HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991/11/19-Minutes-City CouncilC3uncil Met
Members Present
Pledge of
Minutes of Novembel
12, 1991 approved
Proclamation -
National Hospice
Withdrew M&C
No. FP -2889
Withdrew M&C No.
C-13139 and C-1314;
NOVEMBER 19, 1991
On the 19th day of November, A.D., 1991, the City Council of the City of Fort Worth,
Texas, met in regular session, with the following members and officers present, to -wit:
Mayor Kay Granger; Mayor Pro tempore Virginia Nell Webber; Council Members Carlos
Puente, Chuck Silcox, Morris Matson, Eugene McCray, Jewel Woods, Bill Meadows, and David
Chappell; City Manager David Ivory; City Attorney Wade Adkins; Acting City Secretary Gloria
Pearson; with more than a quorum present, at which time the following business was
The invocation was given by The Reverend Liz Lamberth, Tarrant Area Community of
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
On motion of Mayor Pro tempore Webber, by Council Member McCray, the minutes of the,
meeting of November 12, 1991, were approved.
A proclamation for National Hospice Month was presented to Ms. Melinda Woody, RN, BSN.
Mayor Pro tempore Webber requested that Mayor and Council Communication No. FP -2889((
be withdrawn from the consent agenda.
Council Member Silcox requested that Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13139 and
C-13142 be withdrawn from the consent agenda.
Minutes of City Council T-3 Page 57
Tuesday, November 19, 1991
Withdrew M&C
City Manager Ivory requested that Mayor and Council.. Communication No. L-10713 be
No. L-10713
withdrawn from the agenda. i
Consent agenda
On motion of Council Member Woods, seconded by Council !Member Meadows, the consent
agenda, as amended, was approved.
Nominated Mr. John
Council Member McCray nominated Mr. John B. Booker, Jr., and made a motion, seconded
B. Booker, Jr. to
by Council Member Chappell, that Mr. John B. Booker, Jr., be appointed to Place No. 9 on the
the Fort worth
Human Relations
Fort Worth human Relations Commission, replacing Ms. Erline Allen. When the motion was put
to a vote by the Mayor,. it prevailed unanimously.
Nominated Mr.
Alexander Davis to
Mayor Pro tempore Webber nominated Mr. Alexander Davis for membership on the Board of
the board of Ad-
Adjustment and made a motion, seconded by Council Member Woods, that Mr. Alexander Davis be
j us tmen t
reappointed to Place No. 5 on the Board of Adjustments, with a term of office expiring
October 1, 1993. When the motion was put to a vote by the Mayor, A t prevailed unanimously.
Council Policy
Proposal CP -168 re
There was presented Council Policy Proposal CP -168 as proposed by Council Member David
Chappell, as follows:
amendments to
City Council Rules
of Procedure
It is proposed that the following amendments to the City Council Rules of
Procedure be entered into the record of the City Council meeting on November 19,
1991, and adopted at the City Council meeting on November 1", 1991:
1. Amend Section 4.3 to read as follows:
"Preservation of Order: The chairman shall preserve order and decorum,
prevent personal attacks and the impugning of members' motives, and
confine members in- debate to the questions under discussion.
Demonstrations, the carrying of signs or placards, or other activities
which disturb the peace and good order of the meeting shall not be
permitted in the Council Chambers."
2. Amend Section 5.4.2 to read as follows:
"Presentation by a representative of an organized group consisting of a
minimum of ten persons, which is present in the Council Chamber and has
selected a spokesperson, shall be limited to ten minutes. At the
discretion of the chair, this limit may be extended."
The Rules of Procedure of the City Council of the City of Fort Worth were
adopted by the City Council on January 8, 1960. Section 2.14 provides that the
rules may be amended, or new rules adopted, by a majority vote of all members
of the Council, provided that the proposed amendments or new rules shall have
been introduced into the record at a prior Council meeting. The required
procedure is to introduce the amendments into the record at one City Council
meeting and approve the amendments at a subsequent meeting.
The proposed amendments and the reasons therefor are as follows:
1. Amendment to Section 4.3
a) Present Language:
"4.3. Preservation of Order: The chairman shall'preserve order
and decorum, prevent personalities from the impugning of members'
motives, and confine members in debate to the question under
b) Proposed Language:
"4.3 Preservation of Order: The chairman shall preserve order and
decorum, prevent personal attacks and the impugning of
members' motives, and confine members in debate to the
questions under discussion. Demonstrations, the carrying of
signs or placards, or other activities which disturb the
peace and good order of the meeting shall not be permitted in
the Council Chambers."
c) Reason for Change:
The proposed language in Section 4.3 would prohibit demonstrations
and other activities in Council .Chambers which disturb Council
2. Amendment to Section 5.4.2
a) Present Language:
"5.4.2 Presentation by a representative of an organized group,
which is present in the Council Chamber and has selected a
spokesperson, with or without prior notification, shall be limited
to ten minutes. At the discretion of the chair, this limit may be
Minutes of City Council T-3 Page 58
Tuesday, November 19, 1991
P-168 cont. b) Proposed Language:
"5.4.2 Presentation by a representative of an organized group
consisting of a minimum of ten persons, which is present in the
Council Chamber and has selected a spokesperson, shall be limited
to ten minutes. At the discretion of the chair, this limit may be
c) Reason for Change:
The proposed language in Section 5.4.2 should be changed to
establish a definition of "group."
This proposal is within the powers of the City Council, and there is no known
legal impediment.
City Manager's Comments:
The City Manager has no objections to this proposed change..
On motion of Council Member Chappell, seconded by Council Member Meadows, the amendments
were ordered to be entered into the record, as amended.
Introduced a Council Member Puente introduced a resolution and made a motion that it be adopted.
Resolution The motion was seconded by Council Member Silcox. The motion, carrying with it the adoption
of said resolution, prevailed by the following vote:
AYES: Mayor Granger; Mayor Pro tempore Webber; Council Members Puente,
Silcox, Matson, McCray, Woods, Meadows, and Chappell
NOES: None
The resolution, as adopted, is as follows:
Resolution No. RESOLUTION NO. 1784
WHEREAS, Fort Worth Meacham Airport was the sixth busiest airport in the
United States in 1989 based on number of operations/takeoffs and landings, and
WHEREAS, the addition of Fort Worth Alliance Airport and Fort Worth Spinks
Airport will soon dramatically increase the air traffic in the western half of
the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex, and
WHEREAS, in May, 1991, the Page Avjet modification and maintenance
facility on Fort Worth Meacham Airport began servicing Boeing 747's and other
air carrier type aircraft, and
WHEREAS, an Instrument Landing System (ILS) to'Runway 34R would enhance
safety since Fort Worth Meacham Airport does not have a precision approach to
Runway 34R that could be used during times of low visibility and ceiling with
a northerly flow of instrument approaches, possibly resulting in a lack of flow
compatibility with approaches in use at Fort Worth Alliance Airport, and
WHEREAS, the FAA 1) has determined that Fort Worth Meacham Airport
qualifies for an ILS to Runway 34R, based on extraordinary justification
(environmental and safety); 2) would install this ILS under their Facilities and
Equipment program, whereby this $1 million plus system would be 100% FAA funded
and maintained; but 3) FAA has not, however, budgeted this ILS until 1994,
meaning the ILS would not be installed until 1996 or 1997, and
WHEREAS, the Airport and Airways Trust. Fund, through aviation excise
taxes, has over $7 billion in it to finance airport and airway development
programs such as this ILS.
NOT THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Fort
Worth, Texas, That the City of Fort Worth, Texas
1. Respectfully requests the Congress of the United States and the
Federal Aviation Administration to approve the ILS to Runway 34R in
the FAA's 1993 budget appropriation moving it up from the 1994
budget, and
2. That this resolution be provided to the Federal Aviation
Administration Administrator, Admiral James B. Busey IV; all
elected federal officials representing Fort Worth; and, all members
of the U.S. House and Senate transportation and aviation
Mayor Granger Mayor Granger announced that the City Council is asking for citizens help in a City-
announced the wide project to redraw district lines that will insure City government representation is as
project to redraw balanced as its population and advised citizens that Citizen's Guides for reapportionment
Minutes of City Council T-3 Page 59
Mayor Granger pre-
sented Code Blue
Community Patrol
Solid Waste RFP be
placed on next
week's Pre -Council
City Manager Ivory
re Sold Waste RFP
Tuesday, November 19, 1991
for the City's eight single member districts are available in the City Secretary's Office
located on the third floor of City Hall.
Sign. Mayor Granger presented to the City Council the official Code Blue Community Patrol
Council Member Chappell requested that the issue regarding solid Waste RFP be placed
on the Pre -Council agenda on next week for discussion.
City Manager Ivory advised the City Council that a solid waste representative had
presented a RFP to the City Council at the November 5, 1991, work session; that staff
Mnto City Council a schedule that staff intended to follow; that some questions had
been raised concerning this issue; and stated that it would be appropriate to place this
item back on the Pre -Council agenda of November 26, 1991, to address these concerns.
Council Member Meadows advised the City Council that the Solid Waste Committee would
not be involved in the evaluation process.
M&C OCS-360 There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. OCS-360 from the Office of the
Liability Bond City Secretary recommending that the City Council authorize the acceptance of a Parkway
Contractor's Bond issued to Quail Company, Inc., by Lawyers Surety Corporation. It was the
consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
M&C OCS-361 Claims
Leonard R. Jordan
Barbara Joann
Karen M. Chavolla
Paul and Debra
Betty Reed Graham
Steven John
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. OCS-361 from the Office of the
City Secretary recommending that the City Council refer notices of claims regarding alleged
damages and/or injuries to the Risk Management Department, as follows:
Date Received:
Date of Incident:
Location of Incident:
Estimate of Damages/
Nature of Incident:
Date Received:
Date of Incident:
Location of Incident:
Estimate of Damages/
Nature of Incident:
Date Received:
Date of Incident:
Location of Incident:
Estimate of Damages/
Nature of Incident:
Date Received:
Date of Incident:
Location of Incident:
Estimate of Damages/
Injuries: I I
Nature of Incident:
Date Received:
Date of Incident:
Location of Incident:
Estimate of Damages/
Nature of Incident:
Date Received:
Date of Incident:
Location of Incident:
Estimate of Damages/
Nature of Incident:
Leonard R. Jordan
November 7, 1991
July 16, 1991
1221 Verbena
Claimant alleges injuries sustained as the result
of stepping into a pot hole.
Barbara Joann Bennett
November 8, 1991
November 1, 1991
Fort Worth, Texas
Claimant alleges damages to automobile the result
of a vehicular accident involving a City -owned
Karen M. Chavolla
November 8, 1991
November 6, 1991
Pharr Street underpass
Claimant alleges damages to automobile resulting
from a vehicular accident involving a City -owned
Paul and Debra Brown
November 8, 1991
September 14, 1991
2813 South Park Lane
$800.00 -$857.25 (Truck) $370.00 (Garage)
Claimants allege damages to property the result of
hydraulic fluid from a City -owned vehicle spilling
onto truck and grass.
Betty Reed Graham
November 11, 1991
September 9, 1991
5154 East Berry Street
Claimant alleges damages to property the result of
police action.
Steven John Harvey
November 13, 1991
October 16, 1991
White Settlement Road
$196.33 - $181.92
Claimant alleges damages to vehicle as theresult
of rocks thrown from a mower.
M&C OCS-362 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. OCS-362 from the Office of the
Setting Zoning City Secretary recommending that a resolution be adopted setting the regular zoning hearing
Hearing for December 10, 1991. On motion of Mayor Pro tempore Webber, seconded by Council Member
McCray, the recommendation was adopted.
Introduced a Mayor Pro tempore Webber introduced a resolution and made a motion that it be adopted.
Resolution The motion was seconded by Council Member McCray. The motion, carrying with it the adoption
of said resolution, prevailed by the following vote:
Minutes of City Council T-3 Page 60
Tuesday, November 19, 1991
AYES: Mayor Granger; Mayor Pro tempore Webber; Council Members Puente,
Silcox, Matson, McCray, Woods, Meadows, and Chappell
NOES: None
The resolution, as adopted, is as follows:
esol uti on No. .11 RESOLUTION NO. 1785
That at 10:00 O'clock A.M., Tuesday, December 10, 1991, the City
Council of the City of Fort Worth, which is the legislative body
of said City, will hold a public hearing in the Council Chambers
at the Municipal Building for the purpose of considering changes
and amendments to Ordinance No. 3011, as amended, the
Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of said City. The purpose of
said hearing is to determine whether or not said Ordinance No.
3011, as amended, should be amended so that the zoning
classification of the following areas shall be changed as
hereinafter described.
Z-91-074 A tract of land out of the R. Musselman Survey,
Abstract Number 1102, and also being a portion of that
certain tract of land out of said survey, and the A.F.
Albright Survey, Abstract Number 1849, as conveyed to
the Tarrant County Water Control and Improvement
District No. 1, by Deed Recorded in Volume 2866, Page
188, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas, and being
more particularly described as follows:
Commencing at the Southeast corner of said Water
Control Tract:
THENCE: the following courses and distances;
N00°04'02" E, with the east line of said tract, 767.13
feet, to a point in the southeasterly right-of-way of
Interstate Highway 820;
N61°02'41" W, with said right-of-way, 107.62 feet, to
the beginning of a curve to the left the center of
which bears S28057'19"W, a radius distance of 587.20
Northwesterly with said curve and said right-of-way, an
arc distance of 377.18 feet, to its end;
S67056'W, continuing with said right-of-way, 1385.74
feet, to an angle point; and
S65°31'W, continuing with said right-of-way, 450.83
feet, to the point of beginning of the herein described
THENCE: S24°29'E, 100.0 feet, to a point;
THENCE: S65031'W, 50.0 feet, to a point;
THENCE: N24°29'W, 100.00 feet, to a point, in said
THENCE: N65°31'W, 50.0 feet, to the point of beginning
and containing 5,000 square feet of land, more or less.
