HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 39975-A3 I`f's`BECRETAI f'
WHEREAS, the City of Fort Worth (CITY) and Kimley-Horn
and Associates, Inc. , (ENGINEER) made and entered into City
Secretary Contract No. 39975, (the CONTRACT) which was
authorized by M&C C-26903 on the 9th day of February, 2010 in
the amount of $1, 072 ,250 . 00; and
VHERFAS, the CONTRACT was subsequently revised by
Amendment No . 1 in the amount of $46, 995 . 00 which was
administratively authorized on March 14, 2014 and Amendment
No. 2 in the amount of $261, 070 . 00 which authorized by
M&C C -26903 on August 5, 2014; and
NVII[EIFAS, the CONTRACT involves engineering services for
the following project:
Cultural District/Will Rogers Area Water and Sanitary Sewer
Improvements; and
WHERFAS, it has become necessary to execute Amendment
No .3 to the CONTRACT to include an increased scope of work and
revised fee.
NOWTHEHEFORE, CITY and ENGINEER, acting herein by and
through their duly authorized representatives, enter into the
following agreement, which amends the CONTRACT:
1 .
Article I of the CONTRACT is amended to include the
additional engineering services specified in a proposal dated
July 5, 2016, a copy of which is attached hereto and
incorporated herein. The cost to City for the additional
design services to be performed by Engineer totals
$570 ,100 . 00 .
2 .
Article II of the CONTRACT is amended to provide for an
increase in the fee to be paid to Engineer for all work and
services performed under the Contract, as amended, so that the
total fee paid by the City for all work and services shall be
an amount of $1, 950, 415 .00 .
Page -1-
3 .
All other provisions of the Contract, which are not
expressly amended herein, shall remain in full force and
EXECUTED and EFFECTIVE as of the date last written by a
signatory, below.
City of Fort Worth Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.
Jesus J. Chapa Glenn Gary, P.E .
Assistant City Manager Senior Vice-President
DATE: L26 ! � DATE :
j s i►1O
r"� 1�/'c z1,
Christopher Harder, P.E .
Acting Assistant Director, Water Department
Date: September 20, 2016
. . At
Douglas W. Black
Senior Assistant City Attorney
Mary J. yser ` o�
City Secretary
Page -2-
July 5,2016
Mr.John Kasavich,P.E.
City of Fort Worth
Water Department
1000 Throckmorton Street
Fort Worth,TX 76102
Re: Cultural District/Will Rogers Area Water and Sanitary Sewer Improvements
Additional Service's-Amendment No,3
KHA No.061018069
Dear John:
K-imiey-Horn and Associates,Inc.-(I�imley-Hofij or ENGINEER)--is pleased to provide the
City of Fort Worth(CITY)with Amendment No.3 for the Cultural District[Will Rogers
Area Water and Sanitary Sewer Improvements contract.
The CITY has asked Kimley-Horii to perform additional services under this contract for the
extension and replacement of various water improvements. The work that Will be completed
is generally described below:
-Part 5—Monty-omei-y-S
Cofitraot Documents will be prepared for water improvements in accordance with the original
contract. were'reinten included a previous-bid package,but due to
intended to be inclu m
the sequencing requirements ofthe proposed Will Rogers Arena,the project Lias been divided
into separate components that will be bid as part of the Montgomery"Street Reconstruction
project, In addition,due to design coordination related to the roadway project,the aligumnt
required adjustments during conceptual design. As such,additional services for one
additional year:of design.gnmanagement, completion of the separate design package;and
additional bidding and construction phase services is requested for fliefollowing
• Replacement of the existing 12-inch water.line with a.16-inch water line along
Montgomery St.from Harley Ave.to Bryce.Ave.(15 0 LF)
• Replacement of the existing 12-inch water line with 164nch waterline along
MontgomerySt.from Byers Ave.to Interstate 30.(1,850 LF)
The folloVing an-additional water-.line extension and safiitaysewer line replacement.that
was not included in*a previous bidpackap and will be bid as part ofthe Montgomery Street
Reconstru.6tion project;
