HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991/02/26-Minutes-City Council:ouncil Met
FEBRUARY 26, 1991
On the 26th day of February, A.D., 1991, the City Council of the City of Fort
Worth, Texas, met in regular session, with the following members and officers present,
to -wit:
Minutes of City Council R-3 Page 186
I %:�''7;
1 V
° Limitation of campaign expenditures for City Council elections;
Remuneration for Mayor and City Councilmembers;
° Setting a limit on the number of terms the Mayor and City Councilmembers
may serve consecutively;
° A serious review of the demographics and numbers in each City Council
district; and the review of the possible need for one (1) or two (2)
additional single -member districts; and
° Any other "housekeeping" items as required.
I should remind everyone that it appears that unless we can prepare our list
of Charter revisions and have it ready for the August 1991 uniform election
date, we may have to wait until August of 1993 to make any changes to the
current City Council districts, thus putting us into 1995 before we could
hold the first City Council elections with the additional Council districts
in place. (Just as I predicted in 1989.) Of course, we must then consider
how outdated the numbers would be in five years.
This proposal is within the power of the City Council, and there is no legal
impediment to its implementation.
II It is anticipated that the creation of a City Charter Review Committee will
not have an initial fiscal impact.
The City Manager's office has received this proposal, and has no objections
to it.
Council Member Zapata made a motion, seconded by Council Member Webber, that
Policy Proposal No. CP -158 for the creation of City Charter Review Committee be
City Attorney Adkins advised the City Council that it has the power to initiate
the appointment of the City Council to act as a City Charter Review Committee; that a
workshop could be scheduled for the City Council; and suggested that public hearings be
held in order to receive citizens' input.
Minutes of City Council R-3 Page 187
Members Present
Mayor Bob Bolen; Mayor Pro tempore William N. Garrison; Council Members Louis J.
Zapata, Kay Granger, Eugene McCray, Garey W. Gilley, Bill Meadows, Virginia Nell
Webber, -and David Chappell; City Manager David Ivory; City Attorney Wade Adkins; City
Secretary Ruth Howard; with more than a quorum present, at which time the following
business was transacted:
The invocation was given by City Secretary Ruth Howard.
Pledge of
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Minutes of Februar
On motion of Council Member Gilley, seconded by Council Member McCray, the minutes
19, 1991 approved
of the meeting of February 19, 1991, were approved.
Withdrew M&C Nos.
Council Member Chappell requested that Mayor and Council Communication Nos. P-4764
P-4764, P-4773 froi
and P-4773 be withdrawn from the consent agenda.
consent agenda
Withdrew M&C Nos.
City Manager Ivory requested that Mayor and Council Communication Nos. P-4761 and
P-4761, FP -2793 fr
- FP -2793 be withdrawn from the consent agenda.
from consent agendii
Withdrew M&C Nos.
City Manager Ivory requested that Mayor' and Council Communication Nos. P-4761,
P-4761, FP -2793,
FP -2793, C-12747, and G-9049 be withdrawn from the agenda.
C-12747, G-9049
from the agenda
City Secretary Howard requested that Mayor and Council Communication No. OCS-248
Cont. for one week
be continued for one week.
Council Proposal
There was presented Council Proposal No. CP -158, dated February 19, 1991, or the
No. CP -158 City
Creation of City Charter Review Committee from Council Member Zapata, as follows:
Charter Review
I recommend that the Mayor and City Council appoint a Council subcommittee
:.and a citizen committee to act as a City Charter Review Committee to identify
and review as soon as possible City Charter revisions needed to update the
City Charter so that it will be a usable document for the 199O's. The
Committee should be composed of nine members, three of which will be City
Councilmembers and the other six to be appointed by those individual
Councilmembers not serving on the Committee.
Some of the proposed items that I see needed for review by the Committee are:
° Limitation of campaign expenditures for City Council elections;
Remuneration for Mayor and City Councilmembers;
° Setting a limit on the number of terms the Mayor and City Councilmembers
may serve consecutively;
° A serious review of the demographics and numbers in each City Council
district; and the review of the possible need for one (1) or two (2)
additional single -member districts; and
° Any other "housekeeping" items as required.
I should remind everyone that it appears that unless we can prepare our list
of Charter revisions and have it ready for the August 1991 uniform election
date, we may have to wait until August of 1993 to make any changes to the
current City Council districts, thus putting us into 1995 before we could
hold the first City Council elections with the additional Council districts
in place. (Just as I predicted in 1989.) Of course, we must then consider
how outdated the numbers would be in five years.
This proposal is within the power of the City Council, and there is no legal
impediment to its implementation.
II It is anticipated that the creation of a City Charter Review Committee will
not have an initial fiscal impact.
The City Manager's office has received this proposal, and has no objections
to it.
Council Member Zapata made a motion, seconded by Council Member Webber, that
Policy Proposal No. CP -158 for the creation of City Charter Review Committee be
City Attorney Adkins advised the City Council that it has the power to initiate
the appointment of the City Council to act as a City Charter Review Committee; that a
workshop could be scheduled for the City Council; and suggested that public hearings be
held in order to receive citizens' input.
Minutes of City Council R-3 Page 187
1 s s
Mayor Pro tempore Garrison made a substitute motion, seconded by Council Membe
Council Proposal Granger, that Policy Proposal No. CP -158 be approved, as amended, by having the Cit
No. CP -158 cont. Council sit as a" whole to act as a City Charter Review Committee to consider specifi
items covered on Council Proposal No. CP -158; to conduct public hearings in order t
obtain any input on additional items by citizens; and to appoint alternates to serve i
their absence. When the motion was put to a vote by the Mayor, it prevaile
Mr. Marshall Hobbs Mr. Marshall Hobbs, Chairman of the Fort Worth Youth Commission, appeared befor
Fort Worth Youth the City Council and discussed the planned activities and organizational structure o
Commission the committee and presented two surveys which the commission is proposing to distribut
to the middle school and high school students after presenting its plan to th
Superintendent Don Roberts of the Fort Worth Independent School District and advise
Council of its plan to have an anti -drug/anti -gang rally at Trimble Tech High School o
April 18, 1991.
Council Member Webber suggested that information regarding whether or not th
curfew ordinance would be a deterrent from the use of drugs and gang problems b
included in the survey and requested that the ethnic background also be included in th
OCS-245 Liability There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. OCS-245 from the Office o
bonds the City Secretary recommending that the City Council authorize the acceptance o
liability bonds, as follows:
EMC Construction, Inc. Universal Surety of America
Rog's Concrete Texas, Inc. Universal Surety of America
Casias Salvador ba Sal's Concrete Lawyers Surety Corporation
Concrete Walls, Inc. Lawyers Surety Corporation
Walter W. Wilson Western Surety Company
Juan M Gonzalez dba Gonzalez Concrete Lawyers Surety Corporation
Leroy Weisheit Universal Surety of America
OCS-2 45 adopted
It was the consensus of the City
Council that the recommendation be adopted.
)CS -246 Claims
There was presented Mayor
and Council Communication No. OCS-246 from the Office o
the City Secretary recommending
that the City Council refer notices of claims regardin
alleged damages and/or injuries
to the Risk Management Department, as follows:
Connie C. Montoya
1. Claimant:
Connie C. Montoya
Date Received:
February 14, 1991
Date of Incident:
Location of Incident:
Seminary Drive & I35, Northbound
Estimate of Damages/
Nature of Incident:
Claimant alleges damages as result of an
Barbara Ann Alford
2. Claimant:
Barbara Ann Alford
Date Received:
February 14, 1991
Date of Incident:
October 21, 1990
Location of Incident:
1800 Amanda & 4800 Willie Street
Estimate of Damages/
$124.59 - $124.77
Nature of Incident:
Claimant alleges damages to her vehicle as
the result of an accident involving
City -owned vehicle (Police).
ABC Utilities
3. Claimant:
ABC Utilities Service (Frank A. Wolfe, Jr.)
Service (Frank A.
Date Received:
February 14, 1991
Wolfe, Jr.)
Date of Incident:
December 30
Location of Incident:
3025 S. Cravens Road
Estimate of Damages/
Nature of Incident:
Claimant alleges damages to their fence as
the result of actions by City of Fort Worth
Fire personnel.
Gerald Allen
4. Claimant:
Gerald Allen Masters
Date Received:
February 15, 1991
Date of Incident:
February 8, 1991
Location of Incident:
Beach Street Just South of 30
Estimate of Damages/
Nature of Incident:
Claimant alleges damages to his vehicle as
the result of street conditions.
John Ford
5. Claimant:
John Ford
Date Received:
February 15, 1991
Date of Incident:
On or about April 5, 1989
Location of Incident:
North Texas Salvage Yard
Roswald Schrull
Estimate of Damages/
Minutes of City Council R-3 Page 188
Nature of Incident: Claimant seeks reimbursement for damages
John Ford claim suffered as the result of purchasing a stolen
cont. vehicle at a City Auction.
6. Claimant: Robert Clarence Bonner
Robert Clarence Date Received: February 15, 1991
Bonner Date of Incident:, Undeclared
Location of Incident: 4800 Block Wilbarger
Estimate of Damages/
Injuries: $1,860.32 - $3,044.83
Nature of Incident: Claimant alleges damages and/or injuries as
the result of hitting an object in the
Anna Belle Peters 7, Claimant: Anna Belle Peters
Date Received: February 15, 1991
Date of Incident: January 11, 1991
Location of Incident: Beady Road
Estimate of Damages/
Injuries: $241.11 - $376.34
Nature of Incident: Claimant alleges damages to her vehicle as
the result of a rock hitting the windshield.
Barbara Brooks 8. Claimant: Barbara Brooks
Date Received: February 18, 1991
Date of Incident: January 29, 1991
Location of Incident: 8th & Magnolia
Estimate of Damages/
Injuries: $1,231.49 - $1,330.50
Nature of Incident: Claimant alleges damages sustained as the
result of an accident involving City -owned
Edmond Dewayne 9. Claimant: Edmond Dewayne Miles
Miles Date Received: February 18, 1991
Date of Incident: February 1, 1991
Location of Incident: South on Martin
Estimate of Damages/
Injuries: - $574.12 - $596.34
Nature of Incident: Claimant alleges damages to vehicle as the
result of street conditions.
OCS-24 5 adopted It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
OCS-247 Ordinance City Secretary Howard advised the City Council that consideration of Mayor and
Calling an Electior Council Communication No. OCS-247, Ordinance Calling an Election for Saturday, May 4,
1991, to elect a Mayor and City Council, needs to be continued until after approval of
the ordinance revising boundaries of City Council Single -Member District Nos. 2 and 7
resulting from annexation and disannexation, Mayor and Council Communication
No. G-9056. Council Member Gilley made a motion, seconded by Council Member Chappell,
that Mayor and Council Communication No. OCS-247 be continued until after action taken
on Mayor and Council Communication No. G-9056. When the motion was put to a vote by
the Mayor, it prevailed unanimously.
OCS-248 Contract
It was the consensus of the City Council that Mayor and Council Communication
with Tarrant CountY
No. OCS-248, Contract With Tarrant County Elections Administrator for Partial
Elections Admini-
Administration of Election to Elect a Mayor and City Council, be continued for one
strator for Part-
ial Administration
cont. for one week
It appearing to the City Council that the City Council on July 29, 1990, set today
Assessment Paving
as the date for benefit hearing in connection with the assessment paving of Martin
of Martin Avenue
Avenue from Wichita Street to Shackleford Street and that notice of the hearing has
from Wichita Street
been given by publication in the Fort Worth Star -Telegram, the official newspaper of
BH -0045
the City of Fort Worth, Texas, on February 1, 4, and 5, 1991, Mayor Bolen asked if
there was anyone present desiring to be heard.
Mrs. Martha Lunday
Mrs. Martha Lunday, representing the Department of Transportation and Public
BH -0045
Works, appeared before the City Council and advised the City Council that the
independent appraisal performed by Mr. Robert Martin substantiates that as a result of
the proposed construction, each parcel of the abutting property will be enhanced in
value in excess of the amount assessed for the improvement; that the independent
appraisal report has been submitted to the City Council; that Mr. Robert Martin is
available for questioning; and called attention of the City Council to Mayor and
Council Communication No. BH -0045, as follows:
It is recommended that the City Council adopt an ordinance closing the
benefit hearing and levying assessments as proposed, acknowledging that in
each case the abutting property is specially benefitted in enhanced value in
Minutes of City Council R-3 Page 189
BH -0045 cont. excess of the amount assessed for the improvement of Martin Avenue from
Wichita Street to Shackleford Street.
The 1986 Capital Improvement Program approved in March 1986, included funds
for the improvement of Martin Avenue from Wichita Street to Shackleford
Street." The existing street has 'an HMAC pavement with some curb and some
gutter and has never previously been constructed to City standards. It is
not located in a CDBG Target Area. Both commercial property and existing
developed and platted lots used for single family or duplex residences are
being assessed. The rate for commercial property is $53.35; the residential
rate is $20.31.
On July,29, 1990 (M&C G-9016), the City Council established February 26,
1991, as the date of the benefit hearing. Notices have been given in
accordance with Article 1105b, Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes.
The project is located in Council District 8.
This segment of Martin Avenue will be improved by constructing a standard
concrete pavement section with standard curb on a lime stabilized subgrade.
The finished roadway will be forty feet wide on a sixty foot right-of-way.
Standard concrete driveway approaches and drainage structures will be
constructed where specified on the plans.
An independent
appraiser has advised the
staff as to the amount of
enhancement to
property values that will
from the proposed
improvements. Based on standard City policy,
the City
Engineer's estimate,
and the advice of
the independent appraiser, the
cost of
the construction has
been computed at
$71,156.31 (11%) for the property
and $577,843.69
(89%) for the City
of Fort Worth at large.
The independent appraisal substantiates that, as a result of the proposed
construction, each parcel of adjacent property will be enhanced in value by
an amount equal to or greater than the proposed assessment.
