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Contract 46472-FP1
Depart fit 0P&W Const.Services DOE# i� T Date CITY SEC�� Project ana or 'W Ct RiImo. MAW Cana! 0RTS D.O.E. Brotherton � CFA Westerman/Scanne -- The Proceeding people have been Cont ted foncerrbg t e equest for final payment&have released this project for such payment TION AND PUBLIC WORKS Clearance Conducted By Shameka Kennedy PROJECT COMPLETION wi 02-Nz C/--)IT�� D.O.E.NO: 7284 Regarding contract 117284 for RICHMOND PHASE I as required by the TRANSPORTATION&PUBLIC WORKS as approved by City Council on N/A through M&C N/A the director of the TRANSPORTATION&PUBLIC WORKS upon the recommendation of the Assistant Director of the Transportation&Public Works Department has accepted the project as complete. Original Contract Prices: $752,423.00 Amount of Approved Change Orders: $39,734.30 NQ 1 Revised Contract Amount: $792,157.30 Total Cost Work Completed: $792,157.30 Less Deductions: Liquidated Damages: Days @$210.00/Day Pavement Deficiencies: Total Deduction Amount: Total Cost Work Completed: $792,157.30 Less Previous Payments: $0.00 Final Payment Due $792,157.30 Recom ended for Acceptance Date Asst. actor, TPW - Infrastructure Design and Construction Accepted 64 Dia e' Director, TRANSPORTATIONPUBLIC WORKS Asst. tty anager Date Comments: 0205-541200-207760234283 OFFICIAL REGARD CITY SECRETARY EMAMEn FT.WORTH,TX MAR 2 Inst 2 16 .a!: FORT WORTH CITY OF FORT WORTH FINAL PAYMENT REQUEST Contract Name RICHMOND PHASE I Contract Limits Project Type STORM DRAIN City Project Numbers 02342 DOE Number 7284 Estimate Number I Payment Number I For Period Ending 3/3/2016 CD City Secretary Contract Number 117284 Contract Time 6ED Contract Date Days Charged to Date 444 Project Manager Ehia Contract is 100.00 Complete Contractor KODIAK TRENCHING 7 BORING,LLC P O BOX 93929 SOUTHLAKE, TX 76092 Inspectors LAYER / DOVERS Monday,March 07,2016 Page I of s City Project Numbers 02342 DOE Number 7284 Contract Name RICHMOND PHASE 1 Estimate Number 1 Contract Limits Payment Number I Project Type STORM DRAIN For Period Ending 3132016 Project Funding S'tl;'J>1;M DRAIN Item Description of Items Estimated Unit Unit Cost Estimated Completed Completed No. Quanity Total Quasdty Total ————.————————————- 1 CONCRETE RIPRAP COM 1 406 SY $73.05 $29,658.30 406 529,658.30 2 TRENCH SAFETY COM 1 5199 LF 50.10 $519.90 5199 $519.90 3 CONCRETE COLLAR CONI 3 EA $350.00 $1,050.00 3 $1,050.00 4 21"RCP CLASS Ill CON 1 340 LF $37.90 $12,886.00 340 $12,886.00 5 24"RCP CLASS III COM 1 1798 LF 542.90 $77,13410 1798 $77,13410 6 27"RCP CLASS III CONI 163 LF 548.35 $7,881.05 163 $7,881.05 7 30"RCP CLASS III CON I 792 LF 554.05 542,807.60 792 $42,807.60 8 36"RCP CLASS III CONI 1564 LF $0.85 ;109,245.40 1564 $109,245.40 9 42"RCP CLASS M CON 1 186 LF 58815 $16,414.50 186 $16,414.50 10 48"RCP CLASS Ill CONI 191 LF S10235 $19,548.85 191 S19,548.85 11 2-5X3 BOX CULVERT 105 LF $290.70 $30,523.50 105 S30,523.50 12 3-8X5 MULTI BOX CULVERT 60 LF 5821.80 549,308.00 60 $49,308.00 13 4'STORM JUNCTION BOX 5 EA 53,715.00 $18,575.00 5 S18,575.00 14 Y STORM JUNCTION BOX 