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Ordinance 1913
wwwrtw*wrtw*,tww*,k*w**, *w*rtw*rrtw*ww+.rtwwwr►*wrtw* rww*+krtMrrt*w�rtwwwww*rtwrwww�www*w+rfiswy,■rrwwwww*.wwW* y• ORDINANCE 140. 1,113. AN ORDINAI3CE P1'UVIDIAG FOR THE I14STALLATI011, C0143TRUCTION, F:XISTENCZ, USE AND Gil+I IvTPIfJAN;:;E OF AN UVEiiP1,:33 I-RGJFCT AT THE I1,1TZR32CPIui1 OF DAGGETT STRUT KITH THE PROPLIhTIi:S A14D TRACKS OF THE r'U1cT 7URTH -141) iiIu l.;i1a.i4L,E iV,IL:f1,Y CU1Ii'h14Y JiliD TEX%',S 1t141) PA111YIC 1u1ILWJ,Y CUI:Pi,iJY COLL;-'UTIVHLY hz,liEI14iiFT!1H 1,ZFEF&U::D TO ,,;i IiAILPUaiD CUldPai+Y IN THE CITY OF FUHT XRTH JI JD AUTHURILI1:G THE C�,AYOR Or' TH.' CITY Or' FORT WORTH TO LXECUTZ JIM) ThE CITY SFCH;.:T::RY UF St.ID CITY TO AFFIX THE CORPORATE 6LIal, ai41) ATTE6'1' TiiL ,ii,UE, A CEHTitIN (1O14TIllLCT 3LT'.1EP:IJ SAID CITY OF FORT :';uHTH, STATE uF' TEWXj, n.-ID FORT '17UR'Ph AND HIO G1+AWDE IIAIL.MY CUJIVA14Y 1.i4U TEXtS', 1,,11) PACIFIC RAILfAY C0E4PANY, CULL.-3CTIVE- LY r1Z1tEI,iAF'Th;R1;'�'F'Liii;e.D TO AS IiAILRUAD CU ;PAt1Y PROVID11au twit THE, I146T1.LLAT1UJJ, CU1.1S'1'RUCTIOI4, EY,- IS1!,4Ws', 11..7E JLM) LIAII:TLf4ni )E OF c;(lIl) OVERPI,dy P1WJtsCT ilt3 114 :11.+111) CO1'tT:v:GT OET FUILTH i,iiD S4'ID CUN- TRACT PROVIDING FOR THE GRANTII4G OF 1. LIC1;14SE A44L PLQfl-:iISjIUII BY Th-1 FORT '.fORTlI AM) RTU GRAIIUE 1i1:IL1:'AY CUMPA14Y AAD TE:{AS 1,14D PACIFIC RAIL'IAY CU,'4i i14Y CULLa.UTIVELY, 1W1,-XI1JnFTF'h TO AS I-LILHOAD C01.fPA11Y FOh THE Ii4STALLATIOIv, COI43TRUCTIUN, EXISTL110E, USE 1UiD I:1AI14TENANCE OF' THE AFORE- SklD OVIs'IIPA55 KOJ113T AND HIGHWAY ACROSS ITS PROPERTY 1:141) OVER ITS TPACY,S AT SAID II M1ZSECTIUR 014 DAGGETT STREET, AND SAID CONTRACT 11ROVIDIM, FOR THE PAYMENT BY THE STt,TE OF' T X.ItS OF THE COST 0r' COINSTRUCTI1W : %LID OVERPASS PLOJECT AIM :3.4ID UUDTRhCT FROVIDI140 FOR THE ASSUPmPTIOIT (')F ALI: DAT,'- AGES TO ADJOINI140, ABUTTAL, AND OTHEII PROPERTY AND BU;iINLr3S AND TO TIENAIIT OR OCCUPANT THEREOF 0:1) FOR THE PROT1,CTION OF THE ESTATE OF T':XA.S AND THE !''ORT IIURTH AND HIO GRAN!,E RtIIL`�"':Y CCi.1PAF?Y AI4D TiPXnS AND PACI1'IC RAIL'3AY '1101.1PANY, COLLECTIVELY U1,Ii1 TAFTER nFFFRRFD TO GS P.AILPOhD M,1PANY BY ^Ilia', CITY OF FORT "10PTH AGAIWST ALL :'LUCH PAI"AGES AND � ;(}'riiS?3 IK COiH1`1'CTIOI4 ;:'ITH ,.I,'Y CL:11IY CP QUIT THEREFOR. TH19 CRDII•TAI'10E FURTHER PP.OVI DI II(l FOR THT. !,.91,11111-TION OF SUCH DA1tAGRS !.NT) T") ,Vq,,'1 BY THT% CITY OF FOR`P 'AORTH AND THE PROT3;CTIOR OF THE FORT 'fOf'TH AND 11,10 1:A?TDE COLTLECTrV LY, HTFMI. IAFTER I1E'F'ERRED TO AS RAILROAD COI .FAIRY 1.11L' TRH; STATE t)F TFXtA3 By TUT, CITY OF FORT 71ORTH A+�'G��IfIST ^l)C?? DA';TACE:t3 AND F:XIIEPI`.'ES AND DECLA1;111TG A;T ...,'3RGE':'fY ATTD PnOVIDIF'; THAT THE:SHALL BE EFFE CTI71- FR`?' A7D AFT?I1 1 T 3 ";r?-T1iRSAS, the public con`:.;I]iencc', safety 11,;.'1:1 1]RCe,.,:j ty of tll.e (,`it,%r Of Fort 'r0lt_tr 1', ah ; ii.nd r. 0) P�'onle of said City require that an o,7erpa;>S project be constructed .:.nd n_ovided at the inter_ section of Duckett :street .-,ith the _:operties and trucks of the Fort -forth and itl o 111,. '?_e Tail- ,may 1-,rip-any and Texas and Pacific lt.11.::'ay C019pallj, Collectively hrrei.11after rererre.l tC) LL. road C%)%lpany in tl:' Ci. ' of Fort rt e 1 st t✓ .'f'� al, 3_]hG t lG (':;1� 7.11E, i,ra('e CT'.1R;,'in;, at SLICll ^t.I'e<.t the Lrtioks of s"J- _ii1�.Ir u ccf:1lXa)]y cO)?sti.tllte' a duni,:)r wid ,^;er1gUR 11hCg11'JCTI].CnC/' tp the :'1i:it.Th is urUalltl`✓ required to be rerrt:i:ic,l, and that the (mly pxu.cticul. re't:ledy is t1u..t of :ml)- Ctruct,in an overpass project, uji lfilSi •;:.5, tile Uity of Fort :'forth has rcc UORted ! r H f � the atute of T(, :.�s to carhtri.. tr.+.:; inandial aid ill the constraction of the overpass project, and, ,7HL'1,'EA3, the City of yort ',forth has request<!d the Fort ',:'orth alld itio G,•ande ILi:i.lai^y CoTanan:r :).Yid Texas and. Pi:ci.fic 1.ail!7ay 'Company, collectively hereinafter referred to ,:as I '.ilr0itd f,')::1p2^_J to � ria.nt a license and permission for the conRtructi,-)i, of Std.d Pv"rpass ucr7s:: its f yop('rty and Q'i-er itr, tray%s tit such inte rsecti.')n on Da;-ett Strr: 't, an(t 7aLRc711S, the State of Te ao bet^ ma('_e it knorm to th11 Cit;; of F,rt -,Io::n t:,,;.t it -;ill the City Of Fort `'forth in the construction of said ov'erpas!,t project by furnishing the nc,cesr;ury funds for the actual construction of :,aid overpay,^. Project, by ;-)rePuri.n.