HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008/07/08-Agenda-City Council CITY COUNCIL AGENDA
II. INVOCATION - Reverend Sultan Cole, Revealed Word Ministries
JUNE 17, 2008
1. Presentation of Proclamation for Recreation and Parks Month
2. Presentation on Casa MaA±ana Theatre's 50th Birthday Celebration
All items with asterisks (**)are a part of the Consent Agenda and require little
or no deliberation by the City Council. Approval of the Consent Agenda
authorizes the City Manager, or his designee, to implement each item in
accordance with staff recommendations.
1. Changes in Membership on Boards and Commissions
2. Council Proposal No. 276: Fee Waiver for Zoning Change Request for
City of Euless and City of Hurst Property within Fort Worth
1. **OCS-1669 a€" Notice of Claims for Alleged Damages and/or Injuries
2. **OCS-1670 a€" Liability Bonds Approval
3. OCS-1671 -Adoption of Ordinance Amending Chapter 2.
Administration, Article VIII. Records Management, of the Code of the City
of Fort Worth
1. A Resolution Paying Tribute to Fort Worth Citizen, Mrs. Hazel Harvey
2. A Resolution Supporting the Air North Texas Goals and Mission
3. A Resolution Appointing Alternates to the Mayor's Place on the Dallas-
Fort Worth International Airport Board
A. General
**1. M&C G- - Authorize the Cit Manager to Initiate Rezoning of
16181 Y g g
Certain Properties in the Brookside Neighborhood in
Council Date: 7/8/2008
Accordance with the 2008 Comprehensive Plan
**2. M&C G- - Authorize the City Manager to Initiate Rezoning of
16182 Certain Properties in the Stop Six Neighborhood in
Accordance with the 2008 Comprehensive Plan
**3. M&C G- - Authorize the City Manager to Initiate Rezoning of
16183 Certain Properties in the Village Creek Neighborhood
in Accordance with the 2008 Comprehensive Plan
**4. M&C G- - Adopt Resolution Authorizing the Increase in the
16184 Maximum Amount to be Paid to D. Lee Thomas to
Represent Sergeant Glenn Verrett, in an Amount Not
to Exceed $50,000.00, in the Lawsuit Entitled Angelo
Allums, Sr., and Janet Allums, Individually and on
Behalf of Minor Angelo Allums, III, vs. City of Fort
Worth, et al, No. 4:07-CV-001-Y, and Adopt
Supplemental Appropriation Ordinance
**5. M&C G- - Authorize Payment of Arbitrage Rebate for General
16186 Purpose Bonds, Series 2003, and the Citya€TMs
Combined Tax and Revenue CO, Series 2003 Bonds
in an Amount Not to Exceed $50,000.00, and Adopt
Supplemental Appropriation Ordinance
**6. M&C G- - Authorize Additional Compensation in the Amount of
16187 $260,213.00 to Deloitte and Touche, LLP, as Final
Payment for Completion of the Fiscal Year 2006
Single Audit and Comprehensive Annual Financial
Report and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance
**7. M&C G- - Authorize Settlement of Claim Filed on Behalf of
16188 Blanca Jaramillo for Injuries Resulting from a
Vehicular Collision
**8. M&C G- - Authorize Settlement of Claim Filed on Behalf of
16189 Jose Soto for Injuries Resulting from a Vehicular
**9. M&C G- - Adopt 2008 Prevailing Wage Rates for City-Awarded
16190 Public-Works Projects
**10. M&C G- - Ratify the City Managers€TMs Application for and
16191 Acceptance of $42,400 in Grant Funds from the
United States Department of Homeland
Securitya€TMs Federal Emergency Management
Agency for the Fiscal Year 2007 Fire Prevention and
Safety Grant, Authorize the City Manager to Execute
a Contract with the Federal Emergency Management
Agency, Authorize the Transfer of $10,600 as
Required for the Citya€TMs Twenty Percent Match
from the General Fund to the Grants Fund and Adopt
Appropriation Ordinance
**11. M&C G- - Authorize Transfer of $6,800.00 from the Municipal
16192 Court Building Security Fund for expenses
