HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004/01/06-Agenda-City Council CITY COUNCIL AGENDA FOR THE MEETING AT 7:00 P.M. TUESDAY, JANUARY 06, 2004 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL 1000 THROCKMORTON, FORT WORTH, TEXAS I. CALL TO ORDER II. INVOCATION - Pastor Michael Bell, Greater St. Stephen Baptist Church III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE IV. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2003 V. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS, INTRODUCTIONS, ETC. 1. Presentation of Certificates of Appreciation to Former Board and Commission Members VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS BY CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS AND STAFF VII. ITEMS TO BE WITHDRAWN FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA VIII. ITEMS TO BE CONTINUED OR WITHDRAWN BY STAFF IX. CONSENT AGENDA All items with asterisks (**)are a part of the Consent Agenda and require little or no deliberation by the City Council. Approval of the Consent Agenda authorizes the City Manager, or his designee, to implement each item in accordance with staff recommendations. X. PRESENTATIONS BY THE CITY COUNCIL 1. Changes in Membership on Boards and Commissions XI. PRESENTATIONS AND/OR COMMUNICATIONS FROM BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND/OR CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEES XII. PRESENTATIONS BY THE CITY SECRETARY 1. **OCS-1392 - Notice of Claims for Alleged Damages and/or Injuries XIII. REPORT OF THE CITY MANAGER A. General **1. M&C G- - Temporary Street Closure of a Portion of W. R. Watt 14211 Drive, Burnett-Tandy Drive, Gendy Street, and Trinity Park Drive for the 2004 Southwestern Exposition and Livestock Show **2. M&C G- - Authorization for Grant Applications to North Central 14212 Texas Council of Governments for Environmental Projects **3. M&C G- - Semi-Annual Impact Fees Progress Report of the 14213 Water and Wastewater Capital Improvements Plan 4. M&C G- - Designation of the Berry/UniversityA A Area as a 14214 Neighborhood Empowerment Zone and Fort Worth g p Neighborhood Empowerment Reinvestment Zone (PUBLIC HEARING) a. Report of City Staff Council Date: 1/6/2004 b. Citizen Presentations c. Council Action 5. M&C G- - Authorization for the City to File a Lawsuit Against 14215 Douglas Glenn Mitchell Pursuant to Chapter 54 of the Texas Local Government Code 6. M&C G- - Authorize the City Manager to Submit a Letter to the 14216 Texas Department of Transportation Requesting Approval of Restrictions to Keep Trucks, Truck Tractors, and Road Tractor Traffic in the Two Lanes Furthest to the Right on Portions of Interstate Highway 30 B. Purchase of Equipment, Materials, and Services **1. M&C P- - Purchase Agreement with Tolman Building 9896 Maintenance for Temporary Employment Services for Manual Laborers for the Public Events Department, Convention Center and Will Rogers Memorial Center **2. M&C P- - Purchase Agreement with Loomis Fargo and 9897 Company for Armored Car Services for the City of Fort Worth **3. M&C P- - Purchase Agreement with Texas Star Security Waco, 9898 Inc. for Unarmed Security Guard Services for the City of Fort Worth **4. M&C P- - Non-Exclusive Purchase Agreement for Plumbing 9899 Repair Service and Parts with Multiple Vendors for the City of Fort Worth C. Land **1. M&C L- - Condemnation of One Permanent Sanitary Sewer 13730 Easement and One Temporary Construction Easement in East Fort Worth from Cristina R. Aseron for Construction of the Main 244A Parallel Relief Sewer Project (DOE 3295) **2. M&C L- - Acceptance of One Permanent Utility Easement from 13731 Barham & Harris Development One, L.P. for Future Development in the Parkview Hills Phase II Addition (DOE 4128) **3. M&C L- - Conveyance of Three Right-of-Way Parcels and One 13732 Permanent Slope Easement to Texas Department of Transportation for Highway Interchange at North Tarrant Parkway from IH-35W to US377 (DOE 4014) **4. M&C L- - Authorization of License Agreement for Septic Drain 13733 Field to Service Owner-Occupied Lake Worth