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FEBRUARY 16, 1993
Council Met On the 16th day of February, A..D. , 1993, the City Council of the
City of Fort Worth, Texas, met in regular session at 10:21 a.m., with the
following members and officers present:
Members Present
Mayor Kay Granger; Mayor Pro tempore Virginia Nell Webber; Council
Members Carlos Puente, Chuck Silcox, Morris Matson, Eugene McCray, Jewel
Woods, Bill Meadows, and David Chappell; City Manager Bob Terrell; City
Attorney Wade Adkins; Assistant City Secretary Gloria Pearson. With more
than a quorum present, the following business was transacted:
The invocation was given by The Reverend James Cobb, First Christian
Pledge of Allegiance
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Minutes of February 9, On motion of Council Member McCray, seconded by Council Member
1993 approved Woods, the minutes of the regular meeting of February 9, 1993, were
approved unanimously.
Proclamation -
Borther/Sisterhood Wee
Withdrew M&C G-10048
ithdrew M&C FP -3040
ithdrew M&C Nos.
-10043 and C-13699
nt. for one week
C G-10043
nt Agenda a
ominated Ms. Molly
illiard and Mr. Jesse
errera on the
ousing Authority
f the City of Fort
A proclamation for Brother/Sisterhood Week was presented to Ms.
Emily Trantham.
Council Member McCray requested that Mayor and Council Communication
No. G-10048 be withdrawn from the consent agenda.
Council Member Chappell requested that Mayor and Council
Communication No. FP -3040 be withdrawn from the consent agenda.
City Manager Terrell requested that Mayor and Council Communication
Nos. G-10043 and C-13699 be withdrawn from the consent agenda.
City Manager Terrell requested that'Mayor and Council Communication
No. G-10043 be continued for one week.
On motion of Council Member Puente, seconded by Council Member
McCray, the consent agenda, as amended',`was approved unanimously.
Council Member Meadows nominated Ms. Molly Hilliard and Mr. Jesse
Herrera for membership on the Housing'Authority of the City of Fort Worth
and made a motion, seconded by *Council Member 'McCray, that Ms. Molly
Hilliard and Mr. Jesse Herrera be reappointed to the Housing Authority of
the City of Fort Worth, with terms expiring January 31, 1995. The motion
carried unanimously.
ominated Ms. Rita Mayor Pro tempore Webber nominated Ms. Rita Narey, Jefferson Davis,
arey, Jefferson Davis Jr., and Tom Turner for membership on the Board of Adjustment and Fort
r. and Tom Turner to Worth Alliance Airport Board of Adjustment, and made a motion, seconded
he Board of Adjustment N
by Council Member Meadows, that Ms. Rita are be
nd Fort Worth Y reappointed to the
lliance Airport Board Board of Adjustment moving her to Place 1 and that Mr. Jefferson Davis,
f Adjustment Jr. be reappointed to the Board of Adjustment moving him to Place 3 to
fill previous vacant positions and that Mr. Tom Turner be appointed to
Place 6 as the first alternate on the Board of Adjustment. The motion
carried unanimously.
yor Granger re Mayor Granger advised Council that she would be visiting Monterrey
siting Monterrey on February 17th for a trade mission and will be returning on Thursday,
remonial travel February 18, 1993. Council Member Meadows made a motion, seconded by
Council Member Woods, that the ceremonial travel for Mayor Granger to
Monterrey be approved. The motion carried unanimously.
esolution No. 1888 Council Member Woods made a motion, seconded by Council Member
ort Worth Policy McCray, that Resolution No. 1888 amending the City of Fort Worth Policy
osition on Vehicle Position on Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program be approved
nspection and Mainten providing that Item 5 be added to the attachment to the resolution
nce Program stating that City of Fort Worth recommends inclusion of safety
inspections with the emissions testing program and that another item be
added to the bottom of the page underneath the last paragraph, as
follows: "Provide adequate opportunity for independent contractors to
participate in the emissions test program, particularly existing
inspection operators." The motion carried unanimously.
Minutes of City Council U-3 Page 530
Tuesday, February 16, 1993
Mayor Granger re Mayor Granger advised Council that Mr. Joe Cameron would not make
Mr. Joe Cameron his presentation of minority report of the Charter Review Committee on
today inasmuch as he had a fire in his home on last night.
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. OCS-493 from
y Bond
M&C Ore the Office of the City Secretary recommending that the City Council
authorize the acceptance of a Parkway Contractor's Bond issued to SCB
Company by Western Surety Company. It was the consensus of the City
Council that the recommendation be adopted.
M&C OCS-494 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. OCS-494 from
Claims the Office of the City Secretary recommending that the City Council refer
notices of claims regarding alleged damages and/or injuries to the Risk
Management Department. It was the consensus of the City Council that the
recommendation be adopted.
M&C OCS-495 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. OCS-495 from
Resolution No. 1889 the Office of the City Secretary recommending that Resolution No. 1889 be
changing the City adopted changing the City Council meeting of March 9, 1993, to March 11,
Council Meetings 1993. On motion of Council Member McCray, seconded by Mayor Pro tempore
Webber, the recommendation was adopted unanimously.
M&C G-10043 re It was the consensus of the City Council that consideration of Mayor
cont. for -one week and Council Communication No. G-10043, Amendment to Schedule 4 of the
Rates and Charges at City Airports, be continued for one week.
