HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985/11/05-Agenda-City Council-Worksession a. A G E N D A COUNCIL/STAFF WORK SESSION TUESDAY , NOVEMBER 5 , 1985 2 :00 P .M. PRE-COUNCIL ROOM 1 ) Presentation of Sesquicentennial Project - Mr . Jody Grant (20 Min . ) 2) Downtown Fort Worth , Inc . Special Improvement District - Ken Devero , Downtown Fort Worth Inc . ( 30 Min . ) 3) Status Report on Department Head Appointments - Douglas Harman , City Manager ( 10 Min . ) 4) Review of Ambulance Ordinance Revisions (M&C G-6483) - Councilman William Garrison ( 15 Min . ) 5) Proposed Two Percent Reduction Plan for General Fund Departments ( I .R . No . 7061 ) - Charles Roswell , Director , Office of Management Services ( 15 Min . ) 6 ) Issues Related to 1986-88 CIP ( I .R . No . 7062 ) - Charles Boswell (1 Hr . ) pElCll RECORD CES`{ SSC?,�TARY r AMA b i PRE-COUNCIL MINUTES OVEMBER 5, 1985 Members Absent: None 1. Presentation of Sesquicentennial Project Jody Grant made presentation. He identified four (4) major areas of the City which should receive priority in funding: the cultural district, the river, the stockyards, and downtown. Of those four (4) , he sated the river was the least controversial and might receive the broadest base of support. IIe introduced the Heritage Plaza Project which has a total improvement cost of $7.5 million. Williams: I noticed in communication you deliberately made no reference to a dollar sign. (Grant: That's because we have none.) Williams: What kind of lighting system and walkway are you planning to use? (Grant: We've been using concrete. There is some lighting in Trinity Park and we did envision some lighting along the levy trail.) Harman: This is along the line of positive reinvestment we want. I hope Council will give it consideration and that it's money well spent and will generate investment and development. Grant: We'd like you to present it along with the rest of the package and let the voters vote for it on its own merit. Garrison: Is there any precedent or basis on the economic affect this will have? (Grant: I don't think you can do anything with any meaning. It's hard to sell your City on streets and sewers. You need some glitsy stuff to go along with it.) Vance: What you are suggesting is that this be included as a separate item and let the voters decide? (Grant: Yes, that's a way to look at it.) Weatherby: In your concept plan, will people be able to get to the lake and ranch by auto? (Grant: yes, there are roads.) Weatherby: In your planning, I hope you'll do some long-term planning by including plans for parking, etc. 3. Status Report on Department Head Appointments Judd Bailiff's appointment as Finance Director and Tom Windham's appointment as Police Chief were announced. 2. Downtown Fort Worth, Inc. Special Improvement District An update of the Special Improvement District Plan was given. The budgetary report included information on the sidewalk crew and supplemental Citra:n activity. The total budget is for S662,00 which equals 8.5 cents per 100 valuation in the proposed area paid for by special assessment on businesses in the district. OFFICIAL RECORD CITY SECRETARY FT. WORTH, TEX. i, A Weatherby: In preparing the budget, how much are city funds? (Grant: None. ) Williams: In regards to total amount taxation, what is the total amount you're :coking at? (The City would put in $135,000.) Weatherby: Ruth Ann, could you tell us how much we'll eliminate from the budget by pulling cleaners of the streets? (Adkins: State statute won't allow you to back out of services you were previously providing. It just allows for a higher level of services. ) Newkirk: Sidewalks are iust an extension of the street. Is that true for downtown? If we made assessments to do the things they want and didn't pay, could iL result in a lein on their property. (Adkins: Yes) Bolen: Have you got any feel for the other small tenants downtown support? Deveraux: We had a cross-section of both big and small businesses. We would hope the small reps. were speaking on behalf of the small businesses.. Our board supports this, but until we get out and start selling this, we don't know what support we'll have. Bagsby: Is the Housing Authority in this group? (Deveraux: No.) (Adkins: Property which is taxable is the only property that could be included in this. ) Bernstein: Our goal is to get atleast 90% support. For the next 60 days we plan to go out and contact all of the businesses we have not yet contacted. 