HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986/08/04-Agenda-Pre-Council PRE-COUNCIL AUG. 4, 1986 ABSENT: MR. VANCE ITEM 1. AMBULANCE UPDATE- BOB TERRELL Terrell stated Medstar doing good work thusfar. Currently the issue of considering other municipalities is being reviewed. Mr. Bagsby: Very concerned when that decision was even made. It was his understanding that Council should first decide whether this is what they want.( Bob: The issue did come up in the "6 months provision", ultimately leaving an option.) Council was mainly concerned with the area of other municipalities and the cost that the City of Fort Worth has put in. The expansion will be a matter of policy which needs to be made. 2.SURVEY OF DRAINAGE PROBLEMS- GARY SANTERRE The presentation consisted of ; Drainage History, Drainage Maintenance, Slides of Flooding, Specific Example of Flooding,and Recommendation. Most of Councils questions concerned the drainage policy. What type of lines?( Concrete and Earthens) The policies of today were developed in the mid 70's thefore making them fairly new and questions are still arising from these most current. Gary presented recommendations. As Lancaster noted a design priority is what is needed. Curtail potential problems and deal with those that do exist. 6. PROPOSED D/FW BUDGET- ORIS DUNHAM The presentation provided information of critical areas of budget increase. Most of Councils questions were directed to why a pay increase of 6% ( this is of total budget) LR f;� ����Mr. Williams: Questioned some items on pgs. 53-55.( Misprints) hl C Ss":a� �:IfiilY 3. CURRENT BUDGET- CHARLES BOSWELL ORTH, TEX" Presented current schedule. Budget will be submitted Aug. 12. Williams: Why all the Saturdays? (Doug: this is primarily for the newer members, for your convenience. This can be changed. ) First Session- Aug. 16 ,8:30-3:00 b 3a. EQUIPMENT SERVICES-ULY FORD Major concerns centered on how rental rates were attained. Mr. Gilly: Concerned about why service for police and fire not fast enough.(Uly: Reserve fleet currently being used) 10. REFUNDING OF HOUSING BOND- JUDSON BAILIFF Presentation of the structure of how the bond process works particulary the pay back method. Mr. Lancaster: Concerned with using another company to determine the estimates. 5. AMMENDMENTS TO SIGN REGULATION- JOE BALARDI The critical issue centered on how many signs could be on the property, whether it can be above the building ect. There were concerns both from Council and the public in attendence. The regulation consisted of many areas of confusion. Mayor Bolen: To accomadate all of these issues we will have to look at "Informativeness versus Attraction". A 60 day delay was decided upon for further review by staff. 7. UPDATE ON WATER AND WASTEWATER MASTER PLANNING PROJECT- RICHARD SEWARY Presentation given by Hartman,Camp, Dresser and McKee, Inc. OFFI3A.'iL R1CRRD CITY Sa�.;iTARY t FT. �.. �I, TAX, ! "#$%&' ( )*+,-. /0123456789= ; <=>?aABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZC\]^_'abcde fgh i jk I mnopgrstuvwxyz{ l )- 'bg£' po 't§00ktkg*AOC)t-9600•"hue-fxXxxxxxxxxzxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1 "#$%& ' ( )*+;-. /0123456789 - ; <=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQR STUVWXYZC\D^ abcdefgh ij,k I mnopgrstuvwxyz( )- i3C£ u* tiOCk !1*At5ut-9000 - lj&"fxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ! -,-, #t St.- 7.& ' C > 3E-F , -- - / 02- 2-'3456,?etc = { = > ? EDAaC0aF'C=-HI ..1Kt_Mr,4CDFRQR STUVLJxYZE \ ] _ akz= dC + giin i .j is I nnrna ;=3. Cq r s -ts.J � cti► xya -C e -1 . Fs 1' 5at'at A k3.6 -11lug,zs Cr re�: —MEftrlE rniEs- ^" :FM:M='h"a'S2Cli=SSgggSSggSgSSM:M:$SSXmr