perform the Work ir� such a way that the completed Work will conform to the Contract Documents, Ciry r�ay order Contract�r to stop the Work, or any portion thereof, un.iil the cause for such order ha,� been elitninated; however, this right of City to stop the Work sl�za� not give rise ta arry duty on the part of City io exercise this right for the benefrt of Contracior, az�y CITYO� FORT W4ATH Allia�rce Airport T�iway A Centerline LightRep�lcement STAIdDAR1�CaNSTRUCTION 5PEC1rICAT10N DOCUMENTS ProjeckNo.1Q310�} Revisio�3: N3m'h 9, ZU26 oo�2aa-i GENERAL COI�D IT 10 N S I'age SO of 63 Subcontractor, any �uppli�r, any other in.dicvidual or entity, ar any �urety for, or employee or agent of any of filiem. 13.�6 Co�iection orRemoval ofl7efective Work A. Promptly after receipt of written noiice, Contractor skaall correct alI defective V�ork pursua.nt to an acceptable schedule, tivhetlxer nr not fabricated, instalied, ar completed, or, if th.e Work has been rejected by City, rem.ove it from the �'roject and replace i� with Work ihat is not defective. Coiltractor shaIl pay all claims, costs, additional testin�g, losses, and damages (including but not limited to all fees and ck�arges of engineers, arcl�itects, atttirne�rs, and other pxafessionals and al1 court or arbiirat�on or oiher dispu�e resolution costs) ar�si�lg dut of or relating to such correction ar remov�l (including but not �imited to ali costs of repair or replacement of work of others). Failure to require t11e re�.oval af any defective Work slaaJl not constitute acceptance oisuch Work. B. VVlzen correcting defective Work under the iexms af this Paragraph 13.06 ox Paragraph 13.07, Contraetor shall talce na action that would void ar otherwis� impair City's special wai�anty and guarantee, if any, on said Work. 13.07 Carrection Period A. If wiik�i�z� two (2} years after the date af Final Accepiance (or such longer period of time as z�ay b� prescaribed by the terms of any applicable special guarantee required by the ContractDacurnents), any VVazk z� £nund to be defective, ar if the repair of any daznages to the land or areas mad� available for Cantractor's use by City ar pet�nitted by La�s and Regulatior�s as contezx�plated in Paragraph 6.10.A i� found to be d.efectit�e, Contractor shal� pxoxnptly, vvithout costto Gity and in accordazace with City's wriiten instz�uctions: 1. xepair such defective land or areas; or 2. correc� such defecfiive `TVork; or 3. � the defective Wor�C has been rejected by City, remove it from the Praj�ct and replace rt with Work tlaat is not defective, and 4. satisfac#orily correci or repaix ax remave and repla.ce any daxnage to other Work, to the wark of others or o�li�r land or areas resulting �h�r�from. B. If Contractar does not promptly comply with the terms of City's �vri�ten instructions, or in an exr�ergeney wh�re delay would cause serious ri5k of loss or d�nage, City may have t�e defecti�e Warlc cozrect�d or repaired or may l�ave the rejected Wark �'emov�d and replaced. A]I claims, costs, loss�s, and dam�ges (including bui not limiiied �a all fe�s and charges of engineers, axchitects, attorneys, and othex profa�sionals and all court ox other dispute resolution cosfs} ar�sing out af or re3�ting to such cozxection or repair or such rezx�.oval and replacement (including but not limited to a11 cos�s of repair or replacement of work of athers) r7vill he paid by Cont�actor. CI'1'YOF F�RT WOIiTH Alli�nce Airport Taxiway t1 CenterlineLightReplacetttent ST11ND.�2DCOIVSTRUCTTUN SPGCIAICATIQN bOCUMENTS Projec[I�o.103104 Revision: Marh 9, 220220 oa �z oo - i GENER/-1L CONO IS10 N S Page 51 af 63 C. In special c�rcumstances where a particulax item of equipment is pla.ced i�n. conii�lrous serviccE: before Fix�aI Acceptance of all the Work, t��.e correcfidn period for that iiem may sfart to run from an ear�er date � so provided in the Coni�aet Documents. D. Where defective Work (and dannage io other Work resulting therefrou�) has been eorrected or rexnoved and replaced under ihiis Paragraph 13.07, the correction pez�iod her�urider with respect to such Worlc may be required to be extended for an additional period of one year after the enci of the uuiial �orrection period. City shall provide 30 days written notice to Contractor should such additional warranty co�erage be required. Coniractor may dispute this requirement by filir�g a Contract Claim, pursuani to Paragrapl� 1Q.06. E. Contractar's obligations un.der tliis Paragraph 13.Q7 are in addition to any other obiigano�. ar warranty. Tha provisians of tkiis Paragraph 13.07 shaIl not be cons�rued as a substitute for, oz• a waiver of, the provisions of any applicable statute of litnitataon. oz repase. I3.08 Acce�ptance of�7efective Work It; instead of requiring c�orrection ar rem.oval and replacement of defective �TVo�iz, City prefers to aecept it, City may do so. Contractor shaIl pay all claims, casts, losses, and damages (including but noi ]united ta all fees and charges of engineers, architects, �.ttorneys, and other pro�essioria.ls and all court or other dispute z�esolution costs} attributable to City's evaluation of and deter�vn.a�ion to accepi such defect�ve Worlc and for the dimuiished �alue a� the Work io the extent not otherwise paid by Gontractor. If any such acceptance occurs pxzo� to Final Acceptance, a Change O rder will be issued incorporating the necessary revisions in the Contract Dacuments with respect to ihe Wark, and City shall be entitled to a� appropriate decrease in the Cont�ract Price, reflecting the diznizaished value of Work so accepted. 13.Q9 CityMay Co��ectDefective Work A. �� Contractor fails withiti a reasonable fime after written notice from Ci�y to eoi�rect defective Worlc, or to remove and replace rejected Worlc as required by City in accardanee wi�h Paz�ag�raph 13.06.A, or if Contrac�ar fails to perfnrm the W`ork in accordanc� with tY�e Contract Documents, ox i� Coz�tractor fails to comply wi[th any other provisian of the Co�f�act Documents, City rnay, after sev�n (7} days written notice to Contractor, correet, or re�medy any such deficiency. B. In ex�rcising the rights a�d remedies under this Paragraph 13.�9, City sha1l proceed ��peditiously. In connect�on wrth such corrective or remedial acfion, City may exclude Contracfor f�om all or part of �he �ite, take possession of all or part of the Work and suspend Conixactor's services related thereto, and incorporate in the Work all materials and equ�ament incorporated in the Work, stored at the Site or far which Ciiy has paid Contractor but which are stared elsevvhexe. Contractor shall allow City, City's representatives, agents, cansultants, employees, and City' s other contractors, access to the Site to enable City to exezeise the rights and remedies Lu�der this P aragraph. C. Ali clauns, costs, Ioss�s, and da�na.ges (in.ciuding but not lim'rted to all fees �nd charges of engineers, architeets, aitorneys, and other professionals and a�l court ar other dis�ute resolutian C1TY OE FQI�T WORTH AEliance Airport Ta�ciway A Centerline L'tght Replacemeut STANDAl2DC0]�STRUCTION SPEGIFfCATlON I70Cl�MENT5 PrpjcctNo.10310h Revision: Madi 9, 2020 oo�aoo-� GENERAL GON6ITION S Page 52 af 63 costs) incurred ar sustained by City u� exe�cising the rights and remeclie� under tivs Paragcaph 13.Q9 will be cl�arged a�ainst Contractor, and a Change Order will be i�sued incorporatulg fihe necessary revi�ians in the Contra�t Documents with respect to the Work; and City shall be entitled to an appropriat� decrease in the Contxact �'rice. D. Confractor shall noi performanee of the P aragraph 13. 09. be alloweci a�. e�ensian of ihe Contract Time because nf any delay in the Work atta•ibutable to the exercise of City's rights and r�medies under t�us ARTICLE I4 -- PAYM�NTS TO C�NTRACTOR AND COMPLETION 14.01 Schedule of Values The 5chedule of Values for lump sum con�racts establisbed as provided in Paragraph 2.07 ,c�rill ser�e as ihe basis far pragress payments and will be incarpnrat�d into a form of Application fnr Payme� acceptable to City. Progress payments on accaunt of Unit Price �Vark will be based on the number af units cozz�pleted, 14.a2 Pr�agNess Payments A. Applica.tionsforPayments: 1. Contractor is respansible I'or providin� all in%z-�natian as r�qtxrred to become a �endor of the City. 2. At least 20 days before the date established in the General Requireinen.ts fox each progress payment, Contractor shall submit to Czty for review an Application for Payment fill�d out and signed by Cont:ractor covering the Wark completed as of the date of the Application and acc�znpanied by such su�orting_docunaentation as is raquired l�y the Conixact Docum�nts. If payr�ent is requested on the basis of materials and equiprnent not i�a.corparat�d in the Wark but d�Javered and suitahly stored at the Site or at anather loca�ion. agreed to in �vr-iting, the Appl�cation for Payment sha]� also be accompanied by a bill af �ale, itzvoice, ar other documentation warran�g that City has received the materials and equipment free and clear of all Liens and evidence that ihe �naterials and equipment are cov�red by appropriat� insurance or other arrangements to protect City's interest iherein, all of which zn�ust be satisfactory to Ci�ty. 4. Beginning wi�i the secoz�d Application for Payment, each Applicat�on shal� include an afficia.vit of Contractor stating tlaaf pre�viou� progress paymen�s recei�ed on account of the Work have been applied on account tn discharge Contractox's Iegiiizx�ate abligafian� associated with prior Applications for Payment. 5. The amount of retainage with respect to progress payments will be as stipulated 'ua tlae Contract Dacuments. C1TY OF FORT WORTH Alliance Airport Taxiwey A Centerline Light Replacement STA3VI?AItDCONSTRIFCT[ON SPE.CIF]CA7'[ON DOC[JMENTS. ProjectNo.103104 Revisian: Mad� 9,2020 007200-1 GENERALCQI�QITION S Page 53 aP G3 B. Revie�v ofA�plica�ions: I. City �viil,, after receipt of eaeh Application for Payment, either indicate in writing a recomm�nda�ion o� �ayment or return ihe Application t� Contractar indicating reasons for refusing payment. In ihe latter case, Contractor may make the z�ecessary corrections and resubmtt the Applicatio��. 2. City's pxocessing o� any payment requested in an Application for Paymer�t will be based on C�'s ob�ervations of the executed Work, and on City's xeview of'the AppIication for Payz��ent and the accompanying data and schedules, that to the best of City's kno�vledge: a, the Work has progt�essed to the point iz�dicated; b. the quality of the Work is generally in accordance with the Contract Dacuments (subject to �nn e�aluation of the Woxk as a fi�nctioning r�vhole p�•ior to or upon Fin.aI Acceptance, the xesults of any� subsequent tests cal�ed �or in the Contract Documents, a£'inal determination of qua.ntities a�d cIa.ssifications for Wark perfor�ned �zder �'aragraph 9.OS, and any other qualifieations stated in the recaznmez�da�ion). 3. Pracessi.ng any such payzxient will not thereby be deemed to have represenfed that: a. inspections made to check the quality or the c�uantity af the Work as it has beex� performed have been exha�stive, extended to every aspect o£ the Work in progress, or involved detailed inspections of the Work beyond the respansbilities specifically assz�n.ed to City in the Contract Documez�ts; or b. there znay nat be other matters or issues betweenthe parties thai mighi eniitle Contractor to be paid addikionally by City ar entitle City to withhold payment to Contracior, or c, Cantr�etor has compfied with Laws and Regula.tions applicable to Contractox's performance of the Work. 4. City may refiise to process the whole or any part of any payment because of subsequently discovered evidence or �he results of subsequent inspections ox tests, and revise or revoke any such paymeni previousIy xnade, to sueh extent as may be necessary to protect City from lass b�cause: a. the Work is defecti�e, or the completed i�ork has been damaged f�y t1�e Contractor or his subcontractors, requiring correction or replacement; b. discrepaz�cies in quaniities coniained in pxevious applications for payment; c, the Contract Pri�e has been reduced by Change O�•ders; d. City has been requi�red to correct defective Work or cozx�plete Wnrk in accordance with P aragraph 13.09; or , C11'Y OF FQAT WQRT'�i AlEiance Airpnrt Ta�ciway A Centerline Light Iteplacement STANDARDCaNSTRUCT{ON SPEC[F'ICA'fIQN DQCiIMENTS ProjeatNo.103I04 Revision; Mad79,2020 oo��oo-i GENERf�LGONDITION S P age 54 of 63 e. City has actual knawledge of the occurreiice of any of �he events enume�ated in Paragraph 15.02.A. C. Retair�age: 1. For contracts less ��an $400,000 at ihe time of execution, retaina.ge shajl be ten pexcent (10°10). 2. �or contracts gxeater than $400,000 at the time af execuiiQn, r�tainage shall be �'ive percent (5%). D. Liquidcrted Damuges. I'ar each calevdar day that any work shall remain uncompleted after ihe t�e speci�'ied in the Contract Documents, the sum per day specified � the Agreement, will be deducfied from the monies due the Contractox, not as a penalty, but as liquidated damages suffeied by the �i�y. E. Payment: Contractor will be paid puxsuant ta �Iie rcquuements of this Axticle 14 and payment will become du� in accordance wzth tk�e Contract Doeuments. k'. Reduction in Payment: 1. City may refuse to make paymeni of the amount xequested because: a. Lieras have been %led in connectaon with the Work, except wkere �ontractar has delivered a specif"ic bond satisfactozy to Ciiy to secure the satisfaction and discharge of such Liens; b. there are o�her items entitling City to a set-off against the amotimt recomm�nded; or c. City has actual knowledge o� the occurrence of an.y of the events enumerated in. Paragraphs 14.02.B.�4.a through 14.02.B.4.e or 1'aragraph 15.02,A. 2. If City refuses to �xaalce payment of t11e amount requested, City wi� give Contractor vv�itten notice stating the reasons for such action and pay Contracfor any amount remairv.n.g after deduction of the amount so �iYhheld. City shall pay Contractor the arnount so withheld, or any adjustment thereto ag�reed ta by City and Contractor, when Contractor remedies ihe �•easons for such action. 14.03 Cont�rxctor's Warranty of Title Contractox warrants and guarantees that title to all Worlc, materials, and equapmex�t covered by any A.�plicatio� for Payment, whethex incorporated in the Project or not, vvill pass to City no later than the tirr�e a� payment free and clear of a]I Liex�s. CIT Y OP FORT WORTH Alliance Airport Ta�ciway A Centerline Light Replacement STAI�1]ARDCONSTRI�CTION SPECIFICATIqN bOCi.lMEN"CS PrnjectNo.1031Q4 Revisinn: Ivladi 9,202b 007Z4D-1 GENERALCa�lDI710N S Pa�e 55 of 63 1�.09� Partial Utilizcetion A. Prior to Final Accepiance of alI the Warle, City may use or occupy any substantially coinpleted part af the Work whicla has specifically been iden�ed in tb.e Cantract Documen�s, or wh�i.ch City, determines constiiutes a separately functianing and usable paxt of the Wark that can. be used by City for i�s in�ended puz-pose without signifi�ant interference with Contractor's performa�.ce of the remainder ofthe Worlc. City at any iime may natify �oz��zactor rn r�rriting to permit City to use or occupy any suchpart of the Work wluch City determities to be ready for its intended use, subject to the following condrtions: Contraciox a� any tirne r�ay notify City in writ�g that Cont�actor considers any such part of ihe Work ready �or rts intended use. 2. Within a xeasonable time after notification as enulrlerated in Paragraph I�.OS.A,1, Crty and Contractor shall make an inspection of that part of the Work to dete�xnine its status of completion. If City does not consider that part of the Work to be substantia�.y complete, City wiU. notify Cantractor in writing giving the reasans iherefor. 3. Par�ialUtilization will not constiiute Final Acceptance by City. I�.OS Finallnspection A. C]pan written notice from Cantractor that the enti�e Wnrk is complete in accordance with the Contract Documents: 1. within 10 days, City �vill schedule a Finial I�spection vvith Contractor. 2. City w�l notiiy Contractor in writing a� all particulars in wluch thi.s imspection reveals that the Work is incom�Iete or defective. Contractar shall unmediately taI�e such meas�.ues as are �ecessary to complete such Woxk o�• xemedy su�h deficiencies. B. No time charge will be ma�le against the Contractor between said dat� of notification of the City and th� date of Final I�pectioz�. Should the City determine that the Wnrk is not ready for F:izaa] Inspection, City will notify the Cont�ractar in wxiting ofthe reasozis and ContractTime will resuzne. 1�.06 FinalAcceptanc� Upon completion by Contractor ia City's sati�factioza, of any additional Wark identifed in the Final Inspection, City wili �ssue to Contractor a lettex o�Final Acceptanee. CITY OF FORT WO1tTI-I Allia�ice Airport Taxiway A Centerline Light 12eplacentent STANDAR�CONSTRUCTTON SPECIFECATION DaCUdv1ENTS ProjecENo.1Q3104 Rev ision: Ivfadt 9, ?020 oa�zoo-i GENERAL CON[} 1714 N 5 Page 56 of G3 14.07 FinalPayment A. Applicationfo� Payrnent; 1. Upon rinal Acceptance, and i�i f.he opinion of City, Cantraetor may rriake a� �pplicatioil for £'inal payment follow�g the pracedure far �arogress paymenfs in accardance wi�li the Cox�tract Docurnents. 2. The final Applicatzon for Payment shall be accompanied (except as previously delivered) by: a. all docunn.entation called for in tb.e Conhact Dacuinents, including but iiot limited �o the evidez�ce of insurance required by Paragraph 5.03; b. conse�t of the surety, if any, �o final payment; c, a list of alI pending or xeleased Damage Claims agaanst City that Contractox believes are unsettled; and d. af�davits of payments and eomplete and legally effective xeleases ar waivers {sa�i�factory io Ciiy) of all Lien rights arising out af or Liens filed in connecfion with the Work. B. PaynzentBecomes Due: 1. After Ci�ty's acc�ptance of the Application far Paymen� and accompanying documentat�on, requested by Contractor, less previous payments made and any sum City is entitled, includan:g but not litnited to Iiquidated dat�.ges, will become due �.nd payable. 2. After all Damage Claux� have been resolved: a. directly by the Contractor or; b. Cantraciox provides e�vicience that the Damage Claim has beez� xeport�d to Contractor's insurance pzovidez fnr resoluiian. 3. The rnaking of the final payment by the City shall not relieve the Contractor of any �uarantees or ather requirement� o� the Coniract Doeumenis which speeifically continue thereaftex. 1�4.08 �'inal Completion Delayed and Partial Retainage l�elease A. If final com�Ietion of the Wark is sigrvficantly delayetl, and if City so confvrn�s, City may, upon receipt of Contractor's ivaal Application for Payzxxe�t, and vvithout terminating tkae Cont�act, make payment of the balanee due for that portion. of the Work fuliy completed and accepied. If the remainiag balanee to be held by City for Wor� not fully completed or correcfied is less than f.he xetainage siipulated in Paxagrapl� 14.02.C, and af bands have been furnished as required in Paragraph 5.Q2, the writfen conseni of the su.rety io �lie payment of the balance due for that CITY QF FORT WORTH .�1liance Airport T�iway A CenEeriine Liglrt Replacement STANDARI�CONS7RUCTION 5P8CIFICAT[ON DC}CL11V1�t�ITS ProjectNo.l031U4 Revision: Mad� 9, 2{S�fl oa72oo-� GENERAL CONpITIaN S Page 57 of G3 portion of the Virork fiilly completad and accepted shal� be submitied by Contractor to Ciiy with the Appiication for such payment. Such payment shall be inade under tk�e ferrns and conditians governing final payment, except that ii shall �lot constiYute a waiver o� Coniract Claims. B, Pa�tial Retainage.Kelease. Far a Con�ract that pro�ides for a separate vegeta�ive establislament a�1d inaintenance, a.��d test and performaz�ce periods following the completion of aIl ather col�st�uctioil in the Co��t�act Documents for aIl Wark iocations, the City may release a poxtion of th� amount retained provid�d tha� all other work is completed as deter��vried by the City. Before the release, alI subz�nitta�s and fma.l quaz�.tit�es rnust be completed and acceptedfor all other work. An amount suffieien.t to ensure Contraci: coxnpl�nce will be reta�ined. �4.Q9 Waiver of Clai�,s The acceptance a�final �ayment wil1 constitute a release of th� City from all clazm� or Iiabilities under ihe Cnntraet for anytl�ir�g done or furnished or relating to the work under the Conirac� Doc�ulaents or any act or neglect of City related to or connected wi� the Contract. ARTICLE 15 — SUSPENSION OF WORK AND T�RMINATI�N 15.01 City May Suspend Work A. At any time and without cause, City xnay suspend t.�ie Work ar any portion thereo� by written notice to Contractax and which may fix the ciate on which Warlc will be resumed. Contractor shall r�sume the Wox� on the date so fixed. During temporary �uspension af the Work covered b� these Contract Docuanents, for any reason, the City wifl rnake n.o e�ra. payment for stand �� time of construction equipment andlor coi�tructian crews. B. Should tl�e Cantractor not be able ta complete a portion o� th� Project due to causes beyond the contxol of and without the fault or nagligence of the Contractor, and should it be determined hy mutual cornsent of the Coniraciox and City that a solutzon to allow constructian ta praceed is not ava�able withir�. a r�asonable period of time, Coniractor ma.y request an extension in Gontract Tim�, directly at�ributable to any such s�zspension. C. If it- should becorne neces5ary ta suspe�d f,he Woxk far an indefinite pexiod, the Contractor shall store all n�zater�ls in such a manner �hat they will i�.ot abstruct or impede t�e pubiic unnecessaxily nar beconne damaged in any way, and he �hall take every precaution to pxevent damage or deterioration of the work perfax�ned; he shall provide suitable drainage about �he work, and erect temporary structures where necessary. D. Contractor may be reitx�.bursed for the cast of movang his equipment off the job and retuxx�u�g the necessary equipment to the job when i� is deternvned by the City tl3at cor�struction xnay be resumed. Such reimbursement shall be based on actual cost to the Cor�trac#or of moving the equipment and no pro�zt will be allowed. Reimbursement may not be allowed if the equapment is mo�ed to another construct�nn project for the City. CITY OF FORT WqR`I'H ,411ianee Airporl Taxiway A Centerline Liglit Replacen3ent STAIIDARDCON57'RUCTION SPECEFiCAT]ON DOCUIIA�N'I'S ProjectNa.103ID4 Revision: Mad, 9 202(1 Q072dD-1 G�NEFiA�CONoII'loNs P�ge 5$ ol"G3 15.02 City May Terminate foj� Cau,re A. The occurrence ofany on� or more of ihe fo]Iowing evez�tsby way of example, but not aflimitation, ma.y justiiy termir�.tion far cause: 1. Can�ractor's persistent failure to perform the Work in accordance with the Cantract Documents {including, t�ut noi limited to, failure to supply suf'ficient skilled woxicers or suitable materials ox equiprnent, faiiure to acl�iere to the Project Schedule established under Paragraph 2.0'1 as adjusted f'ram time to time pursuant ta Paragraph 6.04, or failu�re �� adhere to ihe City's Busin�ss Diversity Enterpzise �rdinance #20020-12-201lestablished under Paragraph 6.06.D); 2. Contractor's disregard of Laws ar Regulations of any public body having j�uisdiction; 3. Contracior's repeated cTisregard of the authority of City; ox 4. Cont�ractor's �iala�ion in any subs�anti�al way of any provisions o#'the Contxact Documents; or 5. Contractor's failure to promptIy naake good any defect in maierza.Is ar worlr�nship, or de�ects of any nature, the correctzon of which ha� been directed in �vritix�g by the City; or 6. Substaniia.l indicatian ihat the Contracl:or has 7nad� an unau�horized assignment of the Contract or any funds due therefrom fnr th� benefit of any creditor or for any other �urpase; or 7. Substantial evidence thiat the Contra�tor has become insolvent or bankrupt, or otherwise fmancially unable to carry on the Work satisfactorily; or $. Contractor comrnences legal aciion in a caurt o£ campetent jur�sdiciion against the Czky. B. Lf one or more of the e�rents iden�ified 'ua Paragraph 15.02A. oceur, City will provzde writt�n notice to Contractor and Surety to arrange a conf�er�nc� w�h Contractor and Surety to address Contractox's failure �o perfarm. the Work. Coz�f'e�ence shall be held not lat�z thazx 15 days, after receipt of notice. 1. If the City, the Contractor, and the Sureiy do not agree to aIlow the Contractor to proceed to perform the construction Contxact, the City may, �o ihe e�ent perinitt�d b� Laws and Regulatzons, declare a Contractox de�ault and forma]Iy terminate the Cantractor's right to comple�� the Cont�act. Contrraetor default shall not be declared earlier than 20 days after the Contractor and Sureiy have received notice of conference to adclress Contractor's failure ta perform the Work. 2. If Contractor's sexvices are t�rmin�ted, Surety �l�all be obligated ta talce over and perfaxzx� the Woric. Yf Surety does not en�nm�nce performance thereof within 15 consecutive calendaar days after date of an addrtional writt�n notice dernanding Surety's perfarmance of its CTTY pP FORT WORTH Alliance Airport Tauiway A Centerline Light Replacamant STANDARDCON�TRUC1']ON SPEC[FICATION DQCl3MENTS ProjectNo.1031D4 Revision: Ntaidi 9, 2020 007200-1 GENERFILCON�ITIbN S Nage 59 of 63 obligatidns, fh�n City, without pxocess oz action at law, may take over any porfion of ihe Worli and complete it as descri6ed belaw. a. Tf City completes the Wark, City may exclude Contractor and Surety from �he site and take possession af the Work, and all materials and equiprraent incorporated in�o the Work stored at the Srte or fox which City ha� paid Contractor or Surety but which are stored els�where, and fi�lish the Work as City may deem e�edienl:. Whether City or Surety corripletes the Work, Contractor shall not be entitled ta receive any further payn�ent until the Work i� fuvshed. If the u�.pazd balanc� of the Contract Price exceeds alI clauns, costs, losses and damages susiained by City ari�ing out of or resulting from completing the Woilc, such excess will be paid to Contractar. �f such claims, cos�s, losses atad darnages exceedsuoh unpard balance, Contractor sha.11 pay the difference to City. Such claznns, costs, losses and damages in�urred by City will be iracozporated in a Change Ordez•, provided that when exercising any xights or r�medies under this Paragraph, C'rty shall noi be required to obtain the lowest pz�ce for the Worlc performed. 4. Neither City, nor any of its respective consul.tants, agents, officers, directors or eznplay�es shall be in any way �iable or accounta.ble to Coniractox ar Surety for ihe method by which the completion of the said Warlc, or any portion thereof, may be accomplished or for the price paid therefor. 5. City, notwikhst�ding �he method used ita cox�pleting the Cont�aci, sI�all not forfert the right to xecover da�ges from Contractor or Surety for Con�ractor's fa�lure to timely com�alete the ent'vre Contract. Contractor shall not be ez�titled to any claim on accaunt of tbe method used by City ion. complet�g the Cantract. 6. Maintenance of the Work sha�I continue to ba Contractor's and Surety'� responsibilities as provided for in the bond requixements af the Coniract Documents ox any special guarantees pra�ided for under the Contracfi Dacurnents or any other obligatiox�s atherwise prescribed by Iaw. C. Natwithsta.nding Pa.ragraphs 15.a2.B, Contractor's services wiil �of be f�rr�inated if Gontractor begms withiri seven days of receipt o� natice of intent to �erminate to correct its failure to perform and proceeds� diligenfiy io cure such failure within no r�ore than 30 days of r�ceipt of said notice. D. Where Contractor's services ha.ve been so termina�ed by City, � termination will not affect any rights or remedies of City against Con�ractor then existiu�g or which rnay thereafter accrue. Any retention or payment oi �x�oneys due Contrac�or by City will r�at release Contractar from liability. E. Tf and to the exfient tha� Caniractor has provided a per�arnlance bond under the p:rovisions of Paragraph 5.�2, the termination procedures of that bond shall not supersede the provisions of this Article. CITY Of' FORT W�RTH Alliaiice Airport Taxiway A CenterIine Light Replaaement STANDARDCONSTRUCTION SPECIFICA7'ION DOCUMENTS ProjectNa.103304 I2evisiou; Ivladi 9, 202U oonoo-� GENERAL COND{TION S Page GD of 63 15.03 City �ay �'erminate For Corzvenience A. City may, without cause and witk�out preJudice to any other right or reznedy of City, t�rminate the Coiltract. Any termination shall be effected by mai�ing a notice of the ter�nination to the Conh•aetor sp�cifying the extent to which perFarmance of Wark under the contract �s t�rminated, and the date upan which such termination becomes eff�etive. Receipt af tl�.e natic� shall be deemed conclusively presumed and established when tl�e Ietter is placed zn the LTnit�d ��ates Postal Service Mail by tha City. Further, it shall be d�emed conclusively presumed and es#ablished that such termination is made with just cause as th�rein �tated; and no proof in any cIairn, demand or suit shall be required of the City xegaxcling such cliscretianary action. B. After receipt of a notice of termination, and except as othe�wise dir�eted by the City, the Contractor shall: 1. Stop work under fhe Contract on the date and to the e�tez�t �pecif'ied in the notice of texmaz�atzan; 2. pl�ce na fiii�her orders or subcontracts £or materials, services or facilities except as may be necessary for completivn of such portaon of the Work under the Contraci as i� not terminated; 3, terminate all orders and subcontracts to the e�tent that they relate to the per�ormance of the Work tertr�inated by notice of terx�atian, 4. transfer titie to the City and deli�ver in the mann�r, at the iirxaes, and ta flze extent, if any, clirected by the City: a. the fabricated ar unfabricated parts, Wark m progress, complated Work, supplies and other material praduced as a part of, or acquired in connection with the perforxnance of, the Work texminated by the notice of the terrnin�a�zon; and b. %�e campleted, or partially completed plaz�s, drawings, information and ather pra�erty which, if the Contract had been cozx�pleted, would ha�e been required ta be furnished to the City. 5, complete performance of such Wark as shall noi ha.ve been tex�nninated by the notice of termination; and 6. take such action as may be necessary, or as the City may darect, for the protection and preservaiion af the propez-ry related to its conit•act which i.s in the possession of the Contracto� and in which tk�e ovvner has or may acquire the rest. C. At a time not later tl�an 30 days afier the termination date specif'ied in the notice of ternzination, the Contractox may subrnit to the City a list, certi�ied as to quant�.y and qualrty, of any or a�l itezn� of terminatioz� inventary not previously c�isposed o�, exclusive of items the disposi�ion of which has been directed ox authorized by Ciry. CITY OF PQRT WORTH Aliiance Airport T�ciway A Ceuterline Light Replace�nent STANDARDCONSTRUCT[ON SPECIFICA7[ON DOCiTMENTS ProjectNo.103104 Revision: Madi9,2020 00720D-1 GENERAL CONpl1'ID�I S Page 61 of 63 D. Not later than 15 days thereafte�, the C'rty shall acce�t title to such i�ems provided, that the list subzz�tted shaIl be sub�ec� to vez•ifcatian by the City upon removal o� the iterns or, if the itei�ns are stared, r�ithin 45 days frorzi. the date of submission of the �t, and any necessary adjustme��ts to correct the lisi as submitted, shaJl be made prior to final settlemez�t. E. Not later than 50 days aftex the notice o� termination, the Contractor sha�l submit his ie-rmir�a.tion claim to the City in i:b.e foxm a�d with the caYtif'ication �rescribed by the City. Unless azi exte��sian is made in writ�ig with� such GO day period by the Contxactor, and granted by th.e C�y, any and all such cla.itns shall be cnnclusively deerned waived, F. Tn such case, Contractor �hall be paid for {vvithaut duplication of any items): 1. cozxzpleted and acceptable Work executed in accordance with the Con�t'act Documents prior to tke e�ectiue date of termination, includi�g faiz and reasonable sums �ox averhead and profit on such Worlc; 2. e�ens�s sustained prior to ihe effective date of termination in p�r�orrning services and furriishing la.bor, materials,. o� equipment as requued by the Contract Docrunents in connectaon with uncomplefied Work, plus fair and reasnnable sums far overhead and prafit on such expe�ses; and 3. reasonable e�enses directly attributable to termination. G. In the �vent of tbe failure af the Contractor and City to agree upon the whole az�ount to b� pa�d to the Cont�actor by rea,san of the tern�ination of tiie Warlc, fhe City shall determiune, on th� basis of inforn�.�ion available to rt, the amount, if any, due to the Contractor by �eason of the termination and shall pay to �he Cantractor the amounts determined. Contractor shall nat be paid on account of loss of a.r�ticipated profi�s or revenue ar other economic loss arising out of or resulting from such termination. ARTICLE 16 -- DYSPUTE RESOLUTION 16.01 Nlethods and P�ocedu�es A. Either City or Cantractor naay request mediation af any Coz�tr�ct Claim submitted for a decisian under Paragraph 10.06 hefore such decision becomes final and binciing. The request for mediataon sk�all be s�bmitted to ihe oiher party io the Contract. Titnely subirz�ission of ihe reques� shall sta� the effect of Paragraph 10.06.E. B. City and Confractar shall pal�ticipate in the mediation process in good faith. The process shall be commenced with��. 60 days of filing of �he request. C. If the Con�ract Claim i� not resolved by mecliatiori, City's ac�ion ur�der Paragraph 10.�6.0 or a denial pursuant to Paragraphs 10.06.C.3 or 1Q.06.D shall become final and binding 30 days after terminatian of the meclia.tian unless, within. that time period, City or Contractar: CITY QF f`OI�T WQl2`T'H Allia�ice Airport Taxiw�y A Centerline Light Replacement 57"ANDARDCONSTHUCTION SP�ClF1CAT[ON DOCUMENT3 ProjectNo.103104 Revision: NCadt9,2D2U ao �z oo - � GEHERAL CONd I710 N S Page &2 of G3 1. elects in wr�ting 10 invoke any other dispute resoluiion proe�ss provided for in the Suppl�mentary Co�ditions; 07• 2. agrees with the aiher party to submit the Contract Claim to anoiher dispuie resolution process; ar 3. gives writiennotiee lo the other pariy af �he intent to submii the Contract Clai�n to a caurt of cornpetent jurisdiction. ARTICLE 1'� -- M�SCELLANEOUS 17.Oi GivingNotice A. When�ver an.y provision �f �he Con�xact Documents requires the givu�g of written notice, it will �e d�emed to have been validly given if: l. delivered 'm person to t�.e in:dividual ar to a mernber of the firm or to an oft"icer of the corporation for whom it is intended; or 2. delivered at or sent by register�d ar certified mail, postage prepaid, to fhe last business address known ta the giver of the notice. B. Bus�ess address cllange� must be promptly made u� wriiing ta the other party. C. Whenever the Contract Docutnents speciFies gi«g natice by electronic rnear�s such electronic noizce shall be deemed sufFicient upon confirmatian of receipt by tlle receiving pai-Ly. 17.Q2 Computation ofTames When any period of time is referredto in the Contraci Documenis by days, it r�+'ill be camputed to exclude the first and in.clude the last day of such period. If the ]ast day af any such period falls on a Sat�rciay or Sunday ox on a day made a legal holiday the next Working Day shall become the las� day of the period. 17.03 Cutr�ulative Remedies The dutzes andobligations imposed by these Genexal�a�ditions and the rights and remedies ava�ilable hexeux�de� to the parties hereto are in addition to, and are noti ta be constcued iri any way as a�itatzon of, arry rights and remedies available to any or aIl o£ thern which are otherwi�e imposed ox available by Laws or Regulations, by special warranty or guarantee, or b� other provisions of the Conlxact Documents. The provi�ions of this Paragraph will be as ef�ect�ve as if` repeated specifically in the Contract Dacuments in connection with each particula.r duty, obl�gation, right, and remedy to which tiaey apply. CITY QP PORT WORTH /illiance AirpnrE Taxiway A CenCerline Light ReplaoemenE STANDARDCDNSTRUCTION SPECIFICAT[�N DOCI]MiNTS ProjectitIo.163104 Revision: Ma�9;ZDzd on�zaa-i C�N�FiAI. CONpITION S Pnga G3 af 63 17.04 Survival of Obltgations All represeni:ations, �.deznni�icatioi�s, warranties, and guaraniees rnade in, xequired by, nr given in accordance witkz tk�e Contract Documen�s, as well as al1 continuing ob�gatians indicat�d in the Contract Doe�x�aents, will survive final paym�nt, campletiQn, and acceptance af �lie Work or termination or coznpletian af the Cnntract or term�nation of the sei-�ices of Contractox. 17.05 Headings Articl� and paragraph head�ngs are inserted for convezuence only and do not consti�ute parts of these Ge�2era1 Conditions. C1TY OF FQRT IYORTH Alliance AirparC Taxiway A Centerline Light ReplacemettY STANT?ARDCONSTRUC7'[ON 3PECIFTCAT[ON DdCIIMENTs ProjeetNo.103t04 Revision: Mad� 9, 7.C20 00 73 Op SUPPL�3vI�NTARY CONDI`I'IDNS Page 2 of G SECTION 00 73 00 SUPI'L�MENTARY CONDITIONS �ro GENERAL CONDITIONS Suppiementaxy Conditions These Supplementary Conditions modi�y and supplement Section a4 72 04 - General Conditions, and other p:rovisions ofthe Cant�•act Doctunents as indicated below. All p.rovisions ofthe General Conditions tl�at are modiiied or supplemented remain in full force asid effect as so modified or suppl�mented. All provisions of th� General Cozlciitinns which are nat sa modified or supplemented remain in full foree and ef%ct. Defined Terms The terms used in these Supplementary Condi�ions which are defined in the General Conditions have the meaning assrgned to them in txie General Conditi4ns, unless specifically noted herein. Modifications and Supplements The following are instructians that modify or supplement specific paragraphs m the General Conditions and other Contract Documenis. SC-3.035.2, "Resalving Discrepancies" Th� contraet, plans, speci�eations, and all referenced standards cited are essential parts o� the contract requirements. Tf elec2ror�ic fiiles are provided and used on the project and there is a conflict between the electronic fles and hard copy plans, the hard capy plans shalI govern. A requirement occurring in one is as bin�iing as though accurring in all. They are intended to be complementary and to describe and provide £or a cflmplete work. In case af discr�pa��cy: • FAA General Pro�isions ar�d Federal Contract Pro�isions shall govern �ver Di�vision 00 — General Conditions atid Division O I— General Requit�ments; � Calculated dimensians wi�l govern over scaled dimensions; • Cantract technical speci�cations shall gavern over contract.general proeisions, plans, cited standards for materials or testing, and cifed advisory circ�.�lars (ACs); o Contract general provisions s�all govern over plans, cited standards for materials or testing, and cited ACs; � Plans shall gavern over cited standards for materials or iesii.ng and cited AGs. o If any paragraphs cantained in the Special Provisions con.#Iict with General Provisions or Technieal Sp�cifications, the Special Provisions shaIl govern. Fram time to ti�r►e, discrepancies within cited testing standards occur due ta the timing of the change, edits, andlor replacement of tHe standards. If the Contraetor discovels any apparern disc�•epancy within sta�adardtest methods, the Contractor shall immediately ask the RPR for an interpretation and decisior�, and such decision shall be final. CITY OT FORT VirORTI-T Alliance Airport Taxiway A Centerline Light Aeplaeement STANDARD CONSTRUCTION 3PEC1FICATEDN 170CUMENTS Prajectt�o. 1D31�4 Ttevised Apri12, 2021 DO 73 00 SUYI'LB]ViENTARY CONDITIONS Page 3 of G SC-4.01 A �asement limits shown on the Drawing are appraximate and were provided to estabIish a basis for bidding. Upon receiving. the final easements descriptions, Contractor shall compare tl�enl ta the lines shown on the Contract Drawin�s. SC-A.OlA1., "Availability of Lands" The following is a list af known outstanding right-of-w ay, and/ar easements to be acqtitired, if any as of Ap ri] 12, 2021: Non�. SC-4.OlA.�, "Availa�ifity ai Lands" Utilities or obstrnctions to be remnved, adjusted, andlor relacated The �ollowing is list of utilities andfor obstructions that have not been. removed, adjusted, and/or relocated as of April 12, 2021: Nane. SC-4A2A., "Subsurfac� and Physic�l Conditions" The following are reports of exploratians and tests of subsurface conditions at the site of the Work: Nane. SC-4.06A., "Hazardous Environmen�al Canditions at Si.te" The foliowing are reports and drawings of ex�sting hazardoUs envirnntnentaI conditions knawil to the City: None. SC-5.03A., "Certifica�es of Insurance" The entzties listed belo�v are "additional insureds as iheir intarest may appear" including their respecti�e officers, directors, agents and eznployees. (l) City (2) Consultant: 7acobs Engineering Group Inc. {3) Other: None. SG5.04A., "Contractor's Insurance" The limits of liability far the insurance z•equired by Paragraph GC-S.Q4 shall pravide the following coverages for nat less than the follovving amaunts or greater wl�ere required by la�vs and regulations: �.04A. Wnrkers' Compensation, vnder Paragraph GC-5.04A. Statutory limits CITY OC �ORT WQRTH Alliaa�ce Airport Taxiway A Centerline Ligl�t TteplacemeErt STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATTQN DOCUMEAlTS Project No, 103104 Revised Apri! 2, 2021 oa �3 00 SUPPLGMENTAR7f COi�ITIQN3 Page 4 of6 Employer's liability $100,000 each accident/occurrence $10D,OOQ Disease - each employee $500,000 Disease - policy limit SC-5.048., "Contractor's Insurance" S.Q4B. Commereial Generai Lia�ility, under Paragrapl� GC-5.04B. Gontractor'sLiabilitylnsuranceunder Paragi�aph GC-5.048., which shall be on aper project basis coveringthe Cont�•actor with ininimum limits of: $1,000,OO�J each nccurrence $2,000,000 aggregate lirnit The policy must ha�ve an endorsement (Amendment — Aggregate Li�nits of Insurance) making the General Aggregate Limits apply separately to each job site. The Comm.ercial General Liability Insurance policies shall provide "X", "C", and "U" eoverage's. Verification of such coverage must be shown in the Remarks Article of the Certificate o�' Iz�surance. SC 5A4C., "Cantractor's Insurance" 5.04C. Automobile Liability, under Yaragraph GC-5.04C. Cantractor's I,iability Insurance under Paragraph GC-5.04C., which shall be in an amount not less than the following amounts: {1) Automobile Liability - a commercial business policy shall pro�ide caverage on "Any AUta", de�ned as autos owned, hired aild non-owned. $I,000,000 each accideni on a cambined single litx�it basis. Split limits are acceptable if Iimits are afi least: $250,000 BadiSy Injury per person / $540,00� Bodily Injuz•y per accident / $ I 00,000 Property Damage SC-5.04D., "Contractor's lnsurance" The Contractor's constructian activities will s�equire its employees, agents, subcontractors, �quipment, and matez•ial deliveries tQ cross railraad �roperties and �•acks: None. The Contractor shall conduct its operations on rails•oad properties in such a manner as not ta int�rfere with, h[nder, ar obstruct the railroad carnpany in any manner whatsoever in th� use or operation of its/theirtrains or other property. Such operations on railroad properties may require that Cantractor to execute a"Right of Bntry Agreernent" r�ith the particuiar railroad company or companies invalved, and to fihis endthe Contractor shauld satisfy itself as to the requirements ofeach railroad c�mpaz�y and be prepared to execute the right-af- entry {ii any) required l�y a railroad company. The requirements specified herein likewise relate to the Contractor's use of p��vat� and/or construction a�eess roads erossing said railroad company's propei�ies. The Contractual Liability eoverage required by Faragraph 5.04D of the General Conditions shall provide coverage for not less than the foliowing amounts, issued by campanies satisfactory to the City and to the CITY OF FORT WORTH Alliance Airport Taxiway A Centerline Light Aep[acement STAI�ff�ARD CONSTRUCTION SPCCIFTCATION TJOCUMENTS Project No. 103104 Aevised April 2, 2021 00 73 D4 SUPPLEMEI�TARY CONDITIONS Page 5 oi 6 Railroad Corr�pany for a term that continues far so long as the Contractor's operations aa�d work cross, occupy, or touch railroad property: (1) General Aggregate: (2) Each Occurrence: Required for this Contract X Not required for this Contract With respect to the above outlined insurance requij•ements, the foliowing shall govern: 1. Wh�re a single railroad cornpany is involved, the Contractor shall provide one insurancepalicy inthe name of the railraad company. However, if more than one grade separatian or at-grade crossing is affected by the Projeet at eniirely se�arate Iocations on the line nr lines n�the sarne railroad company, s�parate coverage may be required, each in the amount stated above. 2. Where more than one railroad company is npErating on the same right-of way or where several railroad compa�lies are involved and aperated on their own separate ri�;hts-of-way, ti�e Contractar may be r�quired ta provide separate insurance policies in the name of each railroad company. 3. If, in addition to a grade separation or an at-grade crossing, other work or activity is proposed on a. railroad company's right-of-way at a 1Qcation entirely separate from the grada separation or at�grade crossing, insuran.ce coverage fo�• ihis work must be included in the palicy covering ihe grade separation. �. If na grade separatinn is involved but other work is propos�ed on a railroad company's right-of-way, all such other work may be covered in a single policy for that railroad, �ven thaugh the wnrk may be at two ar rnore separate locations. No wot�k ar activities an a railroad company's propei-ty to be p�rforined by the Contractor shall be commenced untii the Cantractor has furnishedf.he City with an original policy or policies ofthe insurat�ce for each railroad carr�pany na��ed, as required above. Al l such insurance must be appr�ved by the City and each affe�ted Railroad Company prior to the Contraetnr's b�ginning wark. The insurance specified abo�e must be carried until all Work to b.e performed on the �•ailroad right-of-way has been completed and the grade crossing, if any, is no loizger used by fhe Contractor. In addition, insurance must be carried during all maintenance and/or repair work performed in the railroad t•ight-of-way. 5uch insurance must name t�e railroad company as the insured, together with any tenant or lessee of th� railroad company operating ovcr tracks involved in tl�e Project. SCw6.04., "Project Schedule" Project schedule shall be tier 5 for the project. SC-G.07., "Wagc Rates„ Wage rate tabl�(s) applicableto this project and are provided in FCP-8 DAVIS-BACON REQUIREIv�NTS. A copy oftha deterrnination is also available by accessing the official U.S. Governrne�lt system for wage determinations website at: https•/lbeta.sam.�ovlcont�ntlrvage-determinations. C1TY OF FORT WORTH Alliance Airport Taxiway A Centedine Light Replacement STANDARD CONSTRUCTIQN SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS E'rajectNo. [031Q4 Revised April 2, 2021 UO 73 UO SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS Page G af 6 SC-6.09., "Permits and UtiiiHes" SC-6.p9A., "Contractor obtained permits and licenses" Tl�e followii�g a��e l�nown permits and/or licenses required by the Contract ta be acquired by the Contractor: 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Complete SWPFF in accordance with TCEQ requia•aineilts Prepare a TCEQ NO[ fo�-�n and submit Ya TCEQ along with required fee Sign and post at job site Send copy to City Depart�nent of Transpoi�tation and Piiblic Works, Environmental �]ivision, (817) 392-6Q&8 Submit TC�Q Notice af Change required if malcing changes or updates to NOI Once the project has been completed and aIi ihe cIoseout requirernents af TC�Q l�ave been inet, submit a TCEQ Notice of Termination. Send eopy ta City Department ofTransportation and Public Works, Environmental Division, (Sl7) 392-6088. SC-6,09B. "City obtained permits and licenses" Th� follnwing a�•e known permits andlor licenses required by the Contz�act to be acquireci by the City: None. SC-6.09C. "OuEstanding permits xnd licenses" TY�e fo�lowing is a list of known outstar�ding permits andlor licenses to �e acquired, if any as of May 6, 2021: None. SC-6.245., "Title VI, Civil Rights �ict of �964 as amended" During the performance of this Contract, the Contractor, for itself, its assignees and successors in interest (hereinafter referred to as th� "Contractor") agrees as follows: See Federal Contz•act Provisions {FCP) Section PCP-4. SC-7.0�., "Coordination" The individuals or entities lisfed be[ow have contracts with the City for the performance af other vvor-k at the Site: None. SC-8.01, "Communications to Con�ractor" As req.uired in Division OD - General Conditions, Division O1 — General Requirements, FAA General Provisions, the Const�•uction 5�%ty and Phasing Plan {CSPP), and dravt+ings. SC-9.a1., "Ciiy's Project Manager" The City's Project Manager far this Cantract is Lauren Spence, or his/her successor pursuant to written noti�cation fram the Director of Avia�ian. SG13.03C., ��Tests and inspectioas" None. SC-16.O1G1, "Methods and Procedures" CITY OF FORT WORTH Alliance �lirpori Taxiway A Centerline Light Replacement STANDARI7 CONSTRi3CTI01�! SPECIFICATION AOCUME�ITS Projecl l�io. L03104 ReVised April 2, 2�.21 ao �3 nn 5L7PPLEM�NTARY CONDITIONS Page 7 of 6 None. END OF SECTION Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 1/22/201 E F. Griffin SC-9,p I., "City's Project Rapresentative'' wording changed to City's Project Manager. 3/9/2020 D.V. Magana �C-6.Q7, Updated the link such that iiles can be accessed via the City s website. C1TY Ut FOR7' WURTH Allianne Airport Taxiway A CeEiterli�3e Ligl�t lteplaceinent $TANDARD C.bNSTRUCTIOiV SPECIFICATIQN DOCLItv[ENTS Project Na. 1U31D4 Revised April 2, 2021 ��� ����,� _. , _r 4.. , �it �f F��°�V�ort� Y Division 41 � General Requirements O1 ]100-1 SiIMN1AItY bF WORK Page 1 of 4 SECTION 01 110U SUMMARY OF WORK PA12T 1 - G�NERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. �ummary oi Work to be perfarmed in accordar�ce �rith the Cax�t�act �acuments B. Deviations from this City of Fort Wo.rth Siaizdard S�eci�cation l. None. C. ReIated Specification Sectians include, bu� are not necessa�•ily Simited to: 1. Division 0- Biddiz�g Requiretnents, Contract Fonns, aild Conditions of the Confiraet 2. Divisian 1� General Requuemetits 1..2 PR�CE AND PAYMENT PROCED [JRES A. Meas�rement and Pay��nent I. Warlc assaciated wi�li this Ite�n is considered subsidiary to the various items bid. No separate payment wi11 be allovved far this Item. 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED] L4 ADMIlVrSTRATIVE REQUII2EMCNT� A, Wark Cavei•ed by Cant3•act Daeuinents 1. Woilc is ta include fwrnishing all labar, materials, and equipment, anc3 per�'oi•min.g all Work necessary for this cnnstruction project as detailed in the Drawings and Specifcatians. B. Subsidiaay `Nor� 1. Any and all VVorlc specifically governed by d�cumentary requirements for tlie praject, such as conditions imposed by the Drawings or Contract Documents in w11ie1� no specific item %r bi.d has been pravided far in the Proposal and the item is not a typical unit bid item included on the staudard bid item list, ther� the iterr► shall b� considered as a subszdzary item of Work, the cost of which shall be includ�c# in the price bid in the Propasal for various bid it�ins. C. Use of Pr�mises l. Coardinate ases of premises under directian oitlie City. 2. Assume full responsibility for prote�tian aild safekeeping of materials and equipment stored on fhe Site. 3. Use and occupy only portions of the public s�i•eets and al�eys, or ather pttblic places or other rights-of-vway as provided for in the ordinances af Yhe City, as shown in the Contract Dacurrients, or as znay be specifzcally antharized in writing by the C.ity. a. A reasonable amaunt of tools, materials, and equipment far constz•uction purposes may be stored in such space; but no more than is necessary to avoid delay in the construction operations. CITY OI' I'ORT WORTI-1 Alliance Airport Taxiway A Centerline Liglrt Replaceme�iE STAM7ARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION �O�UMENTS Projeci No. 1U3104 Revised Deceitther 2D, 2012 D1 ]1D0-2 SUMMARY OP WORK Pagc 2 of 4 b. Exea�ated and waste inaterials shall be sfor•ed in such a way as not to interfere with the �s� o�spaces th.afi may be designated to be left fi•ee and unobstruct�d and so as �2ot to incon�enience occupants of adjacent propez�iy. c. Tf the sireet is occupied by railroad ij•acks, the Worlc sl�all be carried on ii1 sL�cli �nanner as not ta in�erfei•e with the operation of the railrnad. 1) All Work slzall be in accordance with railroad requirements set farth in Dzvision 0 as welJ as tl�e raitroad permit. D. 1Worlc witliin �asements 1. Do i�ot enter upon private praperty for any purpose without I�a�ving previausly obtained permission from �he aw:ner o� sucI1 p.z�opez�ty. 2. Do isot stare equipinent ar materia� on pri�ate pt•operty unjess and until the spacified appraval of tlie property owi3er has been secured in writing by tl-�e Contractor and a copy furnished to the City. 3. Unless specificalIy provzded ofherwzse, clear all rights-af-way or easements of obstt�uctions whinl� inust be reinoved to rnake possible proper pj•osecutian of the Work as a part of the project construction operations. 4. I'reserve and use every p�•eeaution to prevezrt damage to, all trees, sl�rubbeiy, pIants, lawns, fences, culwerts, cL�rbing, and all other types of struciures or iinprovements, to all water, sewer, and gas lines, to all conduits, overhead pnle Iivaes, ar apputte��ances there�% incIuding the eonstrUction n�temporary fences and to all other public or pri�ate praperl.y adjacent to tlie Work. S. Notify the proper tepresentatives af t11e ovvners o�• accupants of �l�e public or private lands of interest in lands t�vhich tniglat be affected by tha Work. a. SucI1 notice shall be inade at least 48 hours iu advance af tl�e beginning ofthe Worlc. b. Notices shall be applicab�e to both piiblic and private utility companies and any corporatian, co�npaily, individual, or other, either as owners or occupants, whose land or inte;•est in land might be affected by th� Work. c. Be eesponsible for all dam.age ar injuiy to pioperty of any character �•esulting from a�y act, oinission, negle.ct, or misconduct in the inanner nr nlefhod or executioi� af the Work, or at any time due to defectiv� �+ork, tn.aterial, or equipment. b. Fenca a. Restore all fences encountered and removed dttrii�g constructian oftlie Project to the original or a better than original condition. b. Erect temporary fencing in place of the fencing reinoved wlienever the Worlc is not in progress and when the si�e is vacated overnigi�t, and/or at all times to provide site security. a The cost for all fence work within easements, including reuloval, temporary olosures and replacement, shall be subsi.diary to ihe varrious items bid in the project proposal, unless a bid item is speci�cal�y pravided in the proposal. CITY OP FO[Z`E' WORTH Alliatrce Aiiport Taaiway A Ce3iterline Liglit Replacemen4 ST�i�lDAl2D CQNSTRUCTION SPECIPICATION �OCUMEA]T5 ProjeeENo. 103104 Ttevised DecemUer 2U, 2012 oi ir oa-3 sur�MnxY or woizx Page 3 of �4 1.5 SUI3M�TTALS [NOT US�D] 1.G ACTION SUBM�TTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUSII�TTALS [NOT IISED] I.7 CLOSEOUT SUBNIITTALS [NOT USED] 1.8 MAINTENANCE MAT�YtT��T� SUBMITTALS [NOT USEll] L9 QUALITY ASSiJRANCE [NOT USED] �.1.0 D�LZVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 1.I1 FTELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT US�D] 1.I� WARRANTY [NOT US�D] PART � - PRODUCTS [NOT USED] PART 3 - EXECUT�ON [NOT USED] �ND OF SECTION Re�ision Lng DATE NAME SiJIVIMARY O�' CHANGE CITY OF FQRT WpRTH Allianee Airport Taxiway A Centerline Light Rep[acemcnt STANDAIZI7 CONSTRLlCTION SPECIFICATIQN QQCUMTNTS ProjactNo. l031Q4 Revised Decem6er 2fl, 2012 01 ]100-4 SUMMAR�' bP WbKK Page 4 of 4 Page Intentionally Blank CITY OF FORT WORTI-1 Alliance Airport Taxiway A CenterNne Light Repiaaemeut STANTJt1ItD CONSTRUCTION SYECIFTCAT[ON DOCUMEN'CS Praject lrfo. 103104 Revised December 2p, 2012 or2sao-i SUBSTITU'fION PROCEDUitES . Page I of G SECTION Ol 25 Op SUBSTITUTION PROCEDURES PART 1 - GENERAI. l..l. SiTMMARY A. Section Iilcludes: l. The procedt�re for requesting the approvaI of substitution of a product that is not equivalent to a product which is specified b� desct•iptive or performance criteria ar de�ned by reference to I or mare of'the fallawing: a. Naine of inanufacturer b. Name oFvendar a Trade uarrie d. Catalag number 2. Substifiutions are nat "or-equals". B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 1. None. C.. ftelated Specification S�etions include, but are noi necessaxily jiznited ta: I. Divisiorl0 — Bidding Requirements, Cailtract Farms and Conditioiis of tlie Contract 2, Division 1— Generaj Requirem�nts 1�.2 PR�CE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES A. Measureznent az�d Payment 1. Wark associated with this Item is considered subsidiary to the various iteins bid. Na separate payment vvill b.e allowed for this Itetn. L3 REFERENCES [NOT USED] 1.4 AD1I�IINISTRATIVE REQUlItENiENTS A. Request for Substitution - General 1. Wi#hin 30 days after award of Coni�-act (unle�s noted otherwise}, the City will consider formal requests fram Contractar for substitution af products in place of those specified. Z. Certain types of equipment and kinds of material are described in Specifications hy means of references to names of manufacturers and vendors, trade nazn.es, or catalag numbers. a. Wlaen tl�is method of specifying is used, it is not itttended to exclude from consideratio�� other products bearing otlier manufacturei-'s or vendor's natnes, trade names,. or catalog numbers, prot�ided said products are "or-equals," as detennined by City. 3. Otl�er types of equipment and kinds of material may be acceptable substitutions uxide�• itae follawing canditions: a. Or-equals ara unavailable due to strike, disco.ntinued production of products meeting speciiied requirern�nts, or other factors beyond control of Contractar; or, b. Confractar proposes a cost andlor time reduction incentive to tlie City. 1.5 SUBMITTALS A. See Request for Substitution k'orm {atYached) CITY OP FORT WORTH Alliancc Air�ort'Caxiway A Centerline Light Replacement STANDAIZD CbNSTRL7CTIqN SP�CTFICA'1'I03�1 DOCUMEhlTS Projecll�a. ]03104 ite�ised 7idy 1, 2011 oi zs oo - z 5UI35TlTUTIOi�] YROG�.DT7RE5 Page 2 of 6 B. Proced��re for ReqLzesting SLrtsstituti.on 1, Su6stitution shall be considered on1y: a. After award of Contract b. Under the eandi#ions stated hereit� 2. Subini� 3 copies af each writien request for suhstiiution, including: a. Docuinentatian 1) Compl�te data substantiating coz�pliance oipropased substitution with Con�-act Docu�nents 2) Data relating ta chang�s in constcuction schedule, wlien a reduction is proposed 3) Data �•elatittg; to chailge.s in cost b. For products 1) Product identi�cation a) Manufacturer's name b) Telephone number at�d representative contact name c) S�eci�'ication Sectioil or Drawing refe�•ence of origi�ialIy specif�ed product, including discrete name or tag numher assigned to ariginal praduet zn the Contract Doc��ments 2) l�Ianufacriirer's literature clearly marked to shaw co�npliance af propased produet with Contract Documents 3} Itc�niz�d comparison of original and proposed product addressing product cliaracteristics including, but not necessarily lunited to: a) S ize b) Composition or materials of construct�ofl c) Weight d) Eiec�rical or rnechanical requirements 4) P�'oduet experience a) Location of past projects utilizing product b) Nairze and telephone num6er ofpersons associated with referenced projects knowledgeable cancerning proposed product c) Available Field data. and reports associated with propased prodvct 5) Samples a} Provide at request of City. b) Saznples becflme the p�•operty of the City. c. k'ar const�•uctiou methods: 1} Detailed description of proposecf inethod 2) Illusix•atian drawings C. Appro�al. or Rejectian 1. Written appraval or rejection of subsfit��tion given by the City 2. City reserves the right to require proposed product to comply with colpr anci pattern af speciiied produet if necessary fo secure desig,� intent. 3. In the event the substitution is appraved, the resulting cost and/or time reduction will b� docurnented by Change Order in accordance with the General Cnndifioits. 4. No additional con�ract time will ba gr�ven for s��bstitution. 5. Subsiitution vwill be �•ejected if a. Subznittal is not throu�h the Contractor vwith his stamp af approvaI b. Reyuest is not made in accardance with this Specification Section c. In f�.e City's opinion, acceptance will require subs�antial revision of the nriginaI design CITY OF FORT WORTH Alliance Airport Taxiway A Centexline Light Aeplacement STAN�ARb CONS"CItGIC7'ION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS PrajectNo. 103104 RevisedJuly 1,2011 01 25 DO - 3 5U[35'1']'fUTION PROCCI]llRE.S Page 3 of 6 d. In the City's opinion, substitution will not pej•form adequat�ly the fitnction consisteiit with tl�e design inte��t 1.6 ACTION SUSNIITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBNIITTALS [N�T iTSED] 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUSMTTTALS �N�T USED] 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALs [NOT US�D] 1.9 QLTALITY ASSiJItANCE A. Jn inaking request for substittitio�i or in usri�g an approved produci, the Contracfor represents t�at the Gantractor: 1. Has investigated proposed product, and has determined that it is adequate or superior in all respeats to that speci�eci, and fhat it will perfo.rm function %r which it is iutended 2. Will pro�id� same guarantee for substitute item as for product speci�ed 3. Will coardinate installation of accepted substitution inio Work, to iiiol�tde building modifications if necessary, tnaking such cl�anges as may be requi�•ed f4r Work to be complete in all raspects 4. �aives a11 claims for additional costs related ta substitution which subsequ��►tly arise 1.1U DELI'VERY, STORAGE, AND AANDLING [NOT USED] 1.11 FIELD [SITE] COND�TIONS [NOT US�D] 1.12 WARRANTY jN�T USED] PART � - PRODUCTS [NOT IISED] PART 3 - EXECUTION [NOT IISED] END OF SECTION Revision Log DATE I NAME CITY O�' FORT WORTH STANiJARD COIVSTRUCTION 5PECTFICATION DOCLiMENTS l2evised July l, 2Q1 l SU�IMARY OF CHA.NGE �111iance Airport Taxiway /1 Centedine Light Replacemwzt Projeet No. 1Q 3104 OI2500-4 SUFiSTITUTION P[iOC�DURES Yage 4 of 6 Page [nteiitionally BIarilc CITY OF PORT WORTH STANDARD CONST[�UCTTON SF�ECIF[CATION DOCUMENTS Revised duly 1, 2011 Allianca Airport Taxiway A Cenker[ine Liglit Replacenient Prnjeci No, 1031a4 012500-5 5Uf3STITU7'ION PKOC�DURES Pagc 5 of 6 EXHIBIT A REQU�ST FOR SUBST�TUTION FORM: TO: PROJECT: DATE: We liereby submit for your cnilsideration the following pi'oduct uistead of the specified itein for the above project: SECTION Proposed Sl�bstitution: Reason for Stibstituti.on: PARAGRAPH SPECIFIED ITEM Include compiete information an cllanges to Drawiilgs and/ar Specifications �wl�ich proposed substitution wilj require fnr its p�oper installation. Fill in Blar►ks Below: A. WiII the Ltndersi�ned confiractor pay for changes to the building design, including eilgineering and detailing costs caused by the req�ested substitution? B. What effect does substitutinn have an ather trades? C. DifFerences between proposeci substitution and specified item? D. Differences in product cost or product delivery time7 E. Manufacturer's guarantees of tha proposed and specified items are: Equal Better (explain on at�achinent) The undersigned states tI�at the funetian, appearance and quality are equivalent or superior tn the specified ite�n. Submitted By: Signature Firm Address Date Talepllone Fo�• Use by City: Approved City CITY OP FQRT WORTH STANDAAD COiVSTRUC'1'IOM SPECIPICATION BQCUNFENTS Revis.ed 7uly 1, 2D 1 j For u�� by c�ry Recommended Recommended as note.d Not recommendec� Received late By Date Remarks Date Rejected Alliacice Airport Tgxiway A Centerl'taie Light Replaeemenf I'rojectNo. [03I64 012500-6 5UB5TITUTION PRQCEDi1RE3 Page G of 6 Page I��tentionally Blank CITY QF FORT WORTI-1 Alliance Airpart Taxiway A Cenferline Light Replacemeut STANDARD CONSTRUCTTOI� SPECIFICATIOI�i T30CU3vIENTS PrajectNa. 1031U4 Revised 7uly 1, 201I O1 31 19 - 1 PIt�COt�I5'1'RUCTIOI� MLCTING Page 1 of 4 SECTTQN 0131 19 PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING PART1- GENERAL 11 SL�lYlMA1ZY A. Section Includes: 1. Provisions for t1�e p�•ecanstruction meeting to b� held pz'io�' to ��e start of Work to clarify cot�st�°uction contraet administration procedures B. Deviations frarn this City of Fort Worth Standard Specificatian l. None. C. ReIated Specitioation S�ctions include, but are not necessarily limited ta: 1. Division 0— Bidding Requirements, Coniraci Forrns and Conditions of the Contract 2. Division 1-- Geilerai Requij•emeuts 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROC�D�IRE� A. Measureinent and Payinent 1. Work associated �+ith t1�is Itein is considered subsidiary to the various itams l�id. No separate payment will b� allowed for this I#em. 1.3 REFER�NCES [NOT USED] 1.4 ADMYNISTItA.T1VE R�QUIREMENTS A. Coordination Attend preconstruetion meeiing. 2. Representatives af Contraetor, subcontractors and sup�liers attendin� meetings shall be qualified and authorized to act on behali of the ei�tity eacl� represents. 3. Me�ting administered by City may ba tape recorded. a. If recorded, tapes will be used ta prepare minutes and retained by CiYy �ar fuiure referenee. B. Precflnslructian 1VIee#ing I. A preconstruction meeting wi3l Ue held within 14 days after t�e execution of the Agreet�ent and before Work is staried. a. The meeiing will be sclieduled and administered by �ie Ciiy. 2. The Project Representative will preside at the meeting, prepare the notes of �he me�ting and dist�•ibute copies of same to ali patiicipants who so r�equest by iuily completing the attendance form to be circulated at the beginning of the meetirig. 3. AtCenda�lce shall include: a. Project Representative b. Contractor's project inanager c. Cont�•actor's superintendent d. Any subcontrac�or ar supplier representatives whom the Contractar may desire to invite nr the Ciiy may request e. Other City representatives C�TY OF FORT WORTH Alliance Airport Taxiway A Cenferline Light Replacemenf STANDAAD CONSTRUCTiON SP�CIPICATTON DOCUM�IVTS Praject Na. 103104 Revised Augusf 17, 2D12 Oi 31 19 - 2 PItBCONSTR[3CT10N MEETiNG Page 2 af 4 f Otl�ers as a�propriate 4. Constx�uction Schedul� a. Prepare baseline canstruction sclledule i�i accordance with Sectian O1 32 l 6 and provide at Preconstruction Mee�ii�g. b. City wili notify Contraetor of any schedule changes upon Notic� of Praconstructio�i Meetirrg. S. Preli�ninary Agenda may inehide: a. Inri•oduction of Project Personi7el b. Genet•al Description of Project c. Status of right-of-way, utiIity cleat'ances, easements or other pertine�rt perinits d. Coniractor's work plan and scliedule e. Contract Time £ Notice io Proceed g. Cons�ruction Staking h. Progress Paymeuts i. Extra Work and Change Order Procedures j. Field Ordars k. Disposai Site Letter for Waste M�terial 1. Tnsuranc� Renewals rn. Payrol! Certifzcation n. Material Certifications and Quality Contral Testing o. Public Safety and Convenience p. Documeiltation of Pre-Construction Conciitians q. ,Weelcend Work Notification r. Legal Holidays s. T�•ench Safety Pians t. Confined Space Entry Standards u. Coordination w�ith the City's representative far operatians of e�sting �vater syst�ms v. SYorm Water Pollution Pz•e�ention Pjan w. Coordina�ion with ather Contractors x. EarIy Warning Systerrt y. Contractor Evaluation z. Special Condifions applicable to the projent aa. Dattzages Claims bb. Submittal Procedures cc, Substitution Pracedures dd. Carrasponde�ce Routing ee. Record Drawings ff. Temparary construction faciliti�s gg. 1VI/WBE or MBE/SBE pracedures lili. Finaj Accep#ance ii. Fii�al Payznent jj. Questions ar Comments CITY QF FORT WOR'I'H Aliiance Airport Taxiway �1 Centerliue Light Replacemeni STAI�D�.TZD CONS'i'RUCTION SP�CIFICATION DOC[3MENTS Pro�{ect Na. 1fl3104 Revised Augist 17, �012 Oi 3l 19-3 PRECONSTRUCTiON M�ETjNG Page 3 of 4 �,s suBnziTT�s �voT us�n� 1.6 ACTION SUBNIITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] i.'� CLOSEOUT Si7SMITTALS [NOT i7SED] L8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUSMTTTALS [NOT USED] 19 QUALTTY ASSUR.ANC� �NOT USFD] L10 DELNERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT 17SED] l.11 FIELD [SITEj CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 1..12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] PART 2 - PRODUCTS [NOT USED] PART 3 - EXECUTYON �NOT U�ED] END �F SECTION Rev�sion I�og DATE NAME SUMM�RY OF CHANGE CITY OF FORT WORTH Alliance Airport Taxiway A Centerline Ligiit Re�l$cement STAAiDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIPICA7'ION DbCUMENTS Project No. 1U3104 Revised A�[gust 17, 20I2 p13119-4 PRECONSTRUCTION 1vi�CTING Page 4 of �1 Page Intentionally Blank CITY Q[' FORT WOIiTH P.Iliance Airport Taxiway A Centerline Light Replace�neut STA�IDARD CONSTRUCTIOi�I SPECII'ICATION DaCUIVIENTS Projeet No. 1031fl4 Revised August 17, 2012 01312U-1 PR07ECT M��TFNGS Page 1 of 4 SECTTON 0131 �0 PR03ECT MEETTNGS PART 1- PART2- GENERAL 2.I SUMMAI�Y A. Section Tncludes: 1. Provisions foe pro�ect meetings throughout the coilstructi.on period to enable orderly re�iew af the progress of the Work and tn provide for systematic discvssion of patential problezns B. Davia�ions this City oiFort Worth S�andarcf Specification 1. None. C. Related Speci�cation SEctiotts incIude, but are nat neaessarily limited to: 1. Division 0— Bidding Res�uirements, Contract Forms and Conditzans of the Contract 2. Di�vision 1— Geiieral Requirements 2.�. PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES A. Measurement and Payment 1. Work associated with this Item is c�nsidered subsidiary ta the various ite�ns bid. No separate payment will be allorved for this Ite�n. �.3 REFER�NCES [NOT USED] 2.4 .A,D�I1IINISTRATIVE REQUIIZEMENT� A. Coordinatian 1. Scliedule, attend and administer as specified, periodic progress mee�ings, and specially called mee�ings througllout progress of the Work. 2. Representatives of Cantractor, subcoii#xactors and supp�iers attending meetings shall be quali�ad and authorized to act on b�l7alf of the eiltity each represents. 3. Meetings administere.d hy City may be tape recorded. a. If reeorded, tapes v�ilI be used to prepare minutes and retained by City for future reference. 4. Meetings, in addition tio those specified in this Section, inay be held when requested by the City, Enginaer ar Contractor. B. Pre-Construction Neighborl�aod Meeting 1. After the execution of the Agreemeni, bui be�ore construction is allov�ed to begin, att�i3d l PubIic Me�tiilg with. af�'ected residen�s to: a. I'resent projected schedule, including con�truction start date b, Answer any construc�ion related questions 2. Meeting Location a. Locatian of ineeting to be determined by the Ciiy. CITY OF FORT WORTI l Alliance Airpart Taxiway A Centerline Light Replacement STANI7ARD CpNSTRUC"I'iON SPECIFICAT'ION DOCUMENTS Projectl�fa. 103104 Revised July 1, 2011 o� �� za-z PRQd�CT MEETINGS l��ge 2 of 4 3. Ai�endees a. Contractar b. Project Rep�•esentaiive c. Othe�' Crty re�a�•esentatives 4. Meetu-�g 5chedule a. I�� generai, the neighhorhood �neeting will occur within the 2 weeks foIlowsn� the p:re- constructian confere�ice. b. Iii no case will construction be allowed to begin until this meeting is held. C. Pi•ogress 1Vleetings 1. Forinal project coordination meetings will be held periodically. Meetings will be sclleduled and administe�•ed by Praject Representative. 