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Ordinance 1701
K M. 1"a ulzm BMW or mac MWMM' cr to am or 7W"T 'w w MM, AUWMZM TO TM M' AL 00 W PSP WKMW ' IOU- DoLiAm ( M,CaD.W) AND MW=00 AB OMM 1931` An UMMOLM is *U" I Awr 0 a 0 no= TZUMMCII* MISM I w Puff 4'4P m rm nUMM 4W 40 =WSW NVAPJ (11 000.00) TO FO DaM IA=WW L UP&* MORIO IM PM (0) '10 "UM (90) UM MW VA OW NO AW TO 4 V& MM us w Imillylly to =. IKDOMOM in MUM Bow 20 PCS# PWMDO PCP 01 P3 11M 4W M Ml- R Zo Pim W JROTIVM A An to tom` PSR IM 'A't ja 1- 22, E mw -M au lINmmoATm SAM AM 9UMMAn-NMASMO JO IS= go in va- S1 j 4M=Ma4M = UOM#M= AM f==M= All) PUS'S MEMU lA, moaeas are needed for iar0roviaeg, caloaxglag and extend- Ing the filtvatiean, aeration and sedimentation plant of the Fate Vora City watarsorke so Be to mks said patios edegftte to the growisag aeeeds of the e>epemding pepalation of EUdd Cityi Bard, TAUMMS, by virtue of the aborter of the City at Fart Worth and the statUtse of the state of Tadao$, the flit' Counail of acid City is vested with fa11 power and authority to esus bonds severed by Us re- oeipts from, the inecue and revenues of the Water Degarlment for the pmr- pose of iaproviag, 44144 VS and ettteadiag the watnrmatko of said Ci'My$ Band, it is deemed rine and "dieast by the said City Own- oil, in the exeraise of the disc ration reposed in it by law, that lite Hmtdred Thousand Dollars ( D,00O.00) worth of said bonds be issued at this ties and that their be aeoigasted as °M rtes Revenue Honda, Swiss 19310; and, MUM, trite Citi► Cvaaail bas de"zol>eed and so adludges that the margin betwerom aetnal operatiyg expenses and the reoeipte f1 m the moose and revenues of the water Department will oreate a aurplas hand for in sx- osss of my nwmt that rill be regained to meet the gminallal and lVWW- eat payments on the bonds sosght to be issued and that it will be unnaoss- sery ever to resort to other funds of the City to par ensh prin Uml and interest) end, The ,gross reeelptn from the income and revenues of the Water Department are mare thin One million Dollars ($1'0000,000.00) atnally and the Cita Couail has the 8tetuierr, Conatitutiamal and Charter power its inaerease and augment t is amount if neassma ry b7 the premulgation of new rate straettures, and aamssgnently the City of Part worth will never be embersed by reason of its inability to meet the obligeticns herein orea'ted, Now, 111611�, BE IT ORDS H2 Tm CM COUNCIL OF THE OM OF FORT WORTH: MOTICS I. VMn sball be s=melted and isswsd by the alga of Fort l+arth. illab"Waarlrs Rename Binds dated 7amuary 1, 1931, bswinC; Interest at the rets of tow and thraa-rewthm par amt (44 ) per m xm., peYlabL ftly 1, MIs and etmi-aaau dly Ower on V* let day of January and Jaly In the dsmsraination of Om Thousand Dollars wa 000eoC) ata t, rabsra►d !moan me (1) Oo rite bntndred (quo) tualustvs, %Mp*Z%Urc Fits pared Thowk td Dollars (4000,000.00) and maturiw, as fallout BOW NULMEF3S MAMUP #z DAM A OU 1 - BD Tasnauay 1, 1938 '20,000.00 Al - 40 Januy 1, 1937 1101000.00 41 - 60 Tanywry 1, 1959 20,000.00 61 - 80 Teaumry 10 1939 20,OW.00 81 - 100 Tanwry 1, 190 200000.00 101 - 180 ''awry 1, 194]. 2.4,Oat.m ]A - 10 Jiea u" 19 1942 80,000.70 b41 - 160 sstuery 1, 1943 80,000.00 141 - 1; n TMRVM 1, 1964 20,000.00 110. - wo Tanuary 1, 1949 20,000.00 801. - 1m IMMIAry 1, 196 20,000.DO =1 - 260 January 1, 1947 80,000.00 841 - 260 JanwUT 1, 1948 20,000.00 861 - 2ZO Jemuary 1, 199 80,000.00 an - 300 Jmunry 1, 19M 20,000.00 901 - 'JPA Jaww ry 1, 1901 80,000,00 381 - 340 Iatttts T 1., to Z4,0100.W 343, - 3W 7aRNr7 1, 1993 110,000100 961 - 'BW 3ammomy 1, 19M 20,000.00 381 - 400 Janmr7 1, 1455 20,000.00 401 - 420 -Tawaary 1, 1915.5 20,pf(3,00 421 - 440 -Towwry 1, 1487 20,000.00 441 - 460 m'aaauary 1, +9bti 20,000.00 461 - 480 smeary 1, 1439 20,000.00 481 - 500 Jentsry 1, 1980 R'0,000.00 ==(a 11. The pr ins 1pal and inter"tr or said boxVW'stall be pal+sble at Ota Deems l H"ww B"k & "vel Ow"Ay of New Yoxit, City, in Um State Of ;(avt 7b*' the esti-"Mmml 'fest Wdad GTT by interest wupoata attached thnotee all of said boads miss.1 be mamtsd far A" is bebalf at ties City or mart North by the M"w OmMmof, attested by the -;*U*atary- With *9 seal of Ohs LIity tbarmen bttly iaaresssd, but the ia- ierest oouponw stall be saaeeated With tba ii#14gvp fWPO able 036m- two of the J avor *mA of the City of Fort �-aartr, stud watt of said bade and owpona aball be meFntiable and pnyable to bsatram. 