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JANUARY 12, 1993
On the 12th day of January, A.D., 1993, the City Council of the City
Council Met of Fort Worth, Texas, met in regular session at 10:00 a.m., with the
following members and officers present:
Members Present Mayor Kay Granger; Mayor Pro tempore Virginia Nell Webber; Council
Members Carlos Puente, Chuck Silcox, Morris Matson, Eugene McCray, Jewel
Woods, Bill Meadows, and David Chappell; City Manager Bob Terrell; City
Attorney Wade Adkins; City Secretary Alice Church. With more than a
quorum present, the following business was transacted:
Invocation 11 The invocation was given by City Secretary Church.
Pledge of Allegiance II The Pledge of Allegiance giance was recited.
Minutes of January 5, On motion of Council Member McCray, seconded by Council Member
1993 approved Woods, the minutes of the regular meeting of January 5, 1993, were
Mr. mark Tinsley was
introduced as Mayor fo Mayor Granger introduced Mr. Mark Tinsley, Mayor for the Day.
the Day
Withdrew M&C G-9995 Council Member Chappell requested that Mayor and Council
Communication No. G-9995 be withdrawn from the consent agenda.
Withdrew M&C C-13665II Council Member Meadows requested that Mayor and Council
Communication No. C-13665 be withdrawn from the consent agenda.
Withdrew M&C C-13661 I! No. CCouncil Member Silcox requested that Mayor and Council Communication
-13661 be withdrawn from the consent agenda.
Withdrew M&C G-9996II Council Member Matson requested that Mayor and Council Communication
No. G-9996 be withdrawn from the consent agenda.
Withdrew M&C P-6181II City Manager Terrell requested that Mayor and Council Communication
No. P-6181 be withdrawn from the consent agenda.
M&C P-6186 cont. for
City Manager Terrell requested that Mayor and Council Communication
one week and M&C
No. P-6186 be continued for one week and that Mayor and Council
P-6181 be withdrawn
Communication No. P-6181 be withdrawn from the agenda.
Consent agenda
On motion of Council Member Chappell, seconded .by Council Member
Matson, the consent agenda, as amended, was approved.
Reappointed Mr. Juan
Council Member Puente made a motion, seconded by Council Member
Rangel to the City
Woods, that Mr. Juan Rangel be reappointed to Place 2 on the City Plan
Plan Commission; re-
Commission, Ms. Dorothy Atherton be reappointed to Place 2 on the City
appointed Ms. Dorothy
Zoning Commission and Fort Worth Alliance Airport Zoning Commission, and
Atherton to the City
Ms. Martha McPherson be reappointed to Place 2 on the Library Advisory
Zoning Commission and
Board, with terms of office to expire October 1, 1995. The motion
FW Alliance Airport
Zoning Commission;
carried unanimously.
Reappointed Ms. Martha
McPherson to the '.
Mayor Pro tempore Webber made a motion, seconded by Council Member
Library Advisory Board
Puente, that Ms. Sarah Walker be reappointed to Place 8 on the City Plan
Reappointments - Ms.
Commission, Mr. William Clemons be reappointed to Place 8 on the City
City Plan Commission,
Zoning Commission and Fort Worth Alliance Airport Zoning Commission, Ms.
Mr. William Clemons to
Helen Collins be reappointed to Place 8 on the Community Development
the City Zoning Commi-
Council, Dr. Elizabeth Branch be reappointed to Place 8 on the Fort Worth
ssion and FW Alliance
Commission on the Status of Women, Ms. Johnnie Staton be reappointed to
Airport zoning Comm-
place 8 on the Library Advisory Board, and Ms. Dorothy Scott be
fission, Ms. Helen
Collins to the CDC, Dr
reappointed to Place 8 on the Park and Recreation Advisory Board. The
Elizabeth Branch to th
motion carried unanimously.
FW Comm. on the Status
of Women, Ms. Johnnie
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. OCS-483 from
Staton to the Library
the Office of the City Secretary recommending that the City Council
Advisory Board, Ms.
Dorothy Scott'the
authorize the acceptance of a Parkway Contractor's Bond issued to Tom S.
Park & Recreation Ad-
Stevens, Inc. It was the, consensus of the City Council that the
visory Board
recommendation be adopted.
M&C OCS-483
Liability Bond
Minutes of City Council U-3 Page 473
Tuesday, January 12, 1993
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. OCS-484
M&C OCS-484 from the Office of the City Secretary recommending that the City Council
Claims refer notices of claims regarding alleged damages and/or injuries to the
Risk Management Department. It was the consensus of the City Council
that the recommendation be adopted. .
