HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005/04/12-Agenda-City Council CITY COUNCIL AGENDA FOR THE MEETING AT 7:00 P.M. TUESDAY, APRIL 12, 2005 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL 1000 THROCKMORTON, FORT WORTH, TEXAS I. CALL TO ORDER II. INVOCATION - Minister A. L. Holmes, Mount Nebo Missionary Baptist Church III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE IV. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF TUESDAY, APRIL 05, 2005 V. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS, INTRODUCTIONS, ETC. 1. Presentation of Proclamation for Fair Housing Awareness Month 2. Presentaton of Proclamation for Youth Service Days VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS BY CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS AND STAFF VII. ITEMS TO BE WITHDRAWN FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA VIII. ITEMS TO BE CONTINUED OR WITHDRAWN BY STAFF IX. CONSENT AGENDA All items with asterisks (**)are a part of the Consent Agenda and require little or no deliberation by the City Council. Approval of the Consent Agenda authorizes the City Manager, or his designee, to implement each item in accordance with staff recommendations. X. PRESENTATIONS BY THE CITY COUNCIL 1. Changes in Membership on Boards and Commissions 2. A Resolution Approving the 2005-2006 Crime Control Plan and Budget as Adopted by the Directors of the Fort Worth Crime Control and Prevention District a. Report of City Staff b. Citizen Presentations c. Council Action XI. PRESENTATIONS AND/OR COMMUNICATIONS FROM BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND/OR CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEES XII. PRESENTATIONS BY THE CITY SECRETARY 1. **OCS-1476 - Notice of Claims for Alleged Damages and/or Injuries 2. OCS -1477-A Resolution Appointing the Remaining Presiding Judges and Alternate Judges for the May 7, 2005 City Council Election XIII. REPORT OF THE CITY MANAGER A. General 1. M&C G- - Approve Tree Removal Application Appeal for the 14715 Parks on Randol Mill (Continued from a Previous Meeting) **2. M&C G- - 14742 Adopt Resolution Authorizing Employment of Outside Legal Counsel for Consultation Services andA A Document Review with Regard to Oil and Council Date: 4/12/2005 Gas Leases within the City Limits **3. M&C G- - Adoption of Appropriation Ordinance to Allocate 14743 $1,530.00 for Purchase of Landmark Plaques **4. M&C G- - Adopt Appropriation Ordinance for Appropriation of 14744 $7,890,000.00 in Proceeds from Water and Sewer System Subordinate Lien Revenue Bonds, Series 2005 5. M&C G- - Authorization to Initiate Rezoning of Properties in the 14745 Proposed Oleander Walk Neighborhood of the Medical District Mixed-Use Growth Center in Accordance with the 2005 Comprehensive Plan 6. M&C G- - Approve Application from Kimco Montgomery Plaza, 14746 L.P. for a Municipal Setting Designation (MSD), for the Property Located at 2600 West 7th Street; Adoption of a Resolution Supporting the Application for an MSD to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality; and Adoption of an Ordinance Prohibiting the Potable Use of Groundwater from the MSD (PUBLIC HEARING) a. Report of City Staff b. Citizen Presentations c. Council Action 7. M&C G- - Adopt Resolution and Authorize Submission of 14747 Amended Brownfield Economic Development Initiative Grant Application and Application for Section 108 Loan Guarantee to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development for the Texas and Pacific Warehouse Project (PUBLIC HEARING) a. Report of City Staff b. Citizen Presentations c. Council Action B. Purchase of Equipment, Materials, and Services **1. M&C P- - Authorize a Purchase Agreement with Regal Food 10116 Service, Incorporated to Provide Lunch and Snack Meals for the Summer Food Program for the Parks and Community Services Department C. Land **1. M&C L- - Approve Acceptance of One Permanent Sewer Line 14053 Easement and One Permanent Water Main Easement from Basswood/35 Partners, L.P., for Property Located in North Fort Worth, Tarrant County (DOE 4807) **2. M&C L- - Authorization for Condemnation of One Permanent 14054 Sewer Line Easement and One Temporary Construction Easement across