HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016/09/20-Agenda-City Council CITY COUNCIL AGENDA FOR THE MEETING AT 7:00 P.M. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2016 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL 1000 THROCKMORTON STREET, FORT WORTH, TEXAS I. CALL TO ORDER II. INVOCATION - Pastor Alonzo Winston, Worth Hills Church of Christ III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE IV. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 13, 2016 V. ITEMS TO BE WITHDRAWN FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA VI. ITEMS TO BE CONTINUED OR WITHDRAWN BY STAFF VII. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the Consent Agenda require little or no deliberation by the City Council. Approval of the Consent Agenda authorizes the City Manager, or his designee, to implement each item in accordance with staff recommendations. A. General - Consent Items 1. M&C G-18820 - Authorize Transfer of Funds from the Operating Funds for the Municipal Parking, Solid Waste, Stormwater Utility, and Water and Sewer Enterprises to Each Fund's Respective Debt Service Fund, Authorize Re-Establishment of Net Position and Required Reserves, and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) 2. M&C G-18821 - Adopt Appropriation Ordinance Increasing Estimated Receipts and Appropriations in the Urban Villages Central Cluster Project in the Amount of $244,700.00, the Ridglea Urban Village Streetscape Project in the Amount of$30,000.00, and the Historic Handley Streetscape Project in the Amount of $300.00 of the 2007 Critical Capital Projects Fund for a Total Amount of $275,000.00 and Reduce Funds in the Programmable Project for Enhanced CFA — 2007 CCP by the Same Amount (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) 3. M&C G-18822 - Adopt Appropriation Ordinance Increasing Receipts and Appropriations in the Amount of $333,800.00 in the Equipment Services Fund and Decreasing the Unaudited, Unrestricted Net Position by the Same Amount to Fund Multiple Capital Projects in Fiscal Year 2016, Authorize Transfer of $333,800.00 from the Equipment Services Fund to the Equipment Services Capital Projects Fund and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) 4. M&C G-18823 - Adopt Appropriation Ordinance and Authorize Transfer of Gas- Related Revenues in an Amount Up to $592,151.00 from Various Funds to the General Fund for Reimbursement of Expenses Associated with the Management of City-Owned Mineral Interest Properties in Fiscal Year 2016 and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) 5. M&C G-18824 - Authorize Acceptance of Active Shooter Kits Valued in the Amount of $450,000.00 Donated by Shield616 (ALL COUNCIL Council Date: 9/20/2016 DISTRICTS) 6. M&C G-18825 - Authorize Execution of Amendment No. 1 to Office of Emergency Management Fiscal Year 2016 Emergency Management Performance Grant Contract with the Texas Division of Emergency Management in the Amount of $74,220.32, Authorize Transfer in the Amount Up to $74,220.32 to Bring the Total Transfer Amount to $244,220.32, as Required, for the City's Fifty Percent Match from the General Fund to the Grants Fund, Authorize Transfer of Certain Funds and Eligible Grant Costs and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) B. Purchase of Equipment, Materials, and Services - Consent Items 1. M&C P-11935 - Authorize Execution of a Contract with J&S Audio Visual Communications, Inc. d/b/a J&S Audio Visual, Inc., to Provide Exclusive Rigging and Preferred Audio Visual Services for Facility Users at the Fort Worth Convention Center for the Public Events Department at No Cost to the City (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) 2. M&C P-11936 - Ratify Emergency Purchase of Carbines from Defense Solutions Group, Incorporated in the Amount of $511,390.00 for the Police Department (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) C. Land - Consent Items 1. M&C L-15948 - Authorize Sale of City-Owned Surplus Property to FW 710 Main, L.P., for a Total Purchase Price of $61,600.00, in