Benefit Hearing On the 5th day of January 1993, the City Council continued the
BH -0113 benefit hearing for the assessment paving of Wedgwood Drive from Wedgmont
Wedgwood Drive from Circle North to Wedgmont Circle South from day to day and from time to
Wedgmont Circle North time and especially to the City Council meeting of January 12, 1993, to
to Wedgmont Circle
South give every interested person or citizen an opportunity to be heard.
Mayor Granger asked if there was anyone present desiring to be heard.
Mrs. Martha Lunday re Mrs. Martha Lunda
BH -0113 y, representing the Department of Transportation
and Public Works,.appeared before the City, Council and advised the City
Council that the independent appraisal performed by Mr. Robert Martin
previously had been submitted.to the City Council; that Mr. Robert Martin
was unavailable for questioning; and called attention of the City Council
to Mayor and Council Communication No, BH -0113, which recommended that
the City Council adopt an ordinance that:
1. Closed the benefit hearing, and
2. Levied the assessments as proposed, and
3. Acknowledged that in each case the abutting property is
specially benefitted in enhanced value in excess of the amount
assessed for the improvement -of Wedgwood Drive from Wedgmont
Circle North to Wedgmont Circle South.,
BH -0113 cont. fot two . There being no one else present desiring to be heard in connection
weeks with the Assessment Paving of Wedgwood Drive from Wedgmont Circle North
to Wedgmont Circle South, Council Member Woods made a motion, seconded by
Council. Member Silcox, that the benefit hearing be continued for two
weeks and directed staff to obtain another appraisal from a different
appraiser. The motion carried unanimously.
M&C G-9993 re
There was presented Mayor, and Council Communication No.
settlement of the
the City Manager recommending that the City Council
claim filed by
settlement of the claim filed by Betty Howk and authorize
Betty howk
Manager to extend the sum of $10,400.00, for the settlement
to by
Mrs. Howk and the City of Fort Worth., It was the consensus
of the
Council that the recommendation be adopted.
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. G-9994 from
M&C legal fees re of Nelda F the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the
Harris expenditure
expenditure of up to $7,500.00 for the legal fees of Nelda F. Harris to
be expended in the defense of Clifford B. Breed, a City employee, in the
lawsuit styled outside legal counsel for Clifford B. Breed: Tauber vs.
City of Fort Worth, et al; Cause No. 352-134119-91. It was the consensus
of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
M&C G-9995 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. G-9995 from
Ordinance No. 11236, the City Manager recommending that the City Council adopt Ordinance No.
Dallas -fort Worth 11236, stating that the City Councils of the City of Dallas and Fort
Regional Airport Joini Worth, by ordinance passed concurrently on April 4, 1978 and April 5,
Revenue Bonds, Series 1978, authorized the issuance of one $5,000.00 replacement bond to
replace Bond No. 5649 of Dallas -Fort Worth Regional Airport Joint Revenue
Bonds, Series 1978 and resolving other matters related thereto.
Council Member Chappell Council Member Chappell disclosed that he had an account with
re M&C G-9995 Prudential-Bache Securities, Inc.
Council Member Meadow Council Member Meadows disclosed that he had a brokerage account
re M&C G-9995 with Prudential-Bache Securities, Inc.
Council Member Chappell made a motion, seconded by Council Member
Matson, that Mayor and Council Communication No. G-9995 be approved. The
motion carried unanimously.
Minutes of City Council U-3 Page 474
Tuesday, January 12, 1993
M&C G-9996 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. G-9996 from
sale of vehicles and the City Manager recommending that the City Council confirm the sale of
miscellaneous surplus vehicles and miscellaneous surplus equipment that were disposed of at
equipment and payment public auction held on November 14, 1992, with gross proceeds of the
to Miller Auctioneers, auction to the City of Fort Worth being $136,902.00, as conducted by
Inc./Rene Bates
Auctioneer, Inc. Miller & Miller Auctioneers, Inc./Rene Bates Auctioneer, Inc., and
authorize payment of $1,369.02, based on a percentage formula, to Miller
Auctioneers, Inc./Rene Bates Auctioneer, Inc. It was the consensus of
the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
Ms. Marilyn Burgess re Ms. Marilyn Burgess, 1050 Forest Park Boulevard, representing Lone
Informal Report No. Star Auctioneers, appeared before the City Council and advised Council
7671 that some of the information presented in Informal Report No. 7671 was
incorrect, stating that an additional $500,000.00 should be added to Year
1990 and questioned the last paragraph on the Informal Report regarding
minimal proceeds required in the Contract Specifications.
