HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 4555-12-2015 A Resolution NO. 4555-12-2015 A RESOLUTION DETERMINING THE NECESSITY FOR ACQUIRING REAL PROPERTY AND AUTHORIZING ITS APPROPRIATION OR CONDEMNATION FOR PUBLIC USE WHEREAS, the Fort Worth City Council on December 15, 2015, in M&C L-15846, ordered and decreed that a public necessity existed for the acquisition of a fee simple interest in 0.313 acres of land fiom a tract of land located at 12744 Timberland Drive more particularly described in the exhibits attached to the above-referenced M&C; those exhibits are incorporated herein for all purposes (the "Property"); WHEREAS, the Fort Worth City Council has determined that: - the Property is needed for the Timberland Boulevard and Park Vista Boulevard Project (the "Project"); - public necessity required the acquisition by donation, purchase, condemnation or otherwise of the Property, located within the alignment of the Project; - the use of the Property will be a public use; and - that the Real Property Division of the Property Management Department was authorized to acquire by negotiation the Property needed for the Project. WHEREAS, the City of Fort Worth will acquire the needed property interests to obtain clear title; and WHEREAS, on this 15th day of December 2015, at a regular meeting of the Fort Worth City Council, upon Motion of Councilmember Dennis Shin lg eton to wit: I move that the Fort Worth City Council adopt the resolution authorizing use of the power of eminent domain to acquire a fee simple interest in 0.313 acres of land on property owned by Geralyn A. Fortin and Jean A. Fortin, located at 12744 Timberland Drive, needed for the improvements to Timberland Boulevard. The fee simple interest to be acquired are described by metes and bounds and depicted by survey exhibit attached to this M&C. The tract of land is located in Tract I IA02, Abstract 265 Jose Chirino Survey, Tarrant County, Texas, also known as 12744 Timberland Drive. The land rights will be used for the Timberland Boulevard and Park Vista Boulevard Project. ORT WORT Seconded by G_yna Bivens duly put and carried: RESOLUTION. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS THAT: The City of Fort Worth, Texas, is authorized to use the power of eminent domain to acquire the Property for the public use and inclusion in the Project; and The City Attorney be and is hereby authorized and directed to file or cause to be filed, to spend all reasonable and necessary legal expenses, and to carry through to final judgment proceedings in eminent domain for the acquisition of the property interest listed above and attached to the M&C. Adopted this 15th day of December, 2015. At on r 4� baooaxroaao „ 0 „$ 8 0 ATTEST , a: -' o 0 By: 010000000 Mary J. K e it Se tary �tqci " ORT RT E7XHIBIVAr PARCEL 2 Being a tract of land situated in the J. Chirino Survey,Abstract No. 265,City of Fort Worth,Tarrant County,Texas,and being a portion of that certain tract of land described to Geralyn A. Fortin and Jean A. Fortin by instrument recorded in Instrument Number D212009358, Deed Records,Tarrant County, Texas, (DRTCT)and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a Y2 inch iron rod found in the southerly right-of-way line of Timberland Drive(a variable width right-of-way)for the common northwest corner of said Fortin tract and the northeast corner of Lot 1,Block 2,Timberland Addition,an addition to Tarrant County,Texas as recorded in Volume 388- 183, Page 74, Plat Records,Tarrant County,Texas; THENCE South 89055'18" East,along the common northerly line of said Fortin tract and said southerly r|8ht'of-vvay line,a distance ofZ77.61 feet toaY2 inch iron rod found for the common northeast corner of said Fortin tract and the northwest corner of a certain tract of land described to Reginald Young et us Julie Young by instrument recorded in Instrument Number D211217854, DRTCT; THENCE South 00003'31"West,along the common easterly line of said Fortin tract and the westerly line of said Young tract,a distance of 48.66 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod with cap stamped "SHIELD ENG|NEER/NG"setinthepropoxedoouthedyd8ht'of-vvayUneofT/mbedand8ou|evard; THENCE South O9"52'57"West,along said proposed southerly dQht-of-vvay line,a distance ofZ77.57 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod with cap stamped"SHIELD ENGINEERING"set on the common westerly line of said Fortin tract and the easterly line of the aforementioned Lot 1- THENCE North 00*00'15" East,along the common westerly line of said Fortin tract and easterly line of said Lot 1, a distance of 49.61 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 13,639 square feet or O.313 acres of land,more orless. OF ROW W. MYAW EXHIBIT B PARCEL No,2 0 68n e Z ad STEVEN L. TOLAN x JACK A. PEDERSEN ETUX ELENA K. TOLAN zxi ETUX KAREN A. PEDERSEN :) 0 17,;�: COUNTY CLERK'S FILING NO. VOL. 8370, PC. 613, D.R.T.C.T. D210267643, D.R.T.C.T. O -j & IRON FOUND EXISTING RIGHT-OF-WAY tJ' c5 TIMBERLAND DRIVE POINT OF (A VARIABLE WIDTH RIGHT-OF-WAY) BEGINNING IRON Rd"rUl" D FOUND IT 1)FOUND EXISTING CM RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF DIRECTIORAL CONTROL cm S 89'55'18" E 277.61' Bc - PROPOSED TIMBERLAND BOULEVARD (D 0 0 (q to RIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUISITION 0 b b a 13,639 SQUARE FEET OR 0.313 ACRES 0 z I-: z V) cod 0 Z Z,-: ROW WAKEN S 89'52'57" W 277,57' zzmzi - )?G:0� LOT 1, BLOCK 2 ROW MARKER >- J:3 TIMBERLAND ADDITION =) VOL. 388-183, PG. 74, z I-IFZ P.R.T.C.T. uxo- GERALYN A. FORTIN AND JEAN A. FORTIN w 0 0i COUNTY CLERK'S FILING NO. 04 w D212009358, D.R.T.C.T. to ul 3: 3: CJ V) 0 0 O b a 0 (n V) N. H. THEODORE VOL, 14069, PG. 381, 0 50 100 D.R.T.C.T, 3/8'IRON &8'IRON ROD FOUND G FOUND City of Fort Worth 1000 THROCKMORTON STREET FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76102 NOTES: 1. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF EVEN DATE ACCOMPANIES THIS PLAT. EXHIBIT SHOWING A 2. ROW MARKERS ALONG PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY ARE 5/8'IRON RIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUISITION OUT OF A CALLED RODS WITH CAP STAMPED 'SHIELD ENGINEERING* SET UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 3.58 ACRE TRACT OF LAND 3. BEARINGS REFERENCED TO THE TEXAS STATE PLANE COORDINATE SITUATED IN THE SYSTEM, NORTH CENTRAL ZONE, NAD '83. ALL DISTANCES ARE SURFACE DISTANCES. J. CHIRINO SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 265 AS RECORDED IN . . ... . . . . 4. CM = CONTROL MONUMENT. COUNTY CLERKS FILING No.D212009358 DEED RECORDS,TARRANT COUNTY,TEXAS <1 f PROJECT: TIMBERLAND BOULEVARD CITY PROJECT No: 02288 ACQUISITION AREA: 13,639 SQUARE FEET OR 0,313 ACRES OF LAND, MORE OR LESS DATE: 02/09/2015 ROBERT W. BRYAN REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND DRAWING: 1304301-PARCEL-2.dwg IDRAWN BY: JCW i CHECKED BY: RWB SURVEYOR No. 5508 SHIELD ENGINEERING GROUP, PLLC • Po BOX 470636 FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76147 • (817) 810-0696 •TBPE F-11039 ® TBPLS 10193890• @ 2015 City of Fort Worth, Texas Mayor and Council Communication COUNCIL ACTION: Approved on 12/15/2015 -;Resolution No. 4555-12-2015 DATE: Tuesday, December 15, 2015 REFERENCE NO.: L-15846 LOG NAME: 21 PMD2288FORTINCONDEMN SUBJECT: Adopt Resolution Authorizing Condemnation by Eminent Domain for a Fee Simple Interest on 0.313 Acres of Land Owned by Geralyn A. Fortin and Jean A. Fortin Located at 12744 Timberland Drive for the Timberland Boulevard and Park Vista Boulevard Project (2014 BOND PROGRAM) (COUNCIL DISTRICT 7) RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council: 1. Declare that negotiations between the City and the landowner to acquire a fee simple interest on 0.313 acres of land on property owned by Geralyn A. Fortin and Jean A. Fortin located at 12744 Timberland Drive were unsuccessful due to the owners' failure to respond to the City's final offer; 2. Declare the necessity to acquire the fee simple interests for the Timberland Boulevard and Park Vista Boulevard Project; 3. Adopt the attached resolution authorizing the City to use its power of eminent domain to acquire the property for the public use for the Timberland Boulevard and Park Vista Boulevard Project; 4. Authorize the City Attorney to institute condemnation by eminent domain proceedings to acquire the described fee simple interest from the property; 5. Authorize a payment pursuant to an award of commissioners or a negotiated settlement; and 6. Authorize the City Manager or his designee to accept and record appropriate instruments. DISCUSSION: The subject property is needed to construct