HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007/01/18-Agenda-City Council CITY COUNCIL AGENDA FOR THE MEETING AT 10:00 A.M. THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 2007 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL 1000 THROCKMORTON, FORT WORTH, TEXAS I. CALL TO ORDER II. INVOCATION - Minister Michael Thames, Fortress Church of Christ III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE IV. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF TUESDAY, JANUARY 09, 2007 V. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS, INTRODUCTIONS, ETC. VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS BY CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS AND STAFF VII. ITEMS TO BE WITHDRAWN FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA VIII. ITEMS TO BE CONTINUED OR WITHDRAWN BY STAFF IX. CONSENT AGENDA All items with asterisks (**)are a part of the Consent Agenda and require little or no deliberation by the City Council. Approval of the Consent Agenda authorizes the City Manager, or his designee, to implement each item in accordance with staff recommendations. X. PRESENTATIONS BY THE CITY COUNCIL 1. Changes in Membership on Boards and Commissions XI. PRESENTATIONS AND/OR COMMUNICATIONS FROM BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND/OR CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEES XII. PRESENTATIONS BY THE CITY SECRETARY 1. **OCS-1591-Notice of Claims for Alleged Damages and/or Injuries XIII. REPORT OF THE CITY MANAGER A. General 1. M&C G- - Authorize Execution of Amendment for Continued 15554 Participation in Regional Integrated Storm Water Management Program FY2006-07 (Continued from a Previous Meeting) **2. M&C G- - Adopt Appropriation Ordinance Increasing Estimated 15579 Receipts and Appropriations in the Rental Rehabilitation Fund **3. M&C G- - Approve Settlement of Lawsuit Entitled City of Fort 15580 Worth v. Jay C. McLennan, Individually and as Independent Executor of the Estate of Lynne Weil, Deceased, and Southwest Gas Pipeline, Inc., Cause Number ED-2006-01952, in Denton County, Texas **4. M&C G- - Adopt Resolution Appointing Certain Members to the 15581 Fort Worth Commission for Women **5. M&C G- - Authorization for Condemnation of a Parcel of Land 15583 Owned by Milbitz, Inc., for Right-of-Way Required for Council Date: 1/18/2007 the Construction of Keller Hicks Road Improvements (DOE 5474)AA **6. M&C G- - Authorize Rejection of Bids for Natural Gas Drilling 15584 under 35.5702 Acres More or Less of City-Owned Property Located in Tarrant County, Texas, Known as the Oakmont Linear Park **7. M&C G- - Authorization for Condemnation of a Parcel of Land 15585 Owned by Charles R. Slayton for Right-of-Way Required for the Construction of Keller Hicks Road Improvements (DOE 5474)A A 8. M&C G- - Authorize Rejection of Bids for Spay and Neuter 15582 Surgical Clinic Addition to Animal Care and Control Center and Authorize Staff to Re-Advertise Project for Bid 9. M&C G- - Adopt an Ordinance Amending Section 2-210(b) 15586 a€oeRetirement Pensiona€ of the City Code to Require an Ad Hoc Cost of Living Adjustment for Non-Vested and Future Employees and Permitting Election of an Ad Hoc Cost of Living Adjustment for Vested Employees RetirementA A 10. M&C G- - Authorize the City Manager to Initiate Zoning 15587 Changes for the Panther Heights Neighborhood from A-5 to A-43 One Family Residential in Accordance with the 2006 Comprehensive Plan 11. M&C G- - Authorize the Provision for Administrative Approval of 15588 Leases for Natural Gas Drilling under City-Owned Properties of Two Acres or Less in SizeA 12. M&C G- - Authorize Establishment of a One-Time $500 Fee 15589 Per Tax Foreclosed Property to Fund the Administration of the City's Tax-Foreclosed Property Sales Program and Amendment of the Financial Management Policy Statements - Creation of Tax- Foreclosed Property Management Escrow Account 13. M&C G- - Authorize Establishment of a One-Time $600 Fee 15590 Per Tax Foreclosed Property to Fund the Mowing of Properties in the City's Tax-Foreclosed Property Sales Program and Amendment of the Financial Management Policy Statements-Creation of Tax- Foreclosed Property Mowing Escrow Account and Amendment to Change the Name of the Demolition Fund to Demolition Escrow Account 14. M&C G- - Approve Acceptance ofA Donated 2006 Influenza 15591 Vaccine from Bell Helicopter to the City of Fort WorthA Public Health Department 15. M&C G- - Authorize the Provision of Sewer Service at 1.25 15592 Times the Retail Rate to Serve Five Houses and Eight Duplexes for Ms. Paula Wells Located East of the BNSF Railroad and North of Crowley-Cleburne North Road, in Tarrant County, Outside of the Fort Worth City Limits Pursuant to City Code Section 35- 60B "Uses Outside City" B. Purchase of Equipment, Materials, and Services Council Date: 1/18/2007 **1. M&C P- - Authorize the Purchase of Five New 2007 Vehicles 10520 and Equipment for Various Departments Utilizing Tarrant County, Texas Association of School Boards andA A Texas Multiple Award Schedule Cooperative Purchasing Contracts C. Land **1. M&C L- - Authorize the Acquisition of Two Permanent Water 14276 Line Easements from Engler Acquisition Partners, Ltd. and LO Land Assets, L.P. Located in the City of Keller for the Construction of Water Infrastructure Improvements along US