HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 59797City Secretary Contract No. 59797 FORTWORTH "*411 VENDOR SERVICES AGREEMENT This VENDOR SERVICES AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made and entered into by and between the CITY OF FORT WORTH ("City"), a Texas home rule municipal corporation, acting by and through its duly authorized Assistant City Manager, and MICHAEL'S KEYS, INC. ("Vendor"), a Texas corporation, acting by and through its duly authorized representative, each individually referred to as a "party" and collectively referred to as the "parties." 1. Scope of Services. Vendor will provide locksmith services for various City departments on an "as needed" basis, as set forth in more detail in Exhibit "A," attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes. 2. Term. This Agreement shall commence upon the date signed by the Assistant City Manager below ("Effective Date") and expire one (1) year from the Effective Date ("Expiration Date"), unless terminated earlier in accordance with this Agreement ("Initial Term"). After the Initial Term, this Agreement shall automatically renew under the same terms and conditions for up to four (4) one-year renewal terms (each a "Renewal Term"), unless terminated earlier in accordance with this Agreement. 3. Compensation. City will pay Vendor in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, including Exhibit `B," which is attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes. Total compensation under this Agreement will not exceed Two Hundred Thousand Dollars and 00/100 ($200,000.00). Vendor will not perform any additional services or bill for expenses incurred for City not specified by this Agreement unless City requests and approves in writing the additional costs for such services. City will not be liable for any additional expenses of Vendor not specified by this Agreement unless City first approves such expenses in writing. 4. Termination. 4.1. Written Notice. City or Vendor may terminate this Agreement at any time and for any reason by providing the other parry with 30 days' written notice of termination. 4.2 Non-annrooriation of Funds. In the event no funds or insufficient funds are appropriated by City in any fiscal period for any payments due hereunder, City will notify Vendor of such occurrence and this Agreement will terminate on the last day of the fiscal period for which appropriations were received without penalty or expense to City of any kind whatsoever, except as to the portions of the payments herein agreed upon for which funds have been appropriated. 4.3 Duties and Obligations of the Parties. In the event that this Agreement is terminated prior to the Expiration Date, City will pay Vendor for services actually rendered up to the effective date of termination and Vendor will continue to provide City with services requested by City and in accordance with this Agreement up to the effective date of termination. Upon termination of this Agreement for any reason, Vendor will provide City with copies of all OFFICIAL RECORD Vendor Services Agreement CITY SECRETARY Michael's Keys, Inc. FT. WORTH, Tx Page 1 of 23 completed or partially completed documents prepared under this Agreement. In the event Vendor has received access to City Information or data as a requirement to perform services hereunder, Vendor will return all City provided data to City in a machine-readable format or other format deemed acceptable to City. 5. Disclosure of Conflicts and Confidential Information. 5.1 Disclosure of Conflicts. Vendor hereby warrants to City that Vendor has made full disclosure in writing of any existing or potential conflicts of interest related to Vendor's services under this Agreement. In the event that any conflicts of interest arise after the Effective Date of this Agreement, Vendor hereby agrees immediately to make full disclosure to City in writing. 5.2 Confidential Information. Vendor, for itself and its officers, agents and employees, agrees that it will treat all information provided to it by City ("City Information") as confidential and will not disclose any such information to a third party without the prior written approval of City. 5.3 Public Information Act. City is a government entity under the laws of the State of Texas and all documents held or maintained by City are subject to disclosure under the Texas Public Information Act. In the event there is a request for information marked Confidential or Proprietary, City will promptly notify Vendor. It will be the responsibility of Vendor to submit reasons objecting to disclosure. A determination on whether such reasons are sufficient will not be decided by City, but by the Office of the Attorney General of the State of Texas or by a court of competent jurisdiction. 5.4 Unauthorized Access. Vendor must store and maintain City Information in a secure manner and will not allow unauthorized users to access, modify, delete or otherwise corrupt City Information in any way. Vendor must notify City immediately if the security or integrity of any City Information has been compromised or is believed to have been compromised, in which event, Vendor will, in good faith, use all commercially reasonable efforts to cooperate with City in identifying what information has been accessed by unauthorized means and will fully cooperate with City to protect such City Information from further unauthorized disclosure. 6. Right to Audit. Vendor agrees that City will, until the expiration of three (3) years after final payment under this Agreement, or the final conclusion of any audit commenced during the said three years, have access to and the right to examine at reasonable times any directly pertinent books, documents, papers and records, including, but not limited to, all electronic records, of Vendor involving transactions relating to this Agreement at no additional cost to City. Vendor agrees that City will have access during normal working hours to all necessary Vendor facilities and will be provided adequate and appropriate work space in order to conduct audits in compliance with the provisions of this section. City will give Vendor reasonable advance notice of intended audits. 7. Independent Contractor. It is expressly understood and agreed that Vendor will operate as an independent contractor as to all rights and privileges and work performed under this Agreement, and not as agent, representative or employee of City. Subject to and in accordance with the conditions and provisions of this Agreement, Vendor will have the exclusive right to control the details of its operations and activities and be solely responsible for the acts and omissions of its officers, agents, servants, employees, Vendors, and subcontractors. Vendor acknowledges that the doctrine of respondeat superior will not apply as between City, its officers, agents, servants and employees, and Vendor, its officers, agents, employees, servants, contractors, and subcontractors. Vendor further agrees that nothing herein will be Vendor Services Agreement Page 2 of 23 Michael's Keys, Inc. construed as the creation of a partnership or joint enterprise between City and Vendor. It is further understood that City will in no way be considered a Co -employer or a Joint employer of Vendor or any officers, agents, servants, employees, contractors, or subcontractors. Neither Vendor, nor any officers, agents, servants, employees, contractors, or subcontractors of Vendor will be entitled to any employment benefits from City. Vendor will be responsible and liable for any and all payment and reporting of taxes on behalf of itself, and any of its officers, agents, servants, employees, contractors, or contractors. 