HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 6205~; _, _ ~,~~. ORDINANCE NO. ~ ~ os AN ORDINANCE MAKING IT UNLAWFUL TO DISCRIMI- NATE AGAINST ANY PERSON BECAUSE OF RACE, COLOR OR NATIONAL ORIGIN IN PLACES OF PUBLIC ACCOMMODATION; DEFINING TERMS; DESIGNATING THE COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMISSION AS THE AGENCY TO RECEIVE, INVESTIGATE, RESOLVE OR FILE COMPLAINTS; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION HEREOF; AND NAMING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS: SECTION 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, association or corporation, or any employee or agent thereof, within the City of Fort Worth to discriminate against, withhold from or deny any person, because of race, color or national origin, any of the advantages, facilities or services offered to the General Public by a place of public accommodation. SECTION 2. As used in this ordinance, the term "place of public accommodation" shall include every business within the City of Fort Worth, whether wholesale or retail, which is open to the general public and offers for compensation any product, service or facility. The term "place of public accommodation" shall include all hotels, motels, restaurants, bars, lounges, night clubs or cabarets where food or beverages are sold or offered for sale, theaters, retail houses, washaterias, bowling alleys, skating rinks, golf courses and all public conveyances, as well as the stations or terminals thereof. ,~ ,,~ 4l Y .. r. SECTION 3. (a) The terms "hotel" and "motel" as used in this ordi- Hance shall include every establishment offering lodging to transient guests for compensation, but said terms shall not apply to any such establishment if the majority of oc- cupants are permanent residents and have their fixed place of domicile therein. (b) The term "restaurant" as used in this ordinance shall include every cafe, cafeteria, coffee shop, sandwich shop, parlor or luncheonette which offers food or beverages for purchase and consumption on the premises, but shall not include places at which alcoholic beverages are sold other than as an accompaniment to meals. (c) The terms "bar" and "lounge" as used in this ordi- - - -Hance shall include every bar, lounge or tavern licensed by the State of Texas to serve alcoholic beverages of any con- tent, including wines and beer, for consumption on the prem- ises, other than restaurants and night clubs as herein defined. (d) The term "night club" shall include night clubs, cabarets or coffee-houses offering facilities for public entertainment, social recreation or group amusement or relaxa- tion, and also offering for sale any beverage, whether alco- holic or non-alcoholic. (e) The term "theater" as used in this ordinance shall include every place, whether indoors or out-of-doors, at which any theatrical performance, moving picture show, musical con- cert, circus or carnival is offered for compensation. N (f) This ordinance shall not, however, apply to any hotel, i ~~,. ~. !"" . ~ motel, restaurant, bar, lounge, night club, cabaret or ' ' ir. theater operated by a bona fide private club when the ac- commodations, advantages, facilities and services are restricted to the members of such club and their guests; nor to any bona fide social, fraternal, educational, civic, political or religious organization, or to any private kinder- garten, day care center or nursery school, when the profits of such accommodations, advantages, facilities and services, above reasonable and necessary expenses, are solely for the benefit of such organization. SECTION 4. The Community Relations Commission heretofore created by Ordinance No. 5802, adopted July 3, 1967, and as amended, is hereby designated as the agency to receive and investi- gate all_complaints or protests of alleged violations of or under this ordinance, and said Commission shall resolve such protests and complaints by its usual procedures. If the Commission cannot resolve any lawful question thus arising which it determines is violative of the letter or spirit of this ordinance, then the Director of the Commission shall be authorized to file a complaint thereon in Corporation Court. No complaint under this ordinance shall be filed in Corporation Court until the Community Relations Commission or the Director thereof shall certify in writing that the Commission is unable to resolve the complaint. SECTION 5. This ordinance shall neither add to nor detract from any civil remedies now available to persons complaining of dis- ~~ uti / Y `` t , h V A t ~ ~ .. i ~. _f t - ~' ~ crimination hereunder. SECTION 6. J y ~ J ~. -.. If for any reason any section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase or provision of this ordinance shall be held invalid, it shall not affect any provisions of this or any other ordinance of the City of Fort Worth to which these rules and regulations relate, and the provisions hereof are declared to be severable. SECTION 7. Any person violating any provision of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) nor in excess of Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) . SECTION 8. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as provided by law. APPROVED AS TO FORM : ~j ~ City Attorney