2. Addifional progress rneetings to discuss specifi�c topics will be condacted a�� an as-needed basis. Sucii additioi�al ineetings shall include, but not be limited ta: a, Caordinaiing shutdowns b, Installation of piping and �quipinenl c. Coordination between ot�er consfiruction projects d. Reso�ution of cons#ruction issL��s e. EqUip�ent approval 3. The Projeet Representative will preside at progress rn�etings, prepare tl�e notes of t�►e meeting axld distribute capies of the sa�ne to a11 participants who so request by fuIly completing the attendance for�n to be circulated at the begi�ning af each meeting. 4. Attendanee shaIl iixclude: • a. Coz�tractor's praject manager b. Cantractor's superiniendent c. Any subcontractor or supplier repres�niatives whom the Cont��actor may desire to invite or the City may request d. Engineer's representatives e. City's z'ep�'esentatives �: Others, as requested by the Project Representative Preliminary Agenda may include: a. Review af Wo:rk pragress since previaus i�neeting 6. Fie.Id obser�ations, problems, conflicis � c. Items which irnpede eonstruction schedule d. Review of off site fabrieation, delivery schadules e. Re�iew of construction interfacing and sequencing requirements with other construction eontracts f. Carrective measures and proceduees to regain projected schedule g. Revisians to construction sclledule h. Progress, schedule, during succeeding Work period r. Coordination of schedules j. Review submittal schedules k. Maintenanee of quality standards l. Pending change� at�d substihitioi�s m. Review p.ropased changes for: 1} Effect an construction seh�dule and on compleiion date 2} Effect an other contracts afthe Project n. Re�iewv Recarc� Documents o. Review monthly pay request CITY OF FORS WORTH A[liance Airpori Taxiway �1 Centerline Ligltt Replacemenl STAIIDARD CONSTKUCTION Sl'ECTFICATIQN DOCUMEN'PS Project No. 103104 Reuised luly 1, 2011 ai 3� za-3 PRQJECT IVI�ETINGS Page 3 ai4 p. Revzew status of Requests for Iilfoz•mation 6. Meeting Sclledul� a. Prograss meefings will be heId periodicalIy as dete�xnined by the Project Representative. 1} Additional meetings may be 11eId at the i'equest oftl�e: a) City U) Engineei� c) Contractor 7. Meeting Loca1 ion a. Tl�e City will establish a meetii�g location. 1) To tl�e extent practicable, 3neetings will be held at tl�e Site. �.5 SUBMiTTALS [NOT IISED] �.G ACTION SUSMITTALSIINFORMATIONAL �UBM�TTALS [NDT USED] 2.'� CLOSE�UT SUBNIITTALS [NOT U�ED] 2.8 MATNTENANCE MATERIAL SUSNIITTALS [NOT USED] 2.9 QUALTTY ASSUR,A,NCE [NOT USED] 2.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT IISED] 211 FIELD [SITE} CONDTI'YONS [NUT USED] 2.12 WARR.A,NTY [NOT USED� PART 3 - PRODUCTS [NOT'[TSED] PART 4 - EXECUTION [NOT �C7SED] END OF SECTION Revision Lag DATE NAME SUMMARY O�' CHANGE CITY OP FQRT WORTH Allia�zce Auport Taxiway A Centerline Liglit ReplacemenE ST:4NDAI�.D COidSTRUCTION 3P�CIFiCATI03� []OCUMEI�ITS ProjecS No. 103104 Aevised duly 1, 2011 ai 3i za-� PR07ECT ME�TINGS Page 4 of 4 Page Inteiltionally B1a���C CITY OF FORT WORTH Alliance Airport Taxiway A Csnterline f.ight Replacement STANDARD CONSTRUCT'ION SPECIFICATION DOCUMFNTS ProjectNn. 103104 12evised 3uly 1, 2U! 1 013216-1 CdNSTRCICTIpN PROCrRESS SCHEDULE Paga i of 6 SECTI�N Ql 3216 CONSTRUCTTON PROGR�55 SCHEDULE PART1- GENERAL 1.1 SUMIW�ARY A. Section.Includes: J.. General reyuirements %r the preparation, subinittal, updating, status reporting and managejnent af tlle Const��uction Progress Schedule 2. Specific requirements are presented in the City of Foi-� Worth Schedule Guida�3ce Docu�aaent B. Deviations from thjs City of Fort Worth Standax•d Specifieation 1. None. C. Re�ated Specification Sect�ons incSude, but a.re not necessarily li►x�ited to: Division 0— Biddiz�g Requireinents, Contract Forms at�d Conditions of the Contrac� 2, Division 1— General Requiremen#s 1.2 PRICE AND PAYlV1ENT PROCEDiJRES A. Measurement and Payment Work associated �nvith this Ikem is considered subsidiary ta fhe various items bid. No separate payment will be a1Ior�ved far this Item. 1.3 REFERENCES A. Definitions 1. Schedule Tiers a. b, c. e. Tier 1- No sc�eduXe submittal x•equired by contract. Small, brief duration projects Tier 2� - No scliedule submii�al reqtlirad by contract, but will rec�uire so�na milestone dates. Small, brief duxatian projects Tier 3- Schedule submittal required by eoi�tract as described in the Sp�ci�cation and herein. Majarity of City projeots, iilcluding all bond program projects Tier 4-�chedule submittaI required by contract as described in t�e ��aecification and herein. Large andlor coinplex projects wifh long durations 1} �xa�nples: Iarge water pum.p stat�an praject and associa�ed pipeline witli intercontiection tn annther governmental entity Trer 5- Schedule submittal requiced by cc�ntract as daserib�d in the Specification and 1lerein. Large andlor ve�y coan�plex projects witi� long durations, high public visibility I) Examples migl�t include a water a�• waster�water treatment plant 2. Baseli�e Sc�edule - Initial schedule subiniited befare work begins that �vi11 serve as �e baseline for measuring pro�ress and departi.jres from the schedule. 3. Progress Sched.ule - Monthly submittal oi a progress schedule �ocumenting pragress on the project and any cl�anges anticipa�ed. 4. �chedule Narrative - Concise narrative of tlle schedule including schedule changes, expected delays, lcey schedule issues, criticaj path ztems, etc CITY OF P�RT WORTH F111ia�3ce Airport Taxiway A Centerl'uie Light Rep[aeement STANDAiZI] CpNSTRUCTION SPECIPICATION DOCiIMEI�TS Project No. 103104 Revised July 1, 20 [ 1 07 3216-2 CONS'I'RUCTION PROGRC55 SCHEDULE� Paga 2 offi B. Reference Standards I. City af Fort Warth Scliedule Guidance Dacument 1.4 ADl1'IINISTRATTVE REQiJIltEIV�NTS A, Baseline Schedule 1.. General a. Prepare a cost-loadett base�ine Schedule using approved software and tlze Critical Path Method {CPM) as required in the City of Fort Worth Schedule Guidance Docutnent. b. Review the d�aft cost-loaded baselzne Schedule witll fhe City to demonsfrate und�i•stanc�ing of the work to he performed and [cnawn issues and co�st��aints related to the schedule. c. Designate an authorized representative (Project Scheduler) r�sponsible for develaping and updaiin� the schedule and preparing repor�s. B. Progress Sclzedule 1. Update the progress Sclledule monthly as raquired in the City of Fort Worth Schedule Guidance Docu�ent. 2. Prepare the �cI�edule Narraiive to accornpany the inontl�ly pro�ress �chedule. 3. Change Or�iers a. Incorporata approved chaiige orders, resulting in a cl�ange of eontract time, in the baseline Schedule iia acco�•dance with City of Fort'Worth Schedule Guidance Dacumeni. C. Responsibility for Scl�edule C�mpliance l. Whenever it becomes appai�nt froin the c►.irrent pragress Schedule and CPM Status Report tliat delays to the ctitical path have res��li�d and the Contract completion date wi11 not be m�t, or whan sa directed by the City, make some ar all o�"the fo[lowing actions at no additional cost to the City a. 5ubmit a Recovery Plan to tlie Ci#y for approval revised baseline Sclteduie outSining: 1) A wr�tter7 staterr�ent of the steps inte�yded to take to remove or arrest the delay to Yhe cri�ical path in the approved schadule 2} Increase cnnstruction ma�power in sucl� quantiiies and crafts as will substantially eliminate the backlog of work and z�eturn current Schedule to meet prajected baseline compI�tinn dates 3) Inerease t1�e nu�aaber of workuig hours per shift, shifts per day, working days per week, the amount of canstrucfion equiprnent, or any combination of the foreg;oing, sufiicie�tly to substantially eIiminate tiie backlog of vtirork 4j Reschedule activities to achieve ma�cimum practiea� cancurre��cy of a�complishm�nt of acti�ities, and comply wi#h the revised s�hedule 2. If no written statetne�at af the steps intended to tal�e is submitted when so requested by the Ciiy, the Cit� may direc# the Cantractor ta increase the level of effort in manpower (trad�s), eauipinent asid work schedule (o�+ez�izne, weekend and holiday worIc, atc.) ta be ezn.ployed by the Contractar in order to remave or arrest t�ie delay to tl�e critical path in the approved schedule. a. No additional cost for such wark will be considered. D. The Contract co�npletion time wiIl be adjusted o�ly for causes specified in this Contract. a. Requests for ai1 extension of any Contract completion date must be supplemented with the foljowing: CITY OF F�RT WORTH Allianee Airport'1'axiway A CeuYeriine LightRaptacement STANDA.RD CONSTRUC'PION SFECIPiCATION T�OCUMENTS ProjectNo, ]031b4 Revised July 1, 2b11 01321G-3 COAISTRUC'fION PRdGKESS SCHEDULE Fage 3 of 6 2 3. I) z� I�'ur�lish justification and supporting evidence as the City may deein necessaiy to de#ennine wl�ether the requested extension af time is antitjed undar the provisions of t1�is Contrae#. a) The City wiil, after receipt of such justification and suppariing evideiice, make findings oifact and vvill advzse the Cantractar, in writzng thereof. Tithe City finds tl�at the requested ex�ension of time is entitled, the City's deterin���ation as to tlie tnYal ��umber af days allowed for the extensions shall be based upon the approved total baseline schedule aE1d an ali data relevant. to ti�e BXt�i151.0I1. a} Such data shall be it�cluded in the next updatii7g of the Progress sahedule. 6} Actual delays in activities which, accarding ta the Baseline sc�edule, do iaaf a�Fect any Contract completion date shown by the critical path in tlie network vrill not be the basis for a ehange thereiil. Subinit �ach request fo�• change in Contract completion date to the City vvithin 30 days after the beginning of the delay for whi.ch a tiine extensioil is requested but before the date of £inal payment under this Contract. a. No time extensiot� will be granted for requests which are not submitl:ed within the faregoing time limit. b. Fro.m titne to iim�, it may be necessa�y f�r the Contract schedule or completion time ia be adjusted by tlie City to reflect the efFects of job canditions, weather, technical dif�culties, strikes, una�oidable delays on the part of the Cit� or its representatives, and other un%reseeable conditians wiiicl� inay indicate schedule adjustments or campletion time ex.iensians, 1) Under such conditions, ihe City will direct tl�e Contracior to reschedule the work or Confract completian time to reflect the el�anged conditians and the Con�ractar shall ravise his schedule accordingly. a) No �.dditional cornpensation will be rnade to ihe Cant�ractor for such schedule chan�es except for unavoida�le ove��all contract time extensiotls beyand the actuaI cainpletion of unaffected work, in rvhich casa �he Contractor shall fake all possible action to minimize any tim� extensian and a�1y additional cnst to the City. b} Ava�lable float iiine in tlle Baseline schedule may be used by the City as well as hy the Contractor. �loat nr slack ti��e is defined as the ainount of ti�ne batween the earliest start daie and the latest start date or beiween the �arliest finish date and the latest finish data af a ehain of activities on the Baseline Sched.ule. a. Float ar slack tiine is not for �lie excl��sive use or b�neft of either the Contractor or the City. b. Proceed with work according to early start c�ates, and the City shall have the right to reserve and apportion float time according to the needs af tlie pz•ojeet. c, Acknowledge and agree that actual delays, aifecting paths of activities confiaining flaai time, v,�ill not �.ave any effect upon contract coinpletion tirnes, providir�g that the actual delay does not exceed the float time associated with ihose acti�ities. E. Coo�•dinating Schedule witla Other Contract Schedules Where work is to be parformed under this Contract concurrently with or contuigent upon work �erformed on the saine facilities or area tiinder other contracts, the Baseline Schedule s�all be coordinated with the schedtiles af the other contracts. CTTY OF FOR7' WORTH Allisnce Airport Taxiway A Centerline Light Replecement STf�RAitD COI�5772UCTIQAI SP�CIFI.CATION I�OCUM�NTS Projectl�a. ]03104 Revised July 1, 20ll Ol 32 16 - �4 CONSTRUCTION PROGRE55 SCHF.�ULE page 4 of G a. Obtain the sch�dules of tl�e otlier appro�riate contracts fram tlie City for the preparation a��d updating of Baseline schedule and. make tl�e required changes in his schedule wlte�z indicated by changes in carresponding schedules. 2. In case of interference between tl�e operations of diffeeent contractors, the City will determina tIae work prjo�•ity of each cont�•actor and the sequence of v,+ork necessary to expedite tlle compfe�ion of tlle entire Project. a. In such cases, the deci�ion oftl�e Ciiy sha31 be acce�ted as fiilal. b. The temporary delay oi any �+ork due ta such circumstances sl�aIl not be considered as justi�cation for clait�s for additio�lal compensatiQn. 1.5 SUSMITTALS A. Baseline Schedule �. 5ubinit 5chedule in native file format and pdf format as rec�uired in #he City of Fort Worth Schedule Guidance Dacuxnent. a. Native file forritat includes: 1} Pri�navera �P6 or Prima�era ContTactor) 2. Subrnit draft baseline Schedule to City prior ta the pre-c�nstruction nl�eting and bring in hat:d co�ay to ihe meeting inr review a��.d discussion. B. Progress Scheduie 1. Submit progress Schedule in native fr�e format and pdf format as required in tlie City of �'ort Warth Schedule Guidance Docum�nt. 2. Subi�it progress Scheciule monthly no ]ater �l7an tiie last day ofthe month. C. Schedule Narrative 1. Submit tlie schedule r�arrative i� pdffonnat as required in the City of For� Worth Sch�dule Guidance Docum�nt. 2. �uhrnit schadule narrative monthly no later than the last day of the month. D. Submittal Proc,�ss The City ad�ninisters and manages schedu�es tlirougli Buzzsaw. 2. Conts•actor shall submit dacuments as required in t1ie. Ciiy of Fort Wortl� Schedule Guidance Document. 3. Once the prajeet has been completed and Final Acceptance has been issued by the City, no iurth�r progress schedules axe required. L6 ACTTON SUBMITTALSIINFOItMATIONAL SUBMITTAL� jNOT U�ED� 1.,7 CLOSEO�TT SUBNIITTALS [NOT USED] 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERI�I. SiTBNIITTALS [NOT USED] 1.9 QiTALTTY ASSUitANCE A. The person preparing and �•evising tl�e construction Progress Schedule shall be experienced in tiie prepa�ation of schedules of simila�• co�nplexity. B. Schedule and supporting docnmenis addressed in this Specifieation shall be pre�as•ed, updated and revised to accurately reflaot the performance of the construction. C. Contractar is responsible for t11e quality of all submittals it� this section meeting the standard of care for the construction. inc3ustry for similar prajects. GITY OP FORT WORTH Alliance AirpnrtTaxiway A Centerline Ligl�tReplacemen! ST�i>IDAItD CONSTRUCTIqA] SPECIFICAT[ON DOCUMENTS Pmject No. 103104 Revised duly l, 2D 11 01 32 lb - 5 CONSTRUC'1'1�N PROGR�S5 SCHEDULE Page 5 of 6 1.10 DELN�RY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT �CTSED] 1.11 FIELD [STTE] COND�`I'�ON5 [NOT USED] 112 WARItAN�TY [NOT LTBEDj PART 2 - PRODUCT� [NOT USED] PART 3 - EXECiTTION [NOT US�D] END OF SECTYON Revision Log DATE 1 NAME CITY OF FORT WOR"CH STANDAIZI7 CONSTRUCTION 5PECIPICA'f10N DOCCIMENTB Revi�e�] SuEy 1, 2011 SUMMARY O�' CHANGE AElianee Airport Taxiway A Centerline Liglit Replacetnent Project No. 103104 U1 32 16-b CONSTRUCTION PROGRC58 SCHSDULE Page b of 6 Page Ii�tentiqilally Blank C1TY QF FORT WdnTH Alli�nce Airport Taxiway A Centerlinc L'eght Iteplacemeirt STANI7ARB CONSTRUCT[OI�i SPECIFTCATION DOCUM�NTS Project No. Itl3104 Revised ]uly 1, 20ll or3z33-i PRECONSTRUCTION VlDEO Page I of 2 SECTION 0132 33 PR�CONSTRUCTION VIDEO PARTl- GENERAL I.x SUMMARY A. Section Includes: l. Administrative and procedural eequiz'et�ents for: a. Preconstruction Videos B. Deviations frotn this City of Fort Worth Standard Specifcation 1. None. C. Relafied 5peciiication Sections include, but ar� nnt necessarily 1 iz�aited to: 1. Di�ision 0— Bidding Requisements, Contract Forcns and Conditions of the Contract 2. Division 1— General Requirennents 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDUR.ES A. Meast�remen# and Payment l. Work associated wit3� this Itezn is considered subsidiary ta the various items bzd No separate payznent will be allowed for this Ttem. 1.3 REFERENCES [N�T LTS�D] 1.4 ADNIINYSTRATIVE R.EQiT.[R�MENTS A. Precanstr��ction Video 1. Praduce a preconstruction vidao of the site/alignment, including alI areas zn the vicinity of a�nd tp be affected by cvnstruetion. a. Provide digifal copy af video upon request by the City. 2. Retain a copy of the preconstructjon vi�eo uniil the eild of tlae maintenance surety period. 1.5 �USNIITTAL� (NOT USED] 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMiTTALS [NOT USED] 1.7 CLOSEOTTT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.8 MAINTENANCE MA.TERTAL SUBIVIITTALS [NOT LTS�D] 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] i.10 DELIVE�Y, STORAGE, AND FIANDLING [NOT USED] 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITTONS [NOT US�D] 112 WARItANTY [NOT USED] PART �. � PRODUCTS �NOT USEDj CITY OF FQRT WQATH Alliance Airport Taxiway A Ceuterline Light Replacement STANDARI7 CONS'1'EtUCTIOi� SPECIFICATION ]]OCUMENj'S Proje�tNa. 103104 Revised July 1, 201 l 013233-2 PR�CdNSTRliCT10N VIDRO Page 2 af 2 PART 3 � EXECUTION [NOT USEDj END OF �ECTION Revisipn Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE C[TY OF FORT WORTH STANDARb CONSTR[ICTION 3PECiFICATIbN bOCUMENTS Etevis.ed .Tuly 1, 2411 Allianee Airport Taxiway A Center] ine Light Raplacement Pr�ject Na. I03144 0133Q0-1 SLIBM[TTAI,S Page l of 10 SECTION 4133 OU SUBMITTALS PART1- GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Sectian Includes: 1. General methods and requirements of submissi�ns applicable to the following Work-related subinittals: a, Sl�op Drawings h. Product Data (including Standard Product List submittals) c. Satnples d. Mock Ups B. De�iations from tiiis City of Fort Worth Standard Speci�icati.on 1. None. C. Related Specifcatioii Sec�ions include, but are not necessarily Iiznited to: 1. Division 0— Bidciing Requirements, Contract Forms and Cc�nditions of the Contract 2. Division 1— General Requireme�ats 1.� PRICE .AND PAYlV�NT PROCEDiTRES A. Measurement and Payment 1. Work associated with ilais Item is considered subsidiary to the various items bid. Na separate payment wi1S be allowed for tl�is I�em. f.3 REFERENCES �NOT USED] 1.4 ADNIII�ISTR.ATIVE REQUIl2EMENTS A. Coordination 1. Natify the City in writing, at t11e time of sttbmittal, of any de�iations in the subinittals from tl�e require�nents of the Contract Documents. 2. Coordination of Submittal Times a. Prepare, prioritize and transmit eaeh submittal sufFiei�iltly in advance af perfarming tlle related Work or atl�er applicahle activities, or with�il the time s�aecified in the individual Work Sectioi�s, of the Specifca�ions. C1TY OF FDRT WORTH Allianee Airport Taxiway A Centerline Liglit Replacemeni STANDAIZQ COi15TRUCTION SPECIFICA'1 TON DOCUMET�l1'S Project l�lo. 103 l04 Revised De�emher 20, 2p12 O1 33 OD - 2 5UgM1"CTALS Page 2 of 10 b. CanYractor is res�ansible such that L11e installation will not be delayed by processing times includiug, but not limited to: a) Disappraval and resub�nittal {if reqL7ired) b) Coordination with other submitCals c) Testing d) Purcltasing e) Fabrication � Delivery g) Similar sequenced activiti:es c. No extension af time wijl be authorized b�cause of the Contractor's fail�re to f�'ansmit submitta�s sufficiently in advanc� af t�e Wark. d. Make subrr�ittals proinptly in accardance witl� approved schedule, arid in such sequence as to cause na delay in the Work or in the work of any nther cantractor. B. Subinirial Numbering 1. When submitting shnp drawings or sa�nples, utiiize a 9-character submittaj cross-refe�•ence identification numbering system in tlie follawing znanner: a. Use the �rst 6 digits of the applioable Specification Section Nurnber. b. For the next 2 digits number use numbers QI-99 to sequentially number each ini�ial separate item or dravving submitted under each speci�ic Section number. c. Last use a letter, A-Z, indicating the resuhmission of the same drawing (i.e. A�2nd submission, B=3rd submfssian, C�4th submission, eic.}. A lypical submitial munber would be as follows: D3 30 00-Q8-B 1} Q3 30 00 is the Specification Section for Cnncrete 2) 08 is the ezghth initial submittal under this Specification Section 3) B is tha third submission (s�cand resubmission} of that particulaa• sl�op drawing C. Contractor Certification 1. Review sl�op drawings, product dai:a and samples, including those by subcont�•actors, prior to submission �o deter�nine and verify the follo�ing: a. Fie.ld m�asurements b. Fie1d construction criteria C1TY OF FORT WORTH Alliauce Airpart Taxiway A Center[ine Light Replacement S'CANDARb CONSTTtUCT10N SPECIFICATIpI�I 170CUMENTS Project No. [03104 Revised Deeemher 20, 2012 ai3soo-a suB�irr��.s r��� a of � a a Catalog nu�nbcrs and similar data d. Conforma�alce witli the CoiZtract Documeilts 2. Pravzde eac�i sliop drawing, sample and product da�a submitted by the Contractor with a Certification Statement af�xed including: a. The Contractor's Ca�npany� naine b. Si��ature of submittal �•eviewer e. Certzftcation Statement 1} "By this submittal, I hez•aby represent that I ha�e determined and verified field measurements, field eonstruetian criteria, inaterials, ciunensions, cataIog numbers and similar data and I have checked and coorciinated each item with otl�er applicahle apprnved shop drawings." D. Submittaf Format 1. Fold sl�op drawing� larger th�� S'/z inches x 11 inclies to 8'/� inches x 11 znclies. 2. Bind shop di•awings and product data sheefs together. 3. O�'der a. Cover Sheet 1) Description af Packet 2) Cantracto�• Certification b. List of items 1 Table of Canients c. Product Data 1Shop Drawingsl�amples /Calculations E. Submittal CQntent 1. The date of submission and the dat�s of any previous submissions 2. The Project titie and number 3. Cai�tractar identifeation 4. The names of: a. Cont�actar b. Supplier c. Manufacturer 5. Idenii�cation of the pj�oducf, with. the Specification Section number, page and paragraph(s) 6. Field dimensions, cleaz�ly identified as such CITY OP TORT WORTH Alliance Airport'Taxiway A Cenferline Li$ht Replacement STANDARD CONSTRUCTIq1V SPEC[FICATIOi� DOCUMEI�TS ProjectNo. ID3104 Revised December 2Q 2012 O1 33 OD - 9 SUBMITTALS Page4afiD 7. Relatian to adjacent or critical f�aiures of i:he Work oc mate�°ials $. Applicable standards, sucI7 as ASTM or Federal Specification zlunnbars 9. Identification by �iighlighting of deviations froin Contract Docu�r►ents 10. Iden�ification by highlighting ofrevisions on rest7bmittals 1 I. An 8-inclz x 3-inch blank space for Conl;ractor and City stamps F. Sl�op Dravvings 1. As specified in ittdividual Work Sectians includes, but is not necessarily lunited to: a. Custam-prepared data such as fabricatian and erectio�llinstallatio� {worlci�ag) drawings b. 5cheduled info3-mation c. Seiting diagrams d. Actual shopwork inanufacturing instructions e. Custo��n tempIates f Speeial wiring diagrarns g, Coordina�ion drawings h. Individual system ar equipn►ent inspeetion and te�t �•eports including: 1} Perfot�nance cur�es and certifications i. As applicable to the Work 2. Deiails a. Relation of the various parts to tI1e main members and lui�s of the structure b. Where correct fabricafio�� af the Work depends upan field measurements 1) Provide sucl� measurements and note on t11e drawzngs prior to submitting for appraval. � G. Product Data I. For subnaitlals of product data for products included on the Cit�'s Standard Product List, c]early iden#ify each item selectad far use oi1 the Project. 2, For submiitals of produc.t data foi products not included on the City's Standard Product List, subinittal data may include, but is nat necessarily limited ta: a. St:a��dard prepared data for manufactured products (sometimes referred to as catalog data) I) Such as the manufacturer's product specif cation and installation instructions 2) Availability of calors and patterns CITY OP FOI�T Vi�ORTI� Allian�e Airp6rt `I`axiway A Centerline Light Replacemenl STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SP�CIFICATION DOCllMBNTS Projcct No. 103104 Re�ised Deeemher 20, 2012 013300-5 SuBM1T'l'A LS Page 5 af I O 3) Manufacturer's printed statements of compliances and applicabiliiy 4) Roug�izlg-in diagrams and tempIates 5) Catal�g cuts 6} Product photngraphs 7) Standard wiring ciiagrams 8) Printed perfonnance curves and operational-range diagrams 9) Production or quality control inspection and test report� and certi�cations lfl) Mill reports 11) 1'roduct operating and maintenar�ce insfructinns and recommended spare-p:arts lisi�n.g and printed product warranties 12) As applicable to the Worlc H. Satnples 1. As specified il� individual5ections, includ�, but are t�ot necessarily limited ta: a. Physical exampies a�the Work such as: I) Sections o�inanufactured or fabricated Work 2) Srnall cuts or contai.ners o�mat�rials 3) Corn:plete tu�its of repetitively used products color/texture/pattern swatches and range sets �) Speeirnens forr eoordination of visual eff�ci 5) Gra�S�ic symbols and units af Work to be used by the City fox• independent inspection and tes4�i�g, as applicable to the Work I. Do not start Wark requiring a shop dr�wing, sample or product data nor any materiaj to be fabricated or installed pri.or to the approval or qualified approval of such item. 1. Pabrication pe.rfo.rzned, materials gurchased nr on-site canstruction accomplished wI�ich does not confarm to approved shop drawi�gs and data. is at the Con�•ac�o.r's risk. 2. The City will not be liable for any expense or delay due to corrections or remedies required to accomplish c�nformity. 3. Complete project Work, materials, fabricatian, and instalIatioi7s in cont'ormanae with appro�ed shop drawings, applicable samples., and product data. J. Submit�al Distri6utio.n 1. Electronic Distribution C]TY OF FORT WORTH Alliance Airport Taxiway A Centerline Light Replacement STANDARTa CQNSTRUCTION SPECiF[CATION I]OCUMEi�T5 ProjectNo. LD3 L04 Revised December 20, 2a 12 01 33 00 - 6 SUBMITTALS Page 6 of lb a. Confirm developnnet�t of Project dii•ectory �or elcctronic subinittals to be uploaded to City's Buzzsaw site, or another ext�rnal FTP site approved by the City. b. �hop Drawings 1) Upinad submittal to designated proj�ct di1'ectary a�nd ��otify appropriate Ciiy representatives via etnail of submittal posting. 2} Hard �opies a) 3 copies for all submittals b) If Co��t�'actor requires more than 1 haz'd copy of Shap Dravvings 1•eturned, Contractor shall submit mo.�•e tI1an tl�e number of copies listed abnve. c. Product Data 1) Upload subtnittal to desi�nlated projecf directogy and notify app3•opriate City r�presentatives via email of suhmittal posting. 2) Hard Capies a) 3 eopies for all submittals d. 5acnples 1) Distribuied to iha Proj ect Aepresentative 2. Hard Copy Distribution {if required in lieu of electronic distributian) a. S1iop Drawings 1) Distributed to the City 2) Copies a) 8 copies for mechanical su6mittals b) 7 copies for all other submittals c) If Cotitractor requires zxiore t12an 3 copies of Shop Drawings returned, Contractor shall submit mare than tI�e nuinber of copies lis�ed above. b. 1'roduct Data 1) Distributed to the City 2} Copies a) 4 copies. c. Samples 1) Distributed to �he i'roj�ct Representative 2) Capies a) Submit tha number stated in the respective Speci�cation Sections. C7"['Y bF FQRT VJORTI-i A{Iiance Airpo.rt Taxiway A CentcrEine ].ight Replace3nent STAhiDARD CpNSTRTICTTON SPECIFICATION �OCUMEN'I'S Ptojeel Na. 103104 Revised Dacember2D, 2U12 p] 33 DO-7 SUBM[TTALS Pagc 7 af 10 3. DisLribute reproductians o�' approved shop drawings and copies of approved pz•aduct data and samples, where requi�•ed, to 1:he jab site �le and elsewhe��e as directed by the City. a. Pro�ide number of capies as directed by t3ze City but s�at exceeding tl�e number previously sp�cified. I�. Sul��nittaIlZeview 1. The review c�f shap drawings, data and sainples will be for general cot�farmance with the design concept and Contract Docuinents. This is i�ot ta be construed as: a. Per�r►itting any departure �roan the Contract reqliiremen�s b. Relieving the Contractor of responsibYlity for any e�'rox•s, inel«ding defails, dimensions, and material� c. Approving departures from details fiirnished by the City, except as otherwise provided I�erein The t�eview and approval of sliop drawings, sat�nples or product dat-a by the City. does no� reiieve the Contractor fi•om his/her respoilsibility with rega�•d to the ful�llment of the terrns of tl�e Cantract. a. All rislcs of error and omission are assumed by the Contractor, and the City will ha�e no responsibility therefore. 3. The Contractor remains responsitale for details and accuracy, for coordinating th� Work �ith aIl ather associated wo��k and trades, for selecti.ttg fabrication processes, for techniques of assembly and for performing Work in a safe m�nner. 4. If tl�e shop drawings, data or samples as subzx�itted describe variaiions and show a de�arture from the Contract requirements �vhich City finds to be in the interesk af the City ar�d ta be so nn.iuior as not to involve a cl�ange in Contract Price or time for performance, the City may i�eturn the reviewed drawings without noting an exceptio�. S. Submittals wiII be r�turned to tl�e Contractor under 1 af the following cndes: a. Code 1 1) "NO EXCEPTIONS TAI{EN" is assigned when there are no notations or co�nments on the submittal. a) When returned under tI�is cade the Co�itraotor may release the equiprnent and/or material for manufaciure. b, Code 2 1) °EXCEPTTONS NOTED". Thzs code is assigned when a conf'Lrmation of the notations and commez�ts IS NOT required by the Contractor. a) The Contractar may release the equiprnent or material for rnanufacture; however, all notations and comments must be incarporated into th� final product. c. Code 3 CITY OF FpRT 4VORTH Alliance Airport Taxiway A Cevferline LighY R�eplacement STANDACZT7 CbN51'RUCTION SPECIPICATION �OCllMENTS PrajectNo. L03104 Revised December 20, 2012 0133OD-8 SUf3MIT'I'AI.S Page 8 of 1� 1) "EXCEPTIONS NOTED/RESUBMIT". This combii�ation af codes is assigned when notations and comments are extensive enough to require a resnbnr�ittal ofthe pacicage. a} The Contractor may release the eyuipmant or �naterial fo:r maiiufacture; howevar, a13 notatians and ca��ntnents must ba incorporated into th� final product. b) This resubmittal is ta adc�ress all comments, omissions and non-eonforrning items that were not�d. c) Resubmittal is to be �•eceived by the City within 15 Calenda�• Days of the date of �lae City's transmittal requiring the resubinittal. d. Cade 4 1) "NOT AFPROVED" is assigned when the submittal does not meei the intent af the Contract Dacutnents. a) The Contractor must resubrnit �l�e entire package revised to bring tl�e subzn.ittal intfl conformanca. b) It may be necessary ta resubinit using a different manufacturez•/�endor ta meet il�e Contract Documents. 6. Resubmittals a. Handled in the same manner as fixsi submittals I) Correctios�s other than requested by tlte City 2) Marked r�vitl� revision triangle or otiier simila� mctlaod a) At Contrac#or's risk if not rr�arked b. Submittals for each item rvill be rer�iewed no more than twice at the City's expense. 1) All subseyuent rc�iews will be perforined at tiines convenient to the City and at the Contractor's expense, 6ased on the City's or City Representative's then pre�ailing rates. 2) Provide Contractor reimbursement t4 the City within 30 Calandar Days for alI sucli fees in�voiced by the City. c. The need for more than 1 resubmission or at�.y atlaer delay ui abtaining City's re�isw of submittals, will not enti�l� tlie Contractor to an extension of Contract Time. 7. Pax�tial Subinittals a. City reserves the righ� to zaot review submittals deemed partial, at the City's discretian. b. Submiitals deemed by the City to be noti camplet� will be returned to the Contractor, and will be considared "Not Approved" until resubmitted. c. The City may at its aptian provide a list or mark the submittal dzrecting the Contractor to the areas that are inco�nplete. CITY OF PORT WORTH Alliance Airpor[ Taxiway A Centerline Li�ht Replacement STANJ7ARD CONSTRUCTTON SPBCIFICAT[ON DOCUM�NTS ProjectNo. 1031D4 Revised I]eceinber 2D, 2012 O1 33. QD - 9 S[JBMITTALS Page 9 aP I D S. lf the Cantractor coilsiders aj�y correction iz7dicated on the shop cira�i��gs to constitute a change to the Coiik-act Documen#s, thei� written not�ce must be provided thereo�to the City at least 7 Calendar Days prior to release fnr �nanufac�ire. 9. When the shop drawings have be�n coin�leted to the satisfaction of the City, the Contractor may carry out t11e construction iz� accordance therewitl� az�d no fu��ther changes therein except upon written instt'uetions from the City. 10. Eael� submittal, appropriately c�ded, will be a'eturned wi#hin 30 Calendar Days following receipt of submittal by tlie City. L. Mock ups 1. Mock Up units as specified in in.ciividual Secti�ns, include, but are not necessarily limited to, eomplete units of tlle standard of acceptance for t�at type of Work to be used on the Project. Remove at tl�e campletion of the Wo:rk ar when directed. M. Qualifications 1. If specj�'ically required iii other Seciions o� these 5pecifications, submit a P.E. Certiiicat-ion for each item requu•ed. N. Request for informatian (RFI) 1. Contraetor Request for additional inforrnation a. Clarificatipn or inferpretation of tite cantraet documeizts b. When tlie Contractor believe�s there is a con�lict betw�een Gantract Documeiits c. When the Coxltractar believes there is a conflict between the Dravwings and Specificatians 1} IdentifJr the conflict and request clarification 2. Use the Request for �n%rmation (RFI) form provided. by fhe City. 3 . N�zmbering of RFI a. Prefix with "RFI" fallowed by series number, "-�", beginning with "Ol" and incj-easulg sequentiajly with eacl� additional trans�nittal. 4. Sufficieni information shall bc attachad to perinit a written response without fiirther information. S. The City will Iog each request an.d wilI review th� request. a. I�r��iew of the projecl: inforrnatioz� request indicates tliat a change to the Confract Dacuments is required, ihe City wil� issLte a Fie1d Order or Change Order, as appropriaie. 1.� S�FBMT�'TALS [NOT USED] CITY OF FORT �VOR'17-I Alliajice Airpart Taxiway A CenterEine Light Replacement STANDAItI7 CQNSTRUCTI�N SPECIFICATION DOCUM�NTS ProjacC hie. l03 l04 Revised Dece�nber 20, 2012 oi33oa-io SiJBIv1IT�ALS Pa�e 10 nf 10 1.6 ACTION SU}3M�TTALS/INFORMAT�ONAL SU�3MTTTALS [NOT USED] �.'� CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.$ MArNTENANCE MATERiAL SUSMITTALS [NOT IISED] 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] ].�.Q I}ELIVERY, STOR.AGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] �.11 FT�LD jSITE] CONDITIONS [NOT US�D] 1.1ti WARR.ANTY jNOT IISED] PART 2 - PRODiTCTS [NOT IISED] PART 3 - EXECUTION [NOT USED] END OF SECTION Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 12/20/2012� D. Jahnson l.�.K.B. Working Days modifi�d to Calendar Days G1TX OF FORT WOKTH Alliance Airport Taxi�.�ray A Centerlinc Light Replacement STA�IDA1217 CONSTRT]CTIOI� SPECIFICATI�N DOCUMENTS Praject Na. 103104 Revised becember 2D, 20I2 013513-1 SPECIAL PROIECT PROC�DURFS Page 1 of4 SECTION Q13513 SPECIAL PROJECT 1'ROCEDURES PART1- GENERAL 1.1 SUMIVIARY A. Section Includes: I. Tlse procedures for' special prajec# circumstances thai includes, but is nat limited to: a. Work t�ear High Va�tage C,ines b. Coufined Space Entry Prograna c. Air Pollutian Watch Days d. Dust Control e. Employee Parking B. Deviations froyn tl�is CiTy of Fort Wo.rth Standard Specification 1. None. C. Retated �pecification Sections ineit�de, hut are not necessaz�iiy limited to: 1. Divisioil0 — Bidding Reyuirements, Contract Forms and C.onditions oithe Ca��traet 2. Divisian 1— Cieneral Requiremen.fs 1.2 PRICE AND PAYIV�NT PROCEDURE� A. Measurez�nent and Payment All item s a. Work assaciated with these Items is considarad subsidiary to the �arious Iteins bid. No separate payment will be allowed for this Item. 1.3 REFER�NCES A, Referenee Standards 1 2 3 Reference standards cited in this Specification �•efer to the current reference standaed pub3ished at the tim� of t11e latest �•evision date logged at the and of tllis Specifica�ion, unless a date is specifically cited. Healtl� and Safety Code, Title 9. Safety, Subtitle A. Public Safety, Chapter 752. High Voltage Overhead Lines. Nortl� Central T�xas Council of Gavernments (NCTCOG) — Clean Construction Speciiication 1.4 ADMIl�IISTRATIVE R.EQUIREMENTS A. Work near High Voltage Lines ] . Regulatory Requirements a. Ail Work near High Voltage Lines {�nore than 600 valts measured between conciuciors nr betc�veen a conductor and the grnund) shall be in accordance with Health and Safety Code, Title 9, �ubtifile A, Chapter 752. 2. Wa�ning sign a. Provide sign of sufficient size meeting all OSHA requireinents. CITY OF FORT W017TH Alliance Airp.ort Ta7ciway A CenterEine Light Replacemettt STANDARD CONSTREICTION SPEGIFICATIdN DOCUMENTS Prajec#No. 103104 Revised Decemher2U, 2012 Q1 35 [3 - 2 SP�CIAIa PROIECT PAOCEDi�l2E5 Page 2 nf 4 3. Eqi7iprnent opez•ating wit�iin 10 feet of high voltage Iines will require il�e foilowing safety featLires a. Insulating cage-type af guard about the boo.in or arm b. Insulator links on the Iift hook eonnectio��s for back hoes or dippers c. Equipment must meet the safety requirements as set foith by �SHA and the safety reqtiiiu•ez�ents af the owner ofthe high �altage lin.es 4. Waa•k witl�in 6 feet of high voltage �Iect��ic lines a. Notifica�ion sha.11 be given ta: 1) The powez• coznpany (exarnple: ONCOR} a} MaiiZtain an accurat� log ofall such calls to power aompany anel record action taken in each case. b. Coordination with power company 1) A.fter no�ificatini� coordinate with the power comparzy ta: a) Erect teznporary jneehanica] barriers, de-energi�e tl�e lines, ar raise or lower the lines c. No personnel may �ork within 5 feet of a lugh voltage line befare the above rec�uirennents I1ave been met. B. Gonfined Space Entry Progra�n 1. Provide and follow approved Confned Space Entry Program in accordance r�vith OSHA requ ireme�lts. 2. Confined Spaces include: a. ManhoIes b. All other confned spaces ii1 acc.ordance with OSHA's Pez•znzt Required far Con�ned Spaces C. Air �'ollution Watch Days Geiieral a. Observe the following guidelznes relating to working nn City construction sites on days designated as "AIR POLLUTION WATCH DAYS". b. Typical Ozone Season 1} May 1 through Octaber 31. c. Critical Etnission Time 1) 6:04 a.m. to 10:Q0 a.zn. Watch Days a. The Texas CoYnmissian on �nvironrnental Quality (TCEQ), in coordination with the National VVeathei• Service, wi11 issue fiJse Air Pollution Watch by 3:�a p.m. oii the afternoon prior to the WATCH day. a. Requzrements 1) Begin work after 1a:04 a.m. whenever construction pl7asing requires the use of motorized equipment for periods in excess of 1 I�aur. 2) However, tlte Contracfor may begin work prior to i0:00 a.m. if: a) Use of motot'ized equipment is less than 1 hour, or b) If equipinent is new and certified by EPA as "Lor� �mitting", or equipzxie�t burns Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD}, diesel emulsions, ar alternative fueIs such as CNG. CITY OF FORT WOIZTI-I Alliance Airport Taxiway A Centerline Liglit Replaceme�it 3TANDARD C�I�lSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIQN DOCLIMENTS Project No. 1U310A &evised December 20, 20I2 ni�s t3-3 SPECIAI. PRQ3�CT PROCEDLTRES Page 3 oP4 D. TCEQ Ai�• Pei•mit 1. Obtain TCEQ Air Permit ior cnnstructian activities per requu�inents of TCEQ. E. Dust �ontro� 1. Us� acceptable measures ta control dust at the Site. a. If watez• is used ta contral dust, capture and properly dispose of waste water. b. If wet saw cutting is p�rformed, capture and properly dispose o� slurry. F. Employee Parkii�.g 1. Provide parking for employees at locations appz�o�ed by the Ciiy. 1.S SiTSMYTTALS [N�T iI�ED] 1..6 ACTTON S�TBM�TTALS/INF012MATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT IISED� 1.7 CLO�EOUT SUBMITTAL� [NOT USED] 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SiTEN1�TTALS �N�T USED] 1.9 QUALITY AS�iJRANC� [NOT iTSED� 110 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT US�D] 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT U�EllI 1.1.Z W�iR12ANTY [NOT USED] PART � - PRODUCTS [NOT USED] PART 3 - EX�CUTI�N [NOT II��D] �ND OF S�CTION Revisior� Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF C�IANGE 1.4.B --Added requirement of cotnpliance witl� Hea1t11 and �afety Cade, Title 9. 5a�ety, Subtitle A. Public Safety, Chapter 752. High 8L31120I2 D. Johnson Voltage OverI7ead L�nes. 1.4.E — Added Cantractor responsibili�y for obtaining a TCEQ Air Permit C]'CY QF PORT WORTH Allianee Airport Taxiway A Cen{erline Light Replacement STAl*IDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICAT[ON DOCUMEI�TS ProjectNa. 143104 Revised Dacember 20, 2012 01 35 13 - 4 SP�CIAI.. PRQJECT PROCEL7URE5 Page 4 nf 4 Fage Intentionally B�ank CIT'I' OI= FORT WOATH Alliance Airpnrt Taxiway A Centerline Ligfit Replacernent STANDARD �OIVSTEtUCTIbN S#'ECIFICATTQN DOCUMENTS Project No, 163104 Revised Decamber 2Q 2012 014523-1 TESTi1VG AND IIISPECTIDN S�RVICFS Page 1 of2 SECTION 0145 23 TES1']NG AND 1NSPECTION SERVICES PART1- GENERAL 1.1 SiTMMARY �,. Section Includes: 1. Testing and inspectioil seivices procedures anr� coardinatio�i B. lleviations frQm this City af Forti Worth Standard Speciiication 1. None. C. Relafed Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily liinited to: 1. Division Q— Bidd'u1g Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of tlle Contract 2. Divzsion I— General Requireinents 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROC�DU1tES A. Meas�rement and Paymen� Work associated witii this Item is conszdered subsidiary to the various Iterns bid. No separate payment will be allowed for this Item. a. Cozatractor is responsible far per%rt�aing, coordinating, and payment of a11 Quality Control testing. b. Ciiy is responsible far performing and payment for �rst set of Quality Assura�ce testing. I) If the first Qualiiy Assurance test performed by tl�e City fails, the Contractor is respansible f�r payment of subsequ�n� QuaXity Assurance testing until a passing test occurs. a) Final acceptance will nat be issued by City until al! required payrr�eilts foz• testing by Contractor have been. paid in fu.11. ]..3 REFER�NCES jNOT i]SED] 1.4 ADMIlVISTRATIVE REQiTIREMENT� A. Testing 1. Carnplete testing in accordance with the Con.tract Dacuments. 2. Coordinatzon a. W11en testing is required to be perforined by the City, notzfy City, sufficienily in adva�ca, when testing js needed. b. When testing is required to be completed by the Contractor, notify City, sufFiciently in advance, that iesting will be �erformed. 3. Distribution af Testing Reports a. �lectronic Distributioza 1) Confiz'in develapment of Project directory for electronic submittals to be up�oaded to City's Buzzsavw site, or another externaI FTP site approved by the City. 2) Upload test reports to designated pro�ect directpry and notify appropriate City rep�•esentatives via email of subrniftal posting. 3) Hard Co�ies CIT'Y OF FORT WORTI� Afliance Airport Taxiway A Centerline Light Replace�nent STANDAItD CONSTRT7CTIQN SPECIFICATIDN 1]�CUMEt�1T5 ProjectNo. 1Q31D4 Re�ised Iuly I, 2D11 01 45 23 - 2 iLSTI3VG AND I1�15PECTIOI�! SERVIC�S Page 2 of 2 a} 1 copy for all subinittals submitted to the Projeox Representative b. Ha�rd Copy Distribution (if required in lie�t o£ electronic distribution) 1) Tests perfarmed by City aj Distribute 1 hard copy to the Contractor 2) Tests pe�fot�med by the Contractar a) Dislribute 3 hard copies to City's Project Representative 4. Provide City's Project Representative with tt•ip tickets foi• each delivei•ed load nf Concrete or Liine �naterial including the followin.g information: a. Name o�'pit b. Date of deIivery c. Material deliver�d B. Inspection 1. Inspection or lack of inspection dae� nat relieve the Cnitit:actor fi'om obligatioi� to per%rm work in accorrdance rvith the Contract Dacumenfs. 1.� SUBMiTTALS [NOT USED] 1.6 ACTION SUBNIITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBNIITTALS [NOT USED] 1.7 CLOSEOUT SIISNIITTALS [NOT USED] 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUSNIITTALS [NOT USED] 1.9 QUALITY ASSiTRANCE [NOT USED] 1,10 DELTVERY, STORAGE, AND HAI�TDLING [NOT USED] 111 FIELD [SITE] COND�'ION� [NOT TjSED] 1.I2 WARTZANTY [NOT US�D] PART 2 - PRODTTCTS [NOT USEDj PART 3 - EXECUTION [NOT USED] END OF SECTiON Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE C1TY OF FdRT WORTti Alliance Airport T�xi�vay A Centerline I.ight Replacement STANDAI�D CONSTAUCTION 3PECI I'ICATLQN DOC U MENTS Praject Alo. ] 03104 Aevised Jnly 1, ZOI1 015000-I TEMI'ORARY FACTLITI�S AYdD CONTROLS Page 1 of4 SECT�ON Ol 50 00 TEMPORA.RY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS PART i - GENERAI� 1.1 SUMMARY A. Sectian Includes: 1. Provide temporary facilities and controls needed for the Work including,. but r�ot necessarily limited to: a. `I'emporary utilities b. Sanitary facilities c. Storage Sheds and Buildings d. Dust cantral e. Temporary �encing of ihe construction site B. Deviations from ihis City af Fo�•t Worth Sta�ida�d Specification i. None. C. Related Specificatian Sectiot�s include, but are not necessariIy iimited fo: Division Q-- Bidding Requireinents, Contract Forrns and Conditions of the Contract 2. Division 1— General Requirements 1.2 PRICE ANll PAYMENT PROCEDURES A. Measuremenf and Pay�nent Work associated with this Item is considered subsidiary to tY�e various Items bid. No separate payment will be allowec3 for this Item. 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED] 1.4 ADNIINISTRATIVE REQC]�YREMENTS A. Temparary Utilities 1. Obtaining Temporary Service a, Make arrangements with utility service companies far temporary services. b. Abzde by rules and re�ulations af utiliiy service companies ar auf.horities having jurisdiction. c. Be responszble for uti�i#y service costs u�ti� Work is appror�ed far Final Acceptance. 1) IncIuded are fu�l, power, light, heat and other utility services necessary for execution, co�npledan, testing and initial aperation of Work. 2. Water a. Contractor to provide watar required f�r aixd in coru�ection with Work to be performeci and far speci�ied tests of piping, equipment, de�ices or oth�r use as required for the completion af the Work. b. Provide and maintain adequate supply of potable �+ate�• for domestic consumptian by Contractor personnel and City's Project Representatives. c. C.00rdination 1} Contact Czty J week before water %r cnnstructioil is desired d. Contractor Payment for Construction Water CITY OF FORT WORTH Allianee Airport Taxiway A Centerline i.ight Replacameirt STANDARD CQNSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Project No. 103104 Re�ised July 1, 2a 1 I a� so ao - a TEMPflRAItY FACIF.1TiES AND CONTItQLS Page 2 of 4 1) Obtain constructian water meter ft•om City �or pay�nent as billed by Czty's establislaed rates. 3. Electricity and Lighting a. Provide and pay for electric powered service as required for Work, including testing of Work. 1) Pz•ovide po�ver far lighting, operation of equipmei�t, ar ofi.�►er use. b. Electric pawer service includes tempQt•ary power service or �ei�ei•ator ta maintaii� operations during sel�edLtled shutciown. 4. Telepl�ane a. Provide emerge�lcy ielepha��e service at Site for use by Cont�•actor persannel and oth�rs pei-forining work or furnisi�iiig service� at Site. 5. Tempora�y Heat and Ventilatian a, Fro�ide iernporary heat as necessa�y far pratection or compjetion of Work. b. Provide temporary heat and ventiIation to assure safe working eonditions. S. Sanitary �'acilities Pravide and tnaintain sanitary faciIitzes far persons on �ite. a. Comply wit11 regulations of �tate and locai d��artzx�ents of health. 2. Enforce use of sanitaxy facilities by eonstruction persannel at jab site. a. EncIose and anchor sanitary �'acilzties. b. No discharge will be allawed from these facilitzes. c. Collect and store sewage and waste so as nat to cause nuisance or health problem. d. Haul sewage and �vastie off site at no less tlian weekly intei�vals and properly dispose in accordance with applicable reguiation. 3. Locate facilities near Wark Site and keep clean and maintained throughou� Projec�. 4. Remove facilities at completion af �'rojeet C. Storage Sh�ds and Buildings 1. Provide adequately ventilate�i, watertight, weatherproof storage facilities with flaor above ground level for materials and equipment susceptible to weather damage. 2. Storage of maYerials not susceptible to weatller damage �nay be on blocks off ground. 3. Store materials in a neat and ordarIy manner. a. P�aca rnaterials and equipinent to permit easy access iar identiiication, inspection and inventory. 4. Equip building with lockabl� doors and lighting, and pravide elec�rical serviee for equipment space heaters �ad heating or ventilaiian as necessary to provide starage environments acceptable to speci�ied manufacturers, 5. Fill and grade site for temporary structu�•es to p.rovide drainage away ftom temporaty and existing buildings. 6. Re��nove building from site prior tn Final AccepYa�nce. D. Temporary Fencing Provide and inaintain for the duratiQn nr construction when r�quired in con�ract documents E. Dust Control 1. Contractar is responsible for �naintaining dus� cantrol through the dui�ation of the project. a. Contractor r�mains on�call at all times b. Must respond in a timely manner CITY OI' FORT W�RTH Alliance Airport Taxiway A Ce�ztedine LigUt Replacentent STAI�fIIARD CONSTRiiCT10N SP8CITIGATION DOCUMENT3 Project Na. 103104 Revised July 1, 201I 01500.D-3 7"EMPORARY FACILITIBS AND CONTROLS Page 3 of �4 r. Temporary 1'rotection of Construction 1. Contractox• ar suhcoiitractors are responsible %r protecting Work froz� damage due tn weatl�er. LS �UB1VUTTAL� [NOT �C7SED] L6 ACTION ST7BMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 1..7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMTTTAL� �NOT USED] 1.9 QUALITY ASSUR.ANC� [N�T �C]�SED] 110 D�LNERY, STORAGE� AND IIANDLING [NOT IISED� 111 FIELD [S�TEJ CONDTI`IONS [NOT USED] l..1.2 WA,ItRANTY [NOT U5ED] PART 2 - PRODUCTS [NOT IISED] PART 3 - EXECUTION [NOT USED] 3.1 INSTALL�RS jNOT USED] 3.2 �XAMiNATION [NOT USED] 3.3 PREPAR.ATION [NOT U,SED j 3.4 INSTALLATION A. Teinparaxy Facilifies 1. Maintain all temporary facilities %r duration of construction activities as neecied. 3,5 �PAIR] 1 [RESTORATIONJ 3.6 RE-INSTALLATION 3.i FIELD [OR] SITE QUALITY CONTROL �NOT USED] 3.8 SYSTEM STAR'1'UP [NOT USED] 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT USED] 310 CLEANiNG [NOT USED� 3,ll CLOSEOUT ACTIVTTI�S A. Temporary Facilities 1. Rernove alI tem�arary facilities and restore area after cQmpletion of ihe Work, to a condition equal to or better ihan prior to start of Work. CITY OF FORT WORTH AUianae Airpnrt Taxiway A Centerline Light Rep{t�cemevt STANDARD CON3TIiUC"i`ION SPECiFICATION DQCUMEN'I`5 Froject Na. 103104 Revis�d July 1, 2011 Q15000-4 T�MPORAIZY FACILITIES ANb CQNTRDLS Page 4 of4 3.12 PROTECTION [NOT iTSED] 3.13 MAINTENANCE �NDT USED] 3.�4 ATTACIIN�NTS [NOT USED] END OF SECTION Re�zsian Log DATE NAME �UMMARY OF CHANGE , CITY OF FORT WORTH Alliaaice Airport Taxiway A Centeeline Light Replacement STANDARD CONSTRUCTTON SP�CIFICATIOI�f DqCUMENTS Projecil�o. L0310�} Revised .Iu[y 1, 2011 015713-I 57'ORM WATER POLLUTTON PREVENTION Page 1 of 4 s�cTrorr ox 5� i� STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTIQN PART1- GENERAL 11 SiJ NiMARY A. Sectlon Includes: 1. Prncedures for Starm Watei- Pollution Prevention Plans B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification I. Nane. C. Related Speciftcation Sections include, but a�•e not necessai•ily jimit�d to: 1. Division 0— Bidding Requirements, Contract �'orms and Condztions of the Contract 2. Di�zsion 1-- GeneraI Requirements 3. I1:em C-102 — Temporary Air and Water Pollution, Sail Erosian, and Silfation ControI 1.2 PRICE �ND PAYMENT PROGEDURES A. Measureinent aud Payrnent 1. Construction Activities resuliin.g in less than 1 a�re of disturbance a, Work associated with tl�is IYem� is cos�sidered subsidiary to the various Items bid. No separate payment wi�l be allowed for this Item. 2. Gonstruc�ion Activities resulting in greater than 1 acre of disturbanoe a. Measur�ment and i'ayinent shali be in accordance with Sectian 31 25 00. 1.3 REFERENCES A. Abhreviations and Acronyms l. Notice of Intent: NOI 2. Natice of Terminatioi�: NOT 3. Starm Water Pollution P��evention Plan: SWPYP 4. Texas CQinmission an En�ironmental Quality: TCEQ S. Notice of Change: NOC A. Reference Standards 1. Reference standards cited in ihis Specificat�on refer ko #he current z•eference. standard published at the time of the latest revision date log�;ed at the end of this Specificatian, unless a date is specifically cited. 2. Integrated Storm Manag�ment (iSWM} Technica! Manual for Construction Coiitrols 1.4 ADMIl�STRATIVE ItEQUIItEMENTS A. General. 1. Contraciar is responsible far x•esolution and payinent of any fines issued associated with compiiance to Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan. B. Construction ActiVitieS resulting in: CITY OF FC}AT WOIiTH AiEiance AirporY Taxiway t1 Centerline Light ReplacemenE STANDARD CONSTAUCTION SP�CIFECAI'ION DOCU1ViENTS 1'rojecY No. 1ff3104 Revised 7uly 1, 2011 015� i� -z STORM WAT�RPOLLU7'ION PR�VL�NTiON Pagc 2 of 4 l. Less tlaaz� 1 acre of disturbance a. Provide erosion and sed��aen.t control in accordance with Sectian 31 25 00 and Drawings. 2. 1 to less tlian 5 acres of disturbance a. Texas Polluiai�t Discharge Eliinination �ystein (TPD�S) General Construction Per�nit is required b. Complete SWPPP in accoz•dance witl� TCEQ requirements 1) TCEQ Sznall Construetio�i Site Natice Required wnder general permit TXRl SOOOQ a) Sign and post at job site � b} I'rior to Preconstruction Meeting, send 1 copy to City Deparhnent of Tt'ansportation �nd Public Works, Enviromnental Division, (817) 392-608$. 2) Pravide erosian and sed'unent control in accordance with: a) Section 31 25 00 b) TI�e Drawings c) TXR1500fl0 Ger�eral Parmit d) S WPPP e) TCEQ requirements 3. 5 acres or more af Disturbance a. Texas Pollutallt Disc�arge Eiimination System (T�'DES) GeneraI Construction Pex•tnit is required b. Camplete SWPPP in accordaaace �vith TCEQ requirements 1) Prepare a TCEQ NOI form and submit to TC�Q alang with required fee a) Sign and post at job site b) Send copy ta City Department of Transpartation and Public Worlcs, Enviroiunental Division, (817) 392-6088. 2) TCEQ Notice of Change requirad if making changes or updates ta NOI 3) Provide et•osian and sed'unent control in accordance with: a) Section 31 25 00 b) Tha Drawings c) TXR15000Q General 1'ermit d) SWPPF e) TCEQ require�nents 4) Once the project has been ca�pleted and all the closeout requirements af TCEQ have been inet a TCEQ Notice af Termination ean be sti.bmitted. a) Send copy to City Departm�nt of Transpai-tation and Public Woa�ks, Environmental Division, (817) 392-60$8. 1.5 SUBMYTTALS A. SWP�P 1. Subit►it in accordance with Section O1 33 00, except as stated herein. a. Prior fa the 1'reconst�uction Meeting, submit a draft copy af � WPPP to the City as fnIlows: 1) 1 copy to the City Project Manager a) �ity Praject Ma�lager will %rward to the Czty Department of Transportation and Public Worlcs, Enviramnental Division fnr re�view B. Mndified S WPPP 1. If the SWPPP is revised during canstruction, resubmit modified SWPFP to the City in aceordance wztI� 5ection DI 33 00. CITY OF P'ORT V1+ORTH Aiiiance Airport Taxivaay A Centerline LighY Replacement STAI�L3ARD CpNSTRUCTION 3P8C1F1CRTION DOCUIv[EP!`I'S Project No. 1031Q4 Aevised 7uly I, 201i 015713-3 �TpRM WATER POLLUTIbN PCLBVHI�TION Page 3 of 4 1.6 AC'TI�N SUBNIITTALS/INFORMATIONAL �US11uTTALS iNOT US�D] f.� CLOSEOUT SUBNIITTALS [NOT i7SED] 1.8 MAINTENANC� MATERiAL SUBIVIITTALS jN�T TTSED] l .9 QUALITY A�SURANC� [NOT USED] 1,10 D�LIVERY, STORAG�, AND I3ANDLING [NOT USED] I.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDI'TIONS [NOT USED] i.1� WARRANTY �NOT USED] PART 2 - PRODUCTS [NOT USED] PART 3 - EXECUTION [N�T USEDJ END OF SECTION Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE CITY OF FQI�T WORTTi Alliance Airport Taxiway A Centerline Ligl�t Replacenient STANDARD CONSTRUCTIDN SP�CIFICATION DOCUMGN'I`S Prajecti�Io. 10310�F Revised July 1, 2011 D15713-4 STORM WAT�RPOLLU7'TONPREVENTION Page �4 af 4 Page Intentzonally Blanlc CITY OF FORT Vi+ORTH Alliance Airpurt Taxiway A Centerline Light Replacement STADlDARD CONSTRUCTION �PECTFICATIOid DOCUM8IV'I'S Prajeet No. 1Q3 iO4 Revised .luly 1, 2D 1 i U I 58 13 - l TL�MPOR.ARY PnOJ�.I:T SIGNAGE Page 1 of 4 sECTYON ai �s �� TEMPORA.RY PROJECT STGNAGE PA.RT X - GENERAL Ll Si�1VIlVIAR'Y A. Sectian Includes: 1. Temporary Project Signage Requireinents B. De�iations from this City of Fort Worth Standa��d 5pecification � . None. C. Related �pecifica�ior► Sections includ�, but are not necessarily Iitnited to: 1. Di�ision 0—Bidding Requiraments, Contract Forms and Conditions of tlae Contract 2. Division 1— General Reyuirements 1.�. PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURE� A. Measurejnent and Payment I. Work associated with f�is Item is considered subsidiary to the various �tems bid. No separate payment will be allowed for th.is Item. 1..3 REFERENCES jNOT USED] 1.4 ADNIINISTR.AT�VE REQi1IREMENTS [NOT iISED] 1.5 SUSNIITTALS �1VOT USED] 1.6 ACTION SUSNIITTA�S/INTORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.7 CL05EOUT SUBMITTALS �NOT USED] 1.8 MAINTENANCE MAT�RIAL SiTBMITTALS jNOT USED] 1.9 QUALITY ASS�URANCE [NOT IISED] 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND IiANDLING [NOT USED] 1.11 FIELD [STTE] CONDT�IONS [NOT U�ED] 112 WARRANTY [NOT USED] CITX QF FORT WORTH Alliance Airport Taxiway A Centerline Liglit Replacemeut STA]VDARD CONSTRUCI'ION 3PECIFICATION T70CTJMENTS ProjectNo. 103104 Revised dttly 1, 201 i 015813-2 TEMPOR t1RY PR0,IECT SIGNAGE Page 2 of 4 PART � - pRODUCTS �1 OWNER Fi1RNI5Ii�D [OR] OWNER-�UPPLI�DPRODiTCT� [NOT USED] 2.2 EQUIPMENT, PRODIICT TYPES, AND MATERiALS A. D�sign Criteria 1. Provide fi-ee standing Project Designation Sign in accordance with City's Siandard Details for prajeci signs, B. Materials l. Sign a, Cans�ructed of J/4-inch fir plywood, grade A-C (exterior} or better �.3 ACCESSORIES [NOT USED] 2.4 S�LTRCE QUALITY CONT1tOL [NOT USED] PART 3 - �XECUTTON 3.1 INSTALLERS [NOT USED] 3.2 �XAMINATION [NOT IISED] 3.3 PREPARATION jNOT USED] 3.4 INSTALLAI'ION A. General 1. Provide vertical installation at extents of project. 2. Relocate sign as needed, upon request of the City. B. Mounting options a. Skids b. Posts � c. Bairicade 3.� REPAIR 1 RESTORATION [NOT USED] 3.6 R�-INSTALLATION [NOT jTSED] 3.i FIELD [OR] SITE QUAL�'I'X C�NTROI, [N�T USED] 3,8 SYSTEM �TARTUP [NaT USED] CI7`Y OF FORT WdRTH AlGance Airport Taxiway A Centerline Ligkt ReplaceGnent STF1t�fDARD CONSTIiUCTION SP�CIFICATIOI*[ DOCUMENTS Project Nn. I03104 Revised d�dy 1, 2Q11 01 58 I3 - 3 TEM�'OIiE4RY PROJECT SIGNAGE Pa�e 3 of 4 3.4 ADJUSTING [NOT USED] 3.1.0 CLEANING [N�T iTSED] 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITTES [NOT USEDj 3.12 PROT�CTION [NOT USED] 3.13 MAINTENANCE A. General 1. Maintenance will include pait�ting and repairs as needed or directed �y the City. 3.1.4 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED] END OF 5EC'I'TON Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE C1TY OF I'ORT VaORTH AlliaRce Airpori Taxiway A CenEerline Light Replaceineut STANDARD CON3TRUCTION SP�CTPICATI�N DOCUMENTS Projecf Mo. 1d3104 Ravised duly 1, 2011 Oi 58 13 - 4 TEMPOREIRY PROIECT SIGNAG� l'age 4 of 4 Page Intentionally Blank CITY OF FORT WQRT�I AI[iance Airport Taxiway A Centerline Light Aeplacement STANDARD CONSTRLICTIdN SPECIFICATION DOCUMEN'CS FrojeetNo, 10.3104 Revised July 1, 2011 oi�aao-z PRODUCT R�QllIREIvjL^'NTS P�ge 1 of 2 SECTION Ol GO QO PRODUCT REQCIIR�MENTS PART1- GENERAL 1.1 SUNIMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. References for Product Requiretnents and City Staz�dard Products List B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Staudard S.peci�cation 1. None. C. Related Specification Sections include, t�ut are not necessarily limited to: 1. Division 0— Bidding Requirements, Co�tract Fonns and Conditions of the Contract 2. Division 1— General Requirements 1.2 PRICE AND PAYIV�NT PROCEDUitES [NOT USED] 1.3 REFER�NCES [NOT USEDj 1.4 ADMIlVISTRATN� REQUIltEM�N'I`5 A. A list of City appro�ed products for use is located on Buzzsaw as foliaws: 1. Resaurces102 - Const�•uction DocumentslStandard Product,s List B. Only products specificajly included on City's Standard Product List in these Cantxact Docuin�nts shal� be allowed for use on the Praject. 1. A�y subsequently approved products will only be allawed for use upon specific appra�al by the City. C. Any speeific product requirements in ihe Contxact Documents ��Ypersede similar praducts included on the City's Sta��dard Product List. 1. The City reserves tl�e right tQ not allow products fo be used for certain projects e�en t�aough the prodr�ct is listed on the Czty's Standard Product List. D. Altl�augh a specific product is included on City's Standard Prociuct List, not all praducts from that manufacturer are approved for use, including but not limited to, that manufacturer's standard prociuct. E. See �ection D 1 33 OQ for submittal xequirements of Product Data included on City's Standard Produet List. 1.5 SUBMITTALS �NOT U�ED] l.b ACTION SUBNIITTAL�/INFORMATIONAL SUBNIITTALS [NOT USED] L'� CL�SEDUT SiTSMITTALS [NOT U�ED] 1.8 MA�N'�ENANCE MATERIAL SUBNIITTALS [NOT IISEDj 1.9 QUALITY ASSiJitANCE [NOT USED] 1.10 DELNERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] CITY OF FDRT WOR'�FI Alliance Airptlrt Taxiway A Centerline Ligltt Replaeeme��t 5'fANDARD CONSTRUCTIQI� SPECIFICATIDN DOCilMENTS Pro,{eetNa. 1Q3104 Revised December 20, 20 f 2 ai�naa-2 PROQUGT R�QUII2EMEAITS Page 2 af 2 L11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS jNOT USEDj 1.12 WARRANT'Y [NOT LTSED] PART 2 - PRODUCTS [NOT USED] PART 3 - EXECCJTION [NOT U�ED] END �F SECTION Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 1 Q/12112 D. lohnson Modified Location of City's Standard. Product List CITY OF FORT W�1ZT1I Allia�ice Airport T�xiway A Centerline Light Replacement STANDARD COi�ISTEtLTCT10TT SPECIPiCta.T10N DbCUMENTS ProjeetNo. 10310A itevised Decam6er 20, 2D l2 O1GG00-1 PItODUCT STOR.4GC A?�f� HAI+iDL[1VG RL�QIJIREMLN'fS Page l of �k �ECTION OI 6G 00 PRODUCT STORAGE AND HANDLING REQL]IREM�NTS PART1� GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section I��cludes: 1. Scheduli.ng of praduct dejivery 2. Pacltaging af products for delivery 3. Pt•otection of products agains# damage fra�n: a. Handling b. Expos�re ta elements or 1larsli anviro.nments B. Deviatinns from this City ofFort Worth Standard 5pecificatian 1. Nane. C. Relaied Specificafion Sections include, but are not necessarily �iznited to: 1. Division 0— Bidding Requirements, Contract �orms and Conditions of the Cantract 2. Di�ision 1— Generai Requirerr�ents 1.� PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURE,S A. Measurement and Payznenf 1. VWork associated with this Item is considered subsidiary to the vaczous Items bid. No separate payment wili be allo�ved for this Itezn. 1.3 REFERENCES [N�T USEDj 1.4 ADMIl�IISTRATIVE REQULY2EMENTS [N4T USED] 1.5 �UBiV'IITTALS [NOT iTSED] I.6 ACTION SUSMYTTALSIINFO1tMAT�ONAL SCTSM�TTALS [NOT US.�D] 1.7 CLO�EOUT SUBNIITTALS [NOT USED] 1.8 MAIN i`�NANC� �IATEI2IAL SUBNIITTALS [NOT IIS�D] 1.9 QUALITY ASSUR.ANCE [NOT US�D] 1.10 DELIVERY AND HANDLING A. Delivery Requirerzaents l. �chedule delivery of produets or equipment as required to a13ow tzmely installation and to avoid prolonged storage. �. Provide appropriate personn�l an.d equipment to receive deliveri�s. 3. Delivery trucks will not be permitted to wait extended periods of time on the Site for personneS or equipment ta receive the deli�ery. CfTY OF FORT WORTH Alliance Airparf Taxiruay A Centerlina Light Tteplaeament STANi�ARD CONSTRUC'1'ION 3PECIk'ICATION DOCUMEI�ITS ProjectNo. 1D31D4 Revised July 1, 2011 01660D-2 PItODUCT STORAGE A�ID HAI�fDLING REQUIRGMENTS Page 2 of 4 4. Deliver products or equipm�nt ii� zz�anufacturer's origulal unbraken cartons oz• other contai�7ers designeci and cozastructed to protect tk�e contents fiorn physical or envirornnental damage. 5. Ciearly and fully marlc and identify as to manufacture��, itein anci insta11a1�ion location. Provide ma�u�'achirer's izlstructions for storage and ha�idiing. B. Handiing Requirements Haiidle products or equipment in accordance with these Contract Documents anci manuiacturer's recommendations and ir�structions. C. S#orage Requirernen.ts 1. Store inaterzals in accordance vvifh mariufacturer's rec.oznxnendations atid requirements oi these Specif cations. 2. Make necessary provisians far sa% storage of mate�ials and equipznen#. a. P1ace taase sa.il materials and materials to be incorporated into Work ta prevent damaga to any part of Wark o:r e�isting facilities and to maintain free access at a11 times to all pa.rts of Work and ta utility service company installatians in vicinily oiWark. 3. Keep maierials and equipment neatly and compactly stored in locafions that wiil cause minimu� incon�enience to ofhar cont��actors, public travel, adjoining owners, tenants and occupants. a. Arrange storage to provide easy access for inspection. 4. Restrict storage to areas available on construction site for storage of material and equipmei�t as shown on Drawings, aa• appro.ved by City's Project Representative. S. Provide off-site starage and prot�ctzon when on-site storage is not adequate. a. Pravide addresses oi and access to off-si�e sinrage locations for inspection by City's Project Represen#ative. 6. Da not use lawns, grass plots or oth�r private property for storage purposes without wt'itten permission af owner ar other persor� in possession or contral af premises. 7. Siore in manufacturers' unopened eantainers. 8. Neatly, safely and compactly stack �naterials delivered and stored along line of Work to avoid incanvenience and damage to property owners and gene�•al public and maintain at least 3 feet from fire liydrant. Kee� public and pri�ate driveways and s�reet crossings open. 10. Rapair or replace damaged lawns, sidewalks, stt'eets or other improvements to satisfactiarn of City's Praject R�epresentati�e. a. Totallength which mate:rials may be distribttted along route of canstruction at one titne is 1,000 linear feet, unless other�vise approved in writirig by City's Project Representative. 1.11 FIELD {SITE] COND�TIONS [NOT USED] 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] PART 2 - PRODUCTS [NOT USED� CTTY OF FORT WORTH Alliance Airport Taxiway A Centerline iight Replacement STA�IDARD COI�ISTRiJCTION SPECIPICATIOI� DOC[JMEt�lTS Project No. 103164 lZevised 7uiy l, 2a 1 I O1G600-3 PRODUCT STDRAGE At*FD HAt�IDLING REQUJREM�NTS Page 3 of 4 PART 3 � EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLERS [NOT USED] 3.2 �XAMINATION [NOT USED] � 3.3 PREPARATION [NDT CTSED� 3.4 ERECTION [NOT USED] 3.5 REPAIR / RESTORATION [NOT USED] 3.G RE-INSTALLATION [NOT U�ED� 3.'� FIELD [OR] �ITE QUALITY CONTROL A. T�sts and Inspections 1, Inspect all p�•oducts or equipment delivered to the site prior to unloading. B. Noz�-Conforming Work 1, Aejeci a�l produ�ts or equipm�nt t�at a�•e damaged, used or i.n any ot11e�• way unsatisfactory for use on the project. 3.8 �YSTEM STAR.TUP [NOT USED] 3.9 ADJUaTiNG [N�T i7SED] 3.10 CL�liNING [NOT USED] 3.11 CL�SEOUT ACTIVI7.'�ES [NOT iISED] 3.12 PROTECTIDN A. Protect aIl products or equipment in accordance with manufaciurer's written directions. B. Store products or equipment in locatian to avoid physical damage ta items r�vhile in storage. C. Yrotect equip�nent fi•otn exposure to elements and keep thoraughly diy if required by tl�e. ri►anufacturer. 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED] 3.14 ATTACHM�NTS [NOT USED] END OF SECTION CITY QE' �ORT WORTH Alliance Airport'I'axiway A Centerline Liglrt Replacement STANDARD CONSTRUCT'ION SPECII'I.CATiQN bOCIJMENTS Project No. 1031.04 Revised 7uly 1, 2011 01660U-4 PRODUCT 3T012AGEAND I-IANDLING REQUIRP.MEN�S Page 4 af 4 Pag� In�entianally Blat�lc CITY OF FORT WORTH All'tanoe Airport Taxiway A Centerkine Light Replacement STA3�T�ARl7 CONSTRUGTION Si'ECIFICATIO?� DOCUMENTS Projectl�io. 103104 Revised Jidy 1, 2U11 q17423-1 CLEANING Page 1 af4 SECTION OI 74 23 CLEANING PART1- GENERAL 1.1 SiTMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Intermediate a,rid fit�al cleaning for Work not i�cludii�g special cleanit�g af closed systems specified elsewhere B, Deviations from this City ofFort Worth Standard Specifcation 1. None. C. Reiated Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: l. Division 0— B.idding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions af the Confi�act 2, Division 1— General Requirements 3. Item T-904 — Sod�ling 1.2 PRZCE AND PAYMENT PROCEDZJRES A. Measurement and 1'ayment 1. Work associated wzt� tllis Item is considered subsidiary to the various Items bid. No separate payment vwil� be allowed fo:r this Item. 1..3 REFERENCES [NOT USED] 1.4 ADMIlVI5TRATIVE REQUIltEMENTS A. 5cheduling I. Schedui� cIeaning o�erations so that dust and otlier cantar�inants disturbed by c�eaning process will not fall on newly painted surfaces. 2, Schedule final cleaning upon compl�tioi� of Woric and immediately priorto final insp�ctiozl. 1.5 SUBMITTAL� [NOT USED] 1.6 AC'1'�ON SUBNIITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBIVIITTALS [NOT USED] 1.'� CLOSEOUT SUBNIITTALS [NOT USED] 1.8 MAINTEI�IANCE MATERIAL SUSMITTALS [NOT �CTSED] 1.9 QiTALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 1.10 STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Storage and Handling Requirements I. Store cleaning products and cl�aning wastes in cQntainers specifically designed for tl�ose tnaterials. CTTY dF FORT WORTH Allia��ce Airpnrt Taxiw¢y A Centerline Light Replacement STANJ�AfZD CONSTRUCTION SP�CIFICATIpNDOCl1MENT5 ProjectNo. L03104 Rer+ised J�dy I, 20ll 01 74 23 - 2 Ci.EAI+ITNG Page 2 of 4 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITION� jNOT US�D] L12 WAR1tANTY [NOT USED] PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 OWNER-FURNISHED iOR] OWl!'�R-SUPPL�EDPRODUCTS [NOT iTSED] 2.� MATERIALS A. Cleaniug Agents I. Compatible rr;+itl� surface heing cleaned 2. New and uncontaz�ninated 3 . �`or manu�actua•ed surfaces a. Mater�al recommended by manufacturer 2.3 ACCESSOR�S [NOT USEDj 2.4 SOURCE QUAL�7'Y CONTROL [NOT USED] PART 3 - E�ECUTION 31 INSTALLERS [NOT USED] 3.� EXAIVIINATION [NOT USED] 3.3 PREPARATIaN [NOT USED] 3.4 APPLICATION [NOT USED] 3.5 REPAIR 1 RESTORATION [NOT USED] 3.6 RE-INSTALLATION [NOT USED] 3.7 F�ELD [OR] STTE QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED� 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED] 3.9 ADJU�TING [NOT USED] 3.1.0 CLEANTNG A. General 1. Prevent accumulation oiwastes tl-�at create hazardoLis candi#ions. 2. Conduct cleaning and disposal operations ta cotnp.Sy with laws and safety orders of go�erning. authorities. 3. Do not dispose o.f vojati�e wastes such as mineral spit•its, oil or painl: thinner zn storm or sanitary drains or sewers. 4. Dispose of degradabie debris at an appro�ed solid waste disposal site. 5. Dispose of nondegradable debris at a�z approved solid waske disposal site or in ax� alternate rnanner approved by City and regulatory agencies. CIT'Y OF FORT WORTH Alliance Airport Ta�ciway A Ceuterl'vie Light Replacement STANDARQ C4N5TAUCT[ON SP�CIFICATION DOCl1NiENTS Project No. 103104 Revised 7uly 1, 2011 017423-3 CL�ANING Page 3 of 4 G. Handle materials in a conirolled ananner witln as few handlings as possible. 7. Tharou�hly clear�., sweep, wash and polish all Work and equipment associatec� with this pxo�ect. 8. Remo�e all signs of temporary coitstruction and activities iticide��ta.l to cons�ructio�i of required perman�nt Worlc. 9. If project is itot cleaned to khe satisfac�ior� of the City, the City reser�es the right to have the cleaning completed at the expense of the Contractor. 1 a. Do �1ot burn on-site. B. Intermediate Cleaning during Canstruction 1. Keep Work az•eas clean so as n.ot to hinder health, safety or con�enience of p�rsonnel in existing facility aperations. 2. At inaximum weekly intervals, dispose of waste materials, debris and �-ub6is4�. 