8. Liability and Indemnification. 8.1 LIABILITY - VENDOR WILL BE LIABLE AND RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY AND ALL PROPERTY LOSS, PROPERTY DAMAGE AND/OR PERSONAL INJURY, INCLUDING DEATH, TO ANY AND ALL PERSONS, OF ANY KIND OR CHARACTER, WHETHER REAL OR ASSERTED, TO THE EXTENT CAUSED BY THE NEGLIGENT ACT(S) OR OMISSION(S), MALFEASANCE OR INTENTIONAL MISCONDUCT OF VENDOR, ITS OFFICERS, AGENTS, SERVANTS, EMPLOYEES, CONTRACTORS, OR SUBCONTRACTORS. 8.2 GENERAL INDEMNIFICATION - VENDOR HEREBY COVENANTS AND AGREES TO INDEMNIFY, HOLD HARMLESS AND DEFEND CITY, ITS OFFICERS, AGENTS, SERVANTS AND EMPLOYEES, FROMAND AGAINST ANYAND ALL CLAIMS OR LAWSUITS OFANYKIND OR CHARACTER, WHETHER REAL OR ASSERTED, FOR EITHER PROPERTYDAMAGE OR LOSS (INCLUDINGALLEGED DAMAGE OR LOSS TO VENDOR'S BUSINESS AND ANY RESULTING LOST PROFITS) AND/OR PERSONAL INJURY, INCLUDING DEATH, TO ANY AND ALL PERSONS, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THIS AGREEMENT, TO THE EXTENT CAUSED BY THE NEGLIGENT ACTS OR OMISSIONS OR MALFEASANCE OF VENDOR, ITS OFFICERS, AGENTS, SERVANTS, EMPLOYEES, CONTRACTORS, OR SUBCONTRACTORS. 8.3 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY INDEMNIFICATION — Vendor agrees to defend, settle, or pay, at its own cost and expense, any claim or action against City for infringement of any patent, copyright, trade mark, trade secret, or similar property right arising from City's use of the software and/or documentation in accordance with this Agreement, it being understood that this agreement to defend, settle or pay will not apply if City modifies or misuses the software and/or documentation. So long as Vendor bears the cost and expense of payment for claims or actions against City pursuant to this section, Vendor will have the right to conduct the defense of any such claim or action and all negotiations for its settlement or compromise and to settle or compromise any such claim; however, City will have the right to fully participate in any and all such settlement, negotiations, or lawsuit as necessary to protect City's interest, and City agrees to cooperate with Vendor in doing so. In the event City, for whatever reason, assumes the responsibility for payment of costs and expenses for any claim or action brought against City for infringement arising under this Agreement, City will have the sole right to conduct the defense of any such claim or action and all negotiations for its settlement or compromise and to settle or compromise any such claim; however, Vendor will fully participate and cooperate with City in defense of such claim or action. City agrees to give Vendor timely written notice of any such claim or action, with copies of all papers City may receive relating thereto. Notwithstanding the foregoing, City's assumption of payment of costs or expenses will not eliminate Vendor's duty to indemnify City under this Agreement. If the software and/or documentation or any part thereof is held to infringe and the use thereof is enjoined or restrained or, if as a result of a settlement or compromise, such use is materially adversely Vendor Services Agreement Page 3 of 23 Michael's Keys, Inc. restricted, Vendor will, at its own expense and as City's sole remedy, either: (a) procure for City the right to continue to use the software and/or documentation; or (b) modify the software and/or documentation to make it non -infringing, provided that such modification does not materially adversely affect City's authorized use of the software and/or documentation; or (c) replace the software and/or documentation with equally suitable, compatible, and functionally equivalent non -infringing software and/or documentation at no additional charge to City; or (d) if none of the foregoing alternatives is reasonably available to Vendor terminate this Agreement, and refund all amounts paid to Vendor by City, subsequent to which termination City may seek any and all remedies available to City under law. Assignment and Subcontracting. 9.1 Assignment. Vendor will not assign or subcontract any of its duties, obligations or rights under this Agreement without the prior written consent of City. If City grants consent to an assignment, the assignee will execute a written agreement with City and Vendor under which the assignee agrees to be bound by the duties and obligations of Vendor under this Agreement. Vendor will be liable for all obligations of Vendor under this Agreement prior to the effective date of the assignment. 9.2 Subcontract. If City grants consent to a subcontract, the subcontractor will execute a written agreement with Vendor referencing this Agreement under which subcontractor agrees to be bound by the duties and obligations of Vendor under this Agreement as such duties and obligations may apply. Vendor must provide City with a fully executed copy of any such subcontract. 10. Insurance. Vendor must provide City with certificate(s) of insurance documenting policies of the following types and minimum coverage limits that are to be in effect prior to commencement of any Services pursuant to this Agreement: 10.1 Coverage and Limits (a) Commercial General Liability: $1,000,000 - Each Occurrence $2,000,000 - Aggregate (b) Automobile Liability: $1,000,000 - Each occurrence on a combined single limit basis Coverage will be on any vehicle used by Vendor, or its employees, agents, or representatives in the course of providing Services under this Agreement. "Any vehicle" will be any vehicle owned, hired and non -owned. (c) Worker's Compensation: Statutory limits according to the Texas Workers' Compensation Act or any other state workers' compensation laws where the Services are being performed. Vendor Services Agreement Page 4 of 23 Michael's Keys, Inc. Employers' liability $100,000 - Bodily Injury by accident; each accident/occurrence $100,000 - Bodily Injury by disease; each employee $500,000 - Bodily Injury by disease; policy limit (d) Professional Liability (Errors & Omissions): ❑ Applicable ❑ N/A $1,000,000 - Each Claim Limit $1,000,000 - Aggregate Limit Professional Liability coverage may be provided through an endorsement to the Commercial General Liability (CGL) policy, or a separate policy specific to Professional E&O. Either is acceptable if coverage meets all other requirements. Coverage must be claims -made, and maintained for the duration of the contractual agreement and for two (2) years following completion of services provided. An annual certificate of insurance must be submitted to City to evidence coverage. 