HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 18519-03-2009ORDINANCE: NO, 1$519-03-2009 AN ORDINANCE At~IENDING 1'HE Cd&IPREHENS[VELONING ORDINANCE, dRD[NANCE NO. 13896, AS AMENDED, SA41E BEING AN {)RDINANC"E REC;UI.ATING AND RESTRICTING THE LOCATION AND USE OF BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES, AND LAND FdR TRADE, INDUSTRY, RESIDENCE OR OTHER PURPOSES, THE. HF,IGHT, NUMBER dF S`TORIES AND SlLE dF BU1L1)INGS A'YD 01'IIER S'IRUCTLIRES, `THE SILE OF YARDS AND OTHER OPEN SPACES, OFE- S`IREET PARKING AND LOADING, AND THE DENSITY dF POPULATION, AND FOR SUCH PURPOSES DIVIDING THE M[iNICIPALITY INTO DISTRICTS OF SUCH NUMBER, SHAPE AND AREA AS MAY BF DEEMED BF.S'C SU[TF,D TO CARRY OUT THESE REGULAT[dN5 ANll SHOVS~ING SliCFI I)IS'I'KICTS AND THE BOUNDARIES THEREOF UPON "DiS'IRICT MAPS'"; PROVIDING FOR INTERPRE"I'A"PION, P[JRPOSE AND CONFLICT; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SI[ALL BE CU~4IULATI~'E OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SAVINCGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A PENALTY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PL`BLICATIdN AND NAMING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNC[L OF THE CITY dF FOR`I FORTH: 7.C-08-196A 2941 and 2945 Hemphil[ Street Zanln~ Chnntre: From: "F" Gerurral Cc~msnercrlal Z"o: "F'IZ"general f'Unarraerciut Resb•lctext Deseripti~rr: Lots 11 & 12, Block 2t, Soufh Hemphill Hci;hts Addition L['-(}~-197=1 Sooth oI35`~' Scree#, west cil' ~'Ireslasut, north oI L.on~ ~~cnuc, anti casi oI 11t~~lt .=i+. c~r~ue Frons: "13"'7's~~r,l~urrrily Ttr: "~I-S" Orxe Fxrrrtiltx lvi~;r„g C I~~i:~c° CYrd'anas~i. e 3.34~i79 7<:riin~ C"h:~s~ ~;e C)rc3r~i~nev~ :i ~'4, t1~) 3340 ' PEARL AVE !WORTH HILLS ADDITION BLK 8 LOT A REMAINDER 3303 PEARL AVE ~_ - WORTH HILLS ADDITION BLK _ ._-- -- 9 -~-- LOT 2 3305 ! PEARL AVE ,WORTH HILLS ADDITION BLK 9 LOT 3 3306 PEARL AVE ~ WORTH HILLS ADDITION BLK 8 LOT O AVE ;WORTH HILLS 1 HILLS ADDITION BLK 3316 E PEARL AVE 3317 PEARL AVE !WORTH HILLS ADDITION BLK 9 LOT 9 ' 3318 PEARL AVE 'WORTH HILLS ADDITION BLK 8 LOT 15 ~' ' 3319 PEARL AVE I WORTH HILL5 ADDITION BLK 9 LOT 10 PEARL AVE HILLS ADDITION BLK PEARL j 34flfl i PEARL AVE WORTH HILLS ADDITION BLK 6 LOT 24 3441 'PEARL AVE WORTH HILLS ADDITION BLK 5 LOT 1 ____ __ 3402 'PEARL AVE WORTH HILLS ADDITION BLK 6 LOT 19 3443 PEARL AVE 3443 PEARL AVE ---- 'WORTH HILLS ADDITION BLK WORTH HILLS ADDITION BLK _ 5 5 LOT LOT 4 2 3405 ~ PEARL AVE WORTH HILLS ADDITION BLK 5 LOT ___ _ 3 I 3446 ,PEARL AVE t WORTH HILLS ADDITION BLK 6 LOT 17 -- ~ 3448 PEARL AVE ~ WORTH HILLS ADDITION BLK 6 LOT 16 ___ __ 3449 PEARL AVE 3410 PEARL AVE WORTH HILLS ADDITION BLK I WORTH HILLS ADDITION BLK 5 6 LOT LOT 5 _ __ 15 3411 PEARL AVE WORTH HILLS ADDITION BLK 5 LOT 6 I 3412 I PEARL AVE WORTH HILLS ADDITION BLK 6 LOT 14 ' 3413 PEARL AVE 'WORTH HILLS ADDITION BLK 5 LOT 7 3415 ' PEARL AVE -- WORTH HILLS ADDITION BlK -- - - 5 l0T i 3415 i PEARL AVE ~YORTH HILLS ADDITION BLK 5 LOT 9 3416 . PEARL AVE ~ WORTH HILL5 ADDITION BLK 6 LOT 12 3418 ', PEARL AVE !WORTH HILLS ADDITION BLK 6 LOT 11 __ ___ 3419 ~ PEARL AVE WORTH HILLS ADDITION BLK 5 LOT 1C _ ___ 3316 PRAIRIE AVE ~ WORTH HILLS ADDITION BLK 12 LOT 1i Z.C-09-0{~ 1 5700 block of NFL Loop 820 ZU11tft1: C~tQftt~P: Lranx: "'L)*`FCig~/x /~cxltsitr? <ttrrttifta~rzrlb> t`a: `"{r"Lazt<rta~r'r°~C~?tatntc^~•crirrl f3c~r1~„ a tract a7f land in ih~; t 11. F3asc~ae. Srrr4~rti, .~b~#trict Vic,. 