3 EA 54,052.00 $12,156.00 3 $12,156.00 15 10'CURB INLET COM 1 16 EA $2,800.00 $44,800.00 16 $44,800.00 16 15'CURB INLET CON 1 20 EA $3,865.00 $77,300.00 20 577,300.00 17 20'CURB INLET COMI I EA $4,925.00 $4,925.00 1 $4,925.00 18 TRAFFIC CONTROL 6 MO S340.00 $2,040.00 6 $2,040.00 19 FLARED WINGWALL W/SAFETYEND 2 EA $13,711.00 $27,422.00 2 527,422.00 TREATMENT 21 30"SLOPED END HEADWALL 1 EA $1,440.00 $1,440.00 1 51,440.00 22 36"SLOPED END HEADWALL 3 EA 52,120.00 $6,360.00 3 56,360.00 23 42"SLOPED END HEADWALL 1 EA $3,020.00 53,020.00 1 $3,020.00 25 FLEXAMAT-10'ROLL 425 LF $45.50 $19,337.50 425 $19,337.50 26 FLEXAMAT-12'ROLL 405 LF $45.50 $18,427.50 405 $18,427.50 27 LOW WATER OUTFALL STRUCTURE 1 LS $4,777.00 $4,777.00 1 54,777.00 28 SWPPP MAINTENANCE 1 LS $300.00 $300.00 1 5300.00 29 CITY BONDS FOR ALL UTILITY 1 LS $45,100.00 $45,100.00 1 545,100.00 IMPROVEMENTS 30 DEMO&CONNECT TO FLARED WINGWALL I LS SI,000.00 $1,000.00 1 $1,000.00 TO EXISTING HEADWALL Monday,March 07,2016 Page 2 of 5 City Project Numbers 02342 DOE Number 7284 Contract Name RICHMOND PHASE 1 Estimate Number I Contract Limits Payment Number I Project Type STORM DRAIN For Period Ending 3/3!2016 Project Funding 15 PARALLEL WINGWALL 8X5 MBC C001 2 EA (47,360.00 594,720.00 2 $94,720.00 17 DUAL 36'&42'SLOPED HEADWALL CON1 I EA $9,450.00 $9,450.00 1 $9,450.00 Sub-Total of Previous Unit $792,157.30 $792,15730 I i Monday,March 07,2016 Page 3 of 5 City Project Numbers 02342 DOE Number 7294 Contract Name RICHMOND PHASE I Estimate Number I Contract Limits Payment Number 1 Project Type STORM DRAIN For Period Ending 3/32016 Project funding Contract Information Summary Original Contract Amount $752,423.00 Change Orders Change Order Number 1 534,734.30 Total Contract Price 5792,157.30 i Date' 24Total Cost of Work Completed 5792,157.30 / Contra Less %Retained $0•D0 Net Earned 5792,157.30 Date 3 Irispuiion S rvi Earned This Period S792,157.30 r 3�/,�? /6 Retainage This Period $0.00 Date Q/l Less Liquidated Damages Project Manager Days @ /Day 50.00 Date /` LessPavement Deficiency $0.00 Asst 'ectodTPW-Infiastruetum Design and Construction Less Penalty $0•00 LJ' 1-/ Date 3 Z /–/4 Less Previous Payment $0.00 Director eontracting Depart= Plus Material on Hand Less 15% 50.00 y Balance Due This Payment 5792,157.30 Mondry,March 07,2016 Page 4 of 5 City Project Numbers 02342 DOE Number 7284 Contract Name RICHMOND PHASE i Estimate Number 1 Contract Limits Payment Number 1 Project Type STORM DRAIN For Period Ending 3!32016 Project Funding Project Manager Ehia City Secretary Contract Number 117284 Inspectors LAYER / DOVERS Contract Date Contractor KODIAK TRENCHING 7 BORING,LLC Contract Time 65 CD P O BOX 93929 Days Charged to Date 444 CD SOUTHLAKE, TX 76092 Contract is .000000 Complete CITY OF FORT WORTH SUMMARY OF CHARGES Line Fund Account Center Amount Gross Retainage Net Funded Total Cost of Work Completed $792,157.30 Less %Retained $0.00 Net Earned $792,157.30 Earned This Period $792,15730 * S0.00 Less Liquidated Damages 0 Days @ $0.00 /Day $0.00 LessPavement Deficiency $0.00 Less Penalty $0.00 Less Previous Payment