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Contract 26132
w CITY SECRETARY D.O.E. FILE CONTRACTOR'S BONDIN4 CO, CONSTRUCTION'S rOPY r SPECIFICATIONS CITY SECRETARY - CONTRACT NO. AND r CONTRACT DOCUMENTS FOR MAIN 321 and 423 DRAINAGE AREAS SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS (UNITS 1 - 4) DOE NO. 2730 SEWER PROJECT NO. PS 58-070580174710 ■ IN THE ■ CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS Hugo Malanga, P.E. A. Douglas Rademaker, P.E. Dale A. Fissier, Jr., P.E. Director Director Director P Transportation & Public Works Department of Engineering Water Department P PREPARED BY ■ DUNAWAY ASSOCIATES, INC. ENGINEERS•PLANNERS•SURVEYORS " 1501 Merrimac Circle,Suite 100 Fort Worth,Texas 76107 Phone 817.335.1121 Fax 817.335.7437 ■ JANUARY 2000 OF T��e DAI No.9820600 r * ' � '. '•*eke BRIAN S. DARBY ......................... 82623s` �f '� �e 0 AL•Ne�— City of Fort Worth, Texas 4Vayjor and Council Communication - - DATE REFERENCE NUMBER LOG NAME TAGE 8/8/00 **C-18178 30UNITS 1 of 4 SUBJECT APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE AND AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR UNITS 1, 2 AND 4 TO WILLIAM J. SCHULTZ, INC. D/B/A CIRCLE 'C" CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, AND AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR UNIT 3 TO �ACKSON.CONSTRUCTI0�1, INC FOR M- 321 AND M-423 SANITARY SEWER MAINS IDOF 2730 s RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council: 1. Authorize the City Manager to transfer $1,846,713.22 from the Water and Sewer Operating Fund to the Sewer Capital Project Fund; and 2. Adopt the attached appropriation ordinance increasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the Sewer Capital Project Fund in the amount of$1,846,713.22 from available funds; and 3. Authorize the City Manager to execute a Contract with William J. Schultz, Inc. d/b/a Circle "C° Construction Company in the amount of $1,224,047.00 (Units 1, 2, and 4) and a contract with Jackson Construction, Inc. in the amount of $454,783.22 (Unit 3) for a total amount of $1,678,830.22 for construction of the M-321 and M-423 sanitary sewer mains. DISCUSSION: On March 2, 1999 (M&C C-17299), the City Council authorized the City Manager to execute an engineering services agreement with Dunaway and Associates, Inc. for design of the M-321 and M-423 sanitary sewer mains. The M-321 and M-423 sanitary sewer basins are located in far south Fort Worth near the Everman Parkway and Garden Acres interchanges with IH-35W. These two sanitary sewer mains are needed to meet anticipated future demands resulting from growth in the area. The improvements under this contract consist of the following: Unit 1 - M-321 Stations 109+31.34 to Stations 149+15.74 Improvements include installation of 3,985 linear feet of 16 and 18-inch pipes and 12 manholes; and Unit 2 - M-423 Stations 38+02 to Stations 100+34.72 Improvements include installation of 6,233 linear feet of 24-inch pipe and 16 manholes; and Unit 3 - 1`01-423 Stations 100+34.72 to Stations 178+05.98 Improvements include installation of 7,773 linear feet of 18, 21, and 24-inch pipes and 21 manholes; and Unit 4 - M-423 Stations 178+05.98 to Stations 251+50 Improvements include installation of 7,351 linear feet of 15, 16, and 18-inch pipes and 18 manholes. S City o,f Fort Worth, Texas 4vagor unfiCouncil Communication DATE REFERENCE NUMBER LOG NAME PAGE 8/8/00 **C-18178 30UNITS 2 of 4 SUBJECT APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE AND AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR UNITS 1, 2 AND 4 TO WILLIAM J. SCHULTZ, INC. D/B/A CIRCLE "C" CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, AND AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR UNIT 3 TO JACKSON CONSTRUCTION, INC. FOR M- 321 AND M-423 SANITARY SEWER MAINS DOE 2730 This project was advertised for bid on February 3 and 10, 2000. On March 3, 2000, the following bids were received: UNIT 1 BIDDER UNIT 1 AMOUNT TIME OF COMPLETION William J. Schultz. Inc. d/b/a Circle "C° Construction Company $327,474.00 120 Calendar Days Jackson Construction, Inc. $377,327.50 Mid-State Utilities, Inc. $393,622.50 S. J. Louis Construction, Inc. $399,182.85 Texas Sterling Construction, Inc. $399,494.00 Tri-Tech Construction, Inc. $401,430.00 Walt Williams Construction, Inc. $405,971.15 Cleburne Utility Construction Company, Inc. $415,704.00 Conaster Construction, Inc. $416,530.00 Burleson Utility, Inc. $421,871.20 B&H Utilities, Inc. $424,210.00 Stocker Enterprises, Inc. $459,914.00 Whizcon Utilities, Inc. $494,297.00 Long Construction & Engineering, Inc. $519,461.90 Davila Construction, Inc. $622,203.80 UNIT 2 BIDDER UNIT 2 AMOUNT TIME OF COMPLETION William J. Schultz. Inc. d/b/a Circle"C" Construction Company $337,980.00 120 Calendar Days Walt Williams Construction, Inc. $357,514.23 Jackson Construction, Inc. $373,653.25 Mid-State Utilities, Inc. $389,720.50 Texas Sterling Construction, Inc. $434,569.00 S. J. Louis Construction, Inc. $444,968.33 B&H Utilities, Inc. $463,356.00 Conatser Construction, Inc. $485,858.50 Cleburne Utility Construction Company, Inc. $563,710.75 Davila Construction, Inc. $594,428.03 Long Construction & Engineering, Inc. $617,396.55 , 9 City of Fort Worth, Texas "ayor and Council Communication DATE REFERENCE NUMBERLOG NAME PAGE 8/8/00 **C-18178 30UNITS 3 of 4 SUBJECT APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE AND AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR UNITS 1, 2 AND 4 TO WILLIAM J. SCHULTZ, INC. D/B/A CIRCLE "C" CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, AND AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR UNIT 3 TO JACKSON CONSTRUCTION, INC. FOR M- 321 AND M-423 SANITARY SEWER MAINS DOE 2730 UNIT 3 BIDDER UNIT 3 AMOUNT TIME OF COMPLETION William J. Schultz, Inc. d/b/a Circle "C' Construction Company* $411,026.00 Jackson Construction. Inc. $454,783.22 120 Calendar Days Mid-State Utilities, Inc. $516,201.00 S.J. Louis Construction, Inc. $558,001.72 B&H Utilities, Inc. $563,967.00 Texas Sterling Construction, Inc. $567,494.00 Walt Williams Construction, Inc. $552,322.17 Conatser Construction, Inc. $641,454.30 Cleburne Utility Construction Company, Inc. $681,175.50 Long Construction & Engineering, Inc. $723,574.50 * William J. Schultz, Inc. d/b/a Circle "C" Construction Company failed to submit the M/WBE utilization form within the prescribed time as set forth in the City's bid package. Failure to do so resulted in their bid being considered non-responsive, and therefore disqualified them from being awarded the Unit 3 portion of this project. UNIT 4 BIDDER UNIT 4 AMOUNT TIME OF COMPLETION William J. Schultz, Inc. d/b/a Circle "C" Construction Company $558,593.00 120 Calendar Days Jackson Construction, Inc. $627,772.50 S. J. Louis Construction, Inc. $664,082.61 Texas Sterling Construction, Inc. $694,563.00 B&H Utilities, Inc. $696,453.00 Mid-State Utilities, Inc. $699,145.50 Cleburne Utility Construction Company, Inc. $738,795.25 Walt Williams Construction, Inc. $779,021.12 Conatser Construction, Inc. $786,598.50 Long Construction & Engineering, Inc. $890,265.80 This project is located in COUNCIL DISTRICTS 6 and 8, Mapsco pages 105 and 106. In addition to the contract cost, $117,518.00 is required for inspection and survey and $50,365.00 is provided for project contingencies. z City of Fort Worth, Texas "ayor and Council Communication DATE REFERENCE NUMBER LOG NAME 7GE 8/8/00 **C„18178 30UNITS 4 of 4 SUBJECT APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE AND AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR UNITS 1, 2 AND 4 TO WILLIAM J. SCHULTZ, INC. D/B/A CIRCLE "C" CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, AND AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR UNIT 3 TO JACKSON CONSTRUCTION, INC. FOR M- 321 AND M-423 SANITARY SEWER MAINS DOE 2730 M/WBE- Unit 1 - William J. Schultz, Inc. d/b/a Circle "C" Construction Company is in compliance with the City's M/WBE Ordinance by committing to 17% M/WBE participation. The City's goal on this unit is 17%. Unit 2 - William J. Schultz, Inc. d/b/a Circle "C" Construction Company is in compliance with the City's M/WBE Ordinance by committing to 24% M/WBE participation. The City's goal on this unit is 24%. Unit 3 - Jackson Construction, Inc. is in compliance with the City's M/WBE Ordinance by committing to 5% M/WBE participation and documenting good faith effort. Jackson Construction Company, Inc. identified several subcontracting and supplier opportunities. However, the M/WBEs contacted in the areas identified did not respond or did not submit the lowest bids. The City's goal on this unit is 26%. Unit 4 - William J. Schultz, Inc. d/b/a Circle "C" Construction Company is in compliance with the City's M/WBE Ordinance by committing to 19% M/WBE participation. The City's goal on this unit is 19%. FISCAL INFORMATION/CERTIFICATION: The Finance Director certifies that upon approval and completion of recommendation 1, and adoption of the attached appropriation ordinance, funds will be available in the current capital budget, as appropriated, of the Sewer Capital Projects Fund. MG:k Submitted for City Manager's FUND ACCOUNT CENTER AMOUNT CTPY SECRETARY Office by: (to) APPROVED 1 472045 070580174710 Mike Groomer 6140 &2)PS58 541200 070580174710 $1,729,195.22 CITY COUNCIL Originating Department Head: 2)PS58 531350 070580174710 $ 117,518.00 AUG 8 2000 A.Douglas Rademaker 6157 (from) 3)PS58 531200 070580174710 $1,678,830.22 Additional Information Contact: 1)PE45 538070 0709020 $1,846,713.22 City Sccretasy of the city of Fort Worth,T"" A.Douglas Rademaker 6157 Adooted Ordinance Nd---N2-!7J CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING ADDENDUM NO. 1 TO THE SPECIFICATIONS AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS FOR MAIN 321 AND 423 DRAINAGE AREAS, UNITS 1 -4 Sanitary Sewer System Improvements Sewer Project No. PS 58-070580174710 DOE No.2370 Addendum Issued: February 8, 2000 Bids Received Until: March 2,2000, 1:30 p.m. The Contract Documents for the subject project are hereby revised or amended as follows: I. SPECIFICATIONS A. Notice to Bidders • Delete third paragraph on Page A-1 that reads, "A mandatory pre-bid conference will be held on Monday, February 21, 2000, beginning at 10:00 a.m., in the City of Fort Worth Water Department Conference Room 225. It is mandatory for prospective bidders to attend the pre-bid conference. Failure to attend shall result in the rejection of the bid as non-responsive." (See attached Page A-1) B. Comprehensive Notice to Bidders • Delete last paragraph on Page A-2 that reads,"A mandatory pre-bid conference will be held on Monday, February 21, 2000, beginning at 10:00 a.m., in the City of Fort Worth Water Department Conference Room 225. It is mandatory for prospective bidders to attend the pre-bid conference. Failure to attend shall result in the rejection of the bid as non-responsive." (See attached Page A-2) C. Appendix D • Change statement to read,'The TXU permit will be issued,with an addendum." (See attached page) D. Appendix E • Change statement to read,"Soil borings will be issued with an addendum." (See attached page) This Addendum forms a part of the Contract Documents referenced above and modifies the original Contract Documents and plans. Acknowledge receipt of this Addendum on the space provided below and on Pages"Part B—Proposal 4 Unit 1","Part B—Proposal 5 Unit 2",'Part B—Proposal 5 Unit 3",and Part B—Proposal 6 Unit 4",of your Bid Proposal