Recommended from "I" Light Industrial to "I" Light
Industrial/Sign Overlay Subdistrict
(403 N. W. Loop 820)
Z-91-092 All of that area consisting of the following lots and
block of the M. G. Ellis Addition:
Block 183, Lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 9;
Block 184, North 5' of Lot 8 and South 45' of Lot 9.
Minutes of City Council T-3 Page 61
Tuesday, November 19, 1991
esol uti on No .II Recommended from "K" Heavy Industrial to "B"
785 cont. Two-family
(2000 Block of Commerce Street)
All of the area consisting of the following lots and
blocks of the Googins Subdivision:
Block 55, South 7' of Lot 1 and Lots 2, 3, 4, 5,
and 6;
Block 56, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, and 14;
Block 57, South 1/2 of Lot 7 and Lots 8, 10, 11,
14, 15, and 16;
Block 58, Lots 12, 13, South 1/2 of 14, 15, 17,
18, North 1/2 of 19, 20, and 21.
Recommended from "J" Light Industrial to "B"
Two -Family
(1400 Block N. Commerce, N. Calhoun and N. Jones
All of the area consisting of the following lots and
blocks of North Fort Worth Addition:
Block 51, Lots 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, North 40' of 18,
20, 21, and 22;
Block 52, Lots 3, 5, 6, 11, 12, 17, 18, 19, 20,
21, 22, and 23;
Block 53, Lots 3, 7, 8, 9, 11, South 40' of 12,
14, 16, and 17;
Block 54, Lots 9, 11, 12, 15, and 17;
Block 55, Lots 1, 3, 4, and 5;
Block 56, Lots 2B, 21, and 22;
Block 57, Lots 1, 2, 23, and 24;
Recommended from "J" Light Industrial to "B" Two -Family
(1300 Block N. Commerce, N. Calhoun and N. Jones
All of the area consisting of the following lots and
blocks of the Googins Subdivision:
Block 56, Lots 1, 2, 3, 15 and 18;
Block 57, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and the North 1/2
of Lot 7, 17, 18 and 19.
Recommended from "J" Light Industrial to "PD/SU"
Planned Development/Specific Use for meeting and
reception hall facility
(1418 N. Calhoun and 1428 N. Commerce Street)
All of that area consisting of the following lots and
blocks of North Fort Worth Addition:
Block 56, Lots 23 and 24.
Recommended from "J" Light Industrial to "PD/SU"
Planned Development/Specific Use for meeting and
reception hall facility
(321 E. Central Avenue).
Z-91-094 Lots 27 & 28, Block 162, Original Town of Fort Worth
Recommended from "D" Multi -Family to "I" Light
and 415
Hays Street)
Z-91-095 Lot
4, Block
Alta Mere Addition
Minutes of City Council T-3 Page 62
Tuesday, November 19, 1991
Recommended from "A" One -Family to "I" Light Industrial
Resolution No.
1785 cont. 11 (3113 Ramona Drive)
Z-91-096 Lot 11, Block 26, Homeland Addition
Recommended from "B" Two -Family to "F -R" Restricted
(3819 McCart Avenue)
Z-91-097 Being an easement situated in the James Eads Survey
Abstract No. 410, Denton County, Texas, and being a
portion of that tract of land described in a deed to
Hillwood/1358 LTD as recorded in Volume 2512, page 460
of the Deed Records of Denton County Texas, said
easement being more particularly described by metes and
bounds as follows:
COMMENCING at a point in the westerly right-of-way line
of Interstate Highway 35W, said point being 270.00
feet west of and at right angles to centerline station
51+90.85 of said highway;
THENCE N30054'25"E, 109.15 feet along said westerly
right-of-way line;
THENCE N38030'06"E, 151.32 feet along said right-of-way
THENCE N51029'54"W, 50.00 ft. leaving said right-of-way
THENCE S38030'06"W, 40.00 feet;
THENCE N51029'54"W, 110.00 feet;
THENCE N38030'06"E, 40.00 feet;
THENCE S51029'54"E, 110.00 feet to the POINT OF
BEGINNING, and containing 4,400 square feet of land.
(15000 Block Interstate Highway 35W)
Recommended from "K" Heavy Industrial to "K" Heavy
Industrial/Sign Subdistrict
Z-91-098 Being an easement situated in the H. Davidson Survey
Abstract No. 437, Tarrant County, Texas, and being a
portion of that tract of land described in a deed to
Sunbelt Savings Association as recorded in Volume 9028,
Page 741, County Records, Tarrant County, Texas, said
easement being more particularly described by metes and
bounds as follows:
COMMENCING at the southwest corner of said Sunbelt
tract, being a point in the easterly right-of-way line
of Interstate Highway 35W;
THENCE N14057'27"E, 116.75 feet along said right-of-way
line to the beginning of a curve to the left;
THENCE 363.24 feet along the arc of said curve, and
along said right-of-way line, through a central angle
of 03031'29", whose radius is 5904.59 feet, the long
chord of which bears N13011'42"E, 363.18 feet;
THENCE S89042'23"E, 50.00 feet to the POINT OF
THENCE N00017'37"E, 40.00 feet
THENCE S89042'23"E, 110.00 feet;
THENCE S00017'37"W, 40.00 feet;
THENCE. N89042'23"W, 110.00 feet to the POINT OF
BEGINNING, and containing 4,400 square feet of land.
(11,900 Block Interstate Highway 35W)
Recommended from "G" Commercial to "G" Commercial/Sign
Minutes of City Council T-3 Page 63
Tuesday, November 19, 1991
Z-91-099 Lot 2, Block 84, Fort Worth Original Town Addition
Resolution No.
1785 cont. Recommended from "H" Business District to "H/HC"
Business District Historic Cultural Subdistrict
(501 Houston Street)
Z-91-100 Lots 2 & 3, Block 47, the Original Town of Fort Worth
Recommended from "J" Light Industrial to "J/HC" Light
Industrial Historic Cultural Subdistrict
(512 W. Fourth Street)
Z-91-101 Lots 7 thru 12, Block 55, Rosen Heights Addition, First
Recommended from "B" Two -Family and "E" Commercial to
"F -R" Restricted Commercial
(2713 and 2717 Loving Avenue)
Z-91-102 Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment
That the proposed amendments and changes at this hearing will be
considered in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 211 of
the Texas Local Government Code.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution, when published in
the official newspaper of the City of Fort Worth, which is a
paper of general circulation, one (1) time, shall constitute a
notice of hearing, which publication shall be made at least
fifteen (15) days prior to such hearing, and all interested
parties are urgently requested to be in the Council Chambers at
the Municipal Building at the time hereinabove set forth to make
any protest or suggestion that may occur to them, and this
hearing may continue from day to day until every interested party
and citizen has had a full opportunity to be heard.
Benefit Hearing It appearing to the City Council that the City Council on October 15, 1991, set today
BH -0074 as the date for benefit hearing in connection with the assessment paving of Harmon Road from
Blue Mound Road (FM 156) to U.S. Highway 287 and that notice of the hearing has been given
by publication in the Fort Worth Star -Telegram, the official newspaper of the City of Fort
Worth, Texas, on October 23, 24, and 25, 1991, Mayor Granger asked if there was anyone
present desiring to be heard.
Mrs. Martha Lu nday Mrs. Martha Lunday, representing the Department of Transportation and Public Works,
re BH -0074 appeared before the City Council and advised the City Council that the independent appraisal
performed by Mr. Robert Martin substantiates that, as the result of the proposed
construction, each case of the abutting property is specially benefitted in enhanced value
in excess of the amount assessed for the improvement; that the independent appraisal report
has been submitted to the City Council; that Mr. Robert Martin is available for questioning;
and called attention of the City Council to Mayor and Council Communication No. BH -0014, as
MOUND ROAD (FM 156) TO U.S. HIGHWAY 287 (PROJECT NO. 90-136039)
It is recommended that the City Council adopt an ordinance that:
benefit hearing, and
assessments as proposed, and
Minutes of City Council T-3 Page 64
Tuesday, November 19, 1991
3. Acknowledges that in each case the abutting property is specially benefitted in
BH -0074 cont. enhanced value in excess of the amount assessed for the improvement of Harmon Road
from Blue Mound Road (FM 156) to U.S. Highway 287.
On September 1, 1987 (M&C C-10494), the City CounciI.accepted a Minute Order for the
design and construction of Harmon Road from FM 156 to US 287 to provide improved access
to the Bureau of Engraving and Printing Western Currency. Facility. The agreement
provided, amonother things, that the State :Department of Hi hways and Public
Transportation (?now the Texas Department of Transportation) would pay $825,000 toward the
cost of construction.On August 13, 1991 (M&C C-13008), the City Council approved an
agreement with the U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing for the construction of drainage
facilities to serve the Western Currency Plant, which work is to be done in conjunction
with the paving of Harmon Road at a cost to the BEP of $102,111. On September 11, 1991,
the Texas Department of Transportation let a construction contract for this work.
. .. f
Owners of adjoining property have dedicated right-of-way for Harmon Road and have agreed
to estimated assessments which were considerably higher than those now being proposed.
From Blue Mound Road eastward approximately 5,000 feet, one,half of a future six -lane
divided roadway will be constructed. From that point north to U.S. 287, a divided four -
lane roadway will be built at.this time. Construction will be with standard concrete
pavement; standard concrete driveways will be built where shown on the plans.
On October 15, 1991 (M&C G-9341), the City Council established November 19, 1991, as the
date of the benefit hearing. Notice was given in accord with Article 1105b, Vernon's
Annotated Civil Statutes.
An independent appraiser has provided a report that documents the enhancement to property
values which results from the improvements.
Based on bid process and agreements between the City and the property owners, the Texas
Department of Transportation, and the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, the cost of the
project is distributed as follows:
City of Fort Worth $ -0- 0%
Property Owner's by Assessment $ 614,159.32 40%
Texas Department of Transportation Contribution $ 825,000.00 53%
Federal Bureau of Engraving and Printing $ 102,111.00 ( 7%)
Total $1,541,270.32 (100%)
There are no unusual situations on this project that require special City Council
consideration. The project is in Council DISTRICT 2.
There being no one else present desiring to be heard in connection with the benefit hearing for
the assessment paving of Harmon Road from Blue Mound Road (FM156) to U.S, Highway 287, Council Member
Puente made a motion, seconded by Council.Member Matson, that the hearing be closed and assessments
levied as recommended. When the motion was put to a vote by the Mayor, it prevailed unanimously.
Introduced an Council Member Puente introduced an ordinance and made a motion that it be adopted. The motion
Ordinance was seconded by Council Member Matson. The motion, carrying with it the adoption of said ordinance,
prevailed by the following vote:
AYES: Mayor Granger; Mayor Pro tempore Webber; Council Members Puente, Silcox,
Matson, McCray, Woods, Meadows, and Chappell
NOES: None
The ordinance, as adopted, is as follows:
Ordinance N o . 10956 ORDINANCE NO. 10956
Benefit Hearing It appearing to the City Council that the City Council on October 15, 1991, set today as the
BH -0075 date for the benefit hearing in connection with the assessment paving of Grove Street from Long Avenue
�to 38th Street and that notice of the hearing has been given by publication in the Fort Worth Star -
Telegram, the official newspaper of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, on October 23, 2nd -2'5-, Ig9I,
yl�fa o�anger asked if there was anyone present desiring to be heard.
Mrs. Martha Lunday Mrs. Martha Lunday, representing the Department of Transportation and Public Works, appeared
re BH -0075 before the City Council and advised the City Council that the independent appraisal performed by Mr.
Robert Martin substantiates that, as the result of the proposed construction, each case of the abutting
property is specially benefitted in enhanced value of the amount assessed for the improvement; that
the independent appraisal report has been submitted to the City Council; that Mr. Robert Martin is
available for questioning; and called attention of the City Council to Mayor and Council Communication
No. BH -0075, as follows:
TO 38TH STREET (PROJECT NO. 30-025270)
Minutes of City Council T-3 Page 65
Tuesday, November 19, 1991
It is recommended that the City Council adopt an ordinance that:
1. Closes the benefit hearing, and
2. Levies the assessments as proposed, and
3. Acknowledges that in each case the abutting property is specially benefitted in
enhanced value in excess of the amount assessed for the improvement of Grove
Street from Long Avenue to 38th Street.
Grove Street was included in the 1982 Capital Improvement Program. The project has been
delayed due to right-of-way issues related to encroaching concrete structures, location
of several driveway approaches, and the securing of outfall drainage facilities. Grove
Street is located within the Diamond Hill Target Area, however, CDBG funds are not
available for this project. Grove Street, in this area, is industrial/commercial in both
zoning and actual use. Proposed assessment rates have been calculated according to the
City Assessment Policy.
Grove Street will be constructed with appropriate concrete pavement for an industrial
street. Concrete driveways and sidewalks will be built where shown on the plans.
On October 15, 1991 (M&C G-9342), the City Council established November 19, 1991, as the
date of the benefit hearing. Notice was given in accord with Article 1105b, Vernon's
Annotated Civil Statutes.