'i~. aelci bciltr ~~ n£,riit~c~ «t't11c 1;x;~st *lu,c;r°;}x€~cI irx a €~ccr? t£? 1.. t?. [7uie,~~rtlnl~r5t I.].C , as rt°c3xt~~Gt1 ira [rtstr~zrl=xt 1~-~.~7?~~{!m 3 ~4~,"£. t~+..£..a. :'4~:~ ~ , ~~'t's#7:.` ~ ,g,jrtz .., ~?., t.;:~r 2x+i!.r ~~.,...#4„:`:. r i r.s rksts'.e :, s.d. !`u i~a :+4 fefS~Ei ai £ s!S3iS"ti.:' IunirrL= ('}.an~;e t7r.~tr7arlce ?:'~ {°tq BEGINNING at the Southwest corner of said L. Q. Development tract, said point also beittg the northeast r-a-w intersection of';Varthwest Center Drive and San Saba Drivs; THENCE tiorth 00 deg 28 min 00 sec Fast alo7Yg the et7st r-o-vv line o{'said San Saba I3rive a distance of 1040.73 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE North 82 deg 23 min 27 sec East a distance 1103.44 feet to a point 12>r a confer; THENCE North 30 deg 43 min 34 sec East a distance of 130.00 feet to a point for a corner, said paint being the beginning of non-tturgent curve t~ the left; Along said curve to the left with a central angle 10 deg 37 min 26 sec and an arc length of 160.2 3 feet with a long chord bear SautlY 55 deg 49 min 42 sec East with a chord ]engtlY of 150.00 feet to a point for a corner; TEIENCE South 16 deg 05 min 20 sec V4'est a distance af25>.27 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE South 71 deg 38 min 39 sec Fast a distance of 341.97 feet to a point far a corner, said point being on the Werth r-o-w lino of said ?~lorthwc~st Center Drive, said point being the beginning of a curve to the right with a radius of 662.09 feet, a chord bearing of South 25 deg 48 min 37 sec West, and a cht~rd length of 194.55 feet, THENCE along said curve to the right through a central angle of 15 deg 54 min 23 sec and an era length aft 95.36 feet to a point for cornet; `THEN{'E South 36 deg 33 min. 10 see West, a distance of 181.29 cet to a paint for the beginning of a curve to the right with a radius of 431.110 feet, a chord bearing of Smith 48 dog 29 min O1 sei: West. and. a chard. length crf 178.20 feet; THENCE along said curve to the right through a Central angle of 23 deg SI min. 41 wee and an arc length c>f 179.49 sec to a paint Ibr ear7ler; THENCE South ti0 deg '_4 min 51 sec G'4cst, a distance of 535.b9 feet to a point for the beginning of a curve to the right with a radius of 1000.0 feet, a ehord beaz'ing of South 6S7 deg 41 tnisr 03 seC th'cst. and a chcn'd lenrrth of 322 17 feet: 'THENCE: ali+itu~ s;,;l curve 1st the right thrr;ngl~ a cent]°71 an~1e rr± 18 deg 32 tnia7 ?? sec t777ti mkn <a3't: i£ f.i°.2 i.lt }~.i S~' .`L£,: t4r :E 1`=i. ,£7t ?%r tb~ t1L?x"tnr~1 x$? ~..+f it ....f7ve ?'.C? ttit. Ti Wljt +1 St£t '~. i`atlkAiS C,*f .'~Y7t..i'd tL'et~ 3. t,. xsYn fa =°`t.. .3.i1 i:; aE +lit+,wY:. 4(} i~t:~ ^~tL 2rt4Yc 7 ~ ^:tiC t~ i.~i., .'.Ii1d ..1=til'd if.ta,5ii1 ftt :~>f i ~(} ti e't: "THE SCE. a10F7~v 4~t7t1 iUrvL' 14 tt1C. f'.~?t7t tlYrt7L7~17 :i eer4tri31 anglC t5t ?)' der 7tr m77t . =~ 4tt: and im arc lcns~th c+f?=t;_'.i~2 tCUt; y I IIE.I~~.I". '2F~.. t. ''°t3 Cep ...i.s 5 ?a. £ .'«`~vT c~ x.€ 1`a4t.s_ x?f .x.!'~.'.' :4f; €i <i t}{si;€ `d t. t.ixZ?3(9; f r7ttn7t'?, 1. }l; tl?ge t.~1! CI17x:.tlti`c' .