39=99 iii. 'tae fbm of Sold Inter areerdeaea ta>A =A qoQft shall be llta bou nt ially as fbl'Laaa I (pcm OF MM) MDI, �......,� $1.000.00 UfZM) gum or I" STATH OF TEM aumm or fttorMWk'a Revenue DOM of the 01ty of FWA ftr%, ulrira 1931, Sass*A 1br the I'Xwpves of IVrovins, 253019ho MA 7x- t-%di rg the Mtomtiaa, Ami on sad SWUMta,- tiodn Plant of t'-,,c+ `.vate mMm of said My. 'that the G row of the CUT of ''ort grtu, a awaleip" oornoration, auly orapmiaod alai "Sated ate" spd b; rir'b * sof tlm Lahr of the Btate of Imuso '- ams itsalf to me and for Twine reesiT" plowless to pear to beerer, OM,' '211MRSA3a0 DOdLAaa ($1,000.io) In lxw tl m may of ahs Uidtad Statos of t+beriaa, on the Lt 4m7 of ,Tisa► ww r, rt. D. 1p , Insothear with interelet theraon of the raft of fbw nand Vxee-fourtbm per oaatsa (dam) per ems, persb +o aesai.-wnualiy oil the Lt day at 3uly aaad 'Tmvw7 in each yver an prodtantotion and sudor of the en m d intorMt ev%mms GA t187 srrwraI1Y fall *dui. math tt,e psinateal sad interest of this b=d ars vayable at the oft tee of Was Ommimml ikavrer Am& 4 Trust i li In no* Tavk uIttT, fere York, wA the seal or of the Oity of dist Wor9b, Itama, to hweby eathaviaod, Ards b and di"Ood to pear to beaver borW t1 w- sold pr iva 1pal,sm„ t*i ether with 00 tatwost tJ"wa, ev1donsed by the moqaede boreto eogMMad# both grinc%al MA land"% psyabis wMR dee at ttw ' OCT! OMOd, out of $be woolpta from ate lnown sad revowlse of the ft1woorice of said vitf. This bond is one of a series of lire te=Wbmd (500) boods numb- ered eoamevatitely from me (1) to tine bxdLved (600) Inclusive, each of the damaminat iam of One Thousand Dollars (01,000.00) mounting in the sggregate to the ova of FYve Hundred Thousand Dollars (O606f000.00) isowd for the parpose of tapraviaes, enlarging and extending the tiles tratlau# aeration and sedlivemtatim plmmt of the ]tort Worth 01ty Water- wm tcs, under end by virine of the Lave of the State of Texas and the Cberter of the City of Fort rorlh. The City of Part Worth eeraments, agrees and etipalatee that there is hereby met aside, pledged end appropriated, mnd that there vitt be 66voted to the Memut of ithe periaelpal, and interest of this and other Ilke obligmtioms of this aeries a sutfiaievt eaeonnt of am M &tt of the receipts Pram the inw me mad revemnee of the Water Depat-U mt of said cltI - to ftux pay, satisfy, disahay" and axtinguieh at the emturity thereof the principal seed interest at each and ovft7 one of Bald obllgatiane, as am* bea" due and payable under the teras there- of, aid the mads of said L ricin. arising from said mouse ars hereby pUft d to the full. and pro" payment of this and other like otrliga- tions and the interest thereon an same matare. It is hereby oeatified mad realted that all aots, conditions and things regvired to be demo preeedsmt to and in the issuanac of this eblipletUu; bare beam pr qWl y does, tare happened end hne bean portem- ed In rsOLUr and due time; fora and meaner as required lq the Ian of the state of Trims and the Charter of the City at Fart Worth, end that prerislon has been mde for the payaoeat of the prineipal aced interest of this 011gatien mad the e•rise of whiah it to a part by the pledge of the reeeipts trap the Luccera and rmnuse of the hater DepLr meat as