x0.00 Plus Material on Hand Less 15% $0.00 Balance Due This Payment $792,157.30 Monday,March 07,2016 Page 5 of 5 FORTWORTH rev 03/05/07 TRANSPORTATION&PUBLIC WORKS FINAL STATEMENT OF CONTRACT TIME FINAL STATEMENT NO.I NAME OF PROJECT: Richnkmd PH 1 PROJECT NO.: 02342 CONTRACTOR: Kodiac Trenching&Boring DOE NO. 7284 PERIOD FROM 12/10/14 TO: 02/26/16 FINAL INSPECTION DATE: 29-Feb-16 WORK ORDER EFFECTIVE CONTRACT TIME 120 O WD®CD DAY OF DAYS REASON FOR DAYS DAY OF DAYS REASON FOR DAYS MONTH DCI iARGG CREDITED MONTH DING CREDITED 1. 16. 2. 17. 3. 18. 4. 19. S. 20. 6. 21. 7. 22. 8. 23. 9. 24. 10. 25. 11. 26. 12. 27. 13. 28. 14. 29. 15. 30. 31. SAT,SUN, RAIN,TOO WET, UTILITIES OTHERS* DAYS TOTAL &HOLIDAYS &TOO COLD RELOCATIONS CHARGED DAYS THIS 444 PERIOD PREVIOUS PERIOD TOTALS 444 TO DATE *REMARK& L� CONTRACTOR DATE SPECTOR ATE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 3 � The City of Fort Worth•1000 rton Street•Fort Worth, 76012-6311 (817)392-7941 •Fam(817)392-7845 DEVELOPER-AWARDED-PROJECT CHANGE ORDER PROJECT NAME: RichmorM Phase 1 GRANGE CONTRACT: UWft Water & ORDER No: CFA# 2014-031 CITY PARTICIPATION: No CITY PROJECT# 02342 DOE# 7284 NET A WATER P JE T# P2856071402342XX SEWER PROJECT# P275-7071402342XX FILE # 1 jX4ZW,W-2338 INSPECTOR: KeBh Dovers Phone No: PROJECT MANAGER: Fred Ehia Phone No: 817.392-8424 CONTRACT UNIT VYATER SEVER PANNo DRAINME STREET LIGHTS CONTRACT De..wm Devdopsr -. D.-I.P. - _ D—I.P r -..- D.V to r DAYS Cost codCost Cost C..t Cost two coil OPoONUL CONTRACT SMAIMAS L 4449 MM 612M 70 122.00 EXTRAS TO DATE - CREDITS TO DATE _ �6m CONTRACT TO DATE 604"AS LUPO _ O1t00 _ 702 27.00 0 AMOUNT OF PROP.CHANGE ORDER 00f 740.47 $44,610A5 07f 734.70 REMSED CONTRACT MgIAfT 1 1 .11 123.20 7!2167.]0 - 0 TOTAL REVISED CONTRACT AMOUNT PER UMT 0W12316 2167.70 REVISED COST PLUM Dev.Cost $2.734,518.4S - .. $0.00. TOTAL REVISED CONTRACT 02,73S,5/S.4S RevYet 10.12.2M7 Pqe 1 WATER 1 3305.0700 157 LF Trench Sap $0.10 $16.70 2 3305.1004 45 LF 24'Casing Open Cut $80.00 3]600.00 3 3305.1104 120 LF 24'CasiM By Other Than Opan Cul $80.00 S9.6w.00 4 33052005 171 LF 76'Walar Cartier $94.53 518154.63 5 3]11.0001 0.6 TOR Water Fillings 58711.00 54026.80 6 3311. 41 305 LF a"water PIM $20.15 $6,145.75 7 3311.0441 -5 LF irWaftrfte $36.15 5180.75 6 3311.0541 -259 LF 16'Water ' $51.50 13 .50 91 3311.054 -45 LF IV Water PON,CSS Bae*" $57.80 52 601.00 T. 5412.0001 I 1 EA Fin HydmM 13,685.00 $3685.00 111 .SOD] 2 EA 9'Gale Velve $1,100.00 $2200.00 12 3312.3000 EA 1$'Gats Valva vivault 116.14. .00 13 1 9999.0007 1 -45 1 LF Concrete C $211.00 1 51 260,0 11I 9909.0002 1 -120 1 LF 24'Steel Encasement $60.00 I -39600.00 SEWER 1 3301,002 1616 1 LF Post-CCTV Insf $1.10 31 777.60 2 3305.0109 1280 LF Trench Sate 30.10 1 $120.00 3 3305.0112 5 EA Concrete Coasr $250.00 1 $1250.00 4 3305.0113 3 EA Trench Water Slope S50.00 1 5150.00 5 3331.3312 -1 EA 6'Sawa Service Reconnection $050.00 4moo 6 3331.4115 -741 LF 5'Sewer Pipe 422.65 417,005-95 7 3331.4118 440 LF a'Slower pipe,CSS asafill $27.20 511 966.00 8 3331.4201 -560 LF 10'Sewer P $26.95 516 12.00 9 M1.4202 160 LF 10'Sewer Pbe,CSS .65 $6,057.00 10 3331 AM 940 1 LF 12,Sewer Pipe $37.75 $35455.00 11 3331.4213 -774 1 LF 15'Sower EO! .90 530 802.60 12 3331.4215 1880 I LF 15'Sewer Poe $41.35 77 730.00 13 3331.4216 20 LF 15'Sewer Pipe,CSS Back00 $51165 $1,173.00 14 3339.0001 10 VF EM Mardhole Ureter $165.00 $1.6m 00 15 MUM 1 EA 4'Manhole 1144200 12"2.00 16 3339.1003 -7.1 VF 4'E'"Doyih morowle $191.00 -51 356.10 17 99W.000Q -180 LF 24*Stool EncosmorK $00.90 11400.00 16 9M.Dow 220 LF concrete .00 00 19 9009.0007 7EA 4'W*w Tlahl Mwhds wilh Lid BoMd Ow+w 32.M.00 780.00 20 9990.0038 -100 LF Ban for Utility $472.00 700.00 21 9109.0042 4 EA Rernow EAu&v f"hub $I.DW.W 000.00 22 9999.0043 1424 LF Remove C Savwr 12.00 $17,008.00 23 9990.00" 30 LF Remove Cance I 00 $600.00 24 40 LF Remove&ROPWA Fano $1,344.00 25 900/.0046 1 LS Prated wAfor R Medan i $2 000.00 1 $2j=.00 26 9991.0017 14.2 SY Ranove 6 Replow 4'3Mawak 342.00 5596.10 27 9909.0008 1 SY Remove 6 54 T $150.00 .6950.00 ORM 1 3137.0101 15 SY Concrete Mm $7105 11,095.75 2 _ 1305,0109 191 F Trench Saft 50.10 $10.10 3 33050112 -1 EA Concrete,Geller IM.00 300.00 4 3341.0201 31 LF 21'RCP Clan M $37.90 $1,1 w 5 3341.0205 35 LF 24'RCP Clea M 542.90 $1,501.50 6 3341.0206 465 LF 27RGE,Claes 111 $0.35 449.75 7 3341.0302 443 LF W RCP Clan 10 534.05 4n.944.15 0 3341.030 320 LF 36"RCP Chu M 65 tn.771.10 9 3341.0402 till LF 42'RCP Clave 10 8825 $10.413.50 10 3341.0409 -277 LF 46'RCP Clep 10 $10235 -328.35045 11 ;341001 -5 EA lircurbilliff SZGW.00 -114,000.00 12 3349.5002 7 EA IV Curb Inlet S]865.00 $2T.055.00 13 3349.5003 -2 EA 2R Curb Inlet 11,g25.00 -88 650.00 14 9999.0012 -2 - EA PsE ft -Sx5 MBC 336100.00 -ST2 300.00 15 9900.0012 2 EA Parallel MBC 947,3110M $94,720.00 to 9900.0016 -1 Ewe 45'Mped End Headwu0 1100,0 44,00M 77 9999.0040 1 EA Dust 36'and 42'Sciped OW He $9450.00 $9450.00 TOTAL 4135,0113.08 Rw1seG 10.12-2011 Poe 2 POCRYPLMOKMIMINTINC01RR4Cr pgVMWM aRWGWMM Fat 11i%OFTMC"AWKOFAIRCMAND NO foom%umww"=Tmgcrry"LLUMOWKY"SoavltLopgt. RECOMMEN".. APPROVED: APPROVED. 11r�e Now IM&MIft _ llwrb4uV 1*mk&AMMftftdldMAMw Wk Cm W-1anriartl 'Gilt palydr. RaYYnt 162-80N PiiP i l 0 RT • 1 0 RT H REV:02/20/07 TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC WORKS PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF CONTRACTOR 1) CONTRACTOR&PROJECT DATA Name of Contractor Project Name Kodiac Trenching and Boring Richmond PH 1 DOEInspector DOENumber Connor Slaten 7284 DOE Inspector Project Manager ❑Water ❑Waste Water Q Storm Drainage ❑Pavement Fred Ehia Initial ContractAmount Project Difficulty $752,423.00 O Simple OO Routine O Complex Final Contract Amount Date $792,157.30 2/29/2016 H)PERFORMANCE EVALUATION 0-Inadequate 1-Deficient 2-Standard 3-Good 4-Excellent ELEMENT WEIGHT(-) APPLICABLE /N) RATING 0-4 MAX SCORE SCORE 1 Submission of Documents 2 Y 4 8 8 2 Public Notifications 5 Y 4 20 20 3 Plans on Site 5 Y 3 20 15 4 Field Supervision 15 Y 4 60 60 5 Work Performed 15 Y 4 60 60 6 Finished Product 15 Y 4 60 60 7 Job Site Safety 15 Y 4 60 60 8 Traffic Control Maintenance 15 Y 4 60 60 9 Daily Clean Up 5 Y 4 20 20 10 Citizen's Complaint Resolution 5 Y 4 20 