Accordance with Section 272.001(b)(1) of the Texas Local Government Code, and Authorize Conveyance of an Easement to Oncor Electric Delivery Company, LLC, for Electrical Equipment and Appurtenances on a Total of 0.011 Acres of the Same City Fee- Owned Surplus Land Located at 125 West Leuda (COUNCIL DISTRICT 9) 2. M&C L-15949 - Authorize Execution of a Lease Amendment and Renewal with Town Center Mall, L.P., for Office Space at LaGran Plaza, 4200 South Freeway No. 2655 for the Planning and Development Department (COUNCIL DISTRICT 9) 3. M&C L-15950 - Authorize Direct Sale of a Tax-Foreclosed Property Located at 1215 East Cannon Street for a Total Cost of $2,600.00 to Denisse Iglesias-Puente, in Accordance with Section 34.05 of the Texas Property Tax Code (COUNCIL DISTRICT 8) 4. M&C L-15951 - Authorize Direct Sale of a Tax-Foreclosed Property Located at 3109 McKinley Avenue for a Total Cost of $16,666.00 to Luis Acosta Jr., in Accordance with Section 34.05 of the Texas Property Tax Code (COUNCIL DISTRICT 2) D. Planning & Zoning - Consent Items - None E. Award of Contract - Consent Items 1. M&C C-27925 - Authorize Execution of Amendment No. 1 to City Secretary Contract No. 45846, an Engineering Agreement, with Halff Associates, Inc., in the Amount of $110,000.00 for a Revised Contract Amount of $960,000.00 for the Design of Risinger Road Council Date: 9/20/2016 from Crowley Road to McCart Avenue (2014 BOND PROGRAM) (COUNCIL DISTRICTS 6 and 8) 2. M&C C-27926 - Authorize Execution of After-School Program Agreements with Fort Worth, Keller, Crowley, and White Settlement Independent School Districts in the Total Program Amount of $1,600,000.00 for Fiscal Year 2017 (CCPD Funded) (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) 3. M&C C-27927 - Authorize Execution of a Contract with Alliance for Children in the Amount of $64,000.00 to Assist with the Funding of Child Abuse Prevention Programs in the City of Fort Worth for Fiscal Year 2017 (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) 4. M&C C-27928 - Authorize Execution of a Contract with the Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater Fort Worth in the Amount Up to $307,015.00 for the Operation of a Safe Haven Youth Program at the Boys and Girls Club Martin Branch Located at 3123 Avenue G for Fiscal Year 2017 (CCPD Funded) (COUNCIL DISTRICT 8) 5. M&C C-27929 - Authorize Execution of Agreement with Safe City Commission in the Amount of $235,195.00 to Continue Operation of a Community Advocacy Crime Prevention Program for Fiscal Year 2017 (General Fund and CCPD Funded) (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) 6. M&C C-27930 - Authorize Execution of Agreement with Safe City Commission in the Amount of $75,000.00 to Continue Operation of the Crime Stoppers Program Call Center for Fiscal Year 2017 (CCPD Funded) (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) 7. M&C C-27931 - Authorize Execution of Agreement with Safe City Commission in the Amount of $300,000.00 to Operate One Safe Place as a Regional Family Justice Center in Tarrant County During Fiscal Year 2017 (CCPD Funded) (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) 8. M&C C-27932 - Authorize Execution of Agreements with Fort Worth, Keller, Eagle Mountain Saginaw, Crowley, Northwest, and Lake Worth Independent School Districts, and Lena Pope Home, Inc., to Operate the School Resource Program (Formerly the School Security Initiative Program) for Fiscal Year 2017 in the Total Program Amount of $5,019,633.62 (CCPD Funded) (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) 9. M&C C-27933 - Authorize Execution of Agreement with United Community Centers, Inc., in the Amount of$132,990.00 for the Operation of a Safe Haven Youth Program at the Bethlehem Community Center Located at 970 East Humbolt Street for Fiscal Year 2017 (CCPD Funded) (COUNCIL DISTRICT 8) 10. M&C C-27934 - Authorize Execution of Amendment No. 3 to City Secretary Contract No. 39975, an Engineering Agreement with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., in the Amount of$570,100.00 