HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 57713 CSC No. 57713 Fo�- WORTH *4 CITY OF FORT WORTH COOPERATIVE PURCHASE'AGREEMENT This Cooperative Purchase Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into by and between Comprehensive Communication Services, LLC ("Vendor") and the City of Fort Worth, ("City"), a Texas home rule municipality. The Cooperative Purchase Agreement includes the following documents which shall be construed in the order of precedence in which they are listed: 1. This Cooperative Purchase Agreement; 2. Exhibit A—BuyBoard 617-20 Catalog Pricing Page 107 of 123 and Quote 639; 3. Exhibit B—BuyBoard 617-20 Cooperative Agreement; and 4. Exhibit C---Conflict oflnterest Questionnaire. Exhibits A, B, and C which are attached hereto and incorporated herein, are made a part of this Agreement for all purposes. Vendor agrees to provide City with the services and goods included in Exhibit A pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Cooperative Purchase Agreement, including all exhibits thereto. City shall pay Vendor in accordance with the pricing index in Exhibit A and the provisions of this Agreement. Total payment made annually under this Agreement by City shall not exceed One Hundred Thousand and 00/l D0 dollars ($1`00,000,00).Vendor shall not provide any additional items or services or bill for expenses incurred for City not specified by Exhibit A and this Agreement unless City requests and approves in writing the additional costs for such items,services,and/or expenses. City shall not be liable for any additional expenses of Vendor not specified by this Agreement unless City first approves such expenses in writing. The term of this Agreement shall be effective beginning on the date signed by the Assistant City Manager below ("Effective Date") and ending on August 31`, 2022: City shall be able to renew this agreement for one(1) one-year option by written agreement of the parties. Vendor agrees that City shall,until the expiration of three(3)years after final payment under this Agreement, or the final conclusion of any audit commenced during the said three years,have access to and the right to examine at reasonable times any directly pertinent-books,documents,papers and records, including, but not limited to, all electronic records of Vendor involving transactions relating to this Agreement at no additional cost to City. Vendor agrees that City shall have access during normal working hours to all necessary Vendor facilities and shall be provided adequate and appropriate work space in order to conduct audits in compliance with the provisions of this section. City shall give Vendor reasonable advance notice of intended audits. Notices required pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement shall be conclusively-determined to have been delivered when (1) hand-delivered to the other party, its agents, employees, servants or representatives, (2) delivered by facsimile with electronic confirmation of the transmission, or (3) received by the other party by United States Mail, registered, return receipt requested, addressed as follows: OFFICIAL RECORD Cooperative Purchase CITY SECRETARY Pagelof26 FT.WORTH, TX To CITY: To VENDOR: City of Fort Worth Comprehensive Communication Services, LLC Ann- Valerie Washington,_ Assistant City Manager ATTN:Legal Department 200 Texas Street 2800 Golden Triangle Blvd. Fort Worth, TX 76102-6314 Fort Worth, TX 76177 Facsimile: (817) 392-8654 Facsimile: 972-767-4482 With copy to Fort Worth City Attorney's Office at.same address IP Indemnification. Vendor agrees to indemnify,defend, settle, or pay, at its own cost and expense, including the payment of attorney's fees, any claim or action against the City for infringement of any patent,copyright,trade mark,service mark,trade secret,or other intellectual property right arising from City's use of the DeIiverable(s), or any part thereof, in accordance with the Agreement, it being understood that the agreement to indemnify; defe-ad, settle or pay shall not apply if City modifies or misuses the Deliverable(s). So long as Vendor bears the cost and expense of payment for claims or actions against the City pursuant to this section, Vendor shall have the right to conduct the defense of any such claim or action and all negotiations for its settlement or compromise and to settle or compromise any such claim; however, City shall have the right to fully participate in any and all such settlement,negotiations,or lawsuit as necessary to protect the City's interest,and City agrees to cooperate with Vendor in doing so.In the event City, for whatever reason,-assumes the responsibility for payment of costs and expenses for any claim or action brought against the City for infringement arising under the Agreement, the City shall have the sole right to conduct the defense of any such claim or action and all negotiations for its settlement or compromise and to settle or compromise any such claim; however,Vendor shall fully participate and cooperate with the City in defense of such claim or action. City agrees to give Vendor timely written notice of any such claim or action,with copies of all papers City may receive relating thereto. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the-City's assumption of payment of costs or expenses shall not eliminate Vendor's duty to indemnify the City under the Agreement. If the Deliverable(s),or any part thereof,is held to infringe and the use thereof is enjoined or restrained or, if as a result of a settlement or compromise, such use is materially adversely restricted, Vendor shall,at its own expense and as City's sole remedy,either: (a) procure for City the right to continue to use the Deliverable(s); or(b)modify the Deliverable(s)to make them/it non-infringing, provided that such modification does not materially adversely affect City's authorized use of the Deliverable(s);or(c)replace-the Deliverable(s)with equally suitable,compatible,and-functionally equivalent non-infringing Deliverable(s) .at no add-itional charge to City; or (d) if none of the foregoing alternatives is reasonably available to Vendor,terminate the Agreement,and-refund all amounts paid to Vendor by the City, subsequent to which termination City may seek any and all remedies available to City under law. VENDOR'S OBLIGATIONS HEREUNDER SHALL BE SECURED BY THE REQUISITE INSURANCE COVERAGE REQUIRED BY CITY. Cooperative Purchase Page 2 of 26 Data Breach. Vendor further agrees that it will monitor and test its data safeguards from time to time, and to adjust its data safeguards from time to time in light of relevant circumstances or the results of any relevant testing or monitoring. If Vendor suspects or becomes aware of any unauthorized-access-to any financial or personal- identifiable information ("Personal Data") by any unauthorized person or third party, or becomes aware of any other