HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 8495~.% ORDINANCE CLOSING BEARING AND LEVYING ASSESSMENTS FOR PART OF THE COST OF IMPROVING A PORTION OF~. 1~E'~,QQK D AND PORTIONS OF SUNDRY OTkIER STREETS, AVE~JES AND PUBLIC PLACES IN THE CITX OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS FIXING- CHARGES AND LIENS AGAINST ABUTTING PROiPERTY THEREON, AND AGAINST THE. OWNERS THERP'nF PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION OF SUCH ASSESSMENTS AND THE ISSUANCE aF ASSIGNABLE CERTIFI GATES IN EVIDENCE THEREOF RESERVING UNTO THE CITY GOUNCIL THE RIGHT TO ALLOW CREDITS REDUCING THE AMOUNT OF THE RESPECTIVE ASSESSMENT TO THE EXTENT OF ANY CREDIT GRANTED DIRECTING THE CITY SECRETARY '1'O EN GROSS AND ENROLL THIS ORDINANCE T3Y COPYING THE CAPT~ ~PaV OF SAME IN THE MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF FORT WORTH, AND BY FILING THE ORDINANCE IN THE ORDINANCE RECORDS OF SAID CITYs AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WkI'EI~~AS, the City of Fort Woa~h T~xa~, hie her~tofare ordered that each oY th® her~ins~~ter d®:~crib~d portions of eta^t~, av~nu~® send publie plaae~ in th® City of Fort Worth, °fexsae, be fanproved by z~iain~ ~rsadiaa~ or dllita~ es~me and by conatructin~ th®reon to-wit MEADOWBROOK DRIVE From Loop 820 to Halbert Street known and de- signated as Project No 021-23165, Unit I a seven- inch thick reinforced concrete pavement on a six- inch thick lime stabilized subgrade and widening the existing roadway to sixty feet Concrete curb gutter and driveways will be replaced where specified HANDLEY DRIVE From 360' south of Meadowbrook Drive 'to 360' north of Meadowbrook Drive known and designated as Pro- ject No 021-23165 Unit IA to be widehed to pro- vide left-turn lanes at the intersection The above, together with combined concrete curbs and gutter on proper grade and line where same are not already so constructed, together with storm drains and other necessary incidentals and appurtenances all of said improve- ments are to be so constructed as and where shown on the plans and in strict accordance with the Plans and Specifications therefor .and contract has been made and entered into with Metroplex Paving Co. ,Inc for the making and construction of such improvements on the above said portion of streets, avenues and public places. WHEREAS, estimates of the cost of the improvements of each such .portion of streets, avenues and public places were prepared and filed: and approved and adopted by the City Council of the City and a time and place was fixed for a hearing and the proper notice of the time, place and purpose of said hearing was given and said hearing was had and held at the time and place fixed therefor to-wit, on the15th day of December 19~_, 10 00 A.M. , in the Council Chamber in the City Hall in the City of Fort Worth, Texas, and at such hearing the following protests and objections were made, to-wit _protested that - protested that protested that _protested that that --_.----- __.__ ___-_ _protested that __ .____ __.___._.-_ _protested that _ __ ____ -_. __.___ ____.__protested that protested that __protested that and said hearing was E•ontinued to the present time in order to more fully accomplish the pw•poses thereof and all desiring to be heard were given full and fair opportunity to be heard and the City Council of the City having 1'ull\ considered all I)roper matter is of the opinion that the said hearing should be closed and assessments should be made and levied as herein or•der•ed Nl)V4 1'I IF:It)FORL: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE ('ITY CO><?N('IL OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH 7'F:~AS, 'THAT I. tiaid hearing be and the same is her•ehy closed and the said protest and objections, and an•y and all other protests and objections whether herein emrmer•ated or or not be and tllE' same are hereby overruled II. The Cit\ (.uuncrl from the evidence finds tilt the assessments herein levied should be matte and levied against the respec•ti~e parcels