HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 8439y 5~ ORDINANCE NO. 8 ~ 3 ~ ~-~- AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND ADOPTING ESTIMATES OF THE COST OF IMPROVE- MENTS AND OF AMOUNTS TO BE ASSESSED FOR IMPROVEMENTS ON A PORTION OF HULEN STREET AND PORTIONS OF SUNDRY OTHER STREETS, AVENUES AND PUBLIC PLACES IN THE CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS FIXING TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING TO THE OWNERS OF ABUTTING PROPERTY AND TO ALL OTHERS INTERESTED; DIRECTING THE CITY SECRETARY TO GIVE NOTICE OF SUCH HEARING; AND DIRECTING THE CITY SECRETARY TO ENGROSS AND ENROLL THIS ORDINANCE BY COPYING THE CAPTION OF SAME IN THE MINUTE BOOK OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND BY FILING THE COMPLETE ORDINANCE IN THE APPROPRIATE ORDINANCE RECORDS OF THE CITY AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, has heretofore ordered that each of the hereinafter described portions of streets, avenues and public places in the City of Fort Worth, Texas, be im- proved by raising grading and filling same and by constructing thereon the following to-wit HULEN STREET From Old Cranbury Road to Oakmont Parkway known and de- signated as Project No 029-36651 a seven-inch reinforced concrete pavement on a six-inch thick lime stabilized sub- grade with seven-inch high superimposed concrete curb on two thirty-six foot traffic lanes Six-inch thick concrete driveways will be constructed where specified ~;: together with concrete curbs gutters driveways and incidentals to such improvements on proper grade and line where same are not already so constructed, together with storm sewers and drains and other necessary incidentals and appurtenances all of said im- provements to be constructed as and where shown on the Plans and in strict accordance with the Plans and Specifications therefore contract therefore has been made and entered into with. Metroplex Paving Company, Inc ~ and WHEREAS the City Council of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, has caused the Transportation and Public Works Director to prepare and file estimates of the cost of such improvements and estimates of the amount per front foot proposed to be assessed against abutting property and the owners thereof and such estimates have been exam- ined NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS, THAT I Such estimates be and they are hereby adopted and approved II It is hereby found and determined that the cost of improvements on each portion of streets avenues and public places hereinafter described with the amount or amounts per front foot proposed to be assessed for such improvements against abutting pro- perty and the owners thereof are as follows to-wit Hulen Street From Old Granbury Road to Oakmont Parkway, known and designated as Project No 029-36651 The estimated cost of improvements is $ 508,273 79 the estimated amount per front foot to be assessed against abutting property and the owners thereof for superimposed concrete curb is $ 1 59 the estimated amount per front feot to be assessed against abutting property and the owners thereof for pavement is $ 45 80 , the estimated amount per front foot to be assessed against abutting property and the owners thereof for storm drain R 0 W preparation top soil seeding guard rail and traffic markers is $ 61 56 the estimated amount per square foot to be assessed against abutting property and the owners thereof for six-inch thick concrete driveway is $2 95 per square foot the total estimated amount per front foot to be assessed against abut- ting property and the owners thereof is $ 47 39 plus the cost incurred for storm drain R 0 W preparation top soil. seeding guard rail, traffic markers and concrete driveway construction where specified ~'~ ec ~*: III A hearing be given and held by and before the City Council of the City of Fort Worth Texas to all owning or claiming any property abutting upon said portions of highways streets avenues and public places as well as to all owning or claiming any interest in any such property Such hearing shall be given and held on the 3rd day of November 19 81 at 10 00 A.M~ in the Council Chamber in the City Ha11 in the City of Fort Worth Texas and the City Secretary is hereby directed to give or cause to be given notice ,of the time and place of such hearing and of other matters and facts in accordance with the terms and provisions of an Act passed at the First Called Session of the Fortieth Legislature of the State of Texas and known as Chapter 106 of the Acts of said Session, now being known as Article 1105b of Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes as amended by Acts 1967 60th Legislature Page 365 Chaptex 176, Section I, emergency effective May 12 1967 Such notice shall be by advertisement inserted at least three (3) times in a newspaper published in the pity of Fort Worth Texas, the first publication to be made at least twenty-one (21) days before the date of said hearing Said notice shall comply with and be in accordance with the terms and provisions of said Act as amended The City Secretary is further directed to give or cause to be given personal notice of the time and place of such hearing to all owning or claiming any property abutting on' said portions of highways streets avenues and public places as well as to all owning or claiming any #.nterest in any such property Such personal notice shall be in writing and shall be given or caused to be given by the City Secretary by depositing such written notice in the United States Mail at least fourteen (14) days before the date of the hearing postage prepaid in envelopes addressed to all persons awning or claiming any interest in the respective properties abutting the high ways streets avenues and public places or portions thereof to be improved as the names bf such persons are shown on the current rendered tax rolls of the City of Fort Worth and at the addresses so shown or if the name of sucks respective owners do not appear on such rendered tax rolls then address to such owners as their names are shown on the current unrendered tax mills of the City of Fort Worth at the addresses shown thereon In those cases in which an owner of property abutting a highway street avenue or public place or portion or portions there- of which is to be improved is listed as 'unknown°° on the then current City of Fort Worth tax rolls or the name of an owner is shown on the City of Fort Worth tax rolls but no address for such owner is shown no notice need be mailed In those cases where the owner is shown to be an estate the mailed notice may be addressed to such estate In this connection the City Secretary shall prepare and file or cause to be prepared and filed with these proceedings a list of the properties to be assessed the names of those persons owning or claiming any interest in said properties to wham the notice was mailed together with the last known addresses determined as aforesaid of the respective owners and those perms sons owning or claiming any interest in said property The City Secretary shall certify that each of the parties in said list whose address is shown on the then current rendered or. unrendered tax rolls of the City of I°ort Worth was mailed a copy of the notice of hearing and shall further certify the date or dates on which said notice was mailed A copy of each notice shall be attached to such certificate The certificate of the City Secretary will be con- clusive evidence of the facts therein recited a IV The City Secretary is hereby directed to engross and enroll this ordinance by copying the caption of same in the Minute Book of the City Council and by filing the complete ordinance in the appropriate Ordinance Records of this City V This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and effect from and after the date of its passage Passed and approved this^ ~j~ day of ~~~__~~~- 19~_ APPROVED AS TO FORM ANQ LEGALITY ..._ i ty ttorney .~A - - DATE REFERENCE SUBJECT a~wi~a.rd of 'ie~trl'~.tJ..aF°4~~ - Hulen Sheet PAGE NUMBER Improvements Cranbury Road t~~ Oakmont: iof 3 1.0"6 81 ~~ C-5 33 Pa~kwa in Santa Fa Southwest Industrial Park: --.. __ City Council acti©ra is req~;ested :gin Pro~ee Nye 029-036-651-00 as descr~~bed be: Street Limits Roadway Width-feet ROW 'Wa_dth-Feet Helen St.rereet Old Gr4nba:cy Road x°°~. Oakmont Two, 36 a la.~;.ec 120' W~'28' Median Origin and Backgror~nd of Prc~'~b~t Ora November 4 1968 ~M&C C-x.354) the City Couns~il approved CommunT_ty Facilities Contract No 6190 with Santa re Land Improvement Company whi~_ch provided for construction of a pr~~rtor~ of the hove described leng h. of Helen Street as an interior street to i,ot ~ B1o k 1 Santa Fe So~~,t,h$,~as~ Ix:da~strial Park Subee~- quently on august 31 193 ~I~i&C t~'-2620 tl~,.e City C~u~nc.