HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 47982 EXECUTED FORTWORTH PROJECT MANUAL FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF NOR THSIDE 1148 INCH WATER TRANSMISSION MAIN, PHASE 2—PART 2 City Project No. 02304 Betsy Price David Cooke Mayor City Manager John Robert Carman Director,Water Department DOCUMENTS ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION These "Issued for Construction" Contract Documents have been prepared by revising the Bidding Documents to record references to addenda,field orders or change orders issued as of May 4, 2016. The Bidding Documents may have been revised to incorporate these revisions directly into the "Issued for Construction" Contract Documents. Contractor is responsible for determining that these documents are consistent with their understanding of the Bidding Documents as modified per the appropriate provisions of the Contract Documents, The Bidding Documents, as modified per the appropriate provisions of the Contract Documents, take precedence over these "Issued for Construction" documents. Prepared for OFMAL RECORD The City of Fort Worth G"SECRETARY WATER DEPARTMENT Fr.11IOR1'H,TX ,February 2016 PREPARED BY: FREESE AND NICHOLS, INC. 4055 INTERNATIONAL PLAZA SUITE 200 FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76109 TEXAS REGISTERED ENGINEERING FIRM F-2144 '=L IrFREESE MIN°I K.OLS JUl 42016 FTW14497 c cSA� CONTR�►CT Mo. � \ C"SFCRr-Tmy FORTWORTH PROJECT MANUAL FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF NOR THSIDE 114 8-INCH WATER TRANSMISSION MAIN, PHASE 2 —PART 2 City Project No. 02304 Betsy Price David Cooke Mayor City Manager John Robert Carman Director, Water Department THE SEAL THAT ORIGINALLY APPEARED ON THE SEAL THAT ORIGINALLY APPEARED ON THIS DOCUMENT WAS AUTHORIZED BY THIS DOCUMENT WAS AUTHORIZED BY RUSSEL GIBSON, P.E.,TEXAS NO. 61883 ON DANIEL STOUTENBURG, JR., P.E., TEXAS FEBRUARY 26, 2016. FREESE AND NO. 99271 ON FEBRUARY 26, 2016. NICHOLS, INC. TEXAS REGISTERED FREESE AND NICHOLS, INC. TEXAS ENGINEERING FIRM F- 2144. ALTERATION REGISTERED ENGINEERING FIRM F- 2144. OF A SEALED DOCUMENT WITHOUT ALTERATION OF A SEALED DOCUMENT PROPER NOTIFICATION OF THE WITHOUT PROPER NOTIFICATION OF THE RESPONSIBLE ENGINEER IS AN OFFENSE RESPONSIBLE ENGINEER IS AN OFFENSE UNDER THE TEXAS ENGINEERING PRACTICE UNDER THE TEXAS ENGINEERING PRACTICE ACT. ACT. Prepared for OFFICIAL RECORD The City of Fort Worth CITY SECRETARY WATER DEPARTMENT FT. WORTH] TX February 2016 PREPARED BY: FREESE AND NICHOLS, INC. 4055 INTERNATIONAL PLAZA SUITE 200 FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76109 TEXAS REGISTERED ENGINEERING FIRM F-2144 FREESE FTWI 4497 FORTWORTH. City of Fort Worth Standard Construction Specification Documents Adopted September 201 000000-1 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Page 1 of 6 SECTION 00 00 00 TABLE OF CONTENTS Division 00-General Conditions 0005 10 Mayor and Council Communication 0005 15 Addenda 00 11 13 Invitation to Bidders 0021 13 Instructions to Bidders 0035 13 Conflict of Interest Affidavit 00 41 00 Bid Form 00 42 43 Proposal Form Unit Price 0043 13 Bid Bond 00 43 37 Vendor Compliance to State Law Nonresident Bidder 0045 11 Bidders Prequalifications 0045 12 Prequalification Statement 0045 13 Bidder Prequalification Application 00 45 26 Contractor Compliance with Workers' Compensation Law 00 45 40 Minority Business Enterprise Goal 0045 ^T1a'Sri BusinessEnter-pFise Goal 00 52 43 Agreement 0061 13 Performance Bond 0061 14 Payment Bond 0061 19 Maintenance Bond 0061 25 Certificate of Insurance 00 72 00 General Conditions 00 73 00 Supplementary Conditions Division 01 - General Requirements 01 11 00 Summary of Work 01 2500 Substitution Procedures 01 31 19 Preconstruction Meeting 01 31 20 Project Meetings 01 32 16 Construction Progress Schedule 01 3233 Preconstruction Video 01 3300 Submittals 01 35 13 Special Project Procedures 01 4523 Testing and Inspection Services 01 5000 Temporary Facilities and Controls 01 5526 Street Use Permit and Modifications to Traffic Control 01 57 13 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan 01 58 13 Temporary Project Signage 01 6000 Product Requirements 01 6600 Product Storage and Handling Requirements 01 7000 Mobilization and Remobilization 01 71 23 Construction Staking and Survey 01 7423 Cleaning 01 77 19 Closeout Requirements 01 7823 Operation and Maintenance Data 01 7839 Project Record Documents CITY OF FORT WORTH Northside II 48-Inch Water Transmission Main,Phase 2—Part 2 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project Number:02304 Revised February 2,2016 000000-2 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Page 2 of 6 Technical Specifications which have been modified by the Engineer specifically for this Project; hard copies are included in the Project's Contract Documents Division 31 -Earthwork 31 37 00 Articulated Concrete Cable Mat Division 33 -Utilities 33 01 31 Closed Circuit Television(CCTV)Inspection 3305 10 Utility Trench Excavation,Embedment, and Backfill 33 05 21 Tunnel Liner Plate 33 05 22 Steel Casing Pipe 33 05 30 Location of Existing Utilities 33 11 13 Concrete Pressure Pipe,Bar-Wrapped, Steel Cylinder Type 33 11 14 Buried Steel Pipe and Fittings 33 1230 Combination Air Valve Assemblies for Potable Water Systems Technical Specifications listed below are included for this Project by reference and can be viewed/downloaded from the City's Buzzsaw site at: htps://t)rojeclpoint.buzzsaw.com/client/fortworthg_ov/Resources/02%20- %20Construction%2ODocuments/Specifications Division 02-Existing Conditions 0241 13 Selective Site Demolition 0241 14 Utility Removal/Abandonment 0241 15 Paving Removal Division 03 -Concrete 03 30 00 Cast-In-Place Concrete 03 34 13 Controlled Low Strength Material (CLSM) 03 34 16 Concrete Base Material for Trench Repair Division 26-Electrical 26 05 00 Common SITeEk Desulti�for-EleetFieal 26-85-10 De el t EleetFieal systems 260543 Un e,.,...,.,,.,,1 Duets and Raee.,ays for-E eet.iea Systems Division 31 -Earthwork 31 1000 Site Clearing 3123 16 civ=£3 s•ccvcn7viiit:ro„ 31 23 23 Borrow 31-2400 >r...bank..,effts 31 25 00 Erosion and Sediment Control 313600 Gabiefr, 313700 Ri" CITY OF FORT WORTH Northside II 48-Inch Water Transmission Main,Phase 2—Part 2 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project Number:02304 Revised February 2,2016 000000-3 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Page 3 of 6 Division 32 - Exterior Improvements 3201 17 Permanent Asphalt Paving Repair 3201 18 Temporary Asphalt Paving Repair 3201 29 Concrete Paving Repair 32 11 23 Flexible Base Courses 32 11 29 Lime Treated Base Courses 32 11 33 Cement Treated Base Courses 32 11 37 Liquid Treated Soil Stabilizer 32 12 16 Asphalt Paving 32 1273 Asphalt Paving Crack Sealants 32 13 13 Concrete Paving 32 13 20 Concrete Sidewalks, Driveways and Barrier Free Ramps 32 13 73 Concrete Paving Joint Sealants 32 1416 Brick Unit Paving A�T6 1� Gene-ete !'',,..1. and Gutters and Valley Ciumors 32 1723 Pavement Markings 32 1725 Curb Address Painting 3231 13 Chain Fences and Gates 3231 26 Wire Fences and Gates 3231 29 Wood Fences and Gates 32324-3 Cast in Plaee C—ener-ete Retaining Walls 3291 19 Topsoil Placement and Finishing of Parkways 3292 13 Hydro-Mulching, Seeding, and Sodding 32 93 43 Trees and Shrubs Division 33 - Utilities 33 0i 30 Sewer and Manhole Testing In 33 03 1 n Bypass ninirPumping of Sewer-Systems v 33 04 10 Joint Bonding and Electrical Isolation 3304 11 Corrosion Control Test Stations 3304 12 Magnesium Anode Cathodic Protection System 33 04 30 Temporary Water Services 33 04 40 Cleaning and Acceptance Testing of Water Mains 3}3}-04 50 Cleaninge ower s 33 05 10 tili vy Tr-eneh T1ieavCatie Embedment, and DLiek 111 33 05 12 Water Line Lowering 33 05 13 Frame, Cover and Grade Rings 3305 14 Adjusting Manholes, Inlets, Valve Boxes, and Other Structures to Grade 33 05 16 Concrete Water Vaults 33 05 17 Concrete Collars 33 05 20 Auger Boring 33-93 21: Tunnel Liner-Plate 33 05 22 Stool Casing Pipe 33 05 23 Hand Tunneling 33 0524 Installation of Carrier Pipe in Casing or Tunnel Liner Plate 33 05 26 Utility Markers/Locators 33 05 38 Leeation of Existing l Unities 33 1105 Bolts,Nuts, and Gaskets CITY OF FORT WORTH Northside II 48-Inch Water Transmission Main, Phase 2—Part 2 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project Number:02304 Revised February 2,2016 000000-4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Page 4 of 6 33 11 10 Ductile Iron Pipe 33 11 11 Ductile Iron Fittings 33 11 12 Polyvinyl Chloride(PVC)Pressure Pipe 33 ii 0 Generete Pr-essufe Pipe,Bar- W+apped; Steel Cylinder-Type 33 11 14 Bur-iod steel Pipe and Fittings 33 12 10 Water Services 1-inch to 2-inch 33 1211 Large Water Meters 33 12 20 Resilient Seated Gate Valve 33 12 21 AWWA Rubber-Seated Butterfly Valves 33 1225 Connection to Existing Water Mains 33 1230 Combination Air Valve Assemblies for Potable Water Systems 33 12 40 Fire Hydrants 33 1250 Water Sample Stations 33 12 60 Standard Blow-off Valve Assembly 3331 12 Gufed in Plaae Pipe(CIPP) 3331 15 High Density Polyethylene(14DPE)Pipe fer-Sanitary Sewer- 333120 Polyvinyl Ghler-ide(PVC) Gr-avity Smitar-y Sewef Pipe 33 3i N Polyvinyl Ghler-ide(PVC) Glesed Pr-efile Gfavity Sanituy Sewer-Pipe 333122 Sanitary Sewer-Slip Lining 333123 Sanitary Sewer-Pipe Finlafgemefft 333150 Sanitary Sewer-Sen,iee Gefmeefiens and SeFviee Line 333170 Cefabinatien Air-Valve fer-Ssnitar-y Sewer-For-rae Mains 33 39 10 Cast in Plae Go er-eo Manheles 33 39 20 Precast Concrete Manholes 333930 Fiber-glass Mwiheles, 333940 Wastewater-Aeeess Chamber-(W-AG) 3341 10 Reinforced Concrete Storm Sewer Pipe/Culverts 33 41 11 High Density Polyethylene(RDPE)Pipe for-SteFm Dr-ain 334600 Subdr-ainage 33 4601 Slotted Stefm Dfains 33 4602 Tfefieh Dreins 33 49 10 Cast-in-Place Manholes and Junction Boxes 33 49 20 Curb and Drop Inlets 33 4940 Stefm Drainage Readwalls and Wingwalls Division 34-Transportation 34 41 10 T+affie Signals 34 41 10.01 AAae nt A Ce,.,.Fe lo..Cabinet et 34 41 10.02 At ent13 G,.ntfelle f Speei fieatie, 34 41 11 Terapefafy T-r-affie Signals 34 41 1-3 ReinevingTreffie Sigaa4s 34 41 15 Reetmplaf Rapid Flashing Beaeon 34 44120.01 1 166 nedesa.;e„Hybrid Signal -3 4. 4.120 Roadway illumination Assemblies 34 After-i l TED Roadway Luminaifes 34 4120.02 Fmeway TEE)D e.,d,,ay T, CITY OF FORT WORTH Northside 1148-Inch Rater Transmission Main,Phase 2—Part 2 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project Number:02304 Revised February 2,2016 000000-5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Page 5 of 6 34 4120.03 Residential LED Read.,ay Lumi 34 4130 Altffninum Signs 3471 13 Traffic Control Appendix GC-4.01 Availability of Lands GC-4.02 Subsurface and Physical Conditions GC-4.04 Underground Facilities GC 4.06 u.zar-daus Enyi.