Highway 377 and Authorize Appropriation OrdinanceA A (DOE 5241) **2. M&C L- - Authorize Acceptance of a Land Donation from 14277 Recycle America Alliance, L.L.C., for the Purpose of Constructing a Wholesale Water Meter Station (DOEA A 5381) 3. M&C L- - Authorize Dedication of 212.20 Acres of Parkland to 14278 be Known as West Park, Situated in the Jacob Wilcox Survey No. 1 and the J. F. Yarbrough Survey, Being a Portion of Those Tracts of Land Recorded in Volume 22, Page 633; Volume 346, Page 327; Volume 384, Page 6; and Volume 385, Page 269 of the Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas D. Planning &Zoning 1. M&C PZ- - Adopt an Ordinance Changing the Name of Coffey 2717 Avenue to Jewell Kelly Drive from East Seminary Drive to its Terminus at Horton Road, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas (PUBLIC HEARING) a. Report of City Staff b. Citizen Presentations c. Council Action E. Award of Contract **1. M&C C- - Authorize Execution of a Public Right-of-Way Use 21932 Agreement Granting Texas Midstream Gas Services, LLC a License to Use Certain Public Rights-of-Way for the Purpose of Constructing, Maintaining and Operating Natural Gas Pipelines **2. M&C C- - Authorize Execution of Change Order No. 4 to 21933 Contract with McClendon Construction, Co., Inc., for Berry Street Reconstruction from Waits Avenue to Forest Park Boulevard **3. M&C C- - Authorize Execution of an Underground Pipeline 21934 Easement Agreement with Crosstex North Texas Gathering, L.P., Acting by and through Crosstex Energy Services GP, LLC Its General Partner, for a Natural Gas Pipeline across City-Owned Property Located at Westport Parkway and Harmon Road in Far North Fort Worth **4. M&C C- - Authorize Rejection of Bids for Sanitary Sewer Council Date: 1/18/2007 21935 Rehabilitation Contract LXVII, Part 3 and Authorize Readvertising the Project for Bids **5. M&C C- - Authorize the Acquisition of One Right-of-Way 21936 Easement from C. E. Stewart, and Allen Dodgen, as Co-Trustees for the Conner Matthew Price Trust, Austin Michael Price Trust, and Ashley Nicole Price Trust, Located in West Fort Worth for the Construction of Chapel Creek Boulevard Street I mprovementsA A (DOE 4794) 6. M&C C- - Authorize Execution of Amendment No. 1 toA A City 21937 Contract No. 33958 with the Keller Independent School District to Extend the Term of the Contract Until the Contract Funds are Spent and Adopt SupplementalA A Appropriation Ordinance 7. M&C C- - Authorize Execution of a Loan Agreement with BLG 21938 Northside Development, L.P., to Borrow from the Brownfields Cleanup Revolving Loan Fund for the Environmental Cleanup of Approximately 33 Acres Located at 600 North Jones Street; Amend M&C G- 13129 to Provide that the City May Act as Fund Manager; and Authorize Execution of Related Amendment to Lease Agreement and Option to Purchase (City Secretary Contract No. 33411) 8. M&C C- - Authorize Execution of a Community Facilities 21939 Agreement with BP 367 Fort Worth Limited, by BP 367 Fort Worth GP, L.L.C., its General Partner, for Construction of Sewer Services to Serve Primrose Crossing and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance (CIP No. 00507) XIV. ZONING HEARING a. Cases Recommended for Approval 1. Zoning Docket No. ZC-06-194A -(CD 7) -City of Fort Worth, 1541 Singleton Court; from "AG"Agricultural to "A-43" One Family Residential 2. Zoning Docket No. ZC-06-296 -(CD 7) -City of Fort Worth, 3900 & 4000 Blocks of Byers Avenue; from "B" Two Family Residential to "A-5" One Family Residential (Continued from a Previous Meeting) 3. Zoning Docket No. ZC-06-295 -(CD 7) -City of Fort Worth, 4800 Block of Pershing Avenue; from "B" Two Family Residential to "A-5" One Family Residential 4. Zoning Docket No. ZC-06-297 -(CD 7) -City of Fort Worth, 4112 Bryce Avenue and 2000 Block of Thomas Place; from "B" Two Family Residential to "A-5" One Family Residential 5. Zoning Docket No. ZC-06-298 -(CD 7) -City of Fort Worth, 1800 Block of Hillcrest Street, from "B" Two Family Residential to "A-5" One-Family Residential 6. Zoning Docket No. ZC-06-299 -(CD 7) -City of Fort Worth, 3700 & 3800 Blocks of Crestline Road, excluding 3709, 3711, 3713 and 3715 Crestline Road; from "C" Medium Density Multifamily Residential to "A-5" One Family Residential b. Cases Recommended for Denial Council Date: 1/18/2007 1. Zoning Docket No. ZC-06-245 -(CD 2) - Randel Flores, 1501 thru 1609 East Long Avenue; from "B" Two Family Residential to "PD/SU" Planned Development/Specific Use for all uses in "E" Neighborhood Commercial, and excluding Liquor Stores. Site Plan waiver requested. (Continued from a Previous Meeting) XV. CITIZEN PRESENTATIONS 1. Mr. Lonnie Woods, 5025 East Berry Street- SOP Community and Economic Development Corporation 2. Mr. Lonnie Woods, 5025 East Berry Street- Carver Heights East Model Block XVI. EXECUTIVE SESSION (PRE-COUNCIL CHAMBER) -See Attachment XVII. ADJOURNMENT According to the City Council Rules of Procedures, individual citizen presentations shall be limited to three minutes, and group presentations shall be limited to ten minutes. The Mayor, at his discretion, may reasonably extend these limits. This facility is wheelchair accessible. For accommodations or sign interpretive services, please call the City Manager's Office at 817-392- 6143, 48 hours in advance. Council Date: 1/18/2007