3. Confne construction debris daily in stz•ategically located container(s): a. Cove� ta pravent 6iowing by vvind b. Store debris away from construction or operational activities c. Haul from site at a xninunum of once per week 4. Vacuum clean interior areas when ready to receive finisI� paulting. a. Contin�ie vacuum cleaning on an as-needed basis, untif Final Acceptance. S. Prior ta storm events, thoroughly claan szte of all loose or unsecured itezns, which may become airborne ar transpat�ted by flowing water during the storm. C. Intarior �'inal Cleaning Remove grease, mastic, adhesi�es, dust, dirt, stains, fingerprints, la6els and a.ther foreign nnaterials from sight-exposed surfaces. 2. Wipe all Iiglrting fiYtura �•eflectors, lenses, lamps and trims cIean. 3. Wasl� and shine glazing and mirrors. 4. Poiish gjossy surfaces ta a clear slluie. 5. Ventilating systems a. Clean permanent filters and replace disposable filters iiunits were operated during canstructiorl. b. Clean ducts, blowers and coils if units rx�ere operated without filters during construction. 6. Replace all burned out lamps. 7, Broom clean process area flaors. 8. Mop office and contral room floors. D, Exterior (Site or Right of Way) Final Cleaning I. Remnve trash and debris confainers from site. a. Re-seed areas disturbed by location of trash and debris contai�lers in accordance with Section 32 92 13. 2. �weep roadway to rem4ve all rocks, pieces of asphalt, concrete or any other ob�ect ihat ma� hinder ax disrupt the flow of traific along the roadway. 3. Clean any interior areas including, but not limited to, vauIts, �na�aholes, structures, junction boxes and inleis. 4. If no longer required for maintenance of erosion facilities, and upon approval by City, remove erosion cQntrol from site. CITX QI' FO1ZT WORTH Al[iaace Airporf Taxiwa� A CenYerline Liglit Replacement STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECITICA'C'lON DOClJMENTS Project Na [03104 Revised July 1, 2011 p17423-4 CL�ANING Page 4 of 4 5. Clean signs, ligl�ts, signals, etc. 3.1.1 CLOSEOUT ACTIVT�'IES [NOT USED] 3.1Z PROTECTION [NOT USED] 3.13 MAINTENANCE [l�OT US�Dj 3.14 AT'T'ACHMENT� [NOT YTSED] END OF S�CTION CITY OC FORT WQRTH Alliance Airport Taxiway A CenterliG�e Light Replacement STAi�I�ARD CONSTRUCTIO�i SPECIFICATI0�1 DDCUMENTS f'rajecCt�io. 1031Uh Revised 7uiy 1, 2D 11 ni���9-i �LOSEOUT R�QUIREMBNTS P�ga 1 of 4 �ECTION 017719 CLOSEOUT REQUIREMETVTS PARTI- GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes; l. 'I'he procedu��e �ar closing out a contract B. Deviations from this Cziy of Fort Wortl� Standard Specification I. None. C. Related Speci�cation Sections include, b�t are not necessarily limited to: 1. Divisian 0— Bidding Requirements, Contract FQrms and Conditioiis of t�ze Conh•act 2. Division 1— General Requireznents 1.2 PRTCE AND PAYNIENT PROCEDUR�S A. Measurement and Payment 1. tiVork associated with tI1is Item is considered subsidiary to t��e various �terris bid. No separate paytnent will !ae allowed for this Item. 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED] 1.4 ADMINISTRATIV� REQUIREMENTS A. Guarantees, Boiads and Aff'idavits 1.. No application far fvna! payment will be accepted. until all guaraniees, bonds, certificates, licenses and affidavits required for Work ar equipment as speci�ed are satisfactorily �lcd witk� the City. B. l�elease ofLiens or Claims 3. Na application for final payinent will be ac�epted unti� satisfactory svidence of release of liens has been submitted to the City. 1.5 SUSMTTTALS A. Stibmit alI required docuzx�entation to City's Project Representative. 1.6 INFORM�TIONAL SUBNIITTALS [NOT USEDJ 1.i CLOSEOUT SUBNIITTALS [NOT USEDj PART 2 - PRODIICTS [NOT USED] CITY OP FORT WORTI� Allituice Airpnrt Taxiway A Centerline Light Replacement STANDARD CdNSTRUCTiON SPBCIFICATTpN DOCUM�NTS ProjectNo. 1031�4 Revised Mareh 22, 2021 01 77 19 - 2 CLOSCOUT REQUIREMFN7'S Page 2 of 4 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLERS [NOT US�D] 3.2 EXAMINAT�ON [NOT USED] 3.3 PREPARATION [NOT U,SEDj 3.4 CLOSEOUT PROCEDURE A. Prior to requesting F'inal Inspection, submit: l. Projeci: Record Docu�nei�ts in acco.rdance with Section QI 78 39 2. Operation and Maintenaz�ce Data, ifrequired, in acco�•dance with Section O l 78 23 B. Prior ta requesting Filial I�spectio�i, �aerfonn final cleaning in accordance with Section O 1 7� 23. C. �inal.Inspectian 1. Afte�• fmal cleaning, provide notice to the City Froject Representative that tlie Worlc is coinpleted. a. The City t�vill tnake ari initial Final Inspectian with tlle Contractor pr�sent. b. LTpon compieiion of this in.spection, the City will nntify the Conh°actor, in writ�ng within 10 bu�iness days, of any particulaxs in which this inspection reveaIs that the Work is dafective ar incomplete. 2. i7pon raceiving written notiee fram the City, immediately undertake the Work requir�d to remedy deficiencies and cozxzplete the Work to tlze satisfaction of the City. 3. The Right-of-way sha11 be cleared of all construction materials, barricades, and temporaty signage. 4. Upon completion of Work associated with the items lisicd in the City's wriiten notice, inform the City t�at tlle required Work has been coinpleted. Upon receipt of tl�is notiee, the Gity, in t�ae presence of the Contractor, will make a subsequ�nt Final Inspection of th� ��•oj ect. 5. Provide all special accessaries required to place each item of equipinent in full aperation. These sp�cia3 accessory items include, but are not limited to: a. Specified spare parts b. Adequate oi1 and grease as required far the first lubrication of the equzpment c. Initial fill up of all cheinical tanks and fuel tanks d. Light bulbs e. �'uses f. VauIf keys g. Handwheels h. Ot�er expendable items as reyuired for initial stal�t-up and operatzon of all equipment D. Notice af Praject Campletion l. Once t11e City �roject Representati�e finds the Woric su�sequent to FinaI Inspection to be satisfactory, the City wzll issue a No#ice of Project Coia�pletion �Green Sheet). E. Support�ng Documentation 1. Coordinate vwith the City Project Representative to complete the %1lnwing additional forms: a. Final Payment Aequest b. Statement of Contract Time CITY OF fORT WaRTH Alliance Airpari �'axiway A Centerline l,ightReplacer�ent 5T11NDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICA'iZON DOCiI]v1EN'I'S Project No. 103104 Revised March 22, 2621 p17719-3 CLOSEDUT R�QUIREMENTS Page 3 nF4 c. Affidavit of Payn�etati and Release of Ltens d. Coi�se��i of Surety to Final Payment e. Pipe Repart (if required) f. Contractor's ��+aluation of City g. Per�'ormance Evaluation of Cont�•actor F. Letter of Fi��al Acceptanc;e 1. Upon review and acceptance of Notice of Project Coinpletian and Supportiiig Documentation, in accardance witli General Conditions, City wiil issue LetLer of Final Acceptance and release the Final Payznent Request far payinent. 3.5 RCPAIR 1 R.�STURATION [NOT �CTSED] 3.G RE-INSTALLAT�ON [NOT USED] 3.7 �iELD [OR] STT'E Qi7ALITY CONTROL [NOT IISED] 3.8 SYSTEM STAR'TUP [NOT YTSED] 3.9 ADJiTSTING [NOT USED] 3.10 CLEANING [NOT USED] 3.11 CLOSEOiJT ACTIVITIES [NOT USED] 3.12 PROTECTION [NOT IISED] 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED] 31� ATTACHMENTS �NOT U�ED] END OF SECT�ON Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY O�' CHANGE 3/22/2021 M Oweii 3,4 C. Added language to clarify and ernphasize requirement to Clearing ROW CITY OF I'OI7`I' WORTH Alliance Airport Taxiway A Centerline Ligl�t Iteplacement 5Tx�NllARD CONSTI2UCT'IQI� SPECIFICATIDN DOCUMENTS f'rojectNo. 103104 Kevised March 22, 2021 01 77 19 - �+ CLOSEDUT REQUIREM�NT5 Page 4 of 4 Page Tntentionally B1anIc CITY QF FORT WdE2T1-I Alliai�ce Airporf Taxiway A Canterline Light Replacement STANl7ARD CQNSTRLTCTIQN SPECIFICA'I'TOI�I DOCUMENTS Project Na. 143104 Revised Marcl� 22, 2021 U17823-1 pPLRA'I'ION AND MAINTENANCE DATA Page 1 of 4 SECT�ON Ol '�8 23 OPERATION AND MAIN'TENANCE DATA PART1- GENERAL 1.I SCJNIlVIAZt.Y A. Section Includes: 1. Froduct da�a and related infarmation appropriate %r City's znaintenanee and operation of products furnished under Contract 2. Suc1i pz•oducts �nay include, but are not lixnited to: a. Traff'ic Controllers 6. Irrigalion Cnntrollers (to be operated by the City) c. Buttai�ly Vaives B. Deviations fromthis City afFort Worfli Standard Specificatian 1. Nane. C. Related Specificatian Sectiions include, but are nQt necessarily lirnited to: 1. Division �-- Bidding Requirements, Coniract Fortrzs and Conditions of th� Contract 2. Division 1-- General Requirements 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDi7RES A. Measuremenf and 1'aym�nt 1. Work associated with this Itein is cansidered subsidiary io t�ae various Iteins bid. No separate payment rvi11 be allowed for t�iis Item. 1.3 REFERENCE� [NOT USED� 1.4 ADMIl�TISTRATIVE REQUI:REMENTS A. Schedule 1. Submit inaaauals in �'mal form to the City within 30 calendar days nf product shipment to the project site. 1.� SUBNIITTAI.S A. Submittals slxal.l be in accordance with Section 41 33 00 . All submittals shall be approvec� by ihe City priar to delivery. 1.6 INFORMAT�ONAL SUI3MITTALS A. Submit�al �`orm 1. �'�•apare data in form ofan instructional manual for use by City �ersonnel. 2. Forrr�at a, Size: 8% inches x 11 incl�es b. Paper I) 4� pound minimum, white, for typed pages 2) Hales reinforcad wi�li plastic, cloth or metal c. Text Manufacturer's printed data, or neatly iypewritten d. Drawings 1) Pro�ide reinforced punched binder iab, bind in with text CITY DF FORT WORTH Alliance AirpQrt Taxiway A Centerline Light Iieplacentent STANDARD CQNS'CRUCTIQN SPECIFICATTON DOCUMENTS ProjeetNo. 1.03104 Revised Decemher 2D, 2012 017823-2 OPERATIQN At�li7 MA[NTENAt�iCB DATA Page 2 of 4 2) Reduce larger drawin�s ai�d fold to size of text pages. e. Provide fly-leaf for eacla separate produet, or each pieee of operat�ng ec�tiipme��t. 1} Provide typed description of product, and major component parts of equipinent. 2) Provide indexed tabs. f. Cover I) Identify each valume wit�a typed or printed title "OPERATING AIVD IWIAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS". 2) List: a) Title of Pcoject b) Identity of separate str�acture as applicable c) Identity of general subject matter covered in the �nanual Binders a. CoinmerczaI quality 3-ring binders with durable and cIeana�le plastic covers b. Wl�en mul#iple binders are used, coz�relate the data �nto related consistent gt�oupings. 4. If avaiIable, provide an electranic form of #he �&M ManuaI. B. Manual Content i. Neatly typewritten table of cont�nts far each volume, arranged in systematic order a. Cont�•actor, nam� of responsible principal, address and telephone num6er b. A list of eael� product required to be iiicluded, indexed �o content of ihe volume c. List, �ith each produ�t: 1) The name, �ddress and telephone number of the subcontractor or installer 2) A list oi eaci� pz'oduct required ta be included, i�d.exed to content of the �volwme 3} Identify area of responsibility oieack� 4) Lacal source of supply for pat-ts and replacement d. Identify each prnduct b� pt•oduct name and other identifying symboIs as set forih in Contract Dacuments. 2. Product Data a. Includ� only tUase sheets which are p�r�inent ta the specific product. b. An�aatate each sheet to: 1) Clearly ide�tify specific product or part install�d 2} Clearl� identify data applicable to installation 3} DeIate ceferences to inappjicablc information 3. Drawings a. Supplement product data with dra�wings as necessary to clearly iIlustrate: I) Relations of componant pa��ts of equipinent and systerz�s 2) Cantral a11d flow diag;rams b. Coordinate drawings with inforrnation in Project Itecord Documents to assuz•e correct illustratian of co.mpleted installation. e. Do i�ot use Praject Recard Drawzngs as maintenance cirawings. 4. � Written text, as required tn supplezn ent product data for tlte particular uistallation: a, Organize in consistent format under separate headings for different proceciures. b. 1'rovida lo�zcal sequence of ins�ructioils of each proeedure. 5. Copy of eaGh war�•anty,. bond and service contract issued a. Provide inforination sheet for City personnel giving: 1} Proper procedures in event of failure 2} Instances which might affeci �alidity o�' warranties or bonds C. Manual for Materials and Finzshes �ubinit 5 copies of complete manual in finaI form. 2. Content, for architectural products, applied n�aterials and fnishes: a. Manufaeturer's data, giving full information on products C1T1' aF FORT WflRTId Alliuice Airpart Taxiway A Centerline Liglrt Replacement STANDAI2U COt�STKUCTIQN SPECIFTCA�'EON DOCUMENTS Project No. 103104 Revised December20, 2D12 017823-3 dPERATIOt�! AND MAINT�NAI�ICE DATA Page 3 oF4 1) Catalog number, size, composition 2) Color and texture designations 3) Information required foz• reoz�dez•ii�g specia� �nan.ufactured products b. Instruct�nns �or care and maintenance 1) Manufacturer's recommendation for types of cleaning ageuts at7d znetl�ods 2} Cautions against cleaning agents and ineihods which are detri�nental to product 3} Recommended schedule for cleaning az�d ix�azntenance Contenfi, for moisture protection. and weather e�pasure products: a. Manufactiuz•e��'s data, giving fulI uiformation on products 1) Applicable standards 2) Chemical composiiion 3) Details of iiistallation b. Instructions for snspection, mazntenatice and repair D. ManuaI for Equipment and Systefns 1. Su6mit 5 copies of co�npleie manual in fnal form. 2. Content, for each unit of equipment and system, as appropriate: a. Descrip.tio� afunit and corn�oiie�t parts 1} Functio�i, normal aperating characteristics azid limiting conditions 2) Perfoimance cu�ves, etigineering data and tests 3) Complete nomenclature and commercial number of replaceable parts b. Operatrng procedu�•es 1) Start-up, breaIc-in, routine and normal operating instructions 2) Regulation, control, stapping, sl�ut-down and emergency instructions 3) Summer a�id vvinter operating ins#ructions 4} Special operatitig instructions c. Maintenance pracedures 1) Itoutine operations 2) Guida �o "trou6le shaoting" 3) Disasse:mbly, repair a��d reassambly 4} Aligninent, adjusting and cIzecking d, Ser�icing and lubi°ication schedule I) List of lu6ricants required e. IVI�lufactua�er's printed operating and maintenance instructions f. Description af sequence of operation by coniral manufacturer 1) Predicted life oiparts subjectto wear 2} Items recommended to be stoeked as spare parts g. As instaIIed conf�ol diagrarns by controls manufacturer h. Each contractor's coordination drawings 1} As installed color eodcd piping diagrazns i. Gliarts of r�al�ve tag numbers, witkz loca#ion and function of each valve j. List of original rnanufachirer's spare parts, manufa�riirer's cui�rent prices, and recominended quantities ta be maintained in storage k.. Other data as required under pertinent Sections of Specificatzons 3. Content, for each electric and electronic systern, as appropriate: a. Description of system and component parts 1) Function, normal operating characteristics, and 1i�m iting conditions 2) Yerformanee curves, engineering data and tests 3j Camplete nomenclature and cammercial nnmber of repIaceable parts b. Circuit directories of paz�elboards 1} Electrical service 2} C.ontrals CITY OF FORT VJORTH Alliance Airport Taxiway A Centertine Light Replaeement STANBAIZD CONSTRUCTIOI*i SP�CIFICATION DOCUMENTS ProjectNo. 103104 Re�ised 17ecember 2D, 2012 o��sz3-4 DPFRA7'ION AND MtAJN'!'�NANCE I]ATA Page 4 of 4 c. d. e. � h. �� C0111111U111G&�10115 As installed color caded wiring diagrams Ope��ating procedures 1} Routine and normal operating. insiructions 2) Sequences reqUired 3) Special op�rating instructians Maintenance procedures 1) Routine operations 2) Guide to "trauble shnoting" 3) Disassembly, repair a��d reasseinbly 4} Adjustznent and checicing Manufact�a•er's printed operating and mainfenance instructions List of original manufacturer'� spare parts, �nanufacturer's current p�'aces, and recomxn�nded quantit�es to be maintained �n storage Other data as �'equu•ed under periinent Sectioits of Specifications 4. Yrepare and include additional data when tlie n�ed for such data becomas apparent during ins�ruction of City's personnel. 1.'� CLOSEOUT �iTBMITTALS [NOT US�D] 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERiAi� �UEMITTALS [NOT USED] i.9 QUALITY ASSiJitANCE A. Provide op�ration and maintenance data by persnnnel with tlte following criteria: 1. Trained and ex�erienced in mairitenance and operation of describad praducts Slcilled as technica.l writer to the e�ent required ia cammunicate essential data 3. Slcilled as draftsman cotnpetent ta prepare requi.red drawmgs 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] LI1 FIELD [SYTE] CONDITZONS [NOT USED] 112 WARRANTY [NOT USED] PA�T 2 - PRODUCTS [NOT USED] PART 3 - EXECUTION [NOT USED] END OF �ECTION Revisian Log DATE NAME SilMMARY OF CHANGE $I31 /2012 D. Johnson 1.5 .A.1 — title of section removed C�TY O�' F'O1�T WORTH Aliianae Airport Taxiway A Centedine Light RepEacemenl STANDAI2D CDTTSTRUCI'[ON SPECIP'ICATION �OCUMENTS ProjectNo. Lb3104 Revised December 20, 2012 01 78 39 - 1 PR07ECT RECORD TJOCUMCNTS Page I of4 SECTTON �I. �8 39 PROJECT RECORD DOCL7MENTS PART1� GENERAL l.l STIMNIARY A. Section Includes: Work assnciated with tlie docunlenting tlle project and z•ecording cl�anges l-o proj�ct documents, inc]uding: a. Recocd Drawings b. Water Meter Service Reports c. Sanitaiy Se�v�r Service Reports d. Large VVater Meter Reports B. Deviations irom this Ciiy of Fort Wortli Standard Specifica�ian 1. None. C. Related Speciiication Sections include, but are not necess:aeily liinited to: l. Division 0— Bidding Requirements, Contract Fortxzs and Conditions oftli� Contract 2. Division 1— Generai Requir�rr�ents 1.� PRICE ANll PAYNIENT PROCEDURES A. Measurement and Payment 1. Wor� associated with this Item is eonsidered subsidiary to the various Items bid. No separate payment wi11 be allowed far tl�is Item. 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED] 1.4 ADIVIINISTRATIVE RCQiTIltEM�NT� [NOT USED] I.� �UBNIITTALS A. Pj-ior ta subznitting a request �ar Final Inspection, deliver Project Reeord Documents to City's Project Representative. 1.6 ACT�ON SIIBMYTTALS/INFORMATTONAL SUBI'VIITTALS [NOT USED] I.i CLOSEOUT SUBNIITTALS [NOT iT�ED] 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUSNLiTTALS [NUT USED] 1.9 QUALYTY ASSiTRANCE A. Accuracy of Records I. Thoz'oughly coordinate changes wiiIlin the R�cord Documents, makiug ac�equate and proper entries on each page of Spaci�'icatiaus and each slteet of Drawings and other pocuments where sucl� entry is required to show the cIaange properly. 2. Accuracy af records s�iall be such that future seat•ch for items shown in tha Contract Dacuments may rely reas4nably on information abtained feou� the approved Praject Recnrd Docum�nts. CITY OF POR7" WORTI-I Alliaiice Airport Taxiway A Centerline Lrght Replacement STANDARD CONSTRUC770N SPECIPTCA'TIOI�i DOCLAVI�I�ITS ProjectNo, 103104 Revised Ju[y 1, 2011 01 7$ 39 - 2 PROJECT RECORD DOCTIMENTS f'age 2 of 4 3. To facilitate accut•acy af records, make entries witl�in 24 hours after receipt af information that filie cl�a�ige has occurred. 4. Provide factual in�o.z'mation regarding aIl aspeets of �lie Wnr1C, both concealed and visible, to enable future madi£'ication o�the 1�Vork to proceed witi�out lengthy and expensive site ineasu��ement, investigatioii and exazl�.znatzon. 11Q �TORAGE AND HANDLING A. Starage and Hai�dling Requirements l. Maintain the job set of Recard Docitznents co�npletely protected iroin deteri�ratiox� and from loss and damage until cornpletion of the Work and t�-ansfer of all recorded data to the �nal Pi•oject Record Docuinents. 2. In the e�enf of loss of recorded data, use means necessary to again secure the data to the City's approval. a. In such case, provide repIacemenis id the sta�dards origina�ly required by the Coil�:ract Docuine�lts. 111 FIELD [SITE] CONDZI'TONS [NOT USED] 1.1�. WARRANTY [NQT USEDI PART � - PRODUCTS 2.1 OWNER-FURNI�HED [OR] OWNER�SUPPLIED PRQDUCTS [NOT USED] 2.2 RECORD DOC�C]MENTS A. Job set 1. Promptly following recezpt ofthe Nntice to Proceed, secur� from 11�e City, at no charge to the Coi�tractar, 1 complete set of all Documents coinpz•ising the Cantract. B. Final Record Documents 1. At a time nearing the completi.on of the Work and �rior to Final Inspeciion, pravide the City 1 complete set of aIl Final Record Drawir�gs in the Contraet. 2.3 ACCES�ORTES INOT USED] �.4 SOTTRCE QUALYTY CONTR�L LNOT IISED] PART 3 - EXECUT`ION 3.1 INSTALL�RS [NOT U�ED] 3.� E�AlYIINATI�N [NOT U5ED] 3.3 PREPARATION [NOT USED� 3.4 MAIN'I'ENANCE DOCi]M��NTS A. Maintenance of .Tob Set I. Immediat�Iy upon z'eceipt of the job set, �dentify each of the Documents witll the title, "RECORD DOCi]NIENTS - JOB 5ET". CiTY OF FQRT WORT�3 ,411ianee Airport Ta�iwtty A Centerline Light Rep{acement STA]VI�ARD CO�JSTI2UCTION SP�C1P'ICAT[ON DOCUIvICNT5 Projectt�Io. ID3104 Ret�ised hily l, 2011 01 78 39 - 3 1?Rd7ECT' IZEGORI] �]OCUMENTS Page 9 of 4 2. Preservation a. Considering the Coniract completion tz�ne, the probable number of occasians upon whicli the job set rnust be tatcen aut for new etrtf•ies and %r e�mination, and the conditions under which these activities will be perfnrmed, devise a suitable methbd foz• protectulg the job set. b. Do not use the job set for any purpose except entry of new data and for review by the City, uniiI start oftransfer of data �o tinal Prnjeet Record Docuinents. c, Maintain ti�e j ab set at the site af worlc. 3. Coordination with Consiruction Sur�rey a. At a mi�imum, in accordance with �he inte�•vaIs sei fortU in 5ecfion O1 71 23, clearly mark any deviations from Coiiiraet Doeumcnts associated with installatip.n of the infi�astructure. A. Ma�ing entries an Drawings a. Record any deviations frorn Contract Docuzx�ents. b. Use an erasabie colared pencil (not ink �r indelible pencil}, clearly describe the change by graphic line and note as required. c. Date all entries. d. Call at�en�ion to the entry by a"clo�id" drawn around tl7e area or areas affecied. e. In the eve.nt of averlapping changes, use dif�erezat colors for the overlapping clzar�ges, 5. Conver�ion of scl�e�natic layouts a. In some cases on �he Drawings, arratlgements of conduits, circuits, piping, ducts, and similar �tems, are shawn schematically and are nat intended to portray precise physical layout. I) Final physical arrangement is determined by the Contractor, subjeet to the City's appraval. 2) Hawever, design of future modificatians of the facility may require accurate information as ta the final physical layout of iterns which are shown only schematically on tl�e Drawings.. b. Shaw on tlie job set of Record Dz�a�vings, by dimension accuj�aie to within 1 inch, the centerline of each run of items. 1} Final physical arrangement is determined 6y the Contra:ctor, subject to t��e City's approval. 2) Show, by symbal or note, the vertical locatian of the Item ("u��der slab", "in ceiling plenum", "exposed", and the like). 3) Malce all identification sufficiently descriptive that it may be related reliably to the Specifica�ions. c. The City may waive tlie requirements for conversion of schematic la�outs where, in the City's judgment, conversion serves no useful purpose, However, do ilot rely upon waivers bein.g issued except as specifically issued in wx�iting by the City. B. Final Project Record Documents 1. Transfer of data to Drawings a. Carefully transfer change dat� shown on tlie job set of Reco�•d Drawings to the carresponding final documents, coordinating the changes as required. b. Clearly indicate at each affected detail and other Drawing a fiiIl descriptian of changes made during construction, and the actual location of items. c. Call attention to each entry by drawing a"cloud" around the area or areas affected. d. Make changes neatly, consistently and wi�l� the proper media to assure longe�ity and clear reproduction. CITI O�' FORT WOIZTH Alliance Airport Taxiway A CeuYerline LigFtt Replacemenl STANDAItD COAISTRUGTION SP�CIPICATIOt� DOCUM�NTS Project No. 103104 ltevised July 1, 2011 O 1 78 39 - 4 PROJECT R�CORD DOCUM�I�TS I'age 4 of4 2. Ti�a�isfer of data ta otl�er pocuzrients a. Iithe Documents, otl�er than Drawings, hava beeal kept clean during progress of the Woz•k, and if entries thereon have bean o�•derly to the approvaI of the City, the job set of those Documenis, other tha�7 Drawings, will be accepted as �i�1a1 Record Documents. b. If any such Documen� is not so approved by the City, secure a new c�py of tlaat Dacuine��t froin tl�e City at the City's usual charge for reproductioz� and handling, and carefully transfer tI1e cIaange data to the uew copy to th� app�•aval of the City. 3.5 R.EPAIlZ / RESTORATION [NOT US�D] 3.G RE-INSTALLATION [NOT U�ED] 3.�' FIELD �OR] STTE QUALYTY CONTROL [NOT USED] 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USEDj 3.9 AD.T[TSTING �NOT USED] 3.10 CL�ANING jNOT USED] 3.1I CL�S�OUT ACT1ViTIES [NOT USED] 3.1�. PROTECTZON [NOT USED] 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED] 3.14 ATTAC�IlViENTS [N�T USED] END OF SECTION Revisio.n Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE CITY QF FORT W4RTH Allianee Airport Taxiway A Centerline LighC Replacement STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECiFiCATION I7dCUMENTS ProjectNo. 1f13104 Kevised July 1, 2fl I 1 � 1, I Y �I ( � ��• ° � �o�t �l"�i�r'�� � �� � Y FA� General Provisions SEGTIpN 10 DEFINT'I'IpN QF TFRMS Page 1 of 3 SECTI�N 10 DEFTNiTION OF TERMS When tIle following terms a�e usec� in these sp�ci�cations, in the cont�•aet, or in any documents o�• otlier instruments pertaiz�ing to construction where tl�ese specifications govern, the inLe�at and meaning s�lall be defin�d as follows: Paragraph Term Definition Number lU-Oi AASHTO The Amet'ican Association of State Highvvay and Transp4rtation Officials. 10-U� Access Road T1ie right-of-�vay, the roadway and ail improvements constructed thereon comiecting t11e airport to a public roadway. 10-03 Advertisement A public announcement, as requir�d by lacal law, inviting � bzds for wark to be periormed and materials to be fiurnished. 10-04 A�irport Airport means an area of iand ar water v�hich is used ar intended tn be used fa�•the landing and talL�of�of aucraft; an appurtenant area used or intended to be used for airport buildings or ather airport facilities or rights nf way; airpart buildings anc� facilities located in any nf these areas., and a haliport. 10�0� AirpnrtIxnpravement A gra�nt-in-aid prograin, administered by the Federal Prugram (AIP) Aviation Administration (FAA.). 10-06 Air Operations Area The term air operations area {AOA) sl�all mean any area of (AOA) the airpai� used or intended to be used for tl-�e landing, takeoff, or surface maneu�varing afaircx•aft. An air op.eration area shall includ� sucl� paved or unpaved areas tha� are used or intended ta be used for the unabstruct�d �novement of aircraft zn addi�ion to its associated runway, taxiway, or apron. 10-07 Aproi► Area wllere aircraft are parked, unloaded or loaded, fiieled and/or serviced. 10-08 ASTM Internatiana! Formerly known as the American Society for Testing and (AST11� Mat�rials (ASTM). 1�-09 Award The Owner's notice to the successful bidder of tl�e acceptance of the s��bmitted bid. 10-1D Bidder Any individual, par�nership, firm, or corporation, actzng directly ar through a duly authorized representative, who submits a proposal for �lae wark contemplated. C1TY OP POTZT' WORTH Apiance Airpurt Taxiway � Centerl'uie Light Replacement PAA General Prnuisiorts GP-1 Projectt�ium6er 1Q3D00 SECT'ION 10 DEFINITION OF TERMS Page 2 af 3 Paragraph Term Definitipn Number 10-I1 Suilding Area A�i aren on tl�e airport to be used, considered, or intended to be used %r airpo�•t buildings or otl�er aiz•part faeilities or rigL�ts-of=way together with al! airport buiidings anc� facilities located thereon. 14-1� Calendar Day Every day shown nn tl�e calendar. 1{1-13 Certificate of Analysis The COA is ti�e manufactu�'er's Ce��tifica#e of Carnpliance (COA} (COC} including a1l appiicable test results required by the specifications. 10-14 Certificate of The man�facturer's certification stating that inaterials or Compliance (COC) asse�nblies furnished fully comply with the requireznants of the contract The aertificate shall be signed by the manufactu�•ar's authorized representative. 10�15 Change �rder A written arde�� to the Contractor caveri�g ciianges in the plans, speciiications, or proposal quantities and estabIishing the basis of payment and contract tin�e adjustxnen�, if any, for work within the sco�e of the contract and n€cessary to eomplete the projeot. 10-16 Contract A written agreement between the Owner and the Canfractor that establishes the obligations nf tk�e parties including but nat limited to performanca of work, furnisl�ing of labor, equipment and materials and tlie basis of payment. The awarded contract includes but may not be 1'united to: Adverti�ement, Canfract form, Proposal, PerfQrmance bond, payment bond, General provisions, cerCi�'icatinns and representaiions, Technical S�eciiications, Plans, Supplemental Provisions, standards incorporated by reference and issued addenda. 10-1i Con.tract Item (Pay A specific unit af wark for �svhich a price is pro�+ided in 1:�e Item) contract. 1U-1$ Contraet Time The numher of cale��dar days or warking days, stated in tlie propnsal, allowed for completion of tl�e contract, including autha�•ized time extensions. I�a calendar date of campletion is stated i� the proposal, in lieu of a n�tmber of ealendar or vvorking days, t��e contract slaall be completed by that date. f0�-19 Contractor The indi�idual, partnership, fir��n, or corporation primarily 1ia61e for the acceptable perfot7nance of the work eontracted and far the payment of all �egal debts pertaining to the worlc wha acts directly or through lawfial agents or employees to complete the contract work. CiTY OF FORT WDRTH Alliance Airport Taxiway A Centerline Light Replacement PAA Genera] Provisions GP-2 ProjectNumber 10300Q SEC7'LON 1fl DEFINIT[ON OF T�RMS Page 3 of 3 Paragraph Ter�n Defi�ifion Numbet• 1fl-24 Contiaeiors Quality The Cont��actor's QC iacilities in acca�•dance with th� Control (QC) Facilities Cantractor Quality Conia'ol Prag��am (CQCY). 14��1 Contractor Quality Details the methods and procedi�ces that will be takan to Contral Program assure tliat all t�.aterials and completed constx•uction required (CQCP) by tlle contract conform to contract plans, technical specifications and otl�er requirements, whethez• manufactured by the Cantractor, or pracured from subcontractors or vendors. ld-��. Contro[ Strip A demonstratioii by the Contractor that tha materials, equipment, and co�struction processes results in a product meeting the requzrements of flie speciii�atiar�. 10-23 Construction Safety and The overal! plan for safeiy and phasit�g of a constructiQn Phasing P[an (CSPP) projeci developed by the airport operator, or de�eloped by ihe airport operator's cansultani and approved by th$ airport operator. It is included �n the invitatzon far hids and beeomes part of the project s.pecifieations. 10-�� Drainage System The system of pipes, ditches, and structures by which ' surface or subsurface waters are collec�ed and conducted from the airpnrt aa•ea. 1a-25 Engineer The intiividual, �artnership, fiii�in, or corporatian duly autl�orized by the Owner to be responsible for engineering, inspection, and/or o�ser�ation of th� cnntract work and acting directly or through an autharized representative. �Q-26 Equipment All machinery, tagether with the necessazy supplies for upkeep and maintenance; and all taals and apparatus necessary for the proper eonstruction and aceeptable compietion of the wark. 10-27 Extra Work An item o�work not pravided for in the awarded contract as previously madified by change order or supplemental agreement, but wl�ich is found by the Owner's Engineer ar Resident Project Representative (RPR) to be necessary io complete the work within the in.ten ded scope of the contract as previously modified. 10-25 FAA The F�deral Aviation Administration. Whe�� used to d�signate a persan, �'AA shall inean �11e AdministraCor or their duly authoriz�d representative. Cl'I'Y pF PQRT WORTH Alliance Airport Taxiway A Canterline Light Replacement P'AA Generel Pravisions GP-3 Praject Numher ] 03000 5HC1'ION 1Q DEP'IIV1"1'ION QP T�RMS Page 4 of 3 Para�raph Term De�tnition Number 10-Z9 FederaE Speci�cations T}ae federal speciiications at�d standards, cotnmercial i�ern descriptions, and supplements, amendments, and indices prepared and iss�.ied bytlie General Services 1-1.dministration. 10-30 Foree Account a. Canh•act Force Accotint - A me�l�od of payrnent �liat addresses exh•a work pe�'foiined by the Contractor on a time and mai;erial basis. b. Owner Force Accouzlt - Wark performed iar tne project by the Owner's ea�nplayees. 1Q�31 Tn�ention of Terms Whenever, in tk�ese specifications or nn the plans, the words "directed," "required," "permitted," "orefer�d," "designated," "prescribed," or words of iiice impart are �sed, it shaIl be understood tiiat the direction, require�nent, permission, order, designation, ar prescriptioe� of the Engiiieer andlor Resident Praject Representative (RPR) is intended; and similarly, the words "approved," "accepta4�ie," "satisfactory," ar wards of like import, s17ali nlean approved by, or acceptable to, or satisfactory to the Ez�gineer andlor R�'R, subject in each case to the �inal determination ofthe Orr�ner. Any reference to a spacific requirement of a numbered paragraph of ihe contract specifications or a cited standard shall be in#erpreted io inclLtde a�l ganet�al requirements afY.lie entire secfiion, specificatian item, or cited standaA'd tl�at may be pertitleilt to such specific reference. 1.U-32 Lighting A syste�n of fixt�ares providing or controlling the light soua•ces used on or near the airport or within tlie airport 6uildings. The iield lzghting includes aIl luminous signals, markers, floodlights, and iIIuminating devices used on or near the airport or to aid in the aperation of aircraft landing at, taking off frorn, or taxiing on tIie airpQrt surface. 10-33 Major and Minor A major eontract item shall be any item that is lisfed in the Contract Iterns proposal, the tatal aost of which is equal ta or greater than 2�% of the total amount of the award contraci. All other items shall be cotasidered minor contract it�ms. 10-34 Materials Any substance speciiied for use in the construction of the contract vvork. 1U-35 Modification of Ai1y deviation from standard specifications applicable to Standards (MOS) material and constivction methods in accordance witll FAA Ot•der 5300.1.. CI7'I' pP FO1tT WORTH Alliance Airpnrt Taxiway A Cei�tedine Light Replacement I'AA General Prnvisions GP-4 Project Num6er 103000 scc-rioN ia pEi'iNIT10H OF T�RMS Page 5 of 3 Paragraph Term Definition Number 10-36 Notice to Prnceed (NTP) A written i�otice to the Contracto.r to bEgin the acfual contracf work on a previously agreed �o date. If applicable, the Notice to Proceed shall stat� tl�e date on which t�ae cont�'acti time begins. 1Q-3'� Owner The terin "Owner" shall zx�ean the party of the first part or tlie contracting ageiacy signatory to th� contract. Where the term "Owner" is capitalized in this document, if sha11 mean airport Spoilsor only. Tl�e Owner fo� this pro�ect is the City of Fort VVorth. 10-38 Passenger Facility Per 1� Code of rederal Regulations (CFR) Part 158 and 49 Charge (PFC) United States Code (USC) § 4Q 117, a PFC is a charge imposed by a public agency on passeng�rs enplaned at a cominercial ser�ice airport it controls. 10-39 Pavement Structure The eombined surface co�zrse, base course(s), and subbase cai�rse(s), if any, considered as a singla unit. lU-4a Payment bond The approved form of security furnished by the Contractar and th�ir own surety as a guaranty that tiie C�zitractor wilj pay in full al! bills and accounts for materials and l.abor used in the constructian of the worlc. 10-41 Performance bond The approved fonn of security fu�ished by the Contz•actar and their own s�rety as a guaxa�ity that the Contractar v,�iil eoinplete tlae work in accordanca witli the terins of tl�e COIlxI'�Ci. 10-4� Plans The a�iciai drawings or exact reprqdtictions which show the location, charac�er, dimensions and details oithe air�ort and the work to be done and whicli are to be cansidered as a part of t17e cantract, supplem�nta� ta tlie specifications. Plans may also be referred to as 'con�ract drawings.' l.D-43 Project TIZe agreed scope of wark for accompIishing specific airport development witt� respect to a particular airport. 10-44 Propasal The written of�£er of the bidder (when submitted an the approved praposal fortn} to per�orm the contemplated r�ork and furnish the necessary materials in acaordance with the provisions of the plans and speeifications. 10-45 Proposal guaraniy The s�curity fi�rnished with a proposal to guarantee that tk�e 6idder wi�l enfer into a contraet if tlieir own proposal is accepted by the Owner. CITY OF FORT WDRTH A]liance Airport Taxiway A Centerline Light Replacen�ent FAA General Provisions GP-5 Project Number 10300� S�CTION 10 DE�INITCON OF TERMS Page 6 of 3 Paragraph Terrn D ei'initian Nu�ber 10-46 QualiEy Assurance (QA) Owner's responsibility ta assure that constructian worlc completed coanplies with specificat'tons for payment. 10�4'� Qnality Contro� (QC) Contractor's responsibility to control tnaterial{s} and canstruction processes to complete canstruction in accordance with project specifications. 10-48 Qaality As�urautce (QA) An authorized represe.ntative af the Engincer and/or Ynspector Resident Projecl: Representative (RPR} assig,xaed to make all necessary inspeations, abservatians, tests, and/or observation of tests of the work performed or being performed, or of the materials furnisI�ed or being furr�islied by the Contractor. 10-49 Qualily Assurauce {QA) The official quality assti�rance testing laboratories of the L��oratory Owner or such other labo.ratories as inay be designated by the Engineer ar RPR. May also b� i•eferred to as Engineer's, Ovwnet�'s, or QA Laboratory. lU-SQ Resident Projeet The iiidividual, par�t�ersliip, iirm, or corporation duly Representative (RPR) authorized by the Ov�mer to be responsible foz' all necessary inspections, observations, tes#s, andlor obse�vations of tests of the contract work per�'ormed or being performed, or of the materials fu�•nished or being furnisl�ed by tiae Coiltracto.r, and acting directly or through an auiharized representaiive. 10-51 Runway The area on the airport pa�epared for the landing and talceoff af aircraft. 10-5� Runwsy Safety Are.a A defined szu�face surrounding the runway prepared or {RSA} suitable for reducing tS�e risk of dainage to aircraft. See the construction safety and phaszng plan (CSPP} for litnits of the RSA. 10-53 Safeiy Plan Comgliance Detaiis how the Contractor will comply vvith th� CSPP. Docu�nenfi (SPCD) 10-54 5pecificatians A part af the coniract containing the writ�en directions and require;nents far completirig the coni�'ac# work. Standa�•ds for specifying materials or testing which are cited in the contract specifications by ref�reace shall l�ave the same farce and ef%ct as if itzcluded in tlie eontract physicaliy. 10�55 Spansor A Sponsar is def n�d 'ui 49 USC § A 71 Q2{24) as a public agency that submits to the FAA for an AIP gratlt; oe a private (Owi�ei° of a pubIic-use airpnrt that submi�s to the �'AA an application %r an AIl' grant for the airport. CITY tiP FOIt'f WORTH Alliance Airport Taxiway A Centerline Light Replace�nent PAA General Pravisions GP-6. ProjectNumber 103000 SECTIQN 1Q DEFINITION OF 'I'ERMS Page 7 af 3 Paragraph Term Defini�ion Number 10-56 Structures Airpnrt faczlities such as bridges; culverts, catcl� basins, i�llets, retaining walls, cribbing; sla�an aa�d saiiitary sewer Sines; water lir�es; utlderdrains; electrical ducts, �nanhales, handholes., lighting fixhires and bases; transformers; navigational aids; buildings; vaults; aiid, o.tl�er rna��zada feaha��es of the aixpart that may be encounterad in the work and noi otherwise classified herein. 10-5'� Subgrade The soil that forms the pavement %undation. 10-5$ 5uperrintendent The Contractor's executive repres�r�iative who is present on fl�e work during progress, aufho��i�ed to receive and fulfiil instructioi�.s fram t1�e RFR, and wha shall supervise and direct the consiruction. 10-�9 Supplemental A written agreement between tha Contractar and the Owner �.greement that establishes tlte basis of paynaent and confract time adjustrnent, if a�y,. for the work afFected by the supplemental a�ree�nent. A supple�nental agreei�neni is required if: (1) in scope work would increase or decrease tl�e total amaui�t o� the awarded contract by more than 25%: (2) in scope work wou�d inerease or decr�as� the f:otal of any major contract itein by more tlsan 25%; (3) wark that is noi within the scope of the origit�.ally awarded contract; or (4) addi�g ar deletittg of a rnajor canh•aet item. ID-GQ Surety The corporation, partnErship, oz• individual, other thatl the Contractor, executing payment or performance bonds that are fur�iished to the Qwnsr by tlie Coutractor. 10-6] Taxilane A ta�way designed fo.r low sp.�et� m.ovement of aircraft � between aircraft parking areas and terminal areas. Ifl-6� Ta�cir�vay The pot•tion of the air operations area of an airport that has been designated by competent airport autl�ority for rnovamant of aircraft to and from the airport's run�ways, aircraft parking areas, and termiu�al areas. 10-63 Ta�iway/Taxilane Safety A de�ned surface alongside the taxiway prepared or suitable Area (T�A) for reducing fhe risk of damage to an aircraft. See the eonsiructian safety and phasing pIan {CSPP} for limits of #he TSA. 10-64 Wor� Tlie furnisl�i�tg of all Iabor, inaterials, tools, equipment, and incidentals necessary ar convet�ient to the Can#�•actqr's performance of all duties and obligatians imposed by the eontract, plar�s, and speei�cations, C1TY OF FQRT WURTI-I Alliance Airporl Taxiway A Ceuterliu� Light Replacement FAA General Prnvisiotts GP-7 Praject Number 103000 SEC`3']ON 10 DE�INI'PION OT TERMS Page 8 of 3 Paragrap�a Term Definition Number 10-65 Wor�ing day A working day shall be auy day othe�- than a legal holiday, SatLurday, or Sunday on which the narmal worlcing forces of the Conhactor may proce�d with. regular worlc %r at least six {6)1lours toward coinpletioi; of the coniract. W�en work i.s suspended for causes S�eyond the Contractor's control, it will not be counted as a working day. Saturdays, Sundays and holidays on which the Contractor's farces engage in regular wo�•k wi11 be conside.red as worIci��g days. �ND OF SECTION 10 CIT1' �F PORT WORTH A1liance Airport Taxiway A Centerline Light Itcplacement FA?. General Pro�isions GP-8 ProjectN[tmber 103Q�0 SCCTION 2U PROP05AL RLQUIREM�NTS A?�lb CQNDIT10N3 Page 1 of 3 SECT�ON 20 PRQPOSAL �QUIItEMENTS AND CONDITIONS 20-41 Advert�semen� (NQfice to Bidders). �ee OQ 11 13 Invitatioi� to Bidd�rs. �U-OZ Qualificatian of bidders. Each badder sl�all submit evidence of competency and e�idence of financial responsibility to perforin the work to the �wner at tlie time of bid opening. E�vidence of cajnpetency, unless otl��erwise spe�ified, shall consist of statemants covet•ing the hidder's past experience on similar work, and a list of equipmer�t and a list of lcey personnel that wauld be a�ailable %r the worlc.. Each bidd�r shall furr�isl� the Owner satisfactory evidence of their iuiancial a•espansibility. Evidence of financial responsibility, unlass otherwise specified, shail consist of a confider�tia! state�nent or report of the bidder's financial resources and liabilities as of the Iast calendar year or the bidder's last fiscal year. Such stateinenis ar reparts shall be ceriified hy a public accountant. At the time of subinitting such financial statements or repoz�s, the bidder shall further certify whether their financial responsibiIity is approximately the same as stated or reported by th� public accountant. If tlie bidder's financial respansibility has chang�d, the bidder shal! qualify the public aceountant's state�nent or r�port to refiect the bidder's true financial condition at the tilne such qualz�ied statement or report is subtroitted to the Owner. Unless otherwise speci�ed, a bidder may submit evidei�ce that they are prequalified with the �tate Highway Divisiar� and are on the current "bidder's list" of the state in wllich the proposed work is located. Evidence of State Highway Division prequali�cation may be submitted as evidence of financial respoilsibility in lieu af the certified statements or re�aorts specified above. 2Q-03 Confien�.s of proposal farms. The Owner's pro�asal farms state the locatlon and description of the proposed construction; �lie place, dat�, and tizx�e of opening of the proposals; and tlie estimated quanfities of the various items of work to be performed anc� matetials to he furnished fnr which unit bid prices are askeci. The pz•oposal form states the time in �hich the work must be campjeted, and filie amount of the proposai guaranty that must accompa�y the proposal. The Owner wilI accept only �hose Proposals proparIy executed on physical forms or electronic forms provided by ihe Owner. Bidde�• actions that zx�.ay cause the awner to deem a proposal irreguiar are given in parageaph 20�p9lr�egularproposals. Mobilization is Iimited to 5 percent of ths total project cost. A prebid nonfarence is required on this projec� to discuss as a minimlu-n, the follawing ite�ns: material requirements; subrnittals.; Quality ControUQwality Assurance requiremenfs; the cansfiructiail safety and phasing plan including airport access and sta�it�g areas; and uiiique airfield pa�in� construction requirements. 2U-04 Issuance of praposa[ forms. The Owner reserves the right to reiuse to issue a proposal form to a prospective bidder if the bidder is in defauli far any of tl�e following reasons: a. Failure to comply wiih any prequalification regulations of tha Owner, if sucli regulations aze cited, ar othervNise included, in the praposal as a requirement for bidding. b. Failure to pay, or satisfactorily settle, a11 bills due for labot• and �naterials an farmer cantracts in farce with the Owner at the ti�ne the Owner issues the proposal to a prospecti�e bidder. c. Documented record o� Contractor default under previous contracts with the Owner. d. Dacumentad record oiunsatisfacto�y work.on previous contracts vwith the Owner. 20-05 �nt�rpretation of estimated proposal quantities. Au estzmate aiyuantities ofwnrk to be done and materials to be furnished under these specitications is given in the pi•oposal. It is the eesult af careful caleulations anci is believed to. be correct. It is given only as a basis for campaxisan of proposals and the C1TY DF F4RT WORTH Alfiance Airport Taxiway A Centerline Li�ht Replaeement FAA Gcneral Provisians GP-1 Project Numbar 1p3U00 S�CTI�t� 20 PROPOS.4L R�QUIR�;MENTS AND CONDITIqN3 Page 2 of 3 award of'the contract. The Owner does n�t expressly, or by implication, agree tliat the actual quantiiies involved will cort�espand exactly tl�erewith; nor sha11 the bidder plead inis�ulderstax�diy�g or deception beeause of sucl� estunates of quaj�tities, or of the character, iocation, or other canrli#ions pei�taining to tl�e wo:rk. Payjnen# to the Contractor will be znade anly for the actual quasttities ofwork performed or matierials furnished in accordance with tlie plans and specifications. It is understood tliat the quantities may be increased or decreaseci as provided in the Sectian 40, paragraph 40-Q2, Alteration af Work and Quantities, witllo�zt in any way invalidatiz�g fhe �init bid prices. 20-Ob Examination ofplans, speci�cations, and site. The biddar is expeeted to carefully exainine I:he site of fihe proposed worls, tlie prQposal, pians, speci�ca�ians, aud coiitract fortns. Bidders shall satisfy the�ns.elves to the character, quality, and quantities of work to be p�rf'aa•aned, materials to be iuri�ishad, aa�d to the i•equirements of the propased contract. The subtnissinn of a proposal shall be prima facie evidence tltat the bidder laas inade such exaininatian and is satisfied ta the conditions to be encauntered in perforining fhe wark and the requirernents of the proposed contract, glans, and specifications. Soring logs and otl�er records o� subsuz'face investigations and t�sts are availa6le for inspection of bidders. It is understood a�ad agreed lhat such subsurface infortnafion, whet�er included iii the platts, specifications, or atherwise made available to the bidder, was obtained and is intended for the Owner's design aa�.d estimating �urposes oniy. Such ir�farmation has b�en made awailable for the convenience of all bidders. It is further unders�oad and agreed that each bidder is snlely responsible for all assumptzons, deductions, or conclusions whici� fl1e bidder may make o�r obtain from their own �xami.nation of the boring logs and otl�er recards of subsu�•face investigations and tasts tliat are iurnished by tl�e Owner. 2U-07 Prepai•ation of proposal. The bidder sha31 submit their propasal on tl�e forms furnis��ed by the Owner. All blank spaces in the proposal %rtns, unless explicitly stated otherwise, inust be correctly filled in where indicated far each and every item for whicl� a quantity is given. TIle bidder shail state ihe �riee (written ui ink or typed) botl� in uvords and numerals which fhey propose for each pay item furnished in the proposal. In case of conflict between words and nuxnerals, tlie words, unless obviously incorrect, shal! govern. T�e biddar sha�l correct�y sign the proposai in uik. If the praposal is made by an individual, tlleir na�ne and post office address must be shawn. If made by a partriership, the natne and post affice address of each meinber o�the parinership must b� sl�own. If made by a corporatioil, t1�e person signitlg the proposal shall give the name of the state where ihe corporation was chartered ar�d tl-�e name, titles, and business address of the president, sacretazy, and the freasurer. Ailyone sigtaing a proposal as an agent shall �le evidence of tl�eir authorify to do sa and that the signature is binding upor� the frm or corporatioi�, �0-08 Res�ansive and r�spnnsible bidder. A responsive bid confo�•�ns to all significant terms and conditions contained in th� Owner's invitation for bid. It is the �wner's responsit�ility to deczde if the exceptions taken i7y a bidder to the solicitation are maierial or not at�d the extent of deviation it is vvilling to accept. A respansible bidder has the ability to perform successful�y under the ter�ns and canditions of a propased pract�rement, as defined in 2 CFR § 240318(h). This includes such matters as Con�ractoz• i.ntegrity, compliance with public policy, record of past p�rfortnance, and �inancial and teclYnical resources. �0-49 Irregular proposals. Proposals shall be considered irregulaj• for the following reasons: a. If the pz•oposal is on a form other tl�an that furnished by the Owner, ar if tha Owner's form is altered, or if any part af the proposal form is detached. b. If tl�ere are iina�athorized additions, conditional �r alternate pay items, or irregularities af any kind that make the proposal ineomplete, indefinite, or othecwise ambiguous. c. If the propnsal does not contain a unit price for each pay item listed ij� the proposal, except in tl�e case of autho�rized alternate pay i�eins, for wl�ich the bidder is r�at reqr.iu•ed to furnisl� a i.uiit �rice. CIT'I' OP F01tT WORTH Alliance Airport Taxiway A Centerline Light Replaeemenl F1AA General Provisions GP-2 Project Numher 1030D0 SECT[ON 20 PRqPOSAL ItEQUIR�MEN7'S AND CONDITIONS Yage 3 of 3 d. If the proposaS contains unit priees that are obviously unbala��ced. e. Ifthe praposal is not accornpanied by ti�e proposal guaranty specified by the Owner. f. Ifthe applicable Disad�vantaged Business �nt�rprise information is incomplete. Tha Owner reserves the rigi�t to t•eject any irregular pro.posal and the right to waive teclanicalities if such waiver is in the best i��terest of the Owner and eozaforms to local laws and ordinaa�ces p�rtaining to tl�e lc�tting of cottstructioil contracts. 20-10 Bid guararitee. Each separate proposal shalI be accompanied by a bid bond, certified ch.eck, or atlier specified acceptable col�ateral, in the a�nouut specified in t11e pz�aposal form. Sucl� bond, check, or collaterai, shaIl be inade payable to #he Owner. �0-11 Delivery of propasal. Each proposal subrnitted shali be placed in a sealed envelope plainly rnarlced r�vitli the projeet nutnber, locatian of a�rport, and name and busin.ess address of tiie bidd�r an the outside. When sent by mail, preferabIy registered, the sealed proposal, marked as indicated above, should be enclosed in an additional envelope. No propasal will be considared unless received at the place speci�ed in t11e advertis�ement or as modi�ed by Addendwn before the tirtme spe.ci�ed fot� opening a�l bids. Proposals recei�ed after the bid openzng tune shall be re�urned to the �idder unopened. � �:0-1�. Withdrav�val or revision af propasals. A bidder inay withdraw or revise (by withdrawal af �ne prnposal and submissi�n of anotlier) a proposal pravided that th� bidder's request for withdrawal is received by the Owner in writin.g before tl�e ti�na speciiied for opening bids. Revised proposals must be recerved at the place speci�ed in the advertisement be%re the tit�e specified for opening all bids. �0-13 Public opening qf proposals. Proposals shal� be opened, and read, publicly at the time ax�d place specz�ed in the advertisem�nt. Bidders, their autharizeti agents, and other interested persons are invified to attend. 1'ropnsals that lia�e been withdrawn (by written ar telegraphic request) or received after #he time specified for opening bids shall be re�.irned t� tlie bidder unopen�d. ZO-14 Disqualification af bidders. A bidde�' sliall be considered ciisquali�ed for any af tl�e follawing reasans: a. Subinit�ing more than one proposaI from th� satne patt�i:nnership, firm, or corporation under the same or ciifferent name. b. Evidence of coIlusion ainoi�g bidders. Bidders participating in such collusion slaall be disqualified as biddez•s for any future work of tlze Owner until any such participating bidder llas been reinstated by the �wner as a qualiiied bidder. c. I�the bidder is considered to be in "default" for any reason specified in paragraph 20-04, Issuance of Pro�osal Fo�ms, of this section. 2,0-i� Discrepancies and Omissions. A Biddar who disco�ers diserepancies or omissions wifli the project bid docurneilts shall immediate.ly ilotify the Owner's Engineer of the tzaatter. A bidder that has doUbt as ta the true meaning of a project requirement may submit to t�e Owner's Engineer a written request for interpretation no later than seve�� (7) days priar to bid apening. Any interpeetation of tlie project bid documents 6y the Owner's Enginear will be by written addendurn. issued by the Owner. The Ow�aer will not consider any instructions, clarifications or interpretations ofthe bidding dacuments it� airy manner othe�• than writteit addendum. END �F S�CTION 20 CITY DF rORT WaRTH Alli�uice Airport Taxiway A Centerline Light Replacement FAA Genaral Prnvisioets GP-3 Projcct Number 103000 S�CTION 20 PROPOSAL R�QlI1REMENTS ANI7 CONDITIONS Page 4 of 3 Page �ntentionalIy B1a��Ic CITY OP PORT WORTH Alliance d#irport Taxiway A Centerline Liglit Aeplaeement Ft1A Get�eral Provisions GP-4 ProjectNttmber 103000 sFc�ria�r ao scanE or wo�x Page I of 3 SECTION 30 AWARD A1VD.EXECUT�ON OF CONTRACT 30-OI Consideratinn o�proposals. After tl�e proposals are publicly opened and read, they will be compared oj� fhe basis of tl�e summation of the products obtained by mu.liiplying the est.imated quantities sliov�na in �lie prnposa] by the unit bid pz•ices. If a bidder's proposal cantains a discrepat�cy between unit bid prices written in words and uni� bid prices writ-ten in numbers, the unit bid price vwritEen in words sl�ail govern. Untij the award of a contract is made, tlie Owner Y•eserves the right to reject a bidder's propasal for any of the foilowing �•easons: a. If the proposal is irregular as specitied ii� Section 2�1, paragrapli 20-D9, I�regular Proposr�ls. b. I� i�te bidder is disquali�ed for any of the reaso.ns speci�ied Section 20, paragraph 20-14, Disquali�catian of Bidders. In addition, �i�til the award of a cantract is made, il7e �wner reserves the riglat to reject any or all propasals, waive technicalifies, iisuch wai�er is in t11e hest interest ofthe �r�vner and is in conformance with applicable siate and loaal laws ar regulations pertaining to tkie Letting of cojsstruction cotatracts; advertise for new p�•oposals; or proceed with the work otherwise. Al1 such ackions shall promote the Owner's best interests. 30-0� A�vard af contract. `I`�1e award of a contract, if.it is to be awarded, shalI be made wi�hin 120 calendar days of the date speci�ed for publicly openi��g propasals, unless otherwise specified herein. If the Owner elecYs to proceed vvith an award of contract, th� Ovvz�er wilI �nake award to the responsible bidder whose bid, conforming with all the mate��ia] terms and conditians of the bid doc�ments, is tl�� lotvest in price. 30-03 Cancellation of a�vard. The Owner reserves the right to cancel the award witi�out liabiiity to the bidder, except retu�•n af proposal guaraniy, at any time before a coni�•act has been fully executeci by aI1 parties and is approved by the Ov�+zaea• in accordanee with parag�aph 30-07 App�avcrl af Coniract. 30-04 Reiurn af proposal g�,aranty. AIl proposal guaranties, except those of the two lowesi bidders, wzll be returned immediat�ly after the Owner has z�aade a comparisan of bids as speciiied in tlae paragraph 34- O1, Conside�ation of PNoposals. Praposal guaranties oi th� two lowest bidd�rs vvzIl be retained by the Owner until such time as a.ta award is made, at which time, tlie unsL�ccessful bidder°s proposal guaranty wili be returned. The successful bidder's proposal guaranty will be returned as soon as the Owner receives the c�nfract bonds as specified in paragrap1130-05, Requirements of Contract Bo�ds. 30-OS Requiremeats of contracY bonds. At the �ime of tlne execution af the cont�'act, the succes.sful bidc�er shaIi �urnish the Owner a surety 6oiid or bnnds that have been fiilly executed by the bidder and the surety guaranteeing the perfo.r�nance of the work ar�d �he payment oi alllegal debts that may be incurred by reason of the Contractor's per£ormance of the w�rk. The surety and t�e form of the bond or bonds shall be acceptable to the Owner. Unless otherwise specified in this subsection, tl�e surety bond or bonds shalj be in a sum equal to th� fu1S amount oithe contract, 3a-d6 Execution of contract. The successful bidder shajl sign (execute) tlle n�cessary agreements for entering into the contract and return the signed contraet to the Ovvner, along with the fully executed surety bond or bonds sp�cified in paragraph 30-05, Requireriaents of Contract I3onds, of this section, within 1 S calendar days from the date mailed or otherwise delivered to the suecessful bidder. 30-07 Approval of contract. Upon receipt of the eoni�•act and contract bond or Uonds thaf 11ave beeil executed �y the succ�ssful bidde�•, the Ovvner shall com�lete tli� axecutian of the contract it� accorclance with local laws or ardinances, and return the fully executed caniract to the Contractor. Delivery ofthe fully executed contract to the Contracta�• sl�all constituie tl�e Owner's approval ta be baund by the successfuj hidder's praposal and the terms of the cont�-ae�. CITY qP FORT WORTf3 A,lliance Air}�ort Taxiway A Canterline Liglit Replacemeut PAA Genera! Provisions �P-1 ProjeetNamher 103400 s�c�rror� ao sca�E or woR�. Page 2 of 3 30-0$ Failure to execute eontract. Failure of �lie successful bidder to execute tli� contract and fiirnish a�t acceptable surety bond or bonds within tl�e period spec.ifed in. paragraph 3Q-06, Execution of Contracl, of tIlis seation shalI be justi catiise fax cancelIation of the award and forfeiture of the proposal gua�•anty, not as a p�nal.ty, but as liquidated damages to tl�e Ow�1er. �ND OF SECTIDN 30 C[7'Y OF I'ORT WORTE-I Alliance Airport Taxiway A Cenferline Lighl Replace�nent FAAGenera] Provisions GP-2 ProjectNumber [030Q0 SECTION 40 SCOPE OI" WORK Page I oF3 SECTION �0 SCOPE OF'WORK 4Q-Ol Intent of contract. The intent of the con�ract is to provide for consieuction and coznpletion, in eveiy detail, of the work described. If is fu��tl�er intended tIiat the Contractor shall furnish all Iabar, matej-ials, equipment, tools, transportatian, and supplies required to compjete tl�e work in accordance witl� tI7e �lans, specifica�ions, and terms ofthe contract. 40-02 Alteration oiwork and quan�tiiies. Tlte Owner reser�es �lie riglit to inake such elaang�s in quairtities and work as may be necessary at• desu�able to com�Iete, in a saCisfactory manne�, the originaI intended work. Unless o�ll�rwise specified in tlle Contract, the Owner's Engi��eer ox� RPR shall be and is hereby authorized to make, in �+riting, such in-scope alteraiions in the work and vatiation of quantities as inay be necessaty io coinpiete t17e work, provided such action does not represent a significant change in the characier of the work. For purpase of �is section, a significant chaz�ge in character of work means: any cllange that is outside the current contract scape of wark; any cl�ange (inci�ease or decrease) in the tatal contract cost by more than 25%; or any change in the iotal cast af a major contraci it�m by more �l�an 25%. Work alterations and quantity variances that do not meet tf�e de�nitian of significant change in character o� wor� shall not invalidate the conh-ac� nor r��ease the surety. Coiitractor agrees to accept payme�it foj� sucl� work alterations and quantity vacianees in aeeordance with Seetion 90, paragraph 90-03, Compensation for�Altered Quantities. ShoLild the valtae af altered work or quantit� �ariance ��neet the criteria for significant change in character of work, such altered work and quantity �ariance shall be co�ered by a suppleznantai agreemeirt. 5upplemental agreements sllall also require consent of the Contractar's sueety and separate perfoi�mane� and payment bonds. If the Owner and the Contractor are unable to agree on a unit adjustment for any cantract item that requires a supplemental agreement, tI1e �wnet• reserves the right �o te�'minate the contract witl� respect to the item and make other arrangements for its completion. 4Q-03 Omitted items. The Owner, the Owner's Engineer or the RPR may provide written notice to the Cont�•actor to omit from the work any contract item that does not ineet the definition o�inajor con#ract item. Major contract items may be omitted by a suppleinental agreernent. Such omission af contract items sliall npt- iil�alidate any other contract provisian or requirement. Should a cantract item he omitted or otherwise order�d to be non-perfo�7ned, the Contractar shall be paid for all work per�ormed iow�rd cornpletion of sticIl item prior to the date of the nrder ta omit such item. Payment for work per�ormed shall be in accordance with Section 90, pat�agraph 9�-04, Paymentfor OmitCed Items. 40-04 Extra work, Shauld acceptable completion of the contt�act require the Contractor to perfarin ai� item of �vork not provided for in the awa��ded contract as previously modified by cnar�g� order or supplementaI agreemenf, Owner may issu� a Chaztge Order to cover the necessary extra work. Change orders for e�t�a work sha11 confiain agreed unit prices far perforzraing die change arder worlc in acaordance with the requirements specified in the order, aaad sl�all contain any adjustment to tlae cantract time that, in the RPR's opinion, is necessary for coinpletion of the extra wark. When determiz�ed by the RPR to be in the Owner's hest interest, the RPR may ordar tile Con.tractor ta proceed with extra work as provided in Sectian 9Q, paragraph 90-Q5, Payment for Ext'r�a Work. Extra work that is necessary for acc�ptable campletion of �lie project,. but is nat within tha generaI scope of the work covered by th� original contract shall be covered 6y a supplenner�tal agreemeut as defined in Section 10, paragrapl� l D-59, �upplemer�tal Ag�eenaent. CITI' OF FORT WOK'CH Alliance Airport Taxiway A Centerline Liglit Replacement FAA General Provisions GP-1 Yroject Nt�inher L0300U SL�CTION 40 SCOYF OF WORK Page2of3 If ext�a work is esseutial to rnaiz�taining the project cri.tieal path, RPR z�ay ordej� the Contt-actar to eomm�nce Y1�e extra work under a Tune and Material contract method. O�ice sufficient detail is availab.le ta establisl� t1-►e leveI of efforE n�cessa�y fa�' lhe ext�•a work, the Owner shall initiate a change order or supplemental agreament to co�+er t11e ext�•a work. Any cIaim for paytnent af extca work that is not covered by wriiten agreemerit (change order or su�aplemental agree�ne�lt) sha31 be rejected by the Owner. 40-OS Maintenance of traffic. 11: is the explicit intentzor� of the contract that the safety of aircraft, as welI as the Contractor's equipinent and personi�el, is the most important consideration. The Cotitractor shall maintain traffic in the mam7er detailed in the Construction Sa%ty and P11a�ing Plan (CSPP). a. Tt is understood and agreed tIlat tl�e Contractar shall provide for the fiee and unobstructed �ovemenf oi aircraft in tl�e air operations areas (AOAs} of t1�e airpoit witli respect to their own opaj�ations and fYte opera�ions of all subcontractors as specified in Section $0, paragraph $0�04, Limitation of 4pe�c�t�ons. It is furtlier understood and agreed that the Coi�tractor shall provide for the uninterrupted operation of visual and eleetra�aic signals (including power supp]ias thereto) used in the guida�ce of aircraft while operating ta, £rom, and upon �he airport as speci�ed in 5ection 70, paragrapl� 70-15, Contracio�'s �Zesponsibility for Utility Service and Facilitres of Others. b. With respect to their own operatians and tha operations of all subcontractors, the Contractor shall provide marking, lighting, and otlier acceptable means of ide��tifyi�ig personnel, equipment, vehicles, storage areas, and any work ar�a or condi�ian ti�at may b� I�azardous to the op$ration oi aircra�, fire-rescue equi.pment, or mainte�iance vehicles at the airport in accordance witI� the construction sa�'ety and phasing plan (CSPP) and the safeiy plan cainpliance document {SPCD). c. Wl�en the contract requires tl�e maintenance of an existing road, street, or highway during Che Contractor's perforrnance of work that is otherwise provided fo�• in tlle co.ntract, plans, and specifzcations, the Coiitractor sliall lceep the road, street, or l�ighway open to ali traffic and sha11 provide maintenance as may be required to accommodate tr�a The Contractor, at their expense, shall be responsible for the repair to equal or bett�r than preconstruction eonditions of arzy damage caused by the Contractor's eauip�nent aud p�rsonnel. Tl�e Contractor shall furnish, erect, and maintain bar�•icades, warning signs, flag person, and other traff'ic control devices it1 reasonable conformity with the Mauual on Uni�'orzn Traffic Cont�•al Devices (MUTCD) (http:l/xn.utcd.fllwa.dot.�ovn, unless othex•wise specified. The Contractor sliall also constr�tct and main�ain 'rn a safe condition any ternpoz•ary co»nections necessary for ingress to and egress from abut�ing property or intersecting roads, streets or highways. �0-U6 R�moval of existeng structures. All existing structures encotYntersd witl3in the established lines, grades, or grading sections shaIl be removed by tk�e Contractar, unless such existirig st�•uetures are othej�wise speei�ed to be relocated, adjust�d up or down, salvaged, abandoned in place, reused in the work or to a•e�nain in place. Tha cost o� removing such existing siructures shall i7at be measured or paic3 for directly, but sllall be included in tha various contract items. Shoulci the Cozatractor encotmter an ��isting structure (ahove or below groiuid) ui the warlc for whicl� the disposifiion is not uidicated on the plans, the Resident Project Representative (RFR} sl�all �e natified prinr to disturbing sr.�clz stz•ucture. The disposition of existing struciures so encountereci shall be immediately determined by the RPR in accordance with the provisions of the conhact. Except as provided in Section 4D, paragraph 4D-Q7, Izaghts in and Use of Materials Found in the Wo�k, it is intended thaf aIl existing materzaIs or structures that may be encauntered (within the lines, grades, or grading sectinns established for comple�ion of tIie warkj shall be used in the work as otherwise providad for in ihe contraet and shall remain the property of tl�e �wner wlien so us�d in t17e work. 40-07 Rights in and use of materxals found in the work. Should tlte Cantt•actor encounter any material such as (but t�ot resta•icted to) sand, stone, gravel, slag, or concrete slabs within the established lines, gradea, CI'1"Y OF FOAT WORT]-I Alliance Airport Taxiwey A Centerl'uie Light Replacement FAA General Provisians GP-2 Project I�uanber 103000 S�CTiON 4U SCOPE OF WORK Page 3 of 3 or grading sections, the use of whicl� is int�nded by the terins of ihe coi�tract to b� eznbanlci��ent, �he Contractar inay at their own optio�� eitlier: a. Use such m aferial in another coiit�-ac� item, providing sE�ch use is approved by the RPR a�1d is in conformance r�vitl� the contract specifications applicable to such tise; o�', b. Remove such material from �he site, upon written approval of the RPR; ar c. i]se such �naterial far tIie Contractor's own fer�porary cons�ruction on sii:e; or,. d. i7se such material as intenc�ed by tl�e terms of the contract. Should the Ca�atractoa• wisl� to exercise nptioz� a., b., or c., the Contracior shall reyuest the RPR's approval in advance af such use. S�ould #l1e RI'R ap�rove the Contractor's request to exerczse option a., b., or c,, the Cot�tractor shall be paid for the excavatioil or removal of such �naterial at tl�e applicable conh�act price. T11e Contractar shalj repIace, at tlaeiz• expense, such remo�ed or excavated tnaterial with at� agreed equal volume of �naterial that is acceptable for use in ca��structing em�ankmenf, backfills, ar otl�erwise to the extent that sueh replaceinent material is neecied lo comp�ete the contract work. The Contractor sha�l not be cliarged iar use af such mater'tal used in the work or rernoved frozn the site. Shauld the RPR approve the Contractor's exercise of optian a., tl�e Co.utractor shall be paid, att�e applicable contract price, far fiu•nislling and installiiig such material in accordance with requireinents nf the contract item in �vhich tlle naatarial is used. Tt is understood and agreed that the Contractor shail make no claim for delays by reason of their own e�ercise of option a., b., or c. Tlie Contractor shall not excavaie, remove, or atherwise distttrb any material, structure, o�� part of a st�•ucture whicl� i.s located outside t11e lines, grades, or grading sectians established for the worIc, except w�le�re such excavation or remaval is provided for in the contract, plans, or speci�cations. 4Q-OS Final cleanup. Upon coinpl�tion of the work and be%re acceptance and finaI payiner�t will be made, tha Cont�•actor shail remave fiom the site all machinery, equipment, surplus and discarded materials, rubbish, tempnrary structures, and stumps ax• portions oftrees. The Contractor shaIl c�it all brush and woods withul the li�nits iudicated and shaI� Ieave the site in a iieat and presentable condition. Material cleared from the site and deposited on adjacent property will not be considered as having been disposed of satisfaetarily, unless tl�e Contractor has obtained the written permission of the property Ovvner. END �F SECTION �10 CITY OF PORT WORTH Alliance A�rport Taxiway A Center�ine LigliY Rep[acement �'A�4 General Provisions GP-3 Projact �]u�n6er 1Q3D04 SECTION 50 CONTAQI. OF WbRI{ Page 1 af 3 C[TY OF FORT WbRTH FAA Geueral Provisidns Page Inte�rtionally Blauk Alliance Airport Taxiway A Centerline Light Replaeemenl �p..