HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2413 A* -� (RDINANO 10 4k Ott V. THAT A POKT'TON OF FWUM "ME-T, IN TMIT CITY OF FORT hTt#, M43, . ITftIx 'fir LIia" )IMM MUM ar IU- MOMI MOVIPING THS VANXM IN -HICH TH7 COST Q? MCM IWrVW,'T"9 MAIL 3R PA,IOJ '131RMP13 III CM 'IMP-M' TO PNT:PAR" VID FILE FLUE Ate} 19P""CIFIC'4TIOM PUR .,HCH 1',,mTVVF.1.T1M; DIMTM Tl CIT VCRgTA.f:7 TO FIL7 A OF TH7 ADOP" OF TIT OUDINA'! `94ITH Wk- COMMY GURK OF UMINT CO[It TY9 M AS I AND D CLARIIM T 11t T 1,1115 MAW,, Am ALL SUMM r!r:,T PROC7101M RITTATIM-, To !3011 ZVMM ' AND SHALL P-1 PMWANT '�# ..,�- xcT OF TR-"' 7XIST-CATISD M31011. OF T" FORTIM L"MISLATURT OF TIli 3TATG JF MW CIIAPM 1066, CMfiA"3WLT Kr. %,N 4,5 " A1, the City Council of the City of Fort%forth, 'Texan,, has d o- terminOd that a public nocc :city exists for and has doo l,.ded to order the !m- prove.."nt of the hsretnaftasr damribed portion of a street in the City of Fort aorth, Tauri# in the manner hereinafter proAded; TR 0R'", .1P IT ORDAINFt) BT Tt f-I C V7 CCUMCIL OF T'ft� CIT'"I (�F FORT '£;''"' s TgM t That thsre e,cists $ aubli.c necassGity, ani said i{,r Council dices er!- �r dei ew irm nt<ae t"tilt v it is necessary to permawntly Laprovo they followiM,, described portion of a street, .within. the City of Port .forth, Tvxai, tag f'ollms, to Nits Florems Street Tftm the tawtherly Chea of asst Xleathesrford Stivot to the lout hsr4 line of Vest 13eUnap street, 37C'[x0ff 2. That it is hereby ordered that said street vwtthin the limits hersin- abm d esaribod shall be imtproved by rals1mg,, grading, f:LUiw , widening, ntr• ly paving or repavi4 same by the construction, racintstructton, rspalrl g or rear ligntizin of concrete curbi and gutters ire the marmar aftd �?ierrs the 'Ity =;ng.imer do- tera►iass that adsquato curbs and matters are not row inst-t1led on proper gra a and lino, wri by comtruction �' such rtrainas and other nwmossatry Incide-tals and appur. t;,en antes as dea3rriod necessary by said Xr4tl"-er, sr td yvrmqn6nt pavirf to consist of Mtn conatruction of'an adequato, rrrreaytrrrr, sutrf'acr u"_,aern n substar&tal baso course, both or such :.y;-�:, constmict ni mte�rialer Rnd thlritnv�s is is deem" adequate and Iaroper 1:q said ttd aU of said )rovements to to as provided for In the c p1ajs and speecifieationa thorefor, to be prepared by :said City Engineer as hersirs- after dirott'ltod, .amu] as shall be ap.-rovsd and n4opteid by Um City Cc+trtM11. a In pftvidinp, for .and Virg such lrrafuovorwrjte, ,vgtd Clt.7 Council derwas It sdeisable atd heroby deteraines to proceed 'unser aM in the oxweise of the powers, tarms ntf provisions of Chapter 106 of the Rate of the First. Called %asion of the Fort,loth Leaglolature of Uiis =tate of Text-a, whish is lawn and shown as lrtiele 1105b of the Ptevised Civil 3atutoe of %xas, 192% as aaetded, and as adopted by the City of i"ort: lort,ti as lection 17, Chapter 1=, of the Charter of said City. rhe City Vngtneer is !!