10.2 General Requirements (a) The commercial general liability and automobile liability policies must name City as an additional insured thereon, as its interests may appear. The term City includes its employees, officers, officials, agents, and volunteers in respect to the contracted services. (b) The workers' compensation policy must include a Waiver of Subrogation (Right of Recovery) in favor of City. (c) A minimum of Thirty (30) days' notice of cancellation or reduction in limits of coverage must be provided to City. Ten (10) days' notice will be acceptable in the event of non-payment of premium. Notice must be sent to the Risk Manager, City of Fort Worth, 200 Texas Street, Fort Worth, Texas 76102, with copies to the Fort Worth City Attorney at the same address. (d) The insurers for all policies must be licensed and/or approved to do business in the State of Texas. All insurers must have a minimum rating of A- VII in the current A.M. Best Key Rating Guide, or have reasonably equivalent financial strength and solvency to the satisfaction of Risk Management. If the rating is below that required, written approval of Risk Management is required. (e) Any failure on the part of City to request required insurance documentation will not constitute a waiver of the insurance requirement. (f) Certificates of Insurance evidencing that Vendor has obtained all required insurance will be delivered to the City prior to Vendor proceeding with any work pursuant to this Agreement. 11. Compliance with Laws, Ordinances, Rules and Regulations. Vendor agrees that in the performance of its obligations hereunder, it will comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations and that any work it produces in connection with this Agreement will also Vendor Services Agreement Page 5 of 23 Michael's Keys, Inc. comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations. If City notifies Vendor of any violation of such laws, ordinances, rules or regulations, Vendor must immediately desist from and correct the violation. 12. Non -Discrimination Covenant. Vendor, for itself, its personal representatives, assigns, contractors, subcontractors, and successors in interest, as part of the consideration herein, agrees that in the performance of Vendor's duties and obligations hereunder, it will not discriminate in the treatment or employment of any individual or group of individuals on any basis prohibited by law. IF ANY CLAIM ARISES FROM AN ALLEGED VIOLATION OF THIS NON-DISCRIMINATION COVENANT BY VENDOR, ITS PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES, ASSIGNS, CONTRACTORS, SUBCONTRACTORS, OR SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST, VENDOR AGREES TO ASSUME SUCH LIABILITY AND TO INDEMNIFY AND DEFEND CITY AND HOLD CITY HARMLESS FROM SUCH CLAIM. 13. Notices. Notices required pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement will be conclusively determined to have been delivered when (1) hand -delivered to the other party, its agents, employees, servants or representatives, (2) delivered by facsimile with electronic confirmation of the transmission, or (3) received by the other party by United States Mail, registered, return receipt requested, addressed as follows: To CITY: City of Fort Worth Attn: Assistant City Manager 200 Texas Street Fort Worth, TX 76102-6314 Facsimile: (817) 392-8654 With copy to Fort Worth City Attorney's Office at same address Michael's Keys, Inc. Thomas Blankenship, Solutions Director 206 W Bedford Euless Rd Hurst, TX 76053 14. Solicitation of Emulovees. Neither City nor Vendor will, during the term of this Agreement and additionally for a period of one year after its termination, solicit for employment or employ, whether as employee or independent contractor, any person who is or has been employed by the other during the term of this Agreement, without the prior written consent of the person's employer. Notwithstanding the foregoing, this provision will not apply to an employee of either party who responds to a general solicitation of advertisement of employment by either party. 15. Governmental Powers. It is understood and agreed that by execution of this Agreement, City does not waive or surrender any of its governmental powers or immunities. 16. No Waiver. The failure of City or Vendor to insist upon the performance of any term or provision of this Agreement or to exercise any right granted herein does not constitute a waiver of City's or Vendor's respective right to insist upon appropriate performance or to assert any such right on any future occasion. 17. Governing Law / Venue. This Agreement will be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas. If any action, whether real or asserted, at law or in equity, is brought pursuant to this Vendor Services Agreement Page 6 of 23 Michael's Keys, Inc. Agreement, venue for such action will lie in state courts located in Tarrant County, Texas or the United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas, Fort Worth Division. 18. Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions will not in any way be affected or impaired. 19. Force Maieure. City and Vendor will exercise their best efforts to meet their respective duties and obligations as set forth in this Agreement, but will not be held liable for any delay or omission in performance due to force majeure or other causes beyond their reasonable control, including, but not limited to, compliance with any government law, ordinance, or regulation; acts of God; acts of the public enemy; fires; strikes; lockouts; natural disasters; wars; riots; epidemics or pandemics; government action or inaction; orders of government; material or labor restrictions by any governmental authority; transportation problems; restraints or prohibitions by any court, board, department, commission, or agency of the United States or of any States; civil disturbances; other national or regional emergencies; or any other similar cause not enumerated herein but which is beyond the reasonable control of the Party whose performance is affected (collectively, "Force Majeure Event"). The performance of any such obligation is suspended during the period of, and only to the extent of, such prevention or hindrance, provided the affected Party provides notice of the Force Majeure Event, and an explanation as to how it prevents or hinders the Party's performance, as soon as reasonably possible after the occurrence of the Force Majeure Event, with the reasonableness of such notice to be determined by the City in its sole discretion. The notice required by this section must be addressed and delivered in accordance with Section 13 of this Agreement. 20. Headings not Controlling. Headings and titles used in this Agreement are for reference purposes only, will not be deemed a part of this Agreement, and are not intended to define or limit the scope of any provision of this Agreement. 21. Review of Counsel. The parties acknowledge that each party and its counsel have reviewed and revised this Agreement and that the normal rules of construction to the effect that any ambiguities are to be resolved against the drafting party will not be employed in the interpretation of this Agreement or Exhibits A, B, and C. 22. Amendments / Modifications / Extensions. No amendment, modification, or extension of this Agreement will be binding upon a party hereto unless set forth in a written instrument, which is executed by an authorized representative of each party. 23. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts and each counterpart will, for all purposes, be deemed an original, but all such counterparts will together constitute one and the same instrument. 