HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 18284 CCNTRACT AMENDMENT FOR WA""ER SERVICE j CITY SECRE} Y BETWEEN THE CTTY OF FORT WORTH AND CONTRACT /� BENBROOK WATER AND SEWED AUTHORITY STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT This contract amendment made and entered into this 2?�4 day of ---�-� 191L.., by and between the City of Fort Worth, a Y municipal corporation located in Tarrant County, Texas , acting by and through Ramon Guajardo, its duly authorized Assistant City Manager , hereinafter called "Fart W'or'th", and Benbrook Water and Sewer Authority, located in Tarrant County, Texas acting by and through Gary R. Ryan, its duly authorized Rres`�.dent , hereinafter called "Customer". WHEREAS, Fort Worth has provided at its own expense and now owns, operate: and maintains facilities for processing and distributing a large supply of surface water, and at the present time is qualified to Burnish and deliver treated water , both within and without the corporate boundaries of Fort Worth; and WHEREAS, Customer has provided at its own expense and now owns , operates and mai tains its own water treatment plant and distribution system; and furnishes water service to its customer., within its houndar o- ; and _ OFFICIAL RECORD CITY SEOURETARY -' - Fir. WNTH, TEX, i �• C r . I&6k f WHEREAS, Fort Worth and Customers r entered. into ar_d executed a contract gated the 25th day of August, 1989 for water service to the Customer; and WHEREAS, the Customer zelies on Forty Worth water pr mariiy for emergency use to meet i4ater needs of i*.s customers, and WHEREAS, THE Customer plans to construct a raw water intake st ruct',irr to support the water requirements of the cities of Bent,tQoY , Weat: eifond and Fort Worth and may need to take water from Fort Wary.h during said oc7str.ui� inn; and WHEREAS, it is deerved to be in the best interest: of For` Worth and Customer to amend said contract: to provide a revised methodology for calculation of annual payments during the construction period; K ' NOW , THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE pRHSENIIIS: That , for and in consideration of the mutual covenants , promioes and agreements contained herein, Fort YN'carth ar7d C11--tourer do hereby covenant ana agree as follows : 1. . This amendment. shall be effect j,.( as o the: ;.late of its �t C `:hi=a arnezadment shall terrnirlate Az Ot tjIje date a-If corctp'lerirax� of the raw water intake r oject he.'.eiI"az3�"'Ce r to as INTAKE, 2 In the event that the "Max:im"m Aay Demand" and "Maximum Hoot Demand" are established during 'rhe term of t;hl--s Amendment, Section 1 , 2 -�x the contract dat.e::i huqus l 25, 19$9 zry and between. Fort Worth and Customer is hereby a)"Ic—lded and shall read and provide as follows Tt is agreed and urnderstood by the parties to the Agreerr"ert that "Average wily Use" ::, 11 he defined ax the total annual consumption divided by the rtumber.- of days in a fiscal year that Customer actually draws water from fort Worth for t}re fiscal year which construction of the intake occ ,.r;�:e+.`l , In test.i.moriy Wi H E CG', the Parties hereto acting under authari try of their respective governing bodies have caused this c on.trar?t. amendment to be duly execrated in r�i a-O?-,1pl cats copip� , each of which shall constitute an orig-ijal , and t-tie tieais of part— ., to be hereto affixed 7 %3. ?CCd C�i tt1�, z�atFa ni�p�/� written. ATTEST; CI'T'Y (;E IFORT WORTH fry � f Rtith Howard , Ramon Guaj� °da " .t.y Secretary , Assistant ='�.f ty Manager ,_.ity of Fore ' o). th City of Far c Worth APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: City 4Aor�n� y, City rr� �'4rt c�lartki gate: APP C L ECOItLMENI} ` t � .Ric a d W. Saor(Z-,Y , are r City ai F".)rt Worth Water Department ATTEST:: B Eli BF, WATEP 8 SEWER AUTHORITY 4�ti Sretar y n % APPROVED AS mO FORM AND LEGALITY: � if? Uaa� rat �titac�.x f�V ,:xora Attorney Date: IN KNE I I-W-� City of .fort Worth 91 exas `;"� DAlF r7EFiRINCE SUBJECT: CONTRACT .AMENDMENT FOR WATER aAGf uuf ?Er? SERVICE BETWEEN THE CITY OF FORT 1 1-i5-91C-1269U . _ �_--�•--------,.--._ Efe 113">JQOK.--WAIQ._._�r_Wfk----_ ------- ---- AUTHORITY (CITY SECRETARY CONTRACT NO. 17299 It is rec )mroended that the City Manager be authorized to execute a contract amendrn-r.t for water service between the City of Fort forth and ., ;Dater ar7 _._ ew ,.. u ror y _.amerjd ng City Secretary Contr;ct No. 17299. DIM The City of Fort Worth and Benbrook Water and Sewer Authority (Benbrook) contracted for water service originally co July 13, 1066, Contract #5572, and executed the uniform contract on August 25, 1989 ;Contract No, 17239). Benbrook has its own water treatment plant and prirn%arily takes water from Fort Worth only on an Emergency basis Benbrook has developed plans to construct a raw water intake structure next summer which will also accoitw- date potential futurw use by the City of 6"ort forth- as well as the City of Weatherford. Should Benbrook be required to take water- from Fort Worth ' during the construction of this project, this amendment provides for' a revised methodology for calculating the annual payment during that pe+ io- Once the construction is completed, the amer.1ment will terminate. The Benbrook Water and Sewer Authority approved this amendment on Decem- ber 7, 1990. RG.c 60benbrk { s� i °^r 7 i I] i P` I SU6MITTEp FUh ler. 7 Clrl i:'IJN BY COONC l - Sh fjyq r} F G (.17Y MANAGERS u { (>FFIC.E BY ('like Groomer ;i_?2 AFPROVEp _ cEr.RTMFNT •,EA. Richard Sawe - _3246 ° FOR ADr..oTIONAI 1NFORMAY10N I ; CON FACT. ._ -__rCa�n Gfi bson 6202