HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006/08/15-Agenda-City Council CITY COUNCIL AGENDA FOR THE MEETING AT 10:00 A.M. TUESDAY, AUGUST 15, 2006 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL 1000 THROCKMORTON, FORT WORTH, TEXAS I. CALL TO ORDER II. INVOCATION - Reverend Robin Michalove, Hemphill Presbyterian Church III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE IV. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF TUESDAY, AUGUST 08, 2006 V. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS, INTRODUCTIONS, ETC. 1. Presentation of Results of City of Fort Worth Employee Food Drive Benefiting the Tarrant Area Food Bank VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS BY CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS AND STAFF VII. ITEMS TO BE WITHDRAWN FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA VIII. ITEMS TO BE CONTINUED OR WITHDRAWN BY STAFF IX. CONSENT AGENDA All items with asterisks (**)are a part of the Consent Agenda and require little or no deliberation by the City Council. Approval of the Consent Agenda authorizes the City Manager, or his designee, to implement each item in accordance with staff recommendations. X. PRESENTATIONS BY THE CITY COUNCIL 1. Changes in Membership on Boards and Commissions XI. PRESENTATIONS AND/OR COMMUNICATIONS FROM BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND/OR CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEES XII. PRESENTATIONS BY THE CITY SECRETARY 1. **OCS-1570-Notice of Claims for Alleged Damages and/or Injuries XIII. RESOLUTIONS 1. A Resolution Regarding the Citizensa€TM Advisory Group, Reestablishing the Charter of the Citizens'Advisory Group for the Southwest Parkway, and Filling Vacancies on the Citizens'Advisory Group 2. A Resolution Approving Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport Board Resolution No. 2006-08-277 Accepting the Highest and Best Bid and Authorizing the Execution of an Oil and Gas Lease for the Production of Natural Gas on the Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport Property XIV. ORDINANCES 1. An Ordinance Ordering a Special Election by the Qualified Voters of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, on Tuesday, the 7th Day of November, 2006, on the Question of Whether the City of Fort Worth Should be Authorized to Recognize an Employee Association as a Sole and Exclusive Bargaining Agent for the Municipal Police Officers and Authorizing the City of Fort Worth to Make Agreements with the Employee Association as Provided by Law XV. REPORT OF THE CITY MANAGER Council Date: 8/15/2006 A. General **1. M&C G- - Adopt Appropriation Ordinance and Authorize 15341 Additional Vendors for Use with the Citya€TMs Inter- Fund Loan Financing for the Information Technology Solutions Department **2. M&C G- - Consideration of Application and Adoption of 15342 Ordinance Granting Privilege to Accent Johnston Limousine to Operate Twenty-OneA Limousines upon the Streets, Alleys and Public Thoroughfares of the City of Fort Worth **3. M&C G- - Consideration of Application and Adoption of 15343 Ordinance Granting Privilege to City Transportation, LLC to Operate Three Limousines upon the Streets, Alleys and Public Thoroughfares of the City of Fort Worth 4. M&C G- - Adoption of an Ordinance Amending City Code 15344 Section 7-78 to Increase theA A Membership of the Appeals Board to Nine Members and Grant Authority to the Appeals Board to Hear Appeals from the Historic and Cultural Landmark Commission and Downtown Design Review 5. M&C G- - Appointment of Ruth Ryerson as the Executive 