security breach relating to Personal Data held or stored by Vendor under the Agreement or in connection with the performance of any services performed under the Agreement or any Statement(s)of Work("Data Breach"), Vendor shall immediately notify City in writing and shall fully cooperate with City at Vendor's expense to prevent or stop such Data Breach. In the event of such Data Breach,Vendor shall fully and-immediately comply with applicable laws, and shall take the appropriate steps to remedy such Data Breach. Vendor will defend, indemnify and hold City, its Affiliates, and their respective officers,directors,employees and agents,harmless from and against any and all claims, suits,causes of action,liability,loss,costs and damages,including reasonable attorney fees,arising out of or relating to any third party claim arising from breach by Vendor of its obligations contained in this Section, except to the extent resulting from the acts or omissions of City. All Personal Data to which Vendor has access under the Agreement,as between Vendor and City,will remain the property of City. City hereby consents to the use, processing and/or disclosure of Personal Data only for the purposes described herein and to-the extent such use or processing is necessary for Vendor to carry out its duties and responsibilities under the Agreement, any applicable Statement(s) of Work,or as required by law. Vendor will not transfer Personal Data to third parties other than through its underlying network provider to perform its obligations under the Agreement,unless authorized in writing by City. Vendor's obligation to defend,hold harmless and indemnify City shall remain in full effect if the Data Breach is the result of the actions of a -third party. All Personal Data delivered-to Vendor shall be stored in the United-States or other jurisdictions-approved by City in writing and shall not be transferred to any other countries or jurisdictions without the prior written consent of City. No Boycott of Israel. If Vendor has fewer than 10 employees or the Agreement is for less than $100,000,this section does not apply.Vendor acknowledges that in accordance with Chapter 2270 of the Texas Government Code, City is prohibited from entering into a contract with a company for goods or services-unless the-contract contains a written verification-from-the company that it: (1)- does not boycott Israel.; anal.(2).will not.boycott.Israel during. the term of the contract.The terms "boycott Israel'and "company"shall-have the meanings ascribed to those terms in Section 808.001 of the Texas Government Code.By signing this Addendum, Vendor certifies that Vendor's signature provides written verification to City that Vendor:(1)does not boycott Israel;and(2) will not boycott Israel during the term of the Agreement. -Prohibition-on Boycotting -Energy -Companies. Vendor-acknowledges that-in -accordance-with Chapter 2274 of the Texas Government Code,as added by Acts 2021,87th Leg.,R.S.,S.B. 13, § 2, the-City is prohibited from entering into a contract for goods or services that has a value of $100,000 or more that is to be paid wholly or partly from public funds of the City with a company with 10 or more full-time employees unless the contract contains a written verification from the company that it: (1)does not boycott energy companies; and(2)will not boycott energy companies during the term of the contract. The terms "boycott energy company" and "company" have the -meaning-ascribed-to-those-terms-by Chapter 2274-of-the Texas.Government -Code,-s-added by Acts 2021, 87th Leg., R.S., S.B. 13, § 2. To the extent that Chapter 2274 of the Government Code is applicable to thi&Agreement; by signing this Agreement-, Vendor certifies that Con-tractor's- Cooperative Purchase Page 3 of 26 signature provides written verification to the City that Contractor: (1) does not boycott energy companies; and(2)will not boycott energy companies during the term of this Agreement. Prohibition on Discrimination Against Firearm- and Ammunition Industries. Vendor acknowledges that except as otherwise provided by Chapter 2274 of the Texas Government Code, as added by Acts 2021, 87th Leg., R.S., S.B. 19, § 1, the City is prohibited from entering into a contract for goods or services that has a value of$100,000 or more that is to be paid wholly or partly from public funds of the City with a company with 10 or more full-time employees unless the contract contains a written verification from the company that it: (1)does not have a practice, policy, guidance, or directive that discriminates against a firearm entity or firearm trade association;and (2)will not discriminate during the term of the contract against a firearm entity or firearm trade association. The terms "discriminate," "firearm entity" and "firearm trade association" have the meaning ascribed to those terms by Chapter 2274 of the Texas Government Code, as added by Acts 2021, 87th Leg., R.S., S.B. 19, § 1. To the extent that Chapter 2274 of the Government Code is applicable to this Agreement, by signing this Agreement, Vendor certifies that Contractor's sig-nature provides written verification to the City that Contractor: (1)does not -have a practice,policy,guidance,or directive that discriminates against a firearm entity or firearm trade association; and(2}will not discriminate against a firearm entity or firearm trade association during the term of this Agreement. Cooperative Purchase Page 4 of 26 The undersigned represents and warrants that he or she has the power and authority to execute this Agreement and bind the respective Vendor. CITY OF FORT WORTH: CONTRACT COMPLIANCE MANAGER: By signing Iacknowledge that I am the person Y" B Valerie Wash in gton(Jun 21,202208:21 CDT) responsible for the monitoring and administration Name: Valerie Washington of this contract,including ensuring all performance Title: Assistant City Manager and reporting requirements. Date: Jun 21 , 2022 APPROVAL RECOMMENDED: By: Steven Van d ever(Jun 17,202212:37 CDT) Name: Steven Vandever Title: Sr. IT Solutions Manager By: � �— APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY. Name: Kevin Gunn Title: IT Solutions Director ATTEST: By Name: Taylor Paris Title: Assistant City Attorney By: J ette S.Goodall(Jun 21,2022 11' CDT) aa4�onnq CONTRACT AUTHORIZATION. p" FoRT aa Name: Jannette Goodall v� °° °°°�o�a�o IVI&C: N/A `Title: City Secretary ado °A. Pv8 �=d ?lo o° ° *� VENDOR: as p �n�'fXA5a4p bnaaboo- Comprehensive Communication Services,LLC By; wju� Name: Goa CO '� S Title: L Date: OFFICIAL RECORD CITY SECRETARY FT. WORTH, TX Cooperative Purchase Page 5 of 26 r 3 COMPREHENSIVE BuyBoard Quote COMMUNICATION E- R V i c e S BuyBoard#:617-20 Comprehensive Communication Services, LLC Date: 5/24/2022 519 E. Interstate 30 #225 Quote: 639 Rockwall,TX 75087 Salesperson: Collins (972) 772-2721 Customer: FTWORTHPD BuyBoard#:617-20 Customer: Contact: City