0 A.new 8-inc.li water line along Margaret St.from Linden Ave,to Collin wood Ave.
(35-0 LF)
Replacement of the existing 18-inch clay sanitary-sewer-line with a 18-inch pvc
sanitary sewer line.along Montgomery St. from Linden.Ave.to E1 Campo Ave.(600
801 Cherry Street,Unit 11, Suite 950,Ft.Worth,TX 76102
K�W ey>>>H or n Mr,John Kasavich,PR,July 5,2Q16,Page 2
• Replacement of the existing 8-inch clay sanitary sewer line with.a8-inch pvc sanitary
sewer line along Montgomery St.from Brchman Ave.to I-30 Access Rd(550 LF)
Part.6—Crestline Rd
Contract Documents will be prepared for water improvements in accordance with the original
contract The relocation of the water line will include a park conversion.as Well as a
permitted crossing of the Trinity River to be reviewed by the Tarrant Regional Water District
(TRWD)and United States Army Cbrps of Engineers(USAGE). Additionally,a permitted j
crossing of the Fort Worth and Western Railroad is included in this project.The following
relocations and extensions are anticipated:
• Replacement of the existing 20-inch water line with a-24-inch water line along
Crestline Rd from University Drive to Forest-Pail{Blvd/Holly Water Treatment �I
Plant.(3.,500 LF)
ENGINEER will perform the.work described above which ir_eludes the following additional j
Task 1(Design Management)-$4$,500
Design Mana gg ment
ENGINEER will.perform Design Management for an additional twenty-four(24)months:
• Communications and Reporting
o Prepare invoices and submit monthly in the format requested by the CITY
o Prepare and submit monthly progress reports in the format provided by the
respective CITY Department
o Prepare and submit baseline Project Schedule initially,and Project Schedule
updates with a schedule narrative monthly according-tothe City of Fort
Worth's:Schedule Guidance Document
o C,omplete_1VIonthly M/WBE Report Form and Final Summary Payment
Report Form at the end of the project
• Deliverables
o Monthly invoices
o Monthly progress reports
Q Baseline design scIiedale
o Monthly schedule updateswith schedule narrative describing any current or
anticipated schedule changes
-o Monthly M/WBE Report Form and Final Sumina_ry Payment Report Form
Coordination Meetings:
ENGINEER will perform monthly meetings with the City for an additional 24
months and up to.eight'(8)coordination,meeting_ s with other agencies,consultants,
and CITY departments.
KI 1110 ey)>>H o r n Mr.John Kasavich,P.E.,July 5,2016;Page 3
Task 2 (Conceptual Design)-$46,600
ENGINEER will complete Conceptual Design in accordance with the Original
Contract for the following:
• Part 5—Montgomery St in conjunction witli the Montgomery Street
Reconstruction project—Subtotal $7,500 j
• Part 6—Crestline Rd—Subtotal$39,100 j
o The ENGINEER's geotechnical subconsultant will perform a
geotechnical analysis for up to four(4)additional bores in
accordance with the original contract.
Task 3 (Preliminary Design)-$187,500 i
ENGINEER will complete Preliminary Design in accordance with the Original
Contract for the following:
• Part 5 Montgomery St in conjunction with the Montgomery Street
Reconstruction project—Subtotal$30,000
• Part 6-Crestline Rd—Subtotal$157,500
o The ENGINEER's subconsultant will evaluate and:provide design
for cathodic protection of the proposed 24-inch water line along
Crestline Rd.
o The ENGINEER's subconsultant will evaluate trenchless
construction methods and shaft construction for the design of the
tunnel to cross the Trinity River.
Task 4 (Final Design)-$135,050
ENGINEER will complete Final Design,for the approved alignment,in accordance
with.the Original Contract for the following:
• Pant 5—Montgomery St in conjunction with the Montgomery Street
Reconstruction project—Subtotal$67,525_
• Part 6—Crestline Rd—Subtotal$67,525
Task 5(Bid Phase Services)-$26,800
ENGINEER will complete.Bid Phase Services in accordance with the Original
Contract for the following:
• Part 5—Montgomery St in conjunction with the Montgomery Street
Reconstruction project—Subtotal$8,500
• Part 6-Crestline Rd.—Subtotal$18,300
a o
Ch�W ley>)>Horn. , Mr.John Kasavich,P.E.,July 5;2016,Page 4
Task 6(Construction Phase Services)-$43,100
ENGINEER Will complete Construction Phase Services in accordance with the
Original Contract for the following:
• Part 5—Montgomery-St in conjunction with the Montgomery Street
Reconstruction project—Subtotal$43,100
The following revisions apply to the Original Contract:
• Coordination Meetings up to twelve(12)
• Site Visits up to twelve(12).