Property Located at 4065 Peninsula Club Circle, Lot 28, Block 19 **5. M&C L- - Acquisition of One Permanent Water Main Easement 13734 and One Temporary Construction Easement from Northbrook Business Center for Property Located East of Blue Mound Road and North of Loop 820 (DOE 4088) **6. M&C L- 13735 Acceptance of One Permanent Utility Easement from Council Date: 1/6/2004 J. C. Penney Properties, Inc. and One Permanent Utility Easement from Eversan Limited Partnership and Sansteve Trust for Property Located in the Ridgmar Mall AdditionA A (DOE 3862) **7. M&C L- - Acceptance of One Permanent Sanitary Sewer 13736 Easement from Mike Sandlin Companies, Inc. for Property Located West of W. J. Boaz Road and Elkins School Road (DOE 4011) **8. M&C L- - Acceptance of One Permanent Sanitary Sewer 13737 Easement and One Temporary Construction Easement Located at 6208 Loydhill Lane from Thomas E. Trantham (DOE 4297) 9. M&C L- - Acceptance of Two Permanent Water Line 13738 Easements from Oncor Electric Delivery Company for the Construction of a Variable Width Water Main in Northwest Tarrant County, Northside II Water Main Extension, Phase II (DOE 4088) D. Planning &Zoning 1. M&C PZ- - VA-03-024: Adoption of a Resolution Closing a 2515 Portion of Collinwood Avenue at the East End of the 4500 Block at its Intersection with a North-South Alley between Chamberlain Arlington Heights 1st Filing Addition and Hillcrest Addition, Fort Worth, Texas (Continued from a Previous Meeting) **2. M&C PZ- - VA-03-030: Adoption of an Ordinance VacatingA a 2517 12-Foot Alley Projecting 207 Feet North of West Berry Street between LotA A Nos. 1 through 4, and LotA A Nos. 10 through 14, in Block 13 of Forest Park Addition, Fort Worth, Texas 3. M&C PZ- - Establishing a Timetable for Proposed Voluntary 2516 Annexation of Approximately 105 Acres of Land Located North of Park Drive, South of Bonds Ranch Road, East of Boat Club Road, and West of Business Highway 287 in Tarrant County, Texas (Lago Vista at Bonds Ranch) (Annexation Case No. AX-04-01) E. Award of Contract **1. M&C C- - Encroachments in Right-of-Way: Consent Agreement 19915 with PPC Firestone Limited Partnership Authorizing Use of the Right-of-Way for Encroachments in the Right-of-Way for the Firestone Square Project in the 1000 Block of West 7th Street **2. M&C C- - Construction Contract with Jamail Construction 19916 Company, Inc. for Fixed Unit Price, Indefinite Delivery of Building Renovation and Construction Services for the Transportation and Public Works Department, Facilities Management Division **3. M&C C- - Award of Contract to Sutton & Associates, L.P. for 19917 Surface Wedge Milling (2004-3) at Various Locations **4. M&C C- 19918 Appropriation Ordinance and Award of Contract to AUI Contractors, L.P. for Sanitary Sewer Council Date: 1/6/2004 Rehabilitation and Improvements Contract LXII (62), Unit 2 **5. M&C C- - Appropriation Ordinance and Award of Contract to 19919 Rainier Construction Company for Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation and Improvements Contract LXII (62), Units 1 and 3 **6. M&C C- - Appropriation Ordinance and Engineering Agreement 19920 with BDS Technologies, Inc. for the Design of Water and Sanitary Sewer Replacement Contract 2003, STM-C **7. M&C C- - Approval of Contract with American Environmental 19921 Specialties, I nc.A for Asbestos Abatement Services at Fort Worth Meacham International AirportA A A A **8. M&C C- - Encroachment in Sanitary Sewer 19922 Easement:A A Consent Agreement with Exhibits€TMs Building Partnership Authorizing Use of Sanitary Sewer Easement for Proposed Encroachments for Hales€TMs Shuck A Peel, Inc. **9. M&C C- - Award of Contract to Parks For Play, Inc. for 19923 Playground Renovation at Fairfax, Meadowood, Normandy Place, and Village Creek Parks 10. M&C C- - Rescind Contract Award to Garner Environmental 19924 Services, Inc. and Award Contract to Eagle Construction and Environmental Services, L.P. 11. M&C C- - Authorization to Enter Into a Contract for the 19925 Management of Public Improvement District No. 6 XIV. ZONING HEARING