HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1401 MUM 1* Ord inews No, 1401 authorizing the iasxnce of SwerL Rundred Thoumad (MO,WU*OU) Doll"s North ;�f ltreet Improvemc-A Bonds mit of 'eries No, 52* 2* Certificate of City Secretary-Treso-arer sh,-)Yvint� thi-t nio other Est nda have been authorized to be issued out of `"cries 52. The City Co'Lmail of the City of 'Port Trorth met in arognUr session in Vie :-2ouncil Cliar.ber at the City lfpU at 9.30 k. P'., Tuesday, the Wth day of Nrch, % 7). 1ts8, and u an roll cz it tha �olloving were present'. Wa. Bryce, llaycr, W, 3, Austin, -lllard Burt m, Van Zandt Jarvis, . '.,'ming, .3. T. Renfro$ John 7. "Darkd ,,,nd A, 'g. Thomas, Councilman, constituting; a quorums and majority of said Roard, and I. L. Tan �andt, Jr., City See retary-±'reasurer, was in attendance at said meating, rand the fzllcwi Tarocesdin,_;s, among other t hints, were had and don t Courncilmmn Thows, seconded by Cotmoiimian ttonnig, moved the adoption of the fo;lloAng Ordinance; ORDINANCE N'a.�. AN 0RDINk!I�2, 7 ?a71'11NG r��i Tlt i, 1�M, AB 0V CIiR OF PORT '.'rO.IRM IA'GMI�' � `O TH3 "111TCIPAL Cr q 3N IIED TWAN 000.06 DOLLAR ®TIT OF AN PI 0 -1 9"0013, 0 ' Yi!' iiL"'?�'. V T [15A1 } �i4500 * DC LAM Ali? DD+ `ZVIAT��y7 1��g�e'"'4��Ryq�y:�, III -TI'MIEUM BCKW"' '�t3 ��gIS- gUM))Slit i3Yry�lr 1-SJ�i pd[:O y SII" .t�4..rairypyFl�N'y�q, VlSL'l i 7 FP,�I. (fit Lat TI'�TO im, 0 �1 V �f3 G SM-NTS THO NF FSA P17D ST 8 49 ,AID LITS PSCR of 3A BiFfW T BB III D PIlTATIts OF OHS THOUSA"D 0 .0U DOLLAIRMI�'Bljlo A"iD SAY 1 1 ETA F€OM FI S 1�WT AM YR MY 3 DATE TTMaF A�} c s.'C "T' +.�y OF 'Dt1Tt AND ( ►F� 'r' C "7' I'1 AN PA"'UCBI,3 S'NrdI-A 1AI1L7 M I ��f'�"t' B '' IIS C� A�l"AAC ! TO TB3 110NDS MMOTING THAT T93 SAID NNW BE IM"ED TTDI'"A} Vol? AN ANQUAT3 'SAX L 'n F-TVA op Tt's ON SAID B(FIS AIM TO CREATE A 5IM?* 70M �+ -4 TNB PlYM IIT OF THE M- INQ IP?,l THERE(T A THE SAID VAT f13 M T X1 TO TIM AND PROVIDI TEAT TARS 00)INANCF 5&ka B3 IN MAOI QJD 13VV T FROG AND AFI'l ME DAT3 OF ITS P:ASIAGE# Ar on tLe 6th day of Deceer, 39270 pursuant to the authority vested in said Cita by "action 19 of Chaiter 77 of the Charter of the City of Fort 7orth, adopted by the gaalified. voters Within tree limits of said City on the 11th day of peoember, it. T). 1924, and the laws and constitution w�' 'the Ute of Tame, the City Council of the City of Fort -"orth, Texas, by a resoLition and an ordvin- ,ance of that date, directed the submission to the resident property is}paying (junli:i ed voters of said City, at an elec- tion to be held in sp-id City on the 10th day of January, "„ D. JV%, of the right, power end authority of the City Cour oil of said City to isoue negotiable oouPon toads of the cor- porate _overmsat of the avid City in the ,principal sum of One zillion, rive T'uradred, Thousm- d ( 1,�uU,Otifl.00) Dol3ars0 for the ptwpose of mating narmRnent improvements in said City by constructing, improving, .ml 'extending the stroets, thor- ou,-Afnres mnd stone sewors o7 the s�id City, and to include in such �ermanont improvements the ridezingr, paving, grade separat ion, bridgei and drainage; and '717 T',A It in emformity with the sait! resolution and ordiaaace, the 'nyor of said City did nn?v T)roclnnntion of srid election, and fixed the urate V reof for the 10th day of Ja=ry, A. D. 1928; and IflBR A a, mid election. order €sn,d proclamation there- of was prepared and published in the manner ani for the time prescrited in said resolution rind ordimmoe; and on the 10th day of Janupry, A. P. 1928, ss:id election was held in the City of Fort `urth at the, re- spective polling places designated in tf a elaction order, at which said election the is.nunnee of said bonds was submitted s.s a nroposition to the tW�aying qualified vuators of avid City; An6 WJWASi tka official b419t on soak osusla% in oWa mitt' with the resolotim and ordimmo of the City 4satossil, hereinabove =utimod* sed is asoordamo with the order of acid slostim4 is fare and in sabsstamae resdsr as tollowss s OFFICIAL BALLOT I. Shall the City of Fort Worth, through its C t Council, ssue its negotiable coupon bonds, r ng from five t5lundred to torte �(4U) years, in the