HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 47192-CO4 gvfY SECRETARY,NO ) Ca FORT WORTH City of Fort Worth 'ONrRACT °! � Change Order Request Breakdown ProjectNamel Old Decatur Road and Angle Ave Roundabout City Sec# 1 2014 Client Project#(s)l 3123 Contractor Jackson Construction, Ltd PM Lissette Acevedo Inspectorl Michael Collier Change Order Submittal# ® Date 8/4/2016 Dept. TPW WATER SEWER Contract Time Totals CD Original Contract Amount $1,620,708.86 $148,215.00 $205,457.00 $1,974,380.86 150 Extras to Date $94,950.09 $37,633.03 $12,793.37 $145,376.49 37 Credits to Date Pending Change Orders(in M&C Process) Contract Cost to Date $1,715,658.95 $185,848.03 $218,250.37 $2,119,757.35 187 Amount of Proposed Change Order $42,405.91 $320.00 $8,698.00 $51,423.91 35 Revised Contract Amount $1,758,064.86 $186,168.03 $226,948.37 $2,171,181.26 222 Original Funds Available for Change Orders $0.00 Remaining Funds Available for this CO $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Additional Funding(if necessary) k$42,405.91 $320.00 $8,698.00 $51,423.91 CHANGE ORDERS to DATE(INCLUDING THIS ONE)AS%OF ORIGINAL CONTRACT 9.97% MAX ALLOWABLE CONTRACT AMOUNT(ORIGINAL CONTRACT COST+25%) $2,467,976.08 JUSTIFICATION(REASONS)FOR CHANGE ORDER This change order is requesting authorization to add an additional 35 days to the final completion time of the project. During the final walk through it was observed that contractor was having difficulty meeting the 70%requirement for vegetation to be considered complete due extremely hot and dry weather conditions.At the same time, the contractor was also waiting on a decision from the City's Parks Department regarding changing the plant species for the center island landscaping because the plantings would not have been able to endure the extreme hot weather.At that point, the City decided to install temporary irrigation and additional seeding to better facilitate and establish the landscaping required by the Parks Department.The City is now satisfied with the all the landscaping items and are in agreement with the addition of the 35 days. ADDITIONS: 1-5: Measured and approved by Inspector; 1-9: Additional time for traffic control; II-10: Measured and approved by inspector; II-14: Measured and approved by inspector; III-2: Measured and approved by inspector; III-3: Measured and approved by inspector; IV-4: Measured and approved by inspector; IV-5: Measured and approved by inspector; IV-7: Irrigation tap on steel cylinder pipe not in plans;VII-1: Measured and approved by inspector;Measured and approved by inspector;VII-9: Measured and approved by inspector; VII-14: Measured and approved by inspector;VIII-3: Pay items did not take into account the temporary crossover removal. This area needed to be seeded; 10.5"pedestrain buffer was bid at 4". Black-out around the roundabout striping requested by the City. 11-7: Measured and approved by inspector; DELETIONS: 1-7: Not installed; 1-11: Not needed; 11-3: Pavement stopped short due to Old Decatur Rd was not constructed. Original tie-in was not possible. II-15: Not needed; IV-1: Not needed; IV-2: Not needed; IV-5: Not needed; IV-7: Not needed; IV-10: Not needed; VII-8: Deleted; VIII-1: Not needed; VIII-2: Deleted of: ® � Aid b Q Jtz 4 0%® Mary J ay er, Ci Secy OFFICIAL RECORD CITY'SECRETARY Fn® L'WORTH, Tiff Foa�rH City of Fort Worth Change Order Additions Project Name Old Decatur Road and Angle Ave Roundabout City Sec# 2014 Client Project# 3123 Contractor Jackson Construction,Ltd PM Lissette Acevedo Inspector Michael Collier Change Order Submittal# ® Date 8/4/2016 ADDITIONS ITEM DESCRIPTION DEPT ry Unit Unit Cost Total 5 5. 1-9 TRAFFIC CONTROL TPW 1.00000000 MO $5,000M 5, II-10 6'MOUNTABLE CURB(OUTSIDE EDGE OF ROUNDABOUT) TPW 10.0000000 LF 2.00 11-14 TEMPORARY PAVEMENT(8'HMAC)TYPE B TPW 853.00000000 SY $52.06 =5. 111-2 24"RCP,CLASSIII SEWER 17.00000006 LF 69.00 =7.----$-8-7 . 