and note on the outer envelope of your bid. Failure to acknowledge receipt of this Addendum could subject bidder to disqualification. RECEIPT ACKNOWLEDGED: By: By: Rick Trice, P.E. and Manager Title: n, t� CCo�n7sultant Services (DOE) Address: Z) N� � �T) l�" /616` Telephone: 917 5 7, 9e2060o Add1_00-0208 esD.da —1 — February 8, 2000 NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed Proposals for the following: FOR: Main 321 and 423 Drainage Areas Sanitary Sewer System Improvements (Units 1 -4) Sewer Project No. PS 58-070580174710 DOE No. 2370 UNIT 1: M-321 13 EA Manholes 3,985 LF 18-in. sewer by open cut 365 LF 16-in. sewer by other than open cut UNIT 2: M-423, Sta. 38+02 to Sta. 100+34.72 h 16 EA Manholes o 6,233 LF 24-in. sewer by open cut z UNIT 3: M-423, Sta. 100+34.72 to Sta. 178+05.98 z 21 EA Manholes 1,333 LF 24-in. sewer by open cut r 5,444 LF 21-in. sewer by open cut ° 996 LF 18-in. sewer by open cut c M UNIT 4: M-423, Sta. 178+05.98 to Sta. 251+50 18 EA Manholes w 6,360 LF 18-in. sewer by open cut 491 LF 15-in. sewer by open cut c 80 LF 18-in. sewer by other than open cut 420 LF 16-in. sewer by other than open cut c Addressed to Mr. Bob Terrell, City Manager of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, will be received at the Purchasing Office until 1:30 p.m., March 2, 2000, and then publicly opened and read aloud at 2:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers. w C Plans, Specifications and Contract Documents for this project may be obtained at the office of the Department of Engineering, Municipal Office Building, 1000 Throckmorton Street, Fort Worth, Texas. One set of plans and documents will be provided for a deposit of $50.00. These documents contain additional information for prospective bidders. For additional information, please contact Mr. Brian Darby, P.E. at (817) 335-1121, or Mr. a Anthony Wilkins, P.E. at (817) 871-8047. Advertising Dates: February 3, 2000 . February 10, 2000 9820600_Specs BSD Add1.doc A- 1 Addendum 1 —02/08/00 r COMPREHENSIVE NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed Proposals for the following: FOR: Main 321 and 423 Drainage Areas Sanitary Sewer System Improvements (Units 1 -4) Sewer Project No. PS 58-070580174710 DOE No. 2370 Addressed to Mr. Bob Terrell, City Manager of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, will be received at the Purchasing Office until 1:30 p.m., March 2, 2000, and then publicly opened and read aloud at 2:00 p.m. Plans, Specifications and Contract Documents for this project may be obtained at the office of the Department of Engineering, Municipal Office Building, 1000 Throckmorton Street, Fort Worth, Texas. A Fifty dollar ($50.00) deposit is required for the first set of documents and additional sets may be purchased on a non-refundable basis for Fifty dollars ($50.00) per set. These documents contain additional information for prospective bidders. r All bidders will be required to comply with Provision 5159a of "Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes" of the State of Texas with respect to the payment of prevailing wage rates and City Ordinance No. 7278, as amended by City Ordinance No. 7400 (Fort Worth City Code Sections 13-A-21 through 13-A-29), prohibiting discrimination in employment practices. •y Bid security is required in accordance with Paragraph 2 of the Special Instructions to Bidders. r The major work on the above-referenced project shall consist of the following: ,ao i 0 UNIT 1: M-321 0 13 EA Manholes 3,985 LF 18-in. sewer by open cut 365 LF 16-in. sewer by other than open cut 4. o� UNIT 2: M-423, Sta. 38+02 to Sta. 100+34.72 v 16 EA Manholes 6,233 LF 24-in. sewer by open cut •y UNIT 3: M-423, Sta. 100+34.72 to Sta. 178+05.98 Qz 21 EA Manholes v 1,333 LF 24-in. sewer by open cut 5,444 LF 21-in. sewer by open cut o 996 LF 18-in. sewer by open cut UNIT 4: M-423, Sta. 178+05.98 to Sta. 251+50 0 18 EA Manholes 6,360 LF 18-in. sewer by open cut Cq 491 LF 15-in. sewer by open cut 80 LF 18-in. sewer by other than open cut 420 LF 16-in. sewer by other than open cut Included in the above will be all other miscellaneous items of construction as outlined in the Plans and Specifications. 9820600 Spem_BSD_Addt.doc A-2 Addendum 1 — 02/08/00 TXU Permit The TXU permit will be issued with an addendum. z a b b _.V �y V z .V a •V i C C w C a a c w z d 4 C C C 4 i v V M C M M C � C s i 0 Z Z a Addendum 1 - 02/08/00 9820600 Specs_BSD Addt.doc SOIL BORINGS Soil borings will be issued with an addendum. h r as 0 •y \i •y O O y� V 4 V \i W ti V ti ti i h 1 •� 9820600_Specs_BSD Addt.doc Addendum 1 —02/08/00 ■ CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING ADDENDUM NO. 2 TO THE SPECIFICATIONS AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS FOR MAIN 321 AND 423 DRAINAGE AREAS, UNITS 1 -4 Sanitary Sewer System Improvements Sewer Project No. PS 58-070580174710 DOE No. 2370 Addendum Issued: February 25, 2000 Bids Received Until: March 2, 2000, 1:30 p.m. The Contract Documents for the subject project are hereby revised or amended as follows: I. CONSTRUCTION PLANS A. Plan Sheets 11, 14, 21, 24, 27, 28, and 29 • Remove reference to any size of SDR 26 sewer pipe. B. Plan Sheets 32 thru 35 Revisions due to re-route of the M-423 alignment from Sta.222+07.60 to Sta. 238+17.86. II. SPECIFICATIONS A. Part B—Proposals 1. Unit 2: Remove all bid items for SDR 26 sewer pipe and increase quantities for sewer pipe at corresponding depthes. 2. Unit 3: a. Remove all bid items for SDR 26 sewer pipe and increase quantities for sewer pipe at corresponding depthes. b. Change the bid items for 175 LF of 21-in DIP sanitary sewer pipe (10 to 12-ft. depth)and 29 LF of 21-in DIP sanitary sewer pipe(12 to 14-ft. depth)to read "20-in"in lieu of"21-in". 3. Unit 4: a. Remove all bid items for SDR 26 sewer pipe. b. Change the bid item for 420 LF of 18-in DIP sanitary sewer pipe by other than open cut with 30-in. steel casing pipe and stainless steel casing spacer to read "1&in"in lieu of"18-in". C. Revise quantities to reflect re-route of alignment from Sta. 222+07.60 to rt Sta. 238+17.86. B. Part D—Special Conditions Replace table in Section D-16 Wage Rates with new Prevailing Wage Rates for 2000. (See attached Page SC-7) C. Appendix D—TXU Permit • Change statement to read, "The TXU permit will be issued to the lowest qualified bidder." (See attached page) AddendumZdoc — 1 — February 25, 2000 CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING ADDENDUM NO. 2 D. Appendix E—Soil Borings • Include attached interim Geotech Report. This Addendum forms a part of the Construction Plans and Contract Documents referenced above and modifies the original Construction Plans and Contract Documents. Acknowledge receipt of this Addendum on the space provided below and on Pages 'Part B—Proposal 4 Unit 1','Part B—Proposal 4 Unit 2',`Part B—Proposal 5 Unit 3',and Part B—Proposal 5 Unit 4',of your Bid Proposal and note on the outer envelope of your bid. Failure to acknowledge receipt of this Addendum could subject bidder to disqualification. RECEIPT ACKNOWLEDGED: By: 3 By: Rick Trice, P.E. and Manager Title: Consultant Services (DOE) Address: � o� �U='�' (�i(, �..6) Telephone: AddendumZdoc —2— February 25, 2000 TXU Permit The TXU permit will be issued to the lowest qualified bidder. 9820000 spe-_eso.aoc Addendum #2 PART D - SPECIAL CONDITIONS CITY OF FORT WORTH PREVAILING WAGE RATES FOR 2000 P& Building&Construction Trade Classifications Houdy Rates Highway(Heavy)Construction Classifications Hourly Rates Air Conditioning Mechanic $15.98 Asphalt Raker $10.32 Air Conditioning Mechanic Helper $10.75 Asphalt Shoveler $9.75 Acoustic Ceiling Installer $14.02 Batching Plant Weigher $9.65 Acoustic Ceiling Installer Helper $10.88 Carpenter(Rough) $13.64 Asbestos Worker $10.50 Concrete Finisher-Paving $10.16 BricklayerMone Mason $17.21 Concrete Finisher Helper(Paving) $9.70 BricklayedStone Mason Helper $10.16 Concrete Finisher-Structures $13.44 Carpenter $13.92 Flagger $7.00 ,. Carpenter Helper $10.38 Form Builder-Structures $13.44 Concrete Finisher $12.68 Form Setter-Paving&Curbs $10.25 Concrete Finisher Helper $9.73 Form Setter-Structures $9.75 Concrete Form Builder $11.97 Laborer-Common $7.64 Concrete Form Builder Helper $9.42 Laborer-Utility $8.64 F Drywall Taper $11.33 Mechanic $13.25 Drywall Taper Helper $8.00 Servicer $10.13 Electrician Journeyman $17.46 Pipe Layer $7.35 Electrician Helper $11.30 Pipe Layer Helper $6.75 Electronic Technician $12.50 Asphalt Distributor Operator $11.45 Electronic Technician Helper $8.50 Asphalt Paving Machine Operator $11.09 Floor Layer(Carpet) $17.00 Concrete Paving Saw $10.53 Crane, Clamshell,Backhoe,Derrick,Dragline, $10.00 Floor Layer(Resilient) $16.00 Shovel(<I%CV) * Crane,Clamshell,Backhoe,Derrick,Dragline, $11.52 Floor Layer Helper $13.50 Shovel(>I%CV? Glazier $15.02 Front End Loader(2%CY&less) $9.94 Glazier Helper $10.90 Front End Loader(over 2%Cl) $9.32 Insulator $12.04 Milling Machine Operator $8.00 Insulator Helper $9.40 Mixer $11.00 Laborer Common $7.85 Motor Grader Operator(Fine Grade). $12.31 Laborer Skilled $10.35 Motor Grader Operator $13.75 Lather $14.00 Pavement Marking Machine $11.00 Lather Helper $11.00 Roller,Steel Wheel Plant-Mix Pavements $9.88 Metal Building Assembler $10.00 Roller,Steel Wheel Other Flatwheel or Tamping $12.12 Metal Building Assembler Helper $8.70 Roller,Pneumatic,Self-Propelled Scraper $8.02 Painter $12.83 Traveling Mixer $10.00 Painter Helper $8.35 Reinforcing Steel Setter(Paving) $9.75 Pipefitter $17.60 Truck Driver-Single Axle(Light) $8.00 Pofitter Helper $10.18 Truck Driver-Tandem Axle Semi-Trailer $10.22 Plasterer $16.00 Truck Driver-LowboylFloat $10.54 Plasterer helper $11.00 Truck Driver-Transit Mix $10.63 - Plumber $16.91 Truck Driver-Winch $9.80 Plumber Helper $9.75 Reinforcing Steel Setter $10.40 Roofer $11.87 Roofer Helper $8.33 Sheet Metal Worker $14.45 Sheet Metal Worker Helper $9.57 Sheetrock Hanger $12.45 Sheetrock Hanger Helper $9.64 Sprinkler System Installer $16.87 Sprinkler System Installer Helper $10.13 Steel Worker Structural $11.36 Steel Worker Structural Helper $8.80 Welder $14.70 Welder Helper $11.74 HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATORS Crane,Clamshell,Backhoe,Derrick,Dragilne,Shovel $12.50 Forklift Operator $9.63 Foundation Drill Operator $13.00 Front End Loader Operator $11.22 Truck Driver $10.31 D-17 EASEMENTS AND PERMITS The performance of this contract requires certain temporary construction,right-of-entry agreements,and/or permits to perform work on private property. 