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RULES AND REGULATIONS. 'are used in this ordinance shall include any dltional compartmente may be connected In the
Ordinance No. 412. structure inclosed by wills,and covered with: a same manner.
sn Ordiance creating an examining board of su- roof. Section 55. Long hopper;closets may be used
,Pervisors of plumbers, designating the members Section 18. Each residence, building or tene: in outhouses if' installed as follows: Four-inch
thereof, and Ptescribiug their powers and du- ment,•and each apartment of every flat or apart. extra heavy P trap with 4-inch"extra heavy soil
ties and term of offices; providing for the meat house, shall be supplied. with separate .pipe• extended three feet'outside of foundation
licensing of plumbers and those engaged in piutnbing fixtures, and 12 inches below grade. , Spigot end of hop-
plumbing work within the city of Fort Worth; Section 19, No permit for a basement drain per',calked into soil pipe at floor line and trap
for the giving of indemnity bonds;the manner shall be granted until the owner of the buildiug to be set upon, good foundation and\dirt well
and way in which plumbing work, sh:cll be has executed and signed a written agreement re- tamped around same so as to support 11opper in
done; the kind and clitss of material to be used leasing the City of bort Worth from any dant- an upright position. ,Tank shall be of at least
In such work; the inspection of Plumbing work age that may result from basement being flooded four gallons capacity, with flush pipe of not
and the scale oi`fee for such' inspection; the by the stoppage of sewers, which agreement less than one and one-quarter inches in diameter.
Powers and duties of the inspector of plumb- shall be filed with the luspegtor of Plumbing. , Lead ferrules'will .not be allowed under hopper
Ing, and compelling buildings, under certain Section 20. No rainwater or down-spout pipes, closets.
conditions to be connected with Public sewcre, range boiler pipe, or other pipe used to eou*ey gection Be. When batteries.of water closets
and prescribing penalties for the violation of water or other substances of like character, ex- are in toilet rooms on one floor only and from
any of the,provisions of this act, and repealing cePtitig the Pipes necessary to Plumbing systems, two to twenty in number, same may,be installed
all ordinances, and arta of ordinances in con- shall be connected to any sanitary, newer. h system• of loop venting by extending, the
flirt with same. P Section 21. All drains, 'waste, vent and re- `horizontal line'of soil pipe up'and return full
Be it ordained b the Board o&Commissioners ` vent pipes shall be of extra heavy cast iron pipe size to main vent stack at a point one foot above
)f the Citv of fort by
or extra light lead pipe, and said heavy cast, highest fixture, or continue separately through
Section 1. That there is hereby created a 1rOV Pipe shall extend at. least three- feet Out- roof, itll size, t4us formit►g a-circuit vent sys-
poard for the'examination of plumbers within the aide the Willis of buildings;-waste pipes shall tem. '
City of Fort Worth, to be known as the Exatlklu-Said haveextra
stack, all clean-clean-outs shall berass head uts it foot `brought, to twosoromorce floors.atterles of where fixttreseareosetm On
Ing mud Superviaing Boned of Pidtubera. Said
hard shall consist of the City Physician. City 91'01111d or flogr level and be accessible; clean- over each other, same may be Installed on eir-
Engineer, a coaster plumber of-not less than ten oats elkall be of.same size as the waste pipe, euit system of ventilation not to exceed:twenty '
fears' active and continuous experience, and a except where the waste Ripe is larger than four closets In number.-
Inches,plumber of not less Chun five years'., !°thea, when a ;uur-inch clean-out will Suffice. Section 58. Where fixtures are to be'installed
tctlre and continuousexperience. The first three, All vent pipes shall extend at least two feet in center of room such as !par and barber shop
above Mentioned are to hold their positions dur-` `Above highest opening Jr, main roof and, vfhen lavatories, dental'cuspldors• etc:. the Plumbing
Ing their continuance in their respective offices not vertical, must have a continuous grade., ' Inspector trust be consulted before the work is
and the last two above mentioned shall be elect- Section 22. All chahsre.i in direction of• }pipe started.
ed by the Board of Commissioners of the City of linea shall be mads with regular fittings. Y's,, Section•59. ' In ever9 horizontal line under
bort Worth and shall serve until their successors 14 bends and clean-outs -Shall be installed at tho kitchen alttk or urinal; which extends five feet
are elected. 'llkeir terms of office shall eitcud bottom of eiirlt stack, clean-outs to be'accessix I or m6re from �perpendicular' l$Ae of drainage.
for a period of two years. If any vacaucy $!fall ble. No double hubs un straight teen will b same must be provided with ,a clenu•out screw
occur 1n said board they shall be tilled 49 the allowed on d►'ainage. g and placed aecessibie for use.