~.l approved an updated Community Facilitl.es Coy"k~st:raet No 7649 witch Santa Fe Land Improvement Compar.,y providing for the same ~.xrrprovements as the earlieT~~ montrac* and n.n l~rl.gas.s;t 1975 C~rrutract No 7649 was amended to provide for the ad~r~stment cif water and sanitary rawer fac :1~.ties only 7".he developer has sin;oe s,o1d a p~~~xtion of the land ad~aoent to the west sale of Ha~lr~n S?:,x°eet 7.:0 84 L~;rrx4oar Company and ~_s now finanv°~.a11y in s: posit~.on to improve. Hu~.len Sfreet The project was advert~,sed for bids with favorable results however a mutual agreement ec:,~!ld not° be reached wi,}~h 84 Umber Company as to equ;~i~.able costs for the improvements Consequently a aew :ommunity facilities centraet is ~.mrn~".Herat ~a~n,`L~r:~.n t°he developer is request :ng the City to award the contract for the improvement of Hu1en Street on an assessment basis and Santa F'e Land Improvement Comparxy has deposited with the City the fu11 developer's share of the Bost wYeereas 84 L~nmber Compa~~r's normal sh~xre of Bost w-~~11 be assessed against their property Improvements Tb~Ls s.egz~e=nt of Hu1.en Street wi'11 be improved as a double 36' wide thoroughfare by c~~nstruetion o~f 7 thick corxcrete pavement with sa.~;perimposed eoncrete sorb and dr ~~~~y approaches, where specified Included is a. Bross-ove>~F fora futr~re street and turn lanes, where ragr~ired Storm drainage facl.lities consist of a concxete culvert and 390e of pipe and appurtenances Receipt of Bids The project was .ati~rertised for bids on j1"uly 8 and 15 1981 and the following beds were reeelved max ytiAly 22 ..~~,nis. py Fd.Y7~i1:-~lhVaa csaxu taa~u~~..nax.~~ vaa u~uali Ui Santa Fe Land Improvement Company with 200 working days allotted to complete the project DATE REFERENCE SUBJECT Ataard Of Contract - Hulen Street PACE NUMBER :~improvem.Ents Granbury Road to Oakmont 2 of 3 11Q~/R1 ~~C-5933 Parkway 7~n Santa F'e ~ °~`hw -~° ~'nd err al Fay: k Bidder Amount Metroplex Paving Co Ine: $475 022 23 J L Bertram Cons~`ruciton & Engineering Inc $515 541 60 Austin Road company $544 441 88 APAC-Texas Inc $56~_ 849 75 Metroplex Paving Company Tnc has agreed by e~-.ter ~o allow the ~`ity to award the contract in lieu of the developer and to extend the validity of the proposal to October 6 1981 Project C~~St and Financing Based on standard development policy for an ~_nre~ior street cost to Santa Fe Land Improvement Company is $245 974 54 which has been deposited in the project account to provide for partial payment to the contractor Under normal assess- ment paving policy cost to $4 Lumber Comparby is $27 378 42 which. will be provided for by a bond fond transfer from the Revolving Fund Unspecified Account Cost to the City for construction is $201 669 27 ar~.d approximately $46 994 42 for engineering plus $4,,4!8 50 for the City's portion X25/) of an existing sanitary sewer adjustment in the proposed roadway Bond fund transfers are required from th.e Streets in New Additions Unspecified Account for the city°s construction cost and from the Engineering Unspecified Account for engineering Recommendations It is recommended that 1 The following bond fund transfers be approved From To Amount Reason 094-009-901-00 094-036-65.1-00 $72 378 42 To provide-funds for R.cvolving Fund Unspeci- Hulen Street Granbury the property owners' fled Road to Oakmont Parkway share. of constructio cost 029-036-901-00 029-036-651-00 $206 500 To provide funds for Streets in New Additions Hulen Street Granbury the. City's constmu,~._ Unspecified Road to Oakmont Parkway Lion cost 029-095-901-00 029-036-651-00 $~C?-~000 To provide funds fir Engineering Unspecified Hulen Street Granbury the City°s engineeri. Road to Oakmont Parkway salaries 2 An ordinance be adopted ADOPTED ORDINANCE NO ~ `f 3 A Declaring the necessity for and ordering the improvements B Making provisions for levying assessments C Directing the Transpartation/Public Works Department to prepare estimates of costs and amoLfli~~;s to be assessed D Awarding the contract to Metroplex Paving Gompan~y Inc in the amount, of $475 022 23 based on their low bid, DATE REFERENCE SUBJECT Award ©~ Gc'r~t.ract ~- HLAY.en Street PAGE NUMBER lmp*°ovements Granbrury load to Oakmont 3 or 3 a~.0 6 8~. ~~ C-593 Par ~ in - ^~ ~. - ,, ~t~° ,. Park E Making appropriations to cover the ~.ndebtedrx:;ss hereby ~.n~~s,Lred for improvements of ~~.he pro~ee.t and ~ An rdinance be adopted ADOPTED ORD{NANCE NO 8' ~ 3 A Approving the estimates of costa ar~d amov.~.;~s ~.rc~p,~sed tcs be assessed ar~d B Setting Novembe~t~ 3 198.1 as the - date :for the benefits Yzea~ing GG p~.g !APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL. p ~~ 6 1981 ~ Ci. ecxeCeYY eE Chi C o£ ~Oxt Wo>rCh~ ~'07tR~ SUBMITTED FOR THE- ~ CITY MANAGER'S D_ISP051TION BY COUNCIL: °""° PROCESSED BY OFFICE BY d._.----"° AppROVED ^ / ~ ORIGINATING ^ OTHER (DESCRIBE) / DEPARTMENT HEAD: Garr-' Santerre CITY SECRETARY FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CONTACT ®dell Ss,1'lmidt ~ Ez~t 780.5 DATE