HomeMy WebLinkAboutCP 182 CIT FO wo s TEXAS m t o � �-o 0 0. COUNCIL PROPOSAL Date File Number Subject 1/25/94 Cpm-182 ADOPTION OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT POLICY STATEMENTS Proposed by Councilmembers City Manager's Review Barr, Meadows, Silcox Page--L—of 2 PROPOSAL: It is proposed that the City Council adopt the attached Financial Management Policy Statements, which provide a policy framework to ensure that financial resources are available to meet the present and future needs of the citizens of Fort Worth. DISCUSSION: To establish a framework for fiscal decision-making, Staff developed and submitted for City Council review a comprehensive set of Financial Management Policy Statements. The Ad Hoc Council Committee on Financial Management Policies has reviewed this document, and the Committee's recommended revisions have been incorporated. To highlight these revisions, two copies of the Financial Management Policy Statements have been provided to City Councilmembers: the first copy shows the revisions in bold typeface, the second contains the revisions in regular typeface. The benefits that accrue from the formal adoption of financial policies can be summarized thus: 1) The process of reviewing and adopting the policies allows elected officials and their staff to consider current approaches to financial management from a i long-term perspective. 2) The policies enhance the credibility of the City with the public, bond rating agencies, and investors. 3) By establishing a framework for financial decisions, the policies improve and streamline the decision-making process. 4) Established financial policies help to quickly orient newly-elected and appointed officials to a range of financial matters. 5) Policy statements provide a sense of organizational continuity as elected officials and staff change. 6) Financial policies provide a basis for dealing with fiscal emergencies. eLEGALITY VFISCAL NOTE VCITY MANAGER'S COMMENTS VCITY POLICIES MANUAL CIT FO WO 9 TEXAS o o. COUNCIL PROPOSAL Date File Number Subject ADOPTION OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT POLICY STATEMENTS 1/25/94 Q-182 Proposed by Councilmembers City Manager's Review Barr, Meadows, Silcox Page_I_of 2 The Ad Hoc Council Committee on Financial Management Policies is in agreement that, if adopted, the development and continual maintenance of this set of financial policies will yield such benefits for this city government and its citizens. The Financial Management Policy Statements will be reviewed annually by the City Council and updated, revised, or refined as deemed necessary. Policy statements adopted by the City Council are guidelines, and occasionally, exceptions may be appropriate and required. Exceptions to stated policies, however, should be specifically identified, and the need for the exception should be documented and fully explained. LEGALITY: This proposal is within the powers of the City Council and there is no known legal impediment to its implementation. CITY MANAGER'S COMMENTS: The City Manager has reviewed this proposal and has no objections to it. APPROV D CITY COUNCIL ,.IAN 25 1994 ew City of P ��low ROO t ALITY Q OCAL NOTE CITY MANAGER'S COMMENTS 0 CITY POLICIES MANUAL CITY OF FORT WORTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT POLICY STATEMENTS m ��'�Y'C� .I„ To establish and document a policy framework for fiscal decision-making, the City Manager will develop and maintain a comprehensive set of Financial Management Policy Statements. The aim of these policies is to ensure that financial resources are available to meet the present and future needs of the citizens of Fort Worth. Specifically this policy framework mandates the pursuit of the following fiscal objectives: 1. Revenues: Design, maintain and administer a revenue system that will assure a reliable, equitable, diversified and sufficient revenue stream to support desired City services. 2. Expenditures: Identify priority services, establish appropriate service levels and administer the expenditure of available resources to assure fiscal stability and the effective and efficient delivery of services. �+ 3. Fund Balance/Retained Earnings: Maintain the fund balance and retained earnings of the various operating funds at levels sufficient to protect the City's creditworthiness as well as its financial position from emergencies. 4. Capital Expenditures and Improvements: Annually review and monitor the state of the City's capital equipment and infrastructure, setting priorities for its replacement and renovation based on needs, funding alternatives, and availability of resources. 5. Debt: Establish guidelines for debt financing that will provide needed capital equipment and infrastructure improvements while minimizing the impact of debt payments on current revenues. 6. Investments: Invest the City's operating cash to ensure its safety, provide for *. necessary liquidity and optimize yield. 7. Intergovernmental Relations: Coordinate efforts with other governmental agencies to achieve common policy objectives, share the cost of providing governmental services on an equitable basis and support favorable legislation at the state and federal level. 8. Grants: Seek, apply for and effectively administer federal, state and foundation grants-in-aid which address the City's current priorities and policy objectives. 9. Economic Development: Initiate, encourage and participate in economic development efforts to create job opportunities and strengthen the local economy. 10. Fiscal Monitoring: Prepare and present regular reports that analyze, evaluate, and w� forecast the City's financial performance and economic condition. 