HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 18520-03-2009ORDINANCF. NO. 1$524-63-2Q04 AN ORDNANCE (>RANTINC; THE PRIVILEGE OE C)PER~TIN{> AL`THORITY TO CALL MY LI~1O FOR THE LSE OF THE STREETS, ALLEYS AND PL,'BLIC THOROLGHFARES OF THE CITY IN THF. CONDtiC`T' OF FLS LIh1OtiSI',tiE BUSINESS, WHICH SHALT, CONSIS`T' OF THE OPERA"PION OF FIVE (.'~+} LINIOLJSINES FOR A `T'HREE (3} YEAR PERIOD BEGINNING ON THE EFFECTIVE DATE; SPECIFYINC;< THE TER14iS AND CONDIT1OlVS OF THE GRANT; PROVIDING A 5EVERf1BILTTY CLALSE; 1~LAKING THIS ORDTNANC"E CUNTULA"TIb'E OF ALL ORllINANCES; PROVIDING FOR A PENAL'CY; PROVIDING FOR WRITTEN ACCEPTANCE BY CALL MY LI_VIO; PROVIDING FOR PL;BLICATION; AND PROVIDINC> FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, CALL MY LIMO has applied for operating authority to fuT7lish LIMOUSINE sen=ice on the public streets, alleys and thoroughtaras of the City; and, WHEREAS, the City of-Fort Worth, pursuant to Section 34-30y of the Code of the City of Fort Worth (1986}, as amended, has made inquiry and investigation into the application of CALI1 AIY LIMO; and, WHEREAS, upon such inquiry a~xd investigation and titter thorough consideration of`all ttxe tarts made available to it, the City Council finds: That the public necessity and convenience require the operation in the City of Part Gt"otTh of FIY'E (Sj L,I;41OUSiNES; 2. "]'hat C~3LL ~iY LI'4IO is qualified anti fuxancially able: to efficient]} ccmduct such. business to render such service tea the public. consisting cif the «peration of FIB F. {5} I.,I~iOLfSINES upon the pul7lic streets, alleys and thoroughfares offhc (~PI~' €+f: I'rxri W€?E'tE? ttjr :1 tll rt`C {.~} `rC:l?' pct'lod: ItC'.t=t'1Ix7 nit tSn t1xC ::l Tis.`t71'C calcite.. x tt .. , ,.. z ;.[, j ° , =.~hFiri..1 :?l i{53~ (.fit. Ct plii t.j ui.i~:pt2n!.-C !}y i.F ]C ,..i;xn ie~. S~3I4t iry{fin xt sia.t}!,fn I. is el ia. }3Y...t~A i€ViF.ilS} r4ciui=-errter?t as (lctltz;aincxl 1~~ t.`Itapt4r .y'vy', 5c4t~ost ? ~}i it.e E.naalcr gat t!tc t t:.y axCl?rt t~ artfx and Sec-tion ~y-?(3S €~E'tbc C-its (~~7de of`~)z~iin~mces; ~. I°ITa# fhe tzc;neral c~'clfare of-thy citizens of F'on S~ortl~ E~i1l het he ses°veil by tl~e a;+ct ttic=n t~fFI1~'I: (=+} Lt~it)I:SI'vT:4?,w f .=1IzI. ;DIY I.I~I{?~ and, ~. 11tat all other recluirernents of Chapter 3~ of the Code of the City of Fost Worth (1986)„ as amended, have been complied with CALL MY LIMO, and any r=ialations thereof will result in the imposition ofpenalties as provided by Section 34-228 of the City Code of Ordh~ances. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAIidED BY THE CITY CO[JNCIL C}F 'I'IIE CI`1'Y OF FOR"I' WORTH, "FE?C4S: SECTION L That CALL MY L[MO, a Sole Proprietorship with its principal plae~ of business and its headquarters in FORT TVORTH, TARR~NT COUNTY, TEXAS, hereinai~er referred to as "C.ompany," is hereby ranted operating authority to use the present and future streets, alleys and public thoroughfares of the City of Fort earth, Texas, in its business of providing public limousine servit;e within the said City's municipal limits with FIVE (5) LIMOUSINES for a three year period beginning on the effective date. SECTION 2. That the Itnchngs and. recitations contained in the preamble hereof are expressly incorporated into and made a park of this ordinance as the findutgs of the City< Council. SECTION 3. That the Company, as holder of the grant, and the C'otnpany's o~~erations Itoreurrder, shall k7e. ;o~.erttct! tit =~tl titxtes 1~} the pE'ot isuxns of stag: {u~d federal lwttvs and re!.;ulatic}ns .end C'l~altti;~E '4Lt C7S f'it'. t'E}v~3f. S t a,x {., it+. xkf f"L~Y't ut'£n~e'i ~a E''.K7 ,?. aS a~t~riltt. `€ lt;rt the authortt; licrein ~arauted shawl he and remain subject to said. C.'~~tnpany'~ full, C,a':8gt~f £...4' <3~tiE ~,a zi r~~~ xE , .,.b;5.'; ~J.S,L L.;:'E^ .Af3,~~?