- plan, and cificut!nrl3 - slr� c con(3"tructi-on contract and constrl.iction pra':J-di n1. the r.'i -- G ORDINM10E NO. 1)13 continued) furthnr that t h e Fort '.Vorth .114.o Grand,- Rail'.mY.Company arid Texus and Pacific Raili-.,ay CCilec-tively hereinafter referred to as Railroad Coy.ap;lny has made it knorm that it would brant a license and peii,.qission for ^aid overpass project to be constructed acrOsc. its nro- perty Vnd Over its tracks at ._aid intersection providing the City agreed to protect the State of Texas and the Fort ',,,,'orth and Rio Grande Railway Company and Texas and Pacific R, w a.y Company, collectively hereinafter rt-ferfed to as Railroad Cornmany flora any and all liability or any and all IdUfflaj.'cs to adjoini.n,,-, ubiutting property or other property or business or to any tenants oc- %cupyirl(� such I)r0pert,r, Cals(?d 1)y the installation, construction, existence, use :and mainterlance Of said Ove-!J)E;.ss project or the passage of this Ordinance. iiuT, THEIREFURE: B-1 IT OlillthIid D 5Y Tli_`�' CITY 00UPCIL OF THE CITY OF FURT SECTION I. That since the public convenience, safety' and necessity of the City of Fort Worth and of the ;people of said City require it, an overpass I)e constructed and provided at the intersection of kl)aQ6ett Street with the properties and tracks of the Fort Worth and 1'*.9.o Grande Railway Corm any ;and Texas and Pacific Raillvay Company, collectively hereinafter referred to as Railroad Coj:ipany ilin the City of Fort qorth. SECTION II. That said overpass project shall be constructed in accord vrith the plans and specifications, and on the grades and alignment as shown therein, which plans and specifications bear the approv- al of the City Of Fort ',Vorth and be attached to this Ordinance, and marked "Exhibit All and made j! a part of this Ordinance in all respects. SECTION III. Thi.,t no thirst; in this Ordinance shall be construed as to 'require the said railroad company or the .tate of Texas to assume or pay an,, direct, incidental or consequential ul.es to adlloirt- inL-, ux other prot)e.rty or btl.qilie:4f, or to any t(,,,-1L1llt occupying abutting or Other property caused by, incidental to, or connected with the passage or enfoxceiiriezit of this Ordinance, by the installation, construction, existence, use and muintenance of the project a, _tthori.7- t,iea herein, or to defend any suit or suits which r.,iay be brought against said railroad company or 'State of Texas ox•an%r party Or parties for the recovery of any such durriages. BE IT UND-111-18TOOD AliD THE CITY OF FORT 1.`VORTH HTE'REBY AGREES: For and in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained, the City does hereby a.;�.ree that all damages and claims for includint,, damages to adjoining;, ablzttin, or other ,property, if any there be, axisirr, out of, incident to, or in any way connected with the install.a- 'Ition, construction and IOT eyistence of said project, shall be adjusted and paid solely by the 'i City and "he Cit shall and does hereby agree to hold harmless said Railroad- Company and the i-tate against any and all claims, demands and causes of action for recovery of any and all such daina1-res arisinf,- out of � the installation, construction and/or existence of said project, and agre92 � to assu,cie the defense of any and all suits bioui-1.1it for the recovery of all such alleged da:narjes, arid sl.alt intervene or make itself a party therein ii) it^ m,"rn ll;tl"Ie, if it is not already made a P_';:`1Y t)2xet,_), for the purpose, and shall, if requested. in writing by the iiuilrr)ad or the Stz�.tc so to do, wholly relieve sadd Railroad COMPUnY and the ;3tLlt(,' from deferidin- the same, arid U hereby a,.rees to hold Said Railroad Company, the State and each of there, harmless as to court a-)sts, attorneys fees and all expenses in connection with z�.ny such suits, and hereby assumes and �a6xees to pay all judk,pnents recovered aga.iiist said Railroad (;orq)4liy and/or the State by reason of the construction, installation, and/or existence of said project. The ditY will maintain or cause to he maintained the street, id' s elmalks, light system and drainae over the street and across the FUilroa,d Company's property. The City assur..ies the enti.To ii )f rnthint- cont,-.inr.,r1 Yipin -iball JjU. 1-)1'7, (continued) connected with the maintenance or use of thq portion of said hi6hway located upon the Railroad Uo:.,,panyls right-of-"ray and the City will Savo the li;.J.ilruLtul Uompuny and the State bz>.xiries,, fx�)!.n any dwria( es jtji.sji*qfror., the i:.aintenunce and/or the use Of cui(l roudwulr in corirlectioij L th project. T.,-ie City will ;maintain the grade separatioh superstructure -und its cubstructil):e. SECTION IV. That the Ea701 of the City of Fort '.Porth be and is hereby authorized to execute for and on behalf of the City of Fort ',*.Ir)zth an agreoment and contract vii th the StO-te of Texas and Fort "'orth and Rio Grande Ruilvay Co.mpany and and 11�jcifi-C RZ0.1.V,'U'! C1)lleCtjve].y hercin- a-fter referred to as Railroad Company in ac.cordance with and for th= pujpn!