associated with maintenance of the X-Ray machines
for the A.D. Marshal Public Safety and Courts
Building and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance
**12. M&C G- - Adopt Semi-Annual Impact Fees Progress Report
16193 from the Capital Improvements Advisory Committee
for the Water and Wastewater Capital Improvements
Council Date: 7/8/2008
**13. M&C G- - Authorize the Provision of Sewer Service at 1.25
16194 Times the Retail Rate to Mr. William Turrentine to
Serve the Property Located at 9805 Creekside Drive,
West of FM 2871 and South of Creekside, in Tarrant
County, Outside of the Fort Worth City Limits
Pursuant to City Code Section 35-60B a€oeUses
Outside Citya€
14. M&C G- - Adopt Ordinance Amending Chapter 22 "Motor
16185 Vehicles and Traffic" of the City Code to Add
Regulations for the Parking of Large and Oversize
Recreational Vehicles on Private Property and
Amending Article 11A-6 of Appendix B to the Code
of the City of Fort Worth (PUBLIC HEARING)
a. Report of City Staff
b. Citizen Presentations
c. Council Action
15. M&C G- - Authorize Execution of a Work Order in the Amount
16195 of $129,655.00 with Job Order Contractor Alpha
Building Corporation to Renovate the Radio Lab
Shop, Authorize Transfer from the Special
Assessment Fund to the Specially Funded Capital
Projects Fund for the Renovation of the Information
Technology Solution's Radio Lab Shop in the
Amount of $200,000.00; and Adopt Appropriation
16. M&C G- - Adopt Resolution Increasing the Maximum Amount
16196 to be Paid to Cantey and Hanger by $100,000 for
Assisting the City with Legal Issues Including, but not
Limited to, Real Estate Concerning Southwest
Parkway (State Highway 121T)
17. M&C G- - Adopt Supplemental Appropriation Ordinances for
16197 Fiscal Year 2006 Year End Budget Adjustments
18. M&C G- - Adopt Supplemental Appropriation Ordinance for
16198 Fiscal Year 2006-2007 Year End Budget
Adjustments in the Crime Control and Prevention
District Fund in the Amount of$418,787
19. M&C G- - Conduct Public Hearing and Adopt the Fiscal Year
16199 2008-2009 Crime Control and Prevention District
BudgetA Totaling $51,341,543.00 (PUBLIC
a. Report of City Staff
b. Citizen Presentations
c. Council Action
B. Purchase of Equipment, Materials, and Services
**1. M&C P- - Authorize a Purchase Agreement for Two-
10804 Component Epoxy Adhesive with Roadrunner Traffic
Supply, Inc., for the Transportation and Public Works
Department for an Amount Not to Exceed
**2. M&C P- - Authorize Purchases for Audio and Visual Equipment
10805 from Visual Interactive Dynamics, Tri-State Video
Council Date: 7/8/2008
Services, Inc., VSA, Inc., and Videotex Systems,
Inc., for the Cable Communications Office for an
Amount Not to Exceed $28,642.77
**3. M&C P- - Authorize a Purchase Agreement for Washington-
10806 Style Lanterns and Posts with Sun Valley Lighting for
the Transportation and Public Works Department in
an Amount Not to Exceed $455,000.00
**4. M&C P- - Authorize a Purchase Agreement for Water Bill
10807 Envelopes with Texas Star Envelopes for the Water
Department in an Amount Not to Exceed $43,750.00
**5. M&C P- - Authorize a Sole Source Purchase Agreement for
10808 ProMinent Analyzers, Repair Parts, Calibration and
Configuration ToolsA with Macaulay Controls
Company, for the Water Department in an Amount
Not to Exceed $75,000.00
**6. M&C P- - Authorize Purchases of Miscellaneous Library
10809 Supplies from Brodart Company and Gaylord Bros.,
Inc., for a Total Amount Not to Exceed $41,441.80
**7. M&C P- - Authorize a Purchase Agreement with Forms World,
10810 Inc., for Water Bill Paper for the Water Department
