HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986/07/15-Agenda-Pre-CouncilA G E N D A PRE-COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, JULY 15, 1986 9:00 A.M. PRE-COUNCIL CHAMBER RECOMMENDED FOR ACTION TODAY 1) Proposed Water and Wastewater Rate and Fee Adjustments for Fiscal Year 1986-87 (M&C G-6737) -Richard Sawey, Water Director (1 0 Min.) FOR FUTURE ACTION 2) Update on Various Will Rogers Memorial Complex Projects -Ruth Ann t1cKinney, Assistant City t~anager, Lee Roy Hahnfeld, Hahnfeld Associates, and Bob Watt, President-Manager, Southwestern Exposition and Fat Stock Show (30 Min.) FOR INFORMATION ONLY 3) Schedule of Economic Development Public/Private Partnership Conference Activities -Bob Terrell, Assistant City Manager (5 Min.) To add or make revisions, please call the City Manager•s Office, 870-6140, before 3:00P.M., Monday, July 14, 1986 The purpose of the Pre-Council Conference held prior to a regular City Council Meeting is to allow the Mayor and Councilmembers to discuss infor-mally items on the agenda and to secure information from the City Manager and the staff. Although the meeting is open to the public, citizens are requested to reserve comments and questions for the subsequent Council meeting so they will be a part of the public record. OFFICIAL RECORD CITY SECRETARY FT. WORTH, TEX. • '\ ~ ~A~ ~-' ~,.) v PRE-COUKCIL MEETI~G JULY 15,1986 9:00 ~n~~·~~~( .{~ 0t\ v ~~ y v r f(f~. ABSENT: MR. McWILLIAMS AXD MR. ZAPATA ITEM !.PROPOSED WATER AND WASTEWATER RATE AND FEE ADJUSTMEKTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1986-87 (M&C G-6737) -RICHARD SAWEY, WATER DIRECTOR Sawey: Explained the proposal recommended by the City Council Water and Sewer Rate Advisory Committee. Sawey explained that the proposed fiscal year 1987 cannot be met by the existing rate schedule for water and wastewater service. Mr. Lancaster: Expressed that the Committee (he is on the committee) has reached a balanced proposal. Ms. Wetherby: Was concerned with what other cities willl be doing. How was the meeting? Mayor Bolen: "I have expressed that there is an urgency and they need to make a decision." 2. UPDATE ON VARIOUS WILL ROGERS MEMORIAL COMPLEX PROJECTS -RUTH ANN McKINNEY, ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER, LEE ROY HAHNFELD, HANHFELD ASSOCIATES, AND BOB WATT, PRESIDENT-MANAGER, SOUTHWESTERN EXPO?ITION AND FAT STOCK SHOW WRCP-West Parking Lot Auditorium Equestrian Center Stock Show Garage Lee Roy Hahnfeld: Outlined the floor plan currently under constuction. The update dealt mostly with the West parking lot. The parking lot issue is still under negotiation. Mayor Bolen: Should the parking lot be built on the roof, what are the chances of leakage? Hahnfeld: It is impossible not to have those kinds of problems. Council had some questions and reservations about roof parking particularly with the financing. Conclusion: Go ahead with all other projects, and the structured garage will be considered. Jim Moore: Presented the 'Economic impact of the Fat Stock Show Some surprizing results were presented: The direct ecomomic benefit to the City totals approximately Sl ~ltmtoRECORD 3CnY1SII:RETARY FT. WORTH, TEX. annually. This includes bed tax revenues of over 5743,000, sales tax revenues of approximately $310,000 and facility rental and parking income of over $277,000. 3.0THER ISSUES: ~r. Terrell announced that Housing Urban Developement is co-sponsoring a Economic Developement Public/Private Partnership Conference on July 17-18. Any Councilmember has been invited to attended. OFFICIAL RECORD CITY SECR-ETARY FT. WORTH, TEX.