24. Warranty of Services. Vendor warrants that its services will be of a high quality and conform to generally prevailing industry standards. City must give written notice of any breach of this warranty within thirty (30) days from the date that the services are completed. In such event, at Vendor's option, Vendor will either (a) use commercially reasonable efforts to re -perform the services in a manner that conforms with the warranty, or (b) refund the fees paid by City to Vendor for the nonconforming services. 25. Immigration Nationalitv Act. Vendor must verify the identity and employment eligibility of its employees who perform work under this Agreement, including completing the Employment Eligibility Verification Form (I-9). Upon request by City, Vendor will provide City with copies of all I-9 Vendor Services Agreement Page 7 of 23 Michael's Keys, Inc. forms and supporting eligibility documentation for each employee who performs work under this Agreement. Vendor must adhere to all Federal and State laws as well as establish appropriate procedures and controls so that no services will be performed by any Vendor employee who is not legally eligible to perform such services. VENDOR WILL INDEMNIFY CITY AND HOLD CITY HARMLESS FROM ANY PENALTIES, LIABILITIES, OR LOSSES DUE TO VIOLATIONS OF THIS PARAGRAPH BY VENDOR, VENDOR'S EMPLOYEES, CONTRACTORS, SUBCONTRACTORS, OR AGENTS. City, upon written notice to Vendor, will have the right to immediately terminate this Agreement for violations of this provision by Vendor. 26. Ownership of Work Product. City will be the sole and exclusive owner of all reports, work papers, procedures, guides, and documentation that are created, published, displayed, or produced in conjunction with the services provided under this Agreement (collectively, "Work Product"). Further, City will be the sole and exclusive owner of all copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret and other proprietary rights in and to the Work Product. Ownership of the Work Product will inure to the benefit of City from the date of conception, creation or fixation of the Work Product in a tangible medium of expression (whichever occurs first). Each copyrightable aspect of the Work Product will be considered a "work -made - for -hire" within the meaning of the Copyright Act of 1976, as amended. If and to the extent such Work Product, or any part thereof, is not considered a "work -made -for -hire" within the meaning of the Copyright Act of 1976, as amended, Vendor hereby expressly assigns to City all exclusive right, title and interest in and to the Work Product, and all copies thereof, and in and to the copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret, and all other proprietary rights therein, that City may have or obtain, without further consideration, free from any claim, lien for balance due, or rights of retention thereto on the part of City. 27. Signature Authoritv. The person signing this Agreement hereby warrants that they have the legal authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of the respective party, and that such binding authority has been granted by proper order, resolution, ordinance or other authorization of the entity. This Agreement and any amendment hereto, may be executed by any authorized representative of Vendor. Each parry is fully entitled to rely on these warranties and representations in entering into this Agreement or any amendment hereto. 28. Change in Companv Name or Ownership. Vendor must notify City's Purchasing Manager, in writing, of a company name, ownership, or address change for the purpose of maintaining updated City records. The president of Vendor or authorized official must sign the letter. A letter indicating changes in a company name or ownership must be accompanied with supporting legal documentation such as an updated W-9, documents filed with the state indicating such change, copy of the board of director's resolution approving the action, or an executed merger or acquisition agreement. Failure to provide the specified documentation so may adversely impact future invoice payments. 29. No Bovcott of Israel. If Vendor has fewer than 10 employees or this Agreement is for less than $100,000, this section does not apply. Vendor acknowledges that in accordance with Chapter 2271 of the Texas Government Code, the City is prohibited from entering into a contract with a company for goods or services unless the contract contains a written verification from the company that it: (1) does not boycott Israel; and (2) will not boycott Israel during the term of the contract. The terms "boycott Israel" and "company" has the meanings ascribed to those terms in Section 2271 of the Texas Government Code. By signing this Agreement, Vendor certifies that Vendor's signature provides written verification to the City that Vendor: (1) does not boycott Israel; and (2) will not boycott Israel during the term of the Agreement. 30. Prohibition on Bovcotting Enerav Companies. Vendor acknowledges that in accordance with Chapter 2274 of the Texas Government Code, as added by Acts 2021, 87th Leg., R.S., S.B. 13, § 2, Vendor Services Agreement Page 8 of 23 Michael's Keys, Inc. the City is prohibited from entering into a contract for goods or services that has a value of $100,000 or more that is to be paid wholly or partly from public funds of the City with a company with 10 or more full- time employees unless the contract contains a written verification from the company that it: (1) does not boycott energy companies; and (2) will not boycott energy companies during the term of the contract. The terms "boycott energy company" and "company" have the meaning ascribed to those terms by Chapter 2274 of the Texas Government Code, as added by Acts 2021, 87th Leg., R.S., S.B. 13, § 2. To the extent that Chapter 2274 of the Government Code is applicable to this Agreement, by signing this Agreement, Vendor certifies that Vendor's signature provides written verification to the City that Vendor: (1) does not boycott energy companies; and (2) will not boycott energy companies during the term of this Agreement. 31. Prohibition on Discrimination Against Firearm and Ammunition Industries. Vendor acknowledges that except as otherwise provided by Chapter 2274 of the Texas Government Code, as added by Acts 2021, 87th Leg., R.S., S.B. 19, § 1, the City is prohibited from entering into a contract for goods or services that has a value of $100,000 or more that is to be paid wholly or partly from public funds of the City with a company with 10 or more full-time employees unless the contract contains a written verification from the company that it: (1) does not have a practice, policy, guidance, or directive that discriminates against a firearm entity or firearm trade association; and (2) will not discriminate during the term of the contract against a firearm entity or firearm trade association. The terms "discriminate," "firearm entity" and "firearm trade association" have the meaning ascribed to those terms by Chapter 2274 of the Texas Government Code, as added by Acts 2021, 87th Leg., R.S., S.B. 19, § 1. To the extent that Chapter 2274 of the Government Code is applicable to this Agreement, by signing this Agreement, Vendor certifies that Vendor's signature provides written verification to the City that Vendor: (1) does not have a practice, policy, guidance, or directive that discriminates against a firearm entity or firearm trade association; and (2) will not discriminate against a firearm entity or firearm trade association during the term of this Agreement. 