An independent appraiser has provided a report that documents the enhancement to property
values which results from the improvements. Based on standard City policy, the City
Engineer's estimate, and the advice of the independent appraiser, the division of
estimated construction cost is:
Property owners' share of cost1533,412.23
239,599.85 31%
City's share of cost 69%
Total cost $773,012.08 100%
There are no unusual situations on this project that require special City Council
Council Member consideration. The project is in Council DISTRICT 2.
Chappell re Council Member Chappell advised the City Council that the Bank of Fort Worth is now the Central
BH -0075 Bank and he had a conflict of interest with Central Bank involving bank deposit.
Council Member Silcox
re BH -0075 Council Member Silcox disqualified himself from votingon Mayor and Council Communication
No. BH -0075 because of deposits, accounts, and contracts with he Overton Park Bank.
Mayor Pro tempore Mayor Pro tempore Webber advised the City Council that she had family members that have a
Webber re BH -0075 relationship with Overton Park Bank.
There being no one else present desiring to be heard in connection with the benefit hearing for
the assessment paving of Grove Street from Long Avenue to 38th Street, Council Member Puente made a
motion, seconded by Council Member Woods, that the hearing be continued from day to day and time to
time and especially to the meeting of December 39 1991. When the motion was put to a vote by the
Mayor, it prevailed by the following vote:
AYES: Mayor Granger; Council Members Puente, Matson, McCray, Woods, and Meadows
NOES: None
NOT VOTING: Mayor Pro tempore Webber; Council Member Chappell and Silcox
M&C G-9385 re work There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. G-9385 from the City Manager
authorization with recommending that a work authorization be authorized in accordance with AR3-3 for the sanitary sewer
AR3-3 replacement of L-479 by City forces in Newby Park and Jerome Street south of Rosedale Avenue, for a
total estimated project cost of $37,093.81, with funds available in the current operating budget, as
appropriated, of the Water and Sewer Operating Fund. It was the consensus of the City Council that
the recommendation be adopted.
M&C G-9386 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. G-9386 from the City Manager stating
bids for removal of that bids for the Removal of Old Traffic Detector Pads, at Various Locations, were received on August
Old Traffic Detector 15, 1991, with 39 working days allotted; that the Transportation and Public Works Department prepared
Pads an award of contract Mayor and Council Communication and began circulating it for approval; that, as
a result of the extended time required by various City departments to review and approve this proposed
Mayor and Council Communication, the number of days that the low bidder could legally be held
responsible for his bid expired; that, subsequently, the low bidder, James W. Jackson, Inc., chose to
withdraw his bid and not perform the project; that the second lowest bid, submitted by Humphrey &
Morton Construction, is substantially higher than the low bid and greater than the engineering
estimate; and recommending that the City Council reject all bids received for the Removal of Old
Traffic Detector Pads, at Various Locations, and authorize the staff to readvertise the project for
construction bids. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendations be adopted.
M&C G-9387 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. G-9387 from the City Manager stating
Downtwon Fort Worths that, for the past 34 years, the Fort Worth Jaycees have provided the Christmas tree for downtown Fort
Parade of Lights and Worth's Parade of Lights and Christmas tree lighting ceremony; that the Jaycees are requesting approval
Christmas Tree Light- from City Council to temporarily close Main Street from 8th to 9th Streets from 5:00 p.m. Friday,
ing Ceremony November 22, 1991, until 6:00 a.m. Monday, January 6, 1992, to allow time for decorating, displaying,
and removal of the tree; and recommending that the City Council approve the request of the Fort Worth
Jaycees to temporarily close Main street between 8th Street, and 9th Street from 5:00 p.m. Friday,
November 22, 1991, until 6:00 a.m. Monday, January 6, 1992. It was the consensus of the City Council
that the recommendation be adopted.
Minutes of City Council T-3 Page 66
Tuesday, November 19, 1991
M & C G-9388 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. G-9388 from the City Manager
donation from stating that the City of Fort Worth Municipal Court Department recently was the site of
Empty Chair Pr- filming for a movie; that several Municipal Court locations within the Public Safety and
d uc tions Courts Building were used during filming; that, as a way of expressing their gratitude for
the use of these locations, the filming company, "Empty Chair Productions", donated five
items to Municipal Court as follows: two microwave ovens, one small refrigerator, one
storage cabinet, and one banker's lamp for a total estimated value of approximately
$1,150.00; and recommending that the City Council approve the acceptance of furniture and
fixtures with an approximate value of $1,150.00 donated to the Municipal Court Department.
On motion of Council Member Woods, seconded by Council Member Puente, the recommendation was
M&C, G-9389 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. G-9389 from the City Manager
improvements to stating that the 1986 Capital Improvement Program included funds for the improvement of
Truman Drive from Truman Drive from Stalcup Road to Flemmings Drive; that the street has previously been
Stalcup Road to constructed to City standards; that, although the'street is not located in a target area,
Flemming s Drive it is in a qualified service area and Community Development Block Grant funds will provide
a portion of the construction cost; that the project is in Council District 5; that the
total estimate of the assessment is $434,828.00; and recommending that the City Council:
1. Declare the necessity for and order the improvements to Truman Drive from
Stalcup Road to Hemmings Drive, and
2. Authorize the assessment of a portion of the cost of the improvements to
Truman Drive against the owners of the abutting property, and
3. Approve the estimate of costs and amounts to be assessed as stated in the
Engineer's Estimate, and
4. Establish December 19, 1991, as the date of benefit hearing, and
5. Authorize the preparation of assessment rolls and notification of property
owners in accordance with the provisions of Article 1105b of Vernon's
Annotated Civil Statutes.
M&C G-9389 adopted On motion of Council Member McCray, seconded by Council Member Puente, the recommendations
were adopted.
M&C G-9390 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. G-9390 from the City Manager
refund of tax stating that the Texas Property Tax Code requires that a taxpayer must request a refund for
overpayments tax overpayment within three years of that payment; that Section 31.11 of Property Tax Code
further requires approval by the governing body before refunding overpayments or erroneous
payments in instances where the refund exceeds $500.00; that the Revenue Collection Division
of Fiscal Services has verified that erroneous payments or overpayments were made and
recommends refund, as follows:
0055-70-56 Lot 12, Block 13 Great Western Bank $536.16
1989 Taxes Cobbs Orchard Add
Taxes Paid Twice
0169-28-52 Lot - Block 1 Great Western Bank 681.65
1990 Taxes Meadowbrook Hills -Chimney
Wood Add
Taxes Paid Twice
0238-56-86 Lot 2, Block 10 Hutton, Charles & 537.17
1990 Taxes Ridgecrest Add (Ft. Worth) Lafreita
Taxes Paid Twice
TOTAL $1,754.98
M&C G-9390 adopted
Council Member Woods made a motion, seconded by Council Member Silcox, that the
recommendation be adopted. When the motion was put to a vote by the Mayor, it prevailed
M&C G-9391 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. G-9391 from the City Manager,
Park Pavilion as follows:
It is recommended that the City Council accept the gift of a constructed
concrete platform for a pavilion in Trinity Park.
Each year the Park and Recreation Department and the Tarrant County Water
Control and Improvement District assist in the set-up and dismantling of Mayfest
exhibit space and stages in Trinity Park. The Performing Arts stage, usually
located in the north end of the Mayfest area, is a multiple -piece structure
which must be reconditioned, assembled and disassembled each year. The Water
District has assumed this responsibility for several years. The District's
annual costs are approximately $2,600.00. The 15 -year old stage is increasingly
more costly to maintain as it deteriorates.
Minutes of City Council T-3 Page 67
Tuesday, November 19, 1991
M&C G-9391 cont. Staff has determined that a permanent pavilion for Trinity Park is desirable.
Such a facility could serve as the Mayfest Arts stage each year, eliminating
expenses associated with the portable stage. In addition, a wide range of uses
other than Mayfest may be foreseen. For example, the annual activities of the
Tarrant County Youth Collaboration which are held -in Trinity Park presently
require portable staging by the department. Also outdoor performance by various
music groups can be envisioned, as can the events.of other civic and special
interest groups. Due to the limited number of.shelters of this size in the
park's system and the prominence of Trinity Park, staff foresees interest by
private companies, churches and family groups as well. These activities could
be accommodated by the proposed structure.
Because of the potential benefit to the community at -large and the potential to
enhance the department's,: revenues, staff feels that this project is an
appropriate and desirable use of the proposed location in Trinity Park.
A private contractor has approached the department with an offer to build, at
no cost to the City, an elevated concrete platform in the Mayfest area. The
deck would be designed to accept a steel or wood shelter at some future date,
or would accommodate tent poles for cover.
At its October 15, 1991, meeting, the Park and Recreation Advisory Board
concurred with the recommendation to accept this gift.
M&C G-9391 adopted On motion of Council Member Chappell, seconded by Council Member Woods, the recommendation
was adopted.
M&C G-9392 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. G-9392 from the City Manager,
Demolition of Sub- as follows:
standard structure
It is recommended that the City Council:
1. Confirm that each structure listed herein is substandard and a nuisance,
2. Authorize contracts for demolition of structures for the City Services
Department on the low bid per unit basis as follows:
1. Howard Darby dba
Dyn-o-mite Demolition $10,362.00
Units 1,6,8,13,15,16
2. Calvin Sims dba
Calvin Sims Excavating and Wrecking $9,590.00
Units 4,5,10,11,12
3. Briggs and Son Wrecking Co., E. D. Briggs $9,220.00
Units 2,7,14
4. Action Excavating Corp., Inc. $8,597.00
Units 3,9
Total amount not to exceed $37,769.00 f.o.b., Fort Worth, Texas, and
3. Authorize a lien be filed against each property to cover the cost of
demolition and administration.
1. 1506 North Houston Street and Rear
2. 1815 Lincoln Avenue
3. 716 South Jennings Avenue
4. 928 Travis Avenue
5. 2249 Alston Avenue and Rear
6. 2947 College Avenue and Rear
7. 3009-11 South Adams Street
8. 3309 James Avenue
9. 1200 East Broadway Street
10. 1263 New York Avenue
11. 510 Parkdale Avenue
12. 2709 Avenue E
Minutes of City Council T-3 Page 68
M&C G-9392 cont.
Tuesday, November 19, 1991
13. 3642 North Littlejohn Avenue
14. 2001 Schmidt Street
15. 3504 East Lancaster Avenue
16. 2005 Sixth Avenue
Bidder Amount Bid
1. Howard Darby dba
Dyn-o-mite Demolition $42,776.00
Dallas, Texas
2. Calvin Sims dba
Calvin Sims Excavating and Wrecking $39,490.00
Fort Worth, Texas
3. Briggs and Son Wrecking Co., E,.D. Briggs $44,092.00
Fort Worth, Texas
4. Action Excavating Corp., Inc. $47,425.00
Saginaw, Texas
5. Joe Adams and Son, Inc. $69,700.00
Fort Worth, Texas
6. Brown Excavating Co., Inc. $46,562.00
Fort Worth, Texas
All terms are net and bid tabulation is attached.
Bid invitations were mailed to thirty-five prospective bidders and nineteen
vendors did not respond. Bid was advertised in the Fort Worth Star -Telegram on
October 17 and October 24, 1991.
Specifications required vendor to demolish structures and to remove all debris,
trash, unsightly and objectionable matter from the demolition premises to a
state licensed or properly permitted landfill site. The bid specifications also
provided that each location would be awarded based upon the low bid for that
particular location.
The Minimum Building Standards Code (Chapter 7, Article IV, Fort Worth City
Code) provides civil proceedings for the repair or demolition of substandard
structures in the City of Fort Worth. The Code Enforcement Division has been
unable to obtain Code compliance for the structures listed. The Building
Standards Commission has heard each case and has tried to work with the property
owners toward rehabilitation, or voluntary removal, but the owners continue to
delay abatement of the substandard condition. The Commission has ordered that
each of the structures be demolished in accordance with Section 7-122 of the
Code of the City of Fort Worth. Final approval by the City Council is now
required in order to demolish the structures and remove debris from the lots.
Property owners and lienholders have been notified that the Housing Official
will recommend that the City Council award demolition contracts during the
regular meeting on November 19, 1991.
The Director of Fiscal Services certifies that the funds required for these
contracts are available in the current operating budget, as appropriated, of the
General Fund. Fiscal Services Department is responsible for collection of funds
due the City under this agreement.
Mr. Jack. Garrett ri Mr. Jack Garrett, 7001 Grapevine Highway, Suite 310, representing Mr. Donald Hale,
M&C G-9392 appeared before the City Council and requested that his client be given a 30 day extension
Unit No. 1 to complete the sale of the property and that the purchaser be given an opportunity to hire
an outside contractor to demolish the property.
Mrs. Gail Baxter
re M&C, G-9392 Mrs. Gail Baxter, Code Enforcement Supervisor, appeared before the City Council and
advised the City Council that the property was declared substandard in May 1990, and that
the structure is in various stages of collapse and recommended that the structure be
Council Member Puente made a motion, seconded by Council Member Chappell, that the
property located at 1506 North Houston Street and rear, Unit 1, be approved for demolition,
and that Mayor and Council Communication No. G-9392, Unit 1, be reconsidered at the City
Council meeting of November 26, 1991. When the motion was put to a vote by the Mayor, it
prevailed unanimously.
Minutes of City Council T-3 Page 69
Tuesday, November 19, 1991
Mr. Lindy Allen Mr. Lindy Allen, 1117 East Jefferson, appeared before the City Council regarding the
re M&C, G-9392 property at 3009-11 South Adams Street, Unit 7, and requested additional time to complete
Unit No. 7 11 repairs.
