HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1628 The City Council of the City of Fort '='orth rat in regular session in the Council Chamber at the City mall at nine- thirty o'clock N. M., 'W'ednesday, the 23rd day of October, A. D. 1929, and upon roll call the f'olloviing were presents Was. Bryce, i,Trayor, Dr. IV. R. Thompson, ',':ill€+rd Burton, Van u'andt Jarvis, µsonnig, E. T. F onfro, A, .4. Thomas, and J, Ft. Penn, Councilman, constituti--47 a najority and quorum of the membership of the said board, and I. L. Van Zandt, Jr., City..3eerotary-Treasurar, was in attendance at said meeting, and the following proceed.inCrs smong, other 'thinr;s were had and done: t.ounci lman Burton . seconded. by Councilman Jarvis_-- moved the adoption of the following ordinance: ORDINANCE N.G. 1628 =,N ORDINNNCS PROVIDING FON. THA 13UANCE. OF NEGOTIABLE COUPON BONDS OF TH-3 GOVIIFNrr'.aT OF THE CITY OF FORT `;70RTII, AIIMTa ING TO THE PRINCIPAL aUM OF wo HUNDRa) AND FIFTY THOUSAND DOLMA "` ( 250,000.00) OUT OF AN AXTAORI :10 Ia:JUZ OF ONE MILLION FOUR la='iiM TFFOUL AND DOLIARS ( 1,4bO!000.00), AND B aVG KNOW Al S4I'il1i5 51 ANIS D�3IGNAATrA 111 ,RTZlkL THOROUGHFARE BOND30", TO BE I33UED FOR THE PURPOws� OF CONSTRUCTING, IMPROVING AND EXTSITDING A Nis' WEN ARTIffflkL $TTR-LiET AND THOROUGH M- RE RUNNING NORTH AND SOUTH, AND A N&; MAIN AP't 1.IAL STREET A14D THOFOUGFTF%RZ ZCTENDING ff1,3T AND "'RST THROUGH SAID CITY-, ACH OF SAID BONDS TO BE IV THE DENOMINATION OF ONE TRt}U3,".FID DOL1AR3 ( 1,000.00) ACH, TO 133 DATili ) JANUARY 13T, 1988, D%Y'URING FROM FIV": (5) to FORTv (40) Yis7'tiFS FROM THE DATE T1ERSOF, AND TO BELR ItMTEF ZT OP POID AND WEE Q%RTM PER GENT (4-'�, ) rLT, AN.WM, ` 4,%7NUXLEY, THE I3x1T0'„aZT To F34 IN COUPON NOTi::i TO THE BOND, DIF EOTING THAT TEFL SAID BON013 W h7ZCUT' a'Ji 1 ?%YOR AND CITY 313CF'y"II'aRY-TRit133URER; AND PROVIDING FOR AN AIS +,Ty TA:X LEVY FOR THE kAiP.,111WT OF TFR.s INTGCa.+'`T ON SAID BONDS AND TO CRA%TLs A :3INKING FUND FOR THE PAYMENT OF TIM PF?INCIPAL TFiT.,:MEOF, AS THE .SAME TUFir 3 FROM TIME TO TIME; kND PROVIDING TFJAT TH13 O11DTNh11CF, SEktI, BE IN FORCE AND 17FIXT FR(jM .►ND hF'TER THE DATE OF ITS PA SSAG16,. WITS il”, on the 3rd daj of November, A. D. 1025, pursuant to the authority vested' in said :pity by :3ection 19 of Chleptar XXV .af the Charter of the City of Fort �.Iorth, adopted by the qualified Voters within �.he limits of said City on the Y 11th day of December, A. D. 1924, and the 10%vs and constitution of the .3tate of Texas, the City Council of the City of Fort orth, Texas, by a resolution and an ordinance of that date, directed the aubmi33ion to the resident property tax paying qualified voters of said City, at an election to be hold in said City on the 24th day of November, %. D. 1925, of the right, power and authority of the City Council of said City to Issue nego- tiable couprn bonds of the corporate government of the said City In the Principal sum of One Million Four Hundred Thousand Dollars (t,1,400,000.00), for the purpose of making permanent improvwierits in said City by constructing, improving and extend- ing its syster, of streets and thoroughfares by constructing and extending a nor main arterial street and thoroughfare running north :end south, and a new main arterial street and thoroughfare extonding east and ;.,ost through said City; and tWWAF S, in conformity with the said resolution and ordinance, the 7j'ayor of said City did mtaka proclart),­.tjon of said aleetion, and fixed the date