Mr. Tom Davis re Mr. Tom Davis, Director of City Services, appeared before the City
Informal Report No. Council and advised Council that the $217,735.00 was only a portion of
7671 and M&C 6-9996 the proceeds of the auctions in 1990 and advised Council that he would
need to review the contract specifications since he was unfamiliar with
the statement regarding minimum proceeds.
Council Member Meadows made a motion, seconded by Council Member
Silcox, that the recommendation, as contained in Mayor and Council
Communication No. G-9996, be adopted. The motion carried unanimously.
M&C G-9997 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. G-9997 from
partial tax exemption the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the
at 2100 Hurley application for partial tax exemption eligibility of the property at 2100
Hurley (Fairmount/Southside Historic District). It was the consensus of
the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
M&C G-9998 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. G-9998 from
adopt- Ordi6aoce,�No.cla the City Manager recommending that the City Council adopt Supplemental
dsti7sint expense in Appropriation Ordinance No. 11237 increasing the itemized estimate of the
each department, expense of conducting in each department, division, and Office of the
division, and Office o Municipal Government of the City of Fort Worth for the ensuing Fiscal
the Municipal Govern- Year beginning October 1, 1992, and ending September 30, 1993, and
appropriating money for the various funds and purposes of such increased
estimate, and increase the estimated receipts in the Water and Sewer Fund
in the amount of $161,196 to equal the increase in appropriations; and
increasing estimated receipts by $161,196.00 in Water and Sewer Operating
Council Member Matson made a motion, seconded by Council Member
Silcox, that Mayor and Council Communication No. G-9998 be approved and
directed staff to develop a reporting mechanism. The motion carried
M&C G-9999 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. G-9999 from
approve_a settlement the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve a settlement
claim against Paul L. in the amount of $20,000.00 for the City's claim against Paul L. Bolinger
Bolinger for costs incurred in the environmental cleanup of 300 South Lake Street.
Council Member Chappell made a motion, seconded by Council Member Silcox,
that consideration of Mayor and Council Communication No. G-9999 be
continued until after executive session. The motion carried unanimously.
M&C P-6172 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6172 from
purchase agreements the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize purchase
for water treatment
chemicals from agreements for water treatment chemicals in unspecified quantities for
various vendorss the Water Department from various vendors on low bid per line item
meeting specifications; and authorize term of agreements to begin January
11, 1993, and end January 10, 1994, with options to renew for one
additional year. It was the consensus of the City Council that the
recommendation be adopted.
M&C P-6173 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6173 from
a sole source purchase the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize a sole
from Sreco Flexible, source purchase of Sreco Flexible flushing and bucket truck parts for the
Inc. Water Department from Sreco Flexible, Inc., at the price of $7,108.29,
Minutes of City Council U-3 Page 475
Tuesday, January 12, 1993
M&C P-6173 cont.
f.o.b. destination, freight no charge. It was the consensus of
the City
and adopted
Council that the
recommendation be adopted.
M&C P-6174 re
purchase agreements
There was presented
Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6174
with McKinley Iron
the City Manager
recommending that the ,City Council authorize
Works Company and
agreements for
various size vault lids and frames for the
Metro Valve and Pipe
Department with
McKinley Iron Works Company and Metro Valve
and Pipe
Company based on
low bid of unit prices, with term'of agreement
to begin
January 19, 1993,
and end January 18, 1994, with,two.options to
renew for
one year each.
It was the consensus of the City Council
that the
recommendation be
adopted. I
M&C P-6185 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6175 from
purchase agreement the City Manager recommending that the City Council exercise the option
with Metro -Quip, Inc. to renew the
purchase agreement for parts and labor,on chlorine units for
the Water Department with Metro -Quip, Inc.,. on unit prices, with term of
agreement to begin February 25, 1993, and end February 24, 1994, with
option to renew for one additional year..,,,It,was the consensus of the
City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
M&C P-6176 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6176 from
purchase from Robbins the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the
and Meyers, Inc. purchase of Moyno Pumps for the Water Department from Robbins and Meyers,
Inc. on low bid of $30,200.10, f.o.b. destination, freight no charge. It
was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
M&C P-6177 re
purchase agreements There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6177 from
with Money Oil Compan the City Manager recommending that the City Council exercise the option
and Swatsell, Inc. to renew the purchase agreements for the Water Department with Money Oil
Company and Swatsell, Inc., to furnish oils and lubricants on low bid of
unit prices per line as quoted on Bid Quote No. 91-2815, with term of
agreements to begin January 10, 1993, and end January 9, 1994, with
options to renew for one additional year. It was the consensus of the
City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
M&C P-6178 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6178 from
purchase agreements the City Manager recommending that the City Council exercise the renewal
with control Integrit option on the purchase agreements for instrumentation services for meter
Service Incorporated vaults for the Water Department with Control Integrity Service
Incorporated as primary vendor and Leeds and Northrup Instruments
Division as secondary vendor based on unit prices, as per Bid No. 91-
2781, with purchase agreements to begin December 10, 1992, and end
December 9, 1993, with a one-year option to renew. It was the consensus
of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
M&C P-6179 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6179 from
purchase from Dresser the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the sole
Industries, Inc., Roo
Division source purchase of repairs to compressor blower #8 for the Water
Department from Dresser Industries, Inc., Root Division, for an amount
not to exceed $45,000.00. It was the consensus of the City Council that
the recommendation be adopted.