M&C G-10044 re
There was
presented Mayor and Council
Communication No. G-10044 from
legal fees of Ken
the City Manager recommending that
City Council
authorize the
Gudgen of Gandy,
expenditure of
up to $10,000.00 for
legal fees of
Ken Gudgen of
Michener, Swi6dlL--- and
Gandy, Michener, Swindle and Whitaker
be expended in
the defense of
be adopted.
Gary Santerre,
a City employee, in
lawsuit styled
Gary Santerre:
Ortega, et al
vs. City of Fort Worth
Gary Santerre,
Cause No. 141-
It was the consensus
the City Council
that the
be adopted.
M&C G-10045 re There was
paving of East 1st an presented Mayor and Council Communication No. G-10045 from
4th from Riverside the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the final
Drive to Beach St. assessment roll for the paving of East 1st/4th from Riverside Drive to
Beach Street, and authorize the issuance of certificates of the special
assessments levied against the abutting property owners on East 1st/4th
Street from Riverside Drive to Beach Street. It was the consensus of the
City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
M&C G-10046 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. G-10046 from
paving of Lee Avenue the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the final
from N.E. 28th St. to assessment roll for the
West Long Avenue paving of Lee Avenue from N.E. 28th Street to
West Long Avenue, and authorize the issuance of certificates as evidence
of the special assessments levied against the abutting property owners on
Lee Avenue from N.E. 28th Street to West Long Avenue. It was the
consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
M&C G-10047 re
was presented Mayor and Council
Communication No. G-10047
work authorization
that the City Council authorize
the City Manager to execute
with AR3-3 for water
the work
authorization in accordance with
AR3-3 for water main
main replacement
in the 3300-3500 block of Creston
Avenue from Westcreek Drive
to Stadium
Drive. It was the consensus of
the City Council that the
be adopted.
M&C G-10048 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. G-10048 from
retain Bettye Springer the City Manager recommending that the City Council retain Bettye
as outside counsel Springer and the law firm of Haynes and Boone as outside counsel,
pursuant to Section 3, Chapter VI of the City Charter, to represent the
City in the case of Vera B. Jones v. City of Fort Worth, and adopt
Resolution No. 1890 fixing in advance, as far as practicable, the sum to
be paid Haynes and Boone for their services in an amount not to exceed
Council Member McCray Council Member McCray requested permission of the City Council to
re M&C G-10048 abstain from voting on Mayor and Council Communication No. G-10048.
abstain from voting
Minutes of City Council U-3 Page 531
&C G-10049 re
ersonnel Regulations
Shift Differential
ay" (C-2), "HIV/AIDS
nd Other Communicable
iseases" (H-6), and
Seasonal Temporary
mployee Benefits"
&C G-10050 re
ssessment roll paving
f Harmon Road from
lue Mound Road (FM -15
56) to U.S. Highway
Tuesday, February 16, 1993
Council Meadows made a motion, seconded by Council Member Woods,
that Council Member McCray be permitted to abstain from voting on Mayor
and Council Communication No. G-10048. The motion carried unanimously.
Council Member Chappell made a motion, seconded by Council Member
Silcox, that Mayor and Council Communication No. G-10048 be adopted. The
motion carried by the following vote:
AYES: Mayor Granger; Mayor
Council Members Puente,
Meadows, and Chappell
NOES: None
NOT VOTING: Council Member McCray
Pro tempore Webber;
Silcox, Matson, Woods
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. G-10049 from
the City Manager recommending that the City Council adopt the revised
Personnel Regulations entitled, "Shift Differential Pay" (C-2), "HIV/AIDS
and Other Communicable Diseases" (H-6), and "Seasonal Temporary Employee
Benefits" (I-13). It was the consensus of the City Council that the
recommendation be adopted.
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. G-10050 from
the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the
assessment roll for the paving of Harmon Road from Blue Mound Road (FM -
156) to U.S. Highway 287, and authorize the issuance of certificates as
evidence of the special assessments levied against the abutting property
owners on Harmon Road from Blue Mound Road (FM 156) to U.S. Highway 287.
It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be
&C G-10050 cont. until Council Member Silcox made a motion, seconded by Council Member
fter executive sessiol Woods, that consideration of Mayor and Council Communication No. G-10051
be continued until after executive session. The motion carried
&C G-10052 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. G-10052 from
rdinance No. 11257 the City Manager recommending that the City Council adopt Appropriations
Ordinance No. 11257 increasing appropriations in General Fund in the
amount of $4,258,000.00 for the purpose of funding year end budget
nci 1 Member Matson Council Member Matson expressed concerns regarding the overtime
M&C G-10052 costs in the Public Events Department and requested that staff explore
ways to reduce overtime costs and stated that he would like to have this
information added to the report that the staff is working on.
Council Member Meadows made a motion, seconded by Council Member
Woods, that Mayor and Council Communication No. G-10052 be adopted. The
motion carried unanimously.
G-10053 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. G-10053 from
inance No. 11258 the City Manager recommending that the City Council adopt Ordinance No.
11258 amending Ordinance Nos. 10418 and 10905 with respect to the City of
Fort worth Texas Water and Sewer Systems Subordinate Lien Revenue Bonds.
On motion of Council Member Matson, seconded by Council Member McCray,
the recommendation was adopted unanimously.