Lots 32, 33 and 34 of Denman Subdivision Oaklawn are vacant unimproved lots
owned by the Metropolitan Church of Christ. They have been granted tax
exemption by TAD as a place of worship and are therefore being assessed at
our -half the residential rate.
Mayor Pro tempore Garrison advised the City Council that one of the properties for
the assessment paving of Martin Avenue from Wichita Street to Shackleford Street is
owned by NCNB Bank and stated that he is disqualified on voting on this piece of
Council Member Webber advised the City Council that she is disqualified on voting
on the property owned by NCNB.
Mayor Bolen advised the City Council that he had a conflict of interest in voting
on the piece of property involving First Gibraltar Bank.
Council Member Chappell made a motion, seconded by Council Member McCray, that the
City Council vote separately on the properties involving First Gibraltar Bank FSB and
NCNB Texas National Bank. When the motion was put to a vote by the Mayor, it prevailed
Council Member Chappell made a motion, seconded by Council Member Gilley, that the
assessments be levied as recommended with the exception of the properties owned by
First Gibraltar Bank FSB and NCNB Texas National Bank.
Mr. Harris Ryals Mr.� Harris Ryals, owner of Lots 5B, 5C, and 5D, Block 8, -Cobbs Orchard Addition,
re BH -0045 which property is adjacent to Martin Avenue from Wichita Street to Shackleford Street,
appeared before the City Council and inquired whether or not the appraisal of $1,800.00
would effect his property taxes.
City Attorney Adkins advised Mr. Ryals that, since the assessment paving is after
January 1991, the appraisal for 1990 taxes would not be effected.
Mr. T.D. Carver Mr. T.D. Carver, owner of Lot 11, Block 16, Glen Park Addition, which property is
re BH -0045 adjacent to Martin Avenue from Wichita Street to Shackleford Street, appeared before
the City Council and expressed opposition to the assessment paving of Martin Avenue
from Wichita Street to Shackleford Street.
At this time, Mayor Bolen excused himself from the Council table and Mayor Pro
tempore Garrison assumed the chair.
Minutes of City Council R-3 Page 190
Mr. Charles Cryer Mr., Charles Cryer, 4801 Vinetta Drive, owner of Lot 11, Block 15, Glen Park
re BH -0045 Addition, which property is adjacent to Martin Avenue from Wichita Street to
Shackleford Street, appeared before the City Council and expressed opposition to the
assessment paving of Martin Avenue from Wichita Street to Shackleford Street.
Mr. Gary Santerre Mr. Gary Santerre, Director of the Transportation and Public Works Department,
re BH -0045 appeared before the City Council and advised Mr. Cryer that the bill for the paving
would not come due until the street has been completed; that there is a five-year pay
off period with an eight percent interest rate; and that the City will work with the
individuals on the pay back.
Mr. Robert D. Mr. Robert D. Laney, 4801 Tallman, owner of Lot 1, Sondra -Lin Subdivision, which
Lancey re BH -0045 property is adjacent to Martin Avenue from Wichita Street to Shackleford Street,
appeared before the City Council and expressed opposition to the assessment paving of
Martin Avenue from Wichita Street to Shackleford Street.
At this time, Council Member Zapata excused himself from the Council Chamber.
Ms. Marie Hunter-
Ms. Marie Hunter -Opal, 4745 Nolan, owner
of Lot L, Block 7, Trentman Revision,
Opal re BH -0045
which property is adjacent to Martin Avenue from
Wichita Street to Shackleford Street,
1991, from
appeared before the City Council and expressed
opposition to the assessment paving of
Vice -President of Motheral
Martin Avenue from Wichita Street to Shackleford
is planning to install
At this time, Council Member Zapata assumed
his chair at the Council table.
Ms. Ardis Singer
Ms. Ardis Singer, 3321 Martin, owner of Lot
6A, Block 8, Cobbs Orchard Addition,
re BH -0045
which property is adjacent to Martin Avenue from
Wichita Street to Shackleford Street,
cable; that the cable will be used for voice
appeared before the City Council and expressed
opposition to the assessment paving of
Martin Avenue from Wichita Street to Shackleford
The Reverend Tommy
The Reverend Tommy Caldwell, 3853 Oak
Haven, representing Life Fellowship
Caldwell re BH-
International, Inc., owner of Lot M, Block 7, Trentman Revision, which property is
adjacent to Martin Avenue from Wichita Street
to Shackleford Street, appeared before
the City Council and requested that City Council
waive all cost against the church.
Mr. Gary Santerre Mr. Gary Santerre, Director of the Transportation and Public Works Department,
re BH -0045 appeared before the City Council and advised the City Council that Martin Avenue will
be widened but that the property required for the widening of the street would be
purchased from the property owners thereby offsetting some of the cost of the
assessments, if not all.
Council Member Webber made a substitute motion, seconded by Council Member
Meadows, that the benefit hearing for the assessment paving of Martin Avenue from
Wichita Street to Shackleford Street be continued until March 14, 1991.
At this time, Council Member Zapata excused himself from the Council table.
Mr. Brad Watkins Mr. Brady Watkins, 4108 Martin Street, appeared before the City Council and
re BH -0045 requested that a meeting be held between the homeowners for the west end and the east
end of Martin Avenue with Council Members McCray and Webber in order to restructure the
Martin Avenue project.
When the substitute motion, that the benefit hearing for the assessment paving of
Martin Avenue from Wichita Street to Shackleford be continued until March 14, 1991, was
put to a vote by the Mayor Pro tempore, it prevailed unanimously.
Mr. Brent Dickey Mr. Brent Dickey, 3320 McLean, appeared before the City Council and stated that,
Ethics Code in his opinion, a problem exists in the way that the new Ethics Code ordinance handles
citizens' complaints and questioned the fairness to the citizens and requested that a
review of the ordinance take place and changes be made.
Council Member Zapata assumed his chair at the Council table at this time.
Council Members Webber and Meadows excused themselves from the City Council
Chamber at this time.
Ms. Eileen Cohn Ms. Eileen Cohn, 320 Bodart Lane, Vice President of the Neighborhood West Point
re auxiliary police Association, appeared before the City Council and requested that the City Council look
pilot pogram and into the initiation of an auxiliary police pilot program on a state and federal basis
White Settlement in order to combat the on going problems in the City of Fort Worth and advised the City
Independent School Council that the only expense the City would be out of would be for the academy
District training, in which the City would be reimbursed, and stated that, in her opinion, the
establishment of such a pilot program would be an asset to the Police Department; and
advised the City Council that the citizens that are located in the Fort Worth City
Limits, but are paying White Settlement School District taxes, would like to secede
from the White Settlement School District and either be placed in Fort Worth or either
form their own school taxing entity. Mrs. Cohn was advised that the matter of the
auxiliary police will be investigated and that the City of Fort Worth has no
jurisdiction over independent school districts.
&C G-9040 re
was presented Mayor and
Council Communication No.
G-9040, dated February 19,
pproved right-
1991, from
the City Manager stating
that Mr. David Motheral,
Vice -President of Motheral
f -way encroach-
is planning to install
above -ground communication cables across Annie,
e nts for install-
Hattie, and
Tucker Streets in order
to link several buildings
owned by the company with
tion _
a communication
cable; that the cable will be used for voice
and data transmissions and
Minutes of City Council R-3 Page 191
M&C G-9040 cont. will not use any public utility poles; and recommending that the City Council approve
the installation of above -ground communication cables across Annie, Hattie, and Tucker
Council Member Gilley made a motion, seconded by Council Member Chappell, that the
recommendation, as contained in Mayor and Council Communication No. G-9040, be adopted.
When the motion was put to a vote by the Mayor Pro tempore, it prevailed by the
following vote:
AYES: Mayor Pro tempore Garrison; Council Members Zapata, Granger,
McCray, Gilley, and Chappell
NOES: None
ABSENT: Mayor Bolen; Council Members Meadows and Webber
At this time, Mayor Bolen and Council Members Webber and Meadows assumed their
chairs at the Council table.
M&C G-9049 re It was the consensus of the City Council that Mayor and Council Communication
assessment paving No. G-9049, Authorization of Project and Establishment of Benefit Hearing Date for the
of Summit Avenue Assessment Paving of Summit Avenue from Lancaster Street to 92 Feet South of Rio Grande
Avenue and Rio Grande Avenue from Summit Avenue to 40 Feet East, be withdrawn from the
M&C G-9050 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. G-9050 from the City
request of Colonia Manager stating that the Colonial Country Club will host the 1991 U.S. Women's Open
Country Club Golf Tournament in July; that, to ensure the safety of the participants and spectators
of this tournament, Colonial Country Club is requesting approval from City Council to
temporarily close the 3700 block of Country Club Circle and the 3700, 3800, and
3900 blocks of Mockingbird Lane from 6:00 a.m., Monday, July 8 until 9:00 p.m., Sunday,
July 14, 1991; that Colonial Country Club has provided a certificate of liability
insurance for the event; and recommending that the City Council approve the request of
Colonial Country Club to temporarily close the 3700 block of Country Club Circle and
the 3700, 3800, and 3900 blocks of Mockingbird Lane from Monday, July 8 until Sunday,
July 14, 1991. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be
M&C G-9051 re
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. G-9051 from the City
payment to Law
Manager stating that the Law Offices of Martin Dies were engaged by the City pursuant
Offices of Martin
to Mayor and Council Communication No. C-10922 to represent the City in lawsuits which
Dies, legal County
seek to recover monetary damages resulting from the presence of asbestos -containing
of Orange, et al
materials; that the $13,607.65 bill consists of out-of-pocket expenses directly
versus National
attributable to the City's claims and a proportionate share of the general expenses
Gypsum, et al
incurred on behalf of all plaintiffs; that payment of $8,841.20 for litigation expenses
in this case previously was approved by Mayor and Council Communication No. G-8951,
of $7,000.00
dated December 11, 1990; stating that funds are available in Property/Casualty
subject to City Council approval; stating that funds are available
Insurance Fund FE71, Center No. 0157120, Account No. 534060; and recommending that the
payment of costs incurred by the Law Offices of Martin Dies be approved and that the
that the City
City Manager be authorized to expend the sum of $13,607.65 in payment of these costs
Council approve the settlement of claim filed by Leslie Prendergast, and
incurred by outside legal counsel in the case of County of Orange, et al, versus
National Gypsum, et al. It was the consensus of the City Council that the
agreed to by
recommendation be adopted.
M&C G-9052 re
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. G-9052
from the City
Manager stating that Leslie Prendergast filed a claim for personal
injuries and
filed by Leslie
property damage he allegedly sustained on April 5, 1990, at 1700 East
Rosedale as a
result of beim struck in the rear b a
g y City -owned vehicle; that, while
admitting no
liability in this matter, the Risk Management Department has negotiated with
Mr. Prendergast through his attorney and has agreed to a settlement
of $7,000.00
subject to City Council approval; stating that funds are available
in Insurance
Fund FE71, Center No. 0157110, Account No. 534030; and recommending
that the City
Council approve the settlement of claim filed by Leslie Prendergast, and
authorize the
City Manager to expend the sum of $7,000.00 for the settlement
agreed to by
Mr. Prendergast, his attorney, and the City of Fort Worth. It was the consensus
of the
City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
M&C G-9053 re
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. G-9053
from the City
funds for hike and
Manager, as follows:
bike trails
It is recommended that the City Council authorize the City Manager to:
1. Execute the following fund transfers:
Gateway Park
General Park
Minutes of City Council R-3 Page 192
to Hike and
Bike Trail
M&C G-9053 cont. GC05-080050500110 GC05-080050480010 $110,570.00 Reimbursement
General Park Hike and Bike to Hike and
Development Trails Bike Trails
On April 24, 1990, the City Council approved M&C C-12286 authorizing the City
Manager to accept a donation of $110,570.00 from the Streams and Valleys
Committee to fund trail construction in Gateway Park. Under the same M&C,
Council adopted a supplemental appropriation ordinance allowing the
expenditure of those funds and authorized the City Manager to execute City
Secretary Contract No. 17838 with Steele -Freeman, Inc. to construct park
improvements totaling $2,208,570.17 in Gateway Park.
At the time of award of contract, the Streams and Valleys donation had not
been received by the City; thus, an encumbrance of $110,570.00 was made
against the 1986-88 Capital Improvement Program, Hike and Bike Trail Project,
At this time the City has received and deposited the amount of $110,570.00
from the Streams and Valleys Committee into Fund GC05/080050/410040. It is
necessary to reimburse the 1986-88 CIP Hike and Bike Trail account through
the bond fund transfer process.
Sufficient funds are available for this transfer in the amount of $110,570.00
from Park and Recreation Improvements Fund GC05, Center No. 080050410040,
Gateway Concession Building to Center No. 080050500110, General Park
Development and from Center No. 080050500110, General Park Development to
Center No. 080050480010, Hike and Bike Trails. Upon approval and completion
of Recommendation 1, sufficient funds will be available in Park and
Recreation Improvements Fund GC05, Center No. 080050480010, Hike and Bike
Trail. Expenditures will be made from Account No. 541200.
M&C G-9053 adopted It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation, as contained in Mayor
and Council Communication No. G-9053, be adopted.
M&C G-9054 re
Improvements to There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. G-9054 from the City
Truman Drive from Manager stating that the use of District 5 Undesignated funds for reconstruction of
Loop 820 to Ramey Truman Drive from Loop 820 to Ramey Avenue was authorized by the District 5 Councilman
Avenue in 1988; that Truman Court later was included; that the streets are not located in a
CDBG Target Area but previously have been constructed to City standards; that the
project is located in Council District 5; that the total estimated cost of the
assessment is $527,620.50; stating that financing for the project will be established
at the time of contract award; and recommending that the City Council:
1. Declare the necessity for and order the improvements to Truman Drive,
from Loop 820 to Ramey Avenue, and Truman Court, from Truman Drive to
end of cul-de-sac;
2. Authorize the assessment of a portion of the cost of the improvements
against the owners of the abutting property;
3. Approve the estimate of costs and amounts to be assessed as stated in
the Engineer's Estimate;
4. Establish March 26, 1991, as the date of the benefit hearing; and
5. Authorize the preparation of assessment rolls and notification of
property owners in accordance with the provisions of Article 1105b of
Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes.