of prupert\ abUtilllg upon the said por•tiuns of streets avenues and public places and against the owners of such prupert\ at)d that SUE'lr assessments and charges are right and proper and are substantially in proportion to the benefits to the respective parcels of prupert\ by means of the improvements in the unit for which such assessments are levied and establish substantjal justice and equality and uniformity between the respective owners of• the respective properties, and 1)etween all parties concerned, considering the benefits received and burdens imposed and further finds that in each case the abutting property assessed is specially benefited in enhanced value to the slid proper \ b\ means of the said improvements rn the unit upon which the partrc•ular prupert\ abuts and fur tihich assessment is levied and charge made in a sum in excess of the said assessment and charge made against the same b\ this ordinance and further finds that the apportion- ment of the c•ust of the improvements rs in ac•cordanc•e \\rth the law rn forc•e in this City and the proceedings of the ('it.\ heretofore had \\•ith reference to said imI)ru\ iYients iuld is in all respects valid and regular III There shall be and' is beret>\ le\ ied and assessed against the parcels of prupert\ herein below mentioned and agamst the real alld ti•LIe l)N I)el'S thel'eOt f \i hethE'1' sric Ir ov ner I)e E'l)r'1'eCtl\ named hel'e111 Or not) the sums of mune\ itemrred beloti opposite the desc•riptwn of the respe(ti\ e parcels ot• property and the several amounts assessed against the same and the owner thereof as fai as such owners are known l>eing as follows zv Where more than one person, firm or corporation owns an interest in any property above described, each .said person, firm or corporation shall be personally liable only far its, her or his pro rata of tine total assessment against such property in propor- tion as its, his or her respective interest bears to the total ownership of such pro- perty, and its, hie or respective interest in such property may be released from the assessment lien upon payment of .such proportionate sum V The several sums above mentioned and assessed against the said parcels of pr~- perty, and the owners theraaf, and interest thereon aC the rate of eight percent (8~) per annum, together with raaeanable attoxney'$ Ease and casts of Ga~lection, if incurred, ale hereby declared to be and are made a lien upon the respective parcels of property againsC which the sam® are assessed, and a personal liability and charge against the real and true owners of such property, whether such owners be correctly named herein ox not, and the said liens shall be and constitute the first enforceable lien and claim against the propexty on which such assessments axe levied, and shall be a first and paramount lien thereon, sup®xior to all other liens and claims except State, County, School District and City ad valorem taxes The some so assessed against the abutting property and the owners thereof shall be and become due and payable as follows, to~wit in five (5) equal installments, due respectively an or before thirty (~0) days, one (1), two (.2}, three (3), and four (~) years from the date of completion and acceptance of the improvements in the respective unit, and the assesementa against the propexty abutting upon the remainipg units shall be and become due and payable in 6uch installments after the date of the completion and acceptance of such respective unite, and shall bear interest from said date at the race of eight percent (BX) pax annum, payable annually with each installment, except ae to the first installment, which shah. ba due and payable at the maturity thereof, so that upon the completion and accept,azace of the improvements in a pa`tticular unit, assessments against the property abutting upon such completed and accepted unit shall be and become due and payable in such installments, and with interest from the date of such completion and acceptance Provided, however, that any owner shell