2 11. Financial Consultants: With available resources, seek out and employ the assistance of qualified financial advisors and consultants in the management and administration of the City's financial functions. 12. Accounting, Auditing and Financial Reporting: Comply with prevailing federal, state and local statutes and regulations. Conform to generally accepted accounting principles as promulgated by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB), the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), and the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA). Ak 3 I. Revenues To design, maintain and administer a revenue system that will assure a reliable, equitable, diversified and sufficient revenue stream to support desired City services. A. Balance and Diversification in Revenue Sources The City shall strive to maintain a balanced and diversified revenue system to protect the City from fluctuations in any one source due to changes in local economic conditions which adversely impact that source. B. User Fees For services that benefit specific users the City shall establish and collect fees to recover the costs of those services. The City Council shall determine the appropriate cost recovery level and establish the fees. Where feasible and desirable, the City shall seek to recover full direct and indirect costs. User fees shall be reviewed on a regular basis to calculate their full cost recovery levels, to compare them to the current fee structure, and to recommend adjustments where necessary. C. Property Tax Revenues/Tax F&teBurden The City shall endeavor to reduce its reliance on property tax revenues by revenue diversification, implementation of user fees, and economic development. The City shall also strive to minimize tax rate inErease the property tax burden on Fort Worth citizens. D. Utility/Enterprise Funds User Fees Utility rates and enterprise funds user fees shall be set at levels sufficient to cover operating expenditures, meet debt obligations, provide additional funding for capital improvements, and provide adequate levels of working capital. The City shall seek to eliminate all forms of subsidization to utility/enterprise funds from the General Fund. E. Administrative Services Charges The City shall establish a method to determine annually the administrative services charges due the General Fund from enterprise funds for overhead and staff support. Where appropriate, the enterprise funds shall pay the General Fund for direct services rendered. 4 CITY OF FORT WORTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT POLICY STATEMENTS F. Revenue Estimates for Budgeting In order to maintain a stable level of services, the City shall use a conservative, objective, and analytical approach when preparing revenue estimates. The process shall include analysis of probable economic changes and their impacts on revenues, historical collection rates, and trends in revenues. This approach should reduce the likelihood of actual revenues falling short of budget estimates during the year and should avoid mid-year service reductions. G. Revenue Collection and Administration The City shall maintain high collection rates for all revenues by keeping the revenue system as simple as possible in order to facilitate payment. In addition, since a revenue should exceed the cost of producing it, the City shall strive to control and reduce administrative costs. The City shall pursue to the full extent allowed by state law all delinquent taxpayers and others overdue in payments to the City. 5 CITY OF EDRF WORTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT POLICY STATEMENTS U. Expenditures To assure fiscal stability and the effective and efficient delivery of services, through the identification of necessary services, establishment of appropriate service levels, and careful administration of the expenditure of available resources. A. Current Funding Basis The City shall operate on a current funding basis. Expenditures shall be budgeted and controlled so as not to exceed current revenues plus the planned use of fund balance accumulated through prior year savings. (The use of fund balance shall be guided by the Fund Balance/Retained Earnings Policy Statements.) B. Avoidance of Operating Deficits The City shall take immediate corrective actions if at any time during the fiscal year expenditure and revenue re-estimates are such that an operating deficit(i.e., projected expenditures in excess of projected revenues) is projected at year-end. Corrective actions can include a hiring freeze, expenditure reductions, fee increases, or use of fund balance within the Fund Balance/Retained Earnings Policy. Expenditure deferrals into the following fiscal year, short-term loans, or use of one-time revenue sources shall be avoided to balance the budget. C. Maintenance of Capital Assets Within the resources available each fiscal year, the City shall maintain capital �. assets and infrastructure at a sufficient level to protect the City's investment, to minimize future replacement and maintenance costs, and to continue service levels. D. Periodic Program Reviews The City Manager shall undertake periodic staff and third-party reviews of City programs for both efficiency and effectiveness. Programs net meeting effleieney or- effeeti-veness objeetives shall be subjeet to reduetien or elimination Privatization and contracting with other governmental agencies will be evaluated as alternative approaches to service delivery. Programs which are determined to be inefficient and/or ineffective shall be reduced in scope or eliminated. AIR- 6 CITE` OF FOIST WORTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT POLICY STATEMENTS E. Purchasing The City shall make every effort to maximize any discounts offered by creditors/vendors. Staff shall also use competitive bidding to attain the best possible price on goods and services. 