M&C G-9054 adopted It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendations be adopted.
M&C G-9056 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. G-9056 from the City
Ordinance revising Manager, as follows:
boundaries of City
Nos. 2 and 7
It is recommended that:
1. The City Council approve the recommended revisions to City Council
Single -Member District Nos. 2 and 7 to reflect the recent annexation of
land into the City and the recent disannexation of land from the City;
2. An ordinance amending Sections 2 and 7 of Ordinance No. 7323, as
amended, be adopted in order to make the single -member district
boundaries coincide with the current corporate boundaries.
Minutes of City Council R-3 Page 193
M&C G-9056 cont. BACKGROUND:
City Council elections are scheduled for Saturday, May 4, 1991, to fill the
j City Council seats for Mayor and City Council Districts Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
7, 8 and 9. In order for the City of Fort Worth to comply with the Voting
Rights Act of 1965, information on the nature, scope and potential impact of
any boundary changes on the electoral process since the City's last
submission must be submitted to the United States Department of Justice no
later than sixty .days prior to the scheduled election. This information must
include changes in population, and the accessibility of the election process
to all citizens, particularly to minority citizens.
The last revisions to the Single Member District Plan were approved by the
City Council on February 27, 1990, prior to the City Council calling a
special election for Councilmember for District No. 7, due to the resignation
of Steve Murrin, Jr. Since the adoption of these revisions, there have been
two (2) changes in the City's corporate boundaries. One (1) of these changes
resulted from an annexation and one (1) resulted from a disannexation.
Each of these changes is briefly described below, along with their impact on
the City's Single Member District Plan and the recommendation as to which
single -member district the newly annexed area should be included and from
which single -member district the disannexed area should be deleted.
Annexation Number 1 City Ordinance No. 10719
Annexation of 117.230 acres in Northpass Phase II
Present Population: 0
Projected Population: 0
This area should be added to District No. 2, as it is contiguous to that
District. At the time of annexation it contained 0 population and 0 dwelling
units. Proposed development is non-residential.
Disannexation Number 1 City Ordinance No. 10710
Disannexation of Clifford Street Right -of -Way
Present Population: 0
Projected Population: 0
This area should be deleted from District No. 7 as it is totally contiguous
to that District. At the time of disannexation it contained 0 population and
0 dwelling units.
The impact of these changes in corporate boundaries on the regularly
scheduled City Council elections is negligible. At the time the annexation
occurred, no population was added to the City. No significant changes in
population figures and minority access to and influence on election results
are anticipated as a result of the annexation since its planned development
is commercial. The disannexation consists only of street right-of-way and,
of course, will have no impact on the City's election process.
M&C G-9056 adopted On motion of Council Member Gilley, seconded by Council Member Meadows, the
recommendations, as contained in Mayor and Council Communication No. G-9056, were
Introduced an
Ordinance Council Member Gilley introduced an ordinance and made a motion that it be adopted.
The motion was seconded by Council Member Meadows. The motion, carrying with it the
adoption of said ordinance, prevailed by the following vote:
AYES: Mayor Bolen; Mayor Pro tempore Garrison; Council Members Zapata,
Granger, McCray, Gilley, Meadows, Webber, and Chappell
NOES: None
The ordinance, as adopted, is as follows:
Ordinance No. I) ORDINANCE NO. 10796
Minutes of City Council R-3 Page 194
1, '
10796 cont.
This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and effect from
and after the date of its passage, and it is so ordained.
M&C OCS-247 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. OCS-247 from the Office of
Ordinance Calling the City Secretary, as follows:
Election for Mayor
It is recommended that an ordinance be adopted calling an election for
Saturday, May 4, 1991, to elect a Mayor and City Council.
The ordinance calling an election for Saturday, May 4, 1991, to elect a Mayor
and City Council is attached. The ordinance includes the list of locations
at which voting will occur on election day as well as for the period of
absentee (extended) voting. The absentee (extended) voting locations have
been increased from four to eleven in order to make the voting process more
accessible to the voting population. Absentee (extended) voting will take
place April 15-30, 1991, with voting also on Saturday, April 27, which is the
Saturday immediately preceding the election on Saturday, May 4, 1991, at the
following locations:
Office of the City Secretary
(main absentee voting place)
County Annex West
Worth Heights Multipurpose Center
Southside Mutlipurpose Center
Como Multipurpose Center
Diamond Hill/Jarvis Library
Poly Subcourthouse
Southwest Subcourthouse
Southwest Regional Library
Handley-Meadowbrook Recreation Center
Log Cabin Village (Harry A. Foster Cabin)
Absentee (extended) voting, except for the Office of the City Secretary, will
take place from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and at the Office of the City
Secretary from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., except that, on Saturday, April 27,
1991, voting will be from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Office of the City
M&C OCS-247 adopted On motion of Council Member Gilley, seconded by Council Member McCray, the
recommendation, as contained in Mayor and Council Communication No. OCS-247, was
Introduced an Council Member Gilley introduced an ordinance and made a motion that it be adopted.
Ordinance The motion was seconded by Council Member McCray. The motion, carrying with it the
adoption of said ordinance, prevailed by the following vote:
AYES: Mayor Bolen; Mayor Pro tempore Garrison; Council Members Zapata,
Granger, McCray, Gilley, Meadows, Webber, and Chappell
NOES: None
The ordinance, as adopted, is as follows:
Ordinance No. ORDINANCE NO. 10797
That, in compliance with the Charter of the City of Fort Worth and in
accordance with the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas, elections be
and the same are hereby called and ordered for Saturday, May 4, 1991, as
Minutes of City Council R-3 Page 195
Ordinance No. authorized by Section 41.001 of the Texas Election Code, as amended, at which
10797 cont. elections all qualified voters may vote for the purpose of electing a Mayor
at large and eight (8) Councilmembers from their respective districts.
That the City Secretary of said City shall prepare ballots to be used in
voting machines in said elections, on which ballots shall be printed the
names of the candidates for the at -large position of Mayor and the names of
the candidates from the respective single member districts for the position
of Councilmember. The places of the different candidates shall be designated
on the official ballot as Mayor and Member of Council, Districts 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8 and 9, respectively. City Council single member districts are
described and defined in Ordinance Nos. 7323, 7392, 7441, 7869, 7963, 8047,
8261, 8682, 8712, 8719, 8909, 9304, 9548, 9618, 9804, 10257, 10532 and 10796.
That no person's name shall be placed on the official ballot as a
candidate for the office of Mayor or as a candidate for membership on the
City Council unless such person has filed his or her sworn application, as
required by the laws of Texas, with the City Secretary not later than
5:00 P.M. of the 45th day before election day. There must also appear on the
face of said application the single member district wherein said candidate
resides and from which district said candidate is seeking election, except
that, with respect to candidates for the office of Mayor, the election shall
be at large. That no person's name shall be placed on the official ballot as
a candidate for the office of Mayor unless such person is a qualified
resident elector of the City of Fort Worth and shall have resided
continuously within the State for at least twelve (12) months and
continuously within the City for at least six (6) months immediately
preceding the date of the regular filing deadline for a candidate's
application for a place on the ballot, which date is March 20, 1991. That no
person's name shall be placed on the official ballot as a candidate for
membership on the City Council unless such person is a qualified elector of
the City and shall have resided continuously within the State for at least
twelve (12) months immediately preceding the date of the regular filing
deadline for a candidate's application for a place on the ballot, which date
is March 20, 1991, and continuously within the district from which he seeks
election for a period of at least six (6) months immediately preceding the
date of the election, which is May 4, 1991. In determining whether a person
has complied with the durational residency requirements established by and
referred to in this ordinance and in the City Charter for the office of Mayor
or City Councilmember, the provisions of 141.001, 141.003 and 141.004 of the
Texas Election Code, as amended, and Chapter IV, Section 3 of the City
Charter shall apply.
That it shall further appear to the said City Secretary, before said
candidate's name is entered on said ballot, that he or she has filed an
affidavit of loyalty with the City Secretary, as required by Article 141.031
of the Texas Election Code, as amended.
That, in the event that there are two or more candidates for the office
of Mayor or two or more candidates from the same single member district for
membership on the City Council, the order in which the names of such
candidates are to be printed on the ballot shall be determined by a drawing
to be conducted by the City Secretary. The City Secretary shall post in her
office a notice of the date, hour and place of the drawing. The notice must
remain posted continuously for 72 hours immediately preceding the scheduled
time of the drawing, except that for a run-off election, or an election held
to resolve a tie vote, the notice must remain posted for 24 hours immediately
preceding the scheduled time of the drawing. Upon receipt of a candidate's
written request, accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope, the City
Secretary shall mail written notice of the date, hour and place of the
drawing to the candidate. Each candidate affected by the drawing is entitled
to be present or to have a representative present at the drawing.
That Ruth Howard, City Secretary of the City of Fort Worth, shall
conduct and shall be the clerk for absentee voting at said elections. That
Robert Parten, Tarrant County Elections Administrator, will serve as chief
deputy absentee voting clerk. Absentee voting shall be conducted by two
A. Voting by personal appearance; and
B. Voting by mail.
Absentee voting shall be on paper ballots. Each absentee voter shall
vote for his or her choice for Mayor and for his or her choice for membership
on the City Council. Said absentee voter shall vote by blackening in the box
Minutes of City Council R-3 Page 196
Ordinance No. beside the name of the candidate for whom he or she wishes to vote; provided,
however, that, if the voter places a plus sign (+) or a check mark ( ) or any
10797 cont. other mark, which clearly shows the voter's intent in the square beside the
name of the candidate for whom the voter desires to vote, it shall be counted
as a vote for that candidate, provided that no more names are thus marked
than there are places to be filled. That the failure of a voter to mark his
or her ballot in strict conformity with these directions or failure to vote a
full ballot shall not invalidate the ballot, and the vote shall be counted if
the intent is clearly ascertainable, unless the law prohibits counting the
vote., It is specifically provided that the election officers shall not
refuse to count an absentee ballot because of the voter having marked his or
her ballot by marking through the names of the candidates for whom he or she
does not wish to vote; and that in this connection the attention of the
Absentee Ballot Board is directed to the provisions of Section 65.009 of the
Texas Election Code, as amended.
Absentee voting by personal appearance shall be conducted on weekdays
only, beginning April 15, 1991, and continuing through April 30, 1991. Such
absentee voting shall be conducted at the following locations at the
following times:
Office of the City Secretary
(Main Absentee Polling Place)
3rd Floor, Fort Worth Municipal Bldg.
1000 Throckmorton Street
Fort Worth, Texas 76102
Worth Heights Multipurpose Center
3551 New York Avenue
Fort Worth,- Texas 76110
Southside Multipurpose Center
959 East Rosedale
Fort Worth, Texas 76104
Como Multipurpose Center
4900 Horne Street
Fort Worth, Texas 76107
Diamond Hill/Jarvis Library
1300 N.E. 35th Street
Fort Worth, Texas 761106
Poly Subcourthouse
3206 Miller Avenue
Fort Worth, Texas 76119
Southwest Subcourthouse
3892 Altamesa Boulevard
Fort Worth, Texas 76133
County Annex West
600 West Weatherford
Fort Worth, Texas 76196
Southwest Regional Library
4001 Library Lane
Fort Worth, Texas 76109
Handley-Meadowbrook Recreation Center
5651 East Lancaster
Fort Worth, Texas 76112
Log Cabin Village
(Harry A. Foster Cabin)
2100 Log Cabin Village Lane
Fort Worth, Texas 76109
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
In addition, absentee voting by personal appearance also shall be conducted
on Saturday, April 27, 1991, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., at
each of the above locations.
The Absentee Ballot Board is hereby created to process absentee voting
results, and Barney Koons is hereby appointed as Presiding Judge. The
Presiding Judge shall appoint at least two other members to such Board.
Minutes of City Council R-3 Page 197
Ordinance No.
10797 cont. A. An electronic voting system, as defined in Chapter 121 of the Texas
Election Code, as amended, shall be used for voting at the regular polling
places at said elections and for counting the ballots and the tabulation of
the results. The conduct of the elections and the use of the electronic
voting system shall be in accordance with the Texas Election Code, as
B. The Office of the Tarrant County Elections Administrator, Tarrant
County Courthouse, 100 Weatherford, Fort Worth, Texas, is hereby established
as the Central Counting Station for the ballots cast in said elections.
C. Robert Parten, having knowledge and experience in the conduct of
elections with the electronic voting system for which the Central Counting
Station is established, and being a registered voter of the City of Fort
Worth, is hereby appointed as the Manager of the Central Counting Station.
The Manager shall be in charge of overall administration of the Central
Counting Station and the general supervision of the personnel working at said
D. Wendy Tyler, being trained in the operation of the automatic
tabulating equipment installed at the Central Counting Station, is hereby
appointed Tabulation Supervisor. The Tabulation Supervisor shall be in
charge of the operation of the automatic tabulating equipment.
E. The appointments of Lynda Schafer, Donna Calton and Linda Funkhouser
as Assistants to the Tabulation Supervisor are hereby approved. They shall
assist the Tabulation Supervisor in the operation of the automatic tabulating
equipment as directed by the Tabulation Supervisor.
F. Patricia Benavides is hereby appointed as Presiding Judge of the
Central Counting Station. She shall maintain order at the Central Counting
Station and shall have such authority as may be prescribed by the Texas
Election Code, as amended.
That the City Secretary is hereby ordered and directed to prepare and
issue ballots for absentee voting and for electronic voting and to stamp same
"Official Ballot." Said ballots shall be printed in English and in Spanish
for use in said elections.
That the City Secretary of the City of Fort Worth shall furnish election
officials said ballots and voting equipment, together with any other forms,
blanks or instructions in accordance with the Charter of the City of Fort
Worth, Texas, and the laws of the State of Texas insofar as same are
That the polls shall be kept open from seven o'clock A.M. until seven
o'clock P.M., on May 4, 1991, and that due return shall be made to the City
Council showing the number of votes cast for each candidate for the office of
Mayor and for membership on the City Council.
