HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993/01/19-Minutes-City CouncilI CITY COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 19, 1993 Council Met On the 19th day of January, A.D., 1993, the City Council of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, met in regular session, at 10:00 a.m. with the following members and officers present, to -wit: Mayor Pro tempore Virginia Nell Webber;- Council Members Chuck Members Present Silcox, Morris Matson, Eugene McCray, Jewel Woods, and Bill Meadows; City Manager Bob Terrell; City Attorney Wade Adkins; City Secretary Alice Church. Mayor Kay Granger and Council Member David Chappell were absent and Council Member Carlos Puente was temporarily absent. With more than a quorum present, the following business was transacted: Invocation The invocation was given by The Reverend Joan Choyce, Vitas Hospice. Pledge of Allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Minutes of January 12, On motion of Council Member McCray, seconded by Council Member 1993 approved Woods, the minutes of the meeting of the regular meeting of January 12, 1993, were approved. Withdrew M&C Nos. City Manager Terrell requested that Mayor and Council Communication C-13651 and C-13669 Nos. C-13651 and C-13669 be withdrawn from the consent agenda. Withdrew M&C Nos. City Manager Terrell requested that Mayor and Council Communication C-13651 and C-13669 Nos. C-13651 and C-13669 be withdrawn from the agenda. Council Member Puente Council Member Puente assumed his chair at the City Council table at assumed his chair this time. Consent agendaII On motion of Council Member Woods, seconded by Council Member approved Matson, the consent agenda, as amended, was approved. Appointed Mr. Quentin Council Member Meadows made a motion, seconded by Council Member McGown to the Historic McCray, that Mr. Quentin McGown be appointed to Place 7 on the Historic and Cultural Landmark and Cultural Landmark Commission, with a term of office expiring October Commission 1, 1993. The motion carried unanimously. Reappointed Mr. Bert Williams tothe D/FW Airport Board Council Member Matson re Appointments to the D/FW Airport Boar Council Member McCray made a Meadows, that Mr. Bert C. Williams Board for a period of one year. motion, seconded by Council Member be reappointed to the D/FW Airport Council Member Matson requested that the City Attorney provide the City Council with an opinion regarding whether or not a member can be appointed to the D/FW Airport Board for less than a four-year term. City Attorney AdkinsI City Attorney Adkins advised Council that staff would provide an re Appointments to the D/FW Airport Board it opinion for the City Council on this matter and that the appointment to the D/FW Airport Board should be continued for one week. Council Member Puente made a substitute motion, seconded by Council Member Woods, that staff brings back a resolution in compliance with the contract for the appointment to the D/FW Airport Board. The substitute motion carried unanimously. Resignation of Mr. 11 Council Member McCray made a motion, seconded by Council Member Luther w. Ellis from Woods, that the resignation of Mr. Luther W. Ellis from the Board of the Board of Adjustmen. Adjustment and the Fort Worth Alliance Airport Board of Adjustment and and the Fort Worth Alliance Airport board Ms. Clara Denman from the Personnel Commission be accepted with regrets. of Adjustment and The motion carried unanimously. resignation of Ms. Clara Denman from the There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. OCS-485 from Personnel Commission the Office of the City Secretary recommending that the City Council refer M&C OCS-485 notices of claims regarding alleged damages and/or injuries to the Risk Claims Management Department. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. M&C OCS-486 (I There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. OCS-486 from Resolution No. 1881 the Office of the City Secretary recommending that the City Council adopt setting regular zonings Resolution No. 1881 setting regular zoning hearing for February 9, 1993. hearing i The motion carried unanimously. Minutes of City Council U-3 Page 483 q�q Tuesday, January 19, 1993 M&C G-10001 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. G-10001 from disposal of public the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the disposal Council approve the request of records in the Police of public records belonging to the Police Department. It was the Department consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. M&C G-10002 re Terrace west to the TCU parking lot from reject bids for the There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. G-10002 from ADA Curb Ramp Accessi- the City Manager recommending that the City Council reject the bids bility Improvements, received for the ADA Curb Ramp Accessibility Improvements, Contract I, Contract I, and rebid project of the Specially Funded Capital Projects Fund and authorize the staff to readvertise the project for construction bids. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. M&C G-10003 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. G-10003 from court ordered settle- the City Manager recommending that the City Council confirm the court ment to Mada L. King ordered settlement of $10,579.25 to Mada L. King vs. City of Fort Worth (Cause No. 153-135340-91), and authorize payment of $1,375.00 for services rendered in the case of Mada L. King vs City of Fort Worth to Ferree and Searcy, Inc. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. M&C G-10004 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. G-10004 from payment to Joe Adams the City Manager recommending that the City Council confirm that the and Son Inc. for structures located at 1000 East Terrell Avenue and Rear constituted a demolition at 1000 safety hazard, a danger to human life and health and a nuisance as East Terrell Avenue declared by the Director of City Services on November 11, 1992; authorize and Rear a payment of $2,800.00 to Joe Adams and Son Inc., for demolition of the structures for the City Services Department on the low bid per item basis; and determine that the abatement costs were correct and reasonable and authorize a lien to be filed against the property to cover the incidental expenses; including the $2,800.00 cost of demolition and $300.00 administration fee for costs of the City in preparation of notices, specifications and contracts, inspection of work and costs of printing and mailing. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. M&C G-10005 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. G-10005 from retain David Keltner, the City Manager recommending that the City Council retain David Keltner adopt Resolution No. and the law firm of Haynes and Boone as outside counsel, pursuant to 1882 Section 3, Chapter VI of the City Charter, to assist the City Attorney in representing the City in the case of Nena Miller et al v. City of Fort Worth, and adopt Resolution No. 1882 fixing in advance, as far as practicable, the sum to be paid Haynes and Boone for their services in an amount not to exceed $20,000.00. On motion of Council Member Meadows, seconded by Council Member Matson, the recommendation was adopted. M&C G-10006 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. G-10006 from temporarily street the City Manager recommending that City Council approve the request of close for the Colonial the Colonial Country Club to temporarily close the 3700 block of Country Country Club Club Circle, the 3700, 3800 and 3900 blocks of Mockingbird Lane and Cantey Street from Highview Terrace west to the TCU parking lot from Monday, May 24 until Sunday, May 30, 1993. Council Member Meadows advised Council that he would be filing a Council Member Meadows conflict of interest affidavit with regard to Mayor and Council re M&C G-10006 Communication No. G-10006 involving Southwestern Bell Telephone Company. Council Member Woods Council Member Woods also advised Council that she would also be re M&C G-10006 filing a conflict of interest affidavit on Mayor and Council Communication No. G-10006. M&C G-10006 be cont.II It was the consensus of the City Council that consideration of Mayor for one week and Council Communication No. G-10006 be continued for one week. There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. G-10007 from M&C G-10007 re Adopt Ordinance No. the City Manager recommending that the City Council adopt Ordinance No. 11238 amending 11238 amending Ordinance Nos. 2999, 4060, 4250, 4304, 4354, 4430, 4860, Employees' Retirement 4861, 4873, 4875, 5226, 5259, 6393, 6556, 7056, 7317, 7875, 8674, 8843, Fund 9247, 9532, 10081, 10291, 10369, 10385, 10564, 10607, 10679, and 11126, codified as Chapter 2, Article VI, Division 1, entitled "Employees' Retirement Fund", of the Code of the City of Fort Worth (1986), as amended, which ordinances establish and provide for a retirement system, retirement plan and benefits thereunder for Employees of the City of Fort 0 Minutes of City Council U-3 Page 484 • Tuesday, January 19, 1993 &C G-10007 cont. Worth; providing for remarriage by widows and widowers; clarifying nd adopted projected retirement date application to vested termination pensions; clarifying the methodology for handling qualified domestic relations orders. until Member Matson Council Member Matson declared that he had an interest in the City M&C G-10007 Retirement Fund, but stated that this did not prohibit him from voting on Mayor and Council Communication No. G-10007. Council Member Woods made a motion, seconded by Council Member McCray, that Mayor and Council Communication No. G-10007 be approved. The motion carried unanimously. G-10008 re J� There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. G-10008 from lition of structur the City Manager recommending that the City Council: 1. Confirm that each structure listed herein is substandard and a nuisance, and 2. Authorize contracts for demolition of structures for the City Services Department on the low bid per unit as follows: Action Excavating Corp, Inc. $26,866.00 Units 1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 32 Howard Darby dba Dyn-o-mite Demolition Units 3, 7, 23, 24, 31 Joe Adams and Son Inc. Unit 29 $15,949.00 $ 1,591.00 Total amount not to exceed $44,406.00 f.o.b, Fort Worth, Texas, and 3. Remove Unit 2 from consideration for award of contract, and 4. Authorize a lien to be filed against each property to cover the cost of demolition and administration. Ms. Gail Baxter, representing the Code Enforcement Office, appeared Gail Baxter re CG -10008 before the City Council and described the existing conditions of the property located at 840 East Jessamine Street and rear, Unit 4, stating that the owner had just about completed the demolition of one of the buildings and removal of debris and requested that he be granted a delay on the contract for demolition. r. Ray Gomez re Mr. Ray Gomez, 3808 St. Louis Avenue, appeared before the City X G-10008 Council and requested that the City Council grant him an extension in 40 East Jessamine St. order to complete the demolition of the property located at 840 East nd Rear Jessamine Street and Rear. Council Member McCray made a motion, seconded by Council Member Puente, that the property located at 840 East Jessamine Street and rear be granted a 30 -day extension. The motion carried unanimously. s. Gail Baxter re Ms. Gail Baxter appeared before the City Council and advised Council &C G-10008 and that the property located at 1401 Driess Street and rear, Unit No. 18, nits No. 18, and property at 2921 Sappington Place, Unit No. 30, should be withdrawn nd Unit No. 30 from Mayor and Council Communication No. G-10008. Council Member McCray made a motion, seconded by Council Member Woods, that Units No. 18 and 30 be withdrawn from Mayor and Council Communication No. G-10008. The motion carried unanimously. . Jim Briggs re Mr. Jim Briggs, representing R.E.B. Concrete, appeared before the C G-10008 City Council and expressed concern that his company was not awarded the low bid on the demolition of substandard structures at 32 locations and stated that the insurance company failed to put the DBA on the certificate that was submitted with their bid. Minutes of City Council U-3 Page 485 Tuesday, January 19, 1993 Mr. Ben Allen, Director of the Purchasing Division, appeared before Mr. Ben Allen re the City Council and advised Council that the Legal Department concluded M&C G-10008 that the certificate submitted with the bid was not acceptable and also advised Council that the wastehauler's certificate was not included in the bid that was submitted by R.E.B. Concrete. Ms. Gail Baxter re Ms. Gail Baxter, representing the Code Enforcement Office, appeared M&C G-10008 and before the City Council and described the existing condition of the Unit 14 property located at 1345 East Jefferson and rear, Unit 14, stating that staff was recommending demolition of the property. Mr. C.c. Scheu re Mr. C. C. Scheu appeared before the City Council and advised Council M&C G-10008 and that he would like to demolish his own property in order to conserve the Unit 14 material and requested that the City Council q grant a 90 -day extension. Council Member Woods made a motion, seconded by Council Member Meadows, that the property located at 1345 East Jefferson Avenue and rear, Unit 14, be granted a 30 -day extension. The motion carried unanimously. Ms. Gail Baxter re Ms. Gail Baxter appeared before, the City 'Council and described the M&C G-10008 and existing conditions of the property located at 2900 South Grove Street, Unit No. 4 Unit No. 4, and advised Council that the property was in an extreme state of disrepair and recommended that the property be declared a nuisance and substandard and that demolition be ordered. Mr. Ray Torres re Mr. Ray Torres, 1211 Hawthorne, appeared before the City Council and M&C G-10008 and Unit requested that the City Council grant a 90 -day extension on the property No. 4 located at 2900 South Grove Street, Unit No. 4. Council Member Puente made a