9e2060o_specs_WEo.Parto oo-o»a.doc SC-7 1114/00 Addendum#2 FEB-25-00 03 :39 PM RONE ENGINEERS 8178344833 P. 02 Rone Engineers A Lt 1011 COMI-ANY QEOTECNNICAL ENGINEERING February 24, 2000 •GEOLOGICAL STUDIES •DISTRESS INVESTIGATIONS City of Fort Worth •PAVEMENT DESIGN 1120 Fournier Street •ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL TESTING Fort Worth, Texas 76102 •IOUNOATION RECOMMENDATIONS Attn: Mr. Ryan Jeri, P.E. •CONSTRUCTION MONITORING RE: INTERIM REPORT 00-30012 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS TESTING SANITARY SEWER MAINS M-321 AND M-423 •CONSTRUCTION ISTINdOBSERVATION 1.35, GARDEN ACRES TO RISINGER ROAD •CONCRETE TESTING •ASP14ALT TESTING FORT WORTH, TEXAS •SOILS TESTING •PIER INSPECTION Dear Mr. Jeri: •POST TENSION INRPECTION •NON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTING Pursuant to conversations with Mr, Anthony Wilkins of the City of Fort Worth DRILLING SERVICES on February 23, 2000, Rone Engineers, Inc, is pleased to present herein an •MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION interim report of general subsurface conditions at selected locations along the •ENVIRONMENTAL DRILLIN6 above referenced sanitary sewer line project limits. The investigation herein •690TECHNICAL DRILLING was performed in general accordance with Rone Proposal 00-20006 dated January 12, 2000. Authorization to proceed with this investigation was provided by Mr. Ryan Jeri, P.E. of the City of Fort Worth on January 25, 2000. Rone Engineers, Inc. has completed 15 of the planned 21 borings along the two sanitary sewer lines. Boring locations were surveyed by representatives of Dunaway Associates, Inc. and actual boring locations are referenced from the station numbers thereon. Plate A.1 presents a Plan of Borings. Plates A. 2 and A.3 described nomenclature utilized on the boring logs. Detailed descriptions of the materials encountered are provided on Plates A.4 through A.1 S. This report was prepared to provide general descriptions of the soils and rock encountered in the borings prior to performing detailed laboratory testing. Therefore, readers should understand that some modifications in the soil descriptions will occur upon completion of further examination of the soils and testing. Subsurface conditions at the boring locations generally consist of clays, silty clays, and calcareous clays extending to depths of 5% to 13 feet. Borings B-1, B-3, B-4, B-8, B-9, B-18, and B-19 contained soils to their full 10- to 13-foot depth. The remaining borings encountered tan and/or gray limestone at depths of 51/2 to 11 feet. This rock continued to the respective boring completion 121 NORTM RAYNER STREET depth. All rock encountered In the borings was considered hard to very hard, FORT WORTH,TEXAS 76111 relatively intact material. Texas Highway Department Cone Penetrometer test TELEPHONE 217.831.1211 values in this rock varied from 0.25 to 2.75 inches for 100 blows. METRO 117-429.4328 TACSIMILE 117-124.4133 FEB-25-00 03 :39 PM RONE ENGINEERS 8178344833 P. 03 City of Fort Worth February 24, 2000 Page 2 The borings were advanced using continuous flight augers to observe the potential for ground- water seepage during drilling. Water seepage was encountered in Borings B-3, B-13, and B-19 at depths of 8 to 10 feet. The remaining borings were dry at completion of drilling. Subsurface water potential will vary with seasonal climatic fluctuations. It is very possible that temporary perched water can trap atop rock or otherwise relatively impermeable materials, particularly after periods of heavy or extended rainfall. Fluctuations in water levels and seepage levels can be expected with climatic changes. We appreciate the opportunity to prepare this data. A final report will be forthcoming in the future after completion of laboratory testing. The following plates are attached and complete this report. Plate A.1 - Plan of Borings Plate A.2 - Unified Soil Classification System Plate A.3 - Key to Classification and Symbols Plates A.4-A.18 - Logs of Borings Respectfully submitted, e Xnrs, Charles M. Jack , P.E. Vice President copies submitted: (1) Mr. Ryon Jeri, P.E.; City of Fort Worth (1) Mr. Anthony Wilkins; City of Fort Worth (1) Mr. Brian Darby, P.E.; Dunaway Associates, Inc. FEB-25-00 03 :40 PM RONE ENGINEERS 8178344833 P. 04 �EN0019 FOREST HILL B•6 i , > ' N 5 1°W to . a ' a t tq I V1 1 1 RACEI BULLDOG 0-8 ` 6'9 . RACE a B-10 x ; 2! 0 1 ' Q ' o ' OAK GROVE B-13 i i B-15 OAK GROVE B-1 a 8-14 83 MAIN , M-321 W cc SS MAIN M-423 B-3 ' a 8-2 OLD BURLESON ' B-18 ,• 8-18 B-4 , ,• ! 35 NORTH 6-21 SCALE: V-2000' 2000' SANITARY SEWER MAINS M-321 AND M-423 PLAN OF BORINGS 00-30012 PLATE A.1 FES-25-00 03 :44 PM PONE ENGINEERS 8178344833 P- 01 Major Divisions Grp' Typical Names Sym, Laboratory Classification Criteria s Well-graded gravels,gravel- GW sand mixtures,little or no O. (o,�� tQ o Anes Cu"pyo greater than 4; C�D10 x G� between 1 and 3 ,. Poorly graded gravels,gravel GP sand mixtures,little or no t�r7 Not meeting all gradation requirements for GW fines CL cj y GM Silty and Plastic limitsty gravels,gravel-sand-silt C9 Liquid and plastic limits ` mixtures below KA'line or P.I.greater then d c plotting in hatched zone between 4 and 7 are m borderline cases Liquid and Plastic limits LD ° GC Clayey gravels,gravel-sand- ` above"A`line with P.I, requiring use of dual clay mixtures y Z greater than 7 symbols SW Wel!-graded sands,gravelly ,v C,� greater than& C,=•••• between 1 and 3 sands,little or no fines E Deo Dto x D, c to yet Poorly graded sands; 0 L SP gravelly sands,little or no Not meeting all gradation requirements for SW fines ` N -0 ,s = Liquid and Plastic limits ., SM Silty sands,sand-silt mixtures c-4 below`A"line or P.I.less Liquid and plastic limits o than 4 plotting between 4 and 7 are borderline cases 0 La a Liquid.and Plastic limits requiring use of dual Sc Clayey sands,sand-clay above'A'line with P.I. symbols mixtures greater than 7 Inorganic slits and very fine sands, rock flour,silty or ML clayey fine sands,or clayey slits with slight plasticity Inorganic clays of low to eo �t GL medium plasticity,gravelly V) clays,sandy clays,silty clays, e and lean clays CH OL Organic slits and organic silty 4 clays of low plasticity �3 y .. Inorganic slits,micaceous or MN diatomaceous fine sandy or OH or d MH silty soils,elastic silts .P E CL VCy inorganic clays of high m p1 plasticity,fat clays r 4 W.) d ML e iid OL £ 'Q OH Organic clays of medium to 00 10 20 30 40 s0 eo 70 90 go 100 high plasticity,organic slits 4• Llquld Umn Pt Peat and other highly organic Plasticity Chert soils UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM PLATE A.2 FEB-25-00 03 :45 PM PONE ENGINEERS 8178344833 P• 02 SOIL OR ROCK TYPES Z GRAVEL LEAN CLAY LIMESTONE SAND • • • SANDY SHALE • e° • SILT SILTY —' ::SANDSTONE HIGHLY I PLASTIC CLAY CLAYEY CONGLOMERATE Shelby Auger 8PIit Rock Cone No Tube Spoon Core Pen Recovery TERMS DESCRIBING CONSISTENCY, CONDITION, AND STRUCTURE OF SOIL Fine Grained Soil$ (More than 50%Passing No.200 Sieve) Descriptive item Penetrometer Reading, (tst) Soft 0.0 to 1.0 Firm 1.0 to 1.5 Stiff 1.5 to 3.0 Very Stiff 3.0 to 4.5 Hard 4,5+ Coarse Grained Soils (More then 50%Retalned on No.200 Sieve) Penetration Resistance Descriptive item Relative Density (blowstfoot) j 0 to 4 Very Loose 0 to 20% 4 to 10 Loose 20 to 40% 10 to 30 Medium Dense 40 to 70% 30 to 50 Dense 70 to 90% Over 50 Very Dense 90 to 100% Soil Structure Calcareous Contains appreciable deposits of calcium carbonate; generally nodular Sllckensided Having Inclined planes of weakness that are slick and glossy in appearance Laminated Composed of thin layers of varying color or texture Fissured Containing cracks,sometimes tilled with fine sand or silt Interbedded Composed of alternate layers of different soil types,usually in approximately equal proportions TERMS DESCRIBING PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF ROCK Hardness and Degree of Cementation y Very Soft or Plastic Can be remolded in hand; corresponds in consistency up to very stiff in soils Soft Can be scratched with fingernail Moderately Hard Can be scratched easily with knife; cannot be scratched with fingernail Hard Difficult to scratch with knife Very Hard Cannot be scratched with knife Poorly Cemented or Friable Easily crumbled Cemented Bound together by chemically precipitated material; Quartz, calcite, dolomite, siderlte, and iron oxide are common cementing materials. Degree of Weathering Unweathered Rock in its natural state before being exposed to atmospheric agents Slightly Weathered Noted predominantly by color change with no disintegrated zones Weathered Complete color change with zones of slightly decomposed rock Extremely Weathered Complete color change with consistency,texture,and general appearance approaching soil KEY TO CLASSIFICATION AND SYMBOLS PLATE A.3 FEB-25-00 03 :45 PM RONE ENGINEERS 8178344833 P. 03 ProjectNo. BoriV , project r.Qlr, t 00-30412 1 vanitory Sewer Mains M-321 and M-423 Fort Worth,Texas Location %%ter'ObservAbons See Plate Plate A.1 Dry at completion Completion Comp]ation �. Depth i0.0, Dare 2-23-00 Malice EICV&tion Type Auger Stratum Deseription dark brown 2.�s - 3.25 grades light brown to brown.3'+ S 2.0 III — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 3.5 Note:Sanitary Sewer Main M-321 d Station 109+30 ! M i PIP, I i �4 §LLOG OF BORING NO. B-1 Plate AA FEB-25-00 03 :45 PM PONE ENGINEERS 8178344833 P• 04 Project No. Boring No. Project ee 4 eec B-Z Sanitary Sewer Mains M-321 and M-423 00-30012 sort Worth,Texas Location Water Obsesations See Plate A.1 Dry at completion Cumplction Completion e. Depth l S.0' Datc 2.21-00 r Sur!ice Elevation type Auger Stratum Description .^ dark town 4,5+ ` 4.5- T� 5 + 11 grades tan and brown.T to 11' LIM tan.very hard i 15 _ _ _ _ _ 100/1" Note:Sanitary SOWOr Main M-321!Station 124+25 I I f II I I k i M r LOG OF BORING NO. B-2 _ Plate .A.- FEB-25-00 03 :46 PM RONE ENGINEERS 8178344833 P. 05 e+ Project No. Boring No. Pro cct ggoon�ser q'".eez 00-30012 B,3 Sanitary Sewer Mains M-321 and M-423 ���o Fort Worth,Texas ,. Location Water Obscrvatioas See Plate A.1 Seepage at 10' during drilling Completion Completion Dcpt 10.0' Date 2,21.00 Surface Elevation Type —7 Auger Stratum Description . CALCRUC dar row, q.5+ w + 5 4.5+ , -grades tannish brown,T+ 10 — -— - — — — — — — — — — — — — NOW Sanitary Sewcr Main M-3211 Station 129+90 I ' r I f 1 ■ I i I I � �f LOG OF BORING NO. B-3i Plate A.6 ._ rr.a-c._r-nn na :v0 rl'l KUNM tNUiNttKai 8178344833 P. 06 Proiact 477 I Borins No.4 Pro}e:t Sanitary Sewer Mains M-321 and M-423 aai q e° LU 00-30012 Fort Worth,Texas Location Water Observations — -- See Plate A.1 Dry at completion �tphlction =Date - 12.0' 00 Surface Elevation TM Auger Stratum Description ' g C ar rown .S — .25 s .2s -grades tan and brown,ti'+ I r _ l0 f { Note:Sanitary Sewer Main M-3219 Station 143110 i PP I W I t tr PE i I LOG OF BORING NO, B-4 Plate A.7 r tts-��-ee es :4 r rr� ,.UNE ENGINEERS 8178344833 P. 07 Project No. Baring No. Project reErq Eec Sanitary Sewer Mains M-321 and M-423 �-30-12 B-5 � I Fort Worth,Texas - Location —f Watcr Observations See Plate A.1 Dry at completion Completion Completion Dcpt6 22.0' Date 2-23-00 Surface Elevation Type Auger w Stratum Description (� a -a 8 � is CI,AYE SA ,brown,w limestone Riwents 4.0 _ rown,w limastono fragments S CALCAREOUS CIAY,brown,wlimestone mems - -UNIEST 10- O tan,very hard 15— 100/0,751 20 1'• Note:Sanitary Sewer Main M-423 i Station 38+00 ' I I go 1 I f II } 1 I i I I LOG of BOIUNo No. B-5 Plate A.8 � r tts-L�-1010 bb :4 I'm KUNE ENI.i NEERS 81 78344833 P. 08 Project No. goring No. Project eenq e. 00-30012 B_g Sanitary Sewer Maine M-321 and M-423 Fort Worth,Texas E. Location Water Observations See Plate A,1 Dry at completion Com Iction Completion D-'PT 10.0' Date 2-22_00 Surface Elevation Type Au er ' Stratum Description z ' dark brown 1 3. -grades olive brown.T to T 4.5 1 5 + -grades brown and tan,T+ 10 — _ — _ — _. - - _ - - - - - - _ 4.0 rNote:Sanitary Sewer Main M423!Station 91+05 r E r IP I f ll � I � E i I 1 g SLOG OF BORING NO. B-S Plate A.9 rcis—cam -eye es :gts rr� KVNt tfJl J NttN.