� PrajectNumber 1.03OOU SECTION SD CDNTROl. OF WqRK Page 2 of 3 SECTION 50 CONTR�L OF WORK SO-Q1 Authority of the Resident Pro,�eci Represeniative (RPR). The RPR has final autlio��ity regarding the interpr•etation of project specification requiretnen.ts. The RPR shajl deterinine acceptabilify oi t1�e quality of mat�rials fut�nished, methad of perfo�•mance af work performed, and the manner and rate of per•forinaaxc� of tl�e work. The RPR does not have tl�e authority to accepl wark that does not conforin to speciiicatian requirements. �D-02 Caaformiiy with plan� and speei�cations. /�li wark and all materials furnished shall be in reasonably close canforinity with th� lines, grades, grac�ing sections, crass-sections, dimensions, material requireinents; and testing requzrements that are specified (includi�g specified to�erarZces) ii� the contract, plans, or specificatia��s. If tile RPR iinds the rnatet•ials furnished, vvork pex�ormed, or the finished product not witliin reasona6Iy cIose confor�nity witl� tlie plar�s and specifications, b�at that tlie poz�tian of the wark afFected will, in their opinion, result in a finished product having a level of safety, ecanomy, durability, and worlcmanship acceptable to ihe Owner, the R�'R will advise the Ownet� af their deterinination tl�at the affected work ba accegted and remain in place. The RPR will da.cument the deterininatian and z'ecamtr�end to the Ownet' a basis of acceptanca that will provide for an adjustment in the contract price %t• the af�facted portion of the work. Changes in. Lhe contract price must be co�vered by contract change order oz• supplemental agree�-nent as applicable. If the RPR finds tlie materials fuz'nislied, wark performed, or the fznished product are not ir� reasonably close canformity with tbe plans and speei%.cations and have resu.Ited in an unacceptable finished product, t��e affect�d work or materials shall be r�tnoved and replaced or otherwise cor:reeted by and at tiae e�.pense of #11e Contractar in accordance witll tlse RPR's writ�en arders.. Tl�e term "reasonably close eonformi .ty" shall not be const�•tted as waivii�g the Coniraetor's respansibility to cornplete tl�e work in accordance with the cont�•act, plans, and speciitcations. The term shall not be constrr��d as waiving the RPR's respoilsibility to insist on st�•ict complia�ce with the require�nents of the contract, plans, and speci�cations during the Contractor's execution of the work, when, in tlie RPR's opinion, such cnnapli�nc� is essential to provide an acceptable finished portian of the work. The term "reasonably close canformity" is also intended to provide the RPR with the authority, after consLtltation with the Sp�nsor and FAA, to i�se sound engi�eering judgment in their detert�ninatians to accept work that is not in strict canformity, but will pz�ovide a finished product equal ta �r better than that required hy ti�e requixements of the contract, plans and specificafiions. The RPR will not be responsi6le for the Contracto�r's means, methods, teehniques, sequences, or procedures of construction or t11e safety prec�utinns incident thereto. 50-03 Coordination of contract, plans, and specifications. The contract, �lans, specifications, and all referenced standards citad are essential pa.rts of tii� contraci requiremenis. If electronic �les are provided and used on fi11e proJect and th�r� is a con�lict between ihe electrnnic files and hard copy plans, the l�ard copy plans shall govern. A requiratnent accurring in one is as binding as though occurring i�1 all. They are intended to be co��np3e�nentary and to descrihe at�d provide for a complete warlc. Iza case of discrepa�cy, calculated dimensions will govern over scaled dimensions; cantract technical specifications shall govein over contract general provisions, pIaais, cited standa�•ds for materials or testing, and cited ad�isory circulars (ACs}; contract general pror�isions shaIl ga�vern over plans, cified standards for zzlateria�s or testing, anci cited ACs; plans shall govem over cited standards for materials or testing and cited ACs. Tf any paragraphs contained in the Speciai Provisions cnnflict with General Provisions or Tecl�nical Specifications, the Special Pcovisions sha11 govern. C1TY OF FpRT WORTFI Alliance Airport Taxiway A Centerline I.ight Rep[aceinent FAA General Provisioits GP-2 Praject Number 103U00 S�CTION 50 COI+3TROI� OF WORK Page 3 of 3 �'rorn titne t� tiine, disc��epa��cies within cited testing staudards occur due to tlle tinning of t�1e change, edits, and/or replacement af tl�.e standards. Ifthe Contcactor disco�ez•s any ap.parent discrepancy wil:hin standard test methods, the Cant�•actor shall immediat�ly aslc tl�e RPR for an interpretation and �{ecisian, and such decision sha11 be final. The Contractar shall not take advantage of any apparent error or omission o�� the plans or speci�cations. In the event t�►e Cantractor discove�•s any appa�•etlt error or discrepancy, Contractor shaIl iint�ediately notify the Owner or tlae designated rep�•esentative in wrifing requesting their written ittierpz•etation and decision. �0-0�# List nf Snecial Provisions. See S�ction DO 73 00 SUPPLEMENTARY CQNDTTIONS TO GEI*TERA.1, CONDITIONS. 50-05 Cooperation of Contractor, Tl�e Coutractar shall �� supplied with an electronic YDF of Che plans and s�ecifications. T11e Contractor shall ha�e availa6le on tlae constructian site at all iut�es a�e hardcopy �ach of tlie pla.us and specifieations. Additi�uaj hard copies oi plans azad specifications may b� obtai�ted �y tlie Contractor for the c�st of repraduction. The Contractor shall giv� canstant attention to the �oi•k to facilitate the progress thereof, and shall coaperate wit� tlte RPR anei their inspe.ctoi:s and with other Cont�actors in every way possihle. The Cantractor shall have a competent superintend�nt on the wark at all times who is fuIly autharized as �lieir agent nn the wark. The superintendent sl�all be capabl� of reading and thoroughly understauding the plans and specificatior�s and shail receive ai�d fulfill instructions fram the R�'R ar their authorized representative. �0-06 Cooperation b�tween Contractors. Tlae Dwner reseives the right to cont�'act for and �aerform ather or additional work on or near tlte vvork covered by this contract. When separate cantracts are let within tlle lzanits of any ane project, eack� Contraetor shall conductthe wo�•k not to interfere with or hinder the progress of cnmpletion of the work bemg performad by other Contractors. Contractors warkiz�g on the same projec� s1aall caoperate with each other as directed. Each Cantractor involved shall assume all iiability, fuianciaj or otherwise, in connection with their ovvn contract and sha11 protect and hold hanmless the Owner ftom any and all dainag�s or claims that n�ay arise because of incon�uenience, delays, or loss experienced because of the presence and operatiotts of flihet• Cox�tractors working within the lirnits of the sa�ne praject. The Cnntiractar shall arrange their work and shall place and dispose o� tlae znaterials being used ta not ir►terfere with tlie operatioris of the other Contractors withit� the limits of the same project. The Conri•actor shall join their work with that afthe o�liers iii an acceptable manner and sliall perform it in p.ro�er sequence to that af the othe�•s. �0-0'� Construction Iayout and stakes. Tl�.e Engineer/RPR shall establish necessary horizontal and v�rtic�l control, `�°he establishment of Survey Control and/or reestablishmen� of survey control sl�all6e by a 5tafie Licensed Land Surveyor. Con�•actor is responsible for preser�ing integrity of horizontal and vertical controIs establzsl�ed� by Engineer/RPR In case of ttegligence on the part of the Contractor or their employees, rasulting in the destruction of aiiy hnrizontal and vertical control, the resuIting costs will be deducted as a Iiquidated damage against the Contractor. Prior to the start of construetion, the Contractor will eheck all conh-ol points foz• harizontal and vertical accuracy and certify in wrifzng to the RPR that the Con.tractor canc�zrs witli sur�ey cotttrol established for tlie project. AIl lin.es, grades and jneasurements frorn contro� paints aecessary for the proper execution and cantrol of the work on this projec� will be provided to the RPR. TIZe Contractor is responsible to establish alI layout required fo�• the construction of the praject. Copies of survey notes �ill be provided to the Rl'R for each area of constr�ction and fox each placement ot' material as speci�ed to aIlow th� RPR to make periodic checks for con�ormance with plan gr�des, aligntnents and grade tolerances required by the applicable material specifications. Surveys tivill be provided CITY QP FOit`C WORTH Allit�nce Airport'Caxiwfly A Cen[erline Light Replaeement P.AA Ceneral Provisions GP-3 Project Number 103000 SECTIOAlSD CONTROL OF WORK Page 4 of 3 to the RPR priot' to com���encing work items tIia�t �over or disturb tha survey stakuig. 5urvey(s) and notes slaall be pro�ided in tl�e following forinat(s): PDF Laser, GPS, String line, or other autoinatic cont�'ol shall be checked with teinporary control as necessary. In the case of error, on the paa•f of tlie Contractor, their su�veyor, employees ot subcontractors, resulting in �stablish�d grades, aligru�nent or gcade tolerances that do not concur with ti�ose specified or sliown on tl�e pla�is, the Contractor is solely responsible fat' corxection, removal, replacement and all associated costs at na additional cost to ilte Owner. No direct payin�nt will be made, unless otlierwise speci�ied in contract ciocuments, for tliis la�or, materials, or oth�r expenses. The cost sliall be included in the price of tiae bid far the various items of ti�e Contract. SO-08 Authority and duties of Quality Assurance {QA) insp�ctors. QA inspectors shall be at�thorized to inspect all work done and all material furnished, Suc11 QA inspection inay exiend t� all or any part of tlie work and to tl�e preparation, fabricaiion, or manufaatur� o�'the materials to be used. QA insp�ctors a�e not autharized to re�o.ke, alter, or waive any provision of the canfiract. QA inspectors are not autllorized to issue instructions conirary to the plai�s and specifieations or to act as foreman for the Contractor. QA Inspectors are authorized in notify the Contractor or their cepresentatives o� any failure of tlie work or materials to canform to the requirements of ihe contract, plans, or specifications a��d to re�ect such nanconforming materials in question until sucl� issues ean be referreci to the RPR for a deczsion. SU-09 Inspec�eon of the work. All materials a�d each part or detail of the work shall be subject to inspection. Tl�a RPR sha�l be allowed access to all parts nf the work and shall be fiirnished with such informatian a��d assistance by the Contractor as is required to make a enmplete and detailed inspection. If �l�e RPR requests it, the Contractor, at any tiine before aeceptance of the work, shall remove or uncove�• sueh portions of the finished work as may be directed. �fter examination, the Contractor shall restore said portions of the wo�k to the standard required by tl�e specificatians. Shou�d the work thus exposed or exa.tx�i�ned prave acceptable, the Uncovering, or remaving, and the replacing ofthe covering or making good of the parts reinovad will be paid far as extra wark; hut should tIie work so eXposed or examined prove unacceptable, the �,incovering, or removing, and the replacing of the covering or rnaking good of the parts remaved will be at the Contractor's e�pense. Provide advance written iiotice to the RPR of work the Contractor plans to perform each week and each day. Any work done o�• materials used without written notice atid allowing app�rtunity for inspection by the RPR may be ordereci remo�ed and replaceci at tlle Contractor's expense. Should �1�e contract wark include relocation, adjustment, or any other modification to existing iaciliti�s, not the property af the (contract) Owner, authorized repx•esentatives of the Owners of snch facilities shall have tlie rigIlt to inspect such wark. Sueli inspection shall in r�n sense naake any facility ownar a party to the cantract, and shall in no way interfere with ihe righis af the parties to this contract. �q-10 Removal of unacceptable and unauthorized wa�rk. AI1 work that does not con%rm to the rec�uirements of the coilt�•act, plans, and specifications will be considered utlacceptable, unless otherwise detennined acceptable by the RPR as ptovided in paragrapla SO-02, Canformity with Plans and Specificatiaras. Unaeceptable work, whe�lier the result of paar warlcmanship, use of defective materia�s, damage through carelessness, or any ather cause found io exist priot• to ihe fmal acceptance of the wori<, shall be reinoved immediately and replaced in an acceptable manner in accordance with the provisioj�s of S.ection 70, paragraph 70-14, Contractor'sRespor�sibalityfor Wor�k. No removal work inade under pz•ovision of this paragraph shall 6e dor�� witllout lines and grades having been establish�d by the RPR. Work done contraiy to the instructions af the RPR, wark done beyo��d the lines shown an the plans or as esta6lis�ed by the RPR, except as herein specified, or any e�ra work doile CITY OF P'bRT WOitTI-I Alliance Airpnrf Taxi�+ay A Centerline Light Repl�cement FAA Genera[ Frovisinns GP-4 Project Number 1U3000 SECTION50 CONTx�L OF WORK Page S of 3 without authoeity, will be coilsidared as mlauthorized and will not be paitf for under tl�e provisions of the contract. Worlc so done �nay be ordered rexnoved or r�placed ai tl�e Cozai�•actor's expense. Upon �ailLit'e an the part of the Contractor to compiy wit1�. a�y orde3� of the RFR made under tlte p�'ovisions of this subsec#ion, fhe RPR will l�a�e authoz'ity to cause unacceptable work to b� reinedied or remo�ed and replaced; and unauthorized work ta be removed and recover the resultii�g costs as a liguidated daznage against the Cantracfoz•. SQ-] l Load restrictions. Tl}e Contractor shall eo�nply wrtli all legal load restticiio�s in the hauling of materials on pub]ic roads beyond ihe iitnits oitha worlc. A special permit wijl not x�eIieve tlle Contractor of liability for damage that may �•esL�It from the moving of material or equiptnent. The aperation of equip�nent of such weight or so loaded as to cause damage to st�uct�ires or to any otille�• 1.ype af canstruction wiSl not be pennitted. Hauling af t�naterials over the base course or sui�ac� course under cons#ruction shall be lirz�.zted as d'vected. No loads will be perm itted on a conerete pavement, basa, or structu�•e befare the expiration of the curing period. The Contractor, at fheir own expense, shall be responsible for the repair to equaI or bet�er ihan preconstruction conditions of any daznage caused by the Contractor's equiptnent and personnsl. �0-1� Maintenance during cons#ruction. The Contractor sha11 �air�tain the work during constructian azad until th.e work is accepted. Maintenance shall constitutie continuous and efFective work prosecuted day hy day, with adequate equipinent and forces so t11at the work is maintained in satisfactory cot�di.tian at all �imes. In the case of a contt�aci for the pIacing of a course upon a course or subgrade previously constructed, the Coiitractor shall maitlta.i.�� the pre�iaus course or subgrade during all canstruction operations. All eosfis of maintenane� woz•k during construction and befor� the pz•oject is aecepted shall be included ir7 t��e u»it prices bid on tlie various cnntract items, and the Contractor rvill not be p.aid an additional amount for such �vork. �Q-13 Failure to maintain the rvork. Shou�d the Contractor at any tune fail to maintain the work as provided in paragraph 50-12, Maintenance during Canst�^uction, the RPR sl�all immediately iaotify the Cantractor of such noncomplianc�. Sucl� notification s1�alI specify a reasonabje tiza�e witl�in which the Coniractor shall be required to remedy such unsatisfactory mainten�nce condition. The time specifed will give due considaration ta the exigency that exists. Should tlae Cantractor fail to respond to the RPR's notification, the Owner �nay susper�d any wot•k necessary for the �wner to correct sueh unsatisfactoiy maintena��ce condition, depending on the e�iget�cy tllat exists. Any maintenance cost incurt�ed by the Owner, shall be reco�erad as a Iiquidated damage against the Coiitractor. 50-14 Partial acceptance. If at any time duting the execution of the pj•oject the Contractnr substantially carr�pletes a usab�e unit ar portion of the wa.rk, the ocaupancy of which wil] ben.e�t the Owner, l-he Contractor may request the R�'R fo �nake final inspeciion oithat �nit. Ifthe RPR finds upon iiispectionthat tha unit has been satisfactorily completed in compliance with fhe ca.ntraet, tlte RPR may accept it as being camplete, and the Contracior may be relieved of furfiher responsibility for tliat unit. Sucl� partial acceptance and b.e�ieficial occupancy by the Owner shall not void or alter any provision of the coniract. 50-15 Final acceptance. Upon due notice from tl3e Contractor of pi•esumptive compl�tinn of the entire praject, the APA and Owner will rnake an inspection. If alI consiruction provided far and contemplated by the contract is found to be coinplete i�1 accordance with the confract, p�ans, and speciiications, sucli insp�ctiot� shaIl constihite the final inspection. The Rl'R shall notify the Contractor in writing of final acceptance as of tlie date of tlie final inspection. If, however, the inspection discIoses any wark, in whoIe or in part, as being unsatisfactory, the RPR wiil uotify the Coutractor and the Coiitractor shall correct the unsatisfacto�y work. Upon correction of the work, another inspection will be made whzcl� slaall constitute the final insp�ction, provided the rvork has been CITY OF FORT WORTH Alliance Airport'l'axiway A Centeriine Ligltt fteplacement �'AA Ge�ieral Provisions GP-5 P��oject Number 1030D0 s�cT�or� so con�•rao�, aF wnR� Pa�e G of 3 satisfactorily completed. Tn such evet�t, the RPR will make lhe �nal acceptance and notify the Cania•acfoz• iii writing of tllis acceptance as Qf the date af iiilal inspection. 50-16 Claims for ad,j�stment and disputes. If for az�y reason tile Contractor deezns that additional campensation is due for woric or inat�rials i7ot cl�arly provided for in the cantract, plans, or speciiieaiions ar p�•eviously authorized as e�Yra �vorlc, the Coi�tractor sha�l notify the RPR in writu�g of their inteniion ta claim such adciitianai compensation before tlie Contz•actar begins the work on whrcll the Contracfior bas�s the claizn. If sucll noti�cation is nat give�� o�• t1�e RPR is not afForded proper oppartuniiy by lhe Contractor for keeping strict account af actual cost as required, then tl�� Co�;tractor l�ereby agrees to waive any clairn for such aciditional compensatioi�. 5uc1� tlotice by tl�e Contractar and the faci that tlie RPR has kep� account of the cost of the work shall not i�� any way be consi�•ued as pro�+itag or substantiating the validity of t17e claiin. WI�en the wnrk ot� wliich the ciaim for additiottal coaaape��sation is based has been cornpleted, the Cont:ractor shall, with.in 10 calendaz• days, submit a written cla'vn to the R.PR who wilI present it to the Owner for consideration in accareiance witl� local laws or oi•dinances. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed as a waiver of the Contz'acfor's right to dispute �nal payz�aent based on differences in measurements or computations. END OF SECTION 50 CT�'Y OF FORT WORTIi Alliance Airport Taxiway A Centerline Lighf Replacemant FAA General Provisioas GP-6 Project Number 103000 SEC7'iON 60 CQ%ITitOL OF MAT�ALALS Page 1 of 3 S�CTION 60 CONTROL OF MATERIALS GO-Ol Source of supply and quality requirennents, The materials used in the work shali coiiform to the require�nents ofthe confi�•act, plans, and specifcations. Unless otl�erwise specifed, sucl� materials that are znanuiactured or processed shaal be new (as compared to used or reproeessed). In order to expedite tlie irisp�etion ax�d testing of materials, fhe C.ontractar sliali furnisll docuinentation to �he RPR as to the origin, com�ositioil, and maiiufacture of all matexials ta be used iil tlse work. DocuinentatiQn shall be furnished p�•o�nptly after execution of the contract but, in aIl cases, prior to delivery af such materials. At the RPR's option, materials may be approved at t:t�e source of supply befoi•e delivery. If it is found after trial that souz•ces of supply for previously approved maierials do not praduoe specified products, the Contractar shall furnish materials froz� otlier sources. The Contractor shall furnish airpoit lighting equ.ipment tk�at rneets the requirem�nts of the speeificaiions; and is listed in AC 150/5345-53, Air�o�t LighiingEquipment Cert�cation Prog�arn andAddendum, that [s in efFect ori the date of advertisement. 60-02 Samples, tests, and cite�l sgecifications. All materials used �n the wark shall be inspectad, tested, ai�d approved by the RPR before incarporation in fihe work u�less other�ise desigxiatad. Any work in which untestec3 materials are used without approval or wz•itten permission ofth� RPR sk►alI be performed at tha Coiitractor's risk. Materials found to be unacceptable and unauthori�ed wi11 not be �aid for and, ifc directed by tlae RPR, shaIl be removed at ti1�� Contractor's expeiise. Unless otlterwise designated, quality assurance tests wi11 6e made hy and at the expense o.f the Owner ii1 aceordance w�th the cited sta.ndard inethods of ASTM, American Association of State Highway aiad Transportation Offieials {AA.SHTD), #'ederal specificatioi�s, Commercial Ttein Descriptions, and aIl otlier cited metlzods, which are current ou fhe daie of advertisement for bids. The testing organizations perfonning on-site quality assurance field tesfis shall have copies of all referenced standards an the const�laction site %r us.e by all technicians and ather personnel. Unless Qtherwise desig�lated, samples iar quality assurance will b� talcen by a yualified representaiive of �11e RPR. Alj materials being used are subject to inspection, tast, or rejection at any tirr�e priox• to or during incorporatinn into the work. Copies of al.l tests will be furr►ished to dte Contractar's representative at the.ir r�quest aftei� revievw and approvaj of the RPR. A capy of all Coniractor QC test data sliall be pravided to il�e RPR daily, along with printed reports, in an approved format, an a weekly basis. After corn.pletion of tlte project, and przar to finaI payment, the Contractor s�aali submit a final report ta the RPR shownig a!1 test data reports, plus an analysis of a11 results showing ranges, averages, and corrective action taken on alI failing tests. T1�e�Contractor shall employ a Quality Control {QC} testing organization to perform a11 Contractor requieed QC tests in accordance with Item C- I(}� Contractoz' Quality Control Prograzn. (CQCP). GO-03 Certiificatian of compliance/analysis (COCICOA). Tl�� RPR may permit the use, prior to satnpSing and testing, of certain mat�rials ar assemblies when acconapanied by rrianufactLirer's COC stating that sueh materials or assexnblies fully comply with the requirements of the coiitract. The certi�cate shall be signed by the manufactu�•er. �ach lot of sLjch materiajs or assemblies delivarec� to the work tnust be aecompanied by a certifcate of compliance in which the lot is clearly ideutified. The COA is the manufacturer's COC and includes all appiicable test results. CiTY QF FORT WQRTH Aliiance Airport Taxiway A Centerliue Ligl�t Replaeemant FAA Ge�ieral Provisions GP-i Project Number 103000 s�c•rlor� 6a CC}NT120L OF ]ViAT�R1ALS Page 2 af 3 Materials o.t' assernblies used on i11e basis of certificates of compliance inay be satnpied and tested at any time and if found not to be in conformiiy wi� co��tract requireinents wilI be subject to rejection whather in place or not. The foiln and dish•ibution of certificates af compjiance sl�all be as approveci by the RPR. When a mafiei•ial or assembly is speci�ed by "brand name or equal" and the Contractar elecis to fiiriiish the specified "or equal," the Contraeto�• shall be required to furnish the mannfact�irer's certificate af complianoe for eac11 lot of such material or assembly delivez•ed to tl�e work. Such certificaie of compli�ce shall clearly identify each lot deIivered and sltall certify as to; a. Confoi-mance to the specified perfor�na�ice, testuig, quality or dimensiona3 r�quire�n.ents; and, b. Suitability of tlie matarial or assembly for the use intended in the coilt�'acf work. The RPR shall be the soIe judge as to wllether the proposed "or equal" is suitable for use zr1 the woric. The R�'R reserves the rightto refuse �aerrnission foruse ofrnateriais or assarmb�ies on the basis ofcertificates of cainplia��ce. 60-04 Plant inspection. The RFR or their authorized represen.tative may inspect, at its source, any specified material ox assembly to be used in the wark. Manufacturing plants may be inspected iron� time to time for the purpose of detennining compliance with specified manufacturing r�aet�lods o�• materials to be used in tl�e wark and to obtain samples required for aceeptance of tlte material ar assembly. Should the RPR conduct pla�it inspections, ihe fQllowing cot�ditiajas shall exist: a. The RPR sliall have the cooperatian and assistance af the Contractar and the producer wit11 rrahom the Contractar lias contrac�ied for materials. b. The RPR sha1S have full entry at all t'easonable times to such parts of the plant that coneern the manufacture or productio� o�'tlae inaterials being fuf•nislied. c. If t•aquired by the RPR, the Contractor shall arran�e fot• adeqtiate off ce or working space that lnay be reasonabIy needed for conducting plant inspections. Place ofiice or working space in a canvenient location with respec� ta the plarli. Yt is understnod and agz•e�d that the Owner silall i�ave �he right to retest any rx�aterial that has been tesied �d appro�ed at the sourca of supply afl:er it has been dali�ered ta t1�e site. Tl�e RPR shall have the right to �•eject only material which, when re�iestad, does not meet the requiremenis of the contract, plai�s, or specifications. 60-45 Engineer/ Resident Project Representative (RPR) field office. The Contractor shaIl provide dedicated space far the use of the engineer, RPR, and inspectars, as a field affice for the duration of the project, Tlus space shall be located convcniently near the construction and sliall be separat� from any space used by the Contz'actar, The Contracto.r shall furnisli water, sanitary facilities, l�eat, air conditioning, and electricity. 60-d6 Storage of materials. Materials shall be stored to assu�•e the preservation of their quality and iii�iess for the work. Stor�d materials, e�an thougl� a�proved before storage, may aga�iz� be inspected prior to their us� in the work. Stored materials sl�aIl be Iocated to facilitate tlaeir prompt inspection. The Contractor shall coordinate the starage oi all inaterials witl� the RPR. Materials to be sfored on airport property sIiall nat create an abstruction to air navigat�on nor shall they interfere with the free and unobstructed mo�ernent af aircraft. Uniess otherwise shown on the plans azid/or CSPP, the s�orage of materials and the locatinn of the Contractor's plant and pa�•ked ec�uipinent or vehicles sha11 be as directed i�y th� RPR. Private prope�•ry shall not be used far storage purposes without wj'itten permission of the Owner or lessee of such property. The Contractor shall make all arrangements and bear all e�penses for the storage of materials on private property. Upon request, fhe Conh�actor sllall fitrnish the RPR a copy of tl3a property �wner's permission. CITY OF PORT WORiH A1�iance AirporE T�iway A Centerliue Light Replacement FAA General Provisions GP-2 ProjectNumber 103000 SECTION GO CONTCtQL OI' IVIF1'fEIt1ALS Page 3 of 3 All storage sites on ptir�ate or airpoit properLy shall be restared to tlleir original coi3dition by the Cantractor at th�it• expanse, except as otherwis� agreed 1:0 {in w�•iting) by the Owner or lesses af t11e pcoperty. 60-07 Unacceptable materials. Any material or assembly that daes not conform to t�e require��ents of the contrac�, plans, or specifications shall be considered �.ulacceptaiale and shall be rejected. The Cont�•actor sliall remove any t'ejected rnaterial or assembly from tihe site of the v�ork, unless otllerwise instructed. by tI1e RPR. Rejected inaterial or assembly, the defects of which hav� be�n con'ected by t�e Caniracfoz', s11a11 not be returned to the site oftlle �wark until sueh tiine as the RPR lias appro�ed its use in the woj•k. GO-OS Owner furnished materials. The Contractor sliall furnish all ma�erial.s rec�uired to complete tlae work, except tllase specified, if any, to be fu��iished by the Owner. Owi�er-furnisl�ed materials shall be made available to the Contractor at t�e locatian speciiied. AIl costs of hatldling, transportation from the specified location ta the site of work, storage, ai3d installing Owner-furnis]aed inaterials shall be included in tl�e unit pi•ice bid for tl�e ct�t�Y�•act item iu which such Owner- furnist��d material is used. After any Owner-furnished material has been delivered to the location specified, the Contt-actor shall be responsible for any deinurrage, damage,loss, or other deficienc'res that may occur during the Conteactor's l�andling, sio.z�age, or use of such Owner-�urnished material. The Owner wilI deduct fram any monies due ar to beco�ne due the Contractor any cost incurred by the Owner i�� maki�7g good such loss due �o t�e Cantractor's handling, storage, or use of Ow�aer-furnislied materia�s. END OF SECTIaN 60 CITY OF FbR'I' WOR'I'H Aiiianee Airport Taxiway A Ceuterline Light Replacemenf FAA General Provisions GP-3 ProjectNum6er i03000 SECTION 7D LEGAI, REGULATIONS AND AESPONSIBILITY TO Pl1BLIC Page I of 3 SECTrON 70 LEGAL REGULATTONS AND R�SPONSIBILITY TO PUBLIC '�Q-01 Laws to be obs�rved. The Contractor shall �Ceep fully informed of all federal a��d state laws, all local ]aws, ordinances, aud regulations and all o��ders and decrees of bociies or fribunals havii7g airy jurisdiction or authority, which in any zx�anner affect thase engaged ar �inployed on the work, or w�iich in a.�y way affect t11e conduct of. the work. Tlie Contractor sliall at all times observe and comply �witih all such laws, ordinances, regulations, orders, azid decrees; atid sliall protent and incieinnify the Dwner and al] their officers, agents, or servants against any claim or liability arising from or based on the �ioiation of any sucl� law, a��dirlance, regulation, order, or decree, whethez• by the Contra�tor or the Contractot�'s employees. 7Q-OZ Permits, licenses, and taxes. The Cantractor sliall procure all per�nits and licenses, pay all chargas, fees, an�i ta�es, and give all noti.ces zaecessary and incidental to the due and Ia�vfuI execution af the work. 70-03 Patented devices, materials, a�d processes. If the Contractor is required or desires to use any design, de�+ice, material, or process covered by Ietters of patent or copyright, the Contractor shall pravide for such use by suitable legal agre�m�ni �vith the Patentee or Owner. The Cantractor and the surety shall indemnify �.nd hold ha�'inless tlte Dwner, any third party, or palztical �ubdivision from any and a11 ciaims for iiifringerr�ent by reason af the use of any such patented design, device, material or process, ar any irac3emark or copyright, aiid shall indetnz�iCy tl�e Owner for ariy costs, expenses, and damages which it z��ay be objiged to pay by reason of an infi•iugement, at any time du�•i�g tl�e execution or after th� cornpletion of the work. '�0-04 �i.estara#ion o� surfaces disturbed by others, The Owner res�rves ti�e right to authorize the construction, recanstruction, or maintenance of any public or private u.tility service, �'AA ar National Oceanic and Atrrmaspheric Administ�•ation (NOAA) faciliiy, or a utility sei•vice of another government agency at any tnne during the progress of the work. To tlie extent that such eonstruction, recons#ruciion, or nnaintenance has been coordinated with the Owner, such atithorized work {by others) uiust be shown on tiie plans and is indicat�d as fallows: None Planned. Exee.pt as listed above, t�ae Cantractar sl�all not pennit any indivicfual, firm, or corpnration to excavate or otllerwzse disturb such utility services or facilities �ocated within the liaaaits afthe work withouitli� writter� parinission of the RPR. Should tlie Owner ofpublic or private utility service, �'AA, orNOAA faei�ity, ar a�ztility servioe of al�otl�er governrnent agency 6e autlzorized to consiruct, reconstruct, or maintain such utjlity service or f�.cility dur•ing �he progress af the work, the Contracto�' sha�l cooperate with sucli Ot�vi�ez's by arrai�ging and perforrr�ing the woi•k in this contract to facilitate such construction, reconstruction or mainten�nce by others whether or not such work 6y nthers is Iisted above. When ordered as ext�•a work by the RPR, the Contractor shall make al] necessaty repairs to the worlc which are due to such authoriz�d vvark by others, unless otherwise pravided for in tl�e cont�act, plans, oz• specifications. Tt is understood and agreed that the Contractox sha11 nat be entitled to mak� any claim for dainages due to stic� authorized wark by others ar for any delay to the work resuliing firain such authorized work. '70-05 Federal Particigatian. The LTnited States Governrnent has agreec� to reimburse the Owtier for some portion oithe contract costs. The contract wark is subject to the inspection and approval of duly autharized representatives of the FAA Administratar. No requirement of this conftact shall be consttued as making the United States a pa�y to the contract nor will any such requirement interfere, in atzy way, witlz the rights of either paa'iy to the contract. '�0-06 Sanita3ry, k�ealth, and safety provisions. The Contractoi•'s worksite and facilities s11a11 coinply with applicable federal, state, and local requirements for health, safety and sanitazy provisions. CITY OP FOR1" WORTH Alliance Airpart']'axiway A Ceiiterline Light Replecemeni PAA General Provisions GP-I ProjacYNumher 103000 SECTIdN 7Q LEGAL REGULATIONS AtdT7 RESPONSIBILITY TO Pl1BL[C I'age 2 of 3 '�Q-07 Pu61ic canvenience antl safety. Tl1e Contractor shall control their aperations and thosa of their subcontractors and all sLippliers, to assure the least incanyenience ta tlie traveling public. Under all circumstancas, safety shall be the most important cansidera�ion. The Contj•actor shaIl znaintaiu the free and unobstiructed ino�ement of airaraft and vehicula�� trafFic witl� re.spect to their own operations and those of tl�eir own subcont�-actors and aIl suppliei-s in aceordance witli Section 40, paragraph 40-05, Mar�atenance of �'ra�c, and shall limit such aperations for the converlience and safety of the tt'aveling public as specified in Sectior� 80, paragraph 8D-�4, Linaitation of Ope�atians. The Contractor sl�all t•emove or coi�trol debris and rubbish resulting fi�azn its work operaiions at fi�equent intervals, and upon t1�e ord�r of the RPR. If tlte RPR detez'mines #he existence af Cantractor deb.ris in the warlt site represents a hazard to airport operations and the Contractor is unable fo respond. in a prompt at�d reasona6le rnanner, the RPR reserves the rigllt ta assign the task of debr�s reino�ai to a third party and recover the resulting costs as a Iiquidatec3 damage against the Contractor. 70-0$ Construction Safeiy and Phasing Plan (CSPP). The Contractor sliall coznpiete the work in accordance with the app rQved Construction Safety and Phasing Plan (CSPP) devaloped in accordance witl� AC I5015370-2, Operational Safety on Airpotts During Construction. The CSPP is or� sheets GC-001 — GC-3Q2 of the project plans. 7U-09 Use o� explosives. The use of explosi�es is not pe�•mitted on this project. 70-10 Protection �nd restoration of praperty and landseape. The Contractoi� shall be respansible for the prese�vatinn o.� all public and private property, and shall protect carefitlly from disturbanc� or datnage all Ianc# monurr�ents at�d property �narkers until the Engineer/RPR has witnessed or otherwise referenced their iocatzon and shall not move thezx� until d�rected. The Contractor shall be responsible for all damage or injury to groperty of atry character, di�ring fhe execution of tlae work, res�lfin� from an� act, ornission, neglect, ar rnisconduct in manner oz �ethad of executing the work, or at any time dua to defective work or znaterials, and said responsibility shall not be released until the project iaas been completed and accepted. When or where any direct or indirect damag� or in�ury is dane to pub3ic or private property by or an accou�lt of any act, omission, neglect, or inisconduct in the execution of tbe work, or in consequence ofthe non- execution thereof by the Contractoz•, the Contractor shall restore, at their expense, such property to a condition similar or equal to that existiug before such damage or injury was done, by repairin�, oz• otk►arwise restoring as may be directed, oj- ihe Contractor shall make �ood such damage or injury in an aoceptable mailne�•. '�0-li Responsibility for damiage claims. The Cor�tractor s4�a11 indemr�ify �Zd hald hartnless the Engineer/RPR and tise Owner and their afFicars, agents, and employees from all suits, aetions, or claiins, of any character, l�rought beeause of any znjuries or da�nage received ax• sustained by any peeson, persons, ot• property on account of the apet•ations of the Contractar; or an account of or in cansequence of any neglect in sa�eguarding the work; or through use of unacceptable materials in constructing the vrork; or because af any act or omission, neglect, ar �nisconduct of said Coi�ti•actor; or because of any claians or amounts reco�ered fi•om any infringemants of patent, trademark, or copyright; or from any claiins or amounts arisin.g or recovered � under the "Workm�n's Campensation Act," or any other lavv, ocdinance, order, or decree. Money due the Contractor under and by virtue o�th�ir own eontract considered necessary by the Own�r for such purpose may be retai�ied for the use af the Owner or, in case no maney is due, their own surety may be held until such suits, actions, or claims for injuries or dan:�:ages shail have been set�led and suitable evidence to that ��ect iurnished ta the Owner, except that �noney due �l�e Contractor will not be witllheld when the Conttactor prociuces satisfactoiy e�idenee that he or s11e i.s adequateiy protected by pu.blic liability and prt�perty damage insurance. CITY OF FQRT WORTH Alliance Airpoit Taxiway A Centerline l.iglrt lteplaeement FAA Genera] Provisions GP-Z Project NumUer 1030D0 SE:CTION 70 LEGAL REGULATIQNS AND RH,SPON5IBiLI7'Y TO PUBLIC Pag� 3 of 3 i0-12 Third party beneficiary clause. IY is s�aecifically agreed between the parties executing the contract tl�at it is �1ot intended by a.r�y of tlie pt•ovisions afr any park of the confeact to create for the �ublic or any member thereof, a til�ird-party be37eiiciaiy or ta authorize anyone nai a party to tlze contract to maintain a suit for personai injuries or p�•operty da�nage pursua��t to the te�•ms ar provisions of tkze cantract. � '%0�13 Opening sections of the wor1� fo traffic. If it is necessary for the Contracto�' to complete portions of the contract work for tl�e be»eficial accupancy af the Owne�• prior to comp�etion of th� �ntix•e conhact, such "phasing" ofthe work must be speci�ed below and ii�dicated on tl�e appro�ed Constr�tctian Safety and Pliasing Pian (CSPP) and the project plaus. When so speciiied,ll�e Con�ractot- shall eoinplete such portions of the wark on or 6e%re the c�ate specified or as otl�ei�uvise specified. Phase Required Duration Depic.ted o� Plan Sheet lA 28 GC-l0I 1B 14 GC-101 Z� (,p GC-102 2B 21 GC-102 3A bfl GC-103 3B 21 GC-103 4A 14 GC-1 Q4 4B 7 GC-104 � 35 GC-105 6A 14 GC-106 6B 7 GC� 1 a6 '7 60 GG-107 gA 60 GC-1(}8 gg 2] GC-108 Upon completion af any portion of work Iisted al�ove, such portion shall be accepted by t11e Owner ij� accordance with Section 50, paragraph Sfl-14, Pcrrtierl Acceptance. No portion of the t�rork may be apened by the Contractor ui�til directed by t11e Ownar in writing. Should it became ilecessary to apen a portion of the work to traff'ic on a temporaYy or intermittent basis, such openings shall be made when, in the opinion of the RPR, sucli portinn oi the work is in an acceptable conditioii to support t�ae intended traffic. Teinporary or intermit�ent openings are considered to be inlzerent �n the work and si1a11 not constit��te either aceeptance of the portion of th� work so opeued or a waiver of any pravision of the contract. Any damage to the portion of t�e war�C so opat�ed tliat is nat attribuiable to traff'ic which is pert�itted 6y tl�e Owner shall be repaired by �he Contractor at their e�pense. CI"iY OF FORT WQIZTH Alliance Airport T�xiw�y A Centerline Liglit Replaceme�t FAA General Pra�+isians GP-3 Project Number 10.300a sECT�a�r �a L�GAL REGULA"1'IONS AND itESPONS1aILITY TO C'UBLIC I'age 4 of 3 The Cantractor shall inake tiheir own estimate of the inherent dif�culiies inval�ed in completitlg the work under the canditions he�•ein deseribed and shalI not claim a�ry added compensatian by reasan of delay oz• increased cast due to operling a portian of the cont�act vvork. . The Cozalractor tnust conform to safety stax►dards containeci AC 15015370-2 atad the approved CS�P. Coiltractor shall �•efer to the plays, specifications, and t�ae appro�ed CSPP to identiiy 6arricade requirements, tert�porary and/or permanent xnarkings, airfield ligllting, guidance signs and other safety requirements prior to opening up sectians of work to traffic. �0-i� Caniractor'� responsibiliiy for worl�, Until the RPR's final written acceptance of the entire co�npleted work, excepting oi11y thase pa�-tions of fhe worlc accepfed in aceot•dance witl� Section 50, paragraph 50- I4, Partial Acceptance, the Contractor shall 13ave tl�e charge and care thereof and shall tak� every precautian against ilijury o�• daanage to any part due to ihe actio� o�the elements or fro�n arry other cause, whether arising from the execution or from tl�e non-execution of the work. The Contractor shall rebuild, repair, restore, and make good all injuries or damages ta any portion af the work occasioned by any of the above cat�ses before final acceptance and shaIl bear the expense tI�ereof except damage to the work due to unfores�eable causes beyond the control of and without the fault or negligence of tl�e Contracto��, including but iiot restricted to acts of God such as earthGuake, tida� wave, tornado, hu��ricane ar other cataclysmie phenomenon of nat�re, or acts oftlle public enetny or of gover�zment aufihorities. I�thc work is suspended far any cause whatever, the Contractor shalI be r�sponsi6le for the work and shall take such precaLYYions necessary to pra�ent damage to the work. The Contractor slialI provide for normal drainage ax►d shall erect necessary tempai•ary strwctures, signs, or othei• facilities at fiheir own expense. During �uch period oi suspensian of work, the Cantractor shall properly and continuously maintain in an acceptabje growing condition all Iiving material in newly established planting, seeding, and sodding fiunislled u��der the confract, and shal.l take adequate precautions to protect new tree growth and ofl�er impartant vegetative �rorvth against injuiy. 7Q-3.S Contractor's responsibility for utility service and faciiities of others. As provided 'u1 paragrapl� 70-04, Restoration of Surfaces Disir.c�bed by Others, th� Contractor shalj coope�•ate with the owner af any public or private utility service, FAA or NOAA, or a utility service of another gavernment agency that may be authorized by tl�e OvUner to construc�, reconstruct or maintain sucli utility seivices or facilities during the pragress ofthe work. In add'rtion, the Contracior s11a11 cantrol their operations to prevent the unsch�duled inte�•ruptio� of such u�ility services and iaciliti�s. To the extent t�iat such pubiic or private utility services, FAA, or NOAA �'acilities, or utility services o� another governmental agency are known tn exist within the limits of the contract wark, tl�e approximate locations have been indicated an the plans and/or in tlie contract documents. It is �nderstood and agreed that tlze Owner does not guax•antae the accuracy or the co.mpieteness of the location information reIating to existing utility services, facilities,. or stru.ctures ihaf may he shovwn on the plans or encountered in the work. Any inaccuracy or amissian in such iiiformation shall not relie�e tlie Coutracto�• of the responsihility to protect such existing features from dalnage or unscheduled interruptian of setvice. It is further understood and agreed thati the Con#ractor shall, upan execution of the contract, notify tlle �wners af alS utility services or other facilities of their plan of operations. Sttch notifica�ion sha11 be in writi�.g addressed ta "Tha Parson to Contact" as provided in this paragraph and paragraph 70-OA, Rest.oration af Surf�ces Dfsturb�d By Other�s. A aopy of each noti�cation s�iall be given to the RPR. In addition to tl�e genaral wri�en notification provided, it s3�a11 be the responsibility oi fhe Contractor to keep such individual Owners advised of changes in their plan of operations that wovld affect such Owners. Prior to begin�ing the work in the general vicinity of an existing utility sei�ice or facility, the Contractor s�aall again notify each such Owner of their plan of aperation. If, ir� the Contractor's opinion, the Owner's CI`l'Y OF PORT WORTH A1liance Airpo�'t Taxiway A Ceizlerliue Light Replacement FAA Gen.eral P��ovisions GP•4 l�rajectMumber 1030flb SECTIOi� 70 L6GAL RCGULATIONS AiJ� RESPONSIBILITY TQ PUBLIC Page 5 of 3 assista��ca 'is needed to locate the utifity seiviee or iacility or the presenc�; af a re�resentati�e of the Owner is desirab3e io observe tl�e �ork, such advice shouId be included in the notificatian. SucI� notification shall be given by the mosi e�peditious zx�ea�is to reach tlie utility owner's "pei-son �o Contact" no later than twa narmal busine.ss days pri.or to �lie Contractoi's com�naencement of operatiaz�s in sucl� general vicinity. The Contractor shall furnish a vvritten suininary of tl�e notification to the RPR. The Contractat•'s failure to give the twa days' notice sliall be cause for the Owner to suspend the Coiiiractoi•'s operations in ti7e genez�al �icinity oi a utilily service or facility. Wl�e�e tlte outside limits of an unde�'ground utility service laa�ve beeu loca�ed ar�d stalced on ti�e ground, the Coirtractor shall be required to use liand excavation metllods wit�in 3 feet (1 m) oisucl� oittside limits at such paints as inay be required to ensure protection frorn da�nage due ta the Coniractor's operations. Should the Contractor dainage or inteceupt the operation of a utility service or faczlity by aecid.ent or otherwise, the Cantractoz• shall immediately notify the proper autlinrity and the APR and shall talce all reasonable measures to prevent further daanage or interruptian of seivica. The Contractor, iia s.uch e�ents, shall coopez'ate with the utility ser�vice a�' facility owner and the RPR continuously un�il such da�nage has be�n rapaired ar�d servic� restored to tl�e satisiaction o�t11e utility or iacility awner. The Contractar shall bea�• a11 costs o�damage and t•estaratian of service to any utility service or facility due to their aperation s �vhether due to neglige�ce or accidenl. 'I'he Owner reserves the right to deduct such costs from ariy monies due or which may becoine due tl�e Contractor, ar fi,k�eir own surety. 70-1G Furnishing right�-of way. The Owner w'tIi be eesponsible for furnrshing all rights-of-way u�on vvhich tlie work is tn be constructed in advance of the Contractor's �perai:ions. 70-17 Persona! lia6ilify af public officials. In caz•rying out any ofthe co��t�•act pro�isions or in exe�•cising any potivar oz• authority granted by this contract, there ska1I be no liability upan tk�e Engineer, RPR, their autho rized representatives, or any off'icials oi tl�e Owner eitlier personaIIy or as an official of th� Ovvner. It is uiiderstood that in such matters they aet salely as agents and representatives of the Owner. 70-1$ No waiver of legal rights. Upon completion of the w�rk, tl�� O�ner will ex�editiously znak.e final inspection and notify the Contractor af final acceptance. Such final aceeptance, however, shall not precluc�e ar stop the Owner from correcting any measurennent, estunate, or eertificate made before or after completion of the work, nor shall the Owner be precluded a�• stopp�d �i•om recovering froin the Contractor or their surety, or bol-1�, such o�verpayment as may be susiained, or by iailure on the �art of the Contracior to fi�l�'ill their obligations under the contract. A wazver on the part of the �wner of any breach of any pa��t ofthe contrac� sl�all nat be held to be a�vaiver of any other or suhsequent breacli. The Contracto�•, without pz•ejudiee to the terms of'tlle contract, shajl be liable to the Orvner for later�t defects, fraud, ox such gross mistalces as may amaunt to fraud, or as regards the Owner's rights under any warra�ty or guaranty. 70-19 Environrr�en#al protection. The Contraetor shail cornply with all federal, state, and local Ia•ws and regulations controljiug pollution of the environment. The Cantraetor shall take necassa�y precautions to prevent pollution of strearns, lakes, pc�nds, and reservoirs with fuejs, oils, asphalts, chemicals, or other LZa�•zn�ul materials and to prevent pollution nf tl�.e atmosphere froin pa�-ticuIate and gaseous matter. 70-20 Arehaeological �nd historical iiudings. Unless otherwise specified in this subsection, the Contractor is ad�ised that the site of the work is nat witl�in any property, ciistrict, or site, and does not contain any buiiding, structure, or object listed in tk�e ew•rentNational Register ofHistoric PlaeeS published by the Uni#ed States Departrrieni of Interiar. Should Yhe Contractor encounter, duz�ing their aperations, any building, part af a building, structure, or object fhat is incongruaus wif.� its surroundiugs, the Contractor sllall imm�diately cease operatians in tI1at Iocatian and notify the �PR, The RPR will irr�zmediately investigatetlle Con#ractor's finding azid tl�e Owner will direct the Contractor to eith�r rasu�z�e operatxans or to suspand operations as directed. CITY OF FORT WOR'I'H Al[ia�ce Airport `1'exiway A Cente[]ine Light ReplacemenY FAA General Provisions CrP-5 Project Number 1D300� S�CTION ']0 LEGAL RFGULATIOI35 RND TtESI'ONSjS.[LITY TO PL7i3LIC Page G af 3 Sliould ihe Owner order suspension of the Cnntz•actor's operatiaz�s in order to pz•otect an arahaeological or IZisiarical fndi�g, or order fi}e Contractor to perfor�t� ext�a work, suc17 shail be covea•ed by an appz•o�riate contract change arder or sugplen�ental agreement as provided in Section 4Q, paragraph 44-04, Extra Work, and Section 90, paragraph 9fl-Q5, Payment for Extra Wo�k. If appropriat�, the coi�tract el�ange order or supplemental agreement shall incltide an extension af contract time in aceordance with Seotion $0, paragraph SO-07, Deterr�zi�ation and Extension of Cont�act Time. 7Q-21 Ynsurance Requirements. lnsui•ance requiren�ents arc co�ltained in Section QD 61 25 Certificate of Insuraalce. END OF SECTION 76 CITY OF PORT WORTH Alliance Ai�port Taxiway A Centerlvte Light Replacemeni FAA General Pror+isions GP-b Project Number I.03000 sE�T�aN so EXECU'1'ION AND ]'RO�RE55 Page 1 of 3 SECTION SO �XECUTTON AND PROGRES� SO-01 Su6lettiug of cnutract. Tlie Owner wilL not recognize any subcontractor on the work. Tlle Contractor sl�all at a�l times wl�e� wor�c is in progress be represented either in peeson, by a c�ualified supe.rintendent, or by other d�signated, qualified representiative who is duiy autliorized to �•eceive and execute orders of the Residezat Project Representative (RPRj. The Contractor shall perforrm, with his organization, ai1 amotmt of wor•k equal to at least 50 pet�cent nf the total cont�•act cost. Shouid the Contracto�• elect to assign their contract, said assignment shall �e concurred in by th� surety, shaI1 be pz•esented #'or the cnnsideration and a�proval of tii� Owner, and shall be consuminated o�ily on the written approval of the Owner. T�e Cantractor shall provide copi�s of all subcontratts to the RPR 14 days prior to being utilized on the project. As a mini�num, the informatinn siaall include the following: � �ub�ontractoz•'s 1egal compar�y nain�. @ Subcontractor's �egal coinpany address, including County name. � Princ.ipal contac�t person's name, telephone aild fax nu�n6er. • Complete narrative descriptian, and dollar value af the work to be perfarmed by the subcontractor. � Copies of required insurance certificates i�1 accordance with the speei�'ications. � Minority/ non-minority status. � 80-0� Notice to praceed (NTP). The Owners notice to praceed wiSl staie the date on which contract time cainmences. The Conti•actor is expected to cominene.e p�oject operations wiillin 10 days of the NTP date. The Contractor shall notify the RPR at least Z4 ha�ars in acivance of the time contract operatians begins. The Contractor shalI not cornmence any actual operatinns priar to tlie date on which tl�e notice to pt•oceed is issued �y the Owner. 8Q-03 Execution and progress. Unless otherwise specifed, the Contj'aetor shall submit tlteir caordinated construction sclieduie showing all work activities for the RPR's x�eview and acceptance at least 10 days prinr to the start of work. The Contractor's progress schedule, once accepl:ed by t11e RPR, will represent th� Contractor's baseline plan to accomplish the project ui accordance with the terms and conditians of the Contract. The RPR will cdmpare actual Cantractor progress against the baseline scl�edule tt� deterinine that status of the Contractol's perfarmance. Tl�e Contractnr shall provide suffici�nt materials, equipment, and labor to guarantee the cflmpletion of the project in accordance �vitli the plans and specifications withi�a the tune sefi %rth in the pro.posal. Ii the Cantractar falls significantly behind tIie submitted scl7edule, the Con�ractor shall, upon the RPR's request, subenit a revised schedule fo�� completion of the work within th� contract #ime and modify their operations to provide sucli additional materials, equipment, and labor necessary to meet the revised schedule. Should the execLrtion ofthe work be discoi�tinued for any reason, fhe Contractor sliall noiify t11e RPIZ at least 24 haurs in advance of xesurning operations. The Contracto:r shall nat commence any actual construction prior to tl�e date on which Yhe NTP is issued by ihe �wne�•. Cl'CY OF FqRT WORTH Alliance Air}�ort Taxirvay A Centerline Light RepEacemeiit FAA General Provisions GP-1 Project Number 1 U30D0 SECTION $D �XECUTION AND PROGR�SS Page 2 of 3 Tl1e pro,ject scheduIe sha�l be prepared as a netwoilc diagt'atn. in Critical Path Method (CPM), Program Evaluation az�d Review Techniqtt�e {PERT), or othei• format, oz• as atherwise speci�ed. It shall include informatiotl on t�Ze sequei�ce of work activities, milestone dates, and activity dtt�•atian. Tl�e schedule shall slsow all worlc items idet�tified in tlle project proposal for ea¢h work area and shall include the pa'ojact stait date and �nd ciate. Th� Contractor sl�a�l maintain the warlc schedule and pravide an update and azlalysis of the ptogress sclaedule on a monthIy basis, ar as otherwise specified in the contract. Subrnission of tl�e work saheduIe sllall not relieve fhe �antractor of overall respoilsibility for schedulit�g, sequencing, and coordinating all work ta comply witli the reqL�irerrtents ofthe eontract. SO-44 Limitation of operatians. TIZe Contractor shall confrol their operations and t1�e operat�ons aitheir subcantractors and all s�tppliers to pravide for the �'ree and u»obstructed mo�ernent of airaraft in tl�e air operations areas (�OA) of the airport. When the work requires the Cont�•actar to conduct tlieir op�rations wztl�in an AOA of the airpart,. the work sha11 be coordinaled with ai�•pot�t operations (through tl�e RPR) at least [ 4$ 1lours ] prior tn cotnmencemant of such work. The Contractor shal] zaot close an �IOA until so autllorized by the R�'R and until the necessary temporary marking, signage and associated lighting is in p.lace as provided in Section 70, paz•agraph 70-08, Construction Safety and Phasing Plan (CSPP). Whan the cantract work requires the Contractor to worlc r�vitl�i3� an AOA of the airport on an intermitt�nt basis (intermit�ant opening and C105111� af the AOA}, the Cantractor shall mait�tain constant comrn�nicatians as specitied; iminediately obey all inst��uctians to vacate the AOA;. a�nd iz�nmediately obey all instructions to resume worlc in such AOA. Failure ta zxiaintain the specified communicatians or in obey instructions shall be cause %�� suspensian of the Contractor's operations in the AOA until satisfactory conditions are provided. The az'eas of the AOA identi�ied ii� tlle Construction Safety Pk�asing Plan (CSPP) and as Iisted below, caa�nat be closed to operating aircraft to permit the Contractor's operations on a c�ntinuous basis and will therefare be closed to aircraft operatiot�s intez�mittently as follows.: � Runway 16L-3�R aild Runway 16R-34L may nat be cIosed concurrently. o R�znway ] 6L-34IZ may not be clased betwe�n Novemt�er S 202I and January 2, 2022 o Runway 16L-34R and Runway 16R-34L may not be closed du�•ing, ar the week preceding, NASCAR and Indycae ev�n�s at the Texas Motor Spe�dway (three per year). � No canstructian operations are permitted within ihe AOA during, or during the week preceding, the AIliance Air Show, currently scheduled fat October 23 -- 24, 2021. This restriction also applies to the Alliance Air Show in 2022 that is not yet scheduled. The Contractor shall he �•equired to conforzn to safety standards contained in AC 150/5370-2, Operational �afety on Airports During Construction and the approved CSPP. 80-U4.1 Operaticona! sa�ety on airport during construction. All Can�raeiors' operations shall be conducted in accordance witll the approved project Construction Safety aiZd Phasing Plan (CSPP) and the Saf�ty Plan Cornpliance Document {SPCD) azid the provisions s�t farth within the curr�nt version of AC 150/5370-2, Operational Safety an Airports During ConstrucY�on. The C5PP includ�d within the cont�-act documents con�eys minimum requirements %r apez•ational safety on the airport during construction activiti�s. The Contractor shall prepaire and submit a SPCD that details how it proposes ta comply with tlie requirements presented vvithin the CSFP. The Contractor shall imple��ent all necessary safety plan tneasures prior to commeneement of any wark activity. Ti�e Contractor sl�all conduct routine checl�s ka assure compiiance with the safety plan measuras. CITY OF PQAT WQRTH Alliflnce Airpori Taxiw�y A Center[ine Light Replaeement FAA General Pravisions GP-2 Projeet I�iumber 103000 SECTiON 80 LXECLfTIOt`! AMD PROGRE55 l?age 3 nf 3 The Contractor is respo�tsibfe to the �wner far tha conduct of all subcoi7tractiors it employs on the project. The Contt'actor shall assure that all subcontra�tors are Zaaade aware of the require��asnts o� tlte C�I'P and SPCD and that they implement and maiiitain aIl ilecassary measures. No deviation or enodifications may be made to the approved C.SPP and SI'CD �ii�less approved in writing by ti�e Owner. Tha necessary coordination actions to review Contractot• proposed modifications to an approved CSPP or approvec3 SPCD ca�� require a significant amount aftune. SO-05 Character of workers, methods, and eyuipme�at. Tl�e Cantractar shall,. at all times, employ sufficient labor and equiptx�ent for prosecuting the �work to full completign in the mamler and tirr►e required by tlie contraat, plans, and specifications. A11 warkers shail have sUfficient skill and experience tn perFarm properly the work assigned to them. Worlters engaged in special work ar sicilled work shall hava suff'icieilt expei-ieilca in such work and in the operation of the equip�nent z'equired to perforrn the wark satisfactorily. Any person ernployed by the Contractor or by any subcontract�r wl�o vialates any operatio��al rsgulations or operatioz�al safety requirements and, in the apinion of the RPR, does not perform l�is worlc in a proper and skillful manner or is intemperate or disorderly shall, at the written requesY of the IZPR, be reinnved immediataly by the Coilh•acfor or subcontractar ejnpioying such p�rsan, and sliall not be employed again in any� porlion of the work without approval of the RPR. Sha�ld the Con#ractor fail to remove such person or pei•sons, or fail to furnisl� suitable and sufficient per5onnel fot ihe proper execution of the woz'k, the RPR may suspend the worlc by written notice vntil compliance vvith such orders. All equipment that is prop�sed to be used on the work shaIl be of suff'icient size and in suc11 mechanical conciition as to meet requirements of the worlc and to produce a satisfactory quality of work. Equip�aaent used on any portion oftl-�e work shall not cause injtiry to previo�.�sly coznpleted work, adjacent pt�operty, or existing airport facilities due to its use. When tl�e methods and equip.ment to be used by the Contractaj• in accoinplishing the work at•e not prescribed in the contract, the Contractor is free to use any methods or equipment that will accomplish th� work in confarmity with the requu•ements ofthe cont►•act, plans, and specifieatioi�s. When the contract specifies the use of cert�iva nnethods a.i�d equipm�nt, such me#hods and �quip�nent shaIl be usad unless otherwise authorized by the RPR. If the Contractor desi�•es to use a metIzod or �ype of equipinent otlier than speci�ed in the contract, the Cantc•actor may request autl�ority from the ItPR to da so. The request shall be in writing and sllall include a full description of the methods and �quipment proposed and of the reasons fax desiring to make the change. If appro�al is given, it will be on the condition that the Contractor wiil be fuliy �•espansible for produczng worlc in con%ranity with contract reyuirements. If, aftei• trial use of the substitu�ed methods ar equipment, the ftPR deter�nines that tlie wark produced does not meet contract requirements, tlle Contractor shall discontitiue tIae use of the sL�bstitute method or equipinent and s��all compl�te the remain�ng worlc vvith the specified inetl�ods and equipment. The Contractor shall rerriove any de�cient work and replace it with work of specified quality, or take such otl�er correcti�e action as the RPR may direct. No change will be made in basis of payment for ti�e cont�•act items invol�ed nor in contract time as a result of authorizing a change in methods or equipmen.t under this paragrapl7. 80-06 Temparary suspension of t�ae work. The Owner shall ha�e the authoriiy % suspend the work wholfy, ar in part, for such period or periods the Owner rnay deem necessary, due ta unsuitable r�eather, or other conditions considered unfa�orable for the execution of the work, or for such time necessaay ciue to the failti�•e an the pait of ihe Contracto.r to caa•ry out orders given or perform any o�• all provisions of the c�ntract. In the event that tlie Contractor is ordered by t11e Owner, in writiilg, to suspend warlc far some unforeseen cause not otherwise pravided far in the contract and over vv3iich the Contracfor has no control, the CITY QF FQRT WORTii Alliance Airporl Taxiway A Genterlii�e Light Replacemenk PAA General I'ravisions GP-3 Prajent Number ]0300n secTioN 80 EXECUTION AI�l1J PRpGR�S5 Page 4 oP3 Cniitranior znay be reimbursed fog actual money expended on the work during the period of shutdown. No allowanee will be made far anticipated profits. The pet•iod af shutdawn shalj be computad from tl�e effective date of the wririen order to suspend work to tihe effective date of the written az'der to resutne the work. Claiins far sucli compensatio�i shall be filed with tlle RPR wi1:liin th� tiine pex•iod stated in tne RPR's order to resume work. The Conta•actac shall submit with their o�t� claiz�a information suhstanti.ating the amount sltowz� on the claim. The Rl'R will for�vard the Contractor's claim to t��e Owner for conside�•atian in accordance witl� local laws a.r oa'dinances. No provision af this ar�icle s�iall be construed as entit�ing the Contractor to coinpensation for delays due to incleinent wealhe�• or for a�iy other delay pravided for in the contract, plaits, or s.pecifications. If it becomes necessary to suspend work for an indefinite pe�•iod, t�ie Contractar shail store all material� in sucl� mantier that they wil� �Zot beaome an obsh-uctian nor become da�naged in any way. TI�e Contractor shall take every precaution to prevent damage or deteriaratio� of Che warlc perforined and provide fo�' normal drainage of the worli. Tl�e Cantractor shali erect temporary structures where nec�ssary to provide for traffic on, to, ar fram tl�e azrport. SO-Oi Determination and extension of contrxcf �ime. The nuaxaber of ealendar days shalI be statecf u1 the proposal and cont�•act and s.hall be lcnown as tl�e Contrac# Ti�ne. If the contract time requires extension for reasons beyond the Contractor's coniE�ol, it shall be adjust�d as �Follows: 80-071 Contract time based on calendar days. Contract Time based on calendar days shall consist of the nu�nber of calendar days stated in the contraci counting fi•ojn the effective date of ti�e Notice to Proceed and includin.g a!1 Saturdays, Sundays, lznlidays, ai�d non-work days. All cal�itdar days elapsing.bet�e�n tlae effecfive dates of the Owner's orders to suspend and resuz�ne all work, due to causes not tlae fault of the Contractox, shail be excluded. At the time of �'inal payment, the contract tune sha116e increased in the sar�e proportia�� as the cost of the actually completed quantities bears to ihe cost of the originally estunated quantities in the praposal. Such increase in the coz�traet time shall not consider either cost of wark or 1he exten.sion of contract time that has been covered by a change order or supplemental agreement. Charg�s against the contracl: time will cease as of the efate of final acc�ptaalce. $0-U$ Failur� to complete on Htne. For each calendar day or woa•king day, as speciiied in khe cazltc'act, tliat any work remains uncompleted after tiie contract time (including all extensions and adjc�stments as provided in paragraph 80-07, Determin�rtion and Extension af Contract Time) the suin specified in t�e coiitraci anci praposal as liquidated darnages (LD) wz11 be deducted f�•om any money due or to become due the Confractor or their own sureiy. Sucli deducted sums shaIl not be deducted as a penalty but shall be considered as liquidation af a reasonabie portion of damagas including but no� limited to additional engineering sei�rices that will be incurred by the Owner should the Contractor fail io connplete the work i.n the time provided in tl�eir contract. �cl�eduZe Liquidated Damages Cost Allowed Constraction Time Bi.d Schedule 1$6,000 per day �422 Calendar Days Only one bid schedule will be awaxded, depending upon available funding. Permitting the Contractor to continue and iinish tIae work or any part a� it after tl�e titne fixed for its completinn, ar after the date to which the time for completion may have been extanded, �vill in no way aperata as a wavier on the part of tlze Owner of ar�y of its rights under the cant�•act. 80-Q9 Default and termination of contract. Tlle Contractor shall be considered in defa�lt of their contract and sucli deiault wi11 be cansidered as cause for the Owner to terminate the contract for an� afthe following reasons, zf the Cantractor: CITY OF FORT WORTH Allianee Airport Taxiway A Centerline Light Replacement FAA General Provisions GP-4 Project Mumber 10360D �ECTIpN $0 BXECUTION I�ND PROGRESS Page 5 vf 3 a. I�ails. to 6egin the worlc under the �onttact within t11e time specified in the Notice to Proceed, ar b. Fails to perform the woz�Ic az° fails to pro�+ide sufFicient warke�•s, equipment and/or materials to assure completion oiwark in accordance with the terins of tl�e contract, or c. Perfo��ms the work utlsuitably ar neglects or refuses to remove materials or to pe�•form anew such work as may be rejected as unaceeptable and unsurtable, or d. DiscontiiYues the execution of ti�e worlc, or e. Fails to resume work which has been discontinued within a reasonab�e tiine after notice to do so, or f. Becomes it�solve��t Qr is declared banki•upt, oa• commits any act oibanla•Liptcy ar insol�ency, or g. Allows any �na1 judgmenl- ta stand agaittst t17e Conh�actor unsatis%ed for a period af 10 days, nr h. Ma�Ces an assignment �ar ihe benefif of creditors, or i. For any othar cause whatsoever, fails ta earty on the work in an acc�p�able mailner. S17ouId the Owner consider the Contz'aator in default of ihe eontract %r at�y reason above, tite Owner shall iznmediately gi�e writi�n noiiee to the Contractor artd tl�e Contaactor's surety as ta tlle reasons for coi�sidering the Cbntractor in default and the Owner's intentions to terrninate the co��tract. If the Contractor or surefy, within a period of 10 days after such notice, does nat proceed in accordance therewi.th, then the Ownei• will, u.pon wz'itten natification from the RPR of the facts of such deiay, neglect, or default and the Conh-actor's failure to comply with suoh notice, have full power and authority without violatir�g the contract, to take the execution ot'the vvo�•k Qut ofthe hands of the Co:ntz•actor. The Owi�er may appropriate or use any or all �aaterials and equipment that have been mobilized for use in the work and a.re acceptable and may enter into an agreement %r the campletion of said contract according to the terms and provisions thereof,. or use such other mathods as in the opinion of �e RI'R will be required far tl�e completion of sa.id contract in an acceptable manner. All costs and charges incurred by the Owner, together with ihe cost of completing the work under contract, will be deducted from any manies due or which may become due the Contractor. If such expense exceeds the sum whicli would ha�e been payable under the contract, then the Cnntz�actar and the surety shaIl be liable and s1�a11 pay to the Owner the arzlouilt of such excess. SO-1� Termination for nat�ona� emergencies. The Qwne�• s1�a1I terininate fhe contract or partion thereof by written notice when tl�e Contractor is prevented frazn proceeding with the construction contract as a direct �esult of ar� ExecLltive Order of the President with respect to i��e execution of war ar in the interest of national defez�se. When the contract, or any portion there�f, is termitaated before coinpletion of a!1 itetnis af work in the contract, payment will be made for the actual nutnber of units or items of work co�npleted at the contxact price or as mutually agreed for itezns of work partialIy completad ar not started. No claims or loss of anticigated profits shall be considered. Reirabursement for ogganizati.on of'the work, and ather overinead expenses, {when nat otiherwise included in the enntract) and moving equipment and materials ta and fram the job will be cansidered, the inten.t being that ar� equitable settle.ment will be made �vith the Contractor. Acceptable materials, obiained or ordered by tlle Contractnr for the worlc and that are not incorporated in the work shall, at the option of �he Cnntractor, be purchased from tlle Contractor at actuai cost as shown by receipteci bills and actual cost records at such points o�delivery as may be designated by the RPR. Termination of the contract or a portiQn thereaf shalj neither relie�ve the Contractor of their responsibilities for the completed worl� nor shall it relieve their suraty of its obligation for and concerning any just claim arising out oithe work per%rmeci. CiTY O�' F'ORT WORTH Alliance Airport Taxiway A Centerline Light Replacemeni FAA General Provisians CP-5 Project Number 103000 srcT�oN sn �x�cvTrar� Ar�u �xoG�z�ss Page G of 3 8U-I1 Wo�•k area, storage area and sequence of oPerations. The Cont�-acta�• sIaa11 obtain approvai ftorn the RPR prio.r to beginning any work i��. aI1 areas of the airport. No operating runway, taxiway, or air operations area (AOA) shall be crossed, entered, or obsia•ucted while it is operation.al. The Contractor s11a11 plan and caordinate work in aecorclance wit�� th� appi•oved CSPP and SPCD. END OF SECTION 80 CITY d�' FORT WOA'1 H AlliFtrice Airport Taxiway A Centerline Ligiit lteplacen�ent F�1t1 General Prokisions GP-6 I'roject Numher 103000 S�CTIOt�! 