M&C P-6180 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6180 from
purchase from Trail- the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the
master Tanks, Inc. purchase of modification of two fuel delivery vehicles for the City
Services Department from Trailmaster Tanks, Inc., sole source, on the bid
of $5,365.40 net, f.o.b. Fort Worth. It was the consensus of the City
Council that the recommendation be adopted.
M&C P-6181 re
It was the consensus of the City Council
that Mayor and Council
was withdrawn
Communication No. P-6181, Purchase of Forced
Entry Canisters
Assessories from Zarc International dba Cap -Stun
Weapons Systems for
.-Police Department, be withdrawn from the.agenda.
M&C P-6182 re
There was presented Mayor and -Council Communication
No. P-6182
purchase from Tee's
the City Manager recommending that the City
'Council authorize
purchase of D.A.R.E. supplies for the Police Department
from Tee's
on overall low bid of $5,960.95, f.o.b. Groton,
CT, freight no charge,
one percent 10 days, net 30 days. It was the
consensus of the
Council that the recommendation be adopted..
Minutes of City Council U-3 Page 476
Tuesday, January 12, 1993
C P-6183 re
was presented Mayor and Council Communication
No. P-6183 from
rchase agreement
the City Manager
recommending that the City Council exercise the option
th Jesse P. Taylor
to renew
the purchase agreement for the Water Department
with Jesse P.
1 Company
Taylor Oil
Company to furnish engine oil on low bid of $2.28
per gallon;
of $0.26 per pound, f.o.b.
with the
payment of an additional $0.08 per gallon
waste oil fee
of agreement to begin January
January 1, 1992, as per Senate Bill 1340,
with term of
the consensus of the City
to begin February 24, 1993, and end February 23,
1994. It was
the consensus
of the City Council that the recommendation
be adopted.
&C P-6184 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6184 from
urchase agreement witt the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize a purchase
eall Concrete, Inc. agreement for grade 6 sand for the City of Fort Worth with Beall
Concrete, Inc., on low bid of $7.64 per ton delivered to 2500 Brennan
Avenue and $8.74 per ton delivered to 4100 Columbus Trail, f.o.b.
destination, freight, no charge, with agreement to begin January 28,
1993, and end January 27, 1994. It was the consensus of the City Council
that the recommendation be adopted.
C P-6185 re
rchase agreement
There was presented Mayor
and Council
Communication No. P-6185 from
om Texas Contractor
the City Manager recommending
that the City
Council authorize a purchase
pply Company
agreement for asphalt crack sealer
for the
City of Fort Worth from Texas
Contractor Supply Company on
low bid
of $0.26 per pound, f.o.b.
destination, freight no charge,
with term
of agreement to begin January
14, 1993, and end January 13,
1994. It was
the consensus of the City
XXV; and authorize the acceptance and
Council that the recommendation
be adopted.
&C P-6186 re It was the consensus of the City Council that consideration of Mayor
urchase agreement and Council Communication No. P-6186, Rescind Award to Dufco and
ith Bowles and Edens Associates on M&C P-6115 and Award Purchase Agreement for 3/4" Curb Stops
quipment with Bowles and Edens Equipment for the Water Department, be continued
for one week.
L-11121 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11121 from
uisition of a tem- the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the
ary construction acquisition of a temporary construction easement described as being a
portion of Lot ll, Block 2, Hi Mount Addition (1511 Washington Terrace);
find that $1.00 is just compensation for property acquired from P.
Bradley and Gaylord Lummis, required for sanitary sewer rehabilitation,
Contract XXV; and authorize the acceptance and recording of the
appropriate easement. It was the consensus of the City Council that the
recommendation be adopted.