20 11 Property Restoration 5 Y 4 20 20 12 After Hours Response 5 Y 4 20 20 13 Project Completion 5 Y 4 20 20 TOTAL ELEMENT SCORE(A) 443 BONUS POINTS(25 Maximum)(B) TOTAL SCORE(TS) 443 III)CONTRACTOR'S RATING Maximum Score(MS)=448 or sum of applicable element score maximums which= 448 Rating([TS/MS]'100%) 443 / 448 — 99'li Performance Category Eucclleat <20%—Inadequate 20%to<40%=Wcient 40%to<60%=Standard 60%to<80%=Good >_80%=Excellent inspector's Comments(INCI.UDE4G EXPLANATION OF BONUS POINTS AWARDED) Signature DOE Inspector ature Contractor Signature DOE Inspector's Supervisor CONTRACTOR'S COMMENTS I TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC WORKS j The City of Fort Worth•1000 Throckmorton Street•Fort Worth,TX 76012-6311 (817)392-7941 •Fax:(817)392-7845 AFFIDAVIT STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT Before me,the undersigned authority,a notary public in the state and county aforesaid, on this day personally appeared Tim Crawford,COO Kodiak Trenching and Boring,known to me to be a credible person,who being by me duly sworn,upon his oath deposed and said; That all persons,fines,associations,corporations,or other organizations furnishing labor and/or materials have been paid in full; That there are no claims pending for personal injury and/or property damages; On Contract described as;Richmond Phase 1,Ft.Worth,TX BY l 09 Subscribed and sworn before me on this date C of /lit✓�_, d� 1 b Jami Cushman otary Public �a■rO rTwis, — - � stoltofTe:b Fjwr..w Tarrant,Texas NOTICE: This document waives rights unconditionally and states that you have been paid for giving up those rights.It is prohibited for a person to require you to sign this document if you have not been paid the payment amount set forth below. If you have not been paid, use a conditional release form. UNCONDITIONAL WAIVER AND RELEASE ON FINAL PAYMENT Project RW..wA pry.i Job No. %?si The signer of this document has been paid in full for all labor, services, equipment, or materials furnished to the property or to en+,►bou Pow u c (person with whom signer contracted)on the property of wmbak Pw&mv.uc (owner) located at Fwt w-th.zx (location)to the following extent: uWY (job description).The signer therefore waives and releases any mechanic's lien right, any right arising from a payment bond that complies with a state or federal statute, any common law payment bond right,any claim for payment, and any rights under any similar ordinance, rule,or statute related to claim or payment rights for persons in the signer's position. The signer warrants that the signer has already paid or will use the funds received from this final payment to promptly pay in full all of the signert laborers, subcontractors, materialmen, and suppliers for all work, materials,equipment, or services provided for or to the above referenced project up to the date of this waiver and release. Signature: �- Date: 31e/4. Company Name: A,24w- -r a--•N7-i` + a°",� • cL By(w/title): STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF -1 a-r+ra.n'f" § This instrument was acknowledged before me on this day of GY 1 20, by 'Cl &I (name), b title) of tGr�'I .