thereof for the 24th day of November, A. D. 14125; and 1;7H3RJk3, said election order and proclamation thereof was prepared anew published in the manner tAnd for tho time pros- cribed in said resolution and ordinance; and 1WH1;Ra-,5, on the 24th day of November, h. D, 1025, said election was hold in the City of Port Vlorth at the respective polling plaoss designated in the election order, at which said election the issuance of said bonds rase submitted as FA proposition to the tax paying qualified voters of said City; and the official ballot on such occasion, in con- formity with the riasolution and ordinance of the City Council, herainabove mentioned, and in accordance with the order of said election, in form and in substance reads as follows : V.111&.As, in the election hold in said City of Fort orth an the 24th day of Niovsmbar, N. D. 1925, on the question of the i3suanae of said bonds hereinbefore mentioned, there was a majority of votes In favor of the Issuarce of said bonds; and by virtue of said election, said Council is vested with power and authority by and from the people to issue said bonds for the purposas aforementioned, and to make same valid and binding, obligations of the corporate government of the City of Fort I'Vorth; and .0'EIQ it is dewnal visa and expedient by the Gity Oouncil of the City of Yor1j ',.,,orth In the exercise of the dis- cretion reposed in it by 166 that only Two liundred. and Fifty Thousand Dollars (4250,000.00) worth of the authorized Issue of One Million Four Hundred Thousand Dollars ($1,400,000.00) be issued in bonds at this time, said bonds to be issuod, being a part of Series 51 and designated as "Main Arterial Thoroughfare !3on,ds". NOW, T4{Mz'Q1*E, BE IT ORD&IMM BY THS CITY COUNCIL OF T11j CIT`1 OF FORT' WORTH: 3ECT1Lal. 1. That purquant to 3ection 19 of Chapter XXV of the Cliarter of the City of Fort ''orth, adopted. 1,1Yy the junlified. voters within the corporate limits of said City on the 3.1th day of December, f%. D. 1924, and the laws and constitution of the 3tate of Texas, and pursuant to a vote of the resident pro- party tax paying voters of the City of Fort V.7orth, at an election hold in said City for such purpose on the 24th dray of Vovember, A. D. 1925, that the municipal g-ovinnyre.,rit of the City of Fort earth issue Itn corporate -ionds in tho prin- cipal sum of Two HUnd1red and leifty 'llaousand. Dollars (,,250,000,00), out of an authorized issue at said election of one Million Four hundred Thousand Dollcirs (�1,400,000.00), and which authorized issue is known as Series 51 and desiL7iated as "stain Arterial oro-o.ght'nre T-tonds9, w tho jx,,).rxjs ac, to I)e tagued ah-CII 'rA, in Lho denomination air one d,ated Niovernber Dit, 1929, b*irin;,z� interast at the rate of four and tIA"as ciuktrItors por dent (41%) loot t,,nnumm paws ablo saml- annually on the let day of TAT and WwWwr of oach, yoxr ras- peotively, botb1,Yrinolpn&,-I %wl intoreat of -,ialdl bonds, baing, peyable at tha lciarvwer N."aticosal '.t3gJx in tho -,Aty of No w Yors1: a " , 3tate of Now York, the sawl-tuinual !xA.ctrs,4t evldlar.