C L-11122 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11122 from
quisition of a the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the
mporary construction acquisition of a temporary construction easement described as being a
portion of Lot 12, Block 2, Hi Mount Addition (1517 Washington Terrace);
find that $1.00 is just compensation for property acquired from Drue
Ward, required for sanitary sewer rehabilitation, Contract XXV; and
authorize the acceptance and recording of the appropriate temporary
construction easement. It was the consensus of the City Council that the
recommendation be adopted.
L-11123 re
There was presented Mayor and Council
Communication No.
L-11123 from
uisition of a
the City Manager recommending that the
City Council
approve the
porary construction
acquisition of a temporary construction
easement described
as being a
portion of Lot 19, Block 9, Berkeley Addition
(2036 Wilshire
find that $1.00 is just compensation for
property acquired
from Thomas
and Charlotte Laker required for sanitary
sewer rehabilitation, Contract
XXV; and authorize the acceptance and
recording of the
easement. It was the consensus -of
the City Council
that the
recommendation be adopted.
L-11124 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11124 from
isition of a tem- the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the
ry construction acquisition of a temporary construction easement described as being a
portion of Lot 15, Block 7, Berkeley Addition (2204 Hawthorne Avenue);
find that $1.00 is just compensation for property acquired from Robert M.
White, required for sanitary sewer rehabilitation, Contract XXV; and
authorize the acceptance and recording of the appropriate easement. It
was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
Minutes of City Council U-3 Page 477
Tuesday, January 12, 1993
M&C L-11125 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11125 from
acquisition of a the City Manager recommending that the constructionCity Council approve the
easement acquisition of a temporary construction easement described as being a
portion of Lot 5, Block 3, Berkeley Addition (2233 Windsor Place); find
that $1.00 is just compensation for property acquired from Robert S. Weis
and Mary M. Weis, required for sanitary sewer rehabilitation, Contract
XXV; and authorize the acceptance and recording of the appropriate
easement. It -was the consensus of the City Council that the
recommendation be adopted.
M&C L-11126 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11126 from
acquisition of a tem- the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the
porary construction acquisition of a temporary construction easement described as being a
easement portion of Lot 6, Block 3, Berkeley Addition (2229 Windsor Place); find
that $1.00 is just compensation for property acquired from Glen T.
Williams, required for sanitary sewer rehabilitation, Contract XXV; and
authorize the acceptance and recording of the appropriate easement. It
was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
M&C L-11127 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11127 from
acquisition of a the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the
temporary construction acquisition of a temporary construction easement described as being a
portion of the east half of Lot 10 and west 45 feet of Lot 11, Block 3,
Berkeley Addition (2211 Windsor Place); find that $1.00 is just
compensation for property acquired from Warren H. Gould, required for
sanitary sewer rehabilitation, Contract XXV; and authorize the acceptance
and recording of the appropriate easement. It was the consensus of the
City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
M&C L-11128 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11128 from
acquisition of a the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the
temporary construction acquisition of a temporary construction easement described as being a
portion of Lot 13, Block 3, Berkeley Addition (2201 Windsor Place); find
that $1.00 is just compensation for property acquired from Richard T.
Anderson, required for sanitary sewer rehabilitation, Contract XXV; and
authorize the acceptance and recording of the appropriate easement. It
was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11129 from
M&C L-11129 re the City Manager recommending- that the City 'Council approve the
acquisition of a acquisition of a temporary construction' easement described as being a
temporary construction
easement portion of Lot 16, Block 3, Berkeley Addition (2208 Huntington Lane);
find that $1.00 is just compensation for property acquired from Dessie B.
Bradford, required for sanitary sewer rehabilitation, Contract XXV; and
authorize the acceptance and recording of,the'appropriate easement. It
was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
M&C L-11130 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11130 from
acquisition of a the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the
temporary construction acquisition ofa temporary construction easement described as being a
easement portion of Lot 18 and the east 20' of Lot 19, Block 3, Berkeley Addition
(2216 Huntington Lane); find that $1.00 is just compensation for property
acquired from Robert G. Adams, required for sanitary sewer
rehabilitation, Contract XXV; and authorize the acceptance and recording
of the appropriate easement. It was the consensus of the City Council
that the recommendation be adopted.
M&C L-11131 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11131 from
acquisition of a the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the
temporary construction acquisition of a temporary construction easement described as being a
easement portion of Lot 7, Block 7, Berkeley Addition (2225 Huntington Lane); find
that $1.00 is just compensation for property acquired from John A.