4. Review of Ambulance Ordinance Revisions (MSC G-6483) Mr. Garrison informed everyone that the bidders would be in on Thursday. Metro Ambulance Service does not want to go forward because of lack of billing experience. Both companies which were disqualified have submitted appeals. Lancaster: I'd like to hear the argument for doing things this way. (Garrison: The financial benefit to the taxpayer to have a sole provider is one reason. Present businesses are not subject to clinical review. The committee felt this was a significant factor. State of the art is improving and bringing it under medical review improves that.) Bolen: For awhile we looked at this as an open market. The new one would be closed. Is there a possibility to do both and put the old provider under new review? (Yett: It's not only possible but desirable. ) Vance: I've gotten some calls from nursing homes and we've also been threatened with a lawsuit. (Garrison: I think we have a company that had an assumption they could negotiate a contract without the competitive process. I'd prefer to respond to the lawsuit issue in Executive Session. ) Garrison: The majority of ambulances are called by people in the medical busir►ess and it's a field which is unregulated. Williams: One charge of the committee was to get the best EMS service for the City. One problem was the subsidy. We weren' t LryinQ to put one company out of business, but I 'm more concerned about 400,000 people and not iust one. We looked LL this same issue with cable t.v. and what we wanted to give thel���l �CO � citizens was the best service and that' s what I think we've done. EW ESECRETARY OIiTN, TFC i. Proposed Two Percent Ordinance Revisions (I.R. No. 7061) Charles Boswell made a presentation. He explained that department heads were asked to provide ideas of how they would achieve their part of the S3 million target. He commented that there was more concern with achieving the bottom line than sticking to a rigid departmental plan. Williams: How did you take S2,000 from the Mayor/Council budget? (Boswell: I'd have to ask the City Secretary to explain that.) Newkirk: How much do we have in the General Fund Reserves now? (McKinney: we should be able to add S1 million and will be able to tell you next week, but it should be about $18 million.) 6. Issues Related to 1986088 CIP (I.R. No. 7062) The county set its bond election for January 25th. The City will have a Public Hearing Wednesday, November 6th, at 7:30 p.m. on the bond program. Bolen: When will our bond funds be depleted, expended or obligated? (Ivory: By Sept. Projects underway will have funds obligated by then.) Bolen: When you shut down funds how long does it take to get back in the swing? (Ivory: Once you have the referndum, yu can start thinking about projects. $600- $650,000 has been spent on average a month. In essence, we have things in hand in excess of what we have available.) Williams: About what percent of those we have contracts with bum out and don't carry through? (Ivory: Right now they have 5 years to carry through once a contract has been signed. You can't do anything with that money.) Vance: Assuming we had the election in July, what would be the impact on the City? (Ivory: Give or take 30 days, at the end of January. Weatherby: The developer could choose to pay all the costs themselves. (Bolen: Voluntarily, they aren't going to do that on a large level.) Newkirk: I think we should put this off until we develop a policy from the study going on now. I think maybe we should go the San Antonio route. (Harlan: That's a policy issue that's before Council. Part of it was put before you a couple of weeks ago.) Newkirk: Did we pass that? (Harman: No) Lancaster: We still have major issues still pending that tneed to be considered in the bond package. I hear everybody talking about developers, but I don't hear anybody talking about the taxpayers. There's a significant difference between $31 and $10 milion. Ivory: We selected 4 projects to show what you would pay in another city. But the 21% or 17% doesn't mean anything alone. The message staff was trying to get across is that the City has a lenient policy and we need to bring ourselves more in line with what other cities are doing. Harman: Whatever changes you make in the Capital Recovery Program can easily be incorporated in however much money we borrow. We have to be clear on what related to what and what we are trying to achieve. OFFICIAL RECORD CITY SECRETARY FT. WORTN, TEX. Weatherby: We already agreed we are going to cut our contribution. We need to encourage commercial and industry, but if we're not careful, we're going to promote multi-family development. If we don't participate, we leave it open for developers to make decisions. Ivory: There are problems associated witr: flip-flopping around. The best thing we could do is make a decision on