7 CITY OF FORT WORTH FINANCIAL. MANAGEMENT POLICY STATEMENTS III. Fund Balance/Retained Earnings To maintain the fund balance and retained earnings of the various operating funds at levels sufficient to protect the City's creditworthiness as well as its financial positions from unforeseeable emergencies. A. General Fund Undesignated Fund Balance The City shall strive to maintain the General Fund undesignated fund balance at 10 percent of current year budget expenditures. After completion of the annual audit, if the undesignated fund balance exceeds 10 percent, the excess shall be transferred to the Capital Projects Reserve Fund. (The use of this Fund shall be guided by the Capital Expenditures and Improvements Policy Statements.) B. Retained Earnings of Other Operating Funds In other enterprise operating funds, the City shall strive to maintain positive retained earnings positions to provide sufficient reserves for emergencies and revenue shortfalls. Specifically, in the Water and Sewer Enterprise Fund, an operating reserve will be established and maintained at 20 percent of the current year's budget appropriation for operation and maintenance, which is defined as the total budget less debt service and capital project expenditures. C. Use of Fund Balance/Retained Earnings Fund Balance/Retained Earnings shall be used only for emergencies, non- recurring expenditures, or major capital purchases that can not be accommodated through current year savings. Should such use reduce the balance below the appropriate level set as the objective for that fund, recommendations will be made on how to restore it. D. Retained Earnings of Internal Service Funds The City shall not regularly maintain positive retained earnings in internal service funds. When an internal service fund builds up retained earnings, the City shall transfer it to other operating funds. 8 CITY OF FORT WORTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT POLICY STATEMENTS IV. Capital Expenditures and Improvements To annually review and monitor the state of the City's capital equipment and infrastructure, setting priorities for its replacement and renovation based on needs, funding,alternatives,and availability of resources. A. Capital Improvement Planning Program The City shall annually review the needs for capital improvements and equipment, the current status of the City's infrastructure, replacement and renovation needs, and potential new projects. All projects, ongoing and proposed, shall be prioritized based on an analysis of current needs and resource availability. For every capital project, all operation, maintenance and replacement costs shall be fully costed. B. Replacement of Capital Assets on a Regular Schedule The City shall annually prepare a schedule for the replacement of its non- infrastructure capital assets. Within the resources available each fiscal year, the City shall replace these assets according to the aforementioned schedule. C. Capital Expenditure Financing The City recognizes that there are three basic methods of financing its capital requirements. It can budget the funds from current revenues; it can take the funds from fund balance/retained earnings as allowed by the Fund Balance/Retained Earnings Policy; or it can borrow money through debt. Debt financing includes general obligation bonds, revenue bonds, certificates of obligation, lease/purchase agreements, certificates of participation, and commercial paper. Guidelines for assuming debt are set forth in the Debt Policy Statements. D. Capital Projects Reserve Fund A Capital Projects Reserve Fund shall be established and maintained to accumulate proceeds from the sale of real property assets, reimbursements from other governmental agencies for the prior purchase of real assets, and transfers from the General Fund undesignated fund balance. This Fund shall only be used to pay for capital improvements and capital equipment having an expected useful life in excess of 10 years. 9 CITY OF FORT WORTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT POLICY STATEMENTS V. Debt To utilize debt financing which will provide needed capital equipment and infrastructure improvements while minimizing the impact of debt payments on current revenues. A. Use of Debt Financing Debt financing, to include general obligation bonds, revenue bonds, certificates of obligation, certificates of participation, commercial paper, and lease/purchase agreements,shall only be used to purchase capital assets that can not be financed from either current revenues or fund balance/retained earnings and to fund infrastructure improvements and additions. The useful life of the asset or project shall exceed the payout schedule of any debt the City assumes. B. Assumption of Additional Debt The City shall not assume more tax-supported general purpose debt than it retires each year without conducting an objective analysis as to the community's ability to assume and support additional debt service payments. C. Affordability Targets The City shall use an objective analytical approach to determine whether it can afford to assume new general purpose debt beyond what it retires each year. This process shall compare generally accepted standards of affordability to the current values for the City. These standards shall include debt per capita, debt as 01b. a percent of taxable value,debt service payments as a percent of current revenues and current expenditures,and the level of overlapping net debt of all local taxing jurisdictions. The