90 MCASUIiEMCNT /�1ND P,�.YMENT Page 1 of 3 S�CTI�N 90 MEASUREMENT AND PA'YMENT 90-01 �easurement of quantities. AlI v,rork comp�eted under the conh•ac� will he ineasux�ed by the RPR, or tl�eir autllorized representatives, using United States Custamary Units oilVleasu�•etnent, The inetl�ad of ineasureinent a��d coinputations to be used in determination nf qt�antities of inat�ria] furnished and of work performed under the contt'act will be those inethods geuerajly recogn�zed as conforining to gaod enginaering practice. Unjess otherwise specified, longitudinal measure�nents fo�• atea computations wilI be tnade harizontally, ai�d ��o deductions wijl be macie for indiv�dual f�tvres (ar leave-outs} having a1� area af 9 square feet (0.8 square meters) o�• less_ U�less otherwisa speciiied, transvei�se ineasureznents for area computations will be the neat dimensions shown on the }�lans or ordered in writing hy th� RPR. Unless otl�ez'wise specified, all contra�ct items which are measured by the linear foot suel� as eleetrical ducts, cQnduits, pI�T� CLlIVE�`iS, underdrains, and similar items shall be ineasured pat'allel to tlte base ar foundation upon whicl� such items are placed. The term "lutnp sLrzm" when used as au item of payinent will mea�l cai�.plei:e payment for the wo�•k described iii �he contiract, When a complete structure or st�'uctural unii (in eff'eet, "lump sur►�" work} is speeified as the t�nit of �neasuremeiit, tl�e unit will be construed to include all necessaiy fittin�s and accessories. Vl�hen reyuested by the Cont�•actor and apprnved by the RPR in vwriting, material specified to be meas�red by the cubic yard {cubic ineter} may be weighed,. and such weights wili be cottverted to c►,ibic yards (cubic rneters) for payment purposes. Factors for conversion from weight measureinent to volume measurement wi�l be detennined by the RPR anci shall be agreed to by the Contractor before such method of ineasurement of pay quantities is used. Measurement and PayKn.ent Terms Term Description ExcavatioQ and Tn computir�g volumes af e�cdvation, the average end area method wili be used Embankment unless otherwise specified. Volum�e Measurement and The term "ton" will mean the short ton consisting of 2,Q40 pounds (907 km} Proporiion by avoirdupois. All materials that are ineasured or proportioned by weights shall bE Weigh� weighed on accurate, i�dependently certi�ed seales by competent, qualified persannel at locations des.ignated by the RPR. If rnatarial is shipped by raii, the car weight may be accepted provided that only the actual weight of material is paid for. However, car weights will noi be acceptahle for material to be passed through rnixing plants. Trucks used to haul material being paid for by weight shall be weighed empty daily at such times as the RPR direets, and each truck sha11 bear a piainly legible identification maz•k. Measurement by Matez•ials to be measured by �oluzne in �he hauling vehicle shall be hauled in Valume approved vehicl.es atld measured therein at �he point of deli�eiy. Vehicles fot-this pu�posa may be of any size or type accept�ble for the materials l�auled, pravided that the body is of such shape tl�at the actual contents may be readijy aild accuratel dete�'mined. All vehicl�s shall be loaded to at least theit' water jeve! CITY QF FORT WORTH Alliauce Airport Taxiway A Cen#erfine Liglrt Replacement FAA General C'mvisions GP-1 Project Nttmber 103D00 SECTIOt�I 90 MEASUREMEAIT At�D PAYMENT Page 2 0£ 3 Term Descript[on capacity, anr� a1l loads shall be leveled wh�n tite vehicles axrive ai iI�e point of dejivery. Asphalt Material Asphalt inaterials will be measttred by the gailon (Liter) or ton {kg). When ineasured hy volume, sucl� �alumes will be measured at 60°F (15°C) or will be corrected to the volume at 60°F (16°C) using ASTM D125� for asphalts. Net certified scale weights or r7veights based on ce�•tified volumes in the case of rail sSzipmenis will he �ised as a basis of ineasuremeni, subjeot to correctian w��en asphalt mate�'ia1 laas been lost fi•oin the car or the distributor, wasted, or otl�erwise r�ot incorporal:ed in the work. When asphalt materials are shipped by ti'ttck ar transport, net cez'tified weigIrts by volume, subject to correction for loss or foamiilg, will be used for computing quantities. Cement Cement will be measured by tl�e toi� (kg} oz' k�undredweiglit (ktn). Structure Structures will be measured according to neat lines showil on the plans or as altered to �t field conditions. Timb+er Timbez� will be ineasured 6y tlle thousand feet board measure (MFBM) acivally incorporated it� tlle stt•uchire. Measurement wi13 be 6ased on noininal widths and tl�icknesses and the extreme lengtIl o.f eac� piece. Plates a�ad Sheets The thickness ofplates and galvaniz�d sheet used in tlte manufacture of corrugated metal pipe, metal plate pipe culvez�ts and archas, and rzzetal cribbing will be speeified and measured in deciinal fracti�rn of itEch. Miscellaneous When standard tnanufactureci items are speci�ed such as feuce, wir�, plates, rolled Items shapes, pipe conduit, etc., and these items are identified by gauge, unit weight, s�ctian diineilsions, etc., such identiiication wi.11 ba considered to be nominal weights or dimensions. Unless more stringently cont�•olled by toIerances in cited specif'ications, manufac�iring tolerau�ces established by th� indust7'ies iiivo�v�d �vill be accepted. Scales Scales rnust be tested for accuracy a�id serviced befoa•e use. Scales %r weighing inafet�als vahich are required to be prapor�ioned ar measured and paid for by weight shall be furnished, erected, and main�ained by the Contractor, ar be cert7�ed permanently installed camm�rcial seales. Plai�'arzn scales shaIl be instajled and maintained with the platform level and rigid bulkheads at each end. Scales ahall be accu�•ate within 0.5% nf tlle correct weight 1:hroughaut the range of us�. The Contractor shall have tIae scales checked under the observation of the RPR beFore beginning work and ai such other times as requesied. The intervals shall be uniform in spacing thraughaut the graduated or ��narked lengdl ofthe beam or dial and shall not exeeed �.l% of �he nominal rated capacity of fihe scale, but not less than one pound (454 gr�s). Tl�e use of spring balances will not be perrn itted. In the evant inspection reveals the scales 4�ave been "overweighing" {inciicating �nore tha� correct wei 11t the wilI be immediatel ad'usted. All materials CTT'Y OF FORT W[3x'1'H Al[iance Airport Ta�ciway A Centerline Liglrt I�eplacement FAA General Provisians GP-2 Project Number 103000 SECTEDN 90 NEEASIIREME�IT ANIa PAYMEN'f Page 3 of 3 Term Descri�fion recei�ed subsequent. to ihe last previous correc� wei�hting-accuracy tes# will be reduced. by tlle perce��tage of erroc in excess of 0.5%. In the event inspection reveals the scales have been under-weighing (iildicating Iess than correct weight), they sl�all be immediately adjusted. No additional payment to the ContractQr will be allowed for materials previously weighed az�d x'eca�'ded. Beams, dia�s, platForms, and o�lier scale equipment sha31 be so arran�ed that the operator a.nd the RPR can safely at�d conveniently view theni. Scale i��stallatic�ns s11a11 Iaave available ten standard SO-pound (2.3 km) weights �or testing tI1e wai�hing equiptnent or suitable weigllts anc3 devices for other approved equipinent. All costs in connection with furnishing, installing, certifying, testing, and maintaining scales; for fiu�r�ishing check weiglits and scala house; and for all other items specified in this subsection, %r the waighit�g af materials for pj•opo��ioning or payment, shall b� included in the unit eontract prices f'or the va�•ious items of the p�'ojaci. Rental Equipment Rental of equiprr�ent will be tneasured by time in hours of actual wark�g time and necessary traveIing time of the equipment within the limifis of the work. Special equipment ordereti in cQnnectian with extra v,Rork will be measured as agreed in the change arder ox• supplemental agreement authorizing such work as provided in paragraph 90-DS Payment for Extr� Wo�k. Pay Quanti�ies When the estimated quantities for a specific pox�Yion of the work are designateci as the pay quanti�ies in the contract, they shalj be the fnal quan�ities for whieh payment for such specific por-�ion of the woric will be made, unless the dimensions of said portians of the worlc shown o� the plans are revised by the RPR. If revised dimensions result zn an increase ar decrease in the qua�ztities of such work, �lie imal quantifies for payment wij3 be r�vised �n the amount represent�d by the autl�orized changes in the dimensions. 90-02 Scope of payment. Th� Cantractar shall receive and accept eompensation provided far in the contracf as full paymen� for f�niishing a1J materials, for performing ail work under the contract in a complete and acceptable manner, and for all rislc, loss, dainage, ar expense of whatever character �'ising out of the natl�re of t�i� work ar ti�e execution thereof, subjeci to the provisions of Section 70, paragraph 70-18, No Y�aiver ofLegal Rights. 'L�Vhen tha "basis of payment" subsection of a technicai specification requires that the cantract price (price bid} include coinpensation for eerta.in worlc or materiai essential to the item, this saine work or material will not also ba measured for payment under any other contract item which inay appear elsewhere in �l�e contract,. plans, a.r specifications. 9Q-D3 Compensation for �lfered quantifies. When the acccpted q��antities of work vary from tl�.e quantities in the proposal, the Contraetor shail accept as payment in full, so far as coittraet itams are cancerned, payment at tlZe original. contract price for the accepted quantiYies of work actually completed and accepted. No allowance, axcept as provided for in Section 40, paragraph 4Q-02, Alteration of Wor�k and Quantities, wili 6e made for any increased exp�tise, loss af expected reimbursement, or loss of anticipated CITY OP FORT VVORTI-I Ailiance Ai�pnrt Taxiway A Centerline LighE Replacemen[ FAA General Provisiovs GP-3 E'rojeotNumber 10300D s�crior� ga M�AStiItEM�AIT AND I�A.YMENT Page �} uf 3 prafits su�ered or claiined by tl�e Cont�'actor whie� results directily fi•am such alterations or indirectly iroin tl�eir own unbalanced allocation of overiiead aiid profit a�nong the contract items, ot from any other cause. 90-04 Payment for oam.itted items. As speci�ed in Section 40, paragrapI� 40-03, Orraitted Itenzs, the RPR sl�ali have the ��ight to omit from the work (order nouperformance) atly cant�act item, except major contract items, in tl�e best interest of fihe Ownez•. ShoL�ld. the RPR amit or order tZonperformance af a contract item or portion af such item from the wor�C, the Contractor shall accept payment in fiill at the coj�tract pj•ices far any worlc actually eomplel:ed and acceptable prior to tl�e RPR's ordar to oznit or non-perform such contract item. Acceptable materiaEs ordered by tl�e Cont�•actor or delivered on tl�e wo�k prior td tlle date of t1Se RPR's orde� will be paid for at the actual cost to the Contractor aiid shaIl thereupon become tl�e pt•operty of tl�e �wner. In additinn to tlae reimbursement hereinbefa�'� provided, the Contractor shall be reimbui•sed far all actual costs incurred for fi1�e purpose of perfarming the omitt�d contract item prior to the date of the RPR's order. Such additional costs incur:red by the Con�ractor mus� be directly related to tl�e deleted coniract itetn and shal� �e supparted by cez•tifed statemet�ts by the Contractor as to the nature t�ie amount of sucl� costs. 90�05 Paym�eut for extra work. Extra wark, performed in accordaiace with Section 40, paz�agraph 4Q-04, �xtNa T�or�k, will be paid for ai the contract prices or a�reed prices specifi�d ii� ihe change order or supplemental agreem�;nt autl�arizing #he extra work. 9Q-06 Partial payrAaents. Partial paymenfs will be made to the Cantractor at least once eacl� inortth as �lie work progz•esses. Said payments �viIl be based upon estimates, prepared by the Rl'R, af the value of the work perfarmed and materials camplete and in place, in accot�dance with tl�e contraet, plans, a�1d speciiications. Suc1� partial paymeilts m.ay also incIude the dalivered actual cost of those mater•ials stocltpiled and stared in accardance with paragrapy 90-07, Payment for MateYials a�t H�xnd. No partial payment will be made when tk�e atnount due to the Contractor since the last estimate amounts to less than fiue hundred dollars. a. From the total ofthe amount determined to be payable on a partial payment, five (5) percent of suc11 total amount will be deducted and retained by the Owner %r prntection of the Owner's interests. Unless otherwise instructed by the Owner, ll�e amount retained by the Owner wiil be in e.fFect until the �"rnal pa�ment is rriade e�cept as follows: (1) Contractor may cequest r��ease of t�etainage on �vnrk that has been partially accepted by the Owner in accardance with Sectinn 50-14. Contractor inust provide a certi�ied in�oice to the RPR that supports the value of retainage lield by tl�e Qwner far pa�ially accepted work. (2) In lieu af retaina�e, the Coiltractor may exercise at its option the establishment of an escrow accaunt per para�raph 90-�8. b. The Contractor is req�7ired ta pay all subcor�tracto�•s for satisfactory pei�formance af their coiltracts na later �l1an 30 days after tlie Contracfor has received a partial payment. Contractor must pz'avide the Owner Evidence of pra.mpt and fiill payinent of retainage held by the prime Contractor to the subcontractor withzn 3p days after the subcontractor's wark is satisfactari�y completed. A subcantractor's work is satisfactorilq campleted when aIl the tasks called fo�• in t3se subconh•act have been accotnplis�ed and docurnented as required by the Owner. When the Owncr has made an incremental aeceptance af a portion af a prime contr�ct, the work of a subcontractor covered by that acceptance is deemed to be satisfactori.Iy completec�. c. When at least 95%. Qfthe war% has been completed to the sat'tsfaction of tlae RPR, the RPR shall, at fhe �wn�r's disct'etion and with th� consent of the surety, prepare estiinates of botli the contract value and the GITF QF FO�T V�lQRTH Alliance tlirport Taxiway A Centerline Light Replacen�ent FAA Creueral Provisions GP-4 Project Nmnher 1a3000 SECTION 90 MEASURCMENT AND PA�S'MEI1T Page 5 nf 3 cost of tixe rei�aining worl< to be done. The Owiler may retain ai7 atroouni r►Qt �ess tl�an twice the contract vajue or estimat�d oost, wlaiche�er is greater, of the work remaining to be do��e. The re�nainder, less a11 previous payments and deductions, will then be cei�tified for payment to ihe Cantractar. Tt is understood and agreed �hat the Contractor shall nat be entitled to deir�.and ar receive partial pay�nent based on quantities of worlc in excess of those provided i�� tl�e pa'oposal or covered by approved ehange orders or supp�emetlfal agreements, except when suc�► excess quanlities have been determined i�y ti11e RPR to b� a pari of the final quantity for the itet� of �ork in question. No paitial payznent shall bind the Owner to t11e acceptance of any �aterials or work in place as to quality or quantity. All partial pay�nents are subjeci to cor�•ection at the tiine ai final payinent as pt�ovided in pa�•agraph 90-09, Acceptanee and Final Payment. The Contractor sliall deliver to the Owner a cnrnpiete release of all claims far labor and inateriaj arising out of tl�zs co�ztract before tiie final payment is �nade. If any subcontra�ctor or supplier fails fo furnish sucli a relea�e in full, the Contractor may furnish a bond or otller collateral satisiaciory to the Owner to inciemnify the Owner againsi any potential lien or other sueh claim. The bond or collateral s11a11 include all casts, ��penses, and attorney fees the Own�r inay b� campelled to pay [n disc��arging any such lien or claim. 90-07 Paym�nt for materials on hand. Fai�tial pa�ments zz�ay be made to the e�t�nt of the delivered cost of rnaterials to be incorporated in the work, prnvided that such materials �tteet ihe requirements a�'the con�i-act, plans, a�d specifications and are deiivered to acceptable sites on the airport property or at ather sites in t11e vicinity that are acceptabl.e to the Owner. S�icl� delivered costs of stor�d or stockpiled materials may be inclnded in the �aext partial payinent after tl�e fo.Ilowiiig conditions are znet: a, The material has been stored or st-ockpiled in a manner aceeptable to the RPR at ar an an approved site. b. The �ontractor has furnished tk�e RPR with acceptable evidence of the quan�ity and qualzty af such stored or stockpiled materials. c. The Contractor has furnished the RPR with satisfactozy evidence that the material and transpoi�ation costs have been paid. d. The Contractor �Zas furnished the Ow�.er• iegal titIe {free of li�ns or encumbrances of any kinc�) to the material stored ar stockpiled. e. Tl�e Cantractor has furnis�aed the Owner evid�nce that the material storad or stockpiled is insu�'e� against loss by damage to or disappearance of suc11 materials at any time prior �o use in the work. It is understood and agreed that the transfer of title and the Owner's payment for such stared or stockpiled inaterials shall in no way re�ieve the Contractor af their responsibility for furnishing anci placi�g suc11 ma�erials in accordance with the requiretnents of the contj•act, plan.s, and specificatians. In no case will the a�nount of partial payments for mat�rials on liand exceed the contract price for such tx�aterials or tI�e contraci price for the contraet item ii7 whicl� the material is int�nded ta be used. No paz�tia3 payment will be made for stored or stoekpiled living or perishable plant tnaterials. The Contractor shall bear all costs associate.cl witla tl�e partial payment df stared or stackpiled �naterials in accordance with the pravisions of this paragraph. 90-OS Payment qf withheld funds. At the Cantractor's aption, if an Own�r withI�aIds retainage in accordance w��ls the meilaods described in paragraph 90-Dfi Partial. Pay�nents, the Cantractor may requesi tl�at the Owner deposit the retainage into an escrow accoL�nt. The �r��er's deposit of retainage into an escrow accflunt is subject to the folIowing conditions: a. The Contractor shall beat� alj expenses of establishing and jnaintaining an escra�+ account and escrow agreement acceptable tio tlie Owner. CITY O�' �'ORT WORTH �llkiauce Airp.Qrt Taxiway A Genterline Light Repfacement FAA General Provisions GP-5 Prflject Alum6er 1D3Q00 S�CTION 90 MEASUR�MENT AND PAYM�NT P�ge 6 of 3 b. Tl�� Catltractar sliali dep�sit to and maintain in sueh escrow oniy tlaose securities or banlc ce��tificates of deposit as are acceptable to ihe Owner and having a vajue n.at less than the cefainage that wou�d otherwise be withl�eld £rom partial paymei�t. e. The Contractor shall e�iter into an escrow agreennent satisfactory to the Owner. d. The Contr�ctar shall obtain the written consent nf tl�e surety to suc1� agreement. 90-U9 Aceeptance ancl final payment. When the coz�tract work has been accepted in accoedance with the requ�'ements of Se�tian S0, paragraph SO-IS,. FanalAeceptance, ille RPR will prepaxe tlie iinal estima�e of the itetns of work actually performed. The Cantractor shall approve the RPR's �nal estiinate or advise tI�e RPR af the Contractor's objectioiis to the finaI estiinate wlzich are based an dispuies in measurements ot• coinputations o� the �nal quantit�es to be paid under the conh•act as amended by change oi�dez� ar supplemental agreexr�ent. The Contractor and the RPR shall resolve all disputes (if any) in the measureine�t and cnmputation oi �naI quantities to be paid witliin 30 calendat' days of the Contraotor's receipt of the RPR's final estimate. If, after such 30-d�y period, a dispute sti�l exists, t�e Contractor may approve the RPR's estimate under protest of tlie quantities in dispute, and s�.�ch disputed quantities shalj be considered by the O�vner as a claim in accordance with Seciion 50, pa�'agraph SQ-16, Clarrris foN Adjust�aaent ana' Disputes. After the C.ontractar has approved, or approved under protest, i:I1e RPR's imal estimate, and after tlte RPR's receipt of the peoject closeout docLYt��entatioi� required in paragraph 9Q-1 l, Contt�actop .�'znal Projeci Dacume�tation, final pay��nent will be processed based on the entire sum, or ihe undisputed sum in casa of approval under }�rotesk, determinad to be due tite C.onti•actor less ali previaus payments and a11 atnounts to be deduct�d under tl�e provisians of the con�tact. All przar partial estimates and payments shall be subject to correciion in the final estimate attd paymenti. If the Contractor has �Ied a claiin for additional compensation under the provisians of Section 5�, paragraph 50-16, Clairrts foN Adjustr�aents and Disputes, or under the provisions of ihis paragraph, such claims wijl be considered by tile Owner in accordance with lacal laws or ordinances. Upon final adjudieation of such claims, any additional payrnent detennined to be due the Contractor will be paid pursuant �o a supplemental finai estimate. 90-10 Constraction warranty. a. In addition to any other warrat�ties in this cantract, the Contractor warrants that work perfo�ned under tltis contract con%rn�s to the contract requu'ements and is free af asiy defect in equjpment, xnate�•ia1, workmanship, or design furnished, or perfarmed by the Contraetor or any subcontractor or supplier at any tier. b. `I'his warranty shall continue for a pei�iod of one year from the date of �nal accepta�nce of the worIs, except as noted. If the Owner takes possession af any� pa� of the work before final acceptance, tliis wa�ra.nty shall confinue for a periad of one year fi•am the date the Owner takes possession. Harv�ever, tl�tis wilS not relieve the Co�itractor irom corrective items required by the final acceptance oi the praje�t worl�. Ligl�t Emitting Diode emiiting diode (LED) light iixtures with the exception of a.bstructian lighting, must be warranted by the manufacturer %r a minimum of four (�) years aftar date of installation inc�usive of all electranics. c. Tk�e Contractor shalI re�nedy �t t�i� Contraetor's expense any failure to confarm, or any de%ct. In additian, the Contractor shall remedy at fi11e Contractar's expense any damage to Owiier real or persanal property, when that damage is the result of the Contractar's faiiure to conform to contract requirements; or any defect afequipment, materzal, workmanship, or design fi�rnzslled by the Contracto�•. d. The Contracior shall restore any vvork damaged in ful�lling the terms and condifiions of this cIause. The Contractor's vvarranty with respect to work repaired or repIaced will run for one yea�• fi•nrn the date of repair or replacement. CITY O.F r01�1' WORTH Alliance Airport Taxiway A Centerline Light Repkacement FAA General Provisions GP-6 Project I��imber 1030D0 5CCTION 90 N[EASUR�M�N'i' AND I�AYM�NT Fage 7 ni 3 e. The Owner will uoti�y fhe Co.ntractar, r.n writing, within thirly {30) days afte�• the discave�y of any failure, defect, or da�nage. f IftIae Contractor fails to remad}+ any failure, defect, or damage within fourteen (l4) days after receipt of notice, the Owner sl�all ha�� the right to replace,. repair, or otherwise rejnedy the faiIure, defect, or damage at the Contractor's expense. g. Wit11 tespecl ta aIS warranties, express or implied, from subcontractars, manufacturers, or suppliers far work pej�formed ai�d materials furnish�d undez• tl�is cantract, tlie Conh�actor shall: (1) Obtain all warranties that would he given in narmal caaninercial prac#ice; (2) Require alI warranti�s to be executed, in w�•itit�g, for t17e beziefit of the Owiter, as directed by �17e 4wner, and (3 ) Enforce all warranties for the benefit af the Owner. h. This wzarranty si�ail not limit the Owner's right� with respect to Iateni defects, gross �nistakas, or fraud. 90-11 Coniracfnr Final Project Documentatian. Approval of final payt�ent to the Contractor is coiltii�gent upon comp�etion and subinittal of the items Iisted below. The final payinent will not be approved untii tlie RPR approves tlie Cont��actor's final submittal. The Contractor shali: a. Provide two (2} copi�s of a11 r�aanufacturer's warranties specifieci for matez•zals, aquipment, and insiallations. b. Pravide weekly payroll recards (nQE previously received) fra�n tlte general Coritractor and all suhcantracto:rs. c. Co�nplete final cleanup in accordanc� with Section 40, paragraph 40-08, Final Cleanup. d. Complete all punch lis� items identified during the Fina1 Inspaction. e. Provide complata release of all claims for labor and rnaterrzal arising out ofthe Cantracfi. f. Pravide a certif'ted statement sign�d by the subcon�t'actors, indicating actual amaUi�ts paid fo tl�e Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) subcantractors andlor suppliers associated vvith the proJect, g. When applicable per state requiternents, return copies of sales t� completion forms. h. Man�xfacturer's certitications for al1 itetns incarporated 'ui the wo�•k. i. All reyuired record dj•awings, as-built drawings or as-constructed drawings. j. Project Operation and Maintenance (�&IVn Manual(s). k. Security far Construc�ion 'V4�an-anty. l. Equiptnent commissianing docuznentatian submitted, if required. END OF ��CTION 90 CITY 4F FORT WQRTH A[liance Airport Taxiway A Centerline Liglit Replacement FAA Genera! Provisions GP-i Project TTumber 1d30Q0 �� � �� �.� ��� o��o�°t�ll�or�� � Federal Contract Provisions ['edera] Contract Pravisions Page 1 oi25 FCP-l. ACC�SS TO RECORDS AND REPORTS Th� Contractor tnus� mair�tain an aeceptable cost accounting systern. The Contraetor agrees to pror�ide the Own�r, tl�e Federal Aviatioi� Administratinn and the Comptroljex� Generai oi the Llnited States or any of their duly autliorized represenfiatives access to any boalcs, documents, papers and recards of 1:he Cantractor which are directIy pertineni to ti�e specific coiltract far the purpase o��naking audit, examination, excerpts and transe��iptians. Tlie Contractor agrees to maii�tain all �ooks, records and reports required under tl�is coniract for a period of nat less t��an three years aftei final payment is made and alI pending matters are clos�d. FCP-2 BREACH OF CONTRACT TERMS Any violation or breach of terms nf tlais contract on tha part of tlie Contractor or its subcontractors may result in the susp�nsioz� or terminativ�t of this contract or sucl� other action that may be necessary to enforce th� rights of the parties of tliis agreement. Owner �ill provide Contractor writ�en i�atice that describes the nature of tlie breacl� and carrec�ive actions the Contractor inust undertake in order ta avoid termination ofthe contract. Owner reserves th.e right to wiChhold payments to Contractar until such time tlie Contractar conects tl�e braach or tl�e Owner eiects to ierminate the contracf. The Owner's notice will identify a specific date by which the Contractar nnust correct the breach. Owner may proceed witlt terir�.ination ofthe cQnfract ift3�e Coniracior fails to correct tl�e breach by the deadline indicated in the Owner's notiae. The duties and oblzgations imposed by the Cpntract Documents and t�ie rights and remedies a�vailabje thereunder are in addition to, and n�t a liinitation of, axry duti�s, obiigations, righ�s and remedies atherwise imposed or a�ailable by law. FCP-3 GTNERAL CIVII. RIGHTS PIZOVISIONS The Contractor agrees to comply with perti��ent statuies, Executive Orders and sucl� rules as are promulgated ta ez�sure that no p�rson shall, on t�e grounds af race, creed, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability b� excluded from gar�icipating. in an� activity conducied with or benefiiing from Federal assistance. This provision butds t1�e Contractor and subcontractors fro�n the bid so�icitation perioci tl�rough the completion of the contract. This provision is in addition to that required by Titie VI of the Ci�iI Rzghts Act of 1964. FCP-4 CIVIL RIGHTS — TiI`LE VI ASSURANCES COMPLTANCE WITH NOND�SCRIMINATION REQUIREMENTS: During the perfi'ormance of this contract, the Contractor, for itself, its assignees, and successars in interest �herainafter re%rred to as the "Contractor"}, agrees as follows: 1, Complianee with Regulations: Tlze Con�ractar (hereinafter includes consultants) will comply with the Title VI List of Yertinent Nondiscrimit�ation Acts and Autl�ari#ies, as they may be amended fi-am time to time, whicl� ar� herein incorporated by reference and made a p� of this contract. 2, Nondiscrirnination: The Contractor, with rega�•d to the wark performed by it during the cont�ac#, will not discriminate on ihe grounds af race, calor, or national origin in the selection C1TY OF FORT W�RTti AE[iance Airport Ta�:iway A Centerlina Light Replacement Federal Contract Provisions ProjacY No. 103104 Revised April 1.2, 2021 Feder$l Co»Iraet Provisions Page 2 oi 25 ai�d rete�rtion a�subconh�actors, including procuremenls of materials and leases of equipment. The Cantrac�or will not �articipate direcfily or indirecfily in tlie discrimination prnhibztied by the Nondiscriminatiat� Acts and Autl�orities, incluciing e�nploymen� practices when t17e cant�•act eovers any activiiy, project, or progeaxn set forth in Appendi� B of 49 CFR part 21. 3. SoIicitations for Subcontracts, incl�ading Procuz•etnents af IVlaterials asld �qui�ament: In all salieitations, eithe�• by co��apetiti�e bidding ar negotiatiozi made hy tlxe Contractor for wnrk to be performed under a sL�bcontract, inciudzn.g procurexr�ents of materials, oz' [eases of equipmenfi, eac11 potential subcontraetor or suppliei� wiIl ba notified by the Contractor of the contractor's obligaiioas under Lhis contract and the Nondiscrimiilation Acts and Authorities on the grounds of race, color, ar natianal origin. 4. Ti�tormation a.nd Reports: The Cont�•acto.r will provide all information and reports eequired by tl�e Acts, the Regulatians, and directives issued pursuant thereto and will permit access to its boolcs, records, accounts, otl�er sources of information, and its facilities as may be determined by the sponsor or the Federal Aviation Admini.stratian to be pertinent to ascertain coinpliance witii such Nondiscriminatzon Acts and Authorities and inst�•uetions. Where any in%rmation required of a con�i�actnr is in tl�e exclusive posses�ion of annther wha fails or refuses to furnish tlie infoz•:naatioi�, the Contraetor wi.11 so cez•tify to the sponsor or the Fedez•al Aviation Administ7-ation, as appropriate, and will se� fortl� what efforts it has made to obtain the informaL-ion. Sanctions for Noncomplzance: Ii� the event nf a Contractor's noncomp3ianc� with t11e non- discrimination prnvisions afthis contract, the sponsor wi11 impose sucl� contract sar�ctions as it or the Federal A�iation Administration may determine to be appropriate, including, but not liznzted to: a. Witlillolding payments to the Contractot� under the cont�aci until the Conti•actor complies; andlor b. Cancelling, terminating, or suspending a contract, in w�ole or in part. fi. Incorporatinn of Provisions: The Contractor vvill iz�clude the provisions of paragz'aphs one through six in every subcontract, including procureinents ofmate��ials and leases af equipznent, un.less exempt by the Acts, the Regulations, and directives issued pursuant thereto. Tlie Coniractor �wiIl take actian with respect to an.y subcon#ract or procurement as t1�e sponsor or the �'ederal Aviati4n Administration may direct as a means af enforcing s.uch p.rovisians including sanctions for nancomp�iance. Provided, ihat if the Contrac#ar becornes involved in, or is tlueatened with Iitigation by a subcontractor, or supplier because af such direetian, the Contraetor may request the sponsor to enter into any litigation to protect the iuterests of the spansar. rn addition, t�ae Contractor may request the United States to en�er into the litigatioza to prqtect the inferests oi khe United States. TITLE VI LIST OF PERTINENT NONDISCRINIIlVAT�ON ACTS AND AUTHQRITIE� During tlle perE'ormance of Y�1is contract, the Contractor, for itse�f, its assignees, and successors in interest (l7ereinafter referred to as t�e "Conh•actor") agrees to co�nply with the follawing non-discri�ninatian statutas and authorities; including but not limited ta: CITY OF FORT WORTH Alli�uce tlirpott Taxiway A Ce�terline Lighf &eplacement Pedecal Contraat Provisions Prolect Na. 1431Q4 I2evised April 12, 2021 Pederal Contraet Prov'tsio»s Page3 oP25 o TitIe Vr of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 USC § 2000d et seq., 78 stat. 252) (prol�ztaits discriinination oi3 �l�e hasis af race, coior, nationaj origi�t}; 0 49 CFR part 21 {Non-discrimination in F�deraIly�assisted progratns of the D�partment of Transportation—Effectwation oiTitle VI afthe Cir�i] Rights Act of i964); � The Uniform ReIocation Assista�tce and Real Prope�•ty Acqu'tsition Policies Act of 1970, (42 USC § 46Q1} (prohibits unfair treatment of �e�•sons displaced or whose property IZas been acquired because o�I�ederal oa• Fedez•al-aid programs anei projects); � 5ection 504 of the Reha6ilitation Act df 1973 {29 USC § 74� et seq.), as amended {proltibits discrimination oz� tlae basis af disability); and 49 CFR part 27; • The Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended (42 USC § 61 Q l et seq.) {prohibits discritnination on the basis of age); � Airport and Airway Improvemen� Act o�' 1982 (49 LTSC §�7I, Section �7I23), as amended (}�rohibits discri�ninatzon based on z•ace, creed, color, national origin, or sex); � The Civil Rights Restoratiozi Act of 1987 (PL 140-209) (brroadened the scope, cave��age and applicahility �f Tiile VI o�the Civil Rigl�ts Act of 1964, the Age Discriminatinn Aot o£ 1975 and Section 504 of the Rehabilita�ian Act af 1973, by eXpandiiig the defnition of the t�rms "progra�ns or activities" to inelude aII of the programs or activities af the Federal-aid recipients, sub-recipienis azzd contra�tors, whether such programs ar activ�ties are Federally funded or not); o Tztles II and III of tlie Americans with Disa�ilities Act of 1990� W�11CI1 IJiOIlI�]lt (�i5CPllYllllelt1011 011 t�e basis t�f disability in the operation of public entities, public and private transpartation systems, places of public accomrnodation, and certain testing entities (A-2 USC §§ 12131 -- 1218.9) as iinplemented by U.S. Departm�nt of Transportatian regulations at �49 C�'R parts 37 and 3 8; o The �'ederaI Aviation Ac��ninistrati4n's Nandiscrimination statute (49 USC § 47123) {prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, and sex}; a Executive Order I2898, Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations, which ensures nondiscrimination against minority populatinns by discouragirlg programs, po�icies, and activities with disproportionately high and ad�erse huma�� healtll or enviro��mental effects on �ninority and low-income populations; � Executive Order 13165, Improving Access to Services for Pe�sons with Limited Eng�ish Proficiency, and resulting agency guidance, national origin discrirninatinn ineludes discrunination because of limited English proficiency {LEP). To ensure eamgliance with Title VI, you nnust take reasonable steps to ensure that LEP persons ha�ve meaningful access to your programs (70 Fed. Reg. at 74057 ta 74l 00); o Title IX of tlie Education Amendtnents af 1972, as amended,. which prohibits yo� from discrimznating because af sex in education pro�•ams or activities (20 USC 1681 et seq). FCP-5 CLEAN AIR AND WATER POLLUT�ON CONTROL Contractor agrees to cornply with all appiicable standards, arders, and regulations issued pursuant to the Clean A.ir Act (42 USC § 740-7671 q) a.nd the Federal Water PoIluiian Control Act as amended (33 USC § CITY OF FORT WORTH Alliance Airport Taxiway A C.enterline Light Replacement Federal Cantract Provisioias I'roject No. 103104 Reuised April 12, 2421 Pedaral ContraG Fror+isions Page 4 of 25 1251-13$7). Tl�e Contractor agrees to report ar�y vioIation to the Ownar iinmediately upnn discovery. The Owner ass�znes responsibility for notifying tlie Environtnental Protection Agency (EPA) az�d the Federal Aviation Adnaiilzstration. Cont�•actor must include tl�is r�quirement in all subco�itracts that exceeds $150,000. FCP-6 CONTI�.ACT WORI�30UR5 AND SAFETY STANDARDS ACT REQUIltEl1'�LENTS l, Overtitne Requir�ments. No contractor ar stibcontractor con#racting for any pat� of the cont�act work which may require ar �nvolve th� ernploym.ent of labQrers or meciianics shall req�.7ire or permit any such Iaborer nr t�aeck�anic, including watchmen a:nd guards, in auy wocicweek in whicll he or she is employed on such wo�•k to work in excess of forty hours in such workweek unless such lahorer or mechanic receives compensation at a rate no� Iass ttnan one and one-half times the basic rate of pay for all IZours worked in excess a.ffarty hours in such wo:rkweek. 2. Vialation; Liabiliiy for Uilpaid Wages; Liquidated Damages. In the eve�lt of azly vialation of the clause set fnrt� in paragraph (1) of this clause, the Contiractor and any subcontractor responsible therefor shall be liable fox tlle unpaid wages. In addi�ion, slich contr�ctor and subcontractor shalI be liable to the United States (in the casa af work done uilder contract for the Dish•ict oiColiunbia nr a tereitory, to such Dis�rict vr to such territory}, for Iiquidated damages. Such liquidated damages shall be computed with respect to each indzvidual Iaborer or mechanic, incIudit�g watchmen and guards, etnplaysd in vzaIation of the c.lause set for�h in paragraph (1) of fhis clause, in the sum of $10 for each calendar day on which such individual was reyuired or permitted to wor� in excess oi the stattdard workweek of forty hours withnut paymex�t af the overtime wages required by tl�e cIause set forth in paragraph { l) of this clause. 3. Witllholding for Llnpaid �Vages a�nd Liquidated Damages. The Federal Aviatian .l�dministration (FAA) or the Owner shall upon its own aciion or upon written request oi an autho�'ized :representative of the Department af Labor withhoid or cause to be w'ithheld, from any moneys payable on aceount of wark perform�d by tlie �ontractor a�� subcontraetor under any such contract or any otl�er Federa! contract with the same prim.e contractor, or any other federally assisted coi7tract subject to the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act, which is held by the same prime contractar, such sums as may be dete�nined to be neeessary to satisfy any liabilities of such contractar or subcontractor for unpaid wages and liquidafed da�nages as provided in the clause set forth in paragraph (2} of this ciause. 4. Subcantractors. The Contractor or subcantractor shalj insert in any subcontracts the clauses set forth in paragraphs (1) through (4) and also a clause requiring the subcontractor to includa these clauses in any lower tiar subcontraets. The prime contractor shall be responsible far compliance by any subeonlractor or lower #ier subcontractor with the clauses set forth in paragraphs (1} through (4) of this cIause. FCP-� COPELAIVD "ANTI-HICKEACK" ACT Contractor must corr�ply with the requirements of the Copeland "��i-IKickback" Act (I 8 USC $74 and 40 USC. 3145), as suppleniented by Department of Labor regulation 29 CFR pai�t 3. Conf�•actor and subcontractors are prolzibited from inducing, by any means, any persan �mployed on tl�e project to give up CITY OF FOKT WORTH Allisnce Airport Taxiway A Centerline Light RcpEaeement Federal ContracE Provisions Project No. L03104 Rer�ised April 12, 2021 Federa] ContrAct Pravisions Page 5 of25 ally �7aI'E d��10 COIIl�]8115c`it1017 tO W�]1C}1 f�1B 0111��Oy0e 15 EL1�1��0C�. 7'11B �017�I'7Ct01' alifl BaC�I �LibCOIltTaCtiOY must subinit to the Owner, a weekly sYatejnent on the wages paid to each employee perforining on co�ered wo.rk during tl�.e prior week. Owner must report any violations of the Act to tl�e Federal A�iaiion Admiaist�ation. FCP-8 DAVZS-BAGOIV REQUIREMCNT� 1. Minimurn VLJages. {i} All laborers and mecha�ics empioyed or working upon tlie site of the work wiIl be paid uilcanditionalIy and not less o�ien than once a week, ai�d without subse.�ue��t deduction or rebate o� any account (except such payroIl deductions as are permitted by the Secretaiy �f Labor under the Capeland Act (29 CFR Part 3)), the full amouni of wages and bona fide fringe henefits {or cash equivalent tlierea� due at time of payment computed at rates not Iess than those cantained in tlie wage determination of the Secretary of Lat�or which is attached hereto and made a pait heredf, regardless of any cantractual relationship whzcll may be alleged to e�zst between the Contractor and such laborers and mechanics. Contributions made or costs t'easonably a��ticipated for bona fide fringe b�ne�ts ur�der section 1(b)(2) of the Davis-Bacon Act on bel7alf of iaborers or mechanics are considered wages paid to such Iaborers or mechanics, subject to tlte pr�visions of p.aragraph (J.)(iv) af this section; also,. regular contributions made or costs i�curred for mor� tl�an a weekly period (but not less often lhan quarter�y) under plans, funds, or prograins whicb cover the particular r�veekly period, are deemed to be constructively made or ineurred during such weelcly period. Such labarers and meclianics sliall be paid the appropriata wage rate and fringe benefits an the wage detet7minatian for th� c�assification of work actUally performed, without regard to skill, except as provided in 29 CFR Part 5.5(a)(4}. Laborexs or mecllauics per£orming work in mor� than one classification may be coxnpensated at the raie specified far each classification far flie time actually warked therein: Provided that the employer's payroll records accurately set forth the time spent in each classi�cation in whiciz work is performed. The wage determinat�on (including any additional classification and wage rates confo�•med uuder (1)(ii) of this ��ction) and the Davis-Bacoii poster (WH- I321) shalI be posted at alI times by the Contractor and its subeontraetors at the site of the work iiz a p ratninent and accessible place where it can easily be seen by the wflrkers. (ii}(A) The cantracting officer shall require that any class of laborers or mechanics, including l�elpers, which is not listed in the wage deterrr►ination and wliich is ta �e employed under fihe contract shall be classified in conforrnance wifih the wage deterini�ation. The cont�-a�ting oificer shall approve an additional classification a�d waga rate and fringe b.enefits therefore only when the fo.11owing criieria have been mei: (1} The wark to be pei�ormed by tb� classificafian rec�uested is not perfonned by a classification in the wage determination; (2) The classification is utilized in the area by the con.struction industry; and (3) The proposed wage rate, including any bona fide fringe benefits, l�ears a reasonable relationship t� the wage rates ¢ontaiized in the wage determina�ion. (B) If the Contractar and tlie laborers �nd mechanics to be employad in the ela�sification (if Ltnown}, or their z'epresentatives, and the contracting officer agxee an flie elassification and wage rate {including the amonnt dasignated for fringe benefits where approp.riate), a report of ihe action taken shall be sent by the con�raetin� officer to die Adlninistratar of the Wage aaad Hour Division, Employment Standards CITY OF FORT WdRTH A!liance Airport Taxiway A Ccnterline Light Eteplacentent Pederaf Contraot 1'rovisians Projecz No. 103104 Revised April l2, 2U21 Federal Contract Provisimis Page G of 25 Adaniilistration, �L7.S. Departtnez�t of Labor, Washingion, DC 20210. The Administr'ator, or an authorized represe�lfaiive, will approve, inodify, ar disapprove every additional ciassificatian action within 30 days of receipt and so advise the coniracting af�cer ar will naiif� the contracting. officer within tlle 30-day period that additional ti�ne is necessary. (C) In tlie event the Contractor, the 3abarers, or mecltanics tn be e�nployed in the classi�cation, or their representatives, and the con�•aciing ofiic�r do rlot agree on the �roposad classification and wage rate (in.cluding �he amount designafed for fringe benefits wl�ere appropriate), the contracting afficer shall re%r the questions, ineludit�g the vzews of all interested parties and the recommendatian of the contracting officer, to tI1e Administrator for de#erminatio�a. The Administrator, nr at� authorized representative, wzl� issue a det�rmiz�.ation within 30 days of receipt and so advise the coi�tracting off'icer or wili notify tl�e contracting officer within th.e 30-day period that additidnal tune is necessary. (D) The wage rate (including fringe beneiits where appropriafe) determined pursuant to subparagraphs (1)(ii} (B) or (Cj of this paragraph, sha�I be paid to a3l woz'kers performing wark in the cjassifieation under this cantract fra�n the first day oit wlaich work is perfortned in tI1e classification. (iii} Whenever tl�e rninimuin waga rate p.rescribed in the contz�act for a class of laborers or mechanics includes a fringe benefit which is t�ot expressed as an hourly rate, tl�e con�•actor slialI eithe�• pay tj�e benefit as sta�ed in the wage determiiiation or shall pay another bona fide f:rin.ge benefit or an hourly cash eyuivaien� ther�of (iv} If the Contractor does not make payzxients to a trustee ar otller third person, the Contractar may consider as part of the wages of any laborer or mechaz�ic the amount of any costs reasonably anticipateci in providing bona fide fringe benefits un�er a plan or program: Provided that the �ecretary of Labor has found, upon the written request of the Contractor, that �lie appiicabSe standards of the Davzs-Bacou Act have b�en met. The Secretary oiLabor znay require the Contractar io set aside in a sepat�ate aecaunt asse#s for the meeting of obligations under the plan or program. 2. Withholdin�. The Fe.deral Aviation Adminzstration o.r tlie sponsoe sliall upan its own action or upon written reques� of an authorized representative of tl�e Departtnent af Labor wiihhold or cause to be withheld from the Cont�•actor under this contract or any nther k'ederal contract with the sazne prime contractor, or any other federally-assisied contract subject to Davis-Bacan pre�vaiiing wage requiremerats, which is held by tl�e same prime eontractor, so much o�tlle accr�xed payments o�- adv�ances as �nay be considered necessary �o pay laborers and mechanies, including apprentices, trainees, and helpers, ernployed hy the Contractor or any subcontractar the fuIl amount of wages required by tlie contr•act. In the er�ent of failure to pay any laborer or mechanic, including any apprentice, trainee, or helper, ernployed or working on the site of work, a1l or part of the wages requireci by the cantract, the Federal Aviation Administrafion may, a$er written notice to the Contractar, Sponsbr, Applicant,. or Owner, take such acfiian as may be necessary to cause the suspension of any further payment, advance, or guarantee o� fi�nds until such violations have ceased. 3. Payrolls and Basic Recards. (i} Payrolls and basic records relating tl�ereto shall be mainfained by the Cantractor durin.g tl�e course of the work and preserved for a period oithree years �ereafter for all laborees: and mechanics working at i1�e site of ihe work. Such records sIiall contain the naine, address, and social security number of each sucl� CIT`I' OF FORT WORTH Afkiance Airport'1'axiway A Centerline Liglit Replacement Federal Contract Proviseons ProjectNa. 103104 Revised April l2, 2021 rederal Coutract I'rovisions Page 7 of 25 worker; his or �ar correct classi�caiian; hourly rates of wages paid (inciuding rates of co�lhibutions or costs a�Sticipated for bona fzde fringe bene�'its or cash equivalents thereof of the t�+pes deseribed in 1(b)(2}(B) of tl�e Davis-Bacon Act); daily and weekly number of houj•s wozked; deductions made; and act�al wages paid. Whenever the Sec�'etary of Labor has found under 29 CFR 5.5(a}(1)(iv) that the wages of any laboz•er ar mecl�auic include the amount of any casts reasanabl}� anticipated in providing benefts under a plan or program described in section I(b)(2){B} of the Davis-Bacan Act, the Conti•actor shall tnain.tain records that show that �e corrimit�nent to provzde such benefits is enfo:rceable, that the plan or prograzza is financially responsit�le, and ti�at the plan ar prograzn l�as been communicated in writing to the laborers or mecl�anics aifected, and �hat show tlle costs airticipated nr the actual costs incurred in praviding sucll benefiis. Contractors ernployiiig apprentices or trainees under approved programs sIialI tnaintain written evidence of the registrafion of appreriticeship prograins and certification of trainee progra�ns, tha registration of the apprenfices and t�•ainees, and the ratios and wage rates prescribed in the applicable programs. (ii){A) The Contractor shall submit weekly for each week in wIlich any contract work is perfaimed a copy of all payrolis to tl�e �ederal Aviation Administration if the agency is a party to the con�ract, but if tl�e agancy is not such a pax-ty, tha Contractor vvill subzn.it the payrolls to the appIicant, Sponsor, or Owt�.er, as the case znay be, for trans�n�ssinn to the Fedez�al Aviatio�� Administration. The payroIls submitted shall set out accurateiy and coinpletely all af the informatian required to be maintained under 29 CFR 5.5(a)(3}{i), except that full social security numbers and hntne addresses shall n�t be in.eluded on weekly tra��snr�ittals. Instead the payralls shall or�ly need to. include an individually identifying numbet� for each employee {e.g. th� last four digits of the �mployee's social seeurity number). The required weelcIy payroll information may l�e submitted in any form desired. Opti��a1 Form WH--347 is a�vazlahle fo.r this purpose fram the Wage and Hour Divzsion Web site at ivyvw.dal.govlwhd/formslwh347i�astr.htm or its successnr site. The prime contractor is responsi�ile for the submission of cop�es Qf pay�•olls hy aIl subcont�•actors. Contractors and subcont�'actors s�all maintain the ful.l social seeurity number aaad current address of each covered warker and sha�l provide them upon request ta the Federal Aviatioz� Admi�listration if the agency is a party ta the contract, but if the agency is not- such a party, the Contractor will sub mit them to the applic��t, sponisar, or Owner, as tha case may be, for �-ansmission to the Federal Aviation Administration, the Conh•actor, or the Wage and Hour Divisiorn of the Depai�lznent of Labor for purposes a� at� investigatian or a�►dit of compliance with prevailing wage requiraments. It is not a�iolation af this section for a priine cantractor to eequire a subcantractor to provide addresses and social seeurity numbers ta the prinne contractor for its owli records, without weekly submission to the spansoring government agency (or the applicant, Sponsor, or Owner). (B} Each payroll submitted shaU be accompanied by a"Statement of Compliance," signed by �he Con#ractor or subcontractor or his or he!r age�t wha pays or sup�rvises the payment of the persons employed under the cantract and sl�all certify the fallawv�g: (1) The payroll for t1�e payroll period contains the information required to be provid�d under 29 CFR � S.S(a)(3}(ii), the appropriate information is being maintained under 29 GFR § 5.5 {a)(3)(i), ar�d that such information is correct and compiete; (2) Each labor�r azad mechanic (including each helper, apprentice, and trainee) empl�y�d on tlne contract durii�g the payrnll period has been paid tlae full weekly wages earned, without rebate, either directly or indirectly, and that no deductians have been made eiiher directly or indir�ctly firotx� the fitIl wages earned, other than pe:rmzssible deduetions as set farth in Regulations 29 GFR Part 3; CITY DF FORT WbR7'�I Alli�nce Airport Taxiway A Centerlive Ligltt Replacement Federal CantraeY Pror�isions Project No, 1Q3104 Iieuised April 12, 2Q21 Pederal Contract Provisiojis Page 8 of 25 {3} Each laborer or m�chanic h.as been paid not less ihan tl�e app.licable wage rates ax�d fi•inge bene#its or cash equir�alents for the classi�'icatinn of worlc perfoi•med, as speci�ed in the apglicable wage dete�'mination incarporated into the contract. (C} The weekjy submission of a pt'operly executed cer#i�Fication set foz`�b on tl�e reverse side of Optional ror�x�. WH-347 shall satisfy the requirezx�.ent for submission oithe "Statement af Compliance" requix•ed by paragraph (3)(ii}(B} af tlais section. (D) Ti1e falsi�eatian o�' ar�y of the above certifications may subject the Contractor or subeontractor ta civil or criminal pros.ecution under �ection 1401 of Title 18 a��d Section 231 of Title 3 l of the United States Cod�. (iii) The Coniractor or sub�ontractor shall tna�e t11e �•ecc�rds required under paz'agraph (3}(i) oifihis section available for inspection, copying, or transcription by au�i�orized represeiltatives offhe sponsor, the Federal Aviation Administratioii, or the Department of Lahor and shall permif sucli representatives to izltetview empl�yees during working hours nn ihe job. If the Contractor ar subcontractor fails to submit the ��ec�uired records or to make thezn� available, the Federal agency r►aay, after writteii notice to t11e Coxltractor, Sponsor, applicant, or Owner, take such action as may� be nec�essary to cause the suspension of any fu��thex payment, adr+a.t�ce, or guarantee of iunds. Fu��he:rmore, failure to s�zbmit the requir�d records upor� requast ox to make such r�cords available may be grounds for debannent action pursuant io 29 CFR 5.12. 4. A�prentices and Traineas. (i) Apprentices. Apprentices wil3 be pe�•initted to. wnrk at less �an the predeiermined rate for the work they performed when they are e.mployed pursuant to and individually registered in a bona fide appr�t�ticeship program registered r�vith the U.S. Department of Labor, E�nployment and Training Administratian, Bureau of Apprenticeslup �id Trainzzlg, or with a State Apprenticeship Agency recognized by the Bureau, or if a persan is employed in his or her first 90 days af probationary employment as an apprentice in such an apprenticeship program, who is not individually registered in the program, but who has been certifed by the Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training or a Stat� Apprenticeship Agency (where approp��iate} to be eligible for probationary emplo�+t�nent as an apprentice. The alla�vable ratio of apprentices to jaurneymen on �lie job site zn any craft classi�cation shall t�ot be greafez' than the ratio permitted to �lae cantractor as to the entire woa•k force under the registered program. Any worker listed on a payroII at an apprentice wage rate, who is not j�egistered or otherwise employed as stated above, shall be paid not less tlian �he applicable wage rate on the wage determination for the classification of work actually pet�orimed. In addition, any apprentzce �aerforming work on the job site in excess of the ra.tio permitted under the registered pragram shall be paid nn� less than the applicable wage rate on the wage determinatian for tlle work actuaIly pezformed. Where a cantractor is performing construetion on a project in a locality otlier than that in which iis pro.gram is registered, Yhe �•atios and wage rates {expressed in percentages of fhe jaua�neyman's hourly rate) specified in t�he Contractor's or subcontractor's registered program sha11 be observ�d. Every apprentice nnust be paid at not less than tI1e rate specified in the registered progratn fnr the apprentice's level of progress, expressed as a percentage of the jaUrneyrnen hourly rate specifed in tlle applicable wage determination. App�•entices s11a11 be paid fringe benefits in accordance wiih the provisions of ihe apprenticeship pxograin. Tf the apprenticeslaip progra.in does nat specify fringe benefi�s, apprentices must be paid the fulI arnount af fi•inge benefits listed on the wage determination for the applicable classi�cation. Tfthe Administratnr detennines that a differeiit practice prevails for the appIzcable apprentice classifcatinn, fringes shall be paid in accordanc� wit�� that CITY O� FORT WORTH Alliance AirporY Taxiway t1 Centerline Light Keplacement I'ederal Contract Provisians ProjectNo. 1�310h Re�ised April 12, 2021 Fecieral Contract I'rovisians Yage 9 of 25 determination. In the event t3se Bur�a�� �f Appranticeship and Training, or a State Apprenticeship Agency reco.gnized by the Bureau, witl�draws approvai of an apprenticeship pro�ram, tha Contractor will uo longer be p�r:nnitted to utilize apprentices at less than the applicable prede�ermined rate for the work perFormed until an acceptable program is approved. (ii) Trainees. Except as provided in 29 CFR 5. I6, fi��ainecs will not be pertnitted to work at Iess than the pi•edeterii�ined rate for ��.e work performed uuless they aj•e employed pursuant to azzd individually regist�red in a progr�n which has received priar approval, evidenced by formal certification by tha LF.S. Department of Labor, E�nploymeiit and T�•aining Administration. Tk�e ratio of trainees to journeyrnen on the job site shall not be greater than permitted under tlie plan approved by t11e Enlployment and Training Adininistratinn. �very traii�ee znust be paid at not less fhan tI�e i•ate specified in the approved pragxa.m for the trainee's level Qf progress, expre�sed as a percen�age of tha jaurneyman hourIy rate specified in tlle applicable wage determination. Trainees shall be paid fringe bene�ts �i7 accordance with the provisions af the trainee pz•ogram. If the trainee program doas not mention fringe ben�ftts, L�rai��ees shall be paid the full amount of fi�inge benefts listed on the ruage deterininatian unless the Administrator ofthe Wage az�d Hour Dzvzsion determines that there is an apprenticeship pragram associated with the earrespondii�g journeyman wage rate an the wage determination that pravides for less than full fringe benefits for apprentices. Any einployee listed on ti�.e payz�oll at a trainee rate that is not registered and partic�patiz�g in a training �lan approved by the ErnpIayment and Training Ad�ninistratzon sllall be paid not less than the applicable wage rate on the wage defermination %r the classification of work actua�ly perFormed. In addition, any trainee perfnrinir�.g wark on the job site ui excess of the ratio permitted ul�der the registered program sliall be paid not less tlian the applzcable wage rate on the wage determinatian �nr the work aetually performed. In the event the Employmant and Training Adrxiinistration withdraws approval oF a training pragratn, the Conh•actor wiil no Ior�ger be p�rnzitted tn utilize trainees at less than fhe applicable predetermined rate foi• the vvork performec� u��tii an acceptable progra�n is approved. (iii} Equal Etx�ployment Opportunity. The utilization of apprentices, trainees, and journeymen under this part shall be in co�afarmity with the equal employment opportunity requiremenfs of Executive Ordea• 1124b, as amended, and 29 CFRPart 34. 5. Compliance with Copeland Act Requirements. The Caniractor shall comply with the ��equirements of 29 CFR Part 3, which are incorporaied by reference in tiiis contract. S. Subconfi�acts. The Contractor or subcanLractor shall insert in any subcon�acts the cIauses coniained in 29 CFR Part 5.5(a){I) through (10) and such other clauses as the F�deral Aviataon Administration may by appropria#e instructions require, and also a clause requiring the subcontractors to incIude these clauses in any lower tier subcontracts. The prime contractor shall be responsible for the complias�ce by any suhcontractar or lower tier subcontt•actor with all the contract elauses in 29 CFR Fart 5.5. 7. Contract Termination: Debarment. A breach of the contract clauses in paragraph 1 tlirough 10 ofthis section may be graunds for termination of the contract, and for debarment as a contractor and a subcontraetor as �rovided in 29 CFR 5.12. 8. Compliance with Davis-Bacon and ReIated Act Requirements. CITI' OF FORT WORTH Alliance Airpnrt T�xiway A Centerline Light Replacement Federal Contract Prouisions Projeei No. 103104 Revised April 12, 2�21 Pederal Contrs►ct Prpvisions Page 10 of25 All rulings a�d inte�pretations o�the Davis-Baco�i and ReIated Acts contained in 29 CFR 1'arts 1, 3, and 5 are herein incorpoxated by reference in this coniract. 9. Disp�ites Concernii�g Labor Standards. Dis��.ites arising oui of the lahor standards provisions of this contract sliall not be subject to the general disputes clause of this contract. Such disputes sha116.e resolved in accordance with the procedures of th� Depa��tmeilt of Labor set %rth in 29 CFR Parts 5, 6, ar3d 7. Disputes withii7 �e ineaning of this clause include dispiites 6etween the Contractor (or any of its subcontractoz•s) and tlie contracting agency, the U.S. Department af Labor, or t�.e e�nplayees or their repr�sentatives. 1Q. Certification o�'Eligibility. (i) By entaring into this contract, the Confractor cerl'i�ies thaf neither if (nar he or she j iior any p.erson or firm who has an interest in the Contractoa''s firm is a p�rson ar firm ineligibl� to be awarded Gove�'nment coniracts by �irtue of saction 3(a} of the Davis-Bacon Act o�� 29 CFR 5.12(a}(l }. (ii} No part of this contract shall be subconfi�acted to any person or firt�a ineligihle %r award of a Government eontract by virtue of section 3{a) aftlie Davis-Bacon Act or 29 CFR 5.12(a}(1�. (iii) The penalty for malcing false statezzaents is presoribed in tl�e LT.S. Criminal Code, 18 USC 1001. G�neral Decision Number: TX20210025 01/01/2021 5uperseded General D�cisian Number: T�2Q200025 �tate: Texas Construction Type: Highway Counties: Archer, Callahan, Clay, Co11.in, Dallas, Delta, D�nton, Ellis, G�'ayson, Hun�., Johnson, �ones, Kaufman, �a�ker, Rockwal�, Tarran�, and Wise Caunties in 'Sexas. HIGHV�AY CONSTRUCTION PROJEC�S (excluding tunnels, building struc.tuxes in rest area pro�ects & railroad c.onstruct�an; bascule, �uspension & spandrel. arch bridges designed �a�' co.mme�cial navigation., bridges involving ma�ine c.onstruc�.ian; and other ma�or bridg�s). Note: FJnder Executive Order (EO) 13658, an houxly minimum wage of $10.95 �or calendar year 2021 applies to all contracts sub]ect to the Davis- Bacqn Act far which the contract is awarded (and any solicitation was issued) on or after J�anuary 1, 2015. lf this contract is covered by the EO, th� con�tractor must pay all worke�s in any classification listed on �his waqe d�termination at least $10.35 pex hour (ar the applicabl� wage rate listed on this wage determin.ation, if it i.s higher) fox all hours spent perfo�zning on the con�ract in calendar year 2021. If this contract is covered by �.he EO and a classification considered necessary for performan.ce of worlt on the contract does not appear an �his wage de�ermination, the contracto�' must pay worker5 in that classificatzoz� at least the wage rate determined through the conformance process set forth in 29 CFR 5.5 (a) (1) (ii) (or the EO minimum wage rate, i� it is higher than tYae conformed wage rate). The EO minimum wage rat� will be adjus�.ed annually. Please no�e that this EO applies to �he above- rrie�tioned types of contxac�s entered in�a by the f�deral. government that are subject to the Davis-Bacon Act itself, but it does not apply ta con�racts subj�ct anly to the I7avis-Bacon Related Acts, including those set fortk� a� 29 CFR 5. 1(a} (2) -{bfl) . Additional infoxmation on Cont�'actor CITY OF FORT WORTFI Alliance Airpart Taxiw�y A Centerfine Light Replaceruent Faderal Contract Prnvisians Project Nn. 1Q3 i D4 Revised April 12, 2421 Federal Conlract Prpvisinns Page I1 af25 requi�ements and worker protec�ions under the EO is a�crailabl� at www.dol.gav/whd/gavcont�acts. Modification Number Pub1�.c.ation Date 0 01/01/2021 � SUTX2011-007 08/03/2011 Rat.es E'ringes CONCRETE FINISHER (Paving and Structures} ......................$ 19.12 ELEC`�RZCIAN ......................$ 19.80 �'ORM BUILDER/FdRM SETTER Pavinq & Curb ...............$ 13.16 Structuxes ..................$ 13.84 LABORER As�hal'� Raker ...............$ 12.69 Flagger .....................$ 10.06 Labo�e�, Comman .............$ I0.'72 Laborer, Utility............� 12.32 Pipelayer ...................$ 13.2� Worl� �one Barricade Servicer ....................� 11.68 POWER EQIIIPM�DT`�' QP�k�ATOR: Asphalt Distribu�or.........$ 15.32 Asphalt Paving Mach.ine......$ 13.99 Broom or Sweeper............� 11.74 Con.�xe�e Favemen't Finishing I�lac.hine...........$ 16.05 Concrete Saw ................$ 14.48 Crane Operator, Lattice Boom 80 Tons or T�ess...,....$ 17.27 C�'ane bpera�.or, Lattice Boom over 80 Tons...........$ 20.52 Crane, Hydraulic 80 Tons or Less .....................� 18.12 Crawler Tractor .............$ 14.07 ��cavator, 5�,000 pounds or less .....................$ J.7.19 Excavator, over 50,0�0 pounds ......................� 16.99 Fotzndation Drill , '�xuck Maunted .....................$ 21.07 Faundation Drill, Crawlex Mounted .....................$ J�7.99 Front End Loader 3 CY or Less ........................$ 13.69 Front End Loader, over 3 CY.$ 14.72 Loader/Backhoe ..............$ 15.1$ Mechanic ....................$ 1.7.6$ Milling Machine .............$ 14.32 CITY OF FOR'f WORTH Allianca Airport Taj:iway A Centerline Light. Keplacement Federal CoRtract Provisions Projecti*Io. 103104 Revised April 12, 2Q21 Pederal Co�itract Provisioirs page 12 of 25 �otar Grader, Fine Grade....$ Mo�or Grad.e�, Rough.........$ Pavemen� Marking Machine....$ Recla.imer/Pulverizer........$ R.oller, Asphalt .............$ �tal�er, Other ...............$ Scxaper .....................$ Sntall Sli�afo.rm Machine . . . . . . $ Sp�eader Box ................$ �i.19 1�i.02 13.63 11.01 13.08 13..51 12.96 15.96 14.73 5ervicer .........................$ 14.58 Steel Worker (Rea.n�orcing).......� 16.�8 TRUCK DRTS7�R Lowboy-Float ................$ Off Road Hauler .............$ Singl� Axle .................$ Single or Ta.ndem Axle Dump T�uc� .......................� Tand�m Axl.e T�ac�or with Serni Trailer ................$ Transi�-Mix .................$ 16.24 �2.25 12.31 12.62 12.86 14.14 W�T,DER ...........................$ 14.8� WELD�RS -� Receive rate pr�sc�ibed �ar craft performing opera�ion to which weldinc� is incidental. Note: Execufi.ive Order �EQ) I3706, Es�ab�ishing Paid �ick I'eave for Federal Contractors appl.ies to all contracts subject to the Davis-Bacan Ac� fox which the contract is awarded (and any solici�a�ian was issue.d) on or after January 1, 2017. If this con��ac� is covered by the �0, the con�ractor must provid� employees with 1 hour of paid sick leave for every 30 hou�s they work, up to 56 k?ou�s of paid sick lea�e each year. Employe�s mus� be permitted to use pai.d sick leave for their own ill.ness, in�ury or other health�related needs, inCluding preventive care; �o assist a family member (or person who is like family to �he employeej who is ill, injured, or has oth�r heal�.h--related needs, including prev�:n�ive care; or for reasans resultir�g from, or �a assist a family member �or person who is like famil�y ta ihe employee) who is a victi�n o�, domestic uiol2nce, sexual assault, or stalking. Additional informa�.i.on an contractor requirements and worker protections under the EO is available at www.dal.gov/whci/govcoz�t�racts. CJz�J��s�ed classificatio�s needed for work not inc.luded within the scope of th� classi�ications listed �ttay be added after award onl.y as provided in the Iabo� standards contract clauses (29CFR 5.5 (aj (1) (ii)). The body a� each wage de�exmina�ion lists the class�fica�ion and wage rates that have been found to be prevailing far the cited type(s) of constxuctian in �he area covered by the waqe determination. The CITY QF FORT WORTH Allisnca Airport Taxiway A Cente�'line Light Replacement Federal Conecact Prnvisions Project IVo, 103104 Re�ised April 12, 2021 F'ederal CnnL•act Provisions Page f 3 of 25 classifiea�ions are listed in alphabetical order of ""a.de�ti�iers""' that indicate whether the particula.r rate is a union rate (curren�. union negotiated r�te �ar local), a survey rate (we�.ghted average rate) or a union average rate (weighted union average rate). Uninn Rate Identifiers A four l�tte� classification abbreviation identi�a.ex enclosed in dotted lines beginning with characters other than T"`SU"" o� ""UAVG"" denotes �hat the union classificat.ion and rate �rere prevailinq fo� tha� classifi�ation in the survey. Example: PLiIM0198--005 07/01/2019. PLUM is an abbreviation iden�xfier o� �he union whach prevailed a�n the survey �or this classificatio�, which in this example would be Plumbers. 0198 indicat�� the l.ocal union number or district counc�l number where appli.cable, i.e., Plumbers Local Q198. Z'he next number, D05 �z� �he �xam�ale, is an internal number used in processix�.g the wage determination. 07/01/201� is the ef�ective da�e of the znost curr�nt negotiated xate, which in �his example is �uly 1, 2019. Union pr�vailing wage �ates are updated to reflect a11 �a�e changes in �he collective bargaining agareement (CBA) governing this classifiCa�ion and �a�e. 5urvey Rate �den�i�iers Classifications iist�d under tk�e ""SU"" identifier indicate that no one rate p�evailed for this classification in �he survey and the publis.hed rate is derived by computing a weighted averag� rate based on all the rates reported in the sur��y foa� �hat classif�cation. As this weigh�ed average ra�e includes all rates reported in �he surtrey, it may includ� both union and non-union ra�es. Example: SUZA2012-007 5/13/2014. SU inda�ca�es the rates are survey �ates based on a weighted average calculation of ra�es and are not majority rates. T�A zndica�es the 5tate o� Louisiana. 2012 is the Xeax o�' survey an which these classitica�ions and rates a�c� based. The next number, 007 in the e�ample, is an internal number used in producing the wage determination. 5/13/2014 indicates the survey completion date �or �he c�.assifications and rates un.de� that id�nti�ier. Survey wage rates a�e not updated and remain in effect un�i1 a new survey is conducted. Union Av�rage Rate Identifiers C�assification(s) listed undex �he [3AVG identifier indicate �.hat no single zna�o.ri�y rate prevailed for those c�.assi£ications; however, 1000 of the data reported fo� the classifications was union data. E�AMPLE: [IAVG-OH--QO10 08/29/2014. [7AVG ind�ca�.es tha� �he rate is a weio�hted union average rate. OH indicates the state. The nex�. number, 0�10 in the e�ample, is an internal n.uznbe�' used in producing the waqe de�ersnination. 08/29/2014 indicates the surve� comple�a.on da�e �or the cla5sifications and rates und�r tha� identifier. A UAVG rate will be updated once a year, usually in Janua�y o� each yea�, to reflect a weighted avexage of the current negotia�ed/CBA �a�e of th� union lacals from which the rate is based. WAGE DETERMINATION APPEALS P1�OCESS 1.) Has the�'e been an initial decision in the matter? This can b�: � an existing published wage determination • a survey underlying a wage determination CITY OF FQKT WQRTH Alliance Airport Taxiway A Centerline Light Aeplacement Peder�l Contract Provisions Praject No. 103104 Aevised April I2, 2021 P'cderal Coniract Provisio�s Page 14 of 25 � a Wage and Hour Divisi.an letter setting �orth a position on a wage determina�a�on matter o a conformance (additional classification and ra�e) ruling On suxvey re.lated m.a�ters, initial contact, including requests for suramax�es of surveys, should be with th� Wage and Hour Regional Of�ice for the area in rahich the su�vey was conducted because those Regional O��a.ces have responsibility for the Davis--Bacon survey p�'ogram. If the response ��'om this initial contact i5 nat sat.is�actory, then �he process described in 2.) and �.) should be �ollowed. With xegard. to any othex ztlatter not ye� �ipe for thc� �ormal proc�ss described here, initial contact should be with the S�anch of Const�uction Wage Determinations. Write to: B�anch of Constxuction Wage De�e�minations Wage and Hour Division U.S. �epartment of �abor 200 Constitution Avenue, N.W. C�7ashington, DC 20210 2.) I� the answer to the questian in 1.} is yes, then an interes�ed party (�hose affected by �he actian) can requ.est �eview and �econsideration from �he Wage and Haur Administratox (See 29 CFR Paxt 1.8 and 29 CFR Part 7). W�i�e to: Wage and Hqur Admizzxs�rator U.S. D�partment of Labor 200 Constitution Avenue, N.W. W.ashingtan, DC 20210 The request shauld b� accompanied by a full statement of the interest�d party's posi�z.on and by an�r in�ormation (wage payment data, p�'oject d�scription, area prac�ice material, e�.c.) that the requestor considers relevant �o the issue. 