when we're going to have the election and then let the staff Have some time to decide how to handle what we've done up to this point. Garrison: There's a marketing problem here and we don't want to discourage development, and if we go with a moratorium on development, we're going to hurt efforts previously undertaken to promote this. We do encourage single-family development, :)ut we don't encourage the commercial aspect that provides the employment there. There's a basic question we need to address. Vance: I would like to do it in March. Does that mean it won't be finalized until December? Williams: I think the basic issue I have is the major ingredients in the bond issue. If I could get them worked out, I could go with late March or July. Garrison: March and on a Saturday. Bagsby: March and on a Saturday. Weatherby: I don't think March is an intelligent idea. I say July. Newkirk: Probably July because we need to settle this CFA policy. Lancaster: July. Bolen: March Weatherby: I switch and go with Mr. Bagsby in March. 7. Cultural District Committee Each Council person would select a person to be on the committee. So there would be 9 people on that committee. Two Councilmembers and the city manager would participate on this committee. Weatherby: The only objection I have is that everyone works off of charity or tax money. If we're going to include all of them, I think we should have someone on there who understands cost funding. (Bolen: I'd hate to have more than 22 people on there.) 8. Presentation on Major Pending Federal Policy and Budget Issues Tom Duffy made the presentation on the following: FLSA Compromise reached--employees are subject to FLSA, but comp time is an OFFICIAL RECORD acceptable way to pay employees. CITY SEMIM FT. r`( ITN, TE 040, AIM4 MEDICARL-' Employees will be put :m der medi. �re effective no later than October 1986. CoiSt will be S1 .3 million a vear from the general fund. :!PA R7G:'LATION zos;r..m oa storm.. wi_ter r::noff wouic regi.,ire mon::orin9 of every runoff o::tlet. City would have to apply to EPA for permit for sF.mpling :md analyzi^.g. riQirnated frons Cle<.n Water Act .0 years zno. GRANT PROGRAMS —e,-ere— Reve:...e -_ :2.5 million cut for this veer proiectec. :.ancaster: How do we stow suunor'- for L::e c:.ts this ez--r` oes a resolution have to be passed? (Duffy: You cou:(: or iust call Jim Wright. ) :iarmm-n: Do we want to consider what will 1)e cul- ')(-fore we psss this resolution. (Weatherby: I don't have a problem with us passing a resolution, if the deficit is going to be cut then that 's one thing. But I do have a problem with Lis supporting a resolution to cut us by S" million and on the other hand thev're forcing the S1 .5 million from medicare and this stupid EPA 1-hinp that we can't phvsically implement. Harman: in light of what we're going to be facing_ we should be working on a further reduction plan. I think you should stuuy that 2 . reduction plan. For example at Will Rogers, you'd be eliminating a lot of your community functions. One of the hatd things for local government is trying to figure out the impact of this type of thing in such a short period of time. , We' ll give Council a policy paper letting you know what things we need to be looking at. TAX FREE BONDS There will be limitations on types that can be tax exempt. Limitations on Revenue or IRB's will be even tighter. GO bonds will be okay unless 10% or $10 million goes to one individual or company. Bolen: This does what we've asked to do, but it could bother some people as to how we do it. Lancaster: The day of is here on the rnationt.i level. If we c_on't change our standards and get on the federal level, we're going to be in trouble. 'Know it seems hard to give up money that in essence seems to be free. Weatherby: I 'd like for us to uo a resolution that would oppose this storm drain program. F�. WDRSH, TAX. OM AIM* ADMINISTRA:'IV:=. ACTION R7Q::_S-IZ.D NOVEMBER 5 , '1985 uen:i)ers absent : None I ten:: _Len's Lo :;e c;on_in:;eu or Wil':.urr_wn :SSC -8663 - Acquisition of Street ✓igi:t 2. Special :resentations Introduction of Tom Windham, the new Police Chief was macre 3. Appointments to 'Boards and Com::issions Mr.Williams reappointed Gwendolyn Loving to place 3 on Lhe City Zoning Commission JMr. Lancaster appointed Shari McCaul to t-he Community Development Council Mayor Bolen made the following apppointments: Board of Ad ustments - =rev. McCormick moved Lo permenanL position; Luke :] lis J appointed J 1st. - alternate bCharJ ' ale Solicitat.ons Mrs. Rae 5cao: l ler JCitizens _able Board James Austin, Jr. CiLv :tanning Commission - :(Ain Thompson, .Jr. ✓ Community Development Council - Ray Clark Fort Worth Commission on the Status of Women - lai:re K:os Historic and Cultural Advisory Board - Paul Koeppe 4. Appointment of Municipal Court .::u;s es anti Sui>sLi.L'uLe :uciges The four original places along with the two alternates were reappointed. Williars : :ow ronv Luc:yges do we have r:ow? (Jiollifield: -o"r. , Will rims : could you explain the Court of Records? ifollifield: It eliminates the appe-I Lo the CounLv if the iediviciux: :ii-d alrei_civ i,een. :Oefore our Cour:.. TL does not rehear cases. ) Williams : How many dollars would: that bring to the City? ::o: :ifield: don't know the �_nrounL. :L ". . rnake Lire -,v-,Len more efficient. ) Newkirk: This is gonna Cost more monev. We coat know wh—L the exposure will ->e. LJp seL ;.ip Liie :ourL of Re,_ores to .,.i.kr _i:v s;vstem i>(-t-er no_ _o set an a cash register. We may make nior.ev out o: t. We m-y no'-. ) i. (-.ommen_s/Reques-.s DISC C-9326 ConLru`L for the office L,e,arLmt-!)L ":ran.siL:on Repor;-i l'ie'do i—_� ,� a Previous Week) C €IvlI. [i1LY� CITY SECRET AAy ��. WORjH, TEX. AAk Harman: in my opinion this would be a wise expenditure. 1 can appreciate some of council 's views Laking on - report of this magnitude. It is my recommeri('at_;011 Lo approve this Lo Tike '_'ie —Formation available to tae new police chief. .,ewK:Lr&: I i nki"S was'_(- money. ?f Ler meeLinw the new cl,ief, I mink a he is sr,.arL enough to mike ..is w�y (Wec-Lherbv: We have a department '-',,.e publicpublicC:epen(is on of Because ex rery'.e imporLa:it- of (:ePL:r;_me-IL avid' the size of the budget , 1 Lhink we are provicir.g stlppuiL for '-'-e incoming, ch-lef . X G-64-83 - Aciopl_vor,, of7 New Mr. Newk,ir6 Abstained' from. cis, i_�ssion vc)Lng. C.B. Turner, Region.al Ambulari (- or 7orL WorL !, :'resident. F;LaLed his compariv did have an opportunity to bid. They were interested in conLin4i'nR to provide non-emer�encv service lotil, (I:i(:, not want to bid on. the Richard M"ttenson. SLaLed he was against the ordinance because I.t will pul, hI-r: out of business. Christopher Biggs. Opposed Lite ordinance because it will put him out of business. His average cost to patients is $96. Joe Brown, President, Meissner Brown Ambulance. Representing himself as a concerned citizen. lle stated that the subject had changed from only emergency service to also include transfer service. ::e made reference to pages 5 and 7 of the special provisions. lie said that statements regarding lowered costs and subsidies needed to be reexamined. judge Young, Counsel representing Meissner Brown. Gave his opinion that the ordinance is illegal and wouldn't stand muster in co,'.rt. T:e said he learned a week ago that this would be an exclusive contract. Entered disclaimer saving ,i.; s firm has not his opinion that the ordinance needed a few minor amendments to Teske 41L better. 7, s I-)V: o you now what'­a'_ the mi:xin;i_;m service is for what Mr. Brown nrovides? Young: '-'e L)roviu'(-s the services the Medice_'_- services says he has Lo. liags'jy: Is ,-e transfer business repuliite(7 in anvwav? (you'nv No, P­V'shv W'iht toes Medicare allow? (brown: S9C and S2 a n;i:e cid until October) Rap-sby: For 20 '110 'r, out of order?J _ � T:Uc LI (ie '3rown: U L miles that would 1)e _­ci -:73 ; s no lii_ medicare only provides for 8C'­ 'I, -o 51". Orl .:! t'\, —SIV& s sc.J(, we prefer to or) L. ConLri_-,7_ Li'_I';L v", ".ows every'-)o(1." to UUh rite. V_­'_e: feel we nee(; to o o w Lhere ' s a wav to ue COT-!Lr_CL or Ieasing nursinp homes who own and L.ielr OWn SEC BTW,r ",:0,T]UX. IN now? still VU Bagsbv: We still approve the fees cion" we? (Terrell : :'he Ci Ly Council will always set the fee schedule. The Ambulance AuthoriLv will be the negotiating arm o: ti:e Ullnc i l. ) ns Y(,c 1 neer to 7r:�ke anv . i:anpes i)efore L—he ordinate is adopted unless you Jest wanted to i66 an amendment later on. Zapc:La: _ wou:c rathr pass the ordinance as is tonight anti look aL other Lhings :iter. This is „ust one thing anu if we starL char:ging it now , we're giving Lhe . irsL :oophole anti changing ..he .r:Ler:L of the Urrinance. (WeaLheruv: I hate co agree with Mr. Zaputu end Yr. Garrison. Xr. Gr,rrison, co,. c vo exp,:oin _::e s"ascripLion servi:_e? (Garrison: requ:.res .-1 SUDS,-ription program. Lo al:eviate hardships on family's anLicipatine,, high usage. It has proven pa.rLicu1i.rly successful in Tu:s4. -hvre _;tre(- r% or areas i:nrer Council 's f control which need to be ..nuersLood: cost, sL�osidy amount, and level of service. ) I Vance: Will someone look <<t this snd come hack with something. (Bo:en: Lhink the City Attorney and '-is sluff have noted that) I �• �Jul, RECORD sLc�t ARS