of Fort Worth Contact: Jeff Holman Police Dept. Phone: (817) 392-5950 Email: 505 W. Felix St. Tarrant jeffrey.holman@fortworthgov.org Ft. Worth, TX 76115 QTY PART# Description Unit Ext 1 PERC PERC portable video distribution system $ 16,293.33 $ 16,293.33 SubTotal $ 16,293.33 DIR 25%Discount $ 4,073.33 Shipping NA Sales Tax: NA • $ 12,220.00 Please ensure BuyBoard number is listed on all purchase orders. Contact: Gary Collins,972-772-2721,gwcollins@ccscontact.net Board® Cooperative Purchasing P.O.Box 400 Austin, TX 78767-0400 800.695.2919 / 512.467.0222/ fax:800.211.5454 buyboard.corn July 23, 2020 Sent Via Email: gwcollins@ccscontact.net Gary Collins Comprehensive Communication Services 2800 Golden Triangle Blvd. Forth Worth,TX 76177 Welcome to BuyBoard! Re:Notice of The Local Government Purchasing Cooperative Award Proposal Name and Number:Mobile Command,Emergency Management and Bioterrorist Vehicles, Proposal No.617-20 Congratulations,The Local Government Purchasing Cooperative(Cooperative) has awarded your company a BuyBoard@ contract based on the above-referenced Proposal.The contract is effective 9/1/2020 through 8/31/2021,with two possible one-year renewals.The contract documents are those identified in Section 3 of the General Terms and Conditions of the specifications. To view the items your company has been awarded, please review the proposal tabulation No. 617-20 on the following web-site: www.buyboard.com/vendor.Only items marked as awarded to your company can be sold through the BuyBoard contract. In addition,on this website you will find the membership list which will provide you with the names of all entities with membership in our purchasing cooperative. Enclosed with this letter you will find the following documents: 1. Vendor Quick Reference Guide 2. BuyBoard License and Identity Standards You are advised that receipt of a purchase order directly from a Cooperative member is not within the guidelines of the Cooperative.Accepting purchase orders directly from Cooperative members may result in a violation of the State of Texas competitive bid statute and termination of this Cooperative BuyBoard contract. Therefore, all purchase orders must be processed through the BuyBoard in order to comply. Please forward by email to info@buyboard.com any order received directly from a Cooperative member. If you inadvertently process a purchase order sent directly to you by a Cooperative member, please email the order info@buyboard.com and note it as RECORD ONLY to prevent duplication. As an awarded vendor a BuyBoard user id and password will be sent via e-mail 2 to 3 business days prior to the start of your contract. On behalf of the Texas Association of School Boards,we appreciate your interest in the Cooperative and we are looking forward to your participation in the program.If you have any questions,please contact Cooperative Procurement Staff at 800-695-2919. Sincerely, Arturo Salinas Department Director, Cooperative Procurement v.6.6 * r— The Local Government Purchasing Cooperative is endorsed by the Texas Association of School Boards. TML Tea Texas Municipal League,Texas Association of Counties,and the Texas Association of School Administrators. Cooperative Purchase Page 9 of 26 Bioar�f� Naurnpl School cue„,.,.i•:::�.„V�,s,,:,,u,- Endorsed by'N50A' 8tiud%Aasoclaekem August 5,2020 Sent Via Email:gwcollinsOoicscontactnet Gary Collins Comprehensive Communication Services 2800 Golden Triangle Blvd. Forth worth,Tx 75177 Welcome to BuyBoard! Re: Noffm ofNa I Purz%WW Caojaeraffm Awvd Proposal Name and Number: Mobile Command,Emergency Management and B!oterrodst Vehicles,Proposal No. 617- 20 Congratulations,The National Purchasing Cooperative(National Cooperative)has awarded your company a BuyBoard@ contract based on the above-referenced Proposal. As provided for in the Proposal and your National Purchasing Cooperative Vendor Award Agreement,you are authorized to sell the goods and services awarded under the Proposal to National Cooperative members in states other than Texas through the BuyBoard. The contract is effective 9/112020 through 8/31/2021,with two possible one-year renewals. The National Cooperative membership list is available at our website www.buyboard.comlvendor. The list identifies the current members that may purchase awarded goods and services under your National Cooperative BuyBoard contract. You are advised that receipt of a purchase order directly from a National Cooperative member is not within BuyBoard guidelines. Accepting purchase orders directly from Cooperative members may result In a violation of applicable competitive procurement law and termination of this National Cooperative BuyBoard contract. Therefore,all purchase orders from National Cooperative members must be processed through the BuyBoard. Please forward by e-mail to Info@buyboard.com any order received directly from a National Cooperative member. If you inadvertently process a purchase order sent directly to you by a National Cooperative member,please fax the order to the above number and note it as RECORD ONLY to prevent duplication. As an awarded vendor a BuyBoard user id and password will be sent via e-mail 2 to 3 business days prior to the start of your contract. On behalf of the National Cooperative, we are looking forward to your participation in the program. If you have any questions,please contact Cagperath►e Proarrement Stuff at SOD-695-2919. Sincerely, Arturo Salinas Department Director,Cooperative Procurement �s PC.Box 400,Austin, Texas 78767 0400 800.695.2919.•buyboard cam Cooperative Purchase Page 10 of 26 PFCaupe-five Purchasing 12007 Research Boulevard•Austin,Texas 76759.2439 •PH:600-695-2919•FAX:800,211-5454•buytofirdxom PROPOSERS AGREEMENT AND SIGNATURE Proposal Name:Mobile Command, Emergency Proposal QLAe DatelQuening Date and,Time: Management and l3io-Terrorist Vehicles March 19, 2020 at 4:00 PM Wc.a.tion I Opening, Texas Association of School Boards,Inc. BuyBoard Department Proposal Number: 617-20 12007 Research Blvd. Austin,TX 78759 Anticipated Cooperative Board Meeting Date- Contract Time Period; July 2020 September 1, 2020 through August 31, 2021 with two(2)possible one-year renewals, Comprehensive Communication Services,LLC 3/16/2020 Name of Proposing Company Date 1 ' 2800 Golden Triangle Blvd. Street Address Signature Auth rized Company Official Ft Worth, TX 76177 Gary Collins City,State,Zip Printed Name of Authorized Company Official 972-772-2721 CEO Telephone Number of Authorized Company Official Position or Title of Authorized Company Official 972-767-4482 20-8285108 Fax Number of Authorized Company Official Federal ID Number Page 10 of 54 Proposal Forms COMM/SVCS V.12-19,20.19 Cooperative Purchase Page 11 of 26 6: Board cooperative Purchasing 12007 Research Boulevard-Austin,Texas 78759-2439 •PH:800-695-2919•FAX:800-211-5454•b�ard,com VENDOR CONTACT INFORMATION Name of Company: Comprehensive Communication Services, LLC Vendor Proposal/Contract Contact game: Gary Collins Vendor Proposal/Contract Contact E-mail Address: gwcolllns@Q ccscontact.net Vendor Contact Mailing Address for Proposal/Contract Notices: 519 East 1-30, #225, RoCkwall, TX 75087 Company Website: www.comprehensivecom.net Purchase Orders: All purchase orders from Cooperative members will be available through the Internet. Vendors need Internet access and at least one e-mail address so that notification of new orders can be sent to the Internet contact when a new purchase order arrives. An information guide will be provided to vendors to assist them with retrieving their orders. Please select options below for receipt of purchase orders and provide the requested information: I will use the internet to receive purchase orders at the following address: Purchase Order E-mail Address: gwcollins@ccscontact.net Purchase order Contact: Gary Collins Phone: 972-772-2721 Altemate Purchase Order E-maii Address: hlewls@ccscontact.net Altemate Purchase Order Contact: Heather Lewis Phone: 972-772-2721 ❑ Purchase orders may be received by the Designated Dealer(s)identified on my company's Dealer Designation farm as provided to the Cooperative administrator. I understand that my company shall remain responsible for the Contract and the performance of all Designated Dealers under and in accordance with the Contract, R ue or Quates Cooperative members will send RFQs to you by e-mail. Please provide e-mail addresses for the receipt of RFQs: RFQ E-mail Address: gwcollins@ccscontact.net RFQ Contact: Gary Collins Phone: 972-772-2721 Altemate RFQ E-mail Address: hiewis@ccscontact.net Altemate RFQ Contact: Heather Lewis Phone: 972-772-2721 Page 12 of 64 Proposal rums Comm/svCS v.12.19.2019 Cooperative Purchase Page 12 of 26 PF�oar�l Capperative Purchasing 12007 Research Boulevard 'Austin,Texas 78759-2439 • PH:800-695-2919 -FAX:800-211-5454 '!m board.torr Invoices: Your company will be billed monthly for the service fee due under a contract awarded under this Proposal Invitation. All invoices are available on the BuyBoard wvebsite and e-mail notifications will be sent when they are ready to be retrieved. Please provide the following address, contact and e-mail information for receipt of service fee invoices and related communications: Please choose only one (i information: } of the following options for receipt of invoices and provide the requested ❑■ Service fee invoices and related communications should be provided directly to my company at: Invoice Mailing address: 519 East 1-30 #225 Department: City, Rockwall state: Texas Zip code: 75087 Contact Name, Leslie Collins phone.. 972-772-2721 Invoice Fax: 972-767-4482 Invoice E-mail Address: Icollins@ccscontact.net Alternative Invoice E-mail Address: hlewis@ccscontact.net ccscontact-net ❑ In lieu of my company,I request and authorize all service fee invoices to be provided directly to the fallowing billing agent": Billing agent Mailing address: Department: City: State: Zip Code' Billing Agent Contact Name: phone: Billing Agent Fax: Billing Agent E-mail Address: Alternative Billing Agent E-mail Address: "If Vendor authorizes a billing agent to receive and process service fee invoices in accordance with the General Terms and Conditions of the Contract, Vendor specificaily acknowledges and agrees that nothing in that designation shall relieve Vendor of its responsibilities and obligations under the Contract Including, but not limited to,payment of all service fees under any Contract awarded Vendor. Page 13 or 64 Proposal Forms commisvcs v.iZ,19.2619 Cooperative Purchase Page 13 of 26 Boardi Cooperative Purchasing 12007 Research Boulevard,Austin,Texas 78759-2439 -PH:BOD-695-2919' FAX:800-211-5454•buybord.com RESIDENT NONRESIDENT CERTIFICATION Chapter 2252, Subchapter A,of the Texas Government Code establishes certain requirements applicable to proposers who are not Texas residents. Under the statute,a"resident"proposer is a person whose principal place of business is in Texas, including a contractor whose ultimate parent company or majority owner has Its principal place of business in texas. A "nonresident'proposer is a person who is not a Texas resident. Please indicate the status of your company as a"resident" proposer or a"nonresident"proposer under these definitions. Please check ring of the followin : X I certify that my company is a Resident Proposer. ❑ I certify that my company is a Nonresident Proposer. If your company is a Nonresident Proposer,you must provide the following information for your resident state(the state in which your company's principal place of business is located): Company Name Address CO State Zip Code k Does your resident state require a proposer whose principal place of business is in Texas to under-price proposers whose resident state is the same as yours by a prescribed amount or percentage to receive a comparable contract? ❑ Yes ❑ No B. What is the prescribed amount or percentage? $ or % VENDOR EMPLOYMENT CERTIFICATION Section 44.031(b) of the Texas Education Code establishes certain criteria that a school district must consider when determining to whom to award a contract. Among the criteria for certain contracts is whether the vendor or the vendor's ultimate parent or majority owner(i)has its principal place of business in Texas;or(H)employs at least 500 people in Texas. If neither your company nor the ultimate parent company or majority owner has its principal place of business in Texas,does your company, ultimate parent company,or majority owner employ at least 500 people in Texas? Please check one of the following: PYes ❑ No By signature below, I certify that the information in Sections 1 (12esident/Nonresident Certification) and 2 ([vendor Employment Certification))above is true, complete and accurate and that I am authorized by my company to make this certification. Comprehensive Communication Services, LLC Company Name J, Gary Collins Signature of A o ized Company Official Printed Name Page 15 of 64 Proposal Farms COMMISVCS VAZ.1912 19 Cooperative Purchase Page 14 of 26 . WBaiar�l(91 Cagperative Prrrahadag 12007 Research Boulevard'Austin,Texas 78759-2439 •PH:800-695-2919.FAX:800-211-5454.puyba:rd.com NO ISRAEL BOYCOTT CERTIFICATION Effective September 1,2017,as amended effective May 7, 2019(H.B.793),a Texas governmental entity may not enter into a contract with a value of$100,000 or more that is to be paid wholly or partly from public funds with a company(excluding a sole proprietorship) that has 10 or more full-time employees for goods or services unless the contract contains a written verification from the company that it: (1) does not boycott Israel; and (2) will not boycott Israel during the term of the contract.