HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 17965-01-2008ORDINANCE NO. 17965-01-2008 AN ORDINANCE CLOSING PORTIONS OF LONEY STREET FROM STELLA STREET TO ITS TERMINUS IN EAST BROADWAY AVEI\fUE AND EAST BROADWAY AVENUE FROM EXETER STREET TO ITS TERIVIJLNUS IN LONEY STREET, SITUATED IN THE J. SANDERSON SURVEY, ABSTRACT NUMBER 1430, LOTS 1-10 AND LOT 20, BLOCK 38 AND LOTS 11-18, BLOCK 43 OF THE GLENWOOD ADDITION IN THE CITY OF FORT WORTH, TA,I2RANT COUNTY TEXAS; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WIiEREAS, abutting property owners have requested and signed petition, that the City physically close, at such property owners' expense, portions of Loney and East Broadway Avenue, Lots 1-10 and Lot 20, Block 38 and Lots 11-18, Block 43, Glenwood Addition, City of Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas. WHIEREAS, existing utilities are to remain in place; and WHEREAS, the Plan Commission of the City of Fort Worth and the Construction and Fire Prevention Board of Appeals have reviewed and approved this request and recommend that the request be approved by the City Council. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That portions of the Loney Street and East Broadway Avenue, situated in the J. Sanderson Survey, Abstract Number 1430, said tract being all of Lots 1-10 and Lot 20, Block 38 and Lots 11- 18, Block 43, Glenwood Addition and as more specifically described in Exhibits "A", "B" and "C" ,attached hereto and incorporated herein, be physically closed with a fence and a locked gate at the aforesaid abutting property owners' expense, with the City to retain title to the public right-of--way in said alley, retaining any and all easements for existing and prospective utilities, and retaining the right of access at all times for the purpose of maintaining existing and prospective utility facilities located in the aforesaid portions of said alley. In addition, the City reserves the right, at the sole discretion of the City Council, to reopen by ordinance the aforesaid portions of Loney Street and East Broadway Avenue to public travel at any time by directing the removal of the aforesaid fence and locked gate, all costs and expense of said removal to be borne by the aforesaid abutting properly owners. SECTION 2. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION 3. That this ordinance shall take effect upon adoption. APPROVED AIS~1^_TO FORM AND I.,EGALITY: By: F.~ U~I'~ \[~~ Assistant City Attorney Date: ~ ~ ~~(~ Adopted and Effective: January 29, 2008 ,..~_._. V©7- a2~ LEGAL DESGRIPTIClN Being a tract of land situated in the J. Sanderson Survey. Abstract Nuober 1430 in the City of fort Worth. Tarrant County. Texas. sold tract bathe ott of Lats i-70 and Lot 20. Block 38 and Lors ti-7 B. Biock 43 of Glenwood Addition. as recorded in Volutre.38-SD. Page 2T of the Plat Records of Torront County. Texas. Sold tract of Sono bat nq described mare Dort icutariy by metes and bounds as foilowsi BEGINNING of o point a4 the southeast corner pf Lot 20. Biock 38 of the above sold Glenwood Addition. sold point being in the north t;ne of Steito Street. THENCE S 90.00'00" N O tlistonce of 700' along the south line of the above said Lot 20. passing Loney Street. to a point in the Bost tine of Lot t0., Bloch 39 of the obave sold Gienwood Addition. said point also Deinp in the west sins of Laney Street. THENCE N 00.00'40" W o distonca of 251.00' along the west Tina of the above said Loney Street. the east line Of Lots 9 and t0. Black 39. and the southern oust Bost tine of Lot iR, Biock 42 of the above sold Glenwood Addition. Dossing o 10' alley. too point of curvature in the swthern oast east line of the above sold Lot 7R. THENCE atone o curve to the right having o radius of 75.00'. on arc length of 1tT.8t' and o choro bearing of N 45.00'00` E to a ao;nt in the northern most south line of the above said Lot iR. THENCE N 90.00'00" E o distance of 75.00` to the southwest corner pf Lot t8. Block 43 of the above sold Glenwood Addition and the southeast corner of the obave sold Lot iR. Said Doint also being in the north line of Broadway Avenuo. THENCE N DO.00'00" W o distonca of 125' tp the northwest oorner of Lot 18. Block 43 of the above said Glenwood Atlditia^~• Sold point being in the Bost line of Lot tR. Block 42 of the above said plat. Said point also bet np fn the south line of o 16' alley. THENCE N 90"00'00' E a tlistonce of 400' alone the south itne of the 76' alley and the north line of Lots 18. 