+9rlfts,�r directed to forthwith ,prepare and file with the City Council complete plans and aspecifteatlons for such U4movementse nis cost of said tm=, ve:,Ants as herein defined srmll be paid for as toi34a a, to - it t (a) The prormrty abutting an t,hast, pirtton of the street and the real and true owners thereon' shall pay all of the cost of t'-. curbs and gutters in front of their respective propeity and not exceedW, n" ic—Unths (9/10ths) of the estimated cost of tete rsscr lmler of such iapnV*renta. (b) The City of Fort Worth shnU ,pay all of the ran&i1nder of the cont of said U4)rove wets P fter deductin the arnuntas herein spesifiad to be paid by the abutting properties }cnd the real arA true ovnere thereof a;3 set out abOvv in 3Ub3GQtJLOn (a) ab6ve. The amunte payable by the -abuttik:-, pro.porties are: tyle real and true owners thoroof sl a ll. be arisenn d areainst much prr,►vrtisa aad the real, and true censers thciroo& and shall constitute a ,first cant! ;prior Ilan upon such properties and L personal li&Ulity of the r.:avl =°pi) tr i o� er°a thereon, :� shwcll bs payable as 10110,45, to � -t t 4th said improveronts rare eompl.ete l arni accepted by the City C+outrsil„ the eauunto payable by and seava nod al7ainat the property ubLilting thereon aid the teal and tree owners thereof shall be and becow. payable in five („ equal arzaal Install nUt due resp*ctive,l,y on t.,-,anty (20) :Bays one (1„ too ( -i, three (3) and (4� years franc_ the dat r f said aceepWnee by said Cit,, Courzil, to, ,ath ar 'With interest thereon fyr ► staid date of ccaytazac" at the rata or six per cent (69) per an=lr4 payable amuallyj provided, bomver, that the w 4nors of said property shall tuv-e the j:)rivi~lege of paying any one of or -J1 of such instailaents at Ow time before taatvrity thereof her psyiw the total amunt of pr1r cipal des, together a with internist pawed to t,he date of paywnt, Furthers if default be =tdea in the ps is of v7 of said irnstsUjwnts of principal or interest promptly .when saw mauvees then at the option of the contractor or the entire a=unt of the asssssimat upon which ouch default is macle shall be �Lncl barn-rise t dlatelr dus and payable, t.rRet11vr ;kith reaoortrble attorney's fess and coilsestion aosise if Incurred, Hrevers it is :spetcificaI4 stipu iatud <u" ia•ovided that no assessment shall in atop► case be made =against ary property or t m real or true 6%ners thersof in excess of the speelal benefits to necrue to %ton property in -Jin enhane ed value thereof re- sultiag from said iraprovwwnta. 3FCT1D,*N 00 In the levyin,,r arr# ziaklw of said as9-aa&,:atjtruq if the np.me of axW o-vtor be a it shsll be safIcirnt to so state thu fact, and if any property be owrAd by► an ostaLs or by any firs or aorporjet.lon, it shall tk) raffieieent to so states and it sh*U tit be tt e"sary to Ava tits awrect n&s of wW owner, but the r*kl aml tr~, a oanar of the property mentioned shall be liable 2" the nosesssent nee.irist the property shall be valid whether or not "h owner be named or awreet- ly reseed, It is 'drab,* Further provided that in levyinv said assessrasnts, the ostiission of said frpvvemente in front of wW parcel_ of property e%sm-t from the lien of sash a arm sant.s shall in no wise affeet or I it t lie of the astiees gents against. ths othtr l tt n pro perties in such street. SITTION 7e o pity Sacratar ie hureby directed to czau»e to be �srep�rod a xmtias of Oe enact-mnt of this ordinKnes anal to file 'Said notice xlth the .0 #.q Clerk of i.'1rrant C nu tys Texas, amon+ the ?brtgas:e 'ids of said cotuity. This ordi.nume Mall talcs of f'ectt and to to full tome and effect from vW after the data of As passage, and it Is so ordained. �-� c;t ► a