(TEx.Gov'T Cone Ch.2270). Accordingly,this certification form is included to the extent required by law. "Boycott Israel"means refusing to deal with, terminating business activities with, or otherwise taking any action that is intended to penalize,inflict economic harm on,or limit commercial relations specifically with Israel,or with a person or entity doing business in Israel or in an Israeli-controiied territory, but does not Include an action made for ordinary business purposes. TE:x.Gov'r Cane§808.001(1). By signature below,I certify and verify that Vendor does not boycott Israel and will not boycott Israel during the term of any contract awarded under this Proposal Invitation,that this certification is true,complete and accurate,and that]am authorized by my company to make this certification. Comprehensive Communication Services,LLC Company Name Gary Collins ig ure of ized Company offcial Printed Name N,v: If den does not wrlsh to make this certification,return the blank form in lieu of a completed certification, NO EXCLUDED NATION OR FOREIGN TERRORIST ORGANIZATION CERTIFICATION Effective September 1, 2017,Chapter 2252 of the Texas Government Code provides that a Texas governmental entity may not enter into a contract with a company engaged in active business operations with Sudan, Iran, or a foreign terrorist organization—specifically, any company identified on a list prepared and maintained by the Texas Comptroller under Texas Government Code L§806.051, 807.051, or 2252.153. (A company that the U.S. Government affirmatively declares to be excluded from its federal sanctions regime relating to Sudan, Iran, or any federal sanctions regime relating to a foreign terrorist organization is not subject to the contract prohibition.) By signature below,I certify and verify that Vendor is not on the Texas Comptroller's list identified above;that this certification is true,complete and accurate;and that I am authorized by my company to make this certification. Comprehensive Communication Services,LLC Company Name A Q Gary Collins Signatu Auth ized Company official Printed Name Page 16 of 64 Proposal Forms COMM/SVC5 v.12.19.2019 Cooperative Purchase Page 15 of 26 ��ard Cooperative Purchas►rg 12007 Research Boulevard-Austin,Texas 78759-2439 -PH:840-695-2919•FAX: 800-211-5454•buAoard.com DEVIATION AND COMPLIANCE If your company intends to deviate from the General Terms and Conditions, Proposal Specifications or other requirements associated with this Proposal Invitation,you MUST list all such deviations on this form,and provide complete and detailed information regarding the deviations on this form or an attachment to this form, The Cooperative will consider any deviations in its contract award decision and reserves the right to accept or reject a proposal based upon any submitted deviation. In the absence of any deviation Identified and described in accordance with the above,your company must fully comply with the General Terms and Conditions,Proposal Specifications and all other requirements associated with this Proposal Invitation if awarded a contract under this Proposal Invitation, A deviation will not be effective unless accepted by the Cooperative, The Cooperative may, In its sole discretion, seek clarification from and/or communicate with Proposer(s) regarding any submitted deviation, consistent with general procurement principles of fair competition. The Cooperative reserves the right to accept or reject a proposal based upon any submitted deviation, Please check one of the following: ■❑ NO; Deviations ❑ YeS;Deviations Last and fully explain any deviations you are submitting: PLEASE PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: 1.Shipping Via: ❑ Common Carrier ■❑Company Truck ❑Prepaid and Add to Invoice ❑Other: 2. Payment Terms: ❑■ Net 30 days ❑ 1%in ID/Net 30 days ❑Other: 3.Number of Days for Delivery: 30 ARQ 4.Vendor Reference/Quote Number. CCS-76177 5.State your return policy: Product must be returned withing 30 days of delivery for repair or replacement. 5. Are electronic payments acceptable? '�dYes ❑ No 7,Are credit card payments acceptable?❑■Yes ❑ No Comprehensive Communication Services,LLG C any Name Gary Collins Signature of ut sized Company Official Printed Name Page 19 of 64 Proposal Farms COMM/SVCS v.12.19.2919 Cooperative Purchase Page 16 of 26 ►B'oard Coaperatfve PurchaWug 12007 Research Boulevard•Austin,Texas 78759-2439 •PM:800-595-2919�FAX:8f)0-211-5454•bvybpard.com LOCATION 1AUTHORIZED SELLER LISTINGS If you have more than one location/authorized seller that will service a contract awarded under this Proposal Invitation, Please list each location/authorized seller below. If additional sheets are required, please duplicate this form as necessary. NOTE: Awarded Vendors shall remain responsible for all aspec€s of the Contract, Including processing of Purchase Orders, and shall be responsible for the performance of all locations and authorized sellers under and in accordance with the Contract. If you are a product manufacturer and wish to designate Designated Dealers as defined in the General Terms and Conditions to receive Cooperative member Purchase orders on your behalf, you must complete the Manufacturer Designated Dealer form. Comprehensive Communication Services, LLC Company dame 2800 Golden Triangle Blvd. Address Ft Worth Texas 76177 City State ZIP 972-772-2721 972-767-4482 Phone Number Fax Number _ Gary Collins Contact Person Company Name Address City State Zip Phone Number Fax Number Contact Person Page 2a of fi4 Proposal l COMM/SVC5 v.12.19.2019 Cooperative Purchase Page 17 of 26 BoqftrVhVWqfl990 Cooperative 12007 Research Boulevard I Austin,Texas 78759-2439 •PH:800-695-2919•FAx:800-211-5454.buytioard.com TEXAS REGIONAL SERVICE DESIGNATION The Cooperative(referred to as"Texas Cooperative"in this form and in the State Service Designation form)offers vendors the opportunity to service its members throughout the entire State of Texas. If you do not plan to service all Texas Cooperative members statewide,you must indicate the specific regions you will service on this form. Ifyou propose to serve different regions for different products or services included in your proposal,you must complete and submit a separate Texas Regional Service Designation form for each group of products and clearly indfcate the products or services to which the designatlon applies In the spare pro vided at the end of this form. 9y designating a region or regions,you are certifying that you are authorized and willing to provide the proposed products and services in those regions. Designating regions in which you are elther unable or unwilling to provide the specified products and services shall be grounds for either rejection of your proposal or, If awarded,termination of your Contract. Additionally, if you do not plan to service Texas Cooperative members(i.e,, if You will service only states other than Texas),you must so indicate on this form. Regional Education Service Centers Q I will service Texas Cooperative members statewide, ❑ I will not service Texas _ Cooperative members statewide. I will only service members in the regions checked below: - Re ton nd H a carters 14a - 1 Edinburg 7 8 ❑ 2 Corpus Christi ,� ❑ 3 Victoria � t2 19 - - ❑ 4 Houston — 6 5 ❑ 5 Beaumont - - -- ❑ 6 Huntsville - - ❑ 7 Kilgore �� 4-- ❑ 8 Mount Pleasant ~. 