~r ~}~, t.)9 'I"Hh'~CE North 46 deg 23 min 09 sec West, a distance of 13.71 feet to THE PtJLN?' aF 73EGLVNING; CC?NT~IL~'ll'4'G within these metes anrt bounds is 3t?.i3 acres pr t,329,?22 square feet rrf land, more or less. SECTIO'N' 2. That the zoning regularions aril districts, as herein established, have heen made in accordance with the armprehensive plan for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, morals and general welfare of the community. They have been desi=gned to lessen congestion err the streets, to secure safety from fire, panic, flood and other dangers; to provide adequate light and air; to prevent overcro~=ding of land; to avoid undue concentration of population; to facilitate the adequate provisions of transportation, water, sewerage, parks and other public requirements. 'T'hey have been made aft~• lull and complete public hearing with reasonable consideration, among other things, of the character of the district and its peculiar suitability far the particular uses and with a view of conserving the value of a building and encouraging the most appropriate rise of land throughout the community. SFCTIOY 3. That this ordinance shalt be cumulative of aIl other ordinances of the City of Fort Worth affecting zoning and shall not repeal any of the provisions of such ordinances, eYCept in those instances ~~"hcre provisions of such of°dinances are in direct conflict ~s°ith the prnvisie~ns of this ordinance. SECTION 4. That aIl rights or remc;dies of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, are expressly saved as to any and all violations of i?rdinance Nos. 301 1, 1389b or any amendments theretca drat have accrued at the tirnc of the ef'f'ective date of this ordinance; and as to such accrued violations, and all pending litigation, both civil or criminal, same shall not he affected by' this ordinance but may be prosecuted until final disposition by the courts. SECTION 5. It is hereby declared it} be the- intcrrtion of the f"ity ('otnrcit that the sections, paragraphs, ti<ntKnu{!{, ,1all~t's and pEtt'ascs tit tltts eSrtltnanee drt' st'VerttlJ~i, an(1 li a23v phrase. GIiAUSc. ~€~ntc t=u, tz^.trs~irr=apla cir ~c.v.!A~„? itt ;h.s ~~ttltnar€te It,~'sl '?c Klc'cl:ta..aS v.,id, ,ttt,l'fKet!*.'s: €,a `:trl.:f:'t. t~~.ti i{~i?"#..i I'?., t1'a ,~~:tl ~UfC}#;t:Ft;i1" ti€r i.eK.t"i.'fi '.:.~ ,ttrj" {;4[itt {~t ct`ttl Sl"?4't4',?~t litC3'.xtt`:t:tl: z?'= ?ii4:.IS 'Jt'.itat di:Ss, ;net ~i.4.t7b E.t'v+~j t?i' Liriit}n4tti`titl<?~t"3S-iV shalt ili)S i:tftel?. e:."•'V (:se Izi: ic.;natf'i:2'i fTy lal't d,cs. 4`a~,.itie`*.. *..eF1tC".t44, l?a:',r`.tratrlt t)S s4t'.tii?n'_* t?t tlil~ ?i c..'.fn;.inet.. St3 Mi.'s` tI]K*. *an?C k t7uitl !3<i?`% ~31;c',n ctracacci Ety~ the {'ats° t"€7ttnctl tv'ttlt<ttrt the m~trr}roratttir trer<,in ttf any ~ttwh vtr;,l, i€t~'L`feetr~,e or tsncanstitutionat ~tltrase, ctau,e, sentence, paragraph ter sec ion. ~; ~.t~ning ~. {}stnk?,G' tJrtlEnirni:e :? ~~I. {.t{~ `That any person, firm or rr~rporation wl7o violates, disobeys, can7its, neglects or refuses to oosnply with ar who resists the enf{arcernent cif any of the ~rot.isians of this ordinance shall be fined not mare than Two Thousand Dollars ($2000.t}{}) far each offense. Laeh day that a violation is permitted to exist sha11 constitute a separate off~zse. SEC`TIC>N 7. That the City Secretary of the City of Fort Worth, Texas is hereby directed to publish this ordinance far two {2} days in the afficia] newspaper of the City of Dort 1Vorth, Texas, as authorized by V.T.C,A. Local Gavemment Code Subsection 52.Ot3. SECTION R. That this ordinance shall take effect upon adoption and publication as required by law. APP[tC)G'El) AS 7'O EAR L1 AND LEC,ALIT~': `, x :', ~ 1 ,,, Assistant City rlttort5ey Adapted: _ March 24. 2UOc} r^ J:J,ra=ctiie: _ '~ ~ z~~ 1`t~ntLi;r. ~ larsnoe{}Dilllellt4{'> r'-#;{j'}