Property Owned by T.J. Winn and Leland B. Gjetley, Located South of J.W. Boaz Road and West of Old Decatur Road (DOE 4620) Council Date: 4/12/2005 **3. M&C L- - Approve Acceptance of a Permanent Drainage 14055 Easement and a Permanent Sewer Line Easement Located in Northeast Tarrant County from D. R. Horton a€" Texas Ltd. for the Blake Meadows Subdivision Development Project (DOE 4614) **4. M&C L- - Authorize the Correction of M&C L-14042, 14056 Authorizing the Acquisition of One Permanent Sanitary Sewer Easement and One Temporary Construction Easement from Mark J. Teinert and Kelli G. Teinert for Property Located in East Fort Worth (DOE 3295) **5. M&C L- - Approve Acceptance of One Permanent Drainage 14057 Easement Located in West Fort Worth from Sheng Y. Tsou and S. Huynh Sam to Serve Tiffany Gardens Phase 1 Development (DOE 4362) D. Planning &Zoning - None E. Award of Contract **1. M&C C- - Authorize Execution of a Public Right-of-Way Use 20642 Agreement Granting Antero Resources Pipeline, L.P. a License to Use Certain Public Rights-of-Way for the Purpose of Constructing, Maintaining and OperatingA A Natural Gas Pipelines **2. M&C C- - Authorize Execution of Public Right-of-Way Use 20643 Agreement Granting BSG Pipeline, Ltd. a License to Use a Certain Public Right-of-Way of the City of Fort Worth for the Purpose of Constructing, Maintaining and Operating a Natural Gas Pipeline **3. M&C C- - Authorize Execution of Job Order under the City's 20644 Job Order Contract with Jamail Construction Company to Replace the Fuel Service Canopy at the Water Service Center **4. M&C C- - Authorization to Extend the Contract with Aramark 20645 Corporation to Provide Exclusive Concession and Alcoholic Beverage Services at the Fort Worth Convention Center **5. M&C C- - Adopt Appropriation Ordinance and Authorize 20646 Execution of Contract to McClendon Construction Co., Inc. for Pavement Reconstruction and Water and Sanitary Sewer Replacements on New York Street from East Terrell Street to Rosedale Street (CIP Project No. 00057) **6. M&C C- - Adopt Appropriation Ordinance and Authorize 20647 Execution of Contract to Austin Bridge & Road, LP, for H.M.A.C. Surface Overlay 2005-6 at Various Locations **7. M&C C- - Adopt Appropriation Ordinance and Authorize 20648 Execution of Contract to JRJ Paving, LP, for H.M.A.C. Surface Overlay 2005-8 at Various Locations **8. M&C C- - Authorization to Rescind Award of Contract for 2002 20649 STM-F and Authorization to Advertise the Project for Council Date: 4/12/2005 Bid **9. M&C C- - Approve Acceptance ofA A Lease Agreement for 20650 Natural Gas Drilling under City-Owned Right-of-Way with Antero Resources **10. M&C C- - Authorize Execution of Contract to Skyline 20651 Excavation, Inc. for Sidewalk Contract a€" Group 2 **11. M&C C- - Authorize Execution of a Lease Extension with 20652 Primera Baptist Church for Office Space at 1519 Circle Park Boulevard for the Police Department **12. M&C C- - Execution of Lease AgreementA with Six Point 20653 Centre d/b/a Riverside Commercial, LLC for Office Space Located at 3124 East Belknap Street, Unit D, for the Fort Worth Police Department **13. M&C C- - Authorization to Enter into a License Agreement with 20654 Sprint Spectrum L.P. to Lease Property in Cobb Park and Acceptance of Facility Improvements 14. M&C C- - Authorize Execution of Community Facilities 20655 Agreement with Chadwick Farms, Ltd. for the Installation of Community Facilities to Serve Chadwick Farms 15. M&C C- - Adopt Appropriation Ordinance for Contractual 20656 Payment from Ken Moore Enterprises, Inc. for the Public Events Department Special Trust Fund and Authorize Extension of Contract 16. M&C C- - Authorize Execution of Contract with McClaren, 20657 Wilson and Lawrie, Inc. to Conduct a Needs Assessment for the Police Department Crime Laboratory XIV. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1.. First Public Hearing for Proposed Voluntary Full Purpose Annexation of 213.34 Acres of Land in Denton County, Located Approximately One Mile West of FM 156, North of State Highway 114 (AX-05-001 River's Edge) a. Report of City Staff b. Citizen Presentations 2.. First Public Hearing for a Proposed City Initiated Full Purpose Annexation of 6.9 Acres of Land in Denton County, Located Approximately One Mile of FM 156, Being a Portion of the State Highway 114 Right-of-Way (AX- 05-004) a. Report of City Staff b. Citizen Presentations XV. ZONING HEARING a. Cases Recommended for Approval 1. Zoning Docket No. SP-05-014 -(CD 2) - Rite-Weld Supply, Inc., 3417 North Main Street; Site Plan to Amend "PD/420", for all uses in "I" Light Industrial to Expand Development (Continued from a Previous Meeting) 2. Zoning Docket No. ZC-04-302 -(CD 4) -Texas National Theaters, 3715 Northeast 28th Street; from "A-5" One-Family Residential and "E" Neighborhood Commercial to "A-5" One-Family Residential 3. Zoning Docket No. ZC-05-036 -(CD 5) -City of Fort Worth, 5130 Anderson Street; from "B" Two-Family Residential to "A-5" One- Council Date: 4/12/2005 Family Residential 4. Zoning Docket No. ZC-05-047 -(CD 7) - RCM Development, LLC., West Sendera Ranch Blvd; from "E" Neighborhood Commercial to "PD/SU" Planned Development/Specific Use for All Uses in "E" Neighborhood Commercial Plus Mini Warehouses. Site Plan Required. (See SP-05-013.) 5. Zoning Docket No. SP-05-013 -(CD 7) - RCM Development, Sendera Ranch Blvd; Site Plan for Mini Warehouses (See ZC-05- 047.) 6. Zoning Docket No. ZC-05-048 -(CD 2) - Luis Martinez &Victor Samaniego, 1914 Jacksboro Hwy; from "B" Two-Family Residential and "E" Neighborhood Commercial to "F-R" General Commercial Restricted 7. Zoning Docket No. ZC-05-049 -(CD 5) -Joel Vasquez, 4000 Block of Mansfield Hwy; from "B" Two-Family Residential and "E" Neighborhood Commercial to "F-R" General Commercial Restricted 8. Zoning Docket No. ZC-05-052 -(CD 4) - Newmark Homes, L.P., 1000 feet east of Current North Riverside Drive; from "CF" Community Facilities to "R-2" Townhouse/Cluster Residential 9. Zoning Docket No. ZC-05-053 -(CD 6) -Arcadia Land Partners 21, LT, Southwest corner of Hemphill Street and Sycamore School Road; from "B" Two-Family Residential and "CF" Community Facilities to "A-5" One-Family Residential 10. Zoning Docket No. ZC-05-055 - (CD 7) -John McMackin, 4828 Locke Ave; from "C" Medium Density Multi-Family to "E" Neighborhood Commercial 11. Zoning Docket No. ZC-05-056 - (CD 5) - Eastland Real Estate Investors, 5600 Block of Eastland Street; from "B" Two-Family Residential to "C-R" Low Density Multi-Family b. Cases Recommended for Denial 1. Zoning Docket No. ZC-04-335 -(CD 9) -J. Michael Sadler, 4301 Fair Park Blvd.; from "F-R" General Commercial Restricted to "PD/SU" Planned Development/Specific Use for Private Parties with Sales of Alcohol for On-Premises Consumption. Site Plan Required. (See SP-05-002.) (See Letter of Appeal.) 2. Zoning Docket No. SP-05-002 -(CD 9) -J. Michael Sadler, 4301 Fair Park Blvd; Site Plan for Private Parties for On-Premises Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages (See ZC-04-335.) (See Letter of Appeal.) 3. Zoning Docket No. ZC-05-005 -(CD 4) - Morteza Naghavi, 8700 Block of John T. White Rd; from "E" Neighborhood Commercial to "PD/SU" Planned Development/Specific Use for All Uses in "E" Neighborhood Commercial Plus Mini Warehouses. Site Plan Required. (See SP-05-001.) 4. Zoning Docket No. SP-05-001 -(CD 4) - Morteza Naghavi, 8700 Block of John T. White Rd; Site Plan for Mini Warehouses (See ZC- 05-005.) 5. Zoning Docket No. ZC-05-012 -(CD 6) - FJM Properties, 7500 Block of Old Granbury Road; from "A-5" One-Family Residential to "C" Medium Density Multi-Family 6. Zoning Docket No. ZC-05-054 -(CD 4) -John Sartain, 8200 Block of Sartain Drive; from "E" Neighborhood Commercial to "F-R" General Commercial Restricted XVI. CITIZEN PRESENTATIONS Council Date: 4/12/2005 1. Mr. Riley Cantrell, 2300 Sundrop Court- Disabled Trash Carry-Out Pick- up XVII. EXECUTIVE SESSION (PRE-COUNCIL CHAMBER) XVIII. ADJOURNMENT According to the City Council Rules of Procedures, individual citizen presentations shall be limited to three minutes, and group presentations shall be limited to ten minutes. The Mayor, at his discretion, may reasonably extend these limits. This facility is wheelchair accessible. For accommodations or sign interpretive services, please call the City Manager's Office at 817-392- 6143, 48 hours in advance. Council Date: 4/12/2005