• Shop drawing review for up to fifteen.(15)submittals
Task 7(ROW/Easement-Services)-$9,900
ENGINEER.wih complete ROW/Easement Services in accordance with the original
contract for Part 6—Crestline Rd. Thepurpose of these documents is for completion
of a park conversion in accordance with the City of Fort Worth—Parks and
Recreation requirements.
Task 9(Permitting)-$72;650 j
ENGINEER will complete Permitting Services in accordance with the original_
contract for Part 6—Crestline Rd. The purpose of these documents is for permitting
a crossing of the Trinity River in accordance with TRWD:and USACE requirements.
o .
801 Cherry Street,Unit 11,Suite 950, Ft.Worlh,TX 76102
Cho fl 11 ll�ey r>>Horn Mr.John Kasavich,P.E.,July 5,2016,Page 5
We recommend that the City increase the budget by$570,100 for these additional services.
From the additional services listed above,the recommended breakdown for water and sewer
services is as follows:
Description Water Sewer Total
Task 1 Design Management $40,740 $7,760 $48,500
Task 2-Conceptual Design $39,100 $7,500 $461600
Tasks 3 -Preliminary Design $157,500 $30,000 $187,500
Task 4,a-Part 5 Final Design $56,725 $10,800 $67,525
Task 4.b-Part 6 Final Design $67,525 $0 $67,525
Taslc 5.a-Part 5 Bid Phase $7,140 $1,360 $8,500
Task 5.b-Part 6 Bid Phase $18,300 $0 $18,300
Task 6.a-Part 5 Construction $36,200 $6,90.0 $43,100
Phase Services
Task 7-ROW/Easement $9;900 $0 $9,900
Task 8-Survey Services $0 $0 $0
Task 9-Permitting $72,650 $0 $72,650
Total $505;780 $64,320 $570100
The following table summarizes the Fee per Work Phase breakdown:
WorkThase Water Sewer Total
31 $151,734 $19,296 $171,030
32 $3.03,468 $38,592 $342,060
33 $50,578 $6,432 $57;010
51 $0 $0 $0
Total $505,780 $64,320 $570,100
µ ..,
n14.I nlLtj"" •1 1Worth, 76102
Kirn l ey))> Horn Mr.John Kasavich,P.E.,July 5,2016,Page 6
The following table summarizes our recommended budget revisions and shows the revised
contract amount:
Description Original Amend No. 1 Amend No.2 Amend No. Revised
Contract 3 Contract
Task 1 -Design Management $102,500 $8,725 $62,500 $48,500 $222X25-
Task 2-Conceptual Design
222,225Task2-ConceptualDesign $125;100 $6,440 $14,390 $46,600 $192,530
Task.3-Preliminary Design $178,900 $12,810 $51,680 $187,500 $430,890
Task 4-Final Design $269,600 $15,750 $24,500 $135,050 $444,900
Task 5-Bid Phase Services $35,200 $3,270 $17,000 $26,800 $82,270
Task 6-Construction Phase
$72,100 $0 $9.1,000 $43,.100 $206,200
Task 7-ROW/Easement $30,300 $0 $0 $9,900 $40,200
Task 8-Survey Services $202,250 $0 $0 $0 $202,250
Task 9-Permitting $56,300 $0 $0 $72,650 $128;950
Task 10-Record Drawings $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Total Project $1,072,250 $46,995 $261,070 $570,100 $1,9505415
The ENGINEER will subcontract a portion of these services to the following consultants:
SBE Subconsultant Service Fee
V&A Consulting Engineers,Inc. Cathodic Protection $18,500
Total $18,5.00
In addition,Bennett Trendhless Engineers a non-SBE firm,will perforin.Trenchless
Engineering in the aniount of$73,000 and CMJ Engineering,Inc.,also a non-SBE firm,will
perforce Geotechnical Engineering in the amount of$12,500. The total SBE amount of
$18,500 represents a participation percentage of 3.2%for these additional services.