3.) If the decision of th� �,dministrator is no� favorable, an in�erested �a��y may appeal di.rectly to the Ad�inistrative Reva�ew Board (formerly the Wage Appeals �oard). Write to: Administrative fteva�ew Soard U.S. Depaxtment of Labor 20Q Constitution A�renue, N.W. Washing�con, DC 20210 4.) AIl decisions by the Administrativ�: Review Board are final. END OF GENERAL DECISION FCP-9 CERTIFZCATION OF LOWER TIER CONTRACTORS REGARD7IVG DERARMENT The successful biddez', by adininistering eac�� lower tier subcontract that axceeds $25,000 as a"cauered transaction", must vex•i�'y each lower tiar parficipant of a"covered transaction" under the project is not p�•esently debarred ar atherwise disquali��d firom. park�cipation in this federaljy assisted project. 'ihe stitccessful bidder will accomplish I;his by: 1. Checking the Syste�n for Award Ivlanagement at website: hitp://wwvv.sam.gay. 2. Collecting a certiiication statement similar to the Certi�cation oi Offerc;r Bidder Regarding Debai�naent, ab.ove. 3. Inserting a clause or eondition in the covered transaction with the Iower tier contract. CITY OF FORT W(7RTH Alliance Airpnrt Taxiway A Centerline Ligl�t Replacement Federal Cnn[raet Provisions Project No. I031(i4 Revised April 12, 2021 Fedexal Contrac[ Provisions Page 15 of 25 If tI1e Federal Aviation Adminrstration late�• defej•inines tliat a lower tier participaiat failed to disclase to a hi�her tier pai�ticipant tiha1� it was excluded or disq�aiifted at the time it entered the covexed traiisaction, the FA�A may pursue any available remedies, including suspension and debarment of the nan-compliant participant. FCP�lU DISADVANTAGED BUSIN�SS ENTERPRISES The Conttactor oj� subcontractor shall not discrirninate on the 6asis of race, color, national oi-igin, o�• sex in ihe performanee oFthis contract. The Contractor shall car�y out applicable requirements of49 CFR parf 26 in the awarci and admiilistration of Department of Trar►sportation-assisted cont�•acts. Failura b� the Contractor to carry out ihese requirements is a inateriai breacla of this contract, whicll may result in tIie terminatio» of this eontract or Such other remedy as tlte Owner deems apprapriate, wltich may inclUde, but is nat Ii�nited to: 1) 2} 3} 4} Withholdir�g monthly progress payrr�ents; .Assessit�g. sanctions; Liguidated dainag�s; and/or Disqualifying the Contractor from ftituz•e bidding as non-responsible. The prime cont�`actar agrees to pay each subcontractor under this prime contract for satisfac#ory performanca of its contract no later than [specify nurnber] days from the receipt of each payrnent iha prime contractor receives from �Name of r•ecipient]. Tl�e prime contractor agrees further to return retainage payments to each subcont�-actor within. [specify the same number as above] days after the subco��iractar's work is satisfactorily completed.l�ny deIay or postpaneinent af payment froin the above referenced time frame may nccur only for good ca�zse following written approval of the [Name of Recipient]. This clause appli�s to hoth DBE and non-DBE subcantractors. FCP-11 TEXTING VVIiEN DRNYNG � acco�dance with Executive Order 13513, "Federal Leadersl�ip on Reducing Text Messaging Wlii�e Driving", (10/I12009j a�id DOT Orde�• 3902.i0, "Text Messaging While Driving", (I2130/2009), the Fed�ral Aviation Adznznistration encourages rec.ipients of FecieraI �rant funds to adopi and enforce safety polzcjes that decrease crashes by distracted drivars, including policies to ban text messaging whi.le driving when performing.work related ta a grant ar subgrar3t. In support of this initiative, the Owner encourages the Contractor to promote policies and initiati�es for its empIoyees and o.thee work parsonnel that decrease crashes by distracted drivers, including policies that han text messaging �v1�ile drivi�g motor vehicles while performing work activities assaciated witl� the pra,�ect. The Cantractor must incl�ade thc substance of this clause in all suh-tier contracts exceedzng $3,500 that involve driving a motor vehicle in per%rinance af work activities associated with the project. FCP-1� ENERGY CONSERVATION REQi7IREMENTS Contraetor and �ubcontractnr agree to camply with mandato�y standarc�s and policies relating ta energy eff'iciency as contained in the state enet•gy conservation pla.n issued in compliance with tlie Energy Palicy and Conservation Ac� {42 USC 620 ] et seq}. FCP�13 EQUAL DPPORTUNITY CLAiTS� D�aring the perfor�naz�ee of this contract, the Contractor agr�es as follows: CITY OF FORT WORTH Allia[ace Airpart Ta�:iway A Centerline Light lZeplacement Pederal Contract Pro�isions Projecl No.. 103104 Revised Apri[ 12, 2021 Federal ContractProvisians Page 16 of 25 (1) The Contractoz' will not discrimiilate against any employee or applicailt for employtnent b�cause of raee, color, re�iginn, sex, ar national origin. The Cantractor w'ill take aff rinative action to e11��re that applicants are employ�d, a.nd that ejnployees are treated during �rnployment, without regard �o their race; color, religion, sex, sexL�a1 o�•ientatian, gend�r identify, or national nrigin. SuGh action shall ii�cluda, hut not be limited to, the following: employment, upgrading, demotion, or transfe�•; r�cruitment or recruitmeilt advertisi�sg; layoff, or termination; rates of pay or other fox•��ns of coix�pensation; and sel�ction for training, including apprenticeship. The Contractor agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for emplayene�t, natices to be provided setting forth the provisians of this nondiscriminatioii clause. (2} The Conh•actor will, in ajl solicitations ar advertise�nettts for einployees placed by or on behalf df the Contractoe, state that all quali�ed applicants wiil receive consideratioiis for ezxzployment without regard to race, color, �•eligion, sex, or national origin. {3} The Contractar �vill send to each labor union or represez�talive of workers with whicl� it has a collective bargaining agreement or otl�e:r contract or understanding, a notice to be provided advising the said labor union or workers' representaiives oftl�e Contractor's co�nmitments under tl�is section ai�d s1�alI post copies oitha natice in conspicuous places available to e�nployees aild applicants for employ�nent. {4) The Contractor will camply vvitll all provisions of E�ecutive Order 11246 0� September 24, 1965, and of the ruies, regulations, and relevant orders c�f the Secr�tary of Labor. (5} The Contractor will furnish all znformation and reports required by Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, and by rules, regula�ions, and orders of the �ecretary of Labor, a�• pursuant thereto, and will perm.it access to his bonks, records, and accounts by the administeriiig ag�ncy and the 5ecretary af Labar for purposes oi int�est�gation to ascertain compliance with such rules, regulatzons, and orders. (6} In the e�ent of the Contractor's noncompliance with the nondiscrimination clauses of this contract or �vith any of the said rules, regulations, or orders, this contraci may be c�lceled, termii�ated, or suspended in whole or ui pa�t and the Cantractor may be declared ineligible for further Governrnent contracts �r �ederally assisted cor�struction contracts in accorciance with procedures authorized in Executive Order 1124b of September 24, 1965, and sucl� othec sanctions inay be imposed and remedies invoked as pravided in Exe.cutive Order 1 i246 of September 24, 1965, or by rule, regujation, or orcier of fihe Secretary of Labor, or as otherwise provided by larv. (7) The Cantractor will incIude the portion of the sentence itnmediately preceding para.graph {1) and ihe provisions of paragraphs (1) thrnugh (7} in every su6contract a�• purcliase order unless exempted by rules, regulations, or orders of the Secretary oi Labor issuad pursuant to section 204 of Execuiive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, so that such provisions vvill be binding upon each sabcantrac#or or vendor. Tlae Contractor wi�l take sueh actian with respect to any subconiract ar purchas� order as tlie administering agency may direct as a ar�eans of enforcing such pravisions, including sanctions far noncompIiance: Provided, however, that in fihc event a co�ttractor becoines involved in, or is thr�atened with, litigation with a subconiz•actor or vendor as a result of sueh direction by the admv�istering agency the Contractor may request the United States to enter into such litigation to protect the itlterests of the United States. CI'['Y OF FORT WORTH Alliance Airport'1"axiway A Cettterline Light IteplacamenY Federal Confract Provisians Project 3�To. 103104 Revised Apri] 12, 202I Pederal Conlract Provisions Page 37 af 25 FCP-14 STANDARD FEDER.��. EQUAL EMPLOYM�NT CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS 1. As used in these specificatioizs: OPPORTUN�ITY a.. "Cavered area" tneans the geog��ap3iical area dascri.bed in the solicitation from �+hich this contract resulted, b. "Director" means Director, Offtce oiFederral Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP), [J.�. Department of Labor, or any person to whotn tl�e Directax delegates authority; c. "Employez' identification number" nneans the Federal social security number used on the Empioyer's Quarterly Federal Tax Re�,�rn, U.S. Treasuiy Department Form 941; d. "Minarity" includes: (1) Black (a11 persons har�ing origins in any o.f tI1e Black Africart racial graups not of Hispanic arigin); (2} Hispar�ic (ajl persons afMexican,l'uertn Rican, Cuban, Central or South American, or other Spanish c�.�lture ar origin regardless of race}; {3) Asian and Paci�c Islander (all persons having origins in any of the oxiginal peoples of the Far East, Southeasi Asia, th� Indian Subcontinent, ar the Pacific Islands}; and (4} American Indian or Alaskan nai-ive (all persans having origins in any of tlie ariginal peoples of North Atzaerica and maintaining identifiable ti•ibal affiliations through membership and participatian or community identii'ication). 2. Wl7enever the Contractar, ar any subcontractor at any tier, subcontraets a portion of the work involving any constructioii trad�, it shall physically include in each subcontract in e�cess of $10,000 the provisio.n.s ofthese specifieations and the Natice which contazns the applicable goa�s for minority and female participation and which. is set forth in the solicitations from wllich this con�ract x•�sulted. If tihe Contractor is participating (pursuant to 41 CFR part 6p-4.5) u� a Hoinetown P1an approved hy the U.S. Department of Labor in the covered area eitherr individually or through at� assaciation, its a�rmative action obligatians an all r�vork in the Plan area (ii�cluding goals and timetables) shall be in accordamce with that Plan for those trades which ha�e unians participating in the Platt. Contractors shall be able to demonstrate their participation in and eompliance with the provisions oF any sucli Hoznetown Plan. Each cont�ractor or subcantractor participating in an appro�ed plan is indi�idually required to comply with its obligations uilder th� EED clause and to make a goad faitl� effart to achiev� each goal under the Plan in each trade in vvhich it has employees. Tlie averall good faith perforznance by other contraetors or subcontraetars toward a goal in an approved Plan does not excuse at�y covered co.ntractor's or subcont�•actor's failur� to take good faith efforts to achieve tS�e Plan goals and tiunetables. 4. The Contractor shall impletnent t1�e specific affirmative action standards provided in paragraphs 7a through 7p of thesa specificatio.ns. The goals set forth in the solicitation from whir�i this contract resulted are expressed as percentages of tlze total hours of employment and training of mznority and female uti3ization the Contractor shauld reasonably be able to achieve in eac.h CITY OF POKT WORTH Alliance Airporl Taxiwxy A Centerline Light Repiacemen# Federal Coutract Prov isia3ss Project No. 103104 Kevised April 12, 2021 Federa] Contract Provisia��s Paga 18 of 25 constructian trade iia which it has einployees in t��e covered area. Covered constaructian conttactors perfortning con struction work in a geographical area wl�ere they do not have a�'ederal or federally assisted construction contract shall apply the minority ar►d fema�e goals established for the geographical area where tl�e work �s beiilg perfarined. Goals are publisl�ed periodically in tlle Federal Register in notice %rm, and such natices inay be obtajned from any Office of �ederal Cor�tract Comp]iance P�•ograms office or frorn F'ederal pracuremant contracting officers. Tl�e Contractor is expected to make subst�ntially uniform progress in lneeiing its gaals in each craft dw•ing the }�eriod specified. Neither the provisions of any collective bargaining agreement nor ihe fazlure by a imion with wlloin the Coniractor has a coIIectzve bargaining agreement to refer either ininorities or women shall excuse tlie Cantractor's obligations unde� these specifications, Executive Order 1 I246, or the reg�tlations promulgafed pursuant tliereto. In arder for the non-working training hnttrs a�Fapprentices and tra.inees to be counied in meetzng the goals, such apprentices arid trainees shall be employed by the Contractor during the training period and the Cantractor shall have made a cammitment to employ tl�e apprentices and trainees at the compSetion of their trainitl�, subject ta the availability oF employment opportunities. Train�es shall be t��ained pursuant to trair�ing pragrams appro�ed by the U.S. Department nf Labor. 7. Tha Cozatractor shall take specific affirmative actians to ensL�re equal employrr�ent opportunity. The evaluation of the Contractor's campIiance with these specificatia�as shall be based i�pon iis effort to achie�e maximum results from its actions. The Contractnr shall document these efforts fully and s1ia11 implement af�rmative action steps at least as extensive as the follnwing: a. Ensure and maintain a warking environment fr�e of tiarassnnent, intirnidation, and coercion at a!1 sites, and in all facilities at wlazch tl�e Contractar's employees are assigned to work. The Co.n�ractor, whera possible, will assign twa or znore wamen ta eac� construction projeet. The Contractor shall specifically ensure that all foremen, superintendents, and other onsite supervisory personnel are aware of a�id carry out the Contractor's obligation to maintaul such a working environment, vvith specific attention to minority or �'emale uldividuals warking at such sites or in such facilities. b. Establish and maintain a current lisi of minarity and female recruitment sourcea, provide vvt'ittan notifcation to minority and female recruitrr�ent sources and ta comtnunity organizations when the Cantractar or its unions hav� �mploytx�ent opporhxnities available, and maintain a record oithe organizaiions' responses. c. Maintaitl a current fle of the names, addresses, and te1ep11one numbers oieach minoriry and femaIe off-the�street applicant and minority ar female re%rral from a union, a recruitment s4urce, or community nrgaziization and of what action was tal��n with respect to eacl� such individua�. If such individual was sent to the union hiring hajl for referral and was not referred back to the Cot�tracfor by the union or, if refer�ed, not �mployad by tl�e Contractor, this shall be documenteci in il7e fi�e with tl�e reason there%re along with whatever additional actions the Contractor may have taken. CITY OF FQRT WORTH Alliance Airport Taxir�vay E4 Centerline Light Replaceinent Federal ContractProvisions ProjectNo. [03104 Revised Apr1 i2, 2021 P'ederal Contract Provisio�s Page 19 of 25 d. Provide immediate written ilotificatinz� to the Director when tha union or unions wrth which the Conh•actor has a collective b�'gai�ing agreen�ent 11as not referred to t11e Con�:ractor a lninority persoii or female sent by the Contractor, ar when fhe Cont�•actor has otlier inforrt�atioit that the union referral process has impeded tli� Contractor's efforts to meet its obligations. e. Dev�jop at�-the j�6 training opportuiiities andlor participate in naining prograiaas %r the area which expressly include rninorities and wainen, including upgrading programs and apprenticeship atid tt•ainee progratns relevant to tl�e Cantracto�'s ei��p.loyment needs, especially those programs funded or approved by the Depa��tment of Labar. Tha Contxactor shall provide notice of these pragx�ams to the sources eoznpiled under 7b above. f. Disseminate the Contractoz''s EEO policy by providing notice oi ihe policy to unions aild training programs and requesting their cooperation in assisting tlie Contractor ii1 meeting its EEO obligations; by including it in any policy manual and co.liective bargaining agreeme�rt; by publicizing it in the cotnpany newspapar, annual repart, etc.; by specific review of the policy witl� all management personnel and witl� a�l ininority and female empIoyeas at Ieast once a year; and by posting the company EEO policy on bulletin boards accessibie to all emplayees at each location where cc�nstruction work is performed. g. Revicw, at Ieast annually, the company's EEO policy and affirmative action obl igafaons uttder these speciiications with all ernployees 1laving any resgonsibility for hiruzg, assi�nznent, fayo�f, termination, or other employment decisions, including specific review af these items, with a�szte supervisory personnel such superintendents, general foremen, etc., prior to the initiation of construction work at any job site. A writ�en record shall be made and maintained identifying the tinne and place of th�se meetings, persons attending, subject matter dis.cussed, and disposition of the subject matter. 1�.. Disseminate the Cantraetor's EEO policy externalIy by ineluding iti in any advertising in the z7ews media, specifically includii�g �ninority and female nevvs media, and providing written notification to and diseLissing the Contractor's EED palicy with other aot�tractors and subcontrac�ors with whom the Contractor does or anticipates doing business. i. Dir�ct iis recruitment efforts,. both aral and writtei�, to minariry, t'emale, and community organizations, ta schools witii mi��ority and female studetlts; and ta minority and female recruitment and training organizations ser�ring the Contractor's recrurtment area and employment needs. Nat later tJia.n one month priar to the date for the acceptance of applicatians for apprenticeship or other training by any recruitment saurce, the Contractor shall send written notif cation to argaz�.izations, sueh as the above, describing the openings, screening procedures., and tests to be used 'm tha selection process. j. Encouraga present mir�ority and female employees to recruit ofher minority pe�•sons and women and, where reaso�lable, provide after school, summer, and vacation empjoyment to minority and female youtl� bath on the site and in other areas of a contractor°s workforce. k, Validate al1 tests and other selectio:n requireanents where Yhere is ari ol�Iigation to do so under 41 CFR pai�t 60-3. GITY p�' �'ORT WORTH Alliance Airport T�xiway A Centerline LigEtt Replacement Federal Conh'acl Provisions Projeet No. 103164 Kevised April 12, 202 ] Federal Contract Prnvisions Page ZO of 25 Conduct, at Ieast annually, aj� inventory and evaluation at least af all minority aitd female persannel, �or pramational opporlunities a��d encourage thase einployees to seek or to prepare fnr, through apprapriate training, etc., such opportuni�ies. m. Ensure that seniority practiee.s, job classifications, vvnz'k assignments, a.nd other personnel practice� da not I1ave a discriininatory efFect by continually �nanitoring all personnel and einployinent related activities to eilsu�•e �liat the EL,O poIicy and the Cnntractar's obligations under these specifications are being carried. ouY. n. Ensura thai all facilities and compa�}y aetiviiies are non-segregated e�cept that separate or single user toi�et and n�cessary changing facilities shall be provided to assure privacy between the sexes. o. Document and maintain a reco�•d of all solicitations of offers for subcontracts from aa�.inority and female c�nstruction confractnrs and supplie�•s, including circulation of so3icitaiions to zninority and femaie contractor associations and ather busizless associarions. p. Conduct a review, at least annually, af all supet•visor's adherence to and perforjnance under tlie Contractor's EEO policies aild affirmative action obligatinns. Contractors are encouraged to participate in voluntary associatio.ns, which assist in fulfilling nne ar nnore of their affirmative actioii obligations {7a tlirnugh 7p). The efforts of a contractor association, joint cont�•ae#or �znion, contractor comrnunity, or other similar graups of whicll tl�e Contractor is a inemher and pairtzcipant may be asserted as fiilfilling any one or more of its obligations under 7a through 7p oF these specificatians provided that the Contractor actively participates zn the group, makes every eifort to assure that the grot�p has a positive impact on the employment oiminorities and women in the industry, ensures that the coner�te bene�ts aftha program are retlected in th� Contraetor's minority and female workfarce paiticipatian, znakes a good faith effort to meet ii;s individual goals azad L�n-ietables, and can provide aecess to documentation which demonstrates the effectiveness of actions tak�n on behalf of the Contractor. The obiigatiQn to cnmply, however, is the Contractor's and failure of such a group to fu1fi11 an abligatiQn shall not lae a defense for the Cnntracto.r's nancompliance. 9. A single gnal for m.inorities and a separate single goal for women have been established. The Contractot•, however, �s i-equired to pz•ovide equal e�nploymeiit opportunity and tn ta�t� aff'�rmati�re action for all minority groups, both male and fernale, and aIl wom�n, both minority and non-minority. Consequently, if the particuIar group is employed in a substantially disparate manner {for example, even thaugI� the Contractor has achieved its goais for worr�en generally), the Contz'aetor may be in violation of the Executive �rder if a specific minority group af woinen is underutilized. 10. The Contractor shaIl not use the goaIs aztd timetables or affirmative action standards ta dzscriminate agains� any person hecause of race, cola�•, religian, sex, or national origin. 1I. The Contractor shall not enter into any subcontract with any person or fum debat'red from Government contraets pursuant to Executive Order 1] 246. 12. The Contrac�or shall carty aut sueh sanctions and penalties t'or violation of thase speci�cations and of the Equal Opportunity Clause, incIuding suspension, termination, and cancellation af GITY OF F'ORT WORTI� Alliance Airport Taxiway A Ceuterline Light Replacement Pederal Contract Provisions Project Na. 103164 Revised April 12, 202 L Federal Co�llract Prov9sians nage2l of25 existing subcant�•acts as �nay be imposed or ordered pua�suant to Executive O�•der 11246, as amencieci, and its irnplementing regulations, by tlie Office of Federal Contract Comg�liance Programs. Any contractor wha faals fo car�y out such sanctions and penalties shall be in violation of these specifications and �xecuti�a Oj�der I 1246, as amended, I3. The Contractor, in fi�lfillin� ifs abligations under these speci�catzons, shall unplemen� s�ecific afFirmative action steps, at least as ext�ns�ve as tlsose standards prescribed in paragrapl� 7 of these speci�catians, so as to achieve m�imum results frnm its efForts to ensure ec�ual employment opportunity. If the Contractar fails to comply with the requirezxients af the Executive Ord�r, the implementing regulations, or �liese speci�cations, the Director shall proceed in accordance with 4l CFR part 60-�L.8. 14. The Contractor s1�a11 d�signate a respansi.ble official to mo.nitor aIl eiaap.loyment related activity tn ensut•e that the campany Z,EO policy is being carrxed aut, to submit reports relatin.g to the provisions hereof as rnay be required by tl�e Government, and to keep records. Records slaall at least include for each employe�, ihe na�ne, address, telephone nutx�ber, co�sstruction trade, unian af�liation if any, employee identificatian nutnber wk�en assigned, social security number, race, s�x, status (e.g., mechariie, apprentice, trainee, helper, ar laborer}, dates of changes in status, hours worked per waek in the indicated tracie, t�ate af pay, and locatiQns at which the work was performed. Records s11a11 be znaintained in an easily undersYandable and retrievable foi�n; l�owever, to the degree that existing recoz•ds satisfy this requirement, colitractars sl�all not 6e req�ired to maintain separate recards. 1 S. Nothing herein provided shall be construed as a limitation npon the application of other Iaws which establish different standards of compliance ar upon the application of requirements fo�r the hiring af locaI or othe�• area residents (�.g. those under the Public Works Employmen� Act o� 1977 and the Cammunity Development Block G.rant Program). FCP-1� CERTg'ICATION REGARDING LOBBYING The Bidder or Offeror certifies by si�ing and su.bmitting this bid or propnsal, tn the best af his or her lcnowIedge and beli�f, ihat: (1) Na Federal a�propriated funds l�ave been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf of the Bidder or Oiferor, ta any person for influencing or att�rr�pting to influence an ofiicer or employee of an agency, a Member of Congress, an of�icer or employee of Congress, ar an employee of a Member of Congrass in connection with tl�e awarding of any �'ederal contract, tha making of any F'ederal grant, t�ie znaking of any Federal loan, the entering into of any coopera�ive a�raerr�ent, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendinent, ar modification of any Federal contract, grarit, loan, or cooperative agreament. (2) lf any fiuids other than Federal appropi�iated funds laa�e been paid or will be paid to any person for intluencing or attemptulg to influence an officer or emplayee of any agency, a Member o.f Congress, an officer or ezn..ployee of Congress, or au euiployee o� a Membar of Cangress in connection witl� this Federal cantract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement, the undersigned shall complete and submit Standard Foem-LLL, "Disclosure Forin to Report Lobbying," in acco�'dance with its instructions. CITY OF I'ORT WORTI� Alliance Airpnrt Taxiway A Centerline Light Replacement Feiiera] Contract Provisio»s Project No. 103104 12evised April 12, 2021 Federal Contract Provisiai3s Page 22 of 25 {3) The undersigtaed shall require that tlle language of tltis certification be incIuded in 1he avvard daciunents for all sub-awards at a�l tiers (it�cluding subcontracts, suk�gx•auts, and coz�tracts under g��ants, loans, and cnoperative agreeinents) and that all sub-recipzents shajl certify and disclose accordi�a�ly. This certification is a material repa•esentation af fact upon which reli.ance was placed when tl�is h•ansaciion was made nr ez�tered into. Submission of this cei�tiiicatioz� is a prerequisite for tr�aking oi• entering inta tliis �rat�sactian iinposed by section 1352, iitle 31, U,S. Cod�. Aay person who fails to �`i1e the required certificatian shall be s.ubject to a ci�i� penalty of not less thar� $10,a00 and not tnore tltan $100,000 for each such failure, FCP�16 PROHIB�T�ON OT SEGREGATED FACII,TTI�S (a} The Contractor agrees that it does not and will not tnaintain or pro�ide far its emplayees any segregated faciliti�s at a�1y of its establishnnents, ai�d that ii doss not and will not p�rmit its employees to perform their servicas at any location under its control where segregated facilities are maintained. The Contractor agrees that a breach of this claus� is a violation of the Equa� E�nployinent Opportunity clause in this cnntract. (b) "S��eegated faciIities," as used in fhis clause; means any waitiiig rooms, work areas, rest roa�ns and wash rooms, restaura.uts and other eating areas, ti�ne clocks, locker rooms and otlier storage or dressing areas, parking So#s, drinking fountains, recreation or entertaiiiment area�, t7ransportation, and linusing facilities provided for employees that are segregated by explicit directive or are in fact segregated on ihe basis of rac�, color, religian, sex, o�� nationaI origin because of written or oral policies or e�np�ayee custom. The term does not inc�uda separate or sii�.gIe-user rest rooms or necessary dressing nr sle.eping areas provided ta assure privacy between the sexes. (c) The Coiltractor shalI include this c3ause in every s.ubcontract and purchase order that is subjeet to the Bqual Employment Opportunity ciause of this contract. FCP-17 OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND T�CALT'H ACT OF 19q0 All contracts and subcontraots that res�lt frvm this solicitation incorparate 6y reference the requu•einents of 29 C�'R Part 19l 4 with the same forca and effect as if given in full text. The employer must provida a rvork environment that is free from recagt�ized kazards tI1at may cause death nr seriaus physical liartx� ta the emplayee, Tiie emplayer retains fialI responsibility to monitor its compliance and tl�eir subcont�•actor's coinpliance vs+ith #he applicable requixements of the Qccupational Safety and Heaith Act of 197Q {20 CFR Part 1910). TL-�e employer inust address any claims or dzsputes that pertain to a referenced requirennent directly with the U.S. Department flf Labor — Occupational Safe .ty and Health Administration. FCP-18 PROCiTREMENT �F RECOVERED MATERIALS Contractor and subcontractor agree to comply vvitl� Section 6Q02 of tl�e 5olid Waste Disposal Act, as a.mended by tIie Resaurce Conservation and Recn�ery Act, and the regulatary �rovisions of 40 CFR Part 247. In the perfo�mance of tliis oontract and #o the eXtent practicahle, the Contractor and suhcont�actors are to use products containing the highest percentage of recavered materials for items designated by the Environmental Protection �gency (EPA) under 40 CFR Part Z47 wl�enever: I. ) Tl�e contract eequires procurement of $10, 000 or rnore af a designated itein durii�g the iiscal year; or CITY OF FQRT WORTH Alliance Auport Taxirray A Centerline Light Replacement Federal Contract Frovisioitis Projecl No. l03 iO4 nevised A�ri) 12, 2Q21 — FederalCantractProvisinns `� Page 23 of 25 2) The contractor has pracured $ I O,OQO or more of a designated item using �'ederal funr�ing during the previaus �scal year. The lisi of El'A-designated items is available at www.epa.gov/smm/comprehensive-procurement- guidelines-construction-products. Section 6002(c) astablishes exceptions to the preference for recovery of EPA-designated products if the contractor can demonstrate t1�a item is: a} Not reasonably available within a timetrame providing for compliance with the contract performance schedule; b) Fails to meet reasonable contract performance requirements; or c) is only avaiIable at an unreasonable price. FCR19 CERTIFICATION OF OFFERER/BIDDER REGARDING TAX DELINQUENCY ,AND TELONY CONVIGTIONS The applicanf tnust cotn�plete the following two certi�ication statements. The applicant must indieate its current status as it relates to t� delinquency and felony convietion by inserting a checkmark (C]) in the space following the applicable response. The agplicant agrees that, if awarded a contract resulting from tY�is solicitation, it will incorporate this provision for certification in all lower tier subcontract,s. Certiiications 1} The applicant represents that it is (❑) is not (�) a corporation that has any unpaid Federal tax liability that has been assessed, for which all judicial and administrative remedies have besn e�austed or have lapsed, and tlaat is not being paid in a timely manner pursuant to an agreement with the authority responsible for collecting the tax liability. 2) The applicant rapresents that it is ( 0) is not (�I ) is not a eorporation that vvas convictad af a criminal violation under any Federal law vvsthin #he preceding 24 months. Nate If azi applicant responds in tlie affirmative to either af the above representations, the applicant is ineligible to receive an award unless the sponsor has teceived notification from the agency suspension and debarrrient official (5D0) that th� SDO has considered suspension or debarment and determined thaY further action is not required to proiect the Go�+ernment's in#erasts. The applicant therefore must pravide information to the owner a'6out its tax liability or conviction to the Own�r, who will then notify the FAA Airports District Office, which wiIl then notify the agency's SDO ta facilitate completit�n of the required considarations before award decisi�ons are made. Term Definitions Felony convictian: Felany conviction means a conviction within the preceding twentyfour (24) montUs of a felony criminal violation under any Federal law and includes conviction of an offense defined in a section of �he U.S. cade that specifically cjassifies the offense as a felony and conviction of an offense that is classified as a felony under 18 U.S,C. § 3559. CTTY OF FORT WORTH Ailiance Airport Taxiway A Centerline Light Replacement Federal Contract Provisions Project No. 1D3104 Revised April 12, 2021 Federal Contrac[ Provisians Page 24 of 25 Tax Delinquency: A ta�c delinguency is ariy unpaid Federal tax liability ihat has been assessed, for which all judicial and administrative remedies have heen e�chausted, ar have lapsed, and that is not being paid in a timely raanner pursuant to an agreement with the authorit� responsible for collecting the tax Iiability. FCP-20 TERMINATION FOR CONVENTENCE (CONSTRUCTTON & EQi]IPMENT CONTRACTS) The Dwner may terminate this contract in whole or in part at any time by providing written notice to the Contractor. Such action may be without cause and without prejudice to any other right or remedy of Owner. Upon receipt of a written notic� of termination, e�cept as explicitly d'rrected by the Owner, the Con#ractor shall i�nmediateIy proce�d with the follovving obligations regardless of any delay in detertnining or adjusting amounts due under this clause: 1. Cantractor must immediately discontinue work as specified in the written notice. 2. Terrt�inate all subcontracts to tha extent they relate to the work terminated under the notice. 3. Discontinue ordars for materials and sezvices except as �irected by the written notice. 4. Deliver to the O�vner all fabricated and parCially fabricated parts, completed and partially campleted work, supplies, equipment and materials acquired prior to #ermination of the wark, and as directed in th� written notic�. 5. Comple�e perf'ormance of ihe work not terminated by the notice. Take action as directed by the Owner to protect and preserve property and work related to this con�ract ti�at Owner will take possession. Owner agrees to pay Contractor for: 1) completed and acceptable wark executed in accordar�ce with the con�ract documents priar to the efFective date of #ermination; 2} documanted expenses sustarned prior to the effective date of termination in performing work and furnishing labor, �naterzals, or equipment as required by the eontract docurnents in connection with uncor►apiated work; 3) reasanable and substantiated claims, cos#s,. and damages incurred in settlement ofterminated cantracts with Subcontrac�ors and Suppliers; and 4} reasonabie and substantiated expenses to the Cantractor diractly attributable to 4w�er's termination action. Owner wil! not pay Contractor for loss of anticipaied pmfits or re�enue or other economic loss arising out of or resulting from the Owner's termination action. The rig�ts and remedies this clause provides are in additian to any other rights and reznedies provided hy law or under this contract. 1�CP-�1 VETERAN'S PREFERENCE In the employment of labor (excluding executive, administrative, and supervisary positions), tlle Contractar and all sub-tier contractors mus� give preference to covered veterans as defined within Titke CiTY OP FORT WORTH Alliance Airport Taxiway A Centerline Light Replacement �'ederal Conh�acY Provisinns Project No. 103164 Revised April 12, 2U21 T�edaral Contract Provisions Page 25 af 25 49 United States Code Section A7112. Cdv��•ed veterans include Vietuam-era veterans, T'ers�ata Gulf �vaterans, Afghas7istan-Iraq war veterans, disabled veteraiis, a.►�d sinall business concerns (as def ned by 1S iTSC 632) avvned and con�olled by disabled veterans. This preference only applies when there are covered veterans t•eadily a�ailable and q�aji�ed to p�erforin the work to wl�ich tl�e einployment relates. CITY OF FOKT WORTJd Alliance Airporl Taxiway A Centerliue Light Replaceine�f Federal Cpntr�ct Provisions Projcct No. 103104 Revised April 12, 2U21 Certit"rcate of Buy AmericRn Compliance for Manufactured Products As a mattar of bid responsiveness, the bidder or offeror must complefe, sign, date, and suhmit this certification staiement with their proposai. The bidder or of%ror mus# indicate how they interld to compSy witii 49 USC § SOI01 by seleciing an� on the following certification staternents. These statamants are tvutually exclusive. Bidder rr�ust select one or t11e ather (not both) by inserting a checkmark (✓} ar the letter "X". � Bidder or offeror here6y certifies that it will comply with 49 USC § SQ I01 by: a) Only installing steel attd manufactured products produced in the United States; b) Install`mg inanufactured products for wl�ich the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has issued a waiver as indicated by in�lusior� on the current FAA Natianwide Buy America�i Waivers Issued listing; ar o) Installing products listed as an Excepted Article, Material or Supply in Federal Acquisition Regulation Subpart 25.108. By selecting this certi�cation statement, the bidder or offeror agrees: 1. To provide to the Owner evidence that documents the source and origin of the steel and manufactured product. 2. To faithfully camply with providing U.S. domestic product. 3. To fur�ush U.S. dom�stic produc� for any waiver request that the FAA re3ects. 4. To refrain from seeking a waiver reques� after establishment of the contract, L1IlIB55 extenuating circumstances emerge ihat the FAA determines justi%ed. ❑ The bidder ar offeror hereby c�rtifies it caunot comply with the lOQ percent Buy American Preferences of 49 USC § 501 Q 1(a) but may qualify for either a Type 3 or Type 4 waiver under �9 �[35C § 5� l 0I (b). By selecting thzs certification statement, the apparent bidder or offeror 1. To the submit to the �wner within 15 calendar days of the bid opening, a formal waiver request and required documentation that supports the type of wair�er being reqnested. 2. That failure to submit the required documentation rn+ithin the specified timeframe is cause for a nan-responsive determination rriay result in rejection of the praposal. 3. To faithfully comply with pro�iding U.S. ciornestic products at or above the approved U.S. dotnestic content percentage as appraved by the FAA. 4. To refrain frorn seeking a waiver request after esfiablishment of the contract, unless extenuating circumstances emerge that the FAA determines justified. Required Docurnenfiation Tyge 3 Waiver — The eost oi the it�;m components and subcomponents produoed in the United States is more that 60 percent of #he cost of all components and subcomponents of the "item". The required documantation fvr a Type 3 w�iver is: a) Listing of all praduct co�nponents and subcomponents that are not comprised t�i 104 percen# U.�. domestic content (Exc�ucies producis listed on the FAA Nationwide Buy Ainetican Waivers Issued listing and products excluded by Federal Acyuisiiian Regulation Subpart 25.108, products of unkno�un arigin must be considered as non- domestic products iii ttieir entirety). b) Cost of non-domesiic components and subcomponents, excluding labor costs associated with final assembly at place of manu.facture. c) Percentage of non-dorziestic co�nponeat and subcomponent cost as compared to tatal "item" component anci subcomponent casts, exciuding labor costs associated witY► finaI assembly at place of manufacture. Type 4 Waiver — Total cost af project using U.S. domestic source product exceeds the total project cast using non-domestic product by 25 �ercent. The requ�red documentation for a Type 4 of waiver is: a) Detailed cost informaiion for total projact using U.S. domestic product b) Detaiied cost infarmation for total projec� using non-domestic product False Statemenfs: i'er 49 iTSC §�7126, this certif cation concerns a matter within the �urisdiction of the Federal Aviation Administratior� anci the making ofa faIse, fictitious ar fraudulent certification may render the mak�r subject to prosscution under Title 18, United States Cod�. � Date 8/26I2021 � _ r � _ , � . � a� _ . Signature B-C Company Inc. President Company Name Title V _ �I� �i ����� � � ���� V�T��tY�. ��� o �. � Techn�cal Specifications ltem C-]OS-S Mo6ilizatiun IT�IVI C-1.051VIOBILTZATION 1Q5-1 Descripfion. This item of work shall consist of, but is itot Iimited to, work arid operations necessary for the move�ent af personnel, equipment, material and supplies to and fram the project site far wor1� on th�e pro�ect except as �rovided ii1 the contract as separate pay items. 105-2 Mobilization limit, Mobilizatian shall be limited to 5 pErcent of the totaI project cost, 1U5-3 Posted notices. Prior to eoxmnencement af construciion activities, the Cont�actar znust post th� fallowing docunnents in a prominent and accessible place where they may be easily viewed by all employees of the prii�e Ca�tractor and by all eznplayees of subcontractors engaged by the pri�ne Cont;ractor: Equal Empiay�nent Oppoj•tunity (EEO) Poster "Equal Ezz�playinent Oppartunity is the Law" in accordance with the Office oiFederal Contract Complianca Programs Executive Order 11246, as amended; Davis Bacon Wage Poster (WH 1321) - DOL "Notice to Ail EmpIoyees" Poster; and Appiicable Davis- Bacon Wage Rate Deterinination. These notices must remain posted until final acceptance ofthe work by the Owner. 10�-�4 Engi�eer/RPR feld vfi'ice. The Conh•actor shall provide dedicateci space for ihe use of the field RPR and inspectors, as a field of�ce for the duration ofthe projeci. This space shall be located con�eniently near the consi�uction and shall be separate from any space Used by tlie Contractor. The Contraetor shall furnisl� vt�ater, sar�itary facilities, heat, air conditinning, and electrieity in accordance with Iocal building codes. METHOD OF MEASUREMEN'I' 105-5 Basis of ineasareme�nt and payment. Based upc�n th� contract lump sum price fox• "Mobilization" partial gayments will !ae allowed as fnllows: a. With firstpay request, 25°/n. b. When 25% or inare of the original canteact is earned, an additional 25%. c. When 50% or inore of the original contract is earned, an additional A�0%. d. After �'inal Inspection, Staging axea clean-up and delivery of all Project Closeout materials as zequu•ed by Secfion 90, paragrapl� 9Q-1 l, ContracioY Final Praject Documentation, the final 10%. BASI� OF PAYMENT 105-6 Paymenf will b� made under: Item C-105 Mobilization — per luznp sum REFERENCES The puhlicatians listed below form a part of tliis speci�cation to the ext�nt referenced. The pub�ications are referred to within ihe text by the basic desi�nation only. Office of Federal Contract Coznpliance Programs (OFCCP) Executive Order 11246, as amended EEOC-P/�-1 -- Equal Employment Opportunity is the Law �aster CjTI' OF FORT WQR'�H Alliance Airport Taxiway .A Ce�iterline Light Replacement Technical Speci�cations G-105-1 ProjeclNumber 1031D4 [tem C-105-2 P/fobilizafion ITnited States Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Dir�ision (WHD) V1�H 1321— �mpi�yee Rights undec the Davis-Bacon Act Poster END OF ITEM C-105 GITY �F PORT WORTI-I Alliance Airport Taxiway A Centerlinc I.ight Replacement Teclviical Specificatians GlDS-2 PrpjeetNumber 103104 ]te�n G-145-1 Temporary Fencing, Barricades, and Facililies ITEM G�145 TEMPORARY FENCING, BARRICADES, AND FACILYTIES DESCRIP'1��N 14�-1.1 The spacsfication nutliates safety proced��re� and regulatioi�s ta be followed by tlle Contractor during tlie course of fliis work. Tl�e work item "Tezz�porary Fencing, Barricades, at�d Facilities" slaall eoilsist of. furt�ishing, installing, maintaining, and removing teinporary fencing, barricades, and othar �acilities required during f�ie course of this worlc. Al� work shaIl be accomplished in confor�nance,with FAA guidelines. MATERIALS 145-2.1 GENE1tAL. A11 materials %r teznporary fencing, barricades and facilities shall be in conformance with the details provided on the plans, in con%rinance wifi11 FAA requiremen�s and to the saiisfaction of the �ngineer. AIj work and zt�sta�lation of �naterials and sha11 be p���ormed in fi�ll accordance vvith the latest applicable r�les, re�ulations, requir�nents, and specifcatior►s included in the current editions ofthe following; l. Consi�uctian Plans 2. Construction Safety a�ad Phasing 1'latz {CSPP) 3. Contractor's Safety Pian Compjiatace Document (SPCD} 4. Fecleral Aviafion Administration (FAA} AC 150/5340-1M S��.ciards for Airport Marlcings 5. Federal Aviation Adminish'ation (I�AA) AC ] 50/5210-SD Painting, Markiilg, and Lighting of Vehieles Used o� an Airport 6. FAA Advisory Circular 1SQ/53�5-55A, Specification far L�893, Lighted Visual Aid �n Indicate Te�npo�azy Ruxiway C1nsLira 7, Fecleral Aviation Adininistration {FAAj AC ] 50/5370-2G Operational SafEt}f on Airpoi�s during Canstruction. $. �ederal Aviatzan Administration (FAA) AC 1SQ/537Q-10H Standard Specifications for Constt'uctian of Airparts ] 45-2.Z TEMPOR.�RY FENCING. Teinporary fencing and gates shall comply wi�a Item F-I62 fronz AC 15015370-1 OH. 14� 2.3 LOW-PROl<ILL� BARRICADES. Low-prn�ile barricades sha11 be easily collapsibl� upon contact with au aircraft or any of its companents and water-�illed ta provide sufficient weight ta prevent displacement from prap wasls, jet b�ast, wing vorte� ar other surface wind currents. Barricades shall be constructed from l�igh-unpact, LIV resistant, Hig11 Density Polyethylene (HDPE) plastic and specifically designed for airpoit const��uctia�l. Barricad�s shall be marked with diagonal, alt�rna�ing orange and white highly ref�ective stripes on each side. Barx-icade units sha11 be noininally 14 inches in height, 8 feet in len�th, and shall interlock to foi�n a contuluous barrier. Two red flashing lights sha11 be tnounted on each �aat�'icade. Liglits shall be solar po�vered, omni-direetionaj, capable of bezng seen at a distance of two rniles, and flash at tha rate of fi-nm 45 to 60 flashes per minute. Suff'icient battery capacity shall be pro�ided to power Lights during ni�ht-tiume hours. CITY QI' PORT WdRTI-] Alliance Airport Taxiway A Centerline Light Replacemenc Teclmica] Specit"ications G-14S-1 ProjectNumber 103104 Item G-[45-2 Teniporary Fencing, Barricades, and Facilities 145-2.4 TE7VIPORARY TAXIWAY CLOSU�tE MA.RHIIVGS Temporary ta�ciway closWre inarlculgs sha11 he dui�a6le fabric ma�•lcings confor���it�g ta Yl�e ditnensions specified in FAA AC 150/5340-1M. The closure markings �haIl i��clude a black borde� aud sllall ba ptoperly weighted or' attached io t3ie pavenr�ent surface so as ta relnain in-place dur'vig high winds or expos�a�'e ta jet blast. 1�#�-�.5 PORTABLE LYGHTED RUNWAY CLOSi]RE MARI�R {RCN.[} Portabie Lighted Runway Closure Marker (RCM) designed to for�n a 1igl�ted X which coiltains 2I 90-watt PAR 38, l0 degree weather prvof outdoor standard base clear Halogen spot bulbs with one bulb loeated 'ui the cetlter and fi�e bu�bs located in each of ihe four Iegs. All bulbs, light socicets, wiring and conneciions must be anciosed in a weatl�er i�esistant housing. The RCM shall meet the foliowing require�nents: i. FAA Airpprt Advisory Circulax 154/5370-2G. 2. NTSB Safety Recotnmes�dation A-03-OS and 06. 3. When ope.ned and operation shall be 27 feet each contin�rous leg and 20 feet 5 inches on the periph�rai. 4. Musi collapse for traiispnrt and storage so that all garts are inside firailer frame. S. I1lumination ofthe RCM will be workable in a cantinuous or �lashr�ng mode cant-rolled by a salid-state flasher with no mecltanical contacts. 6. P1lotaceIl to reduce the voltage SQ perce�it for nighttime aperations. 7. Radio interfer�ne� �lter witli an �peration frequency of 50 Hz. $. Provide at least two lights mounted at the backside of the upper �ortion of the top of the iegs nf tlie Y io indicate power is be�ng supplied to the RCM and to indicat� th.at more �an one bulb lias become inaperative. 9. RCM shall be designed to be used while attached to tow veiiicle or as stand alone. 10. RCM shajl be designed to wi�hstand winds of 4D mph while in operational mode. 1 I. RCM must be discernible for a disiance of 3 to 5 miles VFR daytime and a minimwn of 7 iniles VI'R ni�htt�itx�e as deteimine fiom an aircraft using a Lnran receiver. Provid� documentation. � 2.. RCM sl�all have a set up time for one person in 10 minut�s or 1ess. 13. RCM shall have fuel capacity to full at full load for minimum of 12Q hours v►�zthout refueling. 14. RCM must have capability for hard wiring �a prime power. 15. RC1VI shall be painted with powder coated gloss to a 1.8 tnil minunum dry film thickness. Pow�rto be outdaor rate, UV resistant polyester TGIC. 16. AII electrica.j co�nponents must be UL listed. Pz�ovide trailer for eacl� RCM. Minimum 7-feet wide by 10-fe�f 1ong. Traile�• floor must be expanded steel to sen+e as a work plalform far sezvicing personnel and to �ninimize the possibility of ice and sn.nvv accumulatio�l. Trailer shaIl have 1,50U pound axle with built-in in�ependent Henschea type suspension. USDOT appro�ed brake, taillturn lighks, and reflectors; twa 530� 121oad range C tzres, 12-inch wheels a��d fenders. Provide air- or water-ca4led diesel-powered generator with each RCM. Minimum 2,700 Watt, 120V, 29.2114.6 A, with 30 gaIlon fuel capacity and 120 hour run �ime. I�clude eleeti•ic start, l�our meter, iow ail pressure shutdown, circuit breaker protection, 12V dc hatter charge system, USDA and US Forestry approved tnuffler, 2-12QV(20A), i-120V(30A}, a��d ]-1201240� (30A) elect�•ical oui[e�,s. Manufacturers: Suhject to compliance with requi��eme�lts, provide products by one aiYhe followuig: Sl�erwin Industries, Swe�pster, Hi-Lite Markings, Inc. CITY 4P FDR'i' WORTH A.fliaEtce Aixporl Taxiway A Centerline Liglit Reptacement Technical SpeciFcations G-145-2 Project Number L031 D4 Item G-145-3 Temporary �'encing, Bxrricades, �nd Facilities CONSTRUCTI(ON METHODS 145-3.1 All work shall be accomplished in confortt�ance with FAA AC 150/5370-2G, Operational Safety on Airpnrts D�ring Co�}struct�on, the CSPP, and SPCD. All marking of vehicles and CQi1StCCiCtl013 equipment shall confor� to FAA AC I50/5210-SD, Painting, Marking, and Lighting ofVeliicles Used on ar� Airport. X4�-3.� Teinporary Fencing,. Barricades, and Facilities S11a11 be mainta�ned in �ood working orcier through the duration offl�eir use. Ligh�ed equipment shaIl be clieciced daily for proper operation and repaired or replaced nrumediate3y if found to be inopei�bje. METHOD OF MEASUR�MENT 145-�1 Teznporary Fencing, Barricades, and Faciiities measu.rement shal! be by jump sum. BASIS �it' PAYMENT 145-51 Payment shall be tnade at the cantract unit price per lump s�un for furriishi�lg, placing, maintaining a.ud removal of a13 �naterials and for all laboi•, equipment, taois and incidentais necessary for Ternporaiy �encing, Barricades, aud �acilities as. prescz'ibed in #his item. �'ayment will he made under: Item G-1�5-5.1 Temporary Fencing, Barrica�ies, and Facilities — per lump sum END �F YTEM G14S CITY OI' FORT WORTH Alliance Airport Taxiway A Centerline Ligl�t Replacement Tecltinical3pecifications G-i45-3 ProjectNumber 103104 ]tem G-145-4 Temporary �'encing, Iiarricacies, and Facilities CITY 4F �'ORT WORTH Technical5pecifications Page Intentionally Blai�k Alliance Airport Taxiway A Centerline Light Replacement G-145-4 ProjectNumber 103104 Ifem P-153-1 Conirolletl Low-StrengUi Material (CLSIvi) IT�M P-153 CONTROLLED LOW-STR�NGTH MAT�RIAL (CLSM) DESCRIPTION I�3-I.1 This ite�n sliall consist ot' fiirnishing, transporting, and placing a controlled lnw-strengtll material (CLSM) as ��lowable backfill in t�•ei�clxes ar at other locations sliawn on the plat�s ar as directed by tlte Resident Projec� Representative (RPR}. 11�iAT�RIAL� 153-2.1 Materials. a. Cem�nf. Cement shall conform to the requirements af ASTM C 150 Type I/II. b. Fly ash. Fly ash shaIl canfarm to A�TM C618, Class C or F. c. Fine aggregate (sand). Fine aggragaie sha.l� confarm to the requirexnents o�ASTM C33 e�cept for aggregate gradation. Any aggregate gradation which produces the speci�ed performance cllaracteristics of the CLSM atid i�aeats the foIlowing requi�•ements, will be accepted. Sieve Size Percent Passing by weight 3/4 i��ch { 19.0 znm) 1 �0 No. 200 (75 µm) 0- 12 d. Water. Water used in mixing or curing shall be fro�n potable water sources. Other sourcas shall be tested in accordance with ASTM C1602 prior to use, MIX DESIGN 153-3.1 Propartions. The Contracinr shall submit, to the RPR, a mi� design including the proportions and source of aggregate, fly ash, ceinent, water, and approved ad�nixtures. No CLSM mixiure shalj lie produced for payment until the RPR has given varit�en approval of the proportions. The proportians shall be prepared by a laboratory and shall remain in e�f'ect for the duraiion nf the praject. The proportions shall esiablish a single percentage or weight for aggregate, fly asls, e�ment, water, and any adrni�tuz�es proposed. Laboratory casts are incidentai to this ite�n. a. Compressive strength. CLSM shall be designed to acliieve a 28-day cornpressive strength of 100 to 2D0 psi (690 to 1379 kPa} when te�ted in accordance with ASTM D9�832, with no significant strength gain after 28 days. b, Consistency. Design CLSM to achieve a consistency that wilI produce an approxir�ata S-inch (200 mm} diametej- circular-type spread without segragation. CLSM cnnsistency shajl be determined per ASTM D6I03. CONSTRUCTYQN METT30DS 153-4.1 Placement. a. Placemenf. CLSM may be placed by any reasanable means from the mixzng unit in#o the space to be filled. Agitation is raauzred during transportation and �aiting time. Placement shall be perfor��ed so structures or pipe�s are not displaced fi°oin their final position and intrusion of CLSM into un�vanied areas C{TY OF T�ORT WORTIi Ailianca Airport Taxiway A Centerline I ightReplacement Technical5peci�cations P-153-1 Project Numher 103104 Item P-153-2 Controlled Lnw-Strength ]Vlatesial (CLSM) is a�voided. Tl�e material s1za11 be hrought up uniformjy to ihe filI line sltiown on the pIans or as directed by the Rl'R. Eac11 placejnent of CLSM shal� he as continuous an operation as passible. If CLSM is piaced in more tlaail one ljft, tha base Iift sl�ajl be freE of su1'face water and loase forei.gn material pz'ior to placement of the next lift. h. Contractor Qua�ity Control. The Contractor sha�l coliect all batcli tickets to verify t�ie CLSM delivered to the project conforins to the mix design. Tlle Contractor shall verify daily that the CLSM is cozasistent with 153-3.1a and 153-3.1b. Adjust�nents shall be inade as nece.ssary to the proportions and materials as needed. The Cont�•actor shall provide all batch tiic�Cets to the RPR. c. Limitations of placement. CLSM shall not 6e placed on frozen ground, Mixing and placing may begitl wlaez� the air ar ground tetnperature is at least 35°F (2°C) and risirlg. Mixing and placement shajl stop when the air temperature is 40°P (4°C) and falli�ag o.r �vlien iha anticipated air or ground temperaiure vvill be 35°F (2°C) or less in the 24-hour period following. proposed placemet�t. At the time of placement, CLSM sha�l l�ave a temperaiure of at least 40°�' (4°C). 1�3-4.2 Curing and protecrion a. Curing. Tlle air in contact with tlte CLSM shall be maintaineci at temperatures above fi'eezing %r a minimum of 72 hours. If the CLSM is subjected to temperatures below 32°F (0°C), the material may be rejected by the RPR if damage to the inaterial is observed. b. Proteetxon. The CL�M shall not k�e subject to loads aud shall remain undisturbed by construction activities for a period of 48 hours or until a campressi�e stren.gth of 15 psi (i05 kPa) is obtained. The Cantractar sl�all be respor�sii�le for providing evidence ta the RPIZ that th� material has reached tbe desired sirengti�. Acceptable evidence shall be based upan eompressive tests made in accordance with paragraph 153-3.Ia. I53-4.3 Quality Assuranee (QA) Acceptance. CLSM QA accaptance sliall be based upon batch tickets provided lry the Contractor to the RPR to confirm that tlae delivet•ed rnaterial conforms to the mi� design. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT I53-5.1 Measurement. Na separate ineasureinent for payment shall be macie for cvntrolled low strengGh inaterial (CLSM). CIsSM shalI be considered necessaty and incidental to t11e work oftltis Contract. SASIS OF PAYMENT 1�3-6.1 Pay�paen� No payment �uvill bz made separately or direc�ly far contralled low strengfh material (CLSM}. CLSM shall be considered necessaiy and incidental t� the work of this ConYract. REFERENCES The publicatians listed below form a part of this specifcation to iiae extent re%r�nced. The publicatians are referred to �witI�in the text by the basic deszgnation only. ASTM Internationa3 (ASTM} ASTM C33 ASTM C1S0 CITY QF PORT WOAThI i'echnical 5pecifications Standard Speciiication for Cancre�e Aggregates Standard Specifcation for Portland Cement Alliance Airport Taxiway A Centerline Light Replacement P-153-2 ProjecklVumber 103104 Item P-153-3 Controlied L.ow-Sfrengtli Material (CLSM) ASTM C618 ASTM C595 ASTM C1602 ASTM D4&32 ASTM Df 103 Staildard Specifcation far Coal F1y Aslz and Ra�v ar CaIcinecf Natural Pozzolan �or Use in Conerete Star�dard Specification for Blended Hydraulic Cemenis Standard Specificati.on for Mi�ir�g Water Used in the Production of Hyt�raulic Cement Concrete Standard TesiMetl�ad for P�•eparation aiid Testing of Controlled Low- Strengih Material (CLSM) Test Cylindai-s Flow Consistency of Controlled Low Strength Materiai {CLSM) END �F ITEM P-1�3 CITY OF FORT W�RTH `['echnical Speci�cations Allisuce Airport Taxiway A Centerline I.igl�t I�eplacerneut F-153-3 Project Isum6er 103194 ltem P-153-4 Controlled Low-StreitgtU Materia! (CLSM} C1TY OF FORT WDRT]-I Technical Specificatians Page Iz�tenlionally Blank Alliance AirporE Taxiway A Centerline Ligl�t Repl�cement P-153-4 ProjectNumber 1031{l4 Ctem P-6�G-1 Adhesive Compounds, `fwo-Compo3ient for Scaling Wire and Ligl�ts in Paven�ant ITEM P-�OG ADHESNE COMPOIINDS, TWO-COMPONENT F�R SEALING WIRE AND LYGHTS lN PAVEMENT DESCRIPTION 606-11 Tl�is specification covers two types of a��afe�•ial; a Iiquid suitable for sealing electz�ical wire in saw cuts in pavement and for seal�n.g 1ig11t fixtures or bases in pa�einent, and a paste suitable for embedding Iight �xtures in the pavement. Both types of mate�'ial are tvvo-componeni f�iled formulas wilh the characteristics speciiied in paragraph 606-2.4. M.aterials sL�pplied for use with asphalt and/ar concrete pavements must be fortnulated so they are compatible wii:h the asphalt andlo�' cancrete. MATERIAL� 606-�1 C�ring. When pre-�vanned to 77°F {25°C), mixed, and placed in accordance with manufacturer's directions, the mate�•ials shall cure at tempera�ures of 45°F (7°C) o�' above witliout the application af extiernal l�eat. G06�2.2 Storage. The adliesiv� compot�ents shall not be stored at temgeratures o�+ar 86°F (34°C), unless otherwise specifi�d by �lae manLlfacturer. 606-�.3 Caution. Instailation a�ad use shall he iu accordaiice �vith the maaufacturer's recominended pz•ocedures. Avoid prolonged or r�peat�d coi�tact vvith skin. In case of contact, wasl� with soap azld flush with water. If taken interilally, call doctior. Keep away from heat or flame. Avnid �vapor. Use in welj- ventilated areas. Keep in cool place. Keep away from children. 606-�.4 Characteristics. When mixed and cured in accordance with the manufac��trer's directions, the x�nateriais sl�all have the fallowing propeziies showz� in Table 1. Ta1�1e 1. Property Requireme�ats Physical or Electrical Properiy Minimum Maximum ASTM Method Tensile Portland cement conerete 1,0�}0 psi D 638 {70 kglsq cm) Asphalt concrete SDO psi (35 kg/sg cm) Elongation I'ortland cainent concrete See note � D 638 Asphalt concrete 50% D 63 8 Caef. af cub. exp. p.0�D90 0.00120 D 1168 CU. CTriICll. C1T1I°C Coef. of lin. exp. 0.000030 �.000040 D 1168 CITIICITII° C DieIecYric strength, short time test 350 volts/mil. D 149 Arc resistance 125 sec Pul!-o£f CITY OF FORT WORTH �1i[iance Airport Taxiway A Centerline Ligljt Replacement Techuical Specifications P-606-1 Projec[ Numher ID3I04 Itetu P-606-2 Adhesive Co3npounds, 7'wmComponent for Sealing Wire a�id Lights in Pavement Physical or Electricai Praperty Minimum Maximum I ASTM Method Adhesion to steel Adhesian to Po.i-�land cement conccete Adhesion to asphalt concz'ete Adliesion to aIuminum 1,000 psi (70 kglsq am) 20� psi (14 icg/sq cm) Na test a�ailable. 250 psi 20% or more (witho.ut �Iler) for foiinulations to be suppfied for areas subject to fieezing. SAMPLTNG, INSP�CTION, ANll TEST PROCEDiIRES 606�3.1 Tensile �aroperties, Tests fo�'tensile sn'ength and elangation shall be coilducted in accordance with ASTM D638. 606-3.2 Expansion. Tests far coefficients of linaar aud cubical expansioaa shall be eonducted in aaco.rdance wifl�, Method B, �xcept that me�•ct7ry shall be used instead of glycerine. The test specimen shall be mixed in tl�e praportions speeified by the manufacturer, and eure�i in a glass tub approxitnately 2 inch (50 mtn} long by 3./8 inch (9 �nm.) i�� diarrieter. The interioz• of tlle tube shall be �recoated wit17 a silicflne rr►ojd release agent. The hardened sample shall be re��oved from the tube and aged at raam temperature %r one {1) w�ek hefore conducting the test. The test temperature range shall be from 35°�' (2°C} to 140°F {64°C). 60G-3.3 T�st for dieiectrie strength. Test �or die�ectric strer►gth shall be conducted in accordanca with ASTM D149 for sealing compounds to be furnis�ed for sealing electrical wires in paverne��t. 606-3.4 Test for arc resistance. Test for arc t'esistance sha31 be oonducted for sealing cor�apounds �o be furnished for sealing electrical wires in pavemen�. 6fl6�3.5 Test for adhesion ta steel. The ends of two sz�noath, cleaii, steel specimens of conveni�nt size (1 inch by 1 uich by 6 inch} (2� mm by 25 mm by 150 mm} would be satisiactory wl�en bonded. fogether with adllesive mixt�ire and allowed tn cure at room femperature for a period of time to rneet formulation requirennents and then tested to failure on a Ri�;hle (ar similar) tensile tester. The fhickness of adbesive ta be tasted shall be II4 inah (6 inm). 606-3.6 Adhesion to Portland cement concrete a. Concrete test block preparation. The aggregate grading shall b� as shown in Table 2. The coarse aggregate shall consist of cruslled racic having a minizx�.um of 75% of the particles with at ]east o.ne iractured face and having a water absorption of not tnore than 1.5%. The fine aggregate shall consist of crushed sand manufactured from the same parant rock as tl�e coarse aggeegate. The concj-et� shall have a water-cament ratio of 5.5 gallons (21 liters} of water per bag of cement, a cement factor of 6, �0.5, bags of cemenf per cubic yard (0.7G cubic meter) of concrete, an.d a slump of2-1/2 inch {60 mrn}, f1/2 incl� (50 mxn �12 mm). The ratio of fine aggregate tn total aggregate shall be approxiinately 40%fl by solid valurne. The air coiitent shall be 5.0%, �D.S°/o, and it shall be obtained by the addition to the batch of an air-entraining admixti�re sueh as Vinsol� resin. The naold shall be of inetal and shail be provided wztk� a metal base pIate. Means sl�all ba provided for securing the base plate to the inold. The assemblec� inald and base plate shall be wate�tzght and shall be oiled with mineral oi1 be�ore use. The inside measurez�aent of the mold shall be such fihat several one inch (25 mm) by 2-inch (75 mm) by 3-ineh (25 inin by SD rnm by 75 mm) test blocks can be cut frotn the specimen witla a eoncrete saw having a dia�nond blade. The concz•ste shall be prepared and cured in accordance with A�TM C192. CITY O� FOAT WOR'l'H Alliance Airport Taxiwray A Centerliue Lig13! Replacement TechEiical Specifrcatians P-60G-2 ProjectNumber L03104 ltem P-506-3 Adhesiva Caanpounds, Two-Component for5ea]ing Wire and Lights iEiPavement Table Z, Aggregate for Bond Test Blocks Type Sieve Size Percent Pass�ng Cnarse Aggregate 3/4 inch {19.0 inm) 97 to 100 1!2 inch (12.5 ��.�zn) 63 to 69 3/8 inc� (9.S mm) 3Q to 36 No. 4(4.75 mm} 0 io 3 Fine Aggregate No. 4(4.75 mm) 100 No. 8{2.36 mm) 82 to 88 No. 16 (1.18 mm) 6Q to 70 Na. 3D (600 µm) 40 to 50 No. SO (300 µm) 16 to 26 No. 100 (I50 µin) 5 fo 9 b. Sond test. Prior to use, oven-dry the test blocks to canstant weight at a t�mperature oi 220°F to 230°F (104°C to l la°C), cool to room temperature, 73.�4°F f3°F {23°C �I.b°C), in a desiccator, a.:nd ctean the surface of the blocks af fiItn or powder by vigorous brusk�ing wifh a stiff-bristled fiber brush. Two test blocks shajl be bond�d together on the one inch by 3 inch (25 mm by 75 min) sawad face wi#h the adhesive mixture and allowed to cure at room iemperature for a period of iim� ta rneet formulatian requirezzaents and tk�en tested t4 failure in a Riellle (or similar} tensile iester. The thiciaiess of the adhesive to be tested shall be 1/4 inch (6 mm). b06�3.'� Compatibility with asphaIt mix. Test far co�npatibility with asphalf in accordance with ASTM D5329. 606-3.5 Adhesive compounds - Contractor's responsibility. Tl�e Contractor shall furnzsla t11e vendor's cez•tified test reports for eacla batck� of material delivered to the project:. The report s11a11 certify that th� inaterial meets specificati�n requiretr�ents and is suitab�e for use with conerete pavements. The repork sha11 be pro�vidad to and accepted by the Resident Project Representative {RPR) before us� of the material. In addition, the Contrantor shall o4�tain a statement fram the s�pplier or ma.iiufacturer that guarant�es the material %r one year. Tl�e supplier or manufac#urer sh�ll furnish evidence that the maferial has perfoi�ned satisfactorily on other projects. 606-3.9 Application. Adhesive shall be applied on a dry, clean surface, free of grease, dust, and other loose particles. The methad af tni�ig and applicatinn shall be in strict accordance w�tl� the mamifactut'er'� recommendations. When used with Item P-6n5, such as light can installation, Ite�n P-605 shall not be applied until the Item P�60b has fully cured. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT 606-4.1 No measurement will be rrzade far direct payment of adhesive compound, as the cQst of furnishing azzd installing shall be considered as a subsidiaty abligatian in the campletion of the znstallatian. BASIS �F PAYMENT 606-�.1 No paymeni vvill be �nade far d�re�t payment of adhesive compou�d, as the cost of furnisIiing and insta�liiig slialI be con.sidered as a subsidiary ob�igation in the completion ofthe installatian. CLTX DF FORT WOIZTH Allia��ce Airport Taxiway A Centerline Light 12eplacentent Technical Specifications P-6flG-3 PrajectNumber ]03104 ltem P-6pb-4 Adkiesive Compauiids, T�va-Componeut for 5ealittg Wire and Lighis in Paveme��t REFERENCES The publieatians listed below form a part of this specification to the extent t-efer�nced. Th.e publicati�rrs are ref�r3•ed to witIlin the text by Y1ae basic designatian anly. ASTM International (ASTM) ASTM C192 5tatldard Pz•actice for Malcing and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Laboratory ASTM D149 Standard Test Method for DieIect�•ie Breal�down Voltage and Dieleetric S�re�gth of Solid EIeeNical Insulating Materials at Comtx►ercial Power Traqueiiczes ASTM D638 AS`T1VI D5329 Standard Test IVletltod for Teiisile Propet�ies of Plastics Standard Test Methods for Sealants and Fillers, Hot-applied, for Joints and Cracks in Asphaltic and Portland Cement Concrete Pavements END OF ITEM P-606 CITY OF FORT WORTH Technical Specificafiio�is Allisnce Airport Taxiway A Ccnterline Light Replacement Y-GOG-4 ProjectNiunUer 1D3104 Item P-63 0-1 Conerete for Misceflaneous Structures IT�M P�610 CONCR�TE FOR MISCELLAN�OUS STRUCTURES DESCRIPTZON G14�1.I Tl�is item shall consist of concreie ai�d xeinforcement, as shown an the plans, prepared and corlst�•ucted in accordance with these specificatzons. This specifiGatian shall be used fox• all coiicret� otl�et• than airfield pavement whicl7 are cast-in-place, including encasement, encapsulation anc� sign foundations. MATERIALS 610�2.1 General. Only approved materials, conformin� to tha requi�eineilts of thesa specificatio�s, s�all be used in the work. Mafierials may be subject to inspeetion and tests at any time durin.g tlteiz' prepat�ation orr use, The source of all materials shall be appro�ed by the Resident Project Representative (RPR) before del�very or use in the work. Repres�ntative �reiimina:ry sa�nples of the materials shall be sul�mitted by the Contractor, w11en reyuii°ed, for examination and tesi. Materials shall be stored and handled to ensur� preservatio.n of their quality and fitness for use and sltall be Zocated to facilitate prompt insp�ction. All equ�pment for handling and tra��sparting materials and eoncrete inusi be clean before any tnaterial or concreta is placed in them. The use of pit run aggregates sha�l not be permitt�d unless the pit�run aggregate l�as been screened and washed, and all �zze and coarse aggregates stored s�parately aud kept cIean. The mixing of different aggregat�s fram different sources in one storage stockpile or alternating� batches of different aggregates s��all not be permitted. a, Reactivity. Fine aggregate and coarse aggregal:es ta be used in all concr�te sha11 ha�e been tested separately within six �nonths of t11e project in accordance with ASTM CI26Q. Test results shall be submitted to the RPR. The aggregate shall b� cons.idered innocuous if the expansifln of test specimens, tested in accordance witl� A�TM C1260, does not exceed 0.08% at 14 days (16 days from casting). Ifthe expansion �ithez• ar both test specimen is greaier than. 0.08°/a at 14 days, but �ess than 0.20%, a minimum of 25°/a af Type F fly ash, o�' between �0% and 55% of slag cemant shall be used in the concrete �nia�. Ii the expar�sion is greater tlZan 0.20%, ihe aggregates shall nat be used, and ��si results for other aggregates must be submitted for �valt�ation; or aggregates that rneet P-501 z•eactivity test requirements may be utilized. 610-�.� Coarse aggregate. The coarse aggregate far concrete shall meet the xequirements of A.STM C33 and the requiremants of Table 4, Class Designation 5S; and tl�.e grading requiremezats shown belaw, as required for the project. Coarse A�gregate Grading Requirements Maxirnum Aggrega.te Size ASTM C33, Table 3 Grading Rec�uiremenYs (Size No.) 1 1/2 inch {37.5 mm) 467 or 4 anci b7 1 incl� (25 mm} 57 '/4 inch (19 zmn) 67 % inch (12.5 rnm} 7 CTTY OF FORT WORTH Allin�ice Airport Taxiway A Centerline I.ight Replacement Teclmical Speei�ealions P-G10-3 Project Idumber 1U3104 rt��,� r-� i o-z Concre{e far Miscallaneous SYructures 610-2 2.1 Coarse Aggregate susce�tihility to ciurability (D) cracl�in�. Not used. 610-2.3 Fine aggregate. The fine aggregate for concrete shall 3neet all fine aggregate requirementa of ASTM C33. 61Q-2.4 Cement. Cement sI1aII con%rm ta the r�q�irements of CI54 Type IiII. 61�-2.5 Ce�nentitious materials. a. Fly as�. Fly ash shaIl meet tlie requireir�ents of ASTM C618, with tlte exeeption of loss of ignifian, where the maximu�n shall be less than G%. FIy ash shall have a Calciuz�ri axide (Ca0) content of less than 15 b and a total available all�ali content less t�an 3% per ASTM C311. Fly ash produced in furnace operations usiiig liming inatexiais or soda ash (sodium cas•bonate) as an additiv� shall not be acceptabie. The Contractor shaIl �u�•nisl� the previous three t�►ast recent, consecut�ve ASTM C61$ reports fo� eacls source of fly ash proposed in the concrete mix, and shall fuz`nish each additional report as they become available during the �roject. The reports can be used for acce�atance or tl�e material may be tested independently by t11e RPR. b. Slag ce�ent {ground granulated blast furnace (GGEF�). Slag cement shall confartn to ASTM C989, Grade 100 or Grade 12D. Siag cement shall be used only at a rate bet�een 25% and SS% afthe total cementitious material by tnass. 