HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 44073-A3 RECEIVED CCITY ONTRACT�aO. q#0f0-�-3 AUG 2 9 2016 AMENDMENT No.3 C TH TO CITY SECRETARY CONTRACT No. 44073 WHEREAS, the City of Fort Worth (CITY) and Freese and Nichols, Inc. , (ENGINEER) made and entered into City Secretary Contract No. 44073, (the CONTRACT) which was authorized on the 1st day of January, 2013 in the amount of $293, 328 . 00; and Amendment #1 was executed in the amount of $89, 110. 00; and Amendment #2 was executed in the amount of $598, 940 . 00 WHEREAS, the CONTRACT involves engineering services for the following project: Lake Worth Trail - Section Al-A3; and WHEREAS, it has become necessary to execute Amendment No. 3 to the CONTRACT to include an increased scope of work and revised fee. NOW THEREFORE, CITY and ENGINEER, acting herein by and through their duly authorized representatives, enter into the following agreement, which amends the CONTRACT: 1. Article I of the CONTRACT is amended to include the additional engineering services specified in the attached Exhibit A dated August 10, 2016, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein. The cost to City for the additional services to be performed by Engineer totals $164, 738 . 00, outlined in the attached Exhibit B. 2 . Article I of the CONTRACT is amended to provide for an increase in the fee to be paid to Engineer for all work and services performed tinder the Contract, as amended, so that the total fee paid by the City for all work and services shall be an amount of $1, 146, 116. 00. 3. All other provisions of the Contract, which are not expressly amended herein, shall remain in full force and effect. City of Fort Worth OFFICIAL RECORD Professional Services Agreement Amendment Template PMO Official Release 8/1/2012 CITY SECRETARY Page 1 of 2 FT. WORTH, TX EXECUTED and EFFECTIVE as of the date last written by a signatory, below. APPROVED: City of Fort Worth ENGINEER Freese and Nicho , Inc. 1 00 Su n lapis Wendy D. S bay, A P, ssoc. AIA Assistant City Manager Vice-Pres ' ent DATE: DATE: e0 2Y APPROVAL RECOMMENDED: Ri and Zavala Dir ,ctor, Park and Recreation Department APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: M&C: G Date: g �/�• /� Douglas W. Black Zfs �/6- 8?G61 Assistant City Attorney ATTEST: ®'� �ORr� _ -4 V Mary J.ZKayse 611 , City Secretary r�x�� OFFICIAL RECORD City of Fort Worth CITY SECRETARY Professional Services Agreement Amendment Template PMO Official Release 8/1/2012 FT. WORTH,TX Page 2 of 2 EXHIBIT"A" LAKE WORTH TRAIL-AMENDMENT#3 Fort Worth,Texas August 10, 2016 PROJECT DESCRIPTION This scope of services is for construction documents including the improvements within the YMCA Camp Carter area and other areas along the trail route and are in addition to the program elements in the final design of Lake Worth Trail as identified in contract Amendment#2 for Lake Worth Trail Section Al-A3. It is our understanding that the City is proposing to add improvements which will require additional topographic surveying, additional geo-technical information and additional program elements the including new entry sign and gate, new entry road, enhancements to the vehicular low water crossing, refurbishing the existing pedestrian suspension bridge with a trail connection and other elements at YMCA Camp Carter. This scope of services also includes a Cultural Resources Survey as required by the Texas Historical Commission The scope of work is based upon the Lake Worth Trail Preliminary Drawings, dated October 2014 as prepared by FNI for the City. A. SCOPE OF WORK The design of the additional items for the trail improvements and the increased program including: 1. Clearing for Geo-technical Bores A. Service provided is for two days of site clearing by Gorrondona Associates, Inc. to gain access to the geotechnical bore drilling locations. 2. Cultural Resources Survey (Archeology) A. Services to be provided for Cultural Resources Survey by AR Consultants, Inc. as described on attached Exhibit B Scope of Services document. 3. Additional Program Items A. YMCA ENTRY SIGN -This will include entry signage at the existing metal overhead YMCA Camp Carter monument which will remain in place. B. YMCA ENTRY GATE—This will include the manual operating gate/fencing and masonry columns at the location of security fencing entry point of the new entry area. Exhibit A—Lake Worth Trail Amendment#3 Page 1 C. YMCA ENTRY ROAD WITH LOOP DRIVE-This will include the soft surface entry drive and loop drive improvements at the existing YMCA cabins. D. YMCA LOW WATER CROSSING -This will include modifying the sloped approach drive, new transition paving, enhancements and erosion control. E. YMCA REFURBISHED PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE -This will include the bridge improvements necessary for the existing bridge to be a functional pedestrian crossing. F. PEDESTRIAN TRAIL CONNECTION—This will include a section of trail connecting the pedestrian suspension bridge to the Lake Worth Trail. G. AGENCY COORDINATION (YMCA, TRWD,TPWD, City of Ft. Worth, City of River Oaks)— Additional Meetings and Coordination not previously scoped on existing utilities, access, circulation and future development. 