Board of Commissioners for the unexpired term. Section 28. The proper sl;e of waste pipes Section 00.,' Reverts for Dath or laundry trays.
Section 2. That the present members of the for s fixture The
not be less than the fallowing where under floor, spall not he ntu horizontal to
Exangining arc} Supervising Board of plumbers sizes, and for additional fixtures iq alae as fol exceed two feet from point-of intersection with
Shall continue to rVmain on said board until lows: w4ste Pipe.
their terms expire and their. successors ore •
Section S. Upon the written request of any
person, firm or corporation tubo desires to stand Closets 1YA 1% 1 2 4$0 6
the lumbers' egamivation hereinafter molded •••• •• •• ••• ••'•
38 50
for, of which appiicationr shall be accotn- Sand trade . ................ .. ... 1- 20 21-
1 35 38- 80
pauled by an examiniug fqe of three dollars for Catch basins .......::.:......... s• ...,. ... 1 20
,:.. 21- 35 38- 50�
such a licatlon for master lumber's livens Slop sin.:s ........1..,...;.:...`�: ,'�.' 1'-, 'S ' 8f 20' 'll- 35 36- 50
PP P @ •Bath t+ubr :,,. 1 2 4+5� 10 11- 0 41- 70 71.100
and two dollars for each n licatlon for jour- , •. ••••••f•• •"
ueyman plumber's license, said board shall pro.lI Sitz •tnl r• .................:�.., ...a;.....:.. -3, ,1 ' 2-'4 5- 10 11 100 '10
01 146 176-00
c,ide such examination for the applicants for I'itches s.aka • .. ........ ..,.....•:,:::,.+
Plumbing license as in its judgment will best Urinals . 1 �;2-„4 „5••10 11-100 101»176 176-250
test then fitness to follow saidtradeand bust- Wash trays . ....................�f:......,..,. 1", t2= 4 5- 10 11-100 101.175 176.250
Wash°basins , ,.,f.....: ;1 ' ' 2, 20 8 ,.9=.20 21-100' 101-175 176.250
nese and no applicant shall be'given a license """"""' •'S"''" (`"c'
PP B Pantry sinks . . ..:+.•....;. z 1. A'%A 3 8 9- 20 21-100' 101.175 118.250
antll he shall successfully pass such examination; Drinking fountain ..,,.,'... ,. f A'"
no persoa shall pursue the business. or occupa- g y .•}••.,�..,..r.•• }, .2 i•, 3-,8 9-:20 21.1Q0 101-175: '170
tion of'a plumber until he shall have a plumber'sSection 24. Extra heavy vent,branches,"In- Section-61. In buildings,of'more than seven
license. Eadh 110ense issued shall be given for I verted Y's or plain T's shall be used in'.epepings stories In 'height' the Durham system 71117 be
Et period of one year and be renewed at its ex- !left in vent pipes to relent fixtures. ! used, the material of which shall be of the
ptration upon payment of fifty cents to the ` =Section 25, Revent'pipes for a fixture'shall; recognized standard'for=that system, using gal-
board: Each firm shall have at all times at not be lees than the following sizes, and tort vanized pipe throughout and using;the screwed
least one member with a master plumber's additional fixtures increased in•size as follows: pipe and recesapd fittings,,and aball be insta11e1
license in full foe.ce and/effect. t ,
Section 4. 'Said board shall keep in 8 well- EXTRA LIGHT LEAD PIPE OR']h $TRA HEAVY CAST IRON PIPE. '
bound book the names and places of business of Inche ,
all persona to,whom plumber's license has been i 1tf� 2 8 4" ; 6 6
Issued. Closets . .. .' 1 2-'4 5 10 11- 20 21- 35 88- 7.0
Section 5.. Each person ,to whom a "master Sand trails , ......... . .>: .1 2-;4.•5- 10 .11- 20 `'21=35" '86= All 1
plumber's license has been issued shal, before Catch basins . ................:...............: ... 1 2- 4-.5- 30 11. 20 21- 35 30. 50
Dugaging in the business of master plumber, exe Slop si:rl:a. ........:.......:.................. .:.' 1 2. 4 5- 10 1.1- 20 21. 35 88= 50
:Ute a bond, payable to the City of Pott Worth, Bath tubs .... '1 2 8- 8 9- 20` 21- 40 41- 70 71-100 i
'.n the sum of 11,500, With a responsible surety Sift tubs . ..........•......... 1- 2 a- 8 9.: 20 21. 40 41. 70 c' 71.160
:ompany, authorized to do business;in 'texas, as KitcLPW sinks . ....... .................•*.... 1', 2' 8-'8 9- 20 .,21. 40-, 41- 70 71.160
surety, ,conditioned to protect'said city'agalnst Urinals . ......... ........................." 1" `2• 3-"8 0-`26 21. 40 41- 70. 71-100
ill lose or damage occasioned by the negligence Wash.trays . .............................r.•�.. i +2? 3-,8 :9- 20 21- 40 41- 70 71-100
A the principal therein in. failing .to'properly Wash basins . .................................. 1 .2 3- 8 .9- 20 21*40 41- 70 71.100
P P .. 1, 2.r 3-'.8,' 9- 20 •21-40 41. 70 71.100
�zecute and protect all work done'.by him or his Pantry sinks . �...............................
