HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993/04/20-Agenda-Pre-Council NOTES FROM APRIL 20, 1993 PRE-COUNCIL AND COUNCIL MEETINGS FOR APRIL 21, 1993 CITY MANAGER'S STAFF MEETING PRE-COUNCIL 1. Questions Concerning Current Agenda Items a. M&C G-10127 - Fiscal Year 1992-93 Proposed Wholesale Wastewater Rates SUMMARY: Mr. Groomer stated that today we were only dealing with wholesale rates, and that retail rates would be discussed at a later time. b. M&C C-13794 - Lake Worth Lease Agreement Located at 7609 Cahoba with Gary Wigley SUMMARY: Mr. Meadows asked why the City was in the rental business, and why this piece of property was not included in Phase III of the Lake Worth leaseholds. STAFF: Mr. Groomer responded that the property is owned by the City, and the lessee leases it on a month-to-month lease. The property was not a part of Phase III, it was a part of Phase I. C. M&C G-10135 - Accept Donation of Two Bicycles for the Police Department SUMMARY: Mr. Silcox asked if the two bicycles were for the West Division, rather than the South Division as specified on the M&C. STAFF: Ms. Watson responded that the Police Department was in the process of receiving several bicycles for different divisions, and she would double check which divisi n was to receive these two particular bicycles:____ RECO�� off""L 2 . Proposed Stock Show Project CITY SECRITARY SUMMARY: Council today was to consider adop i iN�RTi1�T �`e olution TF.- concerning Issuance of Bonds to Fi a acilities within the Will Rogers Memorial Center. Today's action was a formal endorsement by the City Council to move forward with this project. Next week staff will present an action item regarding the actual issuance of the bonds. The C.O. issuance is not to exceed $5.0 million, which would allow us to include the reconstruction of Harley Street and the 1 tie-in streets now, rather than in November (in the bond issue tentatively scheduled for the fall of 1993) . The Stockshow will pay the debt service on the bonds, offset by a $100, 000 reduction in their base rate that they pay to the General Fund annually. COUNCIL: Mr. Puente expressed concern that Harley Street was a major priority, since the city contains many other streets needing repair. Mr. Puente also requested in writing what benefit would be provided by adding the new facility at Will Rogers. Mr. Groomer gave him a copy of a written report that projected the benefit of the new facility. Mr. Chappell expressed concern about increasing the Bed Tax revenue, while cutting the City's General Fund revenue (by the $100, 000 from the Stockshow's base rate) , and asked if a method exists whereby the increase in Bed Tax can be pledged to the City's General Fund if the General Fund is in a deficit situation. Mr. Groomer responded that the City would have to renegotiate the contract with the CVB to do that. Mr. Terrell added that the increase in Bed Tax would not actually occur until 1996 when the new facility actually opens. Mr. Santerre mentioned that construction on the facility would need to occur in calendar year 1995; and the roads would need to be in place before then, i.e. in 1994 . A long lead time is required to do the design and utility work, so the design work needs to start ASAP. Mr. McCray expressed concern that the CVB automatically receives the majority of the increases in the Bed Tax, and wondered if the City is really getting its money's worth from the CVB. Mr. Chappell mentioned that the increase in Bed Tax should go back to the WRMC, and not the CVB. Mr. Meadows mentioned that this project would increase the deficit at WRMC, and asked if we could look at the contract with the CVB and add a provision to use the additional funds to benefit the General Fund. Mr. Terrell responded that we can review the contract with the CVB and let the Council know what our options are. Mr. Matson expressed concern that the City should structure contracts so that the contractee can depend on the contract for a period of time without the contract being reviewed or amended whenever a new issue surfaces. He also expressed a word of caution about allocating tax revenue back to the area from which the revenue was generated, i.e. Alliance Airport, the Zoo, or downtown, rather than having the tax revenue benefit the entire city. 3 . Library Expansion Update SUMMARY: Mr. Santerre explained that the library expansion project is broken down into four phases: 2 OFFICIAL RECORD CITY SECRETARY FT. WORTH TEX. Phase 1 - consists of the extension of the columns upward, and this phase has been completed. Phase 2 - consists of the roof and the storm drain work, and is currently