road widening improvements to Timberland Boulevard which will be expanded from a two-lane undivided roadway to a four-lane divided arterial. Phase 1 of this project will expand Timberland Boulevard from Park Vista Boulevard from West Caylor Road to Timberland Boulevard and Timberland Boulevard from North Caylor Road to Park Vista Boulevard. Road improvements will accommodate increased vehicular traffic due to population growth and ongoing development in the area. This project is implemented in accordance with the City's Master Thoroughfare Plan. An independent appraisal established fair market value for the land in an amount of$37,500.00. Negotiations were unsuccessful due to the owners' failure to respond to the City's final offer. Upon approval, a Special Commissioners' hearing will be brought to condemn and acquire the fee simple interests in the property. The mineral estate will not be acquired. The judgment will contain a surface Logname: 21PMD2288FORTINCONDEMN Page 1 of 2 waiver for the exploration of the mineral estate. Upon City Council approval, Staff will proceed with acquiring the needed fee simple interests on the property ea shown below. Funds are available inthe 3O14 Bond Program. n ype of Taking/Acres No. FT Parcel Address Legal Descriptio �274��Tirri—berland ract 11A-02,—Abs-t—ract265 Jose Fe-e Simple Interest IlDrive 'Chirino Survey P.313 To approve this Mayor and Council Communication /K8&C\ the Council Member making @ motion bJ authorize condemnation by eminent domain should say: | move that the Fort Worth City Council adopt the resolution authorizing use of the power of eminent domain to acquire a fee simple interest in 0.313 acres of land on property owned by Geralyn A. Fortin and Jean A. Fortin. located at 12744 Timberland Dr/ve, needed for the improvements to Timberland Boulevard. The fee simple interest to be acquired are described by metes and bounds and depicted by survey exhibit attached to this K8@C. The tract of land in located in Tract 11A02. Abstract 265 Jose Chirino Survey, Tarrant County, Texas, also known oe12744 Timberland Drive. The land rights will be used for the Timberland Boulevard and Park Vista Boulevard Project. This property is located in COUNCIL [}|STFl|CT 7. Mapeco 32C. CERTIFICATION:FISCAL INFORMATION I The Financial Management Services Director certifies that funds are included in the Fiscal Year 2D15 Adopted Budget of the 2014 Bond Program pursuant to Ordinance No. 21457-08-2014 and funds are uva||ob|o in the General Fund to pay expenses which will be incurred on this contract until reimbursement can occur from the issuance of public 000uriUao. Projected FY15/16 Budget Total Approved EnGUmbrances/ DeSGription Appropriation Project Budget Expenditures [Remaining Balance imberland Boulevard and Park ista Boulevard $11,763,214.00 $14,501,009.00 $1,967,131.00 $9,796,083.00 FUND IDENTIFIERS TO Fund Department ccounj Project JProgram ctivity Budget Reference # moul ID ID Year (Chartfield 2) FROM Fund Department Accoun Project ProgramActivity Budget Reference # Am� ID I ID Year (Chartfield 2) 1 ' CERTIFICATIONS:Submitted for City Manager's Office by: Jay Chapa (5804) Originating Department Head: Steve Cooke (5134) Additional Information Contact: Lexington Wright (8645) T.oguamc: 21PMl}2288P0RFINC0ND]BMN Page 2 of MAYOR AND COUNCIL COMMUNICATION MA M&C Log Name: 21 PMD2288FORTINCONDMN Copyright 2012 City of Fort Worth. Unauthorized 0 5501,100 2,200 3,300 4,400 reproduction is a violation of applicable laws. This product is ET ROANOKE RP Feet for informational purposes and may not have been prepared LIBERTY WAY V for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying a purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey 170 W Z W Z WESTPORT PARKWAY KE LER HASLET R WESTPORT PARKWAY a w w Gz r N\A �V\ NGti P DE RIFE 6' o Q ❑ o ° o Q N a, 0 < a a Q Q W J — U) W Q Q ❑ IDE G V w w ANGC LIN DRIVE J J Q Q lu ° Z ° �G ❑ Q H N IM ERLAND OULE YARD v OAK HAVEN ROAD D ❑ m W GAYLOR ROAD Q N EVP D o o° _......._ TIMBE J LI OND E E OOD AN FEE AQUISITION AREA C R VE W 13,639 SQ.FEET Q (0.313 ACRES) UC A M P E E O W W U ` W } W 377 J � BpUDEVAR� TIMBERLAND BOULEVARD W YIMBERLAND � 0 105 210 420 Feet DOE#7333 PROJECT#2288 12744 TIMBERLAND DRIVE JOSE CHIRINO SURVEY TRACT 11A02,ABSTRACT 265 DETAIL OF PROJECT LOCATION PARCEL 2-ROW