801 -
Ki rn l ey >H o r n Mr.John Kasavicly P.E.,July 5,2016,Page 7
The following table summarized the water and sewer design fees:
Contract/Amendment Water Fee Sewer Fee Survey Fee Total Fee
Original Contract $611,625 $262,125 $198,500 $1,072,250
AmendmentNo: 1 $46,995 $0 $0 $46,995
AmendmentNo.2 $156,642 $104,428 $0 $261;070
Amendment $505,780 $64,320 $0 $570,1000
TOTAL $1,321,042 $430,873 $19.81500 $1,950,415
We appreciate the opportunity to be of continued service to the City. Please contact us if we
need to.provide any further information.
Very truly yours,
/Glenn A._Gary,P;E.
Sr.Vice President
Attachment: Amendment Level of Effort
Exhibit Part 5 and Part 6
K:\FT\V Utilities\061018069\PPPWnendment$11Dr44\Amendl-CD-Ltr.dou
0 0
8011 Ft.Worth, 76102
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M&C Review Page 1 of 3
Official site of the City of Fort Worth,Texas
COUNCIL ACTION: Approved on 9/20/2016 - Ordinance No. 22430-09-2016 & Resolution No.
DATE: 9/20/2016 REFERENCE NO.: **C-27934 LOG NAME: 60CDWRA3-KHA
SUBJECT: Authorize Execution of Amendment No. 3 to City Secretary Contract No. 39975, an
Engineering Agreement with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., in the Amount of
$570,100.00 for a Revised Contract Amount of$1,950,415.00 for the Cultural District/Will
Rogers Area Water and Sanitary Sewer Improvement Project, Provide for Additional
Project Management and Inspection Costs, Adopt Resolution Expressing Official Intent to
Reimburse Expenditures with Proceeds of the Future Debt and Adopt Appropriation
It is recommended that the City Council:
1. Adopt the attached resolution expressing official intent to reimburse expenditures with proceeds of
future debt for the Cultural District/Will Rogers Area Water and Sanitary Project;
2. Adopt the attached appropriation ordinance increasing estimated receipts and appropriations in
the Water Capital Fund in the amount of$13,100.00 from available funds; and
3. Authorize execution of Amendment No. 3 to City Secretary Contract No. 39975, an Engineering
Agreement with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., in the amount of$570,100.00 for a revised
contract in the amount of$1,950,415.00 for the Cultural District/Will Rogers Area Water and Sanitary
Sewer Improvements project.
On February 9, 2010, Mayor and Council Communication (M&C C-24094) City Council authorized an
Engineering Agreement with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., in the amount of$1,072,250.00 for
the Cultural District/Will Rogers Area Water and Sanitary Sewer Improvements. The Agreement was
subsequently revised by two amendments totaling $308,065.00 as follows: Amendment No. 1 in the
amount of$46,995.00 administratively authorized on March 17, 2014 and Amendment No. 2 in the
amount of$261,070.00 authorized August 5, 2014 (M&C C-26903).
Amendment No. 3 will provide additional engineering services for the replacement of water and
sanitary sewer lines in the vicinity of the Will Rogers Memorial Coliseum and Cultural District Areas.
These improvements are necessary to accommodate the increased water and sanitary sewer
demands from various building expansions. This amendment also includes design of water and
sanitary sewer improvements for the existing Will Rogers facilities, as well as replacing and upsizing
water mains with maintenance problems on Montgomery Street (Harley Avenue to IH-30), Margaret
Street (Linden Avenue to Collinwood Avenue) and Crestline Road (South University Drive to Forest
Park Boulevard).
The proposed scope of services consists of the following:
• Preparation of plans and specifications
• Survey services
• Geotechnical engineering
• Cathodic protection
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M&C Review Page 2 of 3
• Permitting
• ROW/Easement services
• Construction Phase services.
M/WBE OFFICE: Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., is in compliance with City's M/WBE Ordinance by
committing to an additional three percent M/WBE participation on this Amendment No. 3.
In addition to the contract cost, $124,900.00 (Water: $71,800.00; Sewer$40,000.00, TPW:
$13,100.00) is required for project management and inspection.
Engineering for the Cultural District/Will Rogers Area Water and Sanitary Sewer Improvements is one
component of the overall project that includes project management, utility coordination, construction,
material testing, inspection, and contingencies. The overall project budget is $12,042,580.00.
This project will have no impact on the Water Department's operating budget when complete.