G-10054 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. G-10054 from
Buy -Back Program the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the Gun Buy -
Back Program - "Stop the Violence/Stop the Tears"; accept the donation of
$25,000.00 from General Dynamics, Fort Worth Division, for the Police
Department to use in the purchase of unwanted weapons from citizens for
rewards for the identification of illegal handgun possession; adopt
inance No. 11259 Supplement Appropriations Ordinance No. 11259 increasing estimated
receipts and appropriations in the Special Trust Fund in the amount of
$25,000.00 for the purpose of funding cost of the "Stop the Violence/Stop
the Tears" Program; and authorize the expenditure of $25,000.00 for this
program from the Special Trust Fund, designated Gift Fund.
Minutes of City Council U-3 Page 532
Tuesday, February 16, 1993
Chief Thomas R. Windha Chief Thomas R. Windham appeared before the City Council and advised
re M&C G-10054 the Council that all the guns received will be sold at an auction, except
for handguns which will be destroyed and stated that if the Police
Department is aware of the gun's value and if it is a collector's item
that it would be brought to the individuals attention; advised Council
that the $25,000.00 does not include administrative costs; and advised
Council that they anticipate advertising the Gun Buy -Back Program in
Spanish and Asian languages as well as English.
Council Member Puente
re M&C G-10054
conflict of interest
Council Member Puente filed a Conflict of Interest affidavit on
Mayor and Council Communication No. G-10054 involving General Dynamics.
Council Member Chappell made a motion, seconded by Council Member
McCray, that the recommendations, as contained in Mayor and Council
Communication No. G-10054, be adopted. The motion carried by the
following vote:
AYES: Mayor Granger; Mayor Pro tempore Webber;
Council Members, Silcox, McCray, Woods, and
NOES: Council Member Meadows and Matson
NOT VOTING: Council Member Puente
M&C G-10055 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. G-10055 from
Resolution No. 1892 the City Manager recommending that the City Council adopt Resolution No.
1892 authorizing the Steering Committee of the TU Electric Service Area
Cities to retain legal counsel and rate case consultants; authorize the
Steering Committee to intervene on behalf of the City of Fort Worth and
the Texas Public Utilities Commission Texas Utilities Rate Case, rule
case (PUC Docket No. 11735) and related dockets; suspending the proposed
tariffs and schedule of rates of Texas Utilities Electric Company; and
authorizing the City Manager to leave on deposit with the Steering
Committee the sum of $45,000.00, plus accrued interest, as Fort Worth's
share of the rate case expenses, which amount remains from PVC Docket No.
9300 proceedings.
Mr. Bobby L. Fortune Mr. Bobby L. Fortune Sr., 5675 Westcreek Drive, appeared before the
Sr. re M&C G-10055 City Council and a presented a resolution concerning TU Electric rate
increase request of 15.3 percent and a resolution concerning Sunset
Advisory Commission recommendations relating to the Texas Public Utility
Commission and Public Utility Council from the Senior Citizens Alliance
of Tarrant County, Inc.
Mr. George Parker re Mr. George Parker, 6048 Wonder Drive, of the National Association of
M&C G-10055 Retired Federal Employees, appeared before the City Council and presented
a resolution in support of Senior Citizens Alliance of Tarrant County
Resolutions in opposition to the 15.3 percent electric rate increased
requested by Texas Public Utilities Commission by the Texas Utilities
Commission, and to urge strengthening the Public Utility Commission and
the Public Utility Council for the protection of residential and other
electric rate customers.
Betty Brink to
Ms. Betty
Brink, representing
Citizens for Fair Utilities Rate,
appeared before
the City Council and
encouraged the City Council to adopt
staff recommendations as contained
in Mayor and Council Communication
No. G-10055.
Lon Burnam re
Mr. Lon Burnam, 2103 6th Avenue and Mr. Mark Lively, 4200 South
Freeway, #623,
representing Texas
Citizen Action, appeared before the
City Council in
support of Mayor and
Council Communication No. G-10055.
City Attorney Adkins City Attorney Adkins advised Council that a revised resolution
re M&C G-10055 regarding the TU Electric Service area sites was presented at the Pre -
Council session earlier, amending the 6th whereas paragraph to read
"after having considered the application for a rate increase filed by
Minutes of City Council U-3 Page 533
Tuesday, February 16, 1993
City Manager Terrell City Manager Terrell advised Council of a correction to be made to
re M&C G-10055 Mayor and Council Communication No. G-10055, Recommendation No. 4, last
correction line, should be "PUC" rather than "PVC".
Council Member Chappell made a motion, seconded by Council Member
Matson, that Mayor and Council Communication No. G-10055 be approved, as
amended. The motion carried unanimously. :
M&C G-10056 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. G-10056 from
Ordinance No. 11260 the City Manager recommending that the City Council adopt Supplemental
Appropriations Ordinance No. 11260 appropriating $72,585.25 to the
General Fund and decreasing the unreserved, undesignated Fund Balance by
the same amount for the purpose of reimbursing the Texas Department of
Commerce for disallowed expenditures related to the Job Training
Partnership Act Program; and authorize payment of $72,585.25 to the Texas
Department of Commerce for disallowed expenditures related to the Job
Training Partnership Act Program.