for an Amount Not to Exceed $35,819.28
**8. M&C P- - Authorize the Purchase of Forklifts From Darr
10811 Equipment Company for the Police Department and
a Wheel Excavator From Holt Cat for the
Environmental Management Department Using
Texas Association of School Boards Cooperative
Contracts for a Cost Not to Exceed $235,847.00
**9. M&C P- - Authorize the Purchase of a Caterpillar 120M
10812 Motorgrader From Holt Cat using Texas Association
of School Boards Cooperative Contract for the
Transportation and Public Works Department for a
Cost Not to Exceed $246,634.00
**10. M&C P- - Authorize a Sole Source Purchase Agreement with
10813 L-3 Communications Sonoma EO, Inc., for Wescam
Thermal Imager Repairs, Parts and Components for
the Police Department for an AnnualA A Projected
Cost Not to Exceed $70,000
C. Land
**1. M&C L- - Approve the Correction to M&C L-14241 to Correct
14579 the Property Address for a Single-Family Residential
Property to be Acquired for the Meacham
International Airport Mitigation Program from 3410
Columbus Avenue to 3510 Columbus Avenue, Fort
Worth, Tarrant County, Texas (DOE No. 5101)
**2. M&C L- - Authorize the Direct Sale of a Tax-Foreclosed
14580 Property Located at 4108 Baylor Street, Southeast of
the Intersection of US Highway 287 and Berry Street,
in Accordance with Section 34.05 of the Texas
Property Tax Code, to Mr. Milton Curry, in the
Amount of $99,145.03, and Authorize Execution and
Recording of Appropriate Instruments (DOE No. 920)
Council Date: 7/8/2008
**3. M&C L- - Authorize the Conveyance of One Permanent Utility
14581 Easement which is Located on City Property on
Gendy Street in the Cultural District of Fort Worth to
Charter Communications, Authorize the Acceptance
and Recording of Appropriate Instruments (DOE No.
**4. M&C L- - Approve the Correction of M&C L-14540 to Correct
14582 the Name of the Grantor from Southwestern Bell
Telephone Company, d/b/a AT&T Texas, to the City
of Fort Worth
**5. M&C L- - Authorize the Direct Sale of a Tax-Foreclosed
14583 Property Located at 5629 Fernander Drive in the
Amount of $2,816.00, in Accordance with Section
34.05 of the Texas Property Tax Code, to Opening
Doors for Women in Need and Authorize Execution
of Appropriate Instruments (DOE No. 920)
**6. M&C L- - Authorize Acceptance of Land Donation of 15.591
14584 Acres in North Fort Worth from Alliance Associates,
L.P., Synergy Industrial Park. Ltd., and One Prairie
Meadows, Ltd., for the Development of Proposed
North Riverside Drive and Authorize Acceptance and
Recording of Appropriate Instruments (DOE No.
**7. M&C L- - Authorize the Conveyance of One Oncor Electric
14585 Delivery Company Easement on City Property Lease
Sites 34N and 35N, Located at 240 Texas Way at
Meacham International Airport, Fort Worth,
TexasA (DOE No. 5265)
8. M&C L- - Authorize Condemnation of One Right-of-Way
14586 Easement of Land Known as Tract 1 C, J. R. Knight
Survey, Abstract No. 902, Tarrant County, Texas,
Owned by Realty Capital Golden Beach, Ltd., and
Four Permanent Drainage Facility Easements on
Property Owned by Realty Capital Golden Triangle,
L.P., Located in North Fort Worth for the Construction
of Golden Triangle Boulevard and Drainage
Infrastructure ImprovementsA (DOE No. 5773)
9. M&C L- - Authorize the Acquisition of One Permanent
14587 Drainage and Sanitary Sewer Facility Easement and
Temporary Construction Easement from Russell A.
and Kathryn Wagner for the Amount of $114,377.25
at 4059 Riveridge Court Located in Southwest Fort
Worth for the Construction of Drainage Infrastructure
Improvements; Pay the Estimated Closing Costs of
$5,000.00; and Authorize the Acceptance and
Recording of Appropriate InstrumentsA (DOE No.