have the right to pay the entire assessment, ar any installment thereof, before maturity by payment of principal and accrued interest, and provided further that if default shall be made in the payment of principal ar interest promptly as the same matures, then tl~e entire amount of the assessment upon which such def salt is made shall, at the option of said City of Fort earth, or its assigns, be and become immediately due and payable, and shall be collectable, tagetheY with reasonable attorney's fees and cost of collection, if in- curred PROVIDED, however, that acting through its duly authorized Director of Public Works the City of Fort Worth retains the right to authorize payment of the sums assessed against abutting property upon such completed and accepted unit in not more than forty- eight (48) equal r'bgular monthly installments of oat less than $9 00 each, the first of such installments to became due and payable not more than thirty (30) days after the completion and acceptance by the City of the particular unit PROVIDED yURTHER, that the City Attorney is hereby empowered to authorize payments of said sums o~ lesser in- stallments and/or over a longer period of time in cases in which the Director of public Works has previously determined that an extreme financial hardship upon the property owner will otherwise result and PROVIDED FURTHER that such method of payments shall be authorized only in instances where the owner or owners of property abutting upon such completed and accepted unit shall have executed and delivered to the City of Fort Worth a lawful valid and binding note and mechanic's and materialman's contract upon forms supplied by the City granting a mechanic's lien upon and conveying the said abut- ting property in trust to secure the payment by said owner or owners according to the terms thereof of the sums assessed against such property VI If default shall be made in the payment of. any assessment collection thereof shall be enforced either Uy the sale of the property by the Assessor and Collector of Taxes of said City as near as possible in the same manner provided for the sale of property for the non-payment of ad valorem taxes, or at the option of the City of Fort Worth or its assigns payment of said sums shall be enforced by suit in any court of competent jur- isdiction or as provided in any mechanic's or materalman's contract as aforesaid and said City shall exercise all of its lawful powers to aid in the enforcement- and collec- tion of said assessments VII. The total amount assessed against the respective parcels of abutting property and the owner thereof is in accordance with the proceedings of the City relating to said improvements and assessments thereof and is less than the proportion of the cost allowed and permitted by fire law n force in the City VIII. Although the aforementioned charges have keen fixed levied and assessed in the respective amounts hereinabove stated the City Council does hereby reserve unto itself t:he right to reduce the aforementioned assessments by allowing credits to certain property owners where deemed appr•opr•iate Notwithstanding the City Council has herein reserved the right to issue credits it shall not be reduired to issue credits and will not do so if same would result in any equity and/or un,tust discrimination The principal amount of each of the several assessment certificates to be issued the City of Fort Worth, Texas, as hereinafter provided shall be fixed and determiners by deducting from the amount of any assessment hereinabove levied such amount or amounts, if any as may hereafter lie allowed by the City Council as a credit against the respective assessments IX. For the purpose of evidencing the several sums assessed against the respective l,arcels of abutting prop- erty and the owners thereof and the time and terms of payment and to aid in the enforcement and collection thereof assignal.ile certificates in the principal amount of the respective assessments less the amount of any re- spective u•edit