City Manager Terrell City Manager Terrell advised Council of an amendment to be made on
re M&C G-10056 Mayor and Council Communication No. G-10056 stating that, under Page 2,
(3) Status of Resolution should be changed from 6-24-94 to "6-24-92".
Council Member Meadows made a motion, seconded by Council Member Silcox,
that Mayor and Council Communication No. G-10056 be approved, as amended.
The motion carried unanimously.
M&C P-6236 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6236 from
purchase with Sears the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize a purchase
Industrial Sales agreement for hand tools for the City of Fort Worth with Sears Industrial
Sales on the overall low bid, meeting specifications, of catalog list
price less 15 percent discount, net 30, f.o.b. destination, with term of
agreement to begin February 16, 1993, and end February 15, 1994, with
options to renew for two additional one-year periods. It was the
consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
M&C P-6237 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6237 from
purchase from Classic the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the
Chevrolet purchase of three Animal Control trucks for the City Services Department
from Classic Chevrolet on low bid meeting specifications of $72,453.00
net f.o.b., Fort Worth, Texas. It was the consensus of the City Council
that the recommendation be adopted.
M&C P-6238 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6238 from
purchase agreement the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the
with Ladd Uniform
Company rejection of all bids received for uniforms for Fire Personnel, bid No.
92-2086; accept the bids received on Re -bid No. 92-92086R with revised
specifications; and authorize a purchase agreement to begin February 9,
1993, and end February 8, 1994, with the option to renew annually for two
years, to provide uniforms for the Fire Department with Ladd Uniform
Company on low overall bid of Re -bid No. 92-2086R of unit prices. It was
the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
M&C P-6239 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6239 from
purchase from the City Manager recommending that- the City Council authorize the
Trane Air Conditionin
purchase of gas and electric rooftop units for the Transportation and
Public Works Department from Trane Air Conditioning on its low bid of
$6,219.00 net, f.o.b. destination, freight no charge. It was the
consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
M&C P-6240 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6240 from
purchase from Howard the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the
Construction Company purchase of dead end barricade boards for the Transportation and Public
Works Department from Howard Construction Company on low bid of $6,800.00
net, f.o.b. destination, freight no charge. It was the consensus of the
City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
M&C P-6241 re
purchase from
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6241 from
Armstrong Energy
the City Manager
recommending that
the City
Council authorize the
purchase of
regular weatherization
from Armstron Energ y
for a block of houses not
to exceed
$3,935.00, and authorize
purchase of
enhanced weatherization
from Armstrong Energy
for a block of houses not
to exceed
$2,273.00, with term of
Minutes of City Council U-3 Page 534
Tuesday, February 16, 1993
M&C P-6241 cont. and agreement to begin February 16, 1993, and end March 31, 1993. It was the
adopted 11 consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
M&C P-6242 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6242 from
purchase from Oak the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the
Tree Construction purchase of regular weatherization services from Oak Tree Construction
for a block of houses not to exceed $4,295.00, and the purchase of
enhanced weatherization services from Oak Tree Construction for a block
of houses not to exceed $4,540.00, with term of agreement to begin
February 16, 1993, and end March 31, 1993. It was the consensus of the
City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
M&C P-6243 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6243 from
purchase from Besco the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize a purchase
Graphic Systems and agreement to furnish printing supplies to Reprographics from Besco
Palmer Paper Company Graphic Systems and Palmer Paper Company, with term of agreement to begin
February 24, 1993, and end February 23, 1994, with one renewal option.
It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be
M&C P-6244 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6244 from
purchase with National the City Manager recommending that the City Council exercise the renewal
Business Systems, Inc. option on a
p purchase agreement for Computer Output Microfiche Services
for Information Systems and Services with National Business Systems, Inc,
with term of agreement to begin May 1, 1993, and end April 30, 1994. It
was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
M&C P-6245 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6245 from
purchase with DPC the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize a purchase
Industries, Inc. agreement for the Water Department with DPC Industries, Inc., to furnish
sodium hypochlorite on the low bid of $0.62 per gallon net, f.o.b. Fort
Worth, with term of agreement to begin February 16, 1993, and end
February 15, 1994. It was the consensus of the City Council that the
recommendation be adopted.
M&C P-6246 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6246 from
purchase with Reeder the City Manager recommending that the City Council exercise the option
Distributors to renew the purchase agreement for the City of Fort Worth with Reeder
Distributors on bid of unit prices as quoted on bid 91-2065, with term of
agreement to begin March 6, 1993, and end March 6, 1994. It was the
consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
M&C P-6247 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-6247 from
purchase with various the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize non -
vendors exclusive purchase agreements for Park and Recreation Department with
various vendors to provide grounds maintenance service on a low bid per
item basis based on a maximum of three project areas per vendor, meeting
City specifications, with term of agreements to begin March 5, 1993, and
end March 4, 1994, with option to renew for one additional year. On
motion of Council Member Chappell, seconded by Council Member Woods, the
recommendation was adopted.
Mr. Bobby L. Fortune Mr. Bobby L. Fortune Sr., 5675 Westcreek Drive, appeared before the
Sr. re read resoluti I City Council and read a resolution regarding the change of the meeting
of Senior Alliance date of Senior Alliance of Tarrant County Incorporated stating that the
of Tarrant county monthly meetings will be held on the first Tuesday of each month at 11:30
Incorporated a.m. at the Colonial Cafeteria private dining area, 2600 West Berry
Street in Fort Worth.