D. Planning &Zoning
1. M&C PZ- - Adopt an Ordinance Vacating a Strip of South
2787 Calhoun Street, 111.85 Feet Long by 2 Feet Wide,
Containing Approximately 224 Square Feet, Along
Lots 11 and 12, Block 4, Daggett's Second Addition,
in the City of Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, and
Council Date: 7/8/2008
Waive Purchase Fees
2. M&C PZ- - Adopt an Ordinance Vacating a Portion of an Alley,
2788 28 Feet Long by 15 Feet Wide, Containing
Approximately 417 Square Feet, Along Lots O and P,
Within Block 13, Hi-Mount Addition, in the City of Fort
Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, and Waive Purchase
3. M&C PZ- - Adopt an Ordinance Vacating a Portion of Ferris
2789 Street, 140 Feet Long by 60 Feet Wide, Containing
Approximately 8,364 Square Feet, Abutting Lot 18 in
Block 12 and Lot 9 in Block 11 of Town of Tarrant
Addition, in the City of Fort Worth, Tarrant County,
Texas, and Waive Purchase Fees
4. M&C PZ- - Adopt an Ordinance Changing the Name of
2790 Albertsons Drive to AWG Way, Located Adjacent to
Blocks 7 and 8, Carter Industrial Park Addition, from
Joel East Road to John Burgess Drive, Fort Worth,
a. Report of City Staff
b. Citizen Presentations
c. Council Action
E. Award of Contract
1. M&C C- - Authorize the Application for and Acceptance of
22858 $343,575 in Grant Funds from the Fiscal Year 2009
Criminal Justice Division Grant Funds, Authorize
Provision of $189,688 in Matching Funds and
Assurances Required by the Criminal Justice
Division and Adopt Appropriation
Ordinance (Continued from a Previous Meeting)
2. M&C C- - (Revised) Adopt a Resolution Authorizing the
22858 Application for and Acceptance of $343,575 in Grant
Funds from the Fiscal Year 2009 Criminal Justice
Division Grant Funds, the Provision of $189,688 in
Matching Funds and the Making of Assurances
Required by the Criminal Justice Division of the
Governor's Office and Adopt Appropriation
**3. M&C C- - Authorize Application for and Acceptance of a Grant
22881 up to $180,000.00 from the United States
Department of Housing and Urban Development for
Housing Counseling Services; Approve and Accept
Private Donations up to $15,000.00; Authorize Inter-
Fund Loan in the Amount of $30,000.00 and Adopt
Appropriation Ordinance
**4. M&C C- - Authorize Execution of an Agreement with Tarrant
22882 County Tax Assessor-Collector for Ad Valorem Tax
Assessment and Collection Services for the 2008
Tax Year in an Amount Not to Exceed $200,000.00
**5. M&C C- -
22883 Authorize Execution of Contracts with the Texas
Department of Transportation and Quick Water
Productions for Temporary Closure of Interstate
Council Date: 7/8/2008
Highway 820 Service Road from 900 Feet West of
Marine Creek Parkway to 500 Feet Past Marine
Creek Lake on August 2, 2008, and August 3, 2008,
for the Annual Cowtown Drag Boat Nationals
**6. M&C C- - Authorize Execution of Amendment No. 2 in the
22884 Amount of$42,845.00 to City Secretary Contract No.
33939 with Komatsu/Rangel, Inc., d/b/a Komatsu
Architecture, for the Design of the Guinn Elementary
School Renovation Located at Interstate 35 South
and Rosedale Street
**7. M&C C- - Authorize the Execution of a Construction Contract
22885 with AA Applicators, Inc., in the Amount of
$33,180.00 to ReroofA the Digester Boiler Building at
Village Creek Waste Water Treatment Plant Located
at 4500 Wilma Lane
**8. M&C C- - Authorize Execution of Amendment No.1 in the
22886 Amount of$87,006.00 to City Secretary Contract No.
35497 with TranSystems Corporation Consultant for
Drainage Improvements to Kermit-Bonnie Channel
and Culvert, 4600 Block of Merida Avenue, Sarita
Channel and Waverly Park (Project No. 00484)
**9. M&C C- - Authorize Execution of Amendment No. 1 in the
22887 Amount of$35,480.00 to City Secretary Contract No.
35561 with TranSystems Corporation Consultants for
Longstraw Channel Improvements (Project No.