32. Electronic Signatures. This Agreement may be executed by electronic signature, which will be considered as an original signature for all purposes and have the same force and effect as an original signature. For these purposes, "electronic signature" means electronically scanned and transmitted versions (e.g. via pdf file or facsimile transmission) of an original signature, or signatures electronically inserted via software such as Adobe Sign. 33. Entiretv of Agreement. This Agreement contains the entire understanding and agreement between City and Vendor, their assigns and successors in interest, as to the matters contained herein. Any prior or contemporaneous oral or written agreement is hereby declared null and void to the extent in conflict with any provision of this Agreement. (signature page follows) Vendor Services Agreement Page 9 of 23 Michael's Keys, Inc. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement in multiples. CITY OF FORT WORTH: 15aru� Brrr���u%rr� By: Dana Bure.hdoff (18, 2013f17:12 CDT) Name: Dana Burghdoff Title: Assistant City Manager Date: APPROVAL RECOMMENDED: y Name: Ricky Salazar Title: Interim Property Management Director 4,d44UR4�� ATTEST: �*o-1-41,61111 �FOR�°°9-+�°0 ,opt a Pvo= Pia* d By: (1 Name: 7annette S. Goodall Title: City Secretary VENDOR: Michael's Keys, Inc. By: / Name:77�bma5 �l�zn��enslsilo Date: " 171 CONTRACT COMPLIANCE MANAGER: By signing I acknowledge that I am the person responsible for the monitoring and administration of this contract, including ensuring all performance and reporting requirements. uii fe Gan/a By: Denise Garcia (Jul 18,202310:47 CDT) Name: Denise Garcia Title: Purchasing Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: By: Name: Matthew A. Murray Title: Assistant City Attorney CONTRACT AUTHORIZATION: M&C: 23-0545 / June 27, 2023 Form 1295:2023-1027966 OFFICIAL RECORD CITY SECRETARY FT. WORTH, TX Vendor Services Agreement Page 10 of 23 Michael's Keys, Inc. City Secretary Contract No. EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF SERVICES 1. SCOPE 1.1. This Agreement is for the City of Fort Worth to receive locksmith services for various City departments on an "as needed" basis. 1.2. These services will be used for repair and replacement of existing locks, lock rekeying, and key copying, and to purchase locks and key blanks. 1.3. The City is obligated to pay for only those services actually ordered by an authorized City employee and then received as required and accepted by the City. 1.4. Unit prices shall include all costs associated with the specified work, including but not limited to handling, delivery, fuel charges, fees and certifications fees. NO ADDITIONAL CHARGES WILL BE ACCEPTED OR PAID BY THE CITY. 1.5. Any services that have been omitted from this scope of service that are clearly necessary or in conformance shall be considered a requirement although not directly specified or called for in the scope of services. 2. VENDOR RESPONSIBILITIES 2.1. Locksmith Services - The items/services listed below are some of the items/services that shall be covered under this contract but are not limited to: 2. 1. 1. Installation of New Locks Tubular Locks Digital Combination Locks Smart Code Locks Lock Rim Mortice Cylinder Deadbolts 2.1.2.Installation of New Cabinet Locks Cam Locks 2.1.3.Repair Existing Locks Tubular Locks Cabinet Cam Locks Sliding Panel Keyed Lock Smart Code Locks Lock Rim Vendor Services Agreement Michael's Keys, Inc. Page 11 of 23 Mortice Cylinder Gate Locks Deadbolts Vehicles 2.1.4.Additional Keys 2.1.5.Locks for Purchase Padlocks Digital Combination Locks Smart Code Locks 2.1.6.Miscellaneous Locksmith Services Safes Provide and install new safes for purchases Repair existing safes Rekey and/or program combinations to existing safes 2.1.7.All items shall be new and unused 2.2. Hours of Service 2.2.1.Normal operating hours shall be between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. 2.2.2.After-hours shall be 5:01PM to 7:59PM Monday through Friday and all -day Holidays and Saturday/Sunday. Holiday time shall be all City holidays as follows: New Year's Day Martin Luther King Day Memorial Day Juneteenth July 4 Labor Day Thanksgiving Thursday and the following Friday Christmas 2.2.3.When the City requests routine services, the Vendor shall contact requestor within two (2) hours of request to arrange an acceptable repair date and time. 2.2.4.When the City requests emergency services the Vendor shall respond to the job site within One (1) hour of the time of the call. 2.3. Locations for Services 2.3.1.Location(s) of needed services will be at multiple addresses within the City of Fort Worth at Vendor Services Agreement Michael's Keys, Inc. Page 12 of 23 Fort Worth Municipal Facilities. 3. WARRANTY 3.1. All parts installed under this contract shall carry a minimum allowable manufacturer warranty period for up to one year. Warranties shall be effective on the date the parts are accepted by the City. 3.2. No repair or service work provided on any existing equipment shall void the existing warranty on the equipment. 3.3. Vendor warrants and guarantees that all items shall be in good working order from the time items are placed into service. Items shall be free of defects by design, materials, and workmanship for a period of not less than two years. Should equipment fail during the warranty period, it shall be repaired/replaced at no expense to the City. 4. UNIT PRICE ADJUSTMENT 4.1. Vendor may request a Price Adjustment based on Price Adjustment Verification up to one time Quarterly. Price Adjustment means an unplanned or unanticipated change, upward or downward, from the established contract price that is supported by demonstrated Price Adjustment Justification. A request for a Price Adjustment must be initiated by the Vendor. Price Adjustments shall not be allowed more frequently than once Quarterly. It is within the sole discretion of the City to determine whether an adjustment is necessary and/or acceptable. 4.2. Quarterly means the City's Fiscal year quarters, being each of the three (3) month periods the first of which begins October 1. Quarter (Q) 1: October 1 — December 31; Q2: Jan 1 — March 31; Q3P: April 1 — June 30; Q4: July 1 — September 30. 4.3. Price Adjustment Justification means documentation supporting a requested Price Adjustment and showing an objectively verifiable basis for a change in price due to the documented impact of economic conditions on labor, equipment, or materials. Examples of possible Price Adjustment Justification include, but are not limited to, cost indexes, and/or updated supplier price sheets. It is within the sole discretion of the City to determine whether Price Adjustment Justification is sufficient and/or acceptable. 4.4. The Vendor must submit its Price Adjustment request, in writing, at least 60 days before the effective period (1st day of a new quarter). The Vendor must provide all Price Adjustment Justification, as defined above, at the time of its request for a Price Adjustment. 