Mr. Pat Taylor re Mr. Pat Taylor, 1010 South Lake Street, #19, appeared before the
Library's assets City Council and requested that the City Council direct the City Manager
to conduct a comprehensive report relative to the Library's assets, and
consider turning the Central Library over to Tarrant County.
M&C L-11211 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11211 from
approve acquisition the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the
of a temporary con.- acquisition of property described as Lot 13, Block G, the Harrington
struction easement Heights Addition to the City of Irving, Texas (5417 Branchford Road,
Irving); find that $130,000.00 is just compensation for property acquired
from Bobby G. Morrison and Carol A. Morrison required for D/FW
International Airport Mitigation Program; and authorize the acceptance
Minutes of City Council U-3 Page 535
Tuesday, February 16, 1993
L-11211 cont. and and recording of the appropriate deed. It was the consensus of the City
pted 11 Council that the recommendation be adopted.
L-11212 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11212 from
isition of a the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the
orary construction acquisition of a temporary construction easement described as being a
ment portion of Lots 19 and 20, Block 15, Mistletoe Heights Addition (2316
West Magnolia Avenue); find that $1.00 is just compensation for property
acquired from Peggy Brooks, required for Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation,
Contract XXV; and authorize the acceptance and recording of the
appropriate easement. It was the consensus of the City Council that the
recommendation be adopted.
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11213 from
M&C L-11213 re the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the
acquisition of a acquisition of a permanent Sanitary Sewer Easement described as being a
permanent Sanitary portion of Lot 21, Block 13, Nies and Rouse Addition
Sewer Easement ( 305 Grace Avenue) ;
find that $500.00 is just compensation for property acquired from Roger
P. Pruitt and Kathy Pruitt, required for Sanitary Sewer Easement for
Grace Avenue, Sewer Improvement M-49; and authorize the acceptance and
recording of the appropriate easement. It was the consensus of the City
Council that the recommendation be adopted.
M&C L-11214 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11214 from
sale of surplus the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the sale of
properties surplus properties located at 5913-15 Wilkes Dr., Lot 6, Block 8, Wilkes
Estates to Dennis Brooks on his high bid of $8,500.00; property at 5601
Bong Dr., Lot C1R, Block 19, Rosedale Park Addition to A.G. Knox on his
high bid of $1,601.00; property at 5620 Fletcher Ave., Block 51, Lots 29
& 30, Chamberlain Arlington Heights 2nd Addition to Mary K. Powell on
quotation of $4,000.50; property at 3416 Littlejohn Ave., Block 21, Lot
4, West 44 Feet of Englewood Heights N/K/A Englewood Heights 2nd Filing
Addition to John A. Schad on high bid of $2,400.00; property at 3321 N.W.
30th Street, Block 215, Lot 11, Rosen Heights #2 Filing Addition to Jose
Santana on his high bid of $2,100.00; property at 1401 Dreiss Street,
Block 3, Lot 1, Greenwood Subdivision #3, Evans South Addition to A. G.
Knox on quotation of $1,301.00; property at 3204 S. Adams Street, Block
42, Lot 2, South Hemphill Heights Addition to Juan Blanco on his high bid
of $1,300.00 (with a 10 -foot wide strip of land along the west side of
the property to be retained by the City for right-of-way for future
Henderson Street improvements); and property at 2419 Chestnut Ave., Block
14, South 45' of Lot 3, Rosen Heights #1 Addition to Albert Herrera on
his high bid of $1,500.00; and authorize the City Manager to execute the
appropriate deeds conveying those properties to the highest bidder for
each property. On motion of Council Member Silcox, seconded by Council
Member Matson, the recommendations were adopted unanimously.
M&C C-13686 denied Council Member Matson made a motion, seconded by Council Member
Silcox, that Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13686 be denied. The
motion carried unanimously.
M&C C-13686 Revised There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13686
re transfer of funds, Revised, dated February 9, 1993, from the City Manager recommending that
agreement with Hill- the City Council authorize the City Manager to:
wood Construction
Corporation, reimbursc
1. Execute the following transfer of funds, and
Hillwood Construction
Water, Commercial New Development Fund PW77, $ 3,519.00
Paper Appropriation Park Glen Addition, Phase VIII
Sewer, Commercial New Development Fund PS46 $ 4,049.00
Paper Appropriation Park Glen Addition, Phase VIII
Park and Recreation New Development Fund
Improvement Fund, (Street, Storm Drains, Water & Sewer)
Developing Areas Park Glen Phase VIII
Unspecified $86,801.44
Minutes of City Council U-3 Page 536
Tuesday, February 16, 1993
C C-13686 Revised 2. Execute a Community Facilities Agreement with the developer,
nt. Hillwood Construction Corporation for the installation of community
facilities for Park Glen Addition, Phase VIII, and
3. Reimburse Hillwood Construction Corporation for the City's share of
the cost of water, sewer, storm drain and street improvements upon
satisfactory completion of same.