**10. M&C C- - Authorize Execution of Amendment No. 1 in the
22888 Amount of$45,250.00 to City Secretary Contract No.
35495 with Stream Water Group, Inc., for Loving
Avenue Channel and Culvert Improvements (Project
No. 00626)
**11. M&C C- - Authorize the Execution of One Storm Water Facility
22889 Maintenance Agreement from BBCWO Developers,
LLC, for Property Located in South Fort Worth (DOE
No. 5847)
**12. M&C C- - Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Lease
22890 Agreement With Texas Christian University for Office
Space Located at 2900 West Berry Street for the
Police Department
**13. M&C C- - Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Lease
22891 Agreement with JPMCC 2005-CIBC13 McCart
Avenue, LLC, for Office Space Located at 7650
McCart Avenue for the Police Department
**14. M&C C- - Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Lease
22892 Agreement with Trinity Bluff Development, LTD, for
Office Space Located at 800 Samuels Avenue for the
Police Department
**15. M&C C- - Authorize a Professional Services Contract with
22893 Mental Health Mental Retardation of Tarrant County
Funded by a Grant from the United States
Department of Health and Human Services for
Management of the Child Mental Health Initiative
**16. M&C C- - Authorize the Execution of a Partnership Agreement
Council Date: 7/8/2008
22894 with Goodwill Industries of Fort Worth, Inc., for
Electronic Waste Collection, Reuse, Recycling and
Disposal Services
**17. M&C C- - Authorization to Enter into a License Agreement with
22895 the Greater Southwest Aero Modelers Club for Use
of a Portion of the Closed Former Northeast Landfill
Located at 6901 Randol Mill Road as a Model
Airplane Flying Field
**18. M&C C- - Authorize Termination of City Secretary Contract No.
22896 33804, a Lease Agreement with the Federal Aviation
Administration for the Automated Flight Service
Station at Fort Worth Meacham International Airport,
Authorize Execution of a Supplemental Lease
Agreement for 1,200 Square Feet Located at 4651
North Main Street with the Federal Aviation
Administration for Annual Revenue of $8,400, and
Accept a Transfer of a Government-Owned Modular
Building at Fort Worth Meacham International Airport
with an Estimated Value of$645,167
19. M&C C- - Authorize Execution of a Tax Abatement Agreement
22897 with Belknap Center, LLC, for Property Located at
3825 Yucca Avenue in the Riverside Neighborhood
Empowerment Zone
20. M&C C- - Authorize Execution of a Tax Abatement Agreement
22898 with William Steven Brown for Property Located at
4775 Bryant Irvin Court in the Ridglea/Como
Neighborhood Empowerment Zone
21. M&C C- - Authorize Execution of a Public Right-of-Way Use
22899 Agreement Granting Barnett Gathering, L.P., a
License to Use a Certain Public Right-of-Way for the
Purpose of Constructing, Maintaining and Operating
a Natural Gas Pipeline Across Hicks Field Road
Located 580 Feet Northeast of Business Hwy-287
22. M&C C- - Authorize Execution of a Public Right-of-Way Use
22900 Agreement Granting Texas Midstream Gas Services,
LLC, a License to Use Certain Public Right-of-Way
for the Purpose of Constructing, Maintaining and
Operating a Natural Gas Pipeline Across Precinct
Line Road, 400 Feet North of Randol Mill Road, and
a Second Crossing at Precinct Line Road, 2000 Feet
South of Trammel Davis Road and Across Cooks
Lane Approximately 800 Feet South of
Meadowbrook Road
23. M&C C- - Authorize Execution of a Public Right-of-Way Use
22901 Agreement Granting Texas Midstream Gas Services,
LLC, a License to Use Certain Public Right-of-Way
for the Purpose of Constructing, Maintaining and
Operating a Natural Gas Pipeline Across Precinct
Line Road, 2313 Feet North of Randol Mill Road and
Across Handley Ederville Road, 64 Feet North of
Jack Newell Boulevard
24. M&C C- - Authorize Execution of a Public Right-of-Way Use
22902 Agreement Granting Crosstex North Texas
Gathering, LP, a License to Use Certain Public
Council Date: 7/8/2008
Right-of-Way for the Purpose of Constructing,
Maintaining, and Operating a Natural Gas Pipeline
Across Elizabethtown Cemetery Road Located 2500
Feet North of Litsey Road