This project is anticipated to be included in a future revenue bond issue for the Water and Sewer
Fund. Available cash within the Water and Sewer portfolio and the City's portfolio along with the
appropriation authority authorized under the Direct Purchase Note program will be used to provide
interim financing for this project until debt is issued. To the extent resources other than the Water and
Sewer portfolio are used to provide interim financing, the Water and Sewer Fund will be charged
interest that is equivalent to the overall rate of return being earned by the City portfolio (currently
approximately one-percent annually). Should the City's portfolio not support the liquidity needed to
provide an interim short-term financing source, another funding source will be required, which could
mean issuance of securities under the Direct Purchase Note program or earlier issuance of Water
and Sewer revenue bonds than is currently planned. Once debt associated with this project is sold,
bond proceeds will be used to reimburse the Water and Sewer portfolio and the City's portfolio in
accordance with the attached Reimbursement Resolution.
The City Council adopted the Water Department's Fiscal Year 2016-2020 Five-Year Capital
Improvement Plan on February 2, 2016 (M&C G-18662). This City Council adopted plan includes this
specific project, with funding identified through the DPN program to be reimbursed with future
revenue bonds. In accordance with the provisions of the Financial Management Policy Statements,
Staff anticipates presenting revenue-supported debt issuances to the City Council for consideration
within the next three years. This debt must be issued within approximately three years to provide
reimbursement for these expenses. If that does not occur, the costs will no longer be reimbursable by
issuing tax-exempt debt and the funding source will have to be made whole through other budgetary
methods. Adoption of this Resolution does not obligate the City to sell bonds, but preserves the ability
to reimburse the City from tax-exempt bond proceeds.
The project is located in COUNCIL DISTRICT 7, Mapsco 75H, 75M, 76E and 76F.
The Director of Finance certifies that upon approval of the above recommendations and adoption of
the attached appropriation ordinance, funds will be available in the current capital budget, as
appropriated, of the Water Capital Fund. The Fiscal Year 2016 Water Operating budget includes
appropriations of$26,068,353.00 for the purpose of providing Pay-As-You-Go funding for Water
Capital Projects. After this transfer for Fiscal Year 2016, the balance will be $5,919,202.00. In
addition the Director of Finance certifies that the appropriation is available as directed by M&C
G-18375 in the Water/Sewer Bond 2016 Fund for the Cultural District/Will Rogers Area Water and
Sanitary Sewer Improvement Project and that upon approval of the above recommendation, funds
are as depicted in the table below by fund:
FUND Current Proposed Total*
Appropriations Appropriations
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M&C Review Page 3 of 3
Water Capital Fund $6,351,411.00 $13,100.00 $6,364,511.00
59601 11
Sewer Capital Fund $3,210,652.00 $0.00 $3,210,652.00
Water and Sewer Bond $1,772,417.00 $0.00 $1,772,417.00
2015A 56007
Water/Sewer Bond 2016 $695,000.00 $0.00 $695,000.00
Project Total $12,029,480.00 IE
$13,100.00 M,042,580.00
*Amounts rounded for presentation purposes.
Fund Department Account Project Program Activity Budget Reference# I Amount
ID ID Year (Chartfield 2)
Fund Department Account Project Program Activity Budget Reference#JAmount
ID ID Year Chartfield 2
Submitted for City Manager's Office by: Jay Chapa (5804)
Originating Department Head: John Carman (8246)
Additional Information Contact: John Kasavich (8480)
60CDWRA3 KHA Fund Identifiers.pdf
60CDWRA3-KHA Form 1295.pdf
60CDWRA3-KHA Map01.pdf
60CDWRA3-KHA water A016.docx
SAM Kimley Horn and Associates Inc.pdf
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FID table for M&C: 60CDWRA3-KHA
Fund identifiers (FIDS)
Department Proiect Budget Reference#
FundID Account ID Program Activity Year (Chartfield Amount
2)59601 0600430 4956001 C01468 2016 $13,100.00
2)59601 0600430 5110101 C01468 2016 $13,100.00
Department Account Proiect Budget Reference# Amount
Fund ID ID Program Activi Year (Chartfield 2)
3)56005 0600430 5330500 C01468 C01731 2016 $151,734.00
3)56005 0600430 5330500 C01468 C01732 2016 $303,468.00
3))56005 0600430 5330500 C01468 C01733 2016 $50,578.00
3)56005 0700430 5330500 C01468 C01731 2016 $19,296.00
3)56005 0700430 5330500 C01468 C01732 2016 $38,592.00
3)56005 0700430 1 5330500 1 C01468 C01733 2016 $6,432.00