-onmental Condition ..t Site GC-6.06.13 Minority and Women Owned Business Enterprise Compliance GC-6.07 Wage Rates GC-6.09 Permits and Utilities GG 6.24 Nondiserimination GR-01 60 00 Product Requirements END OF SECTION CITY OF FORT WORTH Northside//48-1nch{Pater Transmission Main.Phase 2—Part 2 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project Number:02304 Revised February 2,2016 City of Fort Worth, Texas Mayor and Council Communication COUNCIL ACTION: Approved on 6/28/2016 - Ordinance No. 22317-06-2016 & Resolution No. 4655-06-2016 DATE: Tuesday, June 28, 2016 REFERENCE NO.: C-27822 LOG NAME: 60NS1148WPH2P2-SJLOUIS SUBJECT: Authorize Execution of a Contract with S.J. Louis Construction of Texas, Ltd., in the Amount of $14,220,423.00 for the Northside II 48-Inch Water Main Phase 11, Part 2, from Wagley Robertson Road to Parkview Hills Lane, Provide for Project Administration, Inspection, Materials Testing and Contingencies for a Total Project Amount of$15,855,823.00, Adopt Resolution Expressing Official Intent to Reimburse Expenditures with Proceeds of Future Debt and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance (COUNCIL DISTRICT 7) RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council: 1. Adopt the attached resolution expressing official Intent to Reimburse expenditures with proceeds of future debt for entire the Northside II 48-inch Water Main, Phase II Improvement Project; 2. Authorize an amendment to the Fiscal Year 2016 Water Capital Improvement Plan to add additional funding to the Northside II 48-inch Water Main Project in the amount of$5,463,911.00; 3. Adopt the attached appropriation ordinance increasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the Northside II 48-Inch Water Main, Phase 11, Part 2 Project of the 2016 Water Capital Projects Improvement Plan in the amount of$5,463,911.00 from available funds; and 4. Authorize the execution of a contract with S.J. Louis Construction of Texas, Ltd., in the amount of $14,220,423.00 for the Northside II 48-inch Water Main Phase 11, Part 2 from Wagley Robertson Road to Parkview Hills Lane. DISCUSSION: On December 9, 2014 (Mayor and Council Communication (M&C) C-27124), the City Council authorized an Engineering Agreement with Freese & Nichols, Inc., for the preparation of plans and specifications for Northside II 48-inch Water Main Phase 11, from Heritage Trace Parkway to Longhorn Road. The proposed water main will increase water delivery and reliability to the Northside II pressure plane. In order to expedite construction, the Phase II project was divided into the following three parts: • Part 1, 48-inch water main from Heritage Trace Parkway to Wagley Robertson Road. • Part 2, 48-inch water main from Wagley Robertson Road to Parkview Hills Lane (this project). • Part 3, 48-inch water main from Parkview Hills Lane to Longhorn Road. Phase 11, Part 2, consists of the following: Logname: 60NS1I48WPH2P2-SJLOUIS Paae I of 4 • Installation of a 48-inch water main beginning from Wagley Robertson Road to Parkview Hills Lane . Construction of the north bound half of Old Decatur Road from Bailey Boswell Road to Parkview Hills Lane in accordance with an Inter-Local Agreement between the City of Fort Worth and the City of Saginaw (City Secretary Contract No. 47705). This project was advertised for bids on March 10, 2016 and March 17, 2016 in the Fort Worth Star- Telegram. On March 31, 2016 the following bids were received: Bidder Amount Time of completion S.J. Louis Construction of Texas, Ltd. F$14,220,423.001540 Calendar Days William J. Shultz, Inc. d/b/a Circle "C" Construction 1$14,456,642.50 Company Oscar Renda Contracting, Inc. $14,560,900.00 Thalle Construction Company, Inc. $16,390,059.30 Jackson Construction, Ltd. $18,635,112.50 Atkins Bros. Equipment Company, Inc. $26,274,050.00 In addition to the contract cost, $1,208,700.00 is required for project management, material testing and inspection and $426,700.00 is provided for project management This project requires additional funding in the amount of$5,463,911.00 for increased construction cost as well as related easements, inspection, contingency and project management cost as depicted by the table below. Staff recommends these additional funds come from funds in the Water/Sewer DPN fund. M&C number or log name DPN Funding required M&C L-15915 adopted $ 581,000.00 6/14/2016 20MARINE CREEK PARKWAY F $ 3,428,295.00 60NSII48PH2A1-FNI F $ 243,593.00 60NSH48WPH2P2-SJLOUIS F $15,855,823.00 Sub Total F$20,108,711.00 Funding allotted M&C G-18625 F $14,644,800.00 Funding shortage -$ 5,463,911.00 This project is anticipated to be included in a future revenue bond issue for the Water and Sewer Fund. Available cash within the Water and Sewer portfolio and the City's portfolio along with the appropriation authority authorized under the Direct Purchase Note (DPN) Program will be used to provide interim financing for this project until debt is issued. To the extent resources other than the Water and Sewer portfolio are used to provide interim financing, the Water and Sewer Fund will be charged interest that is equivalent to the overall rate of return being earned by the City portfolio (currently approximately one-percent annually). Should the City's portfolio not support the liquidity needed to provide an interim short-term financing source, another funding source will be required, which could mean issuance of securities under the DPN Program or earlier issuance of Water and Sewer revenue bonds than is currently planned. Once debt associated with this project is sold, bond proceeds will be used to reimburse the Water and Sewer portfolio and the City's portfolio in accordance with the attached Reimbursement Logname: 60NSII48WPH2P2-SJL0UIS Page 2 of 4 Resolution, which encompasses the entirety of Phase II. The City Council adopted the Water Department's Fiscal Year 2016 - 2020 Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan on February 2, 2016 (M&C G-18662). Adopted plan includes this specific project, with funding identified through the DPN Program to be reimbursed with future revenue bonds. In accordance with the provisions of the Financial Management Policy Statement, Staff anticipates presenting revenue-supported debt issuances to the City Council for consideration within the next three years. This debt must be issued within approximately three years to provide reimbursement for these expenses. If that does not occur, the costs will no longer be reimbursable by issuing tax-exempt debt and the funding source will have to be made whole through budgetary methods. Adoption of this resolution does not obligate the City to sell bonds, but preserves the ability to reimburse the City from tax-exempt bond proceeds. Construction is anticipated to commence in August 2016 with a contract time of 540 calendar days, the project is estimated to be complete by the end of December 2017. This project will have no impact on the Water Department Operating Budget when complete. M/WBE OFFICE: S.J. Louis Construction of Texas, Ltd., is in compliance with City's BDE Ordinance by committing to nine percent MBE participation. The City's MBE goal on this project is nine percent. The project is located in COUNCIL DISTRICT 7, Mapsco 3E, 4E, 5E, 6E, 7E and 8E. FISCAL INFORMATION / CERTIFICATION: The Director of Finance certifies that the appropriation is available as directed by M&C G-18375 in the Water/Sewer DPN Fund for the Northside II 48-inch Water Main, Phase 11, Part 2 Improvement Project and that upon approval of the above recommendation and adoption of the attached appropriation ordinance, funds will be available in the current capital budget as appropriated, of the Water/Sewer DPN Fund, as depicted in the table below by fund. FUND Existing Additional Appropriations Future Proect Total* Appropriations ------ [Appropriations j Water/Sewer DPN Fund $14,644,800.00 $5,463,911.00 $16,524,000.00 $36,632,711.00 56005 Water& Sewer Bond $ 1,680,500.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 I$ 1,680,500.00 2015A 56007 Water Capital Fund $ 21,605.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 21,605.00 59601** Project Total $16,346,905.00 $5,463,911.00 $16,524,000.00 $38,334,816.00 * Numbers rounded for presentation purposes. ** includes funding from M&C L-15915 FUND IDENTIFIERS (FIDs): TO Fund Department Account Project Program Activity Budget Reference # Amount ID ID Year Chartfield 2 56005 0600430 5740010 CO2304 C01783 2016 $5,463,911.00 Logname: 60NSII48WPH2P2-SJLOUIS Page 3 of 4 CERTIFICATIONS: Submitted for City Manager's Office by: Jay Chapa (5804) Originating Department Head: John Carman (8246) Additional Information Contact: Robert C. Sauceda (2387) ATTACHMENT) 1. 47705 Saginaw-CFW ILA.pdf (Public) 2. 6060NSI148WPH2P2-SJLOUIS FY2016 AO 56005(Rev 6.22.16).docx (Public) 3. 60NSII48WPH2P2-SJLOUlS Compliance Memo.pdf (CFW Internal) 4. 60NS1148WPH2P2-SJLOUIS Form 1295.pdf (Public) 5. 60NS1148WPH2P2-SJLOUIS Map01.pdf (Public) 6. CO2304 Proiect Budget Summary.JPG (CFW Internal) 7. Northside II - Phase II Reimbursement Resolution.doc (Public) 8. Resolution Attachment - Phase II.pdf (Public) 9. SAM SJ Louis.pdf (CFW Internal) Logname: 60NSII48WPH2P2-SJLOUIS Page 4 of 4 000510- I MAYOR AND COUNCIL COMMUNICATION(M&C) Page 1 of 1 1 SECTION 00 05 10 2 MAYOR AND COUNCIL COMMUNICATION (M&C) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 END OF SECTION CITY OF FORT WORTH Northside H 48-Inch Water Transmission Main,Phase 2—Part 2 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project Number:02304 Revised July 1,2011 This Page Intentionally left Blank CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES FORM 1295 iofl Complete Nos.1-4 and 6 it there are interested parties. OFFICE USE ONLY Complete Nos.1,2,3,5,and 6 if there are no interested parties. CERTIFICATION OF FILING 1 Name of business entity filing form,and the city,state and country of the business entity's place Certificate Number: of business. 2016-50087 S.J.Louis Construction of Texas,Ltd. Mansfield,TX United States Date Filed- 2 Name of governmental entity or state agency that is a party to the contract for which the form is 05/04/2016 being filed. City of Fort Worth Date Acknowledged: 3 Provide the identification number used by the governmental entity or state agency to track or identify the contract,and provide a description of the services,goods or other property to be provided under the contract 02304 Heavy Underground Utility 4 Nature of interest(check applicable) Name of Interested Party City,State,Country(place of business) Controlling intermediary S.J.Louis,LLC Wilmington, DE United States X 5 Check only if there is NO Interested Party. ❑ 6 AFFIDAVIT I swear,or affirm,under penalty of perjury,that the above disclosure is true and correct. peq,/�� Peter J.Stahl Vice President Si nature of authorized agent of contracting business entity AFFIX NOTARY STAMP/SEAL ABOVE Swom to and subscribed before me,by the said Peter J. Stahl ,this the 4t11 day of May 2016 to certify which,witness my hand and seal of office. 7DINAQofficer r 1My V Dina J. Wilson Signature of officer administering oath Printed name of officer a i 's �'� oistering oath Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Version V1.0.1021 I SECTION 00 0515 2 ADDENDA 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 END OF SECTION CITY OF FORT WORTH Northside II 48-Inch Rater Transmission Main,Phase 2—Part 2 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project Number:02304 Revised July 1,2011 This Page Intentionally Left Blank 00 05 15.01-1 ADDENDUM No.1 Page 1 of 2 CITY OF FORT WORTH NORTHSIDE 11 48"WATER TRANSMISSION MAIN PHASE 2-PART 2 OF\TF10 �P•®®®®..•.•••-4- 0 •:'S o *®• •m* O0 %* m m �immmmmemmoa•e®mmmm•dme•00 City Project No.02304 /DANIEL STOUTENBURG, JR s A m•••mmmmm•mem®mm••••m•• ••/ DOE No.7345 00 ° 99271 �0'� 0®4�CENS�O•0''kms ADDENDUM NO. 1 eOFSs®®®..