25. M&C C- - Authorize Execution of an Interlocal Agreement with
22903 North Central Texas Council of Governments in the
Amount of $2,215,000 with the City's Reimbursable
Local Match in the Amount of $443,000 for the Local
Air Quality Traffic Signal Improvements on Camp
Bowie Boulevard, West Berry Street and Hemphill
Street and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance
26. M&C C- - Authorize Execution of a Construction Contract with
22904 A & F Elevator Company, Inc., in the Amount of
$380,895.00 to Renovate the Elevators in the Public
Safety Building
27. M&C C- - Authorize Execution of an Engineering Agreement
22905 with TCB, Inc., in the Amount of $521,814.00 for
Pavement Reconstruction and Water and Sanitary
Sewer Main Replacements on 4A - Arnold Court,
Blevins Street, Clarence Street East and Clarence
Street West; 4B - 29th Street, Aster Avenue, Eagle
Drive, Fairview Street and Marigold Avenue; 4C -
Bird Street, Bonnie Brae Street, Bonnie Brae
Crossover, Clary Avenue, Concord Street and
Dalford Street; 4D - Blue Flag Lane and Bryce
Canyon Drive (Project Nos. 4A-00939, 413-00941)
4C-00942, 4D-00944)
28. M&C C- - Authorize Execution of Amendment No. 3 in the
22906 Amount of $286,053.00 to City Secretary Contract
No. 28404 with Wade and Associates, Inc., for
Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Contract LVI (56) on
Spring Branch Road and Near the Trimble Tech Area
and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance
29. M&C C- - Authorize Execution of Contract with JLB
22907 Contracting, LP, in the Amount of $979,780.90 for
Pavement Reconstruction and Water and Sanitary
Sewer Main and Replacement on Portions of Colvin
Avenue, Irma Street and East Robert Street and
Adopt Appropriation Ordinance (Project No. 00454)
30. M&C C- - Authorize Execution of Contract with Stabile and
22908 Winn, Inc., in the Amount of $1,306,569.80 for
Pavement Reconstruction and Water and Sanitary
Sewer Replacement on Portions of Edney Street and
Southcrest Drive (Project No. 00448) and Adopt
Appropriation Ordinance
31. M&C C- - Authorize Execution of a Contract in the Amount of
22909 $961,772.00 with Stabile and Winn, Inc., for
Pavement Reconstruction and Water and Sanitary
Sewer Replacement on Geddes Street and Halloran
Street (Project No. 00291) and Adopt Appropriation
32. M&C C- - Authorize Execution of Amendment No. 1 in the
22910 Amount of $167,469.00 to City Secretary Contract
No. 29667 with Wade and Associates, Inc., for
Council Date: 7/8/2008
Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Contract LX (60) for
Water and Sanitary Sewer Relocations on 8th
Avenue and Missouri Avenue and Adopt
Appropriation Ordinance
33. M&C C- - Authorize Execution of an Engineering Agreement
22911 with RJN Group, Inc., in the Amount of $137,195.00
for Clear Fork Drainage Basin, M-210 Sanitary
Sewer Relocation on Mockingbird Lane and
Hartwood Drive (City Project No. 01022)
34. M&C C- - Authorize Execution of a Community Facilities
22912 Agreement with Centex Homes, Inc., with City
Participation in an Amount Not to Exceed $28,302.00
for the Construction of a Concrete Drainage Channel
and Underground Storm Drain System to Serve the
Stone Wood Addition
35. M&C C- - Authorize Execution of Amendment No. 2 to City
22913 Secretary Contract No. 33249, an Engineering
Agreement with Freese and Nichols, Inc., in the
Amount of $250,038.00 for the Construction
Management of the Eagle Mountain Water
Treatment Plant Expansion, Raw Water Pump
Station, Raw Water Intake, and Raw Water
Transmission Pipeline, Located Between Eagle
Mountain Lake and the Intersection of Boat Club
Road and Robertson Road Including the McCart
Street Pump Station
36. M&C C- - Authorize Execution of an Engineering Agreement
22914 with Deltatek Engineering in the Amount of
$100,000.00 for the North Beach Street Ground
Storage Tank Rehabilitation, Located at 4809 Ray
White Road and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance
a. Cases Recommended for Approval
1. Zoning Docket No. ZC-08-007B -(CD 2) -City of Fort Worth, Six
Points Urban Village; from "I" Light Industrial (Area 1), 2801 E.