111-3 30'RCP,CLASS III SEWER 8.00000000 LF 87.00 IV-3 4'BRK PVMT MARKING HAS(W) TPW 347.00000000 LF $1.25 $433.75 IV- 8°SLD PVMT MARKING HAS(W) TPW 323.00000000 LF 2.00 IV-6 24°-10FT SEGMENT-2FT GAP(W) TPW 20.00000000 LF 8.00 IV-11 INSTALL 18'YIELD TRIANGLES TPW 3.0000000 EA 25.00 75. VI-1 16'DR-T8 PVC WATER LINE WATER 2.00000000 LF $70.06 VI-3 2'DR-14 PVC WATER LINE WATER 3.00000000 LF $60.00 VI-7 CONNECT TO EXISTING W WATER LINE SEWER 2.00000000 EA $3,700.05 7, VII-1 8'SDR-26 PVC SEWER 16.00000000 LF $38.00 VII-9 TRENCH SAFETY SEWER 21.00000000 LF $1.00 VII-14 MANHOLE ADJUSTMENT,MAJOR WITH COVER SEWER 00000000 EA $1,500.00 .5 VIII-3 SEEDING BROADCAST TPW 7,927.00000000 SY $2.00----775,5. INTEGRAL COLORED/TEXTUIRED CONC PEDESTRAIN BUFFER 0.5' TPW 827.00000000 SF 18.33 5, 5. 2"OUTLINE AROUND 8'STRIPING TPW 110.00000000 LF $1.50 5. 2'OUTLINE AROUND 18'STRIPING TPW 200.00000000 LF $3.00 2'OUTLINE AROUND ARROW TPW 16.00000000 EA $110.00 $1,760.00 2'OUTLINE AROUND DOUBLE ARROW TPW --75-00-0-00-OTO EA $200.00 2'OUTLINE AROUND WORD TPW 14.00000000 EA $350.00 TO TLINE AROUND TRIPLE ARROW TPW 2.000 00 EA 570.00 2"OUTLINE AROUND 2'SOLID WHITE CIRCLE TPW 16.00000000 EA 20.00 REFLECTOR TYPE II-A-A TPW 67.00000000 EA $6.00 11-7 4"CONC SIDEWALK TPW 370.00000000 SF 6.00 TPW $96,290.66 WATER $320.00 SEWER $11,398.00 Sub Total Additions $108,008.66 Change Order Additions Page 1 of 1 FORT WORTH City of Fort Worth �'*"--- Change Order Deletions Project Name I Old Decatur Road and Angle Ave Roundabout CitySec# 2014 CliantProject# 1 3123 Contractorl Jackson Construction,Ltd PMJ Lissette Acevedo Inspector FMichael Collier Change Order Submittal# ® Date 814/2016 DELETIONS ITEM DESM7TION DEPT ty Unit Unit Cost Total 7 5. 1-1-7--BORROW TPW 35.00000000 CY 25.00 75. II-3 10.5'CONC PVMT TPW 538.0000 000 SY 62.00 5. II-15 ASPHALT TRANSITION CURB TPW 8.00000000 EA $500.00 IV-1 4'SLD PVMT MARKING HAS(W) TPW 63.00000000 LF $1.26 IV-2 4'SLD PVMT MARKING HAS(Y) TPW 460.00000000 LF 1.25 575.00 IV-5 2'SLD PVMT MARKING HAE(2) TPW 25.00000000 LF $6.00 $150.00 IV-7 LANE LEGEND ARROW TPW 2.00000000 EA 150.00 IV-10 18'-2 FT SEGMENT-2 FT GAP() TPW 44.00000000 EA 20.00 VII-8 SHALLOW MANHOLE SEWER 1.00000006 EA --T2-,7-60.00 7 VIII-1 TOPSOIL TPW 35.00000000 CY $22.00 77 VIII-2 BLOCK SODDING TPW 1,800.000 0000 SY 5.00 TPW $53,884.75 WATER $0.01 SEWER $2,700.00 Sub Total Deletions 56,58.75 Change Order Deletions Page 1 of 1 M/SBE Breakdown for this Change Order MISBE Sub Type of Seruice ':: Amount for this Total $O:OQ Previous Change Orders 'AMOUNT CO#1 1/7/2016 $4,483.07 Total $4,483 07: CFW Change Order Approval St-COApp10 Page 2 of 3 FORT WORTH, City of Fort Worth Change Order Request Approval (Change Order Breakdown Available in Links) For Change Order Submittal No.: 14 Change Order No.: St-COApp10 Date Started: 2016-09-17 City Sec. No.: ,47192 Date Due: 2016-11-06 Project Name: ;Old Decatur Rd and Angle Ave Roundabout TPW-2014-000089 02014 DOE Numbers: Project Numbers: 6938 Project Reconstruction of Old Decatur Rd. including a multilane Description: roundabout at Old Decatur and Angle Ave. Project Manager: Lissette Acevedo City Inspector: 'Mike Collier Contractor: 'Jackson Construction COUNCIL ACTION (If Required): M&C Log Name: M&C Number: M&C Date: ' COST AND DAYS SUMMARY: Requested Department: Cost($) Fund Account Center: Days: TPW $ 51,423.91 34014 0200431 5470010 CO2014 C( 35 Total Cost: $ 51,423.91 Total Requested Days: 35 Approval Status: https://projectpoint.buzzsaw.com/ bz web/Forms/FormPrint.aspx?SiteId=51500&ProcessI... 10/4/2016 CFW Change Order Approval St-COApp10 Page 3 of 3 Approved: Yes Comments: User: Tara Fishback Date: 2016-09-19 10:37 AM Approved: Yes Comments: User: Carmen Estep Date: 2016-09-19 11:09 AM Approved: Yes Comments: User: Lissette Acevedo Date: 2016-09-21 2:57 PM Approved: Yes Comments: User: Todd Estes Date: 2016-09-22 8:43 AM Approved: Yes Comments: User: Bryan Beck "Date: 2016-09-29 10:08 AM Approved: Yes Comments: User: Doug Wiersig Date: 2016-09-29 12:44 PM Approved: Yes Comments: User: Doug Black Date: 2016-09-29 5:12 PM Approved: Yes Comments: User: Jay Chapa Date: 2016-10-03 9:34 AM Action Required: please approve https://projectpoint.buzzsaw.com/ bz web/Forms/FonnPrint.aspx?SiteId=51500&ProcessI... 10/4/2016