Mrs. Gail Baxter Mrs. Gail Baxter, Code Enforcement Supervisor, appeared before the City Council and
re M&C G-9392 advised the City Council that the structure was found to be substandard in July 1990, but
the structure is repairable, however, numerous complaints have been received from the
neighborhood regarding the property not being secured and grass cut.
Council Member Council Member Chappell made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro tempore Webber, that the
Chappell re property located at 3009-11 South Adams Street, Unit 7, be granted a 30 day extension and
M&C G-9392 30 -day that Mayor and Council Communication No. G-9392 be reconsidered at the City Council meeting
extension of November 26, 1991, and instructed the applicant to mow and secure the property. When the
motion was put to a vote by the Mayor, it prevailed unanimously.
Council Member Chappell made a motion, seconded by Council Member McCray, that Mayor
and Council Communication No. G-9392 for the demolition of substandard structures at 16
locations, excluding Unit No. 7, be approved. When the motion was put to a vote by the
Mayor, it prevailed unanimously.
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. G-9393 from the City Manager,
M&C G-9393 re as follows:
was withdrawn 11
It is recommended that the City Council:
1. Authorize a new golf fee structure and fee increase to become effective
30 days after approval, and
2. Authorize the Superintendent of Golf Operations to temporarily reduce
green and cart rental fees, without Council approval, for a period of not
more than 31 days.
During the 1989-90 fiscal year, Council voted to lease Z. Boaz and Rockwood Golf
Courses to private management firms. A Municipal Golf Management Team,
consisting of all management at the Fort Worth Municipal Golf courses, was
formed to discuss policy and issues that concern municipal golf in Fort Worth.
In June of 1991, the American Golf Corporation, the management company of Z.
Boaz, requested that fees for the municipal courses be increased. They cited
their capital improvement program and the City's low-end market fee rate as
justification. The Park and Recreation Department (PARD) responded with a
denial to their request until the PARD could complete a fiscal analysis of the
current fees and the Municipal Golf Management Team could agree on a
The most recent fee increase was August 16, 1988 (M&C G-7687). Since that
increase, all golf course management concerns have accomplished capital
improvement projects. The management team feels that an increase and some
restructuring of fees would permit additional improvements and services to the
municipal golfers.
The proposal before the City Council includes:
1. The elimination of annual passes (except for the agreement with FWISD high
schools), and instead, offering a reduced green fee for both junior and
senior golfers. This recommendation was originally made by the City's
Internal Auditor. It would greatly reduce the administrative work now
required to adequately control annual passes as well as provide better
control over recording and collection of green fee revenue. The proposed
reduced rates, a 60 -percent discount from the proposed weekday fee of
$10.00, is structured to generate an adequate amount of total revenue for
the City to recover most of the cost of golf course maintenance.
2. A separate Sunset fee be established for weekends and holidays. The
amount of play during prime weekend evenings does not indicate the need
for the same level of discount as weekday evenings.
3. The addition of seven Federal/State holidays, which are not recognized by
the City to the weekend and holiday fee schedule. We are requesting that
the Golf Division be allowed to include these Federal/State holidays when
charging holiday rates because of the potential amount of revenues we are
losing based on the number of golfers that are on our courses.
4. A promotional discount from regular fees allowed at the Superintendent of
Golf Operations' discretion. Under some circumstances, such as when poor
weather or business conditions dictate, it would benefit both the lease -
managed courses and the Park and Recreation Golf Division to lower fees
The proposed fee structure and fees are as follows:
Minutes of City Council T-3 Page 70
Tuesday, November 19, 1991
Green Fees - Daily
Weekday $ 9.00 $ 10.00
Weekend/Holiday 10.00 12.00
Sunset Weekday 6.00 7.00
Sunset Weekend/Holiday 6.00 8.00
Junior -Weekday Only 6.00 4.00
School Team - Weekday Only 4.00 4.00
Senior/Handicap - Weekday Only 6.00 4.00
Senior Passes $275.00 --
Cart Rentals
18 Hole Cart
$ 14.00
$ 16.00
9 Hole Cart
Single Rider
Private Cart
Other Fees*
Advance Reservations $ 0.50 $ 0.50
Tournament Fees 0.50 2.00
* All fees are listed per person.
Revenues from the fee increase are estimated to be in excess of $308,000.00.
A recommendation for a new golf fee structure was presented to the Park and
Recreation Advisory Board meeting of September 17, 1991. At this meeting, the
Board requested that the Fort Worth Golf Advisory Committee (a group established
to advise PARD staff the needs of the golfing community) study the proposal and
provide them with their recommendation. This committee met on October 9, 1991,
and recommended staff's proposed fee schedule with some minor changes: The
Senior/Handicap-Weekday Only fee be $4.00 instead of $5.00; and private cart
fees for both weekday and weekends be $7.00 rather than $8.00 and $9.00,
respectively. Also, a proposal to include Fridays in the weekend fee schedule
should be withdrawn. PARD staff concurs with these changes and they_are
reflected in the recommendation before Council.
Staff presented this revised golf fee structure to the Park and Recreation
Advisory Board at their regularly scheduled meeting of October 15, 1991. At
that time, the Board recommended that the proposal be approved except for the
elimination of the current senior passes and the proposed change in the senior
fee, which would remain the same.
Staff does not concur with the Park and Recreation Advisory Board in keeping the
Senior Rates and Senior Pass at present levels. The recommendation to eliminate
Senior Passes was originally made by the City's Internal Auditor in order to
improve accountability and reduce administrative costs.
As the attached analysis details, there are currently 371 Senior Passes in use.
The current pass price is $275.00. Based on 15,716 rounds played on the three
City operated courses, pass users are paying $3.55 per round. It costs the City
$6.73 per round to maintain the golf courses, and $22.09 per round if our
capital improvement program is factored in.
In the event that Council concludes that senior annual passes should remain as
part of the fee structure, Staff would recommend that the cost of passes remain
at the present level with a $1.00 surcharge added each time the player
registers. Additionally, the sale of passes should be restricted to City of
Fort Worth residents. This is a similar system to the ones set up in the only
other two municipalities (Arlington & Dallas) in the metroplex that have senior
annual passes. It is also recommended that the weekday senior rate for non -pass
players remain at the current $6.00 level.
r. Wayne Smith re Mr. Wayne Smith, 4448 Fiesta Circle West, appeared before the City Council and
&C, G-9393 expressed appreciation to Mayor Pro tempore Webber and Council Member McCray for voting
against the leasing contracts for the golf courses and requested that City Council do what
is just and fare in increasing the fee structure for the golf courses.
r. Alfred Cohen re Mr. Alfred Cohen, 3901 Felisa Place, appeared before the City Council on behalf of the
&C, G-9393 11 senior golfers and expressed opposition to the elimination of senior passes.
Council Member McCray made a motion, seconded by Council Member Silcox, that Mayor and
Council Communication No. G-9393 be withdrawn from the agenda. When the motion was put to
a vote by the Mayor, it prevailed unanimously.
&C G-9394 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. G-9394 from the City Manager
rant application stating that, to aid the community in its planning efforts regarding the conversion of the
or reuse of Cars- Carswell Air Force Base from its current military use to a future alternative reuse, the
ell Air Force Base Office of Economic Adjustment is offering a planning grant in the amount of $150,000.00;
that an interlocal agreement between White Settlement, Westworth Village and Fort Worth will
designate Fort Worth to be the agency to prepare, submit, receive and administer the
planning grant; that the grant request will cover a nine month period and the local matching
funds for the period is $71,850.00; that the local funds provided by the Fort Worth Chamber
of Commerce will total $31,316.00 and the three communities will provide $40,534.00 in "in-
kind" contributions; and recommending that the City Council authorize a grant application
Minutes of City Council T-3 Page 71
Tuesday, November 19, 1991
M&C G-9394 cont.
to be submitted to the Office of Economic Adjustment in the amount of $150,000.00 for
planning efforts regarding the reuse of Carswell Air Force Base and authorize the City
advised the City Council that PTCC, Inc., will be manufacturing
Manager to accept and execute the grant, if approved.
Assistant City
Manager Mike
Assistant City Manager Mike Groomer appeared before the City Council and advised the
Groomer re M&C
City Council that Mayor and Council Communication No. G-9394 works concurrently with Mayor
and Council Communication No. C-13142 and gave a brief summary regarding process of the
Chappell, the
application regarding the reuse of Carswell Air Force Base; and advised the City Council
recommendations were adopted.
that the narrative spells out what the grant will cover and stated that the existing
ntroduced a
e solutio n
contract is money rolled over from the previous contract with James Toal and advised the
Pro tempore Webber introduced a resolution and made a motion that
City Council that the funding is in-kind contributions.
Council Member Chappell made a motion, seconded by Council Member Puente, that Mayor
was seconded by Council Member Chappell. The motion, carrying
and Council Communication No. G-9394 be adopted. When the motion was put to a vote by the
Mayor, it prevailed unanimously.
M&C G-9395 re
PTCC, Inc.
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. G-9395 from the City Manager
stating that PTCC, Inc., is a joint venture corporation owned 50 percent by Tandy
Mayor Granger; Mayor Pro tempore Webber; Council Members
Corporation and 50 percent by Matsushita of Osaka, Japan; that the initial operation will
be located in an existing facility located at 401 N.E. 38th Street; that the operations will
Silcox, Matson, McCray, Woods, Meadows, and Chappell
begin in April 1992 with 188 jobs and will expand to 238 jobs after 21 months; that a state
designated enterprise project can receive state benefits such as a refund of certain state
sales tax up to $250,000.00 per year based on the number of new positions filled by
residents of an enterprise zone or economically disadvantaged persons; that only the City
Council can nominate a business for consideration by the Texas Department of Commerce and
there can be only four projects per zone per year; that there are two state -designated
enterprise projects in the Metroplex: Tandy Corporation in the North Enterprise Zone and
Pastusek Industries in the South Enterprise Zone; that the application must be submitted to
the Texas Department of Commerce by November 25, 1991; that the Department of Commerce will
designate the projects by January 1992; and recommending that the City Council:
1. Adopt the attached resolution which makes the following findings:
A. PTCC, Inc., a joint venture corporation owned 50 percent by Tandy
Corporation and 50 percent by Matsushita, is a "qualified business"
under Section 3(a)(10) of the Texas Enterprise Zone Act since it
will engage in the active conduct of a trade or business in the
Zone and at least 25 percent of the business employees will be
residents of a Zone within the City or economically disadvantaged
B. PTCC, Inc., will be operating in the North Enterprise Zone which
has an unemployment rate exceeding one and one-half (1-1/2) times
the state unemployment rate;
C. There has been and will continue to be a high level of cooperation
between public, private and neighborhood entities within the North
Enterprise Zone;
D. The designation) of PTCC, Inc., as an enterprise project will
contribute significantly to the achievement of the plans of the
City for the development and revitalization of the North Enterprise
Zone, and
2. Authorize the City Manager to submit an application to the Texas
Department of Commerce for designation of PTCC, Inc., as an Enterprise
ayor Pro tempore Mayor Pro tempore Webber requested that the City Manager look into some linkages with
ebbe r re M&C, the North Enterprise Zone and the South Enterprise Zone so that the City of Fort Worth will
-9395 have two successful enterprise zones.
ounci 1 Member Council Member Meadows advised the City Council that he no longer has an interest with
ea doors re H&C Tandy Corporation and will participate in voting on Mayor and Council Communication
-9395 No. G-9395.
rs. Ann Diveley rE
&C G-9395
Mrs. Ann Diveley, Assistant Economic Development Director, appeared before the City
Council and
advised the City Council that PTCC, Inc., will be manufacturing
and assembling
lap computers and introduced Mr. Brice Drake, President of PTCC, Inc.
On motion
of Mayor Pro tempore Webber, seconded by Council Member
Chappell, the
recommendations were adopted.
ntroduced a
e solutio n
Pro tempore Webber introduced a resolution and made a motion that
it be adopted.