principal siun of One Million live ousand l;?1,5u7,000.007 Dollars for the purpose o constructing, improv- in and extending streeis, thoroughfares and storm sewers of said CNy including in such permanent improvements the wideni , pav- ing, grade separation, bridges, and drainage, the fir-st of said bonds being payable at the expiration of five years from the date thereof, and serially thereafter as may be determined by said City Counci.L, o that the last maturing bonds shall become payable within forty 4U) years from the d to thereof, bearing interest at a rate not to exceed five per cent (5%) per annum from the date thereof, ayable semi-annually, and levya sufficient tax to pay the int ere on said bonds at the maturity hereof? FOR the Issuance of Street Improvement Bonds. AGAUTST the Issuance of Street Improvement Bonds. II. Shall the City of Fort Worth,•through its C ty Council, ssue its negotiable coupon bonds, running from five tb) to forty t4u) �ars in the principal sum of One 01111un Une Humdred Thousand J 0,000.Ot}1Dollars, for the pur ose of improving, extending d enlarging the sanitary sewer sys em and sewage disposal plant of said City, the first of said bonds being payable at the expi ra- tioh of five (5) years from the date thereof and serially there- after as may be determined by the said City 6ouncil s that the last maturing bonds bhall become payable within forIj �4u) years from the date he eof, bearing interest at a rate no to exceed five per cent 15) per annum from the date thereof, pa able semi- annually, and levy a sufficient tax to pa the interest of said bonds and create a sinking fund sufficient to redeem said bonds at the maturity thereof? FOR the Issuance of Sanitary Sewer and Sewage Disposal Bonds. AGAINST the Issuance of Sanitary Sewer and Sewage Disposali Bonds. III. Shall the City of Fort Worth, through its C}tp Council, e its negotiable coupon bonds, running from five t51 to forty �4sUs�)years, in the principal sum of TwoHundred Thousand ( 2uUuv .0 Dollars, for the purpose of improv' , extenaing and enlarging the sastbme atwaterworks expirationaoa five'�rsffrom thest of sdatebonds th thereof, and serially thereafter as may be deterrmined by the said City Council, Nthat the last maturing bonds shall become payable within forty ) years from the date thereof, bearing interest at a rate not to exceed five per cent (5%) per annum from the date thereof, pavab.ie semi.-annually, and levy a sufficient tax to pay the interest on said bonds and create a sinking fund sufficient to redeem said bonds at the maturity thereof? FOR the Issuance of Waterworks Bonds. AGAINST the Issuance of Waterworks Bonds. IV. Shall the City of Fort Worth, through its C't Council, ss e its h6gotiablepcouponpabonds, runni.ngfrom f}�e'W5�,to Eberly 1(4ur in the principal sum of One Ilion ll 1 000 000.00 Dollars 6r tie purpose of construc6ing, erectang and equipping a new jears unicipa.l Building for the ity of Fort Worth and orpurchasing and acquiring the necessary lands and site therefor; the firet of said bonds being payable at the expiration of five years from the date thereof, and serially thereafter as may be determined by the City C uncal, so that the maturing bonds shall become payable within for �40 years fr m the date thereof, hearing interest at a rate not o exceed five t5%) per cent per annum from the date thereof, payable semi-annual y and levy a sufficient tax to pay the interest on said bonds and create a sinking fund sufficient to redeem said bonds at the maturity thereof? FOR the Issuance of Municipal Building Bonds. AGAINST the Issuance of Municipal Building Bonds. V. Shall the City of Fort Worth through its C t Council s e its negotiable coupon bonds, running from five to forty ppears in the principal sum of Three Hundred Fi ty Thousand 000.06) Dollars, for the purpose of constructing and building a bridge across Lake Worth in aid Citin the vicinity of what iscommonly known as the "Dine Tile Briige" the first of said bonds being ayable at the expiration of five (5) years from the date thereo , and seriall thereafter as may be determined by the said Cit Council, so tha the last maturing bonds shall become