Belknap, (Area 2), 28281 2832 East Belknap Street and from "J"
Medium Industrial (Area 3), 3007, 3009 East Belknap Street to (Area
1), "PD/MU-1" Planned Development for Low Intensity Mixed Use,
plus automotive repair and vehicles sales, (Area 2), "PD/MU-1"
Planned Development for all uses in "MU-1" Low Intensity Mixed
Use, plus radiator service shop, automotive repair, welding and
machine shop and (Area 3) "PD/MU-1" Planned Development for all
uses in "MU-1" Low Intensity Mixed Use, plus automotive repair and
brake shop and outdoor car lift. Site plan waiver recommended for
all three sites. (Continued from previous meeting)
2. Zoning Docket No. ZC-08-035A/B - (CD-ALL) -Text Amendment:
Parking Surfaces (Residential & Non Residential): An Ordinance
Amending Section 6.200, a€ceParking Surfacesa€of Article 2,
a€oeOff-Street Parking and Loadinga€of Chapter 6,
a€oeDevelopment Standardsa€of Ordinance Number 13896, as
Amended, Codified as Appendix a€oeAa€of the code of the City of
Fort Worth (1986)to: provide that the regulations of Article 2 apply
to one and two family districts; to include types of surfaces required
in residential and non residential districts; to provide that the
regulations of Article 2 apply to both the required parking and non-
Council Date: 7/8/2008
required parking; and to amend Chapter 9, a€oeDefinitionsa€to add
definitions for hard surface (parking), porous surface (parking)and
driveway. (Continued from a Previous Meeting)
3. Zoning Docket No. ZC-08-041 -(CD 8) - Ben & Peggy
Kates/Destructors Inc., 4900 Esco Drive &4801 Freeman Drive,
from "J" Medium Industrial to "PD/J" Planned Development for all
uses in "J" Medium Industrial, plus concrete crushing and recycling.
Site plan included. (Continued from a Previous Meeting)
4. Zoning Docket No. ZC-08-030 -(CD 6) - McArthur and Cat Inc.,
3012 Altamesa Boulevard; from "E" Neighborhood Commercial to
"PD/E" Planned Development for all uses in "E" Neighborhood
Commercial, plus tire repair sales and service, minor auto repair, oil
change, state inspection and emissions testing. No outside storage
is permitted. Compliance with the sign ordinance. Site plan included.
5. Zoning Docket No. ZC-08-088 -(CD 7) -T. L. Kobs & R. W.
Dowling, et al., 2509 Merrick Street; from "CF" Community Facilities
to "E" Neighborhood Commercial. (Continued from a Previous
6. Zoning Docket No. ZC-08-072 -(CD 8) - Russell Fox, 1391 SE
Loop 820 & 1029 Oak Grove Road; from "PD-229" Planned
Development for"E" Neighborhood Commercial uses excluding
package store, tattoo parlor, outdoor amusement, and drive-in
restaurant and "C" Medium Density Multifamily Residential to "C"
Medium Density Multifamily Residential and "E" Neighborhood
7. Zoning Docket No. ZC-08-075 -(CD 8) - Lucy Horning, et al., 701
E. Berry Street; from "E" Neighborhood Commercial to "FR" General
Commercial Restricted.