~"' ,?n~.i <rE~ "..t7c:E u.~< ~#.,L 4iE;tl ~ x,, :f ?.rt`,r ~ iET'E.{4 f ordinances, including but not limited to the Charter of the City of Fart Werth, and all relevant provisions of Chapter 34, Code of the City of Fort Worth { ] 9867, as amended, and such other ordinances as may be adopted from time to time by the City Council governing and regulating the operation of Limousines in the City of Fort Worth. SECTIC)N 5. That the Company acknowledges that the City of Fort Worth assumes no liability or responsibility in making this grant, and that by acceptance of this ordinance and grant, Company hereby agrees to indemnify, hold harnrless and defend the City of Fort Worth, its officers, agents, and employees, from and against any and afl claims or suits, expense or liability, for any and all property damage or lass andfor personal injury, including death, to any and all persons, of whatsoever kind or character, arising out of or in coimection with any acts or omissions by Company, its officers, agents, employees, drivers, licensees, invitees and passengers, in the exercise of the authority granted herein; and Company shall assume all liability and responsibility fiir same. SEC'TIC}ti 6. That the E'ornpaily ackizowledges that its drivers, property and apes°atiuns shall be and remain subject at all times to such reasonable regulation by the City as is or may be necessary to protect the intceests c}f the general public. ~s such. the Company widerstands and ackno~F=ledges that dm`iitg the term of this ordinance and grant, the: City of Fort Warkh may adopt such ordinances that fiir-ther regulate the operation of the Company's service within the City of Fort tVorth, including the anloullt of fees to be paid: and that upon the adoption thereof; the Company shall be~~in a}nducting if operations in ccmzplailce +:lith the pres~=i,ions {}f' such. ordinaanccs. l'ur?htr~ sh{yt;ld Chc' t,'If'v iaitt"i" ad4spi an icF{i-,iri,1C(' !ht#t Oct?i[7 f Cl:irl~?C 1]te t2aTttt'e s}i Y,il€: 7"€x..1' lE'+ i'.2~t2I?w€,ti {Sidel ISI i'. i)Sd:ncE=:i.i', tile'. s.t`, :".se;i ac 5 j'ne. ~..r c'=..{+ E:£rl; ~..<'i €1t tY!:. a4rt=I'4. x^~~, ti ''.,: ci;'t'='" .it2£i~ fii i4Ts2f4 t:r 3,:s".etl an{li:I' £itl~ i~?"ttfi7antie alit]. F~+at:e z Ilti3k ~Yirki: t'+t Ut?l:~"aF!t5t' 1.llit2fs, t1 ~., as 7{3ti~r-*, 3S C'€}11Spaily sS n{5t lli F'ltrle'tt@(.yn ~bf ;.lny pit>t'i~ic.in t7 i~ C'Ii,tptel:' .~-~ {yt the t~I}de s5}~ fhe t ~li;y' {it f'{7rt G~rlirli. ] esas f lrJ~ti], :as <,mei2dec(. in the et=<itt the tclins <#n€1 calndrti{}ris of"this tirdi/lancc are in ;`t3''it h,! Sa.al ~~ !.'I i=r.*+Ii==a4 f}t unv S¢u5:#'} r, I+s!,l.l.`4e-.#ksvpfeel l') tt}C:. ~., icy, xz 4' :}r,,:.~.vxe +JI `r idi;.tl ordinance shall supersede tlxe terms and conditions of this ordinance to the extent they are in conflict. SECTION 1. That the Cam}~any aeknotvledges that payment of required fees, as specified in Chapter 3A of the Code of the City of Fort Worth, "Texas {1486}, as amended, is a requisite to exercising dle privileges gratlted herein. SECTION 8. That the C"e~mpany shall he obligated to discharge any claim or judgnent agauist it finally established by Iaw, and the failure to do so for a period of one hundred eighty {180) days shall; ipso facto, terminate all authority wider this giant. SECTION 9. "That pr~rsuant to Chapter 34 of the Code of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, (1986}, as amended, the Company shall not 4ell, wnvey ar transfer this grant of operating authority to any other person, firm or eorhoration without the prior formal consent <uzd approval of the City Council of The City of Fort Worth, nor shat] tpte Company sell, trantitcr, assign or otherwise encumber its limousine operation without the consent of the Fort Worth City