•••'�G�� March 8,2016 Ill���t� Mr 8 201811:45 AM FREESE AND NICHOLS, INC. Bid Time: Thursday, March 24, 2016, 1:30 P.M.CST. TEXAS REGISTERED 00 05 15.01 ADDENDUM NUMBER 1 ENGINEERINGF-2144 FIRM The following additions, deletions, modifications,or clarifications shall be made to the appropriate sections of the Contract Documents. Bidders shall acknowledge receipt of this Addendum in the space provided on the Bid Form. F BIDDING REQUIREMENTS: F Section 00 11 13"Invitation to Bidders" Modification: PREBID CONFERENCE date changed from March 10, 2016 at 9:30 am to March 14, 2016 at 9:30 am.The location will remain the same(311 W. 10th Street). Section 00 2113"Instructions to Bidders" Refer to Page 1, Paragraph 3.1.2 Modification: Delete the paragraph in its entirety and replace with the following: "Roadway and Pedestrian Lighting—Requirements document located at; https://Prooectpoint.buzzsaw.com/fortworthgoy/Resources/02%20- %20Construction%20Documents/Contractor%20Pregualification/TPW%20Roadway%20and%20 Pedestrian%20Lighting%20Prequalification%20Program?public" Section 0133 00"Submittals" Reference Appendix A Modification: Delete this section and replace it with the submittal log included with this Addendum. Addenda 00 05 15.01-1 FTW14497-Northside 11 48"Water Transmission Main Phase 2—Part 2 March 8,2016 This Page Intentionally Left Blank 00 05 15.01-2 ADDENDUM No.1 Page 2 of 2 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS: Section 3137 01"Articulated Concrete Cable Mat" Modification: Delete this section and replace it with the section included with this addendum. Section 33 12 30"Combination Air Valve Assemblies for Potable Water Systems" Addition:Add this section, included with this addendum. DRAWINGS: REPLACE THE FOLLOWING SHEETS Replace Sheet With Sheet 0.01 COVER 0.01 COVER END OF ADDENDUM NO. 1 Addenda 00 05 15.01-2 FTW14497-Northside 11 48"Water Transmission Main Phase 2—Part 2 March 8,2016 This Page Intentionally Left Blank ti mN N R ¢ J G R MM O A H y N 40 O O y ti a a 43 E a = C W R G 1 d N u Y -0 4 = Q' ro N A v _ 3 W L _ m a O - v & JDD7agAFq'� a s v° r N E v° C C Y �i Ip � C N Oi ¢ swgmi�.+a7 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x '� dmpaoyy w 1G, a x x CL�` DIDU x x x x x x d •wl ' °� x x x xxxx xx x x xxx xxxx .,� x x x x x x x x & �+4liJR .x x x x x x x x x �E Q 0 =0e M t a M E - � rl c v E A d = >N o �n N m a = 0 3 a .0 o f I.: m w c q o w W c V A C C — ro m 0 Y t = y C ro 5 N E W -.� u m m N 0 W W N g O N i C - = F! 1! w N N «Na d C N U! '> H V 2 m u' m? E .ro o E m m m c t4 vvi v v v $ a > v a w c ? o u x c U m ro m m y > m = A c 2 ~w m c ¢ ¢ r ro w el 4 0 ro n v % c v c Z'a m m o i'n a d 12 u E c > 3 m 0 a c aLL=i c V p O° j 2 E 2 a u s s `u u u u E c o o y `a o m c c y m v o 0 0 o n Q m 0 0 o ? 'C v v 0 a °' 0 0 0 Y m r ° ? m o 0 0 '° m = u o a u u u m w a a u a a u u u m` a u 3 O p p pp O N n n m m O 0 0 N N n N M M .Mi .Ri .n-1 N N O C lfl M N N N Vl N 0 0 0 0 0 88 0 0 o m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m M eMi M m m �M+s in m Mn 0 Z d o � � o m O z J Q Y V QC O Z � 3 � U. N Op N N a s O Q O N N g m N p 0 d E � a z 2 y c a a o L 2 V p� C r d � 3 L � C m U C 0 z e N U C N a m H Q .0 x x x x x x x x x x x25 x x Q a s�upds�t x x x v 'O' fl. c o,po g. •® E x x Q `� o3oOapo+dxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x O x x xxx x x x E Q .Q42 ~ M = o d r v co I ac o n - L a _ ^ Q 'm 6 A V d iLL a0-r wj L o d m m "' d a c u m '« c C v v c a` 3 N x > o E c w � vi 0 in a a u c ^ m o 0 o p z u c $ c _ c u cV a v v `LL 3 a w u U CDa G a �o o vi o .� v o .+ o .+ vi 0 0 0 0 0 0 D o m N N N m 0 N N N N N T O Vl l0 N N N O W 0 Vl V1 N N N N N N Ot 'T Ot N N O O O '+ N H r1 N N N N T V O O P m m m m m m m m m m m m m m T m m m T m m m m Om m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m T m m Z W M W G 'O R L bA d a O °' ' v � � s 45 t 3 H LL 313701-1 ARTICULATED CONCRETE CABLE MAT Page 1 of 7 1 SECTION 3137 01 2 ARTICULATED CONCRETE CABLE MAT 3 PART1 - GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 A. Section Includes: 6 1. The Contractor shall furnish all labor,materials,equipment,and incidentals 7 required and perform all operations in connection with the installation of articulated 8 concrete blocks or mats in accordance with the lines, grades, design and dimensions 9 shown on the Drawings and as specified herein. 10 B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 11 1. 3137 01 —is not a City Standard Specification 12 C. Related Specification Sections include,but are not necessarily limited to: 13 1. Division 0—Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the 14 Contract 15 2. Division 1 —General Requirements 16 3. Section 03 30 00—Cast-in-place Concrete 17 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 18 A. Measurement and Payment 19 1. Articulated Concrete Block 20 a. Measurement 21 1) Measurement for this Item shall be by the square yard of Articulated 22 Concrete Block placed. 23 b. Payment 24 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item 25 and measured as provided under"Measurement"will be paid for at the unit 26 price bid per square yard of articulated concrete cable mats placed. 27 c. The price bid shall include: 28 1) Furnishing and placing articulated concrete cable mats,bedding, and 29 Geotextile 30 2) Anchoring articulated concrete cable mats 31 3) Excavation and backfill 32 4) Control of water 33 5) Disposal of surplus materials 34 1.3 REFERENCES 35 A. Reference Standards 36 1. Reference standards cited in this Specification refer to the current reference 37 standard published at the time of the latest revision date logged at the end of this 38 Specification,unless a date is specifically cited. 39 2. ASTM Standards: 40 a. ASTM C33-08 Standard Specifications for Concrete Aggregates 41 b. ASTM C39 Compressive strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens CITY OF FORT WORTH Northside H 48-Inch Rater Transmission Main,Phase 2—Part 2 City Project Number:02304 31 37 01-2 ARTICULATED CONCRETE CABLE MAT Page 2 of 7 1 c. ASTM C42 Obtaining and Testing Drilled Cores and Sawed Beams of 2 Concrete 3 d. ASTM C 150 Specification for Portland Cement 4 e. ASTM C207 Specification for Hydrated Lime Types 5 f. ASTM C595 Specification for Blended Hydraulic Cements 6 g. ASTM C618 Specification for Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined Natural 7 Pozzolans for use in Portland Cement Concrete 8 h. ASTM D 6684 Standard Specification for Materials and Manufacture of 9 Articulated Concrete Block(ACB) 10 i. ASTM D 6884 Standard Practice for Installation of Articulating Concrete M 11 Block(ACB)Revetment System 12 j. ASTM D 7276 Standard Guide for Analysis and Interpretation of Test Data for 13 Articulating Concrete Block(ACB)revetment System in Open Channel Flow 14 k. ASTM D 7277 Standard Test Method for Performance Testing of Articulating 15 Concrete Block(ACB)Revetment System for Hydraulic Stability in Open 16 Channel Fl 17 1. ASTM D698 Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Standard 18 Effort 19 in. ASTM D3786 Hydraulic Burst Strength of Knitted Goods and Nonwoven 20 Fabrics 21 n. ASTM D4355 Deterioration of Geotextiles from Exposure to Ultraviolet Light 22 and Water 23 o. ASTM D4491 Water Permeability of Geotextiles by Permittivity 24 p. ASTM D4533 Trapezoidal Tearing Strength of Geotextiles 25 q. ASTM D4632 Breaking Load and Elongation of Geotextiles(Grab Method) 26 r. ASTM D4751 Determining Apparent Opening Size of a Geotextile 27 s. ASTM D4833 Index Puncture Resistance of Geotextiles, Geomembranes and 28 Related Products 29 t. ASTM D5101 Measuring the Soil-Geotextile System Clogging Potential by the 30 Gradient Ratio 31 u. ASTM D5567 Hydraulic Conductivity Ratio Testing of Soil/Geotextile 32 Systems 33 3. AASHTO 34 a. AASHTO T88 Determining the Grain-size Distribution of Soil 35 b. AASHTO M288-96 Standard Specification for Geotextiles 36 4. FHWA 37 a. FHWA-RD-89-199 November 1989—Standard Testing for Hydraulic 38 Stability of Concrete Revetment System During Overtopping Flow 39 b. FHWA-RD-88-181 Minimizing Embankment Damage During Overtopping 40 Flow(Replaced by FHWA-RD-89-199 in November of 1989) 41 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS [NOT USED] 42 1.5 SUBMITTALS 43 A. Submittals shall be in accordance with Section 0133 00. 44 B. All submittals shall be approved by the City prior to construction. 45 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS 46 A. Shop Drawings CITY OF FORT WORTH Northside II 48-Inch Water Transmission Main,Phase 2—Part 2 City Project Number:02304 31 37 01-3 ARTICULATED CONCRETE CABLE MAT Page 3 of 7 1 a. Submit to the Owner's Representative all manufacturer's performance research 2 results and calculations in support of the concrete mat system and geotextile 3 proposed for use. All calculations must be made in accordance with PART 2 of 4 this specification. 5 b. Furnish manufacturer's certificates of compliance for concrete blocks/mats, 6 revetment cable,and any revetment cable fittings, anchors and connectors to 7 the Owner's Representative prior to the start of mat fabrication. 8 c. Furnish to the Owner's Representative all manufacturer's specifications, 9 literature, shop drawings for the fabrication of the mats, anchor layouts and any 10 recommendations,if applicable,that are specifically related to this project, 14 11 days prior to assembly of the cable mats. 12 d. Submit experience of the installer as described in paragraph 1.9 A. 13 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 14 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 15 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE 16 A. EXPERIENCE: The contractor shall be able to demonstrate at least three jobs where 17 similar installation has occurred. If experience is not available,the supplier shall have a 18 technician experienced in the installation of the Articulated Concrete Cable Mats 19 available at the start of an installation to assist in any special techniques needed to 20 assure a proper installation.Documentation of this experience shall be provided to the 21 Engineer. 22 B. MANUFACTURER: Approved manufactures for Articulated concrete blocks are: 23 1. ARMORFLEX®as manufactured by ARMORTEC(Contech) 24 2. Erosion Prevention Products 25 3. International Erosion Control Systems,Inc. 26 4. Shoretec 27 C. VISUAL INSPECTION 28 1. All units shall be sound and free of defects that would interfere with the proper 29 placing of the unit or impair the strength or permanence of the construction. 30 Surface cracks incidental to the usual methods of manufacture,or surface chipping 31 resulting from customary methods of handling in shipment and delivery, shall not 32 be deemed grounds for rejection. 33 2. Cracks exceeding 0.25 inches(.635 cm)in width and/or 1.0 inch(2.54 cm)in depth 34 shall be deemed grounds for rejection. 35 3. Chipping resulting in a weight loss exceeding 10%of the average weight of the 36 blocks shall be deemed grounds for rejection. 37 D. SAMPLING AND TESTING 38 1. The purchaser or his authorized representative shall be accorded proper access to 39 facilities to inspect and sample the units at the place of manufacture from lots ready 40 for delivery. Additional testing, other than that provided by the manufacturer, shall 41 be borne by the contractor. CITY OF FORT WORTH Northside II 48-Inch Water Transmission Main,Phase 1—Part 1 City Project Number:02304 31 3701 -4 ARTICULATED CONCRETE CABLE MAT Page 4 of 7 1 1.10 DELIVERY,STORAGE,AND HANDLING 2 A. Delivery, storage, and handling shall be in accordance with manufacture's 3 recommendations. 4 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS 5 A. Existing Conditions 6 1. Any data which has been or may be provided on subsurface conditions is not 7 intended as a representation or warranty of accuracy or continuity between soils. It 8 is expressly understood that neither the City nor the Engineer will be responsible 9 for interpretations or conclusions drawn there from by the Contractor. 10 2. Data is made available for the convenience of the Contractor. 