a. Cases Recommended for Approval 1. Zoning Docket No. ZC-03-269 -(CD 2) - Koll Development, 14400 Block of Statler Blvd; From "D" High Density Multi-Family to "E" Neighborhood Commercial. (Continued from December 16, 2003) 2. Zoning Docket No. SP-03-055 -(CD 9) -City of Fort Worth Planning Department, 2601 West 7th Street; site plan for mixed-use development. (See ZC-03-320A.) (Continued from a Previous Meeting) 3. Zoning Docket No. ZC-03-288 -(CD 9) -City of Fort Worth Planning Department, West 7th Street and University Drive (See Exhibit A-288); From "E" Neighborhood Commercial, "FR" General Commercial Restricted, "F" General Commercial, "G" Intensive Commercial, "J" Medium Industrial, "PD-248" Planned Development for all uses in "G" Intensive Commercial plus apartments and "PD- 464" Planned Development for all uses in "C" Medium Density Multi- Family to "MU-1" Low Intensity Mixed-Use and "MU-2" High Intensity Mixed-Use. 4. Zoning Docket No. ZC-03-291 -(CD 9) -City of Fort Worth Planning Department, 2813, 2821, 28257 2833, 2901, 2908, 2909 & 2925 Crockett Street, 2824 & 2830 Morton Street and 2825 and 2921 West 7th Street; From "J" Medium Industrial to "PD/SU" Planned Development/Specific Use for all uses in "MU-2" High Intensity Mixed-Use plus storage yard for building materials and outdoor products display. (Waiver of site plan recommended) 5. Zoning Docket No. ZC-03-303 -(CD 2) - Baptist Foundation of Texas, North of Heritage Trace Parkway, east of Harmon Road; Council Date: 1/6/2004 From "C" Medium Density Multi-Family to "E" Neighborhood Commercial. 6. Zoning Docket No. ZC-03-305 -(CD 3) - Leonard H. and Laurie Roberts, 4400 Overton Crest Drive; From "A" One-Family to "PD/SU" Planned Development/Specific Use for all uses in "A-5" One-Family plus perimeter fencing and gates. (See SP-03-050) 7. Zoning Docket No. SP-03-050 -(CD 3) - Leonard H. and Laurie Roberts, 4400 Overton Crest Drive; Site plan for proposed residential fence. (See ZC-03-305) 8. Zoning Docket No. ZC-03-319 -(CD 9) -City of Fort Worth Planning Department, North of Berry Street (between Stadium Drive and McCart Avenue), south of Berry Street (between Rogers Avenue and Forest Park Boulevard) and 3113 South University Drive (see Exhibits A-319 and B); From "B" Two-Family, "C" Medium Density Multi-Family, "ER" Neighborhood Commercial Restricted, "E" Neighborhood Commercial,"F" General Commercial, "CF" Community Facilities and "G" Intensive Commercial to "MU-1" Low Intensity Mixed-Use, "PD/MU-1" Planned Development/Low Intensity Mixed-Use increasing the height to 80 feet, or six stories, for the area at 3113 South University Drive and "PD/MU-2" Planned Development/High Intensity Mixed-Use for the area north of Berry Street (See Exhibit C) 9. Zoning Docket No. ZC-03-320 -(CD 7) -City of Fort Worth Planning Department, East of Foch Street, south of Weisenberger Street, north of Stayton Street and west of Arthur Street (See Exhibit D); From "D" High Density Multi-Family, "E" Neighborhood Commercial, "J" Medium Industrial, "K" Heavy Industrial and "PD- 268" Planned Development for additional parking to "MU-2" High Intensity Mixed-Use and "PD/MU-2" Planned Development to "MU- 2" High Intensity Mixed-Use standards. (See SP-03-055). 10. Zoning Docket No. ZC-03-321 - (CD 2) -Text amendment revising development standards for townhomes in the "H" Central Business District. 11. Zoning Docket No. ZC-03-327 - (CD 9) - Ken Schaumburg, 959 and 961 Bluff Street and 409 North Henderson Street; From "H" Central Business District to "MU-2" High Intensity Mixed-Use. XV. CITIZEN PRESENTATIONS XVI. EXECUTIVE SESSION (PRE-COUNCIL CHAMBER) XVII. ADJOURNMENT According to the City Council Rules of Procedures, individual citizen presentations shall be limited to three minutes, and group presentations shall be limited to ten minutes. The Mayor, at his discretion, may reasonably extend these limits. This facility is wheelchair accessible. For accommodations or sign interpretive services, please call the City Manager's Office at 817-392- 6143, 48 hours in advance. Council Date: 1/6/2004