�o-sd 'by i4tereat coupons attearhad therito, a)l of aald bonds to be, aTeasated for an,11 on bohAlf of the Clty of I'art 7,'Orth, 'by the Mayor tharoofx attostel by its CIQ with, th't Ueal Qf t1ho city thereon KAy 1.,qprassad, bwt the Interest cot'Apona to bk�, oxicuted Wth thhe Itthagraphod, taosImIle signature Y. tho I S'yor 'and ,,I ty of V,;,e ("U ty of Fort ,A-,tea- rw a 0e aalgid. bovyds handl coupnn�' payable to bearer, %nd zald borAu &hall be numbored in the wal.7 aha monner nat cmtt, five Q.) years from the date thereof and arinually tza%oreaftcr artllhe lAstmo-,Aul4ag� on, 1vall become pay5blo withlri fert,,7 (40) y0firs from th's dAte thereof, and the bonda themselves. -',-Ioundrea. and- Afty (250) in number, shall be namboreat, corzsoolativo# frwi one (1) to two hundrod AwJ< fifty (250) inelanlve�' and, Shal"', '�Iv'&twrc in the amounts and manner hweinnftsr ast out. Snid beonds uhall bo used tor the purpose Q makjn,,�- parT aas L-,pr.ovo_e, to u� oonstractin g, improving arid axtondin.4 s, now r,,iain arterial streat and thoroughfare ranning north �and 00%tht, wnd as nac -sans n Patorial street andthorou,1,;',Iu',%re axtwKing wat and west through said ci ty. Thx,�t tho- ganaral ft�rm of' anid aucR the aoujpona thoretc, 0-YA110-nead tl"'Vo intarmnt' to !:�Ond's 'Uhal'J", be oxecated aubstantiaI17 in the folleming form NO. UNITED STATES $1000. OF AMERICA STATE Or TEXAS, COUNTY OF TARRAi>iT SERIES C I T Y O F F O R T W O R T H ---0000soo--- KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE FRESEr7T3: That the government of. the City of Fort Worth, a municipal corporation, duly created under the 1:vrs of the State of Texas, hereby acknowledges itself to owe, azill for value re— ceived promises to pay, to bearer, ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS (01000.1J0) in lawful money of the United States of America, on the day of A. D. 19 , together with interest thereon at the rate of four and one—fourth (4-,L,%) per oentum per annum, payable semi=annually on the 1st day of November and May in each year, on presentation and surrender of the annexed interest cou— pons, as they severally fall due. Both the principal and inter— est of this bond are nayable at the office of the Hanover .National Bank, in New York City, N. Y. , and for the due and nunctual pay— ment of this bond at the maturity thereof, and the interest there- on, when it falls due, the full faith, credit and resources of the City of Fort Worth are hereby irrevocably pledged, This bond is one of a series of numbered consecutively frons to inclusive, each of the denomination of One Thousand 01,000.00) Dollars, amounting in the aggregate to the sum of issued for the purpose of under and by virtue of 'the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas, the Charter of the City of Fort Worth, and an ordinance of the City Council of said City lawfully passed and adopted on the day of A. D. 19 , pursuant to valid au- thorny from the property taxpaying qualified voters of said City, at a .proper and legal election held on the 10th day of January, A. D. 1928. It is hereby further exioressly re•oreseizted, recited, and covenanted by the government of the City of Fort 71orth, to and with each and every holder of said bonds or any one of them, that all acts, conditions and things required by the laws of the State of Texas, and of the Charter and Ordinaaces of the City of Fort Worth, precedent to and in the issuance of this bond, have been done, have happened, and have been performed in pro- per and lawful time, form and manner as prescribed by law, so as to make this bond a legal, binding and valid obligation of the City of Fort Worth, and that provision has been made for the levy and collection of a direct annual tax on all taxable property in the City of Fort Worth, and that such tax has been levied in a sufficient amount for the -payment of the principal and inter- est of this