11 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 12 PART 2- PRODUCTS 13 2.1 OWNER-FURNISHED [OR] OWNER-SUPPLIED PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 14 2.2 MATERIALS 15 A. Materials 16 1. Articulating Concrete Cable Mat 17 a. The mats shall be pre-manufactured as an assembly of concrete blocks,bound 18 into mats by the use of stainless steel cables, or individual interlocking blocks F 19 placed and then bound together by stainless steel cables. 20 b. All articulated concrete mats shall be open cell design. 21 c. The design velocity shall not be less than 24 feet per second unless otherwise 22 noted. 23 d. Certification(Open-Channel Flow): All articulated concrete mats will only be 24 accepted when accompanied by documented hydraulic performance 25 characteristics, derived from tests under controlled flow conditions. Testing 26 guidelines should conform to U.S. Federal Highway Administration and U.S. 27 Bureau of Reclamation Testing Protocol as documented in ASTM D 7277. If 28 addition, system restraints(such as mechanical anchors) and ancillary 29 components(such as a synthetic drainage medium)were used in the full-scale 30 testing program then they must be incorporated in field installations in an 31 identical manner. 32 e. Performance(Overtopping Flow): The design of the articulated concrete mats 33 shall be in accordance with Design Manual for Articulating Concrete(ACB) 34 Revetment System. 35 f. The articulated concrete mats shall be designed to a minimum safety factor of 36 2.0 for a design shear stress of 2.0 lbs/ft2. The analysis shall be performed 37 based upon the stability of the mat due to gravity forces alone,neglecting forces 38 which may be due to cabling,mechanical anchorage, contact with adjacent 39 blocks, or other restraint not attributable to gravity based forces. The analysis 40 must account for a subgrade variation of up to 0.5 inches. (For a level surfaced 41 block this would result in a 0.5 inch block projection height). CITY OF FORT WORTH Northside II 48-Inch Water Transmission Main,Phase 2—Part 2 City Project Number:02304 313701-5 ARTICULATED CONCRETE CABLE MAT Page 5 of 7 1 g. Extrapolation of tested shear stress values to the performance of thicker units 2 may be considered only for units within the same"family"of blocks having the 3 same geometric dimensions(length and width)and interlock of the tested units. 4 2. CONCRETE: Articulating Concrete Blocks may be produced using either wet-cast 5 or dry-cast concrete with a minimum of 4000 PSI(Class A).Wet-cast concrete 6 shall include air entrainment of 4%to 7%. 7 3. CABLES: The cables shall be made of stainless steel aircraft cable of type 304. 8 The cable shall be of type 1 X 19 construction. Size varies with block size. 9 Manufacturer's recommendation for size shall be used.All cables and hardware 10 shall be compatible so that one does not cause the other to corrode. 11 4. GEOTEXTILE: Geotextile material to be used shall be GeotexTM 801,made by 12 Synthetics Industries, and/or 8-oz. equivalent needle punched nonwoven fabric.An 13 overlap of 2 ft to 3 ft shall be incorporated on three sides of the mat. The overlap 14 shall provide an area for the adjoining mats to be placed upon and prevent 15 undermining of the erosion control system. 16 5. CLAMPS: Sufficient stainless steel wire rope clamps shall be used to secure loops 17 of adjoining articulated concrete cable mats. The type of clamp needed shall be 18 determined by the manufacturer.The number of loop connections is based on 19 project specifics,and shall be shown in the shop drawings. Clamping in field must 20 follow project layout details to be acceptable. 21 6. ANCHORING: Articulated concrete cable mats shall be designed to resist the 22 design velocities in certain slope and bedding situations without anchors. However, 23 anchors shall be installed to resist the uplift forces on the blocks within the tributary 24 area of the anchor. The weight of the block shall be neglected for this calculation. 25 a. Anchors shall be Manta Ray anchors by Foresight Products, Commerce City, 26 Colorado or approved equal. 27 b. All anchors shall be stainless steel. The perimeter of the articulated concrete 28 cable mat shall be anchored. The spacing of the perimeter anchors shall be half 29 of the calculated spacing. 30 c. The anchor shall be attached to the loops of the mat after placement.There shall 31 be no slack in the driven anchor cable when it is attached to the loops of the 32 mat.Anchoring must follow project layout details to be acceptable. 33 d. Anchor shall be proof loaded by applying an axial load equal to the design load 34 for the anchor.Test shall be consider successful if anchor resists load with less 35 than 1/2 inch pull out. 36 7. DRAINAGE LAYER: Drainage layer shall consist of on geotextile placed on the 37 subgrade,then 3-inches of crushed stone placed on top,then another geotextile 38 placed on top of the crushed stone. 39 a. Crushed stone shall be: 40 1) Durable crushed rock 41 2) Meets the gradation of ASTM D448 size numbers 8 or 89 42 3) May be unwashed 43 4) Free from significant silt clay or unsuitable materials. 44 5) Have a percentage of wear not more than 40 percent per ASTM C 131 or 45 C535 46 6) Not more than a 12 percent maximum loss when subjective to 5 cycles of 47 sodium sulfate soundness per ASTM C88 CITY OF FORT WORTH Northside H 48-Inch Rater Transmission Main,Phase 2—Part 2 City Project Number:02304 31 37 01-6 ARTICULATED CONCRETE CABLE MAT Page 6 of 7 1 2.3 ACCESSORIES [NOT USED] 2 2.4 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED] 3 PART 3 - EXECUTION 4 3.1 INSTALLERS [NOT USED] 5 3.2 EXAMINATION [NOTE USED] 6 3.3 FOUNDATION PREPARATION 7 A. General. Areas on which filter fabric and cellular concrete blocks are to be placed shall 8 be constructed to the lines and grades shown on the Contract Drawings and to the 9 tolerances specified in the Contract Documents, and approved by the Owner's 10 Representative. 11 B. Grading. The slope shall be graded to a smooth plane surface to ensure that intimate 12 contact is achieved between the slope face and the drainage layer.All slope deformities, 13 roots,grade stakes, and stones which project normal to the local slope face must be 14 regraded or removed. No holes, "pockmarks", slope board teeth marks, footprints, or 15 other voids greater than 1.0 inch in depth normal to the local slope face shall be 16 permitted. No grooves or depressions greater than 0.5 inches in depth normal to the 17 local slope face with a dimension exceeding 1.0 foot in any direction shall be permitted. 18 Where such areas are evident,they shall be brought to grade by placing compacted 19 homogeneous material. The slope and slope face shall be uniformly compacted, and the 20 depth of layers,homogeneity of soil, and amount of compaction shall be as required by 21 the Owner's Representative. A 3-inch layer of crushed sone shall be placed on the 22 compacted subgrade prior to placement of the geotextile and cellular concrete mat with F 23 attached geotextile. 24 C. Excavation and preparation for anchor trenches, side trenches, and toe trenches or 25 aprons shall be done in accordance to the lines, grades and dimensions shown in the 26 Contract Drawings. The anchor trench radius at the top of the slope shall be uniformly 27 graded so that no dips or bumps greater than 0.5 inches over or under the local grade 28 occur. The width of the anchor trench radius shall also be graded uniformly to assure 29 intimate contact between all cellular concrete blocks and the underlying grade at the 30 radius. 31 D. Inspection. Immediately prior to placing the filter fabric and cellular concrete blocks, 32 the prepared area shall be inspected by the owner's representative, and by the 33 manufacturer's representative. No fabric or blocks shall be placed thereon until that 34 area has been approved by each of these parties. 35 3.4 INSTALLATION 36 A. GENERAL: Articulated concrete cable mats, shall be constructed within the specified 37 lines and grades shown on the Contract Drawings. CITY OF FORT WORTH Northside II 48-Inch Water Transmission Main,Phase 2—Part 2 City Project Number:02304 313701-7 ARTICULATED CONCRETE CABLE MAT Page 7 of 7 1 B. Placement. The articulated concrete cable mats shall be placed with the filter fabric in 2 such a manner as to produce a smooth plane surface in intimate contact with the filter 3 fabric. No individual block within the plane of placed articulated concrete cable mats 4 shall protrude more than one-half inch or as otherwise specified by the Owner's 5 Representative. To ensure that the articulated concrete cable mats are flush and develop 6 intimate contact with the subgrade,the blocks shall be"seated"with a roller or other 7 means as approved by the Owner's Representative. 8 C. If assembled and placed as large mattresses,the articulated concrete cable mats shall be 9 attached to a spreader bar or other approved device to aid in the lifting and placing of 10 the mats in their proper position by the use of a crane or other approved equipment. 11 The equipment used should have adequate capacity to place the mats without bumping, 12 dragging,tearing or otherwise damaging the underlying fabric. The mats shall be 13 placed side by side and/or end to end, so that the mats abut each other. Mat seams or 14 openings between mats greater than two(2) inches shall be filled with grout or lean 15 concrete. Anchor holes shall be covered with lean concrete or grout. Whether placed 16 by hand or in large mattresses, distinct changes in grade that results in a discontinuous 17 revetment surface in the direction of flow shall require a grout or lean concrete seam at 18 the grade change location so as to produce a continuous surface. 19 D. Anchors shall be placed perpendicular to the mat. One anchor shall be load and 20 displacement tested prior to installing others. Submit testing plan with descriptive 21 figures for applying load and measuring displacement. The Anchor shall be loaded at 22 no fewer than 10 increments up to its design load. One minute shall be recorded at each 23 load increment. All data shall be submitted to the Owner for review along with photos 24 of the testing arrangement. If load displacement test fails,then modify anchor design 25 and installation of anchor to meet design load at no cost to the owner. Other anchoring 26 shall be recommended by the manufacturer. 27 E. Finishing. Crushed stone between all joints in the blocks 28 3.5 REPAIR [NOT USED] 29 3.6 RE-INSTALLATION [NOT USED] 30 3.7 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED] 31 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED] 32 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT USED] 33 3.10 CLEANING [NOT USED] 34 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES [NOT USED] 35 3.12 PROTECTION [NOT USED] 36 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED] 37 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED] 38 END OF SECTION CITY OF FORT WORTH Northside 1148-Inch Rater Transmission Main,Phase 2—Part 2 City Project Number:02304 33 1230-1 COMBINATION AIR VALVE ASSEMBLIES FOR POTABLE WATER SYSTEMS P" Page 1 of S 1 SECTION 33 12 30 2 COMBINATION AIR VALVE ASSEMBLIES FOR POTABLE WATER SYSTEMS 3 PART1 - GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 A. Section Includes: 6 1. 2-inch through 8-inch Combination Air-Release and Air/Vacuum Valve Assemblies 7 (Combination Air Valves)for potable water systems including: 8 a. Combination air-release and air/vacuum valve 9 b. Tap to water main 10 c. Lead-free Inlet piping and appurtenances 11 d. Vent piping and appurtenances 12 e. Vault enclosure and appurtenances 13 B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 14 1. 