allowed thereon shall be issued 1>v the Citt of Fort V1 orth Texas upon completion and accept ante by the Citiy of the improt-ements in each unit of improt eillent as tl~ie wor 1. in such unit is completed and accepted which certificates shall be executed by the orator m t.lie Hanle of the Citv and attested by the City Secretary with the corporate seal of the City in~,pressed thereon ind hill lie pat able to tine Citt of Fort Worth or its assigns anti shall declare the said amounts Lime and terrn~ of p<i~ meat rate of interest, and the date of the completion and acceptance of the improvements abutting upon uc h property for whicl~ the certificate is issued and shall contain the name of the owner of :,wners if l.n ~cn dcs+ r iptiun of the property by lot and block number or front feet thereon or uch other descrp ion as may oti erwise identify the same and if the said property shall be owned by an estate then the descr•iptron of s;u~re as su uw necl shall be sutiicient and no error or mistake in descril.ring ant property cr in o•itin~• the name of th+~ ,~,ner shall intalidate or in am~wise impair such certificate to the assessments let led The cert%ficates shall pru~ide sul>stantiallt t rat if saruc sly ill nut br> paid prunrptlt upon maturity then thet sh 11 lie collet table with reasonable atturnet s fees urrl c u>:t f r oll>c tiun rf incurred and shall provide substiantiallt that the amounts eyi senced there'I~~ ;;hall be paid to thc. Asse,soi and Collector of Taxes of the City of Fort ~~ orth 'Texas who shad issi.ie his receipt th :>refur ~~ hrr I hill lie et idence of such payment on any demand for the same and the Assessor and Coiieetrn of 'I ixcrs hit deposit. he sums so rec•eited by him forth with with the Citt Treasurer to Ire kept and held I,. him m <i. sepal i e hind and when ant payment shall be made it the Citt the Assessor and Cc liectoi of 'faxes a urn sic h car ! ilieutc> shall upoir presentation to him of the certificate to the holder thereof endorse saad pat merit the •cuf It' uc h cent f~icate l~,e assigned then the holder thereof shall be entitled to rec•eite from the (its 'Treasurr~r the :u1, int paid upon the presentation to him of such certificate so endorsed and credited and such end ,rsen cnt i i i lit sh it lie the Treasurer s Warrant for nicking sorb payment. Such payments bt the> '['resuu •e hill f,c is c~ fed fr r the holder of such certificate in writing and by su •render thereof' when the l:n•inc pal t tl i .e~th ~++ rued ii tr~rest and 11 costs of collection and reasonable attorney s fees if inc uri•ed h it e been paid in full Said certificates shall firrthei i ecite substanti~lll~ that the lnr,ceedin~s ~~ ith reference to making the improvements have been •egularlt had in comphancr> ctiith the 1 ~~ ind tl ii all prcrequi rtes to the fixing of the assessment lien against the prolerty described ur such r~i iiicate +nc1 i~ir' person,~.l habi}itt of the owners thereof have been performed and such recitals shall I>e prima facie et i lc i, '• Il th rnatic~r~ recited in uc•h certificates. and no further proof thereof shall be requn•ed in ant court Said certificates mat hate c•uupuns attached ll~eretc u'+ etc fen e of e~ath n any of the sr~teial installments thereof or mat hate coulxrns fnr ea h of tl~e tii t four installments le<ivirr~ the main cer•titicate to serve for the fifth installment which coupons may be part able to the (' tt of Fui•t f1 orth rn it assigns mat 1,e. igned with the facsimile signatures of the ~~kator anti Crt>~ Secretary Said certificates shall further recite that the City of Fort Worth, Texas shall exercise all of its lawful powers, when requested so to do, to aid in the enforcement and collection thereof, and may contain recitals sub- stantially in accordance with the above and other additional recitals pertinent or appropriate thereof, and it shall not be necessary that the recitals be in the exact form above set forth, but the substance thereof shall be sufficient. The fact that such improvements may be omitted on any