HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988/12/08-Agenda-Pre-Council PRE-COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 8, 1988 PRE-COUNCIL CHAMBERS 3:00 P. M. ITEMS: 1. Central Library Expansion Project - Ruth Ann McKinney, Assistant City Manager Ms. McKinney reviewed with Council the plans for the library expansion as well as an update of the progress so far. She stated that $2 . 2 million dollars in revenue bonds is needed for the next phase of the project . Ms. McKinney also stated that the new library's Heritage Center will house important historical information for future generations of Fort Worthians. Committments for funding the Center will be committed before construction is begun. Susan O'Brien, the architect for the project, has recommended that a contingency fund of 5% of the construction cost be set aside. Staff recommends that this be funded from the capital projects reserve fund. Councilmember Murrin asked if the issue of parking ought to be reconsidered in light of the increased construction in that part of downtown and the increased demand for parking places. Ms . McKinney stated that the City has been working closely with the Tandy Corporation in order to coordinate the parking which will be provided, but that there is a limited amount of space available for parking. 2. Appointments to Tarrant Appraisal District Appraisal Review Board ( I . R. No. 7337) - Judson Bailiff , Finance Director Mr. Bailiff asked for Council 's recommendations for the appointments for the board. All of the places on the board are up for consideration and all incumbents have been recommended for reappointment . 3. Report on Sanus Plus Implementation - Ruth Ann McKinney, Assistant City Manager Ms. McKinney stated that at this time 90% of the employees have signed up for the Sanus program and that classes have been scheduled in an attempt to educate employees about the program. She also stated that approximately 1500 employees and their spouses have attended the meetings. Councilmember Zapata stated that he did not realize that there had been a mandate to find a new insurance plan. He also said that he had received numerous calls from employees who were upset because they did not feel that they had had enough voice in the decision making process . Mr. Harman said that during the Council retreat , Staff was directed to contain health care costs and to come up with a new program if necessary. Council was also concerned that employee costs should be held constant . In order to do this a new plan had to be devised. In an attempt to answer as many of these questions as possible, an open meeting was scheduled for 8:00 A. M. December 13 . 4. Report on the Commission on the Status of Women - Nancy Marchant, Chair Ms. Marchant told Council that the issue which has been identified by the Commission as a concern is violence to women, especially the crime of rape. The Commission will study this issue through the coming year and will report their findings and recommendations. She also encouraged Council to reappoint women to those positions which are vacant at this time. Mayor Bolen asked that the Commission recommend to Council names of women who would be willing to serve on the Commission. 5 . Eagle Mountain Site Selection Issues - Richard Sawey, Water Department Director A study by Freese and Nichols states that a new water treatment facility is needed in the Northwest part of Fort Worth. Danny Shannon, the project engineer, states that the City will address the issues of aesthetics and noise so that the quality of life in the area will be affected as little as possible. He then reviewed the options for the location of the intake facility. The analysis recommends intake site 1 and treatment plant location B. 6. In-House Design Audit Report ( I . R. No. 7338) and In-House Design Guidelines (M&C 0-7844) - Charles Boswell , Director, Office of Management Services and Costa Triantaphilides, Director, Internal Audit Due to time considerations , this issue was moved to the Council meeting. 7 . Questions/Answers Concerning Current Agenda Items - Douglas Harman, City Manager None.