-e of ca i 1, e)11 r! carr?i_ t the terns and PTO-visions of this in the ror.'tl uttachr'(l IJP,-ctr) j-lid �nvrked "Z�U'A'At 73". The ty jecretaxy i.'3 bcxel)y diTec tod to attest tho agree.r..r.,ent un(l coTittact L?zjcj to affi- tllo? pxoner seal of the City of Fort Worth thereto. SECTION V. The L:ayor of the city, liiLvin,,: requested in v.rritini; tll;.Lt this 01idinance take effect forth- ,xith and there beini; in fact an c:nel:i;ency and imperative public n ece-`citY that the work be-rein vroviaed for be bei;un and carried Out Promptly and v.ritll and tl'E-,t the contract afore- sLAd shall be itmnediately made, c.xecited and delivered ti the end that such hark ther-,ill provided I for i:iay be begun all(! Carried out promptly and "'litil 0--:Pt3ditiull, the reading; Of this Urdinance on three several days is hereby dispensed with and the GUMC shal). be in full force and effect fl:rml and after its passuLe. ADOPM) BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY CF FORT WORTH, MAY 1.j, 1-')36. Henry Keller, All ORDINANCZ PROVIDING FOR THE INSTALLATION, CONSiRUCTIO` 4 7jjST2NCE, USE. AND MAINTMWCZ OF .ALIT OVERPASS PROXECT AT M iyTERSECTIOIT OF C STMT WITE TEZ PPZMTIZS ,M TPACKS OF THE 4lr4 � u A Toma an& zirlo RAMME w -- - - IN THZ CITY AND AUTHORIZIM THE VAYOR OF 7113 CITY OF To CUTS AND TEX CITY SE 3--'aY OF SAID CITY TO A FIX TES COPPOMI 2 SFS AND ATT39T THE SIR, A CERTAI'7 00NnUCT M-- MM SAID CITY OF ort ra ±' OF TEAS PROVT-DING FOR IL3 ITySR'AI,LA IO+ ` CJWS"TR JCTIQX, IXISWC12 USE AND ULINTMANC.3 OF SUD OVERPASS PROMT AS IN WD GONTRAC'T SSI` FOPTH AND SAID CONTRACT VII) dG R THE GRAMING OF A LIMSE A MUTTSSIOI� BY THE ftp`` " '� a Ric ceran" fl j ;. C'30-2=v �' s and �_ ^* _ - _ -- - rallrn6��- PM TEE I NST, AT ION USM 21rn MAJITTZRAM OF 7M AFOREWD O" PASS PROJECT AM EIGHWAY ACROSS ITS PKTla7T AaM 0vMR ITS KS, AT SATIN II4TEP CTION Oil - _SM=T, AND SAID CONTRACT PROVIDING FROR THE PA-1'? I` BY M STATE GF 'TZLIS Ot COST CF CONSTRUCTING SAID OVE-22ASS P'RO 'T AND SAID CO21d tCT PROVIDING FOR TF1 ASS TIO1-T OF ATL DAHAG:�S TO ADJOIN G, ARUTTAL, Alm OTHER PROPERTY AND BUSINESS AND TO TMfANT 01P GCQUFAM TMMWF AND FOR THE PROTECTIOU OF Tam -NLo fig 1.1 OL_AaU 'M GITY OF j.Q7 NST ALL SUCH D Ua,L5 .41:�, jLiXIMSES 117 C+3MOTION WITH ANT OLLIM OP SUIT I' OR. THIS ORDfN_ ANCE FURTM PROVIDING FOR THE ASSLWTION OF MME DAMAUS AIM UCMUS BY THZ CITY OF #. $, A :I' T pOTIt� OF T F Ox, : cur MD o iYr SID STATE OF . - BY THE CITY or � lz AGAZST SUCH S s v;SFS DMIARING AN- EMMM-My AND PROVIDING THAI` TIM SkU SHALL PE mEC'TXTm nox Aum A2Tm ITS SAGE. "E-508 I r,ps (overpass) WSZRW,.. the public convenience.,;, safety nna neoeesitr of -the MW, Of... a & the papple of seri d pity .,,. r f6 c as �Y� f* rim y Y i V97� Adr MIA. df 4. 41, 7777777' -. k a s "< ka how r' IM 17 4i Wm k N` ' ka 73h b t t4h It3 ': '' e" 6 f of ion WW.. Ak "Ail ` mow; s Ad x kw �r. Mv ft I'VE Q PTO 49 1 low -sygmAJ101 lit' ASK . las ' " tats, - v All md or WM =moi iti H :. too Ott I p' ter*Ow b4" at� �' il `tt car "In,'fir ct Frithit h �� � � dow off' ":d p�ojOet,- 104, kA 0i 8 CIE any and a _� ,� d vo r7 d m a t ; a 011; izilit Ui.a R z1000t, "'"'a X ,wm, o- told project, tW' MPS W4 W aui b � islie 04 oo�aieii , Fang �� a :t�� Tt t� nam , .. ' V "on-Adyy�, - n gyp io d blob of um8�°� � �k •ata �i ..�"� " poll ¢ ttltG ' 04 " � d - s Y x M viaS.. .. tenanoe as abavi� described, and nothincvntairxed, herein shall even be construed to Place np4n the Railroad Company and%r the State any nianner of liability for Injury to, or dtia.th of peraoas, or for dmage to, or lass of propezty aariainp, from q�r in any manner conAected with the maintenance or uae of the portion of sail highway located upon the Railroad Company' s rightdaf—gray and th(� City will z�gve the Railroad Compare and '-tha State harmloss franc any daz es arisirk from the ma.inteliance and/or the u€e of said roadway in connection with eaid project. The City will ma<iiataia the grade sap%aration superstructure and its substructure. Section 4. That the savor of the City of pUat =111111 fi o and is hereby withor zed to execute for and Ola behalf of the City of 'Ort vr-t�. an agreement and contract with the Mate of Twmz and � y In ona Tit* lirwida in accordance with and for the Purpose of carrying out the terms acid provisions of this Ordinance, in the form attached hereto and marked lltxhibit 2". The City Secretary is hereby dirget;ed to attest the agreement and eontraet and to affix the proper seal of the City of • �j �,•�Fl} thereto. Section 5. The Mayor of the City, having requested in wait ng that this Ordinance tate effect forthwith and there being in fast 3n emergency and imperative public necossity that the vork horein pr'ovidel for be bi gum and carried vat prolaptly and with expedition, and that the contract aforesaid shall be i=od.iately made, executed and delivered to the end that gush work therein providecl for may be began and caxried out promptly and with expiditioa, the reading of this Ordinance on three 4everal d-via ie hereby dispens8d with and the same shell be in full force and effect from and after its passage. s THE UL OF =9 ,COQ 0-V 1, the du?y ointsd, giI.DZified, a1dL acting City Seoretary of the 0,it_7 of T2 v, hereby certify that the for( aing pages vansftitu.te a tragi ,�"Tld correct Co-ny of an ordin,-uace duly nassetl by the City Council at, a meeting hall on D.F 1931�t o'clock .11 s To certify which, -sitneas my haad d official seal of tho "it r of_ ---- r1e u, this tt"c day Of 193 at ,`exau, -36-508 GXty Sec, tory of City of Ctrdir ca (Ovar�;a s) i STATE 0V TMxe S COUNTT OF TRAVIS This kGREMMENT, made this day of , 1936, by and between the State of Texas, hereinafter called the u