for a Revised Contract Amount of $1,950,415.00 for the Cultural District/Will Rogers Area Water and Sanitary Sewer Improvement Project, Provide for Additional Project Management and Inspection Costs, Adopt Resolution Expressing Official Intent to Reimburse Expenditures with Proceeds of the Future Debt and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance (COUNCIL DISTRICT 7) Council Date: 9/20/2016 11. M&C C-27935 - Authorize Execution of Amendment No. 4 to City Secretary Contract No. 43959, an Engineering Agreement with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., in the Amount for $400,000.00 for a Revised Contract Amount of $1,548,400.00 for Design Oversight and Project Management Services for North Tarrant Express Segment 3A, IH-35W from IH-820 to IH-30 (COUNCIL DISTRICTS 2, 8, and 9) 12. M&C C-27936 - Authorize Professional Services Agreement with SL-serco, Inc., in the Amount of $175,000.00 Annually to Support the City's My H2O Advanced Metering Infrastructure Program (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) 13. M&C C-27937 - Authorize Execution of Change Order No. 2 to City Secretary Contract No. 46076 with Ark Contracting Services, LLC, in the Amount of $663,767.00 for a Revised Contract Amount of $3,718,130.00 for Additional Road and Parking Lot Repaving Associated with the Sanitary Sewer Main Relocations for the Trinity River Vision-Central City Project, and the Trinity Uptown Service Area Phase 2 Bridge, and Channel Relocations, Part 7, Gateway Site E Sanitary Sewer Relocations, Provide for Materials Testing and Inspection, and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance (COUNCIL DISTRICTS 4 and 5) VIII. PRESENTATIONS BY THE CITY SECRETARY - CONSENT ITEMS 1. Notice of Claims for Alleged Damages and/or Injuries IX. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS, INTRODUCTIONS, ETC. 1. Presentation by Hispanic Heritage Employee Celebration Committee X. ANNOUNCEMENTS BY CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS AND STAFF 1. Upcoming and Recent Events 2. Recognition of Citizens 3. Approval of Ceremonial Travel XI. PRESENTATIONS BY THE CITY COUNCIL 1. Changes in Membership on Boards and Commissions 2. Council Proposal No. 308 - Waiver of Festival Equipment Rental Fee for the Harambee Festival Attachment(s): Council Proposal No. 308 - Attached.pdf XII. PRESENTATIONS AND/OR COMMUNICATIONS FROM BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND/OR CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEES XIII. RESOLUTIONS 1. A Resolution Amending the City Council Rules of Procedure to Reflect Changes Approved at the May 7, 2016, Charter Amendment Election, to Conform to Current City Procedures and to Clarify the Definition of a Regular Meeting Attachment(s): Resolution - Attached.pdf 2. A Resolution Appointing Eight Members to the Board of the Fort Worth Transportation Authority Attachment(s): Resolution - Attached.pdf 3. A Resolution Requesting Financial Assistance from the Texas Water Development Board Council Date: 9/20/2016 in the Amount of$17,000,000.00 from the Clean Water State Revolving Fund for the Water Department Attachment(s): Resolution - Attached.pdf 4. A Resolution to Conduct a Public Hearing and Designating the Assistant City Manager Over the Park and Recreation Department to Act on Behalf of the City of Fort Worth in Communications with the Texas Park & Wildlife Department for the Purpose of Participating in the Local Park Grant Program; Certifying That the City of Fort Worth is Eligible to Receive Program Assistance and That the City of Fort Worth's Matching Share is Readily Available; and Dedicating the Proposed Site for Permanent Public Park and Recreational Uses a. Report of City Staff b. Citizen Comments Attachment(s): Resolution - Attached.pdf XIV. REPORT OF THE CITY MANAGER A. Benefit Hearing 1. M&C BH-356 - Conduct a Public Hearing Regarding the Proposed District and the Improvements and Services to be Undertaken and Declare Sufficiency of a Petition Requesting Establishment of Fort Worth Public Improvement