HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007/03/27-Agenda-City Council CITY COUNCIL AGENDA FOR THE MEETING AT 10:00 A.M. TUESDAY, MARCH 27, 2007 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL 1000 THROCKMORTON, FORT WORTH, TEXAS I. CALL TO ORDER II. INVOCATION - Pastor Billy Taylor, Sagamore Hill Baptist Church III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE IV. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF TUESDAY, MARCH 20, 2007 V. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS, INTRODUCTIONS, ETC. 1. Presentation of Certificate of Recognition to Harmony Science Academy 2. Presentation by the Construction Research Center of The University of Texas at Arlington for the Building Official/Building Inspector of the Year Award to Clyde Lackey, Plumbing Chief, City of Fort Worth 3. Presentation of Proclamation for Flood Safety Awareness Week VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS BY CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS AND STAFF VII. ITEMS TO BE WITHDRAWN FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA VIII. ITEMS TO BE CONTINUED OR WITHDRAWN BY STAFF IX. CONSENT AGENDA All items with asterisks (**)are a part of the Consent Agenda and require little or no deliberation by the City Council. Approval of the Consent Agenda authorizes the City Manager, or his designee, to implement each item in accordance with staff recommendations. X. PRESENTATIONS BY THE CITY COUNCIL 1. Changes in Membership on Boards and Commissions 2. Council Proposal No. 265-Amendment to the City Policy Concerning the Allocation of Gas Well Drilling Revenues and Amendments to State Law Concerning the Investment of those Revenues (Continued from a Previous Meeting) 3. Council Proposal No. 267-Comments and Changes Concerning Senate Bill 976, a Bill Relating to the Public Retirement System of Certain Municipalities (Continued from a Previous Meeting) XI. PRESENTATIONS AND/OR COMMUNICATIONS FROM BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND/OR CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEES XII. PRESENTATIONS BY THE CITY SECRETARY 1. **OCS-1599 a€" Notice of Claims for Alleged Damages and/or Injuries XIII. ORDINANCE 1. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 17395-02-2007; Ordinance No. 17411-02-2007; and Ordinance No. 17430-03-2007 Ordering a General Election by the Qualified Voters of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, on Saturday, the 12th Day of May, 2007, for the Purpose of Electing the Mayor and Council Members for the City of Fort Worth to Change and Add Early Voting Locations and Times XIV. REPORT OF THE CITY MANAGER Council Date: 3/27/2007 A. General **1. M&C G- - Adopt a Resolution Ratifying Citya€TMs Lawsuit 15647 Entitled City of Fort Worth, et al. v. Greg Abbott, Attorney General, Pursuant to Chapter 552 of the Texas Government Code, Regarding Release of DNA Records **2. M&C G- - Approve Settlement of Lawsuit Entitled City of Fort 15648 Worth v. Martin Justin Properties, L.L.C.; Northwest Independent School District; and Denton County, Texas, Cause No. ED-2006-00765 in the Probate Court of Denton County, Texas **3. M&C G- - Adopt Appropriation Ordinance for Distribution of 15649 FitFuture KIDS Fest Sponsorship Funds in Special Trust Fund **4. M&C G- - Authorize the Use of Existing Revenue Derived from 15650 Natural Gas Well Leases on City Owned Airport Properties for Funding of the Aviation Storm Water Utility Fee for Fiscal Year 06/07 and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance 5. M&C G- - Authorize the City Manager to Initiate Zoning 15651 Changes for the Morningside Neighborhood in Accordance with the 2007 Comprehensive PlanA A 6. M&C G- - Authorize the City Manager to Initiate Zoning 15652 Changes for the Wedgwood South Neighborhood in Accordance with the 2007 Comprehensive PlanAAAA 7. M&C G- - Adopt Resolution Designating the Berryhill/Mason 15653 Heights Area as a Neighborhood Empowerment Zone and Adopt Ordinance Designating the Berryhill/Mason Heights Area as Neighborhood Empowerment Reinvestment Zone No. 34 (PUBLIC HEARING) a. Report of City Staff b. Citizen Presentations c. Council Action 8. M&C G- - Adopt Ordinance Concerning Renewal of the 15654 Ridglea Village/Como Neighborhood Empowerment Reinvestment Zone No. 2 (PUBLIC HEARING) a. Report of City Staff b. Citizen Presentations c. Council Action 9. M&C G- - Authorize Conversion of 5,000 