tate", Party of the First Part; and f hereinafter, whether one or more, called the ITRailroad Ccivany", Party of the Second Tart; and the City of , Couz�tY. Texas, acting by and through its duly authorized officers under an Ordlnanne I passed the qday of t 1936, hereinafter celled the "City" Party of the Third. Part: j WHERMAS, the City has authorized the constructiaa of an underpa.ae � project by Ordinance passed on the day of 1936, on Itreet in the City, over, on, and across the � rails and property of the railroad Crmpanq and 19?!ERM, the united States Governwent has allotted money to the State so that said State may uee this 4oney to aid in tho ccnstrv.ction of overpass aid undarpase projects within the corporate limits of municipali- ties, in order to eliminate railroaA grade crossings a.nd the hazards created by and incident to such railroad grade crvasix s; and WHERZAS, the City has requested the State to contribute financial aid In the oonstru tion of said underpass project; and HMRElS, the State has mane it known to the City that it wAll assist the City in the construction of said underposs project by furnishing this necessa 7 funds for the actual con8traction of Said underpass project and by preparing plans, awarding of conatruation c mtract, and superv'J.sing construction, pr'ov'iding the City approves the plans, specificatiOna, grades and a_lignmeat of game, and atter ccnstruttion, maintain said under ass protect at its sole cast anti expense, and provided further that the City Kv meg responoihilityr for all damages including damages to adjoining, ebtxlMg. and other property occasioned by or reaulting from the installation, construnt- ion, existence, Tose and maintenan= of said underpass project and the passage and enforcement of the Ordi=ce hereinabove roferrad to. 4-16-5 Sheet II. rrR�r Indetonification (Undor-pase) �{,ycO t 4b R4T' r .t las y �y YiWMF' Ty �. � � ' 'Alt bortlimfr w O an Oelft- x "to # : 600 04 ris, f ate' a etushass aristn, out of �.: t3�n, � wdat co of sold ajec an • � + . a� stets brrx�t dor tba".reoo? of + s � a � Alm 4 ' � therat� for .the p rpogi e, and sha'�,� � it ro the, o the State: 84 to (16. w c►lly` �eii+ ver, . i� �A4,6 S elt ` f" defex ink th r_ saw; and ;r+e� mss t4 ho � Com, t�►a Stktck,# aid ea ch of thoa�;p harms es"se" o :,*o c i t t o am all azp+ sao in connocUOlt 'witlr aW s eb iuits, and be"137 as rera #" nig covsred" net said W roa Comtean a 3t* . "off"� ao tr t o3x,. rata letio�, ani i/ a* wl w cif Aa it,e contribution, to. the b�tildin �� � eabs�� meat ��. m '00I., o r "gr aide. plans, s�c�ificot r48, an . ase" oti.ox� thee • to all c� t g io ti mrd � e attaz�ei uder�ss mast« > 3* The + its' will mainia ar causes't*, ba..�►aintaiwd, � txse�t limit st a circ � tbo street Win. moa t +e 3" �' �. int ; �� r " 4 + � �" t tirs,' ap til a� fib+ a �:u� contained bAra " ��' ova ba onat a he �•Ir��d" an1ar tha. State• a �► _ l�e��i��- x toy o � � or Fc�r t � £ or cez r t rd with t •mit re or uaa of �+e la mon they .�a .Oal• Lo ie ?� + -sem A e l Cc► pax and tho State'barmy so# from � oo t to o �/oma the use of said,ra .� in cohi=u' '� e�� r WOO mdoratoot 9 v: tkia . icr a of fits t Nk boo es os Croat: and 4ulrl c . Y Milt the incc�r�c�r ted �3 mi t s: of 0�, � coni tbo. sentot b" actio Or "tom Staraa o cstt'io off. .; l' V project does so at the special, instatce and request of the City and that the plans and specifications shoed g and daseribing among other things the graves and alignment for said project, copeis of which are attached berets a4d made a part hereaf, ars hereby axpresaly approved by the City an+d in ee construct- ing said underpass projeet, the Mate Highway ]department of the 'Mata of 'texas acts as the agent of the City in the construction thereof, 5. The Railroad Cou�DeA, hereby grants to the City, licenso and permission for the installatiotl, canstructkn, existence, use anj maintenance of the aforegaid tzndorpass pro ect across its praparkr and undev its tracks4 In granting said license and permission, however, the said Railroad Comparnv doss not waive or relinquish any title that it ma3r have in said street, nor in accepting paid license and permission, the City duos not waive any title in said street which It may possess, `heat 3 nRn Tudemnificatioa (underpass) �` S'1'IMQ2dY R F'� s parties hereto have caused these Presents ee: tit in triplicate on the day above stated. to UOV for ]Udlrca O**W'W B .•- oil �r re—cre;;77 for Mayor AFFROVEDi STATE O-P TMW ChkkiIman, State Highwv Cic=ission - �State Highway 'Engineer Member, State Highway Commission BFXOAAMOM Fop APPROVAL APPROVED: General Fesident Engineer Chief Zhgliieer f,or Railrced Company APPPOVED ,AS TO FORYt Chief Engineer, Construction and Designs tirenerlU Attorneye for the CI ty ^axie"ral Attorneys for the Railro�td Assist Attorney General 4-36-509 Sheet '4' ",Ryi Ind mnIficatiOn (Underpass) j fv STATE F TEXAS INDU OF ofjeg:pU STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Sw�E M 4f aLGs.P.L�I A-4 Tn r-k[A055'iE:.�1101 3,irl �. Yti1m•:u NII&01""M ourAats-uE r iva<r�ss.