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r :9 69 9TT , so�9�;r':a t o emending Section l of Ordinance Yo. 78, -�. ssed by
Y 19 00 T•TT.:... Qolwof►
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a ,.oz no�l,Batola —gnt0 issioners trf the 'ity of Fort •.,orth, on October 7th
.a riUQataRYn 11hs
Pa}npawn or. inane amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 64
tl a�",o r rd of Commissioners of tle "ity of Fort orth, -;.y 27th
�1 ,me me r .in-_, n .)rdinzance prescribin and fi. inG the saloon -limits
k hid} -1,hich the business of selling or vending intoxicating liquors t
rlt -il to be Cain' on the premises may be lawfully conducted Athin, t
o . _ ory ort'.., ,nc providing i)enalties for the violation of same and
list' :-11_ orCinances in conflict herewith," and adding to t1 ._ said
territory .At ,in the s:-i ' 'Atv of . 'ort ,orth certain territory hereinafter
,'escril-e ', . nc . repealing all ordinances a& parts of Ordinances in conflict
here,: it h.
BE IT r�Tz , i '1 , �,� '' �. 0-' CO `I . .TONERS Oi I CITY CY
2,-,-L' _.1
Section 1. That Oection 1 of Ordinance -.o. 78, .passed by the
Bo: r o_f s loners of the "ity of '.',-ort 11orth, On October 7th 1908,
n entiticd 11L,1 LWiinance amending bection 1, of OrdinEnce o, 64 pass-
ed by the joard of "'ommissioners of the :ity of ., ort orth, y 27th 1908,
the sane being• an ordinance prescribing -nd fixing tre saloon limits -::ith-
in hick ',Ie business of selling or vending intoxicatin�- li uors t re-
tail to be drunk qn ;tT a ;;remises may be la.,.fully conducted wi'.l in tt e
nit,-, of Fort „girth, ane provi 'ir�:; ;,enaltie.- for Vie violation of same,
and rep lin.., ,ll ordinances in conflict t'_erc-Jith,11 be mended so s to
include the folloii i_ - ac 'itionc- 1 tettitory wit'. in , hich t- e business o
selling or venc'in-; intoxicating li uors z-t ret..il to be drunk on the
conc.tmte ", to-wit :
Beginnin(; at a point;n the boundary line of the territory describ-
.ick Ordinance No. 78, sl-ii:' point beip- i� the nor t. line of - li-
zabeth Street 62.2 ft east of t.TTc : st _line of the right of way of the
. & T. By. Co, Q Thence Ata the -'.O th line of `said Elizabeth Street
27 ft. ; Thenc^p, ra'llel Ji th 1-jA ,east line of the right of way of
the _ . T. By. Co. `.o _�,orth lin of :- : . ett eve. : Thence .':est
folloi:ir% ; the Forth 1.4neof ? "`•ett avenue to V e west line of an alley
ke Ordinance Amending.Section_1 of 0rd1n2uce
NO. 75, 1'essed by the Board of Coma,','- uers
the City of Fort Worth on October 7. 1'J09,
Entitled, 'An Ordinance Amending Section 1 ORDINANCE N�`-�
of Ordinance Yo. 84, Passed b7 the Board of
Odmmissloeers of the City 'Of Fort Worth,
Ajay 27th pLS. the Same Being an Ordinance
Prescribing and Fixing the Saloon Limits
NVIthin Which the Business Of Selling or
Vending Intoxicating Liquors at Re'ail to Be
Drunk on the Premises ',Jay Be Lawfully
Conducted Within the Citr h Fort Worth,
emending Section 1 of Ordiz anee N0.
and providing Penalties for the of 78, passed by
Same and Repealing All Ordinances lu Con-icefltet Herewith," and Adding to !Ile Said Ter-
ritory Within the Said Olty of Fort Worth
Ordinancesatter and Parts of'O'e° iSsioners the City of Fort ,,;Orth, on October 7th
naneem in Conflict Herewith.