`� 8178344833 P. 09 Project No. Boring No. Project S e- 00-30012 B-9 anitary Sewer Mains M-321 and M-423 Location _--- — Fort Worth,Texas Water Observations Sec Plate A.1 Dry at completion Complation Completion Depth 11.0, Date 2_21.00 Surface Elevation $ Auger Stratum Description I� t���: rU� I ar brown 3.0 4.0 - -grades tan and brown,w/Gmestonc fragments.3r+ s 4.4 I l0 -w/increasing calcareous nodules,v+Is4 + — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 1 Notc:Sanitary Sower Main MA23 f Station 100+33 , r r 1 IL LOPE BORING NO. B-9 Plate A.10 t ttf—l�—bb U6 :47d FTI KUNti tiNU i NttK`J-- >:i 1 (tS544t355 r. 1 v rr Project No. Boring No. pmj„ t n q.neers 00-30012 $.10 Sanitary Sewer Malns M-321 and M-423 ��■� Fart Worth,Te-aa Location i Water Observations See Plate A.1 Dry at completion I Complepon Completion Dept 16.0' Date 2.21-00 Swface Elevation Type Ail �r w V2 Stratum Description I a' ' t) I rows 4.5+ -- 5 4.5+ i „ •grades tannish brown.6'to S' - —~ E tan,very 10 lOQ .5” I 15 LIME '�E gray,very-h-4RT- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Note:Sanitary Sewer Main M423/Station 120+90 j 1 I I ` I LOG OF BORING N0. B-10 Plate A.11 _•--- - r tei—��—nn 178 :913 FTI KUNt tNla l NttKS 81 78344833 P. 1 1 ProjeotNo. Boring No. Project Sanitary Sewer Mains M•321 and M-423 I 00-30012 B'13 Fort Worth Texas 3.25 Loeapon Watcr Obaetvatione Sec Plate A.1 Seepage at 8 feet during drilling;water at 9 feet at completion Complotion Completion ` Depth 1310' Datc 2-23-00 Surface Elevation two--- Stratum pe i � Au er Stratum Description z * II.'' L4 8 ark brawn v �s� - :�� i tan.very and -- 10— - - - - - — — - - - - - - 100/1" Note:Sanitary Sewer Main M-423/Station 164+52 I PI l 1 � I I I I LOG OF BORING NO, B-13 Plate. s.12� FEB-25-00 03 :49 PM RONE ENGINEERS 8178344833 P. 12 Pr�ipwt No. Ho'inggN o. Project Saeitary Sewer Mair„M-321 gild M-42.ixor Blne oaaool2 -14 Fort Worth,Tea_-s Location Water Observations ---- -1 See Plate A.1 Dry at completion plction Completion T 21.0' Date 2-21.00 Surface Elevation 'type Au er Stratum Description ark brown 43t 4.5 - S -grades tannish brown,4.3'to 9' 4• + 10 tan.very hsrd 00/2.75'1 8my,very hard — - I 0 I , — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Note:Sanitary&war Main M-423 I Station 179+05 f � I I i 1 I w � i I I �I b g4 I LOG OF BORING NO. B-14 _ Plate A.13 rca-z�-nn nP,M KUNt tNUINttK5 8178344833 P. 13 �r Project No. Sorin&No. Project Sanitary Sewer Mains M-321 and M-423 Fo ' _ 00-30012 B-15 Fort Worth,Texas Location` Wator Observations See Plate A.1 � ComPlotion completion Dry at completion Dcpth 16.0' Date 2,21.00 Surface Elevation Type Au cr Stratum Description S Y ar brown 3.75 S -grades tannish brown.4'to 6' 4.5+ tan.very h - I i 1 s &raY.very hard Note:Sanitary Sewer Main M-423/Station 181+101 Offset 30'east � I I IL � t ii I a I I I I - � I LOG OF BORING NO. B-15 Plate A.14 I rEtt-L7-be 06 :7d FM RUNE ENGINEERS 8178344833 P. 14 Project No. Boriag No. Project r e g1r.ee 00-30012 IB-18 Sanitary Scorer Mains M-321 and M-423 Fort Worth,Texas Location Water Observations Sec Plate A.1 Dry at completion Completion Completion Depth 13.0' Dete 2-21.00 Surface Elevation Type Au rer + . Stratum DescriptionOil rown 3s 4.3+ 3 4.5* •grades tannish brown,T* 10 I — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 4.5 Note:Sanitary Sewer Main M-423/Station 221+48 I i I I ' A w � I I I j I f N I i � I f Q LOG OF BORING NO. B=18 __ Plate A. j FEB-25-00 03 :50 PM PONE ENGINEERS 8178344833 P. 15 t Project No. Boring No. Project SAltita Sewer Mains M-321 and M-423 ` 00-30012*Water Fort Worth,Teas Location Observations Set Seepage at 10 feet during drilling Complotion Depth 10.0'SType Au cr I FF t.j A Stratum Description I !l °Rift brown 3,0 " S 5 -grades tannish brown,5'+ ZS 10 — — — — — — — — — — — — .0 4 Note:Sanitary Sewer Main M423 P Station 228*33/ Offset 45'west s r 1 I I i i I r s` t s i LOG OF BORING NO. B-19 Plate A.16 rtis—z�—Ww b6 :�1 PM HONE ENGINEERS 8178344833 P. 16 Project No. B Ila-30012 Boring No. Project Sanitary Sewer Mains M•321 and M-423 B-ZO Fort Worth,Te=as Location Wator Observaavns See Plate A.1 Dry at completion Completion Completion Pt+ 12.0' Data Z-21-00 Surface Elevation '[Spe Au er Stratum DescriptionMMRLL L I S ran 4.5 town 4.54 5 -grades brown and tan,44. 3.75 r (-10 " tan,vary and - - — — — — — — — — — — 0.25 Nota.Sanitary&war Main M-423/Station 238-06/ Offsct 120'out i LOG OF BORING NO. $-20 — a Plate A.17 �a �,_,—vv c+� ..r+ r�� RVrvC CrvV1rvCCRb i31 (i3544i355 F'. 1 ( w Project No. Boring No. Project Sanitaryc^ ' - l et nq� eec 00-30012 $_21 ��we. Mans M-3Z1 and M-423 Fort Worth,Texas Location Water Observations —' See Plate A.1 Dry at completion Compaction Completion Depth 12.0' Datc 2-23.00 Surface$►ovation Type Auger_ Stratum DescriptionA Z; IN L dark rown,w rmestonc 3.0 menta _ ., .5+ —5— 4.5+ E tan,very ha 10 - - — — — — — — -- - _ I ROM 3 Note:Sanitary Sower Main M-423 t Station 251+36/ f F Offset 50'southeast � I R I ri i I i l ji—LOG OF BORING N0. B-21 Plate A.18 ,* 03�jA81/2@M 13,12 �]1a� 8473357437 DUNA+AY ASSOC. PAGE 82/83HUWLL) 12:2Vt DIDTIMINEERM FAX XU. QI 871 104 . fit s. !i� OF DEPARTMENT OF NNORMIR#Fids fid 11.a ADDEM M un.3 i3 I' " TO THE SMIGW!C ATOM AND CONTl ACT DOCUMEMM iii !fit '}t}' N-LAM 3311 AW 42S DRQ ARM,u.wrs t=,j �tL 'F surAm saways%m IMF I 7 7 swam pooJea Mm pi 74710 n.t DOE ate.Me meets i,9Slw 8ida fto*iwa Urt h Mss+ch Y,I00k 1:30P.M. a L SPEIWICAPONS I!# • F' t 8—1�nii 3�-F'ti .s Rwrtm b d iflt3 2&3 RN 379 Lf of 2"s pot(S 16 3ifd&pW sM iM 1 j LF of 24-M� mI '&N (80 eiw Pai "31 Consias; �nB Ceniraet Beetls. sldtnvNTidgs e. t of MEt moans ea�• DZ end an Poem 'PAtt 8_ 1 Uts?t 1;?8:T 8^�Ope4ai�(fe!T,7�iR B—f'ti+po9A18 lf�9'�ane f�!8—Ptopoa�4!kq(�1'.�y4ut 8k! 3!!M �R�[r# x.r�t,r� r ���.�'�'s{'��►'�r�n'f±e�3�f°slt�s TsHa: � t8�-rsaf*.f�ees� � Ut '*7611? T_ 7 c) -3 �i t 119 � If FtHtttL t�CiCiCia 1yy� � i1ii f�f �i; ;a:if 03raaargai D NAWAY Arm, PAGE 03./83 �f y PROPOSAL TO, i1Ar_ 4b Terrell anager earth, TeXaa FOR: Mairgi and 423 Drain Arks Sa Y Sewer System improvwnents P► NO. PS 5 TOW17474fl . 2370 tttlft ,7a ptrsuefu 10LIfb $ Notice 1} Bditm, the WdWSWOOtS #W* *�*wW**d Lho O fir Cab A Od N.s Site. WLmtw&s ft amount of w0fk to be done, midhereby pr+so---- the w�fttc and Amrdsh all tab", lrnent End �s necessary to Sully Complete a# Pwe work as provided In the plans and Sublet to the inspection and aPprovOl of the Dftctor,Departmerd of of the City of Fort Worth. if.f Upon of ffs iamposal by the fifty Wil,the bides is bot to"acute a contract and furnish i ndi b .ar.}ce, MaInt�nc-e Bond, and Payment Bond approved by the City of Fort Worth for. + rmktg end completing the sewer construction work within the time stated and for the fcllowind6um,to-wit: �t B W ER Wt*WMAGEMEW PAY X. tE=qwV.KNi 0r ITEMS jjfflT TOTAL tT M Q` WITH DID PRICES WRn'"W M wOPM 4 VALUE VALUE tale ON Ind >Gww POD xt3ta. mit,• -- - 1 i lit ,i• v.�+....., V�rte•Lf 1 � 1 v. ! -7 I ••• •_••nc�jr-bbSNii (sto tib.4" 1 7f.� - vu?ity 7 � � i i�•� � ! Cates psi Lr ' r {i. { LF - .,terwNr pipe(ig to 1-b*,dep6r)- !j t i r alta-- s per LP #i # 3. irtaLF # it-in, # #f r Donam ! 1 35D o- e• and CW"Per LF i ! RM { LF 1 211-1g,6anMky 04hre! 1� 1 depth)' } 7 'I cetft3 Pw LF 1 ; I tt i LF t 21 an, Arps 4 1 tt+ttalh3' i 1 f t?oNare ' �Q / ! ! low Cents per v ! ! �U 7Y! 1 45, !it 21 ! LF 214n.wioadww,om(Wo toA-dam)* ! ! !!d 1 DORM 1 ! lit ! ! ar+d Cents per LF I 174 Sit Pon g_n?opma 1 UM 3 ,,: 03/51j21MIO 13:12 5173357437 DUNAWAY Ate. PAGE 01!83 t l+� ilk1ip5t IIs. TUNA A Y ASSMIATES,INC � „F ' 6� 1/�' v e TRA SMITTAL :i Date: 4 e,4p lt.r To: H V>1tr-frr-1 -racs.. !S— Fax No.: See geow F+; k�ron�: 1f yfi -f No. of Pages w/Cover Sheet: it-t s Rei Pip i 61 4 # 1 {�"r u� �;ecfi _ CFW WWF 332-5478 8ortug# Tui Cs. 214-331-6932 Bows Cot'�smuceim 429-0796 3 ICA 471${}443 ting „ ctr, f�nr!•3t 1 tt�eE%� 433-;654 Tri-fie 446-3044 - ccnat*C=sww Qa 534-4355 HuTlly 972-864-4070 S. ea d4<J- Rid�' Fi Xiis.°t5 SS4-3007 aiti_t* 558-6703 Tauri*tlng 737--3314 _ Kebo S*Ykts 5609111 CWc j`,i 'Consumdon 293-1937 N id ° -lsti##w 2-54-863-3696 1 h� kerr Cots ?34-4961 _ Har C om ft. 9n-22'. 7-9WI Oyer sit-staa Berlesm Utilities 295-0426 Stakerowupris" 314-Ma Davila ' fir, 333-81334 Wim_ L7t 572-3333, S=cm*actim 293-506.3 4 t#S TABLE OF CONTENTS PART A NOTICE TO BIDDERS COMPREHENSIVE NOTICE TO BIDDERS SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS PART B UNIT 1 MINORITY & WOMEN'S BUSINESS ENTERPRISES SPECIFICATIONS PROPOSAL CITY APPROVED PRODUCT AND METHOD UNIT 2 MINORITY & WOMEN'S BUSINESS ENTERPRISES SPECIFICATIONS PROPOSAL CITY APPROVED PRODUCT AND METHOD UNIT 3 MINORITY & WOMEN'S BUSINESS ENTERPRISES SPECIFICATIONS PROPOSAL CITY APPROVED PRODUCT AND METHOD UNIT 4 MINORITY & WOMEN'S BUSINESS ENTERPRISES SPECIFICATIONS PROPOSAL CITY APPROVED PRODUCT AND METHOD PART C GENERAL CONDITIONS PART Cl SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS TO PART C PART D SPECIAL CONDITIONS PART DA ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS PART E SECTION E SPECIFICATIONS SECTION E100 - MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS PART F CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE CONTRACTOR COMPLIANCE WITH WORKER'S COMPENSATION LAW 9820600_Specs_BSD.doc I TABLE OF CONTENTS VENDOR COMPLIANCE TO STATE LAW EXPERIENCE RECORD EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE PERFORMANCE BOND PAYMENT BOND MAINTENANCE BOND PART G CONTRACT APPENDIX A DETAILS APPENDIX B EASEMENT DOCUMENTS TEMPORARY RIGHT-OF-ENTRY AGREEMENT APPENDIX C TxDOT PERMIT APPENDIX D TXU PERMIT APPENDIX E SOIL BORINGS 9820600_Specs_BSD.doc I I PART A NOTICE TO BIDDERS COMPREHENSIVE NOTICE TO BIDDERS SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed Proposals for the follow' P mg. FOR: Main 321 and 423 Drainage Areas Sanitary Sewer System Improvements (Units 1 -4) Sewer Project No. PS 58-070580174710 DOE No. 2370 UNIT 1: M-321 13 EA Manholes 3,985 LF 18-in. sewer by open cut 365 LF 16-in. sewer by other than open cut r UNIT 2: M-423, Sta. 38+02 to Sta. 100+34.72 16 EA Manholes 6,233 LF 24-in. sewer by open cut UNIT 3: M-423, Sta. 100+34.72 to Sta. 178+05.98 21 EA Manholes 1,333 LF 24-in. sewer by open cut 5,444 LF 21-in. sewer by open cut ■ 996 LF 18-in. sewer by open cut UNIT 4: M-423, Sta. 178+05.98 to Sta. 251+50 18 EA Manholes 6,360 LF 18-in. sewer by open cut 491 LF 15-in. sewer by open cut 80 LF 18-in. sewer by other than open cut 420 LF 16-in. sewer by other than open cut w Addressed to Mr. Bob Terrell, City Manager of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, will be received at the Purchasing Office until 1:30 p.m., March 2, 2000, and then publicly opened and read aloud at 2:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers. Plans, Specifications and Contract Documents for this project may be obtained at the office of the Department of Engineering, Municipal Office Building, 1000 Throckmorton Street, Fort Worth, Texas. One set of plans and documents will be provided for a deposit of$50.00. These documents contain additional information for prospective bidders. A mandatory pre-bid conference will be held on Monday, February 21, 2000, beginning at 10:00 a.m., in the City of Fort Worth Water Department Conference Room 225. It is mandatory for prospective bidders to attend the pre-bid conference. Failure to attend shall result in the rejection of the bid as non-responsive. For additional information, please contact Mr. Brian Darby, P.E. at (817) 335-1121, or Mr. Anthony Wilkins, P.E. at (817) 871-8047. Advertising Dates: February 3, 2000 February 10, 2000 ee206W_sve«_esD.dm A- 1 COMPREHENSIVE NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed Proposals for the following: FOR: Main 321 and 423 Drainage Areas Sanitary Sewer System Improvements (Units 1 -4) Sewer