>.a PLANS OP PROPOSED dkp fv okumAgm Ai¢ap3wu,Tn. i•wir.mmtcrIwo-rPir,a.n+l1 "T .14AGRC S1EF STATE HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT E 3EL i447kK6xbLL{p U?w r a G F S M jjCr IIS W H6ai Gib 5 04 awn Ffffm 9n�C 4r.-coir+.' :�a.iNtba Y r.y,�.�w ill §.Ri,.'1U1LiMQMi#l,.ti•:",IJM:Y..y'I^ iiC'.a:.li: ,• Z .M^T N E ILL H,I -ter.•`.-,x,.a,w!-- n.x`t.0rsw r •w :n A . �r•,+1FVMi11.,IraEi d �IlYGOFwf164Y.- flii.l rI-1lAi w. •1 4 ,41 t(VERPA55 W11 T.&P,14,P, AND F W.§Q.;5.Rk ON [oCgA77 AVE- IN YEIN FT WORTH Ao vow 7. #+ XlIR�?C1L �■ ~l � p f __- I I Ka*i�Tlr.rn. .el.. W.r s•r'ii.xw r,r,.+lv.� M a#b,i'•v r�W"w•anyrr�xrs'^Y r•...�.ca.r..ri r,.l.�. .Nw..-.-r.'..�r vAr. r 4 l • - �� - - s�.y�w:wy—i. •mar wM r .y'� 11 -- �� EAY91P'aU4E. 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A-1 r—B r SECTION 9-9 PLAN PLAN STANDARD 4 FOOT STORM SEIVER.MANHOLE ELEVATION OF OPENING IK X SECTION C-C Voc PLAN OF FRAME SECTIONC-C L PLAN SECTION 8-6 DETAIL OF GRATE AND REARING PLATE PLAN TOPCOVER PLAN BOTTOM COVER SECTION 0-D STANDARD MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER. PLAN INARINd PLATE OfA3FOOT INLET SEC A IN.A w o2!,I SECTION X-X ELEVATION 4 FOOT MANHOLE STANDARD THREE FOOT STORM SEWER.INLET SECTION DETAIL OF MANHOLE STEP I C> M44r� y� .MwJMyrKMY .^i 1� � - CT1011�4A� k 1'•Y-O' I 1 I ,� I � ,- �+—. stAMVM cr.ca ow.mum "a�•'s�. IO CWIR 41 1 IT >•I � t� I I e ++eyteo Tire I e -- I Z -'rZnraririi amnsf Y � d rt'eTl�s>.rAre °!° A �_ a�I..�•r ' rrcA,W�ASr cwr 4/'m/rr � r M W Ce !ENATION �'�dfs spaced d/t'or c�e,hra rrr/add n cm/d'.nAvf �"rr"� c^ w' ,w.n,v. •..rrnaww,+ SAND 10 FOOT INLETS .. t. a•^w'rhw.'d A46.Mv.nNP6i aApo --%.WX11/lid. - � r o- W::.:- SECTION wr .. SECTION 9- STANDARD IO FM INLET ,r• � "'^�' STANDARD FOOT INLET - Sale w•rr t =,;_,..,- si:i •^ 0 f I f y, ij 4L 40' "M on 0 :,r I LG -Is P 10' V L THE T M1 WIFICRY m PLAN IF DAGGFTT ST VIADUCT 5— *34.for S.4 on G-G. ?PCI it wwa Fmrmm"m wpm v ORB mm�ww Ima I _ z r - w r� �r• 9. .,o .•_ i r ir 7 IF . sc_ z — 0 a 1 rt�ol C M., fir, 3 L" #P 13•�'"a f•..•,3-wa •`Y... prw`tl'ks�x�i °a'r ts! pa �•a• i-w��� ` .r•.�.�a � I. _ R1Ito •9+yF+F•..7'rt. F' '•'ta'•i'�rst 6 " - t .a nw.i''� L' ' -W -1*4 -li� '4a ]I1179tlV +F'#•`7•M� R `(T'. - .r.a':. ,F . J< t. a +a,+ 9 �I+* -a91i - an ' r , '.'i,•1 x.. M.` ,),-ala lv.M'i+rr*;ex .i �Crri' '1 ,�Lf.a ., .•.• r p-.t: .t'N,' - a ••.9 - _ - UT M .19`f ly �a°.]"4J S• pis.•a:,,a .t f a•,q••1�n1 Z-Z N011J33 �Pe .� io SE �+.�+�{y,r}+4 F��+��j�� �f ,{.• ` v;f, — !0 9 ,9 G ` !V! ` P.SI `,p t` �II1 r iMA 1 r? - v UL4f.Fi ..��- .r:N� J .la � (� '�,qL d � �ta"wra 1 - H:. .� w,t'?' . ,q wr• � x yf .:w•- . .. -.x•d a e�1.Y.N J -f 7 +w 1 ' � *.. _.o ,� .y ,�,,, d` x♦�`fir` eS �TM w r•sa'x.rT•+4.`I`�4.a...d+n'C p, ...,.i p. -a.i of A a n god kll I•w'Ii1Vn713 �, :a W•W N01177s r .� :'� �' wi��w.ie{P* M,e1` n}� r./i +n•� .`k`L, n , � rJc . w.l_ .Mf� '.n•wJ.!•4.• .{_ •�!' M• I:.i• �c..�Iw 9•i ..ter , , l j' ,.--.-_,.J<. E a I � ...».r-+,��• t��- 'I 1: ! a li Iii r + x• �`�. 1.l I �..}• #- '. "e`r. Jar,. I. —. I—s -�W x �:�rt*+r—;-i-`'- y; �e 5 it 410 �1 . a� � y.. Y' _ �k. •_ •~,1 ._-- ._ -w _ ...... I• I ... ,. —�.', a� Gee-- -- �. 1C, y.# . w {� :• { r• trl rt-t 1 etlrlTi`+ T ix� r + I 1 - : - y'`�4y-•�,1-^+ yy.y�.LI��L`y f •9! .•-.k.i - Jr ._.. 9c " All rr44 _ ell 4F.ys1.sa t 2."c F. � f• '1 �qI[f .I� � Y ' '� I I. � Lf«Isl yl T dn .._ " LL O # L L I ... y � x dr jt4l It PON 1:r Al A-0 + y � 1 App, I — F� = �`;AF• �.n.r. w. FYYYYY f� a 1 •-r r.-�I -'tt� _«e. ,ae'>z_,..sem_ .� N k' ' r,Lr M ccl655 FIG.I+ c o6 of c 6l55� 6!5 7/ 6!554 .1 IL k'4 I J�M {I� __ �. I, 'I �t'�1 I 6 s a L y, L.� �+ I •d r. � � a r+ irrlIt 4, 9 m �— _— ..: - 1 •a-i ' � - • • ]�"_ . _ . - e -_� _ . 1.' . +y l.P,�..ri.� }a.cJwl:N !M' I• y, �{ ki'a �5 a� `" _ � IIIIIF 1IT_ _ 17 �I�� .1 la1 �. ^��-� � r •• �_ I � e.�_. � _ � • }.moi--�'�� i -_ _�J�J�.11: I ,. I - s.k i I i ._L;.. �` I . _.� I �. � .�; } - - a iCf- .I - 1. F � �r •...`*"'r••. ..moi , .'#jo..r-•[�Lf _ Iu,-.,:- -•bu :al.er-. 4. 15d #ir. __- _ Y a �+.* ,fp _ i•e . It I NOW-H WE,SFLEVATION Y 6k.,..vf.6C�Y.•u Y•d.57 _ ial.: yni •.S' _ c.8' ift 4, 'zJ 7 r j_, i : I. • �� - !LL + W. LM , I _ _i'' � �� W+LM � YEE'�e•! r Y L.l Id" Ibr4n*•t�tF�r .r...ia.err s �#+ 'w � MZ�r .i f.- .�-I �..� ��..i"r',i:[ Yrri v.L4 W Vs l,rt..�.*•A' Yy._A;a-r dM:.� -6�c:er.,_ �: e�.;,fa_..:sf•f�_..r4_ Rti- �Bsr•[i_.. F,.I .1'•w M9+-V,If.Y �6E['F16N IrIL.. IM 11— mw A4 �t. . .r.Lte !► 4r — www _ - LP at _ .kl.� F - M1 A4gr p.F3 LSMi Tr A- _ �i.l�_ ti a e}r r�. �•�.r•� - CUAWn1�,..erIwrt��ST�l++ay. .T sa .a. tiL•It,-.D it _� I.W _ r+ ,,.,R + -i few-.. '..11ln ,,. .rrl. M7 .6ax ra.,.l lw IwllA-Y.fI .-r..t_i „ra...r.... - ir/dl° frIf• - - - I�w.Rbz4gLwd — t+.sr,.+F•s.. rw Ir Lea,.t p.i:x i s...[sr. Y _ 5", — • .. _ �. �. PLAN OF TOP �� ��� � I JIM1. l s .. SIN .e .e ;.,i.; s®r '�Ir• use.�a s.e'd 7T a7j' y �.� i i�k��. e FTI. ,r' I • .:<1-s,lr i� A'IZ a.a .-�. _ - _ _ .,f.Y...-_,y, for IS-e •f ' � '. Yr * f.� i # r •=a.rY + A 3 � III I _ I I�I ` ��byi{•yL rt * s 4 d ! I ` I I 'I f ' }A •rd I i I t ii I I II11 I . I +a•+r.J:W `' _ " _ .