2.2 C.Lf. Add design flow rate. 15 C. Related Specification Sections include,but are not necessarily limited to: 16 1. Division 0—Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms,and Conditions of the 17 Contract 18 2. Division 1 —General Requirements 19 3. Section 33 05 13—Frame,Cover and Grade Rings 20 4. Section 33 11 10—Ductile Iron Pipe 21 5. Section 33 11 11 —Ductile Iron Fittings 22 6. Section 33 11 14—Buried Steel Pipe and Fittings 23 7. Section 33 12 10—Water Services 1-Inch to 2-Inch 24 8. Section 33 12 20—Resilient Seated(Wedge)Gate Valve 25 9. Section 33 39 20—Precast Concrete Manholes 26 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 27 A. Measurement and Payment 28 1. Measurement 29 a. Measurement for this Item shall be per each. 30 2. Payment 31 a. The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and 32 measured as provided under"Measurement"will be paid for at the unit price 33 bid per each"Water Air Release Valve&Vault"installed for: 34 1) Various inlet sizes 35 3. The price bid shall include: 36 a. Furnishing and installing Combination Air Valves with appurtenances as 37 specified in the Drawings 38 b. Air valve vault and appurtenances 39 c. Tapping the main 40 d. Isolation valves CITY OF FORT WORTH Northside II 48-Inch Water Transmission Main,Phase 2—Part 2 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project Number:02304 Revised December 20,2012 331230-2 COMBINATION AIR VALVE ASSEMBLIES FOR POTABLE WATER SYSTEMS Page 2 of 8 1 e. Fittings 2 f. Vent piping 3 g. Vent cover and/or enclosure 4 h. Vent enclosure and/or pipe bollard protection, if required 5 i. Excavation and backfill 6 1.3 REFERENCES 7 A. Definitions 8 1. Combination Air Valve: A device having the features of both an air-release valve 9 and an air/vacuum valve 10 2. Inlet: The opening at the base of the Combination Air Valve mechanism through I 1 which air and water from the pipeline enters 12 3. Inlet Piping: The piping and appurtenances between the pipeline and the valve inlet 13 4. Lead-free: Lead-free pipes and plumbing fittings and fixtures shall contain less 14 than 0.25 percent lead in accordance with the reduction of Lead in Drinking Water 15 Act(P.L. 111-380). 16 5. Orifice: The opening in the Combination Air Valve mechanism through which air 17 is expelled from or admitted into the pipeline or piping system. Some valves may 18 have multiple orifices. 19 6. Outlet: The opening at the top of Combination Air Valve mechanism, including the 20 orifice,through which air enters or exits the Air Valve 21 7. Vent Piping: The piping and appurtenances from the Combination Air Valve outlet 22 to its termination point outside the vault 23 B. Reference Standards 24 1. Reference standards cited in this Specification refer to the current reference 25 standard published at the time of the latest revision date logged at the end of this 26 Specification, unless a date is specifically cited. 27 2. American Iron and Steel Institute(AISI). 28 3. ASTM International(ASTM): 29 a. A536, Standard Specification for Ductile Iron Castings. 30 4. American Water Works Association(AWWA): 31 a. C512,Air-Release,Air/Vacuum, and Combination Air Valves for Waterworks 32 Service. 33 b. M51,Air-Release,Air/Vacuum,and Combination Air Valves. 34 5. NSF International (NSF): 35 a. 61,Drinking Water System Components-Health Effects. 36 6. Reduction of Lead in Drinking Water Act 37 a. Public Law 111-380(P.L. 111-380) 38 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS [NOT USED] 39 1.5 SUBMITTALS 40 A. Submittals shall be in accordance with Section 0133 00. 41 B. All submittals shall be approved by the City prior to delivery. CITY OF FORT WORTH Northside II 48-Inch Water Transmission Main,Phase 2—Part 2 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project Number:02304 Revised December 20,2012 33 1230-3 COMBINATION AIR VALVE ASSEMBLIES FOR POTABLE WATER SYSTEMS Page 3 of S 1 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS 2 A. Product Data 3 1. Combination Air Valves 4 a. Application type 5 b. Working pressure rating 6 c. Test pressure rating 7 d. Surge pressure rating 8 e. Inlet size 9 f. Small orifice size 10 g. Large orifice size 11 2. Valve vault and appurtenances 12 3. Tapping appurtenances 13 4. Isolation valves 14 5. Fittings 15 6. Vent piping 16 7. Vent cover and/or enclosure 17 8. Vent enclosure and/or pipe bollard protection 18 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 19 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 20 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE 21 A. Qualifications 22 1. Manufacturers 23 a. Combination Air Valves of the same size shall be the product of 1 24 manufacturer,unless approved by the City. 25 b. Combination air valves shall be in conformance with AWWA C512. 26 B. Certifications 27 1. Obtain an Affidavit of Compliance from the valve manufacturer in accordance with 28 AWWA C512. 29 1.10 DELIVERY,STORAGE,AND HANDLING 30 A. Storage and Handling Requirements 31 1. Protect all parts such that no damage or deterioration will occur during a prolonged 32 delay from the time of shipment until installation is completed and the units and 33 equipment are ready for operation. 34 2. Protect all equipment and parts against any damage during a prolonged period at the 35 site. 36 3. Protect the finished surfaces of all exposed flanges by wooden blank flanges, 37 strongly built and securely bolted thereto. 38 4. Protect finished iron or steel surfaces not painted to prevent rust and corrosion. 39 5. Prevent plastic and similar brittle items from being directly exposed to sunlight or 40 extremes in temperature. CITY OF FORT WORTH Northside II 48-Inch Water Transmission Main,Phase 2—Part 2 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project Number:02304 Revised December 20,2012 331230-4 COMBINATION AIR VALVE ASSEMBLIES FOR POTABLE WATER SYSTEMS Page 4 of 8 1 6. Secure and maintain a location to store the material in accordance with 2 Section 0166 00. 3 1.11 FIELD CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 4 1.12 WARRANTY 5 A. Manufacturer Warranty 6 1. Manufacturer's Warranty shall be in accordance with Division 1. 7 PART 2- PRODUCTS 8 2.1 OWNER-FURNISHED [oR] OWNER-SUPPLIEDPRODUCTS [NOT USED] 9 2.2 EQUIPMENT,PRODUCT TYPES,AND MATERIALS 10 A. Manufacturers 11 1. Only the manufacturers as listed on the City's Standard Products List will be 12 considered as shown in Section 0160 00. 13 a. The manufacturer must comply with this Specification and related sections. 14 2. Any product that is not listed on the Standard Products List is considered a 15 substitution and shall be submitted in accordance with Section 0125 00. 16 3. The Combination Air Valve shall be new and the product of a manufacturer 17 regularly engaged in the manufacturing of air release/air vacuum valves having 18 similar service and size. 19 B. Description 20 1. Regulatory Requirements 21 a. Combination Air Valves shall meet or exceed the latest revisions of 22 AWWA C512 and shall meet or exceed the requirements of this Specification. 23 b. All Combination Air Valve components in contact with potable water shall 24 conform to the requirements of NSF 61. 25 c. All materials shall conform to the Reduction of Lead in Drinking Water 26 Act(P.L. 111-380). This Act defines"Lead-free"for pipes and other 27 appurtenances to be less than 0.25 percent lead. 28 C. Performance/Design Criteria 29 1. Capacities 30 a. Water Application=Potable Water 31 b. Working Pressure from 10 psi to 150 psi 32 c. Test Pressure=225 psi 33 d. Surge Pressure= 100 psi minimum,unless stated otherwise in the Contract 34 Documents 35 e. Size 36 1) Each orifice size must be sufficient to meet the requirements set forth in 37 AWWA M51 and indicated on the Drawings. 38 f. Design flow rate of pipeline is 40 MGD at 75 psi 39 2. Function 40 a. High volume discharge during pipeline filling 41 b. High volume intake through the large orifice 42 c. Pressurized air discharge CITY OF FORT WORTH Northside H 48-Inch Water Transmission Main,Phase 2—Part 2 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project Number:02304 Revised December 20,2012 33 1230-5 COMBINATION AIR VALVE ASSEMBLIES FOR POTABLE WATER SYSTEMS Page 5 of 8 1 d. Surge Dampening/Controlled discharge rates 2 1) The valve shall have an integral surge alleviation mechanism which shall 3 operate automatically to limit transient pressure rise or shock induced by 4 closure due to high velocity air discharge or the subsequent rejoining of the 5 separated water columns.The limitation of the pressure rise shall be 6 achieved by decelerating the approaching water prior to valve closure. 7 D. Materials 8 1. Combination Air Valve 9 a. Internal parts 10 1) Non-corroding material such as stainless steel or high density polyethylene 11 b. Valve body 12 1) AISI 304 stainless steel or ASTM A536 ductile iron 13 2) Equipped with intake and discharge flanges 14 c. Inlet/Discharge orifice area 15 1) Equal to the nominal size of the valve 16 E. Finishes 17 1. Finish Materials 18 a. Supply all ductile iron Combination Air Valves with a factory applied fusion 19 bonded epoxy coating with a final coating thickness of 16 mils minimum. 20 2.3 ACCESSORIES 21 A. For 2-inch Combination Air Valve Assemblies: 22 1. Tap 23 a. Tapping saddle and 2-inch corporation valve(C.C.thread with flare) in 24 accordance with Section 33 12 10 25 2. Inlet Piping 26 a. 2-inch outlet between the tap and the isolation valve with the following: 27 1) Threaded, lead-free brass piping 28 2) Threaded,lead-free brass tee 29 3) Threaded, lead-free brass hand wheel valves 30 3. Vent Piping 31 a. 4-inch minimum diameter, in accordance with the Drawings 32 4. Vent Screen 33 a. Stainless Steel (AISI 304) 34 5. Dropover Enclosure 35 a. Channell SPH-1420 thermoplastic enclosure, or approved equal 36 6. Vault 37 a. Provide a flat top 4-foot diameter concrete manhole in accordance with Section 38 33 39 20. 39 b. Provide a 32-inch hinged cover with frame and grade ring in accordance with 40 Section 33 05 13. 41 c. Secure Air Valve to vault wall using a galvanized or stainless steel bracket 42 manufactured by Grinell, or equal, in accordance with the Drawings 43 B. For 3-inch to 8-inch Combination Air Valve Assemblies: 44 1. Tap 45 a. For 24-inch diameter mains: CITY OF FORT WORTH Northside 1148-Inch Water Transmission Main,Phase 2—Part 2 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project Number:02304 Revised December 20,2012 33 1230-6 COMBINATION AIR VALVE ASSEMBLIES FOR POTABLE WATER SYSTEMS Page 6 of 8 1 1) Provide 24-inch blind flange outlet 2 b. For mains with 30-inch and greater diameter: 3 1) Provide 30-inch blind flange outlet 4 c. For ductile iron and PVC mains,provide mechanical joint x flange tee with 5 tapped flange. 6 2. Inlet Piping 7 a. Flanged ductile iron or steel, depending on main material, in accordance with 8 Drawings 9 b. Corporation stops shall be in accordance with Section 33 12 10 and with 10 Drawings. 11 3. Isolation Valves 12 a. Gate valve(flanged) in accordance with Section 33 12 20 with: 13 1) 2-inch operating nut,non-rising stem with enclosed miter gearing for 3- 14 inch and larger gate valves 15 4. Vent Piping 16 a. 4-inch minimum,ductile iron pipe, in accordance with Drawings 17 5. Vent Screen 18 a. Stainless Steel (AISI 304) 19 6. Dropover Enclosure 20 a. Channell SPH-1420 thermoplastic enclosure,or approved equal 21 7. Vault 22 a. Provide a flat top,concrete manhole in accordance with Section 33 39 20. 