District No. 16, Walsh Ranch/Quail Valley (COUNCIL DISTRICT 3) (PUBLIC HEARING) a. Report of City Staff b. Citizen Presentations c. Council Action B. General 1. M&C G-18826 - Authorize Cancellation of a $3,207,650.00 Regional Transportation Council Funding Award and Funding Agreement for the Summer Creek Station Transit Oriented Development Sustainable Development Infrastructure Project at Sycamore School Road and Summer Creek Drive (COUNCIL DISTRICT 6) 2. M&C G-18827 - Adopt Supplemental Appropriation Ordinance Increasing Appropriations in the Group Health and Life Insurance Fund in the Amount of $3,800,000.00 and Decreasing the Unrestricted Fund Balance by the Same Amount for Funding the Group Health Plan Claims (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) 3. M&C G-18828 - Adopt Ordinance Enacting Fiscal Year 2016 Year End Budget Adjustments by Reallocating Resources and Operating Surpluses to Offset Projected Shortfalls, to Fund Departmental Capital Projects and Outlays, and to Partially Fund the IT Network Infrastructure Replacement Project, Authorize All Associated Transfers, and Adopt Supplemental Appropriation Ordinance to Allocate $40,000.00 for a Rollover to Fund Services Benefitting Seniors (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) C. Purchase of Equipment, Materials, and Services - None D. Land 1. M&C L-15952 - Consider Institution and Adoption of Ordinance for the Owner- Council Date: 9/20/2016 Initiated Annexation of Approximately 1.83 Acres of Land in Tarrant County Located at the Southwest Corner of W.J. Boaz and Old Decatur Road (FUTURE COUNCIL DISTRICT 2) E. Planning & Zoning - None F. Award of Contract 1. M&C C-27938 - Authorize Execution of an Interlocal Agreement with the Fort Worth Transportation Authority to Provide $4.5 Million in 2014 CIP Funds to Fort Worth Transportation Authority to Construct Parking, Pedestrian Bridge Streetscape Improvements and Other Associated Public Infrastructure Related to the Transit Oriented Development at West Vickery Boulevard and South Main Street and the Fort Worth T&P Rail Station (COUNCIL DISTRICT 9) 2. M&C C-27939 - Authorize Execution of a Five-Year Tax Abatement Agreement with Manuel Gonzalez-JarQuin and Ma. Teresa Lopez-Monzon for the Rehabilitation of a Single-Family House on Property Located at 1304 Cloverdale Drive in the Highland Hills Neighborhood Empowerment Zone (COUNCIL DISTRICT 8) XV. ZONING 1. ZC-16-158 - (CD 8) - Gospel Kingdom Pentecostal Inc., 4701 (4651) Campus Drive; From: "CF" Community Facilities To: "C" Medium Density Multifamily (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) 2. ZC-16-161 - (CD 7) - Golden Beach LP, 4401 Golden Triangle Boulevard; From: "G" Intensive Commercial To: "PD/G" Planned Development for all uses in "G" Intensive Commercial plus mini warehouse with a maximum of three stories and lighting to be directed downward; site plan waiver recommended (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) 3. ZC-16-172 - (CD 2) - Westover Boaz Group, 8069 Old Decatur Road; From: Unzoned To: "E" Neighborhood Commercial (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) XVI. CITIZEN PRESENTATIONS XVII. EXECUTIVE SESSION (PRE-COUNCIL CHAMBER) - SEE ATTACHMENT B XVIII. ADJOURNMENT According to the City Council Rules of Procedures, individual citizen presentations shall be limited to three minutes, and group presentations shall be limited to ten minutes. At the Mayor's discretion, time limits may be reasonably extended. Fort Worth Council Chamber, is wheelchair accessible. Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who may need accommodations, auxiliary aids, or services such as interpreters, readers, or large print are requested to contact the City's ADA Coordinator at(817) 392-8552 or e- mail ADAk ortWorthTexas.gov at least 48 hours prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made. If the City does not receive notification at least 48 hours prior to the meeting, the City will make a reasonable attempt to provide the necessary accommodations. Council Date: 9/20/2016