�� 'i+� t liviJKcompany name). w� Jami Cushman V NOTARY PUBLIC,STATE OF TEXAS t Netwy PKMk. �fIc ufTcxu Expires:01/09/2019 CONSENT OF SURETY TO OWNER/OBLIGEE: SUBCONTRACTOR/PRINCIPAL: Annabelle Partners,LLC c/o Jacobs En i in&Group Kodiak Trenching and Boring,LLC 777 Main Street,Fort Worth,TX 76102 P.O.Box 93929 Southlake TX 76092 PROJECT: ALLEGHENY BOND NUMBER: Richmond Phase 1 DSAC SU0662120 In accordance with the request of the referenced Owner/Obligee and Subcontractor/Principal,Allegheny Casualty Company,as Surety under the bond above referenced hereby approves and consents to the release of the following payment under the terms and conditions noted below: Owner/Obligee shall remit all funds that would be otherwise payable to Subcontractor/Principal under Subcontractor/Principal Payment Application for Final Retainage in the amount as detailed below,such payment shall be made in the name of and payable to Kodiak Trenching and Boring,LLC. payee I Amount Kodiak T and BorinL LLC I 276 701-1 I Payments via check should be sent in accordance with the mailing directions listed below. Payments via wire transfer should be directed in accordance with the wiring instructions listed below. Mailing Directions: Wire Instructions: Syrberus,Inc 4164 Austin Bluffs Parkway#362, Colorado Springs,CO 80918 Allegheny Casualty Company agrees that this payment by the Owner/Obligee shall not otherwise relieve the Surety of any obligations set forth in said Surety's bond it being further understood that this Consent of Surety is issued under a full and complete reservation of all rights,claims and defenses available to Allegheny Casualty Company whether at law or in equity and that this reservation of rights shall remain in full force and effect unless expressly waived by us,in writing. IN WITNESS WHEEOF,the Surety has hereunto set its hand on this date: March It,2016 Allulu r CasualtyC�omoany / p `- (Surety) 1 (Signature of Authorized Representative) LAD"K.Edwards`Attomasn-Flat OWMAa IM6t and-ride), _ -- �* Te'L(973j g4Z200VWQF. R " ATTy INTEMNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY. . a - ALLEGHENY CASUALTYCOMPANY ONE NEWARK CENTER,20TH FLOOR NEWARK,NEIN JERSEY OtQ2t52Q7: KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY,a corporation organized and exis under the laws of the State of New Jersey, and ALLEGHENY CASUALTY COMPANY a corporation organized and existing under Ma laws of Ma State Of Pennsylvania,having their principal office in the City of Newark,New Jersey,do hereby constitute and appoint LINDA K. EDWARDS.STEVEN B. SIDDONS, SHIRONG CHEN, LORRIE SCOTT, HOLLY A-GRAVENOR Fort Worth,TX. their true and lawful attomey(syi n-fact to execute seal and deliver for and on Its behalf as surety,any and all bonds and undertakings,contacts of Indemnity and other obligatory n the nature thereof, which are or may be allowed,required or permitted by law,statutes rote oontraft or otherwise and the execu of such Instrument(s) in pursuance of these presents,shall be as bindng upon the said INtERISA ONALEIDELITY INSURANCI= COMPANY