3 ❑ 9 Wichita Falls ❑ 10 Richardson ❑ 11 Fort worth ❑ 12 Waco ❑ 13 Austin ❑ 14 Abilene _ . ❑ 15 San Angelo '- ❑ 16 Amarillo Comprehensive Communication Services, LLC ❑ 17 Lubbock ❑ 18 Midland Company Name ❑ 19 El Paso ❑ 20 San Antonio Signature of rat rized Company Official Gary Collins ❑ 1 will not service members of the '- Printed Name Texas Cooperative. Page 22 of 64 Proposal Forms WMM/SVCS V.12.19.2019 Cooperative Purchase Page 18 of 26 r WCOOPOretim Purchasing 12007 Research Boulevard•Austin,Texas 78759-2439-PH:800-695-2919•FAX:800-211-5454 1 buyboaro-eom NATIONAL PURCHASING COOPERATIVE VENDDR AWARD AGREEMENT In accordance with the Terms and Conditions associated with this Proposal Invitation,a contract awarded under this Proposal Invitation may be "piggy-backed" by another governmental entity. The National Purchasing Cooperative is an intergovernmental purchasing cooperative formed by certain school districts outside of Texas to serve its members throughout the United States. If you agree to be considered for a piggy-back award by the Nationai Purchasing Cooperative,you agree to the following terms and agree to serve National Purchasing Cooperative members in the states you have indicated on the State Service Designation form,in your Proposal. By signing this form,Proposer(referred to in this Agreement as"Vendor"]agrees as follows: 1. Vendor acknowledges that if The local Government Purchasing Cooperative (Texas Cooperative") awards Vendor a contract under this Proposal Invitation("Underlying Award"},the National Purchasing Cooperative("National Cooperative'} may-but is not required to-"piggy-back"on or re-award all or a portion of that Underlying Award{"Piggy-Back Award'), By signing this National Cooperative Vendor Award Agreement("Agreement'7, Vendor accepts and agrees to be bound by any such Piggy-Back Award as provided for herein. 2.In the event National Cooperative awards Vendor a Piggy-Back Award,the National Cooperative Administrator{"BuyBoard Administrator'�will notify Vendor in writing of such Piggy-Back Award, which award shall commence on the effective date stated in the Notice and end on the expiration date of the Underlying Award,subject to annual renewals as authorized in writing by the BuyBoard Administrator. Vendor agrees that no further signature or other action is required of Vendor in order for the Piggy-Back Award and this Agreement to be binding upon Vendor. Vendor further agrees that no interlineations or changes to this Agreement by Vendor will be binding on National Cooperative, unless such changes are agreed to by its BuyBoard Administrator in writing. 3. Vendor agrees that it shall offer its goods and services to National Cooperative members at the same unit pricing and same general terms and conditions,subject to applicable state laws in the state of purchase, as required by the Underlying Award. However,nothing in this Agreement prevents Vendor from offering National Cooperative members better(i.e.,lower) competitive pricing and more favorable terms and conditions than those in the Underlying Award, 4.Vendor hereby agrees and confirms that it will serve those states it has designated on the State Service Designation Form of this Proposal Invitation. Any changes to the states designated on the State Service Designation Form must be approved in writing by the BuyBoard Administrator. 5. Vendor agrees to pay National Cooperative the service fee provided for in the Underlying Award based on the amount of purchases generated from National Cooperative members through the Piggy-Back Award, Vendor shall remit payment to National Cooperative on such schedule as it specifies(which shall not be more often than monthly). Further,upon request, Vendor shall provide National Cooperative with copies of all purchase orders generated from National Cooperative members for purposes of reviewing and verifying purchase activity. Vendor further agrees that National Cooperative shall have the right, upon reasonable written notice, to review Vendor's records pertaining to purchases made by National Cooperative members in order to verify the accuracy of service fees. 6. Vendor agrees that the Underlying Award, including its Generai Terms and Conditions, are adopted by reference to the fullest extent such provisions can reasonably apply to the post-proposal/contract award phase. The rights and responsibilities that would ordinarily inure to the Texas Cooperative pursuant to the Underlying Award shall inure to National Cooperative; and, conversely, the rights and responsibilities that would ordinarily inure to Vendor in the Underlying Award shall inure to Vendor in this Agreement. Vendor recognizes and agrees that Vendor and National Cooperative are the oniy parties to this Agreement, and that nothing in this Agreement has application to other third parties, including the Texas Cooperative, In the event of conflict between this Agreement and the terms of the Underlying Award, the terms of this Agreement shall control,and then only to the extent necessary to reconcile the conflict. Page 26 of 64 ProposaV Forms COMM/Svc-s v-12.19.2019 Cooperative Purchase Page 19 of 26 _, Board PVC06parative Prrrchasfnv 12007 Research Boulevard'Austin,Texas 78759-2439•PH:800-595-2919•FAX:800-211-5454•buvbaara ccoom 7, This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Rhode Island and venue for any dispute shall lie in the federal district court of Alexandria,Virginia, B. Vendor acknowledges and agrees that the award of a piggy-Back Award is within the sole discretion of National Cooperative,and that this Agreement does not take effect uniess and until National Cooperative awards Vendor a Piggy-Back Award and the BuyBoard Administrator notifies Vendor in writing of such Piggy-Back Award as provided for herein. WHEREFORE, by signing below Vendor agrees to the foregoing and warrants that it has the authority to enter into this Agreement, (� 7^7�f��rnS.dP La.rnAvn.(G�,an �PC�.[rti 4 r —�6 Name of Vendor � Proposal Invitation Number iQ0rj co Signature of ut rized Company Official Printed Namb of Authorized Company Official Date Page 27 of 64 Proposal Forms C6MM/svcs m2.i9.2o19 Cooperative Purchase Page 20 of 26 _ i Board CaaperatirE Parehasiny 12007 Research Boulevard•Austin,Texas-18759-2439 -PH:800-695-2919•FAX:800-2.11-5454•bv�o.o , FEDERAL,AND STATEI PURCHASING COOPERATIVE EXPERIENCE The Cooperative strives to provide its members with the best services and products at the best prices available from vendors with the technical resources and ability to serve Cooperative memhprs. Please respond to the following questions. 