15345 Director of the Employees Retirement Fund 6. M&C G- - Adopt Ordinance Amending the Project and 15346 Financing Plan for Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number Eight, City of Fort Worth, Texas (Lancaster Corridor TIF) (PUBLIC HEARING) a. Report of City Staff b. Citizen Presentations c. Council Action 7. M&C G- - Authorization to Initiate Rezoning of Certain 15347 Properties along Autumn Drive and Encanto Drive in Accordance with the 2006 Comprehensive Plan 8. M&C G- - Appointment of William F. Rumuly as Clerk of the 15348 Municipal Court 9. M&C G- - Appointment of David Westen as the Hearing Officer 15349 in and for the City of Fort Worth Parking Violations Bureau and to Conduct Hearings Pursuant to Chapter 34 of the City Code B. Purchase of Equipment, Materials, and Services **1. M&C P- - Authorize Purchase Agreements with International 10435 Business Machines for Hardware and Software Installation, Maintenance, Configuration and Testing; and CompuDyne Public Safety and Justice, Inc., for System Engineering Support Services for the Police Department Records Management System C. Land **1. M&C L- - Accept the Dedication of 7.884 Acres of Parkland 14229 from Gehan/Arcadia Park, L.P. for Arcadia Trail Park North Council Date: 8/15/2006 2. M&C L- - Authorize Acquisition of 3701 Rutledge Street, Fort 14230 Worth, Texas, 76107 from Guardian Building Products Distribution, Inc., a Georgia Corporation, Formerly Known as Wm. Cameron & Co., a Georgia Corporation, Located in the Vickery Corridor for Right-of-Way for the Southwest Parkway (S.H. 121) (DOE 3777) 3. M&C L- - Authorize Acquisition of 4133 West Vickery 14231 Boulevard, Fort Worth, Texas)A 76107 from Jimmy Edward Garcia, Located in the Vickery Corridor for Right-of-Way for the Southwest Parkway (S.H. 121) (DOE 3777) 4. M&C L- - Authorize Acquisition of4141 West Vickery 14232 Boulevard, Fort Worth, Texas 7A 76107 from Nancy J. Carpenter, Located in the Vickery Corridor for Right- of-Way for the Southwest Parkway (S.H. 121) (DOE 3777) 5. M&C L- - Authorize Acquisition of 4317 West Vickery 14233 Boulevard, Fort Worth, Texas)A 76107 from Edwin S. Wittenberg and Wife, Pauline L. Wittenberg, Located in the Vickery Corridor for Right-of-Way for the Southwest Parkway (S.H. 121) (DOE 3777) 6. M&C L- - Authorize Acquisition of Parcels 103, 105 & 106 from 14234 Rall Properties, L.P., Located in Southwest Fort Worth for Right-of-Way for the Southwest Parkway (S.H. 121) D. Planning &Zoning 1. M&C PZ- - Institution and Adopt Ordinance for the Voluntary 2690 Annexation of Approximately 0.833 Acres of Land in Tarrant County, Located South of Keller Haslet Road and East of Caylor Road (AX-06-005 Park Vista Boulevard) 2. M&C PZ- - Institution and Adopt Ordinance for the Voluntary 2691 Annexation of Approximately 7.385 Acres of Land in Tarrant County, Located East of US Highway 287 & 81 and West of Willow Springs Road, a Portion of the Existing Right-of-Way of County Road 4029 (AX-06- 006 Avondale Haslet Road) E. Award of Contract **1. M&C C- - Approve Acceptance of Lease Agreement with Dale 21614 Resources, LLC, for Natural Gas Drilling under 10.885 Mineral Acres More or Less of City-Owned Properties Located in Tarrant County Texas Known as the Police Pound **2. M&C C- - Authorize Execution of Change Order No. 1 to 21615 Contract with Ballou Construction Co., Inc., for Micro- Surfacing 2006-2 at Various Locations **3. M&C C- - Authorize the Execution of a Professional Services 21616 Agreement with DeOtte, Inc., for Overton Park Channel Erosion Control Improvements Council Date: 8/15/2006 4. M&C