Council Member Woods made a motion, seconded by Council Member
Matson, that the recommendations be adopted. The motion carried
C-13697 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13697 from
.tact with TDHCA the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the City
Manager to accept a Texas Department of Community Affairs Utility
Assistance Program allocation and execute a contract with the TDHCA for
$358,252.00 for the program year beginning January 1, 1993, and ending
September 30, 1993; authorize the Fiscal Services Department, subject to
funding agency approval and the City Manager's acceptance of the grant,
to establish the specified project account(s) in the City of Fort Worth's
financial accounting system, upon receipt of an executed contract; and
apply indirect costs rates in accordance with the City's Administrative
Regulation 3-15 (apply the rate of 18.73 percent, which represents the
most recently approved rate for this department and apply the new
approved indirect costs rates when available). It was the consensus of
the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13698 from
M&C C-13698 re
the City Manager recommending that
the City Manager be
authorized to
lease agreement with
execute a new lease agreement with
Performance Airways,
Inc., d/b/a
Performance Airways,
Inc. dba Staci's Jet
Staci's Jet Center, for hangar and
ground space known as
Location 11
North at Meacham Airport. It was the
consensus of the City
Council that
the recommendation be adopted.
M&C C-13699 re II There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13699 from
contract with Brand the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the City
Remediation Services, Manager to execute a contract with Brand Remediation Services, Inc., for
Inc. 11 asbestos abatement services at the Central Library in the amount of
$99,113.00 with a construction period of 21 calendar days.
City Manager Terrell City Manager Terrell advised City Council of an amendment to be made
re correction
to Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13699 stating that under
Recommendation, we should change "21 (twenty-one) calendar days" to
"...7 (seven) calendar days for scaffolding erection and 14 (fourteen)
working days for abatement activities."
Council Member Chappell made a motion, seconded by Council Member
Silcox, that Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13699 be approved, as
amended. The motion carried unanimously.
M&C C-13700 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13700 from
agreement with T.U.
Electric the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the
encroachment agreement with T.U. Electric to allow the City's M-439
extension/M-210 Relief Main to cross an area licensed to T.U. Electric
Company, and authorize the City Manager to execute the encroachment
agreement and to record same. It was the consensus of the City Council
that the recommendation be adopted.
M&C C-13701 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13701 from
contract with Gordon S the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the City
Swift, Consulting to execute a Manager
Engineer, Inc. g professional engineering services contract with
Gordon S. Swift, Consulting Engineer, Inc., 900 Monroe Street, Fort
Worth, Texas, in an amount not to exceed $2,000.00, to study the need for
erosion mitigation for the Green Oaks Boulevard PASS Project. It was the
consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
M&C C-13702 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13702 from
contract from the Texal the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the City
Committee for the Manager to apply for, accept, if awarded, and execute necessary contract
Humanities for a grant from the Texas Committee for the Humanities for an amount of
$10,518.00 to underwrite an Hispanic Heritage Program, scheduled to run
from September 11 - October 30, 1993, and apply the current indirect cost
Minutes of City Council U-3 Page 537
Tuesday, February 16, 1993
M&C C-13702 re rate for this department of 31.68 percent in accordance with
cont. and adopted Administrative Regulation AR 3-15. It was the consensus of the City
Council that the recommendation be adopted.
M&C C-13703 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13703 from
contracts from the the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the City
Texas State Library Manager to apply for, accept, if awarded, and execute necessary contracts
for a grant from the Texas State Library under the Library Services and
Construction Act, Title 1, "Public Library Services for Disadvantaged
Populations" program, in the amount of $57,361.00 to underwrite the
establishment of a pilot library station in the J.A. Caville Place
Housing community, and apply the current indirect cost rate for this
department of 31.68 percent in accordance with Administrative Regulation
A.R. 3-15. It was the consensus of the City Council that the
recommendation be adopted.
M&C C-13704 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13704 from
approve a bond fund the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the City
transfer;amendment wit Manager to approve a $7,365.00 bond fund transfer from Engineering
firm of Landes and Unspecified to the E. 1st\Randol Mill Road Project in the Street
Associates, Inc.
Improvements Fund, and authorize the City Manager to execute an amendment
to City Secretary Contract -No. 18078 with the,'firm of Landes and
Associates, Inc., to provide design survey requirements for Oakland
Boulevard from E. 1st Street to the proposed Randol Mill Road for a fee
increase in the amount of $7,365.00. It was the consensus of the City
Council that the recommendation be adopted.
C C-13705 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13705 from
reement with Perry the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the City
mes Manager to execute a Community Facilities Agreement with the developer,
Perry Homes, for the installation of community facilities for Bellaire
Park North, Phase II. It was the consensus of the City Council that the
recommendation be adopted.
M&C C-13706 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13706 from
agreement with HCA
Health Services, Inc. the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the City
Manager to execute a Community Facilities Agreement with the Developer
HCA Health Services, Inc., for the installation of community facilities
for Dissel Tract, Lots 13-R, 45-R, and 51-R. It was the consensus of the
City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
M&C C-13707 re
lease agreements with There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13707 from
Pegasus Flight Center the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve two revisions
Inc., Pegasus Charters to Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13366 approved on May 26, 1993,
Inc., Longhorn Pilot in order to authorize the City Manager to execute lease agreements with
Shop, Inc., and Acme
School of Aeronautics, Pegasus Flight Center, Inc., and its affiliated companies: Pegasus
Inc. Charters, Inc.; Longhorn Pilot Shop, Inc.; and Acme School of
Aeronautics, Inc.; for office space in the terminal building at Meacham
Airport. It was the consensus of the City Council that the
recommendations be adopted.