Cowzcil. SECTION IQ. That notl~ii~g herein containul shall he hold or c<n2sttucd to confer upon the ("oml~€uiy exclLr~ive righ#s or piitilcgts ofan~ nature ca=ttazsoe~cr, ~-hat errs suspen~,isara or re4ocation c~t~ttrc lx-~~ sleuJe~ graartcd herein may ba atc~ctmpllsl~etl under the applicable pr~}~;t;;ions t}t' {"h~ptt°t` 34 c~€' tltc 4 oai~ of~ t}ie (`iiy of Port tic+rtlt. Texas F 5EC'CION 12. That the terms and provisions of this ordinance are severable and shall be governed by Section 1-3 of C`Itapter } of the Code of the City of E'ort Worth. Texas (1986}, as ant~°nded. SECTION 13. "That the provisions o~f this ordinance shat} be and are hereby daelaz-ed to be cumulative of all provisions of the Code of the City pf Fort Worth, Texas (1986), as amended, with respect to the regulation and operation of public limousine service within the City's municipal 1units, aud, in the event of conflict between the provisions of this ordinance and such Cade, the provisions of the City Code shall govern and prevail. SECTION 14. A penalty may be imposed for violations of this ordinance in an amamtt not to exceed five hundred dollars ($Sf70). Each day that a violation exists steal! cwtstitute a separate offense. Any violation o}'this ordinance shall be a class C misdemeanor-. SEC"T'ION 15. That after adoption of this ordinance, C~ontpany shall pay all required fees and file with the Cify Secretary written acre}rtance pf the terms arnt provisions hereof: Such acceptance of and agreemestt tp the provisions at this ordinance and grant. shall be exidenced b4 the signature of the C`ctmpany's aotbarircd representative on the final page of this oritiuastce. Sl~it''CION ((r, l ~l'ne ~.. Jt 4e{:C't;C-iC'S" t7t itlt;. ~.,;.r C)~ I'prt ~~`ttrlli., [ex rf::. ?*~ herd)}' t120"Geti;tl t3 pEilxltslx tl=e s:.apSYt'ttt aE'Id. penalt4` ti?f t}fls f?rd?n:iTlf:t: tt)i' t41~(t I?t tila~5 SIl the t?t~ltt'n37 rteu spapcr pull?e (`it~r' fYt lit;°t yy`orth, Icxa~;.:i~, iiathorired by 6et'tipn ~2.t1t3 of tlse Texas Local {aftvcrsu?tert Code; ("hfipter ~..t4~ ,~} 1':3e ~...~„"i ^~r .t t ~, ?tx bt .~ R~5't s~'F(°mtt., ,.,4itl '~Ci~ t.:~ ui:.l ~(n f~f`,i., n Ik` slt l H't} ema f„4~1 v.l .k Ye{C. S tkti't i.?t j xF>iFi.{. (. ti.. SEC'T'iGN 17. That this otdiaance shall Cake et~ecC upon adaptic~n, acceptance of the- grant aild payment of tite fee by CALL I~'[Y L,Il~tO and publication as required by law. AS ~',Clt'F4R1VI AAi3} LEGALITY: ASSIST DATE: ADt?PTED: March 31, 2004 EF'F'ECTIVE: I~yy~~ f~~~~~fi 3 h ACCF,PTED Bl': it1Y LI4'IO #F ~.~ t Mr~.m(.dJJ ~I n.....an i of Y~F"M1.i..+ t J DAT ~' : " r ~ c ` City of Fart Worth, Texas Mayor and Council Communication COUNCIL ACTION: Approved on 3/31124Q9 -Ord. No. 1852{t-t)3-ZOfl9 DATE: Tuesday. March 31, 2049 REFERENCE NO.: *~G-16508 LOG NAME: 20CALL MY LIMO SUBJECT: Approve Findings of Ground Transportation Goardinator Regarding Application of Cali My Lima to Operate Five Limousines within the City of Fort Worth and Adopt Ordinance Granting Such Authority RECOMMENDATION: (t is recommended that the City Council: 1. Consider and adopt the following findings of the Ground Transportation Coordinator: a. The public necessity and convenience require the operation of five limousines upon the City streets, alleys and thoroughfares; b. Gall My Limo is qualified and financially able to conduct a limousine service within the City; a. Call My Limo has complied with the requirements of Chapter 34 of the City Cade; d. Call My Limo presented facts in support of compelling demand and necessity for five limousines; e. The general welfare of the citizens of the Gity will best be served by the addition of five limousines upon City streets, alleys and thoroughfares; and 2. Adapt the attached ordinance granting GaII My Lima operating authority for five limousines on City streets for a three year period subject to and conditioned on Call My Lima complying with all requirements of Chapter 34, Article VI, Division 3 of the Gade of the City of Fort Worth {1986), as amended. DISCUSSION: On February 2, 2009, Gall My Limo {Company} submitted an application to the City requesting authority to operate a limousine senrrae within the City of Fort Worth. f'Lir~i.l~ni to Chapter .5=~r.,. A£f+L:#'_' ~fi, ~?