HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986/11/11-Minutes-City CouncilCOUNCIL MEETING
NOVEMBER 11, 1986
Councilman Gilley requested that a no vote be shown for him on M&C L-9014.
City Manager Harman requested that M&C C-9973 be continued for one week.
Councilman Murrin requested that M&C FP-2228 be withdrawn.
Mayor Bolen reappointed Rex Scott t o the Private Industrial Council.
Councilman Garrison reappointed Belinda Fentor to the Library Advisory Board.
Councilman Zapata confirmed the staff recommendation of E. Mitchell Weatherly to
the NRDC Board.
M&C G-6877 -Approval of articles of incorporation and bylaws -Fort Worth
Convention and Visitors Bureau.
Mr. Rice Tilly told Council that persons serving on the election committee would
be barred form serving on the Chamber of Commerce for at least two years.
Councilman Gilley recommended that the City Council appoint three members to the
committee that may or may not include the Mayor.
Mr. Stevenson, President of the Chamber of Commerce, recommended that the
Chamber proceed in the same manner as Council by not designating the president
but electing the two members instead.
Councilman Gilley motioned that M&C G-6877 be approved with the amended changes.
(approved 5-4 vote)
M&C PZ-1432 -Planned Development Site Plan: Turner's S
Hill Block B-1, Lot 1-4. Ms. Angela Moreland came befor b@f[tmMn a~n~D~ :t
the entrance and exit driveways to the proposed Wendy's development not be from
Sergeant Street where her home is located.
Mayor Bolen recommended that Ms. Moreland meet with Mr. Bill Biscamp, Real
Estate Representative for Wendy's Restaurant, to review the plans for the
Councilman Lan caster recommended t h at a permanent 6 foot fence be placed around
the restaurant.
Councilman Lancaster requested that the M&C be delayed for 1 week for a vote
only the next week.
5. Zoning Hearing
Z-86-142 -Counci lman Murrin req ue s t ed that t he zoning be approved with the
amendment that a permanent 8 f oot f e nce would be placed around the south and
east area of the development. Changes are to be reviewed by the Planning
Z-86-141 -Councilman Murrin requested that approval be granted with the
restriction that site plans be waived.
Z-86-148 Councilman Zapata motion ed t hat the item be continued for 2 weeks.
Z-86-151 Councilman Lancaster mot ioned that approval be granted with the
restriction t h at site p l ans are waived.
Z-86-153 -Councilman Gilley question the feasibility of the zoning because of
the location being on the north end of South Fort Worth Airport.
Mr. Joe Balardi, Director of Development, told Council that the height of the
building would be contr oll ed by t he Airport.
Councilman Gilley requested that Z-86-153 be continued for 2 weeks.
Z-86-150 -Mr. Dennis Hopkins requested a date for a special hearing on this
Z-86-135 Councilman Williams motioned that thi s item be continued for 2 weeks.
Z-86-163 -Jim Dunway reque sted t ha t an amendment of "D" multi-family to "C''
multi-family be made because comparable density is attained with "c".
Mr. Tom Tucker asked that Counc i l not take any action on this zoning item until
after the Bryant Irving road and bridge repai rs have been completed.
Item was approved with amendment.
Z-86-164 .-Mr. Dunway asked that this item be continued for 1 month because
proper notification was not posted.
Z-86-167 -Delayed for 1 month.
zoning would prohibit off street
developers would have to come up with a parking alternative
Z-86-129 Mr. H.D. Hopkins requested a spec ial hearing.
Z-86-165 -Withdrawn by Mr. Hopkins.
Mr. Charles Vicker s addressed Council concerning a driveway that he built out of
gravel and was cited for by the Code Enf orcement Division. The division told
Mr. Vickers that he was in violation o f the City Ordinance and must build his
driveway out of concret e or asphalt.
Mr. Troy Sparks came bef ore Council requesting a full investig ation into the
procedures that are carried out in the Devel opment and Water Department
concerning easements and development problem he has been faced with for over a
Lelia Stanford, Patrick Wyers , Wayne Smi th and Cecil Gascamp c ame before Council
as officers and representati ves of t he For t Worth Tax Ro ll Back Election
Committee. The committee requested informati on on the City's reserves and the
$2.7 lawsuit that was paid off • It was also requested that Council come up
with a policy for senior citizens who pay outrageous taxes.
Mayor Bolen reminded the citizens that as far as taxes were concerned, the
Council had no authority; only TAD.
Councilman Bagsby recommended t hat Council take a closer examination of the
reserves and see what changes can be made wi thout taking a cutback. He stated
that citizens would like to have public safety and human services without it
effecting their tax structure.
City Manager Harman recommended that during the January work session Council
began to look at the budget and revenue issues.
Councilman Lancaster suggested that when roll back began that an expenditure
list be developed in the event t hat the roll back is successful
Councilman Gilley stated that he feel that any roll back action is a negative
reaction to t he probl em. He suggested tha t cit i zens should try worki ng wi th
Counci l on the budget.
fT. Vl~;iill, TEX.