Be it ordained b♦ the Board of 00mmla81,e11er8
of the ony of Fort Worth:
Section 1. That section 1 of ordinance No. 78, _��-- Ordinance am�ldir�g Section 1 of Ordinance No. 64,
peeled by the Board of Commissioners Of die
cit? t Fort Worth• on October 7th, 1908, and '
entitled "an ordinance amending Section '1 of --
ordinance NO.•84, passed by the Board of D05- �.•�". of Commissioners of the City of .Fort •north, :.: . 27th
missioners of the City o1 Port Worth, May ,th, ✓ r�
1908, the same being an ordinance Nrescriptn,-
Ini fixing the �oorv6ndiutstntoxt¢ituge the
• 7, �_,n Ordinance prescribin,-, and fl.- --ri -� the saloon limits
h+tnr_ex of xeliing a i
at retail to be drunk on premises
i� arC
WoWilg d pion kiln wienaltiethe
foretha sielation-
[ti'orf h, and P R P -
Of same, and repealing all ordinances in eon ,.�.siness of selling or vending intoxicating liquors A
fliet therewith," be amended so as to Include,
the following additional territory within wt",-,h
the bushels of Belling or vending ie premises,. on the .premises may be lawfully conducted within he
liquors at retail to be drunk on the promises �• �,•
may be IRwfullr conducted, to-wit:
Beginning ata point in the boundary line of
the territory described In maid ordinance No. 78,
Raid point being a the north line of Elizabeth}• and providing; •�jenalties for the violation of same and
street 82.2 feet east of We east line of tha-� ,
jright of way of the ,slissonrl. Eausas & Te),as
Railway company; thence with the north IJnc of if
said Elizabeth street east •L7 feet; thence north'
parallel with the east line of the right of way nances in conflict herewith, and adding to the said
of the Afissouri, Kansas & TexasaRanuea thenmc-
pany to the north line of Daggs p
toetheolwstn line sof Oona alley Ofline
gruns ett avenue
.hesai'. City of 'ort .,Orth certain territory hereinafter
and south from Daggett avenue. west to Elizne of
street; thence south efollowing e east linelof the
sigh alley and P ealing all ordinances and parts of Ordinances in confl' ct
right of way oY the ailasouri, Kausas & Texas
Rn11wa1 comPanv to'the point of beginning is
the north line of Elizabeth street•
Section 2. This OTdlnouee •thall be held and
cor.Btrued ae an amendment to said above men-
tioned or as
inane b7 the$o'erd of Commiorle-
iLance 191p whteh said'ordinauces
aiOnetR on Sane 3d. � ' - OF COTe'I:�`_IIONMS 0�1 '1:11.. CITY ��',F
shell remain in fall force and er=ect except and
BO fl, �...
herein dmended, and all other oMiaancea and - 1,j�.L
ppmats of ordinancea in conDJet herewith are Lore-
by repealed.
Section 3. This ordinance shall inks effect and
and be I. =once from and agetter its passa
puhticaton as required by law.
Approved as to form and validity.J•CAR'f, -
Corporation Counsel. That Section 1 of Ordinance ��.o. 78, .passedby the
l i hereby certify t,�t the above and foregoing T -
{ ted and nnani monal4 _
ordinance wen dn13 ff11
i permed and adopted-F the_Board of Com-11l." n- ..I,S of l ty of Fort .it0rth, On October 7th 1908,
erR of the city o= Fort RAa]lletl+rldeSl9]-Fof
said board held SatMurdP• HARWOC ► JR.. '
City inance amending Section 1, of Ordinance No. 64 pass-
ed by the Board of ' 'ommissioners of t1-e ''ity of Fort orth, y 27th 1908,
the same being an ordinance prescribing nd fixing the saloon limits with-
in . hick the business of selling or vending intoxicating li .uors . t re-
tail to be- drahlk an the premises may be lawfully conducted within t- e
nit of, c'rt ,orth, aiid provia:-'ing penalties for the violation of same,
and rep ling• . 11 ordinances in conflict therewith," be�. mended so .s to
include the following - a:. 'ition,°.1 te4ritory wit' in hich Vie businespof
selling or venelia-r Intoxicating liquors I.t retail to be drunk on the
-ses ma;; e _L . 1Ul-1 conducted, to-4 :
Beginning at a point n the boundary line of the territory describ-
ed in sai' Ordinance No. 78, said point being i? the nort line of Eli-
zabeth Street 62.2 ft east o� t'-9c e, st 'Line of the right of way of the
- 0 K. & T. Ry. Co, a Thenbe with the No :h line of '6aid Elizabeth Street
27 ft. ; Thence�pi rallel ',,-i th the ,east lin6 of the right of way of
the T. Ry. Co. to the T orth line of , ett Ave. : Thence west
Poll:., 'iii the -loath 14ne of ^;utt 4.venue to the west line of an alley
V 4
1 -
,,:hich runs North and South from Daggett Lvenue to Elizabeth Street ;
Th=nce South fol].oNPing the
41ine of sai6 Alley and parallel with the
_ st line o� W. T. R9• r�o• to the point of beginning in the
North line of Elizabeth street.
Section Z. This ordinance shall be held end construed as an ,-.memd-
ment to sail above mentioned Ordinances No. 78 and 64, and to Oildinance No.
16'7 passed by the Board of (,`ommissioners on �T e 'r' 1910, �tia ch jai Qrdi—
P _
nano shhll remain in full force : r.c effect except �_s herein amended$ ind
all orther ordinances p
' and arts of Ordinances in conflict herewith
hereby repealed.
ection 3. This Ordinance shall t. ke effect and be in force from
anc{ t fter its p-:,sage OMA !"'j:4atirn. as required by lar!.
ppro�red as to Form and Validity.
'oxporation ounsel_.
I hereby ffertify that the above and fore going ordinance wag duly
presented and unanimously passed and adopted by the Bo&rd Com-
missioners of the City of Port forth at a session of said Board
held Saturday August 22nd,1914.
city gseereXtary.