HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986/09/23-Agenda-Pre-Council lmft NOTICE MEETING OF THE FORT WORTH HOUSING FINANCE CORPORATION CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER - TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1986 8:30 A.M. A G E N D A PRE-COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1986 8:45 A.M. PRE-COUNCIL CHAMBER FOR ACTION TODAY 1) Designation of Voting and Alternate Voting Delegates for Annual Congress of Cities - Ruth Howard, City Secretary (10 Min.) 2) Adoption of 1986 Code of the City of Fort Worth, Texas (M&C G-6819) - Ruth Howard, City Secretary (10 Min.) 3) Award of Contract for Services - Fort Worth Special Improvement District No. 1 (M&C C-9866) - Ruth Ann McKinney, Assistant City Manager and Ann Long Diveley, Assistant to the City Manager (10 Min.) 4) Extension of Deadline for Wholesale Sewer Contract Negotiations (I .R. No. 7149) and Revision of Effective Date for Water and Sewer System Access Fee Implementation (M&C G-6815) - Ruth Ann McKinney, Assistant City Manager and Richard Sawey, Water Director (10 Min.) FOR DISCUSSION ONLY 5) Paving Assessment Issues - Gary Santerre, Director, and Nancy Amos , Assistant Director, Transportation and Public Works Department (35 Min.) 6) Other Issues To add or make revisions , please call the City Manager's Office, 870-6140, before 3:00 P.M. , Monday, September 22, 1986 The purpose of the Pre-Council Conference held prior to a regular City Council Meeting is to allow the Mayor and Councilmembers to discuss infor- mally items on the agenda and to secure information from the City 11 and the staff. Although the meeting is open to the public, cit zO R CORD ' requested to reserve comments and questions for the subsequent C o W meeting so they will be a part of the public record. �c"r.C ► T RY 7. i , 1a AIM. t PRE-COUNCIL MEETING PRE-COUNCIL CHAMBER SEPTEMBER 23, 1986 8:45 A.M. ABSENT: Councilman Jim Bagsby ITEMS 1. City Council Members designated delegates for the Annual Congress of Cities. Designated delegates are Mayor Bob Bolen, who will serve as the voting delegate and Councilmen William Garrison and Louis Zapata, who will both serve as alternate voting delegates. 2. City Council Members adopted the 1986 Code of the City of Fort Worth, Texas. Ms. Dorothy Harwood, Assistant City Attorney, briefly explained the editing process of the code book. Ms. Harwood mentioned that there were some substantial revisions on certain sections of the code. However, according to Ms. Harwood, the code was brought up to standard with current practices of the City. Ms. Harwood stated that her main objective is to keep the code book updated more efficiently. 3. Mrs. Ruth Ann McKinney, Assistant City Manager, presented several recommendations to Council concerning the awarding of the contract for services in Fort Worth Improvement District No. 1. Mrs. Mckinney briefly informed Council of the process and procedures that were involved in selecting a contractor for this project. Mrs. McKinney stated that the establishment of the Fort Worth Assessment District was one of the main priorities in getting this project underway; a priority which has been fulfilled. Mrs. McKinney told Council that along° with the assistance of Mr. David Ivory, Senior Assistant City Manager, Mrs. Ann Dively, Assistant to the City Manager, Mrs Sundra Davis, Coordinator for Minority Business Enterprise(MBE) and an evaluation team, the bids submitted by contractors were reviewed. According to Mrs. McKinney, the lowest and best responsive bid was submitted by Downtown Fort Worth, Inc. at an amount of $743,432. Councilman Williams recommended to Mr. Devero that a package be brought in next week which would already include the chosen MBE subcontractor; recommending that this be submitted before Council votes on MSC-9866. Councilman Gilley was doubtful about subcontractors being involved in the project at any point-in-time because of the statement written in MSC-9866 which stated: "(If) Downtown Fort Worth, Inc. determines that landscaping, sidewalk and street maintenance are to be subcontracted, an approved list of MBE subcontractors would be contacted for bids." This statement, according Councilman Gilley, gives Inc. the ability to refuse to subcontract. OFFICIAL RECORD City Attorney, Wade Atkins, informed Council that Councilman Williams CITY SECRETARY recommendation could be carried out without encountering any legal liabilities. FT. WORTH, TEX. City Manager, Doug Harman, told Council that despite that fact that this recommendation could be carried out, skeptism prevailed over the idea of getting this task completed by October 1 , which is the scheduled date for approval of the contract. Item 3 was delayed for further deliberation on the floor. 4. Mayor Bolen requested that an extension be given on the deadline for Wholesale Sewer Contract Negotiations and revision of effective date for Water and Sewer System Access Fee Implementation. Council approved an extension date for February 1 , 1987. Councilman Lancaster questioned the impact this delay would have on revenues loss). According to Mr. Richard Sawery, Director of the Water Department, the delay would not impose a detrimental impact on revenues. 5. Mr. Gary Santerre, Director of T/QW, Mrs. Nancy Amos, Assistant Director of T/PW and Ms. Martha Lunday, Coordinator for T/PW Financial Management Section, presented Council with background information, current information and recommendations on paving assessments. One issue addressed was the repairing of streets that have been used as bus routes for 50 percent or more of its duration. Mr. Santerre told Council that maybe they should explore the possibility of having the bus company rebuild/repair these streets. Councilman Lancaster posed the question as to whether or not there is an obligation to refund citizens for revenues collected for street maintenance and streets are not maintained. Mr. Santerre answered by saying that there is an obligation; however, no available mechanism exists for determining the amount of revenue that should be refunded. OFFICIAL RECORD CITY SECRUARY FT. �U'6,111'o H, TEX.