� _ w . _ •-• T*4L 1•' .nw_t w,"I _ _ - :_ . . .�+I_ a_ �. r ala..el-i•sd �. _ iri'7+ .o'{.I# Y I~� - *+y ;.KJ11�rF+lii END VIEW _ I f+.r . ae-aymm• r ;t NOOTH WEST ELEVATION Alt- J !J i �,. .� •. --.. IHr•„a.d d4aN •� M�.e.6:._ sa..: ,�. t b° e.gi• IFA” I law • 'r l�rt�l.7... � w vr� w.•� cw �w � !:• i t" -- wraur M.LI.-IR*t rr4�la,t•r � .,v, un ��s r'1 x� ` 'Y- _ I- t � �L•••L- 4:.d. 41�'.i W41 .1ti ea.M .i - 1 -- - - G.Ir L 1..:_Id1 i..s.F_ •, rrl. IY r. r•.itQ „ ` �.,�Il� ra..[a.�r .. uae.a•: JuS+r:. roL.:F:.FG_�•a•6'•i-_r4� q ..sg':.>.•_.. lam''°.- it .I te!�I Mer•-P-.€# w% d-C AWTION A-:4:,. ■ f. H �.s.�, r�-a.ylrrY t .- s 1�#Elk.,.l{f.rrt1 a _ ..[C .� I -. __ — !i= l�•e..` q D"PAL 9*PIMI or iLL - - 57 MKT + •'- i �Y.. _ r q c.e .rte�Y ''�i� F ,.a wxrrrr iTT 'r'w -, +•a—wtc +W1441 M r 3 9.4.� - .'# �r�.—�.. _ - •++.. fYt- 34i1 �a,e.p•a,F ��...�['„�r Mi+�•...f'..�_E 'J.,� rl - - ..r �.s-.I. I � � ��r.x+r�i .on..:'ade.. Y,d s:•..'�s 'f,Y;j d-b� IL y, Y jj lik t _ � F T 1 1- _ •+§x041 —rid LI I lit p T r�' '_ u _FJ ' aa' _ sxA' .. seg � seo .` •ss _ e-sa _ ss L`r� � zesr.er•rn.- ..., x�, rtsy.rt' ,re ca„ - - - lL rem .-1� +'a . ll. _ - vp �;;�. 1*� _•' .I. , - - - _ -a� �;,;of �+� � ± "�° -::,,,�. �..� w: s°#4 - _'Y- _ 4aG! _ - - •M!r o - '� ul r`+c Fa SECTION 6-B SECTION C-C. � b i4` •' ` A ] ..W.� AIC' _ �.ssx.a�z:�� .. -_ssr.e•z-., .. - .. ._ ssR�,x'-se, '# END VIEW a a _ e _ s s _ _ _ _ _ see" ve4es- SECTION Z-Z'F-5-1 ELEVATION PIER•4A J,;MC,fi Dei..,or Be-i Es..Si,ed•}- r "' •�i♦ 'A s La ni L' r+.---;L a ....h 1 ;- .;ae .ew ��'. •1.Ys4 SEcTLoN D-D SECTION A-A $� IPMA MUj2LLU 2XVNk L J13W4 ti 7w1t�,Jl,rtmfi •' •_ T n..s- �— sJ �-" U;7 y z ra not rt .. .._ . ..•sem••_ ar. ••.i•x / s X-X N011:)3S .01•.3 'a I ,I 10.s Ii 1 1 I a. .. v d r°cIa73S r -r 9a 3 'y.'.r . ctt - 7 � .na.. ..,c P" r PLAN OF �;• �; .V ;�� � � _. - � � _ _ter_ _ -- - .'--�- '�- ..� �� �.; -. • . -� ,. SECTION B-g 11 ! SECTION C-C " 1 i 1• •, END VIEW °... END VIEW • t • • ! N,.I.- d 4 "w+ h•e+ s• I .4 �.'•'€r,S. SECTION 0-0 - -. P FI[QSlStog — � fa •_. .'£.-a.n�.� — �SSC •- 9 [+s+.r''rua ut.osx xilh'.tl�M .Ut0 �4.x�o .:a-�-. L -y-1A - P rn � •.. to .. •, . ,.,y i. r. ra `. z ' I 6 i 1 ^ I e ' i n a' • i .; '' i Y . e Y PIAN O,TO6' i. .p ` e• r c_u.,+. �.. . ee ec_e�—.—__-�—_.. - - _'. �2 - - - P r _ `. � � r .� i _. �`_ SECTION B-B r • ELEVAT IOP! OF W'Wff END VIEW t + of R«4..,;^9 6... .d old.a d 'SECTION A-ALZ [Y1wre+fw + RleT lvr DUANT ITIES C4ERS�9SM} anotc.....+.. •s.o.„ ' e o.y [n.c2w 'I,y `a&I e,„ ac, , AN X, V I 1 9� _ END VIEW SEGTIpIy f t VATIoN } 7L.I 4111.;,.it%.-L hra SECTION --S OUANTITtE3 SSVI►IDRMITN «..r,Cw+ . x240 C.YA, G•,EafiMG/uY1JN DR i' tene..4 181.1 - - F.,.ee�, �eei• GEIS Lb. oFn _r yls 'Ira Bl.i. loos S*., • �fi•� -164"Yle�1a3..a16-I:lA' .c :� . ... �..'1.ry l.ia o u.A- .. +b 7. 3 -' __ M1. \tea a.< �•t - .a ., - c� a !'� � I udA ELEVAT ION i SECTION B-B 5lcT,oN7 D-D M1.E-F r.-D.e.:w�Ne Gxe 4"1E i 6E SRl�i.44<i�le6bG...ds4.wl ri i.0 T9p li.bi'f t�'yv+f r^"•yn` -+ - JE y;�peH•_Aaoa�[etpdrm,,...-w,\ f. joyr..e:t i6-6 _ - .n.. 11 4 I �' 4'Srr lr aT.l�ieral...9..L,6Wra..d•s...,.x\ _ - _ yF • �j _ u��.�..wyu..r'-T9f�� � :.! r=!:'.a•.�;Q.,.+.s.lslw^_. __ lalf ';',� "� �.{. i �.a• - - ce•A: 5ECTION A - a 5ECTION C-C 0.•.a 14r:.:.r'J.:AA w'1'Ad�A. k. Ow.1:Y.a a 7MM•r. T rt +„M"r��'.7�'ITIUNN�NfrXL XTP m� nn0 _ -Sit'X XIYa. a 114!•X ��1�1i/ I��d - - L��1 `Yi1FNAdMy.r+1,� f�'ru'4 •4 611V 'e✓.P�°°'��]prM* _ y r V41� C711�rN'MQ 6 sl°o� Lr ri p. �t w 6 . ��•• 1k��rt.iF i°+°Yi�r lw 6 e _ .-�� - ter,� -�P�_a .■ - �,,.yc•'°rel'•,.,°,,.�.7 Jo .. �-F�.-T��-t Iw f r+,.�, ar r�. L - Jr.bl.7 dh0,l�3j . Gf ••r .•�Wwy �.J• irJ _ -• j .� ,._. .iM...;r�.0 M�•p4 jF.'.pDd�ea T re.�pa-�rJY _.N.. r' �. ...r +J° '•J�"•..4j�, --.. �Y td.8 NOIl736 o.o.d,-„�.,,a c•.,n_vS - tJt•iYL a1� L . � _ Mfr�•i .�• .r.0 — a a _ • .. .: _ _ I Y f PAQT END VIEW i • ELEVATION rr ` V � f F a��lll 14 ve w -t' •'t _ j a t e <� Y.�i� ,{� . �- •!i r t ��— _sem rt'' rYi«.,,J j; .1r - , SECTION 0-5 �— 4 -"a SECTION A-A , =7z: i31 SECTION D-0 - - r , E..... J" SECT1oW-E r'a <. ., ti„ YlithcA5 CJVXT rr.*MLC psSdETT S'V�QKT RtiF"F-u 1.a. < - Y r 1� ��„FYM4 s[3f'Pbrlm• SECTION C-C 1►T�19 TRi+""`_. +�1•'1 GiL3 era•+.�r, 109Vi JS 1174'190 N•'7 O O Si •oya.o»3#°'tiC '. yAF,\i,3 LCVir doN Ura 4.+•)sauuNvno ,YW 4 L'!'a i.?t. cl pr+71aY94l�•'++•11 Pft!"400 a - -4-6, ...nF! J'.f - •i F y$•+'� C 1 4•. x. ► w a. a- f•( nw r IM7 N7 $"Vw, z n• L� f4, 'x? �N 1•`a u•M-y 4..>.. t .Y _._.—T�j••'•1'•11 � •. . 1 , V'V N011735 -fG.t • :>.,.. . r ._�,t :> •9 1'j+w .. +. - P+-1+fie t .ye J;if S as-71 `e r r, ++M _.ale r 6y. tr1'!!1!• - " ,.. •1°N 7-�N011�3$ 8'8 N011,335 \a... •.0+gay No,lvr.7l3 -WPxIy,-T-r `ail' r..t7 .... •y{i; �` ' ,ui •SSS`.i i T -5 -r7 - f FTfj% �. .-+t�"•� 6• '-tea. .. .-•. r �- - -- 1�.- .i � i .-;•+..i i r1:. ....1. �...y+u -+`•?'✓aka r+r� .A .. . ,. t •.1T•r .. ..+Lida��tp f+�r1 Tyy I- r '1- y l L t ►4 4 i 4- itj F 7-1 it ., ' 4a Yrks 4v,w*sxr - iv. o v Li - - I 6 Za a 3 a at . r N I I 1 tW77 t S I i :1a rt •- fir . ��I� i� � - I .-- � � —II .� of ' .. I x '�i + tet' _ ,• ..-.