&C C-13708 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13708 from
ontract with the U.X. the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the City
epartment of Housing Manager to:
nd Urban Development
1. Submit a grant application, accept the grant if offered, and
negotiate a contract in the amount of $83,000.00 with the U.S.
Department of Housing and Urban Development for implementation
of the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act of 1987
Emergency Shelter Grant program for 1993, for the two-year
contract period beginning the date the application is approved,
2. Certify that the activities to be funded with the 1993
Emergency Shelter Grant Programs funds are consistent with the
City's Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy (HUD
approved January 13, 1992), and
Minutes of City Council U-3 Page 538
Tuesday, February 16, 1993
M&C C-13708 cont. and 3. Execute contracts with the agencies recommended for funding
adopted totalling $83,000.00 as outlined in the Discussion of this M&C,
to undertake activities eligible under the Emergency Shelter
Program, and
4. Authorize the Accounting Division of the Finance Department to
establish the grant project account in the City of Fort Worth's
financial accounting system upon receipt of an executed
It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13709 from
M&C re the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the City
amenddmentment w with Haltom
city Manager to execute an amendment to City Secretary Contract No. 14056 with
Haltom City reducing the interest rate of the unpaid balance from 9.3482
percent to 7.0 percent. On motion of Council Member Meadows, seconded by
Council Member Silcox, the recommendation was adopted unanimously.
M&C C-13710 re There was
authorize fund trans- presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13710 from
fer, contract with the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize a fund
Southwestern Labora- transfer in the amount of $4,500.00 from Water and Sewer Operating Fund,
tories, Inc. Water Department to the Sewer Capital Improvement Fund, Engineering
Services Contract with Southwestern Laboratories, Inc., and authorize the
City Manager to execute a contract amendment to City Secretary Contract
No. 19175 with Southwestern Laboratories, Inc., in the amount of
$4,000.00 for additional professional and environmental services at
Jamie's Food Store.
M&C C-13710 reCouncil Member Meadows made a motion, seconded by Council Member
placed on next week's Matson, that Mayor and Council Communication No. C-13710 be approved and
executive session requested that this item also be placed on executive session for next
week's City Council meeting. The motion carried unanimously.
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. FP -3038 from
M&C FP -3038 re
the City Manager recommending that the
City Council accept as complete
final payment to J.L.
Bertram Construction
blast pads and
holding aprons for Runway
16L 34R at Meacham Airport, and
and Engineering, Inc.
authorize the
final payment of $7,192.56
to J.L. Bertram Construction and
repair at various locations, Street
Inc. It was the consensus of the City Council that the
authorize the
be adopted.
Bowman Construction
M&C FP -3039
There was
presented Mayor
and Council Communication No. FP -3039 from
final payment to Jim
the City Manager
that the City Council
accept as complete
Bowman Construction
brick. pavement
repair at various locations, Street
Improvements, and
Company, Inc.
authorize the
final payment
of $1,921.16 to Jim
Bowman Construction
Company, Inc.
It was the
consensus of the City
Council that the
be adopted.
M&C FP -3040 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. FP -3040 from
final payment to the City Manager recommending that the City Council accept as complete
Walt Williams Con- the assessment paving of N.W. 32nd Street, from Refugio to Main; approve
struction, Company, the final assessment roll; authorize the issuance of certificates as
Inc. evidence of the special assessments levied against the abutting property
owners on N.W. 32nd Street from Refugio to Main; and authorize the final
payment of $25,711.51 to Walt Williams Construction, Company, Inc.
Council Member Chappel 'h Council Member Chappell requested permission of the City Council to
re M&C FP -3040 abstain from voting on Mayor and Council Communication No. FP -3040.
abstain from voting
Council Member Meadows made a motion, seconded by Council Member
Silcox, that Council Member Chappell be permitted to abstain from voting
on Mayor and Council Communication No. FP -3040. The motion carried
Council Member McCray made a motion, seconded
Woods, that Mayor and Council Communication No. FP -3040
motion carried by the following vote:
Minutes of City Council U-3 Page 539
by Council Member
be approved. The
Tuesday, February 16, 1993
AYES: Mayor Granger; Mayor
Council Members Puente,
Woods, and Meadows
NOES: None
NOT VOTING: Council Member Chappell
Pro tempore Webber;
Silcox, Matson, McCray,
M&C FP -3040 recon- Council Member Woods made a motion, seconded by Council Member
sidered at this time Matson, that Mayor and Council Communication No. FP -3040 be reconsidered
at this time. The motion carried unanimously.
M&C FP -3040 re There was
final payment presented Mayor and Council Communication No. FP -3040 from
to Walt Williams the City Manager recommending that the City Council accept as complete
Construction Company, the assessment paving of N.W. 32nd Street, from Refugio to Main; approve
Inc. the final assessment roll; authorize the issuance of certificates as
evidence of the special assessments levied against the abutting property
owners on N.W. 32nd Street from Refugio to Main; and authorize the final
payment of $25,711.51 to Walt Williams Construction, Company, Inc.