payable wit 'nfort (40 ears fr he date thereof, bearinginterest at a rate not to exceed five r5%� per cent per annum frothe date thereof payable semi-annually, and levy a sufficient tax to ay the interest on said bonds, and create a singing fund sufficient o re- deem said bonds at the maturity thereof? FOR the Issuance of Lake Worth Bridge Bonds. AGUNST the Issuance of Lakd Worth Bridge Bonds. VI. Shall the City of Fort Worth, thr Counc U. issue its negotiable coupon bonds, running fromfive t5) fortp� 1401 years, in the principal sum of Three Hundred Thousand U0,000.00 Dollars, for the purpose of creating a permanent revolvin street improvement fund to be used in pa ng for any character of street improvement or part thereof, the cos of which may be assessed againstersons and property specially benefited under the terms of the Charter and the laws governing such matters; it being contemplated that such fund shall be used merely to advance the money necessary for such work in connection with the cost of such improvements until the special as- sessments shall have been collected and such revolving street improve- ment fund shall be recompensed from the said special assessments ane said fund shall be used over and over in the manner as aforesaid, the first of said bonds beingppaagable at the expiration of five years from the date thereof and serially thereafter as may be determined by the Olt yYCoun it so that the last maturing bonds shall became payable with- in forty �40 years from the d to thereof, bearing interest at rate not to excee five per cent (5�) per annum from the date thereof, pay- able semi-annually and levy a sufficient tax to pay the interest on said bonds and create a sinking fund suf fici ent to redeem sal d bonds at the maturity thereof? FOR the Issuance of Revolving Street Improvement Bonds. AGAINST the Issuance of Revolving Street Improvement Bonds. VII. Shall the Cit of Fort Worth through it Cit Counci issue its negotiable coupon bonds , running from five ?5) to forty tH yyears, in the principal sum of One iii dion, Five Hundred `Thousand 11,5u0,- 000.00) Dollars, for the purpose of constructing, building and equipp- ing a Municipal Auditorium for said City and for purchasing and ac- quiring the necessary lands and site there or, the first of said bonds being payable at the expiration of five (5 years from the date there- of, and seriall thereafter as may.y be determined by the City Counc'l so that the last maturing bonds shall become rayabie within forty ears om the date thereof, bearing interest at a rate nut to exceed ive (5 per cent per annum from the date thereof, payable semi- annually and levy a sufficient tax to pay the interest on said bonds and create a sinking fund sufficient to redeem said bonds at the me- tur it y thereof? FOR the Issuance of Municipal Auditorium Bonds. AGAINST the Issuance of Municipal Auditorium Bonds. VIII. Shall the City of Fort Worth, through 1 s City Counc}1 issue its negotiable coupon bonds, running from five 5} to forty t years, in the principal sum of Three Hundred and Fifty Thousand 50,000.vO) Dollars, for the purpose of purchasing, acquiring and improving lands and property for public parks in the City of Fort Wr h, the first of said bonds being payable at the expiration of five r5),years from the date thereof and serially thereafter as may be determined by the City Councij, so that the last maturing bonds shall become payable within fort��rr0) y s from the date thereof bearing interest at a rate not to exceed—(5f) per cent per annum from the date thereof payable semi-annually, and levy_a sufficient tax to pay the interest on said bonds and create a sinking fund sufficient to redeem said bonds at the maturity thereof? FOR the Issuance of Park Bonds. AGALNST the Issuance of Parx Bonds. IX. Shall the City of Fort 'North, through 1 s City Counc'1, issue its negotiable coupon bonds, ruing from flue 15) to forty 4u} ears 1n the principal spun of Six hundred and Fifty Thousand ( 65u,0U0.0O) Dollars for the puose of constructing building and equipping a new Public Library forlhe City of Fort Torch and for purchasing and ac- quiring the necessary lands and site therefor, the