!mployes or under his direction or supervision, Drinking fountains 3. 8 $- 20 , 21 40 41. 70 71100
ind from all loss or damage occasioned by or
►rising in any manner from any such work done flection 26. Each house or building having in.Compliance with this ordinance-with reference
jy said principal or his employee, or, under his one or mare fixtures shall be provided with at to stye of wlaste and,vent pipes:
ifrection or supervision, which is not cau&dby least one pipe,for ventilation equal in .size to ' Section 62. Steam boiler blow-offs, pump ex-
- waste pipe' entering building, and shall be ex-,. haunts and bleeds;rom engine heaters, and tanks
:he negligence-of said city or its agents or em
�loyes; conditioned, further, that the principal tended to two feet above highest opening in shall empty�Into 'cast iron, brick or 'concrete
:herein con%tilkeep and rthobserr;e all ordinances,at main roof. And for every branch of forty feet blow-off .tank, and vent pipe soli be carried
my time enact by said City relating in any or more in length same shall extend°full 'size thrqugh roof from said tank to carry off r
say to piumbin worlF. Said bond shall be ap- and more through roof or be brought back full and vapor, the tank to have.;Yater•e n and
rl.. 1. ! a �.- f..l !14!�r� rn..r,.. . - .
ko sinks bath tubs, sits tubs, kitchen sinks, uri- 8fnks in hotels,,.restanrants, ooarolanousas ur
25 nals, wash trays,' wash basins, pantry slnks, manufactnt'lug'establishments must _ provided
%ml drinking fountains, showers, water heaters, hop- with grease traps of the proper else, but sone
id per closets, floor drains, where not,connecte4 to shall-be lees than 10110 inches.
at catch basins; sewers,, each section of sectional Section 39: Floor and cellar drains may dia-
a; fixtures; each other part of plumbing which is `charge into a catch basin, which must have a
connected to water or sewer pipe. A fee of $1 water seal trap of deep pattern. Catch basins
3 'kill cover outside closets, shall be of.cast iron, not less than 18x18 inches,
s- Section 9.. The Inspector, of Plumbing shall with cast iron cover bolted on. and where Inside
give the owner .or agent in charge of any build• l basement, shall be provided with a gate valve.
13 Ing or premises, or master or contracting floor drains, where connected direct to hoose
ud plumber, or plumber, in charge of any work, line, must be protected by back pressure valve.
or. written notice of any,defects in said pluipbing and be revented.
he or changes or repairs necessary, and.such owner, Section 40, Catch basins shall be consideered
un agent or master plumber or .contracting plumber, fixtures and must be.installed aceordingly-
,iry .or plumber in cUarget shall, within five days traps,,connected.tb eatch,basins, are not classed,
'nt from receiving,suc notice make.t,the•necessary as ttxturee and cast' iron ortHs may be need
.ntfan6'�►,oa repairs.•, 'Ag''' t. �.,.,a .r "fob onnectlonsSection 41. Liver Same.
tables, barns, garages and
t3 cover 16. No��ing work or drains shall carriage repositories shall drain into sand traps,
be covered or concealed until it has been in-
spected and accepted by the City Inspector of Sand traps are to be considered fixtures, and
Plumbing or under his directions. same mast be made of brick or concrete, with
Section 11. The master plumber.In charge of iron cover, and made water tight, and have'
water seal at least ten inches in depth. Ali
-- the woe); ball ti responsible for the ordinance
•uch traps shall be made accordinglto plans on
iia tion and completion, according,to the ordinance elle in Plumbillc Inspector's office.
lobo and regulations governing plumbing and drainage- Section 42. Bqr and soda fountain trays may
rikit work In the city of Fort Worth, s all the he Ie connected with a cast iron catch basin or
er teeter drainage and supply pipes within the
o buildings land their proper connections to the
iarge size cast iron grease trap'and placed flush
main house drain leading to public sewer and with floor or accessible for cleaning, and not
gonnection to sewer, over five feet from fixture it series, and located
ie Section 12. Appl{cation for inspection must be as near to center of.bar as possible, .A two-inch
,i made to the Inspector of Plumbing when work is Waste pipe to catch basin or grease trap will
ready •tor inspection at least tour hours before suffice, with proper branches left in some for
such inspection is desired, waste pipes to trays: Or each tray may be con
—+ Section 13. All-,plumbing work shall be in. nested as per section covering sinks, with proper3
spocted by the City Inspector of Plumbing, or, clean-oat screws.