portion of any of said units adjacent to any premises exempt from the lien of such assessments shall not in anywise invalidate, affect or impair the lien of such assessments upon other premises. X. Full power to make and levy reassessments and to correct mistakes, errors, invalidities or irregularities, either in the assessments or in the certificates issued in evidence thereof, is, in accordance with the law in force in this City vested in the City XI. All assessments levied are a personal liability and charge against the real and true owners of the premises described, notwithstanding such owners may not be named, or may be incorrectly named. XII. The assessments so levied are for the improvements in the particular unit upon which the property described abuts, and the assessments for the improvements in any unit are in nowise affected. by the improve- ments or assessments in any other unit, and in making assessments and in holding said hearing the amounts assessed for improvements in any one unit have been in nowise connected with the improvements or the assess- ments therefor in any other unit. XIII. The assessments levied .are made and levied under and by virtue of the terms, powers and provisions of an Act passed at the First Called Session of the Fortieth Legislature of the State of Texas, known as Chapter 106 of the Acts of said Session and now shown as Article 1106b of Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes, which Act has been adopted as an amendment to and made a part of the Charter of the City of Fort Worth, Texas. XIV The City,Secretary is hereby directed to engross and enroll this ordinance by copying the caption of same in the Minute Book of the City Council of Fort Wortil Texas, and by filing the complete Ordinance in the appro- priate Ordinance Records of said City XV This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and effect from and after the date of its passage and it is so ordained. PASSED AND .~~ C~~'~-t/~~~~~%2~ (~ /J/ APPROVED this~day of 19 ~ ~ APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY City Attorney PROJECT NO 021-23165, MEADOWBROOK DRIVE FROM LOOP 820 TO HALBERT STREET to be improved by constructing a seven-inch thick reinforced concrete pavement on a six-inch thick lime stabil- ized subgrade and widening the existing roadway to sixty-feet Concrete curb, gutter sidewalk and driveways will be replaced where specified BLOCK OWNER LOT ZONING FRONTAGE RATE AMOUNT ASSESSMENT NORTH SIDE J .BRANDON SURVEY James S Nobles Tract 7A 80' Existing facilities -0- & W S Nobles Res 7116 Robnhood Lane 76112 MEADOWBROOK TERRACE ADDITION C L Hester 1 1 86' Existing facilities -0- 6309 Meadowbrook Drive Res 76112 Leonard C Bennett 2 1 75' Existing facilities -0- 6313 Meadowbrook Drive Res 76112 Richard D Armstrong 3 1 75' Existing facilities -0- 6317 Meadowbrook Drive Res 76112 Terry J Wolfgang 4 1 75' Existing facilities -0- 6401 Meadowbrook Drive Res 76112 Virginia L Walker 5 1 75' Existing facilities -0- 2505 Forest Res 76112 Billy Earl Ham~onds 6 1 75 Existing facilities -0- 6409 Meadowbrook Drive Res 76112 Mrs Helen R Bernard 7 1 75' Existing facilities -0- 6413 Meadowbrook Drive Res 76112 -1- PROJECT NO 021-23165, MEADOWBROOK DRIVE, cont BLOCK OWNER LOT ZONING FRONTAGE RATE AMOUNT NORTH SIDE MEADOWBROOK TERRACE ADDITION Clarence H Scantlin 8 6417 Meadowbrook Drive 76112 Forest Avenue intersects A J Fletcher 2213 Forest 76112 1 Res 1 4 Res Tri-State Commercial 2 A Association, Joint Venture Comm 6512 Meadowbrook Drive 76112 Rex Lanier Tract 4-F 3913 Overton Park E Comm 76109 Delores Mae Carter Key Tract 4-E 7240 Ellis Road Comm 76112 Handley Drive intersects 75' Existing facilities 90' Existing facilities 371 5' Widening (2') ASSESSMENT -0- -0- $5 97 $2 217 86 $2,217 86 J E BRANDON SURVEY 130' Widening (2') $5 97 $ 776 10 $ 776 10 136' Widening (2') R COLLINS SURVEY $5 97 $ 811 92 $ 811 92 Delaware Western Tract 1-C-3 124 8' Widening (2') $5 97 $ 745 06 Prop Inc Comm $ 745 06 Continental Oil Co 2404 Continental Life Bldg Fort