The motion
was seconded by Council Member Chappell. The motion, carrying
with it the
adoption of
said resolution, prevailed by the following vote:
Mayor Granger; Mayor Pro tempore Webber; Council Members
Silcox, Matson, McCray, Woods, Meadows, and Chappell
The resolution, as adopted, is as follows:
Minutes of City Council T-3 Page 72
Tuesday, November 19, 1991
esol uti on No. RESOLUTION NO. 1786
A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, Nominating
A Qualified Business For Designation as an Enterprise Project
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Fort Worth has recognized the
importance of economic development to the City; and
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Fort Worth adopted resolution
1342 on August 9, 1988, designating an area within the City as the "Fort Worth
North Enterprise Zone" and on June 13, 1989, adopted resolution 1425, which
amended the boundaries of said zone, which has an unemployment rate greater than
1.5 times the state unemployment rate; and
WHEREAS, on August 30, 1988, the Texas Department of Commerce designated
the Fort Worth North Enterprise Zone pursuant to the Texas Enterprise Zone Act
and in 1989 approved a revision to the North Enterprise Zone boundaries; and
WHEREAS, The Texas Department of Commerce will consider PTCC, Inc., as an
enterprise project pursuant to a nomination and an application made by the City
of Fort Worth, Texas; and
WHEREAS, PTCC, Inc., has applied to the City for designation as an
enterprise project pursuant to the Texas Enterprise Zone Act; and
WHEREAS, PTCC, Inc -is, facilities in the North Enterprise Zone will not
cause any displacement of businesses or homes, but rather the initial phase of
the project will create 188 new jobs in the City of Fort Worth and the Fort
Worth North Enterprise Zone; and
WHEREAS, PTCC, Inc., has demonstrated a willingness to negotiate or
cooperate in the achievement of the purposes of the Texas Enterprise Zone Act;
WHEREAS, the City finds that it is in the best interests of the City to
nominate PTCC, Inc., as an enterprise project pursuant to the Act; and
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Fort Worth finds that PTCC, Inc.,
meets the criteria for designation as an enterprise project under Section 10 (c)
of the Texas Enterprise Zone Act on the following grounds:
1. PTCC, Inc., is a "qualified business" under Section 3 (a) (10) of
the Act since it will be engaged in the active conduct of a trade
or business in the Fort Worth North Enterprise Zone and at least 25
percent of the business employees in the zone will be residents of
Fort Worth Enterprise Zones or economically disadvantaged
individuals, and if the business should expand in the Fort Worth
North Enterprise Zone after designation as an enterprise project,
it will hire residents of the Enterprise Zones or economically
disadvantaged persons so that those individuals constitute at least
25 percent of the business employees in the zone; and
2. PTCC, Inc., will be operating in the Fort Worth North Enterprise
Zone, which has an unemployment rate exceeding one and one-half
times the state unemployment rate; and
3. It has been demonstrated that a high level of cooperation between
public, private and neighborhood entities exists in the Fort Worth
North Enterprise Zone; and
4. The designation of PTCC, Inc., as an enterprise project will
contribute significantly to the achievement of the plans of the
City Council of Fort Worth for the development and revitalization
of the Fort Worth North Enterprise Zone.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Fort
Worth that:
1. PTCC, Inc., is a "qualified business" as defined in Section 3 (a)
(10) of the Act, and meets the criteria for designation as an
enterprise project as set forth in Section 10 of the Act.
2. The City hereby nominates PTCC, Inc., as an Enterprise Project in
accordance with the Act, and directs the City Manager or his
designee to file an application with the Texas Department of
Commerce nominating PTCC, Inc., for designation as an Enterprise
Project and to act as liaison in matters pertaining to negotiations
between affected parties.
3. The Enterprise Project shall take effect on the date of designation
of the Enterprise Project by the Texas Department of Commerce and
terminate five years after the date of designation.
M&C, P-5331 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-5331 from the City Manage
purchase from submitting a quotation received for the purchase of materials and service to complete th
Stovall Electric construction of underground storage tank upgrade for the City Services Department; statin
that the Director of Fiscal Services certifies that funds required for this purchase ar
available in the current operating budget, as appropriated, of the Equipment Service
Minutes of City Council T-3 Page 73
Tuesday, November 19, 1991
M&C P-5331 cont. Operating Fund; and recommending that the City Council authorize the purchase to be made
and adopted from Stovall Electric for an amount not to exceed $70,415.00. It was the consensus of the
City Council that the recommendations be adopted.
M&C P-5332 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-5332 from the City Manager
purchase agreement submitting a sole source purchase agreement to provide preventative maintenance of automatic
with Laerdal Manu- external defibrillators for the Fire Department; stating that the Director of Fiscal
facturing Corpora- Services certifies that the money required for this anticipated expenditure during the 1991 -
tion 92 fiscal year is available in the operating budget, as appropriated, and the money required
for the 1992-93 fiscal year will be included in the proposed budget; and recommending that
the City Council authorize the purchase agreement with Laerdal Manufacturing Corporation to
provide preventative maintenance on fifty-five automatic external defibrillators for the
Fire Department based on the unit price of $347.50 per year for a total amount not to exceed
$19,112.50, with term of agreement to begin December 18, 1991, and end December 17, 1992.
It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendations be adopted.
M&C, P-5333 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-5333 from the City Manager
agreement with stating that the City Council approved the purchase of an automated system for the reading
Radix Corporation of water meters on July 21, 1981; that the City Council authorized the annual maintenance
of the equipment on December 6, 1990, by Mayor and Council Communication No. P-4606; that
it is requested that this agreement be extended for one additional year; that Radix is the
manufacturer of these units and sole source of maintenance for this equipment; stating that
the Director of Fiscal Services certifies that the funds required for this agreement are
available in the current budget, as appropriated, of the Water and Sewer Operating Fund; and
recommending that the City Council authorize a one year extension of the maintenance
agreement with Radix Corporation for maintenance of the automated meter reading system in
an amount not to exceed $24,444.00, with term of agreement to begin November 1, 1991, and
end October 31, 1992. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendations be
adopted. ,
M&C. P-5334 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-5334 from the City Manager
purchase from 0 EI submitting a tabulation of bids received for the purchase of 2 -part continuous carbonless
Business Forms forms for the Information Systems and Services Department; stating that the Director of
Fiscal Services certifies that funds required for these expenditures are available in the
current operating budget, as appropriated, of the General Fund; and recommending that the
purchase be made from OEI Business Forms on its low bid, meeting specifications, of $13.33
per thousand for an amount not to exceed $5,865.20. It was the consensus of the City
Council that the recommendation be adopted.
M&C P-5335 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-5335 from the City Manager
purchase from submitting a tabulation of bids received for the purchase of 56 golf course turf covers for
Contech Construc- the Park and Recreation Department; stating that the Director of Fiscal Services certifies
tion Products that the funds required for this purchase are available in the current operating budget, as
appropriated, of the Golf Fund; and recommending that the purchase be made from Contech
Construction Products, Inc., on its low bid, meeting City specifications, of $0.069 per
square foot for a total amount not to exceed $30,335.85 net, f.o.b. Fort Worth. It was the
consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
M&C P-5336 re
agreement with
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-5336 from the City Manager
Tarrant County
stating that the City of Fort Worth, Police Department, will use this agreement with Tarrant
Hospital District
County Hospital District for an estimated 400 to 450 sexual assault cases during the 91-92
Fiscal Year; that the charge for the emergency room and test performed by the hospital will
be billed to the Police Department at the current rate of $62.50 for each occurrence; that
the physicians' fees will be charged to the District Attorney's office; that a cooperative
effort between John Peter Smith Hospital, Tarrant County District Attorney's office, and the
Fort Worth Police Department was established in 1978 in an attempt to provide a more
complete and uniform collection of evidence thus benefiting the criminal investigation
procedures; that the Hospital District, the Fort Worth Police Department, and the District
Attorney's office have found the services rendered to be satisfactory; that the Director of
Fiscal Services certifies that the funds required for this anticipated expenditure during
the 1991-92 Fiscal Year are available in the current operating budget, as appropriated, and
the funds required for the 1992-93 Fiscal Year will be included in the proposed budget; and
recommending that the City Council authorize an agreement with Tarrant County Hospital
District for professional rape examination services at John Peter Smith Hospital for an
amount not to exceed $30,000.00, with term of agreement to begin November 9, 1991, and end
November 8, 1992. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendations be
M&C P-5337 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-5337 from the City Manager
agreement with submitting a tabulation of bids received for a purchase agreement to provide repair services
Texas Avionics or replacement avionics for the Police Department, Air Support Division; stating that the
Director of Fiscal Services certifies that the funds required for this anticipated
expenditure during the 1991-92 fiscal year are available in the operating budget, as
appropriated, of the General Fund, and funds required for the 1992-93 fiscal year will be
included in the proposed budget; and recommending that the City Council authorize a purchase
agreement with Texas Avionics for an amount not to exceed $53,000.00, based on unit prices
of $40.00 per hour for labor and parts at list price less 15 percent discount, with term of
agreement to begin December 1, 1991, and end November 30, 1992, with options to renew for
two additional one year periods. It was the consensus of the City Council that the
recommendations be adopted.
M&C P-5338 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-5338 from the City Manager
purchase agreement stating that the City Council on January 10, 1991, by Mayor and Council Communication
f o r water treat- No. P-4672 authorized purchase agreements with various vendors to supply water treatment
ment chemicals chemicals to the Water Department for one year with option to renew for one additional year;
that one vendor, General Chemical could not maintain their price for an additional year, so
liquid aluminum sulfate will be rebid; that all other vendors agreed, in writing, to
maintain their prices for another year and deliver to the Rolling Hills Plant, Holly Plants
Minutes of City Council T-3 Page 74
Tuesday, November 19, 1991
M&C P-5338 cont. (north and south), and the new Eagle Mountain Plant; that Tennessee Chemical Company was
awarded the purchase agreement for the dry bulk and bagged ferric sulfate; that, during the
agreement period, the company was purchased by Boliden Intertrade; that the company will
continue to honor the purchase agreement; that the Director of Fiscal Services certifies
that funds required for this anticipated expenditure during the 1991-92 fiscal year are
available in the Water and Wastewater Fund, as appropriated, and the funds required for the
1992-93 fiscal year will be included in the proposed budget; and recommending that the City
Council exercise the one-year renewal option for all purchase agreements for water treatment
chemicals except General Chemical, for the Water and Sewer Department treatment plants, with
terms of agreements to begin January 10, 1992, and end January 9, 1993. It was the
consensus of the City Council that the recommendations be adopted.
M&C P-5339 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-5339 from the City Manager
purchase agreement submitting a tabulation of bids received for a purchase agreement for fiberglass manholes
with Hayward Fiber and rings for the Water Department; stating that the Director of Fiscal Services certifies
glass, Inc. that the funds required for this purchase agreement are available in the Water and Sewer
Fund; and recommending that the purchase agreement be authorized with Hayward Fiberglass,
Inc., on its low overall bid of $164,773.00 net, f.o.b. Fort Worth, with term of agreement
to begin November 12, 1991, and end November 11, 1992. It was the consensus of the City
Council that the recommendations be adopted.
M & C P-5340 re
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-5340 from the City Manager
purchase agreement
stating that Mayor and Council Communication No. P-4598, dated November 27, 1990, authorized
with NDRC Labo ra-
to rie s, Inc.
a purchase agreement with a renewal option for one additional year, with NDRC Laboratories,
29C2, R. R.
Inc., to conduct laboratory test for the presence of toxic and hazardous pollutants at the
R.R. Ramey Survey, Abstract 1341; find that $200.00 is just compensation for property
Village Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant as required for the National Pollution Discharge
Elimination System permit; that NDRC Laboratories, Inc., has performed this service at a
M&C L-10706 re
satisfactory level and the Water Department has requested the renewal option be exercised;
Boulevard (PASS) Project; and authorize the acceptance and recording of the appropriate
that the Director of Fiscal Services certifies that the funds required for this anticipated
transfer. drainage
expenditure during the 1991-92 Fiscal Year are available in the current operating budget,
M&C L-10704
as appropriated, and the funds required for the 1992-93 Fiscal Year will be included in the
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-10704 from the City Manager
proposed budget; and recommending that the City Council exercise its option to renew the
purchase agreement with NDRC Laboratories, Inc., based on its low bid of unit prices, for
out of Tract
a total amount not to exceed $22,332.00, with term of agreement to begin November 22, 1991,
Tract 29C3, R.R. Ramey Survey, Abstract 1341; find that $2,000.00 is just compensation for
and end November 21, 1992. It was the consensus of the City Council that the
recommendations be adopted.
M&C P-5341 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-5341 from the City Manager
purchase agreement submitting a tabulation of bids received for purchase agreements to provide floor tile and
with Color Tile, related items for the City of Fort Worth; stating that the Director of Fiscal Services
I.C. Crow, and certifies that funds required for this anticipated expenditure are available in the current
Alexander Lumber budget; and recommending that the purchase agreement be authorized with Color Tile, I.C.
Company Crow, and Alexander Lumber Company based on low bid per unit price, net f.o.b. Fort Worth,
with term of agreement to begin November 26, 1991, and end November 25, 1992. It was the
consensus of the City Council that the recommendations be adopted.
M&C L-10703
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-10703 from the City Manager
portion of
recommending that the City Council authorize the acquisition of a portion of Tract 29C2,
29C2, R. R.
R.R. Ramey Survey, Abstract 1341; find that $200.00 is just compensation for property
acquired from ' Jake Cook, Power of Attorney for Frances Cook, required for Green Oaks
M&C L-10706 re
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-10706 from the City Manager
Boulevard (PASS) Project; and authorize the acceptance and recording of the appropriate
recommending that the City Council authorize the acquisition of drainage and slope easements
transfer. drainage
deed. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendations be adopted.
M&C L-10704
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-10704 from the City Manager
portion of
recommending that the City Council authorize the acquisition of a portion of land out of
out of Tract
Tract 29C3, R.R. Ramey Survey, Abstract 1341; find that $2,000.00 is just compensation for
of SDHPT Projects Unspecified to the Green Oaks Boulevard (Land) Pass Project in the Street
property acquired for Green Oaks Boulevard (PASS) Project from Jake Cook, Power of Attorney
R.R. Ramey
for Frances Cook; and authorize the acceptance and recording of the appropriate deed. It
was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendations be adopted.
M&C L-10705 re
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-10705 from the City Manager
acquisition of
recommending that the City Council authorize the acquisition of a portion of land out of
portion of Land oul
Tract 29E, R.R. Ramey Survey, Abstract 1341; find that $8,600.00 is just compensation for
of Tract 29E, R. R
property acquired from Jake Cook, Power of Attorney for Frances Cook, required for Green
Ramey Survey
Oaks Boulevard (PASS) Project; and authorize the acceptance and recording of the appropriate
deed. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendations be adopted.