8. Zoning Docket No. ZC-08-077 -(CD 2) -WGK Development, Inc.,
6351 North Freeway, from "G" Intensive Commercial to "PD/G"
Planned Development for all uses in "G" Intensive Commercial, plus
hotel. Two adjustable illumination lights in the front only. Site plan
9. Zoning Docket No. ZC-08-079 -(CD 7) - Marine Creek of Texas
Joint Venture, 4401 Cromwell Marine Creek Road; from "E"
Neighborhood Commercial to "F" General Commercial.
10. Zoning Docket No. ZC-08-089 - (CD 8) -Jackie Duran Tatum,
2601 E. Lancaster Avenue; from "F" General Commercial to "F/HC"
General Commercial/Historical & Cultural Overlay.
11. Zoning Docket No. ZC-08-090 - (CD 3) - Patsy L. Cantrell, 7201
Camp Bowie Boulevard; from "PD-681" Planned Development for all
uses in "E" Neighborhood Commercial, plus outdoor farmer's
market. Site plan waived to Amend "PD-681" to include a
pub/tavern. Site plan waiver recommended.
12. Zoning Docket No. ZC-08-091 - (CD 5) - Manohar Rajput, 13304
Violet Lane; from "AG"Agricultural to "R1" Zero Lot Line/Cluster
13. Zoning Docket No. ZC-08-092 - (CD 3) - Edwards Geren Limited,
2800 block of Bryant Irvin Road; from "PD-577" Planned
Development for all uses in "E" Neighborhood Commercial, plus
hotel, service station, retail stores over 60,000 square feet to "A-5"
One Family Residential.
14. Zoning Docket No. ZC-08-094 - (CD 2) - Ramon Verduzco, 2206
N. E. 28th Street; from "FR" General Commercial Restricted to "B"
Two Family Residential.
15. Zoning Docket No. ZC-08-096 - (CD 6) -Wall Homes of Texas,
LLC., 9705 & 9711 Old Granbury Road; from "A-5" One Family
Council Date: 7/8/2008
Residential to "E" Neighborhood Commercial (Tracts 1, 21 & 3) and
"FR" General Commercial Restricted (Tract 4).
16. Zoning Docket No. ZC-08-100 - (CD 2) -Jose E. Mejia, 2518
Clinton Avenue; from "I" Light Industrial to "A-5" One Family
b. Cases Recommended for Denial
1. Zoning Docket No. ZC-08-070 -(CD 7) - Millard Tierce, 5700
Curzon Avenue; from "A-5" One Family Residential to "E"
Neighborhood Commercial.
2. Zoning Docket No. ZC-08-097 -(CD 2) -Southwest Basswood 35,
L. P., 2900 Basswood Boulevard; from "G" Intensive Commercial to
"PD/G" Planned Development for all uses in "G" Intensive
Commercial, plus hotel. Site plan included.
3. Zoning Docket No. SP-07-061 -(CD 9) - Fort Worth Midtown
Village, LP., 2222 West Rosedale Street; Site plan to amend "PD-
558" to change the location, size and type of buildings proposed.
1. Mr. Joe Don Brandon, P.O. Box 1155 a€" Texas Black Workers Awards
2. Ms. Martha Chambers, 3112 Tanglewood Trail a€"Animal Care and
Control a€"Adoption Room
According to the City Council Rules of Procedures, individual
citizen presentations shall be limited to three minutes, and group
presentations shall be limited to ten minutes. The Mayor, at his
discretion, may reasonably extend these limits.
This facility is wheelchair accessible. For
accommodations or sign interpretive services,
please call the City Manager's Office at 817-392-
6143, 48 hours in advance.
Council Date: 7/8/2008