€:€:r!an "?4 <:::~5 of fhe Crty x~.- SS,Se, `txt'iPiq +''C:n+31'~F_^rif+?~ ts5fa ~,+~JdY Ni3ny~::~ '3~t-:I€fv:~t.?€3n, tF«' G+t}+ ...+.}..£~~>~ ~£1€d'a~ oaf'.': °E..,, r7!?'f~ ti'.?`?e"tier t}i ~+C'[ tC? adf]~t a~;E3r+:.~VE? :;f ~'anf!Sm tFif; fi54G'4r747~ r.~f +'°~e £>round ~`+~i fS~.!:.if"t,3 trot? ~:.C+iJrd!;'t;:~tt}r 't~?ldk"'!' ~E'~Iri~n ~~ Gr...'~'t, in {~eCP.rC1nIRC] wFtetr3??f ;fir #iUt to recammenrd the grar~finc al aperatrrg artiharity the Ground Trar?sp~,rtation Coardinatar Shall consider; among other things: the falEawng items: ':. Prebabie permanency and quality of the service offered by the applicant,. the applicant's experience in Cendenng Such SerVrCe !t; tile" G!t}` ar Sf`lliiar +xerViae elsewhere and the a{~p#tGant~$ past regard arsd {.X~,.{-; .-'-`+"£3 t., ~~E€r..aa, r~ 1~1,~"8Y*l~:..3?`.E_ i:.+~y E fC.S t15:!~.. £ n#;t, o? ~a7'`i, Ig` Ci,f# rx ~7'.°: Es~ .'-*. ~"?~£? af'tl... t'~-.Tl::~.`s tE. ...t<<,,.?tai st1, s;~ 1+> :;+>x'# , I.a c.':c' >~,..,...;#'s?f'r.: ~`>:^:i SskF' 38"t+>.~b"s #y i~ i£~p':,'.`.£# iiJ i,(a#.r :'. (';r t.c7t;n<vnc: 20C",lt.l. ~]1' t.i'1tC) f'nce t oF'~ judgments arising by reason of business operations, injury to persons or damage to property resulting from operation of a limousine service; 3. The character and condition of the vehicles to tre used; 4. If the applicant is a corporation or other business en#ity, the qualification of the officers, directors, members and persons with economic interest making such application and each of the above-numbered items as applied to each of the stockholders, officers, members and directors; 5. The applicant's character and past record and, if the applicant is a corporation ar other business entity, that of its officers, members and stockholders; and 6. Such other information as presented during any public hearing that may bear on the public necessity and convenience. The Ground Transportation Coordinator recommends approval based on the following findings: a. The Company is qualified and financially able to conduct a limousine service within the City; b. The Company has complied with the requirements of Chapter 34 of the City Cade; c. The Company presented facts in support of compelling demand and necessity for five limousines; and d. The general welfare of the citizens of the City will best be served by the addition of five limousines upon City streets, alleys and thoroughfares. The three year period shall commence on the effective date, which shall be upon acceptance by the grantee and completion of the publication requirement in accordance with Chapter XXU, Section 2 of the City Charter and Section 34-205 of the Code of Ordinances. The potential annual revenues from the collection of applicable fees under Chapter 34 is estimated to be $400.00. FISCAL INFORMATION i CERTIFICATION: The Financial Management Services Director certifies that Transportation and Public Works Department is responsible for the collection and deposit of fees due to the City. FUND CENTERS: ___ TO FundtAccountlCenters FROM FundlAccounUCenters GGfl1_ X21352 4134010 ~46fl.00 __ _ _ ... CERTlFICA71ONS: SubtniEted for Gity Met~ager's Office by; rr 7,~r5drs c:~sta i0?~%;= Originafing [.te~artt~nenf head: >,nJ~E~tani x~,. v`erkest P.E. (t80 =_. Additional Information Contact. Gerald Taylor {098?} _ _ 1.cYtrna:nle: 2tiC'.AI.Cz 1tY' f.l~~l(.) P:itc? af~'