610-2.6 Water. Water used in taai�ing or curing sl�a[1 be fi•om potable water saurces. Other sources shal� be tested in accardance �vitll ASTM C1602 prior to use. 614-�.i Ad�ixtures. The Con��•actor s1�a11 submit certificates indicating; that the matarial to be furnished meet,� all af the a•equirements indicated belaw. In addition, the RPR may require tl�e Co�tractor to subrnit cornplete tesi data fram asi approved labo��atory show�ing that #he �aterial ta be furn ished meets a11 of the requirements af the cited specifications. Subsequent tests may be made of samples taken by tk�e RPR frorn the supply of the material being furnished or prnposed ;For use an tha worlc to determine whetlier the admi�ure is uniform in quality with that approved. a. Air-eatraxning ac�mixtures. Air�entraining admixtures shaIl tneet tl�e requir�ements of ASTM C260 and shajl consistently entrain the air content in the specified ranges under iiejd c4nditions. The air- enfrainment agent and any water xeducer admixture shall be compatible. b. Water�reduci�g admixtures. Water-reducing ad�nixture shajl iro.eet tk�a requirements of ASTM C494, Typ� A, B, or D. ASTM C494, Type F a�d G high ranga waier reducing admixturas and ASTM C1017 flo�vable admixtures shall not be used. c. Other chemical admixtures. The use of sei retarding, and set-accelerating admixtures sliall be approved by the RPR. Retardi�lg shall meet Y��e requirements of ASTM C494, Type A, S, or D and set accelerating shalI meet tt�e requirements af ASTM C494, Type C. Calcium chloride and adm�tures conta�ning. calcinm ch�oride shall not be used. 610-2.8 Premolded jaint material. Premold�d joint material for expansioi7 jaints shall meet the requirements of ASTM D1751 ar ASTM D1752. 61.Q-2.9 Joint fiCler. The �iler for �oints sha11 �neet the requirements nf Item P-605, unless otherwise specified. 610 2.] 0 Steel reinforceme�t. Reinforcing shall consist of deformed bars conforming to the requzrements of A615. G10-2.11 Materia�s for cu�ring concre#e. Curing materials shall be white-pigmented liquid membrane- foz�ming compound, Type 2, Class B cor�oriaaing to ASTM C3A9. CiTY qP I'OTiT WORTH Alliance Airport Taxiway A Centerline Laght Replacement Teehnicak 5peciPications P-G10-2 Projectt�lumber 103104 Item P-610-3 Concrete for Miscellaneous Siruetures CONSTRUGTION METHODS �10-3.1 General. The Cant�•actor shall furnish all labor, matez•ials, and services neces�aiy %r, and i�cidental to, the campletio.n of all work as shown on fhe drawings and speci�ed hea•e. All maehinery and equipment used by the Cor�iractar on the work, s11a11 be of suff'icient size to meet the requiremen.tis af the wocic. All worlc shall be subject to the inspeetion and approvaj of ii�t� RPR. G1D-3.2 Concret� Mixture. The concrete shall develop a cornpressive stt�ength of 4,000 psi 28 MPa [n 28 days as determined by test cylinders t�ade in accordar�ce with A�TM C31 and tested in acco�'dance witl� ASTM C39. The concrete shall contain uot less flian 470 pounds oi cem�ntitious nnaterial per cubic yard (280 kg per cubic meter). The water ceinentitiaus ratio shall not exceed 0.�5 by weight. The air content of the concrete shall be S% +1- 1.2% as datennined by ASTM C231 and shall have a sluinp of not more tha.n 4 incl�es (1Q0 �nin) as determined by ASTM C143. 610-3.3 Mixing. Concrete may be mixed at the eonst�'uction site, at a central point, or wholly or in part in t�uck mixers. The coucrete shaIl he mixed and delivered in accardance with fihe requirements of ASTM C94 or ASTM C68S. The conct•ete sl�all be ini��d anIy ita quantities required for immediate use. Concret� sl�all not be mixed while the air temperat��re is below 40°� (4°C) withaut the RPRs appra�al. If approval is g�•anted f�r mi�ng under such conditio.ns, ag.gregates or water, or bath, shall be lleafed and the concrete shalI be pIaced at a temperahire tiot less than S OaF (1 Q°C) nor �nore than 100°� (3 $°C). The Con#ractor shaSl be l�e1d responsible �or any defective work, resulting from freezing or injury in any �nanner during placing and curing, and sl�all replace such work at liia expense. Retempecing of conerete by adcling water or any otlier material is not permitted. The rate oi deliveiy of concrete to the job sliall be sufficiant to allo�v uninter:rupted placement of the co�cr�te. G14-3.4 FarEn�. Concrete shall not be placed until a11 the forms and reinforcetne��ts have been inspected and app�•oved by the RPR. Forms shall be af suitable material and shali be of tl�etype, size, shape, quality, and strength to build the struetua•e as shown on fhe plans. The %rms shall be trLte to li�ae and grade and shall be mor�ar-tight and sufficiently rigid to preveni displac�ment and sagging between supports. The suriac�s of fanns shall be smoail� and free from irregularities, dents, sags, and hoIe.s. The Contractor si1a.�1 be z'espoiisible for their adequacy. The ir�ternal %rm ties shall be ananged so no metal wiI1 show in the eoiicreie surface or discalor the surface when exposed to weatheri��g when the forms axe removed. AII fc�x•ms shall be wetted vvi�h water or with a non-staining mineral oil, whieh shall he applied inamadiately before the coilcrete is placed. Forins slaall be canstructed so they can he removed without injuring the concrete or concrete surface. b10-3.� Placing reinforcement. All reinforceme��t shall be accii�ately plaeed, as shown an the glans, and shall be �rmly 11e1d i�i �aasifiion duruig concrete placem�nt. Baes shall be fastened together at intersections. The reinforcement shall be supported by approved inetal chairs. Shop drawings, lists, az�d bending details shall be supplied by the Con�ractor when required. G10-3.G Embedded ite�ans. Before placing concrete, all embedded itetns sl�all be firmly and secure�y fastened in pIaee as indicatad. AII einbedded items sliall �e cleau and fi•ee from coating, z•ust, scale, oil, or any foreign matter. Tha conc�•ete shalj be spaded and consolidaied around and against embedded items. The embeddiz�g af waod shall not be allowed. 610-3.7 Concrete Cansistency. TI�e Contractor �hal1 monifor tk�e consistency of the conerete delivered to the project site; eollect each batch ticket; check temperature; and perfoim slump tes�� on eacli truck at tlle project site in accordance with ASTM C I43. Cl'I'Y OF FO�T WORTH Aifiaz�ee Airport Taxiway A Centerline Light Repl�cement Technical Specireafiot�s P-610-3 ProTactNumber 103IQ4 IYem P-610-4 Concrete for iufiscellaneons Striactures G10�3.8 Placing eoncrete. All concr�te shall be placed dur-ing daylight hours, unless atherwise apprat+ed. TIie concre�e shall not Ue placed until ti�e depth and condition of foundations, the adequacy of farms and falsework, an.d t11e plaaing afthe steel reinforcing IZave been appf•oved by th� RPR. Cancrete shajl be placed as soa�1 as pz•actical after inixing, but in no case later than one (1) liour after water has been added to the mix. Tize method and manne�• af placing shali avoid segi-egation and displacement of the reinforcernent. Troughs, pipas, and chufes sltall be used as an aid in placing concrete w11en necessa�y. The concrete shall not be dropped fi•om a height of inore than 5 feet (1.5 m). Concrete shall be deposited as nearly as practical in its final posi�ion to avoid segregation due to rehandiing or �lawing. Do not subject concrete ta procedures whicla ca��se segregation. Conc��ete s11a11 be placed on clean, damp surfaces, frEe fram running water, ar on a properly co.nsolidated soil foundation. GI 0-3.9 Vibration. Vibration shall follow the guide3ines in Ameriean Concrete Institute (ACI) Cominittee 349R, Guide for ConsoIidation of Concrete. 610-310 Joints. Joints shall be constructed as indicated on the plans. 610-31I �nishing. Al� exposed concrete surfaces shall be true, smooih, and frae from open or rough areas, depr�ssions, or prolections. Ali cn�icr�ie horizontal plane surFaces shall �e braught flush to the proper e�evatian with the finished top surface strnck-off with a straightedge and floated. 610-312 Curing and protecfion. All concrete shall be properly cured in accardaz�.ce with the recammendations in Arne�ican Concrete Institut� (ACI) 308R, Guide to E�ternal Curing of Concrete. Th� concret� sha11 be protected fi•om damage until praject acceptance. 610-3.13 Coid weather placing. W�aen conerete is p3aced at teinperatures below 40°�' {4°C}, follow the cold weatller concreting recoziamendations found in ACI 306R, Cold Weather Concr�ting. 610-3.1� Hot weather �lacing. When concrete is placed in hot weather graater than 8S°F (30 °C), follow the hot weather cancreting recommendations faund in ACI �05R, Hot Weather Cancreting. QUALITY ASSiTRANCE (QA) 61Q-4.1 Quality Assurance �ampling and testin�. Cancrete for each day's placeme�.t will be accep�ed an the basis of the compressive streng,th specifie.d in paragraph 610-3.2. The RPR will sa�nple tl�e concrete in aceo.rdance with ASTM C 172; test the slump in accordance �with ASTM C 143; test air content in accordance witii ASTM C231; itnake and cure compressir�e strength specimeiis in accnrdance witli ASTM C31; andtest in accord.ance with ASTM C39. The QA testing agency will meet the �•equirements of ASTM C 1077. The Contractor shall provide adequate facilities for the initia� curing af cyIinders. 610-4.2 Defective work. Any de%ctiva wark that cannot be satisfactorily r�paired as detErmi�ed by the RPR, sliall be removed and replaced at tl�e Contractor's expanse. DefectiVe work includ�s, but zs nat Iimited to, uneven dimensions, h.oneyeombing and of.her uoids on the surface or edges of th.e c�ncrete. METHOD OF MEASUIt�GMENT 61(}-�1 Concrete shall be considered incidental and no separate rneasurement shall be rnade. BA�IS �F PAYMENT G10-6.1 Concrete shall be considered incidental and no separate pay�nent sl�all be made. CITY OF FORT WORTH Alliattce Airport Taxiway A Centerli�se Ligl�t Replacement 'Cech�tical Speci�cations P-61D-4 ProjectNumber 103104 Icem P-G 1 U-5 Concrete for Misceliat3eous Structu�•es RE s + RENCE� The publicatians Iisted below form a pa.�'t of this specificaiion t4 the extent referenced. The publications are referred to within the fext by tl�e baszc designation only. ASTM Tnternafional (AST`M) ASTM A184 ASTM A615 ASTM A744 ASTM A706 ASTM A775 ASTM A884 ASTM A934 ASTM A1064 ASTM C3 i ASTM C33 ASTM C39 ASTM C94 ASTM C136 ASTM C114 ASTM C136 ASTM C143 ASTM C150 ASTM C1'1I ASTM C 172 ASTM C231 ASTM C260 ASTM C309 CITY OF PORT W�RTH Technical Sp.ecifications Standard Specification for Welded Deformed Steel Bar Mats for Conct'ete Reinforce�nent Standard Sp�ci�cation for Deformed and �'lain Carbon-SteeI Bars far Concrete Reinforcement Standard Specification for Welded Stee3 Plaii� Bar or Rod Mats for Cczncrete Rein%rce�nent �tanrlard Specificatio�t �ar Low-A13oy Steel Deformed and PIaiz� Bars for Concrete R�infnz•cement 5tandard Speciiication for Epoxy-Caated Steel Reinforcing Bars Standard Speci�cation for Epo�y-Coated Steel Wire and Welded Wn•e Reinfarceznent Standaz'd 5�ecification for Epoxy-Coaied Prefabricated Steel Reinfarcing Bars Standard Specification far Carhor�-�teel Wire a��d Welded Wire Reinforcein�nt, Plain aud Defarmed, far Concrete Standard Ptactice for Malcing and Curing Concrete Test Speci�nens in the Field Siandard Specificaiion for Cancrete Aggregates Standard Test M�thod for Compressive Strengti� of Cylindricai Conerete Speciinens Standard Speci�cation for lteady-Mi�.ed Concrete 5tandard Test Method for �ie�e or Screen Analysis af �ine and Coarse Aggr�gates Standard Test Mefhods for C17emical Analysis of Hydrau�ie Cement Standard Test Method for Si�ve Analysis of �ine atzd Caarse Aggregates Standard Test Method far Slump of Hydi•aulic-Cement Concrete Standard Specification %r Portland Cement Standard Spacification for Sheet Materials for Curuig Concrete Standard Practice for 5amplin.g Freshly Mixed Cancrete 5tandarc� Test 1Vlethod for Air Content af Fresh�y N1�ed Concrete by the Pressure Method Standard Specification for Air-Entraiiiing Admixtures for Concx•ete Standard Spe�i�cation �'or Liquid Membrane-Formu�g Compounds for Curing Cancrete Alliance Airport Taxiway A Centerline Light lieplacemenl P-G10-5 Proj�cti�lumber 103104 Ifem P-514•G Concrete For Miscellaueous Sin�cfures ASTM C311 ASTM C494 A�TM C6I8 ASTM C666 ASTM C685 ASTM C989 ASTM C1017 ASTM C1077 ASTM C I 157 ASTM C1260 Staz7dard Test Methods for Sampling and Testing Fly Ash or Natural Pozzolans %r Use in Portland-Cement CQncrete Standard S.pacificatxon for Chernicai Acfinixtures for Concrete Standai•d Speci£'ication for Coai rly Ash and Raw or Calcined Natural PozzQjan far Use in Concrete Standai'd 'I'est Ma�llnd far Resistance of Concretie to Rapid Freezing and Thawing Stai�dard Specification for Concrete Made by Volumetric Batching and Coiitinuous Mixing Standarci �pecification for STag Cement for Use in Concrete and Mortars Standard Specification for Chetnic�l Admixtures for Use in Producing Flawing Cancrete Standard Practice far Agencies Testing Cnncz'ete and �oncrete Aggregates iar Use in Construction and Crit�ria for Testing Agency Evalua�io�1 Standard Per�arrnance Specification for Hydraulic Cement Standard Test Metllod for Poiential Alkali Reactivity af Aggeegates (Mortar-Bar Method) ASTM C13bS Standard Tast Method %r De�errnination of the Prapoi�tipn of Phases in Portland Cement and PartIand-Cement C�iriker Using X-Ray Powder Diffraction Analysis ASTM C1b02 S#andard Specification for Mixittg Water Used in the Proc3uction of Hydraulic Cement Concreie ASTM D1751 Sfa�dard Specification for Preformed Expar�sion Joint riller for Caa�crete Paving and Structural Construction (Nonaxtruding and Resilient AsphaIt Types) ASTM D1752 Standard Specification far Pz'eformed Sponge Rubber Car1c and Recycled PVC Expansion Joint Fillers for Concrete Paving and Structural Ganstruction Ainerican Concrete Insittute {ACI) ACI 305R �CI 306R ACI 308R ACI 3 Q9R Hot Weather Concreting Cold Wea�her Cancreting Guide to External Curing of Concrete Guide for Consolidation of Conerete END OF ITEM P-610 CITY OF FOitT WORTH Technical Spe�if�cations Alliance Airport Taxiway A Centerlina l,igiit Replacemenf P-610-6 ProjeetNumber ]031.04 Item L-100-1 General Prnvisians - Electrical ITEM L-100 GENERAL PROVISIONS - E�ECTRTCAL (Non-�tandard FAA Specification} 1fl0-I.1 General. Ti�is itein is infiended to supplement the speci�eations for �lie Air�ield Elecf�ica! requirem�nts of tlus contract. It is tI1e intent and meaning of the Plans and Specificatioils t11at the Contractor shall provide an electrical installation that is aperafional and complete, including all items and apptirtenances necessaty, rea,sona6ly ineiciental, or eustomarily ineluded, e��n thougll eacl�and every item is nat speeifically cal�ed aut or shown. Installations and COL1S�1'l1CfI011 under tliese pt'ovzslans sl�all be eooz'dinated vvith the Resident Project Representative (RPR). Contracior sha�l confir�n scheduling and sequencing, and locations and types of interfaces between Confractor's electrical wark and Owner's separate electrical contract worlt, if any, and betvreen Coniractor's electrical work and existing electrical iacilities. Cont�•actor shall not begiu work at �l�ese interfaces without appx�oval of the Engineer through the Rl'R. Spaciiication requiremants for approvals., �•eviews, or other involvement of the Engineer shall 6e iransnnitted by the Contractorr throu.gh the RPR to the Eilgineer. QUALITY ASSUItANCE 100-2.1 Applicab�e Codes and Standards. a. Codes. All electrical wor� shall conform wiih the requirements and recommendations of the latest edition of the National Electrical Cade. In conflicts among plans, specifications a��d eod�s, the znost stringent r�quirements shaIl govern. b. Standards. The specifications at�d standard.s of the fallowing organizaii.ons axe by reference z�n.ada part of fhese speci�cations and alI electrical wo��k, unless other�wise uldicated, shall comply with their require�nents and recommendations wher�ver applicable: Tnstitute of Electrical and Eiectronic Engineers (IEEE) Arr�erican Natio.z�al Standards Ins�itute (ANSI) 1�merican Society for Testing and Materia�s (ASTM} Insulated Power Cal�le Engineers Associatzon (ICEA} National Sureau of Stanciards (N�S) National El�ctr�ical Gontractor's Association (NECA) National Electrical Manufacturer's Association (NEMA} National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) National Elactz•ical Safety Code (NESC) XUO-2.2 Requirements of Regulatory Age�cies. Airport li.ghting equipment and materials covered by FAA Airports Di�isian speciiications shall be cei�tified per Advisory Circular (AC) ISQI534S-53, Airpo��t Liglitir►g Equipment Ce��tification Pragram {ALECP) and listed in �lze ALECP Addendum. All advisary circulars referenced in these spe�ificatians shal� be the latest editioi7. All otlier equipinent and materials co�ered by otl�er referenced specifications shall be subject to aceeptance through manufacturer's certification of coinpliance with t�e applicable specification when requested hy the CITY OF FORT V�ORTH AE[ianee Adrport Ta�ciway.A Centerline Light lZeplacernenf Technical Specificafioas L-100-i PrajeetNumber 103IQ4 Item L- l UO-2 General Provisioiis - Eleetrical RPR. Tl�e requirements a��d recominendations of the latest edition of the Occupatianal Sa€ety a��d Healtll Act ar� by reference made a part of these speci�catioiZs and aIl eleci��ica1 wot•Ic shall comply with thasa requirements and recoinznendations wherever applica6le. lOD-2.3 Workmanship and Pers4nal Requirements. a. All electrical work shall be pe��formed by worlcinen skilled in �I�e elec�tical trade and licensed for tha wo�'k by t17e State of Texas. b. A licensed Master Electrician will be required fo:r the issuance af a buildir►g permit for eonst�•ucting, iilstalling, alteri��g, maintaining, z•epairing or r�placiz�.g any electrical wiring, appara�us, or equzpir►ent on any voltage level in tl�e jurisdiction oftl�e Airport. c. A licensed Master Electrician or a licensed Journeyman Electrician is required to be an the job site whene�er any electriaal �tvork is performed. Any airf'�eld elec�iical wark or associated electrical installations shal� be accamplished under the direct an-site supervision af a iieensed Jour�leyman Electrician working under the responsible Master Electrician. d. To ensure cot�npliance with Paragraph c. above, only a docurr►ented Electrical work farce with a ratio of a maximum of one Electrical Apprentice for each licensed Jaurneynnan Electricia:n s11a11 be allowed to work on the ai�•field ejecirical systeins. e. Contractor shall prapas•e documentatiotl associafed with tile ele�trical work Force eonfzrming ad�i�rence to the requirements of Paragraph d. ahove. These documents sliall be submitted to the APR f�r approval. Also, any work forca changes or re�isions vvhicl� affect compliai�ce with paragraph d. abave shall also be submitted fo the Rl'R for approval by the Enginee�•. f. Every airfieid lighting cable spiieer shal! be qualified in rnaking cable spIices and terminations o�. cables rated above 1,000 volts AC. Contractor s�all subi�ii to the Engineer througli the RPR prooi of the quaiifications of each p.roposed c�bie splicer for #he cable type and �voitage Ievel to be worked. Cable spjicingllerminating personnel shall have a minimtun of tl�ree (3} y�ars cantinuous experience in te37ninating/splicing tx�edium �o]tage cable. g. At ieast ten (10} days priar to performulg any cable sp�ici��g/terrninati�lg, Cont�•actor shall submit to the Engineer #hrougl� th� RPR a written list of proposed cable spIicing/term.inatin� personneI, including wriften evidence tliatthe proposed pe�•sonnel have liad a minimum of eighl: ($) haurs of teclmical training by authorized splice/termination kit manufaeturer personnel. Approved trainzng. shall include a tl�orough review of krt co�a�.ponents and splicinglte�•minating techniques and procedures. Field splices shall on�y he installed by tecl�nicians approved by the RPR. t�. In addition, each trained cable splicer shall be required to insta�l a splice axid a connector on type and s�ze of the cable to be used under th.is contract if z�equested by the RPR. Sample conneations shal� be accomplislSed in accordance with the inanufacturer's instructions and in the presence of the RPR. 100-�.4 Equipment, Material and Installation Requirements. The Contz'actar shall furnish and install al1 naaterials, equip�nent, accessories, connactions and incidental itenns in accordance with the approved recommendations of the manufacturer and tlle best practices of the trade to p.rovide a complete installation operational and ready for usa by tha Owner. All eqLiip�nent and inaterials s��all be new, unlass specificaily noted otherwise, and shall bear the manufacturer's name, tradernar�C and ASM�, UL, and/or other labeis in every case where a standard has been established for the particular item. The Contractor shall prornpt�y taotify the Engineer iz� writing of any conflict between any requirements of the Coniract Docu�nents and equipment manufactzu•er's directions and shall ob�aul �vritten instructions froraa the Engineer 1�e%re proce�ding witli the wark. Sllould the Coniractor perform any work that daes not comply with the CITY OF' FORT VJORTI-i Alliauce Airport Taxiway A Centerline Light Replacernant Tecl�nical Specificatious L-100-2 ProjectNmnU.er 1031U4 item L-1Q0-3 General Provisions-Elecirical tnanufacturer's d.irections or such written itlstructions frozn tha Engineer, Contractor shall 6ear aIl costs arising in correctin:g deficienciea. After review af equipment submittals, and instructions by the Engineer through the RI'R to proceed, equipinent installations may require arrangements or connectiaa�s different from those s�own 011 t�l� drawings. Ii is tlie r�sponsibility of #he Contractar to insiall the equipinent to operate properiy. The Cantractor shali provide any additional equi�ment and/or materials r�quired for installations to operate in accordance with the intent of the drawings and speciiicatiions. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to ensure that iteins installed fit the space available �uvith adequate room for peoper equipment operation and znaintenance. Contractor shall make field measuretnents to ascertain space requirements, including those for connections, and shall furnish and install suol� sizes and sliapes of equipment that the fa�al instaIlation provides a co�npiete and operatianal system that complies with the requirements of the drawings and specifications. The Ca»tractor shajl be responsible for coordinating proper location of roughing in and connectioz�.s by other trades v�hen appIicable. Chaiiges associated with coordinatian requireinents shalj be made at no increase in the Contract aznount or additional costs to other trades. The Contractor shall support work and equipment pIuzn.b, rigid, and h•ue to Iine. The Cantractor shall detennine how equipment, fixtures, co�durt, etc., are to be installed, as required by codes,. drawings and specifications. Foundations, bal�s, inserts, stands, hangers, brackefs and accassories required for proper suppart sliall be provided by tiae Cantraetor, whether or nQt specifieaIly indicated on tl�e di•awings. X00-2.5 Submittals. a. Submit manufacturer's data or drawings of the follawing i�ems, where applicable, �iving full information as to the dimensions, materials, and ather inforjnatioi� required to vexify campliance with tlie spacifications. Additiar�al itenns to be sul�mitted may be listed in the speciiication sections. SkV L-824C Cable Ground Rods Light Fixtuxes �.iglit Bases Tdentiiicatinn Tags Tape Airfield Signs Counterpoise and Grtiund Wire Isolatian Txansfarmers L-823 Connectors Spiice Kits PVC CanduitlCouplings Junction Structures High Performanee Graui b. When requested by t��e RPR, samples af these items shall be subrn.�tted �or approval. E�uipment/installation diagrams shall also I�e suhrnitted for approval, as required by project specifications andlor xequested by the R�'R. c. Contractor submittal package shall uiclude a typewritten list indicating each bid ite�aa, witl� a breakdown af all item components and all parts that are assembled ar associated �vith bid item instal�ation. Submittaj package list s4►all indicate: (1) Bid itein nutnber, (2) P� nu�x�bexs of associated itein cozz�ponents, as required aaid (3) Reference page number where item and component information is lflcated in the submittal pacicage. An example oi this procedure is shown in the follQwing table: CITY OP FORT WORTH Alliance A:irpart Taxiway A C:enterline Light Rep[acemant Teel�3zical Speciftcations L-1U0-3 ProjectNumher 103104 Itein L-IOU-4 General Provisions - Electrical Bid �tem # Descriptian Ref. Page # (XX} (Bid Item Description) (PIN) - (Item Campoiient #� ) (YY) {P/N} - (Item Cotnpanent #2,) (YY} (P/N) - (Itein Cornponent #3) (YY} etc . . . (YY) Where: (XX) = Bid Item Number (YY) = Refe�enc� Page Number in Submittal Package {P/N) = Manufacturer Part Nu�nber d. Checking of submittals is done as an aid to the Contractar, and approval of submittals shall not relieve Contractor of responsibility for any errors or on�issions in the suUmitfals, nor shall it relieve the Contractor of total respansibility for proper and complete execution oFthe job. e. Documentation certifying compliance with tlle BUY AMERICAN pre%rence rales for Airport Impro�ementProgram (AIF} eited in 49 USC §50101) shaIl be included with eacl� equipinent and material submittal. 100-2.G Inspection and Testing. All work performed �y the Coniractax� shall be sub�ect to periodic inspections by tl�e Engin:eer, the Owner, and the RPR to verify that the installation is in coiaapliance with the applicab�e �•equirements of these specifications. 5ystem and component testing shall be perfarmed as specified in individual specifications. Test results shall be evaluated by the Engjneer Uased upon the criteria iildicated. Any instalIatian found vrhieh does nnt conforin ta ti�e required technical provisioiis of these speciiications, or any specimen w�ich does nat meet the defined test c.riteria, shall be immediataly removed l�y the Contractor and then replaced at Contractor's ��pense. When reyuired, testing shall be performed on the new specimen in plaee to verify compliance with the defined criteria. CONSTRUCT��N PROVISIONS ] Qp-3.1 Air�ield Tnstallation Provisions. To enhance personnel safety and avoid contractual problems, the Contractor shali comply with the provis�ons indicated below. 100-3.� Elect�rxcal Work Provisions. a. �xisting Underground Utilities. At least iwenty-%ur {24) hours prior to begi�nning ai�y excavation within the Airport Opeeatians Area (AOA), locations of aIl utility lines in I:he canstruction a�•ea will be identified and marked with surveyor flags, or ather approved method, by appropriate utility personnel. The Contractor shall be z'esponsible for maintaining tlle location flags. Any flags displaced shall be replacaci by the Contractor. The Cantractor shall coordinate with the RPIZ a�iy additional prior natification time required during weekend a��d/or holiday work periods. CITY OF FpRT WORTH Alliance Airport Taxiway A Centerline Ligtit Replacement Technical 5pecifications L-10a-4 Project Nizmber 103 L04 Item L-] 00-5 General Provisions - Electrical The above noted line identification inform.ation shall nat relieve t11e Contractor nf tlle �'esponsil�ility of pinpointiz�g underground lines to avaid unplanned disr�lptions or disf�irbiiig of installation or oparation of undergrouad lines in canshuction areas. Cantractor shall use cable trac.ing equipnaent, or otl�er methods at Coniractor's dis�osal approved by �he RPR, to pznpaint lule locatio�s. Excavation s11a11 not praceed until ail underground lines have bee�� identified ta the satisiaction af the RFR. Contracior shall hand excavate in az•eas c�f airport underground eIectrical, coininunication, and FAA lines to avoid disz'titption of service. Repair of ui�derground lines damaged by the Gontractar shal�. be the s41e respoilsibzlity oithe Contra�tor. b. Locicout/Tagout Procedure. Contractor shall establish a pracedure to ensure tI1at each circuit being worked upon cannot be accid�ittally activated. The lockout/tagaut p�•ocedure shaIl be approved by tl�e Airport Manager peiar to implementing tl�e procedure. i00-3.3 Temiporary and Bypass Circ�tit Provisions. Duriiig eonstruction, temporary or bypass wiring or cable installations may be r�quired to maintain operation af certain aquipment and/or airfieid lighting circuits, as indicated in Cons1 ruction Documents and/oz' as specified. Temporarylbypass circuit installations �ha11 adhere fio p.rovisions indicated below. a. General Requsrements. Contz•actor shall review the requiremenl-s in the speeificatians and Construction Docuir�ents, including, but not restricted to: Phasing and Sequencing Plans, Demolition Plans and Wiring Diagratns. Confractor shall detennine Ioca�ions, sizes and quantities oftemporary/6ypass vv�ring and conduits r�quired far project construction. At Iaast 5 days prior to comuiencement oi instal�atiotl of temporatylbypass wiring, the Contj•actor shall subir�it a layout of proposed tennporary/bypass condliits and circuits %r review and appro�al by the Engineer, including proposed installatintt protection pravisions. b. Equipment and Materials. Ten�.porary/bypass wiring shall meet the requirez�aents of Item L-1Q8, Underground Power Cabje for Airports, and s�ali also confornn. ta the construction plans. Teinporary/�ypass wiring shall be identified at junction poinfs wit.h clear heat shrink or brass tags as approved by the RPR. Iilstallation of teznpora�ylbypass wiring shall include installatio.n oi associated, specified counterpoise wiring, and ir�dicated in Ttein L-108, Underground Power Cable for Airports. c. Installation. Temporary/bypass circuits shall be installed �with due consideration to personnel safeLy and circuit protection against physical damage. Provisions of Paragraph I00-3.2 shall be applicable ta t�mporatylbypass wiring u�sta.11atia�is. All damage to axisting circuits as a resu3t af Cantractar action o�� inaction sha11 be correeted accordingly at the Coi��c'actor's exper�sa. Tezx�pararylbypass airfield lighting system cables shall be placed to mit�i�nize accidental personnel ar equipment cantact with circuits. All tempararylbypass cables shall be routed in conduit; rouiing temporary/bypass cables �ithout protection is conduit is peohibited. Temporaxy/bypass circuits shall be removed immediately upon campjetion of construction oc purpose for which the wiring �as installed. Temporary/bypass cable and counterpoise shall be remo�ed and discarded off the Au•part �ay the Contractor, tuiless used, in place, as a perm.anent instaIlation. Underground conduits installed for temporary/bypass circuits shall be removed, unless Cantractor is au�llorized by ihe RPR to abaudon in place. All abandoned conduits t11us authorized sliall be indicated on the As-Built Drawings. Any temporaxy/bypass cable removed frnm inifiial installatian shall not be re-used far any airport permanent installation. Cable re�use is not allowed to ininimize tha possibility of a damaged eable beiilg re-installed on aii acti�e airpo:� circuit. C1TY OF FOIt'T' WORTH Allia�tice Airport Taxiway A Centerline Light Replacemeni Teel�nical Specificatioi�s L- l QO-5 Projeck I�umber ] 031 Q4 Item L-�DO-6 Generai Provisions - Electrica] Temporaiy lighting for barricades shall be battery o�• genet•ator powered, unless otliarwise shown oA1 t13e plan.s. Submit proposed metl-�od of providing any required barricade lighting for approval of the RPR. A11 temporary airfield wiring s1aall include associated counterpoise �vzring. 100�3.4 Existing Electrica� Equipment and Maferials. The Cotit�-actar shalj reinove all existing wirin.g nat direct earth buried and electrical equiptnent made unnecessary by the nevk+ insfiallation. Abandoned direct earth 6uri�d cabie sh.aIl be ��ated. at� t�e As-Built Drawings. 100-3.5 Power Service Continuity. Provide labor, materials and supervision required to maiiltain full eapacity power service continuity wlien connection nr rnodi�catians are made to existing systems a�id facilities. Do not interrap# service without prior consent of the RPft, with a definite understanding o�'ti�ne and durat�on nf o.utage. AII outages will take place at a time for minimum disruption of facility activity, 100-3.G As-Bui.lt Drawings. The Contractor sl�all maintain a sef of as-bttilt drawings on the job site. Contractor shall mark on the as-built drawings all work detail.s, alterations installed to meet site conditions and changes made by Change Orders, including al� aba�idoned conduit a�id cable left in pIace. As-built di�awings shalI be kept available for inspection by tl�e RPR and/or fihe En�ineer at aIl times. Airfield rviri�g verification diagra.�ns shalI be maintained throughout the pz•ojact and later submit�ed to the RPR upon campletion. Tliese field wiring diagrams shall dapict the exaet routing and number of cable installed in eacli conci►ait originating from th.e airfield lighting vaults and extending to each junction slxucti,ire, sign, and liglating �xture for each new circuit ot� circuit revision. METHOD OF MEASi]REMENT ANll BASIS OF PAYMENT All iteins covered in this section will nat be measured or paid dir�ctly, b.ut will be considered subsidiary to �e ather bid items. END OF TTEM �,-] �0 CITY OF FQRT WORTH Alliance Airport Taxiway A Centerline Light Repiacemeiit Teehnical Specifications L-S00-6 PrnjectNttmber 1431Q4 Iteni L-10$-1 Uudergrouud P�wer Cable %r Airports Ti'�M L-108 UNDERGROLIND POWER CABLE FOR AIItPORTS 108-�.I This item sl�all consist of furnishing and installing pawer cables tl?at are direc� buried and furnishing and/or installing power cables witllin conduit or duct banlcs per these speciiications at the locations sl�own on the plans. It includes excar�atian aild backfill of t�'ench fo�• direct-buried cables only. Also ineluded are the installation of counterpaise wi.res, ground r�ixes, ground rods ai�d connections, cable splicing, cable marking, cahle testing, and alj incidentals necessaiy to place tl�e cable in operatii�g con�ition as a ooznpleted unit to i1�e satisfactron of the RPR. This item sha11 not incIude tl�e installation of duct ban�cs or conduit, t�•enching and backfilling for duct banIcs o:r conduit, or furnisl�ing or insta�latinn of cable for FAA OVS�IIOCIIO�EI'atBCI �aC1IIt105. �Z-.:rii?--- ---_ -_'*:.? r�;,'.'"_� lt e:�: ��rc:.• �;'IH� ��, ��-.-.. 111►a� 1�� C}is Li� �i�laaxv.i w �=.ae-R �un� _,r` '.i t�� iuct banks are in Item L-1 IU, Airport Under�ro�nd Electrical Duct Banks and � _uu��. EQiTIPMENT AND MATEI2IALS ].OS-�.l General. a. Airport lightin� equipment and materials covered by advisory circulars (AC) shall be certified � ri�E�'r�,. • AC I50/53�5-53, Airport Ligllting Equipnient Certification Program rALF.f�'P3 ��� ��� �h-- -".L.;C.�' ".�:�e.,au�,� , . b. Ali otlier equipm�nt and materials covej•ed by other referenced speci�cations shall 6e subject #o acceptance through manufacturer's cei�tification of coinpliance wit11 ihe applicable speci�cation, when requested by the RPR. c. Manufacturer's certifications sl�all notrelie�eth� Contractor ofthe respo�sibility to pravidemate�•ia�s per these specificatioiis. Mat�rials suppIied and/or installed that do nat comply with these specifications shall be removed (when directed by the RPR) and r�placed with material� tl�at comply with these specifications at the Con�ractor's cost. d. All materials and equipmant used to construct tl�is item shall be submiited ta the RPR for approval prior to ordering the equiptnent. Submittals ��t��i� ,e in LLc. �� �=�..�� �nrith th �arc �c�^n; �1' I; „� � 11��1, 'l?'9ii-__31 �..,.,-.' , ., ...,, ..,i; � r' .,�`.-.,.,..1��,7 ���„�,.,. �i.��:� �. �t,.,.�. ,.3...,..,.,.,.Y� .,1,.,11 l�o f.-,-a .`.3_.� „ ...�t. .......�... .b.. ......... .. �._... s ' .:*w � r���� r�:R���T��t;n uF �.,, *�'��L' The Cont�•actor is soleIy responsible for delays in „��,�u�. ,. the proJect that may accrue directly ar indirectly irom late submissions or resuhmissions of suhmittals. e. The data submitted shall be sufficient, in the opinion of tlte RPR, ta detei�rnine compliance wit� the pIans aud specifications. The Contracior's submittals shall be eiectranically submitted in pdf format. The RPR r�servas the right to r�ject any and all equipment, nnaterials, or procedu�•es that do not meet ihe system design and the standarcis and codes, specified in this document. f. All equipment and tnaterials furnish�d and installed t�nder this section shall be guaz'anteed against defects in materials and workmanship for at least tw�lve (12) months frnm the date af final accepta�lce by th� Owne�•. The defecti�e materials and/ar equipment shaIl be repaired ar replaced, at the �w�1er's discretion, with nn additional cost ta the Qwner, Tl�e Contractor shaIl mainfiain a minimum insulation resistance o��ryl)U IIt_ nl�i ( I 1111{) b 17i� Wlth T_l�&1�G: ..-. -T�:....--- -��?f tCL .0 ._•; ••�•,.,• n�ta rr• r , rnent:, .�� sxisting circuits through the end o� the contract warrantr � d'i`h� ir=- �i =�ir._: ��-.-' -��•.•-_ _�� ', uunci o�ali non-grounded conduetars af mult�ple circ�its s�ail be n � �n I���� rr,-�� th; .t -���,��1 �ha11 be rr�aintained by the Contractor througho.ut the warranty � CITY OF FORT WOR7'Id Allianea Airport Taxiway A Ceuterline Light Replacement Technical5pecificatious L-1D8-1 Project Number 1031fl4 Item L-108-2 Underground Pawer Cable for Airparts � , ..., • IOS-2.2 Cabje. i7nderground cable for air�eld Iighting facilities. {runway and taxiway lights and signs) shall conform to the requirements of AC 150153�5-7, Specification far L-824 Underground Elecirical Cable for Airport Lighting Circt�its latest edition. Conc�uctors for use on priznary airfield lighting series circuits sl�all be single conductior, seven stra�sd, #8 AWG, L-824 Type C, S,QDO valts, nanshielded, with cross-linlced polyethylene insulation. L-824 canductors for use on the L-830 secondary of airiiel� lightii�g series circuits s�all be sized in ac�ordance with the manufacturer's recoinmendations. All o�11er canductors sha11 carnply with �'AA and National �lectric Code (NEC) requiremei�ts. Conductor sizes nated above sha1.I nat apply to leads furnislled by �nanufactu�•ers on airfield lighting firansformers and fixtures. Wire for electrical circuits up to 600 volts s1�aI1 comply with Specificatio.n L-824 and/or Commercial Iterr� Description A-A 59544 and shall be type THWN-2. Conductiors for parajiel (voltage) c�rcuits s1�aI1 be sized and installed in accorda�iee with NFPA-70, National �lectrical Code. Un�ess noted otherwise, all 600-valt and less non-�irfield lig��ting conductor sizes are based ot� a TIIWN- 2, 600 valt ii�sulation, copper eonductars, not more than three sitagle insulated conduetors, in raa�way, in free air. The conduitlduct sizes are based on the use of TH�rVN-2, 600 vr�it insulated conductors. The Contractor shaI1 make the necessa��y increase in conduitlduct sizes for other ty�aes of wire insulation. In no case s�a11 the conduit/duct size be reduced. The zninirnum pawer circ��it wire size shall be #12 AWG. Conductor sizes may have been adjusted due to voltage drop or ather engineering considerations. Equipn�ent pro�+ided by the Contractor sha11 be capable nf accepting the quantity aaid sizes af eonductors shown in the Contract Documeuts. All conductors, pigfails, cable step-down ada�ters, cable st�p-up ada�ters, terminal blocks aiid splici�g materials necessary to complete �he cable tartnination/splic� sha�l be considered incidental to the respective pay items pravided. Cable type, size, numbe�• of conductors, straud and service voltage shall he as sp�cified on the pIans. 10$-2.3 Bare copper wire (counterpoise, Inare copper wire ground and ground rocis). Wire for counterpaise or ground. it�stallations for airfield lighting systeins shaIl be #6 AWG bare solid copper rvire far caunterpoise and �b AWG stra�de�d far ground wire per ASTM B3 and ASTM B8. For voliage pawered circuits, the eyuipment ground canductor shaIl be min�mum # 6 AWG, 6a0V rated, Type XHHW insulated, graen calor, stranded copper equipment ground conductor. Ground rads shall be capper-clad steel. The ground rods shall be of the Ier�gth and diameter spec�iied on the plans, but in no case shalI they he less thau S feet Ioiig and SI$ inch in diameter. �OS-2.4 Cable connectioQs. In-line connections or splices of underground priznary cables silall be of`the type called far on the plans, aild sl�all be one of the types listed below. No separate payment will be made for cable cannections. a. The Cast Spliee. A cast splice, ezx�.pSoying a plastic mold and using epoxy resin equivalent to that manufact�ared by 3MT�' Company, "Scatchcast" Kit No. $2-B, or a:s manufactured by Hysol� Corporation, "Hyseal Epo�y Splice" Kit No. E1135, ar an approved equivalent, used far potting the splice is aeceptahle. b. T�e Field�attaehed Plug-in Splice. Figure 3 of AC 150/5345-26, Specification for L-823 Plug an.d Receptacle, Cable Cannectors, empIoying connector kits, is acceptablE for fielc� attachinent to single conductor cable. It shall be the Cazitractor's responsibility to deterjnine the outside diameter of the cable to be spliced and to iuniisll appropriaieIy sized eonriector kits and/or adapters and heat sl�rir►k tubing with integral sealant. c. Ti►e Factory-malded Plug-in �plice. Speci�icatian for L-823 Connectors, Factory-MoSded to Individual Canductors, is acceptable. CTTY OF FORT WORTH Alliance Airpart Taxiway A CenEarline Ligl�t Repiacement Technical Specifiaations L-1D8-2 Project�um6er 163104 Item L-168-3 Underground Pawer Cable for Airporls d, The Tap+ed or Heat-shrink Splice. Taped splices employing field-a�plied rubber, or synthetic ��ubbe�• tape covered wit�1. plastic tape is acceptable. The rubber tape shoLild meat the requiremen�s nf ASTM D�1388 a�d the plastic tape should comply witi� Military Specification MIL-I-2439i or Commarcial Itein Description A-A-55809. Heat shrinkabla tubing s�all be h�avy-wall, self-sealin.g tubi�ag rated for the voltage of the wire being spliced and suitable for direct-buried installations. The tubing shaIl he iaciory coated with a tl�ermop�astic adhesi�e-sealant that will adhe��e tn the ii�sulation oi tl�e wire being spliced forming a. znaist�ire- and dirt-praof seal. Additionally, heat shrinkable tubing %r rntiYlti-eondt�ctor cables, sliielded cables, and armored cabies slial� be factary kifis that are designed far t�e application. Heat shrinkahle tubing and tubing kits shall be man�ifactured by Tyco E�ect�•onics/ Raycnerri Co�•po�•ation, Energy Division, or approved eqL7ir�alent. In al1 the abova cases, connections of cable conductors sha11 be inade usin� critnp connectors using a crimping tool designed tfl make a complete c�•iz�p before the tool can be removed. Al! L-823lL-824 splices and terininations shall be made per the manufacturer's recommendatzans atid listings. All connections af caunterpoise, grounding conductors and grouzad rods shalI l�e made by the exothennic process or approved equivalent, exeept that a light base graund clamp connector shall be used for attacl�ment ta the !?ase can. A.11 exotl�srzn ic connections shall be made per the �nanafacturer's recominendations and listings. 10$-�.� Sglicer qualifieafions. Eveiy airfield lighting cable splicet s4�a11 be q�.�alifeti in making airport cable splices and terminat�ons on cables rated at or ahove 5,004 volts AC. The Contractor s�a�l submit to the RPA proof o� the qualifications of each propased cable splicer �o�• tha airport cable type and voitage level ta be warked on. Cable splicing/terminating personnel sha11 have a minimunn af fil�ree (3) years continuous experience in ternninatinglsplicing rnediutn voltage cable. , . c^vnrE�e� t, lt t, xxc:,,, t.�.,.�...,, .�.... .,�...... p,.,_ _..._.. _ .,_.., _..._._-__- --- �, + a�. „+� „Fs+ u i c� r�v„�."�:.�a r,. , a+«,,.,,�+L, rh.,+e,.:.,t r.,�, ., �.. �.,�.. ..,.........b.... �._............ iD8-2.8 Cabie identiiica�ion tags. Cable identification tags shall be made frotn a nan-corrosive material with the circuit identification stamped or etched onto the tag. The tags shall be of the iype as detailed on the plans. � r : �r , :n u h = at lrs: . ►, � r n- ��lyF.� UwYIe�L � •�� � ; . �1,, hla.:k c� �.. _ . barka�u*�� �itil hn� f.;,� =�'d Tnr 1 I�� �,��,i: ' 1 pl� ti�, zip ti; 108-2.9 Tape. E�ectrical tapes shall6e ScotchTM Electrical Tapes —Scotch�" 88 (1-]/2 inch (38 mm) wide} and ScotchTM 130C�' Izn.erless rubber splicing tape {2-inch (50 mm) vwida), as manufactured by the Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Coinpany (3M�}, or an approved equivalent. 10$-�.10 Electrical coating. Elect�'ical coating shall he ScotchkoteTM as manufactureci by 3MTM, or an approved equivalent. 1U8-2.1I Existing circuits. Whenever tlie scope of work requires corYnection to an existing circuix, the existing circuit's insulation resistance shall be tested, in the presence af the RPR. The test shall be performed per this item and prior to any activity that will aff.ect the respective circuit. The Contract�r shali record the resulis o.n farins acceptable ta the RPR. When the work a�ecting the circuit is cotnplete, the cireuit's insulation resistance shall be che.cked again, in the prese.nce of tlie RPR. TIaa Cont��actor shalI r�cord t1�e results on %rms aceeptable to the RI'R. Tlae second reading shall be equal to or grea�er ilian the �"-zrst reading or the Coi�tractor shall mak� the necessary repairs to the existing circuii to bring the second reading above the first reading. All repair costs including a complete replaceinanf ofthe L-823 cannectars, L-830 transfo.rmers and L-824 cable, if necessary, sha�l be borne by filie Contractor. All test results sl�all be submitted in the Qperafiio� and Maintenance (O&M} Manual. Cl`l'Y OF FQRT WaRTH Alliance Airport `1'axiway A Centerliue Lig13t Replacement Tecl�nieal 5peci�culians L-108-3 PrajeotNumber 103104 Item L-108-�4 U�t:dergrou�d Power Cabic foz Ai�porGs i� � _ . . . � . � _ _ � � �_ •. .� CONSTRUCTION METHODS 108-3.1 General. The Contractor stia�l instal� the specified c��le at tlie approxirnate locations indicated on the plar�s. Unless odierwise shown oz� the plans, all cable required to cross under pavements expected to carry aircraft laads shalj be installed in concrete encased duct banks. Wl�erever possible, cab�e shall be run without spliees, fro�n conilection to cannection. Cable conneciians between lights wi1S be permitted only at the light locations for connectit�g the undargraut�d cable to the primary leads of �he �ndividual isojation transformers. The Contractor sl�all be responsibie for praviding cable ics continuous lengths for home runs or oth�r long cable runs vvit�Zout cor�nectians t�nfess otherwise authorized in writing by the Engineer ar shar�vn on the plans. In addition to connectors being installed at individual isolation transform�rs, L-823 cable connectors fnr maintenance and tast points shall be instalIed at locations shown on t11e plans. Cabla czrcijit identi�cation markers shall he itistalled or� both sides o� the L-823 connectors installed or at ieast once in eaeh access paint where L-823 connectors are not installed. Provide not less than 3 feet (1 m) of cable slack on each side of all cannections, isolation transfoi-mers, light ut�its, and at points where cable is connected ta �eld eyuipment. VL�Y�ere provisions inust be made fortesting or for future above grade connection�, pf'avide enough slack to allow tlle cable to be extended at least one �oot {34 cm} veriically above the top of the access structure. This requirement also applzes where primary cable passes thro�.igh empty lighi bases, junction boxes, a�zd access structures to allow for fuic�re connections, oa� as designated by tlae RPR. Primary a.irfield lighting cables installed shall have ca61e circuit ideiitification marlcers attached on both sides of each L-823 connector and on each airpoit lighting cable entering or leaving cable access points, such as manholes, hand holes, pull boxes, 3unction boxes, etc. Markers shall be of sufficient lengCh far imprinting tlae cable circuit identification legend on one Iine, using letters no.i less tlian 114 inch (6 mzn) in size. Tlae cable circuit id�n.tification shall matcll the circuits noted on the canstruc�ion plans. 1U8-3.2 Instaliation in duct banks or co�duits. This iteui includes the installation af the cable in duct �anks or conduit per tlie folIowing paragraphs. The maximuzn number and voltage ratings of cables i�stalled in eaeh single duct or conduit, and the current-carryin.g capacity of each cable sllall be per tlie latest version of the Natianal Electric Code, ar the cade of the local agency or authority having j urisdictian. The Cantractor shall naake uo connectinns or splices of any kind in cables installed in conduits or duct banks. Unless otherwise designated in the plans, �vhere ducts ate in tiers, use the lawest ducts to receive the cable first, with spare ducts left in the upper lev�ls. Chack duc# routes prior ta construction to ohtain assurance ihat the shortest raufes are selected and thai any potential interf�rence is avoided. Duct banks or oonduits shall be installed as a separate item per Item L-110, Airport Underground Elect�ical Duct Banks and Conduit. The Contractor shalI run a mandrel through duct banlcs or conduit prior to installation of cabl� to ensure that the d�ct bank or conduit is open, continuous and clear of debris. The maridrel size s11a11 be compatible with the condui� size. The Cantractoi• shalj swab out ali conduitslducts and clean light bases, manholes, etc., ulteriors immediately prior to pulling cable. Once cleaned and swabbed, the light bases anc� all accessible points of entry to the ducdconduit system shall be kept closed except vvh�n installing cables. Cleaning of ducts, light bases, manholes, etc., is incidental to the pay item of th.e item being cleaned. AIl raceway systerns left open, after initial c�eaning, for an.y reason shail be re- CI1'Y i�P FORT WORTI-I Alliance Airport Taxiway A Centerline Light Aeplacement TechnicAi 5peeificntions L-]08-4 ProjectNum6er 1Q31U4 IYem L-108-5 U�►derground Power Cahle for Airporls cleaned at the Contractor's ex.pense. The Cont�'actor shall verify existing ducts proposed for ttse in this p�•oject as clear and open. T1�e Contractor sliall notify the RPR o.f any blockage in the existing ducts. The cable shalI be installed in a manner tllat prevetits Ilartt�fiil stretching of the corlductog, daznage to the insulation, or damage to the autez' protective coverii�g. Tl�e ends of alI cab3es shall be sealed with moisiure- seal tape providing moistur�tight mechanical pa•otection with �ninim.uxn bu�lc, or aiternately, hea� shrinkable tubing before pu.11ing into �he canduit and it shall be lef�t sealed uniil cnniaectioils are made. Where rnore than one cable is ta be instailed in a conduit, all cable shall be pulled in the conduit at tl�e same time. Tl�e pu�ling of a cabl� through duct banks or conduits may be accnmplished by haiid winci� or power winc4� with the use of cable grips o�� pulling eyes. Max.imum puIling tensions shal� no1 exceed tlie cable manufacturer's recnmx�endations. A non-hardening cabie-pulling lubricailt recoi�tnended for the type of cab�e being installed shall be us.ed where requireci. Tl�e Cont��actor sl�all submit the reeoinmended pullitag tension values to the RPR prior ta any cable installatinn. I�' required by the RPR, pulling te�asion values %r cable pulls sl�alj be monitored by� a dynannometer in the presettce af the Rl'R. Cable pull tensions sha11 be recorded by the Contraetor and :reviewed by the R�'R. Cables exeeeding the ma.ximum allovvable pulling tension values shalI be removed and replaeed by the Contractar at the Contractor's expense. The manufacturer's ininimum bend radius or NEC �•eauireinents (whichever is more res#rictive). shall apply. Cable insta�lation, ha�idliu�g and storage s��a�l be per manufacturer's recomme�ldatians. During cold weather, particular attention sl�aIl be paid to fhe mant��acturer's minimunn installation t�m�erature. Cahle shall not be instajled when the temperature is at or below tlie zx�anufacturer's minimum installation temperature. At the Contractor's optian, t�e Contractor inay submit a pian, fo�• review by the RPR, for heated siarage af the cable and maintenance c�f a�� acceptable cable t�mpez•ature during insta�lation when temperatures are below tlae manufacturer's m.inrmum cable installation temperature. Cahle s3�a11 not be dragged across base cail ar manl�ole edges, pavement or earth. Wl�en cable must be coiled, lay cable out on a canvas tarp o.r use otl�er appropriate means ta prevent abrasion to the cable jacket. , . � , . � . > , ., . � . , ,,,a�� ,.t�, e,.:�;o,� � J�,.,.,....,... > � a .,k,.ii �.,� :r..,,,ri,,,a :� +e,o ., o+...,�.,w CITY OF FQRT W012TH Allianee Airport T�xiway A Centerli�ie Light Replacetne3it Techuical Specifications L-108-5 Pro,{estNumber L03104 Itent L-108-6 Undergraund ]'ower Cflble For Airports _ � ' - - - ■ - . �. - . .. _ - - - " : ' - - _ - - � - _ _ � _ + i �� x5. . - :a - - - �� _ �� ■ �� . . - � - - - - - - . �. - � - A - - - � .Y � � � a � _ - - _ � � �� � � e � � r , Cl'1'Y OP FORT WDRTH Alliai�ce Airport Taxiway A Centerline Light Replacemenf Teelmical Speeifications L-108-6 PrajectNuinher 103104 Item L-108-7 Underground Power Csble fa�� Airparts Y V � � 1/ w 1/ � � S � ' • 4< 17 a y-— ----� r__ __�_i_ �_..�___ t_•�....:..�. ,.,. L...,,�1 !,.#+.,,. �i��11 1�.,, .i.=�i�� i y 7 7 • [C 79 7 � 108-3.5 Splicing. Connections of the �ype showan on the plans shaTl be made by exp�riezlced personnal regularly engaged in this type of work and shall be made as follo�vs: a. Cast sp�ces. These shalj be made by using ctimp conn.ectars for jointing conductors. Molds sha1S be assembled, ar�d the compound shall 6e miXed and poured per the manufacturer's ins�ructinns and ta the satis�action of �he RPR. b. Field-attached plug-in spliees. These shall be assembled per �lie manufacturer's instructions. These splices shall be nnade by plugging directly into matin� connectors. The joint �uvhere the connectors come together shall be f�nished by one afthe followin� methods: (1} wrapped with at least one layer of ruhber or synthetic ruhber tape and one layer of plastie tape, one-hajf lapped, extending at leasf ��112 inches (38 ttun) on eacl� side of the joittt (2) Covered with IZeat shtinkable tubing witlt in�eg.ral sealant extending at least 1- 1/2 inches (38 mm) on eac11 side of the joint ar (3) On connector kits equzpped with watar seal flap; roll- over water seal flap to seaIing position on mating connector. c. Factory-molded p�iig-in spliees. These shall be made by plugging directly into inatitZg connectors. The joint w�r�ere t.he connectors come together shall be finished by on� of the following rnetl�ods: {1} Wrapped with at leasi one layer of rubber or synthetic rubber tape and one 3ayer of plastic tape, ane-hal� lapped, extendizag at least 1-1/2 inches (38 mm} on eaeh szds afthe joint. (2) Covered with h�at sl�riz�kable tubing with integral sealant extending at least 1-1/2 inches (38 mm) on each side of th� joint. or {3} On connector kits so equzpped with water seal flap; roll-over watea' seal flap to seaIin� pasition on jnating connector. d. Taped or heat-shrink splices. A taped spIice s�ali be made in tlie following manner: Bring t�te cables to their final position and cut so iliat tl�e conductors will butt. Remove insulation and jacket al.lavwing for bare conductar of proper le�gth to ft �ompression sleeve connector vvith 1/4 it�ch (6 rnm} of CITY OF FORT WORTH Alliance Airport T�xiway A CenYer[ine l.ight Replaeenient Technical 5pecifications L-108-7 Projec#Alum6er 1�31.04 Item L-lU$-8 Underground Power Cable for Airpqrts bare conductor on each side of the connector. Pi�ior to splicing, the two ends of the cable insulation shall be panciled using a tool designed specifica�ly for this purpose and fror cable size and fype. Do not use emery papez• on splicing operation since it cantains metallic particlas. The cop�er coiiductnrs sha1S be thoroughly cleaned. Join the cnilductars by inserting them equidistant into the eompression connection sleeve. Cri��p eonductors �rmiy in plaee wztti crimping tool that requires a complete crimp before tool can be ��emaved. Test tlie crimped connection by pulling on the cable. Scrape the insulation to assure t1�at the entira surface o�er• which the tape will be applied (�lus 3 inches (75 mm) on each end} is clean. After scraping, wipe the entire area with a clean Iint-free cloth. Do not use sol�ents. App1y higl�-voltage rubber tape ane-lialf lapped over bare conductor. This tape shot�lci be tensioued as recommended b� fihe manufacturer. Voids in the connector area may be elirninated by highly elongating the tape, stretcl�ing it just short oi its breakzng paint. Tlie mamifacturer's recoinmendatian for stz•atching tape during splicing shall be followed. Always atter�pt to exactly half-lap to praduce a uniform buildup. Continue buildup to 3-1/2 times cable diameter over the hody af the splice with ends tapei�ed a distance af approximately ane inch (25 rnm) over the original jacket. Caver rubber tape with two Iayez's af viny� pressure-sensiti�e tape one�ha�f lapped. Do not �ise glyptol or lacquer over vinyl t.�pe as they react as solvents to the tape. No fu��er cable cavering or spiice baxes are required. Heat shrinkabl� tubi�g. shall be insta�led follovvis�g manufacturer's instructions. Direct flame heating sl�all not be pernaitLed unless recommended by the manufaeturer. Cable surfaces within the limits of the heat- shrink application shall be elea.t� and free of containinat�s priar ta application. e. Assembly. Sur�aces of aquipmeut or conductors being termina#ed or eonnected sl�all be prepared in acaordance with indusiry standard practice and inanufacturer's reco�runendations. Ail surfaces ta be connected shalI be thorou�hly cleaned to remnve all dii�t, grease, oxides,. noncanductive films, or other f�r�ign material. Paints and other nonconductive coatings shall be reinoved to expose base metal. Clean alI surfaces at Ieast 11�4 ineh (b.4 mm) beyond all sides of the larger bonrled area on all mating surfaces. Use a joint compound suitable for tI�e materials used in the connection. Repair paintedfcoated surface to original candition after completing t��e connection. 108-3.6 Bare counterpa�se wire installatian for lightning proteetion and grounding. If shown on the plans or included in the job speci�catrons, bare solid -�—+��, ^, wr`i, —]-copper �ounterpoise wire sha1l be installed for 1ig11tni�ag protection of tlie underg;round cables F:.u,= t�..` .:y�•,�,��t�su:ai �..�ti►ud. .,a .,+.•„ �a t;,�t,+n ..+..:t.., ,a ��;,.: V1AUi �. �•• ' � 7 ' 9 7 7 � , 9 • 9 ] -� i r, � ' n� --;n �h� plan�. ��ounterpoise wire shal� be installed in �11e same firench for the entira length nf buried cable, conduits and duct banks that are installed to contain airfield cables. The caunterpoise is ce:ntered over the cable/con duit/duct to be protected. �a. E�ch li�hx b��� ur �nounfiing siaka ahal! be pro�id�i wfith a gro��c�ing eic,�tti�e. Wl�en a metaiiic light ba�e is u�ed, the gro�nding electrade shail be bonded to the metallic light base or mou�ting stake �vith s No. 6 AWG bare, annealed or soft drawn, solid copper conductor. When a n�nn�etallic light base is �tsed, the grounding electrode shall be bonded to the metallic light fixture ,.r :.L��,lli� �:.._,-: plate �.vith � Ir'c � AVI�rG �PrE `�i�s FSLf.� �`�' "�ft '�iaJNrk ?n1ir1 c.nt�nf - �nnductnr. CITY OF FORT WQRTH Allia��c.e Airport Taxiway A Centerline Liglit Replacement `I'eclmical 5peciftcations L-1Q8-8 Projec#Nwn6er 1Q3104 ltem !r 1 p8-9 LTnderground Power Cahle for Air�aorts �. I';. ic•-�.:��� i iii�li�l�;-i uiE�G���.z ,iiy i. iu�+�V..,�� ..1..� 1 4��� �10� �II t$'.��il. ���.. ...u. __. ._ � �ik pavem�nt edge; far fixtures installed in fia11 s�rength pavement and �l�c�ulder pavement and �o� ,.�1 methad af edge �ights instai}ed in turf (s�abiiized soils); and far raceways or cables ae3}acent t� a If �tren$th pavement edge, tl�e counterpoise conductor shall be eentered o�er the raceway or ca�it tu �e grotected as follows: Tl�e counterpoi�e c<<�dac��r s�att be instaiied no less t�ran $ inches abor+e th� racer�vay c��� cable to be protected, unless shovr+n ot�erwise on the plans. The counterpoise conducfior shall be bonded to each metallic light base, mounting stake, and m��ali:� airfield iighting component. Al� rrietallic airfield lighting cnmponents in the field eircuit on the output side of t�� cansta�t ccirre� regulator (CCR) or other power saurce sh�ll be bonded to the airfield lighting counterpoise system. The counterpoise wire shall al�o be exothermically welci�d to ground rods insralled as shown an the pi�.� but not more th�n 500 feet apart around the entire cirouit. The counterpoise system shall be continuous �n� �errninate at the transformer vault or at the power source It shall be secure]y attaehed to #he �ae�lt �- , , equiprnent externa� gtound r.ing or othartna�-. �!�..��•�'�. -;_ �u:-d�fAr .; �i...u. T��� ��,«�,.__...�., sF.a =-�.,,���� .�s shown on the plans and in the specificatio„� A separate equiptnent (safety) ground syste� s�_�lt bt pruvid-�tl in additiun i� :h� ;::,u�t�.�in� -� �r� :.:!r,� t►,.,;��i.,w�ng method: '_ �rvund rod instalied at and secarely attached to each light fixture hase, rnountir.� stdic�:- u�d tp all metal surfaces at junctianlaccess stractures via #6 AWG wire. `v�h�re an existing airfiefd lighting syst�m is being extended ar modified, the new counterpoise conductors shall be intercannected to existing eounterpoise conductors at each inter�ection of the new and existing �.�rfirid i,�cii�,. �uni :t},o� .....�st�ri�. , . � � � a � , � > > > > CiTY O�' FORT WDRTH Alliancc Airport Taxiway A CenYerline Light Replacement "l'echnieal Spenifications Lr108-9 ProjectNumher 1031fl4 Item L-tU8-10 Undergra�uid Power Cable for Airpnrts 1i �- icc��B- c'�r�u�i1�"�cm��isvvirr�6��. . s > > • ., & A [7[T!� �„f:.1 „ ,.a,,,,�„« u v � . 0 1 f 7 . , � ' • f f ? . � y , ] ] ' ) �n rnT�r� ,,.. �.r�D n �Qn " > > > , , a..;n;.,n �,..,,+w,,,t .. .,+,,,..,.,1 +„ +k,... .,i,,,...,. 3.� ., , i..�e�.� �:.v4.4.r..r i. ..�r�..r....n... n rnf�.....n • . � L'1....4..:r.n� f��.,7.. 108-3.7 Countergoise installatian above multiple canduits and duct t�anI�s. Caunterpoise wiras shall be installed above multiple conduits/ducfi bank� for air�eld lighting cables,. wi#h the intent being to provide a complete area of protection over the airfield lighting cables. When �x�:ultiple conduits andlor duct banks for airfield cabl� are insfialled in the same �rench, fihe number and Iocation of counterpoise wires above t�e canduits shall be adequate to pravide a co�npiete corie of protection m�asured 45 degrees each side of vertical. Where duct banks pass under pa�ement to be constructed in tlae praject, t��e counta:rpoise shall be placed above the duct bank. Reference detaiIs on �he cons;zuction plans. 1QS�3.8 Counterpaise installation at existing duct banits. When airfield lighting cables are indicated on the plails to be routed through existing duct banks, the new counterpoise wiring slzall be terrninated at graund rods at each end ofthe existing duct bank where the cables being protected enter and exit tl�e duct bank. The �aew countez•poise co�duetar shall be bond�d to the existing counterpoise system. CITI' OF FORT WQRTI-T Alliance Airport Taxiway F1 CcnYcrline Light Replacement Technical Specifcations L-]08-ID ProjectNmnber 1Q31D4 ltem L-I08-I1 U�3dergroimd Power Cable far Airparts 108-3.9 E�cothermic bonding. Bonding of counterpoise wire shall be hy tlae exothermic weldii�g p�'flcess. Only personnel experiailc�d in and regujarly engaged in t�is iype of work s��ail make these eoixnections. Contraetor shall deinonstrate to tlie satisfaetion of the Rl'R, tlle weiding kil-s, mat�rials and pracedi�res to be used far welded connections prior to any instaljations in the fie3d. T[�e insta�lations shall compIy with the manuiacturer's recommendations a��d ihe following: a. All siag shall be removed f'rom welds. b. LTsing an exothermic weld to bond tl�e counterpoise to a Iug on a gajvanized Iighi base is not reaoinmended unless the base has baen speciaily modi�ed. Cansult the manufacturer's installation directians far proper me�l�ods af bonding coppe�� wire to the light base. See also AC 150/5340-30 for galvanize.d light base exception. c. If called far ii� tI7e plans, all buried copper and weld material at weld connections shaI1 be tlloroughly coated tx�iih 6 mm of 3MT� SeotchlcateT'�, or apprnv�d equivalent, or coated with coal tar Bitumastic� nnaterial to prevei�t surface e�posure ta corrosive soil or moisture. 108-3.10 Testing. The Contractor shall fiirnish a1I necessary equipinent and appliances for festing the air}�ort electrical systenns and underground cable circuits be%re and a�er vistallaiian. The Contractor shall perform all tests in tlie presence �f the RI'R. The Contractor shall demanstrate ihe electricai characteristics ta the satisfaetion oi the RPR. All costs for tesiit�g are incidental to the respective item being tested. For pl�ased projects, tlle tests mus� be completed by phase. The Conri•actor must maintain the test results tllrougho�t the entire project as well a.s during the warraniy period that meet the following: a. Earth resistance testing methods shall be subrni�ted to the RYR for appro�al. EartlZ resistaa7ce tasting resulfis sl-►all t�e recorded on an approved %rm and testing shall be parformed in the presence of the RPR. ASl such tes�ing shall ba af the sole expetlse of the Gontractor. b. �hould the counterpoise or ground grid conduct�rs be damaged ot� suspec�ed of being damaged by construction activities the Contractor shall t�st the conductors for conti.nuify with a lovv resistance ohmmeter. The conductors shali be isojated such that no parall�l pafl� exists and tested for continuity. T��e RPR shall approve of the test inethod. selected. All such testing. shall be at the sole Expense of the Contractor. After installataon, f1�e Contractor shall test and demonsh•ate to #he satisfaction ofthe RPR the fallowing: c. That aIl affected jighting power and control circuits (existir�g and new) are continuous and free froxn short cirouiis. d. That all affected circuits (existing aild new} are free from unspeci�ed grounds. e. That the insulation resistance to ground af all new non-grounded high voltage series circuits ar cable segments is not less than S00 megohrns. Vexify continuit� of alI series airfield lighting circuits �rio�� to energization. f. That the insulation resistanee to ground of aIl new non-groundec� conditctors of new rnultiple ciz•euits or circurt segmen#s is not Ie�s than 100 megol�ms. g. That all affected circuiis (existing and n�w} are properly connecied per applicable wiring diagrams. h. Tha# all affected circuits (existing and new} are operable. Tests shalj be conducted that include operating each control not less than 10 tiznes at�d the continu�us opei•at�on of each liglating aud power circuit for not l�ss than 112 hour. i. That the impedance to ground of each g��ound rod does not exceed 25 ohms prior fo estabIishing connections io other ground electrodes. `in [. I���' j The fail-of potential ground impedance test shall be used, as deset ibed by American National Standards Institute/Institute of Electr'ical and Electron.ic Engineers (ANSI/IEEE} Sta.ndard 81, tn verify this requireineni. As an alteinate, clatnp-an style ground CiTY OF FORT WORTH Allianee Airpori Taxiway A Ce3�terline Light EZeplaceinenY Teehnical Specifications L-108-11 Projeci Number 103104 lYem L-108-12 UndergrouRd Power Cable fpr Airparts iinpedanc� test meters may be used ta satisfy the impedaz7ce testing requirement. Test Equipinent and its calibratio�l sl�eets sIlall !�e subinitted for review and appro�al by the RPR prio�• to }�erfor��iug tl�e testing. Twa copies of tabulated results af alj cable tests performed shall be supp�ied by the Con�r-actor to the RPR. Where connecting new cable to existitlg cabie, insEtlatio�i. resistance tests sl�all be perfoi�ned on the new cable prior to cannectioi� to the existing circuit. There are no approved "repair" pracedures for items that �iave failed �esting other than complete �•eplacement. M�THOD OF MEASIIREMENT 108-4.1 The cost of all excavation, backfill, de�atering and restoratian regardless of tl�e typa of rriaterial encaLultered shalI be inclueied in tlze uni� price bid for the work. Cable or counterpoise wire installed in trench, duct bank or conduit shall be measured by the number af Sinear feet (meters) installed and grounding connectors, and trencl� inarking tape ready far operation, and accepted as satisfactory. Separate measurement shaIl be made for each cable or counterpoise wire installed in h•ench, duct bank or conduit. The measLureineilt for this item shall include additional quantities required for slack. BAS�S OF PAYN.CENT 108-5.1 Paym.ent �wilI be made at the conLract unit price for bare counterpoise wire insta�led in trench (direci- buried) cable, or cable and equipment g�ound insfialled i.n duct bank ar conduit, in place by the Cont�•aotar and accepted by the RPR. Payznent far new cables insta�led in existing duct bank or conduit s11a11 include removaj o�existing cables ta accornlnodate instaliatian nf existi.ng and new circuit runs. This pi`iee shal� be full compensation for iurnishing alI materials and for all preparatian and ulstallatian of these materials, and for all labor, equipment, toals, and i�lcidentals, includ'uig ground rods and ground comiectars and trench mar��ing tape, necessary to eQmplete this item. Payinent will be made �nder: Item L-108-5.1 No, 8 L-824C SkV Cable Inst. in Duct oz• Conduit - per lu�ear �oot Item L-108-5.2 No. 6 Solid CLi Counte�poise Tnst. w/Grounci Rods and Connectors REFERENCES The publicatiQns listed below form a part af this specificatian to the exte�tt referenced. The publicafiions are referred to withi�i the text by t�e basic designation oniy. Advisory Circulars (AC) . ,� - - AC 15Q/53�0-30 AC 150/5345-7 AC 150/5345-26 AC ] 50/5345-53 Cv3�mercial It�m Descj•iption A-A-59544A A-A-55809 CITY Or FORT WORTH Technicnl5pec i�cations Design and Ynstallatio� Details for Airport Visual Aids S�ecification for L-824 Undergroui�d Electrical Cable for Airpoet Lighting Ciz•cuits Speci�cation for L-823 Plug and Receptacle, Cable Connectars Airport Lighting Equipment Certification Prog��am Cabl� at�d Wire, EIectrical (Power, Fixed Installation) Insulation Ta�ae, Electrica�, Pressure-Sensitive Adi�esive, Plastic Alliance Airpurt 7'axiway A Centerline Liglrt Replaceruent L-108-12 ProjectNu�uber 103104 Item L-108-13 Underground Power Cahfe for Airports ASTM I.nterna�ional (ASTM) ASTM B3 ASTM $8 ASTM B33 ASTM D4388 Mil Spec MIL-PRF-23 S 86F MIL-I-24391 Standard Specificaiion for Saft or Annealed Copp�r wue Standard Speci�cation for Cancentric-Lay-Si�•andeci Copper Conductors, Hard, Medium-Hard, or Soft Standard Specification for Tin-Coated Soft or Annealed Copp�r Wire for ElecY�•ical Pur�ases 5tandard Speci�ca�ion forNanmetallic Setni-Conducting and Electrically Ins�.ilating Rubber Tapes Performance S�ecification: Sealing Comp.ound {with Accelerator), Silicone Rubber, Electrical InsuIation Ta�ae, Electrical, Plastic, Pr�ssure Sensitive Nafionai Fire Protection Assaciaiion {NFPA} NFPA-70 NFPA�78Q National Electrical Code (NEC) Standaz'd for the L�stallation of Lightn�ng Pratectioil Syste.ms Ainerican Natianal 5tandards Insfiitute (ANSI)/institu#e of EIec�rical ar�d Electronics Engineers (I�EE} ANSI/IEE� STD $1 I�EE Guide for Measuring Eaa�tb Resistivity, G�•ound �np.