23 b. Manhole dimensions shall be in accordance with Drawings. 24 c. Provide a 32-inch hinged cover with frame and grade ring in accordance with 25 Section 33 05 13. 26 d. Secure Air Valve to vault wall using a galvanized or stainless steel bracket 27 manufactured by Grinell, or equal, in accordance with the Drawings 28 C. Finishes 29 1. Primer Materials 30 a. Prime Vent Piping within vault, as well as above ground,for finish with a 31 product listed in on the City's Standard Products List in Section 0160 00, 32 unless otherwise stated in the Drawings. 33 2. Finish Materials 34 a. Paint Vent Piping within vault,as well as above ground,with a product listed in 35 on the City's Standard Products List in Section 01 60 00,unless otherwise 36 stated in the Drawings. 37 b. Color to be selected by the City. 38 2.4 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL 39 A. Tests and Inspections 40 1. Testing and inspection of Combination Air Valves shall be in accordance with 41 AWWA C512. 42 B. Markings 43 1. Each Combination Air Valve shall be marked in accordance with AWWA C512. CITY OF FORT WORTH Northside 1148-Inch Water Transmission Main,Phase 2—Part 2 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project Number:02304 Revised December 20,2012 33 1230-7 CgWINATION AIR VALVE ASSEMBLIES FOR POTABLE WATER SYSTEMS Page 7 of 8 1 PART 3 - EXECUTION 2 3.1 INSTALLERS [NOT USED] 3 3.2 EXAMINATION [NOT USED] 4 3.3 PREPARATION [NOT USED] 5 3.4 INSTALLATION 6 A. General 7 1. Install in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations and as shown on the 8 Drawings. 9 2. Above ground and vault interior ductile iron piping and valves shall be painted in 10 accordance with City requirements,unless otherwise stated in the Drawings. 11 3. Wrap all buried ductile iron pipe and fittings with polyethylene encasement in 12 accordance with Section 33 11 10 and Section 33 11 11 respectively. 13 3.5 REPAIR/RESTORATION [NOT USED] 14 3.6 RE-INSTALLATION [NOT USED] 15 3.7 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL 16 A. Field Inspections 17 1. Pipe the large and small orifices directly to the vent piping.There direct discharge 18 of an orifice to an underground vault. 19 2. The valve shall perform as intended with no deformation, leaking or damage of any 20 kind for the pressure ranges indicated. 21 3. Before acceptance of the installed valve,the City Field Operations Staff shall have 22 the opportunity to inspect and operate the valve. 23 4. The City will assess the ease of access to the operating nut and ease of operating the 24 corporation stop. 25 5. If access and operation of the valve and its appurtenances meet the City Standard 26 Detail,then the valve will be accepted as installed. 27 6. The Combination Air Valve assembly shall be free from any leaks. 28 B. Non-Conforming Work 29 1. If access and operation of the valve or its appurtenances does not meet the City's 30 criteria,the Contractor will remedy the situation until it meets the City's criteria, at 31 the Contractor's expense. 32 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED] 33 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT USED] 34 3.10 CLEANING [NOT USED] 35 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES [NOT USED] 36 3.12 PROTECTION [NOT USED] a 37 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED] CITY OF FORT WORTH Northside II 48-Inch Water Transmission Main,Phase 2—Part 2 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project Number:02304 Revised December 20,2012 33 1230-8 COMBINATION AIR VALVE ASSEMBLIES FOR POTABLE WATER SYSTEMS Page 8 of 8 1 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED] 2 END OF SECTION 3 Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 12/20/2012 D.Johnson General:Modified specification to reflect materials and equipment in City Standard Detail;Removed cast-in-place manhole references 4 CITY OF FORT WORTH Northside 1148-Inch Water Transmission Main,Phase 2—Part 2 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project Number:02304 Revised December 20,2012 This Page Intentionally Left Blank sass a m nrztac s 6b8ZZ-X Z aSVHd`NIVW NOISSIKSNVIU UM VAS HONI-817 II ffQISH LION a rn N W W N N W W X A Q A a X lk �iy M lil r' M a p 3 U ° 3 QQ ^ ��WO �6 4z1W WFG U �z ccxa Sy Dov �NZ F TTV�1 w Vl ILEI' Yee dounh {L� t� txado.� rrosfHairl( f m \ V N c -� N m �_ 'n O a W f a WO a04 HcOI rTl ��.tUR R� Mcri O �aNv ca uj j+t N 3 d L. Q Ew-+ 00 � Q4 Q Con� a o z cu co o 04 iii L�J I!i�; JJJJJ 1 GIM O O'Qy 3 a P. Qy M N JJ k' J P >1 Q Vj�j Gly/F r-- X O a rn N O O W AU �lOv �O Z v� v U oda o o o A q Z Ouj Z n� s O LU p ti U i 00:Rg peno6 Wd Lf:r 9102/t/t:Pano6 KD� 6wD2tl3W�—N'J—l'f0—/a�s6uimS�)Woz :awou Y L644 LM1i(4Da1 SWl)%0'02:IaM Utl]tl 00 05 15.02-1 ADDENDUM No.2 Page 1 of 1 0 \, 0 Ta CITY OF FORT WORTH �E•°°° So ® s s *®® *000 j °°0 �� /DANIEL STOUTENBURG, JR NORTHSIDE II 48 WATER TRANSMISSION MAIN O 000°°°o°°eoeoo®ase®°®e° ®® PHASE 2-PART 2 00 X00 992 71 0 �;% 00 °994/ E%seeNS' � eee City Project No.02304 DOE No.7345 Mir 10 2016 3:01 PM FREESE AND NICHOLS, INC. ADDENDUM NO.2 TEXAS REGISTERED March 10,2016 ENGINEERING FIRM F-2144 Important Notice: The date for submission of Bids has been changed to Thursday, March 31, 2016, 1:30 P.M.CST. 00 05 15.01 ADDENDUM NUMBER 1 The following additions,deletions, modifications,or clarifications shall be made to the appropriate sections of the Contract Documents. Bidders shall acknowledge receipt of this Addendum in the space provided on the Bid Form. BIDDING REQUIREMENTS: Section 00 1113"Invitation to Bidders" Modification: PREBID CONFERENCE date changed from March 14, 2016 at 9:30 am to March 21, 2016 at 9:30 am.The location will remain the same(311 W. 10th Street). Section 00 4100"Bid Form" Refer to Page 2, Paragraph 4.1 Modification: Delete the paragraph in its entirety and replace with the following: "The Work will be complete for Final Acceptance within 540 days after the date when the Contract Time commences to run as provided in Paragraph 2.03 of the General Conditions." END OF ADDENDUM NO. 2 Addenda 00 05 15.02-1 FTW14497-Northside 11 48"Water Transmission Main Phase 2—Part 2 March 10,2016 000515.03-1 ADDENDUM No.3 Page 1 of 3 CITY OF FORT WORTH NORTHSIDE 1148"WATER TRANSMISSION MAIN OF`� 0 1 PHASE 2-PART 2 ' `p��°®®° eF�ski . 9 /DANIEL STOUTENBURG, JR/ City Project No.02304 0 ®® 99271 Ir DOE No.7345 �11�FS�®CENSE�6�:'r ADDENDUM NO. 3 March 29,2016 �.... Mar 29 2016 8:47 AM FREESE AND NICHOLS, INC. TEXAS REGISTERED Bid Date: Thursday, March 31, 2016, 1:30 P.M. CST. ENGINEERING FIRM F-2144 00 05 15.03 ADDENDUM NUMBER 3 The following additions,deletions, modifications,or clarifications shall be made to the appropriate sections of the Contract Documents. Bidders shall acknowledge receipt of this Addendum in the space provided on the Bid Form. BIDDING REQUIREMENTS: Section 00 42 43"Proposal Form Unit Price" Modification: Delete this section in its entirety and replace with attached. Section 00 42 43"Proposal Form Unit Price" Refer to Paving and Drainage Item 17 Clarification: 3212.0203 4"Asphalt Pvmt Type C is for use as temporary asphalt paving required for traffic detour. Section 00 73 00"Supplementary Conditions" Addition:Add the following paragraph: "SC-11.02,"Allowance" The Construction Contingency Allowance bid item establishes contract contingency allowances for unanticipated work determined to be necessary in the field.Arbitrary allowance amounts have been placed in the Proposal,this item will not be paid to the Contractor unless a written Addenda 00 05 15.03-1 FTW14497-Northside 1148"Water Transmission Main Phase 2—Part 2 March 29,2016 000515.03-2 ADDENDUM No.3 Page 2 of 3 field order is issued. Contract changes above this amounts described by this allowance may be processed through a change order." Section 013513"Special Proiect Procedures" Modification: Delete this section in its entirety and replace with attached. DRAWINGS: Refer to Sheet 1.53 Water Line Plan and Profile Sta 232+00 to Sta 236+00. Clarification:There is a minimum of 79 LF of welded or restrained 48" pipe. Refer to Sheet 1.57 Trench and Backfill Details I, Detail Number 4. Clarification:Trench Water Stops are subsidiary to the pipe. Refer to Sheet 1.62 Butterfly Valve Vault 11,Structural Details II: Clarification:The first five feet next to the valve vault along the pipeline shall be backfilled as shown on sheet 1.62. Beyond first five feet the pipeline shall be backfilled as shown on the plan and profile sheets. Backfill material shall be subsidiary to the pipe and valve vault. Refer to Sheet 1.69 Bore and Tunnel Details, Details 1&2: Clarification:the space between the carrier and casing pipe shall be grouted with cellular grout. Refer to Paving Plan and Profile sheets(Sheets 4.09 through 4.26),note 4. Modification: Delete the paragraph in its entirety and replace with the following: "4.Adjustments of irrigation system in the street median shall be performed by a licensed irrigator and shall be paid for under Median Block Sod Placement." Refer to Paving Plan and Profile sheets(Sheets 4.09 through 4.26), Legend. Modification: Delete the following: "Stamped and Stained Concrete" and replace with the following: "Concrete Pavers" Addenda 00 05 15.03-2 FTW14497-Northside 1148"Water Transmission Main Phase 2—Part 2 March 29,2016 i This Page Intentionally Left Blank 00 05 15.03-3 ADDENDUM No.3 Page 3 of 3 REPLACE THE FOLLOWING SHEETS Replace Sheet With Sheet 4.33 Pavement Details Median Nose Typicals 4.33 Pavement Details Median Nose Typicals END OF ADDENDUM NO. 3 Addenda 00 05 15.03-3 FTW14497-Northside 1148"Water Transmission Main Phase 2—Part 2 March 29,2016 This Page Intentionally Left Blank 00 42 43 7PROPOSAL FORM Page 1 of 17 SECTION 00 42 43 PROPOSAL FORM UNIT PRICE Northside II 48-Inch Water Transmission Main, Phase 2 — Part 2 SECTION A - WATER Pay Specification Bid Unit of Name of Pay Item with Unit Price in UNIT AMOUNT Item Section No. Quantity Measure Words PRICE BID 1a. 3311 13 18,700 LF 3311.1074 48" Bar Wrapped Concrete AWWA C303 Water Pipe (Pressure Class 150) Installed in Trench Dollars and Cents Per Unit 1 b. 3311 14 18,700 LF 3311.1061 48" Polyurethane Coated Steel AWWA C200 Water Pipe (Pressure Class 150) Installed in Trench Dollars and Cents Per Unit 1c. 3311 14 18,700 LF 3311.1061 48" Mortar Coated Steel AWWA C200 Water Pipe(Pressure Class 150) Installed in Trench Dollars and Cents Per Unit 1 d. 3311 10 18,700 LF 3311.1051 48" Ductile Iron Water Pipe(Pressure Class 150) Installed in Trench Dollars and Cents Per Unit 2a. 3311 13 230 LF 3311.1077 48" Bar Wrapped Concrete AWWA C303 Water Pipe, CLSM Backfill (Pressure Class 150) Installed in Trench Dollars and Cents Per Unit Note: Bidder shall select only one option for items numbered a, b, c, & d. Material option shall be consistent throughout the proposal. CITY OF FORT WORTH Northside II 48-Inch Water Transmission Main,Phase 2—Part 2 City Project Number:02304 00 42 43 PROPOSAL FORM UNIT PRICE Page 2 of 17 Pay Specification Bid Unit of Name of Pay Item with Unit Price in UNIT AMOUNT Item Section No. Quantity Measure Words PRICE BID 2b. 3311 14 230 LF 3311.1067 48" Polyurethane Coated Steel AWWA C200 Water Pipe, CLSM Backfill (Pressure Class 150) Installed in Trench Dollars and Cents Per Unit 2c. 3311 10 230 LF 3311.1067 48" Mortar Coated Steel AWWA C200 Water Pipe, CLSM Backfill (Pressure Class 150) Installed in Trench Dollars and Cents Per Unit 2d. 3311 10 230 LF 3311.1057 48" Ductile Iron Water Pipe, CLSM Backfill (Pressure Class V 150) Installed in Trench Dollars