first of said bonds being payable at the ex iration of five (5) years from the date tber of, and e- serially thereafter as may be determined by the City Counc U ho that the last maturing bonds shall become payable within forty t46) Tears from the date thereof, bearing interest are. rate not to exceed five (5%) per cent per annum from the date thereof, payable semi- f- ly and levy a sufficient tax to pay the interest on said bonds at the maturit y t be reo f? FOR the Issuance of Library Bonds. AGAINST the Issuance of Library Bonds. NEWS, is the slsot im hold is Said City of Fort Worth an the 14th by of Uwary* A. D. 19280 on the mostion of the ismanoo of maid tends hsreisn before meat ione d, there was a majority of rotes is favor of the issea amm of said ids; and " IRA"Op by virtue of said election, said Counssil is rested with paver and authority by asd from the people to iss:sm said bastds for the purposes aformentioned, and to mks sow valid uad tinding oblilptiens of the corporate ip"rnment of the City of Port Vorthi rad �'a100 it is desasd wise aad sxpedi ant 'by the 01ty Commil of the City of Fort Worth, in the oxweiss of the div +oration reposed in it by lair, 1tiat only Seven Mmdred Thhomieaud ( J oOOO.[M(ji Dollars worth of the authoris od issue of One Nil— lions Fin RmAred Thomsand (41050090OU.UJ) ?)ollars be issued In bonds at Me time; or id bonds to los i,mued lasing a part of Series fifty-two (R) and dosigrAted as "Stnet InWovasat B�or►do". WON 111"OESO H8 IT 0FDP,1JED BY THE C ITY 0000IL QF 711C 1TY tib' Ftp W $t ICK 1• 'kat paEaasaat to Seatioa 19 of Chapter M of the Cho rter of the City of Fort t*M4 adepkel ty the gxtlifisd raters within the corporate limits of said City an the 11th day of Domemlarr A. J. 1974, and the laws and a exist itution of the Stats of Tms, &M parsrsat to a gate of the remi*- drat property tax paying voters of the Cit• of port Worth. at an slsetion held in said City for mach rurtxv as on the 14th day of Jramry, A. Ds 1928, tLsrt the s maicipa, govern- ant overn►a nt of the City of Fort worth t+erae its corporate negotiable oeapol� beaads in the prisipal an of SOM R=*0d fhraasmd (t=000040) Dollsgri4 out of an authorized issue at said elestion of 111AW g'_i.Mon, "nitre H dred Thousand ( 1,50d,000o- 00) Doll"x, and vddeh.nutborized issue is bairn as gc@rLon fift"so (dB) and Aesienated as "8txreet Tm-m vroont 'DaaWs end the bonds ro to be issued she U tie in the lonninatim of 0" ;o Emnd ($1,000.00) ZbUssrs each, dated ffiay► 1, 19200 taxing interest at the rat a of four and ane-fourtb ( per Gent par anxMI, payable lrnd-&NMA Y an tho let day of NOV- eaer and ?,ray of eaoh year respectively, teeth ps iw ipal. arid interest of said bonds bein pr;rblo at the Rmover Watioa.t. Bank in the City of Flea 'fork, Ita,,e of New Turk, the read- anml interest brim; evidmed by interest coupons attach- ed thereto, all of said words to be easeated for and as be- half of the City of Feet Forth by the Wy►or thereof, attest- ed by its City 'acre tary-7reastir or, with tht seal of the City therrsen daly inprasnd, but the interest sonpens to be emsouted with the lithowaphed faosdalils stiqLature of the Mayor and City lecr+etary- reaaaurer of the City of Part ldrU4 each of niri bvntLq and cower ahull be negotiable sad pay- able to baarer, and ,said banal aimil be nmi Barre d in the way. and mmner liarsia ter eat ovAt, u0t1wing five (5) years fres the dxte ttaaroof aW amuallyr thereafter until the last maturing bond shall hec"°e ,payable within forty-(40) gears from the date thereof, and the bonds themselves, seven hundmi 003) in number, PWI be nuniu Bred c onsc ut,irely fron one (1) to seven 'hunft*d (7th) imlusivs, ann shall aroatun in the amounts and xamer hereinafter not outj said bonds shall be reared tar the -purruse of making pormzmm►t tar* prorrsments by coartracting, extending and improving the streets, tbomghfarea Baud sto= sewers of 'said City, That the general fora of said bonds and the coupons thereto aramd. ani! the interest added to said bonds shall be weesnt ed saUtant ially in the f oI loving 4o m s NO. UNITED STATES $1000. OF AMERICA SPATE OF TEXAS, COUNTY OF TARRANT SERIES C I T Y O F