Dobleman, required for sanitary sewer rehabilitation, Contract XXV; and
authorize the acceptance and recording of the appropriate easement. It
was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
M&C L-11132 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11132 from
acquisition of a the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the
temporary construction acquisition of a temporary construction easement described as being a
easement portion of Lot 21 and west 20 feet of Lot 20, Block 3, Berkeley Addition
(2228 Huntington Lane); find that $1.00 is just compensation for property
acquired from Duane Adcock, required for sanitary sewer rehabilitation,
Minutes of City Council U-3 Page 478
Tuesday, January 12, 1993
M&C L-11134 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11134 from
acquisition of a the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the
temporary construction acquisition of a temporary construction easement described as being a
portion of Lot 17, Block 3, Berkeley Addition (2212 Huntington Lane);
find that $1.00 is just compensation for property acquired from Joseph W.
Dryden, Jr., and Diane Dryden, required for sanitary sewer
rehabilitation, Contract XXV; and authorize the acceptance and recording
of the appropriate easement. It was the consensus of the City Council
that the recommendation be adopted.
M&C L-11135 re
Contract XXV; and authorize the acceptance and recording of the
M&C L-11132 cont.
and adopted
appropriate easement. It was the consensus of the City Council that the
Agreement with
Dannon company, Inc.
recommendation be adopted.
regarding a drainage
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11133 from
M&C L-11133 re
the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the
acquisition of a
temporary construction
acquisition of a temporary construction easement described as being a
Portion of the west 40 feet of Lot 19 and the east 40 feet of Lot 20,
acquisition of a
Block 3, Berkeley Addition (2222 Huntington Lane); find that $1.00 is
temporary construction
just compensation for property acquired from David C. Cowden and Karen J.
Cowden, required for sanitary sewer rehabilitation, Contract XXV; and
authorize the acceptance and recording of the appropriate easement. It,
was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
M&C L-11134 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11134 from
acquisition of a the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the
temporary construction acquisition of a temporary construction easement described as being a
portion of Lot 17, Block 3, Berkeley Addition (2212 Huntington Lane);
find that $1.00 is just compensation for property acquired from Joseph W.
Dryden, Jr., and Diane Dryden, required for sanitary sewer
rehabilitation, Contract XXV; and authorize the acceptance and recording
of the appropriate easement. It was the consensus of the City Council
that the recommendation be adopted.
M&C L-11135 re
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11135 from
approve a Covenant
the City Council recommending that the City Council approve the Covenant
Agreement with
Dannon company, Inc.
Agreement with the Dannon Company, Inc., regarding a drainage easement
regarding a drainage
across the property located at 1300 W. Peter Smith Street, and authorize
the City Manager to execute the covenant and record the same. It was the
consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
M&C L-11136 re
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11136 from
acquisition of a
the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the
temporary construction
acquisition of a temporary construction easement described as being a
portion of Lots 23 and 24, Block 15, Mistletoe Heights, (2340 West
Magnolia Avenue); find that $1.00 is just compensation for property
acquired from Abdul R. and Anna M. Rashid, required for sanitary sewer
rehabilitation, Contract XXV; and authorize the acceptance and recording
of the appropriate easement. It was the consensus of the City Council
that the recommendation be adopted.
M&C L-11137 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11137 from
approve the temporary the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the temporary
construction easement construction easement described as being portions of Lots 22 and 23,
Block 15, Mistletoe Heights Addition (2336 West Magnolia Avenue); find
that $1.00 is just compensation for property acquired from Ruth Ann
Berney, required for sanitary sewer rehabilitation, Contract XXV; and
authorize the acceptance and recording of the appropriate easement. It
was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
M&C PZ -1678 Council Member Woods made a motion, seconded by Council Member
was withdrawn Chappell, that reconsideration of Mayor and Council Communication No. PZ -
1678 be withdrawn from the agenda. The motion carried unanimously.
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. PZ -1679 from
M&C PZ -1679 re the City Manager recommending that the City Council:
final payment to
the City of Fort Worth 1. Reaffirm its action of December 15, 19921678 -
( ) approving an
Ordinance which vacated a 10' wide by approximately 250' long
alley right-of-way located between Lots 1 through 6, 7-R and 20
through 29; a 15' wide emergency access easement located in Lot
7-R and a 5' wide utility easement located along the western
property line of Lot 7-R adjacent to Lot 6, Block 4, Grandview
2. Further it is recommended that the City Council acknowledge and
approve a partial reimbursement totalling $5,292.00 paid by
Cook Fort Worth Children's Medical Center which recognizes an
exchange of real property.