That any candidate receiving a majority of all the votes cast for the
office for which he or she is a candidate shall be elected to such office;
but that, in the event of a tie or in the event that no candidate receives a
majority of all the votes cast for the office sought, the Mayor, on the first
day after the completion of the official tabulation and canvass of the
returns, shall issue a call, proclamation and notice for a second election,
as required by law, to be held on May 25, 1991, to fill that place, at which
second election the two candidates receiving the highest number of votes for
any such office or offices, as the case may be, in the first election, at
which no one was elected by receiving a majority of all the votes cast for
all candidates for such office or offices, shall again be voted for.
That the single member districts (described and defined with
particularity in Ordinance Nos. 7323, 7392, 7441, 7869, 7963, 8047, 8261,
8682, 8712, 8719, 8909, 9304, 9548, 9618, 9804, 10257, 10532 and 10796) and
the precincts therein, are set out with particularity on Exhibit "A" attached
hereto and made a part hereof.
Only qualified electors residing within the boundary of District No. 2
shall be eligible to vote for a candidate for Member of Council, Place No. 2.
Only qualified electors residing within the boundary of District No. 3 shall
be eligible to vote for a candidate for Member of Council, Place No. 3. Only
qualified electors residing within the boundary of District No. 4 shall be
Minutes of City Council R-3 Page 198
No qualified elector of the City shall be eligible to vote for a
candidate for Member of the City Council of the City of Fort Worth from other
than the district of residency of such elector. All qualified electors of
the City shall be eligible to vote for candidates for the office of Mayor.
That the location of the polling places for the election of Mayor and
City Council members; except insofar as they may be changed by the City
Council, are set forth on Exhibit "B" attached hereto and made a part hereof.
That the City Council shall appoint a Presiding Judge and an Alternate
Presiding Judge for each precinct or portion thereof within the City Council
Single Member Districts.
Each Presiding Judge shall appoint not less than two nor more than eight
qualified election clerks to serve and assist in conducting said elections,
provided that, if the Presiding Judge actually serves as expected, the
Alternate Presiding Judge shall be one of such clerks.
That said elections shall be held under the provisions of the Charter of
the City of Fort Worth, Texas, and the Constitution and laws of the State of
Texas, insofar as same may be applicable, and all duly qualified resident
electors of each respective single member district shall be allowed to vote
in the mayoralty election on candidates for the office of Mayor. Each and
every candidate for Mayor or Member of the City Council of the City of Fort
Worth shall be a qualified elector of the City.
This ordinance shall constitute the proclamation, call, notice and
ordinance calling and ordering said elections.
to vote
f or a candidate
f or
Member of Council, Place
4. Only
Ordinance No.
residing within
boundary of District No.
shall be
10797 cont.
to vote
for a candidate
Member of Council, Place
5. Only
Fort Worth City Council.
residing within
boundary of District No.
shall be
to vote
for a candidate
Member of Council, Place
6. Only
residing within
boundary of District No.
shall be
to vote
for a candidate
Member of Council, Place
7. Only
residing within
boundary of District No.
shall be
to vote
for a candidate
Member of Council, Place
8. Only
residing within
boundary of District No.
shall be
eligible to vote for a candidate for
Member of Council, Place No.
No qualified elector of the City shall be eligible to vote for a
candidate for Member of the City Council of the City of Fort Worth from other
than the district of residency of such elector. All qualified electors of
the City shall be eligible to vote for candidates for the office of Mayor.
That the location of the polling places for the election of Mayor and
City Council members; except insofar as they may be changed by the City
Council, are set forth on Exhibit "B" attached hereto and made a part hereof.
That the City Council shall appoint a Presiding Judge and an Alternate
Presiding Judge for each precinct or portion thereof within the City Council
Single Member Districts.
Each Presiding Judge shall appoint not less than two nor more than eight
qualified election clerks to serve and assist in conducting said elections,
provided that, if the Presiding Judge actually serves as expected, the
Alternate Presiding Judge shall be one of such clerks.
That said elections shall be held under the provisions of the Charter of
the City of Fort Worth, Texas, and the Constitution and laws of the State of
Texas, insofar as same may be applicable, and all duly qualified resident
electors of each respective single member district shall be allowed to vote
in the mayoralty election on candidates for the office of Mayor. Each and
every candidate for Mayor or Member of the City Council of the City of Fort
Worth shall be a qualified elector of the City.
This ordinance shall constitute the proclamation, call, notice and
ordinance calling and ordering said elections.
notice of said elections
shall be given by: (1) publishing a
of this ordinance, in English and in
Spanish, at least once, not earlier
the 30th
day or later than the
10th day before the date set for
in a newspaper published in
said City; and (2) not later than
21st day
before the date set for
the elections, posting a copy of
in English and in Spanish,
on the City's bulletin board used
posting notices of the meetings of the
Fort Worth City Council.
That the way and manner of holding said elections, the notice to be
given therefor, the polling places, the personnel and the officers who are to
hold same, and all details connected with the holding of the elections shall
be provided for and arranged by the City Secretary; that the proper notice
and publication of this notice, proclamation and ordinance shall only be
cumulative of and in addition to the statutory notice of said elections as
herein provided; and that any omission or irregularity in this notice or in
the publication or posting of this notice, proclamation and ordinance, or in
the signing of same, shall not in any way affect or invalidate such
That in all respects, said elections shall be conducted in accordance
with the Texas Election Code, as amended.
That it is hereby officially found and determined that the meeting at
which this ordinance was adopted and said elections were called was open to
the public and public notice of the time, place and purpose of said meeting
was given, all as required by Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes, Article
6252-17, as amended.
Minutes of City Council R-3 Page 199
rdinance No.
0797 cont.
That this ordinance, election order, proclamation and notice shall take
effect and be in full force and effect from and after the date of its
passage, and it is so ordained.
JANUARY 1, 1990
All Precincts - At
3061, 3124,
3362, 4017, 4044*, 4048, 4050,
4087, 4092, 4093, 4110,
4231, 4234*,
4372*, 4374*,
411*, 413*
1071*, 1111*,
4118, 4129,
4130, 4135,
4239, 4255*,
4276, 4342,
4371, 4375
2088, 2099,
2126, 2146, 2170, 2185, 2278,
3066, 3082, 3101, 3109,
3227, 3236,
3277, 3363,
5 1011, 1074, 1075, 1098, 1106, 1127, 1132, 1149, 1152, 11849
11889 12119 1297, 12999 1346, 2270
6 1004, 1014, 1022, 1024*, 1034*, 1085, 1105, 1119, 1150, 1165,
1167, 1207, 1237, 1238, 1244*, 1251, 1256, 1257, 1264, 1265,
1273, 1292, 1300, 1347*, 1348*, 1349*, 1350*, 1351, 1378*,
2262* .
7 3001, 3253, 4002, 4016, 4053*, 4057, 4064, 4065*, 4086, 4094,
4113, 4116, 4120, 4125, 4137, 4232*, 4242*, 4243, 4252, 4272,
4274, 4285, 4341, 4344, 4345, 4373*, 4376
8 1005, 1010, 1058, 1059, 1073, 1078, 1079, 1080, 1083, 10899
1090, 1104, 1107, 1154, 1291, 3008, 3019, 3056, 4006
9 1062, 1077, 1081, 1096, 1097, 1108, 1117, 1133, 1134, 1155,
1195, 1201, 1233, 1288, 1298, 4060, 4076, 4084, 4095, 4182,
*Split Precincts
1. Split with unincorporated territory or other municipalities
1024, 1034, 1071, 1111, 1186, 1244, 1347, 1348, 1349, 1350, 1378, 2262,
3199, 4044, 4053, 4065, 4069, 4232, 4234, 4242, 4255, 4261, 4369, 4372,
4373, 4374, 411, 413
MAY 4, 1991 (AS OF - FEBRUARY 21, 1991)
3054, 3061
3124, 3362-0
4044, 4234, 4374, 4372
411, 413
Progressive Baptist Church
1702 Carver Avenue, 76102
Midtown Church of Christ
1701 Oakhurst Scenic Drive, 76111
St. Thomas Catholic Church
2920 Azle Avenue, 76106
Fossil Hill Middle School
3821 Staghorn Circle South, 76137
Metro Opportunity School
215 Northeast 14th Street, 76106
Washington Heights Elementary School
3215 North Houston Street, 76106
Luttrell Building (Rear Entrance)
2200 Northeast 28th Street, 76106
Minutes of City Council R-3 Page 200
Ordinance No. 4067 Denver Avenue Elementary School
10797 cont. 1412 Denver Avenue, 76106
4068 Rosen Heights Baptist Church
2524 Roosevelt Avenue, 76106
4087 Northside Branch Library
601 Park Street, 76106
4092 Manuel Jara Elementary School
2100 Lincoln Avenue, 76106
4093 M.H. Moore Elementary School
1809 Northeast 36th Street, 76106
4110 Northside Multipurpose Center
1901 Harrington Avenue, 76106
4122 Azle Avenue Baptist Church
2901 Azle Avenue, 76106
4123 Wesley Community Center
3600 Crump Street, 76106
4231 Diamond Hill Jarvis High School
1411 Maydell Street, 76106
4250 Fire Station #9
2575 Polaris Drive, 76137
4261 Fire Station #31
4209 Longstraw Drive, 76137
1070, 1142, 1241 J.P. Moore School
4212 Belden Avenue, 76132
1071, 1186, 1296, 1377 Harris Methodist Southwest
6100 Harris Parkway, 76132
4015 Middle Level Learning Center
3813 Valentine Street, 76107
4069, 1111, 4255, 4276 First Baptist Church White Settlement
4369 121 Verna Trail, 76108
4118, 4178 Southern Baptist Radio & TV Center
6350 West Freeway, 76116
4129 Ridglea West Baptist Church
4416 Southwest Boulevard, 76116
4130, 4343, 4375-0 Southwest Regional Library
4001 Library Lane, 76109
4135 Westridge Baptist Church
9001 Weatherford Highway, 76116
4136, 4239-0 Luella Merrett Elementary School
7325 Kermit Avenue, 76116
4163, 4371 Westcliff Elementary School
4300 Clay Avenue, 76109
II 114179
R.D. Evans Recreation Center
3242 Lackland Rd. 76116
114203 Western Hills Elementary School
2805 Laredo Drive, 76116
4230 Faith Lutheran Church
4551 Southwest Boulevard, 76126
4342 Ridglea Hills Elementary School
6817 Cumberland Road, 7611Y (
2012 East Handley Elementary School
2617 Mims Street, 76112
2088 Sagamore Hill Elementary School
701 South Hughes Street, 76103
Minutes of City Council R-3 Page 201
Ordinance No.
10797 cont.
2126, 2311
2170, 2312
3082, 3198
3151, 3199-5 R.V.
3162, 3363-0
3197, 3227
1149, 1299
1152, 1184, 1297
Handley Meadowbrook Rec. Ctr.
6201 Beaty Street, 76112
Handley Middle School
2801 Patino Road, 76112
Eastern Hills High School
5701 Shelton Street, 76112
Meadowbrook Middle School
2001 Ederville Road, 76103
Meadowbrook Golf Course
1815 Jenson Road (Pro Shop), 76112
Brentwood Bible Church
6917 Brentwood Stair Road, 76112
Atwood McDonald Elementary School
1850 Barron Lane, 76112
Meadowbrook Baptist Church
3201 Purington Avenue, 76103
Zion Lutheran Church
1112 Eagle Drive, 76111
Carter -Riverside High School
3301 Yucca Avenue, 76111
Oakhurst Elementary School
2700 Yucca Avenue, 76111
Fire Station #20
1051 Woodhaven Boulevard, 76112
Bonnie Brae School
3600 Fossil Drive, 76111
St. John Baptist Church
3324 House Anderson Road, 76040
Romans VIII Ministry
201 Sandy Lane, 76112
KXAS TV Studio
3900 Barnett Street, 76103
White Lake School
501 Oakland Boulevard, 76103
Fort Worth Fire Station #33
14560 Statler Boulevard, 76040
Liberation Church
3540 East Rosedale Street, 76105
D. McRae Elementary School
3316 Avenue N, 76105
Sycamore Park Recreation Center
2525 East Rosedale Street, 76105
S.S. Dillow Elementary School
4000 Avenue N, 76105
East Berry Branch Library
4300 East Berry Street, 76105
Martin Luther King Center
5565 Truman Drive, 76112
Truevine Baptist Church
3732 Miller Avenue, 76119
Glen Park Elementary School
3601 Pecos Street, 76119
A.M. Pate Elementary School
3800 Anglin Drive, 76119
Paul Laurence Dunbar High School
5700 Ramey Avenue, 76112
Minutes of City Council R-3 Page 202
1211 Sunrise Elementary School
Ordinance No. 3409 Stalcup Road, 76105
10797 cont.