Project No. PS 58-070580174710 DOE No. 2370 Addressed to Mr. Bob Terrell, City Manager of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, will be received at the Purchasing Office until 1:30 p.m., March 2, 2000, and then publicly opened and read aloud at 2:00 p.m. Plans, Specifications and Contract Documents for this project may be obtained at the office of the Department of Engineering, Municipal Office Building, 1000 Throckmorton Street, Fort Worth, Texas. A Fifty dollar ($50.00) deposit is required for the first set of documents and additional sets may be purchased on a non-refundable basis for Fifty dollars ($50.00) per set. These documents contain additional information for prospective bidders. All bidders will be required to comply with Provision 5159a of "Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes" of the State of Texas with respect to the payment of prevailing wage rates and City Ordinance No. 7278, as amended by City Ordinance No. 7400 (Fort Worth City Code Sections 13-A-21 through 13-A-29), prohibiting discrimination in employment practices. Bid security is required in accordance with Paragraph 2 of the Special Instructions to Bidders. The major work on the above-referenced project shall consist of the following: UNIT 1: M-321 13 EA Manholes 3,985 LF 18-in. sewer by open cut 365 LF 16-in. sewer by other than open cut UNIT 2: M-423, Sta. 38+02 to Sta. 100+34.72 16 EA Manholes 6,233 LF 24-in. sewer by open cut UNIT 3: M-423, Sta. 100+34.72 to Sta. 178+05.98 21 EA Manholes 1,333 LF 24-in. sewer by open cut 5,444 LF 21-in. sewer by open cut 996 LF 18-in. sewer by open cut UNIT 4: M-423, Sta. 178+05.98 to Sta. 251+50 18 EA Manholes 6,360 LF 18-in. sewer by open cut 491 LF 15-in. sewer by open cut 80 LF 18-in. sewer by other than open cut 420 LF 16-in. sewer by other than open cut Included in the above will be all other miscellaneous items of construction as outlined in the Plans and Specifications. A mandatory pre-bid conference will be held on Monday, February 21, 2000, beginning at 10:00 a.m., in the City of Fort Worth Water Department Conference Room 225. It is mandatory for prospective bidders to attend the pre-bid conference. Failure to attend shall result in the rejection of the bid as non- responsive. W2060o_spe=_0so.aoc A-2 COMPREHENSIVE NOTICE TO BIDDERS The City reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids and waive any and/or all formalities. Bidders shall not separate, detach, or remove any portion, segment, or sheets from the contract document at any time. Bidders must complete the proposal sections and submit the complete specifications book or face rejection of the bid as non-responsive. AWARD OF CONTRACT: No bid may be withdrawn until the expiration of forty-nine (49) days from the date the M/WBE UTILIZATION FORM, PRIME CONTRACTOR WAIVER FORM, and/or the GOOD FAITH EFFORT FORM ("Documentation") as appropriate is received by the City. The award of contract, if made, will be within forty-nine (49) days after this documentation is received, but in no case will the award be made until all the necessary investigations are made as to the responsibility of the bidder to whom it is proposed to award the contract. Bidders are responsible for obtaining all addenda to the contract documents prior to the receipt time and acknowledging them at the time of bid receipt. Information regarding the status of addenda may be obtained by contacting the Department of Engineering at (817) 871-7910. Bids that do not acknowledge all applicable addenda may be rejected as non-responsive. SUBMISSION OF BID(S) AND AWARD OF CONTRACT(S): This document is designed as four (4) separate contract documents and shall not be construed as being a single contract. The proposal sections are provided as four (4) individual proposals with four (4) individual M/WBE specifications and are arranged in units to allow prospective bidders to submit bids on one or both units. Award of contract(s), if made, shall be to the responsive low bidder for each individual unit. If a contractor is the responsive low bidder on both units, a single set of contract documents consisting of all applicable units will be created and one single award of contract shall be made. The Contractor shall comply with the City's M/WBE Ordinance on each unit. Construction time on all units will run concurrently. For situations involving approved contracts with multiple units, the total allowable construction completion time period for all the units shall be the same as the unit with the longest construction time period. In accordance with the City of Fort Worth Ordinance No. 13471, as amended by Ordinance No. 13781, the City of Fort Worth has goals for the participation of minority business enterprises and women business enterprises in City contracts. A copy of the Ordinance can be obtained from the Office of the City Secretary. The bidder shall submit the M/WBE UTILIZATION FORM, PRIME CONTRACTOR WAIVER FORM, and/or the GOOD FAITH EFFORT FORM ("Documentation"), as appropriate. The Documentation must be received by the contracting department no later than 5:00 p.m., five (5) City business days after the bid opening date. The bidder shall obtain a receipt from the appropriate employee of the contracting department to whom delivery was made. Such receipt shall be evidence that the Documentation was received by the City. Any contract or contracts awarded under this Notice to Bidders are expected to be funded in part by a loan from the Texas Water Development Board. Neither the State of Texas nor any of its departments, agencies, or employees are, or will be, a party to this Notice to Bidders or any resulting contract. The contract or contracts are subject to regulations contained in 31 TAC, Chapter 363, in effect on the date this contract is executed. The City of Fort Worth is in the process of obtaining all the necessary rights-of-way for the construction of the project as shown in the Plans. Copies of the easements will be provided to the Contractor either at the pre-construction meeting or subsequently as they are acquired. Contractor will not be allowed to commence work within the area where the City has not acquired the easement until necessary easements are obtained. In the event the necessary easements are not obtained, the City reserves the right to cancel the award of contract. M06W sae«Bso.doe A-3 COMPREHENSIVE NOTICE TO BIDDERS For additional information, please contact Mr. Brian Darby, P.E. at (817) 335-1121, or Mr. Anthony Wilkins, P.E. at (817) 871-8047. BOB TERRELL GLORIA PEARSON CITY MANAGER CITY SECRETARY ADVERTISING DATES: A. DOUGLAS RADEMAKER, P.E. DIRECTOR _. February 3, 2000 DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING February 10, 2000 Rick Trice, P.E. Manager, Consulting Services 9n0W0_ ssD.aoc A-4 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1. PREQUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS: All contractors submitting bids are required to be pre-qualified by the Forth Worth Water Department prior to submitting bids. This pre- qualification process will establish a bid limit based on a technical evaluation and financial analysis of the contractor. It is the bidder's responsibility to submit the following documentation: a current financial statement, an acceptable experience record, an acceptable equipment schedule and any other documents the Department may deem necessary, to the Director of the Water Department at least seven (7) calendar days prior to the date of the opening of bids. a. The financial statement required shall have been prepared by an independent certified public accountant or an independent public accountant holding a valid permit issued by n appropriate State licensing agency and shall have been so prepared as to reflect the financial status of the submitting company. This statement must be current and not more that one (1) year old. In the case that a bidding date falls within the time a new statement is being prepared, the previous statement shall be updated by proper verification. b. For an experience record to be considered to be acceptable for a given project, it must reflect the experience of the firm seeking qualification in work of both the same nature and technical level as that of the project for which bids are to be received. C. The Director of the Water Department shall be the sole judge as to the acceptability for financial qualification to bid on any Fort Worth Water Department project. d. Bids received in excess of the bid limit shall be considered non-responsive and will be rejected as such. e. The City, in its sole discretion, may reject any bid for failure to demonstrate experience and/or expertise. f. Any proposals submitted by a non-pre-qualified bidder shall be returned unopened, and if inadvertently opened, shall not be considered. g. The City will attempt to notify prospective bidders whose qualifications (financial or experience) are not deemed to be appropriate to the nature and/or magnitude of the project on which bids are to be received. Failure to notify shall not be a waiver of any necessary pre-qualification. 2. BID SECURITY: A cashier's check or acceptable bidder's bond payable to the City of Fort Worth in an amount of not less than five percent (5%) of the largest possible total of the bid submitted must accompany the bid, and is subject to forfeiture in the event the successful bidder fails to execute the Contract Documents within (10) days after the contract has been awarded. To be an acceptable surety o the bond, (1) the name of the surety shall be included on the current U.S. Treasury, or (2) the surety must have capital and surplus equal to ten times the limit of the bond. The surety must be licensed to do business in the State of Texas. The amount of the bond shall not exceed the amount shown on the treasury list or one-tenth (1/10) the total capital and surplus. 3. BONDS: A performance bond, a payment bond and a maintenance bond each for one hundred (100%) percent of the contract price will be required, Reference C 3-3.7. 9e20600_spe,cs eso.aoc A-5 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 4. WAGE RATES: Not less than the prevailing wage rates established by the City of Fort Worth, Texas, and set forth in the Contract Documents must be paid on this project. 5. AMBIGUITY: In the case of ambiguity or lack of clearness in stating prices in the Proposal the City reserves the right to adopt the most advantageous construction thereof to the City or to reject the Proposal. 6. BIDDER LICENSE: Bidder must be a licensed Contractor in the State of Texas. 7. NONRESIDENT BIDDERS: Pursuant to Article 601g, Texas Revised Civil Statutes, the City of Fort Worth will not award this contract to a nonresident bidder unless the nonresident's bid is lower than the lowest bid submitted by a responsible Texas resident bidder by the same amount that a Texas resident bidder would be required to underbid a nonresident bidder to obtain a comparable contract in the State in which the nonresident's principal place of business is located. "Nonresident bidder' means a bidder whose principal place of business in not in the State of Texas, but excludes a contractor whose ultimate parent company or majority owner has its principal place of business in the State of Texas. This provision does not apply if this contract involves Federal funds. The appropriate blanks of the Proposal must be filled out by all nonresident bidders in order for the bid to meet specifications. The failure of a nonresident contractor to do so will automatically disqualify that bidder. 