F 0 R T W 0 R T H ---0000000--- KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the government of the City of Fort Worth, a municipal corporation, duly created under the lwws of the State of Texas, hereby acknowledges itself to owe, and for value re- ceived promises to pay, to bearer, ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS (01000.00) in lawful money of the' United States of America, on the day of� , A. D. 19_, together with interest thereon at the rate of four and one-fourth (410) per centum per annum, h payable semi-=annually on the 1st day of November and May in each year, on presentation and surrender of the annexed interest cou- pons, as they severally fall due. Both the principal and inter- est of 'thi`s bond are payable at the office of the Hanover National Bank, in New York City, N. Y. , and for the due and punctual pay- ment of this bond at the maturity thereof, and the interest there- on, when it falls due, the full faith, credit and resources of the City of Fort Worth are hereby irrevocably pledged. This bond is one of a series of numbered consecutively from to , inclusive, each of the denomination of One Thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars, amounting• in the aggregate to the sum of issued for the purpose of under and by virtue of the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas, the Charter of the City of Fort Worth, and an ordinance of the City Council of said City lawfully passed and adopted on the day of A. D. 19 , pursuant to valid au- thority from the property taxpaying qualified voters of said City, at a proper and legal election held on the 10th day of January, A. D. 1928. It is hereby further expressly represented, recited, and covenanted by the government of the City of Fort Worth, to and with each and every holder of said bonds or any one of them, that all acts, conditions and things required by the laws of the State of 'T exas, and of the Charter and Ordinances of the City of Fort Worth, precedent to and in the issuance of this bond, have been done, have happened, and have been performed in pro- per and lawful time, form and manner as prescribed by law, so as to make this bond a legal, binding and valid obligation of the City of Fort Worth, and that provision has bean made for the levy and collection of a direct annual tax on all taxable property in the City of Fort Worth, and that such tax has been levied in a sufficient amount for the payment of the principal and inter- est of this bond at the respective maturity dates thereof, and that the total indebtedness of said City, including this bond, and the issue of which it is a component part, does not exceed any constitutional or statutory limitation. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the City of Fort Worth, in the State of Texas, has executed this bond by causing it to be sign- ed by its Mayor and attested by the City Secretary—Treasurer, with the seal of the City thereunto duly impressed, and has caused the annexed interest coupons to be executed with the facsimile signature of the Mayor and City Secretary—jTrea.sarcr, and dated as the first day of May, A. D. 1928. CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS. .yo r ATTEST: City Secretary—Treasurer (FORM OF COUPON NOTE) SERIES N0. $21.25 The City of Fort Worth, in- the State of Texas, pro- mises to pay to bearer Twenty-one Dollars and Twenty-five Cents (421.25) , on the day of , A. D. 19 at the Hanover National Bank in the City of New York, N. Y. , for interest due that day on its municipal bond, dated May 1, A. D. 1928, and numberrad CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS ?layea� ATTEST: City Secretary-Treasurer 3MTION IL That the said bonds so to be ismied by the City of Fort Worth, amounting to Seven Hundred 'thousand ('`'?uu,QUO'OO) Dollars, out of the said an thorised is-me of One, ldillioj4 Five t1undredAi$lV500,UOU*00) Dollars, shall be isaued for the Purpose of constructing, irprovirC rrnd eutendiru., the streets, thorou--h fares, storm sewers, bridges rad drainRgeD of said City and consist of seven hundred (TOO) bonds, numbered from one (1) to seven hundred (700) inclusive, and abP-11 bear inter- ext at the rate o I and gae-Q!I114or cent „er annum, payable semi-,-mnually, as aferesir id; e11 of wr a ch said seven hundred (700) bonds shall be kno�m tie `?eries fifty-two (52) and shall be styled and do-Agwited fts ""tvecet I«provementk Bands"; that all of mid bonds, conprisir the sm tvtnl of =erven Ahnd- red `fhouean.d OV00,000.0O) Dollars, stroll mature in the =inner and amounts as set a-lit in the tabulated statement herewit* at- tached, to-Witt C.ITT OF I3Rf WORTE rph L V MUTMI M0000,00 STR-I,T r-7111 LATO WY 1St', 1928 JAB YAY LSP Il�CI�,L 1933 400a. 35 14 000. 