4.5. If the City, in its sole discretion, concludes that the requested Price Adjustment is unreasonable or not fully supported by adequate Price Adjustment Justification, the City reserves the right to adjust the rate increase, or reject the requested Price Adjustment in its entirety and allow the contract to expire at the end of the contract term. If the City elects not to accept a requested Price Vendor Services Agreement Michael's Keys, Inc. Page 13 of 23 Adjustment, the Purchasing Division may issue a new solicitation. 4.6. Upon expiration of the Agreement term the successful bidder, agrees to hold over under the terms and conditions of this Agreement for a reasonable period of time to allow the City to re- bid an Agreement, not to exceed ninety (90) days. Vendor will be reimbursed for this service at the prior Agreement rate(s). Vendor shall remain obligated to the City under all clauses of this Agreement that expressly or by their nature extends beyond and survives the expiration or termination of this Agreement. 4.7. Delivery of goods and/or services shall not be suspended by the Vendor without a 30-day prior written notice to the Senior Purchasing Manager. 4.8. Only Published price changes will be accepted. Prices that were in effect at the time of order placement shall take precedence. 5. PERFORMANCE 5.1. Failure of the City to insist in any one or more instances upon performance of any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver or relinquishment of the future performance of any terms and conditions, but the Vendor's obligation with respect to such performance shall continue in full force and effect. 6. HAZARDOUS CONDITIONS 6.1. The Vendor is required to notify the City immediately of any hazardous conditions and/or damage to any property. 6.2. Hazardous materials shall be handled with care and workers shall wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) while handling hazardous material. If there are questions regarding how to dispose of materials, the Vendor shall contact City of Fort Worth Code Compliance at 817-392- 1234. 7. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION AND TERMINATION 7.1. Contract administration will be performed by each City department. In the event the Vendor fails to perform according to the terms of the agreement, The Department head or his/her designee will notify the Vendor, in writing, of its failures. A meeting may be arranged to discuss the Vendor's deficiencies. A written cure notice may be prepared giving the Vendor 14 calendar days to cure any deficiency. 7.2. In the event the Vendor continues with unsatisfactory performance, the department will promptly notify the Senior Purchasing Manager who will take appropriate action to cure the performance problem(s), which could include cancellation, termination for convenience or default. If the agreement is terminated for default, the Vendor may be held liable for excess cost and/or liquidated damages. Vendor Services Agreement Michael's Keys, Inc. Page 14 of 23 7.3. The Vendor will be paid only those sums due and owing under the agreement for services satisfactorily rendered, subject to offset for damages and other amounts which are, or which may become, due and owing to the City. 8. BILLING FOR SERVICES; PAYMENT 8.1. Vendor shall bill for Services in accordance with this Agreement and based on the Payment Schedule in Exhibit "B" for actual services performed. 8.2. All payment terms shall be "Net 30 Days." 8.3. Vendor shall invoice no more frequently than monthly for Services provided. 8.4. Vendor shall submit separate invoices in duplicate, on each purchase order or purchase change order after each transaction. Invoices shall indicate the purchase order or purchase change order number. Invoices shall be itemized. 8.5. The Vendor shall send invoices electronically to the City's centralized Accounts Payable Department invoice email address: supplierinvoices@fortworthtexas.gov. This email address is not monitored. Vendor shall not send correspondence to this email address. The sole purpose of the supplier invoices email address is to receipt and process supplier invoices. 8.6. Vendor shall include the following on the subject line of Vendor's e-mail: vendor name, invoice number, and PO number, separated by an underscore (ex: Example, Inc._123456_FW013- 0000001234). 8.7. To ensure the system can successfully process invoices in an expedient manner, Vendor shall adhere to the following requirements: 8.7.1. All invoices must be either a PDF or TIFF format. 8.7.2. Image quality must be at least 300 DPI (dots per inch). 8.7.3. Invoices must be sent as an attachment (i.e. no invoice in the body of the email). 8.7.4. One invoice per attachment (includes PDFs). Multiple attachments per email is acceptable but each invoice must be a separate attachment. 8.7.5. Vendor shall not send handwritten invoices or invoices that contain handwritten notes. 8.7.6. A dot matrix invoice format is not acceptable. 8.7.7. The invoice must contain the following information: Remit to Supplier Name and Address, if different; Applicable City Department business unit# (i.e. FW013) Complete City of Fort Worth PO number (i.e. the PO number must contain all preceding zeros); Invoice number; Invoice date; and Invoices must be submitted after delivery of the Services. 8.8. To prevent invoice processing delays, Vendor shall not send invoices by both mail and email. Vendor shall not send the same invoice more than once by email to supplierinvoices@fortworthtexas.gov. To check on the status of an invoice, Vendor shall contact the City Department ordering the goods/services or the Central Accounts Payable Department by Vendor Services Agreement Michael's Keys, Inc. Page 15 of 23 email at: ZZ FIN AccountsPavable(afortworthtexas.2ov. 8.9. If Vendor is unable to send an invoice as outlined above at this time, Vendor shall send invoices to the City's centralized Accounts Payable department instead of directly to the individual City department. This will allow the City staff to digitize the invoice for faster processing. If electronic invoicing is not possible, Vendor may send paper invoices to: City of Fort Worth Attn: FMS Central Accounts Payable 200 Texas Street Fort Worth, Texas, 76102 8.10. The City's goal is to receive 100% of invoices electronically so that all supplier payments are processed efficiently. To achieve this goal, we need the Vendor's support. II. If Vendor has any questions, please contact the Accounts Payable team at (817) 392-2451 or by email to ZZ FIN AccountsPavable(afortworthtexas.2ov. 8.12. Vendor shall not include Federal, State of City sales tax in its invoices. City shall furnish a tax exemption certificate upon Vendor's request. Vendor Services Agreement Michael's Keys, Inc. Page 16 of 23 City Secretary Contract No. EXHIBIT B PAYMENT SCHEDULE FORT WORTH PRICE SUBIOWTAL Event Id Fage I Invited: EVENT DETAILS CFWD1-23-0258 Event Round version S ubmit To: City of Fort Worth 1 1 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SERVICES EventHame I FINANCE- City Hall Purchasing =TS Lacksm th Ser iaea 201) Texas SL (Lower Level Rm 1500) Start Tine Finish Time I Fart Worth TX 70102-C314 ,3d11912 D23 14=31=0D Mr 45}13LI2023 13-34.4a CDT United States Email: FMSPurchasingResponses@fortwanhtexas.gov Lille ❑etaails Line: 1 Des cri ion: RA Unit UnitPrice Total Key du Ip 3dDn: American single un onsite- EA -99 1 1 Line: 2 descrir�IfIn: Y D Unit UnitPrice Total Key DuplieadDn: American single out at stop 4 - EA 2-99 1 1 Line: 3 descriqPn: Unit UnitPriee Total Key Duplication: American single tut with EA anti -theft system cut Dnsite Line: 4 DescriRn: Unit UnitPrice Total Key Duplication: American sirgle curt with 1 . EA antitheft s sh y� cut at °p 75.00 Line: 5 descrQtian_ Unit UnitPrice Total Key Duplication: American doubt- curt ansite 5 . E.