•..i I •n. • I°fyI j •�x _ b1 -`°' x.. ° � 4' -yl� a *i _ A. SECTION A-A SECTION 6-B SECTION C-C LONGITUDINAL SECTION ' L•ss of t2e,xro •moo a a 9e-•5,.�x•.so � -. 4.F i• FIs �� � -- G � 1'D'«. an tbtil..�b ' � �4 - —1 . �' t. . - .i• .. ,t.,�_ ...°..... .. ,- ,i°. - .a -�°.�+_Yy .ql', „- -. SECTION F-F. SECTION E-F !Y - SECTION D-D II J.1 .�I I, � r...i ��_ .,.....` �;�.• ... OUANTrnes �St ice. ELEVATION �.,,,°,r�..�.c' p� #' ,iss„i�fs,.r—�sr.�r•0-0—wr ,I r�Hr�''s._.�:.-°-- W&&Mlt 'I Iq a Taal `*`1 k1 � 1let �. 171 lid- 40 jr lip h - - 1. a- 1 a� k ` i _ —.* 4 — I 1.tl :y 4 f y f Wl a r t�. t t ev.h;! Nt 1� '" t4 r ., �� _'1J.LyLI'T� -ice ^'auvtl if tl.-•q...JJ�y�i.. -Yu..se.1J1 ti• jar a Kar:q J �•y"tr-.f,r. .,M,. Y_'?_{ut �Ya . n •^1w1.1 .r��+.i'k'4 f- �N°�t.!^L-.� .'t1" _I'c'Y t'tt• ..l'i'p 1'SY �ii'...f t'SY -.'Y� 4ti ..(.•� {t1 �..� ,i tL' .�•X. f RC55 SFMON t'r tt ..v....F,wt i t�! .� .L ,.,q.r. t+..q•uq• q. afr.Lryr f•J'� ��s- „ �j.'e ..111:.1 M1_ _ •Y c1' _ F W tw ELGVATION Of NO2T71310G. _ qw.. LLLVATION Or SWTN SIDL PL rip.rs -.fsrtq�L. Y..I+r - -- r � - - _ 3_ 3f■.[i'tiru4LE _ u#ers�-.cs.3b�,a li Tile t .t U0.Y ' —�- - - -- r.l_..a aesi,.i.'[r' �•- -;-'oi+h�ip..>rb.J•f.ft" r 17 IRMO% 'yW71T�PLTRCIR. - s ....�'i - .. F b •qY y,,t a "� ! f` : ¢•y. p,•r.�a,4syln. -hRY,.+ It �11lR'�F FiY/+E 11 *L3 Y iar r - •�ltd`.�_ •. t __�.��-il,e�fY.re` - - :]...IxC•t. +•Y.'tte� - T'e _ '� .I• % C�lipDti@ ^ JIDDFR A GIRDER g > .1n��y..pl __ ._.._�� .. r'•.!{.!' .c -.+.lC i r. f.]C•r ` rlRmtl � ,w+r.r•r 1•.....t�.w•l:,r'tK�a�iMl.^ - .. �_ _ •,. ' ��tna ..x. GIRDER C GSRDfiR D.+i -4 —_-�.—�.�sr4.t F_ i��t •—_ .o i+.lee "�t- T•.saT ° .a•'f+.ls'r k•. �y s ilk ' � _. ..L Id-��'_i.:l�.i rM� ~ iV �• e. Y.14 � ta' r�l,n. � is .�. .� � r.r stiff ! � #'s Y _ r.k _ x s -+lam %xw_��c'ti — •y•. f +rt•r-t��+�-+�er.si+rzr. r nasi. � rr n1 — - M � + i s pRCFR C i� . - r� •n. .r•cr - s,,. "C' .'rrr. '� ,rt -_ ite. ..p.ar .n•Y...P.0 rR 6r` r 1�� � � Ar .•{•.tY vW& �r } { .I .so- Y...G•.sc .seY....k''.K-e id, wa � c " w Sc.51 A ,a. :.t-ra' .x-s..[•.�: .n-Y...i•.iS .t- rr —VAti —�'�J.. .w Y..li.tpY• ! - tr zsF .I.ksry • 1� r.�t � sa. _j aft 6— J tr J � _ - .4 A A t i F F r --'-T ti —- i -' , •t i' man '•;�:� , I ,1 a PLAN F - • *s�f,:I-� .� If � Irr� r "`-r•�- —� ` - ,• _ - ,s .. - ., t: — , , _ .. _ sµr _ ice{ L s Il ,J �i {s A♦G.,t_� a } . 'P ' 1 - 1 •t e y a� ,�9 50{iFPA+3 _'t�Ew N,p "�N w� ♦a e. .-. .... ... - QUFN��tIfS �yt7i�.�RL wF 3.. -.... w •- _ - ,�.M�•1. i.IR,.�., i,1♦J_F,.. A r.�.. .. �.. ,.w, .n Fs _ ,P,,,a'biLL RliLy bob*.♦, a.. it'$ 6 jj4 _ F4, kartrF+" f F — f.rdY1• K Mir F +� ► t _ I t r JF In $ Z 1 I D rn 4 F�^ 1• e �� .at• t '�.._.� a 9: — t T---7`i r , � �I� -- 44 Al, T 1� SECTION int• ,.i _• ... _ i 's.e .� c ' r. � 4i. �' 1 , °�.� SII *11 'I . 4lr7 ' ICI 1 � L,1 ' iri 1 c eFeta. . r • 'r � � F o ti l _'4"�S Irai 1-4a :. I• ...T. � rM i 1 a— F 9 I .., lip 'A I a' I � 1 k E 'Oe JL '•L t. ,. y{ WEST END VIEW r - -�T• - T__Y o vl 1 y K y , 'r' •t_.i•sd_r.r.. •fir . . c.'S:45r...,•a...- .d.+.."• . ._____ - 1' MA SEGTIbN•g-g ,SECTION , ^T ' Ordr. M V N SECTION 44 4 i { �' - •Ind b't' tsv t r. �� 4t * ' ' ai S A + .�F '- v F y$ + ' :. r _r,�4 it rvh i t - u �+ .. m.,• -rf'yr __.... _ .f ,� ,ate r...�_�ti<.• • vpil W •'[P.t. J�yy - tc...........TY T SECTION C•C SECTION D D ,t.-et +J,1ti4`!5'll i.I.W_aM1arlr:a ..1' _ ..1 _ �:.t' _ Iti4,fw�llis irr shmbdp#+11 ^" ' a++JIG+.�X+• �� s a y ti.,.r...s' i 4a'P460b I f r' 4 •,�.� .Y{ _ ya+lr.f !Pd �! •• y:l'. ..a- �`1 Y , . •_'i r¢= a • ♦ �9�4+W+ir4fM itf If IN FA , i 't.F,^ffa .ai r,jf..,. r ��.,+_ ►-` a ae .al t. ..i' +e1 �f r,�Ir�'.�.rr-... _ .r w II--- a'+{� _ry .,4 _ . .t^ a s_ f al _.aC4 EAST END viewo CL6t1if� lTifp: .t# + 'JCMt�I�yCSf4'Yl7�ra _ r J-.r..rrirys r r `0, <• a mµ-•T .•rte , . r t-� . . s 4e s � y`ti - s f t R Mie �„ l�t`'. I s� �.k•��r .�.rir`� r'x£t* 1 i .. _ a e{', - ., � r F' s - _ —. `r�l •il .. 5ECTION 8-5 t R..,....t �"�{ '- - - `_ - -•- ,-._ L f~f - - f'F.r ..... .e i..a _ z c _ae•a .i _ °a*•s,t#a .,1..'a+' "�.'- - '� � _�� t as , _ 4{- - �_ , ,i' �° 2' �•{•1,. SECTION A-A a ,� SECTION C-C Z 1 t f T 4 �f � t- a r r .. .. N + ■ r t -� kL Top Gt,•.FOPE,NG • , - f 'a,P.++ >: +�..• .•,as r e;, nf' SECTION E-E. U.a PLAN - _, aa..l. >ti..I•ae r~ Se ve.i,a;6°ole.la<afm end 1k{wl)ar - E.p�rsun-trsr{a. -ij PVMTV I--------- +��Wa ._ - . • III W, ,aa.a.a �...,r..i, .. ... . ,n..{ ., .., .. •�.., '.p-°■A!V 4 ,f,4 {p _-_ •a�r .a'„ ei� .met' OUANTITICS 3 1►N+�' 4,%8 e.,1■ '.f�Q4E1•T S'#L'L 'rT W e4p molI —40-W—" ■iv'� ELEVATION cava le iI -.3t 7 w�+r �:, ;°�`''i■..� T' G. Nl,/an'r.eaw� LN ■i°# L'_ YL i _� - nye.•i:�'�'� . r; ..� - ry Iyi- , +' •a'- .III,- .tllI +i yk , y - 1 4 Ii�rr.>l4li�L.i�4 ,�.J�raq Yex.1� �+µ5F—r3'+..r<.r.ee� �a r4+� .#•� Ti - SECTlow C-C 44 F I t Jf} <.•lr' �, - � - �F µ d•1F_•ai.r•• �; ,�•*yfM 'JI i r�Y f L t J ''f .1 k` •.O J•/•I I�yYl•t.l� a a.a' �aJ•ff"� a• _- �' ., ` _� h f 4 ',tl, �� _ �n ��}• 'i ELEVATION a.+e..as.•e� �. ' � � . ^. IlE • Yfr.a7./1 JL':r•Lr•ffr..+rt _ SWrXW D•D IT 11 = ,w,.. V 1 } I <r :r P f at x 'a �- i r. I ► +- 1' Y_ .1 i I T..l, .. h . AI I __�!L—fir __ -- - ��� .,�r,rls•al.