1346 Dunbar - 6th Grade Center
5100 Willie Street, 76105
2270 Fire Station #24
3100 Handley Drive, 76112
1004 Westcreek Elementary School
3401 Walton Avenue, 76133
1014 Edge Park United Methodist Church
5616 Crowley Road, 76134
1022 St. Matthews Lutheran Church
5709 Old Granbury Road, 76123
1024, 1034, 1244, 2262 Precinct One Garage
800 Oak Grove -Rendon (Hwy 1187),
1085 Rosemont Middle School
1501 West Seminary Drive, 76115
1105 Southwest High School
4100 Altamesa Boulevard, 76133
1119, 1265, 1347, 1348 Westminister Presbyterian Church
1350-0 7001 Trail Lake Drive, 76133
1150, 1237 E. Ray Elementary School
7309 Sheridan Road, 76140
1165 South Hills Elementary School
3009 Bilglade Road, 76133
1167, 1257 Fort Worth Classroom Teachers Bldg
6021 Westcreek Drive, 76133
1207, 1349-0 Altamesa Church of Christ
4600 Altamesa Boulevard, 76133
1238 Trinity Cumberland Presby. Church
7120 West Cleburne Road, 76133
1251, 1300, 1378 Sycamore Elementary School
1601 Country Manor Road, 76134
1256, 1351-0 Hubbard Elementary School
1333 West Spurgeon Street, 76115
1264 J.T. Stevens Elementary School
6161 Wrigley Way, 76133
1273 South Hills Baptist Church
4800 Merida Street, 76133
1292 Southwood Baptist Church
2633 Altamesa Boulevard, 76133
3001 Civil Courts Building (Lobby)
100 North Houston Street, 76196
3253 Charles E. Nash Elementary School
401 Samuels Avenue, 76102
4002 Hunter Plaza
200 Burnett Street, 76102
4016 South Hi Mount Elementary School
4101 Birchman Avenue, 76107
4053, 4232 Fire Station #13
5333 Lea Crest Lane, 76135
4057 Trinity Terrace
1600 Texas Street, 76102
4064 FWISD Administration Building
3210 West Lancaster Street, 76107
Minutes of City Council R-3 Page 203
4086, 4344 Texas Girls Choir Building
Ordinance No. Ordinance
4449 Camp Bowie Boulevard, 76107
4094, 4345 Arlington Heights High School
4501 West Rosedale Street, 76107
4116 North Hi Mount Elementary School
3801 West Seventh Street, 76107
4120, 4274, 4341 Como Elementary School
4000 Horne Street, 76107
4125, 4243 Trinity Baptist Church
620 Churchill Road, 76114
4137 Jo Kelly School
201 North Bailey Street, 76107
4065, 4113, 4272 Shady Oaks Manor Apartments
4242, 4285, 4373 6148 San Villa Drive, 76135
4252 American Legion Post #626
1125 Burton Hill Road, 76114
4376 Ripley Arnold Apartments
706 West Bluff Street, 76102
1005, 4006 Van Zandt-Guinn Elementary School
501 Missouri Avenue, 76104
Community Christian Center
1720 East 'Vickery Boulevard, 76104
Herculean Social Club
1117 East Hattie Street, 76104
Southside Multipurpose Center
959 East Rosedale Street, 76104
Senior Citizens Fellowship Center
1601 New York Avenue, 76104
Mt. Olive Baptist Church
2951 Evans Avenue, 76104
Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church
960 East Baltimore Avenue, 76104
Greater Harvest Church of God/Christ
2902 Mitchell Boulevard, 76105
Oaklawn Elementary School
3220 Hardeman Street, 76119
1089 Morningside Elementary School
2601 Evans Avenue, 76104
1090 Progressive Church of God in Christ
1349 East Baltimore Avenue, 76104
1104 Bradley Center
2608 Timberline Drive, 76119
1107 Worth Heights Multipurpose Center
3551 New York, 76115
1154 Carter Park Elementary School
1204 East Broadus Street, 76115
1291 East St. Paul Baptist Church
1305 Savage Drive, 76134
3008 Versia L. Williams Elementary School
901 Baurline Street, 76111
3019 Riverside Multipurpose Center
201 South Sylvania Avenue, 76111
3056 Butler Place
1658 Waters, 76102
Minutes of City Council R-3 Page 204
Ordinance No.II DISTRICT 9
10797 cont.
1062, 1077 St. John's Episcopal Church
2401 College Avenue, 76110
1081 University Christian Church
2720 University Drive, 76109
1096 E.M. Daggett Middle School
1108 Carlock Street, 76110
1097 George C. Clarke Elementary School
3300 South Henderson Street, 76110
1108, 1298 R.L. Paschal High School
3001 Forest Park Boulevard, 76110
1117 Bluebonnet School
3201 South Hills Avenue, 76109
1133 St. Christopher Episcopal Church
3550 Southwest Loop 820, 76133
1134 B.H. Carroll Center (New Lives)
3908 McCart Street, 76110
1155 Rosemont Church of Christ
4041 Ryan Avenue, 76115
1195 South Fort Worth Elementary School
900 West Fogg Street, 76110
1201 Worth Heights Elementary School
519 East Butler Street, 76110
1233, 1288 Fire Station #10
3209 Hemphill Street, 76110
4060 DeZavala Elementary School
1419 College Avenue, 76104
4076, 4095 Lily B. Clayton Elementary School
2000 Park Place Avenue, 76110
4084, 4370-0 Hemphill Presbyterian Church
1701 Hemphill Street, 76110
4182 Tanglewood Elementary School
3060 Overton Park Drive West, 76109
M&C P-4757 re
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-4757 from the City
annual maintenance
Manager stating that CA -1 is a software product that the Information Systems and
of mainframe soft-
Services Department, Data Processing Division, has used over 12 years to protect and
ware for the In-
retain data stored on magnetic tape; that CA -1 is the industry standard for the
formation System
management of magnetic tape resources and is unsurpassed in its reliability and
and Services De-
conformity to change in the IBM software that it must match; stating that funds are
partment with sole
available in General Fund GG01, Center No. 0044000, Account No. 536010; and
source, Computer
recommending that the City Council authorize annual maintenance of mainframe software
Associates Inter-
for one year for the Information Systems and Services Department with the sole source,
Computer Associates International, for an amount not to exceed $5,733.00 f.o.b. Fort
Worth, with term of agreement to be effective February 5, 1991, to February 4, 1992.
It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendations be adopted.
M&C P-4758 re
purchase of se—.-'
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-4758 from the City
curi ty services
Manager stating that, because of the possibility of military action in the Mideast and
from Bailey Ing-
subsequent subversive activities in the United States, the Water Department felt it
vestiga tors and
necessary to secure the water production plants at two locations, Rolling Hills Water
Security for Nater
Treatment Plant and the Holly Water Treatment Plant; that the security is for 24 hours
per day for two months; that the Department of Law was informed of the purchase on
January 15, 1991; stating that funds are available in Water and Sewer Operating
Fund PE45, Center No. 0605002, Account No. 539120; and recommending that the City
Council confirm the emergency purchase of security services from Bailey Investigators
and Security for the Water Department for an amount not to exceed $23,760.00. It was
the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
M&C P-4759 re
purchase agreement
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-4759 from the City
with Burns Inter-
Manager submitting a tabulation of bids received for a one-year purchase agreement with
national Security
two one-year renewal options to provide security guard service for the Transportation
Service to provide
and Public Works Department; stating that budgeted funds are sufficient to cover the
security guard
anticipated expenditure by each department participating in the agreement; and
service for Trans-
recommending that the purchase agreement be authorized with Burns International
portation and =
-- Security Service on it low bid of $7.06 per hour, with term of agreement to be
Public Works De-
effective from date of approval until expiration one year later. It was the consensus
par tmen t
I of the City Council that the recommendations be adopted.
Minutes of City Council R-3 Page 205
M&C P-4760 re
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-4760 from the City
purchase of
Manager stating that the Fixed Base Operator at Spinks Airport withdrew from that
security services
location on September 1, 1990; that the City then was responsible for the security of
from Texas Elite
the airplanes hangared at the airport; that Texas Elite Security was placed at the
Security for
airport during the interim; that the security services originally were implemented for
Aviation Depart-
less than one month, however, the requests for proposals for a new Fixed Base Operator
ment, Spinks Air-
will not be completed and authorized by Council until March of 1991; that the new
F.B.O. will assume the responsibility for security when the contract is completed; that
Oxygen Cell S-3
staff requests Council confirmation of the purchase of security services through
March 31, 1991, for an amount not to exceed $21,000.00; stating that funds are
available in Airports Fund PE4O, Center No. 0552002, Account No. 539120; and
Oxygen Cell S-1
recommending that the City Council confirm the purchase of security services from Texas
Elite Security for the Aviation Department, Spinks Airport, for an amount not to exceed
$21,000.00. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be
Instrument Case LC -100
Withdrew M&C P-
4761 from the
M&C P-4762 re
purchase equip-
ment with Casco
Industries to
provide originial
equipment manufac-
turers' pump for
various department
M&C P-4762 adopted
M&C P-4763 re
purchase agreemen
for all City de-
partments with
Hamrick's Hydrau-
lics, Inc.
M&C P-4764 re
purchase agreement
with Dantack Cor-
poration for parts
and labor on Enmet
gas detectors for
Water Department
It was the consensus of the City Council that Mayor and Council Communication
No. P-4761, Purchase Agreement With Option for Renewal to Provide Batteries for City
Department from Multiple Vendors, be withdrawn from the agenda.
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-4762 from the City
Manager submitting a tabulation of bids received for a purchase agreement to provide
original equipment manufacturer's pump parts for various departments; stating that
budgeted funds are sufficient to cover the anticipated expenditure by each department
participating in the agreement; and recommending that the City Council authorize:
1. A purchase agreement with Casco Industries to provide original equipment
manufacturers' pump parts for various departments on the low bid of the
following discounts:
A. Waterous pump parts
B. Hale pump parts
C. Hale valve pump parts
D. Akron valve pump parts
E. Elkhart valve pump
Manufacturer's suggested
list price less 18%
Manufacturer's suggested
list price less 25%
Manufacturer's suggested
list price less 25%
Manufacturer's suggested
list price less 40%
Manufacturer's suggested
list price less 40%
2. The agreement to begin March 9, 1991, and end one year later, with two
additional one-year options to renew.
It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendations be adopted.
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-4763 from the City
Manager submitting a tabulation of bids received for a purchase agreement to provide
hydraulic component repair service for all City departments; stating that budgeted
funds are sufficient to cover the anticipated expenditure by each department; and
recommending that the purchase agreement be authorized with Hamrick's Hydraulics, Inc.,
on its low bid of $9.00 per hour for labor and parts at list price, less ten percent
discount, with the agreement to begin March 21, 1991, and end March 20, 1992, with two
additional one-year options to renew. It was the consensus of the City Council that
the recommendations be adopted.
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-4764 from the City
Manager submitting a tabulation of bids received for a purchase agreement, with option
to renew annually for two years, for parts and labor on Enmet gas detectors for the
Water Department; stating that budgeted funds are sufficient to cover the anticipated
expenditure by the Water Department; and recommending that the City Council authorize:
1. A purchase agreement with option to renew annually for two years for
parts and labor on Enmet Gas Detectors with Dantack Corporation on the
low overall bid, as follows:
Labor -General Repair
Field Test Gas
CGS -100 Toxic Battery Charger
Sensor CGS -100 Toxic
Sensor CGS -100 Combustible
Oxygen Cell S-3
Oxygen Cell S-2
Oxygen Cell S-1
Power Pak GS -100
Instrument Case LC -100
Battery Charges CGS/80
Sensor CGS -80 Toxic
Minutes of City Council R-3 Page 206
4r,vt 1''+
IG,i v i
C P-4764 cont. 13. Sensor CGS -80 Combustible $35.00/each
14. Lead -Acid Battery CGS -80 $95.00/each
15. Instrument Case CGS -80 $70.00/each
16. Part List Percent 0%
17. F.O.B. Destination No Charge
2. The agreement to be effective from the date of authorization by the City
Council until expiration one year later, or until expiration of
authorized options.
r. Judson Bailiff
e M&C P-4764 In response to a question raised by Council Member Chappell, Mr. Judson Bailiff,
Director of the Finance Department, appeared before the City Council and advised the
City Council that he could not determine the method by which bidders arrived at their
quoted prices.
Council Member Chappell requested that the identical bids submitted on Mayor and
Council Communication No. P-4764 be investigated and that a report be made to the City
Council Member Chappell made a motion, seconded by Council Member McCray, that the
recommendations, as contained in Mayor and Council Communication No. P-4764, be
&C P-4767 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-4767 from the City
urchase of 800 Manager submitting a tabulation of bids received for the purchase of 800 bales of
ales of Canadian Canadian spagnum peat moss for the Park and Recreation Department; stating that funds
pagnum peat moss are available in General Fund GGO1, Center Nos. 0802070, 0802060, and 0802032; and
or Park and Re- expenditures will be made from Account No. 522030, Center No. 0802070, and Account
reation Department No. 522010, Center Nos. 0802060 and 0802032; and recommending that the purchase be made
rom A.H. Hummert from A.H. Hummert Company on low bid of $7,928.00 plus freight of $70.00 for a total
ompany amount not to exceed $7,998.00 net, f.o.b. Fort Worth. It was the consensus of the
City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
&C P-4768 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-4768 from the City
urchase agreement Manager submitting a tabulation of bids received for a purchase agreement for the
or purchase of purchase of genuine Lift All, Hi -Ranger, Reach All, Mobark Eager Beaver parts at
enuine Lift All, manufacturer's suggested list price, and Dunham and Teague Auger manufacturer's
i -Ranger, Reach replacement parts for the City Services Department; stating that budgeted funds are
11, Mobark Eager sufficient to cover the anticipated expenditure by the department participating in the
eaver parts and agreement; and recommending that the City Council authorize:
unham and Teague
uger parts with 1. A purchase agreement for the purchase of genuine Lift All, Hi -Ranger,
.E.C. Equipment Reach All, Mobark Eager Beaver parts at manufacturer's suggested list
ompany price, and Dunham and Teague Auger manufacturer's replacement parts at
manufacturer's suggested list price less 20 percent with U.E.C.
Equipment Company on the low bid for the City Services Department; and
2. The agreement to begin March 7, 1991, and end March 6, 1992, with two
additional one-year options to renew.
&C P-4768 adopted
It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendations be adopted.
&C P-4769 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-4769 from the City
urchase agreement Manager submitting a tabulation of bids received for a quotation received for a
or purchase of purchase agreement for genuine Pak -Mor manufacturer's replacement parts for the City
enuine Pak -Mor Services Department; stating that budgeted funds are sufficient to cover the
arts with Davis anticipated expenditure; and recommending that the purchase agreement be authorized
ruck and Equip- with Davis Truck and Equipment Company, Inc., on low bid of unit prices at
ent Company, Inc. manufacturer's suggested list price, with term of agreement to begin March 7, 1991, and
end March 6, 1992, with two additional one-year options to renew. It was the consensus
of the City Council that the recommendations be adopted.