motion, seconded by Council Member Meadows, that City Council approve staff's recommendation for the demolition of property located at 2900 South Grove, Unit No. 4. The motion carried unanimously. Council Member Matson made a motion, seconded by Council Member Meadows, that the recommendations, as contained in Mayor and Council Communication No. G-10008 be approved with the exception of extensions granted to Units No. 6 and 14 and the withdrawal of Units No. 18 and 30. The motion carried unanimously. M&C G-10010 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. G-10010 from Adopted Resolution No. the City Manager recommending that the City Council adopt Resolution No. 1883 1883 increasing by $50,000.00 the amount authorized to be paid to Gary Ingram and/or the law firm of Jackson and Walker, L.L.P. for services in representing the City in civil rights cases. On motion of Council Member Silcox, seconded by Council Member Meadows, the recommendation was adopted. M&C P-6186 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6186, purchase agreement dated January 12, 1993, from the City Manager recommending that the City with Bowles Edens Council: Equipment Company 1. Rescind the award to Dufco and Associates on M&C P-6115, dated December 8, 1992, for 3/4" curb stops for the Water Department, and 2. Disqualify all bids submitted to the City by Dufco and Associates and remove Dufco and Associates from the City's vendor list permanently, and 3. Allow disqualification of any bid submitted by Richard Lopez, alias Richard David and Linda Duffy under any company name, and 4. Authorize a one-year purchase agreement for 3/4" curb stops for the Water Department with Bowles Edens Equipment Company on the second low bid of $9.25 each, less 2 percent, for an adjusted unit price of $9.06 f.o.b. delivered, and 5. This agreement to begin January 12, 1993, and end January 11, 1994, with two options to renew for one year each. Minutes of City Council U-3 Page 486 Tuesday, January 19, 1993 . Richard David re Mr. Richard David, representing Dufco and Associates, 4201 Spring P-6186 Valley Road, Dallas, Texas, appeared before the City Council and expressed opposition to the rescinding of the award of the contract to Dufco and Associates for the purchase of 3/4 inch curb stops and expressed opposition to the permanent removal of Dufco and Associates from the City's vendor list; and requested that Dufco and Associates be given a second chance to provide services to the City of Fort Worth. Assistant City Atto Gary Steinberger re M&C P-6186 I &C P-6187 re urchase agreement re- ewed with Parts ashers, Inc. M&C P-6188 re purchase from Moody Day, Inc. and Mega Equipment Company M&C L-11138 re acquisition of a temporary construction easement M&C L-11139 re acquisition of a temporary construction easement M&C L-11140 re acquisition of a temporary construction easement M&C L-11141 re acquisition of a temporary construction easement Assistant City Attorney Gary Steinberger appeared before the City Council and advised Council that the City of Fort Worth had been doing business with Dufco and Associates, also operating under the name of Municipal Distributors, since 1987 and advised Council that the company had failed to pay their suppliers for merchandise received and requested that the City Council approve staff's recommendation as contained in Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6186. Council Member Meadows made a Matson, that the recommendations, Communication No. P-6186, be adopted. motion, seconded by Council Member as contained Mayor and Council The motion carried unanimously. There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6187 from the City Manager recommending that City Council exercise the option to renew the purchase agreement for the City Services and Fire Departments with Parts Washers, Inc., to furnish automotive parts washers, solvent and service on the low bid of unit prices, with term of agreement to begin February 12, 1993, and end February 11, 1994, with options to renew for one additional year. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6188 from the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the purchase of a concrete saw, air compressor and backhoe for the City Services Department from Moody Day, Inc., and Mega Equipment Company for a total amount not to exceed $101,068.00 net, f.o.b. Fort Worth, Texas. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11138 from the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the acquisition of a temporary construction easement described as being a portion of Lot 3, Block 6, Berkeley Addition, (2033 Huntington Lane); find that $1.00 is just compensation for property acquired from Mark Collins and Karen Collins, required for sanitary sewer rehabilitation, Contract XXV; and authorize the acceptance and recording of the appropriate easement. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11139 from the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the acquisition of a temporary construction easement described as being a portion of Lot 15, Block 3, Berkeley Addition, (2204 Huntington Lane); find that $1.00 is just compensation for property acquired from David A. Jenkins and Lisa S. Jenkins, required for sanitary sewer rehabilitation, Contract XXV; and authorize the acceptance and recording of the appropriate easement. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11140 from the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the acquisition of a temporary construction easement described as being a portion of Lot 8 and west 5 feet of Lot 9, Block 7, Berkeley Addition, (2221 Huntington Lane); find that $1.00 is just compensation for property acquired from Hattie Jim Moates McManus, required for sanitary sewer rehabilitation, Contract XXV; and authorize the acceptance and recording of the appropriate easement. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11141 from the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the acquisition of a temporary construction easement described as being a portion of Lot 22, Block 3, Berkeley Addition, (2232 Huntington Lane); find that $1.00 is just compensation for property acquired from D. Hart, Minutes of City Council U-3 Page 487 if+4A QR Tuesday, January 19, 1993 M&C L-11141 cont. and adopted III, required for sanitary sewer rehabilitation, Contract XXV; and authorize the acceptance and recording of the appropriate easement. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. M&CThere L-11142 was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11142 from re acq acquisition of a the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the temporary construction acquisition of a temporary construction easement described as being a easement portion of east 55 feet of Lot 9 and west 15 feet of Lot 10, Block 7, Berkeley Addition,(2217 Huntington Lane); find that $1.00 is just compensation for- property acquired from Clark Million, required for sanitary sewer rehabilitation, Contract XXV; and authorize the acceptance and recording of the appropriate easement. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. &C L-11143 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11143 from cquisition of a .emporary construction the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the asement acquisition of a temporary construction easement described as being a portion of Lot 6, Block 7, Berkeley Addition, (2229 Huntington Lane); find that $1.00 is just compensation for property acquired from Landon P. Snell, III and Maria Snell, required for sanitary sewer rehabilitation, Contract XXV; and authorize the acceptance and recording of the appropriate easement. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. AC L-11144 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11144 from acquisition of a :emporary construction the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the easement acquisition of a temporary construction easement described as being a portion of east 45 feet of Lot 10 and west 30 feet of Lot 11, Block 7, Berkeley Addition, (2215 Huntington Lane); find that $1.00 is just compensation for property acquired from John B. Esch, required for sanitary sewer rehabilitation, Contract XXV; and authorize the acceptance and recording of the appropriate easement. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. There was presented.Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11145 from I&C L-11145 re ;cquisition of a the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the :emporary construction acquisition of a temporary construction easement described as being a !asement portion of Lot 5, Block 7, Berkeley Addition, (2233 Huntington Lane); find that $1.00 is just compensation for property acquired from Patrick and Carol Stanford, required for sanitary sewer rehabilitation, Contract XXV; and authorize the acceptance and recording of the appropriate easement. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. 1&C L-11146 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11146 from Lcquisition of a :emporary construction the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the acquisition of a temporary construction easement described as being a portion of Lot 14, Block 3, Berkeley Addition, (2200 Huntington Lane); find that $1.00 is just compensation for property acquired from William S. Kilborn, required for sanitary sewer rehabilitation, Contract XXV; and authorize the acceptance and recording of the appropriate easement. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. I&C L-11147 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11147 from acquisition of a the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the temporary construction acquisition of a temporary construction easement described as being a easement portion of Lot 13 and east 15 feet of Lot 12, Block 7, Berkeley Addition, (2201 Huntington Lane); find that $1.00 is just compensation for property acquired from V. R. Lipscomb, required for sanitary sewer rehabilitation, Contract XXV; and authorize the acceptance and recording of the appropriate easement. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. 4&C L-11148 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11148 from acquisition of a the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the temporary construction acquisition of a temporary construction easement described as being a casement portion of west 45 feet of Lot 12 and east 30 feet of Lot 11, Block 7, Berkeley Addition, (2209 Huntington Lane); find that $1.00 is just compensation for property acquired from Bertha Bowen, required for sanitary sewer rehabilitation, Contract XXV; and authorize the acceptance and recording of the appropriate easement. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. Minutes of City Council U-3 Page 488 • Tuesday, January 19, 1993 C L-11149 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11149 from quisition of a the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the mporary construction acquisition of a temporary construction easement described as being a sement portion of Lots 2 -and 3, Block 8, Berkeley Addition, (2209 Forest Park Boulevard); find that $1.00 is just compensation for property acquired from Steve and Connie Taylor, required for sanitary sewer rehabilitation, Contract XXV; and authorize the acceptance and recording of the appropriate easement. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. L-11150 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11150 from isition of a the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the orary construction acquisition of a temporary construction easement described as being a ment portion of the north half of Lot 18, Block 2, Hi Mount Addition, (1400 Clover Lane); find that $1.00 is just compensation for property acquired from Frederick and Mary Rehfeldt, required for sanitary sewer rehabilitation, Contract XXV; and authorize the acceptance and recording of the appropriate easement. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. C L-11151 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11151 from quisition of a the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the mporary construction acquisition of a temporary construction easement described as being a cement portion of Lot 18, Block 2, Hi Mount Addition, (1406 Clover Lane); find that $1.00 is just compensation for property acquired from Brenda Chambers, required for sanitary sewer rehabilitation, Contract XXV; and authorize the acceptance and recording of the appropriate easement. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11152 from L-11152 re the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the isition of a acquisition of a temporary construction easement described as being a orary construction portion of Lot 17, Block 2, Hi Mt Addition, ment ounon, (1410 Clover Lane); find that $1.00 is just compensation for property acquired from Mrs. Wendell J. Henderson, required for sanitary sewer rehabilitation, Contract XXV; and authorize the acceptance and recording of the appropriate easement. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. CL -11153 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11153 from quisition of a the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the mporary construction acquisition of a temporary construction easement described as being a Bement portion of Lot 16, Block 2, Hi Mount Addition, (1422 Clover Lane); find that $1.00 is just compensation for property acquired from James Lowry, required for sanitary sewer rehabilitation, Contract XXV; and authorize the acceptance and recording of the appropriate easement. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. L-11154 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11154 from uisition of a the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the porary construction acquisition of a temporary construction easement described as being a ement portion of Lots 15 and 16, Block 2, Hi Mount Addition, (1500 Clover Lane); find that $1.00 is just compensation for property acquired from Lydon E. and Margaret Simpson, required for sanitary sewer rehabilitation, Contract XXV; and authorize the acceptance and recording of the appropriate easement. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. L-11155 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11155 from uisition of a the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the porary construction acquisition of a temporary construction easement described as being a ement portion of Lots 13 and 14, Block 2, Hi Mount Addition, (1514 Clover Lane); find that $1.00 is just compensation for property acquired from Scott Tankersley, required for sanitary sewer rehabilitation, Contract XXV; and authorize the acceptance and recording of the appropriate easement. It was the consensus of the City . Council that the recommendation be adopted. L-11156 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11156 from uisition of a the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the porary construction acquisition of a temporary construction easement described as being a ement portion of Lots 21 and 22, Block 15, Mistletoe Heights Addition, (2320 Minutes of City Council U-3 Page 489 490 Tuesday, January 19, 1993 M&C L-11156 cont. West Magnolia Avenue); find that $1.00 is just compensation for property and adopted acquired from Lillian P. Riggle, required for sanitary sewer rehabilitation, Contract XXV; and authorize the acceptance and recording of the appropriate easement. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. M&C L-11157 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11157 from r acquisition of a the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the temporary easement construction acquisition of a temporary construction easement described as being a portion of Lots 10, 11, and 12, Block 15, Mistletoe Heights Addition, (2301 Mistletoe Boulevard); find that $1.00 is just compensation for property acquired from Mildred B. King, required for sanitary sewer rehabilitation, Contract XXV; and authorize the acceptance and recording of the appropriate easement. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. M&C L-11158 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11158 from acquisition of a the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the temporary construction acquisition of a temporary construction easement described as being a easement portion of Lots 7, 8, 9, 16, 17, and 18, Block 15, Mistletoe Heights Addition, (2315 Mistletoe Boulevard); find that $1.00 is just compensation for property acquired from Charles E. Wollner, required for sanitary sewer rehabilitation, Contract XXV; and authorize the acceptance and recording of the appropriate easement. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. M&C L-11159 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11159 from acquisition of a the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the temporary construction acquisition of a temporary construction easement described as being a easement portion of Lots 9 and 10, Block 15, Mistletoe Heights Addition, (2311 Mistletoe Boulevard); find that $1.00 is just compensation for property acquired from John Kevin Clark, required for sanitary sewer rehabilitation, Contract XXV; and authorize the acceptance and recording of the appropriate easement. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. M&C L-11160 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11160 from acquisition of a the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the temporary construction acquisition of a temporary construction easement described as being a easement portion of Lot 12 and east 15.feet of Lot 11, Block 3, Berkeley Addition, (2205 Windsor Place); find that $1.00 isAust compensation for property acquired from Mary , S. ;.Nichols, required; for sanitary sewer rehabilitation, Contract XXV; and authorize the acceptance and recording of the appropriate easement. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. M&C L-11161 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11161 from acquisition of a the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the temporary construction acquisition of a temporary construction easement described as being a easement portion of Lot 9 and the east 1/2 of Lot 8 and west 1/2 of Lot 10, Block 3, Berkley Addition, (2217 Windsor Place); find that $1.00 is just compensation for property acquired from Oran H. Britt and Jean Britt, required for sanitary sewer rehabilitation, Contract XXV; and authorize the acceptance and recording of the appropriate easement. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. M&C L-11162 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11162 from acquisition of a the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the temporary construction acquisition of a temporary construction easement described as being a easement portion of Lots 7 and 8, Block 2, Hi Mount Addition, (1401 Washington Terrace); find that $1.00 is just compensation for property acquired from Oran F. Needham, required for sanitary sewer rehabilitation, Contract XXV; and authorize the acceptance and recording of the appropriate easement. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. M&C L-11163 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11163 from acquisition of a the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the temporary construction acquisition of a temporary construction easement described as being a easement portion of Lots 8 and 9, Block 2, Hi Mount Addition, (1419 Washington Terrace); find that $1.00 is just compensation for property acquired from Fred W. Rabalais, required for sanitary sewer rehabilitation, Contract Minutes of City Council U-3 Page 490 Tuesday, January 19, 1993 M&C L-11163 cont. and XXV; and authorize the acceptance and recording of the appropriate adopted easement. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11164 from M&C L-11164 re the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the acquisition of a acquisition of a temporary construction easement described as being a temporary construction easement portion of Lot 20, Block 9, Berkeley Addition, (2040 Wilshire Boulevard); find that $1.00 is just compensation for property acquired from Dollie Duke Thompson, required for sanitary sewer rehabilitation, Contract XXV; and authorize the acceptance and recording of the appropriate easement. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. M&C L-11165 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11165 from acquisition of a the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the temporary construction easement acquisition of a temporary construction easement described as being a portion of Lot 16, Block 8., Berkeley Addition, (2208 Wilshire Boulevard); find that $1.00 is just compensation for property acquired from Dale Drake, required for sanitary sewer rehabilitation, Contract XXV; and authorize the acceptance and recording of the appropriate easement. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. M&C L-11166 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11166 from acquisition of a the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the temporary construction acquisition of a temporary construction easement described as being a easement portion of Lot 17, Block 8, Berkeley Addition, (2212 Wilshire Boulevard); find that $1.00 is just compensation for property acquired from John Allen McLean, required for sanitary sewer rehabilitation, Contract XXV; and authorize the acceptance and recording of the appropriate easement. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11167 from M&C L-11167 re the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the acquisition of a acquisition of a temporary construction easement described as being a temporary construction easement portion of Lot 18, Block 8, Berkeley Addition, (2216 Wilshire Boulevard); find that $1.00 is just compensation for property acquired from Kevin Carey, required for sanitary sewer rehabilitation, Contract XXV; and authorize the acceptance and recording of the appropriate easement. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. M&C L-11168 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11168 from acquisition of a the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the temporary construction acquisition of a temporary construction easement described as being a easement portion of Lot 19, Block 8, Berkeley Addition, (2220 Wilshire Boulevard); find that $1.00 is just compensation for property acquired from Mrs. C. Goodfellow, required for sanitary sewer rehabilitation, Contract XXV; and authorize the acceptance and recording of the appropriate easement. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. M&C L-11169 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11169 from acquisition of a the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the temporary construction acquisition of a temporary construction easement described as being a easement portion of Lot 1, Block 9, Berkeley Addition, (2041 Hawthorne Avenue); find that $1.00 is just compensation for property acquired from Kenneth W. Forswall, required for sanitary sewer rehabilitation, Contract XXV; and authorize the acceptance and recording of the appropriate easement. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. M&C L-11170 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11170 from acquisition of a the City Manager recommending that the City . Council approve the temporary construction acquisition of a temporary construction easement described as being a easement portion of Lot 10, Block 8, Berkeley Addition, (2213 Hawthorne Avenue); find that $1.00 is just compensation for property acquired from Walter E. McRee, required for sanitary sewer rehabilitation, Contract XXV; and. authorize the acceptance and recording of the appropriate easement. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. Minutes of City Council U-3 Page 491 492 Tuesday, January 19, 1993 M&C L-11171 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11171 from acquisition of a the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the temporary construction acquisition of a temporary construction easement described as being a easement portion of Lot 5, Block 8, Berkeley Addition, (2233 Hawthorne Avenue); find that $1.00 is just compensation for property acquired from Gary E. and Suzanne Vasseur, required for sanitary sewer rehabilitation, Contract XXV; and authorize the acceptance" and recording of the appropriate easement. It was the consensus of the City Council that the ` recommendation be adopted. C L-11172 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11172 from quisition of a the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the mporary construction acquisition of a temporary construction easement described as being a sement portion of Lot 18, Block 6, Berkeley Addition, (2030 Hawthorne Avenue); find that $1.00 is just compensation for property acquired from La Donna Thompson, required for sanitary sewer rehabilitation, Contract XXV; and authorize the acceptance and recording of the appropriate easement. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. C L-11173 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11173 from quisition of a the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the mporary construction acquisition of a temporary construction easement described as being a sement portion of Lot 17, Block 7, Berkeley Addition, (2212 Hawthorne Avenue); find that $1.00 is just compensation for property acquired from Jesse G. Berger and Charlotte H. Berger, required for sanitary sewer rehabilitation, Contract XXV; and authorize the acceptance and recording of the appropriate easement. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. &C L-11174 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11174 from cquisition of a the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the emporary construction acquisition of a temporary construction easement described as being a asement portion of Lot 14, Block 7, Berkeley Addition, (2200 Hawthorne Avenue); find that $1.00 is just compensation for property acquired from James Hesley and Richard S. Lee, required for sanitary sewer rehabilitation, Contract XXV; and authorize the acceptance and recording of the appropriate easement. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. L-11175 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11175 from uisition of a the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the porary construction acquisition of a temporary construction easement described as being a ement portion of Lot 20, Block 6, Berkeley Addition, (2040 Hawthorne Avenue); find that $1.00 is just compensation for property acquired from W. Brian Hull and Lisa S. Hull, required for sanitary sewer rehabilitation, Contract XXV; and authorize the acceptance and recording of the appropriate easement. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. C L-11176 re There was quisition of a presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11176 from mporary construction the City. Manager recommending that the City Council approve the sement acquisition of a temporary construction easement described as being a portion of Lot 19, Block 6, Berkeley Addition, (2036 Hawthorne Avenue); find that $1.00 is just compensation for property acquired from Juanita F. McLean, required for sanitary sewer rehabilitation, Contract XXV; and authorize the acceptance and recording of the appropriate easement. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. L-11177 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11177 from isition of a the City Manager recommending that the Cit Council orary construction Y approve the ment acquisition of a temporary construction easement described as being a portion of Lot 22, Block 7, Berkeley Addition, (2232 Hawthorne Avenue); find that $1.00 is just compensation for property acquired from Gurvis J. Post, Jr. and Joann V. Post, required for sanitary sewer rehabilitation, Contract XXV; and authorize the acceptance and recording of the appropriate easement. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. L-11178 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11178 from uisition of a the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the porary construction acquisition of a temporary construction easement described as being a ement portion of Lot 2, Block 9, Berkeley Addition, (2037 Hawthorne Avenue); Minutes of City Council U-3 Page 492 4.93 Tuesday, January 19, 1993 L-11178 cont. find that $1.00 is just compensation for property acquired from Kenneth adopted Carnrike Kenyon, required for sanitary sewer rehabilitation, Contract XXV; and authorize the acceptance and recording of the appropriate easement. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. L-11179 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11179 from isition of a the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the orary construction acquisition of a temporary construction easement described as being a ment portion of Lot 20, Block 7, Berkeley Addition, (2224 Hawthorne Avenue); find that $1.00 is just compensation for property acquired from John S. Coffey, Jr., required for sanitary sewer rehabilitation, Contract XXV; and authorize the acceptance and recording of the appropriate easement. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. L-11180 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11180 from isition of a the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the orary construction acquisition of a temporary construction easement described as being a meet portion of Lot 16, Block 7, Berkeley Addition, (2208 Hawthorne Avenue); find that $1.00 is just compensation for property acquired from Gregory G. Gibson, required for sanitary sewer rehabilitation, Contract XXV; and authorize the acceptance and recording of the appropriate easement. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. &C L-11181 re There was tion of a presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11181 from ry cquisi emporati construction the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the asement acquisition of a temporary construction easement described as being a portion of Lot 11, Block 8, Berkeley Addition, (2209 Hawthorne Avenue); find that $1.00 is just compensation for property acquired from Elmer C. Harper, III, required for sanitary sewer rehabilitation, Contract XXV; and authorize the acceptance and recording of the appropriate easement. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. C L-11182 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11182 from quisition of a the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the mporary construction acquisition of a temporary construction easement described as being a sement portion of Lot 4 and northern 10 feet of Lot 3, Block 8, Berkeley Addition, (2237 Hawthorne Avenue); find that $1.00 is just compensation for property acquired from D. Michael Beene and Doris Watkins, required for sanitary sewer rehabilitation, Contract XXV; and authorize the acceptance and recording of the appropriate easement. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. M&C L-11183 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11183 from acquisition of a the City Manager recommending that the City Council rescind Mayor and right-of-way Council Communication No. L-11053, dated September 8, 1992; approve the acquisition of right-of-way described as being a portion of Lot 1, Block 33, Sabine Place Addition (4032 Zwolle Street); find that $950.00 is just compensation for property acquired from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), required for Terminal Road/Weber; and authorize the acceptance and recording of the appropriate deed. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. &C L-11184 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11184 from einstatement of the the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the eases reinstatement of the leases for Lots 4 and 5, Block 15, Lake Worth Leases. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. C-13651 re It was the consensus of the City Council that Mayor and Council withdrawn Communication No. C-13651, Encroachment Agreement for M-439 Extension/M- 210 and Relief Main, located near Colonial Country Club from Texas Utilities Electric Company, be withdrawn from the agenda. M&C C-13666 re 11 There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13666 from approved a fund transf 'r, the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve a $133,067.00 and execute a contract fund transfer from the City of Fort Worth ADA Transition Plan to the ADA with Jim Bowman Con- struction Company, Inc Curb Accessibility Improvements, Contract II Project of the Specially Funded Capital Projects Fund, and authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with Jim Bowman Construction Company, Inc., in the amount of Minutes of City Council U-3 Page 493 r•r Tuesday, January 19, 1993 M&C C-13666 cont. $126,730.00, and seventy-eight (78) working days for ADA Curb Ramp and adopted Accessibility Improvements, Contract II. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13667 from M&C C-13667 re the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize Change authorize Change Order No. 3 with Randall Order No. 3 to City Secretary Contract No. 18997 with Randall and Blake, and blake, Inc. Inc., in the amount of $27,472.25 for construction of Sycamore Creek Golf Course, revising the total contract cost to $1,257,157.75. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. M&C C-13668 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13668 from authorize Change the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize Change Order No. 5 with Order No. 5 in the amount of $1,860.00 to City Secretary Contract No. Architectural 18319 with Architectural Utilities, Inc., for the Miscellaneous Water Utilities, Inc. Main Extensions, revising the total contract cost to $586,615.08. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. M&C C-13669 was It was the consensus of the City Council that Mayor and Council withdrawn Communication No. C-13669, Renewal of two Texas Department of Health Grant Contracts for Tuberculosis services provided by the Health Department, be withdrawn from the agenda. M&C C-13670 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13670 from amendment to the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the City City Secretary Contra t Manager to sign an amendment to City Secretary Contract No. 17579 which No. 17579 would substitute a new Option 3 in the contract that would extend all rentals and concessions in Option 2 for an additional three years terminating on October 1, 1995, and, eliminate increased rentals and concessions contained in Option 3 of the existing contract. On motion of Council Member Woods, seconded by Council Member Puente, the recommendation was adopted. M&C C-13671 re There was amendment with TU presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13671 from Electric the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute an amendment to the franchise agreement between the City of Fort Worth and TU Electric (City Secretary Contract No. 7230). On motion of Council Member Silcox, seconded by Council Member Woods, the recommendation was adopted. M&C C-13672 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13672 from license agreement the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize approval of with Mayfest, Inc. a license agreement with Mayfest, Inc., to permit the use of a portion of Trinity Park from April 26 through May 12, 1993, to stage the 1993 Mayfest, for a fee equal to twenty percent (20%) of the net operating festival profits other than profits derived from bingo, and permit a bingo operation in Trinity Park during Mayfest 1993, with the premises used for bingo to be licensed to Mayfest, Inc., for $1.00 per day. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. M&C FP -3029 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. FP -3029 from final payment to the City Manager recommending that the City Council accept, as complete, James W. Jackson, Inc. the Parkway Improvements on Bryant Irvin Road from South Bellaire Drive to the Trinity River Bridge, and authorize final payment of $583.38 to James W. Jackson, Inc. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. M&C FP -3030 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. FP -3030 from final payment to the City Manager recommending that the City Council accept as complete Lowell B. Allison the contract with Lowell B. Allison Contractor for Water and Sewer Replacements, Avenue J, and authorize final payment in the amount of $24,031.28 to Lowell B. Allison Contractor bringing the final project cost, including $12,942.88 in Change Orders, to $123,826.85 under City Secretary Contract No. 19051. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. M&C FP -3031 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. FP -3031 from final payment to the City Manager recommending that the City Council accept as complete Larry H. Jackson the contract with Larry H. Jackson, Construction, Inc., for Water and Construction, Inc. Sewer Replacements, North Nichols Street, and authorize final payment in the amount of $20,988.81 to Larry H. Jackson Construction, Inc., bringing the final project cost, including $7,059.25 in Change Orders, to Minutes of City Council U-3 Page 494 4q5 Tuesday, January 19, 1993 C €Q-3031J..conto�and II $146,354.88 under City Secretary Contract No. 19144. It was the opted cont. consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. &C G=10009 re It appeared to the City Council that the City Council on November 5, ID No. 1 1992, set today as the date for the second benefit hearing and levying a supplemental assessment on omitted property in Fort Worth Improvement District No. 1 for Fiscal Year 1992-1993. Mayor Pro tempore Webber asked if there was anyone present desiring to be heard. Nat O'Day re Mr. Nat O'Day, representing the Fiscal Services Department, appeared C G-10009 before the City Council and called the attention of the City Council to Mayor and Communication No. G-10009, recommending that the City Council take the following actions regarding Public Improvement District No. 1: 1. hold a public hearing regarding a proposed supplemental assessment against a parcel of property previously omitted from the assessments for fiscal year 1992-1993; and 2. close the public hearing; and 3. adopt the attached ordinance which levies the proposed assessment; and 4. adopt the attached appropriations ordinance increasing estimated receipts and appropriations by $140.44 in the Special Assessments Fund. There being no one else present desiring to be heard in connection with the public hearing for Fort Worth Improvement District No. 1, Council Member Meadows, made a motion, seconded by Council Member Silcox, that the hearing be closed and that the recommendations, as contained in Mayor and Council Communication No. G-10009 and the following ordinances be adopted. The motion carried unanimously. inance No. 11239 11 ORDINANCE NO. 11239 AN ORDINANCE CLOSING HEARING AND LEVYING ASSESSMENTS FOR THE COST OF CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS AND/OR SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED IN FORT WORTH IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 1 DURING FISCAL YEAR 1992- 1993; FIXING CHARGES AND LIENS AGAINST 354 PARCELS OF PROPERTY IN THE DISTRICT AND AGAINST THE OWNERS THEREOF; PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION OF SUCH ASSESSMENTS; RESERVING UNTO THE CITY COUNCIL THE RIGHT TO ALLOW CREDITS REDUCING THE AMOUNT OF THE RESPECTIVE ASSESSMENT TO THE EXTENT OF ANY CREDIT GRANTED; DIRECTING THE CITY SECRETARY TO ENGROSS AND ENROLL THIS ORDINANCE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. rdinance No. 11240 II ORDINANCE NO. 11240 AN ORDINANCE INCREASING THE ESTIMATED RECEIPTS AND APPROPRIATIONS IN THE SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS FUND IN THE AMOUNT OF $140.44 FOR THE PURPOSE OF LEVYING ASSESSMENTS FOR FORT WORTH IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 1 FOR FY 92-93; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; MAKING THIS ORDINANCE CUMULATIVE OF PRIOR ORDINANCES AND REPEALING ALL PRIOR ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. r. Marcus Willis re Mr. Marcus Willis, 7067 Willowview, appeared before the City Council respassing, misuses regarding his petition filed with the Office of the City Secretary on f office, and police arassment December 15, 1992, regarding trespassing, misuse of office, and police harassment, and requested that he be cleared of all charges against him and that he be paid for physical injuries he suffered while he was incarcerated. et in closed or It was the consensus of the City Council that the City Council meet xecutive session in closed or executive session at 11:00 a.m. , for the. following purposes: Minutes of City Council U-3 Page 495 4 Tuesday, January 19, 1993 closed or executive session cont. Reconvened into regular session JAdjourned 1. To discuss a ground lease at Fort Worth Alliance Airport, as authorized by Section 2(f), Article 6252-17, V.A.C.S. The public discussion of this item would have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the City as between the City and a third party. 2. To seek the advice of its attorneys concerning the following matters which are exempt from public disclosure under Article X, Section 9 of the Texas State Bar Rules: (a) Jack J. Shoemaker v. Fort Worth Police Department Cause No. 4:CV-92-837-A (b) Contemplated litigation against the City of Arlington (c) Clyde Peabody v. City of Fort Worth Cause No. 153-126085-90 (d) Legal issues relating to Anderson Laboratories, Inc., as authorized by Section 2(e), Article 6252-17, V.A.C.S. The City Council reconvened into regular session at 11:53 a.m. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:55 a. m. CITY SECRETARY Minutes of City Council U-3 Page 496 MAY