HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1112 The City Council of t'ile city (a.f 1,,Ort '1T,,C,rtjj 11 r5 met iCouncil Ch=ber at the n, :",ular BP,3$iOn il! P��J. City Hall the 5th, ds,y cf J,,�nuz;ry, A. D . and iij, on roll call tjv 11. C . Meacbam,, M,%.�ycr, 71,1111,�,rd Burton, T. E. Hoffer, A. E. Thom-as, V,'illi.lm Eryo '-', F. T. Renfro, William 110nmig" Austin ,)ni L. P. OFt.rdt councilmen,, 00.nstitutirW, the antire metabership of st:.id Bo%,,rd, I . L. Van Zandt, Jr. ., City vj-,Ls in ,.-A-tendance at 37Ud iie;:--ting -Lnd the following proceedings , among other t1iings,, were had ,�.nd done. Councilmt.in Burt cn., se-couled by Ccuxicili-,v-.is Austin, moved the zvioptior, of t",,Zs follovying ordinance: Opmilwm 1,10. AN ORM!'TANCE AM E.11,1DI IXG S2CT1p,'11'rS FIV-V (V) AND SIX (VI) OF ORDIRTANCE i30-1107,0 PASSED DECEMBER 29THA 1C-,25, BY PrOVIDING FOP. A TAX LEVY OF $-0033 INDS1 LAD OF .3 CEUTS ON T11TF $100-00 PROPERTY VALUATION TO PAY TIH E INTERIEST AND CREATE A FILTI:a'212. TO �-"D AY T12, PPINCIPAL OF THE BONDS ISSUITj LY SAID OFMINANCE AS SAME MPTURES . WTIFREAS,j it appearinm to the City Cow-tail of the City of Fort ",'crth, Tex-,.sl thalu, t1he tax I,,,-;.vy for in Orlin�-,.ncp- ";o. 1107 4-0 creat . n- sinkinr. C.I. tj q _7, fun, dor t1le P�iyr�ent 'rA"1j Complete extingaisha,,eni, of tlk�--s bonJLedl 'L-,bt,, . princi.)pia and i-nterest, autflorized by sa1.11. Or4Unance i in- sufficient, NOW TTqRj-F0PE, BE IT ORMAINED EY TME, '-"J'ITY 001MICIL OF TI-DE CITY OF FORT 0 R,17 1 SECTION I Th�,t sec-tions V �-Md V1 cf CT�.'Unatee 1107 paaaad at a regular of the City Counoil of th.e City of V Fc rt Viorthl, Texa�.,s, on the 2319,tb. dcay of December, A,. D . 11%L1,25, be and t1-A.e ,-.tre h-ereby arnended, and o.fter bein.f,1-1- so =ended, shall read as fol_LOT'' S : !ON V `That for the purpose of creating a ell neinvgr fund for IG-J-1e par,:.ent and cola'010te oxtingaisMeiit of the foregoing 'i0onded debts principal -and interest and all and every part of same., there is hereby levied and there shall be assessed and ollected., az provided 71by la.-w., set apart and appropriated for said purpose., an annual., direct, special ad valorem tax for the year 1926 and for eaci:,L suc(,es- alve year thereafter during tate life of said bonded dent, or any part thereof 6, L.� .-I of ;'�� -0033 (Or SUCT Er, amozmt as !L1.,,ay be nece3sar-2-- and adequate, be it more or less ) on :very One 11un- dred Dollars (,'.J00,00) of property valuation, real, personal and TAxed., subject to taxat.Lon and not exeiapt therefrom under tree constitution and laws of the State of situated and oiyned, in the City of Fort `.'orth., on the first day of Januar;r, ,A-. D. 1926, and on the lst, day of January of eaclli. year there- after, until said debt represented by said bonds and coupon Interest notes shall have 'been fully paid., ak.nd if' alL., any time such tax should be in-sufficient -sufficient, then it shall be the du.ty of th Cita Council, or other -overning ',',.Jody,, of said City of IlTort -," orth to set apart and aj.DproPriate such additional amount of money out of the general revenues of said City, as may be requisite to supply the deficiency, until ELIII interest shall have been paid and the sinking fund extablished as ve- quired by the Constitution of the State of Texas and ")y the Charter of the City of Fort 7'orth. ACTION VI- 1111at it shall be the cluty of City Couneil of the City of Fort %Vorth,, and their successors in office., and of the -,overnment of said City cif Fort 7.1orth., 4�� in levying taxes for general purposes in said City fo-, the year 1926, and for every successive year durin�- the life of said 1.3 bonded debt Ll ., or any part thereof,, -o include in such levy- a apecial tax of ".0033 on tthe One Hundred Dollar propertj jraluLtion (or so tLeo� ,I. y ierf abe requisite a-Yad recessary) "Arovided f or in the next ,preceding section of this Crdinance 8:,tkd such special tax, shall -1-1r. no account whatsoever be d1s- -olaced TI. "'is Ordinarx,:., shah take effect from and after t):',,6 lftat-e cel; It's -epassege, and it is so c.r" Ma or TT. C. Moschtun, presid.ing- at said meet- in�, subi,,iittedl the motion to adxor)t said al, of the eoi)s.-xi1men$ including the Mayor, voted llaye" thereon, and none vota(14 "no" , and toe 2rotion to adopt the Ordinance was declRr-c.d -"I-o be passed and adopted. STATE OF TEXAS Q j,-)7 �,T'tr ,1,jT ;TY OF T:*RRA. 1, I. L. Van ?,:).ndt, Jr. p City Secretary- Treasureza of the City of Vort Texas., do hereb-,j, cer- tify that the aloovc and foregoing Ordinanee Is a true and cori?ect copy of Urdinance Wo. , and tlwt saute i,,Tas unanimously pas--ad ,-ind sdopted by, the Utj Uaun�-il of the City of Fort "le xass at a regular m3etixic, hald in the Council Chan.bcrn at the 103.4ty Hall on Tuesday t'.'-ie 541-1h day of january., A . DO. 1926. .'.itness my h.a,,,id at Po,,ot -..7,ort' .., Tezes., this the day of