and ALLEGHENY CASUALTY COMPANY, as fully and amply, fool Intents and purposes,as 0 the same had been tiny executed and acknowledged by Ink regularly elected officers at their principal offices. This Power of qqt�ayy is executed and may be revoked, pursuant to and by of the -Laws of INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY and ALLEG}iENY CASUALTY COMPANY and Is granted under and by authority of the following resolution adopted the Board of Directors C INTERNAUALTY TIONAL at a TY INSmeeting dulyNCE Coe the 15th any�duly held on the 201h day of July,20 and by the t9oard ofUkectors of ALLEGHENY st,2000: "RESOLVED,that (1 the President,Vice President Executive Vice President or Secretary of the Corporation shall have thepower to appant,and to revoke the appointments of,Attomeys-k►-Fact or agents with power and authority as defined or limited in their respective powers of attorney,and 6o execute on behalf of the Corporation and affix the Corporation's seal thereto,bonds,undertakkgs recognizances contracts of Indemnity and other written obligations in the nature thereof or related thereto; and(2)any such Officers d the Corporation may appoint acrd revoke the a p ES of Joint control cusUodians,agents for acceptance of process,and Attorneys-in-fact with authority to execute waivers and consents on behalf of pthe Corrparppoorraation;and (3)the signature oT any such Officer of the Corporation and the Cc ration's seal may be affixed by facsirrdle to any pager of attorney or certification even far the execution of any bond,undertaking recognizance, con indemnity o1 indemnity or other written oto tion in the nature thereof or related thereto,such signature and seals when SO used whether heretofore or hereafter being herebyadooted by the Corporation as the original signature of such officer and the original seal of the Corporation,to be valid and binding upon the Corporation wilh the same force and effect as though manually affixed." IN attest m,dib day of AL FIDELITY E4 TY INSURANCE COMPANY and ALLEGHENY CASUALTY COMPANY have each execukel and t SSTAinTEEty oOfF JERSEY GtSUA fYRX _•v4 ,/- i' Essex -4 SEAL +" 001` i 19 1936 ,g�, aE Executive V Tdd y,nst��'F Moj &v Officer * `+y YLv ! ands PresiddeentF((AIMghony Ca�uat YOR ) y) On tris 22nd day of July 2014, before me came Mie individual who executed the preceding instrument,to me personally known,and, being by me duty swom, sold he Is the therein described and authorized officer of INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY and ALLEGHENY CASUALTY COMPANY; that the seals affixed to said Instrument are the Corporate Seals of said Companies;that the said Corporate Seals and his signature were duly affixed by order of the Boards of Directors of sold Companies. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand 81fted my Official Seal, at the City of Newark,New Jersey the day and year first above writbari. 