8. PAYMENT: If the contract amount is $25,000 or less, the contract amount shall be paid within forty-five (45) calendar days after completion and acceptance by the City. 9. AGE: In accordance with the policy ("Policy") of the Executive Branch of the Federal Government, Contractor covenants that neither it, nor any of its officers, members, agents, employees, program participants or subcontractors while engaged in performing this contract, shall, in connection with the employment, advancement or discharge of employees in connection with the terms, conditions or privileges of their employment, discriminate against persons because of their age except on the basis of a bona fide occupational qualification, retirement plan, or statutory requirement. Contractor further covenants that neither it nor its officers, members, agents, employees, subcontractors, program participants, or persons acting on their behalf, shall specify, in solicitations or advertisements for employees to work on this contract, a maximum age limit for such employment unless the specified maximum age limit is based upon a bona fide occupational qualification, retirement plan or statutory requirements. Contractor warrants it will fully comply with the policy and will defend, indemnify and hold City harmless against any claims or allegations asserted by third parties or subcontractors and/or its subcontractors' alleged failure to comply with the above referenced policy concerning age discrimination in the performance of this agreement. 10. DISABILITY: In accordance with the provisions of the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 ("ADA-), Contractor warrants that it and any and all of its subcontractors will not unlawfully discriminate on; the basis of disability in the provision of services to the general public, nor in the availability, terms and/or conditions of employment for applicants for employment with or employees of Contractor or any of its subcontractors. 9820800_SPM_BSD.doc A-6 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Contractor warrants it will fully comply with the ADFA's provisions and any other applicable Federal, State and local laws concerning disability and will defend, indemnify and hold City harmless against any claims or allegations asserted by third parties or subcontractors against City arising out of contractor's and/or its subcontractors; alleged failure to comply with the above referenced Policy concerning age discrimination in the performance of this agreement. 11. MINORITY AND WOMEN BUSINESS ENTERPRISES: In accordance with the City of Fort Worth Ordinance No. 13471, as amended by Ordinance No. 13781 the City of Fort Worth has goals for the participation of minority business enterprises and women business enterprises in City contracts. A copy of the Ordinance can be obtained from the Office of the City Secretary. The bidder shall submit the MBE/WBE UTILIZATION FORM, PRIME CONTRACTOR WAIVER FORM and/or the GOOD FAITH EFFORT FORM ("Documentation") as appropriate. The documentation must be received no later that 5:00 PM, five (5) City business days after the bid opening date. The bidder shall obtain a receipt from the appropriate employee of the managing department to whom delivery was made. Such receipt shall be evidence that the documentation was received by the City. Failure to comply shall render the bid non-responsive. Upon request, Contractor agrees to provide the Owner complete and accurate information regarding actual work performed by a Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) and/or a Women Business Enterprise (WBE) on the contract and payment thereof. Contractor further agrees to permit any audit and/or examination of any books, records or files in its possession that will substantiate the actual work performed by an MBE and/or WBE. The misrepresentation of facts (other than a negligent misrepresentation) and/or the commission of fraud by the Contractor will be grounds for termination of the contract and/or initiating action under appropriate federal state or local laws or ordinances relating to false statements. Further, any such misrepresentation (other than a negligent misrepresentation) and/or commission of fraud will result in the Contractor being determined to be irresponsible and barred from participating in City work for a period of time of not less than three (3)years. Revised 9/24/97 9e20e00Spm_BSD.ao« A-7 PART B UNIT 1 MINORITY & WOMEN'S BUSINESS ENTERPRISES SPECIFICATIONS PROPOSAL CITY APPROVED PRODUCT AND METHOD UNIT 2 MINORITY & WOMEN'S BUSINESS ENTERPRISES SPECIFICATIONS PROPOSAL CITY APPROVED PRODUCT AND METHOD UNIT 3 MINORITY & WOMEN'S BUSINESS ENTERPRISES SPECIFICATIONS PROPOSAL CITY APPROVED PRODUCT AND METHOD UNIT 4 MINORITY & WOMEN'S BUSINESS ENTERPRISES SPECIFICATIONS PROPOSAL CITY APPROVED PRODUCT AND METHOD 9820600_Specs_BSD.Ooc ( ALt 3 Revised 08/02/98 CITY OF FORT WORTH MINORITY AND WOMEN BUSINESS ENTERPRISES SPECIFICATIONS SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR BIDDERS APPLICATION OF POLICY If the total dollar value of the contract is $25,000 or more, the M/WBE goals are applicable. If the total dollar value of the contract is less than $25,000,the M/WBE goals are not applicable. POLICY STATEMENT It is the policy of the City of Fort Worth to ensure the full and equitable participation by Minority/Women Business Enterprises (M/WBE) in the procurement of all goods and services to the City on a contractual basis. The objective of the Policy is to increase the use of M/WBE firms to a level comparable to the availability of M/WBEs that provide goods and services directly or indirectly to the City. MIWBE PROJECT GOALS The City's MBE/WBE goal on this project is 26%of the total bid value of the contract. COMPLIANCE TO BID SPECIFICATIONS On City contracts of$25,000 or more, bidders are required to comply with the intent of the City's M/WBE Ordinance by either of the following: 1. Meet or exceed the above stated minimum M/WBE goals, or 2. Good Faith Effort documentation, or 3. Waiver documentation. SUBMITTAL OR REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION The applicable documents must be received by the Managing Department, within the following times allocated, in order for the entire bid to be considered responsive to the specifications. 1. M/WBE Utilization Form: received by 5:00 p.m.,five(5)City business days after the bid opening date,exclusive of the bid opening date. 2. Prime Contractor Waiver Form: received by 5:00 p.m.,five(5)City business days after the bid opening date,exclusive of the bid opening date. 3. Good Faith Effort Form: received by 5:00 p.m.,five(5)City business days after the bid opening date,exclusive of the bid opening date. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE CITY'S M/WBE ORDINANCE WILL RESULT IN THE BID BEING CONSIDERED NON-RESPONSIVE TO SPECIFICATIONS Any questions, please contact the M/WBE Office at(817) 871-6104. R 8820600 Spew BSD_ftnA Unit3MWBE.doc Part B-MWBE 1 Unit 3 ATTACHMENT IA Page 1 of 2 Revised C&O 98 CITY OF FORT WORTH MINORITY AND WOMEN BUSINESS ENTERPRISES SPEC!F "_jPNS MBE/WBE UTILIZATION NCINEERIIN€/6 FW Jackson Construction, Inc. 3-2-0 9 PM 1 14 Prime Company Name Bid Date '\1ain 321 &423 Drainage Areas 3 P$58-070580174710 Project Name Project Number CITY'S M/WBE PROJECT GOAL: 26% M/WBE PERCENTAGE ACHIEVED: 6% Failure to complete this form, in its entirety with supporting documentation, and received by the Managing Department on or before 5:00 p.m.,five(5)City business days after bid opening,exclusive of bid opening date,will result in the bid being " considered non-responsive to bid specifications. The undersigned bidder agrees to enter into a formal agreement with the MBE and/or WBE firms for work listed in this schedule, conditioned upon execution of a contract with the City of Fort Worth. The willful misrepresentation of facts is grounds for consideration of disqualification and will result in the bid being considered non-responsive to specifications. Company Name,Contact Name, Certified Specify All Contracting Specify All Items to Dollar Amount Address,and Telephone No. Scope of Work(*) be Supplied(*) Q Q v X '�' CL x � J M Material P. 0. Box 496 Rock, Sand Alvord, TX 76225 X & Hauling 1 800-856-8733 by Dump Judy Truck 16500.0 combined 8828 Stemmons Frw . Rock, Sand total & Hauling by Dallas, TX 76247 X Dump Truck 1 see footn to _ 940-440-2933 Todd Harkey 3312 Joyce Drive � Fort Worth, TX 7611 Hydromu�ch 1 $ 8000.00 X 817-244-6024 Gayle Jurachek M/WBEs must be located In the 9(nine)county marketplace or currently doing business in the marketplace at time of bid. _*,Do not know w (� Specify all areas in which MIWBEs are to be utilized and/or items to be supplied: (") A complete listing of items to be supplied is required in order to receive credit toward the MIWBE goal. Identify Each Tier Level. Tier: Means the level of subcontracting below the prime contractor/consultant,i.e.,a direct payment from the prime contractor to a subcontractor is considered 1st tier,a payment by a subcontractor to its supplier is considered 2nd tier. THIS FORM MUST BE RECEIVED BY THE MANAGING DEPARTMENT BY 5:00 p.m.,FIVE(5)CITY BUSINESS DAYS AFTER BID OPENING, EXCLUSIVE OF THE BID OPENING DATE Pages 1 and 2 of Attachment 1A must be received by the Managing Department 9820600_Spm BSD_Parte_UnitVMBE.dw Part B-MWBE 2 Unit 3 w ATTACHMENT IC Page 3 of 3 Revised 08/02/98 rADDITIONAL INFORMATION Please provide additional information you feel will further explain your good and honest efforts to obtain M/WBE participation on this project. r The bidder further agrees to provide, directly to the City upon request, complete and accurate information regarding actual work performed on this contract, the payment therefore and any proposed changes to the original arrangements submitted with this bid. The bidder also agrees to allow an audit and/or examination of any books, records and files held by their company that will substantiate the actual work performed on this contract, by an authorized officer or employee of the City. Any intentional and/or knowing misrepresentation of facts will be grounds for terminating the contract or debarment from City work for a period of not less than three (3)years and for initiating action under Federal, State, or Local laws concerning false statements. Any failure to comply with this ordinance and creates a material breach of contract may result in a determination of an irresponsible offeror and barred from participating in City work for a period of time not less than one(1)year. The undersigned certifies that the information provided and the M/WBE(s) listed was/were contacted in good faith. It is understood that any M/WBE(s) listed in Attachment 1C will be contacted and the reasons for not using them will be verified by the City's M/WBE Office. Larry H. Jackson AuttiorizecMidatule Printed Signature President Title Contact Name and Title(if different) Jackson Construction, Inc. 817-572-3303 Company Name Telephone Number(s) 5112 Sun Valley Drive 817-478-0443 Address Fax Number Fort Worth, Tx 76119 3-9-00 City/Stat*Op Code Date .M N20600_Spea_BSO ftnkUNgMWBE.doc Part B- MWBE 7 Unit 3 ■. ATTACHMENT IA Page 2 of 2 Revised 08/02/98 CITY OF FORT WORTH MINORITY AND WOMEN BUSINESS ENTERPRISES SPECIFICATIONS MBE and WBE UTILIZATION FORM fCompany Name,Contact Name, Certified Specify All Contracting Specify All Items