C- - Authorization to Enter into a Five-Year Tax 21617 Abatement Agreement with Shahnaz B. Chowdhury, for Property Located at 2701 East Rosedale Street in the Polytechnic/Wesleyan Neighborhood Empowerment Zone 5. M&C C- - Adopt Appropriation Ordinance and Authorize 21618 Execution of Construction Manager at Risk Contract with E3 Contract Consultants, Inc./Thos. S. Byrne, Ltd. (E3/Byrne), a Joint Venture, for the Guinn Elementary School Renovation 6. M&C C- - Authorize the Execution of an Architectural 21619 Agreement with Komatsu/Rangel, Inc., d/b/a Komatsu Architecture, for the Design of the Guinn Elementary School Renovation 7. M&C C- - Adopt Appropriation Ordinance and Authorize 21620 Execution of Contract withA A Jackson Construction, Ltd., for Pavement Reconstruction and Water and Sanitary Sewer Replacement on Portions of Azalea Avenue, Foch Street and Merrimac Street (Project No. 00151) 8. M&C C- - Adopt Appropriation Ordinance and Authorize 21621 Execution of Contract with Stabile & Winn, Inc., for Pavement Reconstruction and Water and Sanitary Sewer Replacement on Portions of North Chandler Drive, Daisy Lane, Honeysuckle Avenue, Goldenrod Avenue and Marigold Avenue (Project No. 00149) AA 9. M&C C- - Approve Acceptance of Lease Agreement with Dale 21622 Resources, LLC, for Natural Gas Drilling under 4.503 Acres (2.2515 Net Mineral Acres) More or Less of City-Owned Properties Located in Tarrant County Texas Known as the River Trails Park XVI. BUDGET HEARING 1. Hearing on Proposed Fiscal Year 2006-2007 Appropriation Ordinance and Ad Valorem Tax Levy Ordinances XVII. ZONING HEARING a. Cases Recommended for Approval 1. Zoning Docket No. ZC-06-185 -(CD 2) - Kroger Texas L. P., 5801 Kroger Drive; from "AG"Agricultural to "PD/SU" Planned Development/Specific Use for All Uses In "J" Medium Industrial; The Following Uses are Excluded: Power Plant or Central Station Light, Circus, Brewery, Distillery, or Winery, Cement Products Plant, Grain Elevator, Manufacture of Basket Material, Bicycles, Boots, Boxes, Caskets and Shoes, Manufacture of Dyes, Cores, Die-Casting Molds, Metal Casting, Metal Stamping, Dyeing, Shearing or Punching, Mill. Feed or Flour, Planing Mill or Woodworking Shop, Poultry Killing or Dressing, Railroad Freight or Classification Yard. Site Plan Required for New Construction. 2. Zoning Docket No. ZC-06-193 -(CD 3) -City of Fort Worth, 3701 thru 3883 Bellaire Circle, 3800 thru 3900 West Biddison. 3800 thru 3845 Shelby, 3800 thru 3897 South Hills Circle, and 3809 Encanto Drive; from "A-5" One-family Residential to (Area 2)"A-10" One- family Residential; & (Area 1) "A-21" One-family Residential Council Date: 8/15/2006 3. Zoning Docket No. ZC-06-194 -(CD 7) -City of Fort Worth, 12767 tru 12840 Moss Drive, 1501 thru 1549 Singleton Court, 12800 thru 13025 Singleton Drive, 1500 thru 1709 Velda Kay Lane, 1600 thru 1649 Weeping Willow Drive, 12900 thru 12925 Whisper Willows Court, 12801 thru 12857 Whisper Willows Drive, and 13000 thru 13125 Willow Crossing Drive, from "AG"Agricultural to "A-43" One- family Residential XVIII. CITIZEN PRESENTATIONS XIX. EXECUTIVE SESSION (PRE-COUNCIL CHAMBER) -See Attachment XX. ADJOURNMENT According to the City Council Rules of Procedures, individual citizen presentations shall be limited to three minutes, and group presentations shall be limited to ten minutes. The Mayor, at his discretion, may reasonably extend these limits. This facility is wheelchair accessible. For accommodations or sign interpretive services, please call the City Manager's Office at 817-392- 6143, 48 hours in advance. Council Date: 8/15/2006