process shall also examine the direct costs and benefits of the proposed expenditures. The decision on whether or not to assume new debt shall be based on these costs and benefits and on the City's ability to "afford" new debt as determined by the aforementioned standards. The City shall strive to achieve and/or maintain these standards at a low to moderate classification. D. Debt Structure The City shall structure its debt payment schedules for general purpose debt to ensure level principal repayment schedules. The City shall not assume any debt with 'balloon" repayment schedules which consist of low annual payments and one large payment of the balance due at the end of the term. While balloon payment structures minimize the size of debt payments during the period, they force a large funding requirement on the budget of the final year. Given the uncertainties of the future, level payment schedules improve budget planning and financial management. 10 • x ... ... ., ._....�,.:s- -:ya::o�:i-;azr.:�;rax:;»�..:.�;A..,.:,.�_:;a,+.xani,-s+�.»:.rox.�w�:�.��;b�a:��uSa�r .m. fu.-.ai,:a�;.�,: .�;,.,. E. Sale Process The City shall use a competitive bidding process in the sale of debt unless the nature of the issue warrants a negotiated bid. The City shall award bonds based on a true interest cost (TIC) basis as long as the financial advisor agrees that the TIC basis can satisfactorily determine the lowest and best bid. F. Rating Agencies Presentations Full disclosure of operations and open lines of communication shall be made to the rating agencies. City staff, with assistance of financial advisors, shall prepare the necessary materials and presentation to the rating agencies. G. Continuing Disclosure The City is committed to continuing disclosure of financial and pertinent credit information relevant to the City's outstanding securities. H. Debt Refunding City staff and the financial advisor shall monitor the municipal bond market for s opportunities to obtain interest savings by refunding outstanding debt. As a general rule, the present value savings of a particular refunding should exceed 3.5% of the refunded maturities. Ot 11 CITY OF FORT WORTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT POLICY STATEMENTS VI. Investments To invest the City's cash in such a manner so as to insure the absolute safety of principal and interest, to meet the liquidity needs of the City, and to achieve the highest possible yield. Interest earned from investments shall be distributed to the operating, internal service, and other City funds from which the money was provided. (Reference M&C G-9552,Cash Management Policy,adopted March 12,1992) 12 CITY OF FORT WORTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT POLICY T TEl4 UNT VII. Intergovernmental Relations To coordinate efforts with other governmental agencies to achieve common policy objectives, share the cost of providing government services on an equitable basis, and support favorable legislation at the state and federal levels. A. Interlocal Cooperation in Delivering Services In order to promote the effective and efficient delivery of services, the City shall actively seek to work with other local jurisdictions in joint purchasing consortia,to share on an equitable basis the eests ef seFyiees,to sharing facilities, sharing equitably the costs of service delivery, and to developing joint programs to improve service to its citizens. B. Legislative Program The City shall cooperate with other jurisdictions to actively oppose any state or federal regulation or proposal that mandates additional City programs or services and does not provide the funding to implement them. Conversely, as appropriate, the City shall support a"legislative initiatives that provide more ti funds for priority local programs. 13 CITY OF FORT WORTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 1T POLICY .ST A TTPIt U TS VIII Grants To seek, apply for and effectively administer federal, state and foundation grants-in-aid that address the City's current priorities and policy objectives. A. Grant Guidelines The City shall apply, and facilitate the application by others, for only those grants that are consistent with the objectives and high priority needs and ebjeefrves previously identified by Council. The potential for incurring ongoing costs, to include the assumption of support for grant-funded positions from local revenues,will be considered prior to applying for a grant. B. Indirect Costs The City shall recover full indirect costs unless the funding agency does not permit it. The City may waive or reduce indirect costs if doing so will significantly increase the effectiveness of the grant. C. Grant Review All grant submittals shall be reviewed for their cash match requirements, their potential impact on the operating budget, and the extent to which they meet the City's policy objectives. If there are cash match requirements, the source of funding shall be identified prior to application. An annual report on the status of grant programs and their effectiveness shall also be prepared. a•► D. Grant Program Termination The City shall terminate grant-funded programs and associated positions when grant funds are no longer available unless alternate funding is identified. 