HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991/08/06-Agenda-Pre-Council AUGUST 6 , 1991 CITY COUNCIL NOTES FOR AUGUST 7, 1991 CITY MANAdER 'S STAFF MEETING PRE-COUNCIL 1 . Alliance Airport Update SUMMARY: 1st industrial airport. Opened December 14, 1989. Leasing industries in the process of opening up facilities . Will create jobs . COUNCIL RESPONSE : Puente: Inquired as to whether jobs would be highly skilled. Response was "yes" ; salary range of $10 to $20. 2. Job Training Partnership Act (DTPA) Report on Activities SUMMARY: Operating since 1984. Provides job training and placement assistance. $ allocated from federal to state to local level . Source of funding from JTPA Title 11 and Title III . COUNCIL RESPONSE: McCray: Goals of program are to help economically disadvan- taged persons , yet, recently has heard JTPA is helping more of the dislocated workers than the unemployed. Response was that Title IfEI implemented 2 years ago deals with dislocated workers. + i Meadows: Concerned as to how proprietary providers are selected. Is there a formal process to assess their programs? Response was yes. Puente: Would like to see more access to crafts and skilled professions training. 3. Policy Regarding Public Improvement Districts (PIDS) ( IR No. 7539) SUMMARY: Would like for Council to review and approve policy regarding PIDs . Will bring back in M&C format for approval . Cu1^rently there are 3 PIDs in the City of Fort Worth: downtown, Park Glen, and south of downtown (bet. Vickery and Lancaster) COUNCIL RESPONSE: Matson: Questioned how City could benefit from being assessed. Asked if other govt. entities were also assessed. 4. Report on Housing Activities SUMMARY: Developing a Comprehensive Housing Affordable Strategies Plan (CHAS) . Target date for adopting CHAS is October 22. Would like to work with the Tarrant County Housing Partnership which also focuses on revitalizing neighborhoods and increasing decent housing. Will come back to Council to explain how financing is being planned for the 27 month period . OFFICIAL 110CN CITY SECRETARY FT. Wisr�' ti, W. 5. Endorsement of Neighborhood Arts Program SUMMARY: Asking Council to approve C.P. No. 162 which would document City' s support of this program and commit City funding for three year period. Requesting approval at this time in order to meet August 15 grant application deadline. COUNCIL RESPONSE: McCray: Would like to see programming implemented at existing art centers. Chappell : Would like to see that existing space be considered primarily, except in extraordinary situations which require renovated facilities. Stress programming. Matson: Asked that provisions for funding be brought to Council in M&C next week. COUNCIL 1 . Items to be Continued or Withdrawn a. x9254 Authorization of Project and Establishment of Benefit Hearing Date for the Assessment Paving of Dalford Street from Oakhurst Scenic Drive to 825 Feet North withdrawn by CM. b. P5108 Aurchase Agreement"with Dalworth Concrete Products Inc. to Furn'ish Above around Storage Tanks for the Environ- mental Management Office (Continued from a Previous Week) withdrawn by CM. C. L10565 Expansion of Restrictive Easement on Lake Worth - Carswell Air Force Base (Continued from a Previous Week) delayed for 2 weeks by Mr. Meadows to research. 