•,f.s'' f�L + - # - ...k-1 � I, r I I I .-�'f11L_ I j " ,y Ai_ a •.a..,Y•1 i_xn..•..� �, y �'- _^+-+f_ k • 'I r-r.--a -_.. ..- - 1 ,t� SECTION A-A of { awry •1 w w: : ti-Ir r t P SECTION E►-9 7 , 4- - - - il•.f4h. }..dam re 77 61 I I_ �I .i.". - .r•N r �s lea..+...�n...,w•, r T r 1.1 ' yYlT1 FYF5 SE If a I a��4 � PLAN �leetr �'riy h _ - _s w le•�`�-w..Mar... r.+Y�*sr t•.�,...,. F[ri 5 ,..fes I 'i r+r I F 7 e'� �Ri�,_4,\ 11 " ,n • _ .. w � 1 M JYf'fw.-r..• +1+I,r P' i _ ,•f.` �—.I ;�� �� r� I 'N.•ff it J.r 0..u,...r JLehx�'L.K. _ yr,w i F _ s EkLy b!I� gPA1L '`c _ ' SECTION C-C - . , SECTION 1 4 _�- w'F #YF•�-ri++'rt war^.I•�.•..n _ , � t ,rs., K.0 a 9 �I.e-r.r� as-r•°Y+�-w+'_ �� ' r r i .ulc -.'�e Fir W SECTION D•D rl � - r •� n.l -. F � � a+ ' 1r1 �, ,s �.� t+r� '�'r —_ J --�. ^, r...r + ,� y �• i _� - ''_ 4� ey' •.. „<..+,a.+'\t ':°�Ir.r_.Yk -rte -S',Jt SECTION A-A. � � I � 11 J,\r•a n � fl .k _ Itir-.rlrrki•� u..s taw.fe•��_:.a,l lam. •°r T_ V-_ r-sP �r�--�'tif.�� I S� -- --- .+. tk 0►S •r y PAW*ELN OF SCAM Ai ENO NJlMIAtK 1 _ 2 y.r.r.. .K T. I y���]�, • .:rra...r.,. �t '_.i �y�it a 5.4+�MJ .IYK.r. 7si#.•J.ac,. „�-\�r� ,s r�r.�„i p„\r.lr.k t.f+^°w:*� .sr.. I..w... . � yr _ i t m ' L M .'r ' 1••��llr•IFr MJM ale!�ilrl � � iaw4ri F MF 1i•fY. r� _ 1 K _rslrr 4..�• �•• � - a rr zt - - ° ° � ju In i t L �a z A r ka 4 �� rn i i s T. 4 T ' - ,w MJ,+1�Ls ]T,is7lAMi �Y I � tl7n mha hITaS �'e"' -`n 114ri:I #r'a'OF iin•l. M F,.pF•ma�eulfl3 Y°�I"+1' � I,w�sl^lyp�tr'I'1�'Yw Nri ■Ti 5.s16s'+Y - —- '1porIir-mb']J: ,.ro+s r'4 F•'*••Pn�+`�'r'^C.r w� .p --.�n•�s•�-�y� -,, ip - — _ Q-Q NOtllns '- �wnF�r � .J I, 1 *•y1rF ':. _ I k �'' z '".F 1'�1r + ' _ - I ,.Y J _ .•. � ^#�y_.��.. s -•I-T. � � t �+�' XWOM15 AD M13 Layd L � - . T _ r _ - .V.■ FJ� Ctl y c 1 L � � �It � f r*erf� ,* a - '1tl" y:a 'y' Y:F — +� -. ft•— �7na.. otlra •i.r 4 j {ti l+�Jk' •'rF4r..'ine'"f+.p1` }•r•�•s �s;l•I.F— _.2e — '�4: .= :,�YIwKIi - i a-£ wires •'+.iL--E- Nollm 'aa-.Pti"1r'tsum r.' i -07 F Yom- — gns F t _ tl 4- Y „,. -+' —llµ :lfi a+�� 'aFl�'J reit.+a°!•.+-d1 ,� I „r _ _ . . F. � a t�w. .•, rrsvw rtw , J � d r • 'I�f-Ir F1GU= fi. J N • ' VgWtM1 i0 A3i3 �`" I=a�rn - fi_,�.�.ntll•¢—'�.J9rl�J1-P•P I�'!Y�' J I� ✓', r �p __ �7 % **•F ..I`110 yrrrr.Y r l ° 4L 00' All —'�• �f I �,! .. r., ��.. T r�a _ �-ly� V yr • .... . "4(�' _Y'.,-, }�'�F _ TYPICAL SECTION FOP 40FT, SPANS. �` r=`• r m,y,....y..a_.. n,..�....,. - Nopr..y.-r...., ..,.�.,.. ?t_ _-�' is M�-tilnao mW Mn, 1. t C * r y A,! l , .a ELEVATION OF NODTN G!QDEQ ELEVATION OF SOUTu GIRDER b.a.v ?•..,L.-arq .Y_ )J S•.!,-i'.)P'C'i�y...,..a•rr . a ' ,•wr c .•.,.wr- S !e Sr• i ). P It'r -... _ _. .. - •_ —S+r-'-.r•....-.-.nom - l�-!''I.^`P.PPIt Il:!-..e -!a l.. - •t. s.x~[ -. • c. - _ s.: . E r ..r _ .. , ; _ c a e +, - • Lj c E s r ,c _ x r - >. _6_c •e�,•A'• 63 HALF ELEV OF SOUTHGIDDEQ HALF FLEV OF GiQ)'❑ ! HALF ELEV.OF NOQTH GIQDE2 f SPANS 012 *13 *14 St5 •c ,I ..+• grr•i...�. •.Y 4r .Ylrf and rr r w .. n, - - -'i _ _ - ___ _ �_ _-- _ .� - ra< • d).r e,.r to �3.a1n cF - -+a C S-a E• sf_s:.. . ., ,- _ _ a -. ! . . _ _ _ '' _ Jr`[an 5rw[70.;.Fr LD s _ e .• _ , . Oun NT ITIS! DETArLS OP 4C FT J? _ WA'.F ELEV OF FACIA&12DE✓2 I,... y„•a s.a n 4,.•r sr'a +.,,s OeL,EE'f�$'-VVQXT-F'MD"U - f SMCGii' •-� cr-.cr,a ...0 w ... a+.e, w.rt biM sw reoaP iac o.i,ar e.�,.ela• w "ALF ELEV OF GVQDEQ VBr�Pte'- �,-t 54rI ••�-G,M!)e,nu.!Mra.r waelnl lY•,Ta01>• �-why+.��' `2 j VPANT M b.• J tSr,f 8.0 3SP• i•� S sim amp- w+s rt70y&OH-WY/hYKl Nol1:J7,{' - aal+na�iPlr�7`'�+4 ..�,�.. '•IM-"7 w r-....y�r-..r y..,rrJ i7VIh 's`l}f1,410 �� � t�yavrno urnixom:v Jr?' �Id lri✓ous`�r. r�SL i 1N/pJ`NO/fYVYHX�/7C'/r(NO/1J�S' �= •ra., � LIl..Jfyyl 7Ylls7h'FDr�r I �v a rrrr. G2"rC' 7�'>n+Y il.•rU"'S ^�5' _ ,�r Teras -.,.+.�aaJ�r.`•Y - - }ra r.xv _ � Wit• A 700 AVVAi.Wjr V LAV7 \ I Y'. F•7 y r��.•I'YW r,�•y..01!'•.,/•i• Yr4�.rA`g'�_f � \ f � y�wa i7lr!'j�OH/yi1i7/N(�IV LC/7 -�p..wk 1+ ♦.r� � � 4 ' �.�'}xv/+;+ ` 1 x 77 VM MgNlO NOi1J2,$* ..ys.. W.W' I -ii1J` aar,,i C V IV l.rIG- w .yeti ss.r:" NO/1 tell-779 �•.9,C.'�p� �.Pr A.w N �. 1 rrOK^ :.lig,!•�j b J' r r r. NV Id -- ' 44 :%ft4"Ar�w�q„R yp 26M9 A'baomy Pbb• J# ._ ztli--_ A�' f - 7 M!M,n 7vnf A^6 N°OJon Peak yP° .Terr4 P,y/e Tya.MS gZSsenry�?} !!.f/�.-bu/e°vaf be•ned•f°ed fe F,t ai... �� � e LF 4 RL �� po I t j .4 , I a ' C xIJS.. 34I3 fi. L 76 10 JJ ' - h Pl— Spewing Ioce+.on of Meeo.ry Plef.a +s w t 7.rc M7-M.x.+n R.+n ✓qf l QUANTITIES PLATE nli►r�r-tens+ k IFaR�1,•IRS I/n �Y'J i1'i I�aG°•"y4'°. XMYiQ YYK�i1,M� ` :3111a,h1TO LIiW L'Xptu It]�799+G ���}Fll�F11.71�711T]SZ yyz�^dj7jo rwzaao7.,w/97,yvp �w Qf.WS PY�i f.Ol%.•'�'d � —ay a]y .923•f,\ S• 21 9 6i•�' 'is SI Ctl1Q'N1�y0aN1]b aC lt�� •`��od�0 90/S�,f...o/•..ozsvoda� �` I ' 6F...,r-,as T9ioifDop *..f p as t��'•a1, � J t • 'I f : '4 _ Y � It 15,— 1= r -* c,4 �— 'u r� � �_!�"+.'-. -�.—� P.'.. ,.�,.'.{. _ 7Lw u�N.wi..�w.�•4. t...yr.w-�^..R�•'+. IL Y4 qFq —7J _ _ I i -eti •pyw,i'4s4r' .i *#.'�: ri�sM+.— :flf4 ,W.a 'r - - r L 1'.�: rn i _. - f�+ .�'cs�'� -r .d. 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