bond at the .respective maturity dates thereof, and that the total indebtedness of said City, including this bond, and the issue of which it is a component -oast, does not exceed any constitutional or statutory limitation. IN TESTI1401,7Y THEREOF, the City of Fort Worth, in the State of Texas, has executed this bond by causinG it to be sign- ed by its Mayor and attested by the City Secretary--Treasurer, with the seal of the City thereunto duly impressed, and has caused the annexed interest cou-cons to be executed with the facsimile signature of the Mayor and City Secretary— Trea:surer, and dated as the first day of May, A. D. 1988. CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS. Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary—Treasurer (FORM OF COUPON NOTE) SERIES NO. : 21,25 The City of Fort Worth, in the State of Texas, pro- mises to pay to bearer Twenty-one Dollars and Twenty-five Cents (: 21.25) , on the day of A; D. 19 , at the Hanover National Bank in the City of New York, N. Y. , for interest due that day of its municipal bond, dated May 1, A. D. 1928, and numbered CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary-Treasurer o : <<$ sk; t £R a Si, a ? :i;ado f ,'' 'y `�4i a r Dollars (Q250,100,00), oat Of the Suid autIvOKUKI Watil of a million BR;1... Randred Thousand r., 4 0xOO) to Issued for the purpose of cc' t,-va Ung, improvd,rq ax-4 +oorth ,—nd as$ void '% nmv tnaln a''.ortari std*et arv.,la1 tx.,.#k;• fsvi tvct ing t, ",t' an-1. vosth ouC,;h' ,�asld City, mz-,W sftall. ccna- ziat of Two Nundrad and t` fty ( n carod tro,-, t at ho `I,`k.e of a w", tlave Eur' quar"re pd"ar. cant Per ann=" ,. ;itaya`'l s o - nua lly s a fora_ id; allofi"-411("")"#' %ald: tvo 7;41;'nc ° . ai 11 .Mv ky an , xa,,,11 SgA, ,,11 of the said brsC,s. s' tl'ta' S"am iso "3,11 of in the manner, am! amovan as set out in th StAtemOnt 4,*r h 'a tac',a.aq s, to-qy '2r» IST 1035 a,000 IS a,000, 7 S'000 . 3 ' 39 5,000 19410 S,000: 0,000" 42 51000. 4.3 5,000. 44 5100 4" 5, IX) b,000 a ,00, 1950 7200, 61 0. SO 7,000'' 63 7,00w 54 Y'000. 55 7,000. 86 YOM 7 7,000. 7,000. 59 7,00w 1961) 7,000. 151 7,00W 612 00 6-3 T 000 64 11,000. 66 11,w mo 67 11,00w a 'my,, 610) 11,00s 1970 000. 'Phat the Said "ban, s to be stAld j,,,tN f;jje J.�-ast )-,o Offl-Irit Y�11'11,11 be aall for than 'ps.",' Vatarast to tha of delivery and Wo proceeds thoroor" to pjaaa,�j ill 4,1� _gi troesv,ryr of z'hs Z;'Ity of iiort '`.ortt�, utiliz,,tl for th�i ap pocAal purpozem foTYAJ.0,11, the',,?T arta~ cr �tod. 3SCRON IV ThQt Sol Ovs Purp000 of ra n�jrxk rke f,,ijrjo for, the 'p&"'ryrman't �irld -"V�enzploto Of tl�e fwro"'goDng g bmdoa debt, prinolpal and interest, anrl, all Alad every part *:1,' oarea, U'tdro "Y's hereby 1000061 'ank,1 Mhovro r0holl bt 'us"JL far wwtal, for tha, �Y-gwy- Towe" "and, owor' thoreaftar Ut I s-"4d bnA ,, aaior aziy p" rt tll--fir' a0 ' �',r .9d C on t'zi S011 suah ar, wnov.,at ae c,;fit-y ba noross,',,ry =4 zidlwr-intelt be it m,-ir cy, 'Larna on, Ove'r"t! t) aft hundr'' of property vaLvAio5 real, ss-adl at,'tb'400t to taxatl M; aw, n'."3t axwl:at tharsfr '' "I'nwd"ar' t)'xa U MAlon and, lawn of tha Onto of Qw, situated anO maivi K X. City wf,' Fort Torth on. the lot dw:, of' and ai", tho 1` t of jwlvtar"y 01" s ach -ytvar thoroal"t,,tr -,ar,,tl.l waifl debt reeprosented 'by said bondlu and coupon intar&st notwi shal'." hv'kvs f""I"lly "id, W if, at any Umm, nich tax be It sball be, V1,-v4 dtity the City tir, anxy Othwr body of Ao A iz y of F'ort ',Inrth to as t"2 