1. Provide the dollar value of sales to or through purchasing cooperatives at or based on an established catalog or market price during the previous i2-month period or the last fiscal year: $1025,120.75 . (The period of the 12 month period is Jan 2n19 dec toss . In the event that a dollar value is not an appropriate measure of the sales, provide and describe your own measure of the sales of the item(s). 2. By submitting a proposal, you agree that, based on your written discounting policies, the discounts you offer the Cooperative are equal to or better than the best price you offer other purchasing cooperatives for the same items under equivalent circumstances. 3. Provide the information requested below for other purchasing cooperatives for which Proposer currently serves, or in the past has served,as an awarded vendor. Rows should be added to accommodate as many purchasing cooperatives as required. FORMERCURRENT r+• AWARDED VENDOR?PURCHASING • •r GROUPVENDOR 1. Federal General Services Admdnistra6on N 2.T-PASS(state Df Texas) N 3. OMNIA Partners N 4,5ourcewell(NIPA) N 5, E&I Cooperative N 6.Houston-Galveston Area Council(HGAC) N 7. Choice Partners N 8.The Interlocal Purchasing System(TIPS) N 9.other YES TEXAS DIR SINCE 200$ •E�am • 4s ❑MY COMPANY DOES NOT CURRENTLY HAVE ANY OF THE ABOVE OR SIMILAR TYPE CONTRACTS. CURRENT BUYSOARD VENDORS If you are a current BuyBoard vendor in the same contract category as proposed in this Proposal Invitation, indicate the discount for your current BuyBoard contract and the proposed discount in this Proposal. Explain any difference between your current and proposed discounts. Current Discount(°!o]: Proposed Discount Explanation: Page 28 of 54 Proposal Fomts COMM/SVCS v.12.19.2019 Cooperative Purchase Page 21 of 26 Beard PFCOOPerative Purchasing 12007 Research Boulevard•Austin,Texas 78759-2439•PH:800-695-2919•FAx:soo-211-5454•buyboard.cnm By signature below,I certify that the above is true,complete and accurate and that I am authorized by my company to make this certification. Comprehensive Communication Services, LLC Company Name Gary Collins Signature of uth zed Company Official Printed Name Page 29 of 64 Proposal Forms COMMYSVC5 v.17.i9.2o19 Cooperative Purchase Page 22 of 26 _ DWCa0FeA3ffVUBaarc�� Purchasing 12007 Research Boulevard•Austin,Texas 78759-2439 - PH:600-695-2919•FAX:800-211-5454•111ryuoard.cam CONFIDENTIAL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION A.Public Disclosure Law Alf Proposals,forms,documentation,or other materials submitted by Vendor to the Cooperative in response to this Proposal Invitation, including catalogs and pricelisfs, may he subject to the disclosure requirements of the Texas Public Information Act(Texas Government Code chapter 552.001, et seq)or similar disclosure law. Proposer must clearly identify on this form any information in its Proposal(including forms,documentation,or other materials submitted with the Proposal)that Proposer considers proprietary or confidential. If Proposer fails to properly identify the information, the Cooperative shall have no obligation to notify Vendor or seek protection of such information from public disclosure should a member of the public or other third party request access to the information under the Texas Public Information Act or similar disclosure law. Proposer will be nodfled of any third party request for information in a Proposal that Proposer has identifled in this form as proprietary or confidential. Does your Proposal (including forms, documentation, or other materials submitted with the Proposal)contain information which Vendor considers proprietary or confidenfiai? Please check one of he I w n MNO,I certify that none of the information included with this Proposal is considered confidential or proprietary. ® YES,I cerdfy that this Proposal contains information considered confidential or proprietary and all such information is specificaliy identified on this form. If you responded"YES",you must identify below the specific information you consider confidential or proprietary. List each page number,form number, or other information sufficient to make the information readily identifiable. The Cooperative and its Administrator will not be responsible for a Proposer's failure to clearly identify information considered confidential or proprietary. Further,by submitting a Proposal,Proposer acknowledges that the Cooperative and its Administrator will disclose information when required by law, even if such information has been identified herein as information the vendor considers confidential or proprietary. Confidential/ Proprietary Information: (Attadt additional sheep if needed,) Page 32 of 64 Proposal Forms C0MM/5VC3v.12.19.2019 Cooperative Purchase Page 23 of 26 DwBoard evaperallve Parehasleg 12007 Research Boulevard I Austin,Texas 78759-2439 ' PH:800-695-2919•FAX:800-211-W4 'byyboard.corn B.Copyright Information Does your Proposal (including forms, documentation, or other materials submitted with the Proposal) contain copyright information? Piegsg check oneff the folluwfrio• NO, Proposal(including forms,documentation,or other materials submitted with the Proposal)does not contain copyright information, ❑ YES, Proposal(including forms,documentation,or other materials submitted with the Proposal)does contain copyright information. If you responded"YES",identify below the specific documents or pages containing copyright information. Copyright Information: (Attach addiNonr!sh eets if needed.) C.Consent to Release Confi ential Pro ri ht Information to%wftard Members BuyBoard members (Cooperative and nonprofit members) seeking to make purchases through the BuyBoard may wish to view information included in the Proposals of awarded Vendors. If you identified information on this form as confidential, proprietary, or subject to copyright,and you are awarded a BuyBoard contract,your acceptance of the BuyBoard contract award constitutes your consent to the disclosure of such information to BuyBoard members, including posting of such information on the secure BuyBoard website for members. Note: Neither the Cooperative nor its Administrator will be responsible for the use or distribution of information by BuyBoard members or any other party. U Cone to Release Proposal Tabullafiqn Notwithstanding anything in this Confidential/Proprietary Information form to the contrary,by submitting a Proposal,Vendor consents and agrees that, upon Contract award, the Cooperative may publicly release, including posting on the public BuyBoard webs€te, a copy of the proposal tabulation for the Contract including Vendor name; proposed catalog/pricelist name(s); proposed percentage discount(s), hourly labor rate(s),or other specified pricing; and Vendor award or non-award information. By signature below,I certify that the Information in this form is true,complete,and accurate and that I am authorized by