�danee, and Earth 5urface 1'o�entials of a Ground 5ystem Federa.l �viation Administration Standard FAA STD-019E Lightning and Suzge Protectian, Grountfing Bonding and Sliielding Requirenlent,s for Facilities and Eiectrnnic �quipment �ND OF ITEM L-108 C[TY OF FORT WORTH Tecl►nical S}�ecifications fUliauce Airport'1'�iway A Ceuterline Lighf Replaeement L-108-13 FrojectNumber 10310.4 ]tem l,-1p8-14 Underground Pawer Cable for Airports CITY OF FORT WORTH Technieal Speoifications Page Inter►tionally Blank Alliance Airport Taxiway A Center] ine Light Replaeeinent L-108-f.4 ProjectNi�mher ]03104 Item L-11U-1 Airport Underground ElecErical Ducf Ba��ks and Conduits ITEM L-1I0 AIltYORT UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL DUCT BANKS AND CONDUTI'S 110-1. This item sha11 consist of und�rgroL�nd �lectrical conduitis and duct banks (singie or multiple conduits ancased in concrete or b�ried in sand) installed per �Iais specification ai t3�e localions and per the dimensions, de�igns, and details shown on 1:he plans. This item shall include furnishing and installing of alI underground electrical duct banks and individ�ial and mu�fiple underground conduits. Tit shall also include all turfing trenching, backfillii7g, retnoval, and restaration of any p�ved or itlrfed areas; concrete encasement, �nandrellzng, pulling lines, duct rr�arkers, plugging of conduits, arid the testing o� t1�e installatian as a completed systein ready far installation of cables per the plans and speciiicafions. This item shall also include furnishing and installing canduits and alj incidenials for providing positive drainaga of the systein. Veri�cation a� existing ducts is incidentaj to the pay iteins provided in this specif cation. EQiTIPMENT AND MATERIA�[�S 110-�.I Genera[. a. All equipment and �naterials co�ered by referenced specificaiions si�all be subject to aeceptance through manuiact�irer's cextification of compliance vvith the applicable speci�catian when requested by tl�a RPR. b. Man�.Ifactuz'er's certifications sl�all noi relieve the Contractor of the responsibility fo provide �naterials per tllesE specifications a�id acceptable ta the RPR. Materials s�pplied andlor itlstalled tl�at do not comply with thes� speci�cations shall be remnved, when directed by th� RPR and replaced with materials that comply� �vitl� these specifications, ai the Contractor's cost. e. Al� maierials and equipment used to construct tilis item shall be submitted to the RPR for approval prior to ordering the equipmer�t. �ubmittals � r all t� : ir. a+ ' � � ith :h� � •.* � � .' . � �lU, C::'is '1t �j .,ir ... --� .i. ll �� � 1 ...1 .,+..1.. .,l,00i-�. i^ u�uvri vl.µlt b. ..;:`a..,.`l. xxv� ,is� .. ., .,� t,� .. .. � ' ..,.,..., r,�;.��,�;n+�+:�.. <,.+ .,....�;�u���. The Contractor is salely responsible %r d�lays in project filiat accrue directly or i.ndi��ectly fraz�a late submissions ar ��esubmissions of submittals. d. The data suhmitted shall be sufficient, in tlie opinion of the RPIZ, to determine compiiance wiih the plans and specifications. The Contractor's submittals shall be eIectronically submiited in pdifonnat, tabbed by speeification sectiail. The RPR reserves the right to reject any and all equipment, inaterials or procedures that do not meet the system design and the standards and codes specified in this docuzx�:ent. e. AlI equipment and matarials furnished and installed unde:r this section shall be guat•anteed against defects in materials and wot�kmanship for a pe:riod afat least twelve (12) manths fram final acc�ptance by the Owner. The defective materials and/ar equipment shall be repaired or replaced, at the Owner's discretion, with no additional cast to tlze Owner. 110-2.2 �teel coudutii. Rzgid galvanized steel {RGS) conduit and �ttuYgs shall be hot dipped galvanzzec� inside and out and conform to the requireznents of Underwriters LabQrataries Standards 6, 514B, and 1242. All RGS eonduifs or RGS elbows znstalled below grade, in concrete, permanently wet iocations ot• other similar environments �hall be painfied witl� a l0�mi1 thick coat of aspllaltum sealer or shall ha�re a fackory- bonded polyvinyl chloride (PVC) cover. Any exposed galvazaizing ar steel shalI be coated with 10 mils of asphaltum sealer. When using PVC coated RGS conduit, care shall be exercis.ed naL to damage the factory C1'I"Y OF FORT WORTH ?.1] iance AirporE Ta�iway �L Cenlerline Lighk Replacement TeehnicaE 5pecifications L-110-1 Prajeclllumber 103104 Itein L-1�a-z Airport llndergronnd Electrical �ucl [3anks a3id Conduits PVC coating. Damaged PVC coating shall be repaired per the manufact�u-er's written instcuctiions. In li�u of PVC �oated RGS, corrosion wrap iape shalI be perinitked to be �s�d where RGS is in contact with direct earth. 110-2.3 Piasfic canduit. Plastic conduit and fittings shalI conform to the following requirements: ,• ��. � . . - ��. _ .- - -• -- - .. - . . . • .��. �.�..���... ..�...��.�.�.....�... ���.. 2��,. ���.....�,....�...,.�.....��...��..�.,.. r.,.-�. _��n � i�� � . ..�.�.��.,.���:��.'�..�.� �.r ..:..',.:�.�, �-����n �?��j TUnderwri�ers Laboratories Standa�•ds LTL-651 and Articles 352 of the current National Electt`ical Code shall be aile af �l�e following, as sho.wn on tlie plans: , � � � . . �:rss!�se�� b. Type II — Schedule 40 PVC suifiable for �ither abo�ve ground or undergrpund use. c Type III -- Schedule 80 PVC suitable foz• eit��er above ground ar undergcaund use either direct-buried ar encased zza concrete. d Typa III — HDPE pipe, minimum standard dimensiox�aS ratio (SDR} I 1, suitable for placetnent with directional boring under pavement. The type of soIvent cement shall be as recommended by th� conduitl�tting manufacturer, I10-2.4 Split cond�it. 5plit conciuit shall be pre-manufactured fnr the inter�ded pu�po�e a.nd s1�a116e made of steel or plastic. 110-�.5 Conduit spacers. Conduit spacers shall be prefabrzcated interlocking units manufact-�red for the intended purpose. They shall be of double wall construction made of high grade, high density polyetlrylene complete with interlocking cap and base pads. Tl�ey sl�all be designed to accept No. 4 reinfarcing bars in�talled vertzcally. 114-�.6 Concrete. Concrete sha11 be proportioned, placed, and cured per Item P-610, Concrete fnr MisceIlaneous Strtietures. llU-2.� Precast conerete structures. Precast concrete structures shall ba furnis�ed by a plant meeting Natianal Precast Concrete Association Plant CertiFication Program or anoth�r RPA approved third pat�ty certification program. Precast concrete structures shall conform to ASTM C478. 110-2.8 Flo�vable �acl�fill. Flawable material used to back fill conduit aild duc� ban� trenches shali confa��n to the requirements of I�em P-153, Controlled Low Strengt� Material. 110-2.9 Detectab.le warning tape. Piastic, detectable, American Public Works Associatzon (.APWA) red (G�+Titlii ---SR-: --- -i� " _ I 1V1�1_ ��ti.�.�'S- � r..- r��irie .� A_e.�n;���: � � , �ape shall be polyethylene film � �❑i��. r�.:ci_ with a metallized foil core ��.�- nil thic�_ (r �ir�,j and shall be 3-6 inches {�3-150 mm) wide. Detectable tapa is incidental to the respective bid item. CITY �I' FORT WORTIi Alliai�ce Airport Taxiway A Genterline Light Replacement TechRie�l3peeifications L-110-2 ProjectNumber ]03104 ltem L-11U-3 Airport Undergromtd Electric:al �uct Sanl�s aud Conc7uits C�JNSTRiTCT�ON NICTH�DS ] 1Q-31 General. The Conit�actor sl�ali install undergeaund duct bartks and cai�duits at the apprnximate locatians indicated on the plans. The RPR shall indicate speci�c Iacatioi�s as the woric progresses, if required to differ fi•om the plans. Duct banks and cnnd��its shall be of tl�e size, material, and type indicated an the �lans or speciiications. Wl�ere no size is indicated on the plans or in the specifications, conduit� shalj be not less than 2 inches (SQ mm) inside diaineter ar comply with the Nationai �lactrical Cad� based on cable to be iz�sta�led, whicl�ever is larger. All duci bank and conduit lines shall be laid sa as to grade toward access poi�lts and duct or conduit ends f.or drainage. Unless shown otherwxse on the p�ans, grad�s shall be at least 3 incIaes (75 mm) per I00 feet (30 in). On runs rn�here it is not practicable to maintain the grade ail one way, the duct bank and conduYt iines shall be graded from the center in both directions #ov�ard access points or canduit er►ds, with a drain ii�to the stor�n dt•ainage syste�n. Pockets or traps where rr►oisture may accumulate shall be avoided. Undee paveinellt, the to}� of the dttct bank shall not be less tliail 18 inches (0.5 m) belaw the subgrade; in other Iocati.o�s, the top af the duct bariit or undexgcaund conduit shall be be not less than 1 S inches (0.5 m) belaw finished gi•ade. The Co.ntractor sliall rnandrel �ach zndividual conduit whether the conduit is direct-buried or part of a duct banlc. An iron-shod mandrel, not more than I14 inch (6 mm) sinalle�• ilian tlle bore of tl�e conduit shall be pulled or pushed through each conduit. Tlie maudrel shall have a leatl�e�� or rubber gasket sliglY�ly larger than the conduit hole. The Con�-actor shall swala aut all condezi�s/ducts and clean 6ase can, manhole, pull boxes, atc., interiors immediately priar to p�xlling cable. Qnce nlean�d and swabbed the light bases, �nanholes, puII boxes, etc,, and al1 accessible points of entry to �l�e d�cticonduit systern shall be kept closed except when installing cables. Clean.in.g af ducfs, base cans, manholes, e�c., is incidental ta the pay item of the item being cleaned. A11 t'aceway systems left open, af�er iniiial ciean�ng, for a�ty reasan shall be recleaned at fhe Contractor's expense. All accessible points shall be kept closed when nat installing cable. The Contractor shall verify existing ducts proposed for use in this project as clear and open. The Contractor shali notify t13e RPR of any blackage in the existing ducts. Foz• pulling ti�e permanent wiring, each indi�idual conduit, whether the conduit is direct-buried or part of a duct bank, shajl be pravided with a 200-pound (90 kg) tcst poly�ropyl�ne puIl rope. T�e ends shail be secured and sufficient Ieng�h shalj be left in access points to prevent it from slipping back into the conduit. Where spare conduits are installad, as indicated on the plans, the open ends shall 6a pIugged with remo�vabie tapered plugs, designed foe this purpose. All con.d�its shall be securely fastened in place during construction and shall be plugged to prevent contarr� inants froin entering the conduits. Any conduit section having a defective 3oint shall xiot be instalIed. Ducts shall be supported and spaced apa��t using approved spacers at inter�als riot ta exceecl5 feet (1.5 m). Unless otherwise shown on ihe plai�s, concrete encased duct banks shail be used when crossing under pavements expected fo carry airera$ loads, such as runways, taxiways, taxilanes, ramps and aprons. When under �aved shoulders and other paved areas, ca�iciuit atid duct banks sha.11 he encased using flowaUle fiIl �or protection. All conduits witivn concrete encasement of the duct banks shall terminate with female ends far ease in current and futut•e use. Install factory plugs it1 all unused ends. Do noi ca��r the ends or plugs with concre�e. Where turf is welI establis4�ed and the sod cati be �•aznaved, it shall be carefully siripped axici properly stored. Trenches for canduits and duct banks may be excavated manually or with �necha�ical trenching equipment unless in pavement, iii which case tl�ey shali be excavat�d vvitll mechanical trenching eqUipment. WaIls of trenches shall be essentially vertical so that a minimuan of shonlder surface is disturbed. Blades of graders sha11 not he used ta exca�ate the trench. CITY QC' I^pR7" WdRTH Allirxnce Airport Taxiway A Centerline Light Replaoement Technica] 5pectfcations L-llD-3 Prpjecti�um6er 1031Q4 ltem L-! 1D-4 Airport Underground �lectrical DiEct Bauks and ConduiCs W11ez1 rock is encountered, the rock sliall be remot�ed to a depth of at least 3 inclies (75 mm} below the r�quieed conduit or d�act bank depth and it shall be replaced �+ith bedd'uig material af eardi or sand containia�g nn mi�aeal aggregate pa�-�icles that would be retained on a 1/4-inch (5.3 mm) sieve. Flowable back�ill inay alternatively be used. LTuderground elecirical waz'nzng (CauYian) tape shalI be installed in the trench above alI underground duct banks and conduits in t�npaved areas. Conh•actor shall subinit a sample of the proposed warning tape for a�apz•oval by the RI'R. If not shnwn on the pla�is, the rvarning tape sl�all be located 6 inches above the duct/co.nduit ar tl�e counterpoise wi�•e if present. .Toints in pIastic conduit sI1all be prepared per the manLi�ac�zrer's recoznznendations for the pai�icular type af canduit. Plastic conduit shail be prepared by application of a plastic cleaner and bruslling a plastic salvent on the outsi�le of tlae conduit ends and on the inside of �lie coupliiigs. The conduit fii�ing sl�all then be slipped together with � qui�k one-quarter turn twist ta set the joint tightly. Where more fiha� one conduit is placed in a single trench, or in duct banks, joiiits in the cond��it shaIl be staggered a minimum of 2 feet (60 cm), Ch��ges in direction of runs exceeding 1 Q dagr�es, either v�rtical or horizontal, shall he accamplished using manufac�iared sweep bends. Whetlier or not specifically indicated on the drawangs, wl�ere the soil ancountered at established duct bank grade is an unsuitable material, as determined by the RPA, the unsuitable maierial s11a11 be removed per Item P-152 and replaced with suitable material. Ariditional duct bank supports sl�all �e installed, as approved ay tl�e RPR. All excavation shall be unclassified and shall be considered incidenta� to Item L- I 10. Dewatering necessary �or duct instaIlatinn, and erosion per federal, state, and local requirements is incidental to Item L-1 I0. Unlass otlaerwise specified, exca�ated mat�rials that are deemed hy the RI'R ta be unsuitable for use in bacicfill or einbanlunents shall he remaved and dr.sposed o�o£i'rszte. Any excess exca�ation sl�all be �lled wit;a sui.table matej�ial approvec3 by the RPR a�id compacted per Itein Y-152. It is tlie Contractor's responsibility to locate existing utilities within �he work area prior to excavation, Where exisfing active cables) cross prnposed installatioiis, the Cont�•actor shall ensure that these cables are adequately protected. Where crassings are unavoidable, no splices vvill be allowed in the existing cables, exeept as spacified on th� plans. Installation of new cable where such erossings must occUr shall proceed as follaws.: a. Existing cables shall be Iocated manually. Unearthed cables shall be rnspected to assure absolutely na damage has occurred b. Trenehing, etc., in cable areas shall then proceed with approval of the RPR, vvith eare taken to rninimize possible damage or disruption oi existing cable, includiilg careful bacicf Iling in area of cable. In the event that any previously identified cable is damaged during the coui•se of construetion, the Contractar sliall be respansible for the complete rapair. 110-3.2 Duct banE�s. Unless otl�erwise shawn in Yl�e plans, duct banks shall be iilstalled so that the tap of the concr�te envelop� is not less than 18 inches (�.5 m) below the bottom of the base or stabilized base course layers whe�•e installed under runways, taxiways, aproz�s, or other paved areas, and not less than 18 inches (Q.5 m) below finished grade where installed 'u1 unpaved areas. ilnless ofil�erwise shown on fi11e p.Ians, duct banks unde�•paved areas sl�all e�tend at least 3 feet { 1 m) b�yand tl�e edges of the paverraent or 3�eei { 1 m) beyond any under drains that may be installed alongside the paved area. Trenches for duct banks shall be apened the complete lengtla befare �oncrete is placed so that if any obstruetians are encountered, pro�isions can i�e made to avoid them. Unless otherwise shown pn t11e p�ans, CITY pF FqRT WORT`I-I Alliance AirporE Taxiway A Centerl'me Light AepEacecnent Technical Specifieatioa�s L-11U-4 Project�fu3nber 1031(kl Item 1: 1 ] 0-5 Airporf Uuderground �lecirieal 17uct $¢nks �ud Conduits al! duct banks shall be placed on a l�yer of concre#e not Iess than 3 inches (75 rnm) thick prior ta its initial set. The Confractor sl�all space the conduits i�ot less tlzaz� 3 inclies (75 mm} apart (ineasur�d firozn outside �vall to outside wallj. All such mul�iple coi�.duits silall be placed usiiig conduit spacez•s applicable to tlie type of conduit. As the conduiti layizag progresses, coiicrete shall be placed around and on top of tl�e cQnduits not less than 3 inches (75 m�n) thick unless otherwise sliown. on fUe plans. All conduits shall terminate with female ends for ease of access in cu��rent and future use. lnstall factoiy piugs in a11 unused ends. Do not co�er the ends or plugs with concrete. Cond�,iits for�ning the duct baiik shall be installed using conduif spacers. Na. 4 reinforcing bars shall b� driven vertically into the soil a minimum of b rnches (150 mm} to anchor ihe assetnbly into t11e earth prior io placing the concrete encasement. For this purpose, ti�e spacers shall be fastened down with locking collars atiached to the vertical bars. Spacers shall be insialled at 5-foat (1.5-m) intervals. Spacers shall be in the proper sizes and cnnfiguratinns to �i fl�e canduits. Locking collars and spacers sl�all be submitted to the RPR for review prior lo usa. When specifi�d, the Contracfar shal� reinforce the botfiom side and top of encasements with steel r�einforcing mesh or frabric or other approved metal reinforcement. W11en directed, the Contractar shall supply additiana] su�ports where the gr�und is soft at�d boggy, where ducts cross under raadways, ar where shown on the plans. Under such eonditians, the complete duct structure s1aall be supported on reinforced concr�te footings, piers, or piles located at approxi�nateIy 5-faot (1.5-in) intervals. All pavement surfaces that are to have ducts installed therein shall be neatly saw cut to fornn a vertical face. AlI excavation shall be included in i:he contract with �rice far the duct. Inst�il a plastic, detectable, color as nofied, �-�a 6 inclies (�-5-te 150 mm} wxde tape, 8 inches (200 mm} minitnum below grade abo�e a11 undergro�.uid conduit or duct Iines not ins�alled uiider paveinsnt. Utilize the 3-inch (75-mm) �vide tape only far s7ngle conduit r�ans. Utilize tlie 6�inoh (ISO-z�nm) wide tape for muItiple conduits and duct banks. Far duct banks equal fia or gr�ater thata 24 ir�ches (b00 mm) in width, utiliz� ino�'e tl�an ane tape for sufficient coverage and identifzcation of the duct bank as required. �Uhen existing eables are to be placed in split duct, encased in concrete, the cahle shalI i�e oarefully located and expased by hand tools. Prior to bein:g placed in duct, the RPR sUall be noti�ied so that he may inspect the cable and determine tl�at it zs in good conditian. Where required, split duct shall l�e installed as shown on the c�rawings or as required by the I�PR. 110-3.3 Conduits without conerete encasenr�ent. Trenches for single-conduit lines shall be not less than b inches (1 SO mm) nor more than 12 in:cl�es (300 �run) wide. The trench far 2 or zx�ore canduits installed at the same level shalI be propartionately wider. Trench 6ottom� for conduits without concrete eneasemeni shall be �nade tfl con%rm accurately ta grade so as to pro�ide uniforrn suppoy�t for the conduit along its entire length. Unless otherwise shown on the plans, a layer of fine ea�-�h material, at Least 43 inches {-�8975 mm) thick (loose zneasurement) shaIl be placed in tl�� bottom of the trencl� as bedding for the conduit. The bedding material shall consist of saft dirt, sar�d or other fine fill, and it shall con�ain nn particIes that would be retained ou a 114-inch (63 mm} sie�e. The bedding materiaj shall be tamped until %rm. Flowable backfiIl may alternatively be used. Unless atherwise shown on plans, cnnduits sl�all be instaSleci so that the tops of aII co��duits within the Airport's secured area where trespassing is prohibited are at least 1 S inclxes (O.S m) below the finished grade. Conduits outside the Airport's secured area shaIl be instialled so that the tops of the conduits axe at least 24 inehes (60 crnj below the tinished grade per Natiozlal Electric Code (NEC), Table 3Q0.5. When two or more individuai conduits itaiended to carry conductors of equivalent voltage insulation rating are installed in the same trench without concrete encasement, they shall be spaced not less thau 3 inehes (75 mm) a�art {measured fram autside wall to outside wall) in a horizontal direction and not less tha�� 6 C7TY OF P'ORT WORTI-� AI[iance Airport Ta�iway A Centerline Ligltt Replacement Tecl�nical Spec'if"icatious L-110-5 Project Nu3nbcr ]03104 Item L-i 1 p-6 P,irport Undergrow�d Eleclriea] l7ttct Banks and Conduits inches (15D mm) apart in a verticaI direciian. Where two or more iildividual conduits intended to carry conductors nf differit�g voltage insulatio�l rating at'e i��stalled in the same t�rencll wifhout conc�-ete encasement, they shalI be placed not less tl�ail 3 inches (75 mm) apari (rr►easured fi•om outside wall to outside wall} in a horizontal direction and lot less than 6 inohes (150 ►nm} apart in a vertieaX direction. Trenches shall be opened i:he enmplete Iength between t�ormal termination pQints before annduit i.s installed so tl�at if any uilforeseen obstz•�tctions are eticounter�d, proper pravisions can be made to avoid tllem. Conduits s11a11 be installed �sing conduit spac�rs. Na. 4 reinforcing baes shall be dri�ven vertically into tl�e soil a mini�aaum of 6 inches (150 mm) to ancl�or the assembIy into the earth wl�ile baekfil�ing. Foz• this purpose, the spacers sllall be faskei�ed down wit111ocking collars attached to the vertical bars. Spacers shall be ins�alled at 5-foot {1.5-rn) inter�als. Spacers shall be in the proper sizes asic� configurations ta fit the eanduits. Locking collars and spacers shall be submitted to the RPR for review prior to use, 11Q-3.4 Markers. Th� location of each end and af each cha.nge af direction of conduits and duct hanks shaIl be ma�•ked by a cancrete sla.b marker 2 feet (60 cm} square and 4-- 6 inches (�-- 150 mm) thicic extending appraximately one inch {25 min} above the surFace. 7`he marlcers shall also be located di�•ectiy abt�ve the eilds of aIl conduits or duct banks, except �vhere they terminate in a�unction/access st:ructuj•e ar build�ng. Eaeh cable or duct rtu� from a line af lights and signs to the equipmezat vault must be marlc�d at approximately every 200 feet (61 m) alnngtl�� cable or duct run, �vith a�� additianal marker at �ach change of direction of cable or duct run. The Coniractor shall impress the word "DUCT" or "CONDUIT" on eaclt marker slab. Itnpression of leti:ers shaIl be done in a manner, approved by the RPR, for a neat, professianal appearance. All letters and words mus# be neatly stenciled. Aiter placement, ali markers shall be given ane coat of high-visihility orange paint, as approved by the RPR, T11e Contractor shall also impress oii the slab the nui�ber and size af conduits beneath t11e marker alang with all other nacessazy infoj�mation as determined by tl7e RFR. The lett�rs shaI1 5e 4 inches (100 mm) high and 3 inches (75 mm) wide with width of stroke ll2 inch (12 mm) and 1/4 inch (6 min} deep ot as large as the avai�ab�e spaae p�rmits. Fuz�nisl�ing aizd insiallation of duet markers is incidental ta the respective duct pay item. 110-3.5 Back#'illing for conduits. For conduits, 8 inches (200 mm} of sand, soft earth, ar other fit�e fill {loose measurement) shall be placed around the conduits ducts a�d carefujly� ta�nped around and over them with hand tainpez•s. i�, wv..� rri�d�� ii�v ai�i�v�lE�� w.`. �.i'ei'i�.l the �atet� k� „:UI3Wwf.- J� �.:=1�.&� � ttl_% �,__��iii ::�1'l �� sh��wughly tamped and campact�d to a minimum 95 pr .. � density as determined hy ASTM D 1 S57 with moisture content of +/-2 pereent of aptirr►um. In all oiher areas, the baetcfit� shall be thoroughly tnm�ped and campacted to a minimum 93 pereent dr�r density as determined by ASTM D 698. Moist�re content shall be from —1 percent to +4 gerceut of optimum. If necessaryf to obtain the desired uompaction, the backfi�l material shall be mnistened or aerated as requirec�- �i�►i r I l�� i�?r s;Ie � �:.Fl1 i - �� �rt,,. n+«a ..1.. ��, ll aka �.., �:"'��l �S: ='�tlf� i - . ^.�1t :"' %�'r+�j ' w���� '•r� clad �al �.,Cr! ti.All'� ��Lt1�j Ill ♦ �lI1G'LG'r, w.ii uivaa �v Flowabie backf lI may alternati�ely 6e used. Trenclies shall not contau7 pools aiwater during back izI�ing operations. The trench shall be completely hackfilled and Yampad level with the adjacent surface; except tha#, where sod is to be placed over the trench, the backfilling slia3l be stopped at a depth equal to the thickn�ss of the �od to be used, with proper allowance for settlement. Any excess excavated material shall be removed and disposed of per instructions issued by the RPR. 110-3.6 Backfilling for duct banks. After t��e concrete has cured, tlie remairung trench shail be backfi�led and coinpacted , i },- N, , ; " „ ;. ' : �,th �r- _ .�� 1 � 1 �+- CI7'Y OF I'ORT WOR'1'H Alliance Airport Taxi�vay A Centerline l.ight Replacemeizt Technical Specifications L-1IO-6 Project Numher 103104 Item L-ll 0-7 Airport Undergraund Elech•ieal Duct Banks and Canduits oa �„�„ „+ . , � e�v .,.. ���.,..at�a,�_;�, f,,.,� .. .. r;�- .,�,,,n r,o ,,,.,ao �..., o,,,,i.. �cn �:�e�.. ;;W� ��� .,,� ,.� u�:�� � �:.!: �. .,..... ,.�: � � ..�� .. � � • Flowable baekfill may alternatively be used. Treaehes sltail not contain pools of water di�ring backf'illiilg operations. The trench shall be completely backiilled and tamped ]evel with the adjacent surface; excapt that, wl�ere sod is to be placed over the irench, ihe backfilling shall be stopped at a deptl� equal to the thicicness aFthe sod to be used, witl� proper a1lo�ar�ce for settlement. Any excess excavated rnate�•iai shal� be removed and disposad of per insteuctions issued by the RPR. 110-3.7 Restox•ation. V�here sad has been cemoved, it shall �e replaced as soan as possible after t�e bacicfill.ing is coinpleted. Ajl areas distur6�d by the wark sha11 be i•estored to its origi�al condition. The restoration shall include saddi�lg, topsoiling, fertilizing, and mulching as shown on the plans or as directed by Owme:r. The Cantractor shall be helci responsible for rttaintaining all disturbed surfaces a��d replacements untiI �nal acce�tance. AIl resioration shall be considered inciciental to ihe respective L�110 pay itern. Following restoration of all t�re�aching near airport movement surfaces, the Contractor shall thoroughly visually inspact the area for fareign object de6ris (FOD}, and remove any such FOD that is foimd. This k'OD inspection a�id removal shall be co�sidered incidental to the pay item of wl�ich it is a component part. METHOD OF MEASiJREMENT 11Q-4.1 Underground conduits and duct banks shall be measured by the linear feet of conduits and duct banks instalIed, including encase�nent, locator tape, tr�ncl�ing and backfill with designated maferial, and for drain lines, the termination at the drainage structure, all measured in place, campieted, and accepted. Separate measurenaent shall be made for the various typcs and sizes. BASIS OF PAYMENT 110-5.� Payment will b� mada at the cantract unit price per linear foot far each type and size of conduit and duct hank completed and aceepted, including trencl� and backfiIl with the designated material, and, for drain lines, the termination at the drainage structure. This price shall be full compensation for furnishing ail materials and for all preparatzan, asse�nbly, and installation of tlaesa materials, and for all labor, equipmeni, tools, and incidenfals necessary to campl�te this item per the provisions and inient of the plans ar�d speci�cations. Payment will be ��nade under: Item L-110-5. l Item L-110-5.2 CITY QF I'OR'� WORTT-1 Teclmical Specificatioi�s I.5" GRSC In ��st. Rigid Pvrnt., Ii1c1. Sawcut, Trench and Backfill - pe�• linear foot RemovaI of Exist. �l�allow Savv Kerf Conduit and Back�ll - per lin�ar foot Alliance Airport Taxiway A Genterline Light RepEacement L-11D-7 ProjeetAiumber 103104 Iiein L-11D-8 Auport Underground Clectrical Duct Benks �nd Conduits R�F�R�NCES The publications listed below form a par� of tl�is specification to t1�e eXtent referenced. The pubiications are referred to withit� the text by fhe basic designation only. �ldvisory Circular (AC) AC 15415340-30 AC 150/5345-53 ASTM Inteniational (ASTM) Dasign a��d Installation Details far Airport Visual Aids Airpni�t Lighting Equipment Cer�i�cation Program ASTIWI A615 Standard Specifeation for Deformed aiid Plaiii Carbon-Sieel Bars %r Concrete Reinfarcement National Fire Protectioil Ass�ciation (NFPA) NF�A-7U National Electrical Code (NEC) Underwriters Laborataries (LTL) UL Standard 6 Electrical Rigid Meta] Conduit - Steel UL Standard 514B Conduit, Tubing, and Cable �'ittin.gs UL Stan.daa'd S 14C NorunetalIic Ou�let Boxes, Flush-Device Baxes, and Ct�vers UL Standard 1242 UL Standard 651 UL Standard 651A Electrical Intermediate Metal Conduit Steel Schedule 40, 80, Type EB and A Rigid PVC Conduit and Fittings Typa EB and A Rigid PVC Conduit and HDPE Conduit END OF ITEM L�110 CITY bP I'ORT WQRTH T'whnical Specificltions AlliRnce Airport Taxiway A Centerline Light ReplanemenY I,-IID-S ProjectNumber 1Q31Q4 Ite�n L-111-1 Airfield Electricallnstailation Testing. Item L-1ll AIRFIELD �LECTRICAL IN�TALLATION T�STING (Non-Standard FAA Speci�cation) 111-1.1 Tllis item shall cansist of fun�isl�ing all equipi�ent, materials and appliances necessary for testing of airfield �ighting circuit installations and associated systems. a. Raquirements Linder i:his item sl�all be cooi•dinated with t�►e Resident Project Representative (RPR}. Specification requicements for appt•ovals, reviews or other involvement of the Engineer shall be iransmitted by the Contractor thraugh the RPR to tlie Engineer. EQU�PNIENT �ND MATERTALS I11-2.1 Materials and equipment covered by this item shall he subject to acce�tance ihrough manufaciure�•'s certification of compIiance with tlie applicable specification, when requested by tlze Enginear. If requested by RPR, Contractar sha11 provide instrumant calibration records foz' z'e�view. CONSTRLICTION M�THOD� 111-3.1 General. The Contractor shall furnish a11 neeessary equ�pment and appIiances for testing installa#ions as indicated below. �11-3.2 Ground Rod Testing. a. Contractoz• shall provide equipment and persoruyel to zx�.easure the resistance to earth %r all ground rods installed using Fall of Potential Method. Earth resistance measurement tests sha]1 adhere to recommendatians of IEEE Standard 142, latest edition. Contractor shall submit testii�g procedure, equipm.ent and report form to the RPR foi� approval. b. As eac� rad is installed, #esl-s shall be adininistered. Any rod which dQes not �iav� a resistance ta grouud of 25 ohms or l�ss s11a11 be auginented by an additional rod nn� less than 1� feet away, and connected together, at no cost to the Owner. No testing of die additianal rod is required. Testing results, including con$rtnatiion of installation of augmenting graund rads, shall be submitted to the Engineer for appraval. 111-3.3 Airfield Lighting Circuits Testit�g. The Contracta�� shall notify the RPR and the Airport Manager 48 hours prior ta cable testing. All testing shaIl be condueted in tk�e presence of the RPR and designated Airport personnel. All test result�s sha13 be simultaneo�sly recorded by the Contractar and RPR. Contractar sha11 provide test r�pori information to t�e Engineer for agproval. Test procedures for tlie following required tests, including field test report �orms, shall be submitted to the Engineet %r approval priar to testing. a. Testing Requirexuents. (1) Testing Required %r Existing Circrtits and Existing Portions of Circuits to be E�tended. The existing part of circuits to be extendad s�all be subjected to Low Voltage Tests in accordance with paragraph b.l below. Tests shall be performed with the isolation transformers and other Iighting system devic�s connected. Test results shall be submitted to the Engineer fo.r approval prior to ext�nciing or revisi.ng the existi.ng circuit. {�) Testing Required %r Existing Circuits vvith Circuit Maditications andlar Extensions Completed. Each existing series circ�.iit fhat ]aas been modified and/or extended shall be subjected to Low Voltage Tests in accardance with paragraph h.(1) helow. Test shall be performed with ihe li�iting isolatian transfo��ner� and other lighting systern devices conneeted. Cireuits tested shall meet the requzrarnents af CITY QF PqKT WORTi-I Alliance Airport Taxiway A Ceziter[ine Lighl Replaeement Technieal Specifications L-111•1 C'rojectNuinber 103104 Item L-I11-2 Air�ield Electrical li�s#allation Testing paragraph c.(2) below. Any fa�.tlts it�dicated by tliese tests shall be corrected before praceeding with addiiional testing. Test r�sults shall be submitted ta the Engineer for approval, {3) Tesfing Required For New Circuits aud New Po�r�i4ns of Existing Circuits. Each new serias circuit, or new part nf existing circurts being e�tended or replaced, shall be tested as follows: (a) After ne� cable with tlew connectors is lnstaIled and prioz• to connectin� light fixture transformers, tl�e foljowing tests sl�all be perfanned. (i) Low Valtage Megger (Continuity and Tnsulation Resistance [IR]} Tests in accordance with paragraph b.{1) bekow, to datennine if the total insuIation resistance of each circuit is satisfactory, so that the series lighiing circuit will operate vvitllaut excessi�e leakage current when energized. Circuits tested shall meet the requirez�ents afparagz•ap�i a(3)(a) belo.w. Any fau�ts it�dicated by these t.ests shall be corrected before procaeding with additional testing. All �est results shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval. (bj New segme�rts of existing circuits meetin� the requirements af paragraph a.{3){a) above shall than have the isolatian transformers conriecfed and shall a�ain be subjected to the Low Voltage Megger Tests of paragrapl� b.(1 }, Any fat�lts indicated by these tests shall he correeted before energizing the circuit. A11 test results shail be submitted to the Engineer for approva�. (4) All Circuits. Upon completion of all rewiring of each circuit, the Low Voltage Tests shall he performed on the completed circuit in accardance wi.th paxagrap�l b.{1) below. All isolation transformers and other lighting system deviees sIaall be cannected to the completed circuit. Cij•cuits tested shall meet the requiremertts of paragraph a(3)(a) below. Auy faults indicated by these tests shall be corrected before proceeding wi�h additional testing. All fest ��esuSts shall 6e su6mitted to the Engineer %r approval. b. Testing Procedures. (1) Lovv Voltage Tests. Low Voltage Coniinui�y and Insulaiion-Resistance [IR] (Meggerj Tests (a} Test Requir�d. As noted in paragrapi� a. abov�, cu•cuits and segments of circuits si�all be subjected to a low valtage (1000 volt} coniinuity test and to a 2,500 valt insu�ation-resisiance [IR] (megger} test. {b) Test Equipment. Cnntractor shalI prrovide a2,5Q0 volt direct current Insulation Resis�noe [IR] test setfor low voltage testing. IR test set shall bs a 120V AC device, non-crat�k type, r�aanufactured by Assoczated Researcl� Meg-Check, the James Biddle Megger, General Radia Megohmmeter or an approved equivalent. The Contractar shall be responsible far pro�iding any required 120V AC power source at testing Iocaiions remote fram available power. Equipmen� calibration infor:mation �I1a11 be readily available for raview by the Engineer, ifrequested. (c) Test ProcedQres. Contractor shall %llow aIl Airpnl�t Lock-Out Procedure reGuirements. Test procedures for the required tests, including fieId test report foi7ns, shall be subinitted to the Engin��r for approvaI prior to testing, 1. Test equipment grounding electrode shall be adjacent to the test equipinent and be a part ofJconnected to the airfield grounding counterpoiselground rod system. 2. Verify that al1 d.evices and connections are rated for the test voltage to be applied. CITY OF FQRT WORTH Alliance Air�ort Taxiway A Cetrterli�ie Light IReplacement Techuical Specifications L-11I-2 ProjectNt�mher 103104 item L-I l l-3 AirFeld Electrical Installalion Testi�3g 3. Graund other cabi�s in tlZe s�me conduifi as cable unde�• #est. 4. Clean and isolate "remote" �nd of cable to be tested. 5. Grotiind tl�e cable for a minimum of one (1} �ninute prioi• to testing. 5. Test cable. 7. Af�er �es�ing is complete, cable s1�a11 be diseha.rged to the grounding elcctrode using resistor design�d for the purpose. Solidly ground the cable aier discharge. Cable sliall re�nair� solidly grounded foi• a minimum of 5 minutes. {d) Test Re�ults. Cable speeimens that do note meet t�.e test criteria given in paragraphs c.(2} far existing circuits t�ia� F�ave modifi�d andlor extended, and c.(3}(a) for »ew circuits and new seg�nents af existing circuits, shall be considered unacceptable. Refer to paragraph d b�low fo.z� cables not meeting testing. requirements. (2} For alI Testing, All existiug and/or new cables, eqtzipment az�d zz�aterials damaged during testing s1�aII be repaired andlor replaced by t1�e Contractor at no adclit�onal cost to the Owner, as directed by the Engineer. Tests shall be performed, and faulty installations corrected, irntxI satisfactory results are obtained. Exact correction proeedures for speci�'ic faulty installation cireumstances shall be as speciited aExid apprroved by the Engineer. The Contractor is noi responsible far the repair of existing cables that aa•e to be modif�ed ar extended �hat are d�emed by �lie Engineer ta be iaulty prinr to modification of extension unless directed by the Contrac# Doc�mants. c. Test�ng ResWts. (1} Existing Circuits and Eazist�ng Portions af Circuits to be Ex�ended or Modified. Low voltage continuity test results and insulation resistance test results shall l�e subnaitted to the Engineer for dete�nination o.f suitab.ility for extensinn or znodi�cation and any remedial action that may be appro.priate. (�) Existzng Circuits and Existing Portions of Circuits that have been Extended or Modi�ed. Low Voltage Tests shall demonstrate to the satisfaction af the Engineer the following: (i) A11 eircuita are properly connected in accnrdance wit�a the applicable wiri�ig diagrams. (u) AII lighting pawer and control ci.rcuits are continuous aaad free �'ro�n short circuits. (iii) Al.l circuits are fiee from unspeci�ied grounds. (iv) The insulaiion resistance to grnund is equaj to or greater than its original value prior to circuit modi�cations, with ct�rrent transformers disconnected, for all existing underground series ligl�ting circuits. (v) The cu•cuit insulation-resistanee to ground of all existing nan-grounded conductors or m�iItiple circuits zneets both of the follorving requirem�nts: � The circuit insuIation resistance to ground is equal or greater than its original value prior to circuit modit'icaiions ta th.e existing series Iighting circuit with current transformers intact. CI7`Y OP' FORT WORTf3 Alliance Airport Taxiway A Cenferl'uie Ligkt Replaeement Teclrnical 5pecificatiuns L-111-3 ProjectNnrnber ]03104 Item L-11 I-4 Airfield �leclrica] InstallaEiou Testing � Insuiation resistauce of cahles with sama lej�g�h install�d in saane duct bank does not show a comparisan raiio af ouer 3 to l. (3) New Ckrc�its and New �egments of Existing Circuits. (a} Low VoItage Tes.ts shall demonstrate to tIie satisfaction af the Engineer tlze folInwi��g: (i) All circuits axe propez•iy connected in accordauce wi�h the applicable wiring diagrazz�.s. (iij All Iighting. pnwer and contral circuits are continuous and free from short circuits. (iii} All circuits are free fi•om Lmspecifed grounds. (iv) The insulation resistance to ground is equal to or greater than 1000 znegohms for nevv circuits and new segments of existing circuits vrith curreni transfortx�ers discoimected. IsoIation transformers shall #he� be conr�ected. Naw circuits and new segments of existing circuits shall maintain an rnsulation resistance of not Iess ti�an 500 megohms, with isolation transformers connected, througll tlie e��d of the construction and not less than 450 me�ohtns at tlie end of the warranty pariod. (v} The insulatian-resistance to ground of all new non-grounded conductors or multiple circuits meets both of the following r�quiret�nents. Insulation resistance to ground is equal oc greater than I000 megohms. In addition, new circuits shalj e�iibit an insulation resistanee of not less t11an 90a megoluns, �alid throu�h the end of the constructian warrarzty peeiad. Insulation-resistance of cables oi approximately the same length iilstal led in sam e duct banlc shall not show a comparison ratio of over 3 to I. d, Deficient Testing Results {Circuits Not Meeting Requi�•ements}. (1) Existing Circui#s and Existing Portions of Circui�s that have loee� Ext+ended or Modified. (a) Cables that do not meet the test ci•iteria of paragraph c.{2) abnve sha1S be considered unacceptable and shall not b.e energized untij cotrected. Refer to Itetn L- I OQ, General Provisions - Electrical, for procedures to follow for cable that do�s not conform to tl-�e test criteria. (b) If all requirements of the Lnckaut Procedure l�ave beez� satisfied by tl�e Contractor and the Engineer deteirriines nan-complying ciz•cuits or portions of circuits are the responsibility of the Owner, then tl�e Con�ractor shall provide ta WCAA Electrical Department, through the RPR, all test reports idEntifying location of non-eomplying cables. {�) Nevy Circuits and Nevv Portions of Existing Circuits. Cables that da not ineet tl�►e test criteria of paragraph a(3) above shall be considerred unacceptable and shall not be energized until corrected. Refer to Item L-1 OQ, General Provisions - Electrical, �or procedures to follow for cable that does not conforzn to tite test criteria. e. Subrnittal of T�s#ing Data. (1) Lovv Valtage Tests. Cantractor shall submit 5 copies of tests �•eports for approval of the Engineez and WCAA Electrical Department. Report shalI incltrde all mea�ured data including applied �oltage, time length of voltag� application and calculated megohms from each segrnent of cahle within a circuit. CITY 4F FORT WORTT� Alliance Airpart Taxiway A Centerline Light TteplacemeEit Teclmical Specificafions L-ill-4 PrnjactNumUer 1031D4 Item L-1 I1-5 Airfie[d Eiectrical Installation Tesfii�g Data siiall s�ow the calculations %r acceptable leakage c�.ureni fram eaclt cable sectioi� iested. Tlie Law Voltag� Tests data form s11a11 also include, as a zninzmuzn: DATE �TART TiME END T�ME CABLE S/M N�. DESCRIPTION TEMP. MEASi.]IZE EQUIF. ND GALIBRATION DUE DATE AMBIENT TEMPERATi1RE CABLE N[JMBER OPERATING VOLTAGE MAX. TEST VOLTAGE FROIVI �Qi1II'MENT TO EQUIPMENT HUNIID. MEASURE EQUIP. NO. CALIBRATION DUE DATE RELATIVE II[.JNIIDITY 111-3.4 System Tesis. Aiter tIle airt�eld lighting systems installatian is cnmplete and at suoh times as the Engineej� jnay direci, the contractor shall conducf aiz'field Iighting systems operating tests for approval. a. The equipment shall be dernonstrated tn operate in accardance �vith the require�nents of this sp�ci�cation. The test shall be pez�oa`med in the presence af the Engineer or its autl�orized representative. Tlie coi�tractor shalI furnish all equiprnent and personnel required for tl�e test. b. Each applicable switc� in the control tower lighting paneIs shall be operated so that each switch position is engaged at least ten times. During this proeess, all lights and associated equipinent s11a11 be obser�ed ta determine that each eontrol device prnperly commands the corresponding. circuit. Radio co�x��nunicatian hetween the aperator and t��e obsetvers shall be provided by the Confractor. c. The above tests shall be repeated from the local control switches on the regulators. Each installed or revised lighting circuit shall be tested hy operating fihe lamps throughout the range af applicable steps a�id shal3 be operated separately at Step 3 or Step S as apprapr�ate far full intensity ox as directed by �lie Enginea�•, fo�• nat less than 1 liour. Visual examinatio.n shall be made ai; the beginning and at the end ofthis test to determine that the insialled airfield light iixhires are illuininating at fi�ll intensify. d. If circuit reguIatars ara installed under project construction, regulator output ampacity shall be adjusted for prope�• outputs foIlowingmanufacturer's recoinmendatians and requirez�o.ents to insure proper circuit operaiion. e. Systems tests shall confirm by demonstration in service that all lighting circuits are ir� gaod ope�•atin�; condition tn the satisfaction of the Engineer if the tests are unsatisfactory, lignting sysiems instaIled shall be carirected and systems tests shall again be implemented. 111-3.5 Fiber Optic Cable Testing. Pravide aII labar, tools, and equipment necessary ta pei�foitin the fi�er optic cable tests. Pravide 72 hours prior notice of testuig FAA fiber aptic cable to the A�`W FAA �SC representative through the Constrwction Manager. Conduct tests in the pres�nce of the CM and FAA representatives, as appropriate. Provide writteza. test results. a. Test fiher optic cables using an Optical Tune Domain Reflectoineter (OTDR), in accordance with paragraph (4) below. Coordinate wiih fi.�►e CM to test eYisting cables b�iweeQ the nearest termination CITY OF FORT WOI�TI I Alliance llirport Taxiway A Centerline Light Replacement Technical5peei�cations L-111-5 Praject Nttmber [03104 Item L-111-6 AirField Elecirical Iustallation Testing point prior to cutting cable in order to document ex[sting cable eonditian. Test cables at bofll i314 nm and 1550 nm by OTDR on the cable spools priar to iunstaIIation at �l�e job site. Reject and replace cables havin� attenuation at wavelength greater than facto�y �pecificatians. h. Test fiber optic cables by OTDR after installation and ter�nination. Rejecf and replace cables having attei�uation at wavelengtli greater than ma.ximum factory specificatians or having a lacajized discontinuity i�� excess of 0.1 dB. c. Fi.ber optic cable testi�ig with an OTDIZ sliall be performed as foIlows: The Cont�•actor sl�a]1 test all light guide cable prior ta the installation ofth� aable. T1�e Co�alz•actor sl�all assume all [iability for the replacement oithe cable shoL�Id it be faund defective at a later date. {1) All fiber testing shall be performed on aIl fibers in the corapleted end ta end system. Testing shall cansist of a bidireetional end to end OTDR trace performed per TIA/EIA 455-61. Tlie system lass zneasurernents shall be pro�ided at 13 I O a�i� 1550 nanomet�rs for singIe �x�.ode fibe�s. {2) Fibar links sIlall l�a�e a maximum l�ss of: (allowable cabie loss per km)(ktn of fiber in link) + (.4dB)(number of connectors) _ �naxitnuin allowable loss. (3} Loss nutnbers for the installed link si�all be calculated by taking tha sum of t��e bidirectional measure�nents and dividing that sum hy two. Any linlc not meeting the reyuirements of the standard shaI] be braught inta campliance by tlie Contractor, at no cost to the Owner. 111-3.6 Car►trol Cable Testing. After installatian co�itrol cables shall comply with ihe rec�uirernents o� the followii�g t.able: Cr�BLE SIZE NIINIMUM NUMBER OF ACCEPTABLE CONDUCTORS I2 pair or less All 13 — 25 pair All, except 1 pair �ver 25 pair A11, except 2 pairs a. Acceptable conductors satisiactorily pas.s tests for {a) cant.inuity, (b) freedo�n from short circuits, and {c) a minirnum af 50 megohms resistance between conductors and from each conductor to grounded s�iieId when test�d at nnt l�ss than SQO volts DC. Contractor sha11 document measUred resistance �+alues and furnish the results to the RPR. b. The Contractor shall tes� the cable prior to insiallation atad tag any defective conductor pairs that are found. The Confractor shal� notify the RPR of any zuiusal�le coi�ductors found. METHOD OF 1VIEASi7REMENT 111-4.1 Ground rod earth resistanee tes�ing shall not be measured separately, but shall be considered subsidiazy ta Item L-Ip$, Installation of Underground Cable for Airporis. 111-4.2 Low Voltage Continuity Testing and Insulation Resistanc� Tes�ing of ali aix•field lighting circuits C["fY QF FORT WORTH Alliance Airport 7'�xiway A Cei3tertine Light Replacement Technical Specifications L-111-6 ProjectNum6er 1031p4 Item L-1 I1-7 AirfieFd Electrical Installatian Tescing sha11 not be measur�d sepai•ately, but coiisidered subsidiary to �tem L-] 08, Insta.11ation of Ua�derground Cable far Airports. 111-4.3 The 5ystem Tests and tesiing for fiber optic atld control cables will not be measured for payment, but considered subsidiary tn t11e various pay items. BA.SIS OF PAYM�NT I11-S.1 No separate payment shall be made for ground rod eat�th t•esistance �esting. 111-5.2 No separate pay�ent shall be rnad� for the system tests n.or testing for �'tber optic or control cab�es. END OF ITEM L-111 CITY OF PORT 4U012TH Allia�ace Airport Taxiway A Center[ine Light Replacement Tecl�nical Specifications L-111-7 Projecti�fumher 103104 Item i.-1 ll -8 Air�ield Elec[rical Install�tiuu Testing Fage Intentionally Blank CITY QF' �ORT WORTH Alliartce Aitport Taxiway A Centerlvie Light Replaceme�tit Technical Specifications L-111-8 ProjectNumber 1D3104 Item L-125-[ Installation of Airpprt Lighiing Sysfe�ns �TEM L-1.z5 ]NSTALLAT�ON aF AIltPORT LIGHTING SYSTEMS 125-1..1. Tl�is item shall consist of aitport lighting systems f�rnished and iilstaIled in aecordance with this specification, the referenced specificatians, and tha applicable advisory circulars {ACs). The systems s11a11 be installed at tlie locations and in accordance with the dimensia»s, desig�l, and details sl�awn iil the plans. This item sI1a[i rnclude tl�e fut•��isI�ing of alI equipment, materials, �ervices, and incidentals necessary to place the systems in operation as completed units to the satisfaction of fhe RPR. EQIIIPMENT AND MATERZALS I25-2.1 General. a. Airport lighting equipment attd materials covered by Federal Aviation Administration (FAA} specifications shajl be cerl-ifed �er-��}e, pe AC I5015345-53, Airpoxt Lzghting Equipment Certiizcatian Pro.gra�n � AT F --; � : � � �i�, iL�! f' ,� nd �c�u�r, ��ee�ee�t��T�3��1��-�-3�-�-ez�t �����o,r. FAA certified airfield lighting shall be compatible with eac11 ofiher to perform in compliance with FAA criteria a��d the intended operation. If the Contraator provides equipment tllat does not performs as intended because of incompatibility vvitla tlae sysiein, the Cnntractor assumes all costs to corr�ct the system for to operate praperly. b. Manufaeturer's certifications shall no# relieve the Contractor of #heir responsibility to provide rnater�als in aocordance with �hese specifcations and acceptable ta the R�R Materials supplied andlor installed tliat do not co.mply with these specifications shall be removad, when diz•ected by the RPR and replaced with materials, which do comply with these specifications, at the sole cost of the Contractor. c. All materials arid equipment used shall be submitted to the RPR for approval prior to ordering the eyuipmen#. Submittals sl.�.�l b s',� .<<. �i��.� l�e. j-IOC ��.,.��"�.� P�� .. �u��s — �lf _ � �►,al. . The Cnntracior shall ba responsible for delays in the project aecrliing directly or indarectly from �ate subr�issions oz• resubrnissions of subinittals. d. The data submitted shall be suff'icient, in �IZe opinion ofthe RPR, to detertnine compliance with the plans and specifications. The Contrac��r's submittals sha1l be submitted in electronic PDF format, tabbed by specification s�etion. The RPR res�rves tli� right to rejeet any or all equipment, materials or pracedures, which, in the RPR's opin�ion, do noL meat the systann design and Yh� stanciards and cades, specified herein. e. All equipment and materials, �rit�• tr• -- �i�r�� � t LELa li�;hs ri-iur furnished and installed under this seciinn shall be guaranteed against defects in materials and workmanship far a period of at Ieast twelve (12} montlis from final acceptance by the Own�r. LED light r�xtu�. vu;tl, the �xc; ptic�n of ob.:... ,.. :� Ii; h. s -. 1 " -, mu�* be w��. .ii : :` �ho m.•�]lIl �C�I'G � �i � �ninim:i�n uf {u�i' (4j y��n� - arw' (i�.`" - S .�. ��.--- � -.... --- ... 1�� `��E: :,--- -•. (.:�: _ u: lC�l �i�.'}1T3.. .,..... �'3[!' 1^ ,-=' r;," il7c. 1T::�:"'1f11:1_k, maiura... ��� � � The defective material� and/or equipment shall be repaired or repIaced, at the Owner's discretion, with no additional cost to the Owner. �QUIPMENT AND MATERIALS 1�5-�.� Canduit/Duct. Conduit shall cnnform to Specification Item L-110 Airport Underg�•ounc� Electrical Duct Banks and Conduits. I2�-2.3 Cable and Counterpoise. Cable and Counterpoise shall conform ta Item L-108 Underground 1'ower Cable for Airports. CI7'Y (}F FURT WO�tTH Alliance Airport Taxiway A Centerline I.ight Replacemant Teclmical 5pecifieations L-125-1 Project Number 103104 [tem I,-125-2 Installatiau af Airport Liglifing Systems 1�5-2.A� Tape. Rubher and plastic elect�•ieal tapes s��all be Sc�te11 Electrical Tape Nunibers 23 an.d 88 respectiv�ly, as manufactuz•ed by 3M Coinpany or an approved eqnal. 125-2.5 Cable Connections. Cable Connections sY�a31 confnrin to Item. L-1.08 Installation of Underground Cable for Aiiports. 125-2.6 Retrorefiective Markers. Retrorefl�ctive markers sf�all be type L-853 and sliall conform to the requirements of AC 150/5345�39, 1�5-�.7 Runway and Taxivvay Lights. Rui�way aryd taxiway lights shall confor�n io tl�e requirements af AC 15Q/5345-46. �s � ` ,n >>Y����= ; shall be of size and type indieated `i-= '+:-�r�,:- '• •i► ,��� � • t� � n� -n;, or as required by �xture manufacturer for each lig�ting fixture reyuired und�r this contract. Filters �hall be of colors confo�`ming to tl�e specification for the light coitcernsd or to the standard referenced. �hr airfield lighS . .,rr�:, ,.� ,� :. �yxrure� � :;�, ; OthG. a-- � ,;,iscld lightin� fixi�,�t_ ,i� �,�rn�,�.,_�._; r. ;.�..t .: �►,� ..��ntracfor �. -...�:.. .�. _.,��,, �. �. u,c redes�b.� :. «� airfield lighting an� neeessary power distribution systetns and all costs incurred furnishing and installing any additional equipment.ln rio case shall the Cantractor be allowed to reduce the size of the constant current re�ulat�rs �* the power dis±ribut�on 5vst�ms 1�5-�.S Runway a�ud Taxiway Signs. Runway and T�iway Guidance Signs �.... 1?. conform to the requireznents af AC 150/5345-44. �ir, - ..._.��1 'u� ai _t�t ._i�._ �„d ��v�� �.�d« �«� �n u,_ � ,�. .�;,. _ci�,Ic ���d __ ' u d ��� th� pFn , � 1�5-�10 Precisinn Approach Path Indicator (PAPl). A�..� i� Itern I-1 � 1 Pr .;, .���� .,, '3�h �ndic�� �; (PAPI), --- � S24n lr r 441 7 ca��I.� r n tr t] � ni.,n� f T �r rr � � � rx Ji —r.' Js ti,iri�o � i �� 3. �. s e � 7 ] ) 7 . � 125-2.i2 Li�ht Base and Transformer Honsings. Lzglit i'---�- '�� conform fio the requiremenYs of AC 15Dl5345-�2. Light bases shall be �� r T—��� , r T�V�� , of t �, • �.� ,... as indicated un u,, p�r�y or as required to accommodate the fiYture ar de�ice instajled ihereon. Base plates, cover plat�s, and adapter plates shall be pi�ovided to accomtnadate varinus sizes of �xtures. 12�-2.13 Tso�ation Transfor�ners. Isolation Transformers shall be ���i -�-5�9 ���-�— �t ihu �-�,�. at�,i size as required 1'ar eacl-� installation. Trans�ormers shall conform to AC 1 S0/5345-47. 125-2.14 FiAtxre �nd B�anl� L�� Aold 1)ow� B�,IY�� 5e..,�*3u�., frxtu�: w��d �ival. liu h��.� dc��-..� b�:�� und ins#allations a�sall adhere to the following t�quir�ments: Bo�ts shaIi be all-thread, fluoropolyrner coated, �SAE �rade 5, in accord�nce with FAA Engineersng Srief No. 83. All other bolts shall be al�-thread, 18-8, Type 304 stainless steeL BaIt inforntation shall be submitted for approval ofthe �ngineer. SUbmittal sh�ll specifical�y identify, as a minimum, the boit material, dimensions, and threading. Bolt material shall be readily identifiable in tlae field by appropriate ASTM marksngs an the bolts or by having material identi#ied on boit packaging, as approved through the Engineer. 5tainless steej holts shall receive anti seize aompaund. Grad� 5 coated bolts sha11 not recei�e an.y anti-seize compound or lubricant. 1�5-�.15 Hi�h Per�nrmaaee Non�-Shrigk Gro�t. Whe�re s�ecified in the plans, a high performance non- shrink grotrt �hall be used for hackfill around light bases and conduit. This high }�erformance non-shrink graut shal�l he Delpatch ElasYorneric Concrete by D. S. Brown of North Baltimore, Ohio, Telephone No. 419-257-355i, or approved eyuivalent. Cont�'aetor shall use tivs product in aceordance with the �nanufacturer's recornmendations and warnin�s. The RPR may require that Contractor have a repr��entativ� CITY OF FORT WORTI� Allia�3ce Airport Taxiway A Gentarline Light Replacement Tachnical Specificafions L-125 2 ProjectNfunber 103104 Itam L-12S-3 hists�llation of Airpart Lighfing SysCems ["�. � t' isllti,. L' ' • � �CT: , . tl; U-�Yr �n _•� tl'�� � 1(�IJ . j'. ..,� f '.YvilE � INSTALLATYON .jCl ` . •1•_ � " ' .. 12S-3.I Installation. The Contractor shall furnish, install, connec# and test all equipment, accessoz`ies, canduit, cables, wires, buses, grounds and support items il�cessary to ensure a camplete and aperable airport lighfiing system as speeifed h�re and shown in the plans. The equip�nent installation and mounting slial� coinply witi} the requirements of the National El�ctrical Code and state and local code agencies havittg jurisdiction. The Contractor shali instaIl the speciiied equipment in acco:rdanee witla the applicable advisory eircula.rs ar�d the details shown a� the plails. a. (r�.,�r�l i �a[�te Insf��lai�ion lZe.�a�ire�..ntu. I h� �.;�n. .:} ..u:,►z .,�al� ...:�w. �;.� :ig..� ra ;., �,:.� transfor�mer h�using as si�rn�vn on the p��ns. l'rimary cable slack shall be provided insidc the light fixture hase as specified in Item L-108. In general, enough slaek sl�all b� left i� the cable to permit ins�allation aboveground of the conneetions between the primary c$hle and the isolating transforrner primary lead5. A simitar length of prirnary cable siack shali be pro�ided for any �tnconnected cable installed in a fixture base ean. When tnore than one (1) eircuit is installed within �t�e lighting base, each cabl�e sha�l bear its appropriate circuit identification marker. The transformer ��condary leads shall be cannected to the lamp leads with a discor�necting pIug and reeeptacle. The �E��ondary connection shall not be taped; the cable co�uaectians to the isolating transformer's leads ��.all be made as speci#ied in ltem L-1 U8. Ends afcables shall be sealed with hest shr-inkable tubing �itstil the spIica is made ta Arevent the entrance of moisture. b. %r�statling Light Fiatures at Egisting Sases. At locations indicated on the plans, the Cantractor �„all install light fixtures at existing fixture bases. This shall include providing fihe following items, 1_ quired and directed by the RPR. il) 1��1 �R •� (4) t �} (6) Remo�e anci saivage existing base cover plates. Refurbish and prepare the base flange with flange rrngs or spac�r rings, as requireti �nd directed by the Engineer, in order to properly install the specified light fi�ure. Clean out and reiurbish the interior ofthe bases, including conduits. Install primary sirfield lighting eircuit cable. lnstall fixture isolation transformers of pr�per specified rating and v�attage. InstaU specified �ixtures. �. i���gtere Ground Requirements. All F�tures shall be honded to the �i�hr ba�e int�rr�al ground '��� via a#6 AWG stranded copper �ire rated for bOQV �vith green XHHW insulation or a a.:�ided ground strap of equivalent c:urrent rating. Tt�e �t�ound wire must be of sufficient length t� � alInw tIie removal of the light fixture from the light base fnr routine maintenance. Light fixtute manufacturer shall provide a tneans ta attach tiie ground conduc�or to the fixture or fxture hase � lat�, as appZicable. d. Demalftion. At locations noted on plans, existing ligfit fixtures, bases, �igns, foundations, cables -;�d other mat�rials shall be removed. Pay.ment for demalis�ed li�hts and signs, inc�usive of a�ns�s and foundatians, snall be made e�nder thi5 item as pravided herein. Salvageahle matsrials �f.��11 be de�i�Pr� to the Oti.ner salva�e wrea or disnosed nf �s directed h� tl�e C?waer. CITY aF PORT WORTH Alliance Airport "Caxiway �1 Centerline Light Replacement Teclmical Specifipations L-125-3 Pro,�ectNumber 10310�4 Item i,-125-4 Tnstall�ttion of Airport Lighting Sysfems F. I_i�ht �:isiiat"�as I� NN�,. Corer�i�, Fav��meat_ ir ��1 li, l�` 'i c�a �_� _ tn the general requirer,�ents of paragraph 12S-3.j, as shown on the plans, and as no�e� below. Conduit and b�se treneh sl�all be fill�d with a concrete slurry of well graded aggregate mi� v�ith a top s�ze �ggr�gate of one inch. This ccancrete shal�i have a min�nm�um 28-day compressive str�r�gth af �4,000 psi. The aggxeg�te snd other mat�rial shall meet the r�uire�ents of P-6I 0, Concreta For Miscell�eous Structures. See applicab4e details showro i� the p��ns. Light hase setting and �e�el�ng jig shall na� be removed fflr 24 hours after plaeing the encaps�lation or until a hard set has nceurred when �ising a high perfarmanca grout encap�ulation. After ins�allation of the li�ht fxture, the azimutli of the light b�am sha11 not vary rnore t}��n +� '� degree frasn the requirec3 direction. The aler+ation of the light fixtuc� outside ed�e shall be flush with the �urrvunc3ing surf`�ce ele�+ation suCh that the ele�ation of the fixture is not mare ti�sn +0 inch�- higher than nor -1/1 G znch lower than tt�e elevatian ofthe pavement. If this to�eran¢e is not m;f. tt�e Cantractar shall, at its own expense, remo�e an� replace the light base �tensian (t��, section) to the satisfaction of the Engineer. In concrete light bases shall have one, twro or m:.*� 2 inch threaded metallic hubs for �11 required conduit entrances, as indicated on tlie plan:= Grommet�l conduit entrances ate strictty prohibited except where shown on the p.lans. Assemble the fight fixture in accordance with the manufacturer's instru�tians. �onn�ct the secondary leads af the transformer to the fixtu.re leads with a disconnecting pl�g and reeeptaele conform�ing to AC 150/5345 2b without tap�ing the jaint. lnstall a lart�p nf the proper rating in the �xtur�. Level each fixture a� recammended by the manufacturer. Install in accordance with the general requirements noted in paragraph l25 3.1. f. Light Installatia�ns In Exisfing Concrete Pave�ne�t. InstalI light fixture bases in accordanca with the general cequirements of paragraph 125-3.1, xs shown �n the plans, and as noted below. The pa�ement core and backfill is included as part of base installation pay it�m. Conduit trench and base core s13a11 be backfZled ir� accordance with applicable details shown in the plans. After installa#ian of the light fixture, the azimuth of the light beam shall not vary more than '/z° from the required direction. The elevatifln of the light fixture outside edge �hall be flush with the surrounding surface elevatian such that the el�vation of the fixture is not more than +0 ineh higher than or -lll6 �nch lower than the e�evation of the pavement. [f this tolerance is t�ot met, the Contra�tpr shall, at its own expens�, r�move and replace the fxture to the satisfact'ton of the Engineer. in-pavement light hases shall have one, #wa, ar more l�ubs for alZ required conduit entranees, as E�idicated an the plan�. Grommeted conduit antrance� are strictly prohibited except where shown �=u the plans. l�;semble the �ight fixture in accordance with the manufacturer's instruetians. Connect the r��,ondary teads of the transformer to the fixture leads with a disconnecting plug and receptacl.e :-�nforming to AC 150/5345 26 without taping the joint. install a lamp of the proper rating in the tixture. LeveI each fxture as recommanded by t�e manufacturer. install in aecordance with the general requirements not�d in paragraph 125 3.1. �'.��emb9e the light fixtttre in accordance with fhe rnanufacturer's instructians. Connect the ,� �ndary leads of the transformer to the fxture Lcads witi� a disconnecting piug and receptacle ; c�nforming to AC 15Ql534S-26 without taping the �joint. lnstall a Iamp vf th� proper ratin�; in th� lixt�u: 1 �vel „s�'� �+f_tu:� Ac rt •. --�n*�d_.c� hy th.; m,»na�f�,tt�r r. CIT'Y OI= I'QRT WORTH Allianee Airport Taxiway A Centerline Light Replaee3a3ent Technical Specificatinns L-125-4 PrajectNun�ber 103104 IEem L-125-5 lnsiailatioi► of A irport Lighting Systems i► €� ll . . _ _ t�, u. k! � zda 't'.�.......i� it i1 i ill �. .,- �n� I�r _ �. 1�5-3.2 Testing. B�cause certain camponen�s may be inaccessible after fnal ins�a�Iat.�.�, :.E .�,.�€ ,:.��i �..� t�e.. =r� :•�~: �•_. -�`-�t1y :�ith i�sta.11a#ion. The sirfiald eleetricat instailations shall be tested in accorda�sce with the requirements of Item L-11 I. Systems Tes4� shall also be eonducted as speci�ed in Item L-111. Any system insta[lafian errors or c�n�cceptab{�e discr�pancies af installation shall be corrected to the satisfactio� of the R�R� �. Elevativr� a�nd .Alignment. Light unit installation proeedures shall be cheeked dur�hg �onstruction and after the system has been eomp�eted ta det�rmine that the recomrnenck� fixture eievation and alignment is in accord�nce with design and manufacturer's installation re�w�rerr�ents. b. Secarin� Serews ar Bohs. ALl fixture securing screw� or bolts sh�ll be ti�ht�ned in accordance with the manufacturer's recammendations unless otherwise noted. c. Li�ht Channels and Len�es. E��b light fixture shail be checked to dEtermine that the I�nses and tn� ehannels in front afth� ie: -= _=:t elean and thlt #he glassware is properly �ri�:���. Al] iights shall be fuIly tested by continuous operation for not less than 24 hours as a compleied system prior to acce�tance. T1�e test sha11 inelude operating the constant current regulator in eac�1 step zaot less than 10 times at the begimiing and end of the 24-�our test. The f�tures shall illuminate properiy during eaoh portion of the test. 12�-3.3 Shipping and Storage. Equipment shall be shipped in suitable packing material to prevent da�nage during shipping. Store and maintain equip�nent and materials in areas pratected from weather and physical damage. Any equipment and materials, in tiae opinion of #he RPlZ, datnaged during construction or storage shall be reglaced by the Contractor at na additionai cost to tiie owner. l'ainted or galvanized surfaces tl�at are damaged shall be repaired in accordan�e wiih the manufacturer's recominendations. 125-3.4 Elevated and In-Pavement Ligi��s. Water, d�bris, and other foreign substances shaIl be removed prior to instailing fixture base and light. A jig ar holding de�ice shall he used when instaIIing each light �ture to ensure positioning to the proper elevatian, align�nent, Ievel control, and azimutii controL Light fixtures shal! be ariented wiih the liglit beams parallel ta the runway oi• taxiway cenie��lin� and facing in fhe required diraction. T11e outermos� edge of fixture shall be ievel witli the surroundang paveinent. 5urplus sealant or flexible embedding material sl�all be removed. The holding deviee shall remain in place until sealant has reach�d its initial set. METHOD DF MEASUREMENT �2a� �.1 1 �; � x�ut •„� �i nT� �i ti���, iEG.��: d moli�i�,�ci. inc'zi�ii;�= al� removal, offsite disposal and site :e5toration, to be pasd for sltall be the number per each for ev�ry item demoli�hed, campleted and �ccepted by the RPR. 1�5 4.� The measurement of exi�ting items rema�ed and returned to ��vner to be paid far shall be the number per each for every item removed and returned, completed ar�d accepted by the RPR. xz�W4.3 The messurement of 'rtems furnished and installed ta be paid far shall be tlze number per each for every type af item furnished �nd insta�led, completed and accepted by the RPR. i'��4.4 The measuremant of items furnished to be paid for shall be the nurriber p�r each for every type of rtem furnished and accepted bythe RPR. 125-4.� Tt�e measurement af items instaIled to be paid for shail be the number per each far er+ery type of item installed and aceepted by the RPR. 1'�t-f.ti The measurement of items to be removed, includirsg aIl ma#erial rernova�, offsit� dispasal and site �t,i�,: _�ivr._ io be *�:�id f�r: �h�I1 E�� ti�� nu�^�_: �:, c��� �h f�� �- �r it,�iz remOv,.d t�=.�pi�tpd znc+ CITY OF FOR� WORTH Allisnce Airport Taxiway A Centarline Light Replacement Teclmical 5�ecifcations L-125-5 Praject Numher 103104 [tem L-125-6 Installation of Airport Lighling Systems �� _ •��a r,� t�� 1c��k. 125-4.7 The measurement of items r�paired, including all rnaterials, labor, s�d equipment necessary for the repair, to be paid far sha.11 be the number per each for ever�+ broken item r�paired, eompleted and accepted by the RPR. Bolt� that unthread wit}�out breaking or stripping fhe �xisting threacis are nat considered brok.en and do not need repaired. 125-4.5 The A.LCMS graphic modif"Ecations as indicated on the p1a�t;�, shall be rne�surer� per lump surn, including all materials, �ab�r and equiprnent neve��a►� tr. �-�mplate the rnodi�i��tion� and xceepred 6y t�ie RPR. • � r - - - . ►. . ... i � � F ' ' � ' ' ' ' ! � s � � � � 1 � � a � � • BASIS OF PAYMENT I�r- �.1 *�n.. ri. � ill h_ madr _� tl. u ni �: unit pr' r�,r �;�,ch _•np� �ie unit deFnoltc ic��l. u,Gludink Il r��toval, offsite disposal and site re�tor�tian, by the Con#ractos and accepted by the RPR. Pay�ment will b� made at tl�e contract unit price for each compiete unit removed and returned to Owner by the Contractor �nd acce�tred by the ItPR. Payment wilt b� mac�e at the contract Lu�►i# priee f.ar each comple#e unit furn�shed and insta�Ied by t11e Cantrac#or and accepted hy the RPR. Payment will be made at the cantract unit price for each complete unit furnished by the Contractor and acaepted by the RPR. Payment wiil be made at the eon#ract unit }�rice for eaeh complete unit installed �y the Contractor and ace�pted by the RPR. Payment will �ie made at the cantract unit price for each complete unit removed and disposed of by the Contractor and accepted by #he RPR. Paytnent will be �ade at ii�E coniract unit pr.ice far each complete unit repaired by the Cor�tractor and accepted by the RPR. P�yment will be made at the contract iump sum price for ALCMS graphic modifcatio�s earr�pleted by the Contracto� and accepted by tha RPR. These prices shaU be ft�ll compensation far furnishing all materials and for a1l preparation, as�sernbly, an� installatio� of these materia?-. =-�h�r�- -p�licahl.., ai.� fn� aI� 1a��r ��uipm�ni tefll;. and incident�lf n�u� ��ry t� �omple4e tlti , ���m. .. a . . . r. Payrnent will be made under: L-125-5.1 L-I25-5.2 L-125-5.3 CITY'OF FORT WORTI-I Teclinical SPecificatioi�s Demo Existing Fixture and Transformer - per each Remove, Store, Reinstall Light Base Blank Lid - per each Furnish L-852C{L} Bidirectional Twy Centerizne �'ixture and Transf�rmec - per eacl� Alliance Airport Taxiway A Canterline Light Replacement L-125-6 ProjectNumher 1D3I04 ltem L-125-7 TnsEalEation of rlirport Lighliug Syslems L-125-5.4 L-125-5.5 L-125-5.6 L-125�5.7 L-125-5.8 L-125-5.9 L-12S-5. ] 0 Furnish L-$52D{L) Bidirectionai Twy C�nierline Fixture and Transform�r - per each lnstall Fixtlu'e and Transformer - per eacli Furnish and Install L-&68 31�" Blank Lid - per each Furnisli and Install L-86& Shallaw Light Base In Exist. Rigid Pvmt. - per each Core Removal of Exist. Sl�allow Lig�1t Base In E�ist. Rigid Pr�int. - per eacli Srolcen Bolt Repair — per each ALCMS Graphic Madi�cations — per lump sum REFERENCES The pub�ieations listed below farm a part aftl�is specification to the extent referenced. The publications are referred to within tl�e text by the basic designation onl�. Advisory Circulars (AC) AC 150/5340- I S AC 150/5340-26 AC 15015340-30 AC � 5015345-5 AC 15015345-7 AC 15015345-26 Standards for Airport Sign Systems Maintenance of 1lirpor[ Visual Aid Facilities Design and Installation Details fo.r Airport Visual Aids Circuit Selector Swiich Specifcation far L-824 Undergt•ound Electrical Ca6le for Airport Lighting Circuiis Specificatian for L-823 Plug and Receptacle, Cable Cannectors . . . ��!�: . a���,. .:.s.,,:�.,s�_�..,��.s��.�:,,�,����. AC 150/5345�39 AC 15015345-42 AC 15015345-44 AC 15�/5345-46 AC 15015345-47 Specificatin�l far L-853, Runway and Taxiway Retrore�ective Markers Specifieation for Airport Light Bas�s, Transformer Hausings, Junction Boxes, and Accessories Specifieation for Runway and Taxiway Signs Speci$catian for Runway and Taxiway Light FiYtures Specification for Series ta Series Isolation Transformers for Airport Lighting Systems , a . ■ AC 150/5345-53 . . �\��'-VY�l�2'J���Y��IYI ]tiW�'Y�l �lirport Ligl�ting Equipment Certificatiion Progra�n � l �• � END QF ITEM L-12� CITY OI' POKT WORTH Alliance AirporY Taxiway A Centerlia�e Liglrt Replae:eine»t 'fec�nical Speeifications L-125-7 1'roject Nwnher I03104 Item L-123-5 Insfialiatinn ofAirpart Lighting SysYems CI'f'Y DF FORT WORTII Technicai Specifcations Page Inte�tionally Blank Alliance AirporY Tsxiway A Centerline I.igl�t Replace�nent L-L25-8 ProjentMumkrer 103104