M&C L-10706 re
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-10706 from the City Manager
approved bond fund
recommending that the City Council authorize the acquisition of drainage and slope easements
transfer. drainage
described as a portion of Tract 29E, R.R. Ramey Survey, Abstract 1341; find that $18,200.00
and slope easement'is
just compensation for property acquired from Jake Cook, Independent Executor of the
Estate of Blanche Cook, deceased, and as Power of Attorney for Frances Cook, required for
Green Oaks Boulevard Project; authorize the acceptance and recording of the appropriate
deed; and authorize a bond fund transfer in the amount of $18,200.00 from the City's share
of SDHPT Projects Unspecified to the Green Oaks Boulevard (Land) Pass Project in the Street
Improvements Bond Fund. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendations
be adopted.
M&C L-10707 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-10707 from the City Manager
approved bond fund recommending that the City Council authorize the acquisition of right-of-way, drainage and
transfer; right -of slope easements described as a portion of Tract 29, R.R. Ramey Survey, Abstract 1341; find
way, drainage, and that $384,465.00 is just compensation for property acquired from Jake Cook Independent
slope easements Executor of the Estate of Arvy B. Cook and Blanche Cook, deceased; authorize the acceptance
and recording of the appropriate deed; and authorize a bond fund transfer in the amount of
$384,465.00 from the City's share of SDHPT Projects Unspecified to the Green Oaks Boulevard
(Land) Pass Project in the Street Improvements Bond Fund. It was the consensus of the City
Council that the recommendations be adopted.
Minutes of City Council T-3 Page 75
Tuesday, November 19, 1991
M&C L-10708 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-10708 from the City Manager
acquisition of recommending that the City Council authorize the acquisition of waterline and temporary
waterline and tem- construction easement for Parcel No. 1, described as a portion of Tract 1, W.M. Bostick
porary constructior Survey, Abstract 210, and a portion of Tract 2, S.P. Williams Survey, Abstract 1690, from
easements William Y. Harvey, required for Northside II, Phase II, Section III, for a total
consideration of $6,300.00; and authorize the acceptance and recording of the appropriate
instruments. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendations be adopted.
M&C L-10709 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-10709 from the City Manager
acquisition of recommending that the City Council authorize the acquisition of a drainage easement situated
drainage easement on Tract 1-A, J.W. Sansom Survey, Abstract 1387; find that $1.00 is just; compensation for
,property acquired from Verend, Inc., for a storm drain at the 7400 Block of Trinity
Boulevard; and authorize the acceptance and recording of the appropriate deed. It was the
consensus of the City Council that the recommendations be adopted.
M&C L-10710 re . There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-10710 from the City Manager
acquisition of recommending that the City Council authorize the acquisition of a permanent easement
portion of Lot AR, described as a portion of Lot AR, Fair Oaks Addition located at 4401 River Oaks Boulevard
Fair Oaks Addition from Benjamin Fevrieski, Trustee, acting by and through R. M' Ginsberg, Attorney in Fact,
required for sewer line relocation 9105-05 for a total consideration of $1.00, and authorize
the acceptance and recording of the appropriate deed. It was the consensus of the City
Council that the recommendations be adopted.
M&C L-10711
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-10711 from the City Manager
portion of
Lots 10
recommending that the City Council authorize the acquisition of a portion of Lots 10, 11,
11, and 12,
and 12 and a portion of Lot 9, Block 13, Rockwood Terrace Addition; find that $1.00 is just
portion of
Lot 9,
compensation for property acquired from Griff's of Fort Worth #3, Inc.; and authorize the
Block 13, Rockwood
acceptance and recording of the appropriate deed. It was the consensus of the City Council
Terrace Addition
that the recommendations be adopted.
M&C L-10712
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-10712 from the City Manager
drainage easement
recommending that the City Council approve the acquisition of a drainage easement out of the
V.J. Hutton Survey, Abstract No. 681 for a drainage easement at the American Airlines
Learning Center; find that $1.00 is just compensation for property acquired from Dallas -Fort
Worth International Airport Board; and, authorize the acceptance and recording of the
appropriate deed. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendations be
MAC L-10713 w a sIt was the consensus of the City Council that Mayor and Council Communication
No. L-10713, cancellation of Lake Worth Lease - Lots 15-16, Block 27, be withdrawn from the
withdrawn agenda.
M&C L-10714 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-10714 from the City Manager
interest in certaiF recommending that the City Council declare the necessity of taking an interest in certain
land out of the M. land to construct essential public improvements described as a as portion of 1.060 acres out
Garrison Survey of the M. Garrison Survey, Abstract No. 597, and authorize the City Attorney to institute
condemnation proceedings to acquire.the interest in the land from Jali Trust and Pajis
1Equities, Company Undivided Tenants In Common. On motion of Council Member Woods, seconded
by Council Member Meadows, the recommendations were adopted.
M&C, PZ -1635 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. PZ -1635 from the City Manager
vacating utility recommending that an ordinance be adopted vacating a five-foot wide by approximately 190 -
easement foot long utility easement located along the rear of lots 27 through 29, Block 1, Corbell
Addition, as recorded in Book 1923, Page 159, Deed of Records, Tarrant County, Texas, a
parcel of land out of the A. McLemore Survey, Abstract No. 1056 and the F. Wood Survey,
Abstract No. 1624. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be
Introduced an Council Member Woods introduced an ordinance and made a motion that it be adopted.
Ordinance The motion was seconded by Council Member Meadows. The motion, carrying with it the
adoption of said ordinance, prevailed by the following vote:
AYES: Mayor Granger; Mayor Pro tempore Webber; Council Members Puente,
Silcox, Matson, McCray, Woods, Meadows, and Chappell
NOES: None
The ordinance, as adopted, is as follows:
rdinance No.
&C PZ -1636 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. PZ -1636 from the City Manager
losing alley recommending that a resolution be adopted physically closing (by means of locked gates as
approved by the Transportation and Public Works Department) an alley located between Lots
1-8 and 9-16, Block 8, Dixie Wagon Manufacturing Addition. It was the consensus of the City
Council that the recommendation be adopted.
Minutes of City Council T-3 Page 76
Tuesday, November 19, 1991
Introduced a Council Member Woods introduced a resolution and made a motion that it be adopted.
Resolution 11 The motion was seconded by Council Member Meadows. The motion, carrying with it the
adoption of said resolution, prevailed by the following vote:
AYES: Mayor Granger; Mayor Pro tempore Webber; Council Members Puente,
Silcox, Matson, McCray, Woods, Meadows, and Chappell
NOES: None
The resolution, as adopted, is as follows:
Resolution No. RESOLUTION NO. 1787
WHEREAS, all abutting property owners have requested by written and signed
petition, that the City physically close, at such property owners' expense,
north/south alley located between Lots 1 through 8 and 9 through 16, Block 8 of
the Dixie Wagon Manufacturing Addition to the City of Fort Worth, Texas, as it
runs northward from East Long Avenue to Maydell Street; and
WHEREAS, the Plan Commission of the City of Fort Worth has reviewed this
request and recommends that the -subject portion of the alley be closed as
That the existing north/south alley located between Lots 1 through 8 and
9 through 16, Block 8 of the Dixie Wagon Manufacturing Addition to the City of
Fort Worth, Texas, as it runs northward from East Long Avenue to Maydell Street,
and as more specifically described in attached Exhibit "A", attached hereto and
incorporated herein, be physically closed with locked gates at the abutting
property owners' expense, with the City to retain title to the public right-of-
way in said alley, retaining any and all easements for existing and prospective
utilities, and retaining the right of access at all times for the purpose of
maintaining existing and prospective utility facilities located in the aforesaid
portions of said alley.
In addition, the City reserves the right, at the sole discretion of the
City Council, to reopen by resolution the aforesaid alley right-of-way to public
travel at any time by directing the removal of the aforesaid locked gates, all
costs and expense of said removal to be borne by the aforesaid abutting property
M&C PZ -1637 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. PZ -1637 from the City Manager
vacating utility recommending that an ordinance be adopted vacating an approximately 110 foot long by eight
easement foot wide utility easement which is located between Lots 8 and 10, Block 1-A, Ridglea North
Addition, as recorded in Volume 1868, Page 398, P.R.T.C.T. It was the consensus of the City
Council that the recommendation be adopted.
Introduced an Council Member Woods introduced an ordinance and made a motion that it be adopted.
Ordinance The motion was seconded by Council Member Meadows. The motion, carrying with it the
adoption of said ordinance, prevailed by the following vote:
AYES: Mayor Granger; Mayor Pro tempore Webber; Council Members Puente,
Silcox, Matson, McCray, Woods, Meadows, and Chappell
NOES: None
The ordinance, as adopted, is as follows:
Ordinance No. ORDINANCE NO. 10958
M&C, PZ -1638 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. PZ -1638 from the City Manager
vacating utility recommending that an ordinance be adopted vacating the east ten feet of a 15 -foot wide
easement utility easement by 200 -foot long which is located centrally in Lot 8 -R -1B, Block 14, Forest
Park Addition, as recorded in Volume 888-126, Page 81, P.R.T.C.T. It was the consensus of
the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
Introduced an Council Member Woods introduced an ordinance and made a motion that it be adopted.
ordinance The motion was seconded by Council Member Meadows. The motion, carrying with it the
adoption of said ordinance, prevailed by the following vote:
Minutes of City Council T-3 Page 77
Tuesday, November 19, 1991
AYES: Mayor Granger; Mayor Pro tempore Webber; Council Members Puente,
Silcox, Matson, McCray, Woods, Meadows, and Chappell
NOES: None
The ordinance, as adopted, is as follows:
Ordinance No. ORDINANCE NO. 10959
&C C-13137 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13137, dated November 12,
ontract with 1991, from the City Manager, as follows:
otorola Communica
It is recommended that the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute
a contract with Motorola Communications and Electronics, Inc., for the
acquisition of a communications system for a total amount not to exceed
$12,031,080.00 financed by the sale of certificates of obligation on November
12, 1991.
On June 18, 1991, (M&C C-12923) City Council:
1) Adopted a resolution establishing intent to issue one or more series of
obligations to fund all or part of the purchase of a 40 channel 800 MHz
2 -way voice communication system and
2) Authorized the City Manager to execute a contract with Motorola, Inc., for
the acquisition of a communication system for a total amount not to exceed
$12,031,080.00, such contract subject to the approval of the City Council.
Copies of this contract have been provided to the City Council, and
recommended changes are included in the attached document.
Outlined below are some of the major operational features of the trunked radio
Immediate Access To The System
Departments/divisions will no longer be limited to one channel. Instead, the
computer component of the system will be able to select any'available channel
for voice communication.
Private Communication Between User Groups
Talk groups within departments or between departments can be established that
will allow only those people specifically identified to hear communications.
Pre -Programmed Emergency Configuration
Those departments that generally work together on major disasters such as
tornados, airplane crashes, hazardous spills, flooding, etc., can establish a
talk group which can be activated upon demand without tying up a channel on an
on-going basis.
Emergency Alert Feature
Personnel in the field will be able to alert dispatchers in the event they are
in danger by simply pushing an alert button. Assistance can be provided even
if there is no voice transmission.
Remote Enable/Disable Of Lost/Stolen Units
This feature will prevent the use of hand-held radios by unauthorized personnel
in the event they are lost or stolen.
Voice Encryption
This feature can be added later and will allow Police departments to scramble
messages when carrying out certain operations. Currently, anyone with a radio
tuned to the same frequency band can monitor some conversations.
Inter -Agency Communications
Currently, a couple of cities in the Tarrant County and D/FW Airport have 800
MHz systems. These systems could be tied to the proposed system in a talk group
Minutes of City Council T-3 Page 78
Tuesday, November 19, 1991
&C C-13137 cont.II that could be activated in the event there is a major disaster that necessitated
the coordination of various government agencies.
City staff has been in contact with most of the cities in Tarrant County to
determine their level of interest in sharing in the system cost. Several have
expressed interest and all have been informed that the deadline for entering
into an inter -local agreement is October 1, 1992.
ssistant City Assistant City Manager Bob Terrell advised the City Council that the FCC license will
a nage r re M&C expire on September 23, 1992, and, if the City Council does not go ahead with this
-13137 acquisition, the City will have to apply for an extension which was not looked upon
favorably at its last request for an extension; advised the City Council that they plan to
have the radios operational in August of 1992, which would thereby satisfy the FCC license;
and advised the City Council that, if the City does not implement the purchase of the
system, then the City will loose the 40 channels.
r. Bob Bell re Mr. Bob Bell, representing Bell Communications, appeared before the City Council and
&C, C-13137 advised the City Council that August of 1991 was the first time that he was aware of the
total amount of the acquisition and stated that, in his opinion, the citizens of Fort Worth
should be given the opportunity to vote on spending this amount of money for a
communications system; and stated that the digital system is forth coming and that the City
should be provided with the latest technology.
Council Member Chappell made a motion, seconded by Council Member McCray, that Mayor
and Council Communication No. C-13137 be approved. When the motion was put to a vote by the
Mayor, it prevailed by the following vote:
AYES: Mayor Granger; Mayor Pro tempore Webber; Council Members Puente,
Silcox, Matson, McCray, Meadows, and Chappell
NOES: Council Member Woods
M&C C-13139 re
lease agreement
The Director of Fiscal Services certifies that the money required for the
with Carl B eck um of
anticipated expenditures will be available upon sale of Certificates of
Mansfield Warehouse
Obligation scheduled for November 12, 1991.