and Cents Per Unit 3a. 3311 13 260 LF 3305.2011 48" Bar Wrapped Concrete AWWA C303 Water Pipe, Deep Trench Backfill (Pressure Class 150) Installed in Trench Dollars and Cents Per Unit 3b. 3311 14 260 LF 3305.2011 48" Polyurethane Coated Steel AWWA C200 Water Pipe, Deep Trench Backfill (Pressure Class 150) Installed in Trench Dollars and Cents Per Unit 3c. 3311 14 260 LF 3305.2011 48" Mortar Coated Steel AWWA C200 Water Pipe, Deep Trench Backfill (Pressure Class 150) Installed in Trench Dollars and Cents Per Unit 3d. 3311 10 260 LF 3305.2011 48" Ductile Iron Water Pipe, Deep Trench Backfill (Pressure Class 150) Installed in Trench Dollars and Cents Per Unit Note: Bidder shall select only one option for items numbered a, b, c, &d. Material option shall be consistent throughout the proposal. CITY OF FORT WORTH Northside II 48-Inch Water Transmission Main,Phase 2—Part 2 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project Number:02304 00 42 43 PROPOSAL FORM UNIT PRICE Page 3 of 17 Pay Specification Bid Unit of Name of Pay Item with Unit Price in UNIT AMOUNT Item Section No. Quantity Measure Words PRICE BID 4a. 33 05 24 2,480 LF 3305.2011 48" Bar Wrapped Concrete AWWA C303 Water Carrier Pipe (Pressure Class 150) Installed in Tunnel Liner or Casing Pipe Dollars and Cents Per Unit 4b. 33 05 24 2,480 LF 3305.2011 48" Polyurethane Coated Steel with Mortar Overcoat Water Carrier Pipe(Pressure Class 150) Installed in Tunnel Liner or Casing Pipe Dollars and Cents Per Unit 4c. 33 05 24 2,480 LF 3305.2011 48" Mortar Coated Steel with Mortar Overcoat Water Carrier Pipe(Pressure Class 150) Installed in Tunnel Liner or Casing Pipe Dollars and Cents Per Unit 4d. 33 05 24 2,480 LF 3305.2011 48" Ductile Iron Water Carrier Pipe (Pressure Class 150) Installed in Tunnel Liner or Casing Pipe Dollars and Cents Per Unit 5a. 3311 13 1 LS 3311.0021 Bar Wrapped Concrete Cylinder Pipe AWWA C303 Fittings Dollars and Cents Per Unit 5b. 3311 14 1 LS 3311.0011 Polyurethane Coated Steel Pipe AWWA C200 Fittings Dollars and Cents Per Unit 5c. 3311 14 1 LS 3311.0011 Mortar Coated Steel Pipe AWWA C200 Fittings Dollars and Cents Per Unit Note: Bidder shall select only one option for items numbered a, b, c, &d. Material option shall be consistent throughout the proposal. CITY OF FORT WORTH Northside II 48-Inch Rater Transmission Main,Phase 1—Part 1 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project Number. 02304 00 42 43 PROPOSAL FORM UNIT PRICE Page 4 of 17 Pay Specification Bid Unit of Name of Pay Item with Unit Price in UNIT AMOUNT Item Section No. Quantity Measure Words PRICE BID 5d. 3311 11 1 LS 3311.0001 Ductile Iron Water Pipe M Fittings Dollars and Cents Per Unit 6a. 33 04 12 1 LS 3304.0002 Cathodic Protection System for Bar Wrapped Concrete Cylinder Pipe Dollars and Cents Per Unit 6b. 33 04 12 1 LS 3304.0002 Cathodic Protection System for Polyurethane Coated Steel Pipe Dollars and Cents Per Unit 6c. 33 04 12 1 LS 3304.0002 Cathodic Protection System for Mortar Coated Steel Pipe Dollars and Cents Per Unit 6d. 33 04 12 1 LS 3304.0002 Cathodic Protection System for Ductile Iron Pipe Dollars and Cents Per Unit Note: Bidder shall select only one option for items numbered a, b, c, &d. Material option shall be consistent throughout the proposal. 7. 33 05 21, 2,280 LF 3305.1207 72"Casing/Tunnel Liner 33 05 22 Plate By Other Than Open Cut Dollars and Cents Per Unit 8. 33 12 30 11 EA 3312.1004 4" Combination Air Valve Assembly for Water Dollars and Cents Per Unit 9. 331260 10 EA 3312.6003 8" Blow Off Valve &Vault Dollars and Cents Per Unit 10. 331221 8 EA 3312.5002 48"AWWA Butterfly Valve, w/vault Dollars and Cents Per Unit CITY OF FORT WORTH Northside II 48-Inch Water Transmission Main,Phase 2—Part 2 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project Number:02304 00 42 43 PROPOSAL FORM UNIT PRICE Page 5 of 17 Pay Specification Bid Unit of Name of Pay Item with Unit Price in UNIT AMOUNT Item Section No. Quantity Measure Words PRICE BID 11. 33 12 25 3 EA 3312.0112 Connection to Existing 48" Water Main Dollars and Cents Per Unit 12. 33 12 50 5 EA 3339.1101 Access Manhole for Water Main per Detail D137 (All Depths) Dollars and Cents Per Unit 13. 33 05 17 22 EA 3305.0112 Concrete Collar for Water Vault Dollars and Cents Per Unit 14. 33 05 17 5 EA 3305.0112 Concrete Collar for Water Valve Box Dollars and Cents Per Unit 15a. 33 05 30 35 EA 3305.0103 Exploratory Excavation of Existing Utilities Dollars and Cents Per Unit 15b. 33 05 30 35 EA 3305.0115 Vacuum Excavation of Existing Utilities Dollars and Cents Per Unit 16. 0241 14 2 EA 0241.2102 6-Inch Sewer Abandonment Plug Dollars and Cents Per Unit 17. 0241 14 1.0 CY 0241.2001 Sanitary Line Grouting Dollars and Cents Per Unit 18. 3341 10 20 LF 3341.0103 18" RCP, Class III Dollars and Cents Per Unit 19. 3341 10 40 LF 3341.0201 21" RCP, Class III Dollars and Cents Per Unit CITY OF FORT WORTH Northside 1148-Inch Rater Transmission Main,Phase 2—Part 2 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project Number:02304 00 42 43 PROPOSAL FORM UNIT PRICE Page 6 of 17 Pay Specification Bid Unit of Name of Pay Item with Unit Price in UNIT AMOUNT Item Section No. Quantity Measure Words PRICE BID 20. 3341 10 100 LF 3341.0205 24" RCP, Class III Dollars and Cents Per Unit 21. 3341 10 50 LF 3341.0302 30" RCP, Class III Dollars and Cents Per Unit 22. 3201 29 1,500 LF 3201.0400 Temporary Asphalt Paving Repair including striping Dollars and Cents Per Unit 4 23. 3201 17 3,200 LF 3201.0127 10'Wide Asphalt Paving Repair, Arterial n Dollars and Cents Per Unit u 24. 3201 17 100 SY 3201.0202 Asphalt Paving Repair Beyond Defined Width, Arterial Dollars and Cents Per Unit 25. 3201 29 550 SY 3201.0616 Concrete Paving Repair, I Arterial/Industrial Dollars and P Cents Per Unit 26. 3201 29 500 SY 3211.0315 12" Flexible Base, Type D, GR-1, Road Repair Dollars and Cents Per Unit 27. 33 05 10 20,580 LF 3305.0109 Trench Safety Dollars and F Cents Per Unit 28. 33 05 26 1 LS 3305.0110 Utility Markers F Dollars and Cents Per Unit C F 29. 3301 31 21,660 LF 3301.0002 Post CCN Inspection for Water Main Dollars and Cents Per Unit 30. 32 92 13 96,250 SY 3292.0400 Seeding, Hydromulch Dollars and Cents Per Unit CITY OF FORT WORTH Northside H 48-Inch Water Transmission Main,Phase 2—Part STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project Number:02304 00 42 43 PROPOSAL FORM UNIT PRICE Page 7 of 17 Pay Specification Bid Unit of Name of Pay Item with Unit Price in UNIT AMOUNT Item Section No. Quantity Measure Words PRICE BID 31, 31 3701 100 SY 9999.0100 Articulated Concrete Cable Mat for Open Cut Creek Crossing Dollars and Cents Per Unit 32. 31 2500 1 LS 3125.0101 SWPPP> 1 Acre for Entire Project Dollars and Cents Per Unit 33. 33 05 10 100 CY 3305.0202 Imported Backfill, CSS Dollars and Cents Per Unit 34. 33 05 10 100 CY 3305.0203 Imported Backfill, CLSM (Flowable Fill) Dollars and Cents Per Unit 35. 33 05 10 60 CY 3305.0204 Imported Embedment/Backfill, Crushed Rock Dollars and Cents Per Unit 36. 33 05 10 60 CY 3305.0206 Imported Embedment/Backfill, Acceptable Backfill Dollars and Cents Per Unit 37. 33 05 10 60 CY 3305.0207 Imported Embedment/Backfill, Select Fill Dollars and Cents Per Unit 38. 3441 20 1 EA 3441.3502 Relocate Street Light Pole Dollars and Cents Per Unit 39. 3231 26 150 LF 3231.0211 Barbed Wire Fence, Metal Posts Dollars and Cents Per Unit 40. 3231 13 9,000 LF 3231.0114 Temporary 6' Chain Link, Steel Fence Dollars and Cents Per Unit CITY OF FORT WORTH Northside II 48-Inch Water Transmission Main,Phase 2—Part 2 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project Number:02304 00 42 43 PROPOSAL FORM UNIT PRICE Page S of 17 Pay Specification Bid Unit of Name of Pay Item with Unit Price in UNIT AMOUNT Item Section No. Quantity Measure Words PRICE BID 41. 3231 26 3 EA 3231.0306 16'Gate, Steel Dollars and Cents Per Unit 42. 01 71 23 1 I-S 9999.0200 Construction Staking Dollars and Cents Per Unit 43. 01 71 23 1 I-S 9999.0201 Construction Survey Dollars and 6 Cents Per Unit N 44. 00 73 00 1 I-S 9999.0300 Construction Contingency Allowance to cover costs of Improvements not previously itemized. All work completed under this item $300,000.00 $300,000.00 shall be approved by Owner in writing. Three Hundred Thousand Dollars and Zero Cents Per Unit Northside II 48-Inch Water Transmission Main, Phase 2— Part 2 y P SUBTOTAL Section A -Water $ CITY OF FORT WORTH Northside 77 48-Inch Water Transmission Main,Phase 1—Part 1- STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project Number:01304 00 42 43 PROPOSAL FORM UNIT PRICE Page 9 of 17 Section B — Paving and Drainage Pay Specification Estimate Unit Name of Pay Item with Unit Price in UNIT AMOUNT Item Section No. Quantity Words PRICE BID 1 3341 11 660 LF 3341.0103 18" RCP, Class III Dollars and Cents Per Unit 2. 33 49 10 2 EA 3349.0001 4'Storm Junction Box Dollars and Cents Per Unit 3. 33 49 20 2 EA 3349.6001 10' Recessed Inlet Dollars and Cents Per Unit 4. 33 49 20 3 EA 3349.6002 15' Recessed Inlet Dollars and Cents Per Unit 5. 33 49 20 1 EA 3349.6003 20' Recessed Inlet Dollars and Cents Per Unit 6. 33 49 20 1 EA 3349.5002 15' Curb Inlet Dollars and Cents Per Unit 7. 0241 15 1,530 SY 0241.1506 2" Surface Milling Dollars and Cents Per Unit 8. 0241 14 1 EA 0241.4001 Remove 10'Curb Inlet Dollars and Cents Per Unit 9. 5 EA Existing 12"Water Line Utility Relocation Dollars and Cents Per Unit 10. 0241 13 30 SF 0241.0100 Remove Sidewalk Dollars and Cents Per Unit 11. 0241 13 5 EA 0241.0300 Remove ADA Ramp Dollars and Cents Per Unit 12. 0241 13 550 SF 0241.0401 Remove Concrete Drive Dollars and Cents Per Unit CITY OF FORT WORTH Northside II 48-Inch Rater Transmission Main,Phase 2—Part 2 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project Number:02304 00 42 43 PROPOSAL FORM UNIT PRICE Page 10 of 17 Pay Specification Estimate Unit Name of Pay Item with Unit Price in UNIT AMOUNT Item Section No. Quantity Words PRICE BID 13. 0241 15 32,930 SY 0241.1000 Remove Conc Pvmt Dollars and Cents Per Unit 14. 31 2316 3,430 CY 3123.0101 Unclassified Excavation by Plan Dollars and Cents Per Unit 15. 32 11 29 765 TN 3211.0400 Hydrated Lime Dollars and Cents Per Unit 16. 3211 29 31,800 SY 3211.0502 8" Lime Treatment Dollars and Cents Per Unit 17. 32 12 16 600 SY 3212.0203 4"Asphalt Pvmt Type C Dollars and Cents Per Unit 18. 32 12 16 1,530 SY 3212.0302 2"Asphalt Pvmt Type D Dollars and Cents Per Unit 19. 32 13 13 27,600 SY 3213.0105 10"Conc Pvmt Dollars and Cents Per Unit 20. 32 13 13 3,200 SY 3213.0205 10"Conc Pvmt HES Dollars and Cents Per Unit 21. 32 13 13 500 SY 3214.0100 Brick Pvmt Dollars and Cents Per Unit 22. 32 13 20 30 SF 3213.0301 4" Conc Sidewalk Dollars and Cents Per Unit 23. 32 13 20 550 SF 3213.0402 7"Concrete Driveway Dollars and Cents Per Unit 24. 32 13 20 1 EA 3213.0506 Barrier Free Ramp, Type P-1 Dollars and Cents Per Unit CITY OF FORT WORTH Northside II 48-Inch Water Transmission Main,Phase 2—Part 2 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project Number:02304 00 42 43 PROPOSAL FORM UNIT PRICE Page 11 of 17 Pay Specification Estimate Unit Name of Pay Item with Unit Price in UNIT AMOUNT Item Section No. Quantity Words PRICE BID 25. 32 13 20 4 EA 3213.0501 Barrier Free Ramp, Type R-1 Dollars and Cents Per Unit 26. 32 17 23 15,640 LF 3217.0001 4"SLD Pvmt Marking HAS (W) Dollars and Cents Per Unit 27. 32 17 23 2,710 LF 3217.0002 4"SLD Pvmt Marking HAS (Y) Dollars and Cents Per Unit 28. 32 17 23 3,870 LF 3217.0003 4" BRK Pvmt Marking HAS (W) Dollars and Cents Per Unit 29. 32 17 23 1,260 LF 3217.0004 4" BRK Pvmt Marking HAS (Y) Dollars and Cents Per Unit 30. 