36 14-000.. 14 000. OUO. 39 l . 40 4'0009, 000: 4� �COOO. 4000. 44 W 000. 45 7�4:UUO. 47'_46 I4;0UU. V14;0000 1000. 1 000. 552 212000. 53 F� ,t7U0• 54 55 '000. 56 57 58 21;000 . +,1,000. 5y 21;000. 60 X154 ;000* ,2,000. 28;000. 28x000. A 28 000. 65 tle.ouul 67 28;000. 22'88". ?hnt the said bonds are hereby autliorized to be sold to the best adyntagoo but in no event ahRU arose be sold for lees then par, and the accrued interest to the time of delivery rL d the proceeds thereof, to be placed in the Treasury of the City of Tort `,orth ind utilised for the speoial parposes for vhieh they are crertod. SECTION Me t1f y Ir That for tete purpose of creating P sin)dV, funu for the pasysent FlA complete axtinguishmerA of the foregaing bond- ed debt, principal and interest, and ell ind every part of erne, there io hereby levied and 'there mall be s s.eased and colloot- ed as provided by law,, sat a,,art and agsropriated for the said purpose, rn aznu�1, direct sial ad valorem tax for the y+eer 191289 and every miccessive year thereafter during the life of said bonded debt or say part thereof of„., &6 Gents (or such an £mount as may be nwassary spud ndec-uate, be it more or lose) on every One hundred (0100*00) Doilats of property valus!- tiano, real, pareanal -nd maxed, subject to taxation and, not ex- empt therefrom under the Constitution r-nd lar of the State at Texas, situr+.'ted and owned in the City of Fort -'orth on the lot day ofTnnu.gry 1928, Lind on the 1st day of Jan ry of each year thereafter until oaid debt represented by said bonds and cmpon interest notes shr-U ht+ve been fully paid, Mrd if, at my time, etch tax should be insufficient, than it shall be the duty of the City Council or any other governing body of the City of Fart .orth, to sat apart and appropriate ouch additions l =on-:,,t of money out cf the gemral rer+rmnes of trie said City, as may be requisite to supply the de f ici+a y until all int ere s t stall have been paid and th-s sinking fund established $a required by the Constitution of the State of Texas and the Ch.artar of the City of port 'o rt h. SECTION V. That it shall be the duty of the City Council of the City of Fort Worth and its successors, and of the government of the City of Fort Worth, by levying taxes for general pur- poses for the said City of Fort Worth for the year 1925, and for every successive year during the life of said bonded debt or any part thereof, to include in such levy the special tax of 2.5 cents on the One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars property valuation (or so much thereof as may be requisite and neces- sary provided for in the neat preceding section of this ordin- ance, and such special tax shall on no account whatsoever be displaced therefrom. SECTION VI. That the special tax hereinbefore provided for, when collected, shall be placed and kept in a separate fiend and shall be devoted to the payment of the interest and the extinguishment of the principal of all and singular the bonds hereinabove men tinned as same matures from time to time, and shall not be used, applied or diverted to any other purpose or object whatsoever; and the funds derived from said tax shall be held and listed as a separate account on the books of said City, and the proceeds held and kept by the City Treasurer of said City as a separate and distinct account and so specified as such on his books. SECTION VII. That as soon as convenient after said bonds shall have been prepared and sighed in the manner prescribed by the ordin- ance, they shall be submitted to the Attorney General of the State of