Assistant City
Assistant City Manager Bob Terrell appeared before the City Council and presented the
Manager Bob Terrell
City Council with background information regarding the interdepartmental communications
re M&C C-13137
system; advised the City Council that the price is now estimated at $12,031,080.00; and
advised the City Council that a consultant has been involved throughout the entire process
and introduced a representative of the Motorola Company.
Mr. Richard Single
Mr. Richard Singleton, Senior Accounts Manager for Motorola, appeared before the City
ton re M&C C-13137
Council and advised the City Council that the equipment being purchased is the latest state-
of-the-art equipment and advised the City Council that the communications system will be
usable for 20 years and will enhance the City's network; and advised the City Council that
the City will still be able to use the six channels that are already in place and stated
that the equipment being purchased is 1990 technology and allows multiple sites to be
brought together, stating that the system is a fully integrated system.
ssistant City Assistant City Manager Bob Terrell advised the City Council that the FCC license will
a nage r re M&C expire on September 23, 1992, and, if the City Council does not go ahead with this
-13137 acquisition, the City will have to apply for an extension which was not looked upon
favorably at its last request for an extension; advised the City Council that they plan to
have the radios operational in August of 1992, which would thereby satisfy the FCC license;
and advised the City Council that, if the City does not implement the purchase of the
system, then the City will loose the 40 channels.
r. Bob Bell re Mr. Bob Bell, representing Bell Communications, appeared before the City Council and
&C, C-13137 advised the City Council that August of 1991 was the first time that he was aware of the
total amount of the acquisition and stated that, in his opinion, the citizens of Fort Worth
should be given the opportunity to vote on spending this amount of money for a
communications system; and stated that the digital system is forth coming and that the City
should be provided with the latest technology.
Council Member Chappell made a motion, seconded by Council Member McCray, that Mayor
and Council Communication No. C-13137 be approved. When the motion was put to a vote by the
Mayor, it prevailed by the following vote:
AYES: Mayor Granger; Mayor Pro tempore Webber; Council Members Puente,
Silcox, Matson, McCray, Meadows, and Chappell
NOES: Council Member Woods
M&C C-13139 re
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13139 from the City Manager
lease agreement
stating that the office space at the Mansfield Warehouse is used as a neighborhood center
with Carl B eck um of
by the Neighborhood Resources Development Program to provide case management, information,
Mansfield Warehouse
and referral services, client assessment, emergency assistance and other social services to
the citizens of Kennedale, Mansfield and southeastern Tarrant County; that the 1991-1992 NRD
application to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs, under provisions of
the Community Services Block Grant which the City Council approves, includes a $10,000.00
contribution from Tarrant County to pay for the above-mentioned lease; that, in the past,
Tarrant County Commissioner's Court has contributed $10,000.00 annually to the program to
finance the lease agreements of the two centers (this center and a center in Sansom Park)
located outside the City limits of Fort Worth; that the same amount, $10,000.00, 'is
anticipated to be received from the Commissioner's Court for the coming year; and
recommending that the City Manager be authorized to renew a lease agreement with Carl Beckum
of the Mansfield Warehouse for the Kennedale-Mansfield Center, for the period beginning
October 1, 1991, and ending September 30, 1992, and for an amount not to exceed $420.00 per
month, contingent upon receipt of funding from the Texas Department of Housing and Community
Mrs. Sandra Gonzal Mrs. Sandra Gonzales, Director of Housing and Human Services Department, appeared
re, M&C C-13139 before the City Council and advised the City Council that the City of Fort Worth was
designated as the grantee for the Community Action Agency and stated that the money is
distributed County -wide and is,provided by the County; and advised the City Council that
there is no City funding involved.
On motion of Council Member Silcox, seconded by Council Member Meadows, the
recommendation, as contained in Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13140, was adopted.
M&C C-13140 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13140 from the City Manager
contract with stating that the City recently accepted F.A.A. grants for and awarded contracts on projects
Ann Hunt & that will add blast pads to the Meacham Airport runway ends and improve taxiway guidance
Associates signs; that the City has justified "force account" inspection by the City of Fort Worth
personnel as an economy measure; however, the inspection of the airport lighting elements
is a highly specialized field for which we currently have no qualified personnel on staff;
that the staff proposes to hire Ann Hunt & Associates, a certified DBE firm which was
Minutes of City Council T-3 Page 79
Tuesday, November 19, 1991
&C, C-13140 cont. selected on the basis of professional qualifications, to supplement the City's staff
inspectors for a total cost for 90 hours, estimated.at $4,750.00; that the Director of
Fiscal Services certifies that funds required for this contract are available in the current
capital budget of the Grants Fund; and recommending that the City Manager be authorized to
execute a contract with Ann Hunt & Associates, 4528 Cole Avenue, Dallas, Texas, in the
amount of $4,750.00, providing for inspection of airport lighting systems to be installed
at Meacham Airport. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be
M&C C-13141 re
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13141 from the City Manager
approved fund tran
submitting a tabulation of bids received for 8th Street Brick Repair, from Commerce to Main
sf e r
Street; stating that the Director of Fiscal Services certifies that funds required for this
project are available in the current Capital Budget, as appropriated, of the Contract Street
Maintenance Fund; and recommending that the City Council approve a fund transfer in the
amount of $19,389.48, from the Prior Year Program Funding, Unspecified Project to the 8th
Street Brick Repair,.from Commerce to Main Street Project in the Contract Street Maintenance
Fund, and authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with McClendon Construction
Company, Inc., in the amount of $17,626.80 and 30 working days for 8th Street Brick Repair,
from Commerce to Main Street. It was the consensus of: the City Council that the
recommendations be adopted.
M&C C-13142 re
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13142 from the City Manager
ment with closure
stating that Carswell Air Force Base property is located in the cities of Fort Worth,
of Carswell Air
Westworth Village and White Settlement; that Federal agencies involved with the Carswell
Force Base
closure have indicated a need for a single entity to represent the :three communities in the
planning efforts regarding the adaptation and future use of the. base property; that an
interlocal agreement has been prepared by the City of Fort Worth and approved by the City
of White Settlement and is being reviewed by Westworth Village; that the agreement
designates the City of Fort Worth for the supervision and performance of all activities
under the agreement which includes applying for and overseeing any planning grant funds and
the scope of work outlined in the OEA planning grant or other planning grants; and
recommending that the City Council approve an interlocal agreement to coordinate the
planning efforts associated with the closure of Carswell Air Force Base and authorize the
City Manager to execute the agreement. On motion of Council member Meadows, seconded by
Council member McCray, the recommendations were adopted..
M&C C-13143 re
approved transfer
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13143 from the City Manager
with Environmental
stating that the City Manager was authorized by City Council on September 19, 1989, to
Manager's Inc.
execute an engineering contract with Environmental Manager's, Inc., for the development of
the City's underground storage tank program; that the contract was divided into two phases
Phase I, the development of a compliance plan was completed in 1990, and Phase II, for
engineering oversight on remediation projects as defined in Phase I, is anticipated to be
complete in 1995; that, during Phase I, the engineering firm identified 30 additional
underground storage tanks at City facilities, the majority of which had not been used for
several years or were abandoned, requiring that action be taken per Federal regulations;
that these environmental issues required additional, investigation and remedial actions which
were not anticipated; that the total estimated costs for providing these engineering
services through December 1992 is $464,750.00; that the contract amendment will provide only
funds necessary to address Texas Water.Commission requirements through December 1991; that
continued site remediation and U.S.T. upgrading will be necessary to maintain compliance
with TWC regulation; that funding for these future projects is not within the current
Environmental Management operating budget; therefore, supplemental appropriations will be
required; stating that the Director of Fiscal Services certifies that the funds required for
this contract amendment are available in the current operating budget, as appropriated, of
the General Fund; and recommending that the City Council approve the transfer of $150,000.00
from the General Fund to the Specially funded Capital Projects Fund, Underground Storage
Tanks; and authorize the City Manager to execute an amendment to City Secretary Contract No.
17498 with Environmental Manager's Inc., a Fort Worth firm, to continue engineering services
and oversight of the City's underground storage tank remediation program, increasing the
total project cost by $150,000.00 from $506,000.00 to $656,000.00. It was the consensus of
the City Council that the recommendations be adopted.
&C C-13144 re
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13144 from the City Manager,
pproved bond fund as follows:
ompany, Inc.
It is recommended that the City Council:
1. Approve a bond fund transfer of $16,389.23 from the Bryant Irvin Road
Project to the West Vickery Boulevard Drainage Relief System Project, and
2. Approve Change Order No. 5 in the amount of $61,217.30 increasing City
Secretary Contract No. 18045 with M.A. Vinson Construction Company, Inc.,
to $2,074,290.86 and seven (7) additional working days for West Vickery
Boulevard Drainage Relief System.
On July 24, 1990, the City Council awarded a contract to M. A. Vinson
Construction Company, Inc., in the amount of $1,994,118.56 and 186 working days
for the West Vickery Boulevard Drainage Relief System. This drainage relief
system is part of the 1986 Capital Improvement Program. Change Order Nos. 1
through 4 were previously approved and increased the contract to $2,013,073.56
and 200 working days.
Minutes of City Council T-3 Page 80
Tuesday, November 19, 1991
M&C C-13144 cont. During the project construction, it became necessary to extend the multi -box
culvert under the railroad tracks, resulting in increased boring and tunneling
expenses, as well as replacement of badly deteriorated sections of concrete
channel lining. (23 linear feet of boring and tunneling multi -box culvert and
539 square yards of concrete channel lining were installed by the contractor for
an agreed to'price of $61,217.30.) Engineering staff has reviewed and concurs
that the cost is reasonable for the work done.
Contract Amount
186 Working
Change Order No. 1 -
4: $ 18,955.00
14 Working
Change Order No. 5:
$ 61,217.30
7 Working
Contract Amount:
207 Working
Approval of this change order and previously approved change orders would result
in a 4.0% increase in the original contract amount.
This project is in Council DISTRICT 7.
M&C C-13146 re
authorized bond
The Director of Fiscal Services certifies that funds required for this change
fund transfer
order are available in the current capital budget, as appropriated, of the
agreement with
Street Improvements Bond Fund.
M&C C-13144 adopted
It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendations, as contained in Mayor and
Council Communication No. C-13144, be adopted.
M&C C-13145 re
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13145 from the City Manager
approved bond fund
submitting a tabulation of bids received for Computer Control Room Expansion and
transfer with
Supplemental Support Facilities at Village Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant; stating that
Martin K. Eby Con-
the Director of Fiscal Services certifies that funds required for this contract are
struction Company,
available in the current capital budget, as appropriated, of the State Revolving Fund; and
recommending that the City Council authorize a bond fund transfer in the amount of
$1,749,970.00 from State Revolving Fund, Unspecified, to State Revolving Fund, Computer
Control Room Expansion and Supplemental Support Facilities and authorize the City Manager
to execute a construction contract with Martin K. Eby Construction Company, Inc., for
Computer Control Room Expansion and Supplemental Support Facilities at Village Creek
Council Member
Wastewater Treatment Plant on its low bid of $1,699,000.00. On motion of Council Member
Meadows re
Chappell, seconded by Council Member McCray, the recommendations were adopted.
M&C C-13146 re
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13146 from the City Manager
authorized bond
stating that a Distributed Control and Information Management System is being installed at
fund transfer
the Village Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant; that Phase I of the system was designed to
agreement with
provide control for ongoing expansion projects and for the existing solids handling areas;
Freese and Nichols
that Phase I of the control system was awarded to Johnson Yokogawa in January 1990 and is
essentially complete; that Phase II was awarded to Johnson Yokogawa on August 6, 1991; that
equipment is scheduled for installation in May 1992 and, in order to install the Phase II
computer control system without interrupting control of the plant by the existing system,
the control room will be expanded to the west and will house all of the new control system;
that the Director of Fiscal Services certifies that funds required for this agreement are
available in the current capital budget, as appropriated, of the State Revolving Fund; and
recommending that the City Council authorize a bond fund transfer in the amount of
$134,148.00 from State Revolving Fund, Unspecified to State Revolving Fund, Construction
Management, Control Room Expansion, and authorize the City Manager to execute an engineering
agreement with Freese and Nichols, Inc. for Construction Management for Control Room
Expansion at a total fee not to exceed $134,148.00.
Council Member
Council Member Meadows advised the City Council of a business relationship he has with
Meadows re
Freese and Nichols, Inc., and requested permission of the City Council to abstain from
M&C C-13146
voting on Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13146.
Council Member Chappell made a motion, seconded by Council Member McCray, that Council
Member Meadows be permitted to abstain from voting on Mayor and Council Communication
No. C-13146. When the motion was put to a vote by the Mayor, it prevailed unanimously.
Council Member Woods made a motion, seconded by Council Member Chappell, that Mayor
and Council Communication No. C-13146, be adopted. When the motion was put to a vote by the
Mayor, it prevailed by the following vote:
AYES: Mayor Granger; Mayor Pro tempore Webber; Council Members Puente,
Silcox, Matson, McCray, Woods, and Chappell
NOES: None
NOT VOTING: Council Member Meadows
M&C C-13147 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13147 from the City Manager,
consent agreement as follows:
with Hillwood Con-
Minutes of City Council T-3 Page 81
&C C-13147 cont.