Council Members Puente and Chappell
&C FP -3041 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. FP -3041 from
inal payment to the City Manager recommending that the City Council accept as complete
alt Williams Con- the assessment paving of Borden Drive, Vickery to Willis; approve the
truction Company, Inc final assessment roll; authorize the issuance of certificates as evidence
of the special assessments levied against the abutting property owners on
Borden Drive from Vickery to Willis; and authorize the final payment of
$3,786.68 to Walt Williams Construction Company, Inc. It was the
consensus of the City Council that the recommendations be adopted.
&C FP -3042 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. FP -3042 from
inal payment to the City Manager recommending that the City Council accept as complete
cClendon Construction the assessment paving of Gould Avenue from N.W. 30th Street to 1205 feet
ompany north; approve the final assessment roll; authorize the issuance of
certificates as evidence of the special assessments levied against the
abutting property owners of Gould Avenue from N.W. 30th Street to 1205
feet north; and authorize the final payment of $2,516.54 to McClendon
Construction Company. It was the consensus of the City Council that the
recommendation be adopted.
&C FP -3043 re There was
inal payment to presented Mayor and Council Communication No. FP -3043 from
.L. Bertram Con- the City Manager recommending that the City Council accept as complete
truction and Engineer the assessment paving of Trail Lake Drive from Woodway to Wedgmont Circle
ng North; approve the final assessment roll; authorize the issuance of
certificates as evidence of the special assessments levied against the
abutting property owners on Trail Lake Drive from Woodway to Wedgmont
Circle North; and authorize the final payment of $4,101.94 to J.L.
Bertram Construction and Engineering. It was the consensus of the City
Council that the recommendation be adopted.
Minutes of City Council U-3 Page 540
Council Member Puente advised Council that he
would file a conflict
Council Member Puente
re M&C FP -3040
of interest affidavit on Mayor and Council Communication
No. FP -3040
conflict of interest
involving Fort Worth Independent School District.
Council Member Matson made a motion, seconded
by Council Member
Meadows, that Mayor and Council Communication No.
FP -3040
be approved.
The motion carried by the following vote:
AYES: Mayor Granger; Mayor Pro
Council Members Silcox, Matson,
and Meadows
Council Members Puente and Chappell
&C FP -3041 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. FP -3041 from
inal payment to the City Manager recommending that the City Council accept as complete
alt Williams Con- the assessment paving of Borden Drive, Vickery to Willis; approve the
truction Company, Inc final assessment roll; authorize the issuance of certificates as evidence
of the special assessments levied against the abutting property owners on
Borden Drive from Vickery to Willis; and authorize the final payment of
$3,786.68 to Walt Williams Construction Company, Inc. It was the
consensus of the City Council that the recommendations be adopted.
&C FP -3042 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. FP -3042 from
inal payment to the City Manager recommending that the City Council accept as complete
cClendon Construction the assessment paving of Gould Avenue from N.W. 30th Street to 1205 feet
ompany north; approve the final assessment roll; authorize the issuance of
certificates as evidence of the special assessments levied against the
abutting property owners of Gould Avenue from N.W. 30th Street to 1205
feet north; and authorize the final payment of $2,516.54 to McClendon
Construction Company. It was the consensus of the City Council that the
recommendation be adopted.
&C FP -3043 re There was
inal payment to presented Mayor and Council Communication No. FP -3043 from
.L. Bertram Con- the City Manager recommending that the City Council accept as complete
truction and Engineer the assessment paving of Trail Lake Drive from Woodway to Wedgmont Circle
ng North; approve the final assessment roll; authorize the issuance of
certificates as evidence of the special assessments levied against the
abutting property owners on Trail Lake Drive from Woodway to Wedgmont
Circle North; and authorize the final payment of $4,101.94 to J.L.
Bertram Construction and Engineering. It was the consensus of the City
Council that the recommendation be adopted.
Minutes of City Council U-3 Page 540
. Pat Taylor re
ter damage at the
ntral Library
t in closed or
ecutive session
Reconvened into
regular session
X G-10051 re
pprove settlement of
alerie Williams
Tuesday, February 16, 1993
Mr. Pat Taylor, 1010 South Lake Street, #19, appeared before the
City Council regarding water damages to rare books at the Central
Library; and advised Council that the weather covering was not over the
building and expressed concern regarding the management, administration,
and enforcement of the contract of Webb Contractors.
It was the consensus of the City Council that the City Council meet
in closed or executive session at 11:50 a.m., to seek the advice of its
attorneys concerning pending or contemplated litigations or other matters
which are exempted from public disclosure under Article X, Section 9 of
the Texas State Rules:
(a) Arlington Waste Water Rates
(b) Claim of Valerie Williams against the City of Fort Worth
(c) Legal issues relating to Anderson Laboratories, Inc.
The City Council reconvened into regular session at 12:25 p.m., with
seven members present, and Mayor Pro tempore Webber and Council Member
Meadows absent.
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. G-10051 from
the City Manager recommending that the City Council approve the
settlement of the claim filed by Valerie Williams; authorize the
expenditure of $50,000.00 and the payment of certain court costs in order
to complete the settlement: (the settlement check will be payable as
follows: Valerie Williams and her attorney, Michael Frederick); and
authorize the appropriate City personnel to execute the documents
necessary to complete the settlement. On motion of Council Member
Matson, seconded by Council Member Woods, the recommendation was adopted
urned 11 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 12:27
Minutes of City Council U-3 Page 541