4. Additional Topographic Survey A. This includes the necessary topographic survey information for the additional items listed in this scope of work for the YMCA Camp Carter area and the various changes in the trail alignment as approved by the City. 5. Additional Geotechnical Information A. Includes Geotechnical Report for additional bores necessary for the new location of the downstream pedestrian bridge crossing over the Trinity River, a new pavilion structure at Trailhead A2 and a small bridge crossing just west of Trailhead A2 adjacent to Cahoba Drive. The design of the following items are being removed from the project resulting in a decrease in program items for the trail improvements: 6. Deleted Program Items A. TRAILHEAD Al-The proposed items included a small parking area, signage, portable restroom enclosure, site furnishings, etc. ($71,300 Construction Budget) B. TRAIL(600 LF)—This included providing 600 LF of new trail from the existing Trinity Trail and extending it to the YMCA property. ($27,300 Construction Budget) B. ASSUMPTIONS 1. These additional items identified within this scope of work will be included in the construction documents as identified in Amendment#2 and will not be bid as a separate bid package. Exhibit A—Lake Worth Trail Amendment#3 Page 2 C. BASIS OF COMPENSATION The cost for performing these services set forth herein will be as follows: Additional Design Services A.1 Clearing for Geo-technical Bores........................................................................................$5,750.00 A.2 Cultural Resources Survey (Archeology) .........................................................................$17,250.00 A.3 Additional Program Items ..............................................................................................$105,193.00 A.3.A YMCA Entry Sign A.3.8 YMCA Entry Gate A.3.0 YMCA Entry Road with Loop Drive A.3.13 YMCA Low Water Crossing A.3.E YMCA Refurbished Pedestrian Bridge A.3.F Pedestrian Trail Connection A.3.G Agency Coordination A.4 Additional Topographic Survey........................................................................................$36,662.00 A.5 Additional Geotechnical Information.................................................................................$8,883.00 A.6 Credit for Deleted Program Items.................................................................................. (-$9,000.010) TOTAL—Additional Design Services Fee .......................................................................$164,738.00 Exhibit A—Lake Worth Trail Amendment#3 Page 3 EXHIBIT"B" LAKE WORTH TRAIL—AMENDMENT#3 Fort Worth,Texas August 10, 2016 Cultural Resources Survey An intensive pedestrian survey will be conducted of a 5.6-mile pedestrian trail Fort Worth,Texas.The City of Fort Worth is proposing to construct the trail around Lake Worth. 1. Prior to beginning field work,a Texas Antiquities Permit will be obtained from the Texas Historical Commission (THC). This permit is required for any work in which the sponsor or landowner is an entity of the state.Submission of this permit application will require the signature of a City of Fort Worth representative. 2. Conduct a Phase I intensive pedestrian survey. Survey standards will meet the minimum requirements accepted by the THC (n.d.), as set forth in Chapter 26 of the Texas Antiquities Code (TAC). The purpose of a Phase I investigation is to identify cultural resources in the project area and make recommendations about their significance. This scope of work does not include Phase II testing or Phase III mitigation tasks or costs, but these may be necessary to satisfy the THC if sites are found and cannot be avoided. a. Backhoe trenching may be necessary to reach deep deposits that cannot be reached with shovels or manual augers. If backhoe trenching is deemed necessary, it will cost $1000 for one day (up to three trenches). b. If present, any standing structures that are at least 45 years old within the area of potential effect(APE)will be photographed and recorded. Based on the age and condition of the structure, an architectural historian may be consulted (at an additional cost, unless otherwise specified in the Cost section below) to determine the structure's eligibility for listing on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) or as a Texas State Antiquities Landmark(SAL). c. The boundaries of any archaeological sites found during the survey will be defined in the horizontal and vertical plane based on surface artifacts, shovel testing, and possibly trenching. These methods comply with standards referenced in 13 TAC 26.20. This scope of work includes the cost of recording two (2) archaeological site. In order to fulfill the permit requirements laid out in the TAC, we must record all archaeological sites found in the proposed survey area. Due to the nature of archaeological work,we can only estimate the number of subsurface site deposits or standing structures that will be found during the survey. Sites and standing structures that are found in excess of the number listed above may incur additional costs. Please see Cost section for more details. d. In the event that a recommendation for NRHP eligibility cannot be made at a site during Phase I pedestrian survey, Phase II testing may be recommended and subsequently required by the THC. Exhibit B—Lake Worth Trail Amendment#3 Page 1 3. If artifacts are found during the survey, they will be analyzed, either in the field or in the lab.The results of this analysis will be used to support the overall and site specific recommendations in the technical report. 