2. Citizen Presentations a. 12 citizens spoke on proposed ordinance for motion picture and video tape classification board ( 11 in favor; 1 opposed) . b. Pedro Herrera spoke on gang wars in Fort Worth promoted by Police Department procedures. C. John Posey - Black Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce - opposed to Police Pay Referendum. d. John Hernandez - Hispanic Chamber of Commerce - opposed to Police Pay Referendum. e. Russell Lancaster - opposed to Police Pay Referendum. f. Pat Taylor - in favor of Police Pay Referendum. g. Brent Dickey asked for cooperation in addressing the pit and gravel ordinance. h. Annette Torres - Texas Citizens Action which address utility regulations asked that Council perform an external audit of franchise fees for Southwestern Bell . OFFICIAL hCG;,4 CITY SECRITARP FT. WORTH, TEX. N AUGUST 3 , 1991 CITY COUNCIL RETREAT PRE-COUNCIL CHAMBERS NOTES BUDGET PRIORITIES Meadow.&: - R eat. .c,6.61ke C ou ncU w.i.e4, dace .c,& the revenue .i.&.&u,e. Wowed t..i.ke ;to .&ee Zm dec.i zZon package what the cho.Le" an,e. Look at expend-i tun," and ,Levenu.e, don, examp.te, expend.i.�" om etean a.-L& and wat" and n ev enwe doom waken, 4e". Gl.Lt , pn,o p ci ty and .&at.&.& tax be needed a.& revenue? - E d d 4,coLency by av o.i,d.i n.g du,pt i.ca#.Lo n. Chappet . - Look, at cAvxti.ve meth.od.6 on ,Levenae .&.i,de. E - Get con-&u, tq n t to au,d.i t pu,bt i.c a&ena, Pot-Lee ma they, and bA,kn.g an dna y.&,LA od -&e Lv.Le4t. Ma#.&on - E.&#abtA.6h a pn,oceAA to devet.op own e&.ime pn,even;Uon package; a "th4juk tank" wh.,i.c'L wou td .Lmatade rook ie pot icemen, rank.- and-d.i.te pot icemen to work togeth.e7G. - Rewa,%d expettent pendonma ee od C.Uy emptoye" (don'.t have C- ty emp.toyeeb tele ci t i,zenb that they mu,&t. caet. C-Uy Cou.nc,Z ;to qet adds-toLonat, th i.ng.& done; -i-nAtead teach them ;to be. pnoad od -n ep.,L"e mt Lng the C-Uy) . - Sot i.ci t ._de," dn,om everyone, not ju.&-t pn,ode.&,i,onat..& on •t.&-&u,te .&uch a.& cAime pn ev en#.ion pro gram.&. Web ben. - Addneb-& hou,e.i,ng pnob.tem.&; en4once codes on n.entat unit to pn.event dete Lo4aALon. - A.6.6-i,gn pe Aon on, depan tment to wn i.te pn,opo.&a -6 don, d edema& and Ata to gAant.6 . Theme ane $.& that can, be tapped, but we need Atari d ;to w,,L. e pn o p o.&at..&. - Need a C-c ty '.& Econom-Le Depa tment; nota Chamb" ori Commute Econom,Le DepaAtment. L p""� fCURO TY SfC;;�t�Rr Pu.¢.nt¢, - woutd p.,eb ePL no i&cp.eabe in, taxe.6; tit a -i4 neceb,6a,ty.. - NeLghbonhood and 4aml-ty -&tnengthen img . woo" - Bntemkd owm od $ 8 mZ P Zo n o n auto ma-i,n to x ce. McCnam - Mahe comman Uy 4 ac i.?.i,t i..e.6 mote mce",s4bt e 4 o.,c youth acti.v-it-i,eb; promote Znte Qovennme.ntae coopenati.on, do-,L example have &choot,6 4aai.2.itate community u,be o4 the.Z& gym.& and meeting ,Looms. Macon. - Need a Cni..me. Summit where you, can br ing togethet mU ent-it-Le.6 4e&t i.n g With #A," id-b". CITY COUNCIL ORIENTATION Reque4tz By- City ty Counc ct - OAj_entat i,om Man;umt where itemA can be added. - In.dtAuc ti,on.e om what can be done at Exe at ixe Se.4,6-Lo". In.6tnuct,LbrtJ� on how ce to in th i..ng-d wot& &wch a s voice merit. OTHER BUSINESS - CuAp ent City Commeie meed-6 to have a U-6t, o4 .ctemA that we,Le p&evZau,bty commi-tted by Pn ev i.ou e C ou x-U ( n.eq . by Mat son) . - B e te& commun.i..c.a t i.o n between .6ta4 4 and b oa.,L" and commi.4,6,i.on.e on 4.4-&m" they might want to have .home input. - Format nevZew o4 emptoye" di nec tlr y unde& Counc i..e.. Lou, iinD YRFTARY Frm