Square Feet of 15655 Parkland at Marion Sansom Park for the Purpose of Constructing a Sanitary Sewer Lift Station in the Northwest Portion of the Park (PUBLIC HEARING) a. Report of City Staff b. Citizen Presentations c. Council Action B. Purchase of Equipment, Materials, and Services **1. M&C P- - Authorize the Purchase, Installation and Council Date: 3/27/2007 10549 Maintenance of a Covert Wireless Video Surveillance System from Virtual Surveillance for the Code Compliance Department **2. M&C P- - Authorize a Purchase Agreement for Bullard Thermal 10550 Imagers and Accessories from Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc., through the Houston-Galveston Area Council (HGAC) Cooperative Purchasing Program C. Land **1. M&C L- - Acquisition of Three Vacant Residential Lots and 14297 One Mobile Home Property Located at 3157 Weber Street, Contained in Tract I: Lots 9 and 10, Block 3, Morgan Heights Addition, and Tract I I:A A Lots 11-R and 12-R, Block 3 Shoe and Leather Companya€TMs Addition for Drainage Improvements to the Lebow Channel (DOE 4623, Project No. 00084), and Temporary Closures of Portions of Vera Cruz Street and Schadt Street 2. M&C L- - Authorize the Direct Sale of Two Tax Foreclosed 14298 Properties Located at the Corner of East Berry Street and Village Creek Road in East Fort Worth in Accordance with Section 34.05 of the Texas State Property Tax Code to Mount Tabor Christian Center (DOE 920) D. Planning &Zoning - None E. Award of Contract **1. M&C C- - Approve the Correction of M&C C-21990 to Authorize 22022 Execution of Contract with Hellmuth, Obata + Kassabaum (HOK), L.P., to Prepare Redevelopment Plans and Implementation Strategies for the Southwest Cluster of Urban Villages **2. M&C C- - Authorize Execution of Contract with the United Way 22023 of Tarrant County for FitFuture KIDS Fest Funds and Adopt Appropriation OrdinanceA A **3. M&C C- - Authorize Execution of an Unimproved Ground 22024 Lease Agreement with Mandatory Improvements for 17,600 Square Feet with Mr. Paul Karmy for an Aircraft Maintenance and Storage Hangar at Fort Worth Spinks Airport **4. M&C C- - Authorize Execution of an Annual Office Lease 22025 Agreement with Spinks Jet for Suites B, C, G, and H along with Storage Area at Fort Worth Spinks Airport **5. M&C C- - Authorize the Water Department's FY07 Annual 22026 Membership to the Water Environment Research Foundation and Five Additional Annual Renewals **6. M&C C- - Authorize Acceptance of Additional Grant Funds from 22027 the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs for the Community Services Block Grant for Fiscal Year 2007, Adopt Additional Appropriation Ordinance and Apply Indirect Costs Council Date: 3/27/2007 7. M&C C- - Adopt an Amended and Restated Ordinance 22028 Approving and Authorizing the Issuance of Water and Sewer System Commercial Paper Notes in an Aggregate Principal Amount at Any One Time Outstanding Not to Exceed $150,000,000.00 to Provide Interim Financing to Pay Project Costs for Eligible Projects for the City's Waterworks and Sewer System and to Refund Obligations Issued in Connection with an Eligible Project; Approving and Authorizing Certain Authorized Officers and Employees to Act on Behalf of the City in the Selling and Delivery of Such Short Term Obligations; and Resolving Other Matters Incident and Related to the Issuance, Sale, Security and Delivery of Commercial Paper Notes 8. M&C C- - Authorize Execution of a Tax Abatement Agreement 22029 with Purselley Pool and Spa, Inc., and Related Findings of Fact by the City Council XV. CITIZEN PRESENTATIONS 1. Mr. Derek Howard, 2250 Fuller-Wiser Road, Euless, TX a€" Electrical Inspection for New Home on Columbus Avenue 2. Mr. Jay Torres, 1207 Meadowview Drive, Euless, TX a€" Electrical Permit Process 3. Mr. George Vernon Chiles, 2800 Jennings a€" Displeasure with Recycling Program 4. Mr. Joe Don Brandon, 1515 East Lancaster a€"Various Issues XVI. EXECUTIVE SESSION (PRE-COUNCIL CHAMBER) -See Attachment XVII. ADJOURNMENT According to the City Council Rules of Procedures, individual citizen presentations shall be limited to three minutes, and group presentations shall be limited to ten minutes. The Mayor, at his discretion, may reasonably extend these limits. This facility is wheelchair accessible. For accommodations or sign interpretive services, please call the City Manager's Office at 817-392- 6143, 48 hours in advance. Council Date: 3/27/2007