Texas, together with a certified copy of this ordin- ance and a statement of the total bonded indebtedness of the City of Fort Worth, including the bands herein and hereby au- thorized and the assessed value of the taxable property in said City, for his approval, and none of said bands shall be nego- tiated, sold or transferred until the same shall have received the official ssaction of the said AttorxLs' y Geral as prescribed by law, and thereafter said bonds shall be placed with the State Comptroller of Public Accounts for registration. SECTION VIII. That the City Secretary-Treasurer of the City of Fort North, or other lawful custodian of such funds, during the months of 1pril and October of each and every year during the life of said bonds or pert thereof, and not later than the 20th day of each of said months, shall transmit sufficient money out of the interest funds hereinbefore created, for the payment of the semi--annual interest accruing on said bonds, to the Hanover national Bank of the City of New York, State of lew York, and likewise remittance shall be made in due course to provide for the payment of the principal of any of said bonds in advance cf the maturity of same. SECTION Ig. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and they are hereby expressly repealed. SECTION X. The holding or adjudication of any section, portion, or pert hereof to be invalid, shall not affect the validity of any other section or part of this ordinance, but all such other sections, portions and parts hereof shill be and remain valid. SECTION XI. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in fall force and effect from the date of its passage and it is so ordained. APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney Igor Thn. Bryce, presiding at said nr eeting, submitted the; motion to adopt said Crdimince and a}1 of the Counci.L-nen, including the Mayor, voted "aye" thereon and none rated "no"* and the cation to adopt the ordin nee vas declared to be un- animausly pawed FLnd adopted. COUNTY OF T'ARRAINT I, • L. Van ".,andt f dr., City "Pecretary-Trowiurer of the City of 'Tort Forth,, do hereby certify that the above d foregoing Crdinnnce is a true and correct oozy Of Ordinance l o .......,.., samd tkw t wLme was unanimounly Tmosed n.nd aria peed by the City Cotmcil of the City of Fort earth, Texas, at a rogWAr meeting hela in the Cour it Chamber at the City Pall on Tuesday th 7ta day o March A. D. 19e8. PI 781,73 my hand at Port "earth, 'texas, this the _ dap o y r reasurer the City of Fort Borth. THE STATS OF Tis COmffy OF TAM..W C ITT OF F{ll'1' WGIVH WERSAS9 the resident qualified taxying voters of the City of Font ilorth, Texas, at an election duly and re- gvlaarly hold is said Cite an the 10th day of Jamary, A. D. 1928, authorised t?-,e issuance among other bonds of One Million, Five Hundred Thousand (4A,50O,Uv0.UU) Dollars, worth of nago- t lab lie bonds of the Cit y of Fort Worth, `P seas, for the pur- pose of constructing, improving and ezterriing streets, thor- ou;hfs.res P nd st are segs of said City and being known as Series No. 52 and desig m-ted as "Street °!�provemont }fonds"; Rua MI AS, the City Como it of the City of Fort Worth, Teras, at a regular meetine, held in the Council, Chamber at the City Hall in said City on `I'raesday, the 217th day of March, A. II. 19280 by ordinance Mo. 1401, authorised the isaranoe of Seven Ekmdred Thoua nd (�IUO,O00.O0) Dollars worth of bonds out of aeries N0. 52; 1 owl mH MF6, is I. L. Tan Za.ndt, Jr., Secretary- Treasurer of the City of Fort 'Yaath, Vexes, do hereby certify that the Seven Hundred Thouamd (; U,U U*00) Dollus worth of Street ISiprovement Booms above described and being numbered from one to seven hundred inclusive, out of "arise 11o. 52, are the only 'bonds t I r-:.t t�v City of Fort "'o rth, either by ordinance or otherwise has issued rr alxthorized to be isr,,xed out of said series of bonds. a T33TVMff �iH�; ;r�P, I have hore=to sided my name officirtUy and cs aced to he im�reeaeu hereon the seal of the City of Fort '.orth at my office in the szdd Qitys this the 711,h &y of April, A. D. IIC8. ,���.J,4 r .JeCi�� �A iastAd®rdf ®it v ox r'o Forth