HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993/03/02-Agenda-Pre-Council NOTES FROM MARCH 2, 1993, PRE-COUNCIL MEETING FOR MARCH 4, 1993 CITY MANAGER'S STAFF MEETING 1. A. M&C G-9918 Public Hearing and Action on Establishing PID No. 5, budget, plan of service, proposed assessment rolls and setting Benefit Hearing: Mr. Matson recommended that this application be rejected. He has done a survey in the neighborhood and does not feel that there is enough support to justify creating a PID at this time. B. M&C G-10059 ACM Groomer recommended that this M&C be delayed. (Council did pass with the addition of a fence) . C. M&C G-10060 ACM Groomer recommended that this M&C be delayed. (one week) . D. M&C G-10061 ACM Groomer recommended that this M&C be delayed. (One week) . E. M&C G-10063 ACM Watson responded; Mr. Matson recommended approval of 1993 Federal Legislative Program. F. Question concerning current agenda: M&C G-10064 Knights of Columbus Annual Softball Tournament held @ Gateway Park/Authorization of Beer Sales. - Mr.Puente requested a delay on this M&C so that he could meet with the group regarding fundraising. Mr. Zavala stated that it should not affect the tournament but it may have an impact on sponsorship of the tournament. ( Council did pass) . M&C G-10067 Employment of Outside Appraiser for Second Enhancement Opinion Paving Assessment for Wedgewood Drive from Wedgemont Circle South to Wedgmont Circle North: - Mr. Chappell asked if the $7 ,000 Assessment Fee is the standard or average cost for an outside assessment. M&C G-10071 Supplemental Appropriations from Awarded Assets for Police Recruiting Trips and Recruitment Brochures: _EC - Mr. Mccray expressed concern that there are severalrOFFICIAL RECOROpredominantly African American Colleges here in TexasSECR�IARY(Wiley, Jarvis Christian College, Texas Southern College)which were not included on the list of colleges to be �RTN, Ta. visited on these recruiting trips . Mr. Terrell stated that these colleges would also be included on the list of colleges to be visited. (Council did pass) . M&C G-10072 Reduced Rental Fees for Use of Will Rogers Memorial Center for Imagination Celebration 1993: -Mr. Silcox asked if the fee for next year is a realistic projection. M&C P-6279 Direct Order Purchases of Food and Drinks from various vendors for the Pecan Valley and Meadowbrook Golf Courses for the Golf Fund: -Mayor Granger requested that this item be pulled from the consent agenda. (Council did pass; Mayor abstained) . 2. JOHN HALL, CHAIRMAN, TEXAS WATER COMMISSION did not show, no discussion on this item. 3. LONG RANGE FINANCIAL FORECAST - Charles Boswell -Mr. Chappell , are any attempts being made to look at methods of maintaining current services at a lower cost? -Mayor Granger have we looked at the results of the IMR Study in the Police Department to see if we actually increase efficiencies and/or reduced cost in Police Decor Section? -Mr. Matson, we need to continue to look at mid-level management positions for reductions . -Mayor Granger, has received several calls from citizens in the private sector who would be willing to work with the City, at no cost, in an attempt to identify methods of increasing efficiencies and reducing cost. -Mr. Chappell requested that staff come back to Council in 30 days with a plan of how they could implement the a plan to use individuals in the private sector to help identiff#d efficiencies within each department. Mr. Terrell stated that in order to provide, a more realistic plan, staff will require more time to prepare a recommendation for Council . -Mr. Puente ask for a breakdown of employee classifications (professional , para-professional , technical clerical ) by department . -Mr. Puente,such as CDBG, staff should look at ways of utilizing fun OFFICIAI RECORD -Mr. Puente, can we be more innovative in utilizin ciTy SECRITARY Employment and Training programs in the neighborhoods t ET WORTH TEL provide services that have been reduced (trash collection ' cleanup services)? -Mr. Puente, what have tax abatements done to the tax base and if we continue to authorize them, what will the future impact be on the tax base? BOYD LONDON, FINANCIAL ADVISOR, FIRST SOUTHWEST -Mayor Granger: who have you sold the Direct Subscription Process to? -Mayor Granger: what criteria is used to select the underwriters? -Mayor Granger: what is the difference between the Negotiated Bid and the Direct Subscription Process? -Mr. McCray: how do the two processes affected minority firms? -Mr. Matson: council will need the names of firms involved so that they can declare any conflicts . -Mayor Granger: once the choices have been narrowed to the top few, what criteria is used in selecting the lead firm? Can we look at their contributions to the City, or the number of employees they have in Fort Worth? -Mr. McCray: why is the subscription process the preferred method, when at one time it was the negotiation process? -Mr. Terrell : what was the estimates $900K savings based on? -Mayor Granger: who was the lead firm on the last sale? -Mayor Granger: if we use the Negotiation Process , can we still use the same firms? 4 . FEDERAL AVIATION REGULATION PART 150 NOISE COMPATIBILITY STUDY -Mayor Granger: which costs will the City of Fort Worth be responsible for? -Mayor Granger: what was the purpose of this study? -Mr. Meadows : will the surplus funds be depleted on the expansion or will there be some remaining dollars to use on the runway extension? -Mr. Meadows once the City received the funds from FAA wil Off`��AE RECORD we have enough funds for a local match? Mr. Puente: when was Meacham Airport instituted as a Cit cm SERUM facility and when did they take their first resident? FT. WOR , 5 . QUARTERLY HOUSING UPDATE -This item was postponed 6. GOLF ENTERPRISE PROGRAM -Mr. Zavala responding, recommended no more leasing of City golf Facilities . -Councilmembers concurred -Mr. Chappell : if the Core of Engineers changes their stance on the revenue used at Pecan Valley Golf Course will the City need to reconsider their position on this issue? 7 . RAILTRAN -Mr. Matson responding, no questions . -Staff directed to develop policy options . 8 . LEGISLATIVE UPDATE -ACM Boswell responding, on status of D/FW legislation . 9. ANDERSON LABS -Mr. Adkins responding, read negotiated settlement . -Mayor Granger requested and executive session to discussion questions . 10. CITY COUNCIL REQUESTS FOR FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS -Mr. Matson has had several citizens to call him requesting stickers for their trash sacks . OFFICIAL RECORD CITY SECRETARY FT. WORTH, TES(.