1,tHY cR "''• 0,0 _;, ssroy G� -----� -a NOTARYPUBLIC 4.00 �fjk•!4na>N,`,, �;� A NOTARY PUBLIC OF NEW JERSEY OFN1�N� ���. My Commission Expires April 16, 19 1".9010 % CERTIFICATION I,Ma undersigned offer of INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY and ALLEGHENY CASUALTY COMPANY do hereby aerw out 16" compared the foregoing copy of the Power of Attorney and affidavit,and the copy of the Sections of the By4mm of said Companies tre set tortin M said Power of Attomey, with the originals on Me in.the home office of said companies. and that the same aro correct transcripts Bared,and of Ma whole of this said originals,and that the said Power of Attorney has not been revoked and Is now In full forts and effect. IN T *010W V**REOF, I haw hereunto set pily harnd this day of . 5g r t : t z 4 4 Y IUIlIRMt qR`�n^` 7�J , y�'�Y;� �s� `s�`��'4; •�y•��� t bY� 'Y�.i � s'n��� �.,` f i 3 y,�� ,!Vt 9, _,�s 2gn ` R u <`s��s, 3' �n{"?_"< f yk;- N. L ,xr th7'YRy •���i �,_ria R't' 'ov ,,.�L"A ��` aL,�y ir3 ty xr�w `ry„t., • ;'p">'v.a3x �:�. �✓:"fyc L"4S ..e. r�} .t.•f yT ,,.� _ f x'. { .r' 1 `^. .�_ +- y`;r. s�,$_�•f "t 3 S tf i. 4• fi 3 t l f:' h C :: , G.St rti. 4 .8r.. c'=�ii..:. �_c Yi. yw► 7+„• ^;';s's J '1 Annabelle Partners,Ltd 3001 Knox Street, Suite 207 Dallas, 7X 75205 214/445-2200 March 8,2016 To whom it may concern i In connection with the Richmond Phase 1 project,Annabelle Partners,Ltd. does not intend to collect liquidated damages related to the contracts it has entered into with Bean Electrical,Inc., L.H.Lacy Company,Ltd.,and Kodiak Trenching and Boring,LLC. Annabelle Partners,Ltd. a Texas limited partnership By: Hanover Services Group,Inc., itts4ll ' generapartner w Richard B.LeBlanc,President FORTWORTH REV:02122/07 TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTOR'S EVALUATION OF CITY 1)PROJECT INFORMATION Date: 2/29/2016 Naar of Contractor Project Name Kodiac Trenching and Boring Richmond PH 1 DOElnspector Project Manager Connor Slaten Fred Ehia DOENumber ProjectD(fficulty Type of Contract 7284 O Simple ®Routine O Complex ❑Water ❑Waste Water Q Storm Drainage ❑Pavement Initial Contract Amount Final Contract Amount $752,423.00 $792,157.30 H)PERFORMANCE EVALUATION 0-Inadequate I -Deficient 2-Standard 3-Good 4-Excellent EL©IEEW RATING ELEMENT RATING (0-4) (0-4) INSPECTION EVALUATION PLANS&SPECIFICATIONS I Availability of Inspector G 1 Accuracy of Plans to Existing Conditions 2 Knowledge of Inspector 2 Clarity&Sufficiency of Details L 3 Accuracy of Measured Quantities G 3 Applicability of Specifications 4 Display Of Professionalism L 4 Accuracy of Plan Quantities 5 Citizen Complaint Resolution PROJECT MANAGER EVALUATION 6 Performance-Setting up Valve Crews,Labs 1 Knowledge And/Or Problem Resolution C. ADMINLSTRATION 2 Availabili of Project Manager r,/ 1 Change Order Processing Time 3 Communication Ef 2 Timliness of Contractor Payments c.{ 4 Resolution of Utility Conflicts 3 Bid Opening to Pre-Con Meeting Timeframe III)COMMENTS&SIGNATURES COMMENTS Signature Contractor Signature DOE lnsp5qtor Signature DOE Inspector's Supervisor ` GAG(�•�,_ INSPECTOR'S COMMENTS TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC WORKS C) The City of Fort Worth-1000 Tlirockmorton Street-Fort Worth,TX 76012-6311 (817)392-7941 -Fax:(817)392-7845