Worth, Tx 76102 Ben Beaty Tract 1-C-4 100' Widening (2') $5 97 $ 597 00 6833 Beaty Street Comm $ 597 00 76112 -Z- PROJECT NO 021-23165, MEADOWBROOK DRIVE cost BLOCK OWNER LOT ZONING FRONTAGE NORTH SIDE R S Folsom Property Tax Service P 0 Box 344730 Dallas, Tx 75234 SOUTH SIDE United Savings of Texas 815 Throckmorton 76102 R COLLINS SURVEY RATE AMOUNT ASSESSMENT Tract 1-C-1 148' Exising facilities Comm EWING ADDITION -0- 4 & 5 125' Existing facilities Comm Art Cooper 3 6616A Meadowbrook Drive Comm 76112 Gulf Oil Co -U S 1 A F Page Comm P 0 Box 222808 Dallas Tx 75222 Handley Drive intersects Handley-Meadowbrook Co 19-A-1 c/o Hayden Cutler Comm 2108 W Freeway 76102 -0- 65 15' Widening (2') $5 97 $ 388 95 $ 388 95 175 34' Widening (2') $5 97 $1,046 78 $1 046 78 HANDLEY HEIGHTS ADDITION 112 5' Widening (2') $5 97 $ 671 63 $ 671 63 Henry S Miller 20-B1,20-A,19-E, 333' Widening (2') $5 97 $1,988 O1 Mgt Cora 19-D 19-C & 19-B1 $1,988 O1 c/o Mike Rolf Comm ]:507 Fort Worth Natl Bank Bldg Fort Worth Tx 76102 Braums Ice Cream Co 20-B2 & 20-C 130' Widening (2') $5 97 $ 776 10 c/o Property Tax Service Comm $ 776 10 P 0 Box X344730 Dallas Tx 75234 -3- PROJECT NO 021-23165, MEADOWBROOK DRIVE, cont BLOCK OWNER LOT ZONING FRONTAGE RATE AMOUNT SOUTH SIDE HANDLEY HEIGHTS ADDITION Denny's Inc 20-D 75' Widening (2') $5 97 $447 75 dba Winchell Donut House Comm # 8037 164 Valley View La Mirada Ca Church's Fried Chicken 20-E P 0 Box 13320 Comm San Antonio Tx Forest Avenue intersects Mrs Ruth Callahan Dolbee5 7124 Jewell Comm 76112 75' Widening (2') $5 97 $447 75 M L CRAVEN SUB 90' Widening (2') $5 97 $537 30 James A Sammons Co 3-R Suite 218 Comm 2630 W Freeway 76102 Robert L Bergeron 2 6424 Meadowbrook Comm 76112 ADC Automotive Supply 1 6420 Meadowbrook Comm.. 76112 McGee Street intersects Safeway Stores Inc #810 1 c/o Texas Property Tax Comm Consultant 1205E 12th Cameron Tx 76520 150' Widening $5 97 $895 50 75' Widening (2') $5 97 $447 75 75' Widening (2') $5 97 $447 75 SAFEWAY ADDITION # 2 242' Existing facilities -4- ASSESSMENT $ 447 75 $ 447 75 $ 537 30 $ 895 50 447 75 $ 447 75 -0- PROJECT NO 021-23165, MEADOWBROOK DRIVE, coat OWNER SOUTH SIDE BLOCK LOT ZONING FRONTAGE Haydn Cutler Co 3-R c/o Jerry Pricer & Assoc Comm P 0 Box 11426 76109 RATE AMOUNT N D WHITTINGTON ADDITION 136' Existing facilities PROJECT !VO 031-23165, UNIT lA HANDLEY DRIVE, from 360' south of Meadowbrook Drive Wort o ea ow roo Drive,to be improved by widening the existing street to provid turn anes at t e intersection WEST SIDE HANDLEY HEIGHTS ADDITION Henry S Miller 18-A 18-B 236' Existing facilities -0- Mgt Corp & 19-A c/o Mike Rolf Comm 1507 Fort Worth Nat'l Bank Bldg Fort l~!orth Tx 76102 Handley- Meadowbrook Co 19-A1 116' Existing facilities -0- c/o Haydn Cutler Comm 2108 W Freeway 76102 Meadowbrook Drive intersects J E BRANDON SURVEY 360' Delores Mae Carter Key Tract 4-E 130' Existing facilities -O_ 7240 Ellis Road Comm 76112 MEADOWBROOK TERRACE ADDITION Kimball Inc 2 A 145' Frontage c/o Marvin ~F Poer Co Comm 155 S F Driveway $2 O1 $311 55 Suite 610 $ 311 55 13612 Midway Road Dallas, Tx 75240 _5_ ASSESSMENT -0- PROJECT NO 021-23165, UNIT lA, HANDLEY DRIVE, cont~ BLOCK OWNER LOT ZONING FRONTAGE WEST SIDE Joseph Penner 1 A 15 S Blvd of Presidents Comm Sarasota Fla 33577 RATE AMOUNT ASSESSMENT MEADOWBROOK TERRACE ADDITION 82' Existing facilities EAST SIDE R COLLINS SURVEY R S Folsom Tract 1-C-1 227' Existing facilities c/o Property Tax Ser~~ice Comm P 0 Box 344730 Dallas, Tx 75234 Delaware Western Tract 1-C-3 111' Existing facilities Property Inc Comm Continental Oil Co 2404 Continental Life Bldg Fort 4Jorth, Tx 76102 Meadowbrook Drive intersects Gulf Oil Co - U S 1 & 2 A F Page Comm P 0 Box 222808 Dallas Tx -75222 V Eugene Burge 16R & 20R 6100 Yolanda Comm 76112 EWING ADDITION I60' Existing facilities 165' Existing facilities Total cost to property owners (assessments) Total cost to City of Fort Worth Total estimated construction cost -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- $ .13,554 76 $572,65672 $586,211 48 -6- may. y4-A ~~ • r .