underway. Phase 3 - consists of the placement of the outside wall and completion of the shell. The shell should be completed at the end of this calendar year. Phase 3A - consists of the street work around the building. The street is currently being designed, and is scheduled for completion in June. It is expected to be contracted in September. Phase 4 - consists of building the new cable TV studio. The design of the studio is currently underway, and should be bid for construction in August. The studio should be completed next March. COUNCIL: Mr. McCray expressed concern about using French drains; Ms. Woods expressed concern about putting in brick sidewalks. Mr. Santerre said that the using brick sidewalks would cost approximately $100, 000 more than not using bricks. Mr. Matson mentioned that since interest rates are currently so low, and since at some point in the future the City will want to complete the second floor, why don't we investigate the possibility of completing the second floor now while we're in the construction phase and interest rates are low. He asked if we could fund it similarly to the way that the new facility at WRMC is being funded. He suggested that we talk with our financial advisors and commit to borrowing the money at low interest rates. Mr. Santerre said that we could come back to City Council with cost estimates in approximately one week. 4. City Council Requests for Future Agenda Items COUNCIL: Mr. Chappell expressed concern about programming on the cable channel. Ms. Webber expressed concern about the new Identification Card system to be implemented at the City's multi-purpose centers and recreation centers. She would like to see an intensified educational process before implementation of the system. Mr. Terrell responded that the City has educated the neighborhood groups, advisory councils, etc. Mr. Zavala mentioned that the system will not take effect until June 1, and that much education will be done between now and then. Ms. Webber also expressed concern about citizens being denied access to the facilities for lack of an I.D. card. Mr. Terrell assured her that no one would be denied access, 3 OFFICIAL RECORD CITY SECRETARY FT. WORTH, TEX. and that we will put an article in the City Times, and put up posters in the centers. COUNCIL lM1EETING VI. Items to be Withdrawn from the Consent Agenda Mr. Puente requested that M&C G-10128 be withdrawn from the consent agenda and was later approved; Mr. Terrell requested that M&C's G-10127, C-13794, and PZ-1691 be withdrawn from the consent agenda. M&C's G-10127 and C-13794 were later approved. VII. Items to be Continued or Withdrawn Mr. Terrell requested that M&C PZ-1691 be delayed for one week; and that M&C P-6411 be withdrawn. IX. Presentations by the City Council 3 . Consider Adoption of Resolution Concerning Issuance of Bonds to Finance New Facilities within the Will Rogers Memorial Center was approved. 4 . The Retirement Plan Ordinance was denied unanimously by Council. 5. Ordinance Providing for the Issuance of General Purpose Refunding Bonds, Series 1993A was delayed for one week. XI. Presentation by the City Secretary 3 . Resolution Setting Regular Zoning Hearing for May 11, 1993 was approved. XIII. Report of the City Manager M&C's G-10127 and G-10128 were approved; M&C's G-10130, G-10131, G-10133 concerning closing the Public Hearings and amending the boundaries of the South Enterprise Zone and designating the Fort Worth Tax Abatement Reinvestment Zone Number 15 were approved; M&C G-10132 (Adoption of the Evans Avenue TAP) was approved. M&C G-10135 Accepting the Donation of Two Bicycles for the Police Department was approved as amended (amended to read West Division, rather than South Division, as appropriate) . M&C C-13794 was approved. 4 M&C C-13798 - Amendment to Franchise Agreement with TU Electric was approved. Mr. Meadows requested on update on where the City is on this agreement. M&C C-13799 - An Agreement with Pinnacle Air Services, Inc. to Manage, Operate and Maintain Alliance Airport was delayed for one week. XVI. Citizen Presentations 1. Mr. Jeff Wentworth from NationsBank spoke about Community Investment. Ms. Webber expressed concern about the lack of loans being made to residents on the Southeast side. 2. Mr. Ross Meekins and Mr. Lloyd Terry spoke about Public Improvement District #3, and their desire to pay in assessments what they will receive in benefits, which is $0. Mr. Chappell requested that a staff person be assigned to look into this matter and get back to these two gentlemen. Address is 1725 Martel, Fort Worth. OFFICIAL. RECORD 5 CITY SECRETARY FT. WORTH, TEX.