Tuesday, November 19, 1991
It is recommended that the City Council authorize the City Manager or his
designee to enter into a consent agreement with Hillwood Construction
Corporation which will allow installation of monument signs at Alliance Center,
subject to one or the other of the following indemnification clauses:
1. "Standard" indemnification clause which requires Hillwood to indemnify the
City for any liability related to the monuments, regardless of the
circumstances, including the City's negligence, or
2. "Modified" indemnification clause which requires Hillwood to indemnify the
City for any liability resulting from Hillwood's negligence and the City
to assume responsibility for any liability resulting from the City's
Hillwood Development Corporation/The Perot Group is requesting permission to
install and maintain three monument signs in the development known as Alliance
Center. The signs will be owned by Hillwood and will be placed in the median
of the City right-of-way at the below listed locations:
1. I-35 at Alliance Blvd.
2. I-35 at Eagle Parkway
3. Heritage Parkway at Keller -Haslet Rd.
The proposal submitted by Hillwood has been examined by the T/PW Department and
it conforms to requirements contained in the City Policy On Subdivision Markers.
The Encroachment Committee is recommending approval of the application.
Hillwood has requested that the "modified" indemnification clause be considered
due to the fact that the applicant considers the scheduled improvements to be
amenities to. the Alliance Airport/Center area which would serve to further
enhance the quality of the area. Hillwood is agreeable to indemnify the City
against all claims resulting from Hillwood's negligence or any inappropriate
action on Hillwood's part; however, the City's "standard" indemnification is not
acceptable to Hillwood.
The "standard" indemnification represents the most conservative approach to deal
with any future liability and has been routinely and nearly universally utilized
in encroachment agreements to provide the City with maximum liability
protection, particularly where the encroachment offers no direct benefit to the
This item was withdrawn from the agenda on October 15, 1991, due to this issue
being unresolved. The applicant is interested in completing scheduled
improvements on the affected streets and therefore this policy item is being
resubmitted for disposition by the City Council.
M&C FP -2888 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. FP -2888 from the City Manager
final payment stating that floodway improvements adjacent to Sunset Heights have been completed in
to Linder -Stahl accordance with contract plans, specifications, and requirements; that the Director of
Construction Fiscal Services certifies that funds for this final payment are available in the current
Company, Inc. capital budget, as appropriated, of the Contracts Street Maintenance Fund; and recommending
that the City Council accept as complete floodway improvements adjacent to Sunset. Heights
and authorize final payment of $3,100.00 to Linder -Stahl Construction Company, Inc. It was
the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
M&C 9 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. FP -2889 from the City Manager
final paympayme n t stating that the intersection improvements at Long Avenue and Clinton Avenue have been
to Howard Con- completed in accordance with contract plans, specifications, and requirements; and
struction Company recommending that the City Council accept as complete intersection improvements at Long
Minutes of City Council T-3 Page 82
The Department of Law recommends the "standard" indemnification clause for this
r. Ike Shoup re
&C, C-13147
Mr. Ike Shoup, Spokesperson for Hillwood Construction Corporation, 1717 Main, Dallas,
Texas, appeared before the City Council and advised that City Council that, upon completion
of the project, the cost is approximately $1.3 million dollars and advised the City Council
that Hillwood Construction Corporation is requesting permission to install and maintain
three monument signs in the development known as Alliance Center and is requesting that the
City accommodate Hillwood Development Corporation by approving the "Modified"
indemnification clause which requires Hillwood to indemnify the City for any liability
resulting from Hillwood's negligence and the City to assume the responsibility for any
liability resulting from City's negligence.
eputy City William
Wood re M&C
Deputy City Attorney William W. Wood appeared before the City Council and advised the
City Council that the standard indemnification is included in all encroachment agreements
and is recommending this indemnification clause to the City Council.
Council Member Matson made a motion, seconded by Council Member Chappell, that Mayor
and Council Communication No. C-13147, be approved with the standard indemnification clause.
When the motion was put to a vote by the Mayor, it prevailed unanimously.
M&C FP -2888 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. FP -2888 from the City Manager
final payment stating that floodway improvements adjacent to Sunset Heights have been completed in
to Linder -Stahl accordance with contract plans, specifications, and requirements; that the Director of
Construction Fiscal Services certifies that funds for this final payment are available in the current
Company, Inc. capital budget, as appropriated, of the Contracts Street Maintenance Fund; and recommending
that the City Council accept as complete floodway improvements adjacent to Sunset. Heights
and authorize final payment of $3,100.00 to Linder -Stahl Construction Company, Inc. It was
the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
M&C 9 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. FP -2889 from the City Manager
final paympayme n t stating that the intersection improvements at Long Avenue and Clinton Avenue have been
to Howard Con- completed in accordance with contract plans, specifications, and requirements; and
struction Company recommending that the City Council accept as complete intersection improvements at Long
Minutes of City Council T-3 Page 82
Tuesday, November 19, 1991
M&C FP -2889 cont. Avenue and Clinton Avenue; approve a bond fund transfer in the amount of $2,499.03 from the
Inner City Streets Unspecified Project to the Intersection Improvements at Long Avenue and
Clinton Avenue Project in the Street Improvements Bond Fund; and authorize final payment of
$5,353.51 to Howard Construction Company and Tarrant Bank.
Mayor Pro tempore
Webber M&C, Mayor Pro tempore Webber advised the City Council that she would be abstaining from
FP -2889 voting on Mayor and Council Communication No. FP -2889, since it involves Tarrant Bank.
Council Member
Woods M&C FP -2889 Council Member Woods disclosed that she has deposits with Tarrant Bank.
Council Member Chappell made a motion, seconded by Council Member Meadows, that the
recommendations, as contained in Mayor and Council Communication No. FP -2889, be approved.
When the motion was put to a vote by the Mayor, it prevailed by the following vote:
AYES: Mayor Granger; Council Members Puente, Silcox, Matson, McCray,
Woods, Meadows, and Chappell
NOES: None
NOT VOTING: Mayor Pro tempore Webber
M&C FP -2890 re
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. FP -2890 from the City Manager
final payment to
stating that the City Council accepted the project for assessment paving of Carey Road from
J.L. Bertram Con-
Highway 287 to Wilbarger and Wilbarger Street from Carey to 680 feet west of Village Creek
struction & En-
on August 7, 1991, by Mayor and Council Communication No. FP -2860; that, subsequent to final
gineering, Inc.
payment, the contractor and the project inspector found that a 10 -foot inlet valued at
time, and especially to the meeting of November 19, 1991, to give every
$1,400.00 was not included in the final estimate; that a supplemental payment in the amount
interested person
of $1,400.00 is due the contractor; that the Director of Fiscal Services certifies that
be heard, Mayor Granger asked if there was
funds for this supplemental final payment are available in the current capital budget, as
anyone present desiring
appropriated, of the Street Improvement Bond Fund; and recommending that the City Council
approve a supplemental final payment in the amount of $1,400.00 to J.L. Bertram Construction
& Engineering, Inc., for assessment paving of Carey Road from Highway 287 to Wilbarger and
Wilbarger Street from Carey to 680 feet west of Village Creek. It was the consensus of the
City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
M&C FP -2891 re
final payment to
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. FP -2891 from the City Manager
Austin Paving
stating that the work performed under Contract No. 17675 consisted of street repair as a
result of water and sewer main replacements and/or break repairs that were done by the Field
Operations Division; that the project has been completed in accordance with the contract
specifications; and recommending that the City Council accept as complete the contract with
Austin Paving Company for Utility Cut Repairs, Contract 90A, and authorize final payment in
the amount of $47,546.43 to Austin Paving Company, bringing the final project cost,
including $21,392.00 in change orders less $1,080.00 in liquidated damages, to $544,480.64
under City Secretary Contract No. 17675. It was the consensus of the City Council that the
recommendations be adopted.
It appearing to the City Council that on November 12, 1991, the City Council continued
the hearing in connection with the application of Tarrant County Water Control and
Improvement District No. 1 for a change in zoning of property located at 403 Northwest Loop
820 from "I" Light Industrial to "I" Light Industrial/Sign Subdistrict, Zoning Docket
No. Z-91-074, from day to day and time to time and especially to the meeting of November 19,
1991, to give every interested person or citizen opportunity to be heard, Mayor Granger
asked if there was anyone present desiring to be heard.
There being no one present desiring to be heard, Council Member Puente made a motion,
seconded by Council Member McCray, that the application of Tarrant County Water Control and
Improvement District No. 1 for a change in zoning of property located at 403 Northwest Loop
820 from "I" Light Industrial to "I" Light Industrial/Sign Subdistrict, Zoning Docket
No. Z-91-074, which application was recommended by the City Zoning Commission for denial,
be upheld. When the motion was put to a vote by the Mayor, it prevailed unanimously.
M&C C-13118 re
It appearing
to the City Council that on
November 5, 1991, the City Council continued
Diamond Hill
the public hearing
in connection with Diamond
Hill Community Health Clinic, Inc., from day
Community Health
to day and time to
time, and especially to the meeting of November 19, 1991, to give every
Clinic, Inc.
interested person
or citizen opportunity to
be heard, Mayor Granger asked if there was
anyone present desiring
to be heard.
Attention of the City Council was called to Mayor and Council Communication No. C-
13118, as follows:
It is recommended that the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute
a contract with Diamond Hill Community Health Clinic, Inc., in the amount of
$31,000.00. This contract will be used for architectural services for the
development of plans and specifications to either rehabilitate and renovate an
existing building or construct a new facility to serve as a Community Health
Clinic for the Diamond Hill Area.
Diamond Hill Community Health Clinic, Inc., is a not-for-profit corporation
established to provide a neighborhood health clinic to serve the Diamond Hill
Target Area. A total of $400,000.00 was approved in the Year XVI Community
Minutes of City Council T-3 Page 83
Tuesday, November 19, 1991
M&C C-13118 cont. Development Block Grant budget for a community facility in the Diamond Hill
Area. The residents of Diamond:Hill subsequently determined a need for a
primary health care facility in their area. The initial contract, in the amount
of $31,000.00, will be for an architectural study that will review the needs of
the proposed clinic, look at available buildings in the project area, and
develop comparative cost estimates for rehabilitation and renovation and for new
construction. The performance period will be November 1, 1991, through January
31, 1992.
Once this architectural work is completed, Council will be presented with a
second contract, in the amount of $369,000.00, for the actual rehabilitation and
renovation or construction of the health clinic, with a proposed contract period
of February 1, 1992, through July 31, 1992.
Diamond Hill Community Health Clinic, Inc., has applied for a Community Health
Center grant from the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services to furnish
the clinic and provide first year operating funds; a decision on this grant
should be made by the end of October, 1991. In addition, the Tarrant County
Commissioners Court has approved $329,789.00 in the 1991-1992 Hospital District
budget for a clinic in the northwest quadrant of Tarrant County. The service
area that the clinic will serve is currently being evaluated by the Texas
Department of Health for designation as a medically underserved area due to a
health staff shortage, with a determination of these findings due in October
The Community Development Council approved this project during their meeting of
October 14, 1991. The Community Development Council will review the results of
the architectural study prior to the presentation of the contract for
rehabilitation and renovation or new construction.
The project will be in Council DISTRICT 2.
The Director of Fiscal Services certifies that the funds -required for this
contract expenditure are available in the budget, as appropriated, of the Grants
Ms. Eva Herrera Ms. Eva Herrera, 4405 Hardy, appeared before the City Council and advised the City
re M&C, C-13118 Council of the need for the Diamond Hill Clinic and advised the City Council that they are
willing to assist the City Council and work harder if need be for the completion of the
Diamond Hill Community Health Clinic, and presented the City Council with correspondence
from Eloy Sepulveda, President of the United Hispanic Council of Tarrant County petitioning
the endorsement of the proposed Diamond Hill Health Clinic by the City Council.
Council Member Puente made a motion, seconded by Council Member Chappell, that the
architectural services portion of the contract authorizing the City Manager to execute a
contract with Diamond Hill Community Health Clinic, Inc., in the amount of $31,000.00 be
approved and that the remaining portion of the contract in the amount of $369,000.00, for
actual rehabilitation and renovation or construction of the health clinic be continued until
December 3, 1991. When the motion was put to a vote by the Mayor, it prevailed unanimously.
Mr. Thomas H. Mr. Thomas H. Stephens, Coordinator of the Sixth Annual Tarrant County Toy Run, 3824
Stephens re Kimbo Road, appeared before the City Council and requested that the City Council assist the
6th Annual Tarrant organization by temporarily closing Main Street for parking of motorcycles and requested
County Toy Run assistance in providing the organization with portable bathroom facilities. Mayor Granger
referred Mr. Stephens to Mr. Gary Santerre.
R" rMs. Kandi Hogan, 6012 Farm Road 5, Aledo, Texas, appeared before the City Council and
M aadvised the City Council that she had gained admission into a "R" rated movie without any
R rated Hogan movie re questions being asked in regard to her age.
Mrs. Barbara Pick- Mrs. Barbara Pickard, Post Office Box 55, Aledo, Texas, appeared before the City
and re Motion Council and requested that the City Council give favorable consideration to the approval of
Picture Ordinance a motion picture ordinance.
Met in closed or It was the consensus of the City Council that the City Council meet in closed or
executive session executive session for the following purposes:
(a) To seek the advice -of its attorneys concerning the following pending
1) Lucille Adams et al v. City of Fort Worth, Cause No. 348-110469-88;
2) B.R. Management et al v. City of Fort Worth, Cause
No. 48-124864-89; and
3) I-Gotcha, Inc., et al v. City of Fort Worth, Cause No. 48-127941-89
as authorized by Section 2(e), Article 6252-17, V.A.C.S.
Reconvened into The City Council reconvened into regular session with all members present.
regular session There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Minutes of City Council T-3 Page 84