to Dollar Amount Address,and Telephone No. Scope of Work(•) be Supplied(•) 00 X CL o m� s � The bidder further agrees to provide, directly to the City upon request, complete and accurate information regarding actual work performed by all subcontractors, including MBE(s) and/or WBE(s) arrangements submitted with this bid. The bidder also agrees to allow an audit and/or examination of any books, records, and files held by their company that will substantiate the actual work performed by the MBE(s) and/or WBE(s) on this contract, by an authorized officer or employee of the City. Any intentional and/or knowing misrepresentation of facts will 'be grounds for terminating the contract or debarment from City work for a period of not less than three (3) years and for initiating action under Federal, State, or Local laws concerning false statements. Any failure to comply with this ordinance and creates a material breach of contract may result in a determination of an irresponsible offeror and barred from participating in City work for a period of time not less than one (1) year. ALL MBE(s)and WBE(s) MUST BE CERTIFIED BY THE CITY BEFORE CONTRACT AWARD 7 Larry H. Jackson Authorized ignat a Printing Signature President Title Contact Name and Title(if different) Jackson Construction, Inc. 817-572-3303 Company Name Telephone Number(s) 5112 Sun Valley Drive 817-478-0443 Address Fax Number Fort Worth, TX 76119 3-9-00 City!State0p Code Date THIS FORM MUST BE RECEIVED BY THE MANAGING DEPARTMENT BY 5:00 p.m.,FIVE(5)CITY BUSINESS DAYS AFTER BID OPENING, EXCLUSIVE OF THE BID OPENING DATE Pages 1 and 2 of Attachment 1A must be received by the Managing Department 9820600_Spm_BSD_PankUnit3MWBE.doc Part B- MWBE 3 Unit 3 ATTACHMENT 1C Page 1 of 3 Revised 08/02M CITY OF FORT WORTH MINORITY AND WOMEN BUSINESS ENTERPRISES SPECIFICATIONS GOOD FAITH REPORT FM Jackson Construction, Inc. 3-2-00 Prime Company Name Bid Date Main 321 and 423 Drainage Areas PS 58-070580174710 Project Name Project Number If you have failed to secure M/WBE participation and you have subcontracting and/or supplier opportunities or if your M/WBE participation is less than the City's project goal(s),you must complete this form. If the bidder's method of compliance with the M/WBE goals is based upon demonstration of a "good faith effort", the bidder will have the burden of correctly and accurately preparing and submitting the documentation required by the City. Compliance with each item, 1 thru 6 below, shall satisfy the Good Faith Effort requirement absent proof of fraud, intentional and/or knowing misrepresentation of the facts or intentional discrimination by the bidder. Failure to complete this form,in its entirety with supporting documentation,and received by the Managing Department on or before 5:00 p.m.five(5)City business days after bid opening,exclusive of bid opening date,will result in the bid being considered non-responsive to bid specifications. - 1. Please list each and every subcontracting and/or supplier opportunity (DO NOT LIST NAMES OF FIRMS) which will be used in the completion of this project, regardless of whether it is to be provided by a M/WBE or non-M/WBE. (Use additional sheets, if necessary) List of: Subcontracting Opportunities List of: Supplier Opportunities Hydromulch Pi2e Manholes Sand Portable Toilets Rock TV Inspection Hauling Concrete TE HMAC Rebar PW e� W208Q0_Specs BSD PartB_Unit3MWBE.doc Part B- MWBE 5 Unit 3 ATTACHMENT IC Page 2 of 3 Revised 06/02/98 2. Did you obtain a current list of M/WBE firms from the City's M/WBE Office? The list is considered in compliance, if it is not more 3 months old from the date of bid opening. X YES Date of Listing 2 / 2 / 00 NO 3. Did you solicit bids from M/WBE firms, within the subcontracting and/or supplier areas previously listed, at least ten calendar days prior to bid opening by mail, exclusive of the day the bids are opened? X YES If yes,attach M/WBE mail listing to include name of firm and NO address and a dated copy of letter mailed. -. 4. Did you solicit bids from M/WBE firms, within the subcontracting and/or supplier areas previously listed, at least ten calendar days prior to bid opening by telephone, exclusive of the day the bids are opened? X YES If yes, attach list to include name of M/WBE firm, person contacted, NO phone number and date and time of contact. NOTE: A facsimile may be used to comply with either 3 or 4, but may not be used for both. If a facsimile is used, attach the fax confirmation, which is to provide M/WBE name, date, time, fax number, and documentation faxed. NOTE: If a SIC list of W/MBE is ten or less,the bidder must contact the entire list to be in compliance with questions 3 and 4. If a SIC list of M/WBE is more than ten,the bidder must contact at least two-thirds of the list, but not less than ten to be in compliance with questions 3 and 4. 5. Did you provide plans and specifications to potential M/WBEs or information regarding the location of plans and specifications in order to assist the M/WBEs? X YES NO 6. If M/WBE bids were received and rejected,you must: 1> List the IVIIWBE firms and the reason(s) for rejection (i.e., quotation not commercially reasonable,qualifications,etc.)and 2. Attach affidavit and/or documentation to support the reason(s) listed below (i.e., letters, memos, bids,telephone calls, meetings,etc.) (Please use additional sheets, if necessary,and attach) Company Name Telephone Contact Person Scope of Work Reason for Rejection Tops Manhole 0837 - Desi Manholes rices higher t an other TX Environmental 8249 William H dromulch using other M W Haukos 0 7 Sharon Trenchinq work done with own force Chief Constr. Chief TV Inspection prices higher than thers. 9820600 Sp90_BSC_PanE unj MwBE.d= Part B-MWBE 6 Unit 3 ATTACHMENT IC Page 3 of 3 Revised Oe/02M ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Please provide additional information you feel will further explain your good and honest efforts to obtain M/WBE participation on this project. The bidder further agrees to provide, directly to the City upon request, complete and accurate information regarding actual work performed on this contract, the payment therefore and any proposed changes to the original arrangements submitted with this bid. The bidder also agrees to allow an audit and/or examination of any books, records and files held by their company that will substantiate the actual work performed on this contract, by an authorized officer or employee of the City. Any intentional and/or knowing misrepresentation of facts will be grounds for terminating the contract or debarment from City work for a period of not less than three (3) years and for initiating action under Federal, State, or Local laws concerning false statements. Any failure to comply with this ordinance and creates a material breach of contract may result in a determination of an irresponsible offeror and barred from participating in City work for a period of time not less than a- one(1)year. The undersigned certifies that the information provided and the M/WBE(s) listed was/were contacted in good faith. It is understood that any M/WBE(s) listed in Attachment 1C will be contacted and the reasons for not using them will be verified by the City's M/WBE Office. "-7e�l Larry H. Jackson AuthorizecrSignaturil Printed Signature President Title Contact Name and Title(if different) Jackson Construction, Inc. 817-572-3303 Company Name Telephone Number(s) 5112 Sun Valley Drive 817-478-0443 Address Fax Number Fort; Worth, TX 76119 3-9-00 CKWStat*0p Code Date PW PP ■ 9W0600_Spm_BSD PankUnif4MWBE.dx Part B-MWBE 7 Unit 4 PROPOSAL `' TO: Mr. Bob Terrell City Manager Fort Worth, Texas FOR: Main 321 and 423 Drainage Areas Sanitary Sewer System Improvements Sewer Project No. PS 58-070580174710 DOE No. 2370 Unit 3 Pursuant to the foregoing "Notice to Bidders," the undersigned has thoroughly examined the plans, specifications and the site, understands the amount of work to be done, and hereby proposes to do all the work and furnish all labor, equipment and materials necessary to fully complete all the work as provided in the plans and specifications and subject to the inspection and approval of the Director, Department of Engineering of the City of Fort Worth. Upon acceptance of this proposal by the City Council, the bidder is bound to execute a contract and furnish Performance, Maintenance Bond, and Payment Bond approved by the City of Fort Worth for performing and completing the sewer construction work within the time stated and for the following sum, to-wit: SEWER MAIN REPLACEMENT PAY APPROX. DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS UNIT TOTAL ITEM QUANTITY WITH BID PRICES WRITTEN IN WORDS VALUE VALUE 1. 1 EA Pre construction D-hole ollars o.. JLF24-in. d Cents per EA $ d6� $p��� 2. 379 sanitary sewer pipe(6 toDollars d Cents per LF $ 3. 156 -i ni ewer pipe(8 to 10-ft.depth)• Dollars d Cents per LF $ 4. 838 LF 24-i anitary ewer pipe(10 to 121-depth)* fulmi Dollars Q and Cents per LF $ ` $ �� 5. 1,762 LF 21-i�UpiA��(Wt 2-ft.depth)* $Dollars $ and Cents per LF —� 6. 1,398 LF 21-in.,s4nitprysewer pip1 depth)* Dollars 3,55-9- $ o $ M;2V and Cents per LF 7. 2,019 LF 21-in. a itaryse er pipe(14(b -ft. pth)' per $ 7 o� $ V N1and Cents LF 8. 21 LF 21-in.s nitaryewer pi (16 to 18-ft.depth)' , Dollars _Pr and Cents per LF $ $ Contractor must complete the following"City Approved Product'form 9820600_Spers_BSD_PartB_Unit3Rop 00-0224.doc Part B-Proposal 1 Unit 3 �, Addendum#2 6 . PROPOSAL PAY APPROX. DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS UNIT TOTAL ITEM QUANTITY WITH BID PRICES WRITTEN IN WORDS VALUE VALUE 9. 175 LF 20-in.Dsanitary sew pipe(10 to 12-ft.depth) I 111-7, 71,12D Dollars o_ andCents per LF $ � $ I©ovJ 10. 29 LF 20-in.DIP sanitary sew pipe(12 to 14-ft.depth) I Dollars and Cents per LF $ 511f $ 15416, V 11. 140 LF 18-in.sanit ry sewer pipe(10 to 12-ft.depth)* Dollars and Cents per LF $ 1. 0 o $ 6600-0 12. 295 LF 18-in.s nitary ewer pipe(12 to 14-ft.depth)* Dollars and_ �'� Cents per LF $ 1 $ 1 C�W 13. 404 LF 18-in.san' ry sewer pipe(14 to 16-ft.depth)* Dollars op and Cents per LF $ q7— $ 14. 157 LF 18-in.sani ry ewer pipe(16 to 18-ft.depth)* Dollars andcr-u Cents per LF $ $ X950 15. 1 EA 4-i .sanitary sewer service tap //` Dollars ,[' and ents per EA $ �`� $ o�c>0 16. 1 EA 6-i .sanitaryewer servi a tap 1 Dollars Cn and Cents per EA $ o� $ pze-f 17. 7,772 LF Trench safejy system for trenches(depth>5-ft.) Ov/) Dollars c� � ; r and '/M w Cents per LF $ $ 7 18. 2 EA Sta�.d��r SSMH(tp/6-ft�etpth) 61 r„Y1��„�/AZ Dollars and A in Cents per EA $ � �- $ 19. 21 VF 4-ft.diameter ex a depth for SSM Dollars d� ���� and is per VF $ $ 20. 19 EA S ndard 5-ft. iameter SSMH(to 6- depth) ��.�.��Dollars o and Cents per EA $CXC0 $ 21. 127 VF 5-ft. iameter extra epth for SS H����� Dollars pe and Cents per VF $ �o0 $ �W/ 22. 6 EA BIted waterti ht manhole lid 10 Al-WilAk(i && —Dollars p„ U ents per EA 0� 50 $and * Contractor must complete the following"City Approved Product'form 9820wo_Specs_BSD_PartB_Unit3Prop 00-0224.doc Part B-Proposal 2 Unit 3 ^, Addendum#2 PROPOSAL PAY APPROX. DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS UNIT TOTAL ITEM QUANTITY WITH BID PRICES WRITTEN IN WORDS VALUE VALUE 23. 15 EA Locking tZo ess steel manhol insert ffTr SSMH llars a- and XA0 Cents per EA $a $ 24. 21 EA Con c a collars for SSMH Dollars �vN and Cents per EA $ 25. 21 EA Vacuum test SS H el Dollars / va and Cents per EA $ •`'— $ V Q 26. 