-. -99 1 1 Line: 5 Desori"pn: qq� Unit UnitPrice Total Key Duplication: American daubte cut at shop 4G {iD E.-. S-99 1 1 Line: B Deseriotion: 4XV Unit UnitPrice Total Key Duplication: American double curt with 4D.04 EA antitheft system cut onsrte Line: Descrintjon_ �y Unit UnitPrice Total Key Dup Cation: American double cut with A EA anti -theft system out at shop 175-00 Vendor Services Agreement Page 17 of 23 EXHIBIT B PAYMENT SCHEDULE OTOT. PRICE SUBMFTTAL EventlU Fagel T1rriibed_ EVENT DETAILS CP DI-23-045E Event Round Version Submit To: C ity of Fort Worth 1 1 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SERVICES Event Name I FI NANC E - City Hall P urchasing I-S Lacksmir3 Sec iaea 201) Texas SL (Lower Level Rm 1500) Start Time Finish Time Fart Worth TX 70102-C314 04LI-912023 20-32-OD Mr F12-12023 12-30-00 CUT United States Ernad: FMSPurchasingResponses@fortwarthtexas.gov Line=.5 description:: Unit UnitPrice Total Key duplication: Famign single out onsL-... ER 14.50 1 1 Line: 9 description_ {ttv Unit UnitPrice Total Key duplication: Foreign single cut at shag 40.0C EA I4-5D Line: 11) descriR cn: UM UnitPrice Total Key dug €ation: Foreign daub'e cut ansioe 40-OD EA 14.50 1 1 Line: 11 description: Otv Unit UnitPrice Total Key duplication: Foreign double cut at shag 40-00 EA I4-50 1 1 Line: 12 descrigvn: Unit UnitPrice Total Key duo cation: Tubular onsit- EA 5-00 1 1 Line: 13 descri nn: Unit UnitPrice Total Key duo natim: Tubutar at shop AM EA 5-00 1 1 Line: 14 descriRtinn: 9U Unit UnitPrice Total Key du €3tion: duplication best onsite 15-OD EA 14-50 1 1 Line:15 description: Otv Unit UnitPrice Total Key dupl €3tion: duplication best at shop 45-00 EA 14.50 1 1 Vendor Services Agreement Michael's Keys, Inc. Page 18 of 23 EXHIBIT B PAYMENT SCHEDULE FORT WORTH PRICE SUBMWTAL Event ID Page kwked: EVENT DETAILS �:F4401-23-0:59 a Event Round version Submit To: City of Fart Worth 1 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SERVICES Event Name I FINANCE- City Hall Purchasing : —9 1, d,k mi th Ser i,xs 201) Texas SL (Lower Level Rm 15U(I] Start Time FnishTime Fart Worth TX 70102-6314 J611EJ2023 14:31:0D Cff 09121/2023 13:30:00 CUT United States Email: FMSPurohasingResponses@fortworthtexas.gov Line: 16 l7escrio�pn: Unit Un tPrice Toil Key duplication: Transponder duplicate with EA one key cut onsite- 75-OO Line: '7 ❑escriotian: ON Unit UnitPrice Total Key D..plicatian:Transponder duplieatewith 10.04 EA one key cut at shop 175.00 Line: 70 Descriptian: �y Unit UnitPriae Total Key duplication: Transponder duplicate EA with two keys cut onside Line: 19 Description: pty Unit UnitPrire Total Key Duplication: Transponder duplicate with 50.00 EA two keys out at shag Line: 20 description: U nit . Ini4Prirp TafAl Key Duplicatonm : Commercial single cut onside EA 3.50 Line- 21 Descrigbgq:y Unit UnitPrice Total Key i m on: Commercial single cut at - o EA shop Is-5D Line- 22 Description: Qty Unit UnitPrioe Total Key Dtllication: Transponder duplicate with 35.00 EA one current key cut onside 175.00 I I Line: 23 Description: V�(( Unit UnitPrie-e Total Key duplication: Transponder duplicate with one 10.00 EA current key cut at shop 175.00 I I Vendor Services Agreement Michael's Keys, Inc. Page 19 of 23 EXHIBIT B PAYMENT SCHEDULE FART WO T . PRICE SUBMnTAL Event Id Pair I Itwited= EVENT DETAILS CFK01-23-0099 5 Event Round Version Submit To: City of Fort Warth ], _ FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SERVICES Event Mare I FINANCE- City Hall Purchasing _;--B l,ocksmi =h Servixa 2DU Texas SL (Lower Level R.m 1500) Start Time Finish Time I Fart Worth TX TO102-C314 30--Y 2023 10-31:a0 = -911=/2023 13:34:4a COT United States Email: FMSPurchasingResponsesfortworhtexas.gov Line- 24 Description: �1�y Unit UnitPrice Tatal Key duduplicate plk=ian_ Transponder with two f5.lfa EA current keys out onside 130-00 Line- 25 description: Unit UnitPrice Total Key Duplication: Transponder duplicate with two 0- EA current keys out at shop 130-00 Line: 29 Description_ qh Unit UnMice Total RekeyChange: Lock in Lever (key) onsite TOM EA rwtth 2 keys) 125-OD Line: 2 Des cr�p�on: Rekey {,`Range: Lock in Lever {key) at shop 1 ` -dd Unit EA UnMioe Total twith.2 keys) I � �- Line: 26 description: Otv Unit UnMice Total Rekey Change: Lock rim or mortise cylinder an Bd-Od EA sie (w-th F keys) I25-OD I I Line- 29 desoripp'on: ckx Unit UnMice Total Rekey Change: Lock rim or mortise cylinder at BOM EA shop �wrth2ke),B) I18-5D I I Line: 30 desrrioo'�on: Unit UnMice Total Rekey Change: Best with change key onsi- B EA I25-OD I I Line- 31 descripotiqon: Rekey Change: Best with change key at shop ChX 100-N Unit EA UnitPrice Total 1 18-5D Vendor Services Agreement Michael's Keys, Inc. Page 20 of 23 EXHIBIT B PAYMENT SCHEDULE FORT WORTH. PRICE SUBMrFTAL Event ID Page I Inrrtedl: EVENT DETAILS UW01-23-QO58 Event Round Version Submit To: City of FwtWarth 1 = FINANCIAL MARAGEMENT SERVICES Event Name I FINANCE- City Hall Purchasing I7E I,acksmi [b Srrviaea 201) Texas SL (Lower Level Rm 1500) Slant Tune Finish Time Fart Worth TX 7,01 02-6314 Odl18f2d23 14=31=0diM 4511112U23 13-34=40 r>aT United States Email: FMSPurchasingResponses(Mfortworthtexas.gov Line: 32 desorption: GKv Unit UnitPrire Total Rekey Change: Tubularonsim 00.013 EA I45-00 I Line: 33 desm%VGn: Gft Unit UnitPrice Total Rekey Change: Tubular at shop 60M EA I:35-00 I Line: 34 description: Unit UnitRke Total Rekey Change: Vehides with air bagshrith VeNcle Arr&Theft iWX 75L0 EA System (vats) andror Passive Anti -Theft Systern (pats) onsite I 1 s5.00 (with kEO Line: 35 Descrroti°n- Otv Unit UnitRiee Total Rekey Change: Vehicles with ai bags.Lwhh 175-M E-. wa15 aFeat pats ansibe (with-Dut key) 12-25.00 I I Line: 36 desoriq'on: 9h Unit UnitPtlCe Total Rekey Change: Vehides with air bags.? 17, d EA we 1h vats androt pars al shop (with key) 1195.00 I I Line: 37 desorip 'on: Unit UnitPriee Total Rekey v�a-ge: Vehkdes„ith air bagshvith 1 - 0 EA vacs a-&Cr pats at shW NOth-out key) I .1 9,5.00 I I Line: 3B descripton: Otr Unit UnitPtice Total RekeyChannge:Transponder atsite 150-00 EA 1225.00 1 1 Line: 2 description: Otv Unit UnitPtiee Total Rakeyvha-ge:Transponderatshop 150-00 EA 1 9,5.00 I I Vendor Services Agreement Michael's Keys, Inc. Page 21 of 23 EXHIBIT B PAYMENT SCHEDULE FORT WORTH. '1110� PRICE SUBMITTAL Event Id Pa4p rrvited: EVENT DETAILS CFYrO1-23-0458 7 Event Round Version Submit To: City of Fort Warth I 1 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SERVICES EverdName FINANCE- City Hall Purchasing I'_8 I,ocksmitb Ser iaei 201) Texas SL (Lower Level Rm 1500) Stark Tine Fiiish Time Fart Worth 7X 76102-0314 13d118f4D23 20:32:OD CM o5111121323 13:30:00 CDT United States Email: FMSPurchasingResponses@fortworthtexas.gov Line: 40 description: Qbr Unit UnhPrice Total Key, Remote Head, 2011 Ford Escape (H75 MADE 125.00 EA BUTTON) cut owite 1200.00 Line: 41 description: Gh Unit UnitPriee Tctal Key. Rernate Head. 2011 Ford Escape (H75 BLADE 4 2S.Do EA BUTTON) cut at shop 1200.00 Line: 42 Desc ' ion- Unit UnitPrice Total Key, RemateHead, 2018 Ford Escapef.HU101 BLADE 2 h 0 EA 3 BUTTON) cut onsite 1200.00 Line: 43 Description: City Unit UnitPrice Total Key, Remote Head, 2018 Ford Escape (HU101 BLADE 25.00 EA 3 BUTTON) cut at shop 1200.00 Line: 44 Description: Otv Unit UnitPriCe Total Locksmith Services. S.eruice Call Charge Normal 150.00 HR hags - Man -Fri 8:00Arn-5:OOPM 175.00 Line: 45 Description: Unit UnitPrice Total Locksmith Services Sery ce Call, After Hams - 5. HR Mon -Fri 5-01 PM - 7:59AM, SabSvn, Holidays 1125.00 Line: 40 Descri[P'Dn: ?AD Unit UnitPrice Total Locksmhh Services_ Regular Hours - Mon -Fri, 13:00Am 1 HR -5:OOPM 75.00 Line: 47 descriotion: Otv Unit UnitPrice Total Locksmith Services_ After Hours - Mon-Fn 5:01 PM - 55_DO HR 7:52AM, Sat Sun, Hdioap -14.50 Vendor Services Agreement Michael's Keys, Inc. Page 22 of 23 EXHIBIT B PAYMENT SCHEDULE FORT WORTH "11� PRICE SUBMITTAL Event ID Page Invitt+d= EVENT DETAILS CFW01-23-0058 - Event Round Version Submit To: CiyDfFDrtWarth 1 k FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SERVICES Event Name FNANCE- City Hall Purchasing T_S I,acksm tb Services 201) Texas SL (Lower Level Rm 150(l} Start Time Firsh Time Fart Worth TX 70102-C314 0d/1812p23 14=31=06 iVP 45f11/2023 L3.34=40 CGT United States Email: FMSPurchasingResponses@fortwDahtexas.gov Line: 4l# Desvipbmr My Unit UnilPrice Told Key. Commercial Key, Schlage SC9, SC 1. SC4. SC7 15fL00 EA Box Df 50 12.99 Total Bid f x mount: Line: 46 Description_ gffg LjDrt Padlocks 50.00 EA Percentd&mntfromFist price 20 Line: 50 Descriptierc Combination Look digital 55.00 EA Percentdisowrtfromlist price % Line: 51 Desvilpfim= Qty LI & Safes 25.00 EA Peraem disDatff t iron list price 40 Lirre_ rat descrotian_ Ups Lever, Electric, 24 malt 24A0 EA Percent discowrt frorn list price 25 % Line: 53 Deseriptim: OltiF Unit Repla. TmYL Safe Battery, electronic keypad 24.00 EA Percent dis.ount from I ist price % Vendor Services Agreement Michael's Keys, Inc. Page 23 of 23 7/12/23, 9:30 AM M&C Review CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Create New From This M&C DATE: 6/27/2023 REFERENCE NO.. CODE: P TYPE: Official site of the City of Fort Worth, Texas FoRTWORyn **M&C 23- LOG NAME: 13P 23-0058 LOCKSMITH 0545 SERVICES EC PMD CONSENT PUBLIC NO HEARING: SUBJECT: (ALL) Authorize Execution of an Agreement with Michael's Keys, Inc. for Locksmith Services for City Departments in an Annual Amount Up to $200,000.00 and Authorize Up to Four Automatic Renewals for the Same Annual Amount RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council authorize execution of an agreement for with Michael's Keys, Inc. for locksmith services for City Departments in an annual amount up to $200,000,00 and authorize up to four automatic renewals for the same annual amount. DISCUSSION: The Property Management Department approached the Purchasing Division to finalize an agreement for locksmith services. Property Management was joined in this bid by the Water, Parks, Public Events, Fire, Aviation, Police, Financial Management Services, Code Compliance and Library Departments. In order to procure these items, Purchasing issued Invitation to Bid (ITB) No. 23-0058 describing the specifications needed by the Property Management Department. These services will be used for repair and replacement of existing locks, lock rekeying and key copying, and to purchase locks and key blanks. The bid was advertised in the Fort Worth Star -Telegram for four (4) consecutive Wednesdays beginning on April 19, 2023, April 26, 2023, May 3, 2023 and May 10, 2023. The bid was opened on May 11, 2023. The City received three (3) responses. One response was deemed non -responsive for failing to include all of the required documentation. An evaluation panel comprised of members of the Property Management Department and the Economic Development Departments reviewed and scored the submittals using the Best Value criteria. The scores were averaged for each of the criteria and the final scores are listed in the table below. Proposer Evaluation Factors a b c d e Total Rank Michael's Keys, Inc. 17.00 5.00 9.00 5.00 35.00 71.00 1 Priority Lock and Key 15.00 5.00 7.00 5.00 0 32 * The Bidder did not achieve the minimum number of technical points to proceed, therefore, did not receive a ranking. Best Value Criteria: a) Qualifications and Experience b) Methodology and Approach to Performing Services c) Resources (Personnel Available) d) Resources (Equipment) e) Cost of Services apps. cfwnet.org/counci I_packet/mc_review.asp? I D=31172&counci Idate=6/27/2023 1 /2 7/12/23, 9:30 AM M&C Review After evaluation, the panel concluded that Michael's Keys Inc. presents the best value for the City. Therefore, the panel recommends that Council authorize an agreement with Michael's Keys, Inc. Staff certifies that the recommended vendor's bid met specifications. FUNDING: The maximum amount allowed under this agreement will be $200,000.00.00; however, the actual amount used will be based on the need of the departments and available budget. Funding is budgeted in the participating departments' operating funds. DVIN-BE - A waiver of the goal for Business Equity subcontracting requirement is approved by the DVIN-BE, in accordance with the Business Equity Ordinance, because the purchase of goods or services is from sources where subcontracting or supplier opportunities are negligible. ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGE ORDER: An administrative change order or increase may be made by the City Manager up to the amount allowed by relevant law and the Fort Worth City Code and does not require specific City Council approval as long as sufficient funds have been appropriated. AGREEMENT TERMS: Upon City Council approval, this agreement shall begin upon execution and expire on September 30,2023. RENEWAL TERMS: This agreement may be renewed for up to four (4) additional, automatic one- year terms. This action does not require specific City Council approval provided that the City Council has appropriated sufficient funds to satisfy the City's obligations during the renewal term. FISCAL INFORMATION/CERTIFICATION: The Director of Finance certifies that funds are available in the current operating budget, as previously appropriated, in the participating departments' Operating Funds to support the approval of the above recommendation and execution of the agreement. Prior to any expenditure being incurred, the participating departments have the responsibility to validate the availability of funds. BQN\\ TO Fund Department Account Project Program Activity ID ID FROM Fund Department Account Project ID ID Submitted for City Manaqer's Office by_ Originating Department Head: Additional Information Contact: ATTACHMENTS Program Activity Budget Reference # Amount Year (Chartfield 2) Budget Reference # Amount Year (Chartfield 2) Dana Burghdoff (8018) Reginald Zeno () Reginald Zeno (8517) Steve Cooke (5134) Jo Gunn (8525) Eugene Chandler (2057) ,(Purchasing) Request for Business Equity Goal 04.03.23GV.pdf (CFW Internal) 1295.pdf (CFW Internal) SAM Search Results.pdf (CFW Internal) apps. cfwnet.org/counci I_packet/mc_review.asp? I D=31172&counci Idate=6/27/2023 2/2