This action will result in final payment to the City of Fort
Worth for this property of $12,138.00
Minutes of City Council U-3 Page 479
Tuesday, January 12, 1993
PZ -1679 cont. andII It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be
ted adopted.
&C C-13661 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13661 from
greement with South- the City Manager recommending that the City Manager be authorized to
estern Exposition and execute an agreement with Southwestern Exposition and Livestock Show for
ivestock Show a thirty (30) day period from January 13th - February 13th of 1993 at a
fee of $1,000.00 to permit parking on a portion of the Botanic Garden
south of Harley Street.
nci 1 Member Silcox
M&C C-13661
Council Member Silcox questioned whether or not the City Council
should review the escalation of charges for use`of a portion of the
the City Manager
Botanic Garden immediately south of Harley Street for exhibitor's parking
Cit Y
for the Southwestern Exposition and Livestock Show and was advised by the
Manager to
City Manager that, with the 'returns that, the City received from
Southwestern Exposition and Livestock Show, the $1,000.00 seemed to be a
reasonable fee.
Council Member Meadows made a motion, seconded by Council Member
24 South at Meacham Airport. It was the consensus of
Silcox, that the recommendation, as contained in Mayor and Council
Communication No. C-13661 be adopted. The motion carried unanimously.
C-13662 re
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13662 from
cute an amendment
the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the City
DTPA Management
Manager to execute an amendment to the Job Training Partnership Act
elopment Plan
Management Development Plan for 1992, which would increase the contract
amount by $20,000.00 to a new total contract amount of $55,836.00 for the
contract period beginning July 1, 1992, and ending June 30, 1993. It was
the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
&C C-13663 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13663 from
greement with the the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the City
exas Air Control Boar Manager to execute an agreement with the Texas Air Control Board in the
amount of $39,368.00 for performance of air pollution control activities
through August 31, 1993; establish a Grants Fund project in the amount of
$115,995.00 for accounting purposes for this program upon execution of
this contract and the related contract with Tarrant County for air
pollution assistance; and waive the indirect costs of $6,387.20 on the
TACB agreement. It was the consensus of the City Council that the
recommendation be adopted.
&C C-13664 re
ease agreement with
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13664
10.0. Rife III, an
the City Manager
recommending that the City Council authorize the
Cit Y
Manager to
execute a new lease agreement with M.O. Rife III,
for a ten -unit T -hangar, improved and unimproved land known
as Location
24 South at Meacham Airport. It was the consensus of
City Council
that the recommendation be adopted.
&C C-13665 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13665 from
AA Grant; and contras the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the City
ith Freese and Nichol!, Manager to apply for and accept a Federal Aviation Administration Grant
nc. in the amount of $150,375.00 for Phase II planning efforts associated
with the closure of Carswell Air Force Base; transfer Office of Economic
Adjustment. Carswell Reuse Effort Grant funds of $16,708.00 to the
Carswell Air Force Base Master Plan FAA Grant, and execute a contract
with Freese & Nichols, Inc., in the amount of $167,083.00 to perform
Phase II of the Airport Master Plan Study for the reuse plan of the
Carswell Air Force Base.
ncil Member Meadows Council Member Meadows requested permission of the City Council to
M&C C-13665 abstain from voting on Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13665
tain from voting involving Freese & Nichols, Inc.
Council Member Matson made a motion, seconded by Council Member
Woods, that Council Member Meadows be permitted to abstain from voting on
Mayor and Council Communication No.' C-13665. The motion carried
ity Manager Terrell City Manager Terrell advised 'City Council that Mayor and Council
e M&C C-13665 Communication No. C-13665 should be amended to read "It is recommended
that the City Council authorize the City Manager", instead of "It is
recommended that the City Manager authorize the City Manager."
Minutes of City Council U-3 Page 480
Tuesday, January 12, 1993
Council Member Silcox made a motion, seconded by Council Member
Chappell, that Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13665 be approved,
as amended. The motion carried by the following vote:
AYES: Mayor Granger; Mayor
Council Members Puente,
Woods, and Chappell
NOES: None
NOT VOTING: Council Member Meadows
Pro tempore Webber;
Silcox, Matson, McCray,
M&C G-10000 It appeared that the City Council set today as the date for a public
PID No. 3 hearing regarding the plan of services and Budget for FY '92-'93 for Fort
Worth Improvement District No. 3 with Senca Real Estate Development
Company and setting the benefit hearing date. The notice of the public
hearing had been given by publication in the Fort Worth Commercial
Recorder, the official newspaper of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, on
December 28, 1992. Mayor Granger asked if there was anyone present
desiring to be heard.