&C P-4770 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-4770 from the City
urchase agreement Manager stating that the City Council approved a purchase agreement on January 3, 1989,
i th sole source by Mayor and Council Communication No. P-3104, with Leeds and Northrup Systems for
e ndor, Leeds and repair parts and engineering services for the Water Department; that Leeds and Northrup
orthrup Systems, Systems is the sole source for parts, repair parts, and engineering services; stating
or repair parts
nd engineering
ervices for Water
Minutes of City Council R-3 Page 207
adopted. When the motion was put to a vote by the Mayor, it prevailed unanimously.
&C P-4765 re
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-4765 from the City
urchase agreement
Manager submitting a tabulation of bids received for a purchase agreement to furnish
ith Jesse P.
engine oil for the Water Department; stating that budgeted funds are sufficient to
aylor Oil Company
cover the anticipated expenditure; and recommending that the purchase agreement be
o furnish engine
authorized with Jesse P. Taylor Oil Company on its low bid of $2.28 per gallon, with
it for Water De-
term of agreement beginning February 24, 1991, and ending one year later, with two
additional one-year options to renew. It was the consensus of the City Council that
the recommendations be adopted.
&C P-4766 re
urchase agredment
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-4766 from the City
ithsTeiagaCed trac-
Manager submitting a tabulation of bids received for a purchase agreement to provide
asphalt crack sealer for the Transportation and Public Works Department; stating that
budgeted funds are sufficient to cover the anticipated expenditure by the department
participating in the agreement; and recommending that the purchase agreement be
authorized with Texas Contractors Supply Company on its low bid of $0.215 per pound,
nd�Publ i c Works
with term of agreement beginning January 16, 1991, and ending one year later. It was
e par tmen t
the consensus of the City Council that the recommendations be adopted.
&C P-4767 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-4767 from the City
urchase of 800 Manager submitting a tabulation of bids received for the purchase of 800 bales of
ales of Canadian Canadian spagnum peat moss for the Park and Recreation Department; stating that funds
pagnum peat moss are available in General Fund GGO1, Center Nos. 0802070, 0802060, and 0802032; and
or Park and Re- expenditures will be made from Account No. 522030, Center No. 0802070, and Account
reation Department No. 522010, Center Nos. 0802060 and 0802032; and recommending that the purchase be made
rom A.H. Hummert from A.H. Hummert Company on low bid of $7,928.00 plus freight of $70.00 for a total
ompany amount not to exceed $7,998.00 net, f.o.b. Fort Worth. It was the consensus of the
City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
&C P-4768 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-4768 from the City
urchase agreement Manager submitting a tabulation of bids received for a purchase agreement for the
or purchase of purchase of genuine Lift All, Hi -Ranger, Reach All, Mobark Eager Beaver parts at
enuine Lift All, manufacturer's suggested list price, and Dunham and Teague Auger manufacturer's
i -Ranger, Reach replacement parts for the City Services Department; stating that budgeted funds are
11, Mobark Eager sufficient to cover the anticipated expenditure by the department participating in the
eaver parts and agreement; and recommending that the City Council authorize:
unham and Teague
uger parts with 1. A purchase agreement for the purchase of genuine Lift All, Hi -Ranger,
.E.C. Equipment Reach All, Mobark Eager Beaver parts at manufacturer's suggested list
ompany price, and Dunham and Teague Auger manufacturer's replacement parts at
manufacturer's suggested list price less 20 percent with U.E.C.
Equipment Company on the low bid for the City Services Department; and
2. The agreement to begin March 7, 1991, and end March 6, 1992, with two
additional one-year options to renew.
&C P-4768 adopted
It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendations be adopted.
&C P-4769 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-4769 from the City
urchase agreement Manager submitting a tabulation of bids received for a quotation received for a
or purchase of purchase agreement for genuine Pak -Mor manufacturer's replacement parts for the City
enuine Pak -Mor Services Department; stating that budgeted funds are sufficient to cover the
arts with Davis anticipated expenditure; and recommending that the purchase agreement be authorized
ruck and Equip- with Davis Truck and Equipment Company, Inc., on low bid of unit prices at
ent Company, Inc. manufacturer's suggested list price, with term of agreement to begin March 7, 1991, and
end March 6, 1992, with two additional one-year options to renew. It was the consensus
of the City Council that the recommendations be adopted.
&C P-4770 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-4770 from the City
urchase agreement Manager stating that the City Council approved a purchase agreement on January 3, 1989,
i th sole source by Mayor and Council Communication No. P-3104, with Leeds and Northrup Systems for
e ndor, Leeds and repair parts and engineering services for the Water Department; that Leeds and Northrup
orthrup Systems, Systems is the sole source for parts, repair parts, and engineering services; stating
or repair parts
nd engineering
ervices for Water
Minutes of City Council R-3 Page 207
M&C P-4770 cont. that funds are available in Water and Sewer Operating Fund PE45, Account No. 0705002,
Index Code 539120; and recommending that the City Council exercise the second year of a
two-year option for renewal with the sole source vendor, Leeds and Northrup Systems,
not to exceed $35,000.00 annually net, f.o.b. Fort Worth, with term of agreement to be
effective from January 2, 1991, through January 1, 1992. It was the consensus of the
City Council that the recommendations be adopted.
M&C P-4771 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-4771 from the City
purchase of type- Manager submitting a tabulation of bids received for the purchase of typewriters for
writers for the the Police Department; stating that funds are available in Fund FE72, Center
Police Department No. 035535000000, Account No.- 541320, and General Fund GGO1, Center No. 0356500,
from Word Tech- Account No. 524010; and recommending that the purchase be made from Word Technologies
nologies and Nev- for an amount of $5,102.30 and Neville Business Machines, Inc., for an amount of
ille Business $8,754.00 for a total amount of $13,856.30 net, f.o.b. Fort Worth. It was the
Machines, Inc. consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
M&C P-4772 re ' There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-4772 from the City
purchase of one Manager submitting a tabulation of bids received for the purchase of one sewer flushing
sewer flushing truck for Equipment Services; stating that purchases will be charged to Equipment
truck for Equip- Services Operating Fund PI61, Account No. 141700; and recommending that the purchase be
men t Services from made from Southwest Truck Sales on low bid meeting City specifications of $71,590.00
Southwest Truck net, f.o.b. Fort Worth. It was the consensus of the City Council that the
Sales recommendation be adopted.
M&C P-4773 re
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. P-4773 from the City
Manager stating that the City Council approved the purchase of two fire trucks on
agreement to MNC
February 12, 1991, by Mayor and Council Communication No. P-4731; that Emergency One
Goverment Finance
was awarded the bid for the brush truck on low bid of $178,931.00; that Simon LTI was
with Ford Motor
awarded the bid for the 75 -Foot Quint on low bid of $453,806.00; that the City Manager
Credit Company
was authorized to execute a 7.33 percent 84 -month lease/purchase agreement with
Maryland National Corporation Leasing to finance the total purchase of $632,737.00;
that Maryland National Corporation is requesting the approval of a resolution to
complete the documentation for lease/purchase; and recommending that the City Council
approve a resolution authorizing the award of a lease/purchase agreement to MNC
Government Finance and the execution and delivery of an equipment lease/purchase
agreement and related instruments with the assignee of MNC Government Finance, Ford
Motor Credit Company, and determining other matters in connection therewith.
Mr. Judson Bailiff
Mr. Judson Bailiff, Director of the Finance Department, appeared before the City
re M&C P-4773
Council and advised the City Council of equipment that has been purchased on a
lease/purchase agreement up to this date.
Mayor Bolen requested that a comparison be made in order to determine the savings
when purchasing equipment on a lease/purchase agreement.
Council Member Chappell made a motion, seconded by Council Member Gilley, that the
recommendation, as contained in Mayor and Council Communication No. P-4773, be adopted.
When the motion was put to a vote by the Mayor, it prevailed unanimously.
Introduced a
Council Member Chappell introduced a resolution and made a motion that it be
adopted. The motion was seconded by Council Member Meadows. The motion, carrying with
it the adoption of said resolution, prevailed by the following vote:
AYES: Mayor Bolen; Mayor Pro tempore Garrison; Council Members Zapata,
Granger, McCray, Gilley, Meadows, Webber, and Chappell
Resolution No.
NOES: None
The resolution, as adopted, is as follows:
WHEREAS, the governing body of the City of Fort Worth, Texas ("Lessee")
has determined that a true, and very real need exists for the Equipment (the
"Equipment") described in the Equipment Lease/Purchase Agreement (the
"Agreement") presented to this meeting; and
WHEREAS, Lessee has taken the necessary steps, including those relating
to any applicable legal bidding requirements, to arrange for the acquisition
of the Equipment; and
WHEREAS, Lessee proposes to enter into the Agreement substantially in
the form presented to this meeting; and
Minutes of City Council R-3 Page 208
Iv, I✓
&C P-4773 cont. Section 1. It is hereby found and determined that the terms of the
Agreement in the form presented to this meeting and incorporated in this
resolution, are in the best interests of Lessee for the acquisition of the
Section 2. The Agreement is hereby approved. The
of Lessee and any other officer of Lessee who
shall have power to enter into the Agreement with the Assignee of MNC
Government Finance, Ford Motor Credit Company, execute contracts on behalf of
Lessee, and each of them hereby is, authorized to execute, acknowledge and
deliver the Agreement with any changes, insertions and omissions therein as
may be approved by the officers who execute the Agreement, such approval to
be conclusively evidenced by such execution and delivery of the Agreement.
The of the Lessee and any other officer
of Lessee who shall have power to do so be, and each of them hereby is,
authorized to affix the official seal of Lessee to the Agreement and attest
the same.
Section 3. The proper officers of Lessee be, and each of them hereby
is, authorized and directed to execute and deliver any and all papers,
instruments, opinion, certificates, affidavits and other documents and to do
or cause to be done any and all other acts and things necessary or proper for
carrying out this resolution and the Agreement.
M&C L-10406 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-10406 from the City
acquisition of Manager recommending that the City pay a total consideration of $536.00 for a
land rectangularly -shaped strip of land from the south property line of Lot M, Block 7,
Trentment Revision of Cobbs Orchard Addition, as described in Volume 7325, Page 477,
Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas; same lying on the north side of existing Martin
Avenue, being 6.69 feet in width on the west boundary and 175.0 feet in length; located
at 4744 Tallman Street; owned by Life Fellowship Intl., Inc.; and required for
reconstruction of Martin Avenue from Wichita Street to Shackleford Street. It was the
consensus of the City Council that the land be acquired as recommended and that the
expenditure be charged to Street Improvements Fund GS67, Center No. 016670402400,
Account No. 541100.
M&C L-10407 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-10407 from the City
acquisition of Manager recommending that the City pay a total consideration of $300.00 for a
land rectangularly -shaped strip of land from the north property line of Lot 1, Block 26,
Glen Park Addition, as described in Volume 9327, Page 2273, Deed Records, Tarrant
County, Texas; same lying on the south side of Martin Street and being five feet in
width and 120 feet in length; located at 4801 011ie Street; owned by Guadalupe Vasquez
and wife, Luz; and required for reconstruction of Martin Street from Wichita Street to
Shackleford Street. It was the consensus of the City Council that the land be
acquired as recommended and that the expenditure be charged to Street Improvements
Fund GS67, Center No. 016670402400, Account No. 541100.
M&C L-10408 re
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-10408 from the City
acquisition of land
Manager recommending that the City pay a total consideration of $1,000.00 for an
and temporary ease
irregularly -shaped parcel of land ranging from 11.64 feet to 22.13 feet in width and
ranging from approximately 40 feet to approximately 52 feet in length located at the
northwesterly corner of Lot 31, Block 23, Sabine Place, as recorded in Volume 388-Y,
Page 92, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas; and an irregularly-shaped temporary
construction easement ranging from approximately 11 feet to approximately 21 feet in
width and ranging from approximately 78 feet to approximately 85 feet in length,
located adjacent to the above-mentioned right-of-way; located at 1824 Terminal Road;
owned by Templo Berea Assambleas de Dios; and required for reconstruction of Terminal
Road from Weber Street to Deen Road. It was the consensus of the City Council that the
land and easement be acquired as recommended and that the expenditure be charged to
Street Improvements Fund GS67, Center No. 016670401870, Account No. 541100.
M&C L-10409 re
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-10409 from the City
acquisition of land
Manager -recommending that the City pay a total consideration of $750.00 for a
rectangularly -shaped temporary construction easement out of Lot 30-A-1 of the
W.B. Moncrief Addition, as recorded in Volume 3318, Page 368, Deed Records, Tarrant
County, Texas; same being 30.0 feet in width and 25.0 feet in depth and lying adjacent
to and contiguous with the west right-of-way line of Purselley Drive; located at
2304 Purselley Drive; owned by Mr. and Mrs. M.F. Enlow; and required for Meadowbrook
Drive Reconstruction from Watson to 820. It was the consensus of the City Council that
the easement be acquired as recommended and that the expenditure be charged to Street
Improvement Fund GS67, Center No. 016670401320, Account No. 541100.
M&C L-10410 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-10410 from the City
drainage easement Manager stating that Services Development Corporation desires to construct an entry
encroachment agree drive bridge which will create an encroachment on and over an existing easement granted
ment with Services to the City for a portion of Lot 1, Block 1, Lake Arlington Business Park; that the
Department Corpora executed Drainage Easement Encroachment Agreement has been submitted to the City; and
tion recommending that the City Manager be authorized to execute a Drainage Easement
Encroachment Agreement with Services Development Corporation. It was the consensus of
the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
M&C L-10411 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-10411 from the City
acquisition of Manager recommending that the City pay a total consideration of $283.00 for a
land rectangularly -shaped strip of land from the south property line of Lot 6A, Block 8,
Cobbs Orchard Addition, as described in Volume 3506, Page 187, Deed Records, Tarrant
Minutes of City Council R-3 Page 209
M&C L-10411 cont. County, Texas; same lying on the north side of Martin Street and being 9.62 feet in
width on the west boundary and 60 feet in length; located at 3321 Martin; owned by
Ardis S. Singer, individually and as independent executor of the estate of Verne W.