~7ayor and ~~un~~.l ~~an.m.un~~at~,on DATE REFERENCE SUBJECT Benefit Hearing - Meadowbrook PAGE NUMBER Drive Improvements - T-820 to Halbert 12x'15/'81. G-5~ 71 Street 1 °f 2 On November 17 1981 (M&C C-5991) the City Ccunc~,l declared the necessity for ax~ci ordered the improvements on Project No 021-023-165-00 described below A ccArvstruct.ior~ contract was awarded to Metroplex Paving Company Inc in the amount of $547 861 20 and December 15, 1981, was set as the date for the benefit hearing All of the adjacent p~~operty owners were notified of the hearing by certified mail on November 30, 1981 Project Descn~ipcion Roadway R.OW Unit Street Limits Width-Feet Width-Feet T Meadowbrook Drive East service road of I-820 - 60 80 to 100 east to Halbert Sty:'eet Origin of Project On dune 6 1978 (M&C G-3837) the Cary Council approved the 1976-8:L Capital Improvement Program (CIP) which included the upgrading of Meadowbrook Drive to a facility with four moving lanes and turn lanes where needed Also included are intersection improvements at Handley Drive to provide for turn lanes from each direction on Handley Drive (1'978-81 CIP, P ST-31) On November 14 1978 (M&C C-4414) the City Council authorized a contract with Rady and Associates, Inc for tree engineering services and preparation of plans and specifications for the project Delays have been experienced on the project due to the difficulty in acquiring several. parcels of required right-of-way Improvements This segment of Meadowbrook Drive is currently 36' wide with, no turn lanes and is very congested Improvements will include the construction of major thoroughfare grade pavement with concrete ce.~rb and dra_aeway approaches where required on a 60 wide roadway The new roadway will provide far two mova_ng lanes in each direction wits, continuous left-turn lane in the center of the street Improvements at the Handley Drive intersection will incl~a.de widening to provide for turn lanes in sacra direction Also included are regsircd drainage facilities and appurtenances Assessments and Enhancemerits Standard City policy states that under street econstruction and widening residentially zoned property will not be assessed an.y portion of the cost except for non-existing curb gutter and driveway approaches Property zoned other than residential will. be assessed for non-existing curb gutter and driveway approach p1~.Rs pavement widening to a maximum of 20' from the Ease of the curb on each side of a 60P wide street with credit being given for the existing 18' from the face of the curb on each side of a 36' wide street Consege~~e?~tly owners of property r~`c. !~ ,.. • • DATE REFERENCE SUBJECT Benefit Hearing - Meadawbrook PAGE NUMBER Drive Improvements - T-820 t0 12/15081 G-5171 Halbert Strr~et -~`-°f~- adjacent to Meadowbrook Drive which is zoned other than "Residential" will be , assessed for non-existing curb gutter and driveway approaches and 2' of pavement widening on each side of the street Assessments range from $311 55 to $2 217 86 for a total in assessments of $13 554 76 Cost to the City for construction is $534,306 44, plus $38 350 28 (7%) engineering Based on previous appraisals of like property, considering the improved access to businesses and improved drainage it is the opinion of the Transportation/Public Works Department, that each parcel of property being assessed will enhance in val by as much or more than the amount of the proposed assessment Recommendation It is recommended that an ordinance be adapted closing the benefit hearing and levying the assessments as proposed GG plg Attachment APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL SUBMITTED FOR THE CITY MANAGER'S ~ ~E1ISPOSITION BY COUNCIL: ~ ` ~ PROCESSED BY OFFICE BY• ^ APPROVED ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT HEAD: (Tar Santerre ^ OTHER (DESC~J~ ~ Ci er„1CeGnx~ ~ ~xt ~ ~~ of tHse x~,C,~TY~S,~~CRETARY FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CONTACT Odell Schmidt, Ext 780 ADOPT T fYf~9~