4. Prepare a draft technical report.This report will meet the standards for cultural resource reports adopted by the THC(Council of Texas Archeologists n.d.).The report will describe the natural and cultural history of the project area, present a research design and methodology, then the results of the survey. It will conclude with recommendations about site eligibility (if applicable) and whether further archaeological work should be conducted in the project area. These recommendations will include appropriate justifications based on the requirements of 13 TAC 26.5 and 13 TAC 26.20. 5. The draft report will be submitted to CLIENT and subsequently to the THC for review and comments. 6. Once approved, the final report will be printed and the necessary copies will be submitted to CLIENT and the THC. 7. Records will be prepared for curation at an approved facility. The cost of records curation is included in the proposed cost (see Cost/Payment section). If artifacts are collected, their preparation and the cost of perpetual curation (as required) will be negotiated with the curation facility and will be an additional cost. Schedule • Field work will begin within ten (10)working days of the notice-to-proceed and receipt of a Texas Antiquities Permit, weather permitting. • Field work will be completed within five (5) working days,weather permitting. • The draft report should be completed and submitted to CLIENT within eight(8)working days,once field work is complete. • The draft report will be submitted for review to the THC within three (3)working days of receiving comments from CLIENT. • A finalized report will be provided within three (3) working days of receiving concurrence from the THC. • All time frames subject to change if an architectural historian must be consulted. Cost If trenching is deemed necessary,the cost for one day(up to three [3] trenches)will be: $1000. Exhibit B—Lake Worth Trail Amendment#3 Page 2 • If consultation with an architectural historian is required, the cost may be up to an additional $2,000.00 per structure, plus the hourly rate of the architectural historian (if this is in excess to the cost per structure).Written consent will be acquired from CLIENT before proceeding(an email with approval will be fine). • If more than two (2) archaeological sites are found during the survey, the cost may be up to an additional $1,500.00 per site for the time and materials required to record the site. We will acquire written consent from CLIENT before proceeding (an email with approval will suffice). In order to fulfill permit requirements laid out in the TAC, we must record all sites found in the proposed survey area. • Surveyor is not responsible for acquiring land access. If land access is restricted when staff arrives to perform field work, surveyor reserves the right to charge CLIENT for extra time incurred while waiting for the issue to be resolved. This could include the hours staff must wait or the time and expenses required to make an extra trip to the project area. • If CLIENT changes the proposed route or project area, FNI reserves the right to change and resubmit the proposed budget. Scheduling and costs are specific to the tasks described in this proposal and any changes to those tasks could change the cost for CLIENT. • The costs of Phase II and Phase III cultural resource investigations are not included in this proposal. If buried sites are found during the survey, Phase II testing or Phase III mitigation may be required by the THC to make recommendations for NRHP eligibility or to mitigate the loss of sites, if they cannot be avoided. FNI will be pleased to submit a proposal for Phase II and/or Phase III investigations, if such work is required by the THC. • If human remains are found, all activity in the vicinity of the remains will cease. Law enforcement officials and CLIENT will be notified. Federal and state laws specify actions, including notification of law enforcement,which must be taken by FNI,and/or CLIENT, and/or the land owner. Surveyor has experience with human remains (anticipated and unanticipated encounters) and has a bio- archaeologist on staff who may be called upon for assistance. The time and fees associated with these tasks are not included in this budget. Exhibit B—Lake Worth Trail Amendment#3 Page 3