807 LF Per ma ent asphalt pav ment repair per Fig.4 Dollars and Cents per LF $ Q-� $ 27. 160 LF Concrete encs ment f ,, _al /lL_k dS Dollars o and K.10 Cents per LF $ / $ 28. 89 SY 15 to 18-in.roc<rip-rap JJ� Dollars ova; and Ity) Cents per SY $ $ 29. 6,965 LF Hydromulch seeding Dollars / .. and Cents per LF $ '� $ 30. 7,772 LF Post-constructiin ection of sanitary sewer Dollars and Cents per LF $ $ 7 TOTAL AMOUNT BID-SEWER MAIN REPLACEMENT PM 'Contractor must complete the following"City Approved Product'form 9820600_Specs BSD PartB_Unit3Prop_OM224.dm Part B -Proposal 3 Unit 3 Addendum#2 PROPOSAL CITY APPROVED PRODUCT *CONTRACTOR SHALL SELECT TYPE OF PIPE TO BE USED Standard Spec No. Size E1-31 4" through 30" E1-25 4" through 15" E1-27 4" through 15" E1-28 18" through 27" E100-2 18" through 48" Consult with "City of Fort Worth, Texas Standard Product List" to obtain the Generic/Trade Name and the Manufacturer for the pipes listed above. Failure to provide the information required above may result in rejection of bid as non- responsive. Only products listed above will be allowed for use in this project. Any substitutions shall result in rejection of bid as non-responsive. 9820800_Specs_BSD PartB_Unit3Prop_00 0224.dac Part B - Proposal 4 Unit 3 Addendum#2 PROPOSAL Within ten (10) days of notification by City, the undersigned will execute the formal contract and deliver an approved Surety Bond and such other bonds as required by the Contract Documents, for the faithful performance of this Contract. The attached bid security in the amount of $ is to become the property of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, in the event the contract and bond or bonds are not executed and delivered within the time above set forth as liquidated damages for the delay and additional work caused thereby. The undersigned bidder certified that he has obtained at least one set of the General Contract Documents and General Specifications for Water Department Projects dated January 1, 1978, and that he has read and thoroughly understands all the requirements and conditions of those General Documents, and the specific Contract Documents and appurtenant plans. The undersigned assures that its employees and applicants for employment and those of any labor organization, subcontractors, or employment agency in either furnishing or referring employee applicants to the undersigned are not discriminated against as prohibited by the terms of City Ordinance No. 7278 as amended by the City Ordinance No. 7400. The Bidder agrees to begin construction within 10 calendar days after issue of the work order, and to complete the contract within 120 calendar days after beginning construction as set forth in the written work order to be furnished by the Owner. The work order will be issued no later than 90 days after the award of contract. A. The principal place of business of our company is in the State of Non-resident bidders in the State of , our principal place of business, are required to be percent lower than resident bidders by state law. A copy of the statute is attached. Non-resident bidders in the State of , our principal place of business, are not required to underbid resident bidders. B. The principal place of business of our company or our parent company or majority owner is in the State of Texas. Receipt is acknowledged of the following addenda: Addendum No. 1 (initials) Addendum No. 1 (initials) Addendum No. 1 (initials) Respectfully submitted, Y: Name: �lr�ll • <� fY� Title: Address: 1�►�, (SEAL) if Bidder is Corporation l (9 r! r! Date: Telephone:9 f ] —E0 2 y 130S 9820600_Specs_BSD PartB_Unit3Prop 00-0224.dac Part B -Proposal 5 Unit 3 Addendum#2 PART C GENERAL CONDITIONS 9820600 Specs_BSD.doc PART C - GENERAL CONDITIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS NOVEMBER, 1, 1987 TABLE OF CONTENTS Cl-1 DEFINITIONS C1-1. 1 Definition of Terms C1-1 ( 1 ) C1-1. 2 Contract Documents C1-1 (1 ) C1-1. 3 Notice to Bidders C1-1 ( 2 ) C1-1. 4 Proposal C1-1 ( 2 ) C1-1. 5 Bidder C1-1 (2 ) C1-1. 6 General •Conditions C1-1 (2 ) C1-1.7 Special Conditions C1-1 ( 2) C1-1. 8 Specifications C1-1 ( 2 ) C1-1. 9 Bond C1-1 ( 2 ) C1-1.10 Contract C1-1 (3 ) C1-1. 11 Plans C1-1 (3 ) C1-1.12 City C1-1 ( 3 ) C1-1.13 City Council C1-1 ( 3 ) C1-1. 14 Mayor C1-1 (3 ) C1-1. 15 City Manager C1-1 ( 3 ) C1-1. 16 City Attorney C1-1 ( 3 ) C1-1.17 Director of Public Works C1-1 ( 4 ) C1-1. 18 Director, City Water Department C1-1 ( 4 ) C1-1. 19 Engineer C1-1 ( 4 ) C1-1. 20 Contractor C1-1 ( 4 ) C1-1. 21 Sureties Cl-1 ( 4 ) C1-1 . 22 The Work or Project C1-1 ( 4 ) C1-1. 23 Working Day C1-1 ( 4 ) C1-1. 24 Calendar Day C1-1 ( 4 ) C1-1. 25 Legal Holiday C1-1 ( 4 ) C1-1. 26 Abbreviations C1-1 ( 5 ) C1-1. 27 Change Order C1-1 (6 ) C1-1. 28 Paved Streets and Alleys C1-1 ( 6 ) C1-1. 29 Unpaved Streets and- Alleys C1-1 ( 6 ) C1-1. 30 City Streets C1-1 ( 6 ) C1-1. 31 Roadway C1-1 (6 ) C1-1.. 32 Gravel Street C1-1 ( 6 ) C2-2 INTERPRETATION AND PREPARATION OF PROPOSAL C2-2. 1 Proposal Form C2-2 ( 1) C2-2 . 2 Interpretation of Quantities C2-2 (1 ) C2-2. 3 Examination of Contract Documents and Site C2-2 (2 ) C2-2. 4 Submitting of Proposal C2-2 (3 ) C2-2. 5 Rejection of Proposals C2-2 ( 3 ) C2-2 . 6 Bid Security C2-2 ( 3 ) 3 (1 ) C2-2 .7 Delivery of Proposal C2-2 ( 4 ) C2-2. 8 Withdrawing Proposals C2-2 ( 4 ) C2-2 . 9 Telegraphic Modification of Proposals C2-2 ( 4 ) C2-2. 10 Public Opening of Proposal C2-2 ( 4 ) C2-2 . 11 Irregular Proposals C2-2 ( 4 ) C2-2. 12 Disqualification of Bidders C2-2 ( 5 ) C3-3 AWARD AND EXECUTION OF DOCUMENTS C3-3 . 1 Consideration of Proposals C3-3 ( 1 ) C3-3 . 2 Minority Business Enterpise Women-Owned Business Enterprise compliance C3-3 ( 1 ) C3-3 . 3 Equal Employment Provisions C3-3 (1 ) C3-3 . 4 Withdrawal of Proposals C3-3 ( 2 ) C3-3 . 5 Award of Contract C3-3 ( 2 ) C3-3 . 6 Return of Proposal Securities C3-3 (2 ) C3-3 . 7 Bonds C3-3 ( 2 ) C3-3 . 8 Execution of Contract C3-3 (4 ) C3-3 . 9 Failure to Execute Contract C3-3 ( 4 ) C3-3 . 10 Beginning Work C3-3 ( 4 ) C3-3 .11 Insurance C3-3 (4 ) C3-3 . 12 Contractor ' s Obligations C3-3 ( 7 ) C3-3 . 13 Weekly Payroll C3-3 (7 ) C3-3 . 14 Contractor ' s Contract Administration C3-3 (7 ) C3-3 . 15 Venue C3-3 (8 ) C4-4 SCOPE OF WORK C4-4 . 1 Intent of Contract Documents C4-4 (1 ) C4-4. 2 Special Provisions C4-4 ( 1) C4-4 . 3 Increased or Decreased Quantities C4-4 ( 1 ) C4-4 . 4 Alteration of Contract Documents C4-4 (2 ) C4-4 . 5 Extra Work C4-4 (2 ) C4-4 . 6 Schedule of Operations C4-4 (3 ) C4-4 . 7 Progress Schedules for Water and Sewer Plant Facilities C4-4 ( 4 ) C5-5 CONTROL OF WORK AND MATERIALS C5-5 . 1 Authority of Engineer C5-5 ( 1 ) C5-5 . 2 Conformity with Plans C5-5 (1 ) C5-5 . 3 Coordinaticn of Contract Document.- C5-5 ( 2 ) C5-5 . 4 Cooperation of Contractor C5-5 ( 2 ) C5-5 . 5 Emergency and/or Rectification Work C5-5 ( 3 ) C5-5 . 6 Field Office C5-5 ( 3 ) C5-5 . 7 Construction Stakes C5-5 ( 3 ) C5-5 . 8 Authority and Duties of Inspectors C5-5 ( 4 ) C5-5 . 9 Inspection C5-5 ( 5 ) C5-5 . 10 Removal of Defective and Unauthorized Work C5-5 ( 5 ) C5-5 . 11 Substitute Materials or Equipment C5-5 ( 5 ) C5-5 . 12 Samples and Tests of Materials C5-5 (6 ) C5-5 . 13 Storage of Materials C5-5 ( 6 ) C5-5 . 14 Existing Structures and Utilities C5-5 ( 7 ) C5-5 . 15 Interruption of Service C5-5 ( 7 ) C5-5 . 16 Mutual Responsibility of Contractors C5-5 ( 8 ) C5-5 . 17 Cleanuo C5-5 (8 ) C5-5 . 18 Final Inspection C5-5 ( 9 ) ( 2) C6-6 LEGAL RELATIONS AND PUBLIC RESPONSIBILITY C6-6 .1 Laws to be Observed C6-6 (1 ) C6-6. 2 Permits and Licenses C6-6 (1 ) C6-6 . 3 Patented Devices , Materials and Processes C6-6 (1) C6-6. 4 Sanitary Provisions C6-6 (2 ) C6-6 . 5 Public Safety and Convenience C6-6 (2 ) C6-6 . 6 Privileges of Contractor in Streets, Alleys, and Right-of-Way C6-6 ( 3 ) C6-6 .7 Railway Crossings C6-6 ( 4 ) C6-6. 8 Barricades, Warnings and Watchmen C6-6 ( 4 ) C6-6. 9 Use of Explosives , Drop Weight, etc. C6-6 (5 ) C6-6 . 10 Work Within Easements C6-6 (6 ) C6-6. 11 Independent Contractor C6-6 ( 8 ) C6-6. 12 Contractor ' s Responsibility for Damage Claims C6-6 (8 ) C6-6. 13 Contractor ' s Claim for Damages C6-6 (10 ) C6-6. 14 Adjustment of Relocation of Public Utilities , etc . C6-6 (10 ) C6-6 .15 Temporary Sewer Drain Connections C6-6 ( 10 ) C6-6 .16 Arrangement and Charges of Water Furnished by City C6-6 (11 ) C6-6. 17 Use of a Section of Portion of the Work C6-6 (11 ) C6-6.18 Contractor ' s Responsibility for Work C6-6 (11 ) C6-6. 19 No Waiver of Legal Rights C6-6 (12 ) C6-6 . 20 Personal Liability of Public Officials C6-6 (12 ) C6-6. 21 State Sales Tax C6-6 (12 ) C7-7 PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS C7-7. 1 Subletting C7-7 (1 ) C7-7 . 2 Assignment of Contract C7-7 (1 ) C7-7 . 3 Prosecution of the Work C7-7 (1 ) C7-7. 4 Limitations of Operations C7-7 (2 ) C7-7 . 5 Character of Workman and Equipment C7-7 (2 ) C7-7. 6 Work Schedule C7-7 (3 ) C7-7. 7 Time of Commencement and Completion C7-7 (4 ) C7-7 . 8 Extension of time of Completion C7-7 (4 ) C7-7 . 9 Delays C7-7 ( 4 ) C7-7 . 10 Time of Completion C7-7 (5 ) C7-7 . 11 Suspension by Court Order C7-7 (6 ) C7-7 .12 Temporary Suspension C7-7 (6 ) C7-7 . 13 Termination of Contract due to National Emergency C7-7 (7 ) C7-7 . 14 Suspension of Abandonment of the Work and Annulment of Contract C7-7 (7 ) C7-7 . 15 Fulfillment of Contract C7-7 ( 9 ) C7-7-. 16 Termination for Convenience of the Onwer C7-7 ( 10 ) C7-7. 17 Safety Methods and Practices C7-7 (13 ) C8-8 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT C8-8 . 1 Measurement of Quantities C8-8 (1 ) C8-8 . 2 Unit Prices C8-8 ( 1 ) (3 ) CS-8 . 3 Lump Sum C8-8 (1 ) C8-8 . 4 Scope of Payment C8-8 (1 ) CS-8 . 5 Partial Estimates and Retainage C8-8 ( 2) C8-8. 6 Withholding Payment C8-8 (3 ) C8-8 .7 Final Acceptance C8-8 (3 ) C8-8. 8 Final Payment C8-8 (3 ) C8-8 .9 Adquacy of Design C8-8 ( 4 ) C8-8. 10 General Guaranty C8-8 (4 ) C8-8 .11 Subsidiary Work C8-8 (5 ) C8-8 . 12 Miscellaneous Placement of Material C8-8 (5 ) C8-8 . 13 Record Documents CS-8 (5 ) ( 4 ) PART C - GENERAL CONDITIONS C1-1 DEFINITIONS SECTION C1-1 DEFINITIONS C1-1 . 1 DEFINITIONS OF TERMS : Whenever in these Contract Documents the following terms or pronouns in place of them are used , the intent and meaning shall be understood and interpreted as follows : C1-1 . 2 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: The Contract Documents are all of the written and drawn documents , such as specifications , bonds , addenda , plans , etc . , which govern the terms and performance of the contract . These are contained in the General Contract Documents and the Special Contract Documents . a. GENERAL CONTRACT DOCUMENTS : The General Contract Documents govern all Water Department Projects and include the following items: PART A - NOTICE=TO BIDDERS (Sample) White PART B - PROPOSAL (Sample) White PART C - GENERAL CONDITIONS (CITY) Canary Yellow (Developer) Brown PART D - SPECIAL CONDITIONS Green PART E - SPECIFICATIONS E1-White E2-Golden Rod E2A-White PERMITS/EASEMENTS Blue PART F - BONDS (Sample) White PART G - CONTRACT (Sample) White b. SPECIAL CONTRACT DOCUMENTS : The Special Contract Documents are prepared for each specific project as a supplement to the General Contract Documents and include the following items: PART A - NOTICE TO BIDDERS (Advertisement) Same as above PART B - PROPOSAL (Bid) PART C - GENERAL CONDITIONS PART D - SPECIAL CONDITIONS PART E - SPECIFICATIONS PERMITS/EASEMENTS PART F - BONDS PART G - CONTRACT PART H - PLANS (Usually bound separately) C1-1 (1 )