my company to make this certification and all consents and agreements contained herein. Comprehensive Communication 5ei-Oces,LLC Comp ny Name L�+ Signature Aut rized Company Cffic#al Gary Collins Printed Name 3/16/2020 Date Page 33 of fro .aropwdl Forms COMM/SVC:S v.12.19.2019 Cooperative Purchase Page 24 of 26 Exhibit C CONFLICT OF INTEREST QUESTIONNAIRE FORM CIQ For vendor doing business with local governmental entity This questionnaire reflects changes made to the law by H.B. 23, 84th Leg., Regular Session. OFFICEUSEONLY This questionnaire is being filed in accordance with Chapter 176,Local Government Code,by a vendor who Date Received has a business relationship as defined by Section 176.001(1-a)with a local governmental entity and the vendor meets requirements under Section 176.006(a). By law this questionnaire must be filed with the records administrator of the local governmental entity not later than the 7th business day after the date the vendor becomes aware of facts that require the statement to be filed. See Section 176.006(a-1),Local Government Code. A vendor commits an offense if the vendor knowingly violates Section 176.006,Local Government Code.An offense under this section is a misdemeanor. !J Name of vendor who has a business relationship with local governmental entity. 2 ❑ Check this box if you are filing an update to a previously filed questionnaire.(The law requires that you file an updated completed questionnaire with the appropriate filing authority not later than the 7th business day after the date on which you became aware that the.originally filed questionnaire was incomplete or inaccurate.) 3 Name of local government officer about whom the information is being disclosed. Name of Officer IJ Describe each employment or other business relationship with the local government officer,or a family member of the officer,as described by Section 176.003(a)(2)(A). Also describe any family relationship with the local government officer. Complete subparts A and B for each employment or business relationship described. Attach additional pages to this Form CIO as necessary. A. Is the local government officer or a family member of the officer receiving or likely to receive taxable income, other than investment income,from the vendor? Yes E-1 No B. Is the vendor receiving or likely to receive taxable income,other than investment income,from or at the direction of the local government officer or a family member of the officer AND the taxable income is not received from the local governmental entity? Yes F-1 No Describe each employment or business relationship that the vendor named in Section 1 maintains with a corporation or other business entity with respect to which the local government officer serves as an officer or director,or holds an ownership interest of one percent or more. 6 ❑ Check this box if the vendor has.given the local government officer or afamily member of the officer one or more gifts as described in Section 176.003(a)(2)(B), excluding gifts described in Section 176.003(a-1). 7 Signature of vendor doing business with the governmental entity Date Form provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Revised 11/30/2015 Cooperative Purchase Page 25 of 26 CONFLICT OF INTEREST QUESTIONNAIRE For vendor doing business with local governmental entity Acomplete copy of Chapter 176 of the Local Government Code may be found at http://www.statutes.legis.state.tx.us/ Docs/LG/htm/LG.176.htm. For easy reference,below are some of the sections cited on this form. Local Government Code§176.001(1-a):"Business relationship"means a connection between two or more parties based on commercial activity of one of the parties. The term does not include a connection based on: (A) a transaction that is subject to rate or fee regulation by a federal,state,or local governmental entity or an agency of a federal,state,or local governmental entity; (B) a transaction conducted at a price and subject to terms available to the public;or (C) a purchase or lease of goods or services from a person that is chartered by a state or federal agency and that is subject to regular examination by,and reporting to,that agency. Local Government Code§176.003(a)(2)(A)and(B): (a) A local government officer shall file a conflicts disclosure statement with respect to a vendor if: (2) thevendor: (A) has an employment or other business relationship with the local government officer or a family member of the officer that results in the officer or family member receiving taxable income, other than investment income, that exceeds $2,500 during the 12-month period preceding the date that the officer becomes aware that (i) a contract between the local governmental entity and vendor has been executed; or (ii) the local governmental entity is considering entering into a contract with the vendor; (B) has given to the local government officer or a family member of the officer one or more gifts that have an aggregatevalue of more than$100 in the 12-month period preceding the date the officer becomes aware that: (i) a contract between the local governmental entity and vendor has been executed;or (ii) the local governmental entity is considering entering into a contract with the vendor. Local Government Code§176.006(a)and(a-1) (a) Avendor shall file a completed conflict of interest questionnaire if the vendor has a business relationship with a local governmental entity and: (1) has an employment or other business relationship with a local government officer of that local governmental entity,or a family member of the officer,described by Section 176.003(a)(2)(A); (2) has given a local government officer of that local governmental entity,or a family member of the officer,one or more gifts with the aggregate value specified by Section 176.003(a)(2)(B),excluding any gift described by Section 176.003(a-1);or (3) has a family relationship with a local government officer of that local governmental entity. (a-1) The completed conflict of interest questionnaire must be filed with the appropriate records administrator not later than the seventh business day after the later of: (1) the date that the vendor: (A) begins discussions or negotiations to enter into a contract with the local governmental entity;or (B) submits to the local governmental entity an application,response to a request for proposals or bids, correspondence, or another writing related to a potential contract with the local governmental entity;or (2) the date the vendor becomes aware: (A) of an employment or other business relationship with a local government officer, or a family member of the officer,described by Subsection(a); (B) that the vendor has given one or more gifts described by Subsection(a);or (C) of a family relationship with a local government officer. Form provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Revised 11/30/2015 Cooperative Purchase Page 26 of 26