Singer, deceased; and required for reconstruction of Martin Street from Wichita Street
to Shackleford Street. It was the consensus of the City Council that the land be
acquired as recommended and that the expenditure be charged to Street Improvements
Fund GS67, Center No. 016670402400, Account No. 541100.
M&C L-10412 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-10412 from the City
acquisition of Manager recommending that the City pay a total consideration of $500.00 for a
land rectangularly -shaped strip of land from the north property line of Lot 8, Block 19,
Glen Park Addition, as described in Volume 7892, Page 1658, Deed Records, Tarrant
County, Texas; same being on the south side of existing Martin Street, being five feet
in width and 149.20 feet in length; located at 4800 Foard Street; owned by James H.
Smith, A Single Man, and Cram Mortgage Service, Inc.; and required for reconstruction
of Martin Street from Wichita Street to Shackleford Street. It was the consensus of
the City Council that the land be acquired as recommended and that the expenditure be
charged to Street Improvements Fund GS67, Center No. 016670402400, Account No. 541100.
M&C L-10413 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. L-10413 from the City
refund to Mr. Manager stating that the City Council approved the sale of Lots 9 and 10, Block 3,
Donald W. Williams Evans South to Donald W. Williams on June 12, 1990, by Mayor and Council Communication
No. L-10121; that the City is unable to deliver sufficient title to the property to
allow Mr. Williams to continue with the purchase; that it is necessary to refund his
down payment; stating that funds are available in Fund GGO1, Subsidiary Account
No. 1221940000000; and recommending that the City Manager be authorized to refund
$600.00 to Mr. Donald W. Williams which he submitted for a down payment on Lots 9 and
10, Block 3, Evans South Addition, for the purchase of City -owned property. It was the
consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
M&C PZ 1605 reThere was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. PZ -1605 from the City
Manager recommending that an ordinance be adopted vacating the west 120 feet of Bertha
vacating a portion Avenue, including a 40 -foot radius turn -around easement located in the remainder of
of Bertha Avenue Lot 1, Block 1, Echols Addition, as recorded in Volume 388-54, Page 21, P.R.T.C.T.;
Lot 15, Block 9, and Lot 1, Block 12, B. Jackson Addition, and an unplatted parcel of
land identified as Tract 3-A, G.J. Ashabranner Survey, Abstract 7, Tarrant County,
Texas, and a utility easement located in Lot 1, Block 1, Echol Addition. It was the
consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
Introduced an Council Member Gilley introduced an ordinance and made a motion that it be adopted.
Ordinance The motion was seconded by Council Member Meadows. The motion, carrying with it the
adoption of said ordinance, prevailed by the following vote:
AYES: Mayor Bolen; Mayor Pro tempore Garrison; Council Members Zapata,
Granger, McCray, Gilley, Meadows, Webber, and Chappell
NOES: None
The ordinance, as adopted, is as follows:
Ordinance Noy. ORDINANCE NO. 10799
M&C C-12743 re I
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No.
C-12743 from the City
contract with
Manager submitting a tabulation of bids received for concrete restoration of Lancaster
Centerline Cons-.
Avenue from Summit Avenue to
Currie Street; and recommending that
the City Council:
structors, Inc.
for Concrete Re-
1. Authorize the City
Manager to approve the following fund
storation of
Lancaster Avenue
GS93-020930531180 $100,917.76
To provide funds
1991 Program
Lancaster Avenue,
for construction
Summit Avenue to
plus possible
Currie Street
change orders.
2. Authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with Centerline
Constructors, Inc., for Concrete Restoration of Lancaster Avenue, from
Summit Avenue to Currie Street, in the amount of $94,917.76, and 36
working days.
M&C C-12743 adoptei It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendations be adopted.
M&C C-12744 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-12744 from the City
contract with Manager stating that the Home Improvement Loan program is a mainstay housing program
First Gibraltar funded by Community Development Block Grant funds and operated by the Housing Division
Bank, FSB I of the Housing and Human Services Department; that the program provides funds for
substantial home improvement repairs for low and moderate -income families in Fort
Minutes of City Council R-3 Page 210
M&C C-12744 cont. 11 Worth; that funds are held and disbursed by First Gibraltar Bank, FSB, under contract
M&C C-12746 reThere was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-12746 from the City
bond fund transfer Manager, as follows:
Engineering Agree-
Sanitary Sewer
It is recommended that the City Council: .
1. Authorize a bond fund transfer in the amount of $36,770 from Special
Assessments Fund GS94, Account No. 538070, Center No. 020940099050,
Special Assessments Unspecified to Street Improvements Fund GS67,
Account No. 531200, Center No. 060670220030, Water Replacement Borden,
Ave. J, Hutchinson, Rickenbacker and N. Nichols;
2. Authorize a fund transfer in the amount of $700 from Water and Sewer
Operating Fund PE45, Account No. 541200, Center No. 0609020 to Water
Capital Improvement Fund PW53, Account No. 511070, Center
No. 060530220030, Plan Review; and
3.' Authorize a fund transfer in the amount of $15,610* from Water and Sewer
Operating Fund PE45, Account No. 541200, Center No. 0709020 to Sewer
Capital Improvement Fund PS58, Account No. 531200, Center
No. 070580220230, Sewer Replacement Borden, Avenue J. Hutchinson,
Rickenbacker and N. Nichols; and
* Includes $300 for Plan Review by the Water Department.
4. Authorize the City Manager to execute an engineering agreement with
Teague Nall and Perkins for water and sanitary sewer replacements in
Borden Drive, Avenue J, Hutchinson Avenue, Rickenbacker Place and N.
Nichols for a fee not to exceed $52,080.
RArvnpnim n
The Transportation and Public Works Department desires to reconstruct streets
at the following locations:
Borden Drive, from Vickery to Willis
Avenue J, from Beach to Vaughn
Hutchinson Avenue, from Dewey to North RR
Rickenbacker Place, from Stalcup to 820
N. Nichols, from Long to 38th Street
The Water Department is requesting that water and/or sanitary sewer lines be
replaced ahead of the Transportation and Public Works street reconstruction
Minutes of City Council R-3 Page 211
with the City; and stating that funds are available in Fund/Account/Center, as follows:
GR76 530000 005206075910 $ 7,402.64 HIL Program
GR76 530000 005206079130 26,071.13 HIL Program
GR76 530000 005206081190 817.81 HIL Program
GR76 530000 005206082240 24,958.60 HIL Program
GR76 530000 005206084200 33,153.40 HIL Program
GR76 530000 005206086170 54,668.50 HIL Program
TOTAL $147,072.08
It was the consensus of the City Council that the City Manager be authorized to execute
an amendment to the contract with First Gibraltar Bank, FSB, to increase the total
contract amount to $1,897,072.08.
M&C C-12745 re
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-12745 from the City
amendment to con-
Manager stating that the City Council approved Mayor and Council Communication
tract with Fort
No. C-12400 on July 12, 1990, which authorized the City Manager to execute a contract
Worth Challenge,
with Fort Worth Challenge, Inc., to make adolescent drug treatment services available
Inc. for drug
to indigent families in the amount of $15,000.00 from Special Trust Fund 72, Awarded
Assets Account; that, after Fort Worth Challenge received the City funds, other funds
for the treatment of adolescents became available from the Texas Commission on Alcohol
and Drug Abuse; that, for this reason, Fort Worth Challenge has not expended the City
funds or performed its services under the contract; that Fort Worth Challenge has
requested the contract be amended to permit indigent drug treatment services to be made
available to a population of 18 to 25 year olds prior to October 1, 1991; that Fort
Worth Challenge indicates this slightly older population is in significant need of
services and, to date, no other source is providing funds to purchase services for this
group in the private sector; stating that the recommended action does not require the
expenditure of additional funds; and recommending that the City Manager be authorized
to execute an amendment to the contract with Fort Worth Challenge, Inc., for drug
treatment services. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation
be adopted.
M&C C-12746 reThere was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-12746 from the City
bond fund transfer Manager, as follows:
Engineering Agree-
Sanitary Sewer
It is recommended that the City Council: .
1. Authorize a bond fund transfer in the amount of $36,770 from Special
Assessments Fund GS94, Account No. 538070, Center No. 020940099050,
Special Assessments Unspecified to Street Improvements Fund GS67,
Account No. 531200, Center No. 060670220030, Water Replacement Borden,
Ave. J, Hutchinson, Rickenbacker and N. Nichols;
2. Authorize a fund transfer in the amount of $700 from Water and Sewer
Operating Fund PE45, Account No. 541200, Center No. 0609020 to Water
Capital Improvement Fund PW53, Account No. 511070, Center
No. 060530220030, Plan Review; and
3.' Authorize a fund transfer in the amount of $15,610* from Water and Sewer
Operating Fund PE45, Account No. 541200, Center No. 0709020 to Sewer
Capital Improvement Fund PS58, Account No. 531200, Center
No. 070580220230, Sewer Replacement Borden, Avenue J. Hutchinson,
Rickenbacker and N. Nichols; and
* Includes $300 for Plan Review by the Water Department.
4. Authorize the City Manager to execute an engineering agreement with
Teague Nall and Perkins for water and sanitary sewer replacements in
Borden Drive, Avenue J, Hutchinson Avenue, Rickenbacker Place and N.
Nichols for a fee not to exceed $52,080.
RArvnpnim n
The Transportation and Public Works Department desires to reconstruct streets
at the following locations:
Borden Drive, from Vickery to Willis
Avenue J, from Beach to Vaughn
Hutchinson Avenue, from Dewey to North RR
Rickenbacker Place, from Stalcup to 820
N. Nichols, from Long to 38th Street
The Water Department is requesting that water and/or sanitary sewer lines be
replaced ahead of the Transportation and Public Works street reconstruction
Minutes of City Council R-3 Page 211
M&C C-12746 cont. projects. As these are small projects, it is recommended that one consultant
be utilized to design these replacements.
PROJECT NO.: PW53-060530220030 (GS67-060670220030)
The Engineer will be paid monthly on the basis of statements which will be
verified as to accuracy and compliance with requirements of this contract by
an officer of the Engineer. Payment for such statements will be subject to
the certification of the Director of the Water Department or his authorized
representative. The total amount of compensation shall not exceed $52,080.
Sufficient funds are available to transfer from Special Assessments
Fund GS94, Account No. 538070, Center No. 020940099050, Special Assessments
Unspecified. Upon approval and completion of Recommendation No. 1 in the
amount of $36,770.00, sufficient funds will be available in Street
Improvements Fund GS67, Account No. 531200, Center No. 060670220030, Water
Replacement Borden, Ave. J, Hutchinson, Rickenbacker and N. Nichols.
Expenditures will be made from Account No. 531200 (Consultant).
Sufficient funds are available to transfer from Water and Sewer Operating
Fund PE45, Account No. 541200, Center No. 0609020, Water Capital Project,
Water Department. Upon approval and completion of Recommendation No. 2 in
the amount of $700.00, sufficient funds will be available in Water Capital
Improvement Fund PW53, Account No. 511070, Center No. 060530220030, Plan
Review. Expenditures will be made from Account No. 511070 (Plan Review).
Sufficient funds are available to transfer from Water and Sewer Operating
Fund PE45, Account No. 541200, Center No. 0709020, Sewer Capital Project,
Sewer Department. Upon approval and completion of Recommendation No. 3 in
the amount of $15,610.00, sufficient funds will be available in Sewer Capital
Improvement Fund PS58, Center No. 070580220230, Sewer Replacement Borden,
Avenue J, Hutchinson, Rickenbacker and N. Nichols. Expenditures will be made
from Account Nos., Sewer; 531200 (Consultant) $15,310.00
511070 (Plan Review) 300.00
M&C C-12746 It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendations, as contained in
adopted Mayor and Council Communication No. C-12746, be adopted.
Withdrew from It was the consensus of the City Council that Mayor and Council Communication
agenda M&C C-1274 No. C-12747, Award of Contract to Greiner, Inc., to Conduct FAR Part 150 Noise
Compatibility Studies for the City's Airports, be withdrawn from the agenda.
M&C FP -2786 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. FP -2786 from the City
assessment paving Manager stating that the assessment paving of Phoenix Drive from Highway 80 to Doreen
of Phoenix Drive has been completed in accordance with plans and specifications under Contract No. 18098
from Highway 80 to awarded to Walt Williams Construction, Inc., on September 18, 1990; and recommending
Doreen.to Walt that the City Council accept as complete the assessment paving of Phoenix Drive from
Williams Construc Highway 80 to Doreen; authorize final payment in the amount of $2,117.70 to Walt
tion, Inc. Williams Construction, Inc.; and approve final assessment rolls and authorize issuance
of certificates in evidence of special assessments levied against the abutting property
owners of Phoenix Drive from Highway 80 to Doreen, with funds available in Street
Improvements Fund GS67, Retainage Account No. 205000, Center No. 000670402100. It was
the consensus of the City Council that the recommendations be adopted.
M&C FP -2787 re
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. FP -2787 from the City
assessment paving
Manager stating that the assessment paving of Weiler Boulevard from Norma to
of Weiler Boule-
Meadowbrook has been completed in accordance with plans and specifications under
vard from Norma
Contract No. 17891 awarded to James W. Jackson, Inc., on May 8, 1990; and recommending
to Meadowbrook
that the City Council accept as complete the assessment paving of Weiler Boulevard from
with James W.
Norma to Meadowbrook; authorize final payment in the amount of $2,212.19 to James W.
Jackson, Inc.
Jackson, Inc.; and approve final assessment rolls and authorize issuance of
certificates in evidence of the special assessments levied against the abutting
property owners of Weiler Boulevard from Norma to Meadowbrook, with funds available in
Street Improvements Fund GS67, Retainage Account No. 205000, Center No. 000670402330.