77. t6. 15. 14. 73. T2 and 11 Biock 43 of the oDOVe sold Gienwood Addition. to o point of me northeast corner o4 Lat 11. Block a3. Said point also being in the west line of Exter Street. THENCE 5 00'00'00" E a tlistonce of 310' oia+q the west line of the above sold Exter Street and the oast line of Lot 11. Block 43 Ond Lot 70. Biock 38 of the oDOVe sold Gienwood Addition. passing Broadway Avenue to o voint of the southeast corner of Lo+ 70. Block 38. Said point also being In the north line of o 76' alley. THENCE S 90.00'00" W o tlistonce of 450' along the north tine of the above sold 76' alloy. and the south line of Lots t0. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. and 2. Block 38 of the oDOVe said Clenwpod Addition to a point of the southwest corner of Lot 2. Block 38 and the southeast carnet of Lot t. Block 38 of the above sold Gienwood Addition. Said point being in the north I;no of the aDOVO solo tb' of ley. THENCE S 00'00'00" E a tlistonce of 741'. possin4 the above said 16' alley and alone the cost line of Lot 20. Block 38 of the above sold Glenwood Addition. to the PDiNT OF BEGINNING. and contoinfnq 164.64a square feet p' 3.780 acres of Sand. ~+dfi_..r ~ V ~~TL.L~-. 4025 Woodland Park Blvd. Sutte 230 `'~l~/~i''-'~~yV( Ar2ingtoa~ Texas 76013 PAGE 2 OF 3 Tfie Surveying Company of Texas {817) 265-2681 Fos (817) 265-4347 DATE: 09/19/07 JOB No. 07344 DRAWN BX': JPA ~X~1 s ~ 1 ~" ~~ VA-07-024 GREAT WESTERN FOODS ADDITION 42 iR Subject LENWOOD ADDITION B 8 18 1T 48 i6 44 73 12 ri 10 i~ 2 I ,3 ~ 4' 6 ~ 6, 7~ 8~ 9 6 ~~~ ~~~ -~-~ 3 4 6 6 7 B B 70 1R ~~~ ~CQ~ Subject ,8 ,7 16 16 14 !3B 12 tt 20 ,g ~~ i8 , ~ 2' g ~ q ~ 6 I B I T ~ 8 ~ B { 1D ~ I t ' ' 2 ~ 3 ~ 4 ~ B ~ 6~ 20 ~ 10 ~ 10 ~ 17 ~ 18' 16 ~ 14 i 13 ~ 12 ~ 71 1. 4 I 20' 1B I 18' 17' !6 I 16 1 1 11z13i4161B1TiBlIBI+D•111+12131416! B Il 1T ~ iB ~ !6 ~ 74 ~ 13 ~ 12 ~ 11 ~ 10 l ~ f 20 I 18 ~ 18 ~ t7 ~ i6A ~ 15 4 14 ~~3~~ ~~~ ~ I ~ I-2D 19 18 f7 16 1H i~~.i.i.i,i .. iii i.i.i.i.i.i~ Scale:1 inch = 200ft OR~.,T,.~T~ N W E S F~ (~rT~ vA~7®o v~~~~~~ a ~~CY ~( ~~ ~ ~ ti...J coBB ~~ a~ ~~ > 4~ ~s ~~28~ ~ ~~ c(' a~N~ ~1~j A ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~ '~ d'3 '~~ BROADWAY AVE ~ , S".C _. ~~ N W E s LOCATION OF THE GATES aoo ~o0 0 200 Feet City ®f F®rt VV®r~th, Texas IVlayor and Council Communication .~ COUNCIL ACTION: Approved on 1/29/2008 -Ordinance No. 17965-01-2008 DATE: Tuesday, January 29, 2008 LOG NAME: 06VA-07-024 REFERENCE NO.: PZ-2772 SUBJECT: Approve the Physical Closures of a Portion of Loney Street from Stella Street to its Terminus in East Broadway Avenue and a Portion of East Broadway Avenue from Exeter Street to its Terminus in Loney Street, in the City of Fort Worth, and Adopt Ordinance RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council adopt an ordinance approving the physical closures of a portion of Loney Street from Stella Street to its terminus in East Broadway Avenue and a portion of East Broadway Avenue from Exeter Street to its terminus in Loney Street, located adjacent to Blocks 38, 39, 42 and 43, Glenwood Addition, in the City of Fort Worth. DISCUSSION: Sur-Tex, on behalf of Kenneth J. and Jeanne J. Helton, has requested the physical closure of the above referenced rights-of-way to inhibit unlawful activities within their neighborhood. The City Plan Commission recommended approval of this request at its meeting on October 24, 2007, pending approval by the Building Construction and Fire Prevention Board of Appeals. The Building Construction and Fire Prevention Board of Appeals granted approval of their request December 13, 2007. The applicants will be responsible for the installation and maintenance of gates that meet the requirements of the Fire Department. This request is located in COUNCIL DISTRICT 8. FISCAL INFORMATION/CERTIFICATION: The Finance Director certifies that this action will have no material effect on City funds. TO FundlAccount/Centers FROM Fund/AccountlCenters Submitted for City Manager's Office b~ Tom Higgins (6140) Originating Department Head: Fernando Costa (8042) Additional Information Contact: Alex Parks (2638) Lognaane: 06VA-07-024 Page 1 of 1