n under bis direction, as follows: Section 43. All public urinals shall have anj
' 1. When the-main house drains are laid and automatic flush. tank to supply same or per-r
'f before they are covered, the sewer pipes shall.be (orated brass Pipes, and the floor under urinals,
't examined and inspected as often as necessary to shall be of nonabsorbent material. Flush pipes'
see that they conform with the requirements of shall be at least one inch in diameter,
ti this ordinance. Section 44. Waste pipes for refrigerators or,
L 2. When the soil, waste and vent pipes'within other receptacles in which provisions are stored
:k the bitllding are in.place, connected to the traps sha11 be connected directly with drain soil or
the tray
1 when Such traps are below floor level, and be- waste pipe. eddtand therlowerIn oend oen f waste pipe
a fore being covered or concealed, they shall be being'trraPP
I' filled with water to top of. stack above the roof; ,from tray discbarged into open fixture In n-
ta if leaks are Indicated they shall be corrected by stant use, .
the, master plumber, contracting 'plumber, or Section 45. .All lead bends and lead traps
.S- plumber in charge of the work, by removing all shall he of drawn lead and of not less than lour
.ul- detective material and replacing same with sound pounds to the square foot.not,
,material, and new water tests shall be applied Section 46. All traps not herein provided for d
$25 until rite work is found to be tight and to con- must have a water seal of not less than one'and
form with the requirements of this ordinance, one-quarter ,faecal in depth, and must be set
3, when the work Is fully completed and ready true to water
.f the '!or occupancy there shall be notice of the'com- Section 47. ,)rum traps not less ethan four by
action pletion of same given to the Inspector of Plumb e1,1,t inches shall be used on wash trays, bath
*-It is Ing. Immediately after)the completion of the tubs and foot tubs with brass trap screws not
work the Inspector.may,' If he thinks necessary, lest, than four inches, and shall he accessible,
subject the work to a smoke or a peppermint Section 48. All drum traps must be of drawn
test. When the work has be6n properly in- lead not less than four inches by eight inches,
spected, tested and approved by the inspector, screws at least four inches in diem.
1 wltlt 'trap must be constructed so as to
he shalt issue a certificate of neceptanve to the ''eter, and trap pro-
master plumber, and'no water shall be turner] on vide a water seal of at least two and one-half
r the tmastery or plumber for owtner,haste obtained re uRed until this 'inSeetion 49 depth:
solder' joints 'between,-bray
certificate from the Inspector of Plumbing, and lead, copper and lead, or lead and. lead,
e Section 14. All extensions to work in build ( ,must be,plumbers wiped joints, and the same
5 ings or overhauling of fixtures, changing ]oca- must be "onstructed in a first-class, workman-
a tion of same, where new traps, drain and vent manner. Pie cup or over-cast joint, either
1 pipes are required, some shall be'subject to in- with soldering iron or cloth, shall be used.
spection and fees as per new work by the terms Section 50. All joints in cast iron pipes and
�t of this ordinance• fttings and all connections to cast iron, and
Section 16. When ;eoll or waste pipesbetween brass and cast iron, shall be made with
Pd placed in buildings •for future use, or where picked oakum and molten lead.
there ,are no sewer connections to be had, the Section 51. All. connections of .lead pipe to'
n necessary ventilation and drain pipes shall De pipe
and fittings shall be•made of extra
cast iron'p P
put ill and the work- tested and inspected as if $eQvy brass ferrules calked to iron pipe and'.
for be cl1osed,lcalked iate or soldered. Section
not in use must Wiped to lend pipe.
• Section 5:.. Vent pipes shall not have less
Section 16. Plumbing work may be tested in than four-pound lead !lashing at roQl, with'tiilm-,
sections. There shall be another test made ble of flashing calked into hub. P
after the various lines have been connected to- Section 53. All plumbing flxtures shall be In-s
gether, as provided in section 13 of this ordl- stalled as open plumbing.
mance, Section 54. Sectional wash trays. may be,
Seci.ions tested in this manner shall carry a I ed and vented as follows: The waste Alpe'
Is pressure to equal amount of pressure same will trope
1, carry when system is filled with water. from one to three compartments ,fo sectional
Section 17. A'house or building, as such terms wash trays may connect with one e.nte . D�
xivnt-inch lead drain. trap to be revented. Ad.