hcreimabo" resited. This bmid and the series of vh1ch it In a peat is Atrostly se- oeaed by a est and part+mo mt lila an the receipts from the Imcomm and re►"nues of the Twt forth Oit:r ltatft*wwtae and the City of Fart Worth pledges its fUU faith and wodit to exercise its Charter pavers and all )Aw ttl mmens in order that prcpr rates gill be natatained and that dine sell"tlon thereof be andv to Us end that this bond and interest Vmm%- sn •IU be paid aseardiig to its tenor and ei'feete IN 7' !'7litgilt d=GY, the wity. of Fort Worth boa satssed its eQr- paste oval to be hereto affixed said this bmd to be sl and W its Moor, attested bF its 3sarstary--LlVeamrer mod the interest coupons hereto at- taehed to bare li'meapbed or engraved thereon a faesiinils of the signs- lam of the said M qw and the -ooretary-Treasurer, this ]est &W of -TSM aw, :kyr, Oity of Fort ort'h, "'mu +o -TXOavirsr, City of Awt tforth, Tegmas (Fm or ry Me City of Fort North, its tLe :::tate of Texas, pxmistw to pay to bearer Dollars % J ibnoww _eauk t: "mitt iompEsny of IMM YOW City, New York, far Merest due that d•r as Its MIetgal boUd, fasted and numbeivd . 14eyor orY t��t3i I'0. ftr tba pearpo" ref 3MYSMg Vw priWipal and tntemest of said ttaMas a spe oiel tlssd is beseW assatt& thiglk shall be dealgitated #a I 1� 1 ASTW= D" Amd, Sar s 1951", and fav the Pa7me of eraatibg a 814king ftM AW US mei rmnl 4MpkVW t of the primipal and interttst on acral toads 04 al and e^t 7 part of sera/, the Ssap0%LTV-Ti+e r L bew*by slid caul $,z"sed to sat ap t and . -j printe into a spaetlal fMA out of the trsseipts fmm tha is+eeM and rovems of VW JAW,% pa#c gatermorks in an ti Mnj4ent and requinito to mko au4b pa vents as *WW oftll fall due. MMTW V. T4sa talterp=t* -rw m qa ?,cnida asaShmizod by thio ordinance shoo sever be radcansd lu dsUmminimg Warner, Conatitutrional or Statutory UtItattons i'mIted on the city ref l00% '=4orth restriatiskt its pavWx to Lame toads fbr any pwpost. UsS.Utisr alis") Vile is- =mse sof said bonds wastitute ties Ineurrirw of Indebtedness or the C eution of indebtedness as emtwp3&%d in " p wi:sions of 30a- tans B aetd 7 of Male 1.1 sof tbs Oweptitut ion of 'fmas. .MaYlo V1. That It ebtll bo tits du# of the city arum it or the City at Fwk Nor Nd ita summe"We rad of the amurnmen of the atyr at 36A '1lrtttllt aft thg MVOY bind and obligate tb•tsakrss to pass AU wGinwase, rueolutiarnrs and to do acrd perforce wrarytUne teat mW %a meemememy to F into toMree and eff at rata that wM insure r aawmw at all a M and warf 141 ant +ma m 00 privalpaI of said mob 0 it ttt KU tea ei the iofis at tbsraoIL as it Amu bo dtae• Smonm T het the ftsm*sr7-Trsaaurer of On City Of 'o sit 'Oarth Or other 3eftftul "todian of such funds, durUg the tEpntho of Jtms and Dmnbw of ruoh and every y`m' during the life of em#/ bwQe, or part *97W* =a Mgt lAter than. the 30th Easy of each of ss" MMMMW,, Lebo]" taammit safflotamt ararW out at the Lutorost tads heroiabolave most- sd liar US V&YMnt of the 4M1- =WI Intmast acaMirir, an said beads IM 04 ©ilrabnl Hmover Hartle w Tsnst Gowumny of the City of Now York, Stato of Sm Yorle, mad lileorUe raadttease sbaU bo mado in due a area to par*vU* fm th* payamst Of that prinalpal of aaa�7 of said btida it ad- VMS* of us arttaalty of same. MOTIM • Ali ordfmmaes and revolutions and parts theraof In oonfliet berwith are hereby exLvsaaoly repealed to tie extent or said eoafllote 1'hi lam, 5eora3taTy-1 +aaieazrar, City I;anagar and City Attorney are bw*W {Breathed to do my and all things mosawary to e.arnplete the issawas and do2twary at the irovda muthmi7-ad b7 this ordinance. BROMON Zo Tbat Cda eadlamaree *hall talc* p Balt =4 be In t%U ffroe old offset fTm the date of Its pmm eAd It is to ordained. Saw, 3...1#7 Or -'Ort s aer4tar 're urOr of -10-m F Of Twt :royth, T4XU AIWROMW AS 'i'0 20,L z city y, c'%7 of MW h Foafh, 'T4=W