Mr. Nat O'Day Mr. Nat O'Day, representing the Fiscal Services Department, appeared
M&C G-10000 before the City Council and presented a staff report and called attention
of the City Council to Mayor and Council Communication No. G-10000, which
recommended that the City Council take the following action regarding the
Fort Worth Improvement District No. 3:
1. Hold a public hearing regarding the Plan of Services and Budget
for FY '92-'93, and
2. Adopt the attached FY '92-'93 Plan of Services and Budget for
FY '92-'93
3. Adopt the proposed FY '92-'93 assessment roll and set Tuesday,
January 26, 1993, at 10:00 a.m., in the City Council Chambers
as the time and place for the benefit hearing, and
4. Direct the City Secretary to give notice of the January 24
hearing in accordance with state law, and
5. Authorize the City Manager to sign a contract with Senca Real
Estate Development Company to provide services and improvements
in PID #3 during FY '92-'93 for the sum of $104,611.00
City Manager Terrell City Manager Terrell advised the City Council that Page 1, under
re M&C G-10000 Recommendation No. 4 on Mayor and Council Communication No. G-10000
should be amended to read "Give notice of the January 26th hearing,"
instead of January 24th.
There being no one else present desiring to be heard in connection
with the plan of services and budget for FY '92-'93 for Fort Worth
Improvement District No. 3, Council Member Matson made a motion, seconded
by Council Member Woods, that the public hearing be closed and the
recommendations, as contained in Mayor and Council Communication No. G-
10000, be adopted. The motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Alan Klotz re Mr. Alan Klotz, 4328 Lanark, appeared before the City Council and
1104 E. Hattie and 310 advised Council that he was seeking financial assistance for the
New York be granted restoration of property located at 1104 E. Hattie and 310 New York and
an extension requested that he be granted an extension on the demolition of his
City Attorney Adkins City Attorney Adkins advised Council that an action item needs to be
re Mr. Alan Klotz
property at 1104 E. Placed on next week's City Council agenda regarding the demolition of
Hattie and 310 New Yor this property since it has already been approved for demolition by the
City Council.
Minutes of City Council U-3 Page 481
. Tom Davis re
nolition of property
ayor Pro tempore
ebber re 30 -day
xtension on property
t 1104 E. Hattie and
10 New York
Tuesday, January 12, 1993
Mr. Tom Davis, appeared before the City Council and advised Council
that, under normal circumstances his staff would periodically check to
see if additional work had been done on a piece of property to bring it
up to standards, and then bring back a report to City Council regarding
the condition of the property.
Mayor Pro tempore Webber requested that the City Council grant a 30 -
day extension on the demolition of property located at 1104 E. Hattie and
310 New York and requested that, during the 30 day moratorium, the
property located at 310 New York be cleaned up and secured.
r. Chip Diano re Mr. Chip Diano, 6007 Westridge Lane, #102, appeared before the City
R-7672, ADA Self- Council regarding IR -7672, ADA Self -Evaluation, and advised Council that
valuation some of the barriers under Year I Plan had been removed, but some still
existed. He asked the Council to adopt the plan by January 26.
in closed or It was the consensus of the City Council that the City Council meet
utive session in closed or executive session at 10:50 a.m. for the following purposes:
1. To discuss the ground lease at Fort Worth Alliance Airport, as
authorized by Section 2(f), Article 6252-17, V.A.C.S. The
public discussion of this item would have a detrimental effect
on the negotiating position of the City as between the City and
a third party.
2. To seek the advice of its attorneys concerning the following
matter which is exempt from public disclosure under Article X,
Section 9 of the Texas State Bar Rules:
(a) Enforcement of Sexually Oriented Business Ordinance;
(b) Legal issues relating to Anderson Laboratories, Inc.
(c) Claim against Paul L. Bolinger
(d) Nena Miller et al v. City of Fort Worth, Cause No. 236-
as authorized by Section 2(e), Article 6252-17, V.A.C.S.
convened intoII The City Council reconvened into regular session at 11:40 a.m., with
gular all members present.
X G-9999 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-9999 from
ettlement for the the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve a settlement
laim against Paul L. in the amount of $20,000.00 for the City's claim against Paul L. Bolinger
olinger for costs incurred in the environmental cleanup of 300 South Lake Street.
On motion of Council Member Meadows, seconded by Council Member Silcox,
the recommendation was adopted.
ourned There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:42
Minutes of City Council U-3 Page 482