It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendations be adopted.
M&C FP -2788 re
complete paving
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. FP -2788 from the City
of E1 Paso from
Manager stating that E1 Paso Street Improvements from Pine Street to Railroad have been
Pine Street to
completed in accordance with plans and specifications under Contract No. 17798 awarded
Railroad to Larry
to Larry H. Jackson on February 20, 1990; and recommending that the City Council accept
H. Jackson
as complete the paving of E1 Paso Street Improvements from Pine Street to Railroad and
authorize final payment in the amount of $3,299.75 to Larry H. Jackson, with funds
available in Street Maintenance Fund GS93, Retainage Account No. 205000, Center
No. 000930561010, and Contract No. CO17798. It was the consensus of the City Council
that the recommendations be adopted.
Minutes of City Council R-3 Page 212
M&C FP -2789 re
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. FP -2789 from the City
paving of Wichita
Manager stating that the paving of Wichita Street at Joel East Road Intersection
Street at Joel
Improvements have been completed in accordance with plans and specifications under
East Raod Intersec
Contract No. 18012 awarded to Bick's Construction, Inc., on July 17, 1990; and
tion improvements
recommending that the City Council accept as complete the paving of Wichita Street at
with Bick's Con-
Joel East Road Intersection Improvements and authorize final payment in the amount of
s truction, Inc.
$3,545.48 to Bick's Construction, Inc., with funds available in Street Improvements
Fund GS67, Retainage Account No. 205000, Center No. 000670391250. It was the consensus
of the City Council that the recommendations be adopted.
M&C FP -2790 re
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. FP -2790 from the City
complete Alliance
Manager stating that Alliance Airport Access Road (Heritage Parkway and Alliance
Airport Access Road
Boulevard) has been completed in accordance with plans and specifications under
(Heritage Parkway
Contract No. 17090 awarded to APAC-Texas, Inc., Texas Bitulithic Division, on May 9,
and Alliance Bo ule
1989; and recommending that the City Council accept as complete Alliance Airport Access
vard) with APAC-
Road (Heritage Parkway and Alliance Boulevard) and authorize final payment in the
Texas, Inc.,,Texas
amount of $24,355.13 to APAC-Texas, Inc., Texas Bitulithic Division, with funds
Bitulithic Division
available in Grant Fund GR76, Retainage Account No. 205013, Center No. 000218600100;
New Development Fund GS90, Retainage Account No. 205005, Center No. 000901360790;
Street Light and Signals Fund GS89, Retainage Account No. 205002, Center
No. 000890320770; and Alliance Airport Fund GC49, Account No. 205001, Center
No. 000136114000. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendations be
M&C FP -2791 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. FP -2791 from the City
paving of Washing- Manager stating that the paving of Washington Avenue from Jessamine to Richmond has
ton Avenue from been completed in accordance with plans and specifications under Contract No. 17538
Jessamine to awarded to Walt Williams Construction Company, Inc., on November 7, 1989; and
Richmond to Walt recommending that the City Council accept as complete the paving of Washington Avenue
Williams Cons tr uc- from Jessamine to Richmond; authorize final payment in the amount of $4,844.75 to Walt
tion Company, Inc. Williams Construction Company, Inc.; and approve final assessment rolls and authorize
the issuance of certificates in evidence of the special assessments levied against the
abutting property owners of Washington Avenue from Jessamine to Richmond, with funds
available in Street Maintenance Improvements Fund GS67, Retainage Account No. 205050,
Center No. 000670401470; Grant Fund GR76, Retainage Account No. 205020, Center
No. 000206080550; Fund GR76, Retainage Account No. 205020, Center No. 000206080350; and
Contract No. CO17538. It was the consensus of the City Council that the
recommendations be adopted.
M&C FP -2792 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. FP -2792 from the City
complete HMAC Re- Manager stating that HMAC Resurfacing (90-2) Street Improvements have been completed in
surfacing street accordance with plans and specifications under Contract No. 17843 awarded to Austin
improvements to Paving Company on April 24, 1990; and recommending that the City Council accept as
Austin Paving complete HMAC Resurfacing (90-2) Street Improvements and authorize final payment in the
Company amount of $3,046.15 to Austin Paving Company, with funds available in Contract Street
Maintenance Fund GS93, Retainage Account Nos. 205029 and 205000, Center
No. 000930521290. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendations be
M&C FP -2793 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. FP -2793 from the City
Withdrew from Manager stating that Alliance Airport Street and Storm Drain Improvements
agenda (Keller -Haslet and Heritage) have been completed in accordance with plans and
specifications under Contract No. 16916 awarded to Orval hall Excavation Company and
Concho Construction on January 17, 1989; and recommending that the City Council accept
as complete Alliance Airport Street and Storm Drain Improvements (Keller -Haslet and
Heritage) and authorize final payment in the amount of $10,885.22 to Orvall Hall
Excavating Company and Concho Construction, with funds available in New Development
Fund GS90, Retainage Account No. 205004, Center No. 000901360600, and Street Lights and
Signals Fund GS89, Retainage Account No. 205001, Center No. 000890320670. It was the
consensus of the City Council that the recommendations be adopted.
M&C FP -2794 re
There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. FP -2794 from the City
complete Long
Manager stating that Long Avenue at FW & D RR Overpass Concrete Lined Channel
Avenue at FW & D RF
Replacement has been completed in accordance with plans and specifications under
Overpass Concrete
Contract No. 17844 awarded to Dickie Carr Paving, Inc., on April 3, 1990; and
Lined Channel l Re-
recommending that the City Council accept as complete Long Avenue at FW & D RR Overpass
placement to
Concrete Lined Channel Replacement and authorize final payment in the amount of
Dickie Carr Paving
$1,396.04 to Dickie Carr Paving, Inc., with funds available in Street Improvements
Fund GS67, Retainage Account No. 205000, Center No. 000670288720, and Contract
No. CO17844. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendations be
Public Hearing -
It appearing to the City Council that a public hearing was scheduled for today
Tax Abatement
concerning designation of the Fort Worth Tax Abatement Reinvestment Zone No. 4 and that
M&C G-9055
notice of the public hearing was published in the Fort Worth Star -Telegram, the
official newspaper of the City of Fort Worth, as required by state law. Mayor Bolen
asked if there was anyone present desiring to be heard.
Mrs. Ann Dively
Mrs. Ann Dively, representing the
City Manager's
Office, appeared before the City
re Tax Abatement
Council and advised the City Council that
the purpose
of today's public hearing is to
M&C G-9055
receive comments regarding the proposed
of an area at the northwest corner
of Rosedale and St. Louis as the Fort Worth Tax Abatement Reinvestment Zone No. 4;
stating that the tax abatement can be granted only to projects located within
designated reinvestment zones and action on the proposed reinvestment zone must occur
Minutes of City Council R-3 Page 213
M&C G-9055 cont. before City Council can consider a�proposed tax abatement agreement with Hamstra
Builders for the site of the Veterans Administration Out Patient Clinic; and called
attention of the City Council to Mayor and Council Communication No. G-9055, as
It is recommended that the City Council take the following action:
1. Hold a public hearing concerning designation of the Fort Worth Tax
Abatement Reinvestment Zone No. 4; and
2. Adopt the attached ordinance which designates the Fort Worth Tax
Abatement Reinvestment Zone No. 4 pursuant to Texas Property
Redevelopment and Tax Abatement Act, Tax Code, Sections 312.001 through
312.209, as amended.
Consideration of this issue as a part of today's agenda serves as a public
hearing on the designation of a reinvestment zone as required by the Property
Redevelopment and Tax Abatement Act. Notice of this public hearing was
published in the newspaper and delivered to the presiding officer of the
governing body of each affected taxing unit at least 7 days prior to this
meeting as required by state law.
The proposed area meets the criteria for the designation of a reinvestment
zone, as required by the Tax Code, in that the area is reasonably likely, as
a result of the designation, to contribute to the retention or expansion of
primary employment or to attract major investment in the zone that would be a
benefit to the property and that would contribute to the economic development
of the city. In addition, the improvements sought in the zone are feasible
and practical and would be a benefit to the land to be included in the zone
and to the city after any tax abatement agreements which may be entered in
accordance with state law have expired.
The designation of a reinvestment zone expires after 5 years and may be
renewed for periods not to exceed 5 years.
The Code requires a city to designate a zone prior to entering into tax
Mr. Ed Moore re Mr. Ed Moore, 616 Westwood Avenue, President of the Tax Payers Association of
M&C G-9055 Tarrant County, appeared before the City Council and expressed opposition to tax
abatements ,in general and advised the City Council that, in his opinion, the City
should not subsidize businesses that do not need subsidizing.
Council Member Chappell advised Mr. Moore that there will be no abatement unless
certain criteria is met and stated that the money will not be going to Hamstra Builders
but will be used for improvements and enhancements to the property.
There being no one else desiring to be heard in connection with the designation of
the Fort Worth Tax Abatement Reinvestment Zone No. 4, Council Member Chappell made a
motion, seconded by Council Member Webber, that the hearing be closed and that an
ordinance be adopted designating the Fort Worth Tax Abatement Reinvestment Zone No. 4.
When the motion was put to a vote by the Mayor, it prevailed by the following vote:
AYES: Mayor Bolen; Mayor Pro tempore Garrison; Council Members Zapata,
Granger, McCray, Gilley, Webber, and Chappell
NOES: Council Member Meadows
Introduced an Council Member Chappell introduced an ordinance and made a motion that it be
Ordinance adopted. The motion was seconded by Council Member Webber. The motion, carrying with
it the adoption of said ordinance, prevailed by the following vote:
AYES: Mayor Bolen; Mayor Pro tempore Garrison; Council Members Zapata,
Granger, McCray, Gilley, Webber, and Chappell
NOES: Council Member Meadows
The ordinance, as adopted, is as follows:
Ordinance No. ORDINANCE NO. 10798
Minutes of City Council R-3 Page 214
Ordinance No. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Fort Worth, Texas ("City"),
10798 cont. desires to promote the development or redevelopment of a certain contiguous
geographic area within its jurisdiction by the creation of a reinvestment
zoning for commercial/industrial tax abatement, as authorized by the Property
Redevelopment and Tax Abatement Act, V.T.C.A., Tax Code, Chapter 312, as
amended; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has elected by City Resolution No. 1401 to
become eligible to participate in tax abatement; and
WHEREAS, the Property Redevelopment and Tax Abatement Act further
provides that property within a reinvestment zone may be eligible for, inter
alia, commercial/industrial tax abatement, subject to the governing body of
the municipality establishing by resolution the requirements for such
eligibility and entering into a written tax abatement agreement with the
owners of taxable real property that is located in the reinvestment zone; and
WHEREAS, a public hearing in a regularly scheduled meeting before the
City Council was held at 10:00 a.m. on the 26th day of February, 1991, such
date being at least seven (7) days after the date of publication of the
notice of such public hearing as required by the Tax Code; and
WHEREAS, notice of the public hearing was delivered to the presiding
officer of the governing body of each affected taxing unit at least seven (7)
days before the date of the public hearing; and
WHEREAS, the City, at such hearing, invited all interested persons or
their representatives to appear and speak for or against the creation of the
proposed reinvestment zone, the boundaries of the proposed reinvestment zone,
whether all or part of the territory described in this ordinance should be
included in such proposed reinvestment zone, and the concept of tax
This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and effect from
and after its passage, and it is so ordained.
It appearing to the City Council that the City Council scheduled a public hearing
for today for final action regarding planned development site plan for Southside
Addition, Block 10, Lot 2-R, West Seminary and Hemphill Street. Mayor Bolen asked if
there was anyone present desiring to be heard.
M&C PZ -1606 re
Attention of the
City Council was called
to Mayor and Council
Planned Develop-
No. PZ -1606 from the City Manager, as follows:
ment Site Plan
Southside Addition
LOT 2-R,
It is recommended
that the City Council
adopt the site plan
(a copy is
attached) proposed
for property located in the
Southside Addition,
Block 10,
Lot 2-R, located
on the southwest corner
of West Seminary and Hemphill
Phillips 66 has submitted a rezoning request (Z-90-124) for a "PD/SU" Planned
Development/Specific Use for the construction of a retail sales facility with
gasoline sales and a car wash. This request was approved by the City Council
on December 11, 1990.
The Planned Development District (Section 2-H) of the City Zoning Ordinance
requires that a site plan be submitted for review and recommendation by the
Plan Commission prior to being presented to the City Council in public
hearing for final action. The subject site plan (PDSP-91-1), was recommended
for approval by the Plan Commission on January 30, 1991.
A public hearing by the City Council has been scheduled for February 26, 1991.
The notice of the scheduled hearing was mailed February 7, 1991.
Mr. Jerry Brantley Mr. Jerry Brantley, 901 East 18th, Plano, Texas, representing Phillips 66,
re M&C PZ -1606 appeared before the City Council and requested that the City Council give favorable
consideration for the Planned Development Site Plan for Southside Addition, Block 10,
Lot 2-R, West Seminary at Hemphill Street.
Minutes of City Council R-3 Page 215
Z1 6
M&C PZ -1606 cont.
Met in closed or
executive session
Reconvened into
regular session
There being no one else present desiring to be heard in connection with the public
hearing for the Planned Development Site Plan for property located in the Southside
Addition, Block 10, Lot 2-R, Council Member Chappell made a motion, seconded by Council
Member Gilley, that the hearing be closed and that the site plan be adopted. When the
motion was put to a vote by the Mayor, it prevailed unanimously.
It was the consensus of the City Council that the City Council meet in closed or
executive session to receive the advice of its attorney concerning pending or
contemplated litigation, as follows:
(a) American Airlines versus Tarrant Appraisal District et al; and
(b) Litigation arising out of development in City View
as authorized by Section 2(e), Article 6252-17, V.A.C.S., the Texas Open
Meeting Act.
The City Council reconvened into regular session with all members present.
There being no further business, the meeti
Minutes of City Council R-3 Page 216