14 CITY OF FORT WORTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT POLICY STA' UMENT DC. Economic Development To initiate, encourage and participate in economic development efforts to create job opportunities and strengthen the local economy. A. Positive Business Environment The City shall endeavor, through its regulatory and administrative functions, to provide a positive business environment in which local businesses can grow, flourish and create jobs. The City Council and City staff will be sensitive to the needs, concerns and issues facing local businesses. B. Commitment to Business Expansion,*wdDiversification, and Job Creation .f. The City shall encourage and participate in economic development efforts to expand Fort Worth's economy and tax base and to increase local employment. These efforts shall not only focus on newly developing areas but on inner city areas, the Central Business District, and other established sections of Fort Worth where development can generate additional jobs and other economic benefits. C. Tax Abatements The City shall follow a tax abatement policy (adopted December 8, 1992, M&C G-9945, and revised September 21, 1993, M&C G-10335) to encourage commercial growth and development throughout Fort Worth. The City shall use due caution in the analysis of any tax incentives used to encourage development. Factors considered in evaluating proposed abatements for development include the location of the project, its size, the number of temporary and permanent jobs created, the costs and benefits for the City and its impact on Fort Worth's economy. The City will periodically review tax abatement contracts to ensure the community is receiving promised benefits, and the Council may seek to renegotiate an abatement contract if it is determined that the firm receiving the abatement has failed to keep its part of the agreement. D. Increase Non-residential Share of Tax Base The City's economic development program shall seek to expand the non- residential share of the tax base to decrease the tax burden on residential homeowners. E. Coordinate Efforts with Other Jurisdictions The City's economic development program shall encourage close cooperation with other local jurisdictions, chambers of commerce, and groups interested in promoting to pwmete the economic well-being of this area. 15 CITY OF FOIST WORTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT POLICY STATEMENTS F. Use of Other Incentives The City shall use enterprise zones as allowed by law to encourage business expansion. The City shall also coordinate with state and federal agencies on offering any incentive programs they may provide for potential economic expansion. The factors used to evaluate possible recipients of any incentives shall include those listed in B. Tax Abatements. 16 CITY OF TORT WORTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT POLICY STATEMENTS XII. Accounting,Auditing,and Financial Reporting To comply with prevailing local, state, and federal regulations relative to accounting, auditing, and financial reporting. Accounting practices and financial reporting shall conform to generally accepted accounting principles as promulgated by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB),the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, (AICPA), and the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA). The City Council shall select an independent firm of certified public accountants to perform an annual audit of all operations. The City shall not engage any one firm for more than five consecutive years. 19 CITY OF FORT WORTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT POLICY STATEMENTS X. Fiscal Monitoring To prepare and present regular reports that analyze, evaluate and forecast the City's financial performance and economic condition. A. Financial Status and Performance Reports Monthly reports comparing expenditures and revenues to current budget, projecting expenditures and revenues through the end of the year, noting the status of fund balances to include dollar amounts and percentages, and outlining any remedial actions necessary to maintain the City's financial position shall be prepared for review by the City Manager and the Council. B. Five-year Forecast of Revenues and Expenditures A five-year forecast of revenues and expenditures, to include a discussion of major trends affecting the City's financial position, shall be prepared in anticipation of the annual budget process. The forecast shall also examine critical issues facing the City, economic conditions, and the outlook for the upcoming budget year. The document shall incorporate elements of the International City Management Association financial trend monitoring system to provide further insight into the City's financial position and to alert the Council to potential problem areas requiring attention. C. Quarterly Status Report on Capital Projects A summary report on the contracts awarded, capital projects completed and the status of the City's various capital programs will be prepared quarterly and presented to the City Manager and the Council. D. Compliance with Council Policy Statements The Financial Management Policy Statements will be reviewed annually by the Council and updated, revised or refined as deemed necessary. Policy statements adopted by the Council are guidelines,and occasionally,exceptions may be appropriate and required. However, exceptions to stated policies will be specifically identified, and the need for the exception will be documented and fully explained. 17 CI FY OF FORT WORTH FINANCIAL CIAL MANA E TENT POLICY STATEMENTS M. Financial Consultants To employ the assistance of qualified financial advisors and consultants as needed in the management and administration of the City's financial functions. These areas include but are not limited to investments, debt administration, financial accounting systems, program evaluation,and financial impact modeling. Advisors shall be selected on a competitive basis using objective questionnaires and requests for proposals based on the scope of the work to be performed. 18