aport oiLd. such additiorn! amount of m=7 vl,�tnf the,, of 0""e tin!'O GA'A'%r, aux n ba to, supply the deflalene"y M11 all inte'rest shall hfLvo bear, ppld and the sinking, T"i'ad oetablishad skirequir%, '! by the Ofmistit-ation of the ",2'tKtis of Texan assd the Charter of tha Cityof Fort '6,iorth. That it shall the duty of Whe0%t Connell of the ,it-,.k` of Fdim' �'; "ih ana its zuoeessors, and, of tho. gave mnownx ,on*ral 4r Pwis ror the said City of Foff'a !'off" h v^", 10zo,, and ft„`§a'" e°"TenT Suonessive your 11 f'e o �Tt�, ,h� a.it.Y�.'.t,"`r„x a..°,e,A .ash %; nt on h w<n "andr l e* �...�;� 6,a:�f w��r.8.'� ,.3ropor-'t-,f : t ” 9> tws (or ,.11 much tbereof ..a.s Y-,� x ear.`a�,a �x to'n anis tea., ., ., w,a$ ,. tiwk no aacoue at A',1 t0v WO dl �..E t e 0 o a ... a s.- .s v `_ e-A`,i.:... to;,,..F ,. w w w.3 Ld.ai,'"', A,x :.3 q 1 ?Y:,. be to of viant Of, is s,t "r'I a`3a p 1 S;t,njp,,00" ti,,k bonds h:ivel r ='.a bov is w ,.da.,wuns f -; Wo t AMC ".A shall no Prot ° 3.ae hot' I ^:'F ' a't x.y Vho "� i_ `z"i 7*`,�.!'.�.�:"�.� ,i�' .:��'.�; " � �, k.v n`a psrat;a a:-:a tavlsac!'.. on bin books. 3HOTION V11 have w oo"n, p `w'FkpT:wafl +*':zi.3,`�4.�. �a�,.a',.a*"�;h�n.. V,,s !,�,,Ponntr proacribud b�ar the ordlnAnee, they stall, be anbAtted to " tia % t(yrnw y t rAftral 011 the J,tato of Teta-q, togethez, o1 th a a rd; copy of thia the Cit - "f Fork cludi"` , h'so>zde, x'tobrai. gigs authorized aad the azzassed, of the tuxable prapert)y in said 51to for tax approval, and none of asid and shall be nogotiated, WA or transferred nntil the sfta,,,,o shall llaave ra- colved the offleial sanction ot the saldt,,ttorr4cr-,7 G'enwral as proscribed by law, sin t Inood nd thavoaftor said, bonds shall -* p ,witl"t the State Wptrallar of i'�,,blio for rogistratlon, 31QUOu Vill fl,gat tlkte City of the Oit, of ,ii,orth, or otltaNreustcxliftr� of such fanda, durknC; the aior�ths Ot 1',fov*wb*r and May of andl evary ,,j-aar daring the 13fe of sah,S bonds or part toareof, and, not later than the , 5% day of ane; of said wontinz, 81,'o ll tr%narnit surfieidnt t"o?"1*y otit as, the, lntetra.',,it f,,end',: nrwrtad, for tk"r; payment or the Int-erest iiocrndU-',g on srt',. - IL13 bonds , b to the ilanoVer HationSI iank Of t'At Cjt'y- "'�or]k" "E"twit"s of New "Tork, axed lihowlso .ire 6j,as.ttionwo -shnll bo enak6e, in dtto' aour�,ie to grrovlde forth'a f 'U, a Prinelpal of' T"'kny of' sold bonds in advance of the maturity of Same. WTION TX All., ordinanaeaai,i parpts of or-dinances k'n onrif"I'lot bArawith be anul thay are horeby c-,-rjrwAfix: repealed. 380TION X The holdine or adjadiestion of Anp, soOtl0r, yportion, ov part hereof to bo Invalid, 911,A11 nk,>t smr-faot the valldlt';7 of ally c,,t'nor seetion or part of thia nidi nauoe, but all AuGh othAr sections, porto- acral parts h.are-,wf slaall be and r .inlnva lid, X1 That this, arelinftnOO shall talre aj�fsotr ar, be In full fora o -and efteat from the date of ItZ PaStMgl RrIC5, It is so ordalnod.f *:a+'e �,,.'e".iis", is"-x,�k.?ell.a g vt'a'it"-' .' 'q€x`," s t,",4�. ' ;;A7`� " !,i>;*r �'.°�o n, �,} :,: �"':5;oe` ' Q 4'm, e* 4 ;".` ' ria to ,..doP,+y. pia . .§fin ,tt-- p,rwft to v'.+la,+w '7. na"' .as 1.�" :,» �4'e� sr:t 3c„dp e '„w .S„dJ.E.3 TR,,%, +":a. xii 2-v� a.3 avd`.:rlo�golll;m wx "+'rant`.'`: 'ta £='4 Me m' P4or'`W; an£'�'+.z" of Ord?�.imk.pa No. 1628, a Q :* t ,..ta,`t WIS '"lcwAp wd bq th-0 01,11-y M*Oong AM Ir", c*vu t7ha t the alta ft-111, Win" x327 gland at Toxas, Als she day of UctohnV A D. I=-'a& R