32 17 23 110 LF 3217.0005 4" DOT Pvmt Marking HAS (W) Dollars and Cents Per Unit 31. 32 17 23 1,560 LF 3217.0007 4" SLD Pvmt Marking Tape(W) Dollars and Cents Per Unit 32. 32 17 23 3,880 LF 3217.0008 4"SLD Pvmt Marking Tape(Y) Dollars and Cents Per Unit 33. 32 17 23 5,600 LF 3217.0201 8"SLD Pvmt Marking HAS (W) Dollars and Cents Per Unit 34. 32 17 23 1,350 LF 3217.0301 12" SLD Pvmt Marking HAE (W) Dollars and Cents Per Unit 35. 32 17 23 350 LF 3217.0501 24" SLD Pvmt Marking HAE (W) Dollars and Cents Per Unit CITY OF FORT WORTH Northside II 48-Inch Water Transmission Main,Phase 2—Part 2 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project Number:02304 00 42 43 PROPOSAL FORM UNIT PRICE Page 12 of 17 Pay Specification Estimate Unit Name of Pay Item with Unit Price in UNIT AMOUNT Item Section No. Quantity Words PRICE BID 36. 32 17 23 58 EA 3217.1002 Lane Legend Arrow Dollars and I Cents Per Unit 37, 32 17 23 22 EA 3217.1004 Lane Legend Only Dollars and Cents Per Unit N 38. 32 17 23 51 EA 3217.1006 Lane Legend Bike Dollars and Cents Per Unit 39. 32 17 23 180 EA 3217.2102 REFL Raised Marker TY I- C Dollars and Cents Per Unit 40. 30 17 23 1,190 LF 3217.4301 Remove 4" Pvmt Marking Dollars and Cents Per Unit 41. 32 17 23 220 LF 3217.4303 Remove 8" Pvmt Marking Dollars and Cents Per Unit 42. 3291 19 410 CY 3291.0100 Topsoil for Median Restoration Dollars and Cents Per Unit 43. 32 92 13 2,450 SY 3292.0100 Median Block Sod Placement and Irrigation Restoration Dollars and n Cents Per Unit 44. 3471 13 12 MO 3471.0001 Traffic Control Dollars and Cents Per Unit b 45. 3471 13 32 WK 3471.0002 Portable Message Sign Dollars and Cents Per Unit 46. 01 71 23 1 LS 9999.0200 Construction Staking b Dollars and Cents Per Unit I 47. 01 71 23 1 LS 9999.0201 Construction Survey p Dollars and Cents Per Unit G' CITY OF FORT WORTH Northside II 48-Inch Water Transmission Main,Phase 2—Part 2 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project Number.02304 00 42 43 PROPOSAL FORM Page 13 of 17 Pay Specification Estimate Unit Name of Pay Item with Unit Price in UNIT AMOUNT Item Section No. Quantity Words PRICE BID 48. 00 73 00 1 LS 9999.0301 Construction Contingency Allowance to cover costs of Improvements not previously itemized. All work completed under this item $100,000.00 $100,000.00 shall be approved by Owner in writing. One Hundred Thousand Dollars and Zero Cents Per Unit Northside II 48-Inch Water Transmission Main, Phase 2— Part 2 SUBTOTAL Section B - Paving and Drainage $ CITY OF FORT WORTH Northside H 48-Inch Water Transmission Main,Phase 2—Part 2 City Project Number.02304 00 42 43 PROPOSAL FORM UNIT PRICE Page 14 of 17 BID SUMMARY Northside II 48-Inch Water Transmission Main, Phase 2 — Part 2 Sub-Total Section A-Water $ Sub-Total Section B— Paving and Drainage $ Total Sections A and B $ CITY OF FORT WORTH EAST SIDE 11 54"WATER MAIN PHASE I&EAST SIDE PUMP Addendum No.3 STATION DISCHARGE HEADER REPLACEMENT 00369 00 42 43 PROPOSAL FORM UNIT PRICE Page 15 of 17 PROPOSAL LIST OF DUCTILE IRON FITTINGS FOR WATER LINES 12" AND SMALLER No. of Size of Fitting Type of Fitting Weight Per Total Weight Fittings Fitting (lbs.) (lbs.) Total weight = 0 lbs. (0 Tons) CITY OF FORT WORTH Northside II 48-Inch Water Transmission Main,Phase 2—Part 2 City Project Number.02304 00 42 43 PROPOSAL FORM UNIT PRICE FFP Page 16 of 17 PROPOSAL LIST OF DUCTILE IRON FITTINGS FOR WATER LINES 16" AND LARGER No. of Size of Fitting Type of Fitting Weight Per Total Weight Fittings Fitting (lbs.) (lbs.) 6 48-inch 11.250 Bend 1,475 8,850 4 48-inch 22.50 Bend 1,760 7,040 4 48-inch 450 Bend 2,090 8,360 1 48-inch Plug 1,675 1,657 2 48-inch x 48-inch Tee 6,765 13,530 5 48-inch x 30-inch Tee 4,455 22,275 Total weight = 61,712 lbs. (30.90 Tons) CITY OF FORT WORTH Northside II 48-Inch Water Transmission Main,Phase 2—Part 2 City Project Number:02304 00 42 43 PROPOSAL FORM UNIT PRICE Page 17 of 17 PROPOSAL LIST OF 48-INCH WATER LINE FITTINGS FOR CONCRETE OR STEEL PIPE In the event that additions to, or deductions from the work shown on the plans or described in the specifications are made, and that they are covered by the following fittings or special items, the bidder agrees that the following unit prices shall be used in making additions to, or deductions from the contract amount. ADD OR DEDUCT ITEMS: Size of Fitting Type of Fitting Unit Price 48-inch >45° to 90° Bend 48-inch >22.5° to 45° Bend 48-inch 0°to 22.5°Bend 48-inch Plug 48-inch x 48-inch Flanged Outlet 48-inch x 30-inch Flanged Outlet 48-inch x 6-inch Flanged Outlet Contractor shall fill in blanks for"Unit Price" as part of his bid. CITY OF FORT WORTH Northside II 48-Inch Water Transmission Main,Phase 2—Part 2 City Project Number:02304 013513-1 SPECIAL PROJECT PROCEDURES Page 1 of 8 1 SECTION 0135 13 2 SPECIAL PROJECT PROCEDURES 3 4 PART1 - GENERAL 5 1.1 SUMMARY 6 A. Section Includes: 7 1. The procedures for special project circumstances that includes,but is not limited to: 8 a. Coordination with the Texas Department of Transportation 9 b. Work near High Voltage Lines 10 c. Confined Space Entry Program 11 d. Air Pollution Watch Days 12 . 13 f. Water Department Notification 14 g. Public Notification Prior to Beginning Construction 15 16 i. Coordination within Railroad permits areas 17 j. Dust Control 18 k. Employee Parking 19 20 B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 21 1. 1.2 A. 1. Coordination within Railroad permit is subsidiary to the pipeline. 22 2. 1.2 A. 2. Railroad Flagmen subsidiary to the pipeline. 23 C. Related Specification Sections include,but are not necessarily limited to: 24 1. Division 0—Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract 25 2. Division 1 —General Requirements 26 3. Section 33 12 25—Connection to Existing Water Mains 27 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 28 A. Measurement and Payment 29 1. Coordination within Railroad permit areas 30 a. Measurement 31 This item is considered 32 subsidiary to the installation of the utility pipeline. 33 b. Payment 34 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item 35 will be . 36 subsidiary to the installation of the utilitypipeline. 37 c. The price bid shall include: 38 1) Mobilization 39 2) Inspection 40 3) Safety training 41 4) Additional Insurance CITY OF FORT WORTH Northside II 48-Inch Water Transmission Main,Phase 2—Part 2 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project Number:02304 Revised December 20,2012 0135 13-2 SPECIAL PROJECT PROCEDURES Page 2 of 8 1 5) Insurance Certificates 2 6) Other requirements associated with general coordination with Railroad, 3 including additional employees required to protect the right-of-way and 4 property of the Railroad from damage arising out of and/or from the 5 construction of the Project. 6 2. Railroad Flagmen 7 a. Measurement 8 1) Measurement for this Item will be per working day. This item is considered 9 subsidiary to the installation of the utilitypipeline. 10 b. Payment 11 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item 12 will be paid for-ea6h weddag day dmt Raikead Flagmen afe present at the 13 Sit subsidiary to the installation of the utility pipeline. 14 c. The price bid shall include: 15 1) Coordination for scheduling flagmen 16 2) Flagmen 17 3) Other requirements associated with Railroad 18 3. All other items 19 a. Work associated with these Items is considered subsidiary to the various Items 20 bid. No separate payment will be allowed for this Item. 21 1.3 REFERENCES 22 A. Reference Standards 23 1. Reference standards cited in this Specification refer to the current reference 24 standard published at the time of the latest revision date logged at the end of this 25 Specification,unless a date is specifically cited. 26 2. Health and Safety Code,Title 9. Safety, Subtitle A. Public Safety, Chapter 752. 27 High Voltage Overhead Lines. 28 3. North Central Texas Council of Governments(NCTCOG)—Clean Construction 29 Specification 30 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 31 A. Coordination with the Texas Department of Transportation 32 1. When work in the right-of-way which is under the jurisdiction of the Texas 33 Department of Transportation(TxDOT): 34 a. Notify the Texas Department of Transportation prior to commencing any work 35 therein in accordance with the provisions of the permit 36 b. All work performed in the TxDOT right-of-way shall be performed in 37 compliance with and subject to approval from the Texas Department of 38 Transportation 39 B. Work near High Voltage Lines 40 1. Regulatory Requirements 41 a. All Work near High Voltage Lines(more than 600 volts measured between 42 conductors or between a conductor and the ground)shall be in accordance with 43 Health and Safety Code,Title 9, Subtitle A,Chapter 752. 44 2. Warning sign 45 a. Provide sign of sufficient size meeting all OSHA requirements. CITY OF FORT WORTH Northside 1148-Inch Water Transmission Main,Phase 2—Part 2 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project Number:01304 Revised December 20,2012 013513-3 SPECIAL PROJECT PROCEDURES Page 3 of 8 1 3. Equipment operating within 10 feet of high voltage lines will require the following 2 safety features 3 a. Insulating cage-type of guard about the boom or arm 4 b. Insulator links on the lift hook connections for back hoes or dippers 5 c. Equipment must meet the safety requirements as set forth by OSHA and the 6 safety requirements of the owner of the high voltage lines 7 4. Work within 6 feet of high voltage electric lines 8 a. Notification shall be given to: 9 1) The power company(example: ONCOR) 10 a) Maintain an accurate log of all such calls to power company and record 11 action taken in each case. 12 b. Coordination with power company 13 1) After notification coordinate with the power company to: 14 a) Erect temporary mechanical barriers,de-energize the lines,or raise or 15 lower the lines 16 c. No personnel may work within 6 feet of a high voltage line before the above 17 requirements have been met. 18 C. Confined Space Entry Program 19 1. Provide and follow approved Confined Space Entry Program in accordance with 20 OSHA requirements. 21 2. Confined Spaces include: 22 a. Manholes 23 b. All other confined spaces in accordance with OSHA's Permit Required for 24 Confined Spaces 25 D. Air Pollution Watch Days 26 1. General 27 a. Observe the following guidelines relating to working on City construction sites 28 on days designated as"AIR POLLUTION WATCH DAYS". 29 b. Typical Ozone Season 30 1) May 1 through October 31. 31 c. Critical Emission Time 32 1) 6:00 a.m.to 10:00 a.m. 33 2. Watch Days 34 a. The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality(TCEQ),in coordination 35 with the National Weather Service,will issue the Air Pollution Watch by 3:00 36 p.m. on the afternoon prior to the WATCH day. 37 b. Requirements 38 1) Begin work after 10:00 a.m. whenever construction phasing requires the 39 use of motorized equipment for periods in excess of 1 hour. 40 2) However,the Contractor may begin work prior to 10:00 a.m. if: 41 a) Use of motorized equipment is less than 1 hour, or 42 b) If equipment is new and certified by EPA as "Low Emitting", or 43 equipment burns Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel(ULSD), diesel emulsions, or 44 alternative fuels such as CNG. 45 E. TCEQ Air Permit 46 1. Obtain TCEQ